Suicide Kings (1997) - full transcript

Ex-mob boss Christopher Walken is kidnapped by a group of four kids in a haphazard attempt at paying the ransom for another, separate kidnapping. Complexities arise as the group cannot seem to do anything right.

* you've got to
find yourself a *

* place to stay

* anyway

* the signs that
used to be there *

* aren't anymore

* deeper, go

* know you're mine

* deeper go, go ahead
and make my day *

* you've got to
find another *

* piece of wax

* anyway *

cab !

Where ya goin' ?

He's goin' up to 59th.
Take him there, okay ?

Hey, good boots.
You like those, huh ?

What's that, ostrich ?
No, you know what that is ?

You're wearing
fish boots ?

Yeah, well,
they're really

See ya later, boss.
* here's your invitation

* swing with us
the cocktail nation *

* and on your face
you'll wear a smile *

* Martini style
oh, Mr. Barret.

* and if your
everyday world *

* has got you down

* then you need somethin'
to pick you up *
nice to see you.

* off the ground

* so make
your reservation *

* there's no time for
hesitation * hello.

* and take your place
for a while **

Jennifer, Jennifer.
You're all wet,
Mr. Barret.

- Well, it's raining outside.
- It's warm and dry in here.

Well, warm, anyway.

You know how gorgeous you are ?
What are you doin' hanging
around a place like this ?

You could be
a model.

Same as you, I guess.
It's a classy place.
I meet a lot of nice people.

Nice like me ?

No one's as nice
as you, Charlie.

Hey, Mr. Barret.

Hey, Mr. Barret.

Marcus, what's this ?

Don't worry.
I'll... take care of it.
Just ask 'em to leave.

She said in front
of everybody,
she said, "Jay,

you're hung
like a hamster."

Hey, guys,
party's over.
Let's go.

Oh, come on. Look,
I told you five minutes.
Give us our five minutes.

Yeah, well, I'm tellin' you now.
We haven't even finished
our drinks yet.

Go finish up at the bar.
Brett's in the Jake.

When he gets back,
we'll split.
I told
you this table was reserved.

That's okay.
Take your time.
Finish up. It's okay.

Sure, Mr. Barret ?
Yeah, yeah.

No, Mr. bartolucci,
really, it's, uh--
we had no idea.

It's no problem.
We'll move.

These days
the name is Barret.
Good to see you.

Nice to
meet you, sir.

This is Max minot,
and Avery chasten.

Avery chasten ?
That's a famous name
in these parts.

Any relation ?

Yeah, he's my father.
Good for you.

I'm sorry, sir.
Could we buy you
a drink ?

Do you mind ?
I'll sit until
your friend comes back.

Maker's mark ?

You guys
got heinekins ?


Avery, you know,

I met your father
two, three years ago
at a fund raiser.

Generous man.
He's got good instincts,
I bet, huh ?

Oh, you know.
He's a big fan
of anything deductible.

Well, me too.

I'd like to talk
to him sometime.

I got ventures
he might want
to capitalize on.

Really ?

Holy shit !
You're Carlo bartolucci.
How are ya, man ?

What's he doin'
at our table ?
It's his table, actually.

No, it's not
my table.
I just borrow it.

I didn't know
it was your table.
I'm sorry, sir.

I'm Brett cambell.
How are you,
Mr. bartolucci ?

He doesn't like
to be called
Mr. bartolucci.

No, it's okay.
Charlie. Charlie.

It's Charles Barret now.

Okay. Whatever
you want to be called,

Maybe this isn't
such a great idea.

Avery, come on.
We're a little past
the idea stage, man.

And every minute we wait,
you know what happens ?

Look, I know you guys
are here for me,
and I appreciate that, but--

what we're
about to do, it's--
fuckin' call it off, man.

It's cold. We're freezing our
asses off. Let's get
out of here and get loaded.

- It's up to you, man.
- Okay, okay.
Yeah, you're right.

You in ?
Let's do it.

- All right. Good. Finally.
- Shit.

You got your cell phone ?
Now ? You wanna
make a call now ?

Yeah, it'll only take a minute.
No, no, no.
You can't make a call now.

I'm sorry. I told chickie
I'd pick her up
after dance class.

I can't believe this chick's
got you on a pager.
You are so fuckin' whipped !

- Let's do this.
- I'm ready here.
I'm waitin' for you guys.

We should go.

Oh, Jesus Christ. We don't want
to keep your old man hangin'.

Where's the fire ?
You got a hot date ?

No, no.
It's my father.

He wants us to meet him
for dinner at Peter luger's.

He hates anyone to keep
him waiting, so--

I grew up there
my whole life.
You got a pen ?

I got five-- five shortcuts.

I'll show you.
Take 59th street--

guys, take a look at
who our patient is.

- A fuckin' capo-de-capo, okay ?
- Yeah ?

Yeah, well, I'm just sayin'.
He didn't get that job
by kissin' ass, you know ?

Or gettin' fucked
in the mouth.

Why don't you
come with us ?
It'll be a blast, man.

Come on.
Oh, you know,
I don't like to intrude.

You wouldn't be at all.
We'd love it.
Plus, you'd give us an alibi.

Pass. Next time.
I sent my driver home.

That's no problem.
I have my car here.

Come on !
What the heck ?

Life is short.
So's my whole family.

You talked me
into it.
All right.
Let's go.

Would you give us
the bill ?
No, it's my treat.

I told you.

It's our night to howl.
Long time since I been
with the guys.

- There's a problem.
- You're right.

She's leaking.

- What's the problem, the chloroform ?
- No, not the chloroform.

But if the chloroform
doesn't work-- and it will,
I'm not saying that, Max--

but if it doesn't, an injection
of haldol into the jugular will
put him away, definitely.

Into the jugular.
Who the hell's
gonna do that ?

Hopefully, nobody, but
if it comes to it, you.
You're sitting across from him.

- Why should I do it ? I don't
know how to give an injection.
- Can we do this, please ?

- Easy, man.
- Okay. Here we go.

Ready ?
You're driving.

Good car.
I got one of these.

Yeah, it's mother's.

They know how
to build 'em, huh ?

Take your time. Take it easy.
I'll take care of everything.

Long time since I had
dinner with the boys.

Queen's tunnel ! One !
Doors and windows

What are you doin' ?
This is the queens tunnel.

Now we gotta turn around
and come back.

What's that smell ?

- Hey !
- Shit !
- Keep out ! Watch out !

- The fuckin' windows--
- it won't stay.
- Christ, he just bit me !

You think old Carlo's
just gonna sit there
like that ridiculous doll ?

Come on, man. There's fuckin'
three of us. There's
three of us and one of him.

- Besides, he's old.
- Shit ! God !

I can't hold him. Oh, fuck !

Be careful
with that shit, man !

You're spilling it, asshole !
Avery ! Windows !

- Look out !
- Roll the windows down, Avery !

- Hit the fuckin' windows !
- Shut up !

- What are you d--
- fucker !

Max, do it !
Put the fuckin' needle in !

Just stick it in !

Do it ! Just do it !

Keep it fucking steady !

Get him off me !

Get him off me !

What are you waiting for ?

Oh, God !

Sweet dreams, motherfucker.

Avery !

Nice fuckin' air bag.

Avery, start the car.
Start the car.

Come on, Avery.
Start the car.

Avery, start the fucking car !
Start the car !
Start the car !

What the fuck
are you doing ?

Avery ! Jesus Christ !
Whoo !

Kraut cars !
They know how to build 'em !

Is he dead ?

Just don't do that.
Don't move it.
Max !

Mr. Barret.
Can you hear me ?

You said he wouldn't
feel anything.
He can't.

I'll just give
him something.

Gotta be careful
about the dosage.

Hi, Charlie.
You remember us ?

I'm sorry about the pain.
If you bear with me, I'll
try to make you comfortable.

What are you doin' ?

This is t.K., Mr. Barret.
He'll take good care of you.

What is this ?
You're a hostage,

- For what ?
- Mr. Barret,
we need your help.

My sister, elise,
has been kidnapped.

The kidnappers demanded
$2,000,000 ransom.

My father has money,
but it's all on paper.

He went to the cops.
That's a big mistake.

I got nothing to do
with kidnapping.

Ah, come on, Charlie.
We know that.
But you got contacts,

the kind that know
how to fix these things,
and you got money, cash--

that's the good kind--
so we're also gonna have to
ask you to put up the ransom.

It's too bad
about your friend.

You're right.
There was a time
I coulda done something.

These days, I'm a businessman.
I pay my taxes
like your moms and dads do.

Once a criminal,
always a criminal.
That's what my dad says.

Yeah ? What's
your mother say ?
Stop that !

Stop it !

Guys, what
you did to me
is unbelievable.

You're right, there was
a time I'd be lookin' at
four dead bodies by now.

But, strange as it seems,
I understand what you're doin'
and why you're doin' it.

So I'm gonna offer you
an opportunity.

Get out of this.

Before it gets so fucked up
nobody could ever recover.

Understand what I'm sayin' ?

Yes, you do.

Untie me.

Pour me a drink.

I call my car.
We act like
nothing happened.

I can't remember

Okay ?
You got my word.

Oh, okay. Go ahead.
You can go. What kind
of drink would you like ?

This is bullshit. "Untie me,
pour me a drink." I told you
he wouldn't take us seriously.

Shut up !
I told you we didn't
have a choice.

What is that ?
Is that blood ?

After my father missed
his deadline,
the kidnappers sent a package.

They will continue to send
these packages every 24 hours
until they get their money.

Package ? What ?

- What's in the package ?
- Charlie, whatever condition
elise is returned home in...

Is the same condition
you will be returned
to your home.

- Whose blood is that ?
- If she loses an eye,
you lose an eye.

If she loses an ear,
you get to lose an ear.

If she is hurt,
you will be hurt.

By saving Lisa,
you get to save yourself.

I asked you,
whose blood is that ?

Whose blood is that ?

Fuck you, you freaks !

I'm gonna kill you !

I'm gonna kill you !

He's gonna get out !
Come on !

He's gonna get loose !

He's gonna get out !
He's gonna get out !
He's gonna get out !

I thought you
gave him something.

You guys just wrote
your death notice.

You know, I admit my plan
is risky, Charlie, but you
know what ? It's gonna work.

Your plan. I'm gonna
remember that.

Wait. Nobody move.

It's been off my finger
only once before.

- What's that ?
- The ring.

My fuckin' wife.
Sure, she used to
have nipples...

That would stand up
and whistle "Dixie,"
but then again,

at one point,
dinosaurs used to
roam the earth.

- Yeah.
- I have three pairs
of shoes.

I got my white nikes.
I love
the white nikes.

I've had those for what,
six, seven years, right ?

These are almost worn out.
I got my Bruno magnas.
I can't wear those anymore...

'Cause of the
fucking o.J. Thing, right ?

And so I go out
and I buy these boots.
Look at these.

Nice fuckin' boots.
Huh ?

You know what those are ?
What ?


- The fish ?
- Yeah, of course the fish.

So, you got
fish boots.

I'm wearing stingray boots.
These are one-of-a-kind.

Fish boots ?
How much did they cost ?

- Fifteen hundred.
- Dollars ?

Fifteen hundred dollars ?
You paid $1,500
for those fuckin' shoes ?

No wonder
your wife is pissed.
You sound like my wife.

Anybody would be pissed
on that end. Come on.

You know what ?
Just shut up
about the fuckin' boots.

I will. I'll forget
about it.
I'm sorry I fuckin'
brought it up.

So, when's
the next package ?

Tomorrow at noon.

The phone,
does it work ?

What the fuck
is goin' on in here ?

Oh, shit, ira.
You scared the shit
out of us !

Oh, well, then,
you can imagine
how I feel.

I came here to play poker.
That's what you told me
you were gonna be doin'.

That's why you wanted
to use the house, right ?

That's why I let you
use the house. Guys,


that is not poker.

Why is this man here ?

Why is he taped
to my father's favorite chair ?

Who the hell is he ?

Aw, shit, and who tracked
mud into the house ?

You guys got your shoes on.
You know the rules.
Everyone's shoes off right now.

My parents just had
these floors refinished.

I mean, come on.
You guys are killin' me here.

You said poker.
You know,

beer, pornos,

Anyone ?
Hello ?

I don't know
what's going on here.

You know, I don't want to know.
What I do know is that,
whatever it is,

it has gone
way, way too far.

Everybody out
right now. Let's go.
Ira ! Ira !

What ?
Relax !
Relax !

- Give me one reason to relax.
- We can't leave right now.

- No, you can and you will.
- Ira, ira, listen to me.

- Elise has been kidnapped.
- What ?

- Is she okay ?
- We don't know.

Well, how come you fuckers
didn't tell me ?

- Oh, my God.
- And what does this
have to do with him ?

Oh, great.
Where did you come from ?

Me ? Nowhere.
I was just looking around.

Well, don't.
Everyone just stop and
stay where I can see you.

Uh, Avery--
look, man, I'm really,
really sorry,

but I just want
everyone out of here
right now.

Hey, and take your
weird-fuck junkie friend
with you.

They're choppin' my
fingers off, ira.

That's what the kidnappers did
to the girl, so that's what
your friends are doin' to me,

even though I had
nothing to do with it.

- Charlie--
- ira, look at it !

I get it.
You guys cut his finger off.

Holy shit !
You cut his
fucking finger off !

Oh, my God !
What the hell is
wrong with you guys ?

- Boo.
- Oh, my God.

My God, you guys fucked up.
Do you know who
this guy is ?

Sir, sir, I am sorry.

Sorry. I'm sorry.
I-I-- they told me
nothin' about this.

They never tell me
anything, these guys.

In fact, I barely even know
these fucking guys.

I cannot believe you cut
his fucking finger off.

- That's what they did.
- He's gonna kill us.

I mean, you do
understand that,
don't you ?

Th-that's what the man does
to people when they
disrespect him.

What do you think
he's gonna do to five ass--
four assholes...

Who cut
his fucking finger off ?

Dead. Dead.

Hi, I'm a dead guy.
Thanks, fellas.

If some wise guy from Jersey
doesn't kill me,

don't sweat it,
because my parents will.

Ira, the kidnappers
demanded $2,000,000 ransom.

That's why we need
Mr. bartolucci here to play
a little show of diplomacy.

And then, when we
get what we want,

we'll let him go
and we'll be
out of the house, pal.

All right. Now, uh,
call me crazy,

but, uh,
this is my house.

Guys, don't you think
you should have maybe
consulted me first ?

- Christ, ira, you never
would have gone for it.
- Goddamn right I wouldn't !

You cut the man's
finger off.

You guys are
all fucking sick !

You're a bunch
of fucking sickos !
Get out now. Let's go.

Right now.

Who knows we're here ?

Nobody. It's a
wrong number, probably.

Did anybody tell anybody
we were going to be here ?

- Ira ?
- No.


Uh, yeah, maybe somebody.
Two guys.
Oh, two guys.

- Fuck, fuck, fuck !
- Brian and Michael.

Shit ! God, ira.
So what ? I thought we were
gonna be playing poker,

not kidnapping don corleone
here. Shit. Sorry.

- No, no. That's all right.
- I meant that
with all due respect.

- How much you pay for those shoes ?
- About $85 in payless.

- You think I give a fuck ?
- What brand are they ?

Who gives a shit ?
You don't even
fuckin' know.

See, I give a shit
about my footwear. Okay ?

A fucking guy can't go out
and spend his own money
on fuckin' clothes ?

What the fuck
is goin' on
in this country ?

I didn't say you c--
did I miss a fuckin'
meeting or something ?


I have to pee.

- I'm not doin' it here.
- No, he is not
doing it there.

Well, I guess he's not
doing it at all, then.
How's that, ira ?

- We could untie
one of his hands.
- Guys, what are you, crazy ?

Do you remember what happened
the last time this guy's
hands were untied ?

He almost killed
all four of us.
His hands stay.

Why don't we just wheel
the whole contraption-- the
chair with Mr. Barret in it--

we wheel it
in the bathroom and--

- and ?
- Well, I don't know.

We can tie one of his hands
to something in there,
tie the other to something else.

- What about the third hand ?
- What ? What third ?

One to unzip his fly,
pull his dick out--
whoa !

- Aim it. Please aim it.
- Aiming is good.

What the hell is that ?

It's a vase.
Hasn't anybody here
ever heard of a bedpan ?

No. Come on !
Do you have
a better idea ?

- It's from Sri Lanka.
- Here, these are for you.

- This isn't funny, t.K.
- Someone's still gotta
hold it.

All right, all right.
Look, since I'm in charge,
fuck it. Max, you do it.

Fuck that, I'm not doin' it.
Avery, you can do it.

- No, I'm not doin' it.
- Guys, it's my dick. I pick.

I am the closest thing
to an m.D. On the premises.

I will take care of Mr. Barret's
bodily functions.

Anybody wants to hold hands
with my dick,

I insist they buy me
a drink first.

I mean, after all,
I'm not asking for
dinner and dancing.

You know, I'm not asking
for a commitment.

No, I'm sorry, Mr. Barret.
That's not such a good idea.

Excuse me, Mr. Lawrence.
A phone call.


Charlie ? Just a minute.

Thank you, Christopher, and will
you keep the girl's glass
topped till I get back ?

Yes, sir.
Thanks a lot.
Are you all right ?

Would I call you
if I was all right ?

- Okay, so what's going on ?
- This one you are not
gonna believe.

Take me off the speaker phone, will you ?
No, no.

- Off the speaker phone, please.
- Attorney-client privilege.

- You're not in
the fucking courtroom. No.
- No.

- Why does it matter ?
- We won't hear what the guy
on the other end is saying.

- They speak in codes.
- Avery, geez.

They could speak in codes.
What are you talking about ?

They could speak in codes.
It would be like, "are you all right?"

"No." "Yes."
Uh, "I'll be all right."

- Yeah.
- What the hell
is goin' on there ?

- I've been kidnapped.
- Christ. What for ?

No, no, no, I mean,

you, know, what for ?

Whatever you do,
don't send your kid
to boarding school.

Boarding school.
Look, who's got ya,

why have they got ya,
and what do they want ?

What the fuck
we supposed to do
with this ?

I was gonna
make brownies.
Good idea.

I need to know who took her,
where they got her--

the whole nine yards--
and I need to know now.

All right. Listen,
is there some place
that I can call you ?

One second.

What's the phone number ?

- Get real, Charlie.
- If my people are
able to find your friend,

how are they
supposed to let us know ?

You didn't think this through
too good, did you ?

T.K., give me
your beeper.

Uh-uh. No way you're gonna use
my beeper as an accessory
to kidnapping, man.

- What are you, kidding ?
- Give me the number.

Give me it back.
Give me the number.

- Fuck you.
- Come on.
Give me the number.

Fuck you.
I think I'll--

nice try; Too slow.
Always too slow.

T.K., I think I'll
call chickie and tell her
I need your beeper number...

'Cause I haven't seen you
for like eight hours-- not since
I saw you with that other girl.

- Chickie.
- It's for elise. Help us out.

850-6369. Can you dial seven
after you dial the number ?

- Thanks.
- You got that ?

Got it.
Good. Don't waste time.

Charlie, you gotta--
you gotta help me out, here.
This is gonna take a while.

Get ahold of lono.
You know what I mean.

Ah, this fuckin' guy.
Get off the fuckin' car.
Get off the car.

Get off the fuckin' car.
Get off the fuckin' car.

- Okay ! Just give me
a dollar, okay ?
- What ?

You got a benz,
I got a "busket" !
Give me a dollar !

- A "busket" ?
Give me the busket.
- No !

- Give me the busket.
- Uh-uh.

Tell you what. I'll give you
five hundred bucks
for that busket.

All right ?

- Okay.
- Put the bottle
in the busket,

put the rag in the busket,
and hand it to me.

- Come on. Leave him alone.
- Get a hotel, get a room,
shower, shave,

get a suit, get a job,
and get off the sauce.
If I see you...

In the streets again
with a busket, I'm gonna
fuckin' shoot you, all right ?

- R-right.
- Okay. All right. Screw.

- You're all right, man.
- All right.

You're all right,
All right.

All these guys need
is a little guidance
sometimes, you know ?

- Fuck !
- You got a cigarette, maybe ?

- Gimme the gun.
Gimme the fuckin' gun.
- Come on. Leave him alone.

Get back in the car.
Fuck ! You fuckin' prick !

Fuck ! Goddamn it !
Jesus Christ !

Fuckin' piss !
Shit !

Do you fuckin' believe
I gave that guy
five hundred bucks ?

Jesus !
Between him and the boots,
you're down two grand.

Don't ever mention
the fuckin' boots to me again.
You got that ?

Sorry, lono.
I'm kidding.
It's not fuckin' funny.

I don't want to hear about
any fuckin' kind of footwear
from you ever again.

I won't. I won't.
Don't even talk about
fuckin' socks to me.

- All right. I won't.
- I won't.

Don't touch any buttons,
for Christ's sake.


Lono, it's me, Marty.
I just got off the phone
with Charlie.

- He's been kidnapped.
- Kidnapped ?

- Is he all right ?
- Well, he's alive.

- My arm. It's numb.
Could you get the tape--
- leave him. He'll live.

- Somebody gotta get me a drink.
- Why don't I get that for you ?
It's a good idea.

- Thanks.
- Max, mixing alcohol with pain
medication could lead to--

- yeah.
- You should listen to him.
His father's a doctor.

Oh. I thought
he was a serial killer.

- It's locked.
- Make believe
you're a criminal.

See what you
can figure out.

Whiskey rocks,
if you've got it.

Nice break.
Do it again.

Great. Bring the whole
fuckin' bottle out.
Great idea.

It's okay; He's a big boy.
If the guy wants to drink.
Let him have a drink.

Oh, okay. So you're
the doctor now ?

Oh, okay.
He's all yours,
Dr. Brett.

What's your daddy do,
Dr. Brett ?

Actually, he's-he's very big
in acoustical tile.

Oh, that's a relief.


please leave your
numeric message after the tone.

What are you doin' ?
What does it look like I'm
doin' ? Callin' him back.

Not from that phone you're not.
It'll show up
on my old man's bill.

Jesus, ira, you're unbelievable.
What do you want,
a fuckin' quarter ?

- He will know we were here.
- Well, you know what ? Now he
will know we were here anyway.

- It was an anniversary present.
- Good, fag. Pick it up.

- Charlie ?
- Yeah.

- How you feelin' man ?
- I don't feel good. I'm dizzy.

You don't sound good.
Listen, I got some good news.

I think I got a line on how
we can find the guys
who got the girl.

- So soon ?
- It wasn't hard. We got
a couple of geniuses here...

Who did everything but take out
an ad in the times,

so I popped the weasel.

Blew his brains
right into never land.

It'll be next-year land
before they find
those molars.

What's the matter, kid ?
You haven't touched your pizza.

They must be local.
they're local.

The good news is
the girl's still alive.

But the bad news is we got
some serious psychos here,

so her health might
suddenly deteriorate.

Son of a bitch !

I thought you said this place
was safe. Fuckin' prick !
What are you doin'; It's a kid.

- You make contact ?
- Look, just give me
a little more time.

I gotta have something
to bill you for.

When you find them, tell 'em you
represent interested parties,
gonna cover their holding fee.

Don't scare them.
Right. Anything
you say, Charlie.

Look, what's
the situation there, anyway.
I mean, are you alone ?

It's okay, Wyatt.
The people who are
responsible for this--

well, word is they used
an inside player on this one.

- Gotcha.
- From what I understand,

you got some heavy paper
with Antoine, and, uh,

you haven't made
much of an effort
to pay him back.

What really makes
no-no-no fuckin' sense to me...

Is the way you were raised,
with your upper-crusty fuckin'
grey poupon background,

there's nobody you can go to
to get some of the scratch ?

You can't crack the egg
out of one of them old fucks ?

See, normally, this would be
the end of the conversation.

This is your lucky day,
my friend.

Can I tell him ?
Yeah, that's what we're
here for. Tell him.

My partner and I,
we've taken care of
your debt with Antoine.

So now you owe us.
You can settle everything.

No more debt
hangin' over your head.

You can go back to your
debutantes and your
Ivy leagues and everything.

And it'll be like
nothin' ever happened.

Just be smart, kid.
Everybody wins,
nobody gets hurt, right ?

Be smart. Use the grape.
You know what I'm sayin' ?

It's nice and easy.
Nobody gets hurt.
Bop-bop-bop-bop. That's it.

Nobody gets hurt.

You don't look so good.
What's the matter with him ?

Where the fuck
you goin' ?

Gotcha. Okay.

- What did they say ?
What happened ?
- Uh,

- he found the people
who took the girl.
- All right !

Don't get excited.
The whole thing
could go belly-up.

Many things go wrong.

- But she's all right.
- Sounds like it.

It's gone right.
It won't go wrong.

Is it happy hour ?

Where the fuck
is ira ? Ira !

Okay. What can
I get you ?

Give him a shot and a half
of whiskey, would you ?

Oh, my God.
What have you done ?

What did you do ?
I can't believe what you did.
I can't believe you did this.

What ?
You drank my father's liquor, that's what you did; Gimme this.

What ?
I hardly think
he'll notice, ira.

Oh no ? Duh.
Look at that.
What is that, huh ?

He marks the levels
in the bottles at the end
of every summer.

Oh, my God. He does.

Of course he does.
A lot of people do that.

Oh, my God.
Look at this.
Will you look at this ?

Look at that, huh ?
Why don't you guys just stab me
in the fuckin' back right now !

Stab me in the fucking back
right now !

Ira, is this
one of your friends ?

- Ira doesn't have any friends.
- That's not true.

- This place is like goddamn Woodstock.
- Who is it ?

Fuckin' rent-a-cop.
Shit ! Ira, don't answer it.

What the-- "don't answer it."
I have to answer it.
If I don't, they call the cops.

Then the cops'll call my father,
and then he'll be here.
Then we'll all be dead.

Sorry. I already am dead,
thank you.

Ira, get him
away from the door.

What ? How ?
Get him away
from the door !

- Ira !
- What ?
- Take your coat off.

Oh, shit !

Good evening, Mr.--
what the fuck
is that ?

Hey, how are ya ?
What's goin' on ?
I need a password, sir.

This is Winston reder's house.
I'm his son, ira.

I'll still need a password,
Mr. reder.

Otherwise, I'll have to
notify the police.
The password is, um--

- you can't give me a hint ?
- No, sir.

It's been awhile.
Give me a clue.

Central, this is
unit seven.
Calling central.

D-d-don't do that.
Please keep your hands
where I can see them !

Otherwise, I have to
use this.

But that's a flashlight.

Hold on a second.

Here we go.
Comin' at ya.
Huh ? Look at that.

You know my father.
I-I-I'm his son, there.

We look exactly alike.
Central !

I'm at 7739 windle Lane.
I saw lights on...
It's, uh, putting...

And made my
presence known.
With the golf and the nine iron.

May need backup here,
if you can.

White male,
double bogey !

Fuckin' bogey.

Thank you, sir.
There's no reason
for profanity.

Central, I'll get
back to you when
I walk the perimeter.

Sorry about the
disturbance, Mr. reder.
No problem; Just doing your job.

The auxiliary alarm
in the master bedroom
was triggered.

I'll have to do
a walk-through, sir.

- Why ?
- Section 34b clearly states...

When an officer makes a call on
a closed home, he is required
to do a walk-through.

Ira, read your
fucking contract.

Mind taking your shoes off ?


What can I get you ?

What the fuck
are you lookin' at ?

Charlie been in ?
Yeah, he was here, same as
always. You know Charlie.

He talk to anybody ?
Some kids were sitting
at his booth.

He ended up havin'
a drink with them.
Kids ?

Yeah, they been comin' in here
recently. I think one of 'em
has the eye for Jennifer.

The hostess ?
Yeah, but her shift ended
a couple of hours ago.

- Do me a favor.
- Phone number, address, anything.

You know, that's unnecessary.
Mr. Barret, he takes
pretty good care of me.

Yeah ?
Fuck ya, then.

I wasn't much in school
and athletics and stuff,

so my Uncle owned the place,
and that's how I got this gig.

I don't know if you have
a job, but if you're interested,
I have an in. I could--

turn it off !

- Who's in there, sir ?
- Who ?

Nothin'. Nobody.
I'm gonna need to get into
that sector there, sir.

Ah, you know,
you can't.

Jammed. That's the thing
about this sector.

I need access
to that sector, sir, please.

Well, it's jammed.
It won't--

ira, what's wrong with ya ?
All you got is light beer ?
Hey. How ya doin' ?

Is everything okay ?

- Central, all clear.
Make this run a non-call.
- Clear.

You might want to have
east state come out and take
a look at your system, sir.

Could be a short somewhere.


But you never know.

Thanks, man.

Fuck you !

Hey, well, thanks.

You're a--
a good-good man.

Is that my father's gun ?
You know we're not allowed
in my parents' bedroom.

What are you thinking,
going through their things ?

Shut up, ira.
I wasn't going through anything.

I know where the gun is.
We all know where the gun is.
You show us every summer.

I thought we might see it
and, as you can see,
we did !

- Well, fine.
Go put it back now.
- Sorry, Holmes. The gun stays.

Or there could be
nothing up there,
and there--

- ...full wedge shot--

what the fuck
did you do ?

You weren't even
watching it.
You're yacking away.

Put it back !

- I said put it back.
- I said no.

Put it back !


And, of course,
the one thing
we want to do...

Is open the stance
about the same as--

now, give me
the remote.

What the fuck
is wrong with you ?

Give it to me.

I said
give it to me.


I am so, so fucking
sick of you !

Last chance.


Take the fuckin' remote !

What the fuck
is wrong with you ?
You made me miss the beginning !

I can't watch it now.
Goddamn it.

I'm gonna go out
and get cigarettes.

We monsters owe you
a lot more.

You have the cunning
of a bat.

Keep the door shut.

Make sure
she don't get out.

I know, I know.

- Leave the remote.
- I'm takin' it with me.

King of the dicks.

How 'bout we put
our heads together,
figure this out. Guys.

What ?

Can anybody tell me
anything that could help ?

- Nothin' we haven't already
told the police.
- Cops. Fuck 'em. Tell me.

Uh, we were going to go
into the city,

hit a couple parties,
hit a couple clubs,

and, uh, Max and Lisa
were supposed to meet us
at midnight.

And midnight came
and they never showed up.
You were with the girl ?

- That's right.
- - Was there something going on ?

Yeah, we been together
almost a year.
What does that tell you ?

I didn't know that.
So you tell me everything
that happened that night.

- I told it a thousand times.
- I didn't hear it that time.
Tell me again.

We spent most of the day
on the boat. We left,
we were goin' downtown--

boat ?
What boat ?

It's my dad's boat.
It's more like a yacht.

He never uses it.
He's afraid of the water.
It makes him seasick.

It's the only place
he never looks for
me and elise.

Let me be clear.
You two were snakin' around
behind his back.

They didn't have
a choice.

If my dad knew that
they were seeing each other,
he'd have a heart attack.

What difference does it make ?
I'm gonna decide that.

Okay, you tell me everything
that happened from the time
you left the boat.

It's just like Brett said.
We were going to meet him
at a party.

So we went downtown.
I was on Lex.
There was a pileup...

In the center Lane,
so I exited at 96th street.

It was dark.
We ended up in some dockyard.

It was raining like hell,
I end up on the dark side
of the fucking moon.


okay, we're lost.
Thank you.

You're welcome.
So, the first left
or that third right ?

Or maybe that pothole
that threw me off balance.

You're never gonna let me
live this down, are you ?

Lock the doors, babe.
Check the glove box.
See if there's a map.

- Mmm.
- **

mmm. Mmm.

Elise, you're not makin' this
easy on me.

Good. I was goin'
for hard.

Max, promise me

No matter what
my father says or does,
you'll never leave me.


Just promise.

I promise.


You're my angel.

You know that,
don't you ?


* from you, one look

* just one look

* and everything
is shattered *

* from you, one word

* towers burnin'

- **
- elise, just one more thing.

Marry me ?

Max, don't.

No. No, no.

I mean it.
Marry me ?

Please ?


Of course
I'll marry you.
Yeah ?

Yes !

* here we meet
in silent streams *

* we dream *


What do you think ?

Fuck, I pay
the electric bills, I pay
the grocery bills, shoe bills--

she's buyin' shoes
left and right.

Even bring in a vietnamese
chick that I pay twice a week
to paint her toenails.

Cheaper to have
her whacked.

- Wife, I mean.
- I ain't never had
no slope pussy before.

Too young for Korea,
too old for 'nam.

Dr. Mengele, what happened ?
Chop off another finger ?

- No, why ?
- 'Cause I don't feel good.

It's just the medication.
It can tend to make you feel
a little nauseous.

I'll cut it back some.

- Good.
- - Hey, Brett, I'm gonna have to elevate his arm.

And untie it ?
No. No way.

Sorry, I got no choice.
Ah, Brett.

Go ahead.

Don't give me a reason
to use this, Charlie, and you
got nothin' to worry about.

Fine. Come on.
Don't point that.

That gun
is officially
bumming me out.

Brett, just put
the gun away.

- H-he's all tied up.
He can't do anything.
- Sorry, ladies. The gun stays.

- Brett, the fuckin' thing
is pointed right at me.
- The thing could go off.

Ira could get laid. Who cares.
If you don't like it,
go in the other room.

Hey, chase,
could you hand me
that pillow real fast ?

Ira's gonna be very upset
if you spoil his cushion.

pretty funny for a guy with
nine fingers. How we doin', t ?

Yeah, good.
Can I have a drink ?

- Brett, could you get him
some water ?
- That's not what I said.

Yeah, well, we don't want to
do anything that might
jeopardize your life.

It's way too late
for that, my son.

You're no good
to us dead, Charlie.

I'll get the water.

Yeah, maybe a crust of bread
and maybe some nail shavings.

You're gonna be a doctor
like your dad ?
That's the plan.

You better hope the ama
don't get wind
of this episode.

They might hold it
against you.

- You're not gonna tell 'em,
are you ?
- I'm no rat.

I bet it seemed like a good idea
when you were cookin' it up.

It's different
up close and personal.

Rich kid.
You don't have the stomach
for this kind of thing.

- Well--
- the drugs help, right ?

They make you brave.

You've known each other
a long time ?
The guys ?

God, since forever,

- You trust each other
with your life.
- What do you think ? Yes.

Well, what if one of
your friends turned out to be...

Not such a good friend
after all.

Would you stick your
neck out for him still ?

What are you getting at ?

What if I told you
whoever's behind
this kidnapping...

Is using
an inside player.

What do you mean ?
Like somebody who knew elise
helped kidnap her ?

Not somebody who knew her,
somebody in this house.

That's insane.

I don't know where you're
getting your information,
but it's unreliable.

Isn't it ?

That phone call I got,
it comes from outside
high walls and fancy gates.

It comes from a place
you know about
maybe from the movies.

But I come from out there.
And what everybody
out there knows...

Everybody lies.

Cops lie,
newspapers lie,

your parents lie.

The one thing

word on the street.

Yeah, that's solid.

You're a smart kid.
You'll make
a good doctor someday...

If you live.

Yeah. I'm gonna go see
what's keeping Brett
with your water.

Hey. Charlie wants
his water, Brett.

You left him alone ?
Where were you ?
You were coming right back.

I'll get it.
Jesus Christ.

Max, just water,
okay ?

How's he doin' t.K. ?

Oh, he's good.
He's good.

We got a problem,
I think.

What's up, bud ?
What's the problem ?

Uh, Charlie may be
an alcoholic.
Get out !

So what ?
Well, an alcoholic's liver...

- Does not produce vitamin k.
- Which means ?

Vitamin k is essential--
it is a factor that is
essential for blood clotting.

Yeah ? So ?

Blood clotting ?
Well, it's fairly significant.

What, is he gonna
bleed to death ?



His blood pressure's

Oh, fuck.
Fucking great.

Fucking great.
A dead mobster
in the living room.

Great. That'll be
good too. Fuck !

Why didn't you think of this ?
Why didn't you ?

'Cause I'm not
a doctor.

Yeah, well,

neither am I.

You're lookin' good.

I'm talkin' to you !

I'm goin' out.

Well, then how 'bout
you get your new daddy
another beer ?

Now, you ought to learn to
control that temper of yours.

You're gettin' more like
your fuckin' mother
every day.

- What's good enough for her
ain't good enough for you ?

Hey, Jennifer.
Lono, what are you
doin' here ?

What happened to you ?

Wait here, okay ?

Who the hell are you ?

Why don't you just
think of me as, uh,

a friend of the family.

Get the fuck out of
my house, asshole.


if you'll give me
a couple minutes
of your time,

I've got a few things
I'd like to talk to you about.

You know, uh,
what you did
wasn't really your fault.

It's what they call
a genetic defect.

Mom called it "the gene."

My grandfather
had the gene.
He, uh,

came over on the boat
from Ireland in 1912.

And I guess he passed it on
to my old man.

My old man was a great guy.
A real pussycat.
A hard worker.

Big sports fan.
But sometimes,

on his way home
from the docks, he liked to
stop in with the guys,

and have a couple
of beers, you know.

I remember comin' home
from school one day,

and the whole house
was dark.

Couldn't figure it out.

I heard my mom cryin'
off in the dark someplace.

I was old enough at that point;
I could reach
the light switch...

And turn the lights on.

And I saw...

What he did to her.

So I went to my room
and I got the baseball bat--

Mickey mantle model
my old man gave me
for Christmas--

and I found the old man
passed out in the bathtub.

And I tattooed him.

Needless to say,
when I came home every day
from school after that,

the house was lit up
like ebbetts field.

The old man, uh,
never drank again.


all I'm sayin' to you is
if you want to drink,
go ahead and drink.

But if I ever find out
that you laid your hands
on that little girl again,

me and Mr. mantle
are gonna pay you a visit,
my friend.

- Are you done ?
- Yeah, I'm done.



on your way out,
send that little whore
back in here.

I haven't finished
with her yet.

Sorry about
the toaster.
Any time.

There were a couple
of your friends at the bar
this afternoon.

Do you know their names ?
Yeah, Avery,
Max, Brett.

Oh, yeah.
That better ?

Yeah, yeah.
Thank you.

She must be
some kind of woman.

- Who's that ?
- Elise.

Beautiful, huh ?

Oh, she's more
than beautiful.

She's got this way she looks
at you that can just...

Stop your heart,
you know, and make it
start back up again.

- You know any girls
like that ?
- Yeah.

All of them.

So, what's the father
got against you ?

You didn't by chance
chop his finger off ?
Kidnap him ?

No, no.
Elise's old man,

he's such
a fucking hypocrite.

He's like this rich,
fat bastard who's never around,
you know ?

He'll fuck anything warm.

Meanwhile, his wife's at home
hammered on pills and booze...

And can't remember
who she's fucking.

You ever see that movie
the graduate ?

I loved that movie.

Mrs. Robinson--
that's elise's mother.

The one time her husband comes
home early, she's finally gotten
around to banging my father.

Father number three,
but who's countin' right ?

After that,
everybody hated everybody.

I was no longer
allowed to see elise.

But get this,
I'm like-- I'm like
nine years old at the time.

Does that make
any sense to you at all ?

Life don't make sense.
It's not fair.

It doesn't follow logic
or obey orders.

Max, you got a chance
right now.

Stop this
from goin' further.

I know you got no reason
to trust me, but...

You let me walk,
I'll see what I can do
for elise.

My word,
you've got it.

Mr. Barret,

I never wanted to
cut your finger off.
Easy for you to say.

But I can't let you go.

What is that ?

- Shit.
- Oh, that's spooky.

What's goin' on ?

Must be the storm.
Ira, where's the fuse box ?
I don't know.

- Ira, you live here.
- It's outside.... somewhere.

- How 'bout you check it out ?
- What, alone ?
- I'll go with you.

I don't believe you don't know
where your fuse box is, ira.

So sue me, all right ?
What do you do
when it goes out ?

Do you hire somebody
to find it ?
What was that ?

Ira, I heard somethin'.
I gotta run it
by somebody, okay ?



T, come on.
Tell me.

What is it ?

Mr. Barret thinks
there might be
an inside player involved...

In elise's kidnapping.

That one of us
might be in on it.

Oh, Jesus.

Just calm down.
It could be bullshit.
It's gotta be, right ?

The fact of the matter is,
he's probably trying to
throw us off guard. Fact.

Wait. Wait, though.

Hey, this is good.

Now, just hear me out.
If it is true,

we could figure out
who the rat is.

And then--

Then maybe we could
score some points
with Charlie, you know ?

Then maybe
he won't kill us.

He'll just let us off
with a-a-a...
Warning or something.

What ?

Ira, don't even think about
telling anyone
until I figure this out.

Hey. Hey. Buddy,
it's me, all right ?

T.K. And I have
discussed this...

"Inside player" notion.

And I just want
you to know that...

I am on top of it.

Okay ?
I am on top of it.

I'm counting on you.
Yeah ? I won't
disappoint you.


So anyway,
don't worry.

If there is
a snake in the grass,

I will smoke him out,
because that is
just intolerable.

you are the man.

Thank you, sir.

Stop !

On second thought,
the fireplace.

Yeah ?
It's cozy. Also,
I want to be near Brett.

All right.

In front of the fire.

Hi, Brett.
What's up ?

What-- get--
get off of him !

Jesus !

You sound pretty desperate.

I need to find a way to get
in touch with these assholes.
Marty, I don't answer questions.

I'd never ask normally,
but maybe one of your girls
knows something.

I mean, if I don't, I--
it's not gonna be good.

I think he might die.

I mean, well--
I've been with Charlie
for 20 years.

I can't let anything
happen to him.
I owe him.

I do too.
I was a kid when I met him.

** it was the '70s.
We were high all the time.

- When I met Charlie, I was with
this scumbag, Nick the nose.
- Oh, you're beautiful !

What a jerk. I was fucking Nick
up, down and sideways for--

I don't know-- three years,
and he couldn't tell you
what color my eyes were.

When I walked in, the first
thing he noticed were these
shoes I just got...

- From Bergdorf's with 500 bucks
that should've gone to him.
- Come here.

Come here. Come on.

Still look brand new.

tell you what.

When we finish up here--
gonna take you
for a little ride...

He was gonna kill me.
To Bergdorf's.

No doubt about it.
I go right past there.

Drop her off.

I don't think so.

I knew right then and there
three years with this guy
meant nothing.

Then Charlie waltzes in
like a white knight.

But Nick isn't
letting me off that easy.

He wants his pound of flesh.
I can't help noticing.
That's a hell of a ring.

It's nice.

- Charlie saved my life.
He traded his ring for me.
- I noticed you noticing.

Nicky... look at that.
It's for you.

No, I couldn't--
no, it's a gift.

* used to lift her face
and tell her *

- and the next day, I got
a package from Bergdorf's.
- From Bergdorf's.

so, whatever happened...

- To Nick the nose ?
- Well, Charlie
got his ring back.


Hey, Charlie,
what the fuck do you--

* he didn't drop
no amp before *

* but I don't play
'round him anymore *

* if I get to heaven
I'll look for grandma **

if I had to look...

I'd start here.


I think I got an idea
how we might get ahold
of these assholes.

They're laundering the money
through barrio bennie.

Don't touch these fuckin'
buttons ! What did I tell you ?
Sorry. Sorry.

- Charlie likes the car set
a certain way.
- Want me to fix it ?

No, I'll fix it. Keep your
fuckin' hands to yourself.
All right. Sorry.


Hey, hey, big time.
How ya doin' ?


Listen, uh...

There's been
a new wrinkle.
What ?

First you gotta promise me--
promise me--

that you're not
gonna tell anybody.
What are you talkin' about ?

Just promise me first.
Fuck off, ira.

Okay, good enough.

Um, listen...

Charlie has reason
to believe...

That, uh...

There could be a...
Inside player...

On the kidnapping.
He told you that ?

Yes. Yes.

Impossible. No.

Well, this isn't--

I mean, when I have
somethin' solid,
I'll get back to ya.

You know ? Huh ?

You do that, ira.

I mean, come on.
It's me.
We're down, man.

You wouldn't mind
cuttin' that with
a little club soda, huh ?

Didn't think so.

I do appreciate you
taking your shoes off,

Not a problem.
Very cool.

Take care.


what is he doin' here ?
Fuckin' mutt and Jeff.

Hey, lono, if you're
gonna get up there...

You oughta
take somethin' off !

This guy-- I can't believe it.
Jesus Christ.

Hey, boys,
what can I do for you ?

- You kidnapped Charlie,
you fuck !

Fuck !
Oh, ho, Jesus !

Where the fuck are they,
cocksucker ?
All I got is
a phone number !

- Come here !
- Fuck.

Where is it ?
Where is--

- where is this motherfuck--
- you ain't foolin', lono.

It's in my wallet !
Look at this fuckin'
graphite piece of shit.

What did I say, huh ?
Fuckin'-- I'm goin' back
to steel.

I'm addin' strokes to my game.
Fuckin' cost me twice as much.

Graphite golf clubs,
plastic tips-- what the fuck.

Got a number for ya.

Turn on channel 3.
My show's about to start.

I'm in the middle
of watching something.

Three in a row you're watching.
Come on. Turn it.

- Yeah.
- I represent a party interested in paying for the girl.

Yeah ?
Elise chasten.

I'll have
the two million.

No !
Yeah, and I need two hours
and a location for the exchange.

All right. Good-bye.

Well ?
Wrong number.

I'm breakin' your balls,
buddy !

Can you say two...
Million... dollars ?
Whoa, whoa, whoa !

It's happenin', isn't it ?
Two million dollars.
Yeah, baby !

Teek, can I ask you
a question ?
Yeah, sure.

What's up ?

You know, I was watchin'...
When you cut
Charlie's finger off.

Can't get that image
out of my mind.

They did the same thing
to elise.

You think they hurt her
when they did that ?
Don't do that.

Don't, man.
Don't do that
to yourself.

She's gonna be okay.
I know it.


Don't let your mind
fuck with ya.
That's all it is.


I know, it's just--
it's stupid.

It's pointless.
It's dumb.


Stop lookin'
at the boots.

I'm not--
I saw ya out of
the corner of my eye.

I saw you lookin' out of
the corner of your eye.
I like the boots.

I wouldn't spend $1,500.
You gotta be out of your mind.

It's not like snakeskin.
Snakeskin, you grab a gun,

you go in the desert,
you whack a fuckin' snake.

You can kill a snake with
a fuckin' stick. This guy
has to rent the boat,

he's gotta get the diving
equipment, he's gotta rent
one of those harpoon things...

That you shoot the fish with,
he's gotta gut it--

it's an expensive process.
I should've paid $5,000.
I got a great fuckin' deal.

Fuckin' shame.
That's it.

I'm gonna drop you off.
This is like havin' my
mother-in-law in the car.

I think I'm done on this side.

Seen a guy in Vegas, man.
Man, he could do some tricks.

- Jesus.
What, did you read it ?
- Yeah. Twice.

Guys, if I don't bleed
to death pretty soon,
I'm gonna die of boredom.

How about we
kill time instead ?

I have a full boat.

That's a shame, Max.
You know, forgive me saying so,

but could it be,
this is not your night ?

-Heh ! Yeah, tell me about it.
-You ever send a guy a newspaper
with a dead fish in it ?

- Shut the fuck up, man !
- Ah, you got me mixed up with
something from the movies.

- People make that mistake.
It must be my classic profile.
- Ira, shuffle the cards right.

- I am.
- You said you were practicing.

- What difference does it make ?
We're playin' a game.
- Monkey-fuckin' football.

Brett. Join us.
Take a chair.

- Pass.
- What's the matter, you might
enjoy yourself ? It's okay.

You're allowed.
I don't wanna play with you,
Charlie. Sorry.

- Rest of you fags wanna play,
go ahead. Have fun.
- Thanks, Brett, that's--

no fraternizing, eh ?
Oh, well. Have it your way.

Okay, Brett's out.
Five-card draw.

Say, aces, deuces,

one-eyed Jacks
and suicide kings are wild.

- Ira, that's the whole deck.
- So what ? It's my game,
my rules.

Ira, there's no challenge
in that. That's like--

gentlemen, keep in mind that
the cards you hold in your hands
are nothing but dumb luck.

The difference between winning
and losing is being able
to read your opponent.

That's why I'm still here.
A number of times the only thing
kept me out of a satin box...

Was I could size up the
other guy maybe half a second
quicker than he could me.

What the fuck
are you talkin' about ?
You're taped to a chair.

You saw us comin' a mile away
at the Plaza, didn't you ?

- I admit...
- I'm out of practice.

Ira... give me four cards.

Oh, sorry, sir.
No offense.

- Well, you gave me six.
- Take ira, for example.

I trust ira.

- You do ?
- We're playin' poker.
He's losin' his shirt.

Yet, ira's eyes don't float.
He's got his sense of fair play.

As we all know,
ira can't bluff his way
out of a paper bag.

I can tell you his bet
before he could.

Well, could you ?
'Cause I could use
the help here, Charlie.

Look at Avery.

He's havin' a tough time
hatin' me.

You have to have
a real hate-on to do
what you did to me.

Integrity keeps gettin'
in Avery's way.

Now he wants us to believe
he's a mind reader.

- That's right.
- I fold.

- Ira, no one opened.
- Sorry.

- I'll open.
- That makes sense.

- Fold.
- That also makes sense.

How about Brett,
control junkie ?

Brett can't leave
anything to chance.
Look at him.

He wouldn't even play,
unless he's looking across
the table at a sure thing.

I don't have to take this shit.
I'm outta here.

I thought he'd never leave.

You're 180 off on Brett.
He's a wild man.

We're in Atlantic city,
I had to lock him in a room.

What happened ? He dropped
a couple of quarters
in the slots ?

Huh ! About 48,000 quarters.

We drove down to Jersey
on Memorial Day.

- Labor day.
- Uh--

whatever. Just shut up,
okay ? I'm tryin' to tell
a story here.

- Ira.
- What ?

You can't tell a story here.
You can't tell a story anywhere.
You screw it up every time.

- No, I do not.
- You're doing it now.

That's because you guys
interrupt every time.
I can't keep my place.

I forget where I was.
If you get the goddamn
story straight,

we wouldn't have
to interrupt you to get
the goddamn story straight.

- Well, is somebody going
to tell a story ?
- I was telling the story !

Just shut the fuck up.
I'll tell it.
You fuck it up every time.

It was labor day, ira,
like t.K. Said.

It was scorchin' outside,
it was so fuckin' hot.
Don't you remember that ?

The room was freezin' though.
You could hang meat in this
room, it was so damn cold.

It was good for business.
It keeps you awake.

We're poundin' sauce.
Free booze.
What they lose on that...

They make up
on Johnny Walker judgment.

It's gettin' really late.
The sun's about to come up.
We'd all lost our shirts.

Maxed out the plastic.
Except for Brett.

Brett's winnin',
like, huge.

That's when it happened.

Changing of the guard.

No-o-o !

Word had it they brought
this guy in from Vegas
after two suicides.

It's the guy they brought
in to cool the table down.
You know what they call him ?

Hello, boys !
The widowmaker.

What a little shit
this guy was.

It's like the kid
that reminds the teacher
about the homework assignment.

Oh !
Well, that's this kid
grown up.

Anyway, Brett's 22 grand ahead,
so I figure it's safe
to go to the John, right ?

Wrong. Gone five minutes,
I come back, he's down 12.

I try to talk him into
changing tables, but he
takes out a marker.

- You fuckin' believe that ?
- Oh-h-h !

Right then Avery walks up.
He's just got done sweatin' out
the Georgetown-mississipi game,

but at ten to one,
he's come out five grand ahead.

He takes one look at this little
wimp, and he dumps his five gs
right on top of Brett's action.

These clowns, they're gonna
take the widowmaker's balls home
and his luggage with one hand.

So what does
Brett the genius do ?
He doubles down !

Widowmaker looked him
right in the eye,
and he drew one card.

Whoa-ho-ho-ho-ho !
Sorry !

I'm sorry.
Gimme the money !

The guy, he's--
he's got rocks
the size of rushmore.

Oh, come on guys ! Don't leave.
Weren't we just havin'
a good time ? Come on !

Come on, come on !
Whoa, whoa, whoa !

Afterwards, Brett takes
his last 200 bucks,

- he takes us all out for steaks the size of your foot.
- What a guy.

He drops 20 grand, he ain't got
money left for a bus ticket
home, he takes you for steaks.

It must be nice
to have rich folks.
You don't know his father.

He's got the first nickel
he ever made.

So, how's he gonna pay back
the 20 large ?

The interest alone is enough
to give you a nosebleed.

What ?

My arm, it's killing me.

Loosen the tape.
It's falling off.

So, you know what ?
How ya feelin' ?

That's it.
Ooh ! Yeah.
Yeah ?

Couple minutes.
Try to keep it level.
Ooh, yeah.

What are you doin' ?
What the fuck are you doin' ?
No, no, no !
Hey !

- No !
- You fucker ! I was sittin'
on a straight flush there !

Brett, will you relax ? He
doesn't have the blood pressure
to walk around the room !

Look at him !
What are you worried about ?
We had a fuckin' plan !

That's what I'm worried about !
I want to stick to the plan !

- Uh, maybe that's not all
you're worried about, huh ?
- What the fuck does that mean ?

Go ahead, t.K.
Ask him.

Ask me what ?
Ask me what ?
Go on, t.K. T.K. !

Shut up !
Ask me what ?

Just answer this question,
okay ?

All that money in Atlantic city
that you lost-- how were you
gonna pay it back ?

- Yeah, how were you
gonna pay that back, huh ?
- None of your business. Why ?

Well, you see,
it's been brought
to Charlie's attention...

That one of us might be
in on elise's kidnapping.

What ?
Well, that's how I felt.

But, you know,
maybe it's not that crazy.

And, uh, $20,000
is a lot of money.

So, if you have nothing
to hide, you should have
no problem telling us...

How you were gonna
pay it back, right ?

Ira, you're my friend.
Shut the fuck up !
Shut up !

- He sounds guilty to me.
- Ira !

- Fuckin' faggot ! Come here !
- Hey, hey, hey !

Hey, Brett ! Come on !
Avery, Avery. Ooh.
Don't tell me...

Your buyin' into this fuckin'
load of bullshit !

He's makin' up stories
to save his own ass !

Look, you calm down,
all right ?

I don't think that
anybody here is involved in
elise's kidnapping, all right ?

But I think that it
might be time that we
revaluate our plan.

Why ? The plan's working, man.
He fucking made the call. Why ?

I think we should
just let Charlie go.

- Me too.
- Ira, shut the fuck up.

He's not doin' so well.
We should get him to a hospital.

What the fuck ? I leave
the room, you guys roll over
like five-dollar whores.

You have a drink with the guy,
next thing you know,
he's best man at your wedding.

What the fuck did he do ?
Sprinkle fairy dust up
your skirts ? Come o--

Avery. Avery !
Buddy, man--

this is your sister's life
we're talkin' about, man.

What the fuck ?
Man, look at us.

We cut his fuckin' finger off !
Man, you're walkin' around
with a gun !

This isn't us.
We're no better than he is.

Tell Elsie that.

He had nothing to do
with elise's kidnapping.
He had nothing to do with it.

Don't you understand that ?
He didn't do anything !

It doesn't matter ! Whoever
did the actual kidnapping--
it's a fucking technicality !

- Go ahead. Look that up
in the constitution.
- Max, shut up.

Brett, he's not guilty.

But he's responsible, man.
Come on.

Let me tell you, the best soap
in the world won't wash the scum
off this guy's hands.

I promise.
Let me enlighten you, Avery,

about your new friend
here Charlie; About what
he's really like.

You want to tell him about
the dogs or should I ?

No, you're doing good.

Jump in any time.

About a year ago,
Charlie had a house in Jersey.

He moves in. Next-door
neighbors have dogs. Two dogs ?
They're barkin' all night long.

Charlie goes over, the nice guy
that he is, asked them
to keep the noise down.

Next night after that, same
fuckin' dogs-- bark, bark, bark.
All fuckin' night long.

Next night after that
and the next night after that,
until one night--

nothin' man.

No more noise.

Cops got there about a week
later. The dogs were fine.
Happier than pigs in shit,

munchin' on top sirloin.

The neighbors--
Avery, the neighbors--
they never fuckin' found.

Okay ? Gone.
How am I doin', Charlie ?
Is that about right ?

-Bet that was a rumor. He's not
involved with the mob anymore.

Oh, give me a fuckin' break !
How do you think he was able...

To find your sister
with one phone call ?

Coincidence ?
Come on.

Your friend is right.
It's not a coincidence.

I was able to contact
the right people,
the way you counted on.

It's a good thing for you
that I am who I am and I do
what I do and I know who I know,

otherwise, your princess
would be chopped up
and in the blender by now.

Even after what you did to me,
I kept my part of the bargain.

No more.
Who do you think
you're dealing with ?

Guess again. You want to know
what else I could do
with one phone call ?

How about I have your ass
made into mincemeat ?

I'll tell you what in fact
happened with my neighbors.

It's got nothing to do
with barking dogs.

That family, way back,
did something...

Vicious to mine.

Everything your pal Brett
said is true,

except he left out

those dogs--

it was not steak
they were eating.

Guys, it's for him.

Charlie, you there ?

The terms have been offered and accepted.

These guys are gonna make sure
the money is in play,
that I'm gone...

And nobody's watching us,
and then they're gonna
drop the girl off...

At the emergency room
at the Lennox hill hospital.

You got that ?
I'll be fronting you the money.
I know you're good for it.

Remember, the banks
don't open till 10:00,
so don't go dying on me.

Remember, I'm a lawyer.
I got friends in hell.

So, what ?
Is it still a go,
or what ?

One second.

You wanna play... still ?


Now we play my way.

I give my friend the go-ahead.
You tell him where we are.

I want my own driver
waiting outside that door.

So's you got no opportunity

crap out
on your part of this.

- Forget it. You're going
to have to trust us.
- No. You trust me.

Well, how 'bout
something nearby ?

- Yeah, not here.
- A hotel.

Yeah, good.

Hmm ?

Restaurant. Gas station.

No comment ?

call the whole thing off.

- No. No, please.
- Middlebury inn.

It's a half-mile away.
It's in montauk.
It's got a coffee shop.

Middlebury inn.
Montauk. Got that ?

- The middlebury inn.
Okay, so how do I get there ?
- How do you get there ?

Yeah, it's easy. Hi, sir.
Yeah, take 124th street to--

no, wait a minute. Why should
he go through that kind of
traffic ? Put him on the, uh--

there's no traffic at this hour.
Take 2nd Avenue
to the midtown tunnel.

Just shut up, shut up.

Who do you got there ?
The New York
taxi drivers' union ?

Take central park west
to parkway central to Lennox
then to 125th;

125th to the tribrough bridge,
the central park expressway
or the Southern states.

Let's get this over with.

- You got that ?
- Yeah, I got it.

Take care of yourself,


So, she's okay ?

Thank you,
Mr. Barret.
Anytime, kid.

I must say that those were
terrific directions, Max.

Turns out you're some kind
of eagle scout. I had no idea
you spent that much time uptown.

I used the library up there
at Columbia.

You got balls, kid.
I'd hate to get stuck up there
alone, especially at night.

It happened to me once.
When I was a kid,
I started out...

Do you mind ?
Taking bets,
making collections for numbers.

All of the five boroughs.
I ran my ass off.

I knew every street upside
down and backwards,

but I'd never been
that far uptown before.

I fell asleep on a subway
and missed my stop.

I come out, I looked around.
To me it was like...

I landed on, uh--
what Max said--

the dark side of the moon.


I'm sorry.
I'd love to sit around
and reminisce,

but could someone
tell me the point
of this fuckin' memoir ?

Well, I'm wondering how come
a day and a half ago,

Max can't navigate
his way around Harlem
with a Shepherd guide,

but tonight he knows the place
like his backyard.

I don't know what the hell
you're talkin' about.
What I said.

How could you get lost up there,
as well you know the place ?

Isn't that where you were
with the girl
when this happened ?

Yeah ? So ?
Like I said, it was dark out.
It was raining.

- It happened to you.
You said so yourself.
- I was eight at that time.

Don't tell me you're backin'
this inside player thing.

I'm bleeding to death.
Humor me.

- You wanna waste your breath ?
Go ahead.
- Well, one would question--

- how'd they know
to find you there ?
- How the fuck should I know ?

We've been all through this
with the police. I don't see
how saying it one more time...

Is gonna help anybody.
Cops can't find their dick
with both hands.

Or, maybe it happened

What do I know ?
I'm old. I'm tired.
I'm a senior citizen.

I think you had
a little too much blood
lost to the brain.

Maybe. Maybe not.
You know, Max, I understand
how this could happen.

I'm not sayin' it's okay it
happened, but in a certain light
it's not as crazy as it seems.

I don't know what the fuck
you're talkin' about.
Stay with me.

See if what seems crazy
don't start to make sense.

I know guys could
talk the virgin Mary
into posing for a centerfold...

And make her think
it was her idea
in the first place.

Let's say you owe these kinda
guys something. You can't
pay them back. Not now.

So, they wear you down.
They scare you pretty bad.

They make you feel there's
no way out of this mess
you got yourself into.

Then they tell you
it's your lucky day.
They're gonna do you a favor.

Not a favor they'd do
for anybody.

Also, they tell you if you do
what they say, nobody gets hurt.
Am I gettin' warm ?

You haven't moved
the Mercury yet.

I'm not that far off,
am I ?

By the time these bottom feeders
finish turning dogshit
into diamonds,

you let yourself be talked into
doing something you'd never do
in a million years.

- Huh ? It could happen.
- Shut up, Charlie !

It Doe happen.
And it always starts
with the first...

Bet or babe or snort,
fix, whatever,

until it becomes easy,
and after that you don't
feel nothin'... at all.

Right ? T.K.

Tell 'im, Max.

- Yeah. Tell me, Max.
- You don't know shit, Charlie.

Your eyes are floatin',

- Fuck you !
You don't know who I am !
- You're guilty as shit.

Tell 'im, Max.

Just fuckin'
tell 'im, Max.

- Tell me, Max.
- Tell 'im, Max.

- I never wanted to cut your
finger off, all right ?
- Tell your friends...

You're sorry.
I never wanted anyone
to get hurt.

What the fuck
does that mean ?

Tell 'im you didn't
do it, Max.
Tell 'im.

Come on, Max.
Just tell 'em you're sorry.

Say "I'm sorry."
That's all.

Say "I am sorry."

Come on, Max.
Say you're sorry !

Tell 'im, Max.
Tell 'im !

I'm sorry.

Motherfucker !
T.K., bring your bag over here !
Now ! Do it !

Bring your fuckin' saw !
Now !

- Brett, put the gun--
- shut up, Avery !

- T.K., come on ! Do it !
Bring it over here !
- T.K., don't !

Go in the other room.

Bring your bag over here !
Come on ! Do it !
Bring that fuckin' saw !

- Oh, Brett, man.
- We had a plan !

An eye for an eye,
an ear for an ear
and all that fuckin' shit !

Well, we fucked up, all right ?
We got the wrong fuckin' guy
in the chair !

T.K., hurry up !
Remember the fuckin' plan, Max ?
You fucked us !

- Do it, t.K., now ! We cut
the wrong guy's finger off !
- Take it easy.

- Take it easy !
- No !

- Avery !
- No !

No, no ! Come on !
Okay, Brett ! You're right !

We got the wrong guy.
We cut the wrong guy's
finger off.

But it wasn't Max.

It wasn't Max, man.
It wa--

it wasn't Max.
It was me.

It was me.
I did it.

Ah-- no. No.
You fuck.

[ Quietly
why, man ?

Look, it was-- it was
a dartmouth-unc game.

I took the points.
It was a no-brainer.

I lost $25,000.
I didn't think it
would happen twice.

So, you know,
I let it ride.

By the end of the day,
I was into Antoine
for 50,000.

I couldn't go to my dad.
Not again.

I figured the worst thing that
could happen was I pay the debt
off for the rest of my life.

Oh, no !

And then...

Shut up.
Antoine laid
the debt off.

It was just like
Charlie said.
It was--

it was my lucky day,
you know ?

They were gonna
give me a way out.
He sent these gorillas.

You never seen gorillas
like these guys !

They were gonna fuckin'
kill me ! They were
gonna kill me for real.

- Shut up.
- Look, I-- it wasn't-- no.

They told me
that they were just
gonna hold elise--

put the gun down, Brett.
Put it down.

They told me that
no one would be hurt.
They swore to me.

I didn't know what to do.
I was so fuckin' scared.

No. And Max--

he didn't have any-- I just
needed his help. He did it
for me. It's not his fault.

Those bastards, man !
In the note they asked
for $2,000,000.

That wasn't the plan !

They told me that
no one would be hurt,

They would just
hold elise.

Aw, I'm fuckin' sorry.
They were gonna kill me !

Okay ?

I'm sorry.

- You kidnapped
your own fucking sister ?
- Ow ! Oh !

Are you fucking out of your
mind ? I can't believe
you dragged us into this !

What about us, motherfucker ?
Huh ? What about us ?

We were gonna fuckin'
play poker, and now we're
all gonna fuckin' get killed !

You motherfucker ! Explain
to me what individual...
Ira ! Ira !

Kidnaps his own
fucking sister !

Get the fuck off of me !
Get off of me !
Calm the fuck down !

Get off of me !

Yeah ?

Lono, it's me, Marty.
I got the location.

No, Marty.
I don't need directions.

Thanks for cleanin' up,
guys, but I'm good.

I'm-I'm better now. Come on.
I really, really am.
Yeah ?

Tell that to
the television set.
And to the glass table.

I'm sorry. Sometimes you have
to get it out, and I got it out,
and I feel better.

Uh, look--

fuck. Goddamn it !

Fuck !

- This is so ridiculous.
- I should--


You a the man.

Again ?

So you're going to drop the girl
at the emergency room
at the Lennox hill hospital.

Are we gonna go through
this again ? I got it !
Swap the girl for the money.

Oh, sh--

what the fuck are you
doin' here ? I thought
I told you to feed her.

I fed her yesterday.

Relax ?
You left her alone ?
Go fuckin' feed her !

Guys ! Guys !

- All right.
Fuck ! Jesus Christ !
- Yeah, huh--

- mmph !
- Jesus fuckin' Christ !

- What are you guys, nuts ?
Drop the gun.
- No. You drop the gun.

Drop the gun.

- All right. Take it easy.
That's lono. He's a friend.
- All right.

- I'm gonna blow your friend's
head off. Drop the gun.
- Don't put it down.

- Thanks, Brett.
- Put the fuckin' gun down !

Fuck is that ?

- Nothing, just--
fucking girlfriend.

Chickie. Call the woman back.
Come on.

- Charlie, what do you
want me to do ?
- Shoot...

No !


Mmph ! Mmph !

Oh, fuck ! Why me ?

- It was your idea, dunsky.
- Ow !

- You okay ?
- Ah, so-so. Except for this.

They cut your finger off ?
You fuckin' sick fucks.

It's all this fuckin' rap shit,
isn't it ? Who's he ?

That's ira.
That's my man.

It's his house.
It's a nice house.

- Oh, thank you.
- You're welcome.

Avery, put it down. You'll
shoot yourself in the foot.

- I can't let you go.
- Charlie, what do you--
come on.

- Let me fuckin' shoot this kid.
- Thank your lucky stars
I don't let lono do to you...

- What he would like to do.
- Fuckin' "a" right.

You let lono take me
outta here right now,
everything goes ahead...

Like nothing changed.
I can't let you go.

- Mmph ! Mmph !
- We don't have a choice.

I got a gun in my hand !
We have a choice !

You wanna end up
like your friend on the floor ?
Drop the gun. Get it over with.

If we let him go,
elise is as good as dead.

Christ, Avery.
We don't let him go,
we're all dead.

At least this way,
elise has got a shot.

Okay, here's the plan.
I'm takin' Charlie with me
to the hospital, okay ?

You'll get your sister back.
Maybe you'll live
to see graduation.

What guarantee do I have
if I let you go, you won't
back out on this deal ?

Avery... you got my word.

- Do you believe this fuckin' guy ?
- -What are you doin' ?

- I'm lettin' him go.
- Ah ! At last.
Obviously a graduate.

No, you're not.

I'm not kidding.

put the fucking gun down.

What are you gonna do,
shoot me ?

Do whatever you gotta do,
but I'm lettin' him go.

The gun again.
Can't you guys just play nice ?

- Drop the gun, asshole.
- Look, why don't you
drop your gun.

- I don't drop
my fuckin' gun, okay ?
- Okay.

The ring--
uh, you'll need this.

Hey, hey !
Hey !

I-I-I, I made fresh ice,
that's all.

I did that,
okay ?

Sorry about that.

Sir ? Sir ?

I know you're in kind
of a hurry, but remember
how you said I'm your man ?

That was great.
And how I had nothin'
to do with this.

Okay, suck-up. Let's go.

- Let's go.
- All right, you guys...
Become invisible.

Take care.

Ira, come here.

You a the man.
Remember that.


That's fresh ice.
That's very cold.

Marty. Yeah.
Everything goes ahead.

- Charlie, remember,
it's my money.
- Yeah, yeah.

Where you goin' ?

- Lennox hill.
- Pick up my sister.

Here's the gun.
Where're you goin' ?

To pull the car around
for Brett. I gotta
get him to the hospital.

Where're you goin' ?
Um, bathroom. And shit !
I gotta call chickie !

Who's gonna help me
clean up ?

Excuse me.
Excuse me, I'm in
the middle of something.

Excuse me,
talk to you later.

You'll have to get in line.
No, it'll take a second.
It's my sister.

Elise chasten.


She's here.
She might be in a room;
She might've just arrived.

I don't know.

Nope, not here.

There must be a mistake.

I got chadwick,
I got chule--
there's no chasten here.

I told you,
she's not here.
Okay ?

Are you sure ?


Maintenance to fifth floor
nurses station.

The doctor says
it'll be okay.
What about the girl ?

All right, boss,
I don't want you to get
too excited about this...

But the girl
never made it
to the hospital.

That's just
bad business.
I know.

Very bad.

Fuckin' tragic.

Look at the bear !
Yeah !


Wafflers ?

What the fuck
d'you do that for ?

- Where's the money ?
- What money ?

Every answer you give me,
I don't like it--
he takes a bullet.

Where's the money.

It's in the bathtub
in the bathroom.

Mr. bartolucci, I didn't know
it was your money. If I knew,
I never would have accepted it.

- Where's the girl ?
- What girl ?

The girl I paid you $2 million
to let go, Guinea moron.

Mr. bartolucci, you gotta
believe me. I swear to you on
the grave of my unborn children.

We never kidnapped a girl.
It was all like a, a-a-a--

shut up.

Uuh !
Aagh !

Think they were
tellin' the truth ?

* clear sunlight

* somehow I found you here

* told from the hope
and fear *

* holds us inside

this feels
a little light.

So, I understand
you bought Avery's debt.

The three of you
came up with a plan.
That's good.

I mean, $50,000,
that's a lot of money.

Yeah, no shit,

- How would you gentlemen like
to make 20 times that amount ?
- Million dollars ?

- What's in it for you ?
- Avery's debt's completely
wiped off the books...

- And he never finds out
about this conversation.
- And ?

* from you, one look

* just one look

* and everything
is shattered *

- so, who do we kidnap ?
- Nobody.

- Everybody's gonna think
you got me.
- Ahh. Okay.

See, that's good.
Very good.

And the beautiful part is,
nobody gets hurt.

Let's go.

* arms that surround
like the sun *

* faith in the life
we've begun *

* that holds us inside

* ooh-ahh

* from you, one look

* just one look

* and everything
is shattered **

that's a nice tan.

Too bad to spoil
your vacation.

Where's the fuckin' money ?

I'll get it.


Max, I love you.

I'm sorry.
Me too.

Look at me.

All this was your idea,
right ?


Max, you were right about her.
You should never lie
to your friends.

Closed-captioned by
captions, inc. Los Angeles