Sword of the Valiant: The Legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (1984) - full transcript
Gawain was a squire in King Arthur's court when the Green Knight burst in and offered to play a game with a brave knight. No knights stand to defend their king's honor. Except for the valiant Gawain. After being quickly knighted Gawain plays the game, but learns that it's all a trick, and he has lost. But the Green Knight shows mercy, letting Gawain grow a year older before having to face the consequences. Gawain journeys across the land, learning about life, saving damsels, and solving the Green Knight's riddle.
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(inspiring music)
- Hey, Oawain, the king's armor.
That's the last that l shall ever make.
The last that he shall ever wear.
(gulls cawing)
(inspiring music)
- S9uires.
(dramatic music)
(regal music)
(whimsical music)
- The more sumptuous the feast,
the more it turns my stomach.
Take it away, take it all away!
Each yuletide, we celebrate the thickening of our bellies
and the softening of our muscles.
Has your valor ded entirely in these times of peace?
Is this the court whose knights were feared
throughout Christendom?
L'm bored.
Bored with you all!
We'll have no feasting yet.
We've drowned our knighthood in too much wine.
Not one drop more!
Not a morsel of bread until even one of you
proves that he's worthy of his spurs.
(gulls cawing)
- Oh, what's that?
(ominous music)
- What great feats have we to mark this year?
What tales of valor, what deeds of arms
enhance this crown that sits upon my head?
The old year limps to its grave, ashamed.
(ominous music)
I shall have some proof tonight
that knightliness still lives within these walls!
(hooves claftering)
(wind roaring) (screaming)
(dogs snarling)
(horse whinnying)
- Strange indeed.
A feast without food, and a court without a king.
- Strangers are welcome in this place,
but they must leave their insolence at the door.
And their horses.
- I come in peace, great king.
All l seek is good sport.
By the look of you, you haven't come here
to bob for apples.
My wager is you play a deadly game.
- Ah, the king is wise.
The game l bring is more in keeping with the season.
The year is old, and death smiles out
from behind this merry time.
- Our knights do lack for sport.
What is the game?
- My ax.
See it?
Feel it.
Oo on, feel it.
Sharp, isn't it?
As sharp as your appetite, sir?
The east wind is not its e9ual.
Is it as heavy as your conscience, sir?
Certainly truer than the ladies of this court.
Sirs, l offer you my only weapon.
Unarmed, l shall stand here before you all,
my neck bare.
My challenge is simple.
Let any man among you worthy of the deed
take up my ax and hack the head from off my shoulders.
Fear not, brave knights.
I shall not move, nor dinch,
nor seek to defend myself in any way.
I am ready for the blow.
But one blow, and no more.
And l have but one demand.
Afterwards, if the power is left to me,
l have the right to return the blow in like manner.
- If the power be left to him?
- Oh, come.
The sport is simple.
A cut for a cut,
and yours to be the first.
Who's going to deal me my blow?
Who's the jolly gambler to play my game?
Who shall lay his pride,
his prowess,
his courage on the line of my neck?
Come, great knights!
Champion your king!
Come on, gentlemen, l'm waiting.
My neck grows cold.
- I can remember a time
when l would have had 1 00 knights
begging the honor to be my champion.
Have we slipped so far?
Well, so be it.
If death is your resolve with this mad jest,
then, by heaven, you shall have it.
The king himself shall do the deed.
And may Ood have mercy on your soul when it is done.
- [Oawain] My liege!
- Oawain! (clamoring)
- My liege, give me the ax.
Let the cut be mine.
- Silence! - Peace.
I will have silence.
I see my earlier words now sadly proved.
A humble s9uire has set the seal on your shame.
Let him be s9uire no longer,
but my only true knight.
- [Humphrey] He is called Oawain, sire.
- Arise a knight, Sir Oawain.
(inspiring music)
Now the challenge is accepted.
Strike well, Oawain, you have but one blow.
Make it pay.
Your own neck would feel the weight of any second.
- The king speaks true.
(tense music)
- Sir knight.
It may be too late, once l've dealt my blow,
for you to tell us your name and your home.
- Such bold words.
You know of me all you have need to know.
Lay on.
Let the game begin.
(groaning) (shouting)
Come to me, my body.
(suspenseful music)
These young eyes have seen nothing of the world yet.
Shall l snuff out their light?
Shall these young lips grow cold
before they have tasted life
or touched a woman's cheek?
(suspenseful music)
(whirring) (gasping)
No, Oawain.
You shall not die yet to defend their lack of courage.
I came to challenge a man, not a beardless boy.
I give you a year's grace to grow your beard.
1 2 sweet, short months of life to do with as you will.
But when the seasons have come full circle,
we shall meet again, and you shall pay your debt to me.
(horse whinnies)
- [Oawain] ls there no hope for me beyond this?
Must l spend the year awaiting death at your hand?
- Only fools and priests do s9uander life
with thoughts of death.
So you would hope to cheat your fate, Oawain, hm?
Well, every man hopes that.
Especially the young.
L'll give you a riddle.
Mark it well, for if by the time we meet again
you have fully understood every line,
your life will be restored to you.
It has four lines.
Mark them all well.
Where life is emptiness, gladness.
Where life is darkness, fire.
Where life is golden, sorrow.
Where life is lost, wisdom.
- But how do l know where to find you?
- Never fear, Sir Oawain.
If you do not find me, l will most assuredly find you.
(tense music)
Hya, ha! (horse whinnying)
(wind roaring)
- Sir Oawain, my helmet.
You have restored honor to this court.
May others take heart from your example.
And may my own armor and the Lord
protect you on your 9uest.
Let the feast begin!
- I don't think l'm hungry.
(dramatic music)
Take your last look, Humphrey.
(gulls cawing)
Now, there's just one thing they forgot to tell me
in my swift initiation into knighthood.
- Oh, yes?
- How the hell do l relieve myself in this tin suit?
- What no lost knight should be without.
- Oh, you don't know how happy l am to see that.
Anyway, which way do we go?
- West.
Due west.
- [Oawain] why due west?
- 'Cause that's the way the wind's blowing.
- What difference does that make?
- Absolutely none at all.
(uplifting music)
- L'm starving, what food have we got?
- None.
Noble knights are supposed to hunt for it.
Or re9uisition it.
- Catch it or steal it.
Now that's what l call chivalry.
- Look.
(ominous music)
- Let's do the noble thing.
Ouick, raise your bow, Humphrey.
- [Humphrey] But you can't kill a unicorn!
- Then what are we doing? (horse screeching)
- It's magical.
It's a sign of good luck.
- Precisely.
Oood luck that we've found something to eat.
- But it tastes like horse meat.
- No, magical, you said.
That means it'll taste good.
Come on.
(thudding) (yelping)
It wants to make us earn our supper.
Let's just keep it in sight.
- I see why they use hounds.
- There's my beauty.
Now it's ours.
- What the...
- well.
That tasted really magical.
Steady, boy.
- [Oawain] where did that come from, hm?
- I didn't see that before.
(eerie music)
- [Oawain] ls anybody there?
- Have a look inside.
- I could do with a rest.
- Empty.
I could do with some food and some wine.
Then l could do with some--
- Speak no more, Humphrey.
Happy to serve my s9uire.
- Happy to be your butler, sire.
- This table's gefting the befter of me.
- Well it's not getting the befter of me.
You know, this place has some very costly furnishings.
I mean, who do-- - True.
They are costly.
Please, gentlemen, continue your splendid feast.
Whatever l have is yours.
Just so long as you both can pay.
Nothing in life is free, young man.
For such a feast, a purse of money is fair recompense
for what you want just when you want it.
- Beware.
She is the devil's decoy.
- Am l not fair?
- What you'll have is my dagger if this is a trap.
- A noble knight indeed, who would steal his supper.
- Re9uisition.
- Isn't this knight a riddle?
And so sure of himself.
One would think he knew all the answers.
- L'm on a 9uest to solve a riddle.
- The first line of which is,
where life is gladness, emptiness?
- You know it?
Tell me, please.
- (chuckles) why are you in such a hurry?
The riddle is easy.
Remain with me now, and we'll solve it in a night.
- But where will l tell Humphrey to meet me in the morning?
- On the way to Lyonesse.
- Lyonesse?
How do l find that?
- You will ride through the forest and beyond
to the shore of the sea.
Then you will come upon the Chapel of a Hundred Steps.
(dramatic music)
- A lot of animals seem to have died here.
- [Morgan] At the foot of the steps, you will find chained
to an old post a great trumpet.
- [Humphrey] And what do l do then?
- [Morgan] You must blow upon it.
- [Humphrey] And after that?
- [Morgan] You'll see.
(horn blasting)
- Try again.
(horn blasting)
- Ouiet, isn't it?
- Too 9uiet.
(cracking) (booming)
- [Ouardian] who calls the guardian of Lyonesse?
- He doesn't seem very friendly.
L'm Sir Oawain!
I seek to enter Lyonesse!
- [Ouardian] No man may enter Lyonesse,
nor go back once he has sounded the great trumpet.
- What do you expect me to do?
- [Ouardian] Be killed by the guardian of Lyonesse,
like all the others.
- Come on.
(horse whinnies)
Sir, if you have 9uarrel with me,
then we fight fairly.
Sir, are you running, or do we fight?
- [Ouardian] Ah, we fight. (laughing)
- Oawain.
The king's armor.
You know it's only ceremonial.
He hadn't fought in years, it's not heavy plate.
- [Oawain] You mean like the black knight's?
- But you'll be lighter on your feet.
- Oreat, if he asked me to dance.
- [Ouardian] Your challenge is accepted!
(suspenseful music)
- L'll get the horse. - There's no time, Humphrey!
L'll stand and fight.
- [Humphrey] Oawain, Oawain!
- [Oawain] Humphrey, my mace and chain.
- Mount up 9uickly. - No time.
- [Humphrey] whoa.
- [Oawain] Humphrey!
My hand's stuck!
Help me!
Humphrey, get me the lance.
- Here.
Yeah! (groaning)
- [Oawain] Now it's his turn.
Oet my sword.
- Here, after him.
Sir knight, let it not be said l have not been chivalrous.
Now that's just dirty.
(shouting in pain)
- Wait!
- Is he dead? - l think so.
You won't like this, sir knight.
- But do it, and be swift.
L'm dying.
Take me back, will you?
- To Lyonesse?
- To Lyonesse.
(foreboding music)
- Humphrey?
Humphrey, where are you?
(chaftering) (bells tolling)
- Oood people of Lyonesse,
your guardian is dying.
(ominous music)
And in my last act as your defender,
l bring you my murderer.
Kill him!
- No!
(serene music)
- Take this ring, 9uickly, the stone inside your hand.
So long as you hide the stone, it will hide you.
Come on, take the ring, 9uickly!
- [Oawain] Thank you.
- Follow me.
Here. Sit down here.
Just uncover the stone.
L've always known that one day you would come.
L've always known that
once within these walls,
you would be in sore peril of your life,
and l must use my ring to save you.
- And then?
- Oawain, don't you know what land this is you've entered?
- Lyonesse.
- The lost land of Lyonesse.
No kingdom of your world, for Lyonesse is lost.
Lost in the wilderness of past dreams and ages yet to come.
- This isn't such a bad place to be lost.
- You're tired, and you must rest.
- No, just a moment.
(serene music)
Was that a dream?
Linet, where are you?
- A fool?
You dare call your mistress a fool?
- But the entry to Lyonesse must not be left undefended.
I meant only that we must find a new guardian.
- My lord was the greatest and bravest warrior
that ever lived, and now he's dead.
There is no man his e9ual.
- There's got to be one.
(serene music)
- [Ouard] l hear the guardian's dead.
Ouardian's dead.
- Your husband was a mighty champion.
But surely the one who overthrew him
was, and is, even mightier.
- I will not listen to you!
Your words are treason.
- Please hear me out, l beg you.
We must seek out this knight who slew your husband.
The kingdom must have a guardian.
- L'm beginning to understand now.
Yes, l see it clearly now.
That's why the knight has not been found.
You're hiding him, aren't you?
Admit it! - No!
Oh, you do not understand.
- [Lady Of Lyonesse] l will have this pretty head
of yours for this!
(inspiring music)
- I am the knight you seek!
For her sake, l submit myself to your mercy.
- Withdraw!
All is well here.
- I fought your lord fairly.
I only wanted to enter Lyonesse.
- I believe you mean what you say.
He is indeed a noble youth, huh?
- Yes, l think he is.
- Yes.
Powerful shoulders.
A bit long in the dank, but well put together for all that.
There is good breeding here.
I wonder if his teeth are sound.
Spirited, too.
I like a touch of fire in man, or beast.
Forgive me, child, l misjudged your purpose.
I understand now that you sheltered this valiant knight
for the highest of motives,
the welfare of our land of Lyonesse.
Yes, of course.
Who better to be the new guardian of the kingdom?
After all, he has already proved himself in battle.
And by the look of him, l can see him bring the same fire
to the guardian's other duties.
I will call a meeting of the royal council tonight,
and then summon my bishops.
(bell tolling)
As soon as my lord is buried.
- My lady.
Forgive me for having broken into your mourning
with my plans for Oawain.
- Mourning?
Why should l mourn?
My husband was a terrible man.
From our wedding night, he turned to a most cruel tyrant.
And the drinking!
And the wenching!
If only you could know how much l suffered
all these years.
But now everything will be different.
There will be a new champion to protect the kingdom
and be my husband.
(dramatic music)
- Sweet mother of Ood.
What have l done?
I just wanted you to stay in Lyonesse.
But all l've done is harm.
For now you must go.
- [Oawain] You don't want to come with me?
- I do, but as l knew l must save you,
so l know now l must lose you again.
Not even the magic in my ring can alter this.
- Listen to me, Linet.
We have love, and that's stronger than magic.
Only love can bend fate.
And l love you.
- And l love you.
L've always loved you.
(serene music)
(bell tolling)
(clanging) (yelps)
(horse whinnying) - l think they want you
to stay! (clamoring)
(suspenseful music)
- Ouickly!
- This way.
Keep back!
Linet! - Orab her, come on!
- (gasping) No!
- [Oawain] Linet!
- [Linet] Help!
- [Oawain] l'll be with you!
- Let go, no!
Let go!
- After them! - ln there.
(dramatic music)
Stay there!
- Break it down! (grunting)
- [Oawain] Come on!
- [Ouard] Come on, break it!
- They...
They shall not leave the kingdom alive!
- Hey!
- There is the tower.
L'm sure they won't find us.
Follow me.
- They're over there! - Another one?
(ominous music)
- Oawain, help!
Where are you taking me?
- To your execution.
- Father!
Father, help me.
Please. - Take her away!
- Linet!
Linet, where are you?
- [Ouard] There he is!
- [Oawain] wait for it.
- Oawain! - Linet!
Let's go!
Join your friends!
- Follow them!
(tense music)
- There they are.
Ouick, after them!
- Here we go again.
We haven't lost them.
There's no escape, it's a dead end.
- My love, take the ring.
Ooodbye, Oawain, goodbye.
(wind howling)
- Linet?
- Morgan!
Stop your meddling.
- Meddling?
I was only having a little fun.
- You know Oawain and Linet weren't to meet yet.
Oive him back.
You're spoiling my game.
- And if l give him back,
what will you give me in return?
- You have interfered with my game
with your black deeds and trickery,
and now you dare to bargain with me?
No one bargains with the Oreen Knight!
No one!
- Hmm.
Ouite impressive.
But stay with me tonight and show me some befter tricks.
- Well, we'll see.
- [Oawain] Linet?
- Now where is the brave young knight
who so readily accepted my challenge?
- What?
- The year half over, and still no answers to my riddle.
- It's impossible!
- Of course it is.
The more you cheat, the harder it becomes.
- Cheat?
What do you mean?
- You're not playing my game, Oawain.
You have a ring, and it does not belong to you.
- But Linet gave it to me!
(wind howling)
You shall not have it!
- Where life is gladness, emptiness!
(foreboding music)
- Hey, stop!
- You won't get much out of them, young man.
They've taken a vow of silence.
I do most of the talking for them
as we wander around the land.
- But where are we?
Is this near Lyonesse?
- Lyonesse?
My dear friend, nowhere is near this forsaken place.
- Then she is gone, and l'm lost.
It was gladness, now emptiness.
- You speak in riddles.
- L'm trying to solve one.
- Come, tell me about it, l beg you.
These brothers are boring company.
Day after day, not so much as a belch or a fart.
L'll catch them up.
- Oood friar, you seem a wise fellow.
What do you know of riddles?
- Ha, wise?
Don't let these robes fool you.
L've been everything from a hopeless juggler
to a rather accomplished pick-pocket.
But now l am too fat to run fast enough.
And who would think, under my habit,
l have that very fine ring you had in your pocket.
- You what?
- It's in the blood.
I can't stop myself.
You see these?
I relieved a certain Baron Fortinbras of their weight.
Nice, aren't they?
But really, riddles l can't do.
I can't even do hopscotch right.
But l didn't say l couldn't help you.
A few miles back, we passed the track
leading to the Rock of wisdom.
Tell the sage there your riddle.
- Thank you, friar.
- You'll need this.
- In exchange for these?
(whimsical music)
- [Tiny Man] what do you want?
- L've come to see the sage.
- L'm afraid the sage is busy.
Maybe another day.
- Oh, really?
- All right, all right.
Maybe he's not that busy.
Come on.
- What are you doing here?
- Are you the sage?
- Well, l've been called worse.
- L'm trying to solve a riddle.
- Riddles?
All l ever hear is riddles.
I know all about your riddle, Sir Oawain.
All about it.
I can't be expected to keep my eye on everybody.
Pass me the boftle of hedgehog's spit, would you?
L'm not a nursemaid, you know.
The green one.
That's it.
This is a terrible setback.
- I don't understand.
- You're not playing the game.
The Oreen Knight's game.
- You know about the Oreen Knight?
- Hm, of course l do.
- What do you know of Linet?
- All l know about Linet
is you're supposed to leave Lyonesse with her.
- I tried.
The castle just sort of left me.
- Hm, where did you get that ring?
- Linet gave it to me.
- You realize what you've done, Oawain?
You're free.
You're out of the game.
This is most irregular.
- Oet me back.
- Back?
- Oet me back to Linet.
- You realize if l get you back,
if you return the ring, you must play the game.
You must stick to the rules.
Otherwise l can't help you.
- L'm lost without her.
- So be it.
are you prepared for all the journey entails?
- [Oawain] Yes, l am.
- Remember the game.
Remember the game.
Remember the game.
Remember the game.
(thunder cracks)
(suspenseful music)
- Oawain!
Fighting shadows of the night?
- [Sage] Back to Lyonesse you go, Oawain.
Back to Lyonesse we go, Oawain.
(serene music)
- My lady.
- L'm cold.
- L'll get some wood.
L'll make you a fire.
- Oawain!
Where have you been?
What happened to you?
I tried to follow you, you just seemed to disappear!
(rhythmic drum pounding)
(ominous music)
- A maiden.
L'll have her.
- But don't taint the goods, Oswald.
She should be worth a prefty, a very prefty ransom.
- [Linet] Help!
- And next you'll be telling me
she's been waiting for just you all these ages.
- L'll tell you, she is the most beautiful creature.
(Linet screaming)
- Hey!
(suspenseful music)
- Don't be a fool!
There's at least 1 0 of them, probably more nearby.
Whoa, boy, whoa.
Charming place.
(ominous music)
What do you think?
- [Oawain] Now how do we get in there?
(rhythmic drum pounding)
- We'll walk in.
- [Oswald] Are those knaves the best you could find?
- They were the only ones fit enough, my lord!
- Then they'll have to do.
Stand proud!
For today you have joined the army
of his most exalted highness, the Baron Fortinbras!
- We'll rescue Linet and get paid.
- [Humphrey] Hope she can swim.
- Ouiet, you!
Or l'll silence you forever!
(suspenseful music)
- She's mine.
I claim her by right.
- By right of being the baron's son?
- No, by con9ueror's right.
I took her.
There's nothing more need be said.
- Do not forget that it is l, your father's seneschal,
who is in charge of all things here while he is away.
She's not for you,
nor for any man's touching until his return.
And when he does return, it may well be
that he has his own ideas of what becomes of the maiden.
Tell me now,
are you bold enough to cross your father?
- So now, will you help me?
- L'll help you, sir, count on me.
- Yes, l'll help.
- Me, l will.
- That's the way l like to see you, lads!
(foreboding music)
Move it along like that!
Come across, cut across!
Oo on, show him, lad!
Put your back into it!
Come on, get in there!
Don't run away from it!
- You!
You with the fancy boots!
Don't you know how to use a sword befter than that?
- No.
Show me.
- You see, a sword
is three feet of tempered steel
with death dancing along every inch,
and hanging like a dark star
on the very point.
You don't wield it like a broomstick,
but so!
I was wrong.
You don't need any help from me!
L'll kill you.
L'll kill you!
- Oawain!
- Oawain, no!
- Oawain.
(gentle music)
- We'll see what kind of man you are.
Take him to the dungeons.
(ominous music)
- Another one for Oswald?
- Oh, this one's special.
He gets the personal attention, eh?
(chains s9ueaking)
- Does your mother know you do this for a living?
- You won't be laughing soon.
- Comfortable?
We're going to have
a liftle fun.
Just like before.
Only this time, l'm gonna win.
And you, what's left of you,
will crawl slowly away.
(wood creaking)
You can scream if you want to,
and we have plenty of time.
And the rack is amply long enough,
even for you.
I think.
- Baron Fortinbras, he's come back.
He's already in the war room.
He sends me to find you.
- So we must postpone our little game.
Don't touch him until l get back.
I don't want to miss anything!
No, no.
Oive him a rest.
He mustn't be tired for our next session.
- Don't waste your strength, my son.
Save it for killing the devils.
- My wandering friar.
- My young friend troubled with riddles.
- Sir Oawain at your service.
- Vosper.
A sadder, sorrier Vosper than the one you met last.
- Oh, l don't know.
I really didn't like your friends much last time.
And what are you doing here?
Baron Fortinbras didn't take kindly
to finding his gems gone.
And Ood help me,
he remembered a certain large friar
whose presence was not coincidental.
Now they have me here.
They have not yet found the stones.
They shall be my reward when l get out.
- Oet out?
I hope you paid for those.
- Dearly, my son.
- What's the plan?
- Brigades, advance!
Ouards, move up to the aftack!
- Masterly, masterly, simply masterly!
- Infantry up there!
Infantry up there!
- Father.
- Cannon fire decimating some of the cavalry.
- Father. - Advance, advance!
Not now, l'm playing!
And finally, finally,
l take the castle!
But, oh.
Oh, what appalling losses.
Particularly amongst our allies.
- Father, l wanted to--
- Not!
Not now, my son.
L'm hungry!
(upbeat music)
- Just don't tell me you had the key all along.
- (shushes) Let's go 9uietly, my son.
- And the churl had the impudence
to tell me that his arms were pledged to Bertilak!
I cut off his arms,
and l sent them to Bertilak.
- Father-- - Not now, Oswald.
You're spoiling my story.
(inspiring music)
- My lord.
Sir Bertilak and his retinue have entered for parleys!
They're already within the gates!
- Bid him enter.
(rats s9ueaking)
- Rats seem to like Fortinbras.
- You jump down first, my son.
Then l'll show you a way out of this accursed place.
- Come on, the sand'll break your fall.
Ouick, hide!
- Nah, nothing, only the rats.
- Ouick.
- [Oawain] lt seems a shame to deprive them
of such a feast as you.
- That's kind of you, my friend.
Come on, this way.
(inspiring music)
- Ah, Sir Bertilak!
We are indeed honored
by such a polished presence.
- I didn't come here to dally with you!
This ceaseless raiding into my western provinces must stop.
From this day forward, my people must live in peace!
- Your territory!
The lands are mine!
- Then it is war.
- Done.
- Sir Bertilak.
Perhaps there is another way to seftle our differences.
Wars, after all, are such a clumsy way to seftle anything.
And so costly.
- The last time l escaped from here, my son,
l was a slightly slimmer friar.
(grunting) - And lighter.
- Sergeant!
- Yeah, what do you want?
- Here, sergeant, we were wondering,
is that your boy out there working with the horses?
- Oet the sword.
(hammer clanging)
Oawain, are you all right?
- A bit taller.
Have you got everything?
The boat, the crossbow?
- Yes, we'll re9uisition it.
There's a crossbow.
Hold onto the rope.
- With Ood's help, my son.
- In exchange for this desolate wasteland,
we can offer a prize worth a dozen provinces.
It is a maiden so fair,
she would set even the silvery moon to shame.
(serene music)
(tense music)
(shouts in pain)
- [Vosper] Oawain!
- Hey!
- [Oawain] Come on, friar!
Well done, friar!
- Ood forgive me.
- He will, come on.
(suspenseful music)
- Oet up!
Oet up!
- Here, what's the password?
- Well...
- My son.
How's that for a password?
- [Humphrey] Oawain!
- You're drunk!
(Linet screaming)
- He's down there.
(Linet screaming)
- [Oreen Knight] where life is emptiness, gladness.
Where life was darkness, fire.
(coughing) (chafting)
- Oawain.
You must eat.
- Haltway through the riddle and nothing to live for.
L'm not going on, Humphrey.
Life wouldn't be the same without Linet.
- [Humphrey] But, Oawain.
- L'm leaving.
Don't try to follow me.
I have to go my own way now.
(inspiring music)
- No, don't.
Let him go.
- Soon, my friend, soon.
We, like life and death, both ride the night.
Like the full moon, are doomed by morning's light.
(birds chirping)
- [Oawain] lf anyone's up there, let me in!
Please let me in!
- L'm coming! - Let me in, l say!
Let me in! - Patience!
L'm coming, l'm coming!
Is it you who's calling?
Be off with you!
We have no truck with beggars at this court.
- L'm not a beggar, l'm a knight.
L've traveled far, and l demand to see your lord at once.
- You, a knight?
And you demand to see my lord, is it?
He's not so comical-minded as me.
He might not see the joke in it.
- Well, the joke will be mine
when l see you whipped for your insolence.
- Oh, very well.
L'll go and awake my lord.
(pig grunting)
- Hope this place is more real than Lyonesse.
(regal music)
- Open those shutters there.
- Forgive me for disturbing you.
I am Oawain, a knight of a noble court.
I have journeyed far and seek shelter.
- Fellow knight, you shall have what you seek,
nor shall you need leave here
until you are made fully well again.
- Am l dreaming?
Or is it really you, Linet?
- We are awake, and yet we dream on.
You l thought were lost.
- And l you.
- Sir Bertilak found me when l was in peril of my life.
Through the fire, he came to save me.
There had been so much horror.
And Oswald.
Sir Bertilak bought me out of my captivity.
So l was his, as his horse or his sword might be.
But he set me free, and told me l may stay or go,
as my heart bade me.
I chose to stay.
Like a sister might love a brother,
l came to love him, too.
(gentle music)
It is nothing.
Oet well.
Think only of that.
- This makes good seeing.
Linet must have tended you well,
for life is already coming back into you.
- My borrowed year is ended.
Tomorrow l ride out to meet the Oreen Knight.
But l'd hate to lose my head in this beautiful castle.
- Oawain, don't.
- I have to face it.
L've only solved two lines of the riddle.
- Two?
Look about you.
Isn't this all golden?
Where life is golden, sorrow.
And this is the sorrow.
(winch s9ueaking)
(rooster crowing)
(geese s9uawking)
Take this sash, and no evil will befall you.
- A remarkable man.
(inspiring music)
- You know where l ride.
- We knew the day.
- We have a score to seftle!
(ominous music)
- Who is this knight?
What 9uarrel have l with him?
- He is my champion!
He fights for me!
- Well, gentle friends, one last good fight.
(suspenseful music)
(horse snorting)
(horse whinnying)
- Caspar!
Shoot him in the back.
Wrong back, Caspar.
- Forward into battle!
Into the fray!
- [Vosper] Come on, lads!
- [Oawain] Oswald will be mine.
- [Vosper] Humphrey, behind you!
Oawain, Oawain, Oawain!
Look out, Oawain!
(horse whinnying)
- To the death, Oswald.
- [Vosper] Oot one more for the dung heap.
- Caspar!
Shoot him!
- Bowman, stop.
Leave the wretch to his miserable end.
It may be his last fight,
but at least let him fight it fairly.
(Oswald groaning)
- That's that score seftled.
- Take me away.
(wind howling)
- Now there's just our score to settle, Oawain.
We have an appointment at the Oreen Chapel
before the sun goes down.
Unless, of course, you've answered my riddle.
- I have found emptiness,
and fire, and sorrow,
but l have not found where life is lost, wisdom.
There is no wisdom in the killing l have done this day.
(dramatic music)
- Then you must pay your debt.
- Ood be with you, my son.
When my time comes, l'm afraid l won't be asking you
to join me in the place l'm going.
- When we set out on this 9uest, we were as children.
All that seems a lifetime away.
Now l know that you are a true knight.
Farewell, dear friend.
I salute you, Sir Oawain.
- And l. - And l, my friend.
- Come with me.
(foreboding music)
Welcome to my dwelling.
How time dies.
1 2 sweet, short months, and life is done.
(tense music)
Never fear, Oawain.
Clean and swift will be my blow.
Make yourself ready for your cut.
You who think yourself afraid of no man,
do you now dinch away from the ax?
Well, l didn't flinch away when you let dy with your blow,
but held as still as the grave.
Yet you tremble.
- Just get it over.
I was a fool to ever play your game.
But as l played it, let's bring it to an end.
Strike and be done.
You've had your cut.
The game is over.
- What?
You tell me when my game is over?
I make the rules, boy!
I make the rules!
Stay your sword.
The full circle of the year has turned.
Just as every green shoot of spring returns
at last to the earth from which it woke to life,
so return l.
(wind howling)
Now live on, Sir Oawain, live on.
- Where life is lost, wisdom.
(gentle music)
- I too live a borrowed year.
It began with your act of valor before the Oreen Knight,
and now it is at an end.
You were right, Oawain.
Love can bend fate.
Not only love, but courage, too.
Lyonesse, where no traveler had ever passed before,
l must return.
The moment is here now,
as l knew it would be when we first met.
- I will not leave you.
- You must, Sir Oawain.
Touch my cheek, but do not be afraid.
(inspiring music)
(serene music)
(inspiring music)
- Hey, Oawain, the king's armor.
That's the last that l shall ever make.
The last that he shall ever wear.
(gulls cawing)
(inspiring music)
- S9uires.
(dramatic music)
(regal music)
(whimsical music)
- The more sumptuous the feast,
the more it turns my stomach.
Take it away, take it all away!
Each yuletide, we celebrate the thickening of our bellies
and the softening of our muscles.
Has your valor ded entirely in these times of peace?
Is this the court whose knights were feared
throughout Christendom?
L'm bored.
Bored with you all!
We'll have no feasting yet.
We've drowned our knighthood in too much wine.
Not one drop more!
Not a morsel of bread until even one of you
proves that he's worthy of his spurs.
(gulls cawing)
- Oh, what's that?
(ominous music)
- What great feats have we to mark this year?
What tales of valor, what deeds of arms
enhance this crown that sits upon my head?
The old year limps to its grave, ashamed.
(ominous music)
I shall have some proof tonight
that knightliness still lives within these walls!
(hooves claftering)
(wind roaring) (screaming)
(dogs snarling)
(horse whinnying)
- Strange indeed.
A feast without food, and a court without a king.
- Strangers are welcome in this place,
but they must leave their insolence at the door.
And their horses.
- I come in peace, great king.
All l seek is good sport.
By the look of you, you haven't come here
to bob for apples.
My wager is you play a deadly game.
- Ah, the king is wise.
The game l bring is more in keeping with the season.
The year is old, and death smiles out
from behind this merry time.
- Our knights do lack for sport.
What is the game?
- My ax.
See it?
Feel it.
Oo on, feel it.
Sharp, isn't it?
As sharp as your appetite, sir?
The east wind is not its e9ual.
Is it as heavy as your conscience, sir?
Certainly truer than the ladies of this court.
Sirs, l offer you my only weapon.
Unarmed, l shall stand here before you all,
my neck bare.
My challenge is simple.
Let any man among you worthy of the deed
take up my ax and hack the head from off my shoulders.
Fear not, brave knights.
I shall not move, nor dinch,
nor seek to defend myself in any way.
I am ready for the blow.
But one blow, and no more.
And l have but one demand.
Afterwards, if the power is left to me,
l have the right to return the blow in like manner.
- If the power be left to him?
- Oh, come.
The sport is simple.
A cut for a cut,
and yours to be the first.
Who's going to deal me my blow?
Who's the jolly gambler to play my game?
Who shall lay his pride,
his prowess,
his courage on the line of my neck?
Come, great knights!
Champion your king!
Come on, gentlemen, l'm waiting.
My neck grows cold.
- I can remember a time
when l would have had 1 00 knights
begging the honor to be my champion.
Have we slipped so far?
Well, so be it.
If death is your resolve with this mad jest,
then, by heaven, you shall have it.
The king himself shall do the deed.
And may Ood have mercy on your soul when it is done.
- [Oawain] My liege!
- Oawain! (clamoring)
- My liege, give me the ax.
Let the cut be mine.
- Silence! - Peace.
I will have silence.
I see my earlier words now sadly proved.
A humble s9uire has set the seal on your shame.
Let him be s9uire no longer,
but my only true knight.
- [Humphrey] He is called Oawain, sire.
- Arise a knight, Sir Oawain.
(inspiring music)
Now the challenge is accepted.
Strike well, Oawain, you have but one blow.
Make it pay.
Your own neck would feel the weight of any second.
- The king speaks true.
(tense music)
- Sir knight.
It may be too late, once l've dealt my blow,
for you to tell us your name and your home.
- Such bold words.
You know of me all you have need to know.
Lay on.
Let the game begin.
(groaning) (shouting)
Come to me, my body.
(suspenseful music)
These young eyes have seen nothing of the world yet.
Shall l snuff out their light?
Shall these young lips grow cold
before they have tasted life
or touched a woman's cheek?
(suspenseful music)
(whirring) (gasping)
No, Oawain.
You shall not die yet to defend their lack of courage.
I came to challenge a man, not a beardless boy.
I give you a year's grace to grow your beard.
1 2 sweet, short months of life to do with as you will.
But when the seasons have come full circle,
we shall meet again, and you shall pay your debt to me.
(horse whinnies)
- [Oawain] ls there no hope for me beyond this?
Must l spend the year awaiting death at your hand?
- Only fools and priests do s9uander life
with thoughts of death.
So you would hope to cheat your fate, Oawain, hm?
Well, every man hopes that.
Especially the young.
L'll give you a riddle.
Mark it well, for if by the time we meet again
you have fully understood every line,
your life will be restored to you.
It has four lines.
Mark them all well.
Where life is emptiness, gladness.
Where life is darkness, fire.
Where life is golden, sorrow.
Where life is lost, wisdom.
- But how do l know where to find you?
- Never fear, Sir Oawain.
If you do not find me, l will most assuredly find you.
(tense music)
Hya, ha! (horse whinnying)
(wind roaring)
- Sir Oawain, my helmet.
You have restored honor to this court.
May others take heart from your example.
And may my own armor and the Lord
protect you on your 9uest.
Let the feast begin!
- I don't think l'm hungry.
(dramatic music)
Take your last look, Humphrey.
(gulls cawing)
Now, there's just one thing they forgot to tell me
in my swift initiation into knighthood.
- Oh, yes?
- How the hell do l relieve myself in this tin suit?
- What no lost knight should be without.
- Oh, you don't know how happy l am to see that.
Anyway, which way do we go?
- West.
Due west.
- [Oawain] why due west?
- 'Cause that's the way the wind's blowing.
- What difference does that make?
- Absolutely none at all.
(uplifting music)
- L'm starving, what food have we got?
- None.
Noble knights are supposed to hunt for it.
Or re9uisition it.
- Catch it or steal it.
Now that's what l call chivalry.
- Look.
(ominous music)
- Let's do the noble thing.
Ouick, raise your bow, Humphrey.
- [Humphrey] But you can't kill a unicorn!
- Then what are we doing? (horse screeching)
- It's magical.
It's a sign of good luck.
- Precisely.
Oood luck that we've found something to eat.
- But it tastes like horse meat.
- No, magical, you said.
That means it'll taste good.
Come on.
(thudding) (yelping)
It wants to make us earn our supper.
Let's just keep it in sight.
- I see why they use hounds.
- There's my beauty.
Now it's ours.
- What the...
- well.
That tasted really magical.
Steady, boy.
- [Oawain] where did that come from, hm?
- I didn't see that before.
(eerie music)
- [Oawain] ls anybody there?
- Have a look inside.
- I could do with a rest.
- Empty.
I could do with some food and some wine.
Then l could do with some--
- Speak no more, Humphrey.
Happy to serve my s9uire.
- Happy to be your butler, sire.
- This table's gefting the befter of me.
- Well it's not getting the befter of me.
You know, this place has some very costly furnishings.
I mean, who do-- - True.
They are costly.
Please, gentlemen, continue your splendid feast.
Whatever l have is yours.
Just so long as you both can pay.
Nothing in life is free, young man.
For such a feast, a purse of money is fair recompense
for what you want just when you want it.
- Beware.
She is the devil's decoy.
- Am l not fair?
- What you'll have is my dagger if this is a trap.
- A noble knight indeed, who would steal his supper.
- Re9uisition.
- Isn't this knight a riddle?
And so sure of himself.
One would think he knew all the answers.
- L'm on a 9uest to solve a riddle.
- The first line of which is,
where life is gladness, emptiness?
- You know it?
Tell me, please.
- (chuckles) why are you in such a hurry?
The riddle is easy.
Remain with me now, and we'll solve it in a night.
- But where will l tell Humphrey to meet me in the morning?
- On the way to Lyonesse.
- Lyonesse?
How do l find that?
- You will ride through the forest and beyond
to the shore of the sea.
Then you will come upon the Chapel of a Hundred Steps.
(dramatic music)
- A lot of animals seem to have died here.
- [Morgan] At the foot of the steps, you will find chained
to an old post a great trumpet.
- [Humphrey] And what do l do then?
- [Morgan] You must blow upon it.
- [Humphrey] And after that?
- [Morgan] You'll see.
(horn blasting)
- Try again.
(horn blasting)
- Ouiet, isn't it?
- Too 9uiet.
(cracking) (booming)
- [Ouardian] who calls the guardian of Lyonesse?
- He doesn't seem very friendly.
L'm Sir Oawain!
I seek to enter Lyonesse!
- [Ouardian] No man may enter Lyonesse,
nor go back once he has sounded the great trumpet.
- What do you expect me to do?
- [Ouardian] Be killed by the guardian of Lyonesse,
like all the others.
- Come on.
(horse whinnies)
Sir, if you have 9uarrel with me,
then we fight fairly.
Sir, are you running, or do we fight?
- [Ouardian] Ah, we fight. (laughing)
- Oawain.
The king's armor.
You know it's only ceremonial.
He hadn't fought in years, it's not heavy plate.
- [Oawain] You mean like the black knight's?
- But you'll be lighter on your feet.
- Oreat, if he asked me to dance.
- [Ouardian] Your challenge is accepted!
(suspenseful music)
- L'll get the horse. - There's no time, Humphrey!
L'll stand and fight.
- [Humphrey] Oawain, Oawain!
- [Oawain] Humphrey, my mace and chain.
- Mount up 9uickly. - No time.
- [Humphrey] whoa.
- [Oawain] Humphrey!
My hand's stuck!
Help me!
Humphrey, get me the lance.
- Here.
Yeah! (groaning)
- [Oawain] Now it's his turn.
Oet my sword.
- Here, after him.
Sir knight, let it not be said l have not been chivalrous.
Now that's just dirty.
(shouting in pain)
- Wait!
- Is he dead? - l think so.
You won't like this, sir knight.
- But do it, and be swift.
L'm dying.
Take me back, will you?
- To Lyonesse?
- To Lyonesse.
(foreboding music)
- Humphrey?
Humphrey, where are you?
(chaftering) (bells tolling)
- Oood people of Lyonesse,
your guardian is dying.
(ominous music)
And in my last act as your defender,
l bring you my murderer.
Kill him!
- No!
(serene music)
- Take this ring, 9uickly, the stone inside your hand.
So long as you hide the stone, it will hide you.
Come on, take the ring, 9uickly!
- [Oawain] Thank you.
- Follow me.
Here. Sit down here.
Just uncover the stone.
L've always known that one day you would come.
L've always known that
once within these walls,
you would be in sore peril of your life,
and l must use my ring to save you.
- And then?
- Oawain, don't you know what land this is you've entered?
- Lyonesse.
- The lost land of Lyonesse.
No kingdom of your world, for Lyonesse is lost.
Lost in the wilderness of past dreams and ages yet to come.
- This isn't such a bad place to be lost.
- You're tired, and you must rest.
- No, just a moment.
(serene music)
Was that a dream?
Linet, where are you?
- A fool?
You dare call your mistress a fool?
- But the entry to Lyonesse must not be left undefended.
I meant only that we must find a new guardian.
- My lord was the greatest and bravest warrior
that ever lived, and now he's dead.
There is no man his e9ual.
- There's got to be one.
(serene music)
- [Ouard] l hear the guardian's dead.
Ouardian's dead.
- Your husband was a mighty champion.
But surely the one who overthrew him
was, and is, even mightier.
- I will not listen to you!
Your words are treason.
- Please hear me out, l beg you.
We must seek out this knight who slew your husband.
The kingdom must have a guardian.
- L'm beginning to understand now.
Yes, l see it clearly now.
That's why the knight has not been found.
You're hiding him, aren't you?
Admit it! - No!
Oh, you do not understand.
- [Lady Of Lyonesse] l will have this pretty head
of yours for this!
(inspiring music)
- I am the knight you seek!
For her sake, l submit myself to your mercy.
- Withdraw!
All is well here.
- I fought your lord fairly.
I only wanted to enter Lyonesse.
- I believe you mean what you say.
He is indeed a noble youth, huh?
- Yes, l think he is.
- Yes.
Powerful shoulders.
A bit long in the dank, but well put together for all that.
There is good breeding here.
I wonder if his teeth are sound.
Spirited, too.
I like a touch of fire in man, or beast.
Forgive me, child, l misjudged your purpose.
I understand now that you sheltered this valiant knight
for the highest of motives,
the welfare of our land of Lyonesse.
Yes, of course.
Who better to be the new guardian of the kingdom?
After all, he has already proved himself in battle.
And by the look of him, l can see him bring the same fire
to the guardian's other duties.
I will call a meeting of the royal council tonight,
and then summon my bishops.
(bell tolling)
As soon as my lord is buried.
- My lady.
Forgive me for having broken into your mourning
with my plans for Oawain.
- Mourning?
Why should l mourn?
My husband was a terrible man.
From our wedding night, he turned to a most cruel tyrant.
And the drinking!
And the wenching!
If only you could know how much l suffered
all these years.
But now everything will be different.
There will be a new champion to protect the kingdom
and be my husband.
(dramatic music)
- Sweet mother of Ood.
What have l done?
I just wanted you to stay in Lyonesse.
But all l've done is harm.
For now you must go.
- [Oawain] You don't want to come with me?
- I do, but as l knew l must save you,
so l know now l must lose you again.
Not even the magic in my ring can alter this.
- Listen to me, Linet.
We have love, and that's stronger than magic.
Only love can bend fate.
And l love you.
- And l love you.
L've always loved you.
(serene music)
(bell tolling)
(clanging) (yelps)
(horse whinnying) - l think they want you
to stay! (clamoring)
(suspenseful music)
- Ouickly!
- This way.
Keep back!
Linet! - Orab her, come on!
- (gasping) No!
- [Oawain] Linet!
- [Linet] Help!
- [Oawain] l'll be with you!
- Let go, no!
Let go!
- After them! - ln there.
(dramatic music)
Stay there!
- Break it down! (grunting)
- [Oawain] Come on!
- [Ouard] Come on, break it!
- They...
They shall not leave the kingdom alive!
- Hey!
- There is the tower.
L'm sure they won't find us.
Follow me.
- They're over there! - Another one?
(ominous music)
- Oawain, help!
Where are you taking me?
- To your execution.
- Father!
Father, help me.
Please. - Take her away!
- Linet!
Linet, where are you?
- [Ouard] There he is!
- [Oawain] wait for it.
- Oawain! - Linet!
Let's go!
Join your friends!
- Follow them!
(tense music)
- There they are.
Ouick, after them!
- Here we go again.
We haven't lost them.
There's no escape, it's a dead end.
- My love, take the ring.
Ooodbye, Oawain, goodbye.
(wind howling)
- Linet?
- Morgan!
Stop your meddling.
- Meddling?
I was only having a little fun.
- You know Oawain and Linet weren't to meet yet.
Oive him back.
You're spoiling my game.
- And if l give him back,
what will you give me in return?
- You have interfered with my game
with your black deeds and trickery,
and now you dare to bargain with me?
No one bargains with the Oreen Knight!
No one!
- Hmm.
Ouite impressive.
But stay with me tonight and show me some befter tricks.
- Well, we'll see.
- [Oawain] Linet?
- Now where is the brave young knight
who so readily accepted my challenge?
- What?
- The year half over, and still no answers to my riddle.
- It's impossible!
- Of course it is.
The more you cheat, the harder it becomes.
- Cheat?
What do you mean?
- You're not playing my game, Oawain.
You have a ring, and it does not belong to you.
- But Linet gave it to me!
(wind howling)
You shall not have it!
- Where life is gladness, emptiness!
(foreboding music)
- Hey, stop!
- You won't get much out of them, young man.
They've taken a vow of silence.
I do most of the talking for them
as we wander around the land.
- But where are we?
Is this near Lyonesse?
- Lyonesse?
My dear friend, nowhere is near this forsaken place.
- Then she is gone, and l'm lost.
It was gladness, now emptiness.
- You speak in riddles.
- L'm trying to solve one.
- Come, tell me about it, l beg you.
These brothers are boring company.
Day after day, not so much as a belch or a fart.
L'll catch them up.
- Oood friar, you seem a wise fellow.
What do you know of riddles?
- Ha, wise?
Don't let these robes fool you.
L've been everything from a hopeless juggler
to a rather accomplished pick-pocket.
But now l am too fat to run fast enough.
And who would think, under my habit,
l have that very fine ring you had in your pocket.
- You what?
- It's in the blood.
I can't stop myself.
You see these?
I relieved a certain Baron Fortinbras of their weight.
Nice, aren't they?
But really, riddles l can't do.
I can't even do hopscotch right.
But l didn't say l couldn't help you.
A few miles back, we passed the track
leading to the Rock of wisdom.
Tell the sage there your riddle.
- Thank you, friar.
- You'll need this.
- In exchange for these?
(whimsical music)
- [Tiny Man] what do you want?
- L've come to see the sage.
- L'm afraid the sage is busy.
Maybe another day.
- Oh, really?
- All right, all right.
Maybe he's not that busy.
Come on.
- What are you doing here?
- Are you the sage?
- Well, l've been called worse.
- L'm trying to solve a riddle.
- Riddles?
All l ever hear is riddles.
I know all about your riddle, Sir Oawain.
All about it.
I can't be expected to keep my eye on everybody.
Pass me the boftle of hedgehog's spit, would you?
L'm not a nursemaid, you know.
The green one.
That's it.
This is a terrible setback.
- I don't understand.
- You're not playing the game.
The Oreen Knight's game.
- You know about the Oreen Knight?
- Hm, of course l do.
- What do you know of Linet?
- All l know about Linet
is you're supposed to leave Lyonesse with her.
- I tried.
The castle just sort of left me.
- Hm, where did you get that ring?
- Linet gave it to me.
- You realize what you've done, Oawain?
You're free.
You're out of the game.
This is most irregular.
- Oet me back.
- Back?
- Oet me back to Linet.
- You realize if l get you back,
if you return the ring, you must play the game.
You must stick to the rules.
Otherwise l can't help you.
- L'm lost without her.
- So be it.
are you prepared for all the journey entails?
- [Oawain] Yes, l am.
- Remember the game.
Remember the game.
Remember the game.
Remember the game.
(thunder cracks)
(suspenseful music)
- Oawain!
Fighting shadows of the night?
- [Sage] Back to Lyonesse you go, Oawain.
Back to Lyonesse we go, Oawain.
(serene music)
- My lady.
- L'm cold.
- L'll get some wood.
L'll make you a fire.
- Oawain!
Where have you been?
What happened to you?
I tried to follow you, you just seemed to disappear!
(rhythmic drum pounding)
(ominous music)
- A maiden.
L'll have her.
- But don't taint the goods, Oswald.
She should be worth a prefty, a very prefty ransom.
- [Linet] Help!
- And next you'll be telling me
she's been waiting for just you all these ages.
- L'll tell you, she is the most beautiful creature.
(Linet screaming)
- Hey!
(suspenseful music)
- Don't be a fool!
There's at least 1 0 of them, probably more nearby.
Whoa, boy, whoa.
Charming place.
(ominous music)
What do you think?
- [Oawain] Now how do we get in there?
(rhythmic drum pounding)
- We'll walk in.
- [Oswald] Are those knaves the best you could find?
- They were the only ones fit enough, my lord!
- Then they'll have to do.
Stand proud!
For today you have joined the army
of his most exalted highness, the Baron Fortinbras!
- We'll rescue Linet and get paid.
- [Humphrey] Hope she can swim.
- Ouiet, you!
Or l'll silence you forever!
(suspenseful music)
- She's mine.
I claim her by right.
- By right of being the baron's son?
- No, by con9ueror's right.
I took her.
There's nothing more need be said.
- Do not forget that it is l, your father's seneschal,
who is in charge of all things here while he is away.
She's not for you,
nor for any man's touching until his return.
And when he does return, it may well be
that he has his own ideas of what becomes of the maiden.
Tell me now,
are you bold enough to cross your father?
- So now, will you help me?
- L'll help you, sir, count on me.
- Yes, l'll help.
- Me, l will.
- That's the way l like to see you, lads!
(foreboding music)
Move it along like that!
Come across, cut across!
Oo on, show him, lad!
Put your back into it!
Come on, get in there!
Don't run away from it!
- You!
You with the fancy boots!
Don't you know how to use a sword befter than that?
- No.
Show me.
- You see, a sword
is three feet of tempered steel
with death dancing along every inch,
and hanging like a dark star
on the very point.
You don't wield it like a broomstick,
but so!
I was wrong.
You don't need any help from me!
L'll kill you.
L'll kill you!
- Oawain!
- Oawain, no!
- Oawain.
(gentle music)
- We'll see what kind of man you are.
Take him to the dungeons.
(ominous music)
- Another one for Oswald?
- Oh, this one's special.
He gets the personal attention, eh?
(chains s9ueaking)
- Does your mother know you do this for a living?
- You won't be laughing soon.
- Comfortable?
We're going to have
a liftle fun.
Just like before.
Only this time, l'm gonna win.
And you, what's left of you,
will crawl slowly away.
(wood creaking)
You can scream if you want to,
and we have plenty of time.
And the rack is amply long enough,
even for you.
I think.
- Baron Fortinbras, he's come back.
He's already in the war room.
He sends me to find you.
- So we must postpone our little game.
Don't touch him until l get back.
I don't want to miss anything!
No, no.
Oive him a rest.
He mustn't be tired for our next session.
- Don't waste your strength, my son.
Save it for killing the devils.
- My wandering friar.
- My young friend troubled with riddles.
- Sir Oawain at your service.
- Vosper.
A sadder, sorrier Vosper than the one you met last.
- Oh, l don't know.
I really didn't like your friends much last time.
And what are you doing here?
Baron Fortinbras didn't take kindly
to finding his gems gone.
And Ood help me,
he remembered a certain large friar
whose presence was not coincidental.
Now they have me here.
They have not yet found the stones.
They shall be my reward when l get out.
- Oet out?
I hope you paid for those.
- Dearly, my son.
- What's the plan?
- Brigades, advance!
Ouards, move up to the aftack!
- Masterly, masterly, simply masterly!
- Infantry up there!
Infantry up there!
- Father.
- Cannon fire decimating some of the cavalry.
- Father. - Advance, advance!
Not now, l'm playing!
And finally, finally,
l take the castle!
But, oh.
Oh, what appalling losses.
Particularly amongst our allies.
- Father, l wanted to--
- Not!
Not now, my son.
L'm hungry!
(upbeat music)
- Just don't tell me you had the key all along.
- (shushes) Let's go 9uietly, my son.
- And the churl had the impudence
to tell me that his arms were pledged to Bertilak!
I cut off his arms,
and l sent them to Bertilak.
- Father-- - Not now, Oswald.
You're spoiling my story.
(inspiring music)
- My lord.
Sir Bertilak and his retinue have entered for parleys!
They're already within the gates!
- Bid him enter.
(rats s9ueaking)
- Rats seem to like Fortinbras.
- You jump down first, my son.
Then l'll show you a way out of this accursed place.
- Come on, the sand'll break your fall.
Ouick, hide!
- Nah, nothing, only the rats.
- Ouick.
- [Oawain] lt seems a shame to deprive them
of such a feast as you.
- That's kind of you, my friend.
Come on, this way.
(inspiring music)
- Ah, Sir Bertilak!
We are indeed honored
by such a polished presence.
- I didn't come here to dally with you!
This ceaseless raiding into my western provinces must stop.
From this day forward, my people must live in peace!
- Your territory!
The lands are mine!
- Then it is war.
- Done.
- Sir Bertilak.
Perhaps there is another way to seftle our differences.
Wars, after all, are such a clumsy way to seftle anything.
And so costly.
- The last time l escaped from here, my son,
l was a slightly slimmer friar.
(grunting) - And lighter.
- Sergeant!
- Yeah, what do you want?
- Here, sergeant, we were wondering,
is that your boy out there working with the horses?
- Oet the sword.
(hammer clanging)
Oawain, are you all right?
- A bit taller.
Have you got everything?
The boat, the crossbow?
- Yes, we'll re9uisition it.
There's a crossbow.
Hold onto the rope.
- With Ood's help, my son.
- In exchange for this desolate wasteland,
we can offer a prize worth a dozen provinces.
It is a maiden so fair,
she would set even the silvery moon to shame.
(serene music)
(tense music)
(shouts in pain)
- [Vosper] Oawain!
- Hey!
- [Oawain] Come on, friar!
Well done, friar!
- Ood forgive me.
- He will, come on.
(suspenseful music)
- Oet up!
Oet up!
- Here, what's the password?
- Well...
- My son.
How's that for a password?
- [Humphrey] Oawain!
- You're drunk!
(Linet screaming)
- He's down there.
(Linet screaming)
- [Oreen Knight] where life is emptiness, gladness.
Where life was darkness, fire.
(coughing) (chafting)
- Oawain.
You must eat.
- Haltway through the riddle and nothing to live for.
L'm not going on, Humphrey.
Life wouldn't be the same without Linet.
- [Humphrey] But, Oawain.
- L'm leaving.
Don't try to follow me.
I have to go my own way now.
(inspiring music)
- No, don't.
Let him go.
- Soon, my friend, soon.
We, like life and death, both ride the night.
Like the full moon, are doomed by morning's light.
(birds chirping)
- [Oawain] lf anyone's up there, let me in!
Please let me in!
- L'm coming! - Let me in, l say!
Let me in! - Patience!
L'm coming, l'm coming!
Is it you who's calling?
Be off with you!
We have no truck with beggars at this court.
- L'm not a beggar, l'm a knight.
L've traveled far, and l demand to see your lord at once.
- You, a knight?
And you demand to see my lord, is it?
He's not so comical-minded as me.
He might not see the joke in it.
- Well, the joke will be mine
when l see you whipped for your insolence.
- Oh, very well.
L'll go and awake my lord.
(pig grunting)
- Hope this place is more real than Lyonesse.
(regal music)
- Open those shutters there.
- Forgive me for disturbing you.
I am Oawain, a knight of a noble court.
I have journeyed far and seek shelter.
- Fellow knight, you shall have what you seek,
nor shall you need leave here
until you are made fully well again.
- Am l dreaming?
Or is it really you, Linet?
- We are awake, and yet we dream on.
You l thought were lost.
- And l you.
- Sir Bertilak found me when l was in peril of my life.
Through the fire, he came to save me.
There had been so much horror.
And Oswald.
Sir Bertilak bought me out of my captivity.
So l was his, as his horse or his sword might be.
But he set me free, and told me l may stay or go,
as my heart bade me.
I chose to stay.
Like a sister might love a brother,
l came to love him, too.
(gentle music)
It is nothing.
Oet well.
Think only of that.
- This makes good seeing.
Linet must have tended you well,
for life is already coming back into you.
- My borrowed year is ended.
Tomorrow l ride out to meet the Oreen Knight.
But l'd hate to lose my head in this beautiful castle.
- Oawain, don't.
- I have to face it.
L've only solved two lines of the riddle.
- Two?
Look about you.
Isn't this all golden?
Where life is golden, sorrow.
And this is the sorrow.
(winch s9ueaking)
(rooster crowing)
(geese s9uawking)
Take this sash, and no evil will befall you.
- A remarkable man.
(inspiring music)
- You know where l ride.
- We knew the day.
- We have a score to seftle!
(ominous music)
- Who is this knight?
What 9uarrel have l with him?
- He is my champion!
He fights for me!
- Well, gentle friends, one last good fight.
(suspenseful music)
(horse snorting)
(horse whinnying)
- Caspar!
Shoot him in the back.
Wrong back, Caspar.
- Forward into battle!
Into the fray!
- [Vosper] Come on, lads!
- [Oawain] Oswald will be mine.
- [Vosper] Humphrey, behind you!
Oawain, Oawain, Oawain!
Look out, Oawain!
(horse whinnying)
- To the death, Oswald.
- [Vosper] Oot one more for the dung heap.
- Caspar!
Shoot him!
- Bowman, stop.
Leave the wretch to his miserable end.
It may be his last fight,
but at least let him fight it fairly.
(Oswald groaning)
- That's that score seftled.
- Take me away.
(wind howling)
- Now there's just our score to settle, Oawain.
We have an appointment at the Oreen Chapel
before the sun goes down.
Unless, of course, you've answered my riddle.
- I have found emptiness,
and fire, and sorrow,
but l have not found where life is lost, wisdom.
There is no wisdom in the killing l have done this day.
(dramatic music)
- Then you must pay your debt.
- Ood be with you, my son.
When my time comes, l'm afraid l won't be asking you
to join me in the place l'm going.
- When we set out on this 9uest, we were as children.
All that seems a lifetime away.
Now l know that you are a true knight.
Farewell, dear friend.
I salute you, Sir Oawain.
- And l. - And l, my friend.
- Come with me.
(foreboding music)
Welcome to my dwelling.
How time dies.
1 2 sweet, short months, and life is done.
(tense music)
Never fear, Oawain.
Clean and swift will be my blow.
Make yourself ready for your cut.
You who think yourself afraid of no man,
do you now dinch away from the ax?
Well, l didn't flinch away when you let dy with your blow,
but held as still as the grave.
Yet you tremble.
- Just get it over.
I was a fool to ever play your game.
But as l played it, let's bring it to an end.
Strike and be done.
You've had your cut.
The game is over.
- What?
You tell me when my game is over?
I make the rules, boy!
I make the rules!
Stay your sword.
The full circle of the year has turned.
Just as every green shoot of spring returns
at last to the earth from which it woke to life,
so return l.
(wind howling)
Now live on, Sir Oawain, live on.
- Where life is lost, wisdom.
(gentle music)
- I too live a borrowed year.
It began with your act of valor before the Oreen Knight,
and now it is at an end.
You were right, Oawain.
Love can bend fate.
Not only love, but courage, too.
Lyonesse, where no traveler had ever passed before,
l must return.
The moment is here now,
as l knew it would be when we first met.
- I will not leave you.
- You must, Sir Oawain.
Touch my cheek, but do not be afraid.
(inspiring music)
(serene music)