Swastika (1973) - full transcript

The Nazification of Germany from 1933 to 1945 told through a compilation of Nazi footage, newsreels, propaganda films and Eva Braun's home movies.

(wind howling)

(crowd shouting)

(crowd chanting in foreign language)

(speaking foreign language)

(patriotic marching band music)

(singing in foreign language)

(chanting in foreign language) (suspenseful music)

(explosion booms)

(ominous orchestral music)

(dramatic orchestral music)

(airplane rumbling)

(car horns honking)

(car engine rumbling)

(speaking in foreign language)

(vehicles rumbling)

(factory whistle bellows)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(upbeat orchestral music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(train rumbling)

(speaking in foreign language)

(train chugging)

(train whistle toots)

(birds chirping)

(singing in foreign language)

(dog barking)

(chickens clucking)

(singing in foreign language)

(children chattering)

(serene orchestral music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(metal clanking) (jaunty orchestral music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(serene orchestral music)

(birds chirping) (dog barking)

(wind howling)

(speaking in foreign language)

(dog barking)

(speaking in foreign language)

- Blondie, come here.

(Blondie barks)

(speaking in foreign language)

(soldier laughs)

(dog barking)

(dramatic orchestral music)

(singing in foreign language)

(crowd cheering) (bright orchestral music)

(singing in foreign language) (crowd cheering)

(crowd cheering)

(crowd applauding)

(crowd chanting in foreign language)

(fireworks popping)

(crowd cheers)

(fireworks popping)

(wind howling) (flames crackling)

(speaking in foreign language)

(wind howling)

(flames crackling)

(wind howling) (bells chiming)

(singing in foreign language)

(fire roaring)

(singing in foreign language)

(bell rings) (child chattering)

(speaking in foreign language)

(harmonica notes descending)

(chattering in foreign language)

(trumpet tooting)

(chattering in foreign language)

(wind howling)

(ethereal orchestral music)

(singing in foreign language)

(chattering in foreign language)

(singing in foreign language)

(dramatic orchestral music)

(wind howling)

(dog barking)

(wind howling)

(speaking in foreign language)

(dog barks)

- [Adolf] Eva.

(wind howling)

(airplane engines rumbling)

(crowd cheering)

(crowd chattering in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

- Oh yeah. (radio signal screeching)

(radio announcer speaking in foreign language)

- In America we've had many reports

against your new government, and in most cases,

this has caused hasty demonstrations everywhere.

(speaking in foreign language)

I can now say to you that the American people today

realize that these stories

are untrue and without foundation.

(speaking in foreign language)

Oh yes, I am old visitor of Germany,

and I have come here so as to talk over the radio

from Germany to America that the true facts

may be given to the American people

so that they will have the story of today

and what's going on here.

(officer speaking in foreign language)

(machinery rumbling)

(explosion booms)

(wood creaking) (trees booming)

(crowd cheering)

(patriotic orchestral music)

(men speaking in foreign language)

- [Ship Christener] Bismarck.

(glass breaking) (crowd cheers)

(crowd cheering)

- I find that there's a new fresh vitality here in Germany

under your great leader and chancellor, Adolf Hitler,

of whom I'm a great admirer.

The new Germany will live,

for you have the best centralized government

in the world today.

(dramatic drum roll music)

(engines rumbling)

(somber orchestral music)

(crowd chattering)

(crowd chattering)

(soft orchestral music)

(men speaking in foreign language)

(women speaking in foreign language)

(wind howling)

(engine rumbling)

(men speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(somber orchestral music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(Eva giggles)

(speaking in foreign language)

(man laughs)

(speaking in foreign language)

(woman giggles)

(women giggling)

(speaking in foreign language)

- Come here.

(speaking in foreign language)

(patriotic orchestral music)

(trumpet fanfare music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(crowd chattering)

(speaking in foreign language)

(crowd chattering)

(trumpet fanfare music)

(crowd cheering)

(speaking in foreign language) (dramatic orchestral music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(crowd chanting in foreign language)

(crowd cheers)

(crowd applauding)

(speaking in foreign language) (dog barking)

(woman giggling)

(woman speaking in foreign language)

(Joachim chuckling) (serene orchestral music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(boys giggling) (water sloshing)

(man laughing)

(speaking in foreign language)

(dog barking)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(boys laughing) (water sloshing)

(group laughing)

- Where is that dog?

(group chattering in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(woman laughing)

(speaking in foreign language)

(woman laughing) (speaking in foreign language)

(women laughing)

(speaking in foreign language)

(women laughing)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(dramatic orchestral music)

(birds squawking) (crowd chattering)

(crowd chattering) (patriotic orchestral music)

(trumpet fanfare music)

(crowd chattering in foreign language)

(singing in foreign language)

(crowd chattering)

(upbeat orchestral music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(starter pistol bangs)

(crowd chattering)

(crowd cheers)

- I'm very glad to have won my three events

in the games here in Berlin.

It's been the first time since 1924,

about 12 years ago, and I'm very proud to have won.

Wonderful competition here, a wonderful stadium,

and a wonderful crowd and the days have been very nice,

and the people here in Germany have been very nice to me,

and I'm very glad to display my talent here.

Thank you. (speaking in foreign language)

(crowd chattering)

(trumpet fanfare music)

(bright orchestral music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(trumpet fanfare music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(singing in foreign language)

(men whistling)

(speaking in foreign language)

- Infantry.

- Infantry.

(soft orchestral music)

- Infantry.

(speaking in foreign language)

(crowd chattering)

(speaking in foreign language)

(patriotic orchestral music)

(men chattering in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(light orchestral music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(guns firing)

(feet stomping rhythmically)

(speaking in foreign language)

(guns firing)

(explosion booms)

(speaking in foreign language)

(horse hooves clomping)

(children chattering)

- [Adolf] Gretl. (laughs)

(puppy barking)

(speaking in foreign language)

(puppy barking)

(speaking in foreign language)

(puppies barking)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(Adolf grunts)

(speaking in foreign language)

(somber orchestral music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(child speaking in foreign language)

(group chattering)

(woman gasps)

(patriotic fanfare music)

(singing in foreign language)

(children cheering)

(dramatic orchestral music) (crowd shouting)

(trumpet fanfare music)

(children cheering)

(trumpet fanfare music)

(girls chattering in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(girls chattering in foreign language)

(somber orchestral music)

♪ Life was blind to me

♪ Now it's kind to me

♪ Love has opened my eyes

♪ Since it came to me

♪ Life's a game to me

♪ With the sweetest surprise

♪ I never knew how good it was to be ♪

♪ A slave to one who means the world to me ♪

♪ I loved that man from the start ♪

♪ Way down deep in my heart

♪ I know he loves me, heaven knows why ♪

♪ And when he tells me he can't live without me ♪

♪ What wouldn't I do for that man ♪

♪ He's not an angel or saint

♪ And what's the odds if he ain't ♪

♪ With all his faults I know we'll get by ♪

♪ I'll be so true to him he'll never doubt me ♪

♪ What wouldn't I do for that man ♪

♪ If I could only rest my weary head on his shoulder ♪

♪ I close my eyes right there and wish ♪

♪ I'd never grow older

♪ I'll never leave him alone

♪ I'll make his troubles my own ♪

♪ I love that man like nobody can ♪

♪ I'm just no good when his arms are about me ♪

♪ What wouldn't I do for that man ♪

♪ Oh, what wouldn't I do for that man ♪

♪ I'm just no good when his arms are about me ♪

♪ What wouldn't I do for that man ♪

♪ Oh, what wouldn't I do for that man ♪

(somber orchestral music)

(man chattering)

(men chattering)

(insect buzzing)

(waves crashing)

(wind howling)

(fire crackling)

(singing in foreign language)

- [Officer] Dietrich Eckhart.

- [Officer] Hermann Norwood.

(flames crackling)

Wilhelm Gustloff.

(gunfire booms)

Hans Wetzel.

(gunfire booming)

(somber orchestral music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(flame crackling)

(flame crackling)

(trumpet fanfare music)

(crowd chattering)

(trumpet fanfare music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(singing in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(serene orchestral music)

(singing in foreign language)

(upbeat orchestral music)

(women giggling)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(singing in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(man chuckles) (woman laughing)

(speaking in foreign language)

(woman laughing)

Eva, Eva! (laughs)

(speaking in foreign language)

(somber orchestral music)

(dog barking)

- Blondie.



(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(Eva laughs)

(speaking in foreign language)

(wind howling)

- Do you have your order? - Yeah.

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(crowd cheering) (patriotic orchestral music)

(trumpet fanfare music)

(crowd cheering)

(crowd chanting in foreign language)

(light orchestral music) (crowd chattering)

(soldiers stomping rhythmically)

(dramatic orchestral music)

(crowd shouting)

(crowd chattering)

(glass breaking)

(men shouting in foreign language)

(glass breaking)

(group shouting in foreign language)

(ominous orchestral music)

(men chattering)

(soldiers stomping rhythmically)

(Hindenburg rumbling)

- [Radio Announcer] The Hindenburg left Frankfurt, Germany,

Tuesday evening rather, at 7:30 their time.

And for better than two and a half days

they've been speeding through the skies

over miles and miles of water here to America.

Now they're coming in to make a landing of the Zeppelin.

I'm going to step out here.

As I move out, we'll just stand by a second.

Well here it comes, ladies and gentlemen,

to us now and what a great sight it is,

a thrilling one.

Just a marvelous sight coming down out of the sky.

It's pointed directly towards us

and toward the mooring mast.

The might diesel motors just roared,

the propellors biting into the air

and throwing it back into a gale-like whirlpool.

The ship is no doubt bustling with activity, as we can see.

Orders are shouted to the crew, the passengers

are probably lining the windows, looking down

at the field before them. - Here's the mooring now.

- [Radio Announcer] Getting their glimpse

of the mooring mast.

The back motors of the ship are just holding it,

just enough to keep it from--

(fire roaring)

Get this, Charlie, get this, Charlie!

It's burning and it's crashing.

It's crashing, terrible.

Oh my, get out of the way, please.

It is burning, bursting into flames

and it's falling on the mooring mast.

(Hindenburg crashing drowns out speech)

Oh, it's a terrific crash, ladies and gentlemen.

The smoke and the flames now and the frame

is crashing into the ground,

not quite to the mooring mast.

Oh the humanity, and all those passengers

screaming around it.

I told you, (flames roaring)

I can't even talk to people whose friends were on there.

(roaring flames drown out speech)

I can't talk, ladies and gentlemen.

Honest, just can make no sense

of the smoking wreckage. (groans)

I'm gonna have to stop for a minute

because I've lost my voice.

This is the worst thing I've ever witnessed.

(crowd chattering)

(crowd shouting)

(dramatic drum music)

- Pledge undivided allegiance

to the flag of the United States of America.

Go after him. (crowd shouting)



(crowd shouting)

(ominous orchestral music)

(crowd applauds)

- The technical problem of securing and maintaining peace,

but also face the important task

of education and enlightenment.

Without such freedom there would have been

no Shakespeare, no Goethe, no Newton,

no Faraday, no Pasteur, and no Lister.

(crowd applauds)

(wind howls)

(speaking in foreign language)

(motor rumbling)

(speaking in foreign language)

(Goering laughs)

- [Radio Announcer] Today's news

of the international situation

is entirely dominated by this announcement

with which Mr. Chamberlain ended his speech

in Parliament this afternoon after a special message

had been handed to him.

Herr Hitler has agreed to withhold

(speaking in foreign language) mobilization for 24 hours.

And on his invitation, Mr. Chamberlain,

(speaking in foreign language) Senor Mussolini,

and Monsieur Daladier are meeting him at Munich tomorrow.

(speaking in foreign language)

At this point, the whole House rose,

cheering and waving order papers.

(speaking in foreign language)

When the cheering had subsided,

Mr. Chamberlain told the House, "I hope the House

"will release me now (speaking in foreign language)

"to go and see what I can make

"of this last effort that we have.

"Perhaps we may meet (speaking in foreign language)

"in happier circumstances."

(speaking in foreign language)

The House is adjourned until Monday

amid scenes, perhaps an example for enthusiasm

and emotion. (speaking in foreign language)

When Mr. Chamberlain acknowledged the applause

that greeted him later in Downing Street,

he cried to the crowds, "It's all right this time."

(crowd shouting)

- This morning I had another talk

with the German Chancellor, Herr Hitler.

And here is the paper which bares

his name upon it as well as mine.

(crowd cheers)

Some of you perhaps have already heard what it contains,

but I would just like to read it to you.

We regard the agreement signed last night

and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement

as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples

never to go to war with one another again.

- [Spectator] Three cheers for Chamberlain!

- [Man] Hip, hip!

- [Crowd] Hooray!

- [Man] Hip, hip!

(crowd cheering)

(explosion booms)

(ominous orchestral music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(airplanes rumbling)

(soft ominous music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(explosions booming)

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Radio Announcer] This is London.

You will now hear a statement by the Prime Minister.

- [Neville] This morning, the British Ambassador

in Berlin handed the German government a final note

stating that unless we heard from them by 11 o'clock,

that they were prepared at once to withdraw their troops

from Poland, a state of war would exist between us.

(avalanche roaring)

I have to tell you now, that no such undertaking

has been received and that consequently

this country is at war with Germany.

Now may God bless you all and may He defend the right,

for it is evil things that we shall be fighting against,

brute force, bad faith, injustice,

oppression, and persecution.

(horse hooves clomping)

(airplane roaring)

(guns firing) (explosions booming)

(bombs screeching) (explosions booming)

(bells ringing) (crowd shouting)

(speaking in foreign language)

(patriotic music) (crowd shouting)

(singing in foreign language)

(objects clattering)

(singing in foreign language)

(objects clattering)

(singing in foreign language)

- [Radio Announcer] Here is a newsflash.

The German radio has just announced that Hitler is dead.

I repeat that, Hitler is dead.

(wind howling)

(tractor rumbling)

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Woman] Blondie, come here.

(Blondie barking)

(speaking in foreign language)

(jaunty piano music)

♪ Don't let's be beastly to the Germans ♪

♪ When our victory is ultimately won ♪

♪ It was just those nasty Nazis ♪

♪ Who persuaded them to fight

♪ And their Beethoven and Bach

♪ Are really far worse than their bite ♪

♪ Let's be meek to them and turn the other cheek to them ♪

♪ And try to bring out their latent sense of fun ♪

♪ Let's give them full air parity ♪

♪ And treat the rats with charity ♪

♪ But don't let's be beastly to the Hun ♪

♪ We must be kind and with an open mind ♪

♪ We must endeavor to find a way ♪

♪ To let the Germans know that when the war is over ♪

♪ They are not the ones who have to pay ♪

♪ We must be sweet and tactful and discreet ♪

♪ And when they've suffered defeat ♪

♪ We mustn't let them feel upset ♪

♪ Or ever get the feeling that we're cross with them ♪

♪ Or hate them

♪ Our future policy must be to reinstate them ♪

♪ Don't let's be beastly to the Germans ♪

♪ When we've definitely got them on the run ♪

♪ Let us treat them very kindly ♪

♪ As we would a valued friend

♪ We might send them out some bishops ♪

♪ As a form of lease and lend

♪ Let's be sweet to them and day by day repeat to them ♪

♪ That sterilization simply isn't done ♪

♪ Let's help the dirty swine again ♪

♪ To occupy the Rhine again

♪ But don't let's be beastly to the Hun ♪

♪ We must be just and win their love and trust ♪

♪ And in addition we must be wise ♪

♪ And ask the conquered lands to join our hands ♪

♪ To aid them

♪ That would be a wonderful surprise ♪

♪ For many years they've been in floods of tears ♪

♪ Because the poor little dears ♪

♪ Have been so wronged and only longed ♪

♪ To the cheat the world, deplete the world ♪

♪ And beat the world to blazes

♪ This is the moment when we ought ♪

♪ To sing their praises

♪ Don't let's be beastly to the Germans ♪

♪ For you can't deprive

♪ A gangster Of his gun

♪ So they've been a little naughty ♪

♪ To the Czechs and Pols and Dutch ♪

♪ I don't suppose those countries ♪

♪ Really minded very much

♪ Let's be free with them and share the BBC with them ♪

♪ We mustn't prevent them basking in the sun ♪

♪ Let's soften their defeat again ♪

♪ And build their blasted fleet again ♪

♪ But don't let's be beastly to the Hun ♪

♪ Don't let's be beastly to the Germans ♪

♪ When the age of peace and plenty has begun ♪

♪ We must send them steel and oil and coal ♪

♪ And everything they need

♪ For their peaceable intentions can be always guaranteed ♪

♪ Let's employ with them a sort of ♪

♪ Strength through joy with them ♪

♪ They're better than us

♪ At honest manly fun

♪ Let's let them feel as swell again ♪

♪ And bomb us all to hell again ♪

♪ But don't let's be beastly to the Hun ♪