Summer of 84 (2018) - full transcript

After suspecting that their police officer neighbor is a serial killer, a group of teenage friends spend their summer spying on him and gathering evidence, but as they get closer to discovering the truth, things get dangerous.

Even serial killers live

next door to somebody.

Tough pill to swallow,

I know, but it's true.

If I've learned anything,

it's that people hardly ever let

you know who they really are.

Just past the manicured lawns

and friendly waves,

inside any house,

even the one next door,

anything could be happening

and you'd never know.

And that's the thing

about this place.

It all might seem normal

and routine,

but the truth is the suburbs are

where the craziest shit happens.

You never know what might be

coming around the corner.


Hey bud, what's going on?

Oh, hey Mr. Mackey.


Oh, thank you.

What's with all the dirt?

I've been doing a little

planting in the garden.

Um, there was no cash

in your mailbox yesterday

for the paper.

Has it been a month already?



Uh, ok.

Well, actually I was going

to ask

if you could help me lift

something inside

if you have a second.

I'll get the money then.

Two birds, one stone?

Ok, sure.


After you.

I knew I had it.

There you go.

Thank you.

You got a big family, huh?

Yeah, I guess so.

Just uh, you know, make sure

you don't live too close

to them or they'll come knocking

on your door every day.

Alright, this is it.

Some new furniture for upstairs,

so I gotta get this hunk

of junk downstairs.

Think we can manage it?

Uh, yeah.



Here we go.


It is heavy.


Watch your step.

Here, let me try that way.

There we go.



- You ok?

- Uh, yeah.

Yeah, shit. Sorry.

That's ok.

As long as it didn't get your

foot or anything. You alright?


Why don't we just take a break?


Sorry about that.

Damn water heater just keeps

getting louder and louder.

Gotta get a new one.

Flip side of not living near

any family is

never anyone around

to lend a hand.

Hey, I uh, I really appreciate

you helping me out.

Uh, what's in there?

Well, that is where

we're headed.

Think you can make it

the rest of the way?



Heavy son of a bitch, huh?


I am putting the finishing

touches on my dark room.

So I'm an amateur photographer.

I figured that this piece

could store some equipment.

Yeah, it's cool.

Um, I'm sort of an amateur

videographer, so I get it.

Just like the old man.

My god, I remember when your

parents would push you

around the block

in the stroller.

Now look at you.

How old are you, anyway?



That's the perfect age.

I wish I could just

freeze it for you.

Uh, well, I gotta go.

Yeah. Of course.

Go ahead.

Thank you for this.

I will, uh, take it from here.

- Give your family my best?

- I will.


I am going to get you shitheads!

I'm going to find you.


Find your own spot.

You're gonna get us both caught.

This is my spot.

Not anymore. Now go!

Fine. Go.


Gotcha, dudes!

Christ, guys!

Hiding in Farraday's spot, man?


You're better than that.

Treehouse in 15,

after we catch this bitch?

He's close.

I can practically smell

the Noxell on him.

Vaginas are magical.

I can't wait to get laid.

Aren't you guys tired of looking

at those same chicks?

Shit no, man.

Or even just feel up a chick.

Second base?

That's it?

I rounded third once.

She was hot, too.

Oh, it just so happens to be

a chick none of us know.

It was on vacation, dipshit.

I'd just be happy to get on

any base with Nikki.

In your dreams, Davey.

Yeah, wet dreams.

'How is she so frikken' hot?

Too bad she's into my brother.


No way.

He's like twenty and he works

at a hardware store.

You think Kyle's a dick?

My asshole father wants to tear

this thing down.



No, man.

Can't he at least wait

until we go to college?

Eats, I need this place.

Shit, I would live up here

if I could.

I mean, I don't know how safe

that would be.

With the...


Kids going missing.

Ok, here we go.


Come on.

I mean, we all know

what you're gonna say.

It's a conspiracy.

It's all connected.

The missing kids aren't random,

they're part of

some vast governmental

alien cover-up, right?

So you don't think it's weird?

Look, last summer a kid goes

missing in Hazelton.

Now another kid disappears

in Freeport?

Uh, Davey, I love you man

but uh, you do kinda sound

like a schizoid.

Remember when he connected

a Lite-Brite to his keyboard

to try and communicate

with the extraterrestrials?


Or when he swore there was a

demonic presence in his room

because our houses were built on

Indian burial grounds?

That was, like, three years ago.

And our houses were built

on Indian burial grounds.

Davey, there's literally

no proof of that.

- Yes, there is.

- No, there's not.

Are we done here?

I gotta beat off

before my parents get home

and W.W. III breaks out.

Good call.

I'm gonna go make a withdrawal

from the spank bank.

You guys are animals.

Yes you are.


Wait, I thought you were sick

of looking at the same chicks.

I am.

Why do you think I stopped

banging your mom?

- You are so dead.

- Oh yeah?

- Oh yeah?

- Oh yeah

Give me the magazine.

I'm pretty sure

this is non-lethal.

This is my magazine!

You should not read this stuff

before bedtime.

Mom, I'm fifteen.


You don't have to tuck me

in anymore.

Maybe you don't need me to,

doesn't mean I'm ready

to give it up.

You think dad's

coming home soon?

I don't know, hon.

You know how the news is.

Always something going on

that needs reporting.

Ok, sleep tight.

Hey guys,

Ipswich Lanes tomorrow?

Scope some cuties?

I'm in.

I hope that chick

from last week is there.

She was all over me.

You asked to touch her boobs

and she threw you

over the railing.

Bet I don't look

half as dumb as Davey

every time he sees Nikki in the

DJ booth and jizzes in his pants.

Oh yeah?

Well, I can see her right now.



Dude, if you're serious, I hate you.

Oh my god, she's waving for me

to come over.

Ok, now I know you're full of shit.

Eats out.

I'd easily trade both

my nuts to have the view.

Ok, genius.

If you've got no balls

what's the point of the view?

You'd just be some

ball-less perv.

Can you at least

make mom double-bag

her meatloaf next time?

It smells like werewolf crap.

Well, if you would

have remembered

to put the cinder blocks back on

the garbage cans like I told you

we wouldn't have this mess.

I hate raccoons.

You should do an exclusive,

get pest control in here.

I could film it.

Camcorder's off limits, pal.

Station property, you know that.

How am I supposed to become

the next Spielberg

if I don't practice?

Nice try.

Just uh, make sure

the driveway's clean

before you go anywhere.

Capisce, Spielberg?


♪ Hot summer streets,

♪ And the pavements

are burning, ♪

♪ I sit around, ♪

♪ Trying to smile but, ♪

♪ The air is so heavy

and dry, ♪

♪ Strange voices

are saying, ♪

♪ What did they say

♪ Things I can't

understand, ♪

♪ It's too close

for comfort, ♪

♪ This heat has got right

out of hand, ♪

Guys. Guys.

Dude, what?

Those are the Pacific Grove

Babes from last week.

Get off of me, you psycho!

I can't.

I got needs, Woody.

Nikki fucking Kazsuba.

She's, like, scientifically

the perfect woman.

If she was my babysitter I'd

have been banging her the day

my balls dropped.

Yeah, was it hard not to get a boner

when she was giving you a bath?

Jesus, guys.

It was, like, four years ago.

Not ten.

We just played games and shit.

What kinda games?

Naughty games?

I hate you guys so much.

It is now confirmed

that 14 Eastern Bloc countries,

including the Soviet Union,

will boycott the Olympic games

in Los Angeles

later this summer.

Only Romania and Yugoslavia

will remain in attendance.


The Cold War's never gonna end.

Your future is dim, Davey.


John dropped these off

for you today.

It must be the fliers

for the Bay Festival.



Come on.

They got some crummy synth

band playing this year.

Nikki's not DJ-ing

like last year?

She's amazing.

Well, with her parents

getting divorced

it wasn't really

in the cards, pal.

Nikki's parents

are getting divorced?

Where did you hear that?

Bob Burnqvist.

He bowls with Mike Kaszuba.

Apparently it's pretty ugly,

supposedly Mike's not even

staying at home right now.

Let's not gossip, Randall.

But that is awful.

I never would have thought

they were having problems.

That's why they

invented curtains, hon.

Hey, Randall, it's Jimmy.

Listen, uh, this is going

to sound crazy.

The Chronicle received

a letter from some guy

calling himself the

Cape May Slayer.

This guy claims he's killed

at least 13 teenaged boys

over the last decade.

Oh my god!

Are you sure this isn't a hoax?

No, it's... it's legit, man. The

story's gonna break any second.

We need you in here pronto.

I'm on my way.

Guys, something big

is going down.

Someone's going down on who?

No, I was right.

You know those missing boys?

It's a serial killer.

My dad just got called in.

Holy shit!

You're not kidding.

It's on the news right now.

This afternoon

the Cape May Chronicle

received a letter

from an individual

calling themselves

the Cape May Slayer,

claiming responsibility for the

deaths of at least 13 teenaged boys

along with two adults.

The author also provided

a list of names,

dates, and pertinent details

related to a number of

open missing persons cases.

We have confirmed the accuracy

of these statements.

I can now officially

label this person

as an active serial killer.

The sheriff's office reports

they're likely looking for

a white male in his late 30's

to 40's living alone.

Preferred targets appear

to be males aged 12 to 16-

I can't believe

something like this

Could actually happen here.

It could be anyone.

This is the coolest thing

that's ever happened to us.

Didn't they say he

hunts guys our age?

Should we cool it with

the late night manhunt?


None of the missing kids are

from Ipswich and Cape May

'is pretty frikken' big.

It's not that big.

What is it, nine towns?

It's ten towns.

Guys, how are you

not freaking out

that something's finally

happening here?

Because there's no way

it's gonna hit us.

Or this neighbourhood.

Dude, look at this place.

You're desperate for crazy shit

to happen.

There's a serial killer

on the loose.

What else could possibly

be this exciting?

Incoming titties, 12:00!

Holy shit!

- Move over, Woody!

- I'm next.


If I was over there right now

she'd be pregnant.

Show her a little respect, ok?

Her parents are

getting divorced.

Statistically, that means

she's, like, ‭78 percent

more likely to engage

in pre-marital sex.

You guys are disgusting.

Whatever, dude.

You were thinking it.

Bank it and spank it, boys.

Please turn around,


Shit! Get down!



Oh, I'm so fucked.

Oh, Davey... you're...

you're a really bad kisser.

What? I'm-I'm sorry,

Nikki, I-what?


Cut the shit!

Unlike you idiots I actually

come here to study.

So don't get me kicked out!

Check it out.

Cape May Slayer.

Fifteen confirmed victims

and still counting.

So rad.

I don't get it.

Why would the killer

only write a letter now,

after all this time?

He's been killing people and

getting away with it for years.

He's bored so he's raising

the stakes.

He wasn't counting on us.

Jesus, Farraday, it's not like

you're gonna break it!


Get it?

What the hell are you doing?

Free porn, bro.

Is he just gonna take that?

Yo, where the hell's Sammy?

We need him or we don't

have numbers.

I dunno.

We haven't heard from him

in a few days.

'The Hoffmans' car's

in the driveway.

They must be home.

Let's go get the little shit.

Woody, stay with

these dickweeds.

This way, dickweeds.

No movement.

Or lights.

Oh well.

Oh well?

No one's seen Sammy in days.

- What if-

- Don't even say it.

He's probably up at the lake

or some shit.

Why is their car here?

Maybe they rented one?

- Why would they-

- Who cares?

Ok, the real issue is that

we don't have numbers

'cause of the little prick

so now I can't play manhunt.

Whatever, I'm out.

Yeah, sorry Davey, I got a book

to finish anyway.

Congrats. You're

getting your calcium.

So what?

Mackey is the Cape May Slayer.

Uh... I knew we shouldn't have

taken you to the library, Davey.

I blame myself.

I also blame Farraday.

No man, look.

Who's the missing ginger?

That's the kid I saw in Mackey's

dining room a few weeks ago.

When we were playing manhunt.

- Redheads all look the same.

- So true.

Well, if you're so sure it's him

why don't you uh...

just tell your parents?

Because they'd never believe me.

Guys, I was only, like,

ten feet away.

I saw him clear as day.

That's him.

Plus, what about the Hoffmans?

Their lake house is only

a couple hours north,

but their car's still here?

And they're neighbours.


What if one Hoffman saw Mackey

with Dusty?


The missing ginger.

Mackey found out somehow and killed

them to get rid of the threat.

Eats, tell them what Kyle said.

Farraday, what the fuck?

What did Kyle say?


Fine. Um...

he said that Mackey goes to

the hardware store every week

and buys, like,

100 pounds of dirt, says

it's for his garden.


Who uses 100 pounds of dirt a

week in a backyard garden?

You know, he's also got a room

in his basement

with a padlock on the door.

Why would he need that?

Still not convinced?

'Suspect is likely a white male, '

'late 30's to 40's, lives alone.'

Who does that remind you of?

Dude, Mackey's a cop

with a sick reputation.

That's why it's so genius.

He knows police tactics.

He can plant evidence

to throw them off,

or destroy it if they ever find

anything bad.

And who would suspect a cop?

It's the perfect cover.

Guys, if Mackey is what

I think he is

then we gotta do something.

Ok, Magnum P.I.

What's your plan?

Well, we have to

find out the truth...

and be able to prove it.

We need real, hard evidence.

Which means...


Search and destroy.

Who's with me?

This is bat shit crazy.

I'm in.

Operation Mack Attack

starts now.

He leaves his house every

weekday at 8:24 with a gym bag.

Contents unknown.

He gets home from work

at 6:25 with that same bag.

Goes in through the garage

and closes it behind him.

He always closes it.

His weekends are all over

the place.

No patter.

Except that he gardens.

A lot.

Acidity in the soil must

be off, though,

plants look like shit.

He has dinner alone

every night at 8:30-ish,

then probably wanks it

and cries himself to sleep.


Well, no, because most nights

he goes for a jog at 11:00

for about an hour.

Not sure where he goes

but we should

definitely find out.

Now that we know his schedule,

what do we do next?

We catch this fucker

and become heroes.

Farraday, you're retarded.

You think a bunch of glorified

Care Bears in hoods

could take down the empire?

They are aliens and

they're highly intelligent!

I mean, did you see how fast

that one learned to drive

a speeder bike, and then ditch

it without even being spotted?

Whatever, dude.

They're bears.

Now, if it was Gremlins,

I'd buy it maybe.

I've still gotta see Gremlins.

Hey, maybe you should

take Nikki.

She can find out what happens

if she gets your Mogwai wet.

Farraday, stick to shit

that could actually happen.

Like me fathering

a sibling for Woody.

Dude, I told you to stop talking

about my mom.

Would you rather I acted it out?

No, I'd rather you just not talk

about anything-

Shit, Mackey's back!

Let's break into his garage.


We can't do that.

He's a cop.

Hey guys.

Look, at 11:00 he's

gonna go for a run.

Trust me, I've got a plan.


What the hell are we doing?

His fucking trash?

Are you kidding me?

What? Look, there could

be evidence in here.

Fingers or bloody rags

or something.

If we find anything, we got him.

Do you know me at all?

I am not digging through trash.

Yeah, we're gonna get

in a lot of trouble

if we dig through

this on the street.

Look, I've had to clean up

my driveway three times

in the last two weeks

because of raccoons.

That's all anyone's gonna think.

If I find a used

condom in there,

I'm gonna be so jealous.

You guys are crazy.

Quit crying, Farraday.

Oh my god.

You know you can get AIDS from

looking through trash, right?

The only way you're

ever getting AIDS.

I can't believe it.


Maybe he doesn't do

the killings here.

He could have, uh, like

a lair or something.


A lair?

He's Cobra Commander now?

You know, we could always

look through his mail.

For instance...

Ask and you shall receive.

Farraday's right.

We can check his mail every day

and he'll never suspect a thing.

See what bills he's getting,

people sending him stuff.

I'll take care of

that responsibility.

Guys, look. It's after midnight.

We should get out of here

before Mackey gets back.

Try again tomorrow?

Night one, no luck.

Says you.

Hey, Davey.

Um, do you think maybe

I can sleep over tonight?

I kinda don't wanna be at home.

Yeah, sure.

We'll make popcorn,

watch Close Encounters.


I'm gonna get my stuff.

I'll be over in a bit.

Come on.

I love you mom.

You're so good.

Dude, what took you so long?

Expecting someone so late?

Uh, no, no, just uh, Woody.


I guess I haven't been here

in a while.

Your mom moved everything.

Uh, yeah, yeah,

I guess, like a year ago.

Where'd your folks go

all dressed up?

Um... date night.



Better view of my room

than I thought.

I've never seen you naked.

That's too bad.

I've got a great body.


When I gave you that

first journal I did not think

it would lead to this.

God, we used to have

so much fun.

Sucks how much things

have changed.

Uh, yeah... yeah.

Things have changed.

You know, like good things.

I think we're old enough

to hang out together now.

It's too bad I'm leaving.

Davey? We're back.

Fuck me.

Sweet dreams.

Thanks again for everything,

Mrs. S.

Any time. Call when you get home

so we know you're safe, ok?

Yeah, it's cool, I will.

See you tomorrow.

Get down, shit-for-brains!

Woody, what're you doing?

You're gonna lose him! Go!

Christ, I'm freaking out, ok?

My mom catches me,

I'm dead shit!

Woody, relax.

You said she was sleeping off

a 36 hour shift.

She's gonna be out for hours.

Yeah, and you look

like you're 30.

It's gonna be fine. Now, go.

Hurry up.


Oh my god.

Hey, Woody.

Where were you last night?

I thought you were coming over?

Yeah, um... sorry,

my mom needed my help.

Oh. You'll never guess who

showed up at my door instead.


No way.

There is a parallel universe

with butt-fucking wookies

where Nikki showed up

at your house last night.

I'm serious!

She was-she was about to kiss

me when my parents got home.


Guys, Mackey's coming out.

We are picking up

this convo later.

Yeah, ok.

'Is that a fuckin' pick axe?

Holy shit.

That is a lot of dirt.

Just like Kyle said.

How many bodies do you

think that would bury?

We gotta keep following him. Go.

You drive like my grandma, dude.

We're gonna lose him.

Shut it, Eats.

Woody, look out!


The hell, man?!

Get off the road, you maniac!

Great, now we lost him.

Frick this, ok? I'm never doing

this again. You guys are dicks!

Guys, relax.

Let's just get home as fast

as we can and hope

that's where he's going, too.

Oh, shit.



It's a cop. It's a cop.

Dude, is that Mackey?

Everybody just be cool.

I don't have my license, genius.

Tell him you forgot it at home.

How am I...

- What if it's fucking Mackey?

- I'm so screwed.

Oh shit, Officer Cole.

Goddammit, Dale Woodworth,

I thought that was you.

Does your mother know you

stole her car?

No. We, uh, we were

just borrowing it.

We ran out of snacks and she was

asleep so I just-

What if it wasn't me

that pulled you over?

You could be in some

real trouble.

I know, I'm so sorry.

I won't do it again.

You got me in quite a bind.

I just can't bust you

'cause then how am I gonna look'

your mother in the eye at church?

I know, I understand.

Mr. Eaton.

What a surprise.

Officer Cole.

We meet again.

Look, guys.

Another kid has gone missing.

Everybody up at town hall

is in a panic.

They've been talking about

canceling the Bay Festival.

Get your asses home

where it's safe

and stay there.

You got it?

Yes sir. Yes.

Straight home.

Guys, shit. He switched cars.

Who cares?

Where's the dirt?

That's what I mean.

He doesn't have it.

It must still be in his cruiser.

Unless he stashed it some place.

We're onto you, Mackey.

I thought everything was fine.

And then they just...

sat me down and told me

they don't love

each other anymore.

They didn't even seem upset.

So fucked up.

I just feel like my life

has been one big lie

and I can't even talk

to anyone about it.

What about your friends?

Especially my friends.

All their parents are

still happily married.

Whatever that means.

Well, you don't know that.

Who knows what really goes on

behind closed doors?

People will keep stuff

like that private.

Are your parents happy?

I don't know, I guess.

Honestly, I can't wait to get

out of this stupid town.

God, you must think

I'm such an idiot,

bringing you out here for this.

No way, never.

Can I tell you my secret?


I think Mackey is

the Cape May Slayer.

Mr. Mackey?

Davey, he's friends with my dad.

Yeah, that's what he wants you

to think.

They go fishing.

Look, I know how

your brain works.

But you're wrong.

No, look, this is different, ok?

We've been spying on him and-


Davey, he's a cop.

If your mom and dad found out

you were spying on him

they would flip their shit.

I know, that's why

they're not gonna find out.

At least not until we have

solid evidence.

Listen to me.

You gotta stop.

I'm not gonna get caught.

Davey, just let the cops deal

with this.

I don't want anything bad

to happen to you.

You're like the only person left

in this town I actually like.


What about Kyle?

What about Kyle?

He's twenty and he works

at the hardware store.

Hey, uh, who wants

a freezie pop?

Nice and cold, come and get 'em!'

One for each of you,

there you go.



Snagged it from my dad's stash.

Finally using those brain

powers for good.

About damn time. Give it.


It's bad.

It's so bad.

It tastes like my mouth

is bleeding.

Let me try it.


Guess you dickheads

just aren't men yet.

So, what's the deal with you

and Nikki?


we hung out again last night.

Oooh, Davey.

No way.

We have, like-no, we have,

like, a connection.

A connection?

Any connection I want

with her is vaginal.

Oral if she's into it.

Don't talk about her like that.

Mackey's still out there.

Look, Davey,

we've been on him for weeks.

I mean, if he was gonna

give us a clue

we'd have seen it by now,

don't you think?

Not if they missed it

the first time.


Everyone keeps their doors

unlocked around here.

Well, yeah, but this was

locked last time.

We gotta go in.

What if they're dead in there?

You said he killed kids,

not adults.

That's not totally true.

One of the articles at

the library said he killed

a whole family at Pacific Grove.

They said something

must have gone wrong.

And if it's Mackey?

Fuck that.

I mean, you wanna go in there,

be my guest.

Dumbasses first.

Davey, I was kidding.

I've got a bad feeling

about this.

The light doesn't work.

You guys smell that?


It smells like...


If there's dead bodies in here

I'm totally gonna shit

my Calvins.


You guys still think I'm crazy?

Woah, dude. Check your Calvins.

Guys, shut up!


He could still be in the house.

Hey, Woody, try

the kitchen light.

Oh my God!


Oh, you guys scared the crap

out of me!

We scared you?!

I nearly had a goddamn

heart attack!

What're you doing here?

With the lights off?

I blew a fuse vacuuming

up this mess.

Stupid cats.

Why are you cleaning up

after their cats?

They rented an RV and went up to

the lake house for the summer.

They pay me to make sure

their cats don't die.

It's easy money, usually.

You wanna explain to me what the

hell you guys are doing here?


well, Sammy was

missing so we thought

maybe the Hoffmans were dead.

And let me guess.

You thought it was Mr. Mackey.



you were really talking to her?

Ok, what's going on here?

You guys hooking up?

Let's just say

he's more of a man

than you jerk-offs.


Davey, you are my God!

Oh, man.

Can I get a picture of you

for my shrine?

And don't forget to clean your room.

I mean it.

I know, mom.


Hey guys, what time are

we playing manhunt tonight?

I got an idea.

Alright, here's the plan.

No way, you still have those?

While you guys are spying

we're gonna plant one of these

outside Mackey's bedroom window.

We can use the other

one to listen.

Audio surveillance?


Let's just not get caught, ok?

If Mackey spots you just act

like it's part of the game.

Now, we probably have

like two minutes

'til those little shits are up

our asses with flashlights

so let's be quick, ok?

Farraday, Eats, you guys

take the back yard.

Me and Woody will plant

the walkie.

Operation Manhunt starts now.

Let's go.

Hurry up!

Come on.

Who's got eyes on him?

I got him.

He's in the living room. Over.

Let's go.

Found you, you bit

tittied butthole!

Nu-uh, we had time out.

No you don't, I caught you.

Why don't you shut the fuck up

and get outta here

before I pound you,

you little shit?

Whatever, pussy.

You two are out. Ha!

'I freakin' hate that kid.

I've got him.

Holy fuck. Guys...

he's wearing rubber gloves and he's

got a bucket of cleaning shit.


Wait, what do you mean?

Farraday, he's coming your way.

What's in the bucket?

It looks like bleach,

a scrubbing brush,

and I can't tell

what the rest is.

Holy shit, he's

got blood on him!

What? Are you sure?

I- I don't know.

It could be paint.

It's on his shirt.


He went into the basement.

What the hell?

All his basement windows

are painted over.

Mackey's M.I.A.

Who's watching

the basement door?

Hey, let me down.

Alright, stay here.

Watch ok?


Do you think he's onto us?

I don't think so.

As far as he knows we were

just playing manhunt.

Stupid G.I. Joe walkie's

not working.

Well, you taped the button

down, right?

Of course I did.

And the batteries are brand new.

It might be the distance then.

Those things were junk.

That's why we upgraded.

Are you just gonna say frick it

and leave it up there?

No way.

I gotta make it work.



I gotta say, you scared

the hell out of me last night.

Uh, yeah, yeah, we were um,

sorry about that.


we were just playing manhunt

and I didn't expect you there.

No, I get it.

There's a lot of good

hiding spots for manhunt.

Yeah, your yard 's full of ' em.

Guess you didn't see me

coming either, though.

So what's up?


let me guess.

I owe you money.

Uh, yeah.

I'm ready for you this time.

Come on back.

- There you go.

- Thanks.

Hey, you uh...

you're not using those

things for manhunt, are you?

I mean, if you want real walkies

I got a couple that are retired

from the force.

They're inside. They're

just gathering dust.

You can come in and take a look

at them if you want.

They pick up everything.

I- I can't right now.

Gotta get back to my route.


- Thanks for the offer.

- Yep.

Uh, sorry.

Um, I guess they are pretty

crappy, huh?

Well, the offer stands if you

ever want the real deal.

Just come on by any time.

Oh, shit!

Oh, fuck.


Guys, guys, come in. I'm

freaking the fuck out.

Dude, it's 1:00

in the morning.

You're gonna wake up my mom.

Not after the pounding

I just gave her.

I'm serious!

Emergency meeting,

treehouse, now.

'The friggen' walkie was sitting

in his window.

He wanted me to see it.

Oh my god, he's onto us.

Oh, I should have just gone

to space camp.

There's no way he knows

why we're spying on him

and even if he does

he's only onto me,

which is why I need

you guys now.

When Mackey heads out

for his 11:00 jog,

Farraday and Woody,

you're gonna follow him.

I don't like

where this is going.

Yesterday on my route

I saw Mackey dumping dirt

over something in his garden.

Something the size of a body.

While you two follow Mackey,

we're gonna tear up his garden.

See if we can find that body.

What if Mackey catches us?

That's not gonna happen.

That's why I had you grab

Kyle's CB's.

If Mackey starts heading back,

Woody and Farraday

will radio to let us know.

What about the garden? He's gonna

notice his plants are all dug up.


Just like the garbage

in the street.

Just wait for him to leave.

And stay in touch with

our CB's the whole time.

It's... it's foolproof.

Look, we need that evidence.

We gotta get closer.

How the hell are we gonna do

that without him noticing us?


I'm not going by myself.

What are you, chicken?

Oh, nice try.

What if I told Eats about

that Hustler magazine we have

that you stole?

Goddammit, Farraday.




Someone there?

'That was way to friggen' close.


What if he's going to his house?

Guys, we lost Mackey.

I repeat, we lost Mackey.

Do you copy?

Fuck, Davey.

There's nothing here.

No, we're just not digging

deep enough.

Maybe he's hiding

something in there.


I can't see anything.

I got this.

What're you doing?

How the hell'd you do that?

I'm just good at working

the hole.

Seriously, how'd you do that?

Honestly, you just...

jiggle it a bunch,

work it around,

and it'll pop open

most of the time.

It's easy.

Unless he's killing people

with his lawnmower

we got jack shit.

Well, this whole night's been

a waste of time.

Until now.

This is Dusty Dewitt's shirt.


Oh, the ginger?


That's blood.

Hey, what're you guys doing

in there?!

You got a death wish?


We've been trying to

call you on the CB

for like 10 minutes.

We lost him. We don't have

a clue where he went.

We need to go, now.

And Davey,

you're not gonna

believe what we found.

Neither are you guys.

Come on.

He keeps a car

in a storage unit?

And like a million bags

of dirt, too.

Plus, shovels and a pick axe.

Why would anyone need all that?

It's the same reason he's got

Dusty Dewitt's shirt.

He killed him and buried

the body somewhere.

And there was like a bunch of

bags of um... something else.

They had like

chemical signs on it.

It looks hazardous.

It said Noah.

Noah was on the bag.

Noah? What the hell's that?

How am I supposed to know?

I just know it was like spelled

kinda weird.

Here, hand me that.

Classic Woody.


This look right?

Yeah, that's the same thing.

No, what you wrote means

absolutely nothing.

What I wrote is the chemical

formula for sodium hydroxide.

Congrats, Woody.

You're retarded.

Shove it, Eats.


What the hell's

sodium hydroxide?

I don't know, but I do know that

it's not used in gardening

'cause I'm pretty sure

it'd be toxic to plants.

Holy shit.

Guys, look at this.

Sodium hydroxide

breaks down the chemical bonds

that keep flesh intact,

turning organic

tissue to liquid.

Frequently used to decompose

roadkill dumped in landfills.

This will reduce the odour

of decomposition.

This sicko's using this stuff

to cover up the smell

from the dead bodies

he's dumping some place.

I got good news for you, Woody.

It's time to tell my parents.


He's a cop, for Christ's sake.

He's been our neighbour

since before you were born.

Dad, every serial killer

is somebody's neighbour-

That milk carton.

That t-shit and

the storage unit?

That-that doesn't prove

anything, guys.

How could you guys go

along with this?

We wouldn't have if it didn't

make so much sense.

Yeah, and then when

we were following him-

Jesus, you have been spying

on him?

Yeah, we had to!

And the more we watched,

the more the details stack up.

He goes jogging at 11:00

at night.

He buys a ton of dirt

every week.

He keeps a spare car

in a storage unit.

Why would he do that?

There was nothing in his garden

when we dug it up but I'm-

You dug up his garden?

Oh, goddammit, David.

You guys are in deep,

deep trouble.

I mean, it's vandalism,

spying, stealing.

I mean, it's unacceptable, boys.

We're trying to save people.

Yeah, well, you're not.

Alright, we're gonna go

over there right now

and you're gonna apologize

for all of this.

And you better hope he doesn't

press charges.

Let's go.


Guys, what's going on?

Hey there, Wayne.


listen, the boys have something

they need to tell you.

And I want to apologize in advance.

Just know that...

Sheila and I are as outraged

as you are about to be.

I'm sure whatever it is

we can work it out.

Um... hey, Mr. Mackey.

We just wanted to say...

we're sorry.

You probably thought it was

raccoons that dug up your garden

and your garbage.

It was us.

Tell him why.

A few weeks ago...

I thought I saw this boy...

in your house.

We were playing manhunt...

and I had this idea that...

you were maybe

the Cape May Slayer.




I'm sorry, it's just the uh...

guys at the station

are gonna love this.


who was the boy that was here?

That was my nephew, Jamie.

He was helping me to renovate

the dark room.

I thought you didn't have

family nearby.

And we found this in your shed.


You broke into my shed,

too, huh?

You don't have to answer any of this.

I'm sorry.

No, no, it's fine.

We were hammering nails all day,

he probably cut himself.

Why don't you guys come in,

we can call him,

we can clear this up right now.

That is not necessary at all.

Look, we just wanted to let

you know what happened

and uh, the boys promise

to fix anything

that they damaged

no matter how long it takes.


Yes, sir.

Look, I appreciate the

apology but honestly,

no hard feelings.

I remember what it was like

to be a boy in the summer.

It's hard to pass up

an adventure.

You are a better man than me,

Wayne, thank you.

This doesn't change anything.

Are you high?

Your summer's fucked.

We may get out of this

with just garden duty.

I'm not risking the little of

the good life I've got left.

Yeah, Davey, spying on

Mackey was fun and stuff but...

this is way too heavy. I'm out.

Guys, go home.

And I'm calling all your parents

and I will be telling them

what happened.


Not you.

You are grounded

until further notice.

I'm so disappointed in you,


Just-look, just go home

and do not come out of

your room until I say so.


Can you come over?

It's so surreal.

It feels like I was just a kid,

you know?

Oh my god.

Look at this one.

That is definitely coming

with me to Stanford.

Oh god, really?

Can't we just burn it?


No way. It's a classic.

You know, I didn't think

I was gonna miss this place

but now...

I can't deal.

Everyone's talking to me

like I'm already gone.

It's wigging me out.

You know, it just feels like...

the end, you know?

And the closer it gets...

the more I feel...


Hey, you're not alone.

After today I wish I could get out of

this stupid neighbourhood with you.

I'm sorry.

You wanna leave?

Holy shit.

You got caught.


My dad made me admit

the whole thing to Mackey.

No he didn't.

Oh my god.

I'm so grounded.

I'm-I'm gonna be locked up

until I leave for college.

Wait, if you're grounded

how are you here right now?

Well, my parents

are downtown so I-

I just snuck out.

Just a rebel without a cause.

You're done now, right?


Well, the guys all bailed on me

so there's not much I can do.

I know I'm right about him.

That's the shittiest part.

Just let it go.

You only get a chance to be

a kid once.

Believe me, I know.

So enjoy it while you can.


if I'm right,

who's gonna stop him?


How's it going?

What're you doing here?

Just kinda wanna make sure

that we're good.

I feel bad about everything

that happened yesterday.

Mind if I come in for a second?

We can talk about it?

Now is not a good time.


Hey, you know that we've

got everyone that we have

looking for this sicko, right?

Why haven't you found him yet?

Well, these things take time.

Sometimes years.

If you want I can stop by,

give you updates.

No, you don't have to do that.

I see the paper before anyone,


You sure?

It'd be my pleasure.

I can tell you have an

interest in this stuff.

Was there anything else,

Mr. Mackey?

Wow, you uh, you really got it

in for me, huh?

Uh... Davey, I like you.

I think you're a good kid,


The last thing I want is for there

to be bad blood between us.

Yeah, me too.

It's just uh...

my summer's basically

destroyed and...

I'm pretty sure

my parents hate me now.

You want me to talk to them?

See if I can lighten the sentence?

I'm happy to do that.

No, it's... it's alright.

Thanks, though.

You've got quite

the imagination.

Yeah, I guess. Um...

my dad says it's because

I read too many mysteries

and with the killer on the loose

I got caught up in it.

I get it.

That's the whole reason

I became a cop.

It's exciting, the stuff

that's going on.

And you wanna help,

and that's great.

And I'll admit... that the...

stuff that you thought was proof

looks pretty bad out of context.

You got a pretty good brain

for this kind of work.

Davey, is there anything I can

do to help smooth things over?


well, yesterday you offered

to call your nephew.

Would you mind maybe

just calling him now?


Just kinda gotta...

come in to do that.

Uh, no, no, actually our cord's

really long.

Just wait here a sec.



Place looks great.

I haven't been in here since...

you must have been a toddler.

I helped your dad get some

stuff into the attic.

My sister's in Seattle.


Not answering.

Jamie's big into baseball.

He might be at practice

or something.

Well, maybe I'll come back later,

we can try him again.

Uh, no. It's ok.

Look, I'm sorry for being

such an idiot.

I promise I'll fix your garden

even better than it was.

No hard feelings.

Sorry again that you're uh,


I'm gonna see if I can get

you outta this house.

Listen, Davey.

I'm gonna do everything I can

to catch this bastard.

I promise.


how may I direct your call?

Um, can you tell me the last

number dialed from this house?

The last number dialed

from that residence was


How are you guys not freaking

out right now?

He called himself.

There's no Jamie.

This proves he's guilty.

We gotta get into that house to

find out what's in the basement.

Are you crazy?

Look how much trouble we got in

just for digging up his garden.

Davey? Come down here.


If I think she knows

you're up here

I'll radio so you can

climb up the window.

I want you to see this.

...please stand by

as we join a press conference

underway at city hall

for an update in the case of

the Cape May Slayer.

We are happy to report

that we have

the Cape May Slayer in custody.

Thanks to the fine efforts of

the Ipswich Police Department,

we apprehended

Mr. Arthur Ray Peterson earlier today.


I would like to bring up

the arresting officer.

No, I think it's perfect.

Wayne Mackey.

...this is what

everyone needs.

I know that this is uh,

it's been a trying time

for our community but uh, we

hope that this announcement

can bring a little peace

to those who have been

living in fear.

I'll be there in a few. Bye.

Justice will be served.

The Bay Festival's back on,

and all because of Mr. Mackey.

So while we're all celebrating

I want you to think

about your actions.

It turns out the man across

the street is not a killer,


He's a hero.

A hero.

Did you guys not hear

the broadcast?

He's clearly guilty.

And you're clearly fucked

in the head.

Dude, he just caught the killer.

It can't be him.

Don't you think it's a little

coincidental that the person

we just accused of

being the killer

just so happens to

then catch the killer?

Dude, you just sound

desperate now, ok?

Just admit you were wrong.

I'm not wrong.

And I know there's something behind

that locked door in his basement.

We have to find out what it

is before more people die.

Listen, Davey.

Even if you were to hypothetically

get into his basement,

there's no way you could

take anything to prove it

without him knowing

that it's you.

I don't have to.

I'll use my dad's camcorder,

film it all.

No need to steal anything

if I get it on tape.

Tape doesn't lie.

I know you guys

all think I'm crazy,

but I'm gonna prove it to you.

Look, I'll take all the risk,


I just need you guys

to watch my back.

Make sure Mackey doesn't

come home while I'm inside.


I'm done with this shit, ok?

You're gonna get caught,

either by Mackey or your dad or-


Because everyone's gonna be

at the Bay Festival tomorrow.

All I need you to do

is set up at the bus

stop down the street,


- And Farraday-

- No, dude.

You know that my parents

take me every year

and there is no way

they'd let me ditch.

Which is why I need you to keep

an eye on Mackey there.

If he leaves the party early

just give me a heads up.


I need you to stay and watch

right outside his house.

With multiple layers of protection

there's no way I get caught.

Are you with me?

Whatever. Fine.

But if shit goes sideways

I'm pinning it all on you.


This is your last shot, Davey.

I mean, if you think there's

something down there...

I guess I'm in, too.

This is so not fair.


Punishment's a punishment, pal.

If you really cared about going

you wouldn't have acted like

a delinquent all summer.

Hey, just let me go and

I'll be grounded again after.

Not happening, end of story.

Alright guys, it's go time.

I got eyes on him. Over.

Roger that.

How're you looking, Eats?


Can't take a little family time?

Fuck off, Kyle.



Are you in position?

You want a lift, limp dick?

Why, you need an alibi?


Hold this.

This, too.

Come on.

- Can you hold it?

- Yeah.


If you see anything, make some noise.


Move over.

What for?

I'm not gonna let my best friend go

in a serial killer's house alone.

Hold the window.


- You good?

- Yeah. I think so.

Alright, let's go.

Thanks, Woody.

I owe you one.

Let's just make this quick, ok?


What are you guys doing?

Why do you keep

doing that to us?

Because it's so easy.

What're you doing here?

I figured you'd need some help.

I thought you said

I should let it go.

Yeah, but if you're right,

who else is gonna stop him?

Oh, come on.


Davey, do you copy?

Is he on his way back?

Way worse.

You were wrong.

You were wrong about everything.

The dirt, the shovels,

the pick axe,

it was all for a project

Mackey was doing with

the police department.

They planted a shitload of

flowers down here.

Listen to me.

It's over.

No, Farraday, wait.

I'm sorry, man.

But you're on your own.

Maybe he's right.

We should just go.

I mean, we're already here.

We might as well just

check it out.

And if it's not him

then we know, right?

It's him.

Look, Eats is still in position

so we're safe.

We have to look 'cause

we're about to find the proof.

I know it.

Please tell me somebody

brought a flashlight.

Oh, uh, there should be one

on the camcorder.

Ok, come on.

Creepiest basement ever.

Jesus fuck!

Oh, jeez.

Oh my god, calm down.

It's just a light.

Are you ok?


Quiet down! Take a chill pill!

Shine the flashlight

on the lock.

What're you doing?


did Eats teach you this?

It doesn't work.



Farraday, you fucking dick!

What are you even doing here? You're

supposed to be watching Mackey.

The whole thing's off.

Mackey's clean, 100 percent.

Are you fucking kidding me?

It's a long story.

Just trust me.

It's not him.

Fuck that. I gotta hear this.

Maybe I could sleep

at your place tonight?

Parents again?

How bad is it this time?

Let's just say I don't wanna

witness a murder suicide.


But I'm not watching

Gilligan's Island.

What the hell is this place?

You think he...

keeps his victims

here or something?


"To Wayne. Keep it up, slugger."


Holy shit, was this his room?

When he was a kid?

That doesn't make any sense.

I mean, these houses weren't

even built back then.

God, suburbia is so fucked up.

Davey, you said there was

gonna be evidence here.

Where is it?

Oh my god!

No, no, no, no.

Davey, no, no.

Just make sure you're filming.

No, Davey, wait.

Is this enough proof for you?

Davey, we need to go.

Now. Come on.

Wait, what's that?

Oh my god.

Oh my god!


Come on, guys.

Come on. Are you ok?

Watch out, watch out.

Let's go.

Let's go. Come on.

Oh my god, Davey!

Davey, let's go!

Davey, come on!

We gotta get out of here!


What are you looking at?

Holy shit!

Davey! Davey!

Guys, the people in the pictures

aren't his family.

They're his victims.


I'm next.

Oh my god.

Is this enough proof for you?

Davey, we need to go.

Now. Come on.

You found all this in his house?

Yeah, and there's pictures of dead

people 'all over the freakin' walls!

What were you even doing there?

Get out to Mackey's.

Bring that sick

son of a bitch to me.

Let's go.

You folks should be proud.

That boy's alive

because of your son.

He's a hero.

You ok?

Uh, yeah.

What're you doing out here

all alone?

My parents are giving

a report, I guess.


Kinda feels like none of this

is actually real.

My parents just got here and...

I saw them hug each other

for the first time

in a while, so...

Well, that's awesome, right?

I'm not gonna get my hopes up,


it happened because of you.

I don't know about that.

See ya, Davey.

I love you, pal.

And I'm so sorry.

I'm proud of you.

I'm real proud.

Davey's got the sleeping bag

all set up for you.

And when your mom gets off her shift

in the morning she will pick you up.

Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong.

You guys are safe now.

We'll keep an eye out and make

sure nothing else happens.

I wonder where he is.

Well, the APB's been

out for hours.

They'll get him.

It's just a matter of time.

We love you.

You boys are gonna be the talk

of the town.

How does that feel?

Nothing's ever gonna be

the same again.

Alright, get some rest, you two.



You think they'll catch him?

There's nowhere left

for him to hide.

It's over.

We got him.



Get up!

Turn around.

I'll untie you.

It's Mackey!

I can't see shit!

What the fuck was that?!

We gotta get outta here!

No, no, no, no!

Yes, we have to!

Wait-he's-he's out there.

Where is he?

Oh, my god, run!!!

I know how much

you guys like games.

So I got a surprise for you.

We're gonna play manhunt.

Only now we are gonna

play it for real!

It's ok. He can't catch us

if we keep moving.


We gotta go. Let's go.

What-what the hell?

Shit! Come on.

Where did he take us?

It's a tidal island.

It has to be.

Fuck. What do we do?

If we-if we just keep going,


We'll find a road.

Come on.

It's ok, it's ok.

It's ok.

I know where you are.

I know you're close!

We gotta get to the cruiser.

I can't die tonight,

my mom needs me.

You're not gonna die.

I got you into this mess,

I'm gonna get you out of it.

I'm gonna be your diversion.

No, no, no!

I'm gonna get his attention so

you can get to the cruiser, ok?

Find a way out!

No! No, I can't-

Hey, Wayne! Fuck you!

I am over here,

you fucking loser!

Stay the fuck there.

Woody! Woody!

He's coming!


Woody! Run!

Davey! Davey!

Davey! Davey!

No! No!

Woody! Woody!

You brought this on yourself.

All you had to do

was leave me alone.

This is your goddamn fault!

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

You forced me out of my home.

You stole my life!

You do not get to be sorry.

All I wanna do is kill you.

That's not enough for you.

You have spent so much time

thinking about me.

I want you to keep thinking

about me.

I want you to imagine

what I am going to do

when I come back for you.

And I am going to come

back for you.

After you have spent your life

looking over your shoulder.

After you have wondered

every single day

if that is the day that

I'm gonna come for you.

One day...

you'll be right.

You never know what might be

coming around the corner.

And that's the thing

about this place.

It all might seem normal

and routine,

but the truth is

the suburbs are where

the craziest shit happens.

Just past the manicured lawns

and friendly waves.

Inside any house,

even the one next door,

anything could be happening

and you'd never know.

If I've learned anything,

it's that people hardly ever let

you know who they really are.

Tough pill to swallow, I know.

But it's true.

Even serial killers live

next door to somebody.