Terminal Island (1973) - full transcript
After the abolishment of the death penalty, California murderers are dumped on an island to spend the rest of their lives unsupervised. There, two groups are formed, one lead by a psychopath, and another group determined to bring him down.
What's your
opinion of Terminal Island?
It makes me feel safe.
We don't have the death penalty
to protect us anymore.
It's where we
dump our garbage.
Well I think the death penalty
is the real answer
to the whole thing.
Why should I pay taxes to
support a bunch of killers?
Well, it wouldn't be no money
to put a rope around their neck.
Well they need
to be somewhere.
I think it's a good idea.
Let 'em kill each other off.
Why should it concern
American citizens
if they're on an
island to themselves?
Sounds like a pretty
good idea to me.
I mean let 'em fight
among their selves
if that's what they wanna do.
It sounds absurd.
Maybe they can get together
and make a better
life for themselves,
or maybe it'll
work the other way.
That's kind of a leper colony.
And what's your
opinion of Terminal Island?
What's Terminal Island?
That's all?
It's enough.
How's it coming?
Well, we just looked at "The
Man in the Street" footage.
It'll work.
Okay, Craig, let's see that
feature we ran last fall.
Maybe we can steal
something from it.
It's too soon to run it again.
The viewers are gonna remember.
Com on, those
dummies can't remember
what they saw five minutes ago.
Three years ago,
the death penalty was
ruled unconstitutional
by the United States
Supreme Court.
18 months later, the people
of the state of California
voted two to one in favor
of the San Bruno Initiative.
Opponents said it was worse
than the death penalty
while advocates maintained
it was the cheapest way
to support criminals sentenced
to life imprisonment.
40 miles off our coast
lies the final solution,
the San Bruno Maximum
Security Detention Center,
better known as Terminal Island.
The inmates of this
bleak island prison
are all convicted
of the same crime,
murder in the first degree.
The arrival of a new inmate,
the delivery of the bare
necessities for survival,
these are Terminal Island's
only contact with
the outside world.
There are no walls here,
no guards, no rules,
but escape is impossible.
The picket ship Norma
maintains continual vigilance
over the only safe
small boat channel.
The rest of the
island is surrounded
by electronically
controlled mines.
Since this film was released,
No newsmen or cameras
have been allowed anywhere
near Terminal Island.
Still up to date.
Next I thought we could flash
some of the most famous
faces on the screen
and show a brief
rehash of their crimes.
Recognize anyone?
Not yet.
Bobby Far, we can use him.
Oh what a punk.
Who did he kill?
His partner in a two
million dollar robbery.
Bobby didn't want to share.
Hey, I know her, Lee Phillips.
She threatened the
Antitrust Bank,
either they pulled all their
money out of south America
or she was gonna blow
up a branch a week.
Did she do it?
Yeah, in San Francisco,
she blew up a bank building.
And a bank teller
and a bank guard.
Hey, it was an accident.
She only wanted to
destroy property.
Well in that case she
deserves a reprieve.
She's a very bright chick.
She almost got her PhD.
Come on, come on.
Oh, A.). Thomas,
now he Killed the cop.
What's so
special about that?
You're right.
Oh, Bunny Campbell,
did in her mommy and
daddy with an ice pick.
Her we can use.
Ooh, Julian Mother
Dylan, remember him?
Oh, doper, biker,
killer, rapist,
a man they'll love to hate.
Joy Lange.
All she did was
poison her husband.
Sex, got to keep 'em
interested till the commercial.
Then how about something
for the bored housewife?
Dr. Norman Milford,
the Mercy Killer.
We don't have a maniac.
We got to have a maniac.
Here he is, Roy Teal,
left 11 dead in six states.
Sounds good.
Then we'll end the show
with footage of our star.
Have you seen who
we got in today?
Miss Simms,
how do you feel about being
sent to Terminal Island?
Miss Sims?
- Over here.
Miss Sims?
Miss Sims, Miss Sims,
what are your comments
on Judge Clay, Miss Sims?
How do you feel about being sent
to Terminal Island, Miss Sims?
- Over here!
- Miss Sims?
Over here!
Okay, let me see,
over this we'll tell 'em
how Carmen Simms final
appeal has been denied
and she'll be transferred to
Terminal Island immediately.
We'll say how Terminal Island
was headline news
nine months ago
when the first
inmates went there.
Today it's forgotten,
but Carmen Simms
forces us to remember.
Soon it will be forgotten
again, et cetera, et cetera.
I think we'll get a nice
little piece out of this.
♪ Born to be bad ♪♪ But
she came to the city ♪
♪ And everyone said it
was an awful damn pity ♪
♪ She never knew love ♪
♪ But she sure learned
a lot about hate ♪
♪ Some people said as
the girl got older ♪
♪ Some people said well
she just got colder ♪
♪ And everyone shrugged
their shoulders ♪
♪ And called it fate ♪
♪ Well it's too damn
bad nobody loved her ♪
♪ Nobody ever cared
the way they should ♪
♪ It's too damn bad
what they made of her ♪
♪ 'Cause now she's too
damn bad for her own good ♪
♪ All too soon,
she was all alone ♪
♪ Much too young,
she was on her own ♪
♪ All by herself, she
had to make her way ♪
♪ Well she started out
right but before too long ♪
♪ Wrong was right
and right was wrong ♪
♪ And good was bad ♪
♪ She had the devil to pay ♪
♪ Well it's too damn
bad nobody loved her ♪
♪ Nobody ever cared
the way they should ♪
♪ It's too damn bad
what they made of her ♪
♪ Cause now she's too
damn bad for her own good ♪
Stand up.
Carmen Simms, by order
of Judge Julius Clay
you're sentenced to exile
in San Bruno Maximum
Security Detention Center
for the rest of
your natural life.
Pursuant to Title
41, Section VII
of the California Penal Code
you are hereby
declared legally dead.
Sign here.
I never heard of a
corpse signing its name.
Doesn't matter.
Here's your copy.
♪ All the terrible things
of a terrible life ♪
♪ All the dope and the booze ♪
♪ And a razor sharp knife ♪
♪ All came together on a
terrible night of crime ♪
♪ Well some people knew who
should share the blame ♪
♪ And a judge knew too ♪
♪ But it's all the same ♪
♪ 'Cause he said forever ♪
♪ And forever is a
long, long time ♪
♪ Well it's too damn
bad nobody loved her ♪
♪ Nobody ever cared
the way they should ♪
♪ It's too damn bad
what they made of her ♪
♪ 'Cause now she's too
damn bad for her own good ♪
Stay there or I'll kill you.
Go ahead.
You'd be doing me a favor.
It's wild mimosa.
You want a snort?
I don't want to get stoned.
You will.
What's your name?
Mine's Milford.
I used to be a doctor.
Got anything that hurts?
Nothing that you can help.
Where is everybody?
I haven't seen no one.
They've seen you.
Yeah, where are they?
Not far, over that bluff.
How many are there?
Now, maybe 40.
When I first came
here, almost 75.
How many women?
Not enough.
I saw two bodies in the water.
How'd they get there?
Well, were they killed?
I don't know, maybe.
Everybody on this island's
a killer except me.>
I'm innocent.
Aren't we all?
Thank you, doctor.
That's enough.
Good workout, Monk.
It's fine.
Just fine.
New bitch oughta be here
any minute, huh Bobby?
Break her in.
Hi brother, I'm Carmen.
Yeah, you look like
you could take on
about three or four right off.
Get your hands off of me.
I don't know what you thought
before you got to this island
but I'm gonna tell
you what to think now.
If I tell you to kiss my ass,
I want you on your knees
before I finish talking.
I don't get on my
knees for nobody.
Oh you son of a bitch!
Stop it, let go of me!
Let go of me!
Help me somebody!
Help me, please help me!
Nobody's gonna help you.
You move, ['ll break your neck.
You let go of me.
I'll kill you.
You let go of me.
Welcome to Terminal
Island, baby.
Looks like we got ourselves
some nice little
equipment here, Bobby.
Nobody's done any
work here today.
Yeah, but they ain't
had no ass all week.
They'll get it when I
say they've earned it.
Now put them to work right now.
Okay, Conrad,
Red, Vander, Dutch-
Nobody helped me.
Let go!
I'll bust your head open.
Bunny, let go.
What was that all about?
You were
lying in her corner.
Okay, I'll take this
corner if nobody objects.
I wouldn't do that.
Why not?
That's her corner too.
All right, have it your way.
I'm not hassling over nothing
with some spaced out freak.
I don't like these
accommodations anyway.
What kind of bastards
have you got here anyway?
What do you want?
We got white bastards, black
bastards, big bastards.
Why are we penned
in here like pigs?
Because we're too
valuable to run loose.
We're the property of
every man on this island.
You have to screw
every man here?
You will too.
You're gonna lighten
our workload, baby.
Who runs this show?
Bobby and Monk.
Well, nobody's gonna run me.
I'm breaking out of here.
I'm going after Monk.
I'm gonna wipe out
that big nigger faggot.
I'm gonna smash his balls
till they turn to jello.
Take that finger
out of my face
or I'll break it off.
And for an opener,
things are gonna
change around here.
One more squawk outta
you, miss freak,
and I'll do to you what I
did to my last cell mate
when she leaned on me.
I killed her.
IIs that a fact?
Okay cows, you can rest.
Has anybody ever tried
to stand up to them?
Sure, they're
either dead or gone.
Gone where?
Some guys escaped.
They're hiding out somewhere
if they're still alive.
Maybe I'll join them.
What makes you think
they're any better
than these cruds around here?
I could use some of that too.
This ain't no coffee break.
Where you going, Chino?
You all right?
He's talking to you.
I'm gonna cut
your liver out, man.
You think so, huh?
Chino, look out.
All right, all
right, cut the crap.
Monk's right, we can't have
any violence around here.
He was coming on with her
and slowing up the work.
Oh, you're attracted
to each other?
How sweet.
Go on, Chino,
do anything you want to
her, we'll all watch.
Field work just doesn't seem
to agree with these ladies.
Their minds wander.
Starting this afternoon,
you'll help build a storehouse.
Maybe that'll hold
your attention.
You're in bad shape.
Hey doctor!
What is it?
Strain yourself,
come on over here and see!
Look at her hands.
I'll have to bandage them.
You could have warned me, man.
You could have told
me what it was like
and I wouldn't have come here,
I'd have hid out.
Look, out there
alone, you'd die.
At least here, you'll live.
Bitch, move your ass
or else you're dead.
Don't get too cozy,
everybody's working a
night shift tonight.
You don't need a shirt
for what you're gonna do.
Joy, you got Fuller,
Hagan, Kowalski and Vander.
Lee, you got Warner,
Burns, Red and Killerman.
And you, you get Herst, Dutch,
Gross, Jones and Konrad.
Don't we ever get to sleep?
All you gotta do is
lie back and take it.
Nobody says you
got to stay awake.
Why doesn't she go?
She does.
She goes to Bobby.
Yeah, Bobby?
Monk, get that thing on.
Hurry up.
I mean it hurry it up.
That little freak
bitch is outside.
Send her in
and watch that light.
Turn around, Bunny.
How are you Bunny?
What's new?
Take off your shirt, Bunny.
Of course if you don't
want to, just say no.
Then take it off, Bunny.
And now the rest.
You seem to be at a
loss for words, Bunny.
Come here and sit down.
If there's anything that
you don't want to do,
just say the word.
Okay Bunny, you can eat now.
I've got tits, so I have
to play Betty Crocker.
I wish I could poison them all
with something that
works real slow.
I think I've changed my mind.
I'm not very hungry.
You're too pretty
to kill, Chino.
We'll keep you around.
Hey that angle is too
steep, it'll overflow.
What's that all about?
Bobby wants running
water in the storeroom.
Personally, I don't
think it's gonna work.
No, raise that other end.
Let it happen, Monk.
That crazy son of a bitch.
He ought to be done
away with right now.
No, it's just one
less mouth to feed.
Anybody like to
say a few words?
Yeah, good riddance.
Wash faster.
We got to get back.
There's guys out there
who'd love to get a hold of you.
Bobby kicked them out of
camp before you came here
and we got orders to
kill them on site.
Did you ever hear Bunny talk?
No, she stopped when
she killed her folks.
I wonder why.
She never told us.
I thought you guys were dead.
We will be if we don't
get out of here. Let's go.
It's okay, come on.
We got 'em.
We sure as hell did.
Bobby's gonna shit.
Bobby's gonna shit
when he finds out
we stole his women.
The night feels real fine.
I've been saving this
for the right time
and tonight is the
right time for sure.
No, I don't want to be loaded
if Bobby and Monk show up.
They won't.
Little rat won't do nothing
unless the sun's out.
Bobby's afraid of the dark?
Bet your sweet ass he is.
Well in that case.
Hey, this is mead.
It's what?
Mead, fermented
honey and water.
Well now ain't that something.
Back home, we just call it CP.
Cow piss.
Three months out here
and even you look good, Joy.
I see your brain is still
between your legs, Dylan.
Hey Aiken, what do you
got against them birds?
You're cooking them to death.
Don't eat 'em.
Send some of that over here.
Why you hanging back?
I like to test the
water before I jump in.
You got to try this part, Joy.
Ooh, what's so
great about that part?
Just taste it.
Well, it's good,
it's just fine.
You know what they say?
The closer to the bone,
the sweeter the meat.
Oh, I dropped
some down my shirt.
Oh, here's some.
And here's some more.
And here's some more.
There's no more.
Here, you can have
some of mine.
Oh, I'm all done.
Ah, here's some.
And here's some more.
I don't think there's
any meat down there, Joy.
Oh I know, but there's a bone.
Okay, I'm ready.
You split.
Now this ain't right, Dylan.
You ought to ask her
if she wants to first.
I've been flogging my
mule for three months
the same as you, partner.
I ain't asking nothing.
Look, why don't
you just let her be?
Oh God, you stink of garbage.
Get off of me!
Stick that back in
your pants, Dylan.
Get off of me.
I hate you.
Stop it, I hate you!
Get off, off!
Get off of me!
On, I hate you, oh.
Now that would be
a hell of a mistake.
You're gonna wish you
hadn't done that, Dylan.
I'm gonna fix your ass.
Where are we gonna meet?
How 'bout the stream
on the way to the soft camp?
What about them?
Yeah, what about us?
Just gonna let 'em
run around loose?
Nobody's gonna
put me in no cage.
And anybody who thinks different
is gonna eat a piece of this.
I just said you ain't
gonna run around loose.
Now staying alive out
here is a bitch, baby.
So you're gonna
carry your weight
just like everybody else.
That's cool.
How are we gonna handle it?
They don't even know their
way around the island.
Well, we have to split up.
Some of you will come with us.
Let's go.
Is this the way you've
been living, wake up and run?
You keep moving,
you're harder to hit.
Or what do you want to do,
sit around here
and wait for Bobby?
No, I want to go
find him and kill him.
Why don't you try counting
how many of them there are,
then how many of us?
I have, but they say
that when you cut off
the head of the snake,
the body dies too.
I just hope you don't get bit.
I won't.
It's time to move.
Your turn.
In a minute.
You know what this is?
Let me think, a rock.
It's niter.
We can get potassium
nitrate from it.
If we mix it with
sulfur and charcoal,
we can make gunpowder and some
pretty deadly hand grenades.
What y'all doing?
You ready for World War III?
Shoot honey, I'm
ready for anything.
What's this?
Can you eat it?
It's moonseed vine,
grows all over the place.
Ever heard of Curare?
You mean that poison
stuff they put on darts?
All we got to do
is boil that down
and we've got a mean
mother on our side.
How do you
know about all this?
My grandma.
She was really into voodoo.
You believe in it too?
Only when it works.
Here's your knife.
Keep it.
No, I don't want it anymore.
You sure wanted it last night.
That was last night.
Okay, I'll get
you one of your own.
Why'd you take
us away from Bobby?
I don't like to fish alone.
You can pick some
of these, Rabbit.
The red ones are ripe.
Stay here, be real quiet.
I'm gonna get us some dinner.
I don't want to
wait another week
while you play around out there.
And I'm telling you I
looked under every bush.
Not every bush or you
would've found them.
Soon as I get the chance,
I'm gonna brew up some
more of that sauce.
What's that?
That's royal jelly.
Those bees'll stomp
all over your body
if you get any of that on you.
There's a whole hive of 'em
right there in that stump.
How nice.
I thought you wanted
to cut my dong off.
Oh that's the last
thing I want to do.
Haven't you ever said
anything you don't mean
and then realized
how wrong you were?
- You mean even after I?
- Oh even during.
Oh wait, ooh, just a minute.
What's that?
You want some honey?
Some what?
No, I ain't got a sweet tooth.
Oh I do.
I just love the taste of honey.
Take off your pants.
Oh hurry.
Oh wow.
Ooh, hurry.
Oh, I'm so hungry.
Lie down, lie down.
Oh, oh, oh.
Oh baby.
That's it.
More to the left, huh?
Now shut your eyes
and turn over.
Just do it.
The best part's coming up.
Hurry baby.
Hurry, come on, hurry.
Here's your pants, lover.
Now we're even.
Get me some time.
You got it.
Hey brother.
You looking for something?
Come on, they're
getting away over there.
They're on their way.
That's one for A.J.
I can see you found something.
Vander killed Larry.
Teal got Aiken.
Kiki got away but he's
bleeding real bad.
He ain't gonna make it.
But what about the others?
I want them dead, Monk.
Why can't you do that?
How is he?
If we don't stop the bleeding,
he's gonna die.
We can't do anything.
Milford can.
Is it ready?
Don't do it.
We need you.
Look, I can't just sit here
and watch him bleed to death.
You want company?
Go on, take a break.
It's my turn.
I can do that.
What the crud?
It's that shit he shorts.
You're through with this.
Try and get him straight.
Where's Carmen?
And Cornell?
Where are they?
Kiki's dead.
We can take them.
I keep thinking about numbers.
There's only seven of us.
Yeah, but we can make
grenades and that evens it.
Oh, you think so?
Ain't none of us ever
getting off this island anyway.
So far we've been running.
They won't to expect
us to be hidden.
Cornell's right.
Don't you think I'd
like to go in there
and bust that little
bastard's head wide open?
I'm the only one
that stood up to him
and I almost lost
my ass doing it.
The rest of you came
with me, remember that?
We got memories,
man, but that was then
and this is now.
Okay Cornell.
The worst that can
gonna happen to us
is that we die.
Here it is, witches' brew.
How strong is this stuff?
With one of these in you,
you'd be dead in
about 10 seconds.
This thing won't
backfire, will it?
Well just be sure you
blow instead of suck.
Does that make it?
I've got plenty of niter
and charcoal's no problem.
What I need now is sulfur.
Then we can grind the
mixture with this rock.
Where are we
gonna find sulfur?
I don't know.
My chemicals always
came in bottles.
Wild mustard has a
high sulfur content.
That stuff grows every place.
We're ready.
We don't have any
room for junkies.
If you stick with us,
you stay straight.
You expect to get
music out of that thing?
Did you soak the
thread in salt water?
What do you think?
No, something's wrong.
I can't hear anything.
Relax, you just
have to wet the coil.
The only problem now
is tuning it to the
correct wavelength.
You can handle that.
What are you
gonna do with this?
Listen to the news, Monk.
Press harder,
the mixture has to be
ground under pressure.
That's good.
That's supposed to
be a frag grenade?
It's half filled with powder
and half with rock coral.
When you throw it,
match with the striker inside
and it explodes.
That's a great
little firecracker.
Let me see.
This one loaded?
Don't screw the cap on
until you're ready to use it.
Here catch.
I just wanted to
see if it was loaded.
Dylan, if assholes had wings,
you could fly us
all out of here.
Where's Rabbit?
She was over there.
She shouldn't be
out there alone.
She's dead.
Hold it, Bobby'll want her.
Screw Bobby.
Look what she did to my face.
It helps.
Down here.
Come on, let's get her back.
You coming?
Oh yeah.
I'm gonna use you
for firewood, Teal.
Mad Dog Roy Teal.
I'll bet he's lying on
his back cold and stiff.
He was so stupid.
Maybe he'll come back.
No way, Monk.
His miserable life is over.
I know it.
What is it?
The picket ship,
they're bringing in
supplies in the morning.
It's so perfect.
And she'll make it so easy.
It's a waste man.
She's just not worth it.
Nobody's asking you to come.
You know what to do.
Your plan had better work.
It will.
What are those
bastards doing to her?
What's wrong?
Nothing but this'll
make it much better.
I'll get help.
Hey man, lay off.
I ain't waiting.
Don't blow it.
No one will be
able to resist that.
Right on time.
Of course.
Let's get out of sight.
I want it to work, Bunny.
I had to use you.
You understand.
What are they pulling?
Where the hell is Lee?
I can't take it anymore.
Cover me.
Milford, go find Bunny
and don't get spotted, huh?
Like clockwork, Bobby.
Let's trade.
Come on, you'll get it back.
I want you to watch the boat.
I'll send Monk with some men
and they'll bring the
supplies back to camp.
They're gonna miss
that boat, ain't they?
Monk push it out.
It hits one of those
mines out there, boom.
They'll think the
pilot made a mistake.
Man, you don't miss nothing.
Two machine guns.
We're screwed.
We're going down to that boat.
They're holding a
piece down there, man.
That's why we're going.
How did we get close
without getting shot?
Same as they did.
You can swim?
Like a water snake.
Okay, hold it right there.
I'm a peaceable man.
I got no quarrel
with you, stranger.
I thought I told you
to get out of my town.
This ain't your town.
You calling me a liar?
No, I wouldn't call you that.
I'd call you
Get it?
I'm on your side.
I don't need you.
I don't need anybody
but these and a bunker.
Found us some gas.
I ain't got my bike with me.
Bring it.
We're going into battle
and that burns very hot.
What about this?
That's too heavy
and they may be
back any minute now.
I can't find Bunny anywhere.
She must've went...
I want to go home.
Did you at least
blow up the boat?
Yeah, yeah, but we
shouldn't have left Red
out there alone.
They got one gun.
What does that mean?
For three months,
we don't even see 'em
and now they're ripping
us off one by one.
First Dutch, then
Red, even Teal.
Conrad's all we got left.
And we could have used Vander.
You're afraid, Monk.
You think they're gonna
come after us now, don't you?
Well, they are.
How do you know that?
Because they're
smart and strong.
The only strong
ones left besides me
and you.
She'd have made a
fine old lady, don't ya think?
You ever been on a bike?
You guys are
fossils, you know that?
There ain't nothing like
sitting on a chop down hog
all that power
between your legs,
vroom, vroom.
What a scene.
For sure.
Remember Big Ernie's funeral?
40 bikes right up
the church steps.
Yeah, when we rode
out of that cemetery,
I kept wondering how Big
Ernie liked that send off?
This time tomorrow,
you can probably ask him.
Are you coming
with us tomorrow?
I wouldn't miss
it for the world.
The doomed against the damned.
By the way, what are
you fighting for?
We're here forever
and so are you.
Or do you have some kind
of dream of going back?
Not after what
medicine did to me.
What was that?
I had a patient with
permanent brain damage
being kept alive by
artificial life support.
I withdrew it with
his wife's permission.
In my opinion, he
was already dead,
but his father didn't agree,
had me charged with murder
and all my colleagues
testified against me.
I was convicted on a
legal technicality.
Are you dead when your
brain stops working
or when your heart
stops beating?
No, I wouldn't go
home if I could.
You are home.
He's waiting for us.
How do you know?
Take a look at camp.
There's no sign
of life, is there?
Where are they?
They're probably
hiding behind the tents
or maybe they got a
plan of their own.
So what?
It won't change anything.
Don't look.
You're in luck.
That trough that runs down to
the bunker is still standing.
You think Bobby
and Monk are together?
No, if I
were them, I'd separate
and set up a crossfire.
Well, wherever they've
got the machine guns.
Lee, give them a chance
to get over by that trough
before you make your move, okay?
Come on.
Let's go.
Get this done by lunch.
Okay, Bunny,
now when we wave this,
I want you to open the
cans and light this
and throw it in
the trough, okay?
Now don't let us down.
Good luck.
Who would you leave
up here, Milford?
You're right.
You'll be all right.
Let's go.
That dude just
took his last crap.
It's Bobby, he's
in the bunker.
Cornell, get down!
Where's Cornell?
He got it.
Monk's behind
Bobby's old tent,
we got to get him.
We can't do anything
pinned down like this.
How many grenades left?
Just two.
Bobby, hold your fire.
It's me, Monk.
Open the door.
Open the door, Bobby!
God damn it, Bobby,
open the door.
It's me!
Bobby, open the door, it's Monk!
Bobby, you're
wasting ammunition.
God damn it, Bobby,
you're wasting ammunition.
God damn it, Bobby!
I knew it.
Guess it's my turn.
You ain't going!
Bobby, is that you?
Bobby, I can't see.
Bobby, I can't see!
I can't see, Bobby!
I can't see.
I can't see.
My eyes, I can't see.
Boy, will I be happy
four months from now.
'Cause the baby will be here?
No because I can stop
drinking this lousy goat's milk.
Dr. Norman Milford,
report to the beach.
Dr. Norman Milford,
report to the beach.
Dr. Norman Milford.
Who wants him?
Just get him.
The governor's granted
Milford a new trial
and we're to take him back
to the mainland with us.
Are you Milford?
Will you get him?
Norman Milford's dead.
Okay buddy,
save the taxpayer's some money.
I don't know why I did that.
May have to go
through another trial,
maybe end up here again.
Yeah, I do know why.
I don't want to go back ever.
Lee was right, this is home now.
Hello, who are you?
I'm Dana.
to Terminal Island.
♪ Born to be fed ♪♪ Well
she came to the city ♪
♪ And everyone said it
was an awful damn pity ♪
♪ She never knew love but she ♪
♪ sure learned a
lot about hate ♪
♪ Some people said as
the girl got older ♪
♪ Some people said well
she just got colder ♪
♪ And everyone shrugged their
shoulders and called it fate ♪
♪ Well it's too damn
bad nobody loved her ♪
♪ Nobody ever cared
the way they should ♪
♪ It's too damn bad
what they made of her ♪
♪ 'Cause now she's too
damn bad for her own good ♪
♪ 'Cause now she's too
damn bad for her own good ♪