Tango Bar (1935) - full transcript

Ricardo Fuentes (Carlos Gardel) leaves Buenos Aires after loosing in horse races to go to Barcelona, where he plans to open a tango bar, a new concept of tango dance show and dance saloon. On the ship he meets Laura Montalván (Rosita Moreno) who happens to be a thief working with a thief pal. Ricardo watches them robbing a lady's bracelet aboard but decides not to report them because he has fallen in love with Laura. Once in Barcelona, he opens the tango bar but Laura's partner tells him he sold the bracelet and now needs to recover it to avoid both Laura and him going to jail.

Here, old man!


- Ricardo!
- Puccini, old man!

You were thinking I
wouldn't come, weren't you?

You're the only one who's
never let me down.

That's called class,

Here, what's left of the
foreclosure of your house.

It's little, you know...

- Take it.
-What? What about you?

I've got enough to get to Barcelona,
I'll manage.

- What are you going to do?
- Who knows.

For the time being, think of nothing.


I want to go with
you, brother.

Don't leave me here. Take me along
as your secretary, your butler, your fagir.

just take me with you.

How can I, Puccini?
You know I'm in dire straits.

the Plague!

Check that out!

Those are the British chicks
leaving the Casino.

Bye, chicks.

I can only guess what the boat's like
when it reaches the tropic, hey?

And this guy's gonna miss it.

Don't worry,
I'll be here.

Here, if 'm doing well in Europe
you'll come on a Zeppelin.

- I know, thanks, old man.
- "cross my heart, old man.

But... life will have to be different,
I'm fed up with losing it all.

- By one head!
- Yeah, narrow fail!

At the racing track, when two horses
vie for the first place,

shoulder to shoulder...

- Then my money flies away!
- One head!

And when your heart wants some peace
for fear of loving a woman's,

eyes for too long,
even if she's just walking by.

By a head!

One head!

The head,
of a noble stallion,

that fails to win,
only at the last minute.

And seems to say,
on its way back:

"Remember brother,
you know betting's wrong."

One head , narrow fail
hot for that babe,

that pretty, smiling babe
the heat of the day,

her smile a promise,
her love, a lie that,

tosses my love
to the flames of a bonfire.

One head,
the craziness.

Her kissing lips, take away
the sorrow and bitterness.

Narrow fail,
if she forgets me.

So what if I lose my life,
a thousand times over. Why live?.

So many deceits,
one head, narrow fail,

I've sworn, so many times,
I won't fall for them again,

but if her look,
pierces me anew,

I just want to kiss,
her fiery lips once again...

No more horse races!
No more betting!

I won't see a
narrow fail again.

But if I hear, there's
a sure bet on Sunday,

then I'll go for it,
so what...

One head,
the craziness.

Her kissing lips, take away
the sorrow and bitterness.

- Is this box for
Measles? - That's right, sir.

Will you give me 500 winners?

By a head,.
Narrow fail.

As usual!

All that craziness.
Her fiery lips,

take away the sorrow,
and bitterness.

One head.
If she forgets about me,

So what if I lose my life,
a thousand times over...

Why live?.

Look, Ricardo!

Laura Montalbàn.

She must be from the
British Magazine company.

- What type is she?
- Great for advertising.

Always by herself, no khown
lovers or protectors.

Her Court of dogs
and whistling always following behind.

Hi, Laura.
Traveling together!

What a nice surprise!

Is it...?

Your time has come, brother.

Good luck, brother.

See you soon then,
in Europe, old man.

See you.

- Oh! The mirror's shattered!
- I'm so sorry, pretty babe.

Never mind the mirror,
it's a bad omen.

More bad luck?

I'm not a man,
I'm a gun...

so don't make me mad.
Bon voyage.

Excuse me, Captain.

Just one thing before boarding,
they assured me my dogs...

would be very web looked after,
fed and cared for.

- Of course, Madam.
-Well, it hasn't been done!

Their feeding time has passed,
and there's no one to walk them...

and have them take some fresh air.
They are of good breed, Captain.

And they need a skilled
person to look after them.

Don't you worry, Mrs. Montalbàn,
II look to it right now...

and satisfy your requirements.

Thank you so very much, Captain.

And believe me, I'm so
sorry to have imposed.

My pleasure, Madam.

Come, my little one,
come with your Mummy.

Is there anyone on board
who knows about dogs?

There's Peralta. But he
won't be willing to do it.

Why's that?

Sansoni's dog bit his neck
on our last voyage.

Goodness mel!

Who is this?

Stowaway, my Captain
in Argentina.

Stowaway, hey?

We just found him
in lifeboat N° 13.

- I'm not superstitious, Captain.
-I am!

And III see he's given in to the
police at our first port of call.

Have him locked in!

-Captain, I'm Juan Carlos Puccini.

The descendant of one of the greatest
family of musicians.

Captain, a Puccini, in jail.

Well, there's no other way. To be aboard
you need to buy a ticket,

- ...or else, you'll have to earn it.
- Earn it!

That's all I'm asking,

I can dance, sing, play the ukulele
do somersaults, play the harp.

I'm a Jack of
all trades, Captain.

That's what I am.

- Know anything about dogs?
- Dogs?

'Course I do, I love them, Captain!

Yeah, just give me a dog and I'll
have him typewriting in 3 days!

- Puccini!
- Ricardo!

You, on board!
Can't believe it!

I...let me tell you...

Don't say a word.
This is the greatest of joys.

Come, let's celebrate
with champagne.

Well, old man, you know
I don't have a ticket, actually.

No! $So?

I'm supposed to earn it,
by walking Mrs. Montalbàn's dogs.

You? You...
a dog-sitter?

Life's not easy, old man.

- OK, old man, got to go.
- Where are you going?

Got to take the dogs
to Montalbàn's cabin.

- To her cabin?
- Yeah.

Come, let me take them. You
look after the little one.

But, Ricardo!

Don't you worry, now there's two of us
to take care of the dogs.

But... I'll be chained
in the hold.

Scared, who says so?

Just go up to the bar and
down the whole shelf, It's on me.

- What would you like?
- Champagne and coffee for two.

Yes sir.

- Oh. Here I am.

- On a field trip.
- What are you studying?

I'm studying your heart
darling dear.

- You flatterer.
- Think so?

But, where have you been
these days?

In the Captain's cabin,
childhood friend.

He just can't live without me.
As I was getting off the boat,

he happened to see me, and
tearfully said,

"No, Puccini, if you ever leave
this boat, we're not setting off". So...


He just can't live without me.



Your coffee, Sir.

I'll have it, I'll
have it, of course.



Come in.

Your dogs, madam.

Diana! Reno! Come here.
Oh, they're so cutel!

Your dogs are
remarkable, madam.

That's right,
do you like dogs?

I must confess I had never really
cared too much for them.

But from now on
I've developed a special interest in them.

How come?

There must be a certain regional value
to them, to deserve the

attention of such a lady.

How dare youl
What's your name?

Ricardo Fuentes.

A long-standing, faithful fan of yours,
in love with your art and beauty.

So, what were you doing
with my dogs?

Well, I was wondering, and said to myself,

If Laura Montalbàn will not come to me
then I'll go to her.

See... a man in love will do
whatever it takes.

Kindly leave my cabin,
right nowl!

I'll obey.

But just a word of warning
before I leave.

But just a word of warning
before I leave.

Wherever you go,
my eyes will be following you.

Suit yourself.

Excuse me.

- Sorry.
- Don't worry. It's all right.

Good afternoon,
Mrs. Montalbàn.

- Am I intruding?
- Not a tall.

The gentleman 'was' my dogs'

The dogs'.

And, I hope to
be able to maintain my position. Madam, Sir.

I'd like to have a word with you.

- Take the dogs with you.
- Yes, madam.

- Who is that man?
- I don't know. And I don't care.

And... about my plan,
have you given it any thought...

You know I don't want to hear
about your plans any more.

When I said goodbye to you
in Buenos Aires,

I thought we'd
never see each other again.

The world's much too small, for
travelers of our type.

Besides, the weather in
Buenos Aires, doesn't suit me.

It was dangerous.

For your freedom, wasn't it?

For our freedom!

I don't want to be part of
your plans and connections.

There are too many old
connections binding us together...

so you can't refuse to
consider a new one.

- So, it's blackmail, isn't it?.
- No, no.

I am a gentleman,
and I love you.

So, if Providence is aboard
why disdain it?

These are times of
crisis, Laura.

Full House.

Again! Devil's your partner
that's for sure, there's no way.

I've never seen elder
people at the gaming tables.

Maybe the one I'm sighing for
doesn't even bother to think of me.

- Blind opening at $ 100.
- $100? OK.

Seems to be a jolly
good game.

Yeah. They play every day,
strong stakes.

Let's go watch?

Let's go.

- I won't be left behind.
- I want to see the cards.

- How's the game going?
- Have a look...


-So do I.
- Pass.

Lately, luck has been
madly favoring...

me and
Mrs. Montalbàn.

It means luck will
evenly favor

and courage.

That's very kind of you, Mr. Fuentes.

Just a minute.

- Are you superstitious?
- Not at all. Why do you ask?

- May I cut?
- Yes, yes.

- May be a winner for all.

Let's see.

- May I, Commander?
- My pleasure, Mr. Fuentes.

- Commander.
- Thank you very much.


Five hundred.

Five hundred.

I see.

- Cards?
- Two.

- One.
- Two.

One. And one for myself.

- A thousand more!
- Oh, no.


Goodness mel
I had a Full House.

Lucky you!I

Don't go Mr. Fuentes,
cut some more, please.

Stay, good man.

No, thanks,

You seem to know quite a lot
about this.

Is it your turn to deal, Mrs.
Montalbàn? - No.

Would you excuse my

I have a headache,
and would rather stop playing.

Commander, you
count my tokens.

My pleasure.

Shame, to stop playing
now luck is smiling on my "baby".

Madam, three is the ideal
number of players.

- Deal.
- OK.

May Fate smile upon you.


excuse me.

Mrs. Montalbàn,
I was looking for you.

- You?

- What do you want?
- I wish to be your friend.

What for?

To be entitled to
give you some advice.


You know you're so
vain, it's unbearable.

- I care for you, Laura.
- Is it promotion you care for?

No. I care for the woman in you.

Not for the mystery and
stage-setting in your life.

I'm interested in all that's

and good in you.


You are not honored by the friendship
of that man who calls himself...

Commander Cerrillo.

How dare you judge
my friends.

No, Laura. You can't be friends with
a professional gambler.

You're very generous in offering
advice. Please refrain from doing so.


- Would you like some potato
salad, madam.? - Yes, thank you.

It's my favorite.

That bracelet
is beautiful!

Do you like it?

Sure, it's truly
a beauty.

It's a present from my "baby".

Ladies and gentlemen.
Ladies and gentlemen.

You all know
Mademoiselle Doré.

Tonight, she's generously
giving us the chance of...

admiring her
beauty and talent.

She sings with such charm!

Might be worth
a contract.

Are you in the theater
business, too?

Now and then.

I put my money into some
great shows.

And to good use,
let me tell you.

By the way, my trip to Europe
has to do with similar purposes.

Oh! So then, we are
colleagues, or almost.

I wish to make Tango
the foundation stone of great shows.

Sort of a
Tango Bar.

With a stress on color
and accent.

A Tango Barl!

You know your idea
might be excellent.

I hope so.

Would you like us to talk about your project
some day?


Even though, I've already maintained
business conversations with someone.

Talk to me. If Ramos
can't do it, then nobody can.

Fine. Wel'll talk some time.

- My bracelet!
- What?

How can it be,
just one minute ago...?


Let's not draw people's
attention, pleasel!

The catch in your bracelet
may have unclasped.

I'm positively sure
we'll be able to find it!

Don't bother, Commander.

The bracelet's been stolen.

Tropical and exuberant imagination!

They just told me... I hope
it has already been found. - No, no.

No, captain. The bracelet
has been stolen!

How can it bel I must beg you to be
discreet. No one should hear of this.

Would you kindly come
along to my cabin?

This is much better
than poker, isn't it?

- Shall we go?
- After you, Mr. Fuentes.

I didn't need this short while
to be certain the thief was...

not among us,
but I just had to do this.

Forgive me, ladies.
Forgive me, gentlemen.

I'm sorry you had to go through
this, Captain.


- Captain!
- What?

No, it's nothing.

It's the first time this
happens in my ship!

I should never have held
the party!

Would you join me
for a glass of champagne?

Join you?

I don't want to impose,
but I heard the music and couldn't help it.

Dance young men!

Teach the gentleman,
show him how to do it! Come on!

Let's seel
Let's seel

One of my aunts,
a poor old lady she was...

Used to be fond of memories of her
native Spain, especially by singing. So...

One of our fellow countrymen!

Go on, young men!
Take a seat, sirl

And I'll sing a song for you!


Sing your song!

I know that

"My dear old homeland",
isn't it?

A sweetly perfumed grandmother
would often sing it to me, as a lullaby.

She had an old Spanish vine,
legendary, full of fragrant flowers.

"My dear old homeland".

The grandson would sleep,
and the granny would dream.

Dear old homeland, under
your skies, under your skies,

I hope to die some day, enjoying
your comfort.

The tolling of your golden bells
I miss so badly.

And I don't know whether I'll cry
or laugh, when I see you again.

The silence of my village
disrupted only by the serenade,

The silence of my village
disrupted only by the serenade,

of a passionate lover,
singing in the silver moonlight.

The whispered vows of lovers
in a balcony abloom with flowers,

swept off by the breeze,
of heartache.

The balcony is still there,
the blossoms, the sunshine,

but you are away,
you have taken my love with you...

My deal old homeland
I whisper your name

in the quiet of sleepless nights,
my eyes wondering.

Tell me little star, my hopes are
not in vain.

You know I will soon come
back to my true old love.

Come on, man!

Thank you very much.

Let's drink! Let's drink!
Make merry!

Why not?

You are my fellow countrymen,
or almost so.

Are we...?

My father was born in Spain.
And I'm going to Spain!

Ah, a Spaniard!

What shall we drink?
What shall we drink?


We are thirsty, are we not?

Cider, sherry!

Yes, I know, I khow.
Cider and sherry.

Cheeky, hey?

And... will your young lady
forgive me?

No, we are engaged, sir.

So.. was it love bred out of love
for my homeland?

We left Spain as young children,
loving our land.

We come back as young people
with more love.

We don't know which is stronger, the love
that makes us come back...

or that for the land
we have left behind.

Well said, young man!

Ah, ah, very vwvell!

Herel Bring the wine!

II get the winel!


Here's the wine!I

To the gentleman's health!
To the gentleman's health!

- Cheers, my friends!
- \\Velllll!

Let's forget about sad things!
Make merry! Make merry!

Joyl Joy!

Thank you,
good night.

Good night, is
that a promise? - Yes.

Good night.

Good night!


I heard you singing, but wouldn't
dare intrude.

That's all right.

But I didn't want to leave, without
thanking you for what you...

did for me tonight.

I did nothing for you! I can very well
prevent someone from being robbed,

but I wouldn't give anyone
away. That's all.

- Fuentes!
- No, Laura.

Why do you feel entitled to be
what you want everyone to see you are.

Hasn't Life given you youth,
beauty, character?

Do you thing it's enough
of an excuse...

to be able to live without rich
lovers, just to steal? - No.

Do you think the insolence of
pride, another farce,

is enough of an excuse
to take advantage of silly gamblers?


Women who sell their own selves
can give only what they have.

Oh, you're much worse than that!
You are deceit itself,

a cold trap, swindle, lies!

- Nobody has ever talked to me in such a way!
- That's because nobody loves you as...


No, what's the use...

Your day is over.
Laura Montalbàn is a couple of...

diamonds the richer, and lots
of shame the poorer. Good bye.

What are you going to do?

I can't swim.

- Hi, brother.
- How are you?

- How's it going?
- Fine, as usual. Fine.

Hello, sir?
How are you?

- We'll make the arrangements.
- Yes. All right.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Mr. Fuentes, I want you to know
I'm very happy to work with you,

and how much
I thank you.

The contract was
Mr. Ramos' idea.

It's him
you should thank.

Excuse me.

You are our best
collaborator, Laura.

Thank you.

Have you instructed
the driver? - Yes, madam.

What's with you
and Laura?

Why are you asking?

She's being clearly
hostile, Ricardo.

Would you like to change
the subject, Ramos?

You imposed Laura on this

with the excuse of promotion
and advertising.

But my contract doesn't require
I change my feelings.


Ok, OK..
Do as you please.

Come in.

III be waiting for you downstairs,
in the hall, OK? - Fine.

What's up?

The Commander is
here, he wants to talk to you.

Me? How could you even
think of it?

It's serious.
Quite serious...

Whatever t is. I don't want to see
him, not even in the hall.

- It's something to do with Laura.
-With Laura?

- Do I have to see him?
- Yes.

Well, then. Have him come in.

You do look lovely
tonight, madam!

- Do you think so?
- Everyone does.

Not everyone.

Hello, dear Mr. Fuentes.
How are you?

So, what's up? I'm
short of time.

It's about... the bracelet.

- Again?
- Again.

Listen, Fuentes, one night Laura
wanted to fling it out into the sea.

I wouldn't let her.

That's natural.

The whole question was seemingly over,
but later, things were different.

The American Embassy was involved
and the police kindly devoted...

- ...their attention to us.
- So.

We had to pawn the bracelet,
any price would do,

we simply had to get rid of it.

The bracelet is now in the hands of
a man called Manuel Gonzalez.

is dangerous.

-He poses danger to youl!
- I'd say to Laura.

Who's no longer the woman
I used to know.

It's all I have, yet not
enough to get the jewel back.

How much more do we need?

We must add a 20% commission
to the 80,000.

There's 40,000 here.

- Need 56 more.
- Exactly.

All right. II give you the rest.

But mind you, the lady
must never know it was me.

Whatever you say. Deal.

I'm doing it only to
spare my business the shame.


OK. "Cross my heart,
you've got a thiefs word of honor.


-What if you chose not to...
redeem the bracelet?-

Could bel

Then Mr. Puccini should come
with me.

Me? No way,
I'm not going anywhere with you.

Let's call Gonzalez
then, hey?

Will it be riskier? Just
for a couple of minutes.

Exactly, I'd rather have that
way, bring him as soon as you can.

Just a minute, leave it here.

And then, my dear
Commander, be kind.

Never come back!

It's a pleasure
to be surrounded by friends.

You? Just like in the olden days.
Same old clothes.

Garabito, we always go back to
your first love.


When I see you, I'm just
like a dog being happy to see his master.

Why did you leave, Rosa?

There were brighter lights
beyond those in our neighborhood,

there was new hope.

But our patio, with its canopy of
honeysuckles, was nice enough,

there was sunshine in your eyes
and joy in your heart.

And I was always woken up by
the mad chirping of your canary.

But you always went to sleep
to the strains of my guitar, now silent.

Ever since you left.

There was a kiss
in every window.

The promise of love
in every corner.

The promise of love
in every corner.

And a tango, Rosa.

And old tango, like a
lullaby that stays with...

you forever,
and you can't forget.

The tango of our dandies.
A lullaby.

I beg your pardon, brother.
It's my turn.

Fine! Let's see
how you managel!

I've got to go.

I couldn't live with the
honeysuckles any longer.

- I come back some day.
- Only to leave again laterl

Good bye, Garabito.


The slums.

The bitter slums that have
crucified mel!

Bitter slums,
a part of my being,

just like a
wicked spell.

Your shadows, torture,
in my sleepless nights,

your night locked up,
in my heart.

While she was with me,
I never saw your sadness,

your misery and slime,
she was my light.

But now, defeated,
my soul lingers,

along your streets,
as if crucified.

My old dear slum,
under a canopy of stars,

in your dear old patio.

It all lights up when,
she comes back to see you.

The honeysuckles all,
abloom, just to love you.

But like a passing cloud
my dreams vanish,

never to come back.

Don't tell anyone
you don't love my any more.

If they ask, I'll
tell them you're coming back.

So when you come back, my
love, their strangers' eyes

won't wonder.

You'll see,
they're all waiting for you,

my white house,
the roses.

And my dear,
old slum,

anxious to celebrate,
your return.

My dear old slum,
under a canopy of stars,

in your dear old patio.

It all lights up when,
she comes back to see you.

The honeysuckles all,
abloom, just to love you.

But like a passing cloud,
my dreams vanish,

never to come back.

The car will be here any minute now,
madam. - All right.

- Would you like a glass of champagne?
- No. No, thanks.

Wait for me downstairs,
I won't be long. - Very well, madam.

- Fuentes.
- The gentleman.

- Good evening.
- Good evening.

- Have you got the bracelet?
- Of course.

Ninety six,
was it?

- Nol
- What do you mean, no?

Well, I think I deserve more than
a humble 20%.

I've avoided selling this,
just to spare Mrs. Montalbàn...

the shame.

Mrs. Montalbàn has nothing
to do with this.

- Ninety six, take it or leave it!
- No!

What do you mean? Is this
some kind of game?

What would you say if you left,
without the money and the bracelet.


It's OK. He's not worth it!

100.000, is that enough?

There. Good night.

Gentlemen always get to
understand each other.

Puccini, tomorrow we'll have
to clean this up. - OK.

- Is there a phone I
can use? - I don't khow.

Is there a phone around here?,
this man needs to make a call.

- Over there.
- Thanks.

Hello. Security
Office, please.

Security Office

Security Office?
Is inspector Aguilar in?

Just a friend... Listen.

Would you like to Know where
Mrs. Cohen's bracelet is?

That's right, Mrs. Cohen's.

Suit yourself,
might get promoted.

Hang up!

- \Wnhat's that?
- Let's see.

What? What happened?

He wanted to give Ricardo in!

Watch it! Not a word.

That won't kill anyone,
Gonzalez. It's a pity.

Pueccini, its my fault!

Never mind, Laura
my nightmare's over now.

Never closer to death
than tonight.

A word would've been enough!

Let's go.

Let's gol

The police!

What about the bracelet in the box?
We must tell Ricardo.

Let's gol

The police?

- Who runs this place?
- Fuentes. But he's singing.

- What's happened here?
- Here? Nothing at all.

That's what we want to ckeck out.
Take me to his office.

The police!

Too latel

Don't make a scandal,

Come on. I'll take the
responsibility. Come on. Let's go.

We're doomed!

- We need to open itl
- How do we open it, Laura?

- What would the gentlemen like?
- Champagne.

Dry or sweet?

- Sweet.
- Sweet!

I'm positively sure
there's nothing wrong.

Let's see.


Open, in the name of the lawl

The police!


There's only one thing to do,
and that's telling the truth. - No!

I don't want anyone to
suffer because of mel

Don't say a word.

Open the door, open.

Open the door.

- Who are you?
- A friend of Mr. Fuentes'.

What's up? What's going on?

Who do you think you are,
? blowing up this racket?

I'm inspector Aguilar.

The telephone company has
informed us a mysterious...

phone call has been made
from this place.

Would you tell me where your
safe is, Mr. Fuentes?

- In the mantelpiece.
- Would you kindly open it?

- Why?
- No explanations. Will you or won't youl!

All right.

There it is.

May I know what is it you are
looking for, Inspector?

I'm sorry,
it's confidential.

My house is at
your disposal.

Here are the keys!

Let's call it a day.

Forgive us, Mr. Fuentes.

- That's OK, inspector.
- It's our duty.

- Good bye.
- Good bye.

I told you, a false alarm.

I understand it's your duty.

- Brother! Where's the bracelet?
- In the box.

- No, can't be.
- Yes.

How? Are there two boxes?

Two boxes!

Hanging out with a bunch of thieves,
you get to learn some things.


Find a way of giving
Mrs. Cohen the bracelet.


I'm so sorry
about all that has happened.

Never mind.

And now... if you please, I'd
like to be by myself.

Come on, Laura.

Puccini: Now she's heading
my "Tango Bar".

Fine. I'm leaving. My homeland's music
will show me new paths.

Work hard, brother, and try to
give her the place she deserves...

As a good woman.
I'm not saying goodbye to you.

Puccini, old man!

Hello, Mr. Fuentes.

Look! The seal!

I'm counting on you for
the first poker game.


Me. No dogs.

No theatre.
No lies.

Just a woman, Ricardo.
A woman in love with youl!

At last!
At long last!