Strive (2019) - full transcript

A teenager from the projects in Harlem aims to get into Yale, but must push against the world holding her back.

[upbeat music plays]


Bebe, get out here

before the cereal gets soggy.

Tuna or peanut butter?

-Hurry Up!

-BEBE: Peanut butter!

KALANI: What is she

still doing here?

That's for the kids' lunches.

Well, Jacob offered, so.

Well, Jacob's one of the kids.

He is a grown ass man

and you ain't his momma

You do know he is 17, right?

[phone ringing]

-Hey, Ma!

-GRACE: Is everybody up?

Yeah, everything's done,

of course.

-What about you? You tired?

-GRACE: Where is your brother?

-BEBE: Good Morning!

-Oh, Jacob.

-He's just getting up.

-GRACE: Okay,

I have to get back to work.

Okay, well, I left a plate

for you in the fridge

for when you get home.

All right, talk to you later.

Love you.

-GRACE: Love you.


Who is she? Who are you?

KALANI: She was just leaving.

Just go. Just go.

Gotta eat what we have.

Yo, thanks

for the assist, Kalani.

KALANI: I hope

you protected yourself.


-From fleas.

Remember, there is a no pet rule

in the building.

-[dog yapping]

-Haters, deadass, both of you.

I'm not hating,

I'm looking out for you.

Who is the oldest, huh?

I am. Don't you ever forget it.

By one minute, fool.

-Do I get one too, Mom?

-Thank you!

-KALANI: I'm good, Jacob.

-I'll take it.


Look, y'all going to be late.

You hear me? Take this.

-Thanks, Jay.

-JACOB: You know I got you.


[chuckles] And scrub the--

And scrub the nasty out the tub

before Mom gets home.

JACOB: Hey, she was nasty,

a little bit nasty,

but she wasn't nasty nasty.

KALANI: Bye, Jacob.

Machines and living things

convert energy into what?


-Good, Bebe.

And how does a living thing

convert energy into heat?


That you better not

write on your test.

[overlapping chatter]

LADY: Good morning, Kalani.

How are you?

KALANI: Late as usual.

[truck horn honking]

I thought she said

she was coming?

She is.

She's supposed to, anyway.

I hope I didn't choose

the one day she's sick.

That wouldn't change anything.


Girl, what do you do?

Uh-uh, what are you

doing here, Terrance boy?

You know, this ain't your train.

-Good morning, T.

-TONYA: Who you waiting for?

-Your cousin.

-TONYA: Oh, that bitch?

TONYA: What up, Andre?

How you doing?

Why you don't

come through me no more?

Look I'm trying--

I'm trying to get this train.

Come on, girl, you know you're

not busy for your only man.

-Come on!

-Only ma-- Boy, bye.

Terrance, where you going?

I'm going to class.

Where you going?

-You play too much.

-You don't even got a bookbag.

TONYA: Shut up.

[train screeching]

[indistinct announcement]


TONYA: Uh-uh. Girl!

You know you don't

wanna be late for school.

What's up, Kalani?

'Sup, Terrance.



Am I making you

nervous or something?

Well, with you

staring at me like that.

What you doing

on this train anyway?

My grandma needed some help

with groceries this morning,

so I just thought

I'd come through.

GIRL: Aw, isn't he sweet?

This is my stop.

Tell Kirk I said hi

if you see him.

He still your man?

Yes, that's still my man.

You sure?



GIRL: Girl, girl,

why you doing that?

Stop. You need to stop.

You need to stop.

[school bell rings]

MS. UMANS: Okay, girls.

Your next assignment.

Write a paper on

The Lie by Kurt Vonnegut.

I expect you all

did the reading.

Put your hand down, Kalani.

It was a rhetorical question.

It's AP literature.

Now, who can tell me

what Kurt Vonnegut's

The Lie was all about?

Can I raise my hand now

or is that also

a rhetorical question?


It's a book

about the American dream.

Oh, really?

You have to go deeper, Amy.

Bethany, what are your thoughts?

It's a short story about a boy

whose family donates money

to a private school,

much like ours.

But the school

doesn't accept the boy,

because his test scores

aren't good enough.

Even though his family

had gone to the school

for generations.

It's completely unfair.


Good, Bethany, you have hit

on the topic on this assignment.

Continue, Bethany.

Most of us

in this room would agree

that private schools

are private for a reason.

If you can't afford it,

you shouldn't have a right

to a better education.

That is a very strong

point of view.

[school bell rings]

Essays are due on Monday.

It accounts for one third

of your final grade

and I am expecting

nothing short of your very best.

Kalani, I need to see you

for a moment.

Good afternoon, Kalani.

Your college application is in.

You sure you don't want me

to send any others?

I mean, I can take it

to the mailbox myself.

I've given this

a lot of thought,

um, and Yale

is where I want to be

and my first choice.

I understand.

I can be behind it.

Thank you,

a-- and for helping

with the application fee.

I don't know what I wanna do

if I don't get in.

The great what ifs of life.

It either

propels you to greatness

or stunts you into immobility.

It's going to take you

sitting down

and staying focused

on what has to be done.

That's your destiny.

-My destiny?

-[Mr. Rose chuckles]

You sound so much like me.

Yeah, but did you have

a bitch ass bigot

trying to ruin you?

I hate Ms. Umans.

Ms. Umans?

She has a problem with me.

I'm the only Black girl

in her class

and she makes sure I know it.

It's good preparation

for you, Kalani.

Let me tell you a little story.

I was a young brother

from the projects.

My mother

gave birth to me at 13.

I had all the world

on my shoulders

and all the odds against me.

I was told that I was brilliant

and accomplished, just like you.

I even got a scholarship

to play baseball

and be a pitcher,

and from the top ranked

high schools.

Then, the team got a coach...

who was not interested

in having a Black pitcher.

I was disappointed, I was upset.

I felt like

I had lost my confidence.

All those things.

My grades fell.

All those things happened to me.

Well, I think

since I'm a Black man

in this white man's world

why should I dream big?

Why can't I just

sit on the bench of life

like everyone else.

And don't follow my dreams.

But I didn't go into baseball

like I wanted to.

[indistinct] to my dreams.

But, I made it.


Through all that,

I got through it

and I look at that

and I think about you.

Because this is what

you are going to have to do.

You are going

to have to get through it.

All the things

that you're angry about

all the ways in which

your dreams are often undermined

and you're gonna

have to get through it.

And you...

You can do that.

I think so.

Step one is to be present

and to be focused.

So get out there.

[distant city din]

[indistinct chatter]

-I got it.

-KATY: Are you kidding?

Daddy is in the South of France,

last I heard.

Card's got us.


-No problem.

Thank you.

You know,

the school year is almost over

and you still never taken me

to a party in Harlem.

I heard they are epic.

I can be your plus one.

My plus one?

What? I mean it.

You're telling me you don't

need to blow off steam?

Katy, have you ever

been above 96th street?

Of course I have.

I took a tour of Columbia.

Mm. Okay.


-KALANI: Okay.

Kalani, you ready? Let's go.

"Oh, hi, Katy." Hi, Kirk.

"It's nice to see you again."

Oh, it's nice to see you too.

Hi, Katy.

Kalani, you know

I don't like being down here.

Oh, don't be so dramatic.

Kalani, let's go.

Bye, Katy.

All right, see you later.

Let me know about

going out this weekend, please.

Got you.

I thought we had plans,

just you and I?

Looking good today, Bebe.

You waiting on me?

My brother was

supposed to pick me up

I don't know where he is,

but he's not

picking up his phone.

Hey, Tye, hop in the V,

let's get to the crib.

I'm with

my friends tonight, Maleek.

I'm good.

-You heading back to 155th?

-I can give you a ride

if that's what you're asking.

Well, you took me for a ride

a couple times last month

and then I never saw you again.

Well, you know

I love you, shorty.

Well, hop in the whip,

so we can get to the crib.


See? Nice and tight.

Hungry? I'm super starving.

I could eat.

[engine revs]

[mellow music plays]


-Hey, Dad.

-Hey, Pastor.

Hey, hey.

Hey, Kalani, how you doing?

How is Mom and the family?

-Everybody's good.


What about this knucklehead,

how is he treating you?


Son, are you not going

to help her with the backpack?

I taught you better than that.

Yes. My bad, Dad.

Offer her something to drink?

Oh, I'm fine, really.

Okay. You guys have homework?

Yeah, a big paper.

All right, well,

you know you're welcome to stay

and have dinner with us.

Just tell your mom.

Thanks, Pastor.

I have a big meeting

at the church

so I'll be back

in a couple of hours.

KIRK: All right, Pop, love ya.

Okay, take care.

-I got my eye on you.

-[Kirk chuckles]

I'll get you something to drink.

Hey, how about we shut this--


What-- what are you doing?

-KIRK: Let's go upstairs.


KIRK: It's more comfortable

up there. Come on, baby.

-Come on.

-I'm fine.

Comfortable enough. Down boy.

[Kirk sighs]

Yo, I'm not your damn boy

and I'm not a dog.

Okay, what just happened?

Why do you always

gotta be like that?

-Like what?

-Boring, Kalani.

Boring. A tease.

All my friends get to brag about

what their girls do for them,

I can't say nothing.

You don't do nothing for me,

you don't want me

and you don't care about me.

I care about you.

Then prove it.

Kirk, no.

-I said no.

-Relax, relax.

-I said no.

-Come on.


Stop, Kirk.

Stop, Kirk.



MAN: Hey, baby. What's good?

Hey, where are you going?

You're my future wife!

[sorrow piano music plays]


I was wondering

where my children were.

Hey, Ma.

What's gotten

you so out of breath?

[sighs] Nothing.

Where is Bebe?

I'm going to

kill that little girl.

There is some chicken

and dumplings on the stove

with some white rice,

go make yourself a plate.

I'm not hungry, Ma.

Chicken and dumplings

is one of your favorites.

-Are you sick or something?



Do you know what time it is?

I'm sorry,

I didn't think you was home yet.

I was waiting on Jacob

and he never came to get me.

Just because I'm not home

doesn't mean you shouldn't be.

I want you to come

straight home after school

whether Jacob gets you or not,

do you understand?

Yes, Mama.

So, where have you been?

-With a friend.

-What friend?

Tye from downstairs.

I thought I told you to

stay away from that family.

I'm sorry, I forgot.

You forgetting something?

You stink, Bebe.

-You been having sex?


Don't you lie to me girl,

where'd you get

-this necklace from, huh?

-From a friend.

He gave it to you for nothing?

-Ma, I didn't do anything.

-The next words

that come out of your mouth

better not be a lie.

I can't even

look at you right now.

Get out of my face and go take

a shower before I beat your ass.

I told you

to look after you sister.

How could you let this happen?

[Kalani sighs]

[piano music plays]


Kalani, have you

seen my shower cap?

Have you seen my shower cap?

Are you mad at me too?

What do you think?

Why didn't you tell me

you were having sex, Bebe?

I can't protect you

if you don't tell me anything.

I'm sorry.

You use condoms, right?



They only work

if you use them every time.

He doesn't like condoms.

He says it don't feel the same.

-KALANI: What if you get an STD?

-That won't happen?

-Are you stupid?


You know what,

first thing Monday morning

you are going to the clinic,

but tomorrow

you are going

to get your butt up,

go to the pharmacy

and get some condoms,

since it seems like

you cannot control yourself,

and you need

to get a pregnancy test.

-I'm fine.

-KALANI: How do you know?

'Cause I'm not pregnant.

When was your last period?

I don't know. I don't remember.

-Last month?

-I don't know.


you don't know anything.

You're taking the test.

I'll give you the money.

-But Kalani--

-That's it!

Your shower cap is over there.

You protect your hair,

but not your life?





[Mom whining]


You okay?

God, place your

Precious Blood over my mother.

Keep Bebe and Jacob

in your hands.

According to your will, God.

In Jesus' name, amen.

GRACE: Amen.

[city din]

-[banging on wall]

-Get up!

Get up!

-Mom, what are you doing?

-Call your brother

and tell him to

come get his stuff.

I've had enough. He's got to go.

He didn't come home last night

and then I find this.

-Where was it?

-Right here in his room.

-Did you know, Kalani?


No, Ma.

Tell him I'm flushing it

down the toilet.

I won't have this in my house.

KALANI: Mom. Mom, please stop.

Call your brother and tell him

to come get his stuff,

otherwise he will be

picking it up off the curb.

-I want him out.




-[bangs on door]

-Bianca, hurry up!

Calm down, Ma, your pressure.

You need to do

what I told you to do.

Get Jacob on the phone,

that's what you

need to worry about.

Ma. Ma.

Kalani, get out of my way!

[phone buzzing]



Why didn't you tell me?

This is what

you into now, Jacob.

Have you lost your mind?

Mom found your stash

and she flushed it.

She flushed it?

You're kidding me right now.

She could get me killed.

She could get all of us killed.

You're the one

who gon' get us killed.

I'm doing this to

take care of y'all.

I put my life on the line

every day for this family.

Do you even

know what that's like?


-JACOB: You know what?

Just keep Mom out of my room,

all right?

I got to go handle this.

[upbeat music plays]


[Tonya chuckles]


Why you look so damn depressed?

-I'm going through stuff.

-Girl, don't nobody want to hear

you complain about

your perfect little life.

You don't know nothing

about my life, so shut up.

Crystal, for real?

She's your cousin.

Anyway, we are going

to shop it up, all right?

'Cause, you know,

I go to look real cute

cause y'all are coming

with me to a party tonight.

-We got to get ready.

-[Crystal chuckles]

-Go with Crystal.

-[Crystal exclaims]

You know Crystal can't.

She on that leash for the Lord.


-And I'm not going by myself.

Now, you see,

if your brother was going

that's a different story,

but I have choir practice.

I'm not trying

to hang with you heathens.

I'm not going, Tonya.

Look, I just need

something real cute

because you know

my man's going to be there.


-Which one?

Does that matter? Come on.


[indistinct] Bye, pooch.

[banging on door]

[banging on door continues]

TYE: What's up?

-Where is Maleek?

-He's busy.

I need to talk to him.

But he's busy, Coco is here.

I don't care about that chick.

It's important, Tye.

Get him for me.

I need to talk to him.

Okay, sit down,

he'll be out soon.

BEBE: Do you still

watch these cartoons?

I stopped watching these,

like, six months ago.

[Tye sighs]


Bebe, you look

finer than all those girls.

-I know.

-I really care about you.

You always say that.

Look, could you

go get your brother?

Why don't you

want to chill with me?

Why you always

wanna be with my brother?

Maleek! You don't see me?

-What you doing here?

-I have to talk to you.

MALEEK: No, I'm busy.

But, it's important.

My baby moms is here.

You got to roll.

So? I'm your baby moms too.

What you say?

I'm your new baby moms.

[Maleek scoffs]

Wait, wait, wait.

You told me you ain't

even had your period yet.

I got it.

Well, I had it.

All times raw

and you ain't say nothing?

-I'm sorry.

-I told you

I couldn't mess with you no more

-if you had your period, Bebe!

-It's not like I planned it.

[choking] I'm sorry, Maleek.

What you trying to do?

Send me to jail?

What's going on in here?


-MALEEK: Go to the room.

Who is this? Who are you?

Don't worry about me.

Worry about yourself.

-Honey, who is this girl?

-Coco, go in your room.


-Get in your room!

I'm sick of-- Maleek!

-[loud thud]

-[Coco whining]

You're really pregnant, Bebe?

Why would I make this up?

You can't have no baby.

He'll kill you.

You don't know him, Bebe.

He did that

because he's in shock.

I'm his girl, he loves me.

Maleek already got a girl.

And your point?

Handle that.

-BEBE: But, Maleek--

-Get away from me.

Hey, I want her gone

when I come back outta here.

-TYE: You better leave now.

-Don't tell me what to do.


♪ Tell me what you need,

what you want ♪

♪ And why you need it all day ♪

♪ I see what you go about,

what it got to do with me ♪


This is cute.

♪ Or how sexy I am ♪

Oh, yes!

Girl, this is cute,

right? [exclaims]

CRYSTAL: If you want

to look like a highlighter.

Bitch, don't hate.

I'm going to try it on.

KALANI: What about this?

This is appropriate.

Come on, no.

Girl, you've been hanging with

the preppy white kids too long.

Girl, go on.

I'm not going to church, okay?

I'm trying to turn up.

Ooh, girl, I'm about to be fly.

I think it's still cute.


I'm ready to go.

Where's the dress?

Really? You that broke?

-That dress was, like, $9.

-You look like a highlighter.

Girl, don't hate.

At least I don't blend

into the background like you.

-Take it off.

-Girl, shut your mouth.

Look. I want this.

Shut up. Hold it.

Let me fix my shoe.


Hey! Hey! Get back here!

-Get back here!

-[girls screaming]

Get back here!

You got to pay for that.

TONYA: Yo, girl, that was crazy!


-What the hell, Tonya?

You could have just warned us.

You just left us there.

I totally thought

you were right behind me.

And guess what,

"yeller." [chuckles]

You know what that

could of do to my chances

at Yale if we got caught,


-CRYSTAL: Ridiculous.


Guys, where is my purse?

Don't ask me to go

shopping with you ever again.

-In life. Ever.

-Let it go.

There is a party

to get ready for.

I told you I'm not going.

I have a paper due Monday.

-I said that.


Homework over a party?


-Kalani, you're so corny.

Really? Come on, now.

-You're corny.

-It's not about being corny,

Tonya, it's about

getting into Yale.

-CRYSTAL: Right.

-After Harvard, the second

or third most prestigious

school in the country.

Tonya, you clearly

don't get it, babe.

You're obsessed

with that school, right?

Did you even apply to

Columbia or City College even?

Oh, no, she is trying to

be one of those bougie negros,

who leaves Harlem behind and

forgets where they came from.



it's about that sperm donor

you're so fascinated with.

He went to Yale.

Big deal. He was an asshole.

He used your mom

who had to push out

-all three of y'all.

-Really? Really?

Then, he moved back to his real

family on the Upper West Side.

Forget that fool,

'cause you don't need to hide

in the shadow of that bastard,

move on!

What are you talking about?

I live in his shadow,

me and my brother.

Walk in his shoes,

pay his bills.

Bitch, you didn't

do that alone, okay?

-KALANI: Okay.

-I was there too

when your ass was too

little to do a goddamn thing.

Meanwhile, my mom was

sucking dick in the stairwell.

We family.

We got through it

without that fool

and we getting through now.

What you need to do

is find his ass,

call him out in front

of his dumb ass wife

and them fat ass kids.

They fat, you know it. They fat.

You seen them on Facebook.

-How do you know they fat?

-They fat. They fat.

What are you talking about?

Listen, look, look.

I just wanted to see you smile

right, and laugh.

Now please,

go with me to this party.

No. I'm not going.

I have dreams and goals.

Listen, you can

pipe dream about Yale

and your player pimp daddy,

all that stuff afterwards.

It's not a pipe dream.

It's not about a dream differed.

Um, it's about

getting into Yale.

I have dreams,

goals, aspirations, vision.

Unlike you, whose vision

doesn't go past tonight

and some lame ass nigga

in Jordans.

That's your life, not mine.

Why you got

to make my man lame though?

-He always lame.


Look at your ex with his

fake religious bad breath ass.

-You know, his breath stink.


FYI, I'm not going to

Yale because he went to Yale.

I'm going because

Jane Matilda Bolin went to Yale,

the first Black woman

to graduate Yale law.

The first Black woman

to become a judge.

Thank you very much

and I'm going to go the distance

and become a lawyer,

maybe I'll become a judge

and when I do,

then I'll come back to Harlem,

pick up my whole entire family

and move them to Striver's Row.

You're welcome.

-I'll be your neighbor then.

-Yes, you will.

-Thank you.

-That's cute and inspiring.


But until then we going

to a poppin' party, right?

When you hit it big,

I'll move my ashy little kids

on up to Kalani street.

Okay, fine. Fine, I'll go.

But you gotta

give me some smoke.

You gonna go?

Yes, girl, I got it.

Get this loud, get this drank,

get this stank. Yes, girl!

Go, come on,

let's make a Soul Train line.

-Get your cousin.

-[Tonya exclaims]

Girl, don't act

like you ain't no hoe.

Come on, girl,

I know you like it.

Listen, we going, we going.

You better not get drunk.

That's all I know.

I can't take you

when your drunk.

I'm going to be

at choir rehearsal.

-Me? Drunk? I never get drunk.


[club music plays]


TONYA: Kalani!

Girl, yeah, that's what

I'm talking about.

Burn it up, Sean Paul,

and whip these dollars out.

Girl, they'll rain on us.

Y'all want to make

it rain too, I know.


♪ I swear I saw

gold in your eyes ♪

♪ The way you looked at me ♪

If I knew you were coming,

I would of gotten

here a lot earlier.

Is that so?

Come here.

♪ That shit blinds me

when it hits the sun ♪

♪ And I know you're not

a hit and run ♪

♪ You can't find

the kind of love we make ♪

♪ Boy, we're gold like

the ring on your finger, 24K ♪

♪ We're not perfect,

but we're [indistinct] ♪

♪ I got silver linings

in my hair ♪

♪ I think you're a risk

I have to take ♪

♪ 'Cause boy, we're golden like

the ring on your finger, 24K ♪

Uh-uh, so you break up with Kirk

and just move on to the next.

-No more Kirk?

-TONYA: Yes.

[Tonya hiccups]

Sorry, I have to take her home.

TONYA: Nah, it's a false alarm.

TERRANCE: No, I'll help you.

There is nobody here

I want to hang out with anyway.

TONYA: What is this?

Uh-uh, girl.


-What did you drink?

-Would you--

Girl, you didn't tell me

you was banging John Legend.

-Oh, my goodness.

-John. John!

I ain't seen you

in a minute, John.

Almost there.

[Tonya retches]

That look.

That's a pretty color on him.

That's nice. Kalani, I'm going.

I'll see y'all.

-Bye, y'all!

-I'm so sorry.

TONYA: The party was lit!

Oh, my gosh, sorry.

No, it's cool.

[Kalani sighs]

I'm sorry,

it's just, um, I'm sorry.

[elevator beeps]

I live up on the 18th.

It was good seeing

you tonight, Kalani.



-BEBE: Mom's at work.

I figured that.

Did Jacob come home?


Bebe, isn't it a little late

for you to be

eating a plate of bacon?

Yeah, but I want it.

Did you get that pregnancy test?



-Hello? You deaf?

-BEBE: I heard you.


You were right.

You're pregnant?

You're pregnant?

Did you tell Tye?


-KALANI: Well?

He wants me to get rid of it.

Are you?

I don't know.

-What should I do?

-I can't tell you that.

You gotta figure

that out on your own.

But what would you do?

KALANI: I wouldn't have

had sex in the first place.

You're a kid!

How old is Tye?

Um, 13.

What is wrong with you?

-I can't have one decent break?

-BEBE: I don't know.

I don't know how

this happened, I'm sorry.

Don't apologize to me.

You're the one who got pregnant!

I can't have one decent day.

Without dealing

with mess from you, Ma,

Jacob, Tonya, Aunty.

Like one day of peace.

[Kalani sighs]

I'm scared, Kalani.

I'm here for you sis, okay?

[Bebe sighs]



[mellow music plays]


Girls, time to

get ready for church.

-Morning, Ma.

-What you doing?

I've been up since five

working on me English paper.

You wanna read it?

I need you

to get ready for church.

Oh, wake up, Bebe! Wake up.

Did your brother come home?

I haven't spoken to him

since yesterday.

Call him and remind him

of his responsibility

to pay his part of the rent.

I got a notice under my door

and you know I don't like

getting no notices

under my door.

And wake her up, too.

Okay, Mom.

Wake up, Bebe.


Bebe, aye, Bebe.

Aye, aye, aye, Bebe.

-Aye, aye, aye.


We gotta go to church.

I'm not going.


I feel like a hypocrite.

Nobody in church is perfect.


I know.

You're a weed-head.

Girl, since you know so much,

get your butt up.

Get up.

[phone ringing]

Your phone is ringing.


-KALANI: Jacob, where are you?

Ma calmed down.

She's been asking for you.

She needs you

to pay your half of the rent.

I'm sorry.

She told me to remind you.

Kalani, I'mma be home in a few

and I'mma take care of that.

I decided though

I can do more for y'all

if I don't live there.

KALANI: Please come home.

I'll come home to get my stuff

and then I'm out.

I gotta go, bye.

[Jacob sighs]

You got that money for me?


-[both chuckle]

That's all I got right now.

This ain't enough, Carmen.

I thought you said you got me.

I gotta pay what I owe for rent

and for the rock

or else they will be

coming for me.

I was already

supposed to settle up yesterday.

What am I supposed

to do with this Carmen?

Listen, listen.

Next week,

I can ask my husband for more.

I got you, babe, come on.

I don't know

why you bring him up.

And next week is too late.

I need the money now, Carmen.

-Don't leave please.

-I gotta go.

You said you got me,

but obviously you don't.

So, you know what I have to do?

I have to get it on my own,

like I should've

-in the first place.

-Don't go yet, babe.

You didn't eat breakfast.

Come on. Please stay. Please.


-JACOB: I gotta go.

♪ It's hard to keep thinking

that good is on your side ♪

♪ And nothing good

seems to happen in your life ♪

♪ And when you do

you could get off the ground ♪

♪ Been there before and

you don't have to stay down ♪

♪ I know you're fed up,

things just won't head up ♪

♪ You've seen

better days than this ♪

-♪ Better days, better days ♪

-♪ Just keep on hoping ♪

♪ The door will open ♪

♪ To see it you got to believe ♪


how have you been?

Good to see you and your family

here this morning.

Well, we never miss a Sunday.

♪ You've seen

better days than this ♪

♪ Better days than this ♪

♪ Just keep on hoping

the door will open ♪

♪ To see it you got to believe ♪

♪ But the thing is,

don't stop your giving ♪

♪ The promise of faith, oh ♪

Thank you, choir,

for that lovely selection.

That was perfect

because this fits perfectly

with our message this morning.

God is working it out for you.

I'll say it one more time,

God is...

-AUDIENCE: God Is...

-...working it out...

-...working it out...

-...for you.

...for you.

Sometimes we feel like

He isn't watching us at all.

Sometimes we feel

like He isn't there.

But the Bible tells us

that the eyes of the Lord

are in every place,

beholding the evil and the good.

[Bebe sobbing]

What the hell is wrong with you?

[Bebe crying] Nothing.

Leave her alone, Tonya.

[Bebe sniffs] I can't be here.

I wanna go home. [sobbing]

KALANI: Okay, Bebe,

maybe that's the best thing.

CRYSTAL: But you

gotta stop crying, sweetie.

You're too pretty

to be crying like that.

[Bebe sobbing]

Let me try.

[Tonya exclaims]

And y'all two

thought you knew it all.

Girl, let me fix this.

All right, go ahead, but go

straight home, you understand?

Yes, sis.

I'm gonna go home and sleep.


All right, get some rest.

JACOB: I have a situation,

I need some help.

Yes it is a beautiful day,

a fine day to do business.

-Man, this is serious.


What, we-- we lost a little damn

common courtesy today?

You're a loan shark.

I need a loan. Enough said.

Can you help?

Loan shark?

Nah, you see.

I'm just a man who help folk

put a down payment

on their dreams.

[loan shark chuckles]

All right, fam.

How can I help you?

-A thousand.

-That's it?

I know you had

that sister of yours

-who got eyes on college.

-A thousand for now.

I'll handle that

a different way, later.

One thousand

United States legal title.

That grand is yours.


I won't even ask what

piece your sister's eating.


-Look, you're lucky

I don't smoke you

for a move like that.

All right, now it's 10%,

you know where to find me.

[train wheels screeching]

At the restaurant

down the block.


-Was that Terrance?


He's on his way.

Look, I just want my friend

to be happy, okay?

Mm. Excited to see me.

I can tell.

I got to go check on Bebe.

[whispers] Excuse me.

Hey, Bebe, you home yet?


I'll be home in a second.

KALANI: I told you

to go straight home.

You need to rest.

I'm going to be a little late.

You going to be okay?

All right.

Love you.

Love you, too, bye.

[knocking on door]

[door clicks]

I have something

I need to tell you.

TERRANCE: Listening.

Um, I'm a virgin

and I plan on staying that way.

You think that's why

I want to be with you?

Well, Kirk and I used to argue

about that all the time.

TERRANCE: I'm not Kirk.

I like you for who you are.

Well, you say that,

but we don't

even know each other.

I mean, we know each other

but we don't know each other.

Okay, so,

what do you want to know?

Um, what do you plan on doing

after school?

Well, I'm definitely

going to college.

Hoping to get into Howard.

-Howard, that's a good school.

Yeah. What about you?


I want to go to college, too.



Yale? [chuckles] Wow.

I feel like it's

a little out of my league,

but it's the same way I felt

before I applied

to the school I'm at now, so.

You're right.

I definitely

didn't know the girl

behind those beautiful braids.

[romantic music playing]

From now on,

only when we are in public,

but not like this

when we are alone, Tye.

What do you mean?


I've been waiting for you.

Tye, I thought I told you

not to let her back in here.

-I have to talk to you.

-About what?

I already gave you the bread.

-I'm keeping it.

-No, you're not.

Look, I got a plan.

Tye and I will act

like we are a couple

and people will think it's his,

but you and I will--

-You're going to do what I said.

-No, I'm keeping the baby.

Look, we can figure this out.

You think this

is a game, shorty?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Maleek.

-You think I'm playing too?

-BEBE: No, stop.

Help, please! No. [screams]

Tye! Help me! Stop. Please!

[door creaks]

Yo, Ma, you here?

[Jacob sighs]

Hey, K, it's me.

You don't have

to call back, I'm...

just sitting here

thinking about Pops.

I know you worry about me,

but know I love you.

[Jacob chuckles]

I sound real corny

right now, just--

I'm sitting at the crib,

looking at my life

in trash bags.

I gotta go.

You know I love you.

[phone buzzing]


I just left you a message.

MAN: Hey, yo, playboy.

You at the end of your road.

Wait! Wait! I could

get you your money!

Just give me some more ti--

[door clicks open]

Yo, Ma! Is that you?

Yo, Ma!

-[Bebe cries]


[Bebe crying]

Bebe, what happened?

What-- what happened?

[Bebe whispering inaudibly]

-[Bebe cries]

-She's-- she's bleeding!

She's bleeding.

She's bleeding bad.

My sister! My baby sister!

We need an ambulance, now!

Polo Tower C! 18th Floor!

-[Bebe sobs]

-I'm right here, Bebe!

I'm right here!

You gonna be all right.

I'm right here, okay?

Hey, I need you to

tell me what happened, okay?

-It was my fault.


He told me

he didn't want another baby!

Who? Who, Bebe, who?


[banging on door]

-JACOB: Where's your brother?

-TYE: He ain't here!

Man, move! Maleek!

Where you at?

Get yo ass out here!

Man, that's my sister,

what's wrong with you man?

She's a kid man!

She's a baby!

You son of a bitch!

-Leave my brother alone!

-If I ever see you

'round her again,

I'll kill you, you hear me?

I'll kill you!





Yeah, Mom, okay.

Okay, I'm on my way.

-I'll meet you at the hospital.

-TERRANCE: What's going on?

My mom needs me to meet her

at the hospital.


well, I'm going with you!

I didn't know,

I-- I swear to you,

I didn't know

this was happening.

I have to ask you

these questions, Ms. Johnson,

-I'm sure you understand.

-Kalani, thank God you're here.

Where's Bebe? What happened?

They got me out

here questioning me

like I'm a criminal.

Bebe is in the other room

down the hall.

You're from

Child Protective Services?

We're asking your mother

a few questions.

It's standard procedure

in matters like this.

Well, my mom

busts her ass every day,

you should be ashamed

of yourself.

You got a problem?

He's a friend.

OFFICER: Well, then,

you can't be in here, son.

I just wanted to make sure

Kalani got here okay.

Uh, I'll be in the waiting room,

here if either of you two

need me.

You could give us

some privacy, too, Miss.

Of course. Um, here is my card.

I'll reach out to you

if I have more questions.

Do you know

you could have cost me my child?

I trusted you.

What's taking so long?

I called 20 minutes ago!

This isn't gang-related!

-[Carmen cries]

-[Jacob choking]

CARMEN: Hurry up!

Goddammit, he's dying!

Jacob. Jacob, my love!


Jacob! Wake up, please!

[phone buzzing]


-Hello? Hello? Who's this?

CARMEN: Oh, my God.

Where's Jacob?

Where's Jacob?

Put him on the phone!

[Carmen cries]

I'm so sorry.

There is so much blood.

-Jacob's been shot.


CARMEN: I don't think

he's going to make it.

Put him on the phone!

Put the phone to his ear!

Jacob, baby, it's your sister.

Baby, please wake up!

Jacob? Can you hear me?


We came into

this world together, Jay.

Me and you.

You came in

one minute before me.

To protect me.

We got big dreams,

we were gonna do

big things together, remember?

Remember, Jacob?

[Kalani crying]

What? What's happening?

Wh-- where's Jacob?


[Carmen crying]

[Mom sighing]

[Kalani singing]

♪ I love you ♪

♪ I'll never leave ♪

♪ You're a part of me ♪

♪ I love you ♪

♪ So much ♪

♪ I'll never leave ♪

♪ You're a part of me ♪

♪ So stay ♪

♪ Stay ♪

♪ Stay with me ♪

[piano music playing]

Paul wrote these words

in the Book of Second Timothy,

chapter four, verse seven.

He says,

"I have fought the good fight.

"I have finished the race.

"I have kept the faith."

But there are these times

when the loved one we have lost

has been taken far too soon.

Taken violently.

Taken before they could

even finish their race.


Jacob was taken too soon.

He was taken too soon.

And at times like these...

we ask questions.

The main question we ask is...


Why so young?

Why so soon?

Why this pain? Why this grief?

Why did God...

allow this to happen?

Mm, I want you to know

that it is perfectly okay

to ask why.

Jesus himself asked why

while on the cross.

He claimed,

"Eli, Eli! Sabachthani!"

Which is to say,

"My God, my God, why...

"has Thou forsaken me?"


But the problem

with that question is...

most of the time,

you'll never find that answer.

So beloved,

it behooves us this morning

to somehow and someway

change the question.

From why to-- to what.

What do I do now?

What do we do next?

I'll tell you what you do.

You grow.

You keep loving,

you keep praying.

You live!

[city din]

CRYSTAL: Got some good news!


I got in! I got accepted!

-I'm going to Howard!

-KALANI: Oh, wow.


I'm still waiting

on some financial aid

and I'm pretty sure

I'm going to have to take out

some student loans,

but I'm in there!

Whatever you gotta do, right?

You know,

the family's having a party

this Friday to celebrate

and you already know.

How you feeling?

I don't really know how to feel.

We're here for you, you know?

Whatever you need.


[school din]

KATY: My God, Kalani!

What are you doing here?

I'm so sorry.

Screw this paper.

Screw Ms. Umans.

I could have come

and picked it up for you.

You need to be with

your family right now.

This is about my family.

MS. UMANS: Stephanie,

please collect the essays.

Kalani, if you need more time,

I understand,

I can give you an extension.

Uh, no. I have it right here.


You finished your paper?

This is the real world.

And there aren't any extensions

in the real world.

There's never enough time.

[piano music playing]

Can I talk to you?

Hey, you don't

have to talk at all.

-[Kalani cries]

-MR. ROSE: Hey, come here.

Come here. Come here, baby.

Come here, come here.

Come here.

I wish I could take this

pain away, but I can't.

And-- and I wish I had

the words, but I don't.

[Kalani sobbing]

Okay, but I'm here,

but I'm here.

I'm here. I'm here.

Will you go with me?

What's this?

I f-- I found

my father's address.

Uh, you don't want

to do this, not now.

I know his family

doesn't know about us.

But I think he needs

to know his son is dead.

I think you're angrya

and you deserve to be.

I just want to

drop the obituary off.

I don't care

how he feels about it.

You think it's

as simple as that?

What, you knock on the door

and he's gonna

pull you into his arms?

What is--

what is a family, Kalani?

What does it

really mean to be a dad?

Hey, anybody can be a father.

But Jacob's life,

Jacob's loss

is worthy of a dad.

I don't have

the answers to that.

You're gonna have

to think this through.

I need you--

I need you to think it through.

I need--

I need you to think it through.

I can't.

I don't have any more room.

I don't have the room for it.

I can't do it.

I can't do everything

and be everything,

that everybody--

I can't take

my sister to school,

make sure she's okay,

make her lunch,

bury my brother,

try to get in a college,

try to have a life and be a kid,

I can't do it! I can't do it!

MR. ROSE: Kalani. Kalani.

Take a breath.

Take a breath.

All you're going through is

too much for anyone at any age.

And maybe

you should take a break.

-No, please.

-MR. ROSE: No, no, no.

You should take a break

from school for a while.

It's going to be all right.

It won't affect your grades.

This is one moment in your life

that you have to go through.

You will get through it.


MR. STOKES: Hey, little lady.

KALANI: Hey, Mr. Stokes.

This elevator is broken

and this one is going express.

Express to where?

Just goin' straight to the top.

Well, I live up on 18th.

I can walk down.

What are you gonna do?

Wait for the repairman.

What else can I do?


[indistinct conversation]

TONYA: Oh, here she goes.

Keep it moving! Damn!

DJ: You know I got

room for you too, sweetheart.

-TONYA: Oh, shut up.

-DJ: Just watch your mouth, yo.


Just keep it moving, college!

KALANI: Hey, Ma,

the elevator's broken.

GRACE: I know.

How you doin'?

Mr. Rose called.

I'm worried about you.

He says I need

a mental health break.

I don't know, Ma.

I think he's right.

That nonsense

is for white folks.

Can I fix you something to eat?

No, Ma, I'm good.

Can I run you a bath?

Now you sound like me.

[Mom chuckles]


A letter came for you from Yale.

You really applied to

the same school as your father.


You gonna open it?

It's so thin.

GRACE: You know they send

those rejection letters out

by the thousands.

There are plenty

of other schools

right here in New York.



So, what it say?

I got in.

I couldn't believe it. I got in.

GRACE: Let me see!

Oh, my God.

What about Bebe?

Well, what about

helping me around here?

This is all the way

in Connecticut.

You not planning on

accepting this, are you?

Ma, I'm going.

No, you're not.

To Yale of all places?

Really, Kalani?

There are plenty of schools

that are closer.

Write them and tell them

that you-- you decided

to take a school

that's closer to your family.

It's my decision.

And I've made it. It's Yale, Ma!

Not everybody gets

an opportunity like this,

but I did.

With Jacob gone...

you-- you just gonna--

you just gonna leave?

I'm not Jacob, Mom.

I'm coming back.

I got bills that I need

help with, every day, Kalani.

I-- I need help with Bebe.

You got responsibilities

here, okay?

I'm not the mom! You're the mom!

You are! I want to be a kid!

Let me be a kid!



Remember this dress?

BEBE: You never let me wear it.

It's yours.

Are you serious?

Can I have the shoes, too?

Now, you're pushing it.

All right. Take the shoes, girl.

I have something

from Jacob, too.

I don't know

why he was hiding it,

but I'm glad

I found it when I did.

This is kind of intense.

I think I'll look at it later.

Okay. In your time.

You finally get the room

to yourself!

It's all I've ever wanted!

But now I'm not so sure.

You really have to go, Kalani?

I want you

to make good decisions.

Smart choices.

And those times where

you don't have all the answers,

I'm just a phone call away.

Mom's gonna have me

doing everything around here.

It's a lot, but it's not so bad.

Just keep the room clean,

do what she asks of you.

Just don't grow up too fast.

You'll be my age

before you know it.

But, take care of Mom.

I'm serious, Bebe. Okay?

BEBE: Kalani?

Can we cuddle tonight?

Come on.

Come on, come on,

come on, come on.

But don't hog all the cover.

You hogging it already!

Love you, Kalani.

Love you, Bebe.


[phone buzzing]


All right,

I'm comin' down! [chuckles]


Bye, Mom.

You didn't think I wasn't

gonna say goodbye, did you?

I thought you were asleep.

I haven't slept in-- in weeks.

I made you all your favorites.

There's a sweet potato pie

in that little bag,

I'm saving that for Thanksgiving

to make sure

your butt comes home.

Thanks, Mom.

I am so proud of you.

I know I haven't said that

nearly as much as

I should have but...

I really am proud of you.

Thanks, Ma.

Get on out of here.

[Kalani laughs]

[hopeful music playing]

It's a guilt gift.

It goes pretty well with

the "Sorry I missed Christmas

with the family" Rolex.

KALANI: All I got was cornbread.

[indistinct] family. Trade?

Grand Central, right?

Any chance we can

make a quick pit stop?

I need to stop by the school.

Just when I thought I was out,

they pull me back in!


Hey, Kalani.

KALANI: You got a minute?


I know this is

going to sound weird

and uncomfortable and awkward,

but do you remember

that conversation we had

after Jacob died, about family?


-KALANI: Well...

I didn't go to

my father's house.

You were right.

There is a difference

between a father and a dad.


I want you to have this.


Jacob Johnson.

-Don't forget me.



All right.

I'll be in the stands,

cheering you on.

[Kalani chuckles]

Thanks for everything.

Thank you.

[hopeful music playing]

♪ Too young to be tired ♪

♪ Too high to be higher ♪

♪ Too far to go further ♪

♪ But too strong to deter her ♪

♪ In my eyes,

all I see is my fire ♪

♪ In my heart,

all I feel is desire ♪

♪ In my dreams,

all I see is my life ♪

♪ Until I live what I see ♪

♪ I'll just strive ♪

♪ Strive ♪

♪ Giving up is not an option ♪

♪ You don't see 'em

like me often ♪

♪ When in his mind I've chosen ♪

♪ And I've made up my mind ♪

♪ I'll just strive ♪

♪ Strive ♪

♪ I'll strive ♪

♪ Oh, I'll strive ♪


TERRANCE: Hey! It's me.


-So you on your way or...

-KALANI: Yeah.

I'm actually almost there.

-What about you?

-TERRANCE: Me, too.

I didn't realize how far out

of the city Howard actually is.

KALANI: And in

the opposite direction of Yale.

I mean, there's always holidays.

That's true.

TERRANCE: Are you going

back for Thanksgiving, or...

Yeah, how about you?

I'll be back, yeah.

[clears throat]

You know, in the meantime,

I'm definitely gonna miss it,

but, uh...

you know, especially you.

Okay. [chuckles]

TERRANCE: But yeah,

I'll be back for Thanksgiving.

Well, um...

I probably should get going

because I'm just about

to pull up in a second.


All right, well,

just remember, Kalani.

You deserve it.

Aw, thanks, Terrance. So do you.

[chuckles] Thanks.

♪ Mm, strive ♪

DRIVER: Your parents

must be so proud of you.

♪ Strive ♪

They are.

♪ Oh, I won't stop ♪

♪ I won't stop, oh ♪

♪ Strive ♪

♪ When it gets hard,

I just strive ♪

♪ With tears in my eyes,

I'll just strive ♪

♪ No matter what

♪ No matter how ♪

♪ And I know now is my time ♪

♪ To strive ♪

[upbeat music playing]

♪ Now, if you're feelin' down ♪

♪ Get up and dance,

it'll make you feel better ♪

♪ So keep the beat,

I don't care what they say ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ I don't care what they do ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ Follow your dreams ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ Keep movin' ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ I don't care what they say ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ Just keep movin' ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ Now, if you're feelin' down ♪

♪ Get up and dance,

it'll make you feel better ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who are you, what you doin' ♪

♪ What you like,

what you stand for ♪

♪ If you don't stand up,

then you gon' fall for sure ♪

♪ If you all about your crew

then you ain't an individual ♪

♪ Might drown in the ocean

with no support, oh ♪

♪ I don't care what they say ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ I don't care what they do ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ Follow your dreams ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ Keep movin' ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ I don't care what they say ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ Just keep movin' ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ Now, if you're feelin' down ♪

♪ Get up and dance,

it'll make you feel better ♪


♪ I don't care what they say ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ I don't care what they do ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ Follow your dreams ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ Keep movin' ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ I don't care what they say ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ Just keep movin' ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ Now, if you're feelin' down ♪

♪ Get up and dance,

it'll make you feel better ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪


♪ I don't care what they say ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ I don't care what they do ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ Follow your dreams ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ Keep movin' ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ I don't care what they say ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ Just keep movin' ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ Now, if you're feelin' down ♪

♪ Get up and dance,

it'll make you feel better ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪

♪ Keep movin' ♪

♪ Keep it movin' forward ♪