Sweet Autumn (2020) - full transcript

Aunt Dee splits her candy shop between her niece, Maggie, and maple farmer, Dex. Following letters Dee left, the two uncover the reason for her decision, during the Sweet Autumn festival.


by VaVooM

You're doing great, Maggie,

we're almost all done.

How are you gonna fit a whole

festival in your front yard?

Well, hopefully one

day it'll be big enough

to spread across town

and into my candy shop.

But for now, this is

what we call a trial run.

What's a trial run?

Well, sometimes when you

wanna try something big,

you have to start small.

You know what else is small?

Did I say you could

have one before lunch?

You didn't say I couldn't?

Where's your sister?


Aunt Dee, look what I found.

Cool, what is it?

It's a music box, my

parents gave it to me.

You wanna hear it?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

Listen, girls,

this is my favorite.

Come on, guys, let's

get the blueberry pie.

I'm sorry, I'm late, there's

endless calls this morning.

So she here yet?

Not yet.

So tell me again, why

are we meeting her here?

Like I told you I got some Intel

and this is her favorite

bistro in Minneapolis

and she's all about

local business, right?

So what better place

to close the deal

than her favorite

local restaurant?

That is good thinking.

And it's a beautiful day.

Here comes Ella.

This is it.

Don't look so excited.

Why not? I spent three months

putting this deal together.

Investment brokers are supposed

to have a good poker face.

Where exactly in the investor

manual does it say that?

- Hi, hi Ella.

- Hi.

I'm so sorry I'm late.

My sister just went into

labor, I'm gonna be an aunt.


Thank you.

I hope I haven't kept

you waiting long.

Not at all, family

comes first, right?


Should we start?


So you know how thrilled I am

to be expanding Ella's Pumpkin

Patch from small town store

to big time franchise.

And our investors

are chomping at the bit

to bring Ella's two-bite

pumpkin pies to the world

if you'll pardon

the terrible pun.

It is gonna be quite a ride.


Inventory is my job, Dex

plus it gives me a chance

to snack while I work.


We both know you're not.

Doesn't the farm

keep you busy enough?

You're doing a charade to

distract yourself, aren't you?

I'm doing extra work because

the festival starts tomorrow.

So it has nothing

to do with Heather?

What? What are you talking...?

No, Heather and I didn't

even date long enough

for me to need a distraction.

Dex, and I say

this as your friend,

you can be a closed book.

What's that mean?

It means you're as bottled up

as that maple syrup

from your farm.

Which makes me super

sweet on the inside.

Oh, you got jokes today?

Yeah, I do.

Seriously though,

you doing all right?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

And you know what?

Inventory is your job.

And don't eat them.

We know what a local

successor pies are

and your pumpkin pudding.

We have franchise expansion,

there's also product expansion.

Pumpkin coffee, pumpkin candles.

- Cereal, cider.

- Popcorn, pretzels,

even pumpkin spice puppy treats.

You've really

thought of everything.



But this company,

it's been in my family

since the early 1930s

when my great grandmother, Ella,

started it in her tiny kitchen

and more or less sustained that

way until, well, until now.

Look, I know

exactly what you mean.

My Aunt Dee raised both my

sister and I since we were kids

and I practically grew

up in her candy store

back in Vermont.

So you'll understand, then,

when I think of

adding more locations

and large scale equipment.

Well, it just doesn't quite

feel like our family business.

What's happening?

I can't believe that

she just backed out

on the day that we're

supposed to close.

That's three months work.

What am I supposed to

tell Stuart and Nora?

Look on the bright side.

What bright side?

The Cobb salad was excellent.

Okay, that's funny.

Okay, we have to save this deal.

I will talk to Ella, I'm

sure she just needs more time.

This is a lot of

change to process.

Okay, you're doing

that Maggie thing again?

What Maggie thing?

That just have faith that

everything will be okay, thing.

We're doing the making me

feel guilty ex-boyfriend thing.

Okay, you got me there.

With some time

and a little nudge,

I think I can get her there.

Well, that's easy

for you to say,

you leave in the morning.

Only for a couple of days.

Okay, but I don't

know much longer

I can hold off the investors.

I will figure it out

as soon as I get back.

Have a maple bite.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.



I'm so glad you're back.

Six months after the funeral

as Aunt Dee instructed.

Part of her no tears policy.

That's right, smiles, memories

- and laughter.

- And laughter.

There you go, room for one more?

Eddie, my favorite


Still your only

brother-in-law, I hope.

The store looks great, you guys.

Did you tell her?

Don't worry, I'll tell her.

Jody is taking over

Aunt Dee's position

as festival director.

What? That's so exciting.

You are the perfect

person for that.

- Really, you think?

- Of course.

I don't know, I'm

just a little nervous.

You can totally do it.

You can probably do it.

It's not easy filling

Aunt Dee's shoes.

Well, she doesn't

want you to be her,

she wants you to be you

and you will be great.

Thanks sis.

And plus, I'll have a trusty

partner in crime this year.

Who's that?

You remember Dex?

Actually, no, I

don't remember Dex.

I remember Aunt Dee

talking about him,

I know he meant a lot to her.

I also remember him not

coming to the funeral.


Well, I know he would have been

there if he could have been

he's got a lot going on.

Okay, you are all stocked up.

This is my favorite

fringe benefit on this farm.

Hopefully have enough pancakes

to last you till Christmas.

They're just missing one thing.

Come on, Dad, it

doesn't my name on it,

tastes exactly the

same without it.

You work so hard bottling

these, take some credit.

Amy next door has

been begging me

if she can buy some off of you.

Amy can have some on the

house, it's just a side project.

Maybe it could be

more than a side project

if you'd stop trying to find

more things to do around here.

Speaking of which,

the combine the

cornfield blew a gasket.

I replaced it this afternoon.

Who needs a to-do list,

when you leave me

with nothing to do?

Hey, are you all right?

Why does everyone

keep asking me that?

Okay, well come by

for dinner tonight.

You've been doing so much

running around lately.

Dad, I gotta go to the courtyard

and put the lights

for the festival.

Come on, give me a chance

to beat you at dominoes.

All right, I'll

see you this evening.

So how was work?

You were so excited about

that pumpkin pie place deal.

Work is great.

Yeah, that's to look forward to.

Hey, are we still doing

the candy making contest

for the festival?

Are you serious?

I'm a judge this year.

What? That's so fun.

I just feel terrible,

I've missed it for the

last couple of years.

I've just been so...

Actually I have to take this,

I'm sorry, I'll be right back.

- No problem.

- No problem.

Hi it's

Jonathan, leave a message.

Of course.

Jonathan, it's Maggie.

Sorry, it's this guy that

is really loud and annoying.

I'm gonna have to call you back.

Need any help?

I'm good.

- It's a nice bike.

- Thanks.

- Is that a '66 Superhawk?

- Yeah.

Don't see many of those anymore.

I know.

Sounds like a bad spark plug.

It's not the plug.

It's just I know a

little about motorcycles.

Finicky fuel filter.

I was gonna say that second.

Yep, glad you got it fixed.

Well, thanks for your help.

You bet, bye.

You put out her motorcycle

jacket and helmet?

That is so perfect.

Look at all her reading glasses.

She was so adamant about spares.

We found spares in

every room of the house.

And in the candy shop.

I would find them in the

kitchen, next to the register

and shelves.

And spare pens everywhere.

All your tomorrows

depend on today.

That's a good one.

Is it just me or are these

maple bites getting better?

These are great.

I have that exact

photo on my apartment.

Hi, everyone, welcome to

Aunt Dee's will reading.

We're just waiting

on one more attendee.

But we all know how

punctual Aunt Dee was,

so I'd like to start.

Aunt Dee left as a video

version of her will

that she wanted

us to play today,

six months after her passing.

Hello, my dears.

How lovely to see

you here today.

I can already tell that a

few of you haven't adhered

to my no tears policy.

Jody, I'm looking at you.

Jody, stop blubbering,

a smile is a curve that can

set things straight, use it.

Anyway, just get on with it,

there's nothing more

boring than a will reading.

Who's that guy?

- That's Dex.

- That's Dex?

To my friend Ron,

I've only known you

for a couple of years

since you moved out

here from the Midwest.

But in some ways, I feel like

I've known you and your son

for a lifetime.

And so I leave you my

trusted motorcycle.

I know you'll give it

a fine and loving home.

You bet Dee.

Don't talk to the

TV, Ron, that's weird.

My nieces Maggie and Jody,

you've been like daughters to me.

I leave to you my home, filled

with the sweetest memories,

and spares of just

about everything else.

To my dear Jody, you'll

be delighted to know

that your antique store

is fully paid off.

You and Eddie are now

its official owners.

My life's work has

been my candy shop,

I'm so proud of that old place.

My wish is for it to evolve

along a path of positive growth.

There are two people who I trust

with the responsibility

of its ownership.

So I leave 50% of my candy

shop to my niece, Maggie

and the other 50%, hopefully

he's arrived by now,

I leave to Dex Walters.

Thank you all for

coming, I love you all.

This is the last one.

So many boxes.

You're telling me.

I've been looking

through her old photos

trying to find

that picture of us

from the very first festival.

I remember just that one

picture being taken on the day.

Oh you have to find that pic.

Hopefully it turns

up, before you leave.

Hey are you coming to

the festival kick off?

Of course.

Well Dex is about

to beat us there.

Right, cool motorcycle guy.

You know you two do

seem very buddy buddy.

Yeah, ever since he and his

dad moved into the maple farm,

a couple years ago, he's

been like a son to her

and so a friend to us.

What? He's fun and he's sweet.

Annoying, a tad abrasive.

I'm just surprised you

too hadn't met before.

Maybe I just wasn't

in town long enough.

No, he keeps pretty busy too.

I just don't understand

why she would leave me

half her business with him.

You know?

What am I supposed

to do with that?

I don't know, she doesn't

do anything by accident.

It's true.

Her music box.

There's gotta be a key in here.

I wish I could have

spent more time at home

over these last few years.

I just feel like I

missed out on so much.

Hey, Aunt Dee always

knew you were busy.

Busy is no excuse.

I just miss her.

Yeah, me too.

Now, come on.


Maggie, open each envelope

on the corresponding

day of the festival.

It is not too late for us to

spend the festival together.

Love, Aunt Dee.


Hey, Zach.

Yeah, we haven't been able

to go through Dee's office yet.

I get it.

- How are you?

- I'm good.

How long you are

you in town for?

Just a couple days.

Well, we're happy to have you.

I was about to take these

gift bags out to the courtyard.

Happy to help.

You're a guest here, please.

I got it, I got it,

I used to hand these out

back in the good old days.

The good old days?

It's just a little heavier

than they used to be.

There's a full bottles

of maple syrup in there.

- Syrup?

- Yeah.

You know what? Actually...

Why are you following me?

I want you to be

careful with it.

- I got it.

- You know what?

Let me have it, I can have it.

I got it, really.

You know, I'd like to

handle stuff like that

and you can enjoy the perks of

co-ownership from a distance.

I really prefer to be hands on.

Hi, guys take one.

You don't even know

the business like I do,

that's why I wanna buy you out.

You want what?

Smile for a kick-off photo.

You don't live here.

So I figured you'd

wanna buy out.

You don't...

We don't have the best history

with assumptions, buddy.

And if you wanna

know my thoughts,

I think that Aunt

Dee would want us

to take her brand nationwide,

which just so happens

to be my expertise.

This is a local brand,

this was built here.

Hello, welcome to the 30th

annual Sweet Autumn Fest

with fall treats and

activities all week long.

Please welcome this

year's co-host, Dex.

Thanks, Jody.

Hey, everyone, I will be

keeping Aunt Dee's spirit alive

this year with fall fling

and the candy making contest

coming up this Saturday.

So start thinking of your

new candy flavors now

because who knows?

Yours might be on the menu.

And while I'm up here,

I'd like to introduce

you to Aunt Dee's niece.

And co-owner.

And new co-owner, Maggie Murphy.

Thank Dex.

Thank you guys, it's so

good to see your faces

and it's so nice to be home.

We have got a lot of big

things planned for Aunt Dee's

and I cannot wait to explore

expanding her legacy together.

Aunt Dee's is fine

just the way it is,

- doesn't need any changes.

- Okay.


Well, everyone loves

her Maple bites.

That's my point.

She always talked about evolving

and expanding her legacy.

Well, that's what I do.

We could have a

bunch of Aunt Dee's.

Who owns the other 50%?

Well, that's the conundrum.

Convincing this guy to go

bigger is gonna be tough,

he wanted me to sell.

You do love a challenge.

Hey, you're not giving

up on Ella, are you?

I will bring you a deal

one way or another, okay?

Don't lose faith.

I will get on this

guy's good side,

I think I know his type.

Faith is where you shine,

you know that I live in reality.

It's good to hear you

laugh, how you been?

I'm good, it's nice to be home.

Yeah, I bet.

Let's get this done.

Okay, bye.

Slow down like molasses,

or in this case

like maple syrup.

Rediscover the sweet and

slow art of maple sugaring.

Now remember, spring

is tapping season

so we'll ensure that you guys

are all seasoned syrup

making experts by then.

Sap doesn't flow in the fall.

You might get a bead or two,

but it only comes in the spring.

So you wanna make sure that

you don't waste a drop.

He's right.

Thank you.

So a tree can produce

up to a gallon of sap

in the springtime.

Can anybody tell me how

many gallons of sap it takes

to produce one gallon of syrup?



- 40.

- 40, that's right.

This is a spile or a tap.

You're gonna want to

put the tap in the hole.

Aren't you heading back

to Minneapolis tonight?

I decided to stay.

Yeah, spend a week at

the festival with you

and Aunt Dee, in spirit.

Plus I have some work to do.

- Well, that's great,

- Yeah.

So guys I have

pre-drilled a bunch of holes

in the maple trees back there.

Why don't you tap in your

spout, attach you bucket

and then I'll come around

and check on you in a bit.

Hey Dex, turns out Maggie's

staying the whole week.

Isn't that great?


I can't think of

anything greater.

So city girl, you

ever tap a tree?

Well sap usually flows best

on the side of the tree

with the most sun exposure,

which would be the south side.

But you drilled

into the north side.

Well, it's a

demonstration, right?

Sap doesn't flow in the fall.

I just, that's what I just

said, in my presentation.




- You having a little trouble?

- Nope, good, real good.

It might be the spark plug.

And then you wanna

take your bucket,

hang around the hook, okay?

Can I talk to you

for just a second?

I'm so sorry.

I think we may have gotten

off on the wrong foot.

I'd say wrong feet.

Clearly you meant

a lot to my Aunt Dee.

I did.

Well, and since I'm

gonna be staying the week,

I thought that maybe you and I

could spend some time together.

You could get to

know your new partner

and maybe we could even come up

with some new candy

flavors together

or separately.

You could hear some of my

ideas, nothing permanent.

Yeah, yeah, we can do that.



Are you distracted?

I'm actually winning tonight.

What's on your mind?

Maggie Murphy.

Well, she seems sweet.

If by sweet, you

mean presumptuous.

I've never seen her

step foot in the shop.

And all of a sudden she thinks

she knows what Dee would want.

Well, she is her niece,

practically her daughter.

Have you tried talking to her

about how you see

things moving forward?

I don't see the point.

Look, you've got a lot to offer,

you should try sharing

your thoughts with her.

And look at it this way,

now that Maggie's back,

maybe you won't have

to work as much.

I mean between the

farm the candy shop,

you've barely had

a day off all year.

Might even find some

time for that plan

you've been putting off.

It's your move.

It's your move.

Dex, keep this

close to your heart

as a symbol of what

we've started together.

It's up to you to

unlock the future.

Hey make sure

you're not too loud.

I don't wanna wake her up.

Yes, that's a great idea.


You scared me.

What are you guys doing here?

We wanted to surprise you

with a we're-so-happy-

you're-staying-all-week breakfast.

But it is 7:30 in the morning,

what time did you get up?

6:00, I slept in.

What are you doing

with that broom?

I hadn't really

thought it through.

Thank you.

You're gonna make me

want to stay all year.

It's all part of my master plan.

We actually wanted

to catch up a little.

So how are things working

out with Jonathan,

you know, since you

guys dated and all?

What? I never heard

the breakup story.

There's not much

of a story to tell.

We just realized

we were too similar

but as mature adults

and business partners,

we are friendly and

cooperative, well, mostly.

Mostly? Go on.

So you get to

ask for all the gossip?

It's nothing, just some

stress trying to figure out

how to move forward with this

investment proposal, anyway.

You know, Dex is single.

What? It sounded like you

wanted to change the subject,

so I changed the subject.

Come on, we gotta

go open the shop,

it's day two of

Sweet Autumn Fest.

No, stay.

Or you know what?

I won't be mad if you

wanna sneak in later

and make me dinner.

- Bye Maggie.

- See you later.

Working at the shop with

you brought me such joy.

Relieve those days with me

and don't forget to

be a team player.

Good morning, partner.

Good morning.

Look what I found in the back,

it's my name tag from

high school, still fits.

It's a name tag.

It's a joke.

That's a good one.

So what does this mean?

Well, it means that I am

going to be working here,

all week, with you.

That's great.

And I thought that maybe you

and Zach could help me out,

fill in the gaps, work

together, true partnership,

as Aunt Dee would have wanted.

You seem really confident

about what Aunt Dee would want.

You seem pretty confident

about what Aunt Dee would want.

I'm just gonna

grab these two jars,

that I definitely don't need.

Hey Zach, wouldn't it be cool

to have a new Aunt

Dee's location?

That would be cool.

Of course, we'd have to

look at logistics and...

Isn't it also cool, Zach,

that Aunt Dee's is the

town's little secret.

- That's also true.

- Right, yeah.

But also, isn't it true

that Aunt Dee always loved

when anyone, anywhere

enjoyed one of her treats.

I have to distribute these

outside to the vendors,

so I'm gonna do that.

Let me help you.

No, it's good, I

got it, I really...

So you two good?

- Stupendous.

- Fantastic.


I'm gonna be here all week.

Why don't we just try and

embrace this work together?

After you.

- No okay.

- Yeah.

Aunt Dee always loved

keeping this festival

and candy shop so

close to her house.

She spent a lot of time

out here in her last year.

She would sometimes do her

candy making out here as well,

said she was outgrowing

your kitchen.

Well, you're in luck

because I can help with that.

There you go.

Thank you.

You know, she partnered

up with our farm,

started adding more flavors.

Like apple, blackberries,

she even did a sweet candy corn.

And that is my point,

new ideas, think bigger.

She also kept the classics,

caramel, chocolate, maple.

Yeah, maple bites,

the original candy.

She started using my

maple syrup in her candies.


Yeah, after my first harvest,

she was my biggest fan.

I started helping her out

at her shop on my free time

and it really started

to feel like home.

And it's such a beautiful day,

I think I might take

the afternoon off.

See ya.

Taking off?

Yeah, for the afternoon.

He never takes time off.


Thank you.

And we are closed.

What a feeling it is

to work here again.

What are you doing over here?

Working on our website,

it's kind of my

thing around here.

That looks really good.


I studied website design,

it's what I wanna do.

You're really talented.


Can I ask you something?

What is Dex's deal anyway?

His deal?

Yeah, you know the, I'm a

closed book, you can't read me

or know anything about me thing?

Yeah, that.

He wasn't always like that.

He's just had a rough go

of it last little while.

And that break up

with Heather, I mean...

Who's Heather?

He didn't mention it?

No, he didn't mention it

because he doesn't

mention anything.

Neither did I.

All right, what time is it?

Yep, that's it.

Okay, clocking out,

see you tomorrow.

Zach, Zach, who's Heather?


Frustration comes with

every worthwhile endeavor.

Keep pushing through and

when you need inspiration,

you know where to go.

Inspiration can only find

you if you're out looking

because inspiration

is looking too.

Hi, welcome to the

Inspiration Cafe.

It's just for myself.

Yeah, for sure

you can follow me.

Here you go and I'll be right

back for your drink order.

All right, thank you.


- Hey.

- Hey.

What are you doing here?

Just taking a break.

Did you just get here?

No, no, I've been here,

I just had a big meal,

just taking off.

I'm so sorry, sir.

I know we just sat you but

actually didn't realize

this table was already booked.

It's all good, he's with me.

Can I get you guys

started with some drinks?

Yes, I will have the

Ella Fitzgerald, please.


Let's do a beer, please.

No, you have to try

one of these fun drinks.

No, no, no.

Let's see, Louie

Armstrong triple sec

with maple bitters,

perfect, bitters.

Haha, good one.

He'll have a Louis Armstrong.

Okay, I will be right

back with your drinks.

Whether we like it or not,

we have got to figure

out how to work together

because we are responsible

for Aunt Dee's legacy.

Look, Dee left us both her shop.

And to be honest,

I didn't expect it.

But clearly, she trusted me

and I'd like to keep

things the way they are.

And she trusted me as well

and I think we

should grow things.

Here you go.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

I'd like to tell you a

little bit about what I do.

I bring investors

to small businesses,

small businesses that are

passionate about what they do.

I am passionate about what I do.

And Dee always inspired me to

grow, to follow my passion,

to try and bring

joy everywhere I go.

And I think you and I

can bring joy to people

all over the country,

maybe even the world.

You and I both know how

wonderful those candies are.

Why not share them with as

many people as possible.

What do you say?

Do you fish?

It's a beautiful spot,

but fishing isn't the

real deal here, is it?

Might also be about getting

to know the real Maggie.

Why don't we start

with the real Dex

because you are not

giving me anything.

You're getting to know me.

You are getting to know me,

I am not getting to know you.

Okay, let's just talk

about someone else.

That's what I mean.

What do you wanna know?

All right, well, for starters,

tell me about what

Aunt Dee means to you.

I could come to

her with anything

and she'd give me

advice about work, life...


Yeah, she could

pretty much get me

to open up about anything.

You know, one time she

brought me fishing out here,

I forgot the bait,

so we used our lunch.

I got nothing except the lecture

about how I always go

after the wrong type of...

What about you?

Did she ever meet any

of your boyfriends?

Yeah, I mean, she mostly

disapproved of all of them.

I can't blame her.

I always went after

the type of guy

who was way too into his work.

But it made it easy

to avoid talking

about the tough stuff, you know?

Probably why my

ex-boyfriend Jonathan...

Wait, why am I talking

about my dating?

No one's forcing you to.

But go ahead, well, you were

telling me about Jonathan.

You are trying to get me

to open up, that's my tactic.

You're using tactics on me?

Now you're pivoting.

Just tell me about Jonathan.

Just tell me about Heather.

What do you know about Heather?

I don't know anything about

Heather and that's my point.

I don't know anything.

You are a half open book

in a dimly lit room.

We were together for about

a year, she was sweet,

we went our separate ways.


When Aunt Dee passed,

it brought back memories

of my mom passing

and I realized

that life is short

and Heather just

wasn't the right one.

Mom and Dee would have wanted me

to be with the right person.

As sweet as she was,

Heather just wasn't it.

Any regrets?

Only with the way that I did it.

I knew it was the right thing,

for both of us.

It's just I couldn't

tell her why.

I kind of feel bad about that.

Well, you can still talk to her,

it's never too late.

I got one.

Keep the line tight.

Keep the line tight, yep.

- I got one.

- Wait a second, I got one too.

- You got one too.

- I got one too.

You got a fish.

Hello, everyone, it's

candy creation time.

We've given you the tools

now it's up to you to combine

them into something special.

So dig in and pick

out any ingredients

you think you might need for

the candy making competition

on the last day of the festival.

Will yours be Aunt Dee's

next signature candy?

Good luck.


Hey, hi Maggie.

How's the farm?

Well, it's our second

harvest, better than last year.

- Excellent.

- Yeah.

Are you enjoying

Aunt Dee's motorcycle?

- It's a beauty.

- Yeah.

I'm honored she gifted it to me.

I'm guessing you two

were really close.

Well, we got the farm

after my wife passed

two years back.

And Dex and I wanted to change

and boy, we sure got it.

Dee helped us settle

in, anything we needed

and we took care of her.

Dee became sort of

a second mom to Dex.

So when she passed,

it was hard on him.

It's that why he

couldn't go the funeral?


I understand the Dee

raised you and your sister

since you were kids.

As if we were her own.

Don't give up on Dex just yet.

He hasn't always been this way.

Which way?

You haven't noticed?

No, I have, of course.

You're not the first

person to say that.

It's been a rough year for him.

What he needs is a friend.

Can I let you in

on a little secret?


Today's a special day for him.

Here you go.

All right, see y'all later.

Hey, guys.

- Hey man.

- Hey.

I didn't see you this morning.

No, you did not.

You never miss work.

Well, there's a first

time for everything.


I met up with Heather this

morning, we had a little chat.

You? Had a chat?

I took some advice

that I got fishing.

Fishing advice?

You know what?

I feel like there's some

major weight off my shoulders.

Oh, man, it's

beautiful out there.

Hey, son.




Maggie's here with my dad,

at his house, playing games,

how wonderful.

I invited her over.

She mentioned how you

struck up a friendship.

Did she?

I figured she'd like to partake

in Aunt Dee's Maple walnut kick.

Your favorite cake,

your birthday cake.

Happy birthday, son.

Happy birthday, Dex.

Thank you.

What were we talking about?

You were telling

me about your farm?

Well, it's a lot of

work, but we love it.

I only wish that Dex

would find more time

to spend on his dream.


Well, he's been bottling

maple syrup, he wants to mark...

Dad, dad.

Can I not be a proud

father for one second?

Look at this, he

designed this himself.

This is great.

We should put it in the shop.

It's Dee's candy

shop, not Dex's.

Okay, all right.

Either way, why haven't you

done anything with this?

It's a small grove,

it's just a hobby.

You wanna try some?

Yes, I do.

So what do you think of it?

That's really good.

Every maple syrup grove

has its own personality.

It's just how you

bring out the flavors.

You should market it.

You really should.

I had a plan.

But you know other things

were more important.

What if there were no obstacles?

Then what?

I might be afraid it would fail.

So my first venture when

I was just starting out,

I fell in love with this

company that made baby slings.

You know, but for small dogs,

precisely the

reaction I would get.

I helped pitch it to

so many investors,

no after no after no.

Until my 14th pitch,

my first yes.

And that became Pup Sling.

- Pup Sling?

- Yeah.

I've seen the

commercials for it.

You have stake in Pup Sling?

A small amount.

But sometimes you have

to start small to go big.

Dee used to say that.

Maybe we just

need to start small.


Or you, us, you, however.

Anyway, I should get going.

Hey, hey.


Maggie, why don't we

create a flavor together

for the contest?

Maybe we can even talk

about our partnership.

Sounds like a plan.

I hope you had a good birthday.

Not bad.


Hey, Zach, sorry

to call so late,

I need a favor.

Thank you guys so much.


Hi, Dex.

Why are you smiling like that?

You're scaring me.

We have a surprise for you.


We now present...

Dex Walters Maple Syrup live

and available for pre-order.

I set up the online store.

I got the label design

from your dad.

I appreciate the gesture, guys,

it's a pretty big deal.

Seems like it's

happening really fast.

That's the "surprise" part.


But I gotta go because

I'm helping my dad

with the Fall Festival

at the farm today.

Will I see you there?

- Yeah, yeah, for sure.

- Great.


Here we go, ready set.

Over here.

Wide open.

This place looks great.

Heads up.

Yeah, it's the second

year, it's a good turnout.

And you are a busy bee.

It's really nice that

you're having a little time

for some football.

Yeah, it is.

Is it time for the taffy yet?

I believe you

are being summoned.

You're just in time for

the taffy demonstration.

But before you run

off, just a tiny request

and you can't deny me

because I'm your partner now.

I just want you to take a

look at something, okay?

Five orders, already, and

an inquiry from Middleburry

about carrying your syrup

at their Farmers' Market.

I got five orders?

Well, it's not gonna

happen overnight.

You mean there's already sales?

Don't make me say I

told you so, don't do it.

Because I would love to.

Come on, you wanna join us?

The trick to producing

the perfect maple toffee

is you have to get it

to just the rate heat

between 235 and 245 degrees.

Traditionally, it was done over

an open fire just like this.

Does anyone know how maple

syrup was first discovered?

Yes, Alyssa.

People saw squirrels

drinking it from the trees.

Yes, exactly, A+.

Legend has it that the

Iroquois witnessed squirrels

drinking the sap from the trees

so they learned to tap the trees

and use the sap to

cure their meats.

Now Vermont maple producers

export their syrup

to over 50 countries worldwide.

Yes, Alyssa?

When do we get to try the taffy?

Yeah, when do we

get to try the taffy?

Right now, let's go.

Now this is when the

real magic happens

when the syrup hits the ice.


Now wait 10 seconds

and put your stick at

the end of the syrup

and then roll it up.

Guys, this is one of the

healthiest sweet treats

you can have, right dad?

- Absolutely.

- Yeah.

All right, kids now go

ahead and give it a taste.

What do you think?

Scale of one to 10?

You wanna come over

here and try some?


Thank you.

Do you want one?

All right, yes, please.

- Go now.

- Okay.

You put the stick in

the end, just like that,

let it sit there for one second.

Now you're gonna roll it up.


Nice technique partner.

Back at you partner.


I win again.

Good game.

Is there anything she can't do?

Nope, not really.

Hey, you want to

sneak out of here?

What are you thinking?

We have that new candy

flavor we got to work on.

I'm gonna need a ride

because Jody dropped me off.

Well, I see my ride,

how are you getting there?

Hop on.

Hold on tight.

I hope you didn't mind me

taking the scenic route.

Oh not at all.

It's so beautiful out here.

Yeah, this is my happy place.

Aunt Dee used to bring us

camping here when we were kids.

Yeah, she told me.

You know, she showed

me this place.

I come out here on my own

sometimes, do some thinking.

It's a good place for that.

Dee and I would have some

great conversations out here.

Now, that surprises me.

How does that surprise you?

I don't know if you know this

but word around town

is you're a little

bit of a closed book.

If I'm a closed book,

that makes you an epic Choose

Your Own Adventure novel.

That's right.

Makes me feel like

I'm a kid again.

I love this.

This is always my

favorite part of camping.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

Oh I loved smores so much.

One night, I had a bunch

of them in my sleeping bag

and Aunt Dee always told us

never leave food in the tent.

So we all go to sleep

and then we wake up in

the middle of the night

to a bear just sniffing

around, he wanted the smores.

Jody and I screamed at

the top of our lungs.

Luckily we scared him away.

It wasn't funny, it

was really scary.

No, I'm sorry.

It's just that Dee

told me this story.

She did?

She did, yeah.

She said it was a raccoon.

Yeah, raccoons can be scary

in the middle of the night.

I don't know

they're pretty cute.

Not when they're sniffing

around in your sleeping bag.

I spent the rest of the night

in Aunt Dee's truck, nope.

So Miss Choose Your

Own Adventure novel,

what was that about?



I have a terrible poker face.

There's this project I

may have to give up on.

I thought you never give up.

Well, that's the confusing

part because I do not give up.

It just doesn't

feel right, anymore

even as the words are

coming out of my mouth,

I just, I feel like a failure.

Aunt Dee always encouraged

me to go out into the world

and make something of

myself and make her proud.

And I feel like I

did that, you know?

It's just I'm starting

to realize that

well how just

unfulfilling that's been.

I guess when you work so much,

it's hard to see it.

I have a tough time

letting go as well.

No, you?

Sometimes, you have to let go.

Let go and freedom will flow.

It's one of Aunt Dee's

candy wrapper philosophies.

I have an idea,

we have to come up with a new

candy flavor for the contest.

Why don't we also come up

with our own words

of wisdom to use

to keep her tradition alive?

I don't think I'd be too good

at that.

Come on,

just dig a little, okay?

I'll go first.

- Okay.

- Okay.

Your future starts

today, not tomorrow.

- That's good.

- Yeah.

Yeah, it's...

I like that.

Your turn.

When in doubt,

trust your instincts.

Can you pass a graham cracker?

Yeah, there you go.


When someone you

love becomes a memory,

the memory becomes a treasure.

Share your treasure

with those you love.




What you doing?

Just thinking.

- Me too.

- You too?

Yeah, what are

you thinking about?

Just, you know...

What are you thinking about?

Just thinking,

you know, about candy.


Yeah, I'm thinking

about our candy recipe.

You ready to make the best

flavor this town has ever seen?

I am.

Classic dark chocolate.

With maple syrup and

a hint of pumpkin spice.

Submission complete.

Mission complete.

I can't, look at this.

Hey, I'm going to

clean this mess up.

Do you wanna put

this somewhere, yeah?

- Yes.

- Okay great.

- Thank you.

- No problem.


Looks like you two

are getting along.

We're learning how

to work together.

It turns out you have to

give a little, so I did.

I don't know if it's

being back in the shop

or a change of pace or...

Yeah, wait a minute.


- You kissed him.

- What?

You did, you kissed him.

You don't know what

you're talking about.

Tell me the truth.

I am telling you the truth.

And that is a lie.

This is me you're

talking to Maggs.

Well, I'm not

admitting anything.


Okay, we may have kissed.

I knew it.

Keep your voice down.


It just happened, last night,

and then we haven't

really talked about it or...


You coming to the hayride?

Well, I...

Yes, she is and she

might even have a date.

- Jody!

- Date? Do tell.

- Hey, guys.

- Hi, Dex.

We gotta go.

I just got here, I'm

gonna get some candy.

Well, maybe later, we got to go.

You wanna go to

the hayride with me?

I would love to.

We have been riding this thing

since we were too little

to climb up on it.

That is true.

Believe it or not, I was

scared to get on it at first.

I could see why.

I wanna know who convinced Aunt

Dee to start this tradition.

That would have been Uncle Jim.

It's where they

first fell in love.

- I have a confession to make.

- Me too.

You first.

Well, I was checking

out my new website,

there's a few more sales.

You're selling your syrup?

Yes, I am.

Right on,

sign me up for a case.

A case?


Does he get a

discount with that?


It's your lucky Day, Eddie.

- Thanks, Dex.

- Yeah.

- Thank you.

- Yeah.

All right, why don't you

tell me your confession.

I'm really glad I'm your date.

So am I.

- Thanks for the drive back.

- Of course.

Maybe one day you'll

let me drive it?

Probably not.


I had fun, thank you.

Hey, you know what?

We still haven't talked about

- the deal.

- The kiss.

Deal, I just assumed that

we were both avoiding it.

Well, if you wanna

talk about the deal,

yeah, I'll be here.

I mean, I'll be there, my home.

I'm around, you know

where to find me.


Good morning.

Good morning.

You're up early.


Just poured myself some coffee,

you want some?

I would love some, thank you.

How did you sleep?

Great, great.

You know, I forgot how nice

it is to sleep in peace

- and about the other night...

- The kiss?

Go ahead.

No, you go.

No, no, please, you go.

Okay, I'll go.



What are you doing here?

I'm sorry for the drop-in.

But I was thinking

about what you said

and I think I can help

with your co-owner problem.

I'm sorry, I'm Jonathan

from Richardson and Murphy.

I'm Dex,

her co-owner problem.

The maple syrup guy?

Great, you're the

one I wanna talk to,

no offense, Maggie.

Maggie was filling me

in on your situation.

- Situation?

- We should talk.

That's what we're doing.


Okay, but I think Dex is

gonna wanna hear this, trust me.

I don't th...

I know you don't wanna sell.

But Maggie and I have a

team of investors lined up

that are just poised

ready to bring this

operation national.


I never said operation.

We expand maple candy

production internationally

using exclusively your syrup.

And then we side market

the surplus syrup to Japan.


Yes, they go crazy

for Vermont maple syrup.

Do you have any idea how

big the global market

for maple syrup is?

I have no idea but I'm

sure you're gonna tell me.

It's $500 million.

$500 million, I had no idea.

That's a lot of syrup.

With your expertise

and our investors,

we can put an Aunt Dee's

in every major city.

Aunt Dee's face

plastered everywhere.

Aunt Dee becomes

everyone's aunt.

Did you help him

put this together?


I mean, no, not exactly.

Don't be modest.

She did, but it was with

a different company,

this is much better.

Listen, I can explain, him...

I mean, of course there

is one other option,

we could buy you out.

There's an offer in there if

that's the way you wanna go.


I need some air.

Dex, wait, please.

Why do I get the feeling

like this didn't go well?

You are ridiculous.

It's supposed to

be windy tonight.

They're just gonna blow

all over the place again.


It'll give me another

distraction tomorrow.

Are you going to

be mad at me forever?

No, of course not.

But you put this whole thing

together behind my back.

I didn't think of it that way.

I thought that you'd be happy

that I saved the

deal for both of us.

You were only supposed

to be gone for two days.

I know, I know.

Look, my Aunt Dee gave

him half of her business

for a reason.

And it wasn't for

him to step away.

She wouldn't want that,

I don't want that.

I understand.

I need to go talk to him.

Well, I'm staying at

an Airbnb by the library.

It's charming.

The cell services isn't great

so I'll be wandering around

looking for higher ground.

Talk soon?

Thank you.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Look, I am sorry

that I made you feel

like I went behind

your back in any way,

that is not what happened.

When we got Aunt Dee's,

honestly, I truly believed

that the best way

to honor her legacy

was to make it the next

great candy company.

And yes, I went to

Jonathan with that idea.

But along the way,

I started to want to honor your

dreams for the company too.

And now I don't know what

the right thing to do is.

I think I do.

You're signing away your half?

I just...

I didn't think things

would get so complicated.

So, I'm taking the buy

out, I'm stepping away.

Good luck,

I really mean that.

He's selling his half?

I've been trying to figure out

what Aunt Dee would want

us to do with the store

and now I am more

confused than ever.

But I wanted to

show you something.

Aunt Dee left me this letter.

And there is

something inside of it

that I thought she

would want me to share.

It's us from the first festival.

I don't believe it.

She left us a few surprises.

What did the letter say?

When someone you

love becomes a memory,

the memory becomes a treasure.

Share your treasures

with those you love.

What do you think

she's telling you?

I thought I knew

but now I don't.

So that's it?

You decided you're selling?


Yeah, if I sell my share,

I can devote more

time to the farm,

help you with your workload.

No, no, this is not about my

workload, I like my workload.

I thought you and Maggie,

we're working this through.

Yeah, so did I.

So what happened?

I guess I let my guard down.

And what does that mean?

I don't know dad, I mean...

I thought I knew her,

I guess I don't.

You know Dee wanted us

to carry on the shop together

but Maggie had other plans.

Besides, it is

her family, right?

Why am I gonna step

in the way of that?

I just wish that she'd

been straight with me.

Did you tell her that?


Yeah, just in not so many words.


You, you are a man

of not so many words.

Talk to her, tell her how

you are really feeling.

You might be giving up more

than just a store here.

Dex, keep this

close to your heart

as a symbol of what

we've started together.

It's up to you to

unlock the future.

Dex, now, it's your turn.

Write a letter to

someone special to you,

be vulnerable and express

your true feelings.

Keep it close, he's got the key.

Hey, it's Maggie, please

call me back, we need to talk.

Maggie, is everything okay?

Yeah, is Dex here?

No, he took off on his bike,

said he needed

some time to think.

I know exactly where he is.

Could I?

I'm way ahead of you.


I'd recognize the sound

of that engine anywhere.

What are you doing here?

I got your letter.

And you were right,

it is the little things.

You know, it's the

laughter and the memories,

but it is also the big things.

It's being home,

it's being with family and

Aunt Dee's house and our shop,

being reminded of everything

and everyone that I love.

It's like I was a closed book

until you...

We can do anything that you

want with Aunt Dee's shop.

I just don't wanna lose you.

I don't wanna lose you either.

I think it's pretty clear

that Aunt Dee left us her shop

because she trusted us.

But she was also trying

to bring us together

in her own special way.

Do you recognize this?

Yeah, that's her music box.

Yes, she loved this poem

that's inscribed in it.

"A wise old owl lived in an oak.

"The more he saw,

the less he spoke."

"The less he spoke,

the more he heard."

"Now wasn't he

- "a wise old bird?"

- "A wise old bird?"

So we tried to open it, but

she didn't leave me the key.

Wait a second.

I had that.

The key was attached to the owl.

I had in my pocket

before I left.

Okay, so it fell off,

it's gotta be somewhere.

Yeah, but where?

I don't know how we're ever

gonna find it out here.

I can't believe I lost it.

It's okay.

No, it's not.

Aunt Dee left me the key,

I finally figured out what

it's for and I lose it.

Look, if you wanna

blame anybody, blame me,

it was my fault.

Your fault?

Yes, because if I would

have just been an adult

and had a conversation,

then you wouldn't have

run off into the woods

and lost your key.

It's not your fault,

it's my fault.

You know what?

It doesn't matter.

It doesn't, we found what

we were supposed to find.

She wanted us to

find each other.

That's all that matters.

Still, like she had a

spare for everything.

Wait a second,

she had the words

to the owl poem

framed in her office.

Dear Maggie and Dex,

if you're reading this

wrapper, you found each other

and that couldn't

make me happier.

Trust your instincts

and use your strengths,

everything's better in twos.

Now, the moment you've

all been waiting for.

Judges, you've

sampled the sweets

and now it's time

to make your choice

for the best new flavor.

Ready, judges?

And number nines all

around, it's unanimous.

That would be Fiery Cayenne

Caramel, congratulations.

And with that, it's

time to close out

the 30th annual

Sweet Autumn Fest

with treats and drinks

and music, Aunt Dee style.

Look at this, I've

never seen this before.

Maple sugar creams,

icy maple crunch,

blueberry maple squares.

Looks like somebody was

inspired by your maple syrup.

Hey, where are you guys?

You missed the...

Hey, Dex and I have a

business proposal for you.

Can you come down to the shop?


- Hi.

- There you are.

Sorry we're late,

- we had a little business.

- It was a business.

Happy fall fling.

- Happy fall fling.

- Happy fall fling.

Speaking of business,

there was a well-dressed

guy looking for you earlier.

You mean that gentleman?

Sorry, Jonathan.

It's nice to meet you guys,

I've heard a lot about you.

Well, we've heard

a lot about you.

Good to finally meet you.

We are so sad this

is your last night

but we understand

how busy you are.

Yeah and she's

about to get busier.

We're launching a new

line of Aunt Dee's candies.

Inspired from the

original maple bites.

And if they're half as good

as the maple pumpkin spice,

then I think Aunt Dee's

is gonna be household name

across the country.

And locally

sourced, locally made.

We're also expanding the

website and online sales.

Is that your specialty?

- Actually...

- That would be mine.

Of course.

I've got some really

exciting ideas for the website.

Loyalty programs, social

media promotions, live chats.

It's gonna feel like

you're shopping in the store.

From anywhere in the country,

And eventually the world.

That is great.

Can I pre-order

one of everything?

You bet!

So does this mean?

It means that Jonathan

will be running

things in Minneapolis

and I will be staying here.

That's amazing, Aunt

Dee would be so happy.

This is my favorite.

- Would you care to?

- I would love to.

- It's Ron, right?

- Yeah.

So tell me about the farm.

Yeah, sure.

Well, we've got all kinds

of berries, we grow corn

and then of course we

have Dex's maple syrup.

I'm just gonna go over there.

Well done, partner.

Back at you partner.

You're gonna eat that?

What does the wrapper say?

Let the lady drive.

What? Show me.

Give me the keys.

Show me.

Give me the keys.

Nice ride.

Thank you.

Is that a '66 Superhawk?

It is.

You don't see many of those.

I know.

Hop on.

- Hold on tight.

- You bet.


by VaVooM