Swarmed (2005) - full transcript
The residents of a small town find themselves battling a swarm of hornets which has been sprayed by a super pesticide.
(Projector whirring)
(Eerie instrumental music)
(Electronic effects)
(Electronic effects)
.03 Paraferen, .14 Diazinon,
106 Tralomethrin.
We're going to do a trial run
here. We've got eight healthy
adult specimens of paravespula
germanica or, as they're more
commonly called, the German
yellow jacket.
We have an elapsed kill time of
9.4 seconds. That's phenomenal.
We appear to have two survivors
who are very much alive, giving
us a relatively low effective
mortality rate of only 75%.
(Electronic effects)
Survivors have higher pheromone
levels... 200% of normal.
(Electronic effects)
Higher pheromone levels suggest
(Thudding) (Clinking)
(Cheerful instrumental music)
We're coming to you from a
small town in southern Indiana,
the heartland of America. For
nearly half a century, the folks
here at Dundas, Indiana, have
insisted that they grill a
better burger than anyone else.
This year we're going to find
out. Dundas hosts the first
ever national burger cook-off.
We'll show you all the action
and drama as the best backyard
chefs in America get ready for
an unforgettable battle to
create the number one burger in
the world, brought to you by
Washburn's Tasty Sauce, the best
barbeque sauce in America.
Man: Yee-haw!
(Upbeat banjo music)
I got the recipe for Washburn
Tasty Sauce from my daddy and he
got it from his daddy.
Tradition isn't just a word at
Washburn, it's a way of life.
One dab of Washburn Tasty Sauce
will ground chuck into filet
mignon. Washburn Tasty Sauce,
one taste will make you a
believer or I'll eat my hat.
Man: Yee-haw!
Male Announcer: Washburn's
Tasty Sauce in fine stores
Hm. You ever try that sauce?
No, sir, I don't like
Neither do I. But when Mr.
Washburn arrives today, you are
going to convince him that Tasty
Sauce is your favourite kitchen
condiment. You think you can do
Yes, sir, I'm sure I can,
Mayor Gibson.
You bet you can.
(Camera shutter clicking)
What happened?
Well, it looks like something
stung him to death.
Ask you a few questions?
This is an experiment to
build a better pesticide for
paravespula germanica, the
yellow jacket wasp. There were
eight yellow jackets in here
last night. Six of them were
dead; they're still here. Two
lives ones are missing. They
must have got out somehow.
Yellow jackets, huh? Take a
look at this.
It's dead, right?
Well, that makes seven, but
there's still one more. It's
got to be around here somewhere.
Man: Where do you want the
You'll have to take him down
to the morgue. Get Doc Ramsey
to do a PM.
Man: Okay.
What's that?
Any death which is
attributable in whole or in part
to an animal attack must receive
a post-mortem. County health
regulations. What's that for?
It tracks wasp pheromones.
Kind of funny, isn't it?
This guy gets stung to death
in a place where all you do is
come up with new ways to kill
Molecular Genome Associates
is a lot more than just
pesticides. We're pioneering
new techniques in genetic
Yeah, but how come it killed
him? I've been stung by bees;
it didn't kill me.
About 1% of the population is
highly allergic to the venom in
bee and wasp stings.
And this guy was in that 1%?
He must've.
What all do you put in your
Quite a number of
Paraferon, Diazonin,
Tralomethrin. Would you like a
full list?
No. Just curious.
Kent: Where is that other
(Muffled buzzing)
(Muffled buzzing)
No way.
(Birds chirping)
Yes. Daddy, can I light the
grill this time, please?
Yeah. Okay, you can light
Thank you.
You like lighting the grill?
Oh yes.
This is going to be good.
Oh yeah.
There you go.
(Birds chirping)
Man: That's going to be good.
(Dog barking in distance)
Are you okay?
Yeah. Okay, honey, come on,
let's go inside.
Hi, I'm Christine Brown,
professor of entomology, and
this is Nature Notes. You know,
with the warm weather holding
on, people are still grilling
and barbequing. So, today I
thought that we would deal with
a little bit more of a practical
question, like what to do about
those pesky yellow jackets.
Well, the answer is simple:
leave them alone. Yellow
jackets are scavengers. They
clean up organic matter that can
trigger epidemic and disease.
So, I know that that raw chopped
meat looks like your next
quarter-pounder, but to these
guys it's just a mess waiting to
be cleaned up.
So, let them do what nature
intended them to do.
If you don't bother them,
they won't bother...
I was watching that.
She doesn't know what she's
talking about, man. Wasps are
psychotic, sadistic freaks.
They don't just sting out of
self defence. They sting us
because they love to make us
Well, that's not what my
science teacher said. He said
that wasps can be actually kind
of useful.
Yeah? Well, why don't you
make yourself useful and go on
down to the store for me.
Hold on.
(Phone ringing)
Don't forget to get everything
on the list this time.
Hey, you think I could take
the van? I've got my learner's
permit, so...
No, no, no (Unclear).
(Phone ringing)
Bug Busters, what can I do for
Man: Hi, I've got an
infestation of yellow jackets.
Yellow jackets.
Man: There's a nest, it's in
A nest, huh?
Man: Yeah.
Well, you're in luck 'cause
yellow jackets happen to be our
(Sirens wailing)
Hey, Doc!
Woman: Just a moment, please.
Bob: This is Robert
Bob, I'm in Dundas now to
work on my publicity. Where are
we at with our initial stock
Bob: We're looking at $4 a
Well, we got to do a lot
better than that. We're going
to get us some big-time airplay
out of this. It's a major media
event, a national telecast. We
are the exclusive sponsor. Now,
I want to see that translate
into a healthy opening share
Nelly, hurry up!
(Traffic din)
Thank you very much, appreciate
Hey, Mr. Mayor.
Welcome to Dundas.
How are you?
I'm good.
Everything as it should be,
Oh, I think you're going to
be pleased.
How about the IPO? They
going to be pleased?
Oh, they're going to be very
happy. We're going to put on a
first-class show here for the
whole country.
Now remember, your show is
going to anchor our per-share
Oh, you must remember my most
attractive executive assistant,
Miss Martin.
Mr. Washburn, I never got a
chance to tell you, well, I'm
afraid I'm addicted to Tasty
Mr. Washburn, GTV.
Hey, Gourmet TV, how you
Good, how are you? We were
wondering if we could ask you a
couple questions, Mr. Washburn.
Well, you just shoot away
there, girl.
Are you enjoying...
Okay, we have one of the two
wasps that attacked Roy Pelter.
I will now extract its venom so
that I can measure and graph the
venom toxicity and compare it to
the venom of the normal
specimen of paravespula
germanica. I will then analyze
the venom's DNA coding.
(Electronic effects)
Yo, Kent, what's up?
What are you doing here?
I got a big wasp nest to kill
and I'm fresh out of juice. Can
you help me out?
Yeah, well, now's not a good
It's always a good time to
kill wasps. They're mean,
vindictive and emotionally
Insects don't have emotions.
Says you. Hey, that's one of
those pheromone checkers, right?
Is it effective?
(Electronic effects)
Depends on the range you're
using it from.
(Electronic effects)
You want to tell me what you're
doing here?
Bro, I told you, man, I need
some kill juice. Can you help
me out here?
Store room, back shelf.
Thank you.
And take it from the clear
bottles, not the red one.
What's in the red one?
It's a new formula, a little
strong, we haven't worked out
all the bugs yet.
Real strong, huh?
This is a young fertile queen
and she's ready to start her own
hive. She'll lay as many as
1500 eggs every single day for
the next three years. But she
won't do it here. She will do
it in Alaska or North Dakota or
Saskatchewan sometime next
spring because right now it's
really a little too cold for a
virgin queen to mate. And if
they don't re-colonize, then
there's not going to be enough
bees to pollinate flowers.
There'll be less fruit and less
vegetables. It's all part of
nature's amazing plan to
regenerate and re-propagate
every season. Do I have any
questions? Yes?
How come it didn't sting you?
That's a good question. Wasp
and bees will only attack if you
engage in what they consider to
be threatening behaviour. If I
moved very quickly around her,
that might trigger an attack.
But because I'm moving very,
very slowly, she won't hurt me.
One time I got stung by this
wasp but then all of a sudden
about six or seven other wasps
attacked me.
And they can do that because
when wasps sting, they release
an attack pheromone. And that
is a chemical that lets all the
other wasps in the area know
they got to attack whatever's in
their way, which in this case
happened to be you. Excuse me a
Okay. It seems that we're out
of time today. Thanks for your
attention and I hope we can do
this again soon.
(Birds chirping)
Hi, I'm Q from Bug Busters.
Thank you for coming.
(Birds chirping)
Oh, they got you really bad,
You know what, I'm okay.
It's more my little girl I'm
concerned about.
Yeah, yeah, I don't blame
you. But don't you worry, I'm
going to get them even worse.
I like the sound of that.
Around back?
Man: Yeah.
Alright. I got just the
thing for those wasps!
911 got the call at 11:13.
All the operator could hear was
a faint buzzing sound.
So, what do you think?
Well, I don't know. I mean,
there's not enough empirical
data to make any kind of
conclusion. I'm going to have
to run the blood work and get
back to you.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but
we already know the cause of
death, right? Wasp stings.
Well, a man dies of a wasp
sting while doing an autopsy of
another man who died of a wasp
sting. What are the odds of
You're the entomologist, you
tell me.
Well, it's possible, but two
fatalities like this? It's
really not probable.
Is it possible that they're
both allergic to wasp venom?
That's an allergy that
affects less than 1% of the
Yeah, that's what the guy
from MGA said.
What guy?
Kent Horvath, the researcher
up there at the labs.
Does MGA have some
involvement here?
This guy worked up there. He
was temping as a nightshift
janitor. That's where they
found him.
Well, I got some city
business I got to take care of.
I'm afraid this might take a
little while.
Alright, you take all the
time you need. I'm going to
walk around a little and see
that things run smoothly.
I'll tell you what then, I'll
see you tomorrow morning bright
and early, we'll get things
You bet.
Yes, sir.
(Traffic din)
(Birds chirping)
Can't they sting you through
They won't get close enough
to do no stinging.
What if they do?
They won't. Besides, they're
not interested in me. They want
meat, fresh, juicy, bloody meat.
Isn't human flesh technically
Sure, but they're natural
scavengers, right? And besides,
burgers don't fight back.
(Birds chirping)
You ready?
Get inside. Watch me go.
We have a control group
I am now introducing the
pesticide used on the hyper-
aggressive wasp that killed Roy
That's not possible.
(Electronic effects)
Oh my God. The venom is now
extremely powerful. We have
created mutated wasps by
applying the genetically
enhanced pesticide.
Yeah... Not so bad now.
Yeah, how about a little more of
I got them!
Hello, this is Kent Horvath
from MGA. I'm calling about Roy
Pelter. I need to speak with
the coroner.
Man: (Over phone) I'm sorry,
but there's been a terrible
Man: We found the coroner
dead in his office this morning
When did that happen?
Man: We don't know exactly
yet. We just discovered the
body a few minutes ago.
Um, could I ask you one more
question, please? How did he
Man: It seems he was stung to
death by bees or wasps.
You sure of that?
Man: Well...
He was stung to death?
How many were there in the
Close to a thousand.
That's nothing. In a really big
nest, there's at least 10 times
that many.
And they're all dead?
What are you going to do with
I'm going to take them home,
I'm going to cook them and then
I'm going to eat them.
(Birds chirping)
No. Really?
Really, what are you going to do
with them?
I got an old compact jaw out
back. I'm going to put them in
there and pulverize them.
Well, because that way we'll
know that they're really,
really, really dead.
Hey, no fair! No fair!
Cindy, right?
Listen, you have any more
wasp problems, you give me a
call, okay? Alright.
Take care.
The classic burger: a quarter
pound of beef, sesame seed bun
and all the trimmings.
To some, this is junk food. To
others, every bite is a little
piece of heaven.
(Traffic din)
It's a cut.
That was good beef.
I'm not paying you to eat,
Chuey. Get some cutaways, some
local colour, Norman Rockwell
I already did that.
Well, then maybe you should
go get some more.
(Traffic din)
Well, if it isn't Chief Posey
and a doughnut. What can I do
for you?
Well, Mayor Gibson, I just
wanted to give you an update.
We're going to block off all the
streets around the parks so Mr.
Washburn's big television event
will go off without a hitch.
I appreciate that, Tiny, and
I'm sure Mr. Washburn will, too.
Is there something else?
A rumour has it that Washburn
is opening a big chain of
upscale barbeque restaurants and
the first one's going to be
right here in Dundas.
Well, this is confidential,
just be between us, but I'd say
there is a possibility.
But he can't expand unless
this stock offering he has does
You got that right, Tiny.
He's got a lot riding on that
IPO of his.
If this stock does well, some
of that money coming back here?
Uh... Dwight, do me a favour,
would you? Could you just leave
us alone for a few minutes? The
Chief here and I have some
official business to discuss.
Well now, Tiny, what is it you
want to say?
Well, the way I heard it,
Washburn made a significant cash
contribution to somebody's
re-election fund.
Well, even if that's true, it
isn't illegal. You be careful,
Oh, I've been careful. I've
been real careful.
You know, these recording
devices today, you can record
almost anything without people
knowing about it, things like,
oh, phone conversations about
hefty stock options going to
certain politicians in town.
What do you want?
The cook-off is going to
benefit you and the whole
community. I just want to make
sure that I get some of those
benefits for myself.
Oh. I'm sure that that can
be arranged. I'll talk to Mr.
Washburn. He, well, he can be a
very generous man.
How generous?
I'll talk to him. I don't
know how generous he will be.
You know, I am going to be
retiring and that city pension
won't go too far.
I know that, Tiny. Now, you
and I have been running this
town together for a long time,
right? And haven't I always
taken care of you?
I just want to make sure that
you and your new friend Mr.
Washburn continue to take care
of me. And then we can erase
these little conversations. Do
we have an understanding here?
Of course.
Of course we do.
Well. That's good.
Thank you, Mayor.
This blood has some very
unusual properties to it.
This isn't the normal reaction
to a yellow jacket sting.
What does that mean?
Well, it means that somebody
or something has genetically
altered this yellow jacket. And
instead of getting allergic
reactions, we're getting
How can this be happening?
I don't know. But I'd like
to go and find out.
You get all that shopping
Yeah, I left the change on
the kitchen counter.
Man: Hey, is anybody down
You know, when your parents
went on vacation, they didn't
just send you over here so you
could sit around and rot your
brain watching this junk all
Sure they did. See, they
know I'm going to do it anyways.
It's a beautiful day! Why
don't you go outside and play
with some cows or something?
(Screaming on TV)
The least you can do is turn the
volume down.
A guy can't even hear himself
think, man. Turn it down.
The soundtrack's the best
Man: You need to chill out!
Take this!
Get it.
(Ominous instrumental music)
I'm Melanie Sheer from GTV.
I'm here with the winner of last
year's tournament. Brent Gorman
has a secret ingredient which he
claims will guarantee him
victory. Brent, will you tell
our viewers what your secret
ingredient is?
Are you going to eat all
No, they're just tests.
Oh, Mrs. Gorman!
Are your husband's the best
you've ever tasted?
(Whispers) I don't know.
What do you mean you don't
She's a vegetarian.
Thank you.
Kent Horvath?
I'm Christina Brown, professor
Entomology at the state
university, I know.
The police have called me in
because they have some questions
about the man who was stung to
death. And now there's been a
second fatality.
Yeah, the coroner. I just
got off the phone with them.
Okay, well, then you also
know that the cause of death of
the second fatality was also
wasp venom. Would you mind
taking a look at these? Is this
okay here?
This is Pelter, your janitor.
And this one's the coroner.
Both samples show significantly
higher than normal levels of
I think the reason is here in
this lab.
Listen, I know that your work
here involves genomic research,
genetic sequencing and hormonal
mutations. I know that there's
a connection here. I just don't
What the connection is.
Get out.
(Electronic effects)
This is all the probable side
effect of new pesticide we've
been testing.
A pesticide that incorporates
hormonal mutations?
(Electronic effects)
Two surviving yellow jackets
from my experiment showed
increased aggressiveness and now
more toxic venom. Now, I don't
know how they got out, but they
managed to kill Pelter. We
found this one, but the other
one we couldn't track down.
Well, do you think it's
possible it went to the morgue
with the body?
If it did, it could still be
Brent, we don't have
(Birds chirping)
Where did he go?
Where are you?
Are you okay?
Yellow jackets.
(Sirens wailing)
Well, I don't know, he must
have gotten out.
Well, yellow jackets are very
social creatures. It's probably
looking for its nest or its
swarm. When it can't find it,
that'll just make it...
More disoriented.
I'm sorry, most people I talk
to don't have a clue about bugs.
Yeah, most guys think I'm
weird 'cause I like bugs.
I don't think you're weird.
(Phone ringing)
Oh. Sorry.
(Phone ringing)
Doug: Professor Brown?
Doug Heydon. There's been
another death. And I found a
wasp on the victim. His body is
covered in stings.
Another yellow jacket.
You think it's the one that
escaped from your lab?
It could be, but I doubt it.
The one from my lab was a
solitary individual. This man's
obviously killed by...
Several dozen yellow jackets.
Alright, this is the third
fatality in 24 hours. I don't
believe in coincidences. So,
why don't you tell me what's
going on here, and not the cock-
and-bull story about allergies
because this is not an allergy.
The wasps from the MGA lab
were genetically altered as a
result of being exposed to some
new pesticides. One of them
killed the janitor.
Killed the coroner as well?
Probably, but this one's
different. It's not the one
that escaped from MGA.
Wait. You're telling me
there are more of these things
flying around that you don't
know about?
We're not sure yet. We'll
have to run some tests to find
out if there's a connection
between this wasp and the ones
from my lab.
Well, when you are sure,
you'll let me know?
Yeah, we will.
Where are you?
What the hell?
Whoa. Whoa. Q, you alright?
You don't, you don't look so
I got stung by a bunch of
yellow jackets.
You, Mr. Bug Busters, got
They surprised me.
So that nest that you nuked
this morning, it didn't kill
them all, did it?
No, it didn't. A lot of them
survived. That kill juice isn't
worth a damn! We need some
serious hardware.
My colleagues in the pest
control business call this
So you're going after them?
That's right, tomorrow
morning at the crack of dawn,
and this time no more Mr. Nice
Well, can I come?
No way, Jose.
Come on, man.
Hey, look! The only reason
your parents let you stay with Q
is I'm supposed to keep you out
of trouble, and I don't want you
getting stung.
Only way they'll find out is
if you tell them. They don't
have to know a thing.
Am I rolling?
The crowds aren't here yet, but
many of the contestants have
arrived early to make last-
minute preparations. So, on
this foggy morning in America's
heartland, let's talk to some of
the people who already getting
ready to make the world's best
Yeah, this is similar
increasing toxicity here.
Not similar, it's identical.
Well, I think it's pretty
obvious, don't you? I mean,
someone has used your pesticide
for some unauthorized field
So, what'd I get?
Well, you get to use that
flame-thrower thingy, so what do
I get to use?
You don't get to use
anything. When we find them,
you just stay out of the way
where they can't get at you.
Come on, man, you got to let
me do something.
Why don't you vacuum them up
after I kill them?
You're kidding me, right? I
mean, you want me to be a
Hey man, you can always stay
Well, can I drive?
My van? Not a chance. Let's
Okay, what's going on?
There's this guy, Q, an old
buddy of mine. He runs a pest
control business. Sometimes he
does a little field testing for
me. He came by yesterday, but I
told him very specifically not
to take any of the new stuff.
So, how much did he take?
He's not picking up.
Q: (Recording) Hi, this is
Bug Buster. Please leave a
Oh, Q, this is Kent. I need
to talk to you about that
pesticide you took. Can you
call me back as soon as you can?
Thank you.
What about his cell phone?
No, he's convinced that they
shrink brain cells.
Well, we have to go find this
guy. He's our only link to the
mutated wasps.
Oh, EpiPens, you got more of
Rafe: So, Q, how are we going
to find them?
When wasps get angry, they
release pheromones, a chemical
signal to other wasps to attack
anything in the area.
They leave behind traces of
that chemical and this is going
to pick it up.
Where'd you find that thing?
A good buddy of mine. He's
kind of a genius, you know, he
works at the biotech lab.
For real? And he just gave
it to you?
Actually, it's more like a
loan thing.
Should be getting a signal here.
You sure that thing works?
(Electronic effects)
Yeah, it works.
If they went this way, they must
be heading for Dundas.
Here are the latest drafts of
the city's cook-off contract
with Mr. Washburn.
Do I actually have to read
Well, it would be a good
idea, sir.
And I took the liberty of
ordering you a lunch plate,
roast lamb.
You tell them to make it nice
and rare this time?
Yes, I did, sir. I told them
to make it bleeding.
Sir, there's one other thing.
There were reports of two
abnormal fatalities yesterday.
Abnormal fatalities?
Well, it seems they were
caused by some kind of wasp
stings. Now, you may want to
alert the county health
You mean with all these raw
burger patties and people
getting stung by wasps we could
be endangering innocent
Yes, sir, exactly.
Today's cook-off is the most
publicized event in this town's
history. I do not want anything
interfering with it.
But sir...
Anything at all. Killer
bees, health alerts, terrorist
attacks, we cannot afford any
bad publicity. Is that clear,
Yes, sir.
Sir, can I ask you...
Shall we alert the county health
inspector, Mayor Gibson?
Oh no, Miss Martin, let's do
this the old-fashioned way.
(Electronic effects)
There he is! Hey, Q! Q!
Pull over!
(Birds chirping)
Yo, bro! I just come to see
you, man. There's something I
got to tell you.
Before you do, there's
something I need to know.
I took something from the lab
I shouldn't have.
The stuff from the red
Yeah, I mixed it with the
regular stuff to nuke a nest,
man, and it was just like...
Didn't kill them all.
How'd you know that?
Well, how many survived?
Hey, you're that entomology
professor. I caught your show
on Nature Knows.
How many?
Uh, well, a few. I got stung
pretty bad, man, but I have some
A few? What does a few mean?
A few... hundred.
A few hundred?!
The nest had about 1,000,
killed three quarters of them,
but there's still a couple of
hundred. But don't worry, okay?
I'm tracking them.
What do you mean you're
tracking them?
I borrowed this from the lab.
You'll never track them with
that. It's got a very limited
Yeah, but I got a pretty good
idea which way they're heading.
Which way are they heading?
They're heading downtown.
Oh my God, we got to get down
there. We have to warn
somebody, contact the state
No, no, no, that won't be
necessary, okay? I'm going to
find them and I will take care
of them.
Q, this swarm is very
dangerous. You won't be able to
handle it!
Yo, bro! You're wrong, man!
I will find them and I will take
care of them!
Don't put it in the baby
(Phone ringing)
(Crowd din)
Man: Hey, how's it going?
You ain't going to believe
this. I got some good news.
Gourmet TV is going to let you
download their live feed to the
investor groups.
Man: Hey.
Yeah. You do your job and
we're going to come out smiling.
We're going to make some money.
Come on! I know you're out
(Electronic effects)
We just lost the signal?
No, I didn't lose it. It's
just kind of faint here.
Well, how accurate is that
thing anyway?
It's plenty accurate! It's
just got a limited range.
So then it's like searching
for a needle inside a haystack.
No, no, no, we know what
direction they're heading in.
Yeah, but if they turned
around, we'd never be able to
find them.
(Electronic effects)
They were here, alright.
Hey look, he's still got one of
them in his mouth.
They don't usually attack
dogs, do they?
No, not usually. But these
ones might not be totally
Well, what do you mean?
That stuff I sprayed on them
killed 3/4 of the hive. But
these ones, I think it made
these ones stronger and meaner.
Kent was right, they are more
dangerous and we can't use that
pesticide to get rid of these
suckers either. I got to tell
Kent about this.
(Car honking)
Officer Heydon, uh, we've got
some bad news. It seems that
the insect that killed Brent
Gorman is part of a whole
genetically altered swarm of
yellow jackets.
A swarm?
How many insects are we
talking about?
It could be hundreds. But
with the strength of the attack
pheromones they're giving off,
they'll be drawing wasps from
miles around. And if they hit a
densely populated area like
downtown, for example.
Cook off. All that raw meat.
That could be a disaster.
We need to get people off the
streets. Have them stay
indoors. Keep doors and windows
closed tightly. These wasps
have lethal venom.
We need epinephrine. We need
medical personnel.
No, the mayor is not going to
go for this, nor is my boss.
This is a huge media event
generating a lot of income for
the town.
Yeah, and it could generate a
lot of fatalities.
All right, I'll tell you
what. You go talk to the mayor.
I'll talk to my boss.
Do you think the swarm could
really attack the cook off?
I don't know, but if they
keep getting more aggressive...
Well, we can't take that
(Engine revs)
Here you go, darling.
Thank you.
Yeah, sure.
Ellie, Ellie, come here a
minute. I need to talk to you.
Yes, Mr. Washington?
Where the hell is your boss?
He was supposed to be here this
morning, remember?
You know what? I'll go check
on him.
Mayor Gibson?
Sir. Gibson, you know you
shouldn't be drinking. We have
lots to do today.
(Street din)
Heydon, what are you doing
We've got a problem, chief.
What kind of problem?
We've had three fatalities.
Two yesterday, including the
coroner, and one the night
before. All the result of...
Result of what?
Of yellow jacket attacks,
That's not really a police
No, sir, ordinarily it
wouldn't be but this is a... a
genetically altered swarm.
That's a few hundred insects and
it's probably growing by the
minute. These bugs are way more
toxic, their venom far more
deadly than ordinary wasps and
we don't know where they are
right now.
Who told you about this?
Cristina Brown. She's a
professor up at the college. An
entomologist. She's been
monitoring the situation along
with a researcher from MGA.
They're saying that if this
swarm shows up downtown at the
cook off, we could have more
fatalities. They're
recommending we cancel the
event, get everybody indoors and
alert the county health.
Well, that's a little
extreme. Don't you think?
Well, we've had three
fatalities, sir. I don't think
we can afford not to.
And what if it's a false
alarm? What if these killer
wasps never show or they're not
as bad as your professor thinks?
But, sir, I've seen the
Then this town would be a
laughingstock, not to mention
lost revenue and lawsuits we'd
be facing. Are you prepared to
take responsibility for that?
Are you prepared to put your
good standing in the community
on the line, Doug and mine too?
Because that's what we'd be
doing if we shut this thing
Yes, sir, I am if that's what
it takes.
Well, the decision is not
yours to make. We're not
shutting the cook off down and
that is final.
But, sir...
Uh-uh. You just put a couple
of paramedics on standby. I'm
sure the mayor will authorize
the overtime.
With all due respect, chief,
this is a swarm. I don't think
a couple of paramedics are going
to make a...
I'm not asking you to think,
am I, Doug?
No, sir.
Well, was there anything
No, sir.
You are dismissed. (Mutters)
Yellow jackets.
Stop a second. Wait, wait,
wait. What happened here?
It was horrible, horrible.
I'm sorry.
Oh my god, is that the mayor?
Yellow jackets?
Just one. When-when I found
the body, it-it was stuck in his
Did you kill it?
Yes, I did. I blew it to
kingdom come.
Looks like we lost them
Well, this thing is real
Come on, admit it, Q. I
mean, we're never going to find
them. That thing's got a
limited signal.
Hey, if a tool isn't working
right, what you got to do is...
...fix it.
Aftershave. Just kidding.
So, if I understand you
correctly, Mr. Washburn, you're
saying that there is no such
thing as a bad burger.
One little dab of Washburn
tasty sauce on any cheap ground
chuck will make it taste like
filet mignon.
Cristina: Excuse me, Mr.
Hello, little lady. How can
I help you?
Uh, no thank you. I need you
to help me to get the word out
to get this event cancelled
before a lot of people get hurt.
What did you say?
Well, I'm talking about a
major breaking health crisis.
There's a swarm of deadly
predators that have left four
fatalities in its wake.
Deadly predators? Well, what
are we talking about? Pit
No, genetically altered
yellow jackets.
Wasps with venom that is so
toxic one sting can kill you.
Excuse me, but are you
pulling my leg, honey?
Dr. Brown is a professor of
entomology. She's not pulling
your leg. Pheromones from that
swarm could attract every wasp
in the county. Now you better
listen to her while you still
got a chance.
Hey, dude, are you
threatening me? Hey, turn that
camera off, goddamn it, now.
Listen, Mr. Washburn, please,
uh, this is not a joke. This is
a major crisis here.
Step into my office.
Four people have died.
You got about three hours to
take care of your little crisis
before the cook off festivities
start. I got a lot riding on
this, a whole lot. I'm going to
do everything in my power to see
that it comes off without any
Are you willing to risk the
lives of all these people?
There's dozens, maybe hundreds
of people here.
Why don't you find a nice
quiet place to deal with your
Are you listening? Because
if that swarm shows up, people
are going to get hurt.
I'll tell you who's going to
get hurt. If either one of you
interferes in any way, you'll be
facing criminal trespassing
charges and a multi million
dollar lawsuit. You cross me,
I'll ruin you. Ellie?
Can you believe this guy?
Look here now. Now, where's
that boss of yours? 'Cause I
got my hands full here. I could
sure use some assistance.
He got stung by a yellow
He what?
What if it's still alive?
I beg your pardon?
I got to go and find out and
make sure. I got to go. I got
to cancel the cook off. We got
to stop it. We got to stop the
cook off now!
Hey Ellie. Hey Ellie,
listen. You can't go cancelling
the cook off. What are you doing
in here?
What if there's more of them?
The yellow jackets? I don't
think you have to worry about
Oh yeah. Yeah, I do. And
when I find them, I'm going to
shoot them.
Yeah, well, you do that, but
the festivities, they're going
to be starting in a few hours
and, baby, I got to get
Oh, there aren't going to be
any festivities, not until I
find all those sons of bitches.
There's never just one. They
live in a nest, move in a swarm.
Do you have a problem with that?
No, I ain't got no problem
with that, no ma'am, nuh-uh.
Good. It's us. Or them.
It's a war. No time for
festivities in a war.
That's where you're wrong,
Ellie. Always time for
Looks like they were here not
too long ago.
What if they're still here?
Let's go have a look-see.
Oh no.
I thought you said there were
a few hundred of them.
The others must have moved
on. And they're going to keep
moving until the queen finds a
good spot for a new nest.
Hey, you better get back in the
van. You want some of me?
Well, come on. Get a piece of
Get out of here now. Go! Get
down now.
If the swarm comes here, it's
going to be really, really bad.
We've got to be prepared for
Yep, we have to take care of
them ourselves.
Yeah, but we got to find a
way to neutralize them fast.
You mean kill them.
Okay, kill them.
And kill them fast.
Well, what are we going to do
without hurting any innocent
Yeah. I'm thinking ordinary
off the shelf pesticides aren't
going to be 100% effective here.
Yeah, no kidding.
Hang on.
(Bell jingles)
Okay, wasps breathe through
spiracles, tiny holes in their
legs and...
I know what spiracles are.
Right. I'm sorry, I'm
explaining again.
Well, what are you thinking
Well, wasps expend a lot of
energy just buzzing around,
which means they need a high
oxygen intake all the time.
So if we can cover up the
spiracles, they wouldn't be able
to breathe.
And if they don't breathe,
they die. And?
I'm thinking...
What? What is that? Oh,
that could work, huh? Hey, what
about that over there?
Yeah, that could work too.
Yeah, it sure could.
Thanks, Q. Too bad about the
We got to find these suckers
They've been going on a
consistent course. If they keep
on, it'll take them right into
the middle of the cook off.
Announcer: Ladies and
gentlemen, welcome to the annual
Dundas burger cook off.
Broadcast nationally for the
first time, thanks to gourmet
television and our sponsor,
Washburn Tasty Sauce. And now
it is my great pleasure to
introduce the host of today's
event, Mr. William Washburn.
All right now, thank you.
How about a hand for Joe, ladies
and gentlemen, and Ted and Miss
Barbie. Hey, folks, give
yourselves a hand, huh? Why
I'm going to present to you Miss
Tasty Barbecue Sauce. Come on
out here, darling. Miss Tasty
Barbecue Sauce. Can you curtsey
for everybody? All right. Give
this girl a hand here.
All right now, I want to wish
all of you the best of luck
today and, uh, in addition to
the regular prizes, the winner
is going to get a free trip to
Washburn ranch and have dinner
with yours truly. Huh, how bout
them apples? All right. Now,
Gourmet TV, they're going to get
some shots of ya'll so,
gentlemen, let's start moving to
those grills and, uh, gentlemen,
let's start your grills. Right
on. Thank you very much, folks.
Mr. Washburn, can I have a
word with you for a second
Uh, what's the problem,
The problem is we have to
cancel this event and we have to
cancel it right now.
I don't think I understand.
We've had three deaths in the
past two days from yellow jacket
Well, I hardly think...
These bugs are faster, more
aggressive and their venom is
way more toxic than anything
you've ever seen.
I don't see any yellow
jackets. Do you?
Are you hearing me? We have
had three deaths already.
Well, I'm sorry about that,
officer, but I don't see how a
few isolated incidents...
These are not isolated
I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll get some people together
and we'll make some wasp traps.
That ought to...
I don't think that you fully
grasp the magnitude of this
I'm willing to work with you,
sir. Let's not overreact. And
I think you're blowing this
whole thing out of proportion.
Man: What do you think of
Goodness gracious!
My baby.
Let me help you, ma'am. It's
okay. It's all right, I got
Take cover!
Oh, Jesus.
Turn that off! You're fired.
Did you get that? Fired!
You're fired, Chuey. Did you
hear that?
(Nervous laughter)
What's the matter? A steering
wheel too tough to get through?
Chuey help me! Chuey! No.
Okay. Oh, here you go. Say
bye, bye. Ha.
Yeah. That's what I'm talkin'
Who's next?
Q, we've got to get them all,
especially the queen.
Okay, wait over there with
Kent. Take this thing.
I'm going to lead them into
the garage.
He said he's going to try and
get them all inside that garage.
With bait.
He's out of his mind.
No, he knows what he's doing.
We've just got to make sure they
don't get out of the garage.
How are we going to do that?
Take everything.
Open those up.
Here comes Q.
Let's go. That's enough. Come
Okay, let's go.
Out, out. Let's move. Q.
Q, we're ready. In here.
Faster! Hurry.
Be careful.
Come on. Let's go.
Hurry up, Q.
Matches. Anybody got any
I don't have any matches.
I don't actually smoke.
Q, get out of there. Come
Q, come on.
Let's go.
Run. Run.
(Fire crackling)
Q: The queen!
Cristina: Oh my god! Watch
out! Run!
That, uh, takes care of that.
(Fire crackling)
I can't believe you'd really
do that. Quit, leave MGA.
I am sure.
That's so great.
Thank you. And thank you.