Summer Storm (1944) - full transcript
In this filmed Chekhov adaptation, Olga is an alluring peasant woman who lures cynical aristocrat Fedor away from his milquetoast fiancée, with tragic consequences.
Excuse me my good man. Comrade.
I am not familiar in this neighborhood.
Could you tell me which is
the Kharkov Times building?
Mr Kalenin.
- Mr who?
The editor. Mr Kalenin.
He is my good friend.
He may have been your good
friend, but he is dead.
How shocking.
- Good day.
A calamity yet.
Who then is the editor in chief?
- His daughter.
Which daughter?
If you knew him so well you would
know he only had one daughter.
Nadena Kalenin?
The head of a publishing house?
Oh, my, my, my.
Young man. Would you ..
Would you take this in
to Miss Kalenin please?
I am an old friend of the family. It is
a matter of the greatest importance.
He says he knows you.
I don't want to see this man.
Tell him.
A thousand pardons for this
intrusion, mademoiselle Nadena.
You do remember me?
Of course.
Count Volsky.
I beg of you. No longer "Count".
Though I bear the Soviets no grudge
for taking my estate away from me.
Or more accurately from my creditors.
Why, things are
different now in 1919 eh?
7 years ago, just a little girl chasing
butterflies on my estate in Tyrneva.
And now an important publisher.
Nadena. I was wondering.
That is, I have a thought.
It was just a thought you understand.
That you might be interested
in publishing this.
We have a tremendous amount
of manuscripts on hand.
But this is different.
All authors say that.
You misunderstand, Nadena.
I haven't even read it.
You see, my glasses were
taken away with my estate.
To procure a new pair now .. would be ..
I am not the author.
Fedor wrote it.
Judge Petroff?
It is I gather sort of an autobiography.
About the old days. We are all in it.
I imagine you and I.
And that girl, Olga.
Very well.
Leave it here and ..
We'll consider it.
A thousand thanks, Mademoiselle Nadena.
You will understand too.
But just between us.
That I said nothing to our Fedor
about bringing the manuscript here.
I understand. I will
communicate with you.
Just with me.
There is one other thing.
It revolts me to mention money.
You know, I never used to care.
I find now that .. to live ..
Without working is becoming
surprisingly difficult.
I see.
"Yes, comrade?"
Prepare 20 roubles for Count ..
I mean comrade Volsky.
"Twenty roubles?"
- Yes. Enter it as an advance.
A cigarette before you go?
Well, perhaps I'd better. Yes.
Thank you.
I will take no more of
your very valuable time.
Au revoir.
"At that time I, Fedor
Mikhailovich Petroff.."
"Held a position as examining magistrate
in the little summer resort of Tyrneva."
"In the district of Kharkov
in Imperial Russia."
"I can remember as
though it were yesterday."
"The sticky little courtroom of
which the predominant feature .."
"Was the inevitable
statuette of justice."
"How blind indeed this
lady is my story will show."
"Suddenly the crack of a whip cut
through the dullness of the hour."
"Looking up, I saw Nadena Kalenin."
"Nadena, who spent the summer
months with her parents in Tyrneva."
"Had completely won my heart."
"Closing my eyes."
"I see a rainbow."
"Formed by the sun's spectrum."
"Nadena and I are riding towards it."
"If only a small part of the
past could be retrieved."
"If once more I could look over
the lake its afternoon stillness."
"Or ride again through the
sleepy marketplace of Tyrneva."
"With the old pastry shop
with its guilt lettering."
"And its array of succulent
wares in the window."
Look, Fedor. Real kisses.
The dream of my childhood.
Nadena, you're not only the
most adorable girl in the world ..
You're also the most unusual.
- Why, darling?
Most of the women in my life prefer to
take me window-shopping at a jewellers.
Were there many others, Fedor?
How silly of me.
Of course, every woman who meets
you must fall madly in love with you.
We'll be the talk of the whole village.
Well, it's too late to
worry about that now.
"And I see myself, an engaged man."
"Riding through the thunder-laden
oppression of a breathless afternoon."
"Towards County Volsky's mansion."
Judge Petroff, this is really an honor.
Count Volsky in?
- Yes. In the library.
But there is someone
with him on business.
Business? The Count?
Gregory, your loyalty to your
disreputable master does you credit.
But it is true. Mr Urbenin the
overseer came to see him.
[ Girl's laughter ]
Urbenin must have grown considerably
younger since I last saw him.
Even his voice hasn't changed yet.
Oh. Your Honor.
I am sorry.
No harm done.
At least I hope not, Piggy.
Fedor. You are a man of the world.
Now I ask you, is it reasonable ..
For the Lord of the manor to
make love to the housemaid?
Why Piggy, I can assure you that it is
constantly done in the highest circles.
Shame on you, Piggy.
- I can explain.
I sent all the way to Moscow Fedor
for those enchanting garters.
And that capricious little,
what is her name?
Clara. She wouldn't even
let me put them on her.
You are right, Piggy.
Life is hard on the aristocracy.
Monstrous of her to deny me an
innocent little pleasure like that.
Life is such a bore anyway.
What are the lower classes
coming to, Fedor?
I tell you one of these days ..
Oh look. Champagne.
Have some, Fedor. Have some.
- Thank you.
You know, I have decided
to give up drinking entirely.
That's a noble notion, Piggy.
Did your conscience dictate that?
- No. My doctor.
Mind you, I think it's very unhealthy
to break a habit all of a sudden.
Things like that should
be done gradually.
I quite agree.
Gradually we must disintegrate.
I shall swear off drinking too.
Here is to sobriety.
You're a genius.
Now watch me, Fedor. Look at me.
Monkey see, monkey do.
And .. six.
Now Fedor, look at me.
My first.
We drink to ..
Oh, dear.
Things have come to a pretty pass
when one can't even think of a toast.
Why not drink to my
forthcoming marriage?
That's impossible.
- Why?
Why? Why, because.
It would be the end of an era.
Of a regime.
It will be like the fall of
the Roman Empire.
Tell me .. who is she?
Nadena Kalenin.
Kalenin? Never heard of them.
They have a publishing house.
No money in it.
Her mother is depressingly bourgeois.
- Of course.
Rather irritatingly liberal.
The daughter ..
- Yes?
The daughter is the enchanting
girl I am going to marry.
Well, as much as I dislike
those all-inclusive words.
I think it is love.
And to think of the brilliant and chic
women you knew in St Petersburg.
What about the brilliant
and chic women ..
That caused my exile to the brilliant
and chic village of Tyrneva?
Don't you see that excesses
can become desperately boring?
Especially in Tyrneva.
Of course Fedor, if you are marrying
out of boredom I can understand.
You understand nothing.
You pitiful product of
centuries of inbreeding.
Well, I am sorry old boy. Really.
I have nothing against the Kalenins.
It is simply that I
will miss you, Fedor.
Now don't cry, Piggy.
I'm only getting married, not buried.
Let's go out into the garden.
The heat is stifling in here.
[ Door knocks ]
Come in.
It's you, Urbenin.
Excuse me Your Excellency, but ..
The accounts.
Tomorrow, Urbenin. Tomorrow.
Every day I ask: Shall we go through
the accounts, Your Excellency?
And your answer is always
the same: Tomorrow, Urbenin.
Urbenin, tomorrow.
I promise you.
Good afternoon, Your Excellency.
See, Fedor.
Urbenin is very competent as an overseer
but he's just a peasant at heart.
A real skinflint from the Baltic.
All he is concerned about is money.
And money is such a bother.
Don't you agree with me, Major?
Oh my. Oh my.
Look. Rain.
A usual summer shower.
Better wait over here in the
summer house until it's over.
Hurry, Fedor. You'll
get soaked to the skin.
It's just a girl. Lots of them around.
There never can be
enough of them for me.
[ Thunderclap ]
Why do you run away, my dear?
You will be drenched.
So wait in here.
You will get soaked to the skin.
Come in, dear girl. Come in, come in.
Don't be frightened.
Your Excellency, I ..
I am so sorry.
I fell asleep.
I have to get up so
early in the morning.
My dear girl, a perfectly natural
thing to do on a day like this.
Oh, I remember you now.
You are the woodcutter's daughter.
And your name is ..
Oh dear, dear.
- Olga.
Don't contradict.
Her name is Olga.
Think of it, Fedor. A year ago she
was mere child and now she is ..
Turn around, my dear. Let's look at you.
Turn around. Turn around.
[ Thunderclap ]
My mother was killed by
the heavenly electricity.
I didn't know.
It was in the newspapers, sir.
Then I must have missed it.
She is in heaven now.
Everyone goes there
who gets killed by the ..
The electricity.
Did you read that in the newspapers too?
No, Your Excellency.
I can't read but ..
Father Constantine explained
it to us the day of the funeral.
Then it must be true.
- Oh yes, sir.
I shall go to heaven too.
You mean that someday the
lightning will kill you too?
Yes, sir. That is how I am going to die.
I will be wearing a crown like
a princess of Babylon.
Haven't you ever heard of
that ancient central city?
Father Constantine told me about it.
I see.
The dress shall be of rich silk.
The dress you are wearing is much
prettier than any silken dress.
It can't be pretty. It's cheap.
Probably wearing a beautiful silk dress.
I'll walk to the summit
of the hill and ..
Wait for the lightning.
I brought umbrellas, gentlemen.
What are you doing here? Go home.
This is no place for you.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
[ Thunderclaps ]
Say, Olga.
What is it?
Aren't you even going to
kiss your poor old father?
Kiss you?
My daughter. I have been cursed with.
She won't even kiss her poor old father.
"Yes, Your Excellency."
"My name?"
"Olga Kuzminichna."
Olga, my child. Come out here.
You have a visitor.
Who is it?
Mr Urbenin.
Isn't she a wonderful girl, Mr Urbenin?
My Olga.
She will make a fine wife for
someone who can afford her.
Of course, I hate to lose her but ..
But the cost of living is
so high these days.
I am not what you might call a
rich man Kuzminichna, but ..
I would be happy to
assist you in every way.
When the need arises.
The need arises every day.
I have only two roubles on me.
That will do. For the beginning.
I came by because ..
I want to apologise Olga Kuzminichna.
I know I spoke sharply to you in front
of His Excellency and Judge Petroff.
The judge?
How many times did I tell you
to stay away from the law?
Every time the law and I have met the
outcome was painful for your old father.
I will milk the goats now.
What is it?
- What?
Excuse me. I forgot.
I hope they are the right size.
I bought them this morning.
Oh, they are beautiful.
Oh, they are beautiful.
I shall only wear them to church.
I am really glad I ..
What do I have to give you?
Oh, nothing.
I am just happy if you like them.
Father says you can't
get anything for nothing.
Do you want to kiss me?
I would be ..
Well .. I didn't expect that.
Olga Kuzminichna.
You see, father?
Aren't they pretty.
They even have high heels too.
Did you pray for me, Nadena?
- I always pray for you.
I am afraid heaven is
not my destination.
Who is that?
Just a girl from the Volsky estate.
She is pretty, isn't she.
Are you having luncheon with us?
I wish I could.
But I promised Count Volsky
that I would lunch with him.
You don't like him, do you.
I've nothing against
him personally but ..
He is everything that
is wrong with Russia.
Utterly spoiled and ..
I never could understand why
you two are such friends.
I tolerate him as I tolerate myself.
Your description of
him fits me perfectly.
Oh, Fedor.
- With one slight difference.
I found somebody who can change me.
How long do you think it will take you?
Forever .. I hope.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon, Judge Petroff.
Going home from church?
It is so warm today, I ..
I had to take my boots off.
It's much cooler without them.
Do you want a ride?
Oh yes.
That is if ..
Your Honour wouldn't mind.
Come on, climb up.
There we are.
Did you enjoy the service?
- Yes. I like going to church.
Seeing all the pretty ladies
in their rich clothes.
The jewelled images of the saints.
The smoke of the candles.
The singing.
When I am rich I shall have
music playing. Always.
Oh yes, I remember.
You are going to be rich.
A princess of Babylon.
- Yes, sir.
Hello, Pyotr.
They belong to the Count.
All the land around here belongs to him.
He is a very rich man.
The other day, they were airing
some of the Countess's dresses.
The ones she wore before she died and ..
And lots of them had trains and ..
And she had forty pairs of shoes.
Some of them even had diamonds on them.
I wish these had diamonds.
Of course. Shoes with diamonds on them
are much more comfortable, aren't they.
I don't know.
These are the first pair
I have ever owned.
Did your father give them to you?
My father?
When he gets ten kopecks
he spends it on vodka.
How vulgar.
I spend my money on champagne.
What does it taste like?
I never had any.
Not unlike this.
Oh. My boots.
Thank you, Judge Petroff.
For the ride.
I live quite near here.
Thank you.
- Yes, Your Excellency?
What wine is that?
The '98, Your Excellency.
The year my dear wife died.
[ Door knocks ]
Come in.
Oh, it's you.
Your Excellency.
Tomorrow, Urbenin. Tomorrow.
Why interrupt me at this time? Can't
you see I concentrate on my butterflies?
It's an outrage.
Urbenin. Look.
Look at that one.
Isn't that beautiful? Isn't it?
I call her Sarah.
After Sarah Bernhardt.
The actress, stupid.
I caught her in the Crimea.
The butterfly.
I caught cold catching her.
When I say something witty.
You will oblige me by
either laughing or leaving.
I am sorry Your Excellency, but I
have something serious to tell you.
We have run out of champagne?
- Oh no.
The money?
Not yet, Your Excellency. But the
way it is going it won't be long.
I'll look over the books
tomorrow, Urbenin.
Your Excellency.
I am going to be married.
Urbenin, no.
Your Excellency, Judge Petroff.
- Fedor.
- Hello, Clara. Hello Piggy.
Don't tell me you're playing
with your silly butterflies again.
What do you find to do
all Sunday morning?
Well, church.
- Church?
Did you hear that, Urbenin?
You see to what lengths
love will drive a person?
You're not the only one you know, Fedor.
- Really?
Oh no. My overseer here.
Funny old Urbenin has found himself a
bride. And without even consulting me.
What is our peasantry coming to?
Now really, Piggy.
The peasantry has every right to marry.
In fact it is about the
only right they do have.
Nevertheless, I should have had
some knowledge in advance.
Why Fedor, from time immemorial ..
We Volskys have always been considered
the little fathers to our servitors.
When does the happy event take place?
Soon, Your Excellency. Before Olga
Kuzminichna can change her mind.
Who did you say?
- Olga.
You remember, Fedor? Olga.
Yes, I remember perfectly.
Isn't he the sly old dog.
You know Fedor, you and I are
chasing butterflies all our lives.
And he snatches the prize specimen
right from under our very noses.
I do feel I should have been consulted.
- But ..
However. You have our permission.
- Thank you.
And Fedor. Urbenin.
You know, I will let the happy couple
be married in my own private chapel.
Do you realize I haven't been in that
chapel since my poor wife's funeral.
And this will be much more
fun and much less painful.
And now. Lunch.
- Your Excellency.
I hope we will be able to
repay you for your kindness.
But he can.
In the coming revolution
Urbenin can protect us.
He can use his influence to save us from
hanging and have us decapitated instead.
I don't feel at all well.
Urbenin, you may go.
Your Excellency. Thank you. Thank you.
Fedor, you mustn't joke about it.
Now I can't eat one speck of lunch.
I hope I wasn't too liberal in
offering the private chapel.
This is a democratic age. Why not
give a grand wedding reception?
I shall offer my services
as the best man.
You mean invite our friends?
Our own circle?
Well, you are always craving novelty.
Here is your opportunity.
The lord of the manor delights the cream
of the area in honour of his servants.
I've been told it is becoming quite
chic nowadays to be liberal minded.
It is the very last word, Piggy.
Our God.
Crown them.
With glory and honor.
Now I pronounce you husband and wife.
God bless you.
And now. Now, ladies and
gentlemen, if you please.
A toast. Not the cake. That comes later.
A toast to the most beautiful bride that
ever graced the table of the Volskys.
My daughter.
That is the third time you
have informed me of that.
You will oblige me by not
spilling champagne all over me.
Oh, I am sorry.
And now I call upon all my
friends to let joy be unconfined.
I know this is the happiest party
I've had in this room since ..
It certainly is the most unusual party.
Isn't it, Isn't it.
Then you know life is such a bore one
has to do something in self-defence.
I adore the unusual, the bizarre.
Oh the cake.
- The cake.
300 eggs.
It's made from an old Volsky recipe used
in our family since time immemorial.
You see my dear girl,
nothing is too good for you.
This is a real honour, Your Excellency.
- What is it?
You must cut it.
- I know what to do myself.
And now my dear you must
let me guide your hand.
Oh, my. Your adorable little hand.
Urbenin, your wife has
the hand of a princess.
Of Babylon.
And now, Olga.
Here we go.
That poor girl. I am sorry for her.
Even sorrier for the husband.
Why? What more could they want?
He could be alone on a day like this.
It is their wedding. Not a
play performed for snobs.
I don't know. I think it was
rather an amusing idea.
Oh, Fedor.
Go on, Clara. Go on. See that
everyone is served rapidly.
Now. I have a great
surprise for the ladies.
If you will look carefully
under your dessert plates.
You will find a dance card.
At least there is one point on which you
will have to admit I have good taste.
I'm afraid I will always forgive you.
No cake for me.
I want vodka.
I can't stand that sweet stuff.
You know, every time I drink champagne
I get the hiccups. Don't you?
I do not.
You know, I kind of like you.
Are you married?
I trust everybody is happy.
Yes, my dear?
- Take me out of this place at once.
Of course, dear. What happened?
I hope you don't leave my humble abode.
The next time you entertain the
riff-raff of the district, Count Volsky.
You will oblige me and my
husband by not inviting us.
That's the last time I ask people with
no sense of humor to my humble abode.
Horrible manners.
Are you married?
Your Excellency.
- Yes, Gregory?
The musicians have arrived.
Not so close, Gregory.
Please, you tickle. Yes.
Thank you. You tell the musicians to
start playing whenever they are ready.
Very good, Your Excellency.
- Something lively.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Before the dancing starts I want to
call upon our silent bridegroom.
For a speech.
Hey you. Fill the bridegroom's glass.
Come now, Urbenin. Don't be bashful.
Your Excellency.
Judge Petroff. And ..
And all my friends.
Believe me.
I don't know what to say.
What I mean, is I
still think it is like ..
Like a dream.
- Tell me.
How could I at my age
and looking as I do.
Hope that this beautiful young
girl would not refuse me.
I saw to it that she didn't.
Believe me I shall never forget this.
Best and happiest day of my life.
That is all. Thank you.
Now Urbenin, kiss the bride.
Kiss the bride. I'll wager there isn't a
man in the room who doesn't envy you.
I don't know.
I was afraid something
like this would happen.
Something has upset her. Fedor.
I think I will go and see what it is.
I'll go.
But, Fedor.
You've embarrassed her enough.
- I am the host.
And I am the best man.
Now, now. You mustn't do this.
Leave me alone!
But you don't want to
hurt Urbenin, do you.
It is your party.
Don't you hear the music?
And dancing.
Shouldn't we go back to the others?
Then you want me to go?
What do you want me to do?
Ladies and gentlemen.
The dancing is in the ballroom.
This way.
If you will excuse me
I have to find my partner.
I'm the host, you know. I must
dance the first dance with the bride.
Where is Olga?
Of course, she hasn't come back yet.
And Fedor went after her.
We are both deserted aren't we.
So, shall we dance?
Thank you but I already
promised this dance.
Oh. So sorry.
Well, if you'll forgive me I'll see
that the ball gets started properly.
Now unless I supervise, things
never get done around here.
Don't you think you should have
danced with your host, Nadinka?
But papa, I really did promise this one.
Don't listen to your father.
Run along and find your young
man before this dance is over.
Are you going to marry Miss Kalenin?
Do you love her?
Fedor, do you love me?
- Of course I do.
You can't love me if you love her.
I've thought of you morning, noon and
night from the first time I saw you.
But it can't be.
It is better for both of us.
- I'll never give you up, Fedor.
You are married to another man.
I never even kissed my husband.
But Orlinka.
Fedor, darling.
- Yes?
Kiss me again.
You see, Fedor. Everything is
going to be so wonderful.
Just the two of us together.
A mazurka, Fedor. Let's dance.
Don't try to explain, Fedor.
Explanations only hurt.
But you must listen to me.
Even the drunkards and petty thieves who
come to my court are given a fair trial.
I'm not judging you, Fedor. You are not
on trial. You're free to do as you wish.
One incident.
One moment of insanity and ..
You would cast aside
the whole of our future?
That wasn't a mere incident, Fedor.
It was something in you which
is stronger than either of us.
We could never be happy together.
So you won't forgive me?
But I do forgive you, Fedor.
[ Door knocks ]
Oh, Fedor. I've been waiting for days.
Are you alone?
They're bringing in the
hay this afternoon.
He wanted me to go with
him and I wouldn't.
I knew you would come.
How did you know?
You had to. You love me.
Do I?
Why else would you be here, Fedor?
What would your
Miss Kalenin say to that?
Oh Fedor, I'll make you
happier than she ever could.
We'll go to Kiev.
Or even Moscow.
See the lights of the city.
Why couldn't we go to America?
Where nobody cares what we've been.
It is a glorious dream Orlinka.
Unfortunately, dreams
like that are expensive.
And local judges are grossly underpaid.
I don't know what you are talking about.
I only know that I love you.
I would steal for you, Fedor.
I'd do anything for you.
"The weeks that followed .."
"Remain in my mind as a phantasmagoria
of violently conflicting emotions."
"For hours I would lie inert
on the couch in my study .."
"Reproaching myself for the
hurt I have done Nadena."
"I knew this association with a peasant
girl was ignominious and dangerous."
"Yet the danger itself seemed only to
expand the spell of her power over me."
"At times I even seriously
considered running away with her."
"As she had so often suggested."
"Then again, the .."
"The possibility of such a retreat
from all I valued, instead of .."
"Making me laugh, it angered me."
"And I would try to soothe
my tortured nerves by .."
"Picking out some
sentimental folk song."
"On the ill-tuned upright piano."
You shouldn't have come here.
Don't worry about it, Fedor.
No-one saw me come in here.
I've been waiting until that silly old
servant of yours went to the bakery.
Aren't you pleased to see me?
Oh, Fedor. Don't be so rough.
You've crushed my new hat.
Isn't it pretty, Fedor? Look.
A little elaborate.
For a peasant girl, you mean?
Stop talking nonsense and tell
me why you really came here.
Well, I ..
I am frightened, Fedor.
- Frightened?
Last night I ..
I stole quietly out of bed.
And went to the window.
There was moonlight.
And a night mist like clouds
around the cherry tree.
I ..
I drew two little hearts on
the moist windowpane.
Yours and mine, Fedor.
And then.
Suddenly he was behind me.
- Hmm.
I quickly wiped them off but ..
I am sure he saw them.
Fedor, if he ever finds out
about us he'll kill me.
I know he will.
That poor devil.
I pity him.
You pity him?
Probably because when a man pities his
rival he's preparing to pity himself.
I don't know what you are talking about.
I never told Urbenin I loved him.
It's not my fault if I'm
young and he is old.
Then why did you marry him?
Because I hated dirt.
I hated being poor.
At least he was better than what I left.
So you moved from a pigsty
into an overseer's house?
And now to this.
What is the next step on your
path to the summit of the hill?
[ Door knocks ]
In there.
Who is it?
It is me, Fedor.
Oh Fedor, I demand your hospitality.
I am a very sick man.
I've had the most ghastly day.
I've lost heavily at the races.
My rendezvous tonight with a charming
lady has been suddenly cancelled.
I have caught a cold, I have no
umbrella and it is going to rain.
And besides Fedor,
I haven't seen you for ages.
Not since you broke off your engagement.
As usual, you are misinformed.
Nadena broke it off.
Did she? Did she really?
What impertinence.
Well, I can't say I'm sorry.
I always thought she
was far too intellectual.
I am always suspicious of
any woman with brains.
Yes. Well, much as I'd like to
discuss the intimate details.
Why don't you, dear boy?
Why not go and discuss it?
You know, I haven't been so
warm and so comfortable all day.
Go ahead.
I'm sorry, Piggy. But I
cannot ask you to stay.
I have to go to court to pass
sentence on a petty thief.
Oh let him wait. He won't be doing
anything for six weeks anyway.
Oh, I think I thought of that
very quickly, don't you?
I have sort of a ready wit. I really do.
Well, perhaps you are right, dear boy.
Fedor, I've got to ask your
advice about something.
Alright. But make it short.
That since the passing of my poor wife
I have been a very, very lonely man.
Don't say you mean to get married again?
- Well ..
We Volskys have always fought
against marriage until the last ditch.
Anyway, she is married already.
To a most unpleasant and a
most unreasonable individual.
You know if I weren't the soul of
discretion I could tell you who she is.
Her name is ..
No, I couldn't tell you that. No.
But this I will say.
That of all the women I have ever met.
Including my dear wife.
No-one has ever affected me so deeply.
Are you listening?
- Yes, yes. Of course.
Where was I?
- Deeply affected.
Oh. Not that I have seen her so often.
A carriage ride now and then.
One or two exquisite moments
in the woods under the moon.
Husband away, of course.
That's how I caught this cold,
Fedor. But it was worth it.
But seriously.
There is something about
her that is unearthly.
I don't know why I can't say who she is.
Some other time Piggy, please.
I can't understand it Fedor. You and
I have been like brothers for years.
I wouldn't think of hiding
anything from you.
And I know that you wouldn't
hide anything from me.
Why, Fedor.
Why, you sly old rogue.
It reminds me of the old
days in St Petersburg.
Now that your ..
Curiosity is satisfied perhaps you
will do me the favor of getting out?
Oh, don't misunderstand, me.
I am pleased. I'm definitely pleased.
And under the circumstances.
That is, were I jilted as you were ..
Why, I'd do the same thing.
And knowing your taste, I will guarantee
that she is really just a raving beauty.
Well I'll be leaving, Fedor. Leaving.
Now, speaking of sport.
I am having a shooting party at my
place on the 16th and you must come.
Yes, yes. I'll come.
Now, depend upon me, Fedor.
I am the soul of discretion.
I won't say anything about anything.
Where is my umbrella,
the one that I loaned you?
In the hall.
- In the hall, yes.
My, my, my.
I thought he'd never go.
I wonder who Piggy
has fallen for this time.
How should I know?
Or care?
Mr Urbenin to see you.
What does he want?
He didn't tell me.
Show him in.
This way, Mr Urbenin.
Hello, Urbenin.
Won't you sit down.
Thank you.
I'd rather stand.
- As you wish.
What can I do for you?
It is about my wife, Your Honor.
Your wife?
You have always been kind
to me, Judge Petroff.
I have no-one to turn
to for advice. So I ..
Oh, I see.
You want me to advise you
about Olga Kuzminichna.
I am sorry that I waste your
valuable time but you see ..
I know I am ..
I am too old for her. I am not
rich or good looking, but ..
I love her.
And I could have made her ..
Not happy perhaps, but ..
But you see, what chance did I
have when he came along with ..
Fine words.
Presents and tricks and carriage rides.
Who are you talking about?
Count Volsky, Your Honor.
The Count?
- Yes.
So that's it.
What do you expect me to do about it?
No-one is a as close to the
count as you are so I thought ..
Perhaps you might speak to him.
Life is full of strange
ironies, Urbenin.
Pardon? I don't understand.
I am sorry, but I am not the
man to speak on your behalf.
Well then ..
I will be going.
He has someone with him.
He cannot be disturbed.
Alright. I will tell him.
What did he want?
Count Volsky called.
He wants you to come immediately.
He seemed upset.
What's the trouble?
He thinks there are
thieves in his house.
Was he sober?
He seemed so, but I would
not take an oath on it.
Very well.
I'll go.
It is very strange. I can't
detect any fingerprints at all.
Fedor, I have been robbed.
All the family jewels. All of them.
All the rings and brooches, the necklace
of real pearls that I gave my poor wife.
And worst of all Fedor, that
fabulous collection of stick pins.
Nothing left at all. Nothing. Look.
Nothing but this silly little key.
Fedor, did you hear me?
Your Excellency!
We have searched everywhere Your
Excellency but we couldn't find a thing.
But if you will permit ..
I have a suspicion.
- Yes?
Not that I want to say for sure
but as I said to Gregory ..
Oh, never mind what you said to Gregory.
Judge Petroff here is taking
entire charge of the case.
Oh, Judge Petroff ..
Don't you want to examine
me or search my room?
It is near the stables.
I would be glad to show you.
Stop this chatter. Stop it.
This is serious.
Now, Fedor. As you know I have
made a profound study of crime.
Here is a situation where
speed is essential.
We must prevent the thief from
communicating with his accomplices.
But what do you think?
Where is he going?
- Perhaps to my room.
Your Excellency.
Where are the jewels?
What jewels?
Are you going to deny that you stole
from your great admirer, Count Volsky?
Why should I deny it?
I'm, not ashamed.
I did it for you, Fedor.
For us.
You seriously expect me to believe that?
- Why not?
After the carriage drives
you have taken with him.
After the clothes he has given you.
You forget that I know Volsky.
And I am not completely gullible.
Fedor, I have never
even let him kiss me.
He tried very hard.
Never let him kiss you?
That's what you told me about Urbenin.
You are just being silly and jealous.
Look at me.
When we sell the jewels
we can go to America.
I'd like to keep the
pearls if you don't mind.
I tried them around my neck.
Oh Fedor, They look like angel's teeth.
What is the matter, Fedor?
Why do you look at me like that?
You are so beautiful.
Why is it that you degrade
everything you touch?
What do you mean?
There was a time when I could have ..
When the whole idea would
have been fantastic.
But now I could almost run away
with you and live on stolen money.
Why is that?
It is love, Fedor.
I don't believe it.
I have known love.
This is something different.
Then, why don't you go back to ..
To your Nadena.
I can't.
It's too late.
I can't go back as long as you are here.
I can't even try as
long as you are here.
Where have you hidden the jewels?
And if I don't tell you?
Then I shall have to search the house.
No! Not the Holy icon.
Well .. what are you going to do now?
Report it to the Count.
- Why don't you?
Do you think he will believe
you rather than me?
I remind you Your Excellency,
this is my house.
You were never more
mistaken in your life.
Why, this has been Volsky
property since time immemorial.
Fedor, this man threatened me.
You poor little girl.
You mustn't be so upset, Olga.
I tell you we have got to all be calm.
Fedor, I can't understand why you
would come here of all places.
These are the jewels.
Why, these are mine.
All of them.
Why, of course.
Look, Fedor. Look. A wedding present
from the Grand Duke Vladimir.
That is the one I wore on my honeymoon
in Paris. Do you remember that time?
Enough of that.
Judge Petroff. Do your duty.
Arrest the thief.
I was expecting something
like that from ..
His Excellency.
I'm sorry to disappoint you Piggy
but Urbenin didn't take the jewels.
Please don't call me Piggy
in circumstances like these.
Why, who else could have taken them?
Oh surely.
Surely you are not
suggesting that Olga ..
Olga now. Olga, please.
You mustn't take things so seriously.
It's just another one
of Fedor's little jokes.
No, Fedor. I say there is the man. He
has made difficulties for me all summer.
You mean standing between you and ..
Something you want?
Your Honor, he himself.
Or one of his helpers sneaked
the jewels into my house.
You get out of here.
You pack your things and
get off of my property.
Needless to say, my dear girl
this doesn't apply to you.
Olga, I want you to ..
You keep away from him.
I forbid you to talk to my wife!
Watch him, Fedor.
Pretending I stole his
jewels because he ..
He wants to steal my wife.
Thank you, Fedor.
You weren't fooled by his trick.
Fedor Mikhailovich,
you are an upright man.
You gave me justice.
Something very strange
for a Russian peasant.
Let's pack.
How you must hate me, Fedor.
If you would even send me to
prison just to get rid of me.
You hurt little Olga's feelings, Fedor.
You really did.
I adore a joke myself but honestly
I think you went too far.
What are we shooting tomorrow?
- Woodcock or snipe if we are lucky.
Urbenin, Fedor. A horrible person.
I'm glad I got rid of him.
You'd better use your twenty. You'll
blow the birds to pieces with a twelve.
Don't worry about me.
I've never hit anything except
an occasional gamekeeper.
And that girl.
A strange girl.
- Olga.
Of course, I know she is
of humble origin. But ..
There is a curious
distinction about her.
She is terribly unhappy.
Why don't you save your
sympathy for her victims?
I know you are prejudiced, Fedor.
I know you don't like the girl
and I can't understand why.
Believe me that husband
of hers is a brute.
However, during the past few weeks.
I really believe that I have
been able in my own little way.
To restore the poor
child's faith in our sex.
With a little gift now
and then. A trinket.
I have to persuade the
dear girl to accept them.
A word of encouragement
here, a suggestion there.
See what I am presenting to her for
our shoot tomorrow. A hunting knife.
From my Caucasian collection.
Oh, be quiet.
Your drooling sentimentality
turns my stomach.
After all, perhaps you are right.
There is no fool like
an old fool, is there.
From personal experience I can
assure you that saying is wrong.
Is it?
That's the way I've always heard it.
He beat me!
- Look.
How ghastly.
What did I tell you, Fedor?
The man is a fiend.
He wanted me to go with him
when he leaves tomorrow but I ..
I told him I didn't love him and ..
He started to beat me.
Poor girl.
Now, now. Just be calm.
And I will get you some antiseptic.
You think I am lying. Don't you?
I will take you home.
To Urbenin?
- That's where you belong.
You mean a wife belongs with
her husband. Is that it? - Exactly.
You weren't so particular
about that before.
Were you.
Where are you going to stay tonight?
I haven't thought about it.
Come with me.
Polycarp will find some
place for you to sleep.
In a prison?
Thank you, no.
I think it would be much
simpler to stay here.
I am sure the count has
plenty of spare rooms.
So that's why you came here.
Olga, you can't.
His Honored Judge Fedor
Mikhailovich Petroff.
Well, I have searched all through the
medicine chest in my poor wife's room.
For the life of me I can't tell which
bottle is antiseptic or which is poison.
Can you tell, Fedor?
Oh you poor child. See, Olga.
I've brought you some chocolates.
The dark ones are really luscious.
I think you ought to stay
in this house for the night.
Don't you think so, Fedor?
Olga Kuzminichna is quite capable
of making her own decisions.
I think this must be the antiseptic.
Oh, of course it is. Yes.
My word, is that the time?
It's getting late. Come, let
me show you to your room.
It is my poor wife's room. Yes.
May her soul rest in peace.
Goodnight, Judge Petroff.
I know my way.
Thank you.
I think she will be alright.
I don't doubt it.
I'll see you tomorrow, Fedor?
You wouldn't care to join me in a little
visit to the Caf? Troika would you?
They have new gypsy band.
Not tonight, Fedor.
It's only ten o'clock.
We could stay up all night.
It saves the trouble of
getting up in the morning.
But what can we do all night?
- The usual thing .. drink.
Listen to the music.
Cry a little about the
things we've lost.
Philosophise about the
things we're going to have.
No, Fedor. No. Not tonight.
I have to get some sleep.
Otherwise, I will just be a
disgrace at the hunt tomorrow.
Well, see you in the morning.
Come in.
It was hanging in her wardrobe.
I must be the same size she was.
I just had to put it on.
Do you mind?
- How can I mind anything you do?
Isn't it beautiful?
Beautiful? Why it's breath-taking.
May I wear it sometimes?
I mean, really wear it.
But it was her wedding gown.
Well .. may I?
You mean ..?
Why of course you may.
Just as soon as we get your divorce.
You do love me a little Olga, do you?
And to think that I never guessed.
No, no, no. Not until our wedding.
I'd just love to hear you call me Piggy.
[ Russian singing: ]
What is the matter with you tonight?
Don't you love me anymore?
Stop it.
Give me that.
Let's have something live.
[ Russian singing: ]
And this is what His
Excellency calls roughing it.
Madame Urbenin.
No, no, no.
His Excellency wants Madame
Urbenin to sit on his right.
Either side is too good
for the likes of her.
Madame Urbenin. Ha!
The air she puts on.
You would think she is
a countess herself.
So, jealous of the attention his
excellency is paying to the fair Olga?
No. Just sick and tired of his
excellency and you and the whole bunch.
There is not a real man
among the lot of you.
Except of course ..
- Judge Petroff.
- Yes.
I am going to have a swim.
- Hey. And let me do all the work?
I am not keen on serving lunch to
the nobly born madame Urbenin.
Missed him.
You know I think there must be
something wrong with this gun.
My dear. You seem quite
please that I missed it.
Tell me, Piggy. How can
you enjoy shooting birds?
A gentleman has to do something.
- You have plenty to eat.
Why, of course.
If you were hungry, I could ..
- Hungry?
That reminds me. I've got to
see if that lunch is ready.
Are you coming?
No, Piggy.
No, I will wait here and ..
Look at the sky.
- The sky?
See the clouds.
Rain, don't you think?
Each morning a child sets them free.
To wander over the sky.
Well, who brings them back?
Oh, they are steered
home at sundown by ..
Old men with red beards.
Red beards. How unattractive.
Well goodbye you strange child.
And don't forget to come when you hear
the dinner-bell my little countess ..
To be.
Goodbye, Piggy.
Bang .. bang.
Do you hear that?
I bet the birds won't be worth the
powder that is wasted on them.
Summer has been too dry.
The last snipe I snared were
nothing but bones and feathers.
Holy mother of Kazaam.
Grant that she comes back to me.
That won't do you any good.
If you want to keep your
wife you shouldn't beat her.
That's a lie. I shook her by the
shoulders, but I never beat her.
Then you should have beaten her.
Women have no use for men
who can't make up their minds.
I have made up my mind.
I know what I am going to do.
Bang. Bang.
Last year I was a beater and I got some
of His Excellency's small shot in my ..
This year I am smoking his cigar.
Olga would be a fool if
she came back to you.
I can't live without her.
She must come back to me.
If you want to waste your
time run over to the woods.
Go. Ask her.
Oh, you hit something.
- Nothing much, old boy.
Poor little thing. Looks as
if it died of malnutrition.
Well, let's break for lunch.
I'm sorry Piggy but I shall have
to go. I am expected in court.
Oh. But Fedor ..
Why, the party is given for you.
Oh dear.
Anyway, stay long enough to say
goodbye to our little Olga.
I left her over there.
I'm sure our little Olga will be
heartbroken. Goodbye.
Poor, Fedor.
He has never been the same since that
romance with the Kalenin girl broke up.
Oh yes, tell me. What did happen there?
Where? Oh, I don't know. Fedor never
told me. He wouldn't say a word.
But, entre nous, I'm glad it has.
Where were we?
Oh lunch. Lunch everybody. Lunch.
Oh, Fedor.
How nice.
I was just thinking of you.
Why so glum?
It is no use, Olga.
I can't live without you.
Let's go away.
Let's go away now.
Where will we go, Fedor?
- America.
Where everybody is equal?
I thought that is what you wanted.
Who wants to be equal?
That is all very well for failures but
I am not a failure. I'm a success.
Does a countess associate with ..
Indians and buffaloes and wild panthers?
What countess?
I am beautiful.
Mean want me.
They want to marry me.
Especially one man.
He is not handsome.
He is not very bright but ..
He is the biggest man in this district.
He never put me below the daughter
of some publisher in Kharkov.
And he never tried to send me to jail.
You marry Piggy?
Why not?
Is that what you want?
Why shouldn't I be the Countess Volsky?
Of course, Fedor.
That wouldn't make any difference to us.
What do you mean, no difference?
Do you imagine that I'd accept ..?
- Yes, Fedor.
What do you think I am?
- I know what you are.
But you can't stay away from me, Fedor.
You are too weak.
Oh, Gregory.
Lunch is ready?
- Yes, Your Excellency.
Find your places everybody
and sit right down.
Good sport, Your Excellency?
- Don't be tactless.
Champagne Gregory, will you please.
My throat is as dry as a bone.
I say, my throat is as dry as a bone.
I hear Your Excellency.
And Gregory, pour some Rhine wine in
Madam Urbenin's glass will you please.
Yes, Your Excellency.
The food looks delicious, doesn't it.
- Doesn't it. Yes.
Try some. It tastes even better. Yes.
And Gregory.
Gregory. Ring the dinner
bell for madam Urbenin.
Certainly, Your Excellency.
Holy Father.
Our host does us well.
Very good.
- Thank you. Thank you.
I wonder where little Olga is.
She must have heard that second bell.
- Yes, Your Excellency?
Go and find madam Olga, will you.
- Yes, Your Excellency.
I left her at my stand by the
bridge there. That little bridge.
Yes, Your Excellency.
With a lot of gentlemen with red beards.
Who is that? Can you see?
I don't know.
Did you hear him?
The blood on his sleeves.
- Blood?
She is dead.
Your Excellency.
Your Excellency!
Ivan Ivanovich.
Your Excellency.
Olga Kuzminichna has been stabbed.
Good heavens.
There may be some hope.
She is still alive.
She is still alive.
Get the carriage. Hurry.
The carriage! The carriage!
Do you still pray for me, Nadena?
Oh yes, Fedor.
I need it badly.
We are leaving for Kharkov tonight.
Summer is over.
Do you remember the rainbow?
And the lake?
I sometimes wish I could go
back to that summer day.
Now it is too late.
Have I hurt you a great deal?
Of course I have.
I didn't want to.
I'm not myself.
There's something in me. Something
strange that drives me on until ..
Pray for me, Nadena.
However lost the cause.
Pray for me.
My love.
Fedor Mikhailovich.
What is it?
- The count asks you come immediately.
Olga Kuzminichna has been stabbed.
What did you say?
Olga ..
- Is she dead?
She is dying.
Who is that?
Oh Fedor, I am so glad you are here.
My head is bursting you know.
My nerves are completely shattered.
I'm running a temperature.
How is she?
- Who?
Oh, she is unconscious I think.
She is in the upstairs bedroom. My poor
wife's room. The doctor is with her.
Fedor, really I can't believe it. Things
like this don't happen to folk like us.
Poor little Olga.
So gay. So full of life.
Stabbed with her own dagger.
How do you know it was her dagger?
It is missing, isn't it?
Of course it was hers.
Oh dear, dear, dear.
To think only yesterday I gave it to her
out of my collection of ancient weapons.
And you know what's going to happen?
I've got to get rid of them. Every one.
I'll sell them. Give them away.
I am so sensitive.
You understand, Fedor.
What a day.
I have sent for the public prosecutor.
- Yes.
He ought to be here any moment now.
But .. Fedor.
Supposing Urbenin should stab
me before Lunin gets here?
- Yes.
He hates me.
He is jealous.
That's why he stabbed Olga.
What makes you so sure that
Urbenin who stabbed Olga?
Well, who else could have?
Why, there was blood on his sleeve.
I never trusted him from the first.
Of course he is guilty.
Have you ever heard the saying ..
"Not the slayer but
the slain is guilty."
In the name of The Father.
And the Son and the Holy Spirit.
She will live.
How is she, Father Konstantin?
Let us trust in The Lord.
Fedor Mikhailovich.
Will I be able to question her?
That is hard to say.
I have injected a stimulant.
But the loss of blood has been so great.
At any rate I am very glad
you are here, Judge Petroff.
The entire household,
including Count Volsky.
Has gone completely to pieces.
I have been trying to get some ice.
But the servants seem
to be either deaf or drunk.
There is no ice in the house.
Then go down to the village and
get some, you drunken sot.
Judge Petroff, she has
regained consciousness.
If you want to ask her anything, hurry.
Olga Kuzminichna.
Do you recognise me?
Are you in pain?
Please. Only absolutely
essential questions.
Kindly allow me to know my own business.
I am Petroff.
Examining Magistrate of
the district of Tyrneva.
I have the honor to be
acquainted with you.
You may remember that I was
best man at your wedding.
My wedding.
Do you feel strong enough
to give evidence?
I must tell you that grave insinuations
have been made against your husband.
Against me?
Do you still wish to give evidence?
I do.
Then ..
Mr Lunin, the Public Prosecutor.
Judge Petroff is just starting
to examine the patient.
There's very little time.
- I understand.
From what I've heard downstairs it is a
cut and dried case against the husband.
However, as he is her husband the
law doesn't compel her to speak.
Pardon me colleague,
but come to the point.
The point?
Very well, colleague.
Olga Kuzminichna.
Do you know how you came to be stabbed?
Try to remember the
events of the past day.
I will help you.
There was to be a shooting
party in the woods of Tyrneva.
It lasted about five hours.
Beg your pardon colleague
but all this is irrelevant.
May I ask you with due respect.
Not to interfere with my
method of interrogation.
Olga Kuzminichna.
Can you recall what happened
during those hours?
A man.
Came out of the woods.
He wanted me.
To go away with him.
I wanted to climb to the
summit of the hill.
And then ..
He begged me.
I laughed at him.
Then he stabbed you?
The name.
Get the name.
Olga Kuzminichna.
Are you prepared to name the man?
His crime will not go unpunished.
There are three persons in this
room besides me who will testify.
You needn't be afraid.
He loved me.
Her mind is wandering.
Who was it?
The heavenly ..
Olga Kuzminichna.
It is no use. She can't hear us anymore.
She never was really mine,
Judge Petroff, but ..
I loved her.
The blatant hypocrisy of the
criminal always astounds me.
Anton Antonovich Urbenin.
You are under arrest.
You are charged with the
wilful murder of your wife.
But surely, colleague ..
The evidence is wholly
insufficient to warrant an arrest.
Your magnanimity does
you credit, colleague.
Suppose we allow the jury
in Kharkov to decide that.
Get up and follow me.
But, Your Honor ..
- I'm afraid you have to go, Urbenin.
It is the night train to Kharkov.
The Kalenins are on it.
Leave me in peace will you.
Don't take it so to heart,
Fedor Mikhailovich.
People are murdered every day.
Look at your newspapers.
Why don't you take a little trip to
Kharkov and make up with Miss Kalenin?
She will forgive you, whatever it was.
You are just like your
father the colonel.
You always get forgiven.
See that my letter of
resignation is posted.
Yes, sir. Resignation?
How are we going to
live without your salary?
That is enough. Keep quiet.
- No, I won't.
I won't stay here and see
you make a fool of yourself.
If you resign, I resign too.
You've been resigning
for the last ten years.
But this time I mean it,
Fedor Mikhailovich.
I am not going to stay and see ..
Come in.
We've made a very important
discovery, Your Honor.
What is it?
Do you know what that is, Your Honor?
The murder weapon.
Where did you find it?
I found that in the
possession of Clara Hanna.
You know, that Austrian girl
that works for the count?
She tells some story about ..
A man that threw it in the
lake while she was swimming.
Where is she now?
Why, I put her in prison.
I don't take any chances.
Did she give you a description
of the man she saw?
She stammered some nonsense but we'll
find out. Let's go down and talk to her.
Tomorrow, Orloff. Late now.
But Your Honor, it is a matter of great
importance. We shouldn't lose any time.
You heard what I said. Tomorrow.
Fedor Mikhailovich.
I think Orloff is right.
You should question the woman before she
has a chance to concoct some fairy-tale.
Who's the judge here?
Will you both show me how
to conduct my own business?
I'm only saying what I think is right.
- I know what is right.
You wanted to quit. Here's your
chance. Now quit once and for all.
I don't want to see
you anymore. Get out.
You too.
I think we should examine
her at once, Your Honor.
But you don't really want me
to leave, Fedor Mikhailovich?
Get out.
Do you wish to make a statement?
- No.
You claim to have seen the murderer?
- Yes. No, I mean ..
I did see him in way.
I couldn't see his face.
So you lied?
No, Your Honor. I swear to
heaven I could recognise him.
I am sure of it.
How could you recognise him?
I don't want to get mixed
up in anything, Your Honor.
I only told Gregory about what I saw.
And what did you see?
Oh, I have seen a lot the
last few weeks, Your Honor.
Since Mr Urbenin married that girl Olga.
And I have heard plenty too.
I only want to know what you saw.
You see. I was dressing after my swim.
I like swimming.
I always go to the lake when
I have a couple of hours.
Confine yourself to what you saw.
- Yes, Your Honor.
And suddenly, I heard footsteps.
I couldn't go out you see.
I wasn't dressed.
And I saw a man come to the landing.
And he washed his hands in the water.
And then he threw a
dagger into the lake.
And left.
But you didn't see his face.
What makes you think you
could recognise him?
I saw his boots and his hands.
You see there was just a crack
in the wall and I peeped out and ..
Did you notice anything
particular about his boots?
Or his hands?
They were fine boots.
And his hands.
They were not the hands
of a working man like ..
They were a gentleman's hands.
Oh yes.
On the left hand.
Or was it the right hand?
On the left.
He had a very beautiful ring.
And I ..
Very well, A ring.
Go on.
Describe the ring.
I don't know, Your Honor.
I ..
I can't remember anything.
Your Honor.
I ..
This was the dagger?
I can't remember.
Don't make me say you did it.
Let me out.
I swear I won't say anything.
I won't betray you. I won't.
I don't know what you are talking about.
Believe me.
I could never give you away.
Anyone else but you.
Why are you frightened?
Fedor Mikhailovich.
I like you so much.
I won't say anything.
You can trust me.
Anton Antonovich Urbenin.
Raise your hands and
show them to the witness.
Do you recognise those hands?
I ..
I don't know.
I can't remember.
Witness Clara Heller.
Were the hands you saw the hands
of a peasant like those or not?
No. They were not a peasant's hands.
So they must have been
a gentleman's hands.
Is that what you want to say?
No. No.
No, not the hands of a gentleman.
Then they could only have
been a peasant's hands.
I ..
I ..
Answer. Were they a gentleman's
or a peasant's hands?
Answer the public prosecutor's question.
They were not a gentleman's hands.
So they were a peasant's hands.
Thank you. That is all, Your Honor.
Witness dismissed.
You may return to your place.
But ..
But I ..
"I had impressed upon Clara
not to incriminate Urbenin."
"But her slow peasant's mind wavered."
"And what she said confirmed Urbenin's
guilt rather than cleared him."
"There was only one thing for me to do."
"With the only honest impulse
I've ever had in my life."
"I rose to address the court."
Sit down please.
Order in the courtroom.
"A hundred times during the
proceedings that followed .."
"I could have interposed my confession."
"But to my confused mind the chance
I had let slip seemed lost forever."
"In reality, it was the will to live."
"Inherent in every human-being."
"That caused me to commit my
second and more dastardly crime."
Anton Antonovich Urbenin.
Witnesses have testified that ..
On several occasions out of jealousy
you threatened to kill your wife.
That is not true.
But you are an extremely
jealous man. Is that true?
Yes, I was.
So the motive for the murder was there.
And having considered all
the evidence carefully.
I am sure that the jury will find that
this man is unmistakeably guilty.
For one of the most bestial crimes it's
ever been my misfortune to investigate.
I couldn't have killed Orlinka.
I loved her.
Don't you understand? I loved her!
"I will hear that 'I loved her'."
"Until the end of my life."
"I will never forget the moment when the
jurymen having reached their verdict .."
"Returned to the courtroom
and their foreman .."
"A merchant or shopkeeper
with a bony, bird-like face."
"Rattled off their decision."
"I'll never be able to erase the memory
of Urbenin's blank and hopeless face."
"As he listened to the presiding judge."
"Sentencing him."
To lifelong forced labor in
the salt mines of Siberia.
"Seven years have passed."
"Russia has died and has been reborn."
"But my own world is irrevocably dead."
"I killed it with my own hands."
"As I am writing this I sit
in a hovel in Kharkov."
"Hungry. I'll-shaven."
"And numb with cold."
"Reason tells me clearly enough .."
"That it is impossible to retrieve
the things that I have forfeited."
"But hope still evokes a
dream of bliss before me."
"And since we live by hope."
"That impossible dream keeps me alive."
It is getting late Nadena.
I will mail the rejections.
Is that one interesting?
To me, yes.
What is it about?
Oh ..
You might call it ..
A love story.
Oh. Then let's publish it.
No. It would ..
It is out of the question.
- Then I had better send it back.
No, leave it.
I will ring for you when
I have addressed it.
Very well.
Beautiful divine vodka.
I wish it had been champagne.
However, that is not all.
Sausage. Luscious pork sausage.
Where did you get it?
May I offer you a cigarette,
comrade Fedor?
Why thank you, comrade Piggy.
Don't tell me that the current
policy has been reversed ..
And the aristocrats now steal
from the revolutionaries.
No, no.
When a gentleman can
no longer obtain credit.
He may as well pay cash.
I don't care how you came by it. I have
no conscience where vodka is concerned.
To the good old days.
[ Baby crying ]
Comrade Tchelinin.
- What is it?
We would be very grateful if you would
appease that charming infant of yours.
We are trying to work.
If you don't like it why not
go back to your noble estate?
I can't.
It's been converted into a home
for half-witted brats like yours.
That will quiet him.
Don't argue with them,
Fedor. Don't argue.
Where were we?
- Piggy, this vodka is awful.
Well, it is an awful revolution, Fedor.
Tell me, where did you get the money?
You know the thing you have
been so mysterious about.
That you have kept hidden even
from me and never tried to sell?
My manuscript?
I got money for it, Fedor. Money.
She seemed interested.
Maybe she will buy it.
Who are you talking about?
- Nadena Kalenin.
- She's the editor of The Times.
You fool.
You fool.
But Fedor.
Yes. I know I have changed.
You have.
I was expecting you.
You mean, you've read it?
Yes, Fedor.
You can't imagine what it means
to live with a secret like that.
Every day, every night.
How many times I have tried to confess.
At Urbenin's trial.
That day in the church.
I started telling you.
But the will to live is
stronger than conscience.
Stronger than the pity that I
felt for Urbenin as Olga died.
Now at least, you.
The person for whom
I wrote my confession.
Know the truth.
For seven years we have been
kept apart by the memory of Olga.
Isn't that punishment enough?
But now.
What is to prevent us
starting life over again?
An innocent man.
In Siberia.
Urbenin? How do you
know he is still alive?
As a matter of fact he ceased
to live when Olga died.
But we are still young Nadinka.
It is no use, Fedor.
After I finished your story I knew there
was only one thing for me to do.
What do you mean?
Send it to the police.
You needn't worry, Fedor.
I tried to send it but I
didn't have the courage.
Do what you want with it and if it
is any comfort to you to know it ..
I was too weak to give you away.
Was weakness your only
reason for not sending it?
No, Fedor.
I wanted to give you.
One last chance.
To let me love you again.
Make up your mind, comrade.
I have letters to post too.
Wait! Comrade.
Something belonging to
me was posted by mistake.
Too late now, comrade.
- I need it. I posted it to myself.
All the same, comrade. It's illegal.
- I don't care. I must have it.
Let go! I tell you it is
against the regulations.
Help! Police! Stop thief!
Stop him!
Stop, thief!
Everybody quiet.
Calm down now. Calm down, please.
You must have been mad.
What made you do a thing like that?
I haven't any ..
He's dead alright.
- Search him for identification.
Any luck?
0nly this.
This is of no use.
It's only an old dance book.
Let's take him inside.
Break it up. Come on.
- Don't stand around. Clear out.
And you, hey!
Come on, play up.