Swallows and Amazons Forever!: Coot Club (1984) - full transcript

Coot Club and its companion story, The Big Six, are based on the celebrated Swallows & Amazons series of childrens' books written by Arthur Ransome. For anyone who loves sailing and adventure, the Arthur Ransome classics stand alone.

(upbeat music)

- Stop both engines.

Pass up the telescope, Tom.

She's there and she's resting.

- [Bill] Write that down

in the Coot Club book, Tom.

- Number seven,

nest doing well.

- Half ahead, both engines.

(peaceful music)

- Why have we stopped for so long?

- We'll be going soon.

He'll miss it if he doesn't get in quick.

(whistle shrieks)

(steam hisses)

- [Tom] Oh, crikey.

- He's missed it now.

Here, hurry!

(upbeat music)

- Thanks for opening the door.

- My father makes us do it all the time.

- What?

- He's an archeologist.

- Mine's a doctor.

- We know two doctors, and

both of them are very old.

- My father's quite young.

- Ours is extremely old.

He must be 40.

- I never want to be 40.

(steam engine whistles)

I don't suppose they're

for your father's surgery.

- They're for my boat.

- You have a boat?

- She's called Titmouse.

She's not very big, but

she sails like anything,

and she's got an awning.

I slept in her last night.

- Alone?

- Your father didn't mind?

- He likes boats.

So does everyone in this part of Norfolk.

Do you like boats?

- Rather.

- We're going to stay in one.

- Have you done much sailing?

- Well, a bit.

- None at all, not yet.

- Well, I expect you'll learn quite fast.

- That's what we want

to do, isn't it, Dick?

(engine whistle shrieks)

- That a heron?

- Are you interested in birds?

- Yes, but we don't see

as many as we'd like to,

'cause we live in London.

- Do you collect eggs?

- Certainly not.

- Don't ever begin.

- I won't.

- We've got a bird protection

society where I live.

We don't collect eggs.

We watch over the birds and

make sure the nests are safe.

This year, we're watching 37 nests.

- 37!

- And that's only in our

reaches, Horning way.

- That must be a record.

- [Conductor] Wroxham, Wroxham station.


- This way.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- [Tom] Would you mind holding my bike

while I load it up, please?


- Tom Dudgeon!

I've now had several

complaints about you, my man.

Jumping on a train when

you were fairly going?

Might have broken every bone in your body.

What would doctor have said then, huh?

- I was on the platform

in time, Mr. Frost.

I was looking for Port and

Starboard, then I tripped.

I had to get on the train.

- Port and Starboard?

Well, I saw them go off with Mr. Farland

more than an hour ago.

They'll be on the river by now

racing that boat of theirs.

- Richard and Dorothea.

Whoa, whoa.

- Morning, ma'am.

- Morning, Mr. Frost.

Welcome to Norfolk,


- Hello.

- Dorothea.

- Hello.

- Well, we'd better get

your cases on the back.

- Well, I'd better be off

now, bye, and thanks again!

- [Dot] Bye.

- [Tom] Bye.

- Up you come.

Who was your friend?

- We met him on the train.

He knows an awful lot about boats.

- And birds.

- What a mine of information he must be.

- Oh, that's Tom Dudgeon, ma'am,

doctor's son from Horning.

Always on the water, he is,

and those Farland girls,

Port and Starboard.

Thick as thieves they are,

and all great sailors.

Now ma'am, if you'll excuse me.

- Yes, we'd better make a start.

I promised Norman I'd get Rufus

back as quickly as possible.

Norman's the hostler, Rufus is the pony.

Right, off we go, off we go.

(peaceful music)

- [Frost] Right, Jack, let 'em go.

(moves into soaring music)

- Well, now, I didn't see

any direct resemblance

with either of your parents.

I think all in all, that's

not entirely a bad thing.

(upbeat music)

So Dorothea, are you still

writing your stories?

Your mother tells me you're

amassing quite a collection.

- Actually, Mrs. Barrable,

seeing as you're a friend of the family,

we'd rather you called us Dot and Dick.

- 'Cause usually, if we're

called Richard and Dorothea,

it means we're in for trouble.

- Oh, I see.

I must remember that.

Dick and Dot is is, then.

(upbeat music)

- Hello, Mum, I'm back.

- Hello, darling.

Did you manage to find all you needed?

- Yes, everything, I was jolly lucky.

I just came in to tell you

I'll be on Titmouse for

the rest of the day.

Must have her shipshape for

the twins and the meeting.

- Coot Club meeting?

- Yes, it's to plan what we'll do

for the last two weeks of the holiday.

- Right, I'm just making tea.

Would you like to take some down with you?

- Lovely.


- There we go, you hold

on to that, will you?

There we are.

(William barking)

Hi, William.

Ah, welcome to the Teasel,

I hope you like her.

- She's very nice.

- Well, we have to get

your things on board.

Come on, pass 'em up.

Hello, I spy pirates.

I never expected see

pirates in Norfolk, did you?

- [Dick] They're rowing jolly well.

- But look at that.

(loud big band music)

- Brace, now hold tight, hold tight.

- [Dick] They're mad.

- Inconsiderate and downright dangerous.

Those boys could've been swamped.

Did either of you get

the name of that cruiser?

- The Margoletta.

- They had no business

going as fast as that.

It's quite illegal.

(birds chirping)

(lively dance music)

(bird squawking softly)

(lively dance music)

- Ho, ho, stop both engines.

Blast, would you believe

where they're now moored?

- Not across number seven nest.

- Right across it.

- Old mother coot won't go near the nest

with that cruiser there.

- We'll have to do something.

- Right, row you over

there and I'll hail 'em.

Margoletta, Margoletta, ahoy!

- Some old row they're making.

- Margoletta, ahoy.

- What do you kids want?

- If you please, sir, it's

where your mooring, sir.

- Are you in a carnival or something?

- Bird protection society,

you're fair and square

on the coot's nest with

eggs nigh on hatching.

- So what?

- Old mother coot, she daren't

come near while you're here.

- Well then, the damn thing

can nest somewhere else.

We moor where we like,

and we like it here.

- Please, sir, them eggs will

never hatch while you're here.

- There's better mooring

not 50 yards downriver.

- Oh, buzz off.

- But them eggs has to hatch.

- Now go away, shove off, pronto.

(lively dance music)

- Hello, twins.

- Hello, Mrs. Dudgeon.

- How was the race, did you win?

- Nearly.

- But not nearly enough.

- Oh, well, treat it as a

practice race for the regatta.

- I'd rather we practice winning.

- You've come to see Tom, I suppose.

Highly important Coot Club meeting?

- Yes, is he about?

- He's on board the Titmouse.

- Okay, come on, Port.

(upbeat music)

(hammer thudding)

Tom, are you there?

Open it up.

- So how did the race go?

- We were second.

We had to go about

just as we were drawing

level with the leader.

- Did you get a chance

to see number seven nest?

Have the eggs hatched yet?

- She's still sitting,

at least I think so.

- Oh, well, the Death and Glories

have been making a proper

patrol, so they'll know.

- There they are now.

- We've got bad news.

- About number seven.

- Why, what's happened?

- The Margoletta's moored right

alongside the coot's nest.

- The Margoletta, that

socking great cruiser?

- We then asked them to move.

- All nice and polite.

- But one of them fellas,

they told us to shove off.

- And he just threw a

bucket of water over us.

That's real nice, that is.

- What absolute rotters.

- They're nothing but

a pack of hullabaloos

aboard that cruiser, tearing

along the Broads too fast.

- Upsetting everybody with their wash.

- All that noise they're making.

- What are we gonna do, Tom?

- There's only one thing to do.

If they won't move their mooring,

they've got to be unmoored.

- [Starboard] Set her adrift, you mean?

- Yes.

- But if you're caught,

you'll be in bad trouble.

- I know, but I don't want the rest of you

getting it in the neck.

So all Coots off the river.

Find something to do and make

sure you're seen doing it.

- But setting a boat adrift, it's illegal.

- [Starboard] And dangerous.

There must be some other way.

- [Tom] But there isn't.

You've heard the Death and Glories.

Those Hullabaloos can't

be persuaded to move,

and if they stay there overnight,

the coots will desert the nest in panic.

- [Starboard] But if the

Margoletta goes drifting around,

there could be a really bad accident.

- [Tom] That's their

worry, mine's the nest.

(bird squawking softly)

- [Dot] Trouble is, I

never know what to say

on postcards to people.

- But I thought you were a writer, Dot.

- Writing stories is different.

- [Dick] The weather's fine

and I wish you were here.

- But I can't write

that to Mommy and Daddy

because it wouldn't be true.

This is our adventure, not theirs.

- Alright, then the weather's foul

and I'm glad you're not here.

- (laughs) Idiot.

- I know they're beastly, Tom,

but does that give you the

right to put them in danger?

- [Tom] They're threatening

a nest and they don't care,

so they can take their chances.

- [Starboard] But if you're caught,

you'll be reported to the police.

You'll be fined and taken off the river.

- [Tom] You don't beat

bullies by giving in to them.

- I know, shall I tell Mommy

we'll be starting to sail tomorrow?

- [Barrable] But my dears, we

won't be doing any sailing.

- What, not sailing?

- But we've been looking

forward to it for months.

- We've talked about nothing else.

- But surely...

I thought I'd explained

it all to your mother,

but obviously I didn't.

You see, now that my

brother's not joining us,

we won't be able to sail the Teasel.

I can't manage her by myself,

and you two don't know how to sail,

so we could only use her as a houseboat.

Oh, my dears, I am most dreadfully sorry.

- [George] You're in a hurry, young Tom.

- Not particularly.

- What's the secret this time?

- [Tom] It's none of your

business, George Owdon.

- Hold hard, look, you

can see Tedder's bike.

He must be having his tea.

- So what?

- It's the perfect alibi.

- What are you on about?

- Tom said to be seen off

the river doing something.

- I know what Tom said.

- Well then, let's go ask PC Tedder

if he wants his garden weeded.

- Yeah, why not?

- And we can dig up

good worms for fishing.

- Right then, let's go knock on his door.

(suspenseful music)

(Hullabaloos laughing)

- [Announcer] Time for Mack

to read us today's story.

(suspenseful music)

(loud dance music)

- Livy, darling, thirsty?

♪ Another bride, another June ♪

♪ Another sunny honeymoon ♪

♪ Another season, another reason ♪

♪ For makin' whoopee ♪

♪ A lot of shoes, a lot of rice ♪

♪ The groom is nervous, he answers twice ♪

♪ It's really killin'

that he's so willin' ♪

♪ To make whoopee ♪

♪ Picture a little love nest ♪

♪ Down where the roses cling ♪

♪ Picture the same sweet love nest ♪

♪ Think what a year can bring ♪

♪ He's washing dishes and baby clothes ♪

♪ He's so ambitious, he even sews ♪

♪ But don't forget, folks ♪

♪ That's what you get, folks ♪

♪ For makin' whoopee ♪

(upbeat dance music)

(Hullabaloos chatting and laughing)

- My God, we're adrift.

Jerry, do something quickly!

- What?

Damn and blast!

(Livy shrieks)

- Oh, no!

- Look, there's someone rowing away.

He must have done it.

- The little swine.

- Well, don't stand there,

let's get after him.

(dramatic music)

- Hurry up.

(Dick groans)

(dramatic music)

(William yelping quietly)

(dramatic music)

(William barking)

- That's interesting.

- What's wrong with William?

- I thought I heard someone on deck.

- Something very odd, excuse me.

It's those wretched people again.

(dramatic music)

- Where's that confounded boy?

Hand him over before I summon the police.

You, you set us loose!

- I don't know what you're talking about,

but this child and his sister

have been with me all day.

- And have you seen a boy go

by on a sort of punt thing?

- [Barrable] Most certainly not.

- What?

- What seems to be your problem?

- Some little horror set us adrift.

- Did heaven knows how much damage.

- Sent half our records overboard.

- Damn near broke my ankle.

- And completely endangered our lives.

- And we want him, the little beast.

- Well, you won't find him here.

- [James] Oh, well, he must be

one of these three guttersnipes

we saw this afternoon.

- Took up our anchors and cast us loose.

- [Ronald] We'll find him,

and we'll wring the little brute's neck.

- Oh, come on, we're wasting

time with this old freak.

Let's get on, he can't have gone far.

(man laughs)

- Young woman, I don't like your manners.

- Oh, do pipe down, you old bore.

You were never in danger.

(Hullabaloos laugh)

- Well said.

(lively dance music)

- What awful people.

- They shouldn't be allowed on the river.

- Selfish, unimaginative, and

they think they own the earth.

Excuse me.

Hadn't you better come out and explain?

- Thank you for sending

them off like that.

- Tom Dudgeon.

- Well, they were five

to one, weren't they?

And very insolent.

Well, what's it all about?

(clock chiming)

- You been doing a good

job here this last hour.

- Trying to, Mr. Tedder.

We'll need some cash so's we

can do up our little boat.

- Well now, I reckon you

done a pretty good job, here.

- A tenner!

- Thanks ever so much, Mr. Tedder!

- Handsome be like handsome do.

You saved me a peril of

work in this old garden.

- She'll be right soon.

I can't tell you how

grateful I am, Mrs. Barrable.

I only wish there was

something I could do in return.

- There just might be, you know.

Dick and Dorothea came here

expecting a fortnight's sailing,

and if you could spare the time

to give them some instruction,

I know they'd be delighted.

- Oh, yes, do you think you could, Tom?

- We'd really enjoy it.

- Well, as long as I

can keep out of the way

of those dreadful Hullabaloos.

My friends Port and Starboard

might lend a hand, I think.

They're twins, one's left-handed,

so she's know as Port,

and Nell's right-handed--

- So she's known as Starboard.

- Well, you sound a versatile crew, Tom.

So when can you start?

- How about tomorrow morning?

- Oh, gorgeous, and I shall

write a book about it.

- Thank you, Mrs. McGinty.


- What is?

- Ginty's breakfast.

- The regatta, you clown.

They've accepted our late entry,

so it's down to the water all next week.

Three qualifying races and

the finals on Saturday.

- [Starboard] Smashing.

- I suppose that means pack lunches

for the rest of the week.

- [Port] Don't forget the pop.

- Pop, plenty of beef tea

is what growing girls need.

- [Girls] Ew.

- And that's enough daftness

from the pair of you.

Bustle, bustle, time for the office.

- Aged parent, how you slave for us.

(Frank laughs quietly)

Goodbye, Mrs. McGinty.

- Bye, sir.

- Come on, Port.

(lively marching music)

Farewell, aged P.

- Goodbye, horrible.

- Don't overdo things, A.P.

- Oh, no danger of that, dreadful.

(lively music)

Goodbye, darlings.

- [Both] Bye, Daddy.

(upbeat music)

- Take the roof down.

- Yes, it's a lovely day.

- There.

(horn honks)

- Right then, down to the river.

There must be lots of Coot

Club business to see to.

- Yes, quick, before Ginty

can send us shopping.

- Girls?

(lively dance music)

- What do you think you're doing?

- Hi!

- Oi, Bessie.

Morning, ma'am.

- Morning.

- Hello, hello, hello.

Oh, not long ago now, Jane.

Mr. Riley.

- Hi, Bill.

- Wotcha.

(Hullabaloos talking quietly)

- It's them, there are

those wretched guttersnipes.

- Get 'em, come on.

(Hullabaloos shouting)

- I got you, you little tyke.

Where do you think you're going?


- Come here, hooligans.

- And you, hooligan.

- Give you the hiding of your life.

- Let us be, will you.

- What's all this, then?

- [Livy] It's this boy, officer.

- Oh, yes, what's he now done?

- He came along yesterday afternoon

when we were in our

cabins and set us adrift.

- Is that true, Joe?

- I never set nobody

adrift in my whole life.

- Well, off course it was him.

I saw him quite plainly rowing away.

- So did I, damn it.

- Very serious accusation, that.

When would the offense have taken place?

- I can tell you exactly.

It was half past five, because

they said so on the wireless.

- Half past five, I see.

Well, at half past five,

them three boys was doing

a bit of work in my garden.

They didn't leave 'til after six.

- Of course it was them.

They'd been round earlier,

asking us to move.

- At half past five,

them three boys was in my garden, ma'am.

- Then it must have been

some other young lout.

- Well, I'll know him when I catch him.

I had in my glasses and

I saw him quite clearly.

A real criminal if ever there was one.

- Do you still wish

to make an official

complaint against these boys?

- No, no, not these boys.

But I'll find the young

hooligan who did it.

- Oh, come one, Jerry,

let's go for a drink.

- Off you go now, you boys.

- Am I mistaken, Mr. Tedder,

or is there a five mile

an hour speed limit

through Horning Village?

- Perfectly right, ma'am, that is so.

- In that case, those people

have been disregarding

that speed limit and the safety

of other users of the river.

They almost swamped me just now.

Do I formally complain to you

or the Bure commissioners?

- I hear you, Mrs. Barrable.

I reckon they'll be a bit

more careful in future.

I don't excuse the lad who set 'em adrift.

Silly and dangerous thing to do, that,

and I mean to have him

for it, whoever he is.

- You made a complete

ass of yourself, Jerry,

so just forget it.

- Forget it?

Do you realize that damn boy

could have completely ruined our cruise?

He is not gonna get away with it.

- Don't be a fool, we'll

never find him now.

- Do you want to bet?

- I'll lay you five pounds

you don't catch him.

- Alright, you're on.

(dramatic music)

(peaceful music)

- They all row jolly well, don't they?

I can't work out which twin

is which, though, can you?

- Port's the left-handed one

and Starboard's the right-handed one.

- I know that,

but they don't speak left

and right handed, do they?

- Once we get into Ranworth Broad,

we might be able to find some winds.

- Splendid, don't tire yourselves out.

- Don't worry about us, we're used to it.

- [Port] Nearly there.

- [Dot] And so, once they

reached the tranquility

of Ranworth Broad, the daring outlaw Tom

began to teach our young adventurers

the rudiments of sailing,

aided by those reckless

twins Port and Starboard.

(upbeat music)

As you must learn to

walk before you can run,

so you must, alas, learn

to row before you can sail.

But Dick and Dot persevered gamely

and eventually were allowed to row

down the Broad on their own.

The first lesson in seamanship

was taken closely to heart.

- They ain't half bad,

you know, for beginners.

- Said the outlaw, apparently sincerely,

but at all times concerned

about his deadly foes

aboard the giant cruiser

and aware that his days

of freedom were numbered.

(upbeat music)

But even in the midst of danger,

there were compensations.

(upbeat music)

- Now pull it against your shoulder.

Then push it, and when

you get to the other end,

twist it so you don't get so.

- [Dit] Our young hero Dick had to learn

the tricky ways of quanting, and quanting,

as all sailors know, has its problems.

(Dick shouts)

(children shouting)

- Quick.

- What is it?

- [Dot] Dick's fallen in.

- Dick, where is he?

Oh (laughs).

- [Dick] Oh!

- Get your feet down.

However did that happen? (laughs)

Come on, we'll have to

get these wet things off.

(peaceful music)

- [Dot] The sailing itself

took longer to master,

and there were times

when it seemed unlikely

that Dick would ever learn

to concentrate sufficiently.

- Keep your eyes on the

steering, not the birds, Dick.

- Sorry.

- [Dot] But within a very few days,

our intrepid hero and heroine

were beginning to feel

at home on the water.

- Oh, look.

- [Tom] They're learning fast.

- [Barrable] What a keep, jolly good!

- Yay!

(upbeat music)

- Having completed their

sailing apprenticeship,

our young adventurers

were now ready to begin

their epic voyage to

Yarmouth, Beccles, and beyond.

But there was one disappointment.

What a shame.

- What's that?

- Port and Starboard are going

away soon with their father,

and they won't be able to

come with us on our voyage.

- Yes, it is a shame.

But look at it this way.

Without them, you and Dick

will have to really work,

and that way you'll learn far more.

Tom, here's a list of the things

we need to take with us on the voyage,

but are you sure you need

to go shopping in Wroxham?

Those awful Hullabaloos might spot you.

- I think they're well

out of the way by now.

They might even have finished

their hire of the cruiser.

Anyway, I've got to to

Wroxham to buy that oil lamp.

- Yes, well, keep a weather eye open.

- Aye aye, admiral.

(all laughing)

I'll be back by lunchtime.

You two remember to practice your rowing.

- [Dot] Don't take any risks, Tom.

- [Tom] I'll keep my head down.

- [Dot] Bye.

- Bye.

- Bye.

(lively dance music)

(birds chirping)

- One, two, one.

You must keep in time

and stop watching the signets, Dick.

And row, row scientifically.

- Alright.

- One, two, one, two.

- Wait, listen.

- It can't be.

(lively dance music)

(Dot shrieking)

- Tom, they'll catch Tom, he

doesn't know they're here.

- But what should we do?

- Tell the others, get help.

Row, Dot, row.

- [Dot] Joe.

- What's that?

- Come here, look!

- The Margoletta, they've stopped.

- But for how long?

Look, that boy's telling them something.

What do you think?

- I think he's telling them where Tom is.

(peaceful music)

- [Dot] Port, Starboard, we need help.

- [Joe] What's up?

- [Dick] Tom's gone off shopping

to Wroxham in the Titmouse.

We saw this boy.

- [Joe] What boy?

- He was fat.

- About 15.

- Smoking a cigarette.

- Sounds like George Owdon.

- We saw him talking to the Hullabaloos

and pointing upriver.

- George Owdon's got a grudge against Tom.

- We've got to warn Tom or

the Margoletta will catch him.

- If Tom's gone shopping in Wroxham,

I'd better go on my bike

and see if I can find him.

- We'll just have to carry on

rowing towards Wroxham then.

- [Starboard] Wait, you're

tired out, the pair of you.

Port and I can take over from here.

- Right, I'm off then.

- [Starboard] You have to hurry.

It's all getting worse and worse.

- [Dot] How do you mean?

- [Starboard] Just look

at that notice over there.

(dramatic music)

- A reward will be paid to any person

who can give information

concerning the boy

who on the evening of Saturday the 22nd

cast off the mooring ropes of

the motor cruiser Margoletta.

- They really mean it, don't they?

They're going to catch him and punish him.

(dramatic music)

- [Tom] Morning, Mr. Wooddall.

- Now then, young Tom, making

the best of the day, are you?

- Don't I always?

- That's the spirit.

- [Tom] Hello, there!

- Watch out, Tom, Hullabaloos!

- Margoletta, she'll be here in a jiffy.

- There's nowhere to hide.

Quick, turn around.

Catch my painter.

Don't row too fast.

Don't look as if you're hurrying.

Easy now, and don't look at them.

(lively dance music)

- [Dot] And thus the intrepid outlaw,

aided by his faithful

band, once more eluded

the sinister vigilance of

the Margoletta and her crew.

- I'm quite sure you're capable

of taking Teasel down past Great Yarmouth.

Dick and Dot know enough now

to do exactly as you tell them.

- It's not the sailing I'm worried about.

It's the Margoletta.

- (sighs) Yes.

- Perhaps we'd better

not take the Titmouse.

If George Owdon tells the Hullabaloos

that she belongs to me,

they're bound to find me.

- Then we must disguise her.

- [Dot] And disguised she was.

Tom agreed that Mrs. Barrable

should paint out the name,

and in order to make her

look like Teasel's tender,

the boys rigged a rope around her.

She was transformed, and

so the big adventure began,

with enemies lurking everywhere.

After a day's perfect sailing,

they came to their first major obstacle,

but once they had all

helped to lower the mast,

Tom single-handed towed them through.

(upbeat music)

(Barrable sighs)

- [Dot] Well done, Tom.

- Now let's find somewhere

to moor for the night.

(dramatic music)

Good night, William.

(suspenseful music)

(boat engine whirring)

- What's the matter?

- Shh, look!

- (gasps) They must have

come here during the night,

but we didn't hear anything.

- We've got to get away, and quietly,

without waking the Hullabaloos.

- Right, I'll go and tell the others.

- No, if we wake Mrs. Barrable and Dot,

then William's gonna start barking.

That's bound to give the game away.

- Then what should we do?

- First we think, then we need a plan.

- Obviously heading downstream.

- There's no other way.

We're gonna have to

double back on ourselves.

You steer the Teasel.

- Yeah.

(dramatic music)

(William barks)

- William, be quiet.

- What do you think you're doing?

- Shh!

- Why, what's going on?

- Look.

- (gasps) Margoletta.

- [Dick] Shh.

(dramatic music)

- I'm afraid there's only

one thing we can do, Tom.

We must go back to Horning,

have a counsel of war

with your father, and perhaps

take some legal advice.

The twins' father's a solicitor.

- You've asked my opinion.

Alright, unmooring any boat is an offense,

and to unmoor a cruiser with

five unsuspecting people

below in their cabins is a grave offense.

- Yes, but they--

- Don't interrupt, Tom,

there's a good fellow.

- I know perfectly well why

you felt you had to do it.

Those people are objectionable,

and they would have been responsible

if the coots had deserted their nest.

But they do have the

law on their side, Tom,

and your Coot Club doesn't.

- By the same token, there

isn't a single river lover

who wouldn't approve of what Tom did.

- Oh, I agree, and these, er,

Hullabaloos, as you call them,

know it, and it's made

them even more determined

to catch the culprit.

And if they do catch you, Tom,

it'll be very embarrassing

for your father.

I mean, after all, quite

apart from him being a doctor,

he's a magistrate.

- Frank, are you suggesting

that Tom should turn himself

in before they can catch him?

- No, but what I am

going to suggest is this,

that Tom makes himself scarce.

Now he can either stay

indoors for 10 days,

or he could take Mrs.

Barrable and the children

off and away right away.

You were thinking of going

where, Mrs. Barrable?

- Beccles, I spent most of

my childhood there, you know.

We might even go to Norwich.

- Well then, nobody will

look for a hauling boy

that far south.

You should be safe enough

once you're on the other side of Yarmouth.

- [Tom] Thanks, Dad.

- I'm only sorry that the

twins won't be going with you.

- Oh, so am I, but it's understandable.

They wouldn't want to miss the regatta.

- True.

Now then, if you leave early tomorrow,

you should be off to a flying start

with the wind the way it is at present.

- So we'll leave from

Horning's Staithe at nine.

- Smashing, can I go and tell the others?

- Cut along then.

- And tell those daughters

of mine to get along home.

Otherwise, Mrs. McGinty

will be on the warpath.

- Yes, yes, I see.

- Mrs. McGinty.

- Sorry we're late.

- Are you sure?

Shh, are you there?

- Morning, Ginty.

- Yes.

- Why is the aged P on the telephone?

- Your father is on the electric telephone

because of something important

that came in this morning's post.

Ha, important, to keep

a body from his meal.

- Nobody ever sends me any exciting post.

- That's because you're so boring.

- Who got outta bed the wrong side, then?

- That's just about topped.

- What's up, A.P.?

- The law, as usual.

Planned for months

on having this week free

for racing, and now this.

- What?

- An old client of mine has died

and left his very considerable

affairs in an unholy mess.

I shall have to go to

Newmarket and sort them out.

Thank you, Mrs. McGinty.

- Today?

- Yes.

- I'll get the girls' eggs.

- But what about racing?

- Forget the racing, darlings.

This is going to take at least a week.

- A week?

- We shall have to

scratch from every race.

Look, I'm sorry, but it can't be helped.

- A.P.

If you're going to be away,

what about our sailing on the Teasel?

- With Tom and Mrs. Barrable.

- And Dot and Dick.

- Oh, yes, if they'll have you.

- Have us!

- Of course they will.

- Alright.

- Thanks, Daddy.

- Tell Ginty, A.P., while we get ready.

- Eh, send me a postcard from Beccles.

If you remember my name.

(upbeat music)

- Come on.

- Morning, Mr. Tedder.

- Mr. Tedder.

- Morning, my little beauties.

What's the hurry, been robbing the bank?

- No, just set fire to the police station.

(upbeat music)

Oh, no, they've gone.

(Barrable humming)

- Look, isn't that a bittern?

- [Tom] It's a bittern alright.

- [Dick] Will you log

that please, Admiral?

- 11:15, sighted a bittern.

- And two redshanks earlier.

- I got those.

- When do we get to the hardest part?

- Depends on the tide.

We don't want to get to the

bridge too early or too late.

- Are you worried?

- A bit, but not about

you two or the sailing.

- About the Hullabaloos?

- Something Mr. Farland said last night,

that if they do catch me, it'll

look very bad for my father.

A doctor shouldn't let his son

do dangerous and irresponsible things.

- [Port] They said they

weren't leaving 'til nine.

- Can't blame Tom, be making

the best of the winds.

- Look, the Sir Garnet.

Jim, Jim Wooddall!

- Sir Garnet, ahoy!

- Morning, me old beauties.

- Wait.

- What's the trouble, girl?

- We need your help.

(upbeat music)

We're bound to catch them

up, aren't we, Mr. Wooddall?

- Oh, should do, now

the sail we now got on.

Depends on when Tom set off, though.

- We've got to catch

them up, we've got to.

- Trust old Sir Garnet,

won't never let us down.

(upbeat music)

- [Dot] Of course, no one

aboard the Teasel was aware

that the twins were

following in hot pursuit,

and with a good wind

and Tom at the tiller,

they were soon approaching Yarmouth.

- Hey.

(suspenseful music)

What do you reckon?

- A woman, three kids.

That'll do us nice.

- [Brad] Tide's still running.

- It'll come about soon.

Wait for slack water.

- [Tom] We're here too early, I'm afraid.

We'll have to turn around

and see if we can hang about a bit.

- I'll leave it to you.

- Ready about.

- [Dot] Like all true navigators,

Tom realized that timing was critical.

He carefully explained to Dot and Dick

that with two great rivers meeting,

it was vital that the

passage through Yarmouth

took place only at low water.

Once through, they would then have

the full benefit of the flood tide

to speed them on their

way towards Beccles.

- I'll take ya to Yarmouth, young sir.

Come on now, bring her 'round in here now,

and I'll hop aboard.

- No, thank you.

- We're in no hurry.

- Come on, now, just throw it.

Throw me a rope and I'll make you fast.

Come on, now, come over to

me and you'll be alright.

- [Tom] We don't mind sailing

until the tide's slackened.

- You got some mud here, boy, you see.

Come on, now, I'll make you see.

That's it, Brad, we've got

people here who won't see reason.

- Attempt to board this boat

and I'll see you both in jail.

- Alright, lady, you want some help,

don't come to us for it.

Alright, Ben, alright, there'll be others.

- What was that all about?

- They're wreckers.

- Wreckers, they only wanted to help.

- Once they get aboard

with an unsuspecting crew,

they run them into real danger

and then claim salvage for rescuing them.

- Real wreckers.

- Gosh.

- They didn't fool Tom, though.

- Standby to go about again.

- Isn't this exciting?

- (laughs) That's one

way of describing it.

- Take her down full way.

Easy does it, nice.

- You mean we have to

stay here for the night?

- [Starboard] It's only five o'clock.

- Well, I'm sorry, misses,

but we can't go any further.

You come along with me

and I'll show you why.

Well now, it's like this, you see.

We're here, now Tom got through the bridge

'cause he caught the tide run.

We missed it, so we've got to stay here.

No engine, you see?

Reckon he'll be in Beccles by now.

- How do we get to Tom?

- Well now, bit of a facer, is that.

- [Simon] Jim, there's

Old Bob in the Come Along.

He might know where the Teasel is.

- Bob, these young friends of ours

come to join a little

old yacht, the Teasel,

with Tom Dudgeon, Horning, aboard.

Seen him go through?

- Aye, went through the

bridge at low tide, they did,

headed towards Beccles.

- We've come so far.

- We can't give up now.

- Hop you in, me old dears.

I gotta go your way

to fetch a yacht down

what's missed her tide.

Hop in, and we'll see if we

can't catch that old Teasel.

(Jim laughs)

(upbeat music)

- Bye, Mr. Wooddall.

- Thank you.

- Welcome.

- Bye.

- Bye!

(upbeat music)

- Rare little old gals.

- What they got, what they got is grit.

(upbeat music)

- [Barrable] What do you think, skipper?

Should we tie up here for the night?

- [Dot] Let's go on sailing forever.

We can take turns being awake.

- We'll go on as long as the wind holds.

- I say, isn't that the

spoonbill over there?

- What?

- The chap

with the hunched-up shoulders.

- Must be, I've only seen them once.

This goes down in the Coot Club book.

- And in Teasel's log.

- There are birds

everywhere, wherever we look.

Oh, Dick, isn't this heaven?

(all laughing)

(peaceful music)

- [Jerry] Okay, Owdon or

whatever you call yourself,

where will I find him at the tide?

- He's over near Beccles,

just follow the river 'round,

all the way around there.

- Yes, I'm going to show

you something very nice.

Money, see this?

This can be yours, that and more,

if you come back with something

a little more specific.

See you here in about half an hour, okay,

and I want some facts, okay?

Alright, see you then.

- Reckon we can sleep under

here real comfortable.

- Especially if your mum

give us them mattresses.

- She will, got 'em off my granny.

She died last week.

- That's good, then.

- If only we had 10 pounds, we

could fit out a proper cabin

and have a little old stove.

- 10 pounds, don't be daft.

Take my dad a month to earn 10 pounds.

- [Bill] Coots forever.

- [All] And ever.

- We've gotta think fast.

- Why, what's happened?

- I just seen Malcolm,

he's our Coot in Wroxham.

- I know who Malcolm

is, now get on with it.

- Well, his dad works

at Rodley's Boatyard,

and the Margoletta's laid up for repairs,

but it's fixed now and it's

setting out in the morning.

- Where to?

- After Tom.

- But how did Malcolm know that?

- [Bill] Malcolm's got big ears.

George Owdon told him that

Tom's gone down to Beccles.

- [Pete] But did he tell him Tom's name?

- [Bill] No, George wants that reward,

but he doesn't want people to know

it was him that named Tom.

Them Hullabaloos is gonna catch him,

and they're gonna give

him the hiding of his life

before they hand him over to the police.

- We've got to find Tom to warn him.

- But we're not gonna beat

the Margoletta in this.

- We can try, if we leave now

and row and sail through the night.

Come on.


- [Dot] Don't you feel a bit sad

having been away from here for so long?

- Sad, no, not a bit.

I can't go on yearning for what was past

or should I never enjoy the present,

and the present's where we live.

Now, first to find the general

stores and the post office.

I want to send a postcard to that.

- [Dot] I fear that Mrs.

Barrable does not possess

the soul of a true romantic.

(clock bell chiming)

- Wonder when we shall meet Tom.

- We've gotta press on fast.

- Right, come on, then, keep going.

- [Dick] What does he weigh?

- One stone, three pounds.

- What's his fortune?

- You're a hard worker and

should become successful.

- (laughs) Good old William.

- Ah, Tom, I shall read you

what I've written to my brother.

Horning yesterday, Beccles today,

and not a scratch on her paint.

That should put him in

his place, I believe.

William, how much does he weigh?

- [Dick] One stone three.

- You're putting on weight, William.

- Here's his fortune.

- Now it's your turn, Mrs. Barrable.

- Right you are.

Oh, what nonsense.

(horn beeping)

- [Dot] Look, it's Port and Starboard.

- Look!

- Hello.

- What on earth are you doing here?

- We've had such a time.

Daddy had to scratch from the

regatta because of his work,

so we can sail with you after all.

- Oh, good!

- Super.

- Then we tried to catch you up

and caught a lift aboard the Sir Garnet.

- Then we switched to

that tug, the Come Along.

- [Tom] Come Along, we passed her.

- Then we spent a night

on an old sailing barge.

- My word, you have been clever.

- I don't suppose you had time to find out

what the Margoletta's doing.

- We did, Jim Wooddall told us.

- What?

- [Starboard] It seems

the Hullabaloos bashed it

trying to go through Potter

Heigham bridge at high tide.

- They would.

- So it's at Rodley's at

Wroxham waiting for repairs.

- Wroxham, thank goodness for that.

Now I can really enjoy my

sailing with them out of the way.

(horn beeping)

- Come now, we'll be getting

on, thank you very much.

- Bye bye!

- Thank you very much!

- Well, you're a good lad.

You've certainly done your

bit, so here's a quid.

There'll be more like it

when I can lay my hands

on that little ruffian.

Cast off, James.

- [James] Righto.

- Alrighty, Livy?

- [Livy] Catch, Ronald.

- But don't you tell him

that I set you onto him.

I've got to go on living

here when you lot's gone.

- I've never seen you

before in all my life.

- And don't you forget

them Death and Glory boys.

They're out to warm

him you're on your way.

- Oh, don't worry about them.

We'll catch up with them

and give them the fright of their lives.

They'll never want to sail again

when we've finished with them.

(dramatic music)

- You're gonna wish you never

crossed me, Tom Dudgeon.

♪ I've never seen a jaguar ♪

♪ Nor yet an armadillo ♪

♪ Dilloing in his armor ♪

♪ I suppose I never will ♪

♪ Ah ♪

♪ Unless I go to Rio ♪

♪ These wonders to behold ♪


♪ Go rolling down to Rio ♪

♪ Roll down, roll down to Rio ♪

♪ And I'd love to roll to Rio ♪

♪ Someday before I'm old ♪


♪ Roll ♪

♪ I'd love to roll to Rio ♪

♪ Someday before I'm old ♪

- [All] Hooray, hooray!

- Look!

- Teasel, ahoy.

Have you a Miss Farland aboard?

- Yes, two.

- Pilot said there's a message for you.

Will Miss Farland

please telephone home

immediately, understood?

- Yes, thank you.

- Bye!

- Bye!

- Gosh, I wonder what it means.

- Sounds jolly urgent.

I do hope nothing dreadful's happened.

- There's a public house

about half a mile downstream.

I suggest we go there.

They're certain to have a

telephone that they can use.

♪ A cup of coffee, a sandwich, and you ♪

♪ A cozy corner, a table for two ♪

♪ A chance to whisper and cuddle and coo ♪

♪ With lots of huggin'

and kissin' in view ♪

♪ I don't need music, lobster, or wine ♪

♪ Whenever your eyes look in ♪

- Yes, it's going to be fine, absolutely.

We'll do as you say.

Yes, yes, as soon as possible.

Tell him Mrs. Barrable will understand.


- Bye, Ginty.

- Everything alright?

- It's not bad news, just unexpected.

Daddy's sorting through

his client's affairs

quicker than he thought he would,

so he'll be home tomorrow evening.

- Yes, and he wants us home, then, too,

so we can crew for him in the regatta.

- Then you won't be able

to come to Norwich with us.

- Afraid not, but don't

let that spoil your trip.

- No, we can catch a bus back.

- That's unthinkable when

you've come so far to find us.

- No, we'll all sail back to Horning.

If we left now, we could get there

by tomorrow evening, couldn't we, Tom?

- Of course we could.

- Right, off we go.

William will be wondering

where we go to anyway, come on.

(upbeat music)

(lively dance music)

We're running very low on

food and drinking water.

We'll have to stop as soon as we can, Tom.

Otherwise, we have a very

dreary night ahead of us.

- Oh, but it's rotten mooring around here.

- I'll tell you what, we'll

sail into Breydon Water

and tie up by the pilot boat.

- Good, oh, there's be

lots of waders to watch

now the tide's going out.

- There are two houses marked

near the mouth of the Broad.

- Well, that looks like a farm.

Let's go up there and see if

they can sell us something.

- I daren't, not with the tide going out.

We might get stuck.

If Starboard could take

over and sail the Teasel

around to the pilot and moor there,

I could take the Titmouse

and get the stores.

I'll be back before you

can get the sails down.

- Right you are.

Carry on.

(upbeat music)

- The wind's dropping.

We wanna get to Tom before

the Hullabaloos, don't we?

- Of course we do.

- Well then, carry on.

(suspenseful music)


- There ain't nowhere to hide.

Anyway, they're after Tom, not us.

- Those little beasts again.

- There's no one else about.

Give them a lesson they

won't forget, James.


- Yes, let's give them

the fright of their lives,

the little swine.

(dramatic music)

- They're gonna ram us!

(dramatic music)

- [Joe] Near murdered us, you did!

- And our grub's gone overboard.

- I hope you sink and drown.

- [Pete] You deserve to drown.

- Is there anything else I can get ya?

- No, I think that's all, thank you.

- Well now, that's two

dozen eggs, quart of milk,

three loaves, and three pounds of bacon.

That'll be six and 10 pence, ha'penny.

Thank you.

- Thank you.

- 11 pence, seven

shillings, seven and six,

and half a pound makes

10 shillings, thanks.

- [Tom] Thank you.

- I'll give you a hand with

these down at your boat.

You've a lot to carry.

- Thanks awfully.

- You won't be needing all

this in that little boat.

- No, there's a yacht with me, the Teasel.

She's moored 'round by the pilot boat.

- Are you sure?

The one I saw went right past it.

- She didn't moor?

- No, saw her clean past the pilot boat,

what, 20 minutes ago.

You'll have a job catching her.

- I expect she's just gone exploring.

She'll be back any minute now.

- Well, I hope you find 'em.

Low water, there's generally

a mist rolls in from the sea.

Gets thick as fog sometimes.

Well, cheerio.

- Cheerio.

(somber music)

- I don't like the look of this mist.

I think we'd better

turn back and join Tom.

- Stand by to go about.

- It's getting thicker.

(William whines)

- Teasel, Teasel, ahoy!

Teasel, anchor, anchor.


Teasel, ahoy.

- Titmouse, ahoy.


- All together.

- [All] Titmouse, ahoy!

(sand crunches)

- Teasel, I'm aground.

Well and truly stuck.

- [Starboard] So are we, and

some of us are very hungry.


- Why didn't you moor by

the pilot boat as we agreed?

- [Barrable] My fault, Tom.

I suggested we did a bit more sailing.

- I've got water, milk,

bread, eggs, and bacon.

- That's splendid, dear boy,

but how are you going to get it to us

when we're both aground?

(birds chirping)

(birds squawking softly)

- [Tom] At least the

mist seems to have lifted

and the tide's on the turn.

It'll be a long time yet,

though, before we can float off.

- [Dot] My tummy's beginning to rumble.

- Tom, I'll wade across and get the food.

- No!

- No, Dick, no!

You'll drown in that mud.

- He's right, it's like quicksand.

- [Tom] Couldn't you throw a rope across?

- We'd never get it across.

- But you can't just starve.

- We shall have to until the tide turns.

- There is one way we could do it,

but I don't suppose William

would like it very much.

(upbeat music)

- Now, William, this is your moment.

Everyone has one, just once,

when he has to be a hero

or not think much of himself

for the rest of his life.

- [Dick] Call him, Tom, call him.

- William, William, come

one, come on, William.

- You've just got to be

a hero, I can't help you.

- [Children] Go, William, go, William.

- Hush, hush, girls, let Tom call him.

- William, William, come,

boy, William, come on.

William, William, William, come boy.

Come, William, William, William, come on.

William, come on, William.

(all cheering)

- Well done!

- Oh, William.

(children cheering)

- Well done.

- Have you got the line?

- Yes!

- Then I'll tie on some rope

and you can haul it across.

- Right.

Haul away.

- Righto.

- Have you had enough to eat and drink?

- Plenty, thank you.

- And is William happy and dry?

- He thinks he's in a heaven for pugs.

- (laughs) I'm sending

over his cod liver oil

in case he catches cold.

- Fine.

- Haul away.

(suspenseful music)

- Tide's fairly flooding in.

I should be afloat soon.

- Good, then you can come across to us.

- Listen.

- It can't be the Margoletta.

- Tom!

- Hide!

- Hide, Tom, get down.

- Tom, hide!

- Shouldn't we hide, as well.

- Stand still, everybody.

They're bound to notice if

we all suddenly disappear.

(suspenseful music)


(suspenseful music)

- There he is.

- I think they've seen us.

- Look out, we're gonna hit the post!


- Use reverse!

(Hullabaloos shouting)

- See what's happened down there.

- Look under there.

There's water rising in the

front, we're going to sink.

(Hullabaloos shouting and arguing)

- Help us.

- On the bonnet.

(Livy shrieking)

(water gurgling)

- She's going to sink.

- There's nothing we can do.

(Hullabaloos shouting)

- [Livy] Help, help us!

- We can't swim!

- We're still aground and

we can't get off the mud

until the tide rises some more.

- We'll have drowned by then.

- For God's sake, help us.

- The Death and Glories.

- Row, row!

- Hurry, row!

(everybody shouting)

- Look.

- Help!

- Boys, row, Joe, row!

- Row!

- Come on!

- Both of you, come on, faster.

- Help!

- Row!

(everybody shouting)

- Nearly there, come on.

- In here!

- Why don't you shut up!

I'm in command here.

- Oh, are you!

(Jerry yells)

- [Livy] Oh!

- You oaf, help!

- Help!

- Get over here.

You (sputters) over

here, for heaven's sake.

Come on, hurry up.

Hurry up.

Ow, I won't forget that.

- They're saved, thank goodness.

- Their troubles are almost over, William,

but mine are just beginning.

(horn honking)

- These lads have now done

as neat a bit of salvage work

that I seen in 10 year.

So you go to your telephone

and talk to Rodley's at Wroxham

and tell 'em that three little old boys

have now saved the cruiser Margoletta

from going down in the middle

of the Yarmouth fairway.

(Maude muttering angrily)

- [Maude] Complete fiasco,

farcical, almost instant death.

- [Man] What are you doing with that?

- I think it serves you right.

- You might be mad.

Why won't you move?

- As soon as we get

back on dry land.

- Here, here.

- If you hadn't been so keen

on rushing after that little brat

who unmoored us at Horning.

- Who wanted action, who wanted revenge?

Who wanted to see that little

ruffian laid by the heel?

- [Maude] You idiot.

- Oh, but they're awful people, Tom.

You mustn't give yourself up now.

- And you swore you were a sailor.

- You were perfectly happy to

leave all the decisions to me

until you pulled the wheel out of my hand.

- I tell you this much, Jerry.

If you think you're ever gonna get me

to go on another holiday with you--

- Oh, shut up.

- This is the brat who

caused all the trouble.

- I've come to say I'm sorry.

- Sorry?

- Sorry about casting your moorings off.

I wouldn't have done it if only the nest

hadn't belonged to such a special bird,

but it was wrong of me to

cast you off like that.

- Special bird!

Do you realize how much

mischief you've done

with your stupid pranks,

you little savage?

I'll see you in a magistrate's court

if it's the last thing I do.

- Leave him be.

If it weren't for the

likes of him and his pals,

you and your parcel of

fools would be laying down

in five fathoms of water by now.

- Who the devil do you think you are?

- Oh, shut up, Jerry.

You've made a complete mess of things

and it's no good charging the odds now.

- Do you have to keep us here?

Can't we get on?

- Take your hands off that boy.

Do you know the meaning of gratitude?

Those three boys have rescued your cruiser

and saved your lives, and

have I heard a word of thanks?

Nothing but snarling and threats.

Now be off with you before

I really lose my temper.

- Just a minute, you stupid old--

- Come along, Jerry.

- You take your hands off me.

Get out of my way.

(William barking)

(upbeat music)

(man laughing)

(children speaking faintly)

(crowd applauding)

- Death and Glory boys,

thanks to your pluck and quick thinking,

a major boating tragedy has been averted.

You saved the lives of valued clients.

When the Margoletta, the

pride of our cruiser fleet,

was in danger of sinking,

you made possible,

through your initiative, by

towing her into shallow water,

a brilliant act of salvage.

You boys are a credit to

your parents, to Horning,

and to the Broads, and to

all those who value life

in this loveliest part of England.

(crowd applauds and whistles)

Now, Joe, Pete, Bill, step you up here.

(crowd applauding)

You and your crew salvaged the Margoletta,

and in admiration, as well as by law,

I'm bound to reward you.

Joe, Pete, Bill, thank you very much.

Well done, lad, well done, good.

And now to the Death and Glory boys.

♪ For they are jolly good fellows ♪

♪ For they are jolly good fellows ♪

♪ For they are jolly good fellows ♪

♪ And so say all of us ♪

♪ And so say all of us ♪

♪ And so say all of us ♪

♪ For they are jolly good fellows ♪

♪ For they are jolly good fellows ♪

♪ For they are jolly good fellows ♪

♪ And so say all of us ♪

- Three cheers for Death and Glory!

Hip hip--

- Hooray!

- Hip--

- Hooray!

- Hip--

- Hooray!


- Now all smile for the photographer.

(upbeat sea shanty)

- Look!

- [Dot] Gosh, they've hatched!

- [Tom] And they've survived.

- They've got you to thank for that, Tom.

Aren't they lovely?

Coots forever!

- And ever!

- We'd better get a move on

if you're to catch that train.

- Right, ahead both engines.

- You will come back, won't you?

- And have lots more adventures.

- And sail in our little old boat.

- Now we've got the cash

money, we can do her up.

- Yes, of course.

- If Mrs. Barrable will have us.

- I think that might be arranged.

- And don't forget to

send me the photograph

of the house martin.

- I shan't.

(whistle screeches)

- [Starboard] You will write to us.

- Yes.

- Promise.

Goodbye, William.

(children laugh)

- Goodbye, all of you.

- And thanks for the most

wonderful holiday in the world.

- Goodbye!

- See you soon!

- Bye!

- Goodbye!

(upbeat music)