Stuck (2017) - full transcript

An original pop musical film about six strangers who get stuck on a New York City subway together and change each others lives in unexpected ways.

In the city's underground,

there's a symphony of sound,

a sonic chaos for the lost

before they're found.

There's a beauty in the sorrow,

a kind of kinship

that we borrow.

For no matter how you hate it,

I know I'll see you here


down on the subway.

Just get off right here.

No, I told you, I left it

on the desk. On the desk...

♪ Give or take

a hundred thousand ♪

♪ There's about

five million people ♪

♪ On an average day

that ride the MTA ♪

♪ That's about quadruple

the entire population ♪

♪ Of the island of Manhattan

♪ That take it every day

♪ Think of all

♪ Those things that you are

and have been ♪

♪ Everyone has a story

♪ Like yours within them

♪ If you made

a new acquaintance ♪

♪ Every time your heart beat

♪ You would only meet

about one third of those alive ♪

♪ Think of all those people

♪ That have come and gone

before us ♪

♪ Those we leave behind us

♪ Write the story of our lives

♪ We become

♪ Most anything

we can conceive ♪

♪ Therein, who we are

♪ Is made of

♪ What we believe in

I'm not gonna be able

to do this today.

I-I-I thought that

I was gonna be able to do it,

that it would help, but...


Thank you for being

so understanding.



That's so nice of you to offer.


I'm gonna take the subway

because it's gonna be faster.

A pleasure to see

you again, sir.

Five, six, seven, eight.

A one, two, three, close four,

five, six, seven, eight.

A one, two, three, close four,

five, six, and seven, eight.

A one, two, three, four, five,

six, seven, pull it back.



There's that guy again.

So creepy.


Excuse me.

It's all right.

You love this part,


I'm not gonna win.

You're gonna win.

Ready? Here we go,

for one second.

Oh, gosh.

Oh. Thanks.

Thank you.


145th Street.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

It's right here.

She was nice, huh?

Oh, wait!

Wait, wait, wait!

Oh, please, wait!

Release the doors

at the back of the train.

Thank you!

♪ Strangers or lovers?

♪ The only difference is time

♪ You never know how someone

♪ Could complete your rhyme


Stand clear of

opening doors.

103rd Street.

♪ It's a common notion

♪ That the universe

will shove together people ♪

♪ Who uniquely offer

what the other needs ♪

♪ Often these connections

are neglected or rejected ♪

♪ But every now and then

♪ The universe succeeds

Ladies and gentlemen,

we're being held on the

tracks momentarily,

waiting for signals.

The MTA regrets

this inconvenience

and thanks you

for your patience.

Now, you know you can't

leave that there.

Why are we stopped?

Police emergency.

Excuse me. How long

is this going to take?

Your guess

is as good as mine.

He locked the door.

Ladies and gentlemen!

It must be apparent that

I'm about to ask for money.

But I will neither regale you

with my tale of woe,

nor will I claim to be

a plagued veteran of

the U.S. of A.

I prefer, sirs, madams,

to earn my wage.

So I have prepared

a performance,

for your listening pleasure,

from the work

of Sir William Shakespeare.

To be, or not to be,

that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind

to suffer the slings and arrows

of outrageous fortune,

or by taking arms

against a sea of troubles

and by opposing end them.

To die... sleep, no more;

and by a sleep to say we end...

Excuse me.

Could you not do that?

Is it your intention

to deprive these fine people

of their entertainment?

Soft you now?

Twill do, fine sir.

Ah, there's the rub.

My man!

We'll probably move

in a minute or something.

I'm an artist, actually.

Sor... Uh, kinda like

an artist/writer, I guess.

Not professional

or anything... yet.

Um, I've been working

on this comic that um...

Uh, see?

It's about a teenaged,

handicapped superhero.

She's risen above

her misfortune to battle...

Look, I don't feel

like talking right now.

Oh. You speak E...


Your, um...

Your dancing

is... is good.

How do you know?

Uh, what?

You a dancer?

No, um, I'm not.

Then why are you

hanging around the studio?

Well, like I said,

I'm an artist, actually,

and I wanna...


Remember just a second ago,

when I said

I didn't wanna talk?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

I meant that.


Yeah, um...

I don't wanna talk at all,

about anything. Okay?

We could talk about nothing.

Nothing's good.

No thing.

Which is fascinating

if you think about it in the

nihilistic sense, because...


Do you think when I say,

"I don't wanna talk,"

that I really do

wanna talk to you?


I... I just wan...

I don't see you trying to show

your stupid comic book

to anyone else

on this train.

That's because I... I thought

you would enjoy it, too.

What? Did you think maybe I was

some cute little Asian girl

that was gonna cover my face

and giggle

at all your clever

little quips?


No, no, I...

Stay away from me!

You creepy little weirdo.

♪ Whoa, uh-uh

♪ Whoa, uh-uh

♪ Whoa, uh-uh

♪ Whoa, uh-uh


♪ Whoa

♪ Whoa

♪ Whoa

A handicapped superhero?

That's a good idea.

♪ Whoa

May I?

I guess.

♪ Whoa, uh-uh

♪ Whoa

You do the drawings?


You're good.


♪ Whoa

♪ Whoa

Speak the speech,

I pray you.

♪ She's no traditional hero

♪ I'll give you that,

but that's why she's cool ♪

♪ By day, she's just a girl,

shy and quiet ♪

♪ Always ignored

and made fun of at school ♪

♪ But outta sight

♪ Under cover of night

♪ Her alter ego

can finally take flight ♪

♪ Magnificent Maggie

♪ And her Wonderchair

♪ Magnificent Maggie

♪ Spreading wonder everywhere

♪ She battles oppression

and bigotry ♪

♪ Everywhere she goes

♪ Hey

♪ With bionic power

♪ With bionic power

♪ Cybernetic gear

♪ Cybernetic gear

♪ Her wheelchair could kick

the Batmobile's ass ♪

♪ Oh, she has no fear

♪ When danger's near

♪ She rolls down from the sky,

looks death in the eye ♪

♪ And blasts

♪ Magnificent Maggie

♪ And her Wonderchair

♪ Magnificent Maggie

♪ Spreading wonder everywhere

♪ A beautiful,

dutiful beacon of hope ♪

♪ She's the answer to our woes

♪ Ohhhhh

♪ Hey

♪ Oh, oh, ohhhh

♪ Hey

♪ She's got an evil archenemy

♪ Dr. Yes, PhD

♪ She once was respected,

her brain got infected ♪

♪ And now she's freakin' crazy

♪ Armed with a serum

that seizes your will ♪

♪ Raising an army

with one order, "Kill" ♪

♪ Death is the only

prescription ♪

♪ She's ready fill

♪ Immune to the doctor's crusade

of despair ♪

♪ A beacon of hope

as she flies through the air ♪

♪ She stands up to evil

without even leaving her chair ♪

♪ Magnificent Maggie

♪ Magnificent Maggie

♪ Magnificent Maggie, yeah

♪ Magnificent Maggie, yeah

That's a good story.


I'm Caleb.

And you are?

I am the sayer,

the keeper of the thought,

word, and poetry

of the greatest

and most significant,

most insightful minds of this

or any other universe.

But you can call me Lloyd.

Hi, Lloyd.

So, what's your story?

Um, are... are you, like,

a drug addict?

Uh. You don't have

to answer that.

I'm sorry,

I-I didn't mean to...

I... sometimes I just say...

You could just tell me

if I'm...

if I'm being... No.

I have no addictions

to speak of.

Not even alcohol?

Oh, my God.

I'm just curious.

You're gonna get curiously

stabbed in the face.

He's not gonna sta...

You're not gonna stab...?

What is wrong with you?


We're all trapped

on this train.

You have no business

provoking that guy.

I was just asking him

some simple questions.

No, she's right.

You have no idea how that

kind of a person can react.

He might be...

♪ Crazy!

♪ Ow

♪ You say it like a bad word


♪ Oh, oh, oh, I said crazy

♪ That's the saddest thing

I ever heard ♪


♪ Crazy's just a word

till it forms a label ♪

♪ That's when all the haters

make their way to the table ♪

♪ Slapping innuendos on

and passin' it around ♪

♪ Till all the crazy people

don't make a sound ♪

♪ Crazy!

♪ You say it like a bad word

♪ Say it like a bad word

♪ Mm-hmm-hmm

♪ I said, crazy

♪ That's the saddest thing

I ever heard ♪

♪ Look at you, all sittin' here

with something to prove ♪

♪ But no one ever sees

the crazy things that you do ♪

♪ You walk around

♪ Pretendin' like

you're not who you seem ♪

♪ When crazy's just below

the surface ready to scream ♪

♪ I said, crazy

♪ You say it like a bad word

♪ Say it like a bad word

♪ Crazy

♪ Oh, that's the saddest thing

I ever heard ♪

♪ Come on, now



Ha! Ha!

♪ We're all a little crazy

♪ We're all a little crazy

♪ We're all a little, little,

we're all a little ♪

♪ Crazy

♪ We're all a little, all

a little, all a little crazy ♪

♪ We're all a little, all

a little, all a little crazy ♪

Let's do

a little experiment.

What do I

look like to you?

What do you mean?

What do I

look like to you?

I don't know how to answer

that question.

It's all right. Go ahead.

I-I don't know

what you want me to say.

Oh, sure you do!

Go on ahead and say it.

What do I look like to you?

Go on, say it!


You look like

a homeless person.

And what does he

look like to you?

No, what... what does

he look like to you?!

That's enough.

Oh, no.

No, it's not enough.

We've only just begun.

No. Game's over.

Don't you bother

that woman no more.

I am trying

to make a point.

Gettin' all up

in this woman's face

is not gonna win you

any points.

Besides, what is

she supposed to say?

If you weren't homeless,

you wouldn't be riding a train

dressed like that,

with all your shit

over there on the side,

askin' strangers

for cash.

My lady, I assure you,

my station in life

does not correlate

to my station

of humanity.

Nobody cares about

all of that right now.

We're just trying to get

to where we're goin'.


You owe her an apology.

No, he doesn't have to.

Go on, girl.

Get your apology.

Madam, it was not

my intention

to cause you

any emotional distress.


Maybe you should calm down.

♪ I have to work

for my girls to eat ♪

♪ And to have the clothes

to go to school and maybe play ♪

♪ Tengo bastante aliciente

Don't you yell at me!

♪ I got three jobs

en esta ciudad ♪

♪ Busco solucion,

busco dignidad ♪

♪ Pero aqui bastante

no es suficiente ♪

♪ Mis hijas merecen

mucho mas que bastante ♪

♪ Señor, te suplico

♪ No merecen pobreza

ni hambre ♪

♪ Trato lucho pero

las puertas no abren ♪

♪ Soy un hombre

de carne y hueso ♪

♪ Díos tu sabes bien

que te he sido fiel ♪

♪ No me abandones

te ruego ♪

Do you know

what he's saying?

You need to stop listening

with your ears, boy.

Why didn't you tell me that Mariella

stopped going to dance class?

♪ Sometimes you work

18-hour days ♪

♪ Just so we can pay

what we have to pay ♪

♪ If we can't afford them,

why should I tell you? ♪

♪ You've watched

Mariella ♪

♪ You know how well

she dances ♪

♪ She's been so gifted

♪ You know how big

this chance is ♪

♪ Elena will have all

the shots she needs ♪

♪ Ana will have

her own bed ♪

♪ Mila won't wear

all her sister's clothes ♪

♪ Mariella will dance

♪ Mariella will dance

♪ Mariella will dance

♪ I've always worked

♪ 'Cause a man is not a man

♪ Till he provides

a su familia ♪

♪ There's so much

they've been through ♪

♪ How can I rest when

there's something I can do? ♪

♪ They've gone without many

times before ♪

♪ Now I think

they've earned more ♪

♪ Don't they deserve

a father they respect? ♪

♪ Someone to be proud of?

♪ A man who can give a life

more like a life ♪

♪ To his children and his wife

♪ Hope for the girls

is something that we share ♪

♪ And work is only hard

♪ When there's no reason

to be there ♪

♪ I know you feel alone

♪ I'm never home

♪ We're both so tired

♪ Querida, remember ♪

♪ I'll do it for you

♪ Las ninas y tu

The only thing

he will understand

is that I'm

not there on time.

Oh, no, he'll understand.

He... Oh!

You're speaking English.

I should've...

My Spanish is...

You might be interested

to know that, um,

the Spanish

that I do know,

I learned from

our janitorial staff...

I mean our,

um, maintenance men.

You're just like them.

I mean, you're not just like

them, but you, um...

Well, I can see you're

a very diligent worker.

Well, I... I just think

you're very fortunate.

It's clear for you

why you work.

I mean, you're lucky.

You know who you are.


This country wasn't made

for people like me.

It was made

for people like you.

Then why are you here?

Seriously, why?

Maybe because

when it comes down to it,

it's better than anywhere else

in the world.

Better if you're

a rich white man.

- I'm not a rich white man.

- Maybe your papiis.

What makes you

say that?

Your English is too good

for a Chinese girl.

I'm Korean.

I don't have anything

you can't get for yourself.

You've never had to decide

between seeing your family

and feeding your family.

You probably never even had to

pay for your own toilet paper.

Nobody forced you

to have a bunch of kids.

I think

it's incredibly honorable

that he puts the needs

of his family before his own.


I get that.

But what if something bad

happened to you?

What if you got hurt?

What would you do?

Go to the hospital, right?

And you'd be treated.

Only, and correct me

if I'm wrong,

you don't have

health insurance,

so you wouldn't

be able to pay.

Well, that's a rather

heartless way of...


I know.

That's the conundrum,


So what happens is a bunch

of hospitals have to shut down

because of the overwhelming

demand of people

who get sick and hurt and can't

afford to pay their bills.

You think people are just supposed

to be left bleeding in the street?


I didn't say that.

So they're not supposed

to go to no hospital?

There are reasons we have

the laws that we do.

There are reasons

there were slaves.

Illegal immigrants

are not slaves.

They come here

because they want to.

And do the work

nobody else wants to do.

Okay, but if they don't

pay taxes, then...

Wait, wait.

How do you know

he don't pay taxes?

Most of them don't.

"Most of them?"

See what I'm saying?


I don't mean Hispanics.

I mean illegal immigrants.

"I don't mean to be racist,

I mean to be racist."

No, no, no.

You're twisting my words.

Girl, I got you.

You've been tagged.

- Okay, listen to...

- Tag!

- Most...

- Tag!

- Most imm...

- Tag!

- Most imm...

- Tag!

Can I finish my sentence,


Yeah, you can finish

your racist sentence. Go ahead.

Okay, first of all,

I'm not the one who's racist.

We're not all Chinese!

And most illegal immigrants

don't pay taxes

because they have to get

paid under the table.

That's a fact.

Doesn't matter

if they're Mexican,

Bengali, Indian...


Do you hear yourself?

Which means they enjoy

the benefits of our society

without contributing,

which hurts everyone!

If he wants to live

in America, then he...

You wouldn't even be here

if your mommy and daddy

could make their own kids.

Wow. You got

a bad case of rude.

Oh, yeah?

You people got your shit

50 years ago

and still don't

have it together.

Excuse me?

"You people"?

You had

a black president

and still kill each other

like it's your job.

Which is good,

'cause you usually

don't have one.

So I defend

your sorry ass,

and that's what

you got to say?

You only opened your mouth

'cause black people

love to call racism

any time they can.

I call it when ignorant people

put it in my face.

Well, maybe if you weren't

so ignorant as a people.


I'm gonna need you to watch

your tone, Speedy Gonzales.

What the hell are you

doin' all day?

Standin' in the street,


blarin' shit

from your stereo.


Life ain't your ride

and your weave.

I think this is a totally

inappropriate conversation!

You better

watch your mouth

before I yank your tongue

out your head.

You ain't gonna do shit.

Everybody knows

you people are all talk.

Let me show you

how I talk.

No, no, wait a minute!


We're all trapped

on the train together.

Taco. I should punch you

in your face.

Quite right, my lady.

Quite right.

Hey. How much did you give

that guy, anyway?


Takes me three hours

to make that.

I can give you some, too,

if... if you want...

No, no, no, no, no.

I work for my money,


I work honestly for my wage,

as well, sir.

Oh, yeah?

Haciendo que?

By doing what?

Sleepin' in the train?

Lyin' in the gutter?

Who you servin'

doing that?

You? Me? Them?

I bring a measure of grace

to the world.

You know what I don't get?

Me? I will do anything

to feed my kids,

anything por mi familia.

And you? There is

nothing wrong with you.

Nothing, except that you

won't get up off that bench

to help yourself

or anyone else.

Thou, nature,

art my goddess.

To thy laws

my services are bound.

Wherefore should I stand

in the plague of custom

and let the curiosity

of nations deprive me?

When my dimensions

are as well compact,

my mind generous... shape as true... honest...

as honest madam's issue...

Oh, shit!


♪ Everybody is afraid

of the dark ♪

♪ Your feet are running

to the beat of your heart ♪

♪ When the lights go out,

it's easy to fear ♪

♪ Every little phobia

that suddenly appears ♪

♪ You thought you had a handle on the

darkness inside ♪ ♪ Do, do-do, do

♪ But now you see that you've got nowhere

to hide ♪Women: Do, do-do, do ♪

♪ Do, do-do, do ♪ 'Cause all the

demons that were scared of the light ♪

♪ Ooh, ahh ♪ Were only hesitatin'

till the moment was right ♪

♪ Ooh, ah

♪ Whoa-oh, oh, oh

♪ Ooh, ah

♪ You're stuck, you're stuck

♪ Ooooh ♪ Inside an endless

loop of morbid possibility ♪

♪ Ooh, ah

♪ Whoa-oh, oh, oh

♪ Ooh, ah

♪ You're stuck, you're stuck

♪ Ooooh

♪ When your mind expands

♪ To fill the space

that you no longer see ♪

♪ Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahh, ooh, ahh ♪

Imagination operates at highest degree ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ah ♪ Which turns you

into what you thought you never could be ♪

♪ Whoa-oh, whoa-oh ♪

Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do ♪

♪ Whoa-oh, whoa-oh ♪

Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do ♪

♪ Ooh, ah

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

♪ Ooh, ahh

♪ Whoa, ohh, ohh

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ The dark is

only scary if you're used to the light ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ But step

outside your body and open your mind ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ Experience

the freedom of a world you can't see ♪

♪ And maybe then you'll

comprehend the demon is me ♪

♪ Ooh, ah

♪ Whoa-oh, oh, oh

♪ Ooh, ah

♪ You're stuck, you're stuck

♪ Ahh, ahh-ahh,

ahh ♪ You're stuck if you keep trying ♪

♪ To be someone you're not

♪ Ooh, ah

♪ Whoa-oh, oh, oh

♪ Ooh, ah

♪ You're stuck, you're stuck

♪ Ahh, ahh ♪ If you never open

up to all the people you got ♪

♪ Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahh, ooh, ah ♪ So

shake the trance and take a chance ♪

♪ You're starting to grow

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ah

♪ 'Cause when you're brave

♪ You start to crave

the things you don't know ♪

♪ Whoa-oh, whoa-oh ♪

Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do ♪

♪ Whoa-oh, whoa-oh ♪

Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do ♪

♪ Ooh, ah

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

♪ Ooh, ahh

♪ Whoa, ohh, ohh

- ♪ Whoa-agh-agh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-agh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-agh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh-oh

- ♪ Ooh, ah

Ladies and gentlemen,

we temporarily lost power there.

Uh, the MTA regrets

this inconvenience

and thanks you

for your patience.


♪ In the city's underground

♪ There is a symphony of sound

♪ A sonic chaos for the lost

before they're found ♪

♪ There's a beauty

in the sorrow ♪

♪ A kind of kinship

that we borrow ♪

♪ You may love it,

you may hate it ♪

♪ But I'll see you

on the morrow ♪

♪ On the subway, subway

♪ Talkin' 'bout the subway,

subway ♪

♪ Yeah, subway, subway


Is this

a medical emergency?


What's the nature

of the emergency??

I, uh...

Uh, uh, I need

to use the restroom.

Right now.

Like, right this second.

That don't qualify

as an emergency.

Okay, listen, look, if you

don't move this train right now,

I'm gonna see to it

that you lose your job.

You promise?

The MTA regrets

this inconvenience

and thanks you

for your patience.




I may have the solution

to your problem.


LloyI may have a solutionution

to your problem.

I mean, I'm certain this

is preferential to the floor.

For, uh, all involved.

Can you just stand in front

of me or something?

- Oh, sure.

- Thanks.

Oh, I-I have my jacket.

No one wants to see

your little titi.

Just get it done.

All right, Creepy Time.

Go 'head up there.

And keep your hands

where I can see 'em.

Can somebody talk

or something?

You got anything,


Nothing apropos

comes to mind.


Keep going!

Thank you, my lady.

What do you think

he's gonna do with that?

You can never

be quite sure.

I can't do that.

You just hold it,

you just use one finger.

Dee, dee-dee, dee.

With a nail.

I'm not a techie.

Are you all right?


I'm okay.

I'm about to ask

that fool over there

for another bottle,


Would you like

a protein bar?

These are the good ones.

They don't taste like dirt.

No, thank you.

Well, I have two.

Why are you trying

to feed me?

I-I just think that you need

some food, you know...

because of the baby.


I look pregnant to you?

Oh, no.

I don't mean... No.

It's just, I can tell.

And how can you tell?

And don't give me that,

"Oh, you have a glow.

I can see it all over your face"

white-woman bullshit, either.

I don't have

another explanation.


that's kind of creepy.

'Cause my mama

didn't even know.

So you are?




You're off the hook.

You and your husband

must be so excited!

There ain't no husband.


I'm good.

♪ I bet you're thinkin'

♪ "I know everything about her,

that ship is sinkin' down" ♪

♪ It's a story

we've heard before ♪

♪ But this one's different

♪ 'Cause it's never gonna be

about me ♪

♪ When you're born like that,

you think you know better ♪

♪ Than to repeat history

♪ That's my mother's mistake

♪ My burden to break

♪ She always said,

"Life's too long ♪

♪ To play the fool

when something's wrong ♪

♪ So make it better"

♪ It's in my hands

♪ To make it better

♪ I'll do better, mm

♪ Ah, ah, ohhh

♪ I never met my father

♪ But I know that he was like

♪ Every other man

♪ That stepped on

a good woman's life ♪

♪ So here I am

♪ Standing

in my mother's shoes ♪

♪ When your back's

against the wall ♪

♪ And you're staring

at forever ♪

♪ You've got

nothing left to lose ♪

♪ And that's

my own damn mistake ♪

♪ My burden to break

♪ Like Mama said,

"Life's too long ♪

♪ To play the fool

when something's wrong ♪

♪ So make it better"

♪ It's in my hands

♪ To make it better, hmm

♪ Gonna make it,

gonna make it better ♪

♪ Oh, mm

♪ Say, I used to think

this was all on me ♪

♪ And now I have the chance

to do it differently ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm stronger

and I'm wiser ♪

♪ I'm not the same girl

that I used to be ♪

♪ God as my witness,

I'mma fix this ♪

♪ Life tried to break me down, but I'm

still here ♪

♪ 'Cause life's too long

♪ To play the fool

when something's wrong ♪

♪ It's my burden to break

♪ Oh, I'm gonna fix it,

I'm gonna fix it ♪

♪ This circle of mistakes

♪ Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

♪ 'Cause Mama said

♪ "Life's too long

♪ To play the fool

when something's wrong ♪

♪ So make it better"

♪ Yeah

♪ It's in my hands

♪ Ooh

♪ To make it better

♪ Gonna make it,

gonna make it better ♪

♪ Yeah,

I gotta make it better ♪

♪ Oh, I'm gonna

make it betterrrrrr ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, mm

I'm sorry things

didn't work out for you

with your... person.

But I bet you have some family

or some friends

that can help you out

when the baby comes.

There ain't

gonna be no baby.

What do you mean?

Exactly what I said.

Ain't gonna be no baby.

All of that's

gonna be taken care of.


Well, of course, you should

do what you need to do.

I know I shouldn't,

but I just see this!

This could be...

This could just be

a gift from God.

I-I don't know,

like an opportunity.

So you're one of those?

One of whom?

Look, lady.

God ain't gonna be the one

elbow-deep in messy diapers,

running from

school to work,

tryin' to deal with

a dumb-ass baby daddy.

I wasn't

criticizing you, I...

Anyone can chalk

their life

up to doing what

God wants them to do,

and not take responsibility

for it themselves.

You tell me

what's worse...

Havin' it when

you ain't ready,

or taking care

of the problem

before it ruins

everyone's lives?

Well, it can be

incredibly challenging

raising a child,

I know.

This ain't a child!

It can't survive

without me!

That's not a human being,

that's a parasite!

And this ain't

none of your business.

I know.

I'm sorry.

I'm just a little...

I, um...

My son, he...

I lost my son.

He was, um...

Well, actually,

somewhat recently.

Was a year ago...


Well, there went

that opportunity from God.

You don't know

anything about me.

About my life,

about my son.

You're right. I don't

know anything about you.

How old was he?

About your age.

What happened?

♪ I used to have a light

behind my eyes ♪

♪ And in my sighs, there

was no discontent or tragedy ♪

♪ I've lost the strength

♪ I've lost the skill

and now the will ♪

♪ And I'm burdened

by the weight of memory ♪

♪ I hear his voice

♪ It echoes inside of me

♪ I feel him right

♪ Beside me

♪ He takes my hand

♪ Spilling laughter

with a smile that never ends ♪

♪ I need you here

♪ I need him here

♪ But he's gone

♪ But he's gone

♪ Gone, gone

♪ Gone

♪ He's gone

♪ Midnights

on the bleakest nights ♪

♪ I walk the halls,

and I swear I can see you ♪

♪ But I know

♪ I burst into your room

as if possessed ♪

♪ Or just obsessed

♪ As the devil mocks me

from below ♪

♪ He took you away

♪ That godless day

♪ Broken and on my knees

without a prayer to pray ♪

♪ Now you're gone

♪ I'm ripped in two

♪ How can I believe in God

when my God abandoned you? ♪

♪ What life have I?

♪ What life have I?

♪ What rules apply?

♪ What rules apply?

♪ Weaponless,

I fight despair ♪

♪ With faith in short supply

♪ Now you're gone

♪ Now you're gone

♪ Now that you're gone

♪ Now that you're gone

♪ How do I go on

when you are gone? ♪

♪ Take my hand

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah

♪ Spill me laughter with

a smile that never ends ♪

♪ I need you here

♪ I need you

♪ But you're gone

♪ Gone

♪ You're gone

♪ Gone, goooooooone



No, I... Sí.


Um, I'm truly, truly sorry

about your son,

but this ain't

the same thing.

I'm alone.

All alone.

I was alone,

just like you.

You were never,

ever just like me.

I'm guessing you believe

every pregnancy is God's will?


I just believe

some women are mothers.

Yeah, well, I'm not.

- I disagree.

- You don't even know me.

It doesn't make

any difference.

You'd make

a fantastic mother.

How could you

be so sure?

Just some

"white-woman bullshit."

Maybe she'd

actually be doing a service

by saving some kid

from a life of misery.

I didn't mean that a kid would be

miserable with you specifically.

I-I just...

I just meant

it's hard, you know,

for... for anyone to feel

connected to anybody else.

It's all pretty pathetic.

I mean

who in this city...

actually, who... who

in the world ever just tries...

Between texting, e-mails,

FaceTime, Skype, whatever,

we have more ways

of communicating now

than we ever have before,

and... and yet we just use them

as new and more convenient

methods of ignoring each other.


Deep thoughts from

Creepy Time Subway Stalker.

You know, it's weird

how you think

that you can say anything

you want to anyone you want.

I don't think that.


What about all that smack you

were talking to him earlier?


I wasn't talking smack.

It was just a debate.

Oh. Right.

So it's totally okay for someone

like you to have a debate,

but you feel fine telling me

when I need to shut up?

- I didn't tell you to shut up.

- Yeah, you did.


what... what is the deal?

Is someone just

handing out entitlement cards

to girls like you

that just give you

the go-ahead to act like a...


I didn't say that,

but, okay, yeah.


What's that like?

What's whatlike?

Being entitled

to pick and choose

the guys allowed to look at you

or speak to you.

I don't get to pick

and choose that stuff,

'cause if I did,

you wouldn't be talking to me

right now.

See?! That's what

I'm talking about.

Th-That's exactly

what I'm saying.

You assume that

you're entitled

to just say

whatever you want

because, well, after all,

you're just so fucking pretty!

It's so twisted

that after stalking me,

you're actually trying

to turn this shit around

and make make it my fault

that you're a freak.

I'm not stalking you.

Two days in a row,

you were sitting outside

the coffee shop,

waiting for me

as I left.

I like

the coffee there.

And today is, what,

a coincidence

that you were sitting outside

the studio,

got on the same subway,

the same car?


You know my every move.

Maybe you're

stalking me.

What is it that you thought

was gonna happen, huh?

Did you think we were gonna

go on a date or something?


Do you wanna sneak a few more

shots of me on your cell?

No, no, no. Don't look down.

I mean,

we're stuck here, right?

Let's just

get it over with.

Go ahead.

Look at me!

Look at me.

Look at me,

you freak!

♪ Look

♪ I'm your geisha girl

♪ Sweet like candy putty

in your hands ♪

♪ Look

♪ I am in control

♪ Maybe I'm on top

♪ Giving you commands

♪ Tell me how you want me

♪ What's your fantasy?

♪ Odds are,

it looks really good on me ♪

♪ So, look

♪ Look, look, look,

look, look, look ♪

♪ Look

♪ Look

♪ A Catholic schoolgirl?

♪ Look

♪ How 'bout a naughty nurse?

♪ Look

♪ The third in your threesome

♪ Look

♪ Maybe something

more perverse ♪

♪ You think

I'm here to please you ♪

♪ Be the slave

inside your head ♪

♪ But, look, we live in the real

world instead ♪ Hey, geisha girl.

Where you think

you're goin', baby?

♪ More, more, more, more

♪ Look

♪ Isn't that what

it's all about? ♪

♪ What good is a hot fantasy

if you never play it out? ♪

♪ More

♪ You don't care

about the price ♪

♪ "Just give me what I want

♪ Come on, bitch,

ooh, it'll be nice" ♪

♪ Look

♪ Look, look, look,

look, look, look ♪

- ♪ Look

- Look at me!

♪ Down here,

there's no walking ♪

♪ No darkness, no stalking

♪ Just you and the killer

in your eyes ♪

♪ Killer in your eyes

♪ So look at me,

all the other men do ♪

♪ Take your fill,

leave me broken and used ♪

♪ It's nothing new,

you are them, they are you ♪

♪ I'm not

that kind of person ♪

♪ That isn't

what I meant ♪

♪ I swear to God,

I never had a bad intent ♪

♪ I'm sorry

that I scared you ♪

♪ I'm sorry I was mean

♪ I shouldn't have

followed you ♪

♪ I should have just

come clean ♪

♪ If you'd only

let me try ♪

♪ Then maybe

♪ Maybe I could

tell you why ♪

♪ It's the angles

of your face ♪

♪ How you caught the light

just took my breath away ♪

♪ From the moment

that I saw you ♪

♪ I was captured

by your grace ♪

♪ It's like heaven sighs

with every move you make ♪

♪ From the moment

that I saw you ♪

♪ I knew

I had to draw you ♪

♪ But you keep it

all inside ♪

♪ Some things

you cannot hide ♪

♪ It's not the beauty

that you show ♪

♪ That brings your face

to light ♪

♪ I knew it from afar

♪ If life's a stage,

then you're the star ♪

♪ I see everything

that you are ♪

♪ In the angles

of your face ♪

♪ All you had to do

was look my way ♪

♪ And I'm so glad

that I saw you ♪

♪ I was captured

by your grace ♪

♪ I hear heaven sigh

with every move you make ♪

♪ That's the only way

I saw you ♪

♪ From the moment

that I saw you ♪

♪ So much beauty

without flaw ♪

♪ I just knew

I had to draw ♪

Ladies and gentlemen,

good news.

We'll be moving shortly.

We'll be making all local

stops to the end of the line.

23rd Street.

Stand clear of the closing doors.



Give me your phone.

I-I just took the one

for a reference.

I'm sorry.

It's Caleb, right?



Have your girl.


No, no, no.

I'm not doing that.

I watched my mother

work herself to the bone

raising me

and my sister.

I'm not wasting my life

like that.

Your mother didn't

waste her life.


How do you know

it's a girl?

It's always a girl.

Next stop,

Christopher Street.

Excuse me.

May I?


This is really

the best end of the train.

I don't know

who I am anymore.

I don't, either.

You're somebody's son.


Stand clear

of the closing doors.

♪ Why do we spend

most of our lives ♪

♪ Finding excuses

not to try ♪

♪ Maybe it's

all about the chance ♪

♪ Maybe life

is just a dance ♪

♪ We teach each other

♪ How to step with one another

♪ How can anybody be okay

♪ Throwing possibilities away?

♪ Maybe we're all

one family ♪

♪ Maybe what

you need is me ♪

♪ We help each other

♪ Father, mother,

sister, brother ♪

Where you been?

I'm sorry.

Almost through here.


Paging Doctor... to


'Sup, loser?

Hey, sis.

You're late.

I got stuck

on the subway.

Did you show that girl

your drawing,

or did you

wuss out again?

♪ Why

♪ Why does this

feel so hard? ♪

♪ Why do we hide our heart?

♪ Wouldn't it be as easy

to make a brand-new start? ♪

♪ The answer lies within

♪ The best of us begins

to show when ♪

♪ We let defenses go and

♪ Oh,

whoa-oh She put her number in my phone.

Oh, my God. Sue:

♪ Try a little bit of the unexpected ♪

- ♪ Oh, whoa-oh

- No, no, no, no, no, no!

Don't do that.

I'm calling her right now.

♪ Open up your heart

till you feel connected ♪

♪ The truth will

set you free ♪

♪ The truth is you are me

♪ We can change

each other's lives ♪

♪ Give it a try, I

♪ Try

♪ Want you to try, I

♪ Try

♪ Want you to try, I

♪ Try

♪ Want you to

♪ Tryyyyyyy

♪ Why

♪ Why don't we fix

what's wrong? ♪

♪ Why do we take so long

♪ To see what's all around us,

to hear each other's song ♪

♪ Just listen to the sound

♪ Rise up from underground

And go!

♪ Tell someone

that you know to ♪

♪ Oh, whoa-oh ♪ Try a little

bit of the unexpected ♪

- ♪ Oh, whoa-oh

- Whoa! Yeah!

♪ Open up your heart

till you feel connected ♪

♪ The truth will

set you free ♪

♪ The truth is you are me

♪ We can change

each other's lives ♪

♪ Give it a try, I

♪ Try

♪ Want you to try, I

To be, or not to be:

♪ Want you to try That

is the question for you!

♪ Want you to try, I

♪ Want you to try, I

♪ Want you to try, I

♪ Want you to try, I

♪ Want you to try, I

♪ Ohhhh, yeah, yeah

♪ Oh, whoa, ohh

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah

♪ Everybody is afraid

of the dark ♪

♪ Your feet are running

to the beat of your heart ♪

♪ When the lights go out,

it's easy to fear ♪

♪ Every little phobia

that suddenly appears ♪

♪ You thought you had a handle on the

darkness inside ♪ ♪ Do, do-do, do

♪ Do, do-do, do ♪ But now you see

that you've got nowhere to hide ♪

♪ Do, do-do, do ♪ 'Cause all the

demons that were scared of the light ♪

♪ Ooh, ahh ♪ Were only hesitatin'

till the moment was right ♪

♪ Ooh, ah

♪ Whoa-oh, oh, oh

♪ Ooh, ah

♪ You're stuck, you're stuck

♪ Ooooh ♪ Inside an endless

loop of morbid possibility ♪

♪ Ooh, ah

♪ Whoa-oh, oh, oh

♪ Ooh, ah

♪ You're stuck, you're stuck

♪ Ooooh

♪ When your mind expands

♪ To fill the space

that you no longer see ♪

♪ Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahh, ooh, ahh ♪

Imagination operates at highest degree ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ah ♪ Which turns you

into what you thought you never could be ♪

♪ Whoa-oh, whoa-oh ♪

Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do ♪

♪ Whoa-oh, whoa-oh ♪

Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do ♪

♪ Ooh, ah

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

♪ Ooh, ahh

♪ Whoa, ohh, ohh

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ The dark is

only scary if you're used to the light ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ But step

outside your body and open your mind ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ Experience

the freedom of a world you can't see ♪

♪ And maybe then you'll

comprehend the demon is me ♪

♪ Ooh, ah

♪ Whoa-oh, oh, oh

♪ Ooh, ah

♪ You're stuck, you're stuck

♪ Ahh, ahh-ahh,

ahh ♪ You're stuck if you keep trying ♪

♪ To be someone you're not

♪ Ooh, ah

♪ Whoa-oh, oh, oh

♪ Ooh, ah

♪ You're stuck, you're stuck

♪ Ahh, ahh ♪ If you never open

up to all the people you got ♪

♪ Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahh, ooh, ah ♪ So

shake the trance and take a chance ♪

♪ You're starting to grow

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ah

♪ 'Cause when you're brave

♪ You start to crave

the things you don't know ♪

♪ Whoa-oh, whoa-oh ♪

Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do ♪

♪ Whoa-oh, whoa-oh ♪

Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do ♪

♪ Ooh, ah

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

♪ Ooh, ahh

♪ Whoa, ohh, ohh

- ♪ Whoa-agh-agh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-agh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-agh

- ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Whoa-oh-oh

- ♪ Ooh, ah

♪ When every day

feels the same ♪

♪ When you're stuck

and you can't find your way ♪

♪ Take my hand

♪ Say your name

♪ What's inside,

we're afraid to display ♪

♪ What we feel,

we don't know how to say ♪

♪ Heart to heart

♪ Face to face

♪ Let me in

and I will find you ♪

♪ I would break the ties

that bind you down ♪

♪ If I could see you

♪ Just as you are,

not how you should be ♪

♪ And what we're not

is what we would be allowed ♪

♪ If I could see you

like I see you now ♪

♪ If I could see you

♪ I may not know the pain

you wade through ♪

♪ But what's broken in me

might fix you ♪

♪ Where you hurt

♪ When you do

♪ Mm-hmm-hmm

♪ Let me in

and I will find you ♪

♪ I would break the ties

that bind you down ♪

♪ If I could see you

♪ Just as you are,

not how you should be ♪

♪ And what we're not

is what we would be allowed ♪

♪ If I could see you

♪ See you now

♪ If I could see you

♪ Could see you

♪ If I could see you

♪ See you now

♪ If I could see you

♪ Could see you

♪ If I could see you

like I see you now ♪

♪ Open up and we'll discover

♪ We're not so different

from each other ♪

♪ Let me in

and I will find you ♪

♪ I will break the ties

that bind you down ♪

♪ Down

♪ Because I see you

♪ Just as you are,

not how you should be ♪

♪ All that we are is all that

I need right now ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Because I see you

like I see you now ♪

♪ I see you