Sword of Lancelot (1963) - full transcript
Lancelot is King Arthur's most valued Knight of the Round Table and a paragon of courage and virtue. Things change, however, when he falls in love with Queen Guinevere.
I to do Detailers during the colors of
where is Lancelot who where is that
Frenchman or was he not cold Lisa I have
just passed his chamber and I fear he's
stricken with some terrible plane
compendious for the love of God speak up
Gawain what do you mean
sire I saw him standing stripped to the
buff in a stone base and scrubbing
himself madly as though to wash it all
away wash what away get to the point the
plague sire he was covered with a vile
whitish foam like the sweaty ladder of a
hard ridden horse I dared not speak to
him but honeyed here to tell you all
perhaps my lord Merlin knows the ailment
and has some sovereign remedy Oh Sir
Lancelot is my friend hold
Stanback Lancelot come no nearer Messiah
die I do not understand what in the name
of heaven I saw you in the grips of some
terrible malady white foamy stuff was
coming out of your skin I thought you
had the plague the plague
Gepetto sire but what do we saw was only
the foam from a new substance good
wizard Merlin gave me to hand in bathing
and say we are you brought to me by a
friar from Saxony it is called soap to
be let in Seto it would be a plague I
hope it spreads among all the unwashed
in Brita what a dainty Court we shall
have the ladies all like sweet little
roses the men all brightened shining
like our dear Lancelot your majesty
I have a rhyme to Lancelot the fragrant
Knight of Camelot he meets his foes and
smacks the probe with nothing but he
sent alone
sit out another bowl and taken as by now
you all know a messenger night has
arrived from King Leo Doran of Camellia
I see by your faces you already know
what is in my heart yes
I asked Leo de gran for the hand of his
daughter gwynevere in a marriage that
would unite our kingdoms in love and
brotherhood those of you who have seen
her can understand my passion and dreams
so I wish to receive his night at our
table round to break bread with us and
to show him the full measure of our
hospitality the majesty here's a
messenger night from camellia sir hey
what's the name sir toes serve our name
is toes surname is hard you may approach
the toes to kiss our hand and join us at
our board as the honoured messenger of a
noble King my kingly master taught me
not to kneel until the matter is settled
it is future claim to royalty dance the
jerking booth the son of Britain's right
my fire she's a mere boy Man's armor or
being his reach Lord Lancelot is right
let him be and give him food and drink
my master did not forbid me to eat and
drink I thank you my lord
here's the scroll we will read your
discourteous masters words and bear you
no ill will now read it aloud to so that
all may hear yes sire Arturo I say no
minato radio in English Roger not for
the benefit of those who have no Levin
yes I he says that he says that after
receiving his message you will
undoubtedly consider the matter of going
to war with him but suggests that rather
than kill off hundreds of good men on
both sides he proposes to settle both
questions your right to England's throne
and your request for his daughter's hand
in marriage by the honored method of
trial by combat
it is hearing our God let your chosen
champion return with my messenger night
he says accompanied only by his squire
and grooms we will treat him fairly and
matching in the lists with our own Sir
George a converse are a champion true
enough your daughter
he fought bound against the hounds we
never met him but all of us were anxious
to try them out we done Lancelot is this
trial to be to the death or a me run
horsing to the death sire from his
wording the other guy says should our
hour all night survived he will send him
back to you with his scepter and his
daughter as tokens of his fealty and
devotion to our unified cause Simon
cries the Lancelot my champion
Thomas Thomas now she has exchanged out
in terms of customers I truly
your charger is ready son I'd have made
sure of every strap my thanks our toes
it is the least I can do is your
official second
have you chosen which weapon to carry on
your person the axe a drink before we
helmet you know thanks but cooler
tankard for me to be fiercely working
the Sun would I be disloyal to my king
to say I hope you live to drink it God
willing will down it together take him
to the mounting stand it begins
pursuant to a chance given and accepted
the doll exact night of Camellia odd and
felons elope knight of Camelot will say
in its final by combat to determine
certain matters of controversy between
his gracious Majesty Liotta grand king
of chameleons and one author calling
himself king of all britain the combat
shall be to the death with for weapons
of war shortened lance great sword
battle axe and me so door jack well you
know what we have at stake in this audio
our sovereignty as well as my beloved
daughter spare no effort nor cunning
ruse in this encounter no man has ever
run horse me your majesty nor shall this
Sir Lancelot we pray it shall be so
not to user perhaps lechon said that I
am Lawrence my king I have no doubt of
that loyalty is proven law by action
that I words
now don't you go
is you or the trial by combat is
resolved on live Arthur King all Britain
and in patrol the princess curvier
future Queen of all Ritter then in rapid
succession we thought and defeated
ailment of Wales Claudius and Clarence
of Northumberland in latter Berkeley ran
the chorus of lettin go bogan on doofus
I'm sorry if the subject bores you
oh not bored tonight just weary of the
I hope I'm used to riding are you right
like a boy my father raised me like one
having no son I've always written to the
hunt and for pleasure but this long slow
journey is another matter there's a
clear pool not very deep where we will
make our camp you swim like a boy as
hi but in the water I may look less like
one Vivian let's get right claw I should
be calm when I come out I have money
Emily oh that won't be enough another
site and my crowd
suits mattress that summer melons magic
melody cause it's so very cleansing and
soothing to the skin
liquor Sania use it freely for watch all
your sins away joy peace it makes when
feels just not some magic some kind of
Tom or witchcraft we've heard such tales
of this Merlin but is a love Philter
between a week and the passion of your
loved one when mixed with a strong dose
of kisses and embraces and briefs
bestows together
stop making mock of me give you no clock
I see no booster randomly no nuns on
your green
no cream yet they are pretty brats who
needs it again here milady
I hope you've managed to keep warm you
have arrived in time for the rescue lady
V I was about to give you a lady second
I will leave this with you they say love
good but not good enough remains to be
seen a gold piece gold be larger latest
is good news
Sir Lancelot has vanquished the door
Jack and his today's journey behind with
the princes Guinevere I'm mr. way to the
king where the news gathers free-choice
crystals are not I for my long
Tereshkova being my father's heir will
perish this young bride beds of a child
then I should be merely
an illegitimate son and I claim to the
throne will vanish like a dream unless I
strike like an arrow
so is it as Vegas so much just to kill
one woman flu is she
you talk too much now too many questions
on your gold hold your tongue
I saw the cream of metal in the woods
make no sign and stay behind me
doors bring about she sweetly
do not stop to think doors hi
I owe my life
and I owe you mine fair exchange
yours is equally dear to me if you had
been killed I would not have wanted to
live my lady my lady let us say no more
lest we lose all that we honour in life
do you value honor above all else I must
my lady and so must you
what poor child
what she might have been killed and you
told my good Lancelot this island of
ours needs a scrubbing and a scouring to
rid it of these perman these brigands
now that I'm king of all Britain I shall
bring order and law to our land
I thought poor child why she must have
been in mortal terror a mere child to be
in the midst of such carnage and in
terror yes sire but helpless no she got
one villain down herself as good in
truest rock as I have ever seen d she
did she the less has spirit then to be a
queen and the mother of Kings ah but how
long can it take a woman to change her
gown doubtless she wishes to be at her
best when you first see you sire bathed
and refreshed and fragrant you're right
I must not be so impatient laugh if you
will but I'm all aquiver my palms a wit
my heart pounds it might help sire to
remember that you are the bridegroom not
the bride you're right Lancelot I must
not be so Maiden ha ha ha
tell me my good friend Lancelot did she
speak of me on the journey hither
I never the marriage is he content to be
my bride
sire there's nothing she wishes more
than to be your queen she said that no
soft words Lancelot the truth now sire
the truth in almost those very words oh
god a good beginning then she's
beautiful is she not Lancelot
exceedingly as I recall your memory
serves you well sire ty want to make her
happy I want to make her happy and you
will make her happy sire what maid would
not leap to be in her place
she will know as I do as do all your
familiars no King Lear man no manlier
King leaves on this earth how would she
not be up I thank you my dear good and
true friend and thanks again for this
happiness which you have one for me
sire any one of your Knights but would
they have one ah where is the winch how
much of a woman is that a bathing gown
and cover with scent Y&R may could
prepare for battle in hardened attack
first I sit here I think a year coming
with melon
your majesty the princess Guinevere our
welcome to Camelot My dear Guinevere
it's time to take to the next position
you know what it is that's good I don't
your majesty all is in readiness so a
mother I have been for a week every
bridegroom please we are united state
can proceed to out
your highness will you please take Sir
Lancelot arm and proceed to the altar at
the next comfort all
the moment is here yes my lady you
should be the proudest and happiest maid
in old Britain
and as for happiness hot-hot save me
from what my lady
myself from this this is what you wanted
to be queen of all Britain what I had
wanted not by heart the King loves you
say the word I'll stop office by
swooning in your arms there is no word
say that you wish it were you waiting
there funny before it's too late it is
too late now your majesty
benedicat vos omnipotens Deus Pater et
filius et spiritus sancti
come another tanker to meet with me my
head is going round I've had two already
- already what - thinking man you are
before the evening is out you must have
at least two more everyone knows
tonight and everyone is very happy
silence a lot you know our new friends
of late adversaries office and brand
agura's yes office here still wears the
scars who gave him Atlanta ball I
remember the wound you very nicely too
bad better thought you next time it's or
infringe our patient sees the things
like our alte trust him with his life
and with his wife children kill them
Dylan replies with theatrics of me the
court is all gone
unless sir lamorak has finished it
already odds fish Lancelot I've just
pink goblets with a dozen knights whose
throat I saw the cut a year ago
civil that still needs slitting edek
Apollo Apollo I said beautiful and
touching celebration I moved to remove
it cooking up a late in life took
himself a youthful wife a baby boy is
the rule they say when November weds
with May
a royal prince to claim the rule while
other hopefuls play the fool only a fool
would take you for one my lord
how about your devotion yes yes there's
no Manitoba for
you and I can go far if we guide artist
Ivan with a strong hand I do not believe
that my fate has been altered by and my
father's often I will been right break
it if need be but I will not allow that
which is mine which has been a constant
goal of my life to be snatched from my
I think his whom sire nothing more could
Lancelot take her to her chambers Merlin
come with me let nobody be disturbed
Her Majesty has merely swooned as what
may might not on such a day and the
merriment continue and let me forget now
that I am a king and remember only that
I am a bridegroom
what happened to me you fainted
I can't we do now now it's all over
oh not that
what might have been what
you're celebrating manslaughters if this
were your wedding day really celebrating
because it isn't rusty work carrying
lovely young rides up stairways to bed
chambers letting come I'll click tankard
again G dangling time to whole pregnancy
pad flooded offers all table put up that
fuckin before I tear you apart my hellos
fall look to yourself Lancelot if we
meet at the midsummer Tony all my
friends do further faces this is a night
for celebration to the king to the Queen
but my dear husband why can't i I'd
written till the house it's a little
and camellia and many ladies of the
court join the hunt
he's not our custom my sweet the chase
is wild and rough I wouldn't think of
letting you in danger one golden hair
I've come to love it so well but I take
no pleasure sitting here all day
gossiping with my ladies I will see you
amused I take the hounds below what have
you in mind by our Palace the Church of
your ladies boys who we will get nice
enough to tell you tall tales of
adventure a dance Allah sire I have need
of you here at once sire I don't know
what the world is coming to me when pert
young wives venture argument with the
husbands but I knew I liked it provided
you always give in you do love me a
oh yes my liege your kind gentle and all
that one may honor and respect yes I
love you with all I know
oh goodness
you will have a care for yourself during
the chase so careful I shall probably
never see this tag from now on in forest
hunter field a battle I shall be known
as Arthur king of cowards oh I have so
much to come back Oh likely story
but pleasant to the ear ah Lancelot
you are captain of the watch today so
watch over my lady's entertainment as
well anything our heart desires
providing there's no danger Oh calm down
no farting kiss me goodbye
we'll go riding tomorrow Hawking maybe
Nomad gallops through picket and forest
that's for men goodbye my love
have a good day goodbye my leash
I want you to know sir lancelot that as
your queen I not only look upon you as a
loyal subject but also as a friend you
do me great honor beside you save my
therefore it pains me that you've been
avoiding my presence these past weeks or
tis not that it is only I have my many
duties as you have yours that is the sum
of it oh good well not that my mind is
at rest
I feel free to
as I was saying I'll feel free to seek
you out at me
I could not abide my ladies any longer
Oh gossip gossip gossip
I also hear and arrange my flowers I
hope you will forgive my present here in
your garden but His Majesty always
permitted me it's use you have my
permission as well thank you your
majesty baby no eat at all go on with
your reading of that ponderous scroll
pretend I'm as far away as your thoughts
what is it you readin such devotion the
odds of Horace Imagi Steve and early
Roman with a comforting philosophy deed
what does he teach to be content with
what one has and not to strive for the
unattainable very comforting why must
just one more question
and I'm not falling for it
but why must all writings be in Latin or
Greek why can't they be in our own
British language well it is a mongrel
speech melody made up of many tongues
there are no symbols by which it could
be written just a pity
I should like to be able to write simple
messages to my dear Arthur such as I
love you how will you write that in
Latin it is by simple liar I show you
here on the sand
I love is one legal word more
and the or you is dead
there it is I love you
you set the words lost
what has happened to you I cannot say in
one word
get some wine quickly
no son of a necessity
tell me swiftly what a old tidings do
you bring all of you let him speak
orifice and when Doge Urus with a mighty
horde fell upon two of our villages by
the sieve destroyed them leaving no
living soul
Riaan our fortresses fought valiantly
but in vain only three of us escaped the
final battle at night now I take my
sacred o'face okay we ride for this high
on many of their heathen followers when
how is this barbarian horde three days
journey away sir maybe four for their
linguist relent
scooby-doo but rape pillage what is
their number Knight send a minute hours
Knights 200 or more lumen the thousand
arrest axes swords fearsome weapons of
all kinds maybe twice that number maybe
threats we could not tell how can we met
such a force in so short a space of time
before we can send messengers gather
arms the barbarians will be at our gates
drink your wine Cecilia catch your
sire if it please you speak your mind
Lancelot all of you speak your minds as
you say sire we cannot raise an army of
sufficient might in time and all for
some grandeur goes well noid
I counsel therefore that your majesty
let me depart with what force can be
spared to delay the enemy at once
whilst you sire bring to your standard
here the full strength of your allies
I'll see you Lancelot your counsel needs
me here whilst you do battle I am no
king to sit on a throne and let my
Knights to my fighting sire your prowess
in battle has been sung too often to
need defending as well as your courage
but it is only you
our Sovereign Lord on this aisle who can
command the allegiance and instant
obedience of our several allies I cannot
deny however unwillingly the worth of
your argument and of your counsel
Lancelot choose those you will have at
your solid in this perilous undertaking
leave with me half our ready force so
that if need arise we here will not be
defenseless Eric
Ryan accessories you to my chambers down
below we will have further parley
Lancelot for you
I could not let you leave without one
kiss do you love me
where's my golden hair god help me I
love you swear you'll return to me
otherwise I will die I will return
and only
we were up early tours I wasn't sleepy I
thought I might as well sit here as lie
on the ground I nice unbroken sod does
not make a featherbed does he I had but
little sleep myself I I'm always
Restless before a battle
I it is my way to ion enough life she's
not that I'm afraid afraid you I would
not be here today were it not for your
prowess in that ambush I hope you will
stay at my side today
I think it's a Lancelot I would not tell
this to anyone else but that ambush was
my first battle truly the first time I
ever killed a man I have never been in a
battle such as we will face to be no
different merely longer the eyes will
give us more work to do is this your
only Armitage where is what you wore to
Camelot at miss borrowed this is all I
have I have a spare suit of armor my
light blue turbot with the psychosis go
kicking lad put it on Nestle onslaught I
could wash Tyco mind you sir tours you
will acquit yourself well I have no
doubt and the glory will be mine I thank
you sir lancelot I hope I will be worthy
an easy victory yes and we won no
prisoner put them to the sword or even
though not the vivid we want the limit I
say no we cannot tell you again losing
another day's time Arthur must be given
no chance to prepare against us
my men will not match till they have had
their reward you a man it is you and if
it is who will deny me take the women if
you must but keep your men from the wine
the baby
gather them by the tent
we're in Silla center bernie 1000 man
they have water on three sides we shall
put fire on the poor
Rhonda he was right there in the forest
we have to come here
in July
are you ready baptism we killed enough
today to last us a lifetime
it's a pity our weather at Cooper some
brand-new gooris has kept us there
vanquished the whole army destroyed
answer what you've done it we've done it
lad all of us together
a beautiful sight a proud and memorable
day that will long live in Sullivan's
story I wish I could have been there I
wish I could have seen it
bloodthirsty child I should have been
there but Lancelot's picture left no
room before the battle
I don't see him where is Lancelot is
that not his light flute a bird on the
litter those men carry
it seems so it is hard to tell at this
body I'm flattered
this is terrible I pray it not be
watch it up
Oh kids it is Lancelot he's not dead
I'm shaped my foolish outcry my lord
to champion your friend and mine
I couldn't pass a sock
how could hire my sweet
no kadai
lucky Lancelot I'm a blunt man but no
words or witch defense with ya words
enough today get to the point I came
here to escape words and sly looks or
tameka's softer words and gentle looks
as I to the point I have points and
blades enough waiting for me now without
adding your studio list mine wait only
for your enemies no matter who or what
they may be I shouldn't have doubted you
even for that moment I have lost track
lately of friendship and if you are the
little things like duty loyalty honor I
know not what to do if you ever expect
to see me so enmeshed in a web of white
and gold silk
how many Lancers have I shattered for a
woman's favor I cannot count and written
away after word old in heart and body
and now
I am lost lost right away again Matt
while our still time let's take horse
tonight for your castle joyous Gard from
there we can ship to Brittany word has
come with the Huns of invaded France
should be much adventure na noble
prophet their odds fish I feel a boy
again at the Ford I'm your man I'm
captain of the watch tonight nothing
will be stirred up if we ride out at
dawn after my watch for a day or two a
joyous card but not the tear you
Frenchmen stand your watch tonight and
nowhere else remember who knows but
Mordred may hope to make this night as
night of all nights if I make my
thoughts clear I clears a blow of your
mace then it's agreed
I can feel my arms on that fat girl now
that is as far as I could reach him
again that day no no that winnette know
no matter it'll come back before I ship
reaches Brittany what ship is that
gentlemen ship your majesty
let it go lamorak there's no use lying
I'll explain matters to Her Majesty I'm
surprised sir launcelot no Knight would
lie to his queen you may leave us sir
lamorak Your Majesty
when do you say offer Brittany sir light
of love whatever you heard whatever I
must do you know what is in my in your
heart I should have known better than to
trust a Frenchman
that's my golden hair strike right and
left if what displeases you this is how
I love you best you lie you never loved
you took my love of a saddled horse
standing by and ship for Brittany if I
stay and we continue and I could not be
near you without loving you it would end
in death for both of us I never fought
to see you afraid there are some things
all meant for you and one of them is
being burned at the stake before I get
in crowd of shopkeeper it is not the
same fire wait for me if we're caught
you speak like a child you feel but do
not think just better than a man who
thinks it does not feel to leave me
without a word as if I were some
innkeepers daughter without even a
thank-you or farewell you know I never
would have ridden away without one last
moment with you Oh only a moment I
should have thought if it's to be our
last night that should be more generous
with your love listen to me lamorak is
not the only one who knows it is the
gossip of the court and murdered will
see to it there are reaches after
cirsten do not mistake your Arthur he
will oppose the law whatever it cost him
or you then take me with you to France
or anywhere do you think they would give
us peace the Queen a Briton in a
traitorous night there would be no haven
for us anywhere
I see them to spare well and nothing
will sway you
will you come to me tonight at least
that I cannot bear this way to your own
room is a deadly chance not even
moderate would dare put spies on my door
I'll wait for you after your watch is
over whatever the hour Oh Lots I swear
you come to me tonight
I would not place you in charge a party
no my sweet love this must be our
very well
I've done with crawling on my knees to
you let it be farewell forever
but I'll wait for you tonight
then my Falken swooped and sees the
quail from under the very wings of
Madrid's beloved Brazil de was laughable
to see the Furion motored space and I
made him pay the gold pieces that he
wagered me Arthur my dear count is late
drink your wine and then to bed be here
shall I add a few drops of Merlin's
sleeping dropped by double the dose
tonight I will sleep like the dead with
no dreams Oh
what you need is a change of scene some
new action a nice little war perhaps
can't restore a pretty little war of
sorts none that I would relish racing
come now drink your medicine like the
man you really are it's not so bitter as
you make it out is it not
then look at me and tell me if you can
but there's a medicine for the pain in
my heart I tell you this as I hope for
God's mercy you may sleep sound tonight
knowing that tomorrow Sun will find gone
all cause of your unhappiness is that
enough for that I'll drain the cup and
sleep until I wake with your arms around
is that proof
you are much I love you
I know
it grows late too quickly
oh do not yet almost dawn
cannot take the risk oh I was told you
look at you
just us they want to remember you after
loving how can I live without you
tell me help me took a bet in time
yes for you because you'll have your
man's world
your tournament Wars your women yes you
will desire a woman here there and ever
but I I have no life without you I can
decide oh you but nothing nothing
I'll die no you will not do not forget
is hope in the future we will live for
and survive for I will love you always
as I do now
today with my
I've only love
the cab is sprung
I don't know
I'll speak up men is it news of Lancelot
hi your majesty
he and Lamech made good their escape to
Joy's God of the Knights and men we sent
in the suit only half returned the
others have gone over to Lancelot side
so it begins again dagonets little war
over white flesh and golden hair
what a definite where is he we have no
word of inside not since you were seen
weeping at the Queen side when she was
being carried to Camelot prison and in
the town many of our Inlet oarsmen duck
in the windows
others are gathering to watch the
burning you two go in tears for the
faithless your pardons are my soul is
for my brother Gareth in your own
trouble state I did not wish to impose
my grief on you what happened he was
carrying no arms because it was Lancelot
he merely sought to hold him on the
stairs as you had ordered Lancelot
this is a son like a Lancelot I knew as
all the rest of this Lancelot was hard
pressed he struck blindly right to left
he drove Lewis I have doubts even knew
that he'd fail Gareth in all fairness
the way even through tariffs blood is on
his head
sire I had two loyalties now I have but
one the other is turned into I hate to
ski knows your own eyelid I know it
seems that love and hate us of closer
kin Oh the sharpest sword and separate
one sire let me lay siege to joyous Gard
before Lancelot escaped to France until
of good winter the trumpets so it begins
the Lord is fire
I made the Lord
we write to break it for such a cause as
this I've Aquino longer am I not right
melon where is my duty to this United
Britain that we have built at such a
cost to hold it in peace as long as I
may the autumn I heart you know how
often I urged you not to take when aver
in marriage it was a love I could never
be now where the forgiveness would have
seemed weakness how the life of one
earning girl should weigh against the
Peace of the state that I cannot ask all
I find in my tired brain and slowing
heart is the hope for a better world of
this where there will be no Wars big or
at any rate it's too late for the change
of heart
so it is
god never Faison heads a white body
they're so soft and alive
whatever I've done
what can I do
and you saw no sign of Madrid's
reinforcements on your way
nah but she said in Camelot the Marke of
Cornwall is sending at buffs and
battering rams much good battering rams
would do the place is impregnable by
land we'll take it at night from the
waterside when our boats already take
Oh God
crave a night come forth
lunge alone I see you again I challenge
you to personal combat with any weapons
of your choice
come forth the coward of young any man
who left man now bombs night I'll see
you David a sword in your throat come
you shall not escape was that Gawain
shouting his challenge again every day
every day I was at a farmers for going
but these days I could gladly Croton
with my mace Arthur
well he had some rightness site but
he knows how well you loved him and
Gareth he must know in his heart you
never meant to slam in the dark and the
heat of battle quiet must your tongue
keep pace with your appetite sorry
Loretta fides I don't need your
apologies no your lame attempts to kill
me keep your counsel I'll keep mine and
do follow me up when I go let me be let
me be Stern colored as well as traitor
and a session Lancelot power I say a
gabbi's black Thor Wayne the pardon sir
I never knew Lancelot to refuse a
challenge I do a challenge Lancelot week
after week to make this a personal
matter rather than one for always
blood Liddy it refuses to fight either
of us yet I cannot believe it cowardice
it is very simple sir to struggle in
Lancelot loves you birth to well to race
or directs against you these are not
distinction these are just poor arrows
honest and boiling oil from the walls
it's an odd show of love and loyalty you
and I received a new entrenchments going
and the progress of the boots your Lisa
come on
close the tent decadent there's a cold
wind thank you
what blood is that the blood of a lad
from Camille Yard have you gone through
hell enough without taking on this role
of angel of mercy I'll add from home
taketh a Bowman he it was a pageboy it
and my father's caught he told me he had
loved me all his few years I know the
boy how is he now his little love story
is over he died with his head in my lap
he's not the first nor the last two will
died and go and change that down you
look like a nun I might as well be one
as far as you're concerned it's our
little love story over two turned to
stone Ian difference difference got in
hand agree you've scarcely spent it all
alone with me I live in a dungeon of
silence and evasion meanwhile lads like
dick and die for us while you brood on
Knightly honor and refuse to take the
one way to our freedom and killing the
Wayne and Arthur would mean our freedom
freedom is there a land so distant that
I can find freedom from the sorts which
world night and day in my heart and
brain I love you grin but I loaned them
already more than I can bear do not I
beg you I beg you do not ask me for
further dishonor what this honor would
lie in accepting their challenges
meeting them fairly man to man you'll be
risking as much as they toured Gawain
all he knows now if the good man is he's
never could hold it all against me it
would be plain assassination I cannot
they'll have no mercy on you or me if
they stop us out if that is all we're
waiting time will not race or the games
are not my words I will not race or
against our fate meet my life and if it
means mine
if you love to be you take to one way
out and win a new chance for us it's in
your hands you can give us life and
happiness with one blow of sword Rex
enough perhaps right
there's no other way
I will end this poly when tomorrow when
Gawain comes I'll meet him and then
Arthur I'll send him a challenge which
he cannot refuse let nothing stop you
but even the fires of hell run and
I have no fear for you no man can stand
against you if you want your life
Dewayne get back your insults and meet
that you know in your heart I never
meant to kill gasps say Tanqueray kill
me as you did my brother can we murder
up holes night trigger take your lame to
rain you spider
I would not kill you anymore than Gareth
whom I loved lira and take back to your
king this message this is the message
- Arthur king of all Britain many men
have been killed and more to come when
only one is guilty
give your word that there will be no
reprisals but all others in this keep
will go unscathed to freedom all others
and I will surrender myself to any fate
that you would vent upon me fair sire
here signed his own death warrant he
bargains a hoss Iowan soon we shall have
all if Guinevere guiltless and the
others that turned traitor to their king
treason can't go unpunished regrets if
they would swear a new allegiance sir
pardon sir but can anyone here speak the
name of Lancelot no matter how bitterly
without calling to mind the many deeds
of friendship and develop science all of
you you who are wisest in Council have
said not you are the King sir
that is my culture
and with the crown and scepter also the
welfare of the kingdom was placed in my
hands you all think can feel like men I
must act with the mind and the heart of
a king good evening dear Merlin I'm so
glad to see you I'm berry to see you
again your majesty
no majesty no Queen at all I hope just a
woman in love now tell me the plan of
battle here are my champion let me sit
adoringly at your feet please sit -
Merlin when does it take place if it
please your man my lady there is nothing
in this matter about the compact no
combat you mean this great king of yours
this no offense dear Merlin but this
dealer and roasted women in the
marketplace he refuses the challenge my
lady there was no challenge to fight the
King no challenge
Lancelot offer to the King was the
surrender of his person for any torment
or death so long as you and all here
with you were freed no Lancelot you
didn't know my love he shan't have you
as he quietly loved it the king is
merciful he has altered my conditions
there's to be an end of dying for
you and me you know consult good Mellon
would you leave us
go on
I am banished to France you have to be
given safe escort to the convent in
Glastonbury that's my love Mull it over
behind those big eyes and you'll see
it's our one hope for a true chance of
happiness I see nothing but not black
and white
prayers fasting some pounds
I heard enough pearls that morning
lookie my goal in here there is nothing
in the Kings offer that says you must
take a nun's vows and our parting minute
before long the word Arthur knows is
dying and bought it will bring it
crashing down on Honda's ears I would be
out of it in Brittany and you will be
safe in sanctuary safe from what did or
anyone else until I come for you we know
not one of my making
then we have only a few Debbie's we must
be grateful for that
when do I go
in the morning
good morning it is part of the bargain I
am to stay here on takes you for
Brittany in three days l'amour goes with
me they will receive you in all our
melon we ride with you I will not ride I
shall walk
and take nothing of my happiness with
but what I wear
you will be your own bleep self and show
them our real Queen faces defeat I will
I will
but hold me close tonight this all short
night but something picking at my heart
and say this is the end of
this Brittany of yours is alright
indoors but when does it find out that
summers come again has it not while you
keep wind on your heart there are no
ships in sight they should be tidings
from Britain in the hinge along the
harbor come along boy Adam a senior for
Jonathan caricature some are sure you do
that she will play litotes Rita -
Melanie - Schroeder
we love ya Wow don't be rien one ski I
kept in the world on retail Oh third if
his arm off the field of down here but
though it's too early for hot food but
you bring some cold meat and wine and
there is no news from breathing she runs
to my taste I said keeper oh that's
times when I wish I knew a little more
that's French none of yours you know
enough for what's on your mind what I go
fetch wine I think it needs a little
you go in if this is what you want I'd
rather live to see you Betty to murder
its heart I know you never meant to kill
my brother
what brings you here my friend you
haven't been to in looking for you for
the last month I saw your seed outside
and lamb rocks
I love Rockies trying his French and our
box of Integra tell me what news are
pretty Arthur's dead by Madrid's hand
well it's happened as I thought it would
and he's gone my king my friend whom I
betrayed but never ceased to love
Merlin's passed on also K the Lady
Vivian she took poison when murdered had
no more use for her wait the way is a
lung was pierced in the battle with
murdered in his allies all Britain is at
war again you're needed at home to put
down water that's why I had come Hey
I have finished with killing I am for
Glastonbury in Micronesia not when I
tell you what's happened to Glastonbury
no not that bad but bad enough murdered
and his men broke into the Queen
sanctuary the Queen and some of the
sisters escaped to Wales and murdered in
his fury killed the rest and burnt the
I was wrong go away I have not finished
with killing another levy behind dinah
stinking Brittany of yours and you the
day when I would have made you run a
couple of courses with lunches for
insulting my native land
I have no fear I love you at moderates
death of lamb or I has to carry you my
they will be land and gold and plunder
for all who fight well today when the
battle is joined do y'all have both til
a trumpet calls the retreat then all
break and run the enemy authoress into
the trap the trumpet will sound again
the bowmen will do their work catching
the flanks and rear of the enemy then we
shall wheel about Tottenham Knights and
foot soldiers and kill and kill and kill
this army has gathered here to save
England from the sword of the tyrant and
the axe of the Bolivarian from rape and
pillage from injustice and fear in such
a cause every man will carry out his
orders so long as he has life and
strength let every man here remember
that today we must not only win a battle
we must end
we're surrounded for a treat
I'm the Mother Superior I know the
mission on which you have come please
bear in mind your surroundings and that
all visitors must leave when the Vespers
bell rings
Wyn what is this habit you are wearing
I am an artist
thank God that I'm in time did you think
I would not come I was for you outside
and clothing why do not look at me
what do I see in your eyes it
pity for the fear which suddenly springs
into mine if you can stand there within
reach of my arms your lips an instant
away from mine and not watching to my
embrace Lots a lot you must not speak so
to me I will shortly take my vows to
become a man of this order no no
I pray for you understanding
so that you will not think so harshly of
me or leave it to great pain I would do
any penance rather than cause you to
suffer no I will not believe that when
they cut off your golden hair your love
for me was shown away as well
Oh green a life together awaits us
everything we once hoped for warmth of
our love children the rest of our lives
to share it was for this we went through
so much he'll
which happened to you
it would be hard to tell all that has
happened to me in the year past much of
it I do not understand myself when first
I was at the convent at Glastonbury I
prayed for the earthly things I had lost
all you now spoke of then my prayers
changed I know not how or why and I
prayed for other things for the Peace of
your civil and mine and for God's
forgiveness and for his love and now I
know that the light which the church
speaks up which many men seek all their
lives I have seen brightly shining and I
will follow that light until I die and
beyond you too will find that light if
you try in your own way in God's good
your gentleness is harder than any steel
I have no weapons against a charmer is
there no way through for me to reach
your love the best purr spell
I've been told that I must leave forever
boy 2 what my atonement
the account is a long-standing tis true
and payment overdue perhaps that is what
this all means
and I must find strength as you have
and I will pray I know not what else to
do I shall pray for you each day and
every night of my life
by golden hair