Survival Family (2016) - full transcript
After a sudden worldwide power cut, a Tokyo family are caught up in the chaos as millions traverse the country in search of electricity.
I input the data
This one's next, right away
Yes, thanks for another package
I catch so many,
I have fish left after I give them away
How have you been? Busy?
You should come home
once in a while to see me
I should. I want to visit
Mom's grave, too
Oh, so disgusting!
From Kagoshima, again?
Yui just got out of the bath
Your grandpa
- No thanks, I won't talk to him
- What? Hey!
Sorry, yeah
Oh, I see Bye,then
I won't eat that crap
I can't do this
Say, can you do it, please?
Me? No thanks
Maybe I'll do it tomorrow
We won't eat it, so tell him
to stop sending fish
I can't tell him that
All he cares about is fishing and farming
And this thing I know it's organic, but...
Get me rice
Get it yourself
Oh, I forgot
What! What is it?
I don't know It looked like this
That's why l hate his packages!
Oh, I gotta go!
Don't put it here!
Oh! There it is!
Don't do that!
Hey! Can't you even greet your family?
You're unbelievable
You've got dinner at home,
but you buy that crap!
"New Folder 'International Economics"'
No way, for real!?
"Nakamura Satomi"
Suzuki speaking
Sorry, can you talk?
What? Yeah
I can't hear you well
Oh, sorry
Did you grab screen shots
of the notes in today's class?
I'm just uploading them now
Oh, great Can you send it to me?
To which address?
To my PC
I got it, thanks
- See you
- Tomorrow
Why are you filming yourself?
- Why'd you already eat?
- Shut up!
Let's settle who's buying lunch
She's cute
What a pain!
"Your battery is low"
Stop it
Say, did you take a look?
The children's smart phone bills
You have to tell them, too
Are you listening?
I'm tired
Tell me tomorrow
I'm going to bed
"Day 1"
Hey! What time is it?
I don't know
Why not?
- There's a blackout
- A blackout?
- Why?
- I told you, I don't know
Oh, no
There's no lights, can't watch TV
What a mess
Why are you screaming so early?
It's a blackout!
What's that?
Oh, crap! Move!
Are you checking?
Can't you even do that?
I can't figure it out
No breakfast, right?
The rice hasn't cooked and
the electro-magnetic stove doesn't work
Do you want cold bread?
No way, I'll buy something
Oh, I know
Why do they all stop at once!
You should change the batteries
The number for the time is 117, right?
There's a number for time?
What's going on!
No newspaper delivered?
Look, it works
Hopeless. It's stopped
We'll have to take the stairs
What, the whole building is blacked out?
Do they ever inspect it?
Shut up, old man
It's a long way down 10 flights of stairs
Don't be late
Due to a blackout, all trains are stopped
I'm sorry, so sorry
All trains are stopped
No one is allowed on the platforms
That's all we know
When will they start?
There are no current plans, please wait
Do you have a proof of delay form?
I need to check
This is closed now
We'll update you with new information
Please wait
- Can we wait on the platform?
- Please wait here
Are they any temporary buses?
Apparently there are no buses yet
We don't know when the trains
will resume, please wait here
Oh, great
I finally found one
- Can I?
- No, no
It may be the batteries, but none of them will start
What? Can't you help me? I can pay cash
It seems the plugs won't spark
Here it is
That's just plain water
Don't you need battery fluid?
They're basically the same
All right, try it
Oh, it doesn't work
This is when bicycles sure are handy
Good morning
A blackout is so unusual these days
And it's not just this building
Oh, really? That one, too?
All the buildings
- Do any of your lights work?
- They're all still off
Oh, I have to buy candles
Me, too
Power will be back tonight
But maybe not, so I'll go, too
I'll buy some, just in case
Oh, my purse
Oh, no...
It won't open?
It won't open
You're late You live at the next station
The next, next station
What time is it?
Excuse me
It's an old building, so all the doors
can only be manually opened from inside
Then we'll break in
lf you don't mind, just invoice us later
Nobody can get in unless we do
May l have someone's business card?
Here goes
It's open
Watch where you step
I bet the elevators aren't working
The lights?
- Computers?
- Nope, you?
The server's down
What do we do?
- The other floors?
- I'll check
Hey! We can't work like this
We had a blackout
- Your place,too?
- You guys,too?
- What a pain
- A total pain
You're all sweaty
The trains were stopped and I freaked
I rode my mom's dorky bike
It's an electric bike, but it didn't work
It was just so heavy
You're so sweaty
Your teacher, Mochizuki,
can't get here,
so the first period is study hall
Quiet down
Somebody, write "Study Hall"
Study Hall
Morning, the trains are stopped today
No power here, either
How wide is the blackout?
It's probably pretty local
Call your house in Kanagawa and find out
Like I said, it's networking!
- You are an idiot
- Oh, right
Hey, where do you live?
- Hey!
- Ouch! What?
He's hopeless
Um, excuse me
Where's Nakamura...
You mean, Satomi? I haven't seen her yet
What's going on with him?
No idea
What happened, suddenly?
Say, any lunch boxes?
I'm sorry, the bento and the bread
haven't been delivered yet
No rice balls?
- I'll buy water
- Yeah
Oh, no
230 Yen
198 Yen
Say, hello
I won't be able to wash clothes
or clean house today
I've given up on today
I can't even cook
This is tonight's dinner
No choice, right?
Makes things so easy
I'm sorry, we can't take credit cards
because of the blackout!
We can only accept cash!
Tell us sooner
I was waiting in line
Oh, no!
That doesn't work either?
When are the young guys
going to get here?
We don't know how far out
the trains are stopped
They should walk, even part way
But you live at the next station
It's the next, next station
Only part of the file is printed
The rest is stuck in the computer
We can't miss the fiscal report deadline!
That won't happen
It'll get back to normal soon, I guess.
Oh, what a mess
All the other departments
are hopeless, too
The outlets don't work
and the batteries are dead,
and the cars won't start.
That's just crazy
Everything electrical is useless
This isn't just a normal blackout...
We can't do anything until power is restored
Everybody can go home now
That's an order from the top
They want everyone to go home
before it gets dark
What's that about?
Thank you
"Special: 44,800 Yen"
How much is that one?
We're stripping this for parts
It's not for sale
I'll buy this one
Can I ride it now?
Oh, my God!
Are you OK?
Do you have to work at a time like this?
That's exactly why l have to work!
Be careful with that flame
Using the toilet?
It doesn't run very well,
so flush it with the bathwater
Answer your mother!
What is he thinking!
I'm turning off the burner
The toilet, too?
It doesn't use any power
I don't understand this
I'm taking this
Thanks for the food
Things will be back to normal tomorrow
Say, dear!
What a drag
You two, come here
The stars are beautiful
What? Stars?
Without any city lights,
they look brighter
What's that?
That's the Milky Way
What? You mean,
there really is a Milky Way?
Are you an idiot?
This isn't so bad,
once in a while
"Day 3"
This is endless
Listen up, everyone
All employees need to wait at home
until the power is restored
Please be careful going home
It could be restored any minute
We'll be delayed in responding
the building entrance is smashed
so please take your valuables with you
Aren't you worried about your family?
If you stay here, things will get dangerous
Are you crazy? Of course, we'll be fine
Where are you going?
We're going to the mountains to find water
There's a camping ground l know
What are you doing!
"Welcome to Saitama Prefecture"
"Nakamura Satomi 5-3-6 Kawaguchi"
You might be right
- This is really heavy
- Get it together
Let's go
Other prefectures?
We need food,
I'll try the supermarket...
- Oh, hello
- Hello
I've been waiting here two hours
My feet are so cold
Do you have gas at your place?
We cook with electro-magnetic
There's no gas, either?
Do gas meters run on batteries?
My husband said the meter wasn't
working and tried to fix it,
but there's no gas
Excuse us, everyone!
The situation is that
there is water underground
Then give us the water!
However, the entire operation
is shut down
so the pumps can't pump water
After making us wait this long!
Go underground and bring up the water!
You guys get the water!
It's not water for drinking, but
there's a well in the park...
We're here to get water to drink!
That's right!
Give us drinking water!
You cannot withdraw cash
with ATM or debit cards
You must have identification,
your personal seal and bank passbook
Each person can only withdraw 100,000 Yen in cash!
Don't push! Don't push!
Don't push! Wait your turn!
"Day 7"
"Study at home until we contact you"
I heard they're distributing
emergency food in Saitama
I went there, but they ran out
a longtime ago
They only gave me
a small bottle of water
What I want to know is,
what's causing this?
It's a natural disaster,
a natural disaster
Our only choice is to gather
all our food and water
and share it all
That won't last a month
We should all move away
What if you've got nowhere to go?
Look, over there!
Don't bother coming back!
If all the apartments empty out,
they'll get looted by those idiots
They belong to all of us,
so we all have to protect them, right?
No, no you stay inside
I'm sorry
Do you know Kato san
who lives above us?
The old lady who lives alone?
I saw her on the steps before Why?
She wasn't at that meeting
I haven't seen her in days
What! Kagoshima!
You mean to Grandpa's house?
If we wait a little longer,
the power will return
You're so useless
It's been like this for a week
Don't you see that if it doesn't come back
we can only survive for so long?
That may be true,
but why Kagoshima?
All my hometown family is dead
It's a lot warmer in Kagoshima
and we'll be able to find
water and food
But how?
A plane from Haneda Airport
If they're flying...
I hate that stupid village
You visited when you were little
You played with Grandpa
on the beach nearby
What? I don't remember that
Oh, how do we get to Haneda?
On bicycles
It's straight down the main road
No way!
For real!
Leave everything to me!
Follow me and you'll be fine
Why Kagoshima!
I told them I don't want to go
I'll take both
ls this enough,
to buy us all plane tickets?
Can you buy discount tickets
at the airport?
Well, um...
I saved this money for an emergency
It's sunscreen, put it on
Isn't this great?
Are you still carrying this
like some treasure?
And look at how you're dressed
Who wears false eyelashes, now?
Hang in there!
We haven't been cycling in a while
We went with the children's group
That's ancient history
Did we go?
You slept through your days off
You never came on
any of those outings
OK, 2,000 Yen
Thanks, next
Step right up
One bottle of water for 1,000 Yen
How about it? Anyone?
Step up
No, no, you rip-off!
Step right up
Bottled Water 2,000 Yen
Bottled Water going fast 2,500 Yen
We should have bought the first one!
A little farther, we might find
cheaper water
Or more expensive
Yes, welcome
Oh, nothing...
What will you do?
At the store, it was 500 Yen
No, this is our current price
You'll never sell them at this price
I'll buy them all,
at 600 Yen per bottle
Why did you make red beans and rice?
Why? I just thought...
The celebratory food would give us energy
Don't waste precious food
Where did he go?
Wondering off again
I'm looking for a bathroom
Don't let anyone pass
Don't look!
My turn, next
"Take your dog poop home with you"
Excuse me, excuse me
What's going on?
Get back! Get back, please!
The planes are not flying!
Get back for your own safety!
Get back! It's dangerous
Get back, get back!
How long will this go on!
The whole Tokyo area is blacked out!
No one knows when it will come back!
We know that!
Hey cop! Do your job!
They're useless!
Where's the Self Defense Force!
Who threw that!
Hey! You!
"Motel Royal"
It's open, it's open!
You need to pay first
30,000 Yen per person
There's no water
Oh, good We'll go home tomorrow, right?
What! No!
No way! We're going? To Kagoshima?! By bicycle!
Right, it's our only choice
No way!
You saw it at the airport!
It's dangerous to stay
in a city without food or water
Impossible! I totally refuse!
It's not impossible
That's what they did in the old days
Yaji and Kita walked from Tokyo to Osaka
Who the hell is that! I'm not from the old days!
I had a feeling it would
turn out like this
Then why didn't you say so sooner?
We came so far out of our way!
We had no way of knowing until we got here
We need another bicycle
And a map and food and...
Oh, I know!
Yaji and Kita are buddies on that samurai TV show!
Of course they're all gone
"Children's Map of Japan"
"Resorts in Kagoshima"
Maybe it's not so bad
What are you doing?
No matter how fast, it'll take
one month to ride to Kagoshima
What! It's that far?
I just heard someone say
that beyond Osaka, it's not blacked out
ls that true? Who said that?
Someone walking
I told you so Heading west is the right plan
How could that rumor spread here,
all the way from Osaka?
It spreads because it's true
Oh, look!
"Rice Store"
Oh, a sea bream
That much
A real Rolex
What good is that?
How about this?
- What's that?
- A Maserati
Get out!
Don't bother bringing things no one wants!
Only water or food
All your stuff is worthless
Excuse me
- What have you got?
- Well, um...
About the bicycle parked out back,
can I buy it from you?
Sure, I don't use it anymore
I have no use for money
Hey! That's my...
And that rice, too
"Do Not Enter"
Let's go this way
Let's try that way
What's with this map!
It's totally useless!
Oh, no!
Let's take that
- This way
- I know that!
This way!
All right!
"Service Area"
It's locked
Toilets out of order"
Oh, no
Now we're camping out
"Kanagawa Prefecture"
Where are you going?
We're going as far as Osaka
We heard there's electricity there
- See!
- What do you mean, see!
Is that true?
It's a rumor
That same rumor
Could you spare a bottle of water?
- We can pay money
- Get the money
We can exchange it for food
We don't have anything left
This is our last bottle
Oh, I see
Let's go
Let's try someone else
It's cold
What are you doing!
Go grab him!
"Tunnel Guides for Food or Water"
lf you pay me, I'll guide you to the other end
This tunnel is 2 kilometers long
Step right up
I'll guide you
What's that?
It's a tunnel
One straight road
They'll be right back
It's so dark, dark!
Oh, no, what is this?
Are you sure we're OK?
This is no good
Ouch! There's a car stopped here
What shall we do?
So, this is how ii is
I stepped on something!
It's squishy!
There's a dead raccoon right there
Don't step on it
Here we are
Too bad you have to see everything
Thanks for your business
"Day 16"
Oh, no, this is all that's left
What are you whimpering about?
You can light a fire
without matches
Cavemen could do it,
of course we can,too
So, how?
I'll show you when the time comes
Give me water!
That was the last bottle
Why didn't you tell me first!
I told you!
You did?
I didn't hear you
Let's go look for some later
We won't find any here
What are you doing?
Can you drink that?
Don't do that
See? Look how clear it is
You guys are such wimps
Tastes great!
Leave that!
I can't stand it!
Where are you going!
He drank that water
Oh, no
I only wore this once
Oh, no
Oh, dear...
Maybe there's food
"Rice Sold Out"
"Tires and Tubes Sold Out"
"No Matches or Lighters"
Where is it?
"Silicon adhesive"
Found it
Hey, hey! Do you think we can eat this?
The Internet says they can tuna
and catfood at the same factory
Really? Maybe we can flavor it and make a soup
We still need water and matches
"Battery Liquid Replenishment"
Don't! Stop!
It's fine, you can drink it
It's fine It's purified water
You're right! But it doesn't taste good
Are you still at it? You should rest
Look at our great haul!
There was one smoke candle left
What? Use this to light a fire
"Remove from the..."
That hurt! What are you doing?
Rice cakes
Eat it raw?
But your father...
Look at this
Are you sure?
"Day 22"
Tastes awful
You'd better listen to your mother
Oh, hello
"Shizuoka Prefecture"
Oh, what a great idea!
How are you getting water and food?
When you ride through the mountains,
there's water seeping through rocks, right?
Moss is proof the water's pure, so we bottle it
lf you're worried, you can boil it to disinfect it
You should air dry or smoke any food
It lasts longer that way
And most weeds that you see are actually edible.
Weeds like this plantain and dandelion
or weeds with leaves
growing from the earth are fine
You can boil them for a soup filled with vitamins
I recommend cicadas
Don't be so shocked
Locusts have been food for centuries
Insects are quite nutritious
In Africa, everyone eats caterpillars
You just like that stuff
Look over here
What? You can take pictures with that camera?
Yeah, but it's not digital
Film was always mechanical
When you print it, please send it
Sure, but...
I have no idea when
A notepad
I'll write down my address
What humans need in order to survive are, first,
to maintain body warmth
Next, secure water and three, start fires
Food is next on the list
Hang in there, go, go
Hang in there
Looking good
Your dad's in the lead
Just ignore him
He's fast
This is great
The landscape is so different
The breeze feels great
Look at that
Oh, Dear
Excuse me...
They came from a nuclear power plant
What's the situation?
They don't know why but it won't turn on
They're going to Shizuoka to inspect another one
ls it true there's power in Osaka?
We don't know that
Even if there's power in Osaka,
we don't have to go there
This is how things are,
we might as well enjoy it, right?
That's right
"To Osaka"
Take care
"Day 43"
"Looking for Abe Takashi"
I've had it!
Dad,you said,
"We're only bicycling to Osaka!"
I never said that
What will we do?!
We have no food or water!
I can't change or bathe and my head itches!
That's not my fault
You never take responsibility!
You said, Follow me and you'll be fine
You did, you liar!
How dare you speak to me like that!
Then act like a father!
You talk big, but you're useless
What the hell!
That's enough!
You should have figured that a long time ago!
That's just who your father is!
I'm putting it in
Kobe Aquarium
Here comes the fish
It's hot, be careful
- Looks tasty
- Sure does
Here you go
I'm sorry, we just ran out
Can't you give us some?
- I can pay you money!
- It's all gone
Just enough for the children
It's all gone
I beg you!
"Day 67"
Honey, grab him!
Are you OK, Dad?
I did it
Oh, good
We did it
You do it
I can't even fillet a fish
Can I start anywhere?
Just do it!
What are you doing!
Where are we being taken?
Can you drink the well water?
Of course you can
The electric fences on my pig farm
stopped working
and they all ran away
I'm sorry we killed one without...
In exchange,
if you help me catch the runaway pigs,
I'll forgive you
Will you?
Aren't you hungry?
It's not a free lunch
What's this?
Smoked pork
This is what you do
when you can't use the refrigerator
Why are you crying?
I don't know
My, you have guests
I thought your son's family
came home
You're always so generous
Why just this one pig?
The pigs haven't come back yet?
With their help, I'll get them back
How nice
Young people can do anything
See you
Take one home
This is the last one
Gee, thanks
Now, you can start by helping me butcher Hanako
Was that pig's name Hanako?
That was a joke
What pig has a name?
Come over here and help
Open this and spread it!
Hold it here!
Hold it down!
This is a huge job
It's tough job alone, but no big deal
with you all here
- Look tasty?
- Yes!
If you work hard,
I can share a little with you
You can't eat it right away
Have to let it rest underground
before smoking it
Um, how long does it need to rest?
About one week
One week?
You're useless
I take the first bath
We're in Okayama
How are the pajamas?
They're perfect
Who do they...
I bought them for when my son's family visits
His whole family's in America
Good looking, right?
I don't want to waste the oil
Oh, yes
Good night
Starting tomorrow, you'll work hard
A futon...
He must be worried
about his grandchildren
Found one
Here we go!
Grab it!
Not over there!
That's the last one.
Hang in there.
Mom, is this OK?
Looks fine
That's not for smoking
If you want, you can just move in
I wish my washing machine
and car would work,
but living alone in
these conditions is tough
Will you think about it, please?
I did it!
Hey! Shoo!
Get out of here!
His offer is generous,
but we need to get
to your father
Let's go to Kagoshima
Do you two agree?
Are you sure you want to give us so much?
You sure helped me out
Thank you so much
You take care
Dear, wait!
Are you OK, Mitsue?
Hang in there, Mitsue!
No way...
What! What?
Why? There is no bridge!
We left that road 3 days ago!
Do we have to go all the way back!
That map is out of date
Stop it
- Here
- Thanks
This way
Are you two going to be OK?
You made us take all those swim classes
We'll drop Mom on the other shore
and then Kenji and I will shuttle the bikes over
Get on! Get on!
I'll go!
No, stay there!
Let's load them all
The river will get too fast
- Hold it!
- I'm holding it!
Hold it!
The raft broke!
Oh no, Dad!
"Day 94"
This way
Are you OK?
It's fine, let's go
No, I can't
From Tokyo to here on bicycles?
That's a grueling trip
And, where's your father?
We're almost to last big tunnel
The Falcon used to run through it
ls the Falcon a bullet train?
Of course not
Oh, you're awake
The Falcon was an express sleeper
In those days, airplane fares were expensive
Yes, they were
Your mom's parents wouldn't let me marry her
So we commuted together
to Kagoshima to ask their permission
You never told us about that
Time to close it
Better close the window...
What is this! My eyes!
The window!
"Day 108"
"2 Years and 126 days later"
All together!
Big haul today
- Give me a hand
- Right away
Keep the threads taut
Looking good
They're back
We're back!
Big haul! Big haul!
Lots of great fish
Hurry everybody!
Oh, Dear
The lights are back on
- They're on!
- They're on!
The sudden global blackout
that started 2.5 years ago,
experts now believe was caused by a solar flare,
or a comet that came close to Earth
It might also have been cyber-terrorism,
aimed at the power grid and power plants
but this has never been proven... prove any theories,
the blackout stopped all computers and electronics,
leaving no records from that time
However, it is important to establish...
What's that?
Tonight, I'll cook mackerel
That's so pretty
Looks tasty
- I'm off
- I'm off
Off you go
Coming, coming
Wait, wait!
What is it?
Your father forgot his lunch
How could you forget!?
Sorry about that!
Thank you
Suzuki san, mail for you
Thank you so much
I wonder what it is?
Oh, that was when...
Fumiyo Kohinata
Eri Fukatsu
Yuki lzumisawa
Wakana Aoi
Original story, Written
and Directed by Shinobu Yaguchi
English subtitles by Linda Hoaglund
©Fuji Television, Toho, Dentsu, Altamira Pictures