Swedish Auto (2006) - full transcript

SWEDISH AUTO is the dramatic story of a small-town mechanic who voyeuristically observes life from the shadows. When he discovers that a young woman is similarly watching him, he is compelled to confront a world that he has always avoided.

[♪..., projector clicking]

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.

Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.


[train wheels clacking]


hip-hop playing faintly]

-You got that on yet?

-Man: This oil filter

don't fit right.

-Better get Carter

to help you.

-No, I got it.

-Get Carter to help you.


Hey, Carter!

Come over here and try to put

this thing on.

[car door slams]

[hip-hop playing faintly]

It don't fit right, does it?

-Yeah, it fits.

You might have just had it

twisted a little bit.

-It's on?



Guess I better

take a look at it.

[birds chirping]

[radio playing faintly]

[door creaks]

-Let's sit over there.


-Hey, Pop.

-Hello there, Leroy.

-Hey, Ruth.

Come on, you guys,

finish up.

Got those 240s to do

this afternoon.

[parking brake clacks]

[dashboard clock clicking]

[tools clattering]

[shuts drawer]

Pull that Saab on in too.

[bell dinging]

[door slams, bell stops]

[coins clatter, jingle]

[can falls]

[train passing in distance]

[tool clatters]

[overalls unzipping]

Don't think about leaving

just yet.

You got them brakes left to do.

-Carter'll do 'em.

-You'll do 'em!

-Come on, Carter.

-I'll do the brakes.

-You can't be doing

his work for him.

You got your own life to live.

-You got someplace

to go, Carter?

-I'll do 'em.


All right, I'm outta here.

-O.K., I'm leaving.

-Carter: All right.

-Don't stay too late.

-I won't.

[click, power tool whirs]

[whirring continues]



[door clatters down]

[lock clicks]


[short, indistinct exchange]


[playing slow

classical melody]


[laughter, indistinct


[car engine starts]

[tambourines jingling]

[upbeat violin melody]

[general conversation]

[violin continues]

[woman laughs,

violin continues]

[violin stops, applause]

[general conversation]

-Man: Maybe there's one

at 10:00.

-Man 2: Aw, come on...

Sorry, man.

[stapler clicks]


[crickets chirping]

[wings flutter]


[train wheels clacking]

[train horn blowing]


[birds chirping,

kids yelling in distance]

[clattering and clinking]

[power tool whirring]


[loud click]

[wheels roll and creak]


[blows gently]

[tool clinks]


[engine hesitates, starts]

[engine running steadily]


-Thought we would have to send

this one to Richmond.

[engine stops]

-Should be O.K.


-Hey, Leroy, how you doing?

-I'm doing fine.

How about yourself?

-Ah, no complaints.


[radio playing faintly]

-Sorry. Y'all came in

early today.

-I guess I'll have the, uh,

patty melt.

-Tots or fries?

-Um... tots...

With a slice of cheese on 'em.

-Gimme a burger and fries.

-I'll have a cheeseburger

and fries.

-Extra tomato.


-Be about five minutes.

-Did you get mine?

-Burger and fries.

-That's right.

-Leroy: Do anything

after work?


-No, last night.

Did you do anything?

-I, I saw a, a movie.

-At home?

-No, I, uh, I went to the

discount theater downtown.

-With who?

-Just by myself.

-[clicks tongue] Something's

wrong with you, Carter.

You spend too much time alone.

-Doesn't bother me.

-Something must have happened

to you

to be so afraid of people,

like you are.

Come on, something.

-You don't have to be eaten

by a lion to be afraid of one.

What did you see?

-Starsky and Hutch.

-The TV show.

-Well, they made a movie

out of it.

-The TV show?


-Is it good?

-Yeah, it was...

It was all right.

-Doesn't sound like you,


I thought you were

more of music guy.

-Yeah, I guess you're right.


Say, uh, did you see the

Starsky and Hutch movie?


Uh... Yeah.

I did... see it.

-You like it?

-It was all right.

-That's the same thing

he said.

[radio continues playing]

Well, guess I'll wait for it

to come on TV, like they do

all the rest of them.

-Ann: Hey.

-Hey... How are you?

How was your class today?

-[replies, indistinct]

[both continue indistinctly]

I'm starving.

I haven't eaten all day.

I'm so excited

about the concert...

[crickets chirping]


[plant clattering]

-Oh, shit...

[♪..., general conversation]

[crickets chirping]



[radio playing faintly]


-Man: How you doing?

-What you gonna have

today, Carter?

-Probably a cheeseburger.

-I think I'll have a chicken

sandwich with french fries.



Those folks are here

to pick up their car.


-You said you'd have it done

by five.


-You ain't done?

-No, I'm working on it.

[click, clatter, hiss]

Ah! Shit!

God damn it!

-What, something break?

-My eyes.

-Leroy: Are you hurt?

Don't move. Whoa, whoa, whoa...

-My eyes...

-Hold on, hold on, hold on...

Hold still, hold still,

come on, come on...

You get the eye wash

over here, come on.

Take it easy, take it easy.

You're gonna be all right.

You're all right, you're all

right, don't worry about it.

-I guess I'll finish up.

-O.K., all right.

Come on, pick up a little bit.


Here we go.

Come on, scoot down.

Lean your head back.

Yeah, there you are.

How's that? Huh?

-That's better.

-O.K. O.K.

What happened?

-The hose came off.

-Oh, wow...

Feel better?

-Yeah, I'm fine.

-O.K., here,

take some of this.

All right, go wipe

yourself off, huh?

You're gonna be O.K., all right?

[crickets chirping]

[violin playing]

[general conversation]





[Darla sighs]


[crickets chirping]


[tires squeal, car drives away]

[crickets chirp]

[leaves, grass rustling]


[crickets chirping]



[Darla murmurs,

dog woofs softly]



[crickets chirping]

[muffled voices talking]

[music becomes ominous]

-Woman: No... Stop... [grunts]

[Man grunts]


[train passing]

[can thunks in machine]

[train continues past]

[DJ chatters on radio]

-Leroy: Hello, pretty lady.

-Darla: Hi.

-Leroy: Looking good.


She's so cute.

[crickets chirping,

people chatting on the street]


[train clattering past]



[plaster mask smashes]


[music ends]

-Leroy: I'll be over there

in a minute.

Yeah, that's lookin'

pretty good.


That 240 over there, uh,

needs a new ignition coil.

Me and Bobby gonna go down

to Meachum's to pick one up.

Might grab a burger at the


while we're down there.

-All right.

-Want me to bring you

one back?

-No, it's O.K.

I'm just gonna go to Mel's.

-O.K., it'll be about 2:00

when we get back.

[thump] See ya later.

-See ya.

[car engine starts]

[car door slams, car pulls away]

[general conversation]

[radio plays in background]


-Thank you.

[radio plays]

[birds chirping, children

shouting in the distance]

[Bobby and Leroy arguing]

-Bobby: Why you always

on my back?

-Leroy: 'Cause you not

doin' anything!

-Bobby: I'm working on it!

Can't you see I'm working on it?

-Leroy: That white boy--

most of the time,

he has to tell you

you've got the wrong valve!

I'm sure glad your mother's

not here--

-Bobby: Now, why'd you go

bring Mama into it?

-Leroy: Because she'd

be disappointed in you!


-Man: Go on, get the hell

in the house!

-Child: I'm goin'!


-Man: Come here, boy.

[dog barks]


-Man: ♪ The boy never fell

♪ As he ran across the plain

♪ And home to winter


♪ She flew beside him

♪ An angel of despair


♪ And won't somebody tell him

♪ Why the stars refuse

to shine ♪

♪ There's laughter in the dark

♪ And I can't sleep at night

♪ And why

♪ Must the night last

♪ Till the day

♪ Which never comes

♪ Again?


[music fades]

[metal chain rattling,

crickets chirping]


[crickets chirping]


[screen door creaks]

-Darla: Carter...


Will you stop?


Please stop.

[crickets chirping]

What were you doing there?

Why did you do that?

-I was trying to help.

I saw what your father does.

Darla? Darla!

-[angrily] He's not my father!

[crying] He's not my father.


-It's O.K.

[crickets chirping]

[latch opens]

[train passing outside]

[door closes]

[keys jingling]

-It's bigger than it looks.

You learning to swim?

-I haven't really tried it

yet, but...

I imagine now I could tell you

how to do it.

-I don't... need direction

from you, I'm a good swimmer.

I was on the swim team.

Yep, the backstroke.

Seen all these?

-Yeah, most of them.

-Which one's your favorite?

-I don't really have one.

I found it outside.

It's mine now.


How long have you lived here?

-I don't know.

How long have you seen me

living here?

-Are you from here?

-Not far from here.

-I was born and raised here.

Never been nowhere else.

-You've never left?

-My, my family...

My mom's here.

What about you?

Where are your family?

-You're lookin' at it.


-That's all that's left

of my family.

It's from the car

that we were in.

-A crash?

-Me and the mirror's all that

made it out.

-I'm sorry.

-It's all right.

It was a long time ago.

Are you hungry?

I think I got some stuff.

-"Stuff" sounds good.


[Darla chuckles]


-There you go.


[laughing] Oh, shit.


[Darla laughs]

Mmm, that's good, huh?

-Mmm... [laughing] Mm-hmm.


How did your mold turn out?


-It's O.K.

You could sleep here tonight.

-I could sleep on the couch.

-You can sleep here.

I'll sleep on the floor.

I sleep on the floor all the

time anyway because of my back.

-No, I wanna sleep

on the sofa.

-I promise, I like to sleep

on the floor.

-I don't want to sleep

on the bed.

-It's clean, I just washed

the sheets.

-Nope, I'm not moving.

What are you doing?

-Going to bed.

-Suit yourself.

[pillows and covers rustling

on the bed]

Shelley's gonna kill me.

-What for?

-Not comin' home.

-You're old enough.

You should be able to do

whatever you want.

-I... I told him I worked

nights just to get out

of the house.

-He's not even your father.

You shouldn't have to answer

to him.

-He's my mom's boyfriend.

That's all he is.

-That's what I'm saying.

-You don't know Shelley.

What's his is his.

-You're not his, though.

-Good night.

-Good night.

[birds chirping]

[car passes]

-What are you doing?


I'm going to work.

-Well, can I,

can I walk with you?

-To Leroy's?

-No, to Mel's.


You wanna take a shower?


[screen door creaks open]





-See you--

-I'll see you at lunch?

-See you.



-Yeah... gimme the meatloaf.



Cheeseburger, pile on

the tomatoes.

Milk shake?

-It's O.K., just water.

-I'll bring it out.


[crickets chirping]

-Darla: Where are we going?

-Carter: You never followed me

up here?



-You've never been here?

-Darla, scoffing: With the

college people?

-Here, I'll help you up.

-I can do it.

[metal rattles as she climbs]

-Sit right up there.

[crickets chirping]

-What are we doing?

-You'll see.

Just hold on one second.

[violin solo plays]

-So this is where you come.

-Every day.

[violin solo continues]

-That's Mars.


-Next to Aries.

[crickets chirping]

[he scoffs, she laughs]

O.K., you see them two?

Mars is the one on the right.

-Oh, yeah.

That's cool.

Wow, you know all of them.

-Did you think I was just

watching you? [giggles]

I had a lot of time to...

Spend watching them.

[crickets chirping]


-I want you to know I...

I'm not in love with her.

-I know.

-I love the music.

-I know.


-Will you go back there?

-Well, I gotta check on my mom

from time to time.


-Why doesn't she just leave?


See, he's... He's got cancer and

can get as much as he wants,


She can't go a day without it.

It messes up her mind pretty

bad and...

Plus, he'd...

I'm pretty sure he'd kill her

if she left.


-How long did it take you

to work on that 740?

-Carter: About seven,

eight hours.

-Leroy: Seven or eight hours?

Why so long?

-Well, I had to replace

the timing valve.


[tapping pencil]

Did you finish the alignment?

-Yeah, all done.


Get out of here!


I have to get changed real

quick, I'll be right back.

[light rain pattering]

[insects chirping]

-Darla: What was your favorite

subject in school?

-Um, shop.

-Well, shit, I knew that.


-Just trying to learn

something about you.

So... Let me think.

What was your...

What's your favorite food?

Like if it was your birthday and

you could have anything?

-Um... I like pot roast,

I guess.


-Just trying to figure out

what that means about you.

-What's wrong?

-That's Shelley's dog.

-What's it doing over here?

-I gotta go check on my mom.

[crows cawing]

-What should we do with it?

-I don't know.

[rain falling]

-I'll be out in a minute.

[screen door creaks]

[light rain continues]

[vehicle approaches, parks]

[car door slams]

[Darla's voice is muffled]

[Her voice becomes more


[screen door creaks]

[ominous music begins]

[no dialog, ♪]

-Hey! [knocking]

Hey, let go of her!

Get off!

Darla, get out of there!

I'm coming!


-You stay in the house, Darla!

Is this your little boyfriend?

I said get in that house!

You don't, you and your mama are

both gonna be sorry!

You hear me?



[screen door creaks]

[screen door creaks]

[front door slams]


[faucet squeaks, water runs]


[crickets chirping]

[chain rattles]




What happened to you?

-Just some kids.

-You all right?

-Yeah, I'm fine.

-You need to get yourself

a car.

-Yeah, I know.

-It ain't safe for you to be


around that neighborhood

all the time.

I know cars ain't always been

good to you, but...

Enough's enough.

Go on, go.

[gravel crunching underfoot]

-Come on, man, we're goin'.

-You go on ahead.

-You ain't comin'?

-I'm not hungry.


[gravel crunching]

-Hey, we missed you today.

-I wasn't hungry.

-Sorry about yesterday.

-Yeah, me too.

-You know, you're not the one

that's gotta live with him.

-You don't have

to do anything.

-Well, maybe you don't,

Carter, because you don't got

anyone but yourself,

but I got my mama and I'm not

gonna leave her like that.

But... [sniffs] Maybe you

wouldn't understand

because you don't

got a family.

[metal ring clatters on ground]



-Leroy: Hey! Where's the girl?

-Cook: Hey.

-Didn't come in today.

-Oh, so they got you

doin' double duty.

-That's right.

-I see.

Well, let's see, I think

I'll have the meatloaf...


[music stops,

crickets chirping]

[cassette clicks into player]

[piano and violin

music plays]

[birds chirping]

[piano and violin music fades]

-Oh, that 240?

The black 240?

-Carter: Mmm?

-It needs a new rotor too.

Go see if you can find one,


[birds chirping]

-Yeah, that should work.

-Hey, you know that, uh...

That 123 GT out there

on the lot?

-The '67?

-Yeah, that one.

-Yeah, I know it.



Would you sell it to me?

-To you?

You ain't never owned a car.

What you want with nothin'?

-I thought I might like

to fix it up.

-Well, you need a car.

Never seen a mechanic

who ain't never owned a car.

Fix it up.

It's yours.

Come on, come on, pay attention

to what you're doin'.

[car parts click on table]

[heavy part drops, rattles]

[chuckles softly]

-Where'd you find that tape?

Wanna come to the shop

for a minute?

-What for?

-I wanna show you somethin'.

-What is it?

-It's a 1967 Volvo 123 GT.

In Sweden, they call it

"The Amazon."


It's cool.

-We could go anywhere

in this car.

-I gotta get...

Back to work.

-Can I see you tonight?

-No, I can't...

I can't see you nights.

-Not at all?

-After work, some.

I gotta... Think about my mom,

I mean, if I don't take care

of her, no one will.

-What about you, Darla?

Who takes care of you?


-You, Carter.


[tow truck motor idling]


You got your work cut out

for you here, don't ya?


-Hoo! We'll help you out.

Let's get it hooked up, Mike.

[machinery clatters, grinds]

[tow truck engine hums]



All right, I think that's

as far back as she's gonna go.

I don't think there's any use

puttin' it into the shop,

do you?

-No, that's all right.

I'm workin' on her out here.

-Not during business hours,

you're not.

-No, uh, after work.

-That's right.

-All right,

she's in your hands now.

-Thank you.

-Tow Truck Driver: Sure thing.

-Leroy: Hey-- send us

some Volvos!

-If I find any,

they comin' right here.

-Now you're talkin'.

[tow truck engine starts]

-See ya.

-That's one ugly piece

of shit.

-Leroy: Well...

-Bobby: It's just

a waste of time.


-Do you want me to get down?


-I'm light.

-Man: ♪ ...looks just

like the sun ♪

♪ Looks just like it

♪ Looks just like the sun

♪ Looks just like it

♪ But it looks

just like the sun ♪

♪ Looks just like it

♪ But a breathing...

♪ Thinking one

♪ Heart is pounding

in his chest ♪

♪ Reaches suddenly for his gun

♪ Ship is sailing in the west

♪ A flower that could be

♪ His fun

-Man 2: Keep going.


-♪ Tree of antlers

on his head ♪

♪ Weary red split-open eyes

♪ I'm on the corner thinkin'

'bout my bed ♪

♪ He just stands still

and signifies ♪


-♪ One, two, three

-♪ Looks just like

♪ It looks just like it

♪ It looks just like the sun

♪ And it looks just like it

♪ Looks just like the sun

♪ And it looks just like it

♪ But a breathing...

♪ Thinking one

-Here we go.


♪ Gold and red,

her colors change ♪

♪ And she can't forget

♪ Turnin' back

♪ And I thought I knew,

thought I knew someone ♪

♪ You better check your watch

♪ I think it's time you left

♪ And hey, it's darkness still

♪ It's obvious to everyone

♪ In darkness still

♪ It's obvious to everyone

♪ Gold and red,

her colors change ♪

♪ And she can't forget

♪ Turnin' back

♪ Mmm, I thought I knew

♪ Thought I knew someone

♪ You better check your watch

♪ I think it's time you left

♪ And hey, in darkness

still... ♪

[music fades]

[hood thunks loudly]

[car door opens]

[door closes]

[engine starts]

[Carter revs the engine]

-Darla: It's working!

-Carter: Shall we go?

[engine revs]

[Darla laughs]

[horn in traffic honks]

[siren blares in the distance]

[music fades in]

-Man: ♪ ...looks just like

the sun ♪

♪ Looks just like it

♪ It looks just like the sun

-Man 2: Kevin, after this.

-♪ Looks just like it

-Here we go...

-♪ Looks just like...

♪ The sun

♪ Say... it

♪ Like it... Cho!


♪ One... two

♪ One, two

[music ends]

[engine stops]

-Carter: Where ya going?

-Come on.

-[chuckling] Come on where?

-[chuckling] Come on out here.


-My daddy taught me

to swim here.

[birds chirping]

-[chuckling] Nope,

not doin' it.

[window squeaks]

-Come out of there.

-I'm not goin' swimmin'.

-Why not?

-Well, look at it out there.

It's all muddy.

-Are you afraid?


Yeah, I'm very afraid, I mean...

I would go in... a pool, maybe,

but not in a lake.

-Well, pools are for kids.

-I'm not goin' in.

-Yes, you are.

-[laughing] No.


Well, I'm goin' in.


[birds chirping,

insects buzzing]

[water lapping]

-I'm not going in

above my head.

[Darla giggles]

And no goofing around, O.K.?

-Come on.

You're swimming.


You're swimmin'!

Look at you-- you're good!

[Carter laughs]

[birds chirp, insects buzz]

If I had a million dollars...

I'd build one of those things

where the cars...

The car goes on the wires.

-Like a tram?


I'd build a tram that went

from my house all the way

up here, so that...

whenever I felt...

Whenever I felt like it,

I could just get in

and boom, I'd be here.

-Bet that costs more

than a million dollars.

-How much do you think

it costs?

-I don't know.

-Then how do you know

that it'd be more

than a million dollars?

[Carter chuckles]

But wouldn't that be great?

What would you do

if you had a million dollars?

-Go away with you.


-It doesn't matter.

-Yes, it does.

-Not to me.

[birds chirping]

-Hey, I gotta go.

Come on.

[car door shuts]

-Here, try this one.

[mirror and screw rattle

against the door]

-Culpeper's the only place

that's got it.

I'ma drive on up there.

I'll be back in a couple

of hours.

[side mirror rattling]

-That'll work, mm-hmm.

Hey, Carter.

Get that.

-Young Woman: Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Um, can you help me?

I'm sorry, I don't have

an appointment.

It's just that my car's been

making some really weird noises


and well, I've been here before.

Do you think you could look

at it?

-Yeah, sure.


Do I know you from someplace?

You look really familiar.

-Well, I've been to a lot

of your concerts.

-Yes, that's it!

I knew I'd seen you before.

-Yeah, I'm actually

a big fan of yours.

-Well, thank you.

I'm Ann.


-Nice to meet you.

[car horn honks]

That's my ride.

Can I just leave this here

with you?


-Oh, here's my keys.

Oh-- when should I pick it up?

-Oh, uh, well, that depends

on what's wrong with it, um...

I'm sure we still have your

number on file, so, uh,

I'll give you a call.


I'll wait for your call.

-O.K., great.

-Thank you.

[wrench clicking]

[turns on the radio]

[soft rock music plays,

woman sings]

-Woman: ♪ ...breaks my heart

♪ Breaks my heart to have to

watch you go ♪

♪ Wish I knew

♪ Wish I knew when you'll be

back again ♪

♪ However long

♪ It's just too long

♪ Until we meet again

♪ Stay now

♪ Stay now

just a little more... ♪

[music becomes louder]

♪ 'Cause this love

♪ This love

is what living's for ♪

♪ 'Cause this love... ♪

[song continues in background]

[car creaking]

-Leroy: Hey, Carter!

Give me a hand!

[loud metallic crash]

[turns radio off]


-I was in Ann's car

when he was killed.

She brought it into the shop

a few days ago.

[birds chirping]

I was listening to her music,

going through her things.

I know I told you I loved

her music, but, uh...

[baby cries in the distance]

It's more than that.

It's, uh... It's her talent...

Her sophistication...

She's got everything.

She's beautiful and pure.

I'm just a redneck.

The closer I get to her,

the more alive I feel.

-You're not a redneck.

-Don't you even care?

-About what?

-That I love her?

-You don't love her.

-Yeah, I do.

-No, you don't.

You can't love something

you can't touch.

You can't love something that

isn't right in front of you...

Carrying the same silence,

feeling the same movement,

sharing the same air,

you... [sighs]

In all the time I spent

watching you...

Letting you take me and my mind

to other places, I...

I never felt you crawl up

in my chest like you are now

until I had my hands on you.

-You never felt anything

for me before?

-You... You can't compare us

the same way

because you could never love

her like I love you.

[crow caws]

You love her...

You love her like someone else

loves the moon.

You're like an astronomer.

And astronomers love the sky,

but it isn't the same love

that they bring home with them.

There's nothing wrong with you,

or what you do.

There's nothing wrong

with looking up at the stars.

But you don't have

a spaceship, Carter.

And you're never gonna walk

on that moon.

I don't think you would

if you could.

You couldn't breathe that air.


-Carter: I shouldn't have been

listening to music.

Maybe I would have heard


-Nothing wrong with music.

The jack slipped, that's it.

Nothing to do with music or

anything like that.

Just an accident.


Everybody gotta go somehow.

That's how he went.


-Do you still wanna go away

with me?


-It's just... If I was ready

to go, would you...

Would you really wanna come or,

or did you just say that?

-You, you wanna leave?

-Well, Shelley's

gonna die and...

I'm s... I'm scared of him.

-You really... You really

think he's... He would do


-You've seen him.

-Yeah, well, what about

your mom?

-Well, we'd...

We'd take her with us.


-He's got chemo tomorrow.

What are you thinking?



-Yeah, the hospital

picks him up.

We could go while he...

He's at the doctor.

[laughs nervously]


[faint clinking

and clattering]

[car door shuts]

-All of your father's assets

have been left in your name.

This includes, of course,

the shop and, uh, the assets

of a couple of bank accounts.

-Hi, Mr. Music Lover.

-Hey, you're just in time.

I, I just pulled it

out of the garage.

-Oh, good.

How's it run?

-It's running perfect.

-There you go.


-Oh, I forgot.

Uh, it's two tickets

to the concert we're having

this weekend.

I don't know if you have plans,

but I'd love for you to come.

-That's nice, thank you.

-It's no big deal.

I just thought you might

like it.

-Thank you.

-Take care.


[engine starts]



So how long does it take?

-Man: That depends.

Once we get the money to the

bank to cover the balance,

then we can turn the deed to the

shop over to your name.

At that point, it'd be

a couple of days.

-That's it?

-Pretty much.



Hey, Carter.

Listen, Carter, uh, I just want

to let you know that...

I'm gonna have to sell the



-But I'll let you name your


'cause, uh, I know it

means a lot to you.

-The coupe's mine, Bobby.

-No, Carter, it's mine.

All my pop's is mine now.

The lawyer can attest to that.

I got the title.

-Leroy left everything

to Bobby.

It, it's in the will.

-Leroy gave me the car.

-Look, I don't wanna do this,

but I gotta.

I got taxes to pay on account of

getting the shop and, uh...

This car's worth a good amount.

I'll let you buy it.


This car's probably worth


-Yeah. Yeah, I know.

-I don't have

any money, Bobby.

-Look, I'm willing to give you

a break

on account of all the

work you done on it.

-It's my car.

-Legally the car's Bobby's.

How you two sort it out from

there is up to you.

-why don't you hand over the

keys, 'cause, uh,

I'm gonna put

a ad in the paper this


Don't test me, Carter.

-Bobby, what the hell

are you doing?

You can't do this.

-Man: Maybe I should call

the police.

-Give me the keys, Carter.

-Man: Just give him the keys.

-Give me the keys.

[keys jingle]


Sorry, Carter.

I ain't got no choice.


Ain't always pretty, is it?

-Man: It never Is.

Not when there's money involved,

they say...

[violin playing]

[football game playing

on television]

[Mother and Shelley talking


[horn honks]

-Darla: That's your ride.

-Mother: Go on,

get outta here.

-Gotta tuck in Big Red.

-Mom, can you come here

for a minute?


-Just come on.

[screen door creaks]

We're leaving.

-What are you talking about?

-We're gonna go.

Carter's gonna pick us up while

Shelley's at the hospital.

We're gonna go.

We're gonna go somewhere far

away and we're not coming back.

-We can't. What about Shelley?

-Why not?

-We're gonna go someplace

he can't find us.

-You don't think

he'll come after us?

-Mama, he's gonna be dead...

And he's gonna die alone.

Now, we gotta go tonight.

-I ain't ready.

Well, I'm gonna help you.

Come on! We gotta be ready!

-All right...

-Hold on, I think I got the

bag under the bed.

-It's right here.

-Take this.

[violin playing]

[woman reading news

on television]

[pills rattling]

-Here, Mama.

-No, I'm O.K.

-It'll just help you feel

a little better, O.K.?

-I don't want it.

[footsteps on porch]

-There's Carter.




-I don't want it.

[screen door creaks]

[news continues on television]

-What y'all doing?

-Watching TV.

-Shut the fuck up, Darla.

I'm talking to Pam.

-Don't talk to her like that.


-I said don't talk to her

like that.

-I'll talk to her

any way I like.

-No, you won't.


-Don't fuckin' tell me

what to do--

I'll do whatever the hell

I want.

-Not no more.

-Mama, don't.

-'Cause we're leaving.

-You're what?


-This your fuckin'

idea, Darla?

-We packed our bags and all

and we're leaving.

-Oh, you got your bags

and all, huh?

And you're leaving, huh?

Is them your bags?

[continues indistinctly]

These your bags, huh?

These them, huh?

Well, all right then.

I guess a, I guess a couple

of travelers you two are.

You know what? I'm gonna help

you blaze a new fuckin' trail!

Come on!

-Don't, Shelley!

-Get the hell off me!

-Pam: Shelley!


-[coughs, spits]

-Darla: Stop!


Stop it... Mama...

Let go!

Stop! No!

-Get back there!

[fire crackling]


Oh, you're the guy from Leroy's.

-Yeah... Carter.

-Right, Carter.

What are you doing here?

-Well, uh... I was actually...

I was just walking down the

street and I, I heard a violin.

I could tell it was yours.

-You could?

I, I didn't even know

I was that loud.

-Yeah, I could hear it

through your window.

It's beautiful.

-Thank you.

-It, it kind of... It's like...

Something about the way

you play...

It's like when you have

a favorite song and...

And you're sad and you hear it,

it makes you even sadder.

When you're happy and you hear

it, it... makes you smile.


That's really sweet.

-What, did you think I'd just

let you leave like that?

You're so fuckin' stupid.

I can't believe

how fuckin' stupid you are!

[ashtray clatters]

[clattering items on table]


[gas hissing]

[clicks knob]

[clicks knobs,

gas hissing]

[hissing louder]

[phone ringing]

-Carter, can you hold on.

I just have...

I have to get that.

Just... Come in.

Hi, Mom.



No, no, I, I will be there.

Yeah, no... No, no.

I hear...



I know, I will,

I will bring that.



Mom, can you... Can you hold on

a second, please?

Just... Just hold on.

-Thank you for these.

I have to go.

-Right now?

-I have to go.

[door clattering]



[engine starts, races]

[crickets chirping]

[parking brake clacks]


[taps on window]


[gas hissing]

[louder hissing]




Wake up.

We gotta go.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Come on, we gotta go.

[Darla coughs]

You O.K.?

I'm gonna go get your mom.

-Pam: What?

No, I can't.



What's that smell?


[door bangs]


Where you going?

[gas hissing]


-What are you doing?

-Be right back.


-[coughing, panting]

-[flicking lighter]




-You ready?



[engine starts]

[crickets chirping]

[muffled explosion]

[debris clattering,

alarm beeping]

[dog yelps]

[fire crackling]


[music changes]

-Man: ♪ Baby, can't you see

♪ That I'm smiling?

♪ Can't you see there's a part

♪ Of me that's brand-new?

♪ Used to be was a part of me ♪

♪ Felt like hiding

♪ But now it comes through

♪ Deep in my heart ♪

♪ That's where the knot

comes loose ♪

♪ Deep in my heart

♪ I will remember you

♪ All my lovely life

I've been waitin' ♪

♪ Hot heels anticipatin'

♪ Another love I found

♪ Not to let it down

♪ Ah...


♪ Ah...


♪ Ah...


♪ Deep in my heart

♪ That's where the knot

comes loose ♪

♪ Deep in my heart

♪ I will remember you

♪ Baby, can't you see

♪ That I'm smilin'?

♪ Can't you see there's a part

♪ Of me that's brand-new?

♪ Used to be was a part of me

♪ Felt like hidin'

♪ But now it comes through

♪ Now it comes through

♪ Comes through to you

[music ends]