The Abomination (1986) - full transcript

A middle-aged woman is diagnosed with a tumor by a charismatic preacher. She vomits up what she believes to be the tumor. The "tumor" turns out to be a strange spore of sorts that can grow into a carnivorous creature. This spore inside the boy's body now makes him brutally kill people to feed the other spores, which grow into strange creatures as described. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Doctor ... I can't stand it.

I'm having the nightmares again.
You've got to do something.

All right. Let's talk about it.
Maybe that will help.

It's a graveyard. A girl is putting
flowers on her grandfather's grave.

I'm driving home.
I pass the graveyard, and I see the girl.

For some reason I can't help myself.
I turn around and go back.

I climb out of the truck, and stand stiffly,
like a robot, at the cemetery entrance.

As I'm walking closer,
suddenly I realise why I'm here.

It's the Abomination!
He's controlling me.

He's hungry, and I must
get him food.

This - this 'abomination' ...

Is that a person? A spirit?
A voice in your mind? Or what?

It's a demon. You know, from the
prophecy in 'Daniel', in the Bible.

It's a hideous demon from Hell!

I see. I'm not much of a Bible scholar.
Tell me more about it.

Over 5000 years ago, the prophet Daniel
foretold the coming...

of the abomination that makes
all things desolate.

And then Saint John again warned of
what's coming, in the Book of Revelation.

And you take these
passages in the Bible ...

... to refer to a demon
that forces you to kill people?

You think I'm crazy!

Not at all.
Please continue.

In the dream, I chase
the girl out of the cemetery...

because I cannot kill her
on holy ground.

Something hidden in my pick-up truck is
taunting me, begging for the girl's blood.

We run on and on through the fields.
I can smell her fear.

My own heart is pounding. The only thought
in my mind is that I must kill her.

After a while, I lose sight of her.

I'm furious, thinking that
she has escaped me.

There is no escape from the abomination.

- So you cut her throat?
- Yes.

Please go on.

I drive into town,
finding myself at the car-wash.

There is blood all over my truck.
I know I have to wash it off.

As the blood is washed away,
my anxieties leave me.

I'm no longer tense and afraid.
I... I feel good about what has happened.

The water runs off the truck,
onto the pavement and into the drain.

I know everything is all right.

All my worries trickle down
the drain with the blood.

All right, Cody. Let's back up.
You started this story in the graveyard.

Isn't there more?
What happened before that?

Yeah. Okay.

It all started when my mum began
watching this phoney evangelist on TV.

His name was Brother Fogg. And mum
thought everything he said was pure gospel.

I'll be teaching from
the Book of Revelations.

I'm talking about
the Whore of Babylon.

The mother of abominations,
that will make everything desolate.

This plague will be upon you very soon,
so you'd better be listening.

- Amen. - Woe unto those who
have listened, and do not believe.

Yes, Lord.

In those days, there will be
great mourning and gnashing of teeth.

Men will bury themselves, and
build great stones upon themselves ...

...and beg the Lord to die...

...but they will be unable to die.


Now, you write to Brother Fogg,
and say:

"How can I get to Heaven?"

Well, neighbour, you stand out ...

One night I came home late from work.
As usual, she was watching Brother Fogg.

You're not listening to me. I'm trying to
save you - and you're spitting in my face.

I spend millions of dollars each year,
bringing the programme to you...

Mum, when you are going to stop
watching that stuff? It's not good for you.

- I was chosen for this purpose...
- Mum, dammit, will you listen to me?

A little religion would do you
some good, young man.

I'm sick and tired of hearing all
these lies, night after night.

This guy's a phoney.

Mum, you know I've got
nothing against religion.

But all that guy wants
is your money.

He's going to beat you over the head,
and enumerate your sins ...

He doesn't care about you.

- and drive you so hard down...
- All he cares about is himself.

- ... that you can't see
the light of the day.

Brother Fogg is a God-fearing man.

But, Mum, I don't believe that for a second.
The only thing that this man fears ...

Oh, forget it!

You're not listening to me, are you?

- Now, the Whore of Babylon...
- I give up!

... is the mistress of
all plagues, and evil ...

... and all foul things
that befall mankind.

She is the mistress of all evil.

Sound familiar? Well, I can assure you,
that she is at work in the world today.

Look around you. Everywhere
you see people following the devil.

Your dinner is on the stove.

That's okay, mum. I'm going out with Kelly
tonight. We're going to go see a movie.

... for selling their bodies...

Can't you stay home with me tonight?
I'm feeling extra poorly.

Mum, I wish I could.
But Kelly's expecting me.

... that hard-driving, sleep-inducing,
jungle beast...

Mum, there's nothing wrong with you.
The doctor told you himself.

Cody, there is a tumour in my lungs.

- Brother Fogg told me so.
- You're watching the Brother Fogg Ministry...

... and he gave me God's promise
that I'd be cured.

Mum, you need to get outside more.
You need to see people.

... you are a very important part
of Brother Fogg's Ministry.

I mean, my friends don't even
come around here any more.

...because you've gone over the edge on
this Brother Fogg and his miracles.

... "Love Gift" of 20 dollars or more.

Talk with God about it. Then send us
your 20 dollar "Love Gift" ...

to keep this vital Ministry alive.

I was really worried.
But it was no use trying to talk to her.

She was convinced that her blessed
Brother Fogg was God's present-day prophet.

... divine gifts granted by
God himself...

...Brother Fogg will summon
the powers that be, that will heal you.

And now, we return you
to Brother Fogg.

I'm Brother Fogg.

Now I want each of you
to put your hand on the television set.

I see people out there with cancer,
with spinal disorders...

I would like for each of you to place
your hand on the television...

...because I am going to heal you.

This concludes another
day of broadcasting ...

... on the Fogg Love Ministries
Television Network.

God bless you!

Later that night, when I returned home,
I noticed a foul odour in the kitchen.

I didn't think much of it.

I looked in on Mum,
and she was sleeping peacefully.

I was a little embarrassed.
I had never done that before.

I had been dreaming that
something was choking me.

As Mum fixed breakfast for me, she seemed
perkier than I had seen her in months.

She didn't tell me all that
had gone on the night before.

She just spoke vaguely about
a wonderful thing that had happened.

I thought it might have something to do with
that Fogg character, so I didn't ask.

I was just happy to see her
in such a cheerful mood.

Mum encouraged me to stay home
in bed, and rest.

But it was my day off, and I had
plans with my girlfriend Kelly...

... and our friends Ike and Shawn.

That pig was so good to us,
we couldn't bear to eat him all at once!

Listen, what are you guys
doing this Saturday?


Well, I thought we could all, uh...
go over to my place, and have some barbecue.

Yeah - and one of your mum's sermons!

Hey, I'm only kidding.

Let's get going.

- Bye, y'all.
- You all be careful.

He didn't mean anything, Cody.

What's wrong?

I'm worried about her.

I knew I shouldn't have been
so upset by Ike's remark,

... but I was worried that my mother's
obsession with Brother Fogg...

... was turning her
into an outcast.

The following Monday at work,
my boss Hiram was his usual charming self.

What are you doing?
I said hold it over there!

- Like this?
- No!

Fuck! You fuckwad!
I've bumped my head now, because of you!

Get the hell away from there!

Arsehole! I'll do it myself.
Now - go!


Although Mum had not told me about her
tumour, she just had to tell somebody.

While I was at work,
she telephoned Doctor Russell.

Hello. Is Doctor Russell in?
This is Sarah Lee.

Well, you tell him, last night I coughed out
a tumour big enough to choke a horse.

Yes. Of course.
I'll bring it in tomorrow!

Cody. Cody, thank God you're home, son.

- Did you take out the trash this morning?
- Huh? Yeah, of course.

Then you must have seen it.
It was right there on top of the bag.

- What?
- My tumour!

Last night I coughed up a big tumour,
just like Brother Fogg said I would.

Now I can't find it.

Cody Lee, don't you
look at me that way!

Mum, I think you need
some rest or something.

I'm very worried about you.
I'm calling Doctor Russell.

No, Cody, don't do that.
Don't call the doctor.

- Mum, I have to.
- No, you don't.

No you don't, Cody.
Please. Don't do it.

Mum, I'm calling the doctor for me!
I've been coughing up blood.

Don't call Doctor Russell.
Call Brother Fogg. He helped me.

Did he??

From what I can see, that damn Brother Fogg
has done nothing but get you so confused ...

... that you don't know
which way is up!

Doctor Russell came to the house
and examined me later that evening.

Cough, please.

Cody, did you know
your mother called me today?

No. What about?

To inform me that
Brother Fogg had healed her.

Her tumour! That's why
she didn't want me to call you.

Doc, I'm worried.
Will you speak with her?

Now what happened at work today?

In the afternoon
I began feeling uneasy.

It seemed like something
swimming around in my stomach.

My head felt feverish.
So I went back to the truck for a drink.

Instead of helping,
the beer made my stomach churn.

I thought I was going to vomit.
That's when I started spitting up blood.

So you came directly home
after that?

Yeah. My considerate boss told me to go home
before I made him sick to his stomach.

- What's wrong with me?
- It's too early to say...

... but I want you to stay home
from work until we find out.

Come on, Mum. Don't be this way.
Please! Open up.

Sorry, doc.

I understand. Just keep me posted.
Get plenty of rest. All right?

Sure thing.

Let me in, honey.

Mum, just go away.

I want...
I want to be left alone!

You sound terrible.
I just want to help you.

Cody, open up, honey!

Cody, Ike's here to visit.

Hi, chief. I hear
you're not feeling too good.

Why don't you open up,
and let's take a look at you?

Are you all right?

Listen, Cody. I hope you're
not still mad about the other day.

I didn't mean anything.
You know me and my big mouth.

Hey, dude, are you
still alive in there?

Cody, answer us!

Well, I guess he
doesn't want to see me.


I drove around for a long time,
aimlessly at first ...

... and then suddenly
I knew what I had to do.

Cody! Come in.

Ike's been worried about you.
I'll call him, and let him know you're here.

Well, it's about time!

Cody, what in heaven's name
is wrong with you, boy?

You open up right now,
do you hear me?!

You open up right now or I'm going to
get the hatchet and chop this door down.

I mean it!


Son ... where have you been?

What's wrong?

I just wanted to see you.

- You've seen me!
- How can you talk to me that way?

If you don't like the way I'm talking, fine!
I don't want to talk anyway.

The next morning I remembered
nothing about the night before.

Mum was gone. She'd left some flowers
and a note for me on the kitchen table.

I was feeling much better.

I fixed myself some breakfast,
and sat down to eat.

And then, I heard a noise
from my bedroom.

Everything I had done came
flooding back into my brain.

I thought my head
would explode!

When I stared at the
pulsating tumour in the sink ...

... I knew I was no longer
in control of my mind.

The horrible thing living under my bed
was using me ...

... to provide for it,
and its offspring.

Mrs. Lee,
you can go in now.

Please be brief. Brother Fogg
is a very busy man.

- How do you do?
- Hello, Brother Fogg. I'm Sarah Lee.

Two days ago, you healed me
of a tumour.

Yes, of course.

Anyway, besides dropping by
to thank you for the one miracle ...

... I'm here to ask your help
on something else.

How may I be of assistance?

My son, Cody ...

He's acting real peculiar all of a sudden.
He stays out all hours.

And he speaks to me in the rudest tone.

Brother Fogg,
I think he's ... possessed.

And you would like me
to exorcise the demon?

- Could you?
- Yes. Of course.

Arrange a convenient time with my
secretary, and I will be there without fail.

Is there anything else?

Yes. Here's a small offering.
I wish it could be more.

Well, thank you.

200 for a tumour...
A full exorcism should bring 1000.


What have you got there?

... bringing in the sheaves.

We shall come rejoicing,
bringing in the sheaves.

Where are you going, mother?
I know where you've been.

You went to see Brother Fogg, didn't you?

Fogg impregnated you
with this thing, mother.

What made you think
he could help you get rid of it??

What are you talking about?!

Brother Fogg planted the seed
of this thing in you.

You carried it...
gave it life!

You are the Whore of Babylon, mother!
You are the mother of this abomination!

Come out of him, devil!
Come out of him!

Oh, God... help me!

Don't you love
your baby, mother?

He wants you, mother.
He's hungry. Feed him!

Oh, God ... help me!



Mrs. Lee?

I had a little gift prepared
for Brother Fogg.

But the gift would need food.

Brother Fogg,
are you all right?

My new family was always hungry.

They kept me very busy
supplying them with enough food.

- I thought you were sick.
- I'm better.

- Want a beer?
- Hell, yes!

The girl in the cemetery
was just sitting there.

It was too easy.


I couldn't pass her by.


I had never even seen her before, but
the controlling voice in my mind told me ...

... she was destined
for my knife.

... the abomination which
makes us desolate ... desolate

... the abomination...
the abomination...

The abomination has always existed
in one form or another.


He is timeless.
His evil spans eternity.

... The abomination
which makes all things ...

How can a power like that
be resisted?

... The abomination - The abomination
which makes all things desolate...

The abomination
which makes all things desolate...

What's one human life, compared
to the needs of an immortal being?

... The abomination - The abomination
...The abomination... The abomination...

What difference would it make if the entire
human race were sacrificed to feed him?

... makes all things desolate...
The abomination... The abomination...

This speck of dust we call a planet is only
a microscopic fragment of his dominion.

Universes have
unfolded and collapsed ...

... serving no purpose other than
to supply food for the abomination.

... The abomination which
makes all things desolate...

The abomination...
which makes -

I am satisfied to be a servant.

... The abomination which
makes all things desolate...

... desolate...
The abomination...

... The abomination which
makes all things desolate...

... The abomination which
makes all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... desolate ...
desolate... The abomination...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination ...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

... The abomination which makes
all things desolate...

Come in!

Come out of him, devil!
Come out of him!

Cody, what in heaven's name
is wrong with you, boy?

I think he's ... possessed.

- Oh, God ... help me.
- What have you got there?

I thought you were sick!

Cody, are you there?

Mrs. Lee!



Let me in!

Oh... God!

- Cody.
- Kelly, you shouldn't have come here.



What's wrong with you?

I'm getting out of here!

My stomach!

Oh no!

Oh no!

God! No!


God! No!

No! No!

This is quite an
elaborate nightmare, Cody.

What do you think
it means?

I don't know! It's just a bad dream.
But I want it to stop.

No, Cody, it's not just
a meaningless dream.

The reason you're here is that you're
suspected of murdering 7 people.

This dream is a way for your
unconscious mind to explain the deaths ...

... and to externalise your
feelings of guilt.

You see, in the dream you die,
and are punished for your sins.

Even I play a part in the dream.

Don't you see a lot of me
in your Doctor Russell?


Cody ... 7 people are dead.
Did you kill them?

It wasn't me!

It was the abomination...!