Sud sumasshedshikh (1962) - full transcript

The Trial of Madmen

Whatever you say, similar incidents
happen in the world: rarely, but they happen.

This is a picture
from the life of a madhouse.

Yes and no.

Maybe it's about the United States.

Do you mean the United States of America?
- Of course.

This country ranks 1st
in the number of mental illnesses.

No, the action does not necessarily
take place in this country.

But in which one?
- In whatever you want.

The country is uncertain.
- The streets, houses and costumes?

And it is very vague.

Well, what then is defined in this film?

Biographies of several of my friends.
Yours friends.

And even countries and states,
if you try to see.

Do you see how he is in a hurry?

It’s quite clear.
He's happy, mister director.

Do you think so?
- I'm sure.

Even great physicians do not always
sign contracts for such amounts.

But he hasn't signed yet.
- But he took the contract with him.

Yes, but...
- Do you doubt his intentions?

Life taught me this.

When does he plan to fly to Europe?
- The day after tomorrow.

The day after tomorrow, well...

Johnny. Nobody called me?
- Many calls, Professor.

But Mr Stark didn't call. - OK.
- I assume that he hasn't arrived yet.

Yes, of course.

What happened with you?
- You have not been yourself recently.

Are you sick?

No, everything is fine.


Do you remember that old song?
- Which one?

About a rabbit.
- Yesss...

There was a dark evening.

The earth cracked to its heart.

Stars were falling from the sky.
The earth cracked to its heart.

Stars were falling from the sky.

Like monkeys from branches.

During a hurricane.

And then a little rabbit came out

And blew against the storm.

And the storm of
his red eyes was frightened.

And the God of thunder
beat himself on his round belly

Like a tom-tom drum.

Like a tom-tom.

And he laughed and cried with laughter.

And the hurricane subsided.

And the winds drifted away.



Hi, Johann.

We just came from the airfield.

Why don’t you ask who we are?
- Yes?

We are me and Claire.
- The same Claire?

Yes-yes. That unbearable Claire.

Who was an unbearable
journalist in Moscow.

And now has become my unbearable wife.
- My own.

How do you like this owner, Professor?

I like it very much.
I congratulate you, Mrs. Stark.

Well, I see you like us.

Frankly, I never really doubted that.

But I am absolutely convinced
that you never read any of my articles.

And you don’t know about
any of my speeches in Europe.

No, this time you're wrong, buddy.

You see, I read your articles. about peace,
and the prohibition of wars at the UN

and even in our newspaper.

And even with your hatred of politics.

Yes, and I even know in Paris you fought with ultra
and in Moscow interviewed in the Kremlin.

If you only knew,
I was really waiting for you, Dick.

Wait, you sound
really strange, Hans.

You see, I have to make a speech this morning
at the Association of Modern Science.

Forgive me,
but I really want you to be there.

Me? At a special meeting
on radiation energy in medicine?

My speech will be important
for your newspaper.


Have you become involved
in politics, my friend?

I don't know.

I don't know. I have no other choice.
I have to stop a crime.

Professor! We took ??? just 2 times
higher than the threshold.

6 objects in the dark.
- The results are better than before.

You can use this
in your report, Professor.

There will be no report.

Did you refuse to speak?

Yes and no.

Misuki, you have to stay here.

Please observe all events in the
association hall and record on a VCR.

What's with the professor?
- I don't know.

Don't get involved in all this.
I beg you not to.

In the end, I'm not only your student.
- But also the owner.

Son of Hagger, grandson of Hagger.

Stop, Hans.

I didn’t have a great-grandfather.

Haggers don't go further than grandfathers.

Professor, I don't think
you can quite imagine.

I just won’t let you go. I'll stand
at the door and won't let you go.

I'm very moved, Mikael.

Dear Mike.

But in this case,
I just have to go around you.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the conclusion is clear.

Immersing your body in waves of radiation
with a precisely dosed spectrum

we can shift the life processes,
turn them back.

Consuming wave energies,
as we drink grape juice,

as we drink wine.

We can eliminate sclerosis.

But most importantly,

we can regain our youth

in all its charms.

I can imagine how much
this second youth is worth.

But then they give out
premature old age for free.

True, some pedants doubt my theory.

Let the facts testify.
Come in.

Miss, welcome.

Here are my patients.

There is no one under 50.

Well, of course. My experiments
are still not quite perfect.

And alas, it is still very expensive.

But I'm sure that over time,
humanity will learn

to shed old age
like a snake sheds its skin.

Applaud, cousin. The Frenchman looks
like a jellyfish and this is monstrous.

I'll stab you with pins.

Ah, Fred!

And your wife looks lovely.

No one will believe her more than 60.

You've become so much prettier, darling.

But unfortunately,
I could not do more with your material.

And here's Professor Martini and your stepson.
- They are worried about something.

It's obvious. After this charming lady
nobody will want to hear Professor Martini.

Boring as a school equation.
I'm not sorry, but I'll take a nap again.

And I have to listen
once he works in our laboratory.

With some words about the modern
magnetic image recording state

and some of its applications in medicine
is Professor Martini.

I've never seen this lab
in such a state, mummy.


My friends.

I ask the high assembly to excuse me,

but firstly, I have to cancel my report.

And secondly, I'm not the one
you take me for.

I'm not Martini.

This is the surname of my mother,
she's Italian.

I am Hans Werner.

- Which Werner?

Obviously the famous one.

But he died.

Alive, as you see.

Are you the author
of works on the biological action

of radio waves, Munich 1933?


And today I have to talk about it.


Wer stood in my way.

I have to tell you about myself.

I was born in Europe

in a small gothic town.

My father was a physician and he taught me
to love science for the sake of science.

And my mother was a pianist.

She died returning from a tour of Norway.

The ship ran into a mine.

Father could not survive her death.
And soon died too.

At 24, I was already a professor.

I managed to get sources
of powerful radiation.

In our observations

we discovered the effect of these emissions

on complex organic matter.

Moreover, with these emissions

we were able to influence
the creation of protein.

Life from the inanimate.

Apparently we were close to...

to controlling life itself.

Much has been found,

but the last decision was not given to me.

I worked for months
without leaving the labs.

Not noticing the seasons.

And the change of governments.

Don't be distracted.
We are losing time, colleagues.

The experiment won't wait.

Don't whip up time, Hans.
It's already running too fast.

Dear Greta, it seems to me
that I don't have time for anything.

Truth does not like procrastination.
It says so.

Kurt, take your place.

I'm afraid, Hans.
- Yes?

How could the Nazis not be able to put
this truth into their wide pocket.

I always knew that you were "red",
but I didn’t think you were a coward.

Does the cure displace
metabolic processes?

Well, of course, of course.

Of course, decaying products
poison the brain.

We must try again.

Are you crazy, Hans.

I'll try it on myself.

Everything is fine.

Maybe we did not comprehend life.

But we open another gap in death.

Well, that is too gloomy, Kurt.

Dear teacher,
I paved the way for the Fuhrer’s heart.

And here at any moment you can be a victim
of the enemies of our national doctrine.

So its more appropriate that you
continue the experiments in my laboratory.

Do you have a lab?
The gods are laughing.

Chemist! As far as I know,
you applied this science

only to fake paintings.

There you will be more comfortable.
The experimental space will be inexhaustible.

Do we seem to be studying together?

Oh, yes. But I always
considered you to be my teacher.

It's a pity.

Get out!

It's seems that we still have the Republic.
- It only seems so to you.

And I agree with him.

He's probably right, isn't he, Gruber?

Power is always right.

I forbid touching my device.

Don't you dare!



Where are they?
Where are they?

Don't worry about them,
dear Professor. What to do.

As you see Kurt, Greta,
even to you they ceased to obey.

We had to save your device from them.

I understand that
it’s very difficult for you now.

But you will rest,
think about it, and visit us.

You make this decision freely.

Because what's freedom?
The order of the powerful.

This is the concept of our discipline.

It's not us who will decide
about life and death.

Others will do it.

They want to appreciate
your experiments.

Werner, Gruber, Gruber & Werner.

We will achieve a lot, dear Professor.

Alright, alright. I'll think about it.
Just leave. Leave.

He was so sure of my
free choice,

that he risked leaving me alone.

Freedom? The order of the powerful?

The order of the powerful.
It's not for us to judge life and death.

Not us.

But why then live.

Why then live.

Kurt died.

And Greta...

They wrote about her in the newspapers.

Saved by the Russians from the death camp,

she handed over to the first soldier
who approached her

a piece of birch bark
speckled with formulas.

she cried, laughed
and could not say a word.

Now her work in the field
of bioelectronics is known to everyone.

And she's here.
In this hall.

Our roads have completely diverged.

Saved then by the port workers,
I barely came to my senses.

I finished with Werner
and became Martini.

I moved to Paris.


Seine boulevards, rain.

I love its large drops.

There I first noticed spring.

Since I am alive, I will live.

Actually, I never did this.

Then the war.

Moving here. Synthesis laboratory.

I was working again.
Even with pleasure.

Some results made my new name
famous in industrial circles.

And suddenly,

the past grabbed me by the throat.

Among other radio-physicists

Professor Martini was invited to the
military industrial concern laboratory

for production evaluation

and participation in further development

of one new invention

brought from Europe.

Would this seem unusual?!

This device with a certain,
unfortunately, still limited distance

affects the entire nervous system of a man.

Different dosages lead to different effects.


Furious agitation.




We conducted these tests in a small town.

According to our information
everyone has returned to their senses.

And finally, in case of sorrowful need,


This is a sentenced criminal.

We took him for our experiment.
As you can see, he loses his will and mind.

Such is the effect of these rays.

I believe that for such
a highly qualified audience

there's no need to prove
all the advantages of this invention.

Simple, economical, humane, without bombs,
without wounds, without blood,

in silence.

We called this concentrated form
of directed energy:

Wer energy.

In honor of its creator,
our great compatriot.

Professor Hans Werner.
Who died in 1933.

Professor Martini?


The mystery will remain a mystery.

You will return to your glorious name,
when the right time comes.

This will be the second coming of genius.

You remind me painfully of someone.

Then I was invited to the concern again.
But now alone.

There I was met with fanfares.

I was offered astronomical sums of money.

They called me for extraordinary research.

To penetrate the new secrets
of life and death.

I was stunned.
I could not refuse.

I am human.
And it is human nature to strive,

find out and understand
where opened paths lead to.

I shuddered and
walked down these roads.

I did not sleep at night.
But could not turn back.

And I agreed.
I became Werner once again.

I vowed to keep secrets.
But I already knew.

Deep down in my soul I knew,
that I was fooling myself.

Our roads cannot converge.
We met at the crossroads.

Soon they put their cards on the table.
They invited me to fly to Europe.

They said:

"You will be present
at the test of these devices".

Oh, experimental space

will be huge.

The Bible says:

"When Cain killed his brother Abel,
The earth cried out to heaven".

Too late, too late!
She should have done it before.

I do not want Abel's death.

My friends, I find out that soon
these experiments will be done

from West to East, near the line
separating the two states of my homeland.

People, thousands of people
will perish in their homes, on the streets.

Their brain will be depressed
by blows of invisible waves.

Gentlemen from the concern
require the prohibition of the atomic bomb,

but at the exact same moment are creating
a new and even more devastating weapon.

To kill.

Drive out immediately.




I see.

I came to you because time is running out.

I am tearing up this vile contract.

Know everyone that on the 26th...

Nonsense! It's a lie!

Bite your tongue, BRET!
Nonsense! It's a lie!

Bite your tongue, BRET!




It's a lie!


Stop further provocation!


Please, calm down.
Keep calm, gentlemen.

We just saved you
from an unpleasant scene.

The Professor has had
an attack of acute insanity, gentlemen.

It's violence! Monsters! - We know
your tricks only too well. - How dare you?!

Doctors will examine the professor. Werner's
speech is a madman's. He must be cured.

He's mad!

And this is the result.
- I foresaw this.

Untie the professor.

Well. Untie him.

And do not ascribe to us
the Gestapo methods.

It's outdated, gentlemen.

We just want to help
the mighty intellect of Werner

find itself again.

Well, what's new?

I call to inform you.
We have dozens of letters.

From a number of scientists
to the professor. Including Liana Grey.

Michael? Tomorrow morning
all this will be published.

What about the magnetic tape?
- The same.

Do you remember what the professor did
before leaving for the association?

He sang.
Yes, he sang a song.


Yes, he sang a song
about a little rabbit.

He will be killed.

Excuse me.

I am surprised about
your excellent mood, Siegfried.

It alone saves you, Monsieur Michel.

If you want to know, you are to blame.

Don't pay attention to her.
She's deaf and dumb.

How many years have
you known this Professor Martini?

Long ago, in Paris. He'd sell me books.
Things were hard back then. He earned so little.

But you, as I recall, weren't interested in
Professor Martini, but my cousin Suzy.

I didn't tell you everything.

We involved this professor
in our secret meeting because of you.

Remember what you wrote?

Martini is placid and humble.

He loves peace, tennis and chess.
A political zero.


What to do?! The fox is cunning,
but even he falls into the trap.

We pay your bills but not for jokes.

Although in the end
maybe it's all for the best.

The trump card is in our hands.
Do you know what this Werner is?

His mind is worth a whole country.

If we can tame him
glory awaits us all.

And I beg you, gentlemen,
inform your newspapers

that no trials were
supposed to happen in Europe.

- It was not intended.

Are you sure about that?
- Sure thing.

In any case,
he wants to convince us of this.

Speaking of war, Professor Werner
didn't produce the impression of a madman.

Or maybe he is a Moscow agent?
- Quite possible.

He was sent by the Africans.

I'm tired of your jokes.
He doesn't know the right tone.

Excuse me.

Werner would be condemned as a traitor

if there were supposed to be tests.

A military secret is a military secret.

But no one judges him,
because there is no betrayal.

Since no tests should have been made.


For a speedy cure all possible
measures and beyond will be taken.

Thank you for your attention.
Goodbye gentlemen.

Dear Mr Gruber.

You would like to receive our help.

But you really hurt yourself
with this Werner story. Very much.

Our relationship does not require publicity.

Are you ready to put your capital
into production of Wer energy devices?

But our reputation must be impeccable?

The highest circles of your country
are very unhappy with what happened.

The intended event turned out to be
under attack. It's obviously your fault.

Well, philosophies and
strategists allow retreats.

Werner. We have old scores with him,
once he get off my hook.

But it won’t be like that anymore.
This is a matter of honor.

For a psychological experiment,
Mr. President,

a magnificent platform
is the ward of the clinic.

Isn't it so?!

You think so?

The front pages of all the newspapers
are strewn with sensational headlines.

Professor Werner exposes.

The mad professor slanders.

Werner is alive!

He blames revenge-seekers.

On the 26th a provocation is being prepared.

How little we know about people.

His performance...

A song about a rabbit
before such an act.

Madman. No, no.
He himself went against the storm.

War. This is really terrible.
I remember him well.

Gruber. Could it be that in Paris?!

War. War.

War. War.

Paris. Paris. Paris. Paris.
Broke his hands.

Homes wounded as Père Lachaise walls.

And we, and we all
to these sounds.

Under ??? houses under ??? houses
go across.

And us not afraid of bombs,
nor anxious.

Dance in a formidable hour.

While you have legs.

The wind whirls wildly on the roads
as if mourning over the leaves,

The dodger is scolded
lying behind the threshold.

So funny. So funny.

Let’s leave revenge for others.

So many

They are countless.

Damn knows what.

Who ???

Who ???

You play with fire, mademoiselle.

For the pleasures of these French under...

You promised to introduce me to your cousin.

Who has super-wonderful pictures
and treated...

The pictures can not be worse
than this stupid song.

I will continue
the interrogation at your place.

My friend wrote poetry and music.
- Suzy.

I can’t change them
just because some of you don't like them.

God, what a pose.
This is the pose.

Pay no attention to her.
It's hereditary.

Her mother, her aunt was an actress.
And imitated Sarah Bernhardt all her life.

Suzy is no stranger to melodramas.

- Melodramas, brute.

And we will get rid of melodrama,
this mademoiselle La Rochefoucauld.

Let her sing.

Only we will pick her songs ourselves.


These are all her images.
- Yes. Here.

Grandfather loved to paint.
But when he was poor he had no model.


Here are excellent Flemish painters.
- Seriously?


It's beautiful.
Just beautiful.

You know what, mademoiselle.

I will collect a lot of old paintings here
from all over the country.

And I will restore them.
This is my speciality. Here, if you allow.

And the time will come
I'll take them with me.

And together with you. Of course,
together, mademoiselle.


Do what you want,
only don't dare touch me.

Rude. Collector of paintings.
Scientist. Chemist.

It was him that Werner recalled,
of course him.

Werner. How weirdly intertwined
our fates are.

How weird.

How complicated
are paths of the past, Abraham.

It's not true that it is leaving.

Paris. It seemed to me that he had
sailed away, melted away somewhere.

And suddenly this crazy Werner.

Oh, thank you.


Cousin, let me introduce,

this is our guest, an overseas
industrialist, art lover Abraham Hagger.

My cousin...

Why did you do this?

On Victory Day.
Yes, on Victory Day.

- Think about it...


Well, how shall we count, Mr Marcel?

Each canvas separately or in bulk?

Also, you can sell these paintings too.
They are beautifully restored.

Who is the master?

Fortunately, the master disappeared.

He is one of those who made
many efforts to destroy my country.

He's not worth remembering.

I understand, I understand.

Miss Susannah.
- La Rochefoucauld.

La Rochefoucauld.

Duke La Rochefoucauld.
I heard about him.

Are you his daughter?

Oh, Mr Hagger.
You flatter my age.

I'm not so young.
But I'm not 300 years old.

Yes, I was wrong.

But I hope not to be mistaken
in evaluating these paintings.

It seems to me
to have no real value.

None of these paintings
will be sold. - Why not?

If I sell them to you
you won’t come here anymore.

And it's funny talking
with a real life millionaire.

Say, Mr Hagger,

did you come here
for the paintings or for me?

You see, heading to France

we did not expect
to find your Susannah there?!

Well, your answer is honest.
And mine will be frank.

I'll give you some pictures.

I will spare you the need
to climb so high without an elevator.

This is not an easy job with your years,
Mr Hagger.

Ah, like that?
- Yes. I never expected a tourist in myself.

Man is better judged by his deeds.

I sent you my files by mail.

Hagger firm.
Mines in the South, oil in Primorye,

all types of radios,
location installations, television,

cathode ray tubes from 0 to 117.

And did you remember all this?
- Yes.

Obviously the damsel Miss Rodiger of
the clan of the dukes of La Rochefoucauld,

an offer needs to be done that way.

I'm not quite sure
that I am from this ancient family.

But I really demand
to receive proposals this way.

We've been suffering too long here
to listen to you any differently.

Stand up, Abraham Hagger.

I agree to be your wife.
- Are you sad?

You will have to leave France.

I will carry her in my heart.

Thus began our life.

At first you wondered at my merits,

then the merits of our son.

It seems to me that you were not very keen
to rise from your knees, Abraham.

Well. I did my best
so it didn't burden you too much.

I think I understood you. Loved you.

Me and our little son.


What happened later?


That scary day of
the opening of our laboratory.


He became especially unpleasant to me then.

What's wrong with you, Abraham?

They decided ??? ???

stocks of all our businesses, Suzy.

They didn't need everything,
but the atomic bomb.

Self-confident idiots.

Don't take it all too much to heart, father.

- War may not happen.

Then everyone else will have to suffer
as a holder of these military shares.

War is hanging in the air,
like hoarfrost, like fever, my boy.

You made a mistake, father.
- I am mistaken?

Why did you suddenly begin to prophesy?

There's a case in the Bible

when someone for no reason
began to preach.

But it was

I think the boy is right.
- Right?

And I do not want to wander
in a wagon train, losing power.

I don't want to.

And now you've passed away, Abraham.

He did not want to give up
the right to destroy it to anyone.

And he, Werner... My God,
I am all the time thinking of him.

Finally, the laboratory needs him.
Michael will not replace him.

Hey. Sorry.

Everything in the world will fall
into place. One thing is needed.

Turn these black pieces into white ones,

and back to black, and vice versa.

It's all that simple.

What matters is how you apply the light.

Pardon me. I'll shut down
the sun of yours. But I'm too tall.

What to do?!
I beg you to be a witness that

I'm trying hard not to ruin
the world order

and I’m even hiding from myself.

What do you want?
- My dear, my dear Werner.

I have done everything possible,
even impossible, to see you.

It's horrible.

Are you really sick?

I don't believe it.

Why are you looking at me so fearfully?

Damn eye twitch.
I just can’t get rid of it.


'Cause I'm really losing my mind.

You are not mistaken.
It's me, Gruber.

I had to change my face.

Then, I saved people
in those damned years.

Greta Norman.
I saved her from the gallows.

But couldn't saved her from the camps.

I myself miraculously escaped death.

Is there one fate
that we share with you?

You changed your last name
I changed myself.

Saved myself.

It started all over again after the war.

broke Germany

like a storm a mighty oak.

Now we want light,
the sun.

And the East?
It drives black clouds across the sky.

I am afraid of communism, Werner.


We are not going to advance.

But we must defend all that was ours.
Listen to me, listen to me.

Stand still.
My confession hasn't finished.

Listen to me.

If I entrusted you with all the most secret,
it's because I give myself into your hands.

You are everything to me.

If you say "yes",
I will say "yes".

If you say "no",
I will say "no".

If they say to me,
“Homeland or you?”, I will say


I understand why you needed my soul.

Your weapon is still powerless.

Here you want to use me.

It's not true, not true.

You know that this is not true.

Why did you stop his test?

Because our world is fragile.
Very fragile.

A push and it can break out of orbit.

You don't believe me.

Don't believe.

You know Suzy.
I don't like this story with Werner.

It delights our competitors.

Don't contact me on any issues.

Advice and ironic consolation go to hell.



We are going to the baseball.
May we take a sports car? But, mother?

The wind is strong today.
Drive in a car with the closed roof.

You could figure it out yourself, Mr. Murphy.

But madam.

I ordered it after all!

I think you need to listen to the message
from the exchange, Mrs. Hagger.

The situation is very unstable.
Hagger shares fell 3 points.



Contact Fred.

It is necessary to immediately call
the Board of Directors.

Emergency measures needed, gentlemen.

Yes, Werner's performance
was not directed against us.

However, it affected our stocks.

It's clear. Hagger's prestige

depended on the work
of this poor professor,

who suddenly turned out to be so famous.

Now all the more so we cannot
and mustn’t even lose it,

despite the conclusion
of the clinic’s doctors.

??? ???? is a madman.

It should... not break the contract,

and enter into a transaction and enter
our company in a big game.

Once we were overtaken on the nuclear edge.

It cost my brother’s life,
but now we can go ahead

on this new horse.

I have a different opinion
about all this, Uncle Frank.

Werner is not crazy, and not a fool.
He knows what he is doing.

I would leave your horse pranks for racing.

Hagger will not work for war.
In any case, not the Nazis.

Business is business.

Business, always business.

Well, that's all gentlemen.

Officer Werner must return
to his place in the Synthesis laboratory.

Ah, that's how?!
To the lab?

This is impossible!
- Just crazy!


This is Bill. He will help.
But it will cost a lot.

Workers, security...
They may be fired.

The key to your ward.

At 9 pm go to the garden door.

There will be no overseer.
We agreed.

Good evening, gentlemen.

Good evening.

Now, all your cocktails
wouldn't be enough to thank me.

???? expensive.

Our professor is going to be abducted.

Abducted? By whom!




So you want to know who?

Do you know Siegfried, that news
is like ???. You have to pay for it?

In general, it is not about money.

If you only knew

how hard it is to be the poor cousin
of a rich bitch.

We invited you, Mr Hagger,

because they've got information
about Hagger's conspiracy

against truth and medicine.

Are you planning to abduct Werner?

Of course.

He ran out of our stable,
and you want to tame him only for yourself.

It’s beneficial for you
to hold him in your clinic,

and we need him to spin the mill
in our company. Isn't it clear?

But is he insane?
- And what does it matter?

There are many crazy people
in the highest orders.

Susannah will make such a buzz
what you have to scratch yourself ??? ???

Let's stop doing stupid things.

Why should we argue with each other?

We well know

Mrs. Susannah Hagger's imbalance,

but you are a prudent man.

You cannot doubt it.
- Well.

I suggest you unite.

Enter the cartel
for the production of Wer devices.

After all, you yourself
mentioned something similar

during your board of directors meeting.
- Oh, you already know?

Even a little scary.

On behalf of our concern,
I am ready to agree.

It will be more convenient to produce
Wer weapons in this new cartel than

in our country,
entangled with restrictions.

We only need loyalty
and sincerity on your part.

I promise.
- Please no foolishness, no scandals.

You can keep your professor
under lock and key until the Second Coming.



All measures are taken.

Sorry, professor.
You went for a walk at the wrong time.

Are you waiting for someone, mom?
- Yes, for the news, Sam.

And Michael is late for some reason.

Don't you like it when someone is late?

After all, time is money?
- Are you sure about this?

Yes, so says uncle Fred
and you yourself sometimes.

Only I don't agree with this.
Money can be saved, but not time.

Don’t get smart, Sam.

Being stupid isn’t easy, mom.

Michael, mom!

What happened, Michael?
Why so late?

Werner failed to escape, Susannah.


Nothing can be entrusted
to you, Michael. Nothing!

Maybe, Suzy,

in that case I will act
without your instructions.

Then it got dark but the transmission
of our television continued.

They attacked him

and they’re probably giving an injection.

But what? The image is so unclear!

That's all we managed to get
from this film.

That's all.

That's all.

Yeah, that would be really
serious evidence.

It would.

Yesterday, he was completely rational.

But will he be like that tomorrow?

To let the cat out of the bag
even without this evidence

is the only possible way.

Yes, but how?

Werner protected the people.

And the people shouldn't leave him.
they shouldn't.

Let the secret be revealed.

It's time to get to the truth and find out
what happened to Professor Werner.

Let there be a new objective examination.

The 26th will not be a mourning day.

It was written on posters,
on banners.

A voice came out in defense of poor
Hans Werner on the faces of all continents.

Stark kept up everywhere.

All organizations of the world
fighting for peace supported him.

People of goodwill signed petitions.

It was impossible to dismiss them.

I have to warn you,
Mr president,

but I have no other choice.

I know my clinic owes you everything.

- How can I understand this “but”?

I cannot resist the violence.
I will have to...

What exactly will you be forced to do?

Allow an examination.

And why, in fact,
are you actually against this?


I hope you do not doubt
the illness of this Werner?

No, but..

Do they want to be sure of his madness?

Well, fine.
Give them this opportunity.

Yes, but how...

You know how.

Dear Professor, we consider
it necessary to inform you that

today a consultation of competent professors
will be acquainted with your state of health.

- Yes.

Don't worry, my friend.

This is a sedative injection.

They want to drive me crazy.

These dwarfs that captured
the Earth with spider paws,

they want to make black look white.

And white as black as night.


I will not lose my mind, no.

Little Earth, it cannot be found
in this cosmic whirlwind.

And I hear the voices
of people comprehending

the vast space of the universe.

No, our Earth is not a ward of madmen.



Black and white.
What do you mean by that, Werner?

Well, at least a chessboard.

And also?
- Also?

These are colors.
They are contrasting.

Their mixture lead to grayness.

I ask you to answer one more question.
- Yes?

What graphic image gives

the most vivid idea
of the dynamics of the universe?

A dot.

Dot? Dot?
- Yes, a dot.

A dot running on the figure eight.

It has a rise, fall
and axial position in the center.

The middle and everything is contradictory.

And you do not think that the cross
is the most dynamic figure on the chart

as a symbol of suffering and salvation.

Often suffering and salvation
depend on more modern views.

From rockets. Some stars, for example.

- Yes. - Which one?

Cosmic or maybe "red" ones, colleague?

Well, now it's hard to see
the difference between them, colleague.

It smells of politics, Professor Werner.

But not insanity.

My dear Werner, explain to me how
you think to treat the ageing problem?

Repeating your experience.
- Seriously?

Quite. But I know one
more effective remedy.

Which one?

Make life more human.

Ah, this is a very long procedure.

Not at all, it can be accelerated.

What an amazing willpower.
It is stronger than our injections.

Quite a miracle.

Ah, Werner-Werner-Werner.
Why the hell did you mess with him?!

A soap bubble.
And burst when the time will come.

I did not expect
he would escape from our hands.

But if he'll be free
he'll be with us. I guarantee it.

You are a braggart, Michel.

But I demand a share of the profits.

In addition, you are insolent.
- Maybe.

But I know a woman better than anyone
knows anything. - More precisely.

Bet on her.

You shouldn’t wear that hat, cousin,
it ages you. - What do you care, Michel?

I sympathize with you.
You really want him to like you. Who?

You must be dumb to miss this.

I'm only afraid he'll be dead
before you've time to shake his hand.

Can you imagine what the journalists,

doctors and politicians will do with him
if he is recognized as normal today?!


I ordered to prepare your yacht.

Just in case.
- Yacht?

This idea doesn't please you?

You have always been scum, Michel.

But sometimes you are necessary.

Sit, sit!

Werner, I came to thank you.

You spoke so beautifully about my Paris.


you are a real politician.

I'm the man who more than anything
was scared of this.

But Werner did his job.
Werner may leave.

You are now a sensation.

Journalists, photographers,
the big press are waiting for you.

No, I'm the least fit for this.

Especially now.

Indeed, you should rest Werner.

One great idea occurred to me.

Tell me, Werner,

are you capable of fantastic actions?


Broke his hands.

The houses are wounded
as the walls of Père Lachaise.

And we, and we are all to these sounds.
Under ??? houses ??? of houses

go across.

And neither bombs nor anxieties scare us.

Dance how the hour struck.
Dance... And unsuccessful...

Isn't it true that mom
sings this song beautifully?

Mourning the honor of a country
scolded lying on the threshold.

So funny. So funny. To leave others...

All the newspapers deal with Werner again.

Where is he? According to
some reports, he was abducted.

It is believed that he went
on a yacht to the open sea.

Hiding from friends and enemies.

I have to apologize to you,
giving you so much trouble.

That's nothing.
Everything is fine.

I'm here because of you, freedom,
wind and only two people on deck.

Well this is such happiness.

Do you like fishing?
You even slowed down.

And you look better,
I assure you. - Thank you.

But I must ask you
to turn on the yacht radio.

Rest is everything.

The captain is the lord of the ship.
- Yes!

Mrs. Hagger does not do business.

No she can't, she can't.

The 26th is over.

I listened to this radio all day for you.

I even rubbed my hand.

No extraordinary events
have happened in the world.

And there could be irreparable trouble.


But people.

People blocked her path.

A flourish.

A flourish.

I have been with you for 10 years.

And suddenly...

But doesn’t this happen?

Please understand me and Sam.

He is truly a golden child.
And he needs you so much, Hans.

What is the matter, dear?

Do you love someone else?

Ah, all the others are there.

You tried to avoid her, to leave.

But you cannot be happy without her.
I know it.

The new, amazing Wer energy.

Let it sound banal,
but I think I could get along with her.

In my lab, you could
perform any experiments.

Design any devices.

Do so much creative work.

Decide, Werner.

Well, Werner.
Decide your fate and mine.

All newspapers are again
occupied by Werner.

Unexpected ??? unbalanced professor.

Werner broke out of
the arms of the demagogues.

He thumbed his nose to his "friends."

This, this is ... nonsense!

This is not the worst
I've heard these days.

Oh-oh, Johnny. It burns.

The burning sun of Africa.

Discovered a new state?

Professor Werner receives letters
from the 5 continents of the world.

Where is he?

Here he is. This terrible tanned man.

Hello, Johnny. Is it him who leaves
suddenly? Appears without warning.

Mr Stark, we've just come from the port.
We haven't even visited home.

And you did right.

I really missed this fellow.

The whole world thinks of you. And you?
- I know what the world thinks of me.

And I. I think of the world.

Honestly speaking, that's what
I had to do all my life.

My rays.

There will be a whole
complex of laboratories.

They will be connected
by galleries to the experimental plant.

We will create life!
- Wait.

Have you become an entrepreneur, Hans?

No, but why?

Hagger gives me this opportunity.

Suzy Hagger.

Well, Suzy.

You know, Hans, somehow I've still
to meet unselfish millionaires.

I beg you.

My friends, my friends.

I invite everyone to a small celebration
in the Synthesis laboratory.

We will mark the beginning of my work.
This is very important for me now.

Don’t you think, Hans,
that the most important thing now is

to blame those who
cried Werner in a madhouse? ???




Have you flown from Europe...
for me?

???? I'm alive. Alive.

I so wanted to meet
my resurrected teacher Hans.

After all, the ocean is now
no wider than the Rhine.

This is from our city.

On the 26th it was in this city where the
revenge-seekers wanted to begin their maneuvers.

I want Hans Werner so much

wasn't smaller than himself. ???

It seems to me that Werner understood me.

And in the fall the world is beautiful.

Wer energy,

What a wonderful perspective,
isn't it Michel?

Will he become my relative?

Well, this is a part of the deal.

And besides, I'm mortally fed up with Fred.
And everyone else too.

You are a businesswoman, Suzy.

Oh, Susannah, Mrs. Susannah.


I am amazed.

You weren’t going to
come back so soon, dear Suzy?

I was afraid to burden you
too much with my deeds, dear Fred.

I have always believed that my brother
was right in stealing you from Europe.

You have the mindset of a businessman.

The bust of Merlin Monroe,
and the neck...

of an Arabian horse.

A rare combination.
- Don't clown around, Fred.

And don't dare take a light
from Abraham's cigar.

Excuse me.

You acted wiser than the serpent,
taming our crazy one.

But I also achieved something.

One of the European concerns

joins our company and places
orders with us. - Military orders?

Oh, no Suzy.
Partly, only partly.

I allowed myself to invite here

one of the leaders of this concern.

He is now here in
the Winter Garden with little Sam.

He brought him an entertaining toy.

Oh Mrs. Hagger.

You are so young,
and you already have one adult heir.

And everything here is so amazingly beautiful.

I heard a lot of good things
about your paintings,

Mrs Hagger La Rochefoucauld.

All my old friends.

Yes, Herr Gruber.

I did a really good job in my time,
what do you think, Miss Hagger.

Oh yeah. You are a great
master restorer of fakes.

It turns out you have known
each other for a long time.

By the end of the war,
Mr. Gruber had so rapidly disappeared,

that I couldn’t pay him.

But I didn’t forget anything.

But I forgot everything.
That's nothing!

Allow these paintings
to be presented to dear Sam.

On a memorable day when our roads
connected on a noble field. General business..

- Yes, mother.

Put these toys down.

Go to your room.

Sorry Gruber, but I think

that we will not find
a common language with you.

I did not invite this person.
- And I had to invite him.

I hope that you will be above prejudice.

How are you, Mary?

Happy to congratulate you, dear Professor,
with a return to our bosom.

From our entire concern,
on behalf of Mrs. Hagger,

on behalf of our friend
and future companion.

- Yes. Now we are connected.

Inextricable ties.
Wer & peace... here is my slogan.


Let's raise our glasses.

I should not raise this glass
and make a toast. - Right, Mrs. Hagger.

Who is talking to me?
- The author. - I see?!

You reason right, Suzy.

Do not give Hans away.
He is my friend.

You promised him work
in the name of joy, of life.

Do not hand him over to Gruber.
To this concern of death.

But Fred, dividends?!

Don't think about them.

This is the collapse
of the soul, Mrs. Hagger.

My God, you are right.

I won’t raise my glass.
I won’t make a toast. No.

I drink for science, for its prophet
Hans Werner and our concern.

Raise your glasses!
- An extremely accurate toast.

It is he!

It is he!

The murderer
of my husband Kurt.

I saw that he killed him.

He ordered it and I went through
all the circles of hell.

Do you remember?!

He looked when they burned this stigma.

You see for sure,
this is not true.

And you counted on it only,

He always stood behind.

He always hid behind the backs of others.

But everyone knew everything in the camp.

On your hands is the blood
of thousands of people.

Everyone thought you were gone.
And you?!

Are you really indestructible?!

We were all like that.
I myself was in a vice.

You must be able to forgive.


No. - Calm down, Werner.
Take it easy.

Werewolf! Werewolf!

He, he is crazy!


They attacked him
like an angry herd.

Let go!

You thoroughly worried me.
You are my brother's widow.

You are entitled to dividends.

Don't worry.
Each of us has their own historical tread.

Don't confuse the cards, damn it.
- Get out, Fred or I'll hit you.

Please, please.

But don't worry.

Newspapers reported,
shouted, insisted, rejected

the murder of journalist Richard Stark.

Conspiracy of the Reds.
The attempt on Professor Werner.

There will be no trial.
The prosecutor does not find corpus delicti.

There will be trial.
The killer was bailed.

But he will not escape punishment.

The trial is coming.

Mom, I'm going to baseball.

I'd like to use the scooter.

In a closed car, it's windy.

You could figure it out
yourself, Mr. Murphy.

But madam...

You are all waiting
for this Werner to appear.

He's caused so much trouble
and you all babysit with him.

So says uncle Fred.

Sam, you once said that it’s very
difficult to be stupid. - Yes, mom.

It seems to me
you've overcome this difficulty.

Accused, Siegfried Robert Mario Gruber.

Do you plead guilty to
the murder of journalist Richard Stark

and to the assassination attempt
on professor Hans Werner?

Of course not.

I cannot plead guilty.

I acted solely in self-defense.

Everyone present in the lab
can certify all this,

without any doubt.

What can I say about this whole case.

Apart from historical memories,
otherwise everything is clear.

Two fought, the third intervened,
and unfortunately died.

When horses fight,
hooves always fall on a donkey.

All this is nonsense.
What a woman’s tantrum cannot do.

How many of you know that,
if you've ever dealt with a woman.

Why are they laughing?
This is terrible.

My uncle's horse joke finds followers.

I beg you, Mrs. Stark, continue.

The Professor shouted:
"Werewolf! Werewolf!"

They are Nazi villains
that cover up their tracks & identity.

So Professor Werner insulted the accused.
And Gruber...?

The Professor stated
the true position of things.

And Gruber pulled out a revolver.

He shot a professor.
He wanted to kill him.

He killed Stark.
- He fired because they attacked him.

He shot because
this is his way of arguing.

Today he shoots with a revolver,

and yesterday he reached for bombs
and sent V-2 rockets.

Oh, again about the past, Mrs. Stark.

It's about the future.
- This is propaganda!

This is a warning.
- So says Moscow.

I agree with her, Your Honour.

I agree with her.

Witness, Professor Hans Werner.

What were you going to do
with the accused Professor Gruber?

Hit, beat... or kill anyway?

Hit unconditionally.

Perhaps beat.

But in no way kill.
- Why not?

I don’t carry weapons in my back pocket.
- Did the accused know about this?

- But how?

He saw my empty hands.

Although, Gruber was always ready to kill.

Every day, every hour.

For centuries.

To hide past crimes
he needed new ones.

By clutching at the revolver

they no longer see anything
from fear of life...

These super humans.


Miss Mayers, everyone
considered you deaf and dumb.

Because of fear...


Your honour, if Miss Mayers spoke, then...

Regina Mayer, would you like to give us
additional evidence since you managed to talk?

A miracle occured,
let it help us, Miss Mayer.

It's him.

It was he who made me what I am now.

He picked me up on the street
at the end of the war.

When I was a girl,
starving to death.

And then...

then I died of shame and grief.

He was very brave with me.

Whip and revolver.

But he was afraid of everything.
Of everything, that Gruber.


I know nothing. Nothing!

I gave her anything she asked for.
I only asked for her silence.

I love silence so much.

Poor girl.

Golden hair from a bottle,
poverty of the soul.

They would like to make
our whole country look like you.

Don't cry, don't cry.

We will not give them
either you or our Germany.

Relax, now.

Please, Senator.

Your honour,
gentlemen of the jury.

We believe that Mr Werner
is in no way at odds with

the thoughts, hopes and political line
of our government.

All activities of which
are striving for peace.

However, Mr Werner acted swiftly
and sensationally in his exposures.

Undermining the prestige of the government
and damaging the political system.

Therefore, we have the right
to ask ourselves:

"is it possible to consider it a crime,
the actions of some people,

in order to protect the Republic
from dreamers and communist agitators?"

Sometimes you have to cross borders... "

I am a prosecutor.
I have to apply blame.

But we will not allow anyone
to settle old scores in our free country.

The defendant once carried out
other people's criminal orders.

But just imagine how the poor fellow,

hounded by remorse,
might be.

He raised a weapon...
only to protect himself,

to protect the interests
of the free world.

The accused,
Siegfried Robert Mario Gruber...

is found not guilty.

It's outrageous!

It's wrong!

Miss Hagger.
- Ah, is that you again?

Meeting you is unpleasant for me.
Why put me in such a humiliating position?

I've just followed you
along the roads of your life.

But you are the author?!

You should have... could have come up
with a different ending for me.

I'll try.

Remember your France, which once threw
all those Grubers out of their home.

And you. You are inferior to them
and indulge yourself.

Wake up.

The court has spoken.

But this is...
a trial of madmen.

Crazy people who imagine themselves
to be rulers of the destinies of our world.

They remind me of a little man who imagines himself
a giant and is afraid to shut down the sun.

A dwarf may think of himself as a giant,
but he will never shut down the sun.

Even if he climbs
the golden mountain of monopolies.

The world is moving
towards unity, my friends.

The first astronauts
are already plowing the sky.

Nations In the East, went on
a great crusade in search of happiness.

And we go with them.
Humanity is us.

And we say "no" to war.