Super Shark (2011) - full transcript

An offshore drilling accident releases a giant primordial shark. When the shark flies and walks on land threatening to turn a bikini contest into a bloodbath, marine biologist Kat Carmichael arrives to destroy the shark and save beach-goers. Her efforts are stymied by corporate bad guy Roger Wade and his flunky Stewart who are only interested in their own agenda of money, money, money. With time running out for beach loving humans, Carmichael recruits heroic skipper Chuck and fearless disc jockey Dynamite Stevens to help her blast the blood thirsty shark back to a watery grave.

This is captain Jackson.


All quiet, sir.

Nothing to report.

All right. Hold your

positions till further notice.

Here he comes!

Engage the enemy.

This isn't working.

Hey, pops,

what's the point of

patching all this stuff up?


Half the stuff doesn't work.

The other half

keeps breaking down.

I mean, you'd think

a big oil company

would let loose a few bucks,

keep everything nice and tidy.

I think it's

all that chemical gunk

they keep pouring

down the shaft.

That's what's

mucking everything up.

You know, I hear that stuff

literally eats away at the rock,

disintegrates it.

Just having the stuff on

the rig makes me nervous,

let alone pouring it

into the ocean.

Ah, there they go.

They're getting ready to pour

that gunk down the shaft again.

At the rate they're going,

I'm surprised they haven't

busted clean through

to China by now.

Ah, there it goes.

Oh, man.

What's happening?

I don't know.

I think something busted.

Maybe we did

break through to China.


Oh, God. We gotta

get out of here!


I'm standing outside

treymar industries,

where there is

much speculation today

concerning the sudden collapse

of their offshore

oil platform nautilus,

which was operating just 10

Miles from the California coast.

What information do we

have to go on at this point?

Well, um...

Our scientists believe that

an underwater earthquake

might have actually

triggered the collapse.

At this point, obviously

it's too early to tell,

but seismologists

have indeed confirmed

that there was activity

in that area.

It's obviously

a terrible tragedy.

What do you think the impact

of this accident

will have on the ecosystem?

Well, Tracey, I'm by

no means a biologist,

but I firmly believe

that there'll be little,

if any ecological footprint

as a result of this accident.

Given recent events, how can an

assessment like that be made this early?

Suffice it to say I have

it on very good authority.

Thank you.

Thank you.

This is Tracey read

reporting from outside

treymar industries.

♪ super shark

♪ super shark

♪ super shark

♪ super shark

♪ as bad as can be

♪ on the land and on the sea ♪

♪ super shark

♪ I know he's bad

Good morning,

cats and kittens.

This is dy-ynamite Stevens,

and we gonna

have the surf report

right after the news.

But first I want to tell you

about the big celebration.

It is gonna be sensational,

and yours truly,

dynamite Stevens, will be there.

We're going to have

a big queen of the beach

bikini contest,

brought to you by

the dockside bar and grill.

So, girls, we want

to see you out there.

That's right, ladies.

I want you to be there

or be bare.


Well, well. Look what

the tide brought in.

Hello, Greg.

It's been a while.

You look great.

You look the same.

Hi, Tyler.

Morning, cali.

Guys, it's summertime,

and when school lets out,

this beach is

gonna fill up fast.

When I say you need

to be here at 8:00,

you need to be here

at 7:45.

I'm sorry.

It won't happen again.

What's your excuse, Greg?

I, uh, just got

into town yesterday.

I think I was

a little jet-lagged.

All right, well, since you never

worked here in the summer,

you're in for a real treat.

I think I'm up for it.

Good. Greg, I see

that you're certified

and on the swim team.

You know, a lot of

problems can be avoided

if you just know

how to talk to people.

I understand that.

I get on well with people.

See that you do.

Um, I want you to take

the South beach past

those rocks over there.

There's a lot of surfers.

Current's strong.

Please be careful.


Cali, you and I are

gonna take the, uh,

north beach over there

past the caves.

It's 8:25 right now.

Um, shift ends at 2:00.

Check back with me

before you, um, leave,

and turn in your walkies.

Everybody good to go?

Ready as I can be.

Me, too.

Let's go.

Greg is cute.

What school does he go to?


How do you know?

He spent last summer here.

Ah. Is he and you...

No. No, we are

not an item.


Think he's my type.

Everybody's your type.


Jill, pick

up the horn, will you?


Go ahead, Rick.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, everything's fine.

I think we found a lobster.

Well, what do you want me to do?

Get the lobster basket

and drop it overboard.

Anything else?

Just look beautiful

when I come back.

I'm working on it.

See you soon.

Hey, I think I saw a

nurse shark up ahead.

Boy, I'd love to get

a shot of that.

Let me get up there and see

if he wants his picture taken.

Guess he's the shy type.

Maybe we can spot another.

Where there's one shark,

there's usually another.

What the hell was that?

I don't know. I didn't

get a good look at it.

Might have been a whale.

Maybe it's just curious.

Or hungry.

Jill, come in.

Rick, you're interfering

with my tan.

Something big just swam by us.

Do you see anything?


Are you almost done?


We're heading back.



Rick, there's something

wrong with the radio.

Uh, Rick.

Come on.

Oh, God. Oh, my God.


Rick! Rick!

Can you hear me?!


Rick, can you hear me?!

Rick! Rick,

there's a shark!

There's a shark!



Skipper Chuck.

I saw your ad in the paper.

Sorry about that.

I was just daydreaming

about an angel.

Is this you?

That's me.

Welcome aboard.

Nice boat.

Only thing the wife left me.

So you live on board?

Like I said.

How much to hire the boat?

I like that in a woman.

You don't mess around.

You get right to the point.

How much?

I guess that depends

on where you're going.

I want to go here.

Isn't that...

That's right.

I want you to take me to where

the treymar oil platform went down.

Whoa, whoa.

Take that back.

That entire area's off limits.

I can't go there.

I'm Dr. Katherine


oceanic investigation bureau.

This badge'll get us past

anyone who stands in our way.

Besides, I only want to go to

the edge of the quarantined area.

How much?

I don't know. 100 bucks

an hour. 3-hour minimum.


Why me? Hmm?

Why didn't you just get the

coast guard to take you out there?

They've got enough problems.

Cash work for you?

Make yourself at home.

Thank you.

Hey, doc.

Pretty sure of yourself,

aren't you?

Money talks, skipper.

That's what's wrong

with the world.

Don't spare the gas.

Don't worry.

I got plenty of that.

So far, so easy.

Yeah, wait a week.

Change is coming.

Yeah. There will

be more boys

and more girls.

Who needs the competition?

Come on, cali.

What's sexier

than a beautiful lifeguard

in a styling red swimsuit?

Does make you

stand out in a crowd.

Yeah, people take notice.

It represents authority.

Guys like that.

You think Greg could go for me?

Why don't you ask him?

I could never.

I wouldn't know what to say.

How 'bout, "you want

to get with this?"

Shut up.

Besides, I saw the way

he looked at you.

Okay, yeah, we had

a thing last summer,

but it didn't work out.

I'm over him,

like so, so over him.

So just go for it.

Are you sure?

Look, it's your birthday

this weekend, right?

Let's just

start the party early.

We'll go down to the dockside,

have a few drinks tonight.

I'll invite Greg, and you guys

can get to know each other.

Would you? I mean,

that would be great.

Consider it done.

Can we get any closer?

Doc, we're already at the

edge of the quarantine area.

Badge or no badge,

this is as far as I go.

I'm not about to risk my

license or my boat for you.

I understand.


There's nothing to see.

There isn't even an

oil slick or anything.

Yeah, that is kind of weird

there's no oil out here.

Just 'cause

you don't see anything

doesn't mean

there's nothing there.

We can go now.

Aye, aye.

This is very impressive.

Now what can I do for you?

I've already told the

authorities everything we know

about the nautilus rig failure.

We have our own internal

investigation ongoing,

and there are also other

agencies looking into it as well.

I know,

and now I've joined the party.

So what do you want from me?

We've been totally cooperative.

Everyone else seems satisfied

that we're doing everything we can,

and there was no major oil

spillage during the accident.

Oil isn't the only thing

that pollutes the water.

What's your point?

The waters where

the nautil went down

are loaded with chemicals.

Well, that's to be expected

when an accident

like this happens.

A lot of people lost their

lives in that accident.

Some of our very best men

were on that rig when it went down,

and some of those men

were very good friends of mine.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

Did you receive

any radio communication

from the rig as the accident

was actually happening?


What did it say?

It was pure panic.

I'd like to hear the recording.

There is no recording.

It was a live transmission

to our land facility,

which was not recording

at the time.

Isn't that convenient?

So you're a, uh... you're a

marine biologist, correct?

That's right.

Deep-sea drilling

executive's natural enemy.

Don't get defensive.

I was just curious.

Now, listen. We're very, very

proud of our environmental record.

I would like to help you.

I really would.

I happen to love fish.

Broiled or pan-fried?

Sushi, actually.

Me, too.

Excuse me.

Yeah. This is wade.

Okay. Yeah.


Look, I-I'm sorry.

I have an important

conference call.

That's all right. I just

have a few more questions.

Hang on.

How about you have

an early dinner with me

tonight or a drink?

I can answer the rest of your

questions and maybe even

prove to you

that not every oilman

is a moustache-twirling villain.

Drinks. Early.

Then we'll talk about dinner.

It's right on the beach.

You can't miss it.

There's a beautiful view

from the balcony.

6 P.M.

You're on. 6 P.M.

All right.

Yeah. Wade here.

Quitting time.

There's Greg.

Cool your jets, Kelly.

You don't want

to appear too eager.

Hey. How was

your first day?

No complaints.

You in a rush

to get out of here?

Me? No.

Why? What were

you thinking?

Well, it's cali's

birthday on Saturday,

and we were thinking about

starting the celebration a little early.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, like later

this afternoon, 4:00,

down at the dockside.

You want to join us?

Yeah, sure.

Sounds like fun.


Yeah, well, uh, guess I'll

see you guys later then, huh?

Bye, Greg.

"Bye, Greg."

Knock it off, big shot.

Uh, I'm looking

for Dr. Miller.

You found him.

Oh. I'm, uh,

Dr. Carmichael.

What can I do for you, doctor?

Actually, I was hoping to speak

with one of your patients.

The survivor

of the oil rig accident.

You know, is this

absolutely necessary?

That guy's been through a lot.

Heh. I understand

your concern, doctor,

but I wouldn't be here if it

wasn't extremely important.

As the only survivor,

he might hold the key to what

actually happened that night.

Has he said anything?


Paging Dr. sabin.

Dr. sabin, please.

Dr. Carmichael.

This is Mr. Jenkins.




I wanted to ask you

what happened on the oil rig.

What kind of doctor

you say you were?

I'm a marine biologist.

I'm worried about

what the nautilus disaster

did to the ocean's ecosystem.

A fish doctor.

That's right.

Not one of those docs

that studies your mind,

makes people think you're crazy.

No. I'm not one of those.

I went out to the site,

and I didn't find

any oil in the water.

Do you know why that is?

'Cause we hadn't hit oil yet.

I mean, we were scheduled

to three weeks ago,

but we hit some kind of rock

we never dealt with before,

couldn't break through.

I did find a lot of unusual

chemicals in the water.

You know I can't

talk to you about that.


Why is that?

The company will have my head.

I'm not just a fish doctor.

I'm also an investigator

with the oib.

You can either

tell me what treymar

was putting in the water,

or we'll have your head

before your boss ever gets to it.

Well, like I said,

we hit some hard rock,

harder than anything

we ever hit.

That's when they started

pumping the stuff

down the shaft

to break up the rock.

What was in it?

I don't know.

They never used it

before last week.

They shipped it in

from the plant.

It was some powerful stuff.

Is that why

the platform collapsed?

I'll deny I told you

any of this,

but you being a fish

doctor and all, well,

maybe you'll believe me.

Something big came out the sea,

something real big.

It jumped up,

grabbed the crane...

And then pulled

the rig right over.

If I hadn't gotten

to that lifeboat,


I got lucky.

Heh. What was it?

I've never said this...

But it was a shark.

A frigging giant shark.

Yeah, see, and the way

you're looking at me right now,

it's why I didn't tell those

head doctors anything.

I don't want to be

locked up in a loony bin.

You just went through a really

traumatic experience. I mean,

with all that was going on,

don't you think

you might have mistaken

some falling machinery

for something else?

You know what, doc?

I'm just fooling you.

Hey, there's no such

thing as a giant shark.

I was just telling what I

thought you wanted to hear,

you being a fish doctor and all.

I'm gonna go back to the

room and watch some TV.

This is USS Santa mira

to San Diego command

requesting satcom

weather conditions.

Copy, Santa mira.

Stand by to receive

satcom weather data.

10 degrees on the down bubble.

Aye. 10 degrees

down bubble.

Steady as she goes.

Mr. Stewart.

Aye, captain?

I understand that we're

almost fully automated here

and that you have

nothing better to do

than push a few buttons,

but do you think

you could play something

a little more inspiring?

You're putting

the crew to sleep.

Sorry, captain.

I guess I've still got

Honolulu on my mind.

I understand.

Now, if you don't mind...

Yes, sir. Stone-cold

inspiration coming right up.

Thank you.

Another deployment.

Another round of

drills, drills, more drills.

Don't start complaining,

or we'll find a nice spot

out in the persian Gulf for you.

Be careful what you wish for.

Yes, sir. It's just I'd like to

experience something new,

something exciting.

Well, we're having the chef's

surprise for dinner tonight.

Captain, I'm getting something.


I can't.

It's ahead of us, same depth.

Underwater Mountain range?

Can't tell yet.

Well, we better

move it up just in case.

Two degrees on the up bubble.

Two degrees up bubble.

Make it five degrees up bubble.

Five degrees up bubble.

It's rising with us, captain.

Might be something organic,

some kind of drifting debris.

What the hell was that?

Did we hit something?

I don't know, captain.

Wrong answer, Carmichael.

Find out.

Aye, aye, sir.


It... I think it's some kind

of seismic disturbance,

a big one.

An earthquake?

Could be.

Captain, telemetry's coming in.

Undersea activity,

it's off the charts.

No kidding.

General quarters.

General quarters.

All hands,

man your battle stations.

Careful what you wish for.

Sound the collision alarm.

I have a contact.

What? Identify?

No corresponding signal.

No sound wave match.

Whatever it is, it's

headed straight toward us.

Is it a sub?

No, sir,

but it's almost

as big as we are.


Five seconds.

All hands, brace for impact.

Son of a...

Acquire torpedo lock.

It's moving too fast

and changing direction

every second.

I can't get a lock.

Do your best.

Flood torpedo tubes one and two.

Flooding torpedo tubes

one and two.


Got it.

Fire torpedoes one and two.

Firing torpedoes one and two.

Target dead ahead

and moving fast.

What the hell is it?

Whatever it is,

it's coming back.

Dear God.

Told you I had a nice view.

You weren't kidding.

Must have cost a pretty penny.

Ah, just one of the

dividends of hard work.


Look, Ms. Carmichael...

Call me Kat.


Really? Kat?


Kat fish.


but not original.

Why are you so hostile?

I mean, come on.

Do you actually think

that when I was a little kid,

I wanted to grow up

and be an oilman?

Okay, so what'd you want to be?


But you have to admit

this pays a whole lot better.

Can I interest you

in a lobster cocktail?


Caught right out here

in the bay.

Oh. Uh,

I think I'll pass.

Oh, you're acting like you think

it might be poison or something.

It might be.

Let me show you something.

Nice kitchen.


This is a sample of water

I took this morning

from the site

where the rig went down.

You're not gonna drink that?

Heh. No way.

Do you know what this means?

I have no idea what this means.

Why don't you tell me?

It means there's

potassium feldspar

in the water where

the rig went down.


Potassium feldspar is a mineral.

When mixed with acidic water,

it hydrolyzes

into kalinite plus quartz

plus potassium hydroxide.

Yeah. Look,

I'm just kind of a, uh,

front-office sort of a guy.

I'm not a scientist. What

are you talking about?

It's a formula that's used

to create a chemical

weathering agent,

something that breaks down

rock surfaces,

like those that form the

foundation of your oil platform.

I'm still not following you.

All right.

Let me see if I can put

this together for you. Please.

Your drill hit solid rock.

You can't break through,

so you pour a hydrolyzing

agent down the shaft.

To break through the rock,

but you used too much,

and it causes the foundation

of your platform to crumble.

Hang on.

D-don't go to...

The platform collapses

in a self-made earthquake,

dozens of people die,

and the poison's in the ocean.

And you're telling me

that you can tell all that

from one little test strip?

All that.

I think you're speculating.

And I think you're scared.


Hang on a second.

I would never

intentionally do anything

to hurt that rig.

I had a lot of...

I know. You had

friends out there.

I feel sorry for them.

You better get

over here right away.

We need to talk.

Afc, this is

Sierra Romeo one niner.

Sierra Romeo one niner,

this is afc.

Go ahead.

Nothing to report, sir.

No sign of the Santa mira.

I don't get it.

A United States submarine

just doesn't disappear.

This one has.

How much longer can you

maintain your search?

30 minutes till bingo fuel.

All right.

Keep searching,

and report back in 30 minutes.

Roger that.

Hang on, sir.

I think I've got something.

Is it the Santa mira?

No, sir.

Well, what is it?

You're not gonna believe this.

Try me.

Easy on the mai tais, cali.

Last time I checked, you

weren't exactly a heavy hitter.

I'm just nervous.

You know how I get around boys.


I wonder where Greg is.

Oh, he'll be here.

He always did like

to make a late entrance.

Yo, Felix, how'd it sound?

I want to do a test-out

for the crowd.


Oh, there he is.

99, 97,

9... wait.

I missed the 98.

98. Does it sound good?


Looks like you guys

got started without me.

Ah, sometimes it's hard

to get a table here,

so we got here a little early.

Yeah, I always liked this place.

You girls hang out here a lot?

It's the only place

we can afford.

Well, you and I had

some good times here.

Do you spend all your

summers at the bay?

Yeah. My, uh, grandparents

are out of town,

so I'm watching their place.

The, uh, lifeguard gig

was just icing on the cake.

Lucky you.

Speaking of cake,

I, uh, got you a little

early birthday present.

Oh, you shouldn't have.

But thank you.

Do you like it?

I absolutely love it.

It's handmade.

I got it down

at the, uh, boardwalk.

So you, um, have the

whole house to yourself?

Yeah. Just, um...

Me and the dogs.

Hey, everybody.

I'm dy-y-ynamite Stevens,

ladies and gentlemen.


Aw, you must.

And I'm here

at the dockside bar & grill

and we are going

to be hosting, cats,

the queen of the beach

bikini contest today.

Yes, it is.

Yeah, man.

Whoo whoo!

Bring 'em up!

Yeah, you know what it's about!

I don't have to tell y'all.

Y'all know.

Ha ha ha! And we

got the grand prize,

which will be...

A free calendar shoot

on the beach

and a grand prize money winner

of $1,000.

Now let's find out

who the most finest girl

in this place is.

Let's bring that girl

up here right now.

Girls, come on up here.

Let's see what you got.

Shake it and make it, girl.

You got to shake me!

Shake and bake.

No chicken.

This is sirloin, baby.

That's what I'm talking 'bout.

Yeah, 'cause she's happening.


Oh, my goodness. Uhh.


Lady in red! Whah!

What else we got?

We got somebody... this girl.

Whoo. I don't know if my

heart can stand this anymore.

Baby, what y'all think?

Ah, show 'em your stuff,

girl. You roll.

Whoo hoo!

We loves everybody,

but somebody gotta go.

This one's beautiful,

but we can't have

too much beauty.

Thank you for coming.

And now let's see

what else we got.

I need another young lady

up here right now.

Now, this is serious.

I ain't playing around.

This is the big cham-pag-nee

right here.

This girl's... she's all right.

We likes her. What about...

I need me another twirl

up here right now.

Who's out here

wanting to come up?

Maybe they can take over

the contest.

I think they are

playing my song.

What are you talking about?

If I can win that cash prize,

my summer will be golden.


She's impulsive, all right.

Shy one minute.

Wild child the next.

Next we got up here...

Oh, come on, girl.

You gotta show a little

something-something, girl.

You gotta... yeah, baby.

A little skin wins the yin-Yang.


She's all that and

a bag of chips. Wow.

She looks pretty good up there.

You like her?

Yeah, she's nice, but, I, uh...

Like you more.

Baby, some hot and mustardy.

What do we still think

about this lady over here?

Yeah. She's all right.

And then... whoo!

Well, all right.

You want her to leave,

let's run it.

Thank you so much

for coming out tonight.

Now we gonna move

some over here.

I said thank you so much.

Who next coming in here?

Right now we need somebody

else to come up on this stage.

Holy chalupa!



Yabbo hubba hubba!

Free tacos for everybody!

Whoo hoo!

That's too much for me, girl!

Roger, I don't understand

why you're so rattled.

I mean, you act as if

this were the first time

that any oil company was

ever suspected of wrongdoing.

It's a cost of doing business.

Yeah, but it's

not really suspected.

It's more like an accusation.

Of what?

Of using a chemical

weathering agent?

Of causing your own

platform to collapse?


Nobody uses a chemical

weathering agent

for drilling purposes.

I did.

And whatever gave you an

idea to try something like that?

Oh, hell, I don't know.

One of the engineers

suggested it.

It didn't seem like it

was gonna hurt anything,

so I gave him the go-ahead.

And it worked?

Yeah, it worked great,

worked too well.

Well, that may be something

we're gonna have to look into

later on, but right now,

your job is to deny everything.

When caught cheating,

deny, deny, deny.

I know.

I read the handbook,

but... but she...

She knows.

Knows what?

I mean, you think that

this dog-and-pony show

with a glass of water and a slice

of lemon is gonna prove anything?

You worry too much.

Ah... I don't know.

She seemed

awfully sure of herself.

All right, look, Roger, if you're

that worried, think about it.

The best defense is

always a good offense.

Throw a little money around

and see if you can't dig up

something on

this Dr. Carmichael.

Maybe there's

a chink in her armor.

It's worth a try.

Ah, maybe you're right.

Finish her off

before she finishes us.


How could you?

I'm sorry.

It just happened.

But you're my friend.

Cali, he wasn't into you.

He only came because

he wanted to be with me.

That's not true.

It is true.

I'm sorry, but it is.

You always get

everything you want.

You get the job you want,

the boy you want.

I didn't want Greg.

I was over him.

At least, I thought I was.

Like I said, it just happened.

Why can't I be more like you?

I wish I was dead.

All right, guys, these

girls are working hard for you.

Let us know what you want.

That's it.

This one over there.

There you go.

And how 'bout this one?

Jazzy wazzy.

And how 'bout this one? Wow.

Yeah. Let 'em know.

Thank you.

Let us see some stuff in here.

Yeah, guys. Let me know what

you think of these girls up here.

They're working hard. Whoo!

And this one right here.

Sirloin beef over here.

This is serious.

That's right.

And the lobster of the

tail, and this one here.

Oh, my goodness.

That's good. The... whoa!

Come on!


Want to hear it for...

That's it.

And how about for

this lady jazz over here?

And look at kylee. Whoo!

Get an eyeful?

Doc. What's up?

Hey, buy a guy a drink?

You've got plenty of cash.

You buy.

Bourbon, rocks.

What she said, Jake.

Bourbon, rocks.

You got it.

What's going on?

You busy?

Made a few house calls.

Somebody sick?

They're gonna be.

Lookity here.

That's what I'm

talking about. Hey, there.

You see, captain?


♪ your eyes...

See you tomorrow morning?

Tomorrow morning?

What for?

We're going fishing.

Uh, okay.

W-Where are you staying tonight?

I live in my car.

Give me a double, Jake.

Now it's my turn.

Let me jump up in here.

Ladies and gentlemen,

boys and girls,

kits and cats

and cats and kadoodles,

we have already

tallied up the votes,

and all these ladies

are beautiful.

Let's have a hand for everybody

that was on the show tonight.

Bring 'em all out here.

They're beautiful.

Bring 'em all up here.

And keep those hands a-flappin'

as I announce the winner.


She's all right.

Whoo! Aw, man!

I want to be in a symphony

with jazz, baby.

Whoo hoo!

But everybody's good.

That's what I was talking about.

Where is everybody?

This is interesting.

This is very, very interesting.

Good job.

You did a great job here.

Yeah. You know,

for a minute there,

she almost had me.

Tell you what I want you to do.

I want you to go to the bank,

and I want you to

cash this check for me.

Bring all that money right

back here to my office.

Big bills are fine.

Actually, big bills are better,

more impressive.

Now scoot.

Oh, if only I had

a moustache to twirl.

They never learn.

First the air

and then the water.


Got my fish finder

plugged in to your laptop.

Want to come take a look?

Good work, Chuck.

You'd make someone a

great assistant someday.

You know, I was thinking

exactly the same thing about you.

After you.

You sure this is up and running?


There's nothing on the scope.



Watch your hand.

There's not a single fish,

no living thing.

It's impossible.

Now, I have never seen

anything like that before.

I can radio one of my buddies

and see if they got anything.

That's a good idea.

Do it.

Sea spray, sea spray,

this is blue moon.


Sea spray, you out there, buddy?

This is sea spray.

What's up, skipper?

Yeah, Phil, I think my fish

finder might be on the blink.

You guys got

anything over there?

Not a thing,

like all the fish

are on vacation.

Same here. Stand by.

Chuck, I-I've got something.

Look at the size of that

thing. Is that a whale?

No. It's not.

And it's circling the boat.

Hey, Phil, you see

what I'm seeing?


Phil, are you out there?

Chuck, come quick!

Ah, that radio's going haywire.

W-What is...

Kill the radio.


Do it.


Kill the radio!



I am!

That thing was a monster.

That was the biggest damn

shark I've ever seen in my life.

You sure that was even a shark?

Yeah. It was a shark.

Where you think it's gone?

I don't know.

I... but I think it was

attracted to the radio waves,

and in return, it was emitting

its own plasmonic signal that...

That caused the radio

to go crazy.

Whoa, whoa.



Certain fish are capable

of sending out their own

hydronic radio waves

as a means of communication.

I mean, this guy lost interest in

us when we stopped broadcasting.

So what do you want to do now?

Let's get out of here.

I hate sharks.

Mermaids and mermen,

this is dy-y-y-namite Stevens,

booting out 50,000 watts on k80,

the powerfulest

radio station in America.

I just want to take

a brief timeout

to give a shout-out to our

queen of the beach winner

and the runner up, who are

currently on the beach

shooting their sexy,

sexy photo shoot.

And, women, remember this.

Tan lines are for quitters.


Okay, we got, uh, sun.

We got sand.

We got hot babes.

Let's shoot some film.

How's this?

That is beautiful.

Just like that.

Just, uh...

Different and better.

Like this?

Nice. Very nice.

♪ it would be funny

♪ for you to hurt me

♪ don't do nothin' stupid

with my love ♪

♪ whoa, oh, oh

♪ don't do nothin' stupid

with my love ♪

♪ baby, baby, don't you dare ♪

♪ don't you do it

♪ now, don't you go around

♪ saying things

♪ saying things

♪ you don't want

catching up to you ♪

♪ ooh

♪ 'cause I know some birdies ♪

♪ that love to sing

♪ and no one wants to

♪ no one wants to

♪ find out what I'll do

♪ don't do nothin'...

All right, uh,

Jessica, I need you

to move in just a little bit.


Yeah, I don't care

what your name is, babe.

Just move in.

All right, get a little bit

closer to Tammy there.

I love it.

Get a little closer.

Okay, are we doing it right?

You're definitely

doing it right.

A little bit closer.

Put your faces together.

Just like that.

And lean in and give her

a nice, wet kiss.


I don't think so.

Oh, come on.

Get real.

All right.

Well, I tried.

Okay, uh, let's turn around

and get a little sand

in the background.

♪ Once love goes, it's gone ♪

♪ don't you let me go

Girls, how hard is it to

stand there and look pretty?

What is that?

Girls, come on.

It's a shark.

I don't care what it is.

Let's just get out of here.

Contrary to popular belief,

sharks can't come on land,

so as long as we

stay out of the water,

we're gonna be just fine.

Nothing to worry about.

Say cheese.

I didn't expect to see

you back quite so soon.

I'm glad you came by.

Guess we still have a

few things left to discuss.

We do.

Why don't I go first?

There might

actually be something

to what you say about the rig

using a hydrolyzing

agent in the shaft.

Maybe we did go too far.

Now, I'm not saying I

know who was behind it,

but when I find out,

I promise you

there will be consequences.

Of that, I'm sure.


Little something else I learned.

You're not actually

an oib agent at all.

Not even close.

In fact, they kicked you

out over 6 months ago.

I took an extended

leave of absence.

Not what it says here.

I don't care what it says there.


Now let's see.

It says here

that you had a kid

brother who was killed

in the exvil oil tanker

collision 2 years ago off Alaska.

It says that ever since then,

you've been harassing

oil companies,

and it appears you're on some

kind of a personal vendetta.

Should I go on?

Why not?


It says that you made a

string of reckless accusations

that placed the oceanic

investigation bureau

in a very embarrassing position

that subsequently led

to your termination.

They weren't reckless.

Well, I'm sorry,

but impersonating

a government agent

in order to harass

and intimidate a civilian

can wind you up in jail.

I'd have a lot of company.

Look, Kat fish,

I like you.

We don't need

any trouble between us.

I don't believe

the hydrolyzing agent

caused the rig to collapse.

I think it was an earthquake,

just like they said.

I truly believe that.

What's that?

It's money.

Look, I want you

to take this money

out into the world and

do some good with it.

Okay? I want you

to go to Alaska.

I want you to go to Japan.

I want you to go

anywhere you want

and weave your magic on some

other environmental bad guy,

'cause believe me, I'm not

the one you're looking for.

I wish I could believe you,

but you'd lie about

what you had for breakfast.

Not unless it was

an endangered species.

Come on.

I did not destroy my own rig.

I believe you there.

The chemical weathering agent

did cause the earthquake,

and it did poison the water,

but it didn't

destroy the platform.

That's what I came

here to tell you. What?

Your rig was destroyed

by a giant shark.

Not one of your oil buddies,

but a real giant shark.

Thanks for the money.

That's one big-ass shark.

Knee-deep in happy hour?

Did you know what

that bastard called me?


Kat fish.

Kat fish.

The nerve.

Well, Kat fish,

let's see you and me swim

over to a table, okay?

Jake, you have any coffee?

Got some fresh.

Thanks, buddy.

Come on. Up, up.

You bet.

There you go.

Slide in.

Scooch around.

Scooch. Scooch.

There you go.

You good?

I'm a fake.

A fake?

I'm not really an agent

for the oib.

I used to be one,

but they fired me.

Now I just pretend to be one.

Is that so?

I got a little excited

and ruffled some feathers.

Thank you, Jake.

No trouble.

Watch yourself.

Hey, don't leave this.

All right.

Thanks very much.

Watch yourself.

There's your bag.

See this young man?


It's my brother Jimmy.

He's dead now.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

What happened?

Was it an accident?

He was on the exvil

oil tanker when it went down.

Yeah, that was terrible.


Some might have survived,

except for the sharks.

They said there were

sharks everywhere.

Which explains

why a marine biologist

doesn't like sharks.

They're just like

oil companies...

Mindless eating machines.

And I made a vow to myself

that I would ruin everyone

responsible for Jimmy's death.

Somewhere along the way,

the lines got blurred

just to what I could and

couldn't get away with.

So they got rid of me.

But you're still fighting 'em.

I don't have anything to lose.

Except my dinner.

Unsubstantiated accounts

are beginning to filter

into the newsroom from

surrounding beach communities.

They're reporting

a new kind of shark,

one that can walk around

on dry land.

Oh, and one more thing,

it's as big as a whale.


the new city ordinance

that prohibits drinking

on public beaches

isn't having quite the impact

local officials had hoped for.

This in spite of predictions

that the upcoming

fourth of July celebration

is going to be one of the largest

turnouts in the beach's history.

I don't care how many

feathers you ruffle along the way.

You keep those troops deployed

on every beach that I specified.

No one makes a move

except on my orders.

No. No, I don't know if this

is the real deal or not,

but until I find out otherwise,

we're gonna play this safe.

Colonel Caldwell.

Captain Marshall,

anything to report?

One of the airborne

units captured this photo.

So it is a shark.

Yes, sir,

a giant shark.

All right. Let's go.

Captain Brody.


Standing by.

Good. Captain Brody,

let's get some planes

in the air.

Copy that.

Base, this is Charlie tango one

taxiing to runway 17,

ready for takeoff.

Roger that, Charlie tango one.

You're cleared for takeoff.

You're assigned

flight pattern delta.

The remainder of your squadron

will cover the rest

of your grid.

You're ready to drop your payload

as soon as you get the word.

Roger that, base.

We'll be ready.

You heard him, boys.

Stick to your assigned quadrant,

and be ready.

This thing's a killer.

Roger that, skipper.

Let's keep our fingers crossed

and hope we get lucky.

If it's still out there,

they'll find it.

They say it came out of the

water and walked on its fins.

It ate the queen of the beach.

Good morning.

What happened?

Well, you got dead drunk,

and you passed out.

Where are my clothes?

Well, you threw up all

over yourself, so I, uh...

Loaned you some of my stuff.


We didn't...

No. No, we didn't.


Didn't mean to be insulting.

I just...

Fair enough.

And you...

You weren't kidding

about sleeping in your car.

I never kid.

Do you have my briefcase?

Yeah. It's right there

above your head.


That's a lot of money.

You peeked.

I peeked.

Couldn't help it.


It's a bribe

from treymar industries

to get me to go away.

Ah, I figured

I was leaving anyways,

so I took it.

Well, that is a very

interesting ethical outlook.

Takes a lot of money

to hassle the oil companies.

I figured they could help

finance the crusade.

Oh, I, uh, washed your clothes.

Folded, too.

You're a pretty handy guy.

You'd be surprised.

We need to tell someone

about the shark.

You know,

everybody already knows.

It's all over the radio.

The army national guard

has moved onto

the surrounding beaches,

and the public is being warned

to stay clear, as a state of

emergency has been decla...

Please, let's keep

the radio off.

It's the one thing

they don't know about,

the radio.

Do you have my car?

Uh, yeah. Yeah, it's up

in the parking lot.

Heh. Man, you're good.

I've been told.

Sergeant Wilkins here.

This is captain Jackson.


All quiet, sir.

Nothing to report.

All right. Hold your

positions till further notice.

Yes, sir.

Wilkins out.

How'd you two get

past the roadblock?

Dr. Katherine


oceanic investigation bureau.

I have some

important information

you're gonna need to know

if you want to kill this thing.

Okay. What do you got?

Have you spotted the shark?

Not yet, but it seems

to like this beach.

We just don't know why.

I can tell you.

That right there,

the radio tower.

That's what brings it here.

Radio tower?

It either loves it or hates it.

I'm not sure which,

but it responds to radio waves.

That's crazy.

We've taken over

the station temporarily

for the emergency

broadcasting system.

The transmitter just went

back on the air five minutes ago.

That should be like

ringing the dinner bell.

What are we gonna do

if that thing comes back?


Relax, roth.

We can handle this.

Morris, this is

sergeant Wilkins.

You see anything?

All quiet here.

Not a fin or a flipper in sight.

All right.

Stay alert.

Hey, sarge,

do you think

that thing can really

walk around out of water

like they say he can?

I'd like to see it try.


Fall back.

Go! Go! Go!

We need all our guys!

Hurry up!

Let's go!

It's here right now

at cabo beach.

Reroute the air strike.

Bring it in now.

Roger that.

Do it.

Copy that.

Proceeding to strike zone.

Come on, guys!

Light it up!

Yeah! Fry his ass!

All right.

Way to go.

You need to contact

the radio station,

tell them to stop broadcasting.

This is captain Jackson.

Tell the men at the station

to shut down that

transmitter immediately.

That's right.

Cut it now.

This is Charlie tango one.

I am approaching strike zone.

Request instructions.

Permission to release ordnance

granted, Charlie tango one.

Roger that.

Blow his ass up!

Let's throw another shark

on the Barbie.

What the...

It flies.

That's bad.

I need a drink.

Let's get to it, gentlemen.

Gathered here

are members of staff,

government intelligence.

Let's get right to it, captain.

This is Dr. Carmichael.

She's an expert

in marine biology.

She's already

encountered this creature

once on her own and

lived to tell about it.

Her input could be crucial

in devising our plan of attack.

This is my assistant Chuck.


Sharkskin, by its very nature,

is tough and resilient.

And in the case of this

particular specimen,

it's almost

armor-plated, bulletproof.

Conventional weapons

have very little effect on it,

except it did respond to being

torched by the flamethrower.


How is that we've

never seen anything

like this creature before?

It has to be a prehistoric shark

that's been extinct

for millions of years,

or so we thought.

Perhaps a variety of megalodon.

I suspect it's been in some

kind of suspended animation.

So it's been what, hibernating?

In a manner of speaking.

Maybe the drill

from the treymar oil rig

broke through the rock into

some kind of underwater chamber

where the shark was

preserved, but dormant.

It had a chance to

take us out yesterday,

and it swam away instead.

I have to believe it's

because of the radio waves.

So you think it has something

to do with radio sound waves?

I do believe that it responds

to radio transmissions,

and as the shark approaches,

it emits its own

plasmonic signal.

And what's a plasmonic signal?

It's a radio signal

that some fish use

to communicate with others.

In this case, it's a signal

our shark sends out

that interferes with

other radio signals.

It makes the radio

go haywire, okay?

It could serve

as an advance warning,

alerting us to an attack

before it happens.


Now what about

these reports that it...

Walks and flies?

Senator, there are at least

four known species of fish

that can walk using

their pectoral fins,

and there are several

varieties of flying fish.

What we're seeing here

is adaptive evolution,

but on a much grander scale.

Bullets bounce off it,

it walks around on its fins,

and it flies. Really?

It's super shark.

Well, I think we might just have

a little something that'll bring

super shark down to earth in a hurry.

What is it?

Sorry. That's classified

for the moment.

You'll all get

to see it at the beach

first thing in the morning.

Well, it had better work.

That beach has to be open

by the time school

gets out this weekend.

The local economy depends on it.

Now the clock is

ticking here, people.


I don't think captain Jackson

has anything up his

sleeve that can kill this thing,

not on the outside.

I don't know.

He seemed pretty confident.

Custer was confident.

I don't think they have

any idea what they're facing.

So, what?

What do you suggest?

We attack it from the inside.

You mean like, uh, poison?

Poison or an explosive device.

You mess up anything

on the inside, and it'll die,

no matter how big it is.

Okay, look, I would just hate to see

something happen to you. That's all.

♪ don't you,

baby, don't you see? ♪

♪ This is why...

I wouldn't want anything

bad to happen to you either.

You stick with me, and

I'll make it worth your while.

I'm rich now.

And single.

That does sound pretty tempting.

♪ ...About a thing

♪ our love is like the sea

I'm not worried

about the unit, Carter,

and I think you're

a great pilot.

You're gonna do fine.

I want you to wait till

the shark comes to you.

Then give it everything

you got, all right, son?

With pleasure, sir.

Push it.

Ah. Ohh.

There you go. Whoa.

Okay, careful.

Push. Push.

All right, good luck, Carter.

Thank you, sir.

Okay, care... careful.


I promised Jake

I'd get this back

to the dockside bar

in one piece.

So you lied.

Unh. Not yet.

Ohh. Okay.

That's it.

Morning, captain.

What's this all about?

Well, remember what I said

yesterday about using the radio

to better predict

the attack? Yes.

This is it.

You get the radio station

to start broadcasting,

and we listen to it

through these speakers.

That way, we'll know

the shark's coming.

Hope it works.

Hey, captain,

what is that thing?

That's a special prototype tank

designed to fight in the

mountainous regions of Afghanistan.

It can literally walk

across a hostile desert

like an armor-plated camel.

A walking tank?

Walking tank

for a walking shark.


Captain Jackson,

come in.


Megatank is ready

for deployment, sir.

Have it take up a position

halfway between

the lot and the water.

Then stand by

for further orders.

Yes, sir.

This, I gotta see.

Would you look at that?


equipped with heavy artillery.

Hate to use it

in a civilian area.

One stray shot...

Ah, we'll just

have to be careful.

I'm sure the neighbors

appreciate that, captain.

Kat, let's move this thing.

You ready?


Watch your step.

Want to get that radio

station broadcasting.

Is that thing almost ready?

Almost, captain.

Give me five more minutes.

Then have that station start pumping

out some old-time rock-and-roll.

Well, we got dynamite

Stevens at the station.

He can start broadcasting

whenever we want.

Dy-y-ynamite Stevens?

Ah, that'll really make him mad.

He has that effect on me.

Captain, do you have an

explosive device we can attach?

The shark gets close

enough to swallow it,

we might get lucky and give him

one hell of a bellyache.

We've got some c-4

and a remote detonator.

I'll have one of my munitions

men set it up for you.

Thank you.

Something better work.

Hey, super shark,

it's your old friend

dy-y-y-ynamite Stevens

with a handful of requests,

brought to you by Uncle Sam.

So this is for all

the soldier boys on the beach.

I hope this ro-ocks your world.

♪ you better

believe it ♪

♪ so tired, late tonight

♪ the vision to see...

Come on, super shark.

Where are you?

This has gotta work.

Maybe he's gun-shy

from getting

his ass burned yesterday.

Maybe he had his feelings hurt.

That is impossible.

Here he is!

Hurry up, captain!

Carter, heads up.

Target spotted dead

ahead and closing fast.

Roger that.

Engage the enemy.

Push him towards the c-4.

Maybe we can blow him up.

Carter, try to push it

toward the speakers.

We got a c-4 charge set there.

I'm trying, captain,

but it's not cooperating.

Be ready

with that thing.

Carter, keep it in front of you.

If that thing gets any

leverage from the side,

it might be able

to flip you over.

Like I said, captain,

I'm trying.

This isn't working.

I told you that thing's

tougher on the outside

than any of us thought.

Faster, too.

All we need's one good shot,

maybe the eyes.

Carter, go for the eyes.

If we can blind it, I

think we can take it out.

All right. I'm gonna try

to swing around to the left,

line up a clean shot.

Motor's frozen.

Something's overheating.

I'm gonna have to abort.


Damn it.

Fall back!

We gotta regroup.

All right, Kat, get in the

truck. Get in the truck!

Keep the motor running!


Get in the truck! Kat!

Over here, big boy!

Come here!

Over here!


Come on! Get up! Get up!

Keep going to the cave!

I'll draw him off!


Go! Just go!

Okay, super shark.

Over here, big boy!

Come on!

Music from the doctor,

dynamite man.

Get over here!

♪ you're sitting there

♪ snorting all your blow

♪ how far

are you gonna go? ♪

♪ Just one thing

I want you to know ♪

♪ I'm gonna push you

out the back door ♪

♪ you push me

♪ and push comes to death

♪ You push me

♪ and you'll take

your last breath ♪

♪ you push me...

Open up for mommy.

♪ Push comes to death

And this

one last ripping classic

guaranteed to blow your mind.

Now you're extinct.


Kat! Kat!

You did it!


I said,

"you did it!"

Wha... I can't hear

a word you're saying.

It's the blast!

You were too close!

I feel like I just went to the

loudest rock concert of my life.

It's okay! It'll wear off in a

couple days. You'll be great.

I can't make out

a word you're saying.

I said you're one hell

of a catch, Kat fish.

What'd you say?

I'll tell you later.

Come on.

Come on.

There has been

much speculation in the community

regarding the future

of treymar oil

and its offshore

drilling operations

along the California coast.

The oib recently hit treymar

with a stiff $500,000 fine

for using illegal chemicals

just prior

to the catastrophic failure

of their offshore

oil platform nautilus.

I'm standing here with Roger

wade, director of operations.

Mr. wade, what is

the future of treymar oil?

Well, we, uh, all learn

from our mistakes,

and, uh, treymar

is ready and able

to step up to the plate

and begin the job

of creating a new and

independent source of energy.

We will rebuild the

platform that was destroyed,

and we're gonna

start reconstruction

as soon as humanly possible.

This time, we're gonna explore

new regions even deeper than before,

and I am certain

that we will uncover

even bigger and better

sources of energy.

Who knows what we might find?

It's like Sarah always said.

"Drill, baby, drill."

♪ super shark

♪ super shark

♪ super shark

♪ super shark

♪ as bad as can be

♪ on the land and on the sea ♪

♪ super shark

♪ I know he's bad

♪ super shark

♪ bon appétit, man ♪

♪ watch out

♪ super shark

♪ he can jump, he can fly

♪ he can almost touch the sky

♪ super shark

♪ a whale of a killer

♪ he makes jaws

look like flipper ♪

♪ super shark

♪ he's super shark

♪ huhh

♪ watch out

♪ super shark

♪ watch out

♪ watch out, watch out

♪ super shark

♪ super shark

♪ super shark

♪ super shark

♪ super shark

♪ I know he's bad

♪ huhh