Suspension of Disbelief (2012) - full transcript

Martin is a successful writer whose wife suddenly disappeared. During a film shoot fifteen years later, Martin meets Angelique, who disappears the same night. The next day, police find her dead body and a mysterious investigation begins. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Martin Ehrlichman,
screenwriter and novelist.

Born in Munich in 1964,
living in the UK,

Fiona Jones, TV actress,

She left Martin 15 years ago.

Sarah Jones, 25, actress...



Barrel you between her legs!

Where is your hand now?

She is there.


Between my legs.


Could someone please
turn on the light?

Greg O'Hanlan
director / photographer / musician..

What is a script?

It is the design of a drama.

And - what a drama?

Martin teaches screenwriting
at the London Film Scheel.

A tired old ass.

An old donkey
, since the dawn of civilization

the same narrow path along trots...


Maybe this is too much for you.

I do not want to put pressure on you.

But there are many actresses who
this role would like to play.

Well, that's how it is So...

I get the go!

Are you sure
I told you that it will be hard?.

I can do it, honest!

How can it be
that we, the audience know,

that it is fiction?

The fact that we still
develop strong emotions for the characters and the action.

Apparently different part of the brain

which is responsible for emotions,
not between truth and fiction.

Truth and fiction.

- barrel you between the legs

Where is your hand now?

She is there...


Say it!

On my wet F. ..

I know they watch me. ?

And I want to know when I'll finally

Do you want them to be fucked
- Oh yes.

I want her to fuck me all,

I open my legs wider,

Their tails are steeper and I...

Do you also have a cock in your mouth?

Yes. I suck it,

I play on my clit and ..

and I gave him a blow.

Hello. - Hi!


Happy Birthday. my treasure!

Here, a small gift for you

Oh, how sweet.

Should I open it now
or should I wait?

Open it now!

That is crazy! The incredible!

You said you have no camera.

And I thought you'd like to have a
for your invitation today.

You can
charge and study the part of the battery until tonight.

Is a good camera
- Dad, this is a Leica!

Well, do you like her
- You ask seriously how I like it?

Scene 5,
party at Sarah's 25 birthday.

You look fantastic, sweetie
- Oh, just stop it!.

Relax, sweetheart!

She is my rival, you know ..

I told you, if du .. - Hi
- Congratulations, my beauty!

Oh. Thank you. You flatterer.

Nice that you are here! .
Congratulations here for you - - Thank you.

Juliette? - Yes.

Thank you. That's really sweet of you.

Come. My father is also there!

Quite cool. Cool, Baby
- Who is her father? - Martin!

Well, what makes your work?

Runs good
I have lots of new ideas..

I've heard of it! - Dad!

The script is great, Martin
It is really brilliant!

You have taught me
that it is more of a guide...

But I have also taught you,

that their
the signpost d?rft not disregard.

Yes, but if it is necessary
absolutely, already

Oh, sorry! Of course, you've stopped.

How do you cope without it? - Heavy.

Already 6 weeks and the greed is still there.

Then I let's
- No, nonsense.. Smoke from me!

Honey, I do not want to bore you. Called But have your loving lovely friends of
Paramount and asked

When they can
expect the new version finally.

You should have two months to deliver.

How could they just as soon be 25?

I have the day. where she was born
still clearly in mind.

You were at the Hampstead Theatre,
baby with your first piece!

Oh, God. As terrible as the fast everything goes.

Now, have a look at just this beautiful young woman.

My goodness. That was my cue.

I have to go
Tell the birthday girl adieu from me..

We speak tomorrow.

Oh. hi!
nice. that you there are

Oh. is the beautiful!

This is Angelique
- Pleased to meet you..

Do you remember Dominic? - Oh, hi.


May I introduce
This is my friend Angelique?.

I'm Martin. - Nice to meet you.

Should I delete it
- nonsense! - So, I say delete.

I am for delete!

The is quite sweet...
- Who will dance for there in the background?

Yes, who is the
- I think his name was John?.

Yes, John. Sure.

Hey, Dom! Yes, we are just
the pictures from last night on!

Be quiet! What is it?

That sounds but inclined to
Has she done this before ever.?

Can I help you with something?

Should I maybe call the police or something?

I bet she's fine.

It is safe only with a friend.

You need you to worry.

Well then call me
Do not worry, okay.?

I hugged you. Bye! Bye!

What about Dominic? - His girlfriend
was not home when he came home.

She disappeared from the party,
without saying anything.

So he went home,
to check on her. But nothing...

The also has a knack
- Really. What was the name again?

Can you you remember the name
- Amanda?


Okay, people. You have to ignore
the black background.

Raining sponsorship money on us only,
we enjoy a great New York skyline.

Think of Sin City. Swan, white and red.

Ross, lie down on the floor,
in fetal position, please. You're dead - All right.

So, a film within a film
about a film. Any questions?

Yes, Greg
Am I dead or I die first?

You're dead A corpse, right?

If I have my eyes open or closed?

Closed. You are in the last phase...

Barrel Look at the eggs!

you purely come and bring your text.

He is sexy. He is tall. It looks great.

OK? Fabulous.

Two women. You make
one step forward, one to the side

here to. As you stop!

A step ahead. A step forward, please

My Two kisses you now! Okay?
If the end of the film. Top.

Waiting! Why would I do that?

What? - Why should I kiss her?

Why not? I am the director
Do it! Kisses to you!

Do not say easy, you
're the director. This is shit!

I want to know from you,
why should I do that?

Yes, what is the significance of this scene?

We want to try here
the clich? of film noir

within the meaning of postmodern gaze
Humphrey Bogart at Noir movies

to its essential components due

break down the stereotype...

black white, red,

Okay? Two women
. Sexually energetic and feminist!

That has nothing to do with the remaining

This is the film within the film
our script.

Do you understand that?

I think so. Only the part...
- Do you understand?

The postmodern film noir clich?...

She's got it. Why do not you get it?

Maybe I'm too stupid.

Yes, I suppose is that,

Do it now easy. Kisses to you!
We talk about it later. So, kids...

A sample now. Please. Go!

We do not have forever!

Show me how you kiss, too. Come on!

Now does it last!

Come here!

Los now.

Will this still what today?


Can I do this without a hat? - Take it off!

You have power, be energetic women
overthrow of Std...

Okay. We get that back!

I want it now but see
- Maybe we can...

The improvise somehow
Well, I mean 'we, ..

you do not mind. objection
- Is okay for me. - Good.

Juliette. why you have a problem with that?

You take care of turmoil in my set!

I understand it is not easy. I'm sorry. ?

Do you do it
at the proper recording - Yes. - Go ahead! All in initial position.

We take the whole thing on now!

Good morning. I am
looking for a Sarah Jones?

I'm sorry, that is work.

Can I help you? I'm her father.

Inspector Bullock. - Hampstead C.I.D.!

We are looking for a missing person

The young lady was last seen
here in this house.

Please. Come on in..

I swallow the stuff
because of my old pump.

So beautiful. Angelique Prevert...


May have a miss! to apply.

Went perhaps even to France
back without her boyfriend to say about it.

Was last seen here in the house
on 25 against three clock in the morning.

Whereby the then actually already the 26th was
to be exact.

Were drugs consumed at this party?

No. - Are you sure?

That would be times
something quite new in Hampstead.

Apology. was just a joke.

I Might me a little bit around, sir?

's 15 years now, is not it?

What are you talking
- Well, since your wife...

I see. .
Yes Yes, that's right...

A wonderful actress
Quite fabulous she was.

Yes, she was.

I noticed the sadness
on in your work.

I am a big fan
Yes, really. A big fan, sir.

The story of this serial killer,
a brilliant book.

And much more differentiated than the
most others, if I may say so.

Some of them have no idea.

No idea...

Is this staircase is the only access
to this part of the house? - Yes.


The friend said the Little
you would like to chat with her...

- Apparently yes, sir.?.

"Later in the evening she has
a conversation out with Sarah's father."

He said
that was about two clock had been in the morning.

And then he had not seen...

Can you
not remember the conversation with her?

That may be.

I chatted in the course of the evening
with many friends of my daughter. -. Yeah.

I can understand that.

When you have gone to bed
Mr Honest man?

Something like that. Apparently it was after two
Was it three? Four?

I do not know. I think so at three.

The main suspect...


This is the title.

The title of the book
as I write..

You write?

Is only as a hobby.

Bull in the first place, then
just the artist.

What is it?

It's like a psychological thriller
He plays in Hartfordshire.

I suppose
you would not perhaps...

take a look on it?

I warn you. That could take a while
. - I can wait!

To write An opening frequency is not difficult.

Yourself think up wild scenarios is simple.

Most films have
an interesting beginning.

The challenge is
the awakened interest to maintain it.

Now listen finally
the crap, damn!

If your ideas
influenced too much by the plot,

you act you a
a momentous problem.

Once you asking his audience
part of the plot to be

owes to him
a whole lot of rewards.

You go to a certain extent a with the audience
a contract.

You now belongs to him.

And at the end of the film
you owe him the greatest reward.

The expectations
have awakened her, you have to meet.

The characters are the plot!

Well, let's talk about figures.

Thank you accompany me.

Hey. '- Hey.

Everything okay?

Good morning together!

You are Dominic. Would you please
my colleague, Miss Elliot accompany here?

It will not take long.

My father could accompany him, perhaps?

He creates that already.

Do not worry.

Have you had the opportunity, in my...

No, unfortunately not
. I had a lot to do.

This thing here is probably
bit more complicated than we had anticipated.

In what way?

Apparently there
signs of sexual assault.

I have to have a smoke
- Do you want me with you ..

I want to see my sister.


First, a van two children
, the same mother

be at the same birth process brought to the world.

Secondly, one thing
that is exactly like another.

Did the police called you?

Yes, the rang...

How long are you staying
- I do not know?.

I really wanted
leave tomorrow, but...

the police want me to stay here as long as the studies are
not completed.

And Where will you live here?

I do not know...

I have to go now.

Oh, my God!

The figures are
the plot.

Hi. We
been worried about you.

Possible end of the first act,

How are you?

I was crying morning at police headquarters.

It all seems
to be more complicated.

Excuse me for a moment.

Yes, hello?

Hello. What can I do for you?

Yes, I understand.

What extent more complicated? What is it?

I should not leave the city.

Probably another ten days.

I need to find myself a hotel.

Do not worry you
can stay as long as you want.

You stay here as long as it is needed.


No ten clock fits me well
I'll be there.

Do not worry. That's okay.

Thank you. Excuse me.


you I'm really sorry.

Who was that?

PC Hemmingway. - Who?

I'm damn nervous. Please tell
quite clear to me what you think.

No restraint.

The truth
- That is what I ask you?.

I will endure!

Is good there is something
-: no. I'm afraid. it is no good.

Is it bad? - Yes.

And if I
something was still working on it?

Would it perhaps worse.

So you think that I
not a particularly talented scribbler I?

I would put it this way:
It's not just your strength.

Because there no hope for me?

You are already funny, Martin.

Expression Seamless face, but
a good idea.

I read
that you were once an actor.

Seriously now.

Tell me
what you think of it really.

Oh. Oh well.

Thank you very much, sir...

I'm really sorry.

This does not need it.

I would like to make a statement,
terms of this dead girl.

have more info?

Fire away.

I talked to her at the party.

She was very provocative.

She came into my room,
after I left the party.

Gehts you not well?

What is it, sir?

I think I cant right from this chair
I feel like on a boat.

In stormy seas...

breathing! You need to breathe!

Venue restaurant.


A man and a woman at dinner,

The atmosphere is tense. Toxic.

She drinks.

You empty! her wine glass
and then fills it again.

Blonde Woman: I want a divorce.

I want a divorce!

What is
Say something!

And I will also take Sarah.

Your sweet little Sarah.

You really weird friends, Martin

But I have them all fucked.

Tom was a really good fucker.

But Paul was
still significantly persistent.

All your friends have me worried well.

Please, say something quieter.

Am I about
again embarrassed, my darling?

You're making a fool of. you know that?

You think you're still
for the very greatest, right?

But that does not make you in bed
to a better trigger.

Did you mom does not explain
how to satisfy the German housewife?

What is the German word for
"Motherfucker 'actually - It does not exist

But of course it does not exist

Can anyone help me here?'!
- Would you Please speak softly

White Is there a German word for "Motherfucker" someone here

Please do not be so vulgar

Please be a man, Martin

Be a We turn not yet
waiting with dinner on me - Oh, hi

= -

once in your life
a crappy man Yes, I am he?.!.. = Is Therese with you
- No, she left early

I think she is totally ready
Have they not seen..?

No, I'm working on.

Just look after me, if it's there
She looked at me really depressed..

Yes, I will. Goodbye, sweetheart
-. Bye, Dad! - See you later.

Oh excuse. Am I interrupting
- No, not at all.

Come on in.

All in the dishwasher. I'll help you
- No, I've been doing it.

Are you hungry? I'm doing me something to eat
Would you like something?

I'll make you no trouble. Thank you.

These are not circumstances.

Whether I'm cooking for one or two
that makes no difference.

We eat in twenty minutes...
- Okay. Thank you.

Your daughter is a very wonderful person
You must be very proud of them..

Am I
- And she is still very talented..

It is pretty clever, yes.

And now you even work together
I think it's great that you can help

in terms of their career
- quite as simple as that unfortunately not...

Sarah is a very ambitious young woman.

I wrote the screenplay for the film.

And there was a casting for the main roles...

And Sarah thought
to be my daughter would be a problem.

Why? - She thought
and probably she had so right...

If everyone knew,
that I am her father, and she would get the role

that then everyone else would think

she would get the role because of me
. Because of my relationships. - J.

I understand
That's a problem..

And? What has she done?

She used a false name

donning a wig on and went so
to audition.

You pretended to be someone else?

I like that.

And further
- you got the role?.

You know damn well
what she wants and what she does not want..

A very wonderful story.

And Sarah's mother
Are you divorced?

This is a bit complicated
- sorry.

You do not need to apologize...

She has disappeared. 15 years ago we understood each
not particularly ..

And one day she left the house
and never came back.

Where is she now?

I do not know.

We do not know.

Well, what the heck...

I'm sorry. I did not want you

No problem. Everything okay.

The food was delicious.

Can I?

Course. It's your house.

Can I get one too?

Clear . Sorry.
I thought you did not smoke.

I also do not smoke.

I really do not.

Oh. Sorry.

I have to answer it
Yes, hello?

Oh. No, it's not too late
I've just eaten.

It runs better.

Very good even
I'll call you back, okay?

Okay, then. Bye.

I'm traveling tomorrow
and see me at a location.

Do you want to come along?

Yes. I would like that.

Hi, people! - Hi, honey. - Hey.

Gehts you well? I'll get me a drink.

I go to sleep...

How did it go today?

Not so good.

I'm shit and all probably think I
got the role because of you.

I am sure that this is not so is
- Does not matter anyway.

What she was wearing?

What do you mean?

Mamas things
but are all in the room, right?

This was her woolen jacket.

Really? Would be possible
Is that important?

Can I tell you something?

I want to tell you some
about my sister and me

But of course. I'm all ears.

Our birthplace is a small town
named Bar-Le-Duc, near Nancy.

When we were eight, our parents were
killed in a car accident.

It was not so bad
We lived quite close to each other

And it was a fairly small town.

How is this so times now, everyone knows each other up.

My foster parents were
very nice and pleasant people.

They gave me a lot of love and security.

My sister however...

Something terrible has happened...

She said she had been abused by her father

It was a scandal
The police investigated the case..

In such a small town as that ..

My stepfather killed himself.

But he has really abused?

My foster parents had pity on her and

opted to
to let them live with us.

I was so happy to be back with
my sister together.

For a while we had a wonderful time
We were like a real family and

Angelique and I are every day
went to school together.

But then...

... the whole drama has repeated.

They accused my stepfather experiment
of it...

you know.

But I knew it was a lie.

In truth
it was the other way around.

She had tried to seduce him

This was a terrible situation, because I...

When the police
her interrogation with me led

I had to make a decision. To cover My sister and I?gen

or to say the truth and
to save an innocent man.

How did you decide?

I have told the police the truth

and asked her not to reveal it Angelique.

But of course...

she eventually figured it out.

It was
put in a special facility.

For difficult children.

And I pretended it did not exist.

I acted as if nothing had happen next.

What is it? Does the camera still?

I want you to get up then
And the very dramatic!

You like
And you keep your wine glass

as if it were a weapon
- You're drunk, honey.!

Take care that the glasses do not clink!

Lot. ! go
- That was quite a lot of wine.

66, Take Two!

That was really good, or '.1 - Yes
- You have to feel it, you know.? - Clear.

There you have to blow up the chest
- Clear..

I tell her sometimes,
that they will watch you.

I will bring them to dass
- Make the table clear again.!

That they somehow feel in here.

This is quite difficult
- What Asspen.. - Of course.

Please everyone back to their seats! !

Hey, Darling
- Yes. what is it? - Excuse me.

I have nothing against the fact that she is watching.

But it is precisely in view. - Who?

! Put Sarah
Could you please over there?

You irritierst Juliette
- What am I?

Can you just sit down back here
I want to see you too?. ?

Do you have a good view from there
- Yes. - She sits back there now. Better?

Yes. - Really? - Yes.

She's drunk and she
made a fool of yourself dammit!

OK? She has humiliated you.

Before all these people
And every single one of them is looking at you! !

Camera from
- door, please! - 66 Take four!

I want a divorce!

This is what we had already done it all times.

This is neither the time nor the place

to talk about a divorce.

Take your time. Time leave, Juliette...

Be a man, Simon!

Be once a fucking man!

Feel the wine, as he
you running down the face.

You try, you preserve the
last bit of self-respect

is you have left.

This is the worst,
what ever happened to you.

We need it soon did.

Power I do not mind
I like to ride through the night.

It is
as if you were in a movie.

They liked to play a role.

She loved to do so,
as if it were someone else.

She was brilliant in it,
yourself as someone else to spend.

And sometimes they pretended to be me.

And they are all fell for it.

And I
then got the trouble for something they had done.

And you? Did you even do that?

I felt the
always very difficult to I?gen.

What do you mean?

That's the point in acting but
Or not? To I?gen.

Yes, already possible
In a way, yes.

How did you find they actually
My sister?.

You sure
an impression of her won, right?

You have yet spoken to her.

The policeman told me that.

I said 'hello' to her.

You never felt attracted to men
at her age,

Little boys. So they called them.

You felt more attracted to

considerably older men.

Men with power.

I can well imagine
as they chatted with you.

And I can well imagine
that they found you very attractive.

And they gladly wanted to seduce.

I could as often as you watch it.

Tell already
Have you flirted with her?

Did she dressed?

Have you fucked her?

Bloody hell!

Shit. - What
- No power out here.

We should return to the village run
Is only about a mile.

I'm sorry.


How long does it take to get drowned?

I have no idea.

You could not swim.

Come on, let's go.

Since no one answers it,
Sir And the next taxi rank at the station..

I'm afraid, have already Feierabend

How beautiful. However, thank you.
You have room?

How many do you need
- Two, please?.

Two unfortunately we did not
Just one more thing.

No, dear, we're fine.

Only the car must
be pulled out of the ditch.

We were lucky that near a pub was
Do not worry.

How is Therese?

Everything is fine, I
think she's already asleep.

Okay. Since I'm happy.

Daddy, the police were here tonight

They wanted to have a few of my photos
I hope the hot order.?

Course. Why do you ask?

Well, on one of them you smoke a joint.

Do not worry. I think
now have to solve other problems.

So then. See you tomorrow.

How about when turning today?


Sarah! - Dad?


Hey, let that!

We should perhaps
prefer to go down again.

Why? He comes back but not until tomorrow.

Daddys little treasure.

Say it!

Daddys little treasure. - Lauter.

Daddys little treasure.

It's all good. ?

Calm down...

Martin Jones
- Yes, that's me.

Good morning, sir.

My colleague and I would
us like to talk with you.

Hello, Miss

Can we go into the house
- Yes, of course?. Come.

Well, what a coincidence...

I do not know what you mean.

Young woman last seen in this house,
found dead in a canal.

Almost to the day 15 years after
your wife disappears.

Last seen in this house.

Do I need a lawyer?

This should be a joke
- Yes, of course.

"Fiona and I had an argument, she
left the house and did not return."

And since that day? Nothing at all?

Not the smallest message.

The body was never found.

Because everything is so safe there.

I'm just doing my job, sir
This may not be a surprise for you..

It's nothing personal. you understand
- Of course I understand that

Were you in the night in which she disappeared
sexual intercourse with her?

I am referring
on the young lady from France.

No. I did not have sex with
this young French lady.

They went to bed early at about two clock. .

- And the party was still going on there?

Oh yes. - And you saw
for the last time before you leave the party?


Bullock was there on the day,
when he had his heart attack.

This is correct
- What did he want from you.?

He had a script written
and I should judge it.

I read it. And he wanted to know
my opinion.

'Young Woman. Very provocative.

In the room. "

What could this mean

I advised him to bring a bit more
sex with the game

Order a bit to heat up the whole thing

And that was all