Summer (2021) - full transcript

Set in Nizhny Tagil, Russia, Summer journeys nostalgically through the warm middle-Ural summer with eight-year-old Vadim and his half-sister Christina. They enjoy evening festivities with their older teenage friends by the fire, go on mellow skateboard rides, and have a quiet daytime nap in the garden house. Caressed by the sun and the warmth of his relatives, hidden in the quiet tranquillity of the garden and far away from the cruelty of the outside world, Vadim enjoys his childhood days. Acting as a serene lullaby that mimics the movements of a gentle breeze, Summer provides warmth, joy and solace, offering hope and strength for the future.

Then his flesh will be healthier than in his youth, and he
will return to the days of his youthful vigor. (Job. 33-25)



film by Vadim Kostrov

Will you eat some porridge?


But let's eat it faster...


I need to wash my hair


I don't wanna eat anymore.

Don't eat then. Let me put it back.

Shall I have a cup of tea, too?

Maybe I will drink some tea..

Is your tea already cold?


You seem kind of sleepy today.

I didn't sleep well.

Where are you going?

Are you going to aunt Oxana?

Yes, she needs some help.

You can go to your mom then

and I'll come for you when I'm
free and we will go to the garden.


I will go then...


You will come by yourself...


It's is just the sun.

But it wasn't raining today!

Well, now it is...

I want to go home.

I want to swim.

This way or that?

So Kristina, let's make some fire.

Ok, but only a little one.

Same thoughts.

Do you need some help?

No, No, seat on your place! Well...

We had to take some paper from the house


Maybe we just have a seat here?

What is the sunset for you?

It is the end of an old life and a start of new one.

So yes... For me this is an explosion.

What is it?

Nothing, just nothing...

What?! You're hypnotizing me...

If I take off my cap, I will
become the ugliest man.

I don't think so

I think that's it.

You just making up this for yourself.

Maybe you just wanna hide behind your cap...

Who are you hiding from?

The sky is beautiful... like a cotton candy...

I want a cotton candy...

What are you thinking about?

Are you leaving today?

I think so.


I don't know... I mean...

I mean sometimes there was a fire
burning inside of me but now it's...

It burned out?
- Burned out, yes!

No! There is still something inside.

- Yes, something, I mean..

But they are just doing little inside.

I got it!

And... It takes a wind to lift it up.

So... now... I... I don't know..

So... I somehow stopped feeling the wind.

This is what I'm thinking about.

It's just a thought... you know...

Maybe you need something else, not the wind?

No! To lift it up..
- I got it!

Maybe this fire should burn out
and new one will light up?

-No, don't give a crap about the fire!

Most important is to feel the wind again.

Why don't you prefer the fire?

Because, I'm the wind.

Because my sign is "Gemini" and it's the air element.

You probably hiding from yourself behind your cap...

and your cap keeping you from the wind.

Take it off and maybe the wind will blow up.

Yes, that is the aerodynamics... the cap is so...

You are so funny...

What zodiac sign are you?

I mean what element?

The fire.

The fire?!


And what does it mean?

Listen, now my mind begins to
wander a little about all this...

Don't ask me about it.

Whom should I ask then?

We are late.

Granny, is it raining now?

Take a look at the forest and you will see.

Granny, why If I'll take a look
at the forest, I will see the rain?

I don't see any rain out there.

Take a closer look.


Did you see?

Well, I see droplets on the leaves...

But in general, I don't see any rain, only droplets.

It happens...

sometimes it's raining and sometimes not...

You can tell by the clouds...

Probably the rain is over.

Or maybe not...

Whatsoever the Lord hath pleased
he hath done, in heaven, in earth.

Granny, can it rain on the moon for example?

Only God knows... We are the people.

We must study to know It.

I see...

That's why you shall study and you'll know...

Okay, granny.

Knowledge is the light in the darkness of ignorance.

So, we need to work... As they say:

"He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet."

Yes, yes... Good you understand this.

It seems the sun is out. Isn't it?

It seems to be like this.

I know, some people told me that if the sun is shining...

then if you fly to the sun,
there would be lava and something else..

I think they told me something like this.

Then I don't remember what is next...

You can probably go outside, while we have time.


If the sun shines and it rains
than a rainbow can appear.

Did the rainbow appeared?

I can't see it because of the dark clouds.

Do you know what is the rainbow?

No, nobody told me that but I saw it.

The God says:

"Now I will come with no water but with the fire"

These are really serious things...

and to know this you need
to know the Word of God.

- There is everything inside.

His Word is like an instruction
for the life of a human being.

The car wouldn't start
without an instruction, isn't it?

Yes, Grandma.

The life of a human being also wouldn't start
without an instruction - the Word of God.

That's why everyone goes by his own destiny.

You will read and learn everything in the time.

When I'll grow up I'll probably go to space.

You need to dream and your dream will come true.

If you have a dream you need to move towards it.

This is the labour.

Yes granny, I got it.

Effort must be made.

But I'm a little one for now.

So, dream on...

dreams are coming true, if the person seeks for them.

Granny, did you have a dream?

Well, our time was really different to now.

We were actually progressing somehow...
- I will have so many dreams.

We were good children.

I will have a lot of dreams.

That's why...
- And I'll hope they come true some day.

Even here it says: "The kingdom
of heaven suffereth violence,

and the violent take it by force."

This is the labour to take it.

One needs to work hard as it won't come by Itself.

That's why I was told at the kindergarten to read more.

Yes, now they aren't reading much. It's bad.

But I'll always read so my dreams can come true.

Try to read more, then you will learn more...

about this life as it is.

And choose what do you want.

You need seek to this and move towards.

Yes, Granny I will try my best...

Everything will come through obedience.

You need to be obedient.

It says: "obedience is more valuable than pure gold."

That's how it is.

It's bad when children often
don't listen to their parents.

I must always be obedient then.

It says: "Draw near to God,
and he will draw near to you.

Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and
purify your hearts, you double-minded."

That's what the God says.

"Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you."

"Do not speak evil against one another, brothers."

"The one who speaks against
a brother or judges his brother

speaks evil against the
law and judges the law."

This is the brilliant book inspired by God.

-The rainbow is cool but it's disappearing.

So, what?
- What?

It has a plot of gold at the end.

Maybe we will find it today?

Maybe yes, maybe no...


I lost something here... I'll put It here...

Well, the rain disappeared...

The sun is out... Wow,
have a look! The rain is gone.

The rain is not gone!

So.. or maybe it's ending.

Wow, it's sunny bunny..

Everything is just beginning... beginning

Why is it beginning?

It's a song.

Ok then.

The sun has hidden behind the clouds again...

Look, the rain has calmed down a little..

Yes... and when it's a downpour they fill the barrels.

Till the end?

-Almost... If It pours for the whole
day the barrel will be filled.

Think it out.

I got it.

What did you get?

When will your SMS come?

I don't know when they will text.

I'm already sick of this rain.

So... it's cool.


The rain quieted down.

And the sun is gone...

The rain quieted down and sun is gone...

and the rainbow is almost gone.

Oh, half of the rainbow is already gone...

but it still can be seen.

So when..? when..?

Did you see some lizards here?

Which one?

What "which one"?

The box...

- Oh, lizards?

- No, I didn't.

Did you ever touch the lizard?
- Nope.



Lizards can shed their tails.

If you catch the lizard by the tail it can shed it.

And can grow the new tail. Can you imagine?

It's a miracle... miracle of the nature.

Earlier I saw some man head off the snake..

Where did you see this?
- And the snake was still alive.

Where did you see this?

I don't remember when but it was such a long time ago.

Where did you see this?




What is the man walking here?

I don't know... he's looking for...



The Snake hunter?

Kind of it.

Just insane...

listen... it's just like some scary night storiest.

I don't need such.

You're telling me this by yourself..

You probably want me to see the
nightmares in my dreams tonight.

-No, I'm just simply...



The rainbow is gone now...

No it's still here a little, have a look...

where the forest begins.. I mean ends... the trees.

Such a little one, I can see a little... such a little drop.

Do you see the rainbow for the first time?

No I'm already... I don't know..

So, honestly I saw it already for five times.


Which place for this?

I don't know.

There probably have to be the button on the side.

Probably... But I...
- Here It is!

Wow, this is so cool...

you have fashionable pants...

Today is a little bit cold.

When will they text you?


"We are coming"

They are coming!



Boring... what are we going to do?

I don't know...

They will come in thirty or forty minutes... or an hour...
- What?! How many?!

We will seat here.

What can we do?

We are seeing off the sun.

It comes to us vice versa.

No it's already leaving.

So, yes...

That's all, I have nothing to do...
just sitting and banging my head.

Stop it!
- What for?

You will have a headache after this.
- Everyone will have a headache.

We have so much time... I'll probably lie down...

At what time did they text me?

They didn't text anything like this.
- What?

I'm saying: "what time?"
- They didn't text me on timing... "We're just coming..."

They texted...

We can see the time of the SMS on the screen, you see?

Oh, really?

Of course.

Oh.. Six minutes ago...

Hey there!


What's up, dude?
- Kristina, are you going far?

What's up, granny?

Did you take the keys?
- Yes I took it.

And Vadik also going with you?
- Yes, but we won't take him for long.

But, not too late, or I will worry about.
- Hello...

- Bless you.

Bye, granny!


Vadik! Vadik... come here.

Wow, what the light!

Did you see the little ducks?
- What?

Did you see the little ducks?
- Yes... We even saw them last time

and after they will fly away from here.

-Oh, It's anime-house, take a look
guys, this is an anime-house.

This one with the skew window.

Look, this is like an eye...
- Maybe It's like an emoji in "ICQ"?

Wow, yes! damn..

Yep, yep, it winks, dude!

Don't run anywhere.

Who will come on the bridge?
- To the fight!

To the fight? To the mouse!

The fight!
- A mouse!

So let's go to the middle and take a photo.

Stand here!
- No!

Stand on this iron thing!
- No! No please!


Even the flash fired..
- Yes, from the first try!

Where are we actually going?

To the store.

It's already closed, isn't it?

It's not closed. It works around the clock!
- It works till the midnight


I remember when we were buying
vodka illegally and It was ok.

Let's go to the shop!

When was it? The "Shining Ural" or what..?

There is a black one working and he will sell it!

He is always in the shop.

We were walking for so long my leg hurts.

Ohh..."Glorious Ural"

I'll try it now.
- Yes.

Look at her legs... the dump.

I already fucking rubbed everything.

We found a perfect new army boots at the dump..
- I've found it, dude..

It was only with no laces, but really new.

Trash... trash.

What a modern word! I've never heard it.
- Yeah, trash... trash...

I actually heard it from Ksenia Sobchak and Timati.
- Ksenia Sobchak? and Timati?!

What is it? A new song?
- If you respect the Great Russian Culture you must know it.

The Great Russian Culture?!
- Yes.

I've never heard anybody speaking like this
In our "All-Russian - Russian Soviet Union".

Are you one of them... Americans?

I'm an American Mongol.

Are you the spy? Mongolian-American spy..?
- Yes... Yes.


The shop is there...

Anna, your legs hurts?


The guys also have pain in their legs

When we come to the shop the pain will be gone.

We will buy some more...
- We will buy the new legs for you...

The knife?
- The chicken legs!

Buy me the knife!

I'll buy you the knife.

That's what I'm saying...

the knife...

The knife?

Maybe pepper sprays is better?
- The legs and the knife.

What kind of paper sprays?
- Those ones...

It's only for the fashionable..
- What?

Who are we then?

Ok, where we can find it?
- I know where we can get a couple..

I can also find the gum..

The gum?!

Oh, Yes "bubble gum"!
- Well damn!

We will chew for two...

In turn..


Black and white days...

At night the days are black and white..

We drink for tonight!


Well damn!

Are you a fool?
- What did you say?

Is it open till the midnight?
- It's open till nine pm!

- Well, the shop is closed, so
let's go to the "smoky place"!

I've just took a pity on myself because of

because of the lack of vegetables.

Lack of alternative?
- The lack of vegetables.

-Vegetarian by the case.

I had some fellows..

"Fuck, if no vegetables then I will eat meat"
- What, I didn't eat any meat.

You are always eating meat...

Why are you fucking lying?

Kirill you just notice shit.
- What do you mean?

You notice only dirt.

I remember you eating meat.

I didn't eat it!

You said you eat meat when you want.

I didn't eat meat!

You said you are not restricted by the moral principles.

I don't eat meat.

You ate meat with me, Lapsha!

No! I didn't!

You did it next to me!

You only like to say you aren't eating meat

Would I make it up?

Yes, it is! I don't like to say some nonsense and...

What kind of meat did I eat?

Sandwiches and burgers!
- You are fucking lying!

Ok, get lost! Ok I was eating the meat! That's all!

It's time to move it..

Let's turn it.

Metallic rap.


Little chickens are coming up to fight...

Little chickens from all over the country...

To fight, fight, fight...

In the morning... echo was racing past...

Let's spred the smoke...

It's perfectly browned!

Oh, big thanks... big thanks to you dear!

This is so sweet!

Let's give it to Vadim.. yes give it to him..


Ok, I can hold it..

I want to touch up the fire.

You can't trow it into the fire.

I will not trow it there.
- Give it to me, then!

Ok, I will try it also!

It's burned out there...

So what, Vadik?

Will we come again to the garden?

It's will be a raining week from tomorrow.

Probably after we will come back.

I got it.

Did you like It?


Did you fall?


Did you fall?

No, I was running.

The wormwood smells so good...

What a steep descent here...

I thought it was a dog, but it is the duck.

Here are so many ducks and seagulls.

You can get wet your feet if you want.

I want.

The water is probably warm.

So, I think it's a little bit cold.
- The water seems clearer, then last time.

Yes, you're right...

Give me a drink...


So, It feels so weird.
I've expected something different.


- Why?

-I don't know...

didn't get yet

I don't know, here is not bad.

It's would be cool, if they made here the real beach.

The sand like at the sea?

- Like at the sea?

So the descent would be civilised and the place in general.

Well, the sand to sunbathe...

-I don't know.. it can be the grass.

What is better the grass or the sand?

The ducks are quacking over there...

The ducks is better?


The beach is made of ducks...


What then?

I said the duck are quacking there.
- I got it.

What a view from here...

Will you go to wet your feet?
- Sure.

Only don't take off your cap.

Is she younger then you?

She is probably also eight, I don't know.

Give me your hand.

Show it to Pasha..

- Show it to Pasha!

In which sense?
- Straight - give me your hand.

Take a look...

It's surfing, right?
- Yes.

Damn spiders are crawling over me.
- Here are no any spiders...

Where are you going?

To get your feet wet?
- Yes.


The cars are so shining...


On the other side...

on the left.

I see the coast, but I don't see any cars.

Vadik, let's go!
- Alright...

Written and directed by Vadim Kostrov

Camera: Vadim Kostrov
Artem Nilov

Sound: studio: Yuriy Lomsodze, rec:
Vadim Kostrov, Artem Nilov, Fedyan Fendos

Editing: Vadim Kostrov

Produced by Gleb Piriyatinsky


Pasha-Gosha Gordienko

Kristina-Mira Talanova

Vadik-Vova Karetin

Granny-Vivodnova Nely Arsentevna

Friends: Kirill Horoshiy, Arkadiy Fridman
Dara Vereskova, Anya Gromakovskaya

Angelina Gelevaya, Nastya Lapsha
Fedyan Fendos, Rosya.


Titles by Natasha Goncharova

Eng. subs: Vadim Kostrov, Anton Lukin.