Tarzan (1999) - full transcript
The movie is about the life of Tarzan. Tarzan was a small orphan who was raised by an ape named Kala since he was a child. He believed that this was his family, but on an expedition Jane Porter is rescued by Tarzan. He then finds out that he's human. Now Tarzan must make the decision as to which family he should belong to...
Put your faith in what
you most believe in
Two worlds, one family
Trust your heart
Let fate decide
To guide these lives we see
A paradise untouched by man
Within this world blessed with love
A simple life
They live in peace
Softly tread the sand
below your feet now
Two worlds, one family
Trust your heart
Let fate decide
To guide these lives we see
Beneath the shelter of the trees
Only love can enter here
A simple life
They live in peace
Raise your head up
Lift high the load
Take strength from those
that need you
Build high the walls
Build strong the beams
A new life is waiting
But danger's no stranger here
No words describe a mother's tears
No words can heal a broken heart
A dream is gone
but where there's hope
Somewhere, something is calling for you
Two worlds, one family
Trust your heart
Let fate decide
To guide these lives we see
Every moment now
the bond grows stronger
Two worlds, one family
Trust your heart
Let fate decide
To guide these lives we see
Mama, look!
Look over there!
- Kala!
- She's back.
- I told you she was comin' back.
- We looked everywhere for you.
Are you all right, dear?
I'm fine. No, really, honestly.
It's just that I got a little bit...
Well, isn't that...
- Well, it's so...
- Why, it's, it's just so...
It's freaky-lookin'.
That's what it is.
- Terkina!
- Well, it is!
I mean, what the heck is it anyway?
He's a baby.
I can't...
So, where's his mama?
Well, I'm going to be his mother now.
You know, he's not so bad,
once you get used to him.
Kala's gonna be its mother now.
Kerchak, I saved him from Sabor.
Kala, it won't replace the one we lost.
I know that.
But he needs me.
But it, it...
Kala, look at it.
It's not our kind.
No, you have to take it back.
Take him back?
But he'll die.
- If the jungle wants him...
- I want him.
I cannot let you
put our family in danger.
Does he look dangerous to you?
Was it alone?
Yes. Sabor killed his family.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
There are no others.
Then you may keep him.
Kerchak, I know he'll be a good son.
I said he could stay.
That doesn't make him my son.
We will nest here for the night.
So, what you gonna call it?
I'm gonna call him...
Tarzan? OK, he's your baby.
All right, little lady, come on.
It's past your nest time.
- Oh, Mom.
- No.
Five more minutes?
Two more minutes?
One more minutes?
Don't cry. I'm here.
Come on. Come on.
Come, stop your crying
It will be all right
Just take my hand
Hold it tight
I will protect you
from all around you
I will be here, don't you cry
For one so small
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you
Keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here, don't you cry
Cos you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart
I sure scared you, Mom.
You sure did.
Can't you imitate any quieter animal?
Mom, they're no fun.
Wanna see me be a leopard?
Why don't you just come up
with your own sound?
Tarzan! Thank goodness
you're all right!
Kala and I have been so worried.
Thank you so much
for finding him, Kerchak.
You are such a wise and caring leader.
- Hello! Are you thick in the head?
- What?
How many times
do I have to tell you?
If you want Kerchak to like you,
stay away from him.
Come on, Terk, step on it!
- Last one there is a dung beetle!
- The first one's gotta eat it.
Terk, can I come?
Well, you could if you could keep up,
but, you know, you can't really keep up.
Wait up, guys!
Wait up! Right behind you!
You're standing on my spleen.
Take that!
Stop hitting yourself.
Stop hitting yourself.
Stop hitting yourself.
The fun has arrived
- Thank you very much.
- What took you so long?
I had a little pest control problem,
but it's all taken care of.
Hi, guys.
Terk, what is this,
some kind ofjoke?
Tell me I'm not looking
at the hairless wonder.
Well, Terk said I could come along
if I could keep up.
- No, no.
- Terk. Come on.
I'll handle this, guys, OK?
Listen, buddy. Come here.
We got a tiny, little, itsy-bitsy
problem here, OK?
I'd love to hang out with you.
You know I would.
But the guys... they need
a little convincing, you know?
- OK, what do I gotta do?
- Do? What do you gotta do?
It's so stupid.
Well, you gotta...
you gotta go get a hair.
- A hair?
- Yeah, a hair.
An elephant hair.
An elephant hair?
Like I said, it's stupid, right?
Listen, take it from me.
Go home. OK?
Who needs this aggravation?
You know, I'm probably
gonna leave soon myself.
You go, I'll catch up, all right?
You see? Leave it to me.
I told you I could...
Tarzan! Tarzan!
That one hurt him.
Look! There he is!
He's alive!
- Hey, guys!
- Hi.
Come back! Come back.
This guy's great.
If he lives, you should
bring him around more often.
Come on, come on.
Let's go get a better seat.
You can never get enough sleep,
let me tell you.
- I get enough sleep.
- Mom?
- It burns up the calories.
- Are you sure this water's sanitary?
It looks questionable to me.
It's fine, honey.
But what about bacteria?
Tantor, can't you see
Mummy's talking?
Watch out!
There's something swimming!
- It's coming right at you!
- Honey, Mummy's losing her patience.
- But this time I really see something.
- Oh, boy.
Piranha! It's a piranha!
Sweetheart, there are no
piranhas in Africa.
Don't tell the kid that.
Of course there are piranhas in Africa.
No, she's right.
They're native to South America.
- Get outta here.
- It's true.
- No way.
- Come on, now.
Think I'd be here if there were?
It's right behind you! Run!
For the last time, honey,
there are no piranhas in...
My butt!
- Told you!
- There's something on my butt!
- What is it?
- Are there any more of them?
- What is it?
- It's a piranha.
Tantor, where are you?
He's dead.
We're dead!
We didn't do it!
They're the ones!
Oh, thank you, Kerchak.
Tarzan, buddy! Buddy, come on!
Tarzan, don't die on me!
Don't die!
- You weren't supposed to do it!
- Get away!
Don't you know a piranha
can strip your flesh in seconds?
What? He's not a piranha!
He's alive!
He's alive! He's alive!
- He's alive!
- He's...
You idiot!
You nearly gave me a heart attack!
You happy?
I don't believe it.
You got the hair?
Is that what this is all about?
I got a whole tail of them.
- Tarzan?
- Terkina?
Oh, no.
- Who's that?
- My mom.
- Tarzan.
- Hi.
- Hi, Aunt Kala.
- Oh, you scared me!
- What happened?
- Well, I...
It's sort of a long...
It's involved.
Because what happened,
it was a weird...
What happened?
It was my fault, Kerchak.
We were playing, and...
Well, I'm sorry, Kerchak.
You almost killed someone.
- It was an accident.
- He's only a child.
That's no excuse.
You can't keep defending him.
- He'll learn.
- You can't learn to be one of us.
- You never give him a chance.
- Give him a chance?
Kala, look at him.
He will never be one of us.
Tarzan, what are you doing?
Why am I so different?
You're covered with mud,
that's why.
- Kerchak said I didn't belong in...
- Close your mouth.
Kerchak said I don't
belong in the family.
Never mind what Kerchak said.
- Hold still.
- But look at me!
I am, Tarzan.
And do you know what I see?
I see two eyes, like mine,
and a nose, somewhere.
Two ears.
- And let's see, what else?
- Two hands?
That's right.
Close your eyes.
Now, forget what you see.
What do you feel?
My heart.
Come here.
- Your heart.
- See?
We're exactly the same.
Kerchak just can't see that.
I'll make him see it.
I'll be the best ape ever.
Oh, I bet you will.
Oh, the power to be strong
And the wisdom to be wise
All these things
will come to you in time
On this journey that you're making
There'll be answers that you'll seek
And it's you who'll climb the mountain
It's you who'll reach the peak
Son of Man, look to the sky
Lift your spirit, set it free
Someday you'll walk tall with pride
Son of Man,
a man in time you'll be
Though there's no one there
to guide you
No one to take your hand
But with faith and understanding
You will journey from boy to man
Son of Man, look to the sky
Lift your spirit, set it free
Someday you'll walk tall with pride
Son of Man,
a man in time you'll be
In learning you will teach
And in teaching you will learn
You'll find your place
beside the ones you love
Oh, and all the things
you dreamed of
The visions that you saw
Well, the time is drawing near now
It's yours to claim it all
Son of Man, look to the sky
Lift your spirit, set it free
Someday you'll walk tall with pride
Son of Man,
a man in time you'll be
Son of Man
Son of Man's a man for all to see
Don't even think about it.
- How'd you know it was me?
- I'm your mother. I know everything.
- Where have you been?
- I thought you knew everything.
Hey, Auntie K, you're looking
remarkably groomed today.
Hello, Terk.
Not the neck!
Not the neck there, T.
Watch it!
OK, it's all fun and games
till someone loses an eye.
Please stop.
Somebody's gonna get hurt here.
- And it's always me.
- Cramp in the calf.
- Please!
- OK. OK, you win.
OK, OK, you win. Hello!
Down here. Yo, yo! Let go!
- Oh, sorry, Terk.
- What kind of animal are you?
I been thinking lately
that maybe Tarzan
could be some subspecies of elephant.
What are you, crazy?
An elephant?
Listen to me. Think about it.
He enjoys a peanut, I enjoy a peanut.
He looks nothing like you.
OK everybody, move aside.
Outta my way.
Best friend coming through.
That would be me.
And you,
don't make a habit of that.
There are other ways
of getting attention.
- I'll try to remember that.
- All right.
I was right behind you.
I had you covered.
What was that?
It wasn't me, I swear.
OK, well, maybe it was.
Everyone, let's move.
I was reminded of a safari
I led up the Zambezi.
Marvellous. Lots of hunting, yes.
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
Wildebeest everywhere.
Two bearers loading three rifles
for me, blasting away.
That's when I knew
I was born for Africa
and Africa was created for...
Oh, there you are.
What is it? What is it, Clayton?
Are we in danger?
I thought I saw something.
Is it a Hippopotamus amphibious
or a Rhinoceros bihornus?
- Professor, don't move!
- Oh, right.
Daddy, what's all the hullabaloo about?
What is it, Daddy?
Mr Clayton asked me not to move.
He saw something.
I moved.
Uh, Mr Clayton?
Sorry, excuse me.
But my father and I came on this
expedition to study gorillas,
and I believe your shooting
might be scaring them off.
You hired me to protect you,
Miss Porter,
and protect you I shall.
And you're doing a marvellous job of it.
But we only have a short time
before the ship returns, you see...
Jane! Jane, do you realize
what you're standing in?
- A gorilla's nest!
- Daddy!
At last! Our first sign in days.
Do you think the beasts
could be nearby?
Could be. Why, I mean,
there's the evidence.
They can't be very far, anyway.
Look! Over there and there...
Yes, more nests!
- I see them!
- Just as you predicted!
Family groups!
Oh, Jane, I love you.
Family groups?
Excuse me,
but these are wild beasts
that would sooner tear your head off
than look at you.
On the contrary, Mr Clayton.
Daddy's theory is these are
social creatures, not monsters.
Mr Clayton, please.
What if it's a gorilla?
It's no gorilla.
- Perhaps we should press on.
- Yes, indeed.
We should keep heading west,
following the Ganoderma ablonatum.
Excellent, professor.
I could've used your expertise
on my last safari.
I was in the mountainous region
of Zambia.
Yes, very dangerous.
Are you what all the fuss was about?
Daddy! Daddy, quick!
No, wait. Hold still.
Oh, my good...
You may not be a gorilla,
but you are one sweet little...
There. What do you think?
Why, you little...
Well, this is absolutely peachy.
Come to study gorillas and get my
sketchbook pinched by a baboon.
Give me that!
Come on now, enough of this.
I want this paper on the count of three.
Look, bananas!
I can't believe you fell for that one.
No, no, don't give me
those crocodile tears.
What would your parents have to say?
You see, I told you they'd be cross.
Go easy on him.
Children will be children.
I'm flying!
What on earth am I...
Get off! Get off!
Put me down! Put me down!
No, pick me up, pick me up!
Unhand me, monkey!
Over there!
I'm in a tree with a man
who talks to monkeys.
I can't do this. I can't...
This is good.
This is very good.
One, two.
It can't get any worse, can it?
Obviously it can.
Stay back. No, don't...
Don't come any closer.
Please, don't.
What are you...
What are you doing?
No, please don't.
That tickles.
No, get off, get off. Get off!
It serves you right.
Stay away from me,
like a very good wild man.
You stay. I'm warning you.
My father won't take kindly to you...
No. That's...
That's close enough.
How dare you?
Oh, dear.
Oh, dear, oh, dear.
Oh, dear.
Yes, thank you.
That's a lovely heartbeat.
It's very nice.
- It's very nice.
- Oh, thank you.
I can't do a thing with it
in this humidity though.
You do speak!
All this time I thought you were a big,
wild, quiet, silent person thing.
Why didn't you tell me? I must say
I'm rather curious as to who you are.
Oh, I see.
Oh, I see.
I'm Jane.
Jane. Tarzan.
- Clayton.
- Extraordinary.
Please, can you take me to my camp?
Yes, Clayton. Wonderful.
Can't we walk?
Can't we walk?!
- Let's hope we find him before Kerchak.
- Maybe he's lost.
- Or found something more interesting.
- Are you nuts?
What could be more interesting than us?
Hey, what's everybody looking at?
The horror!
It's gruesome. Hide me!
Pull yourself together.
You're embarrassing me.
These things aren't alive.
I knew that.
What kind of primitive beasts
are responsible for this mess?
Come here, you guys!
Come here, come here!
- Look at this.
- What is that thing?
Do it again, do it again.
Like this?
Rip it!
Ding! I love that part.
Let me hear it, big fella.
Now, hit it!
What the heck? Bye-bye.
Yeah, Tant.
Now, hit it.
Come on, Tantor.
I love it.
Stay with me, fellas.
I feel something happening here.
He's one of them.
Oh, my...
Jane, where are you?
- Thank goodness.
- Good heavens, what happened?
Are you all right?
We've been everywhere.
Oh, my goodness.
Daddy, I was out walking...
- Yes, yes.
- Little baby. Little baby monkey.
- I drew a picture.
- Go on.
- The monkey starts crying.
- Poor baby.
I turned round,
and there's a whole fleet of them!
- Of what?
- An army of monkeys!
- A tree full of them...
- Monkeys?
...screaming at me!
Theropithecus baboonus.
She's very good at this.
- Really?
- Terrified, I was.
Suddenly, I was swinging
in the vines, up in the air!
- With the monkeys?
- Flying.
- In the air.
- And I'm all surrounded.
- What did you do?
- And, Daddy, they took my boot!
- Those are the ones I bought you.
- And I was saved!
I was saved by a flying wild man
in a loincloth.
- Loincloth, good Lord.
- What is she talking about?
I haven't the foggiest idea.
Takes after her mother.
She'd come up with stories.
Not about men in loincloths...
- And there were gorillas!
- Gorillas?
- They were doing...
- You saw the gorillas? Where, Jane?
- He left with them.
- Who, dear, who?
The ape man.
Everyone. We will avoid the strangers.
Do not let them see you,
do not seek them out.
They mean us no harm, Kerchak.
- I don't know them.
- I do. I've spent time with them.
You may be willing to risk our safety,
I'm not.
Why are you threatened
by anyone different from you?
Protect this family,
and stay away from them.
Tarzan, for once,
listen to Kerchak.
Why didn't you tell me there were
creatures that look like me?
Well, he didn't stand upright.
He sort of...
- Really?
He supported himself
on his knuckles.
- On the knuckles.
- See? Exactly like a gorilla.
- Extraordinary.
- It was amazing!
He'd bend his elbows like this.
And then he walks, like this.
Oh, I see! Like Aunt Isabel.
This is capital!
Janey-Jane, what a discovery!
A man with no language,
no human behaviour...
And no respect
for personal boundaries.
- How do you mean?
- He was this close, Daddy.
Staring at me.
He seemed confused at first,
as if he's never seen
another human before.
And his eyes were intense
and focused, and...
I've never seen such eyes.
Shall I leave you and the blackboard
alone for a moment?
Daddy, stop it.
The point is, think of what we could
learn from him. We must find him.
Professor, you are here
to find gorillas,
not indulge some girlish fantasy.
Fantasy? I didn't imagine him.
Tarzan is...
It's him!
It's him, it's him. Tarzan!
- Professor, Jane, stand back!
- Wait!
Have we met?
How does he know my name?
He thinks it means
the sound of a gunshot.
Yes. Hello, Tarzan.
I see what you mean
about personal boundaries.
What's he doing?
Look at him, Jane.
Moves like an ape,
looks like a man.
He could be the missing link.
Or our link to the gorillas.
Yes, yes.
Where are the gorillas?
Shouting won't help.
He doesn't understand English.
Then I'll make him understand.
If I can teach a parrot to sing
God Save the Queen,
I can certainly teach this savage
a thing or two.
- He's got it!
- Gorilla.
Perhaps not.
Gimme that. Leave it.
Mr Clayton, I think
I'll take it from here.
Whatever you do, I'll do it too
Show me everything and tell me how
It all means something
And yet nothing to me
I can see there's so much to learn
It's all so close
and yet so far
I see myself as people see me
Oh, I just know there's
something bigger out there
I wanna know, can you show me
I wanna know about
these strangers like me
Tell me more, please show me
Something's familiar about
these strangers like me
Every gesture,
every move that she makes
Makes me feel like never before
Why do I have this growing need
to be beside her
These emotions I never knew
Of some other world
far beyond this place
Beyond the trees,
above the clouds
I see before me a new horizon
I wanna know, can you show me
I wanna know about
these strangers like me
Tell me more, please show me
Something's familiar about
these strangers like me
Come with me now to see my world
Where there's beauty
beyond your dreams
Can you feel the things I feel
Right now, with you
Take my hand
There's a world I need to know
We've wasted all this time
on what he wants.
The boat could arrive any day.
Now, ask him straight out.
Tarzan, will you take us
to the gorillas?
Do you understand?
I understand.
- Good work, Jane.
- Well?
- I can't.
- What?
- Why not, Tarzan?
- Kerchak.
Oh, Terk, I've never seen him so happy.
Yeah? I give it a week.
- Aye, cut her loose!
- Come on, pull it down.
- All right, move it, ya bilge rats!
- Heave ho, lads.
Put your back in it.
- OK, move it.
- Wait. Please, don't...
I've waited 30 years for this
and I won't leave until I see a gorilla.
Isn't this dreadful, Tarzan?
No! No, no, wait!
Pick your barrel up.
Pick it up.
Here we go. Here we go.
You're the captain.
Say you've had engine trouble,
and give us two more days.
And be late at every port
from here to London?
We'll have come for nothing.
I'm sorry, Miss Porter,
but I simply can't do it.
This is your fault.
I should've followed my instincts
and set traps for the beasts.
Don't you think I'm disappointed
about the gorillas?
You are absolutely impossible!
I was so afraid
you wouldn't come in time.
The boat's arrived.
The boat that's come to take us home,
to England.
And Daddy and I were...
Well, I was wondering...
Well, we really hope
that you'll come with us.
Won't you?
Go see England today.
Come home tomorrow.
Well, see, it would be very difficult
to come back...
Not come back?
I know it sounds awful,
but you belong with us, with people.
Jane must stay with Tarzan.
Stay here?
My laundry.
No, I can't stay.
Look, I've got...
I'm with my father, and...
Jane... stay.
- But...
- Please.
But, I can't.
How typical. Thank you, Jones.
Even if you hadn't grown up
a savage, you'd be lost.
There are no trails
through a woman's heart.
- Jane is going.
- Yes.
If only she could've spent
more time with the gorillas.
She's so disappointed.
Crushed, really.
Sorry, old boy.
Oh, well, I best get Jane's things
to the ship.
If Jane sees gorillas,
she stays?
Say, that's why she came, isn't it?
- I'll do it.
- Good man!
- Snipes?
- Sir?
Get the boys together.
There's gonna be a change in plans.
Terk, just get Kerchak out of the way.
- What?
- I'd be happy to get...
Hey! Shut your trunk
and get me out of here.
Can you believe that guy?
Drops us like a newborn giraffe,
Now waltzes in here
and expects us to just...
Terk, I'm asking you as a friend.
With the face and the eyes
and the...
All right! But don't make me
do anything embarrassing.
I'm gonna kill him!!
I thought that dress
was rather slimming on you.
Really? I thought it was
a little revealing and kind of...
How does she move in this thing?
Look out!
- Look, Daddy!
- Where?
Now, be careful, professor.
Mustn't, mustn't frighten.
She's beautiful.
She's my mother.
This is your...
- What's happening?
- I don't know, Daddy.
- It's getting away!
- No! You'll only frighten her more.
Yes, absolutely, my dear.
Good idea.
What are you doing?
Want to frighten them?
Get up. Get...
Don't get up.
It's very nice to meet you, too.
Oh, Your Majesty,
you're such a tease.
Whoa! Hello. Hello.
Archimedes Q. Porter at your service.
Quite a grip you've got.
Thank you, yes.
Is that one of mine?
This is wonderful, Mr Clayton!
Look, look! Social grooming.
Congratulations, professor.
Our dream has come true.
Give me that!
What are you doing?
Now, stop that! Stop!
Hold on now. Leave that!
That is not to be played with!
Can you teach me?
- Speak gorilla?
- Yes.
Good heavens, what did I say?
That Jane stays with Tarzan.
Stay? But I, I thought we'd already...
Tarzan, I...
- Is that my dress?
- Oh, no.
Give it to me!
Wait, wait! Tarzan!
Go now!
Jane, quickly! Hurry!
Come along!
Kerchak, I didn't...
- I'm sorry, I...
- I asked you to protect our family.
And you betrayed us all.
I'm so confused.
Come with me.
There's something I should've
shown you long ago.
Is this me?
And this is my father,
and my...
Now you know.
Tarzan, I just want you to be happy,
whatever you decide.
No matter where I go,
you will always be my mother.
And you will always be in my heart.
Goodbye, Tarzan.
I'm so glad you found us in time.
We're too late!
I can't believe it!
If you had pulled over
and asked for directions...
We didn't get to say goodbye.
Well, good riddance, all right?
Who needs you, huh?
Go on, get out of here, bald boy!
You, you ingrate!
You bald ingrate!
Go on and rot, for all I care!
What are you looking at?
I'm gonna miss him, too.
Tarzan, you can't imagine
what's in store for you.
You'll see the world.
Everyone will want to meet you.
Kings, scientists, famous writers.
Yes. Darwin and Kipling.
Queen Victoria!
I haven't met her,
but I heard she's nice.
And I'll be with Jane?
Yes, with Jane.
Get him!
What's going on here?
Clayton! Clayton, help!
Have we met?
Yes, the ape man.
So sorry about the rude welcome,
old boy,
but I couldn't have you
making a scene
when we put your furry friends
in their cages.
For three hundred pounds sterling
a head.
Actually, I have you to thank, my boy.
Couldn't have done it without you.
Lock him up with the others.
That sounded like Tarzan.
He sounded like he was in trouble.
Well, why doesn't he get his new friends
to help him? I don't care.
That's it!
I've had it with you
and your emotional constipation!
Tarzan needs us
and we're gonna help him!
You got that?
Now, pipe down and hang on tight!
We've got a boat to catch.
I've never felt so alive!
Good! Cos I'm gonna kill you!
No time for that now, missy.
Tarzan, it's no use. Don't!
- Clayton.
- Yes, Clayton.
Clayton betrayed us all.
I'm so sorry, Tarzan.
No, I did this.
I betrayed my family.
Kerchak was right.
Those magnificent creatures,
shivering in cages.
What is this world coming to?
Oh, by Jove!
Don't know my own strength.
What was that?
You are an animal!
That sounded just like an elephant.
Thanks, guys.
I thought I would never
see you again!
And here you are.
Sometimes you embarrass me.
I remember you.
I think this one
will be better off stuffed.
You came back.
I came home.
You! Take what you can
back to the boat.
Aye, aye, sir.
I've got some hunting to do.
Don't worry.
I'm going to have you
out of this in a second.
This should do the trick.
Hiding, are we?
- Good!
- Clayton, you...
I could use a challenge.
Because after I get rid of you,
rounding up your little ape family
will be all too easy!
Go ahead, shoot me.
Be a man.
Not a man like you!
Clayton, don't!
Kerchak, forgive me.
No, forgive me
for not understanding
that you have always
been one of us.
Our family will look to you now.
No, Kerchak.
Take care of them...
...my son.
Take care of them.
London will seem so small
compared to all this.
I will miss you, Jane.
- Miss Porter!
- I know. I'm coming.
Well... I suppose we
should say goodbye.
Goodbye, Tarzan!
I'm going to miss that boy.
Jane, dear, I can't help feeling
that you should stay.
Please don't.
We've been through this.
I couldn't possibly...
I belong in England with you,
with people...
But you love him.
Go on.
Thank you.
Thanks for getting my glove.
Thank you.
What am I doing?
Captain, tell them that you
never found us, eh?
After all, people get lost
in the jungle every day.
Put your faith in what you
most believe in
Two worlds, one family
Trust your heart, let fate decide
To guide these lives
To guide these lives we see
Two worlds, one family