State Property: Blood on the Streets (2005) - full transcript

Three notorious gangsters wage a bloody battle for supremacy in the City of Brotherly Love. Beans, the imprisoned kingpin and hometown drug lord, struggles to keep his renegade ABM Crime Syndicate on the map. He is driven and consumed by a festering hatred for his longtime rival. Dame, the Harlem-born hustler, is also the top dog in town. His Umbrella network is unmatched in cash-flow and manpower. With a long list of enemies seeking territory and revenge, the self-proclaimed "cakeaholic" is forced into a vicious war. Loco, the flashy Miami playboy, is about to be released from prison. His deep pockets and stellar reputation prove to be valuable tools in Loco's plot to take over the streets of Philly. But he must first overcome the ghosts from a turbulent past. Alliances are formed and shattered, and lifelong friendships are put to the test as the various crews deal and duel to the death. Somewhere, buried deep within the ranks of one of these gangs, a ruthless criminal mastermind is conspiring to take them all down. The backstabbing, thievery and deception simmers, boils and ultimately spills into a gruesome finale--an old-fashioned shootout on the cold, unforgiving Philly streets. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
First of all,
I want to apologize...

for being out of touch so long.

These last few years of my life
been real fucked up...

but you probably
already know that by now.

See me fuckin' with you?

I lost almost everything.

Anyway, I'm sorry I left.

For what it's worth,
I think about you every day.

All I want to do is see you die.

You can understand that, right?

But here's the best part...

so pay attention...

'cause if you're readin' this...

it can only mean one thing...

I'm out.

Those of y'all didn't see
"State Property l"...

let me run it down to you.

I put together
this mean-ass squad in Philly...

took over
the whole fuckin' city.

And I bumped heads
with this fuckin' Dame nigga.

This fuckin' nigga
kidnaps my bitch...

then shoots her girlfriend
in the fuckin' head.

So, you know,
we went the fuck to war.

Man, we shot up everything.

Then I get booked
for attempted fuckin' murder.

So you know what I did...

Yeah, I shot up
the whole fuckin' courtroom.

But I don't know
who this chick is...

shot me in the back
of my fuckin' head.

Nah, I'm bullshittin', man.

This is what really went down.

As y'all can see, they got me.

Man, I'm booked.

So let me tell you
how shit went down.

Man, it was about...

Damn, it was that fuckin' long?

Fuck it. Anyway, listen...

I was asleep
when they came for me.

You know how them boys play.

They come kick in your door,
5:00, 6:00 in the morning...

all crazy.

Me, my wife, my daughter...
we was all knocked out.

Come on! Get down!

Come on! Show me your hands!

Get the fuck
out of that bed! Get up!

Hey! Come on, man!

Show me your hands!

Hey, I'll show 'em!

Hey! Yo, get... Aah!

Get down! Show me your hands!

Get him behind!

You know what? Stop.

See, if I'm gonna tell you
this story...

I might as well tell it to you
from the very beginning...

just so y'all get to know me
a little better.


I wasn't your average little
happy schoolboy growing up.

You think you nuts,
takin' my stuff?

Give me my money!

Before I was Beans...

the so-called ringleader
of the ABM...

man, I was just Beans...

your average bad-ass

runnin' around the streets
of Philly with my homeys.

There was four of us...

P-Nut, Baby Boy, D-Nice...

and me...
all day, every day...

pickin' fights,
pickin' pockets...

used to hop the train...

roll on people
for their lunch money...

stick up corner stores
with cap guns.

Shit, you know,
anything to get in trouble.

Shit, that's how we had fun.

Hey, come here!

Man, for me, an unlocked door
was always an invitation.

When I was a kid...

you know, I never
got into any real shit...

till one day...

Oh, shit. I found some weed.

- Where? Where?
- Take it!


What we gonna do with it?

Fill your pockets, Gs!

Put the bags anywhere!
Come on!


Look what we have here...

a bunch of
young punk motherfuckers...

tryin' to steal from me.

Y'all niggas think y'all men?

Y'all niggas think that y'all
can come here and take my weed?

Now, what should I do to you
little greasy ass niggas?

Should I kick your ass?

Or should I make you
get down or lay down?

Come here, little nigga.

Come here.

You know what this is?
You come in here...

and try to take my weed,
little nigga?

I'm gonna make
an example out of y'all.

I think I should kick
your ass...

and then make you
get down or lay down.

See what I'm sayin',
little nigga?

You hear me?

I didn't choose to be
in this game.

The game chose me.

My first body...
Shit, I was turned out.

From that day on,
it was get down or lay down.

So I grew up,
got into the drug game.

Before you knew it...

I was the number one
street nigga in Philly...

but then my team got reckless,
and I got booked.

They ain't
only locked me up...

man, they booked me
the fuck up something crazy...

right in front of my wife
and my daughter.

But you know how the feds play.

They do what the fuck they want.

I'm fuckin' callin' my lawyer!
I swear to God!

They had me
for attempted Murder One...

four counts of traffic,
and plus a parole violation.

I know they couldn't hold me
on the weight...

'cause I never touched shit...

but attempted murder
on parole with two priors...

How they say it?

I'm on trial for my life.
Shit was real.

My whole future
was on the line...

and it was
all in the hands...

of this one nut-ass nigga...

C-Zer had this little front.

He ran a chop shop
around the way...

made his money
off of running keys...

for that Dame nigga,
and, as you know...

everything Dame had,
I was takin'.

What's up, C-Zer?

So I made C-Zer an offer.

Remember I asked you, uh...

was you gonna
get down or lay down?

He refused.

I'm not tryin' to get down.

But I insisted.

Well, lay down, C-Zer.

About five times.

Unfortunately for C-Zer,
he lived.

Hard-head motherfucker.

but we took care of it, though.

On the night before the trial...

I sent Baby Boy and D-Nice
up to C-Zer's mom's crib.

We ain't got no sympathy
for you, old lady.

You could stop cryin'.

They showed her flicks
of the whole family...

addresses and all...

told her if her son
testified against me...

they was gonna tie her up
and make her...

watch them execute
their whole fuckin' family.

Call him! Get him
on the phone right now!

Shit, I don't know how
Baby Boy got them flicks...

but that old lady was shook.

That's all it took.

Dial it faster!

Can you identify the person...

who shot you five times
at point blank range?

Man, when the state wants you...

they play dirty!

Shit, I was tryin'
to be focused up.

Then they hit me
with this Spanish Fly...

this crazy-ass,
super-sexy-ass D.A.

I mean, this bitch was bad!

I ain't gonna lie.
I was open.

Shit, I was damn near ready
to convict myself.

Do you recognize
that man over there?

No, I'm fuckin with y'all, man.
I was focused.

Fuck that.
My life was on the line.

I'm gonna ask you one more time.

Do you recognize him? Please.

No, ma'am.


Let's have some quiet
in the courtroom now.

Order here!

Your Honor, this man
has perjured himself...

in front of the jury.

Counselor, order!

You cannot allow this!
He's lying!

That's enough, Counselor!

Do you recognize that man?

That's enough.

Answer me.

Do you recognize this man?

Do you know him?

I've never seen him
before in my life.

Order! Let's have some quiet
in the courtroom now!

Yeah. We got to him early.


This is unbelievable.
What are we gonna do?

Man, after two weeks of
bullshit evidence and sidebars,

they finally made
their decision.

Will the defendant please rise?

I was a little nervous.

We went head-up
with the judge...

but then, after C-Zer cracked...

I knew I had this thing on lock.

I hereby sentence you
to not less than 15...

nor more than 30 years at
the state correctional facility.

But you know what?

Man, he still pinned
the weight on me.

And, being a repeat offender...

man, the judge put me
under the jail.

Miss, please.

Perry put in an appeal
for me...

but, man,
that shit ain't look good.

And that was it. Game over.

In jail, you meet all kinds
of motherfuckers.

You can always tell
who done time...

by the look on their face.

Check out the white boy
right here.

He's definitely shook.

He's probably
a college dropout...

booked for credit cards
or something.

Now, this dude right here...
definitely a pedophile.


Here you got your car thief,
retail theft-ass nigga.

He can't stay out of Walgreen's.

He's probably down
for domestics...

or child support or some shit.

Look at him.

Him... he's too tough already.

You can tell this is
his first time being in jail.

Now, this dude right here...

he definitely
been in jail before.

He look like he's just waiting
for commissary.

See, the thing is...

it don't matter if
you're a cold-blooded killer...

if you're a kingpin,
small-time hustler, car thief.

Once they put
them shackles on you...

and they close that gate...

you ain't nothin' but a number.

Man, you're state property.

- Man, what up? Holler at me.
- Let's go.

This is it.

All right, come on.

I'm Free.

You free?

Nah, that's my name... Free.

Philadelphia Freeway.

How did I get where I'm at?

I was runnin'
with this cat from Miami.

It was lovely...

till someone ratted him out.

Police! Freeze!

We both took the fall.

You! Stop right there!

Yeah, what up, Free? Beans.

Salaam alekum.

Heh. Walekum a salaam.

A lot of niggas find Mohammed
when they get locked down.

They get out,
rock a suit and a bowtie...

sling a couple of bean pies...

spark a "L"
and forget all about that shit.

See, but Free, he was
one of those real Muslims.

Welcome, my kin.

Welcome to what?

This shit hole?


Say what?

Shit house, mansion...

it's whatever you make it,

Yeah, whatever, man.

Free never talked much,
but when he did...

it was always something deep.

I admit, I kind of liked
this nigga from the jump.

But in jail,
you can't trust nobody...

no matter what.

For example...

there was this one nigga
here for life.

Everybody called him
"The Fist"...

big, black, ugly-ass nigga...

nothin' to lose.

I mean, every day,
this nigga was on some shit.

He ain't give a fuck
if he knew you or not...

but once a day...

this motherfucker
would pick out somebody.

I mean, this nigga in for life.

I guess he had to vent.

Heh. It was kind of funny to me.

Broad Street Bully.

Nut, what's up, nigga?!

- What's goin' on?
- What up?

Inside, you never really know
what's what or who's who.

The only thing you come
to jail with is your rep...

and everybody knew my rep
from the street.

Man, in 24 hours,
I already had me a little crew.

Shit, I was good.

Every night
was the same shit...

and every day
was just more of it.

I mean, the scariest part
of being in jail to me...

was gettin' used to it.

I could tell Free had been down
for a minute...

'cause he's too laid back.

I mean, every time I'd ask him
what'd he do to get in here...

he'd always say the same shit.

Hey, Free...

keep it real with me, homey.

You know
everything about me, man.

What the fuck
you do to get in here, man?

Listen, a'ight,
mistakes don't matter.

It's the consequences
we gotta live by.

I ain't had no idea...

what the fuck
Free was talkin' about...

but I always listened.

Man, there's a lot of ways
you can kill time...

while you're doing time.

You could work out, exercise...

You could practice
the culinary arts.

You know, cookin'
and all that shit.

Some niggas like to fuck
with carpentry.

While they was having fun
doing all that bullshit...

man, I was trying
to learn the law.

Shit, my appeal
was coming up...

and I wasn't trying
to just rely on my lawyers.

So I studied.

Man, that shit only lasted
about five minutes.

It was too technical for me.

Come on, Akeem. Heh.

Come on, man,
let's go hit the shower.

All right, man, come on.

I'm ready.


"Allah" with you, man.


Get Allah to get us
out of here, man.

- You ready?
- Yeah.

God damn!

What's wrong, bro?

Somebody been
in our fuckin' hut, man!

That's crazy.

Hey, C.O.!


What? You got a problem?

Yeah, man. You walk
this fuckin' block all day.

You ain't see nobody
come in our fuckin' hut?

Oh, you gotta be careful
in here.

You got a lot of nice stuff.

Nice pair of tennis shoes.
Worth a lot.

Man, fuck you!

Fuckin' nut!

Man, that shit don't make
no fuckin' sense.

I mean, why would
somebody run in my hut?

They might as well tie the sheet
round their neck theirself.

I mean, you gonna risk your life
over a pair of sneakers?

Nah, man.

And to make matters worse...

the next day, my man D-Nice
came to visit me.

He only show up when
he gotta tell me good news.

What's up, D?

What's up, man. You know
I had to come see my boy, man.

They call me Billy D-Nice...

smooth, smart, and poz.

Always level-headed.

Yeah, long time
no hear from, man.

What's goin' on, man?

Everything's good.

Everything good?

Everything's good.

I hate these fuckin'
visiting rooms...

talkin' on
these nut-ass phones.

They're probably taping us
right now.

Talk to me, though.
What's goin' on, man?

Well, we had a party.

Y'all had a party?

Actually, we've had
four parties the past two weeks.

Y'all had four parties?

Past two weeks.

We had one in West Philly.
Surprise party.

Hold it. Freeze.
Don't fuckin' move.

I didn't do shit, man.

What the fuck
is y'all doin', man?

Come on, man.

You know how I like those,
though, right?

You know,
I like surprise parties, man.

Yeah. Oh, Nada had a party.

Yo, give me that bag.

- Don't move.
- Give me that.

- Good-bye.
- Motherfuckers.

Your man Nada?

My man Nada.

How'd that party turn out?

No bitches there.

All niggas.

- All niggas?
- Dirty niggas, at that.

Y'all found out who fuckin'
promoted that party?

We're still tryin'
to figure that out now.

Yeah, y'all need
to find that out, man.

Get y'all fuckin' money back.

Oh, yeah. Chris and Neef saw
your man Dame on South Street.


Fuck Dame, man.

Talk to me
about these parties, man.

Your boys from down
M-l-A came up, man.

They had a crazy party.

Who threw them a party?

Baby Boy.

I'll call you back.

That's him right there, man.

He's makin' that money.
He's takin' those shots, man.


Remember me?

Mario, what's the situation,

I'm surprised to see
y'all around here.

Ain't it too cool
for you motherfuckers?

You don't call me no more.
You make me come up here...

and talk to you
in person now, huh?

Hey, I ain't been callin' you,

What am I callin' you for?
I ain't viz.

I'm sick of playing with you.

Where's my motherfuckin' money?

Hey, man, who the fuck
is you talkin' to like that?

Don't come and disrespect me
on my block in front of my boys.

Fuck y'all guala-gualas, man.

What, nigga? What?

Fuck y'all. Fuck y'all niggas.

Yeah. Baby Boy...
the wild card.

I keep the ABM in the game.

We got guns, too, nigga.

Go ahead, nigga. Go ahead.

Shoot, nigga. We got guns, too.

Chill out.

Fuck y'all.

Fuck you, Mario.

Lucky I like him.

I don't give a fuck
who you like, nigga.

- I want my money.
- Well, come take it.

You ain't never
gettin' paid, nigga!

Baby Boy
threw them a party, huh?

A crazy party.

He ate all the chicken, man.

He fucked all the chicken up.

Fucked all the chicken up, huh?

All the chicken.

I guess what they say is true...

shit happen in threes.

'Cause in three months,
our main spot get raided...

one of our top workers
gets robbed...

and what's supposed to be
my fuckin' right-hand man...

is going through some bullshit
with the connect.

You should get his number
and invite him to the party.

They throwin' all kinds
of parties out there, man.

Y'all just livin' it.

I'm in here,
and y'all out there partyin'.

That's what's up, D.

That's what's up, man.

Oh. I need you to do me a favor.

You, Baby Boy...

stop fuckin' partying.

Can you do that?

I can do that.

All right, man.
'Cause, I mean...

I hate to say it, man, but...

I'm proud of y'all, man.

Nah, seriously.

I'm real fuckin' proud
of y'all, man.

Damn! These niggas
out here fuckin' up...

and I'm in here.

Man, I can't be
in this bitch stressin'.

Fuckin' partyin'.

I know what the fuck
I'm gonna do, though.

I'm gonna call my girl Aisha
and get some love.

Thugs need love, too, right?

- Hello?
- This is the operator.

You have a collect call
from Beans.

Will you accept the charges?

Yeah, I'll accept the charges.

Hey, baby. It's Beans.


It's Beans. What's up, Boo?

Beans? Yeah, well,
I don't know any Beans.

Hey, stop fuckin'
playin' with me, man.

Listen here.
I'm not fuckin' playin', OK?

Do I sound like I'm playin'?

I'm not playin' with you.

Aisha, who the fuck
you talkin' to?

Because you said
that you promised...

that you weren't gonna
leave us, that's why.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold the fuck up.

Aisha, you know
who you talkin' to?

I don't give a fuck,
you fuckin' fat, black bitch.

Let me fuckin' tell you...

What the fuck
is you yellin' for?

What the fuck
I'm supposed to do, huh?

What I'm supposed to do?

What is your wife and daughter
supposed to do now, huh?

Fuckin' tell me that,
you fuckin' inmate!

You convict! What the fuck
I'm supposed to do?

Fuck you, Beans! Whatever!



This motherfucker done hung up.

Hey, Nut.
You see this nigga?

That's the nigga
who ran in our fuckin' hut.

- What? Where?
- Don't look, don't look.

This nigga right here, man.

Damn, that is that nigga.

They're your sneaks.
What you gonna do, see?

What the fuck
you think I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna get me a banger...

and I'm gonna poke
this nigga the fuck up.

There you go.
Let me handle that, dawg.

Nah, nah.

I go wash my ass...

and this nigga
run in our hut...

and take my shit?

I got to do
this one myself, man.

Yeah, all right, man.

What's up with Baby Boy?

Man, we need a new connect, man.

Well, get one, then.

You sayin' that like
that shit's so fuckin' simple.

"Go get one, then."

How the fuck
I'm gonna get a connect...

when I'm in here with you?

This man right here.

And he can get you
them bangers.

Who... Damn,
all this time, Free...

and you ain't say nothin'?

You never asked, a'ight?

Listen, my man Loco over
in the Spanish house...

I used to roll with him
back in the day.

He get out in a month.

Set that shit up, then, man.

See, that's what the fuck
I'm talkin' about.

It turns out my celly
was the fuckin' man.

He had a connect,
and he can get me a banger.

All this time,
and he ain't said shit.

I knew I liked
that motherfucker.

Say no more. I got you.

Free's connect
was this guy El Pollo Loco.

He got me what I needed...

and that was that.

Get the fuck up.

You step to me in my cell?

Shut up. Shut the fuck up.

Shut up, shut up.


The next morning,
they snatched me and Loco up...

sat us down
in front of the warden...

chump arrogant-ass

Yo. Police comin', yo.

Find out if that nigga
snitched on me, ya hear me?

They said
he was dirtier than shit.

They all dirty to me.

He tried to make me
and Loco snitch.

Shit, I'd rather die
than be labeled a rat.

El Pollo Loco.

Now, that's a great nickname.

"Crazy chicken," right?

You know what's funny?

My 2-year-old has a nickname.

We call her
Blueberry Muffin Stinky Butt.

You got that goin' for you.

When's your parole here?
On the 17th?

What's that, a month?

Less than a month.

You have one month left.

You're handing out ice picks?

You know that he died, right?

Yeah. You're an accomplice.

Murder One.

The whole thing's on tape.

We showed that tape to
your friend Beans this morning.

Took him about ten seconds...

and he was singing your name.


It's disgusting.

But what are you gonna do?

Ask me... I say fuck him.

He ratted you out.

He's already in the box.

You want to do
three more years for this guy?

Get out there.

Go make some money,
do something, huh?

Have you ever been in the hole?

It's unbearable.

I tried it for
an hour and a half once...

see what it felt like.

Thought I was
literally going to die.

And you're looking at, what...

730 days, Mister...

What kind of name is that?

You're a fuckin' grown man.

Do me a favor.

How much did he charge you
for the shiv?

I hope it was cheap...

'cause that
half-Puerto Rican rat fuck...

sold you up the river like...


Don't want to talk.
I hear you. Good for you.

You know we have it on tape,
though, right?

You know that?
But you don't want my help.

You don't need my help
'cause you're a gangsta!

Hey, it's gonna be a pleasure...

to watch you grow old,
tough guy.

Yeah. Yeah.

Your daughter's not gonna get
to see her father...

because you're state property.


You think
you're a killer, Beans?

You want to kill something?

Kill time.

Now, get the fuck
out of my office.

They ain't have me on tape.

They ain't had shit.

They gave me and Loco
about an hour in the box.

Lucky day.

I mean,
I don't even know this dude...

but he kept his mouth closed.

You gotta respect that.

Hey, what's happening?

But I had
a lot of questions for him...

and I knew he must have had
a lot of questions for me...

so I told Free
to set it up ASAP.

It was time for me to meet
this guala face-to-face.

I'm goin', all right?

Fuck the police.

You know how we do.
We're gonna get this shit.

For sho', man.

El Pollo Loco...
international hustler...

ambassador of coke.
I'm a fuckin' legend.

What's up, fam?

Yo, good lookin' out on
that thing we did earlier, man.

Yeah, positive.

I appreciate you keepin'
your mouth closed, too, Bear.

Yeah. Beans.

Loco. Bear...

If he was gonna be
the new ABM connect...

I had to know everything
about him.

I grew up in Miami.

Spoiled as shit.
I had everything.

Pops was
a half a thug from Philly...

pretty motherfucker.

Ma Dukes straight out of
Fajardo, Puerto Rico.

Came to Miami in '75
with a killer smile...

and serious game.

She was business
in high heels...

and he was grimy on the trigger.

The truth is...

even though Pops liked to think
he was Scarface...

when it came down to it...

Yo, you got that yeyo?

You got the money?

You got the fuckin' yeyo?

You got the fuckin' money?

When it came down to it...

Mama Love
was the real gangsta.

What the fuck?

Ooh, ooh, Papi,
you talk too much.

Get the yeyo,
let's get the fuck out of here.

The first lady kingpin
in the history of SoBe...

South Beach, Florida.

They got married and got on
some Bonnie and Clyde shit...

for at least six years.

At least, that's what I heard.

I barely knew either one.

I was alone all the time.

a slight disciplinary problem.

Fuck A.D.D.

I had A.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.

My pops' right hand
was this cat named Biggis.

They grew up in Philly together.

He's basically known for
knockin' niggas the fuck out.

He fought professional
for a hot minute...

got a couple of belts.

Biggis hated everybody...

except me and my family.

What are you doing, Loco?

He kept me safe
my whole life, though.

You want to tear shit up, huh?

Huh? You gonna step?
Put your hands up. Come on.

Can't step up?
Come on. Come on.

You need to put your hands
like this.

Come on! Come on!

OK, you win.

There was so much yeyo
in South Beach...

you have no idea!

It was everywhere.

My parents were
so wrapped up in the game...

no matter how much
I fucked up...

I never even got a beating.

Then, one morning,
everything changed.

Biggis never put me on
to the whole story.

He said it didn't matter.

They were both gone
and never gonna come back.

You OK, man? Come here.

Over the next 16 years,
Biggis was always there.

Biggis! What the fuck?

Happy birthday, kid.

My man... a pea shooter?

Biggis damn near raised me...

kept me out of trouble,
showed me how to hustle...

put money in my pocket...

and the occasional
semi-automatic weapon...

in my hittin' hand.

Man, I have fuckin' rims
that cost more than that.

Bottom line...
Biggis was my only family...

and I loved him.

Now, around my 18th birthday...

Biggis put me on
to this new dude...

El Plaga... The Plague.

He was off the yelzabar...

and if he wanted something...

he was just gonna take the shit.

I was the spokesperson...

public relations nigga.
You figga deal me?

Whoever El Plaga
wanted to meet...

he'll tell Biggis...

and Biggis will send me out...

and I never even met the nigga.

But 'cause
I was fuckin' with him...

wherever I go in the 3-0-5...

my name would ring bells.

Miami was
my personal playground.

Business was so good that
a mid-level nigga like me...

was makin' kingpin paper.

I was runnin' around
clippin' birds...

feedin' pigeons...

like El Pollo Loco! What!

That was my downfall...

my only weakness...

the one thing Biggis,
El Plaga...

no one could save me from...


I had a stable of dimes...

one for every day of the week.

You don't love me, nigga.

If you loved me,
you wouldn't call me Tuesday.

If you loved me,
you would call me Missy.

That's my fuckin' name,
and you call me Tuesday.

You call my house
and you ask for Tuesday.

You see,
the trouble started...

when my Tuesday bitch
wanted the Friday slot.

And I gave it to her!

I moved Friday to Saturday...

then Saturday started beefin'.

The point is...

no one can fuck you
like someone you're fuckin'.

I was enjoying my Friday night
when it happened.


Hey, Boo, it's Missy.



What the fuck is up?

It's not your day of the week.

I'm just callin' to tell you
I'm not gonna make it next week.

But don't worry...

'cause you're gonna be
locked up by then anyway.

Enjoy prison,
you stupid motherfucker!

And that's all I needed to hear.

I got the money,
cleaned the crib...

and got the fuck
up out of there.

The bitch set me up.
But that's all right, though.

The crib was clean.

Before the cops knew
what hit 'em...

I was on my way
to Philadelph-i-a.

You figga deal me?

Spent some time in Queens.

But Philly was in my blood.

El Plaga wanted me
to go out there...

check out this new boss,
wanted some heavy work. Heavy.

Fast, slick-talkin' type
of nigga.

You ever heard of
the Dame, nigga?

Yeah, I know that nigga.

Well, El Plaga wanted me to
go out there and check him.

As a matter of fact,
he wanted me...

to go out there and check

plant some seeds,
get some trees there...

branches, leaves...

take over the whole grass plant.
You figga deal me?

El Plaga was right about
Philly's untapped potential.

Dame nigga was the only nigga...

who really put on
some real scrilla.

I understand all that.

But why the fuck
they call that nigga El Plaga?

'Cause he gets
into the system...

shut that motherfucker down
like it's a virus.

You figga deal me?

You want some Jell-O?


El Plaga hooked me up
with this botanica...

know what I mean,
on the South Side.

I got the homeboy Freeway
to run the spot.

It was like we was legit.

Cops were paid...

and for at least three months,
nobody fucked with us.

I was about to go back
down to Miami.

I got some info
on who killed my parents.

But before I could even
pack my bags...

fuckin' raid,
by some other cops.

What you runnin' for?

Freeze! Show me your hands!

Is there a problem, officer?

I was definitely set up.

Who you with,
the trench coat mafia?

They busted in with
the K-9 unit looking for it.

I had the coke baked
into these Virgin Mary statues.

They were supposed
to be untraceable.

But Rover had a strong nose.
Figga deal me?

We got something here.

He got a taste
of El Plaga's finest!

What's this?

It's money.



That dog must have felt
like king of the world...

for about five seconds.


There's a lot of money
in these religious statues.

I think
I'm in the wrong business.

You should get a colonic.

I'll give you a fuckin' colonic.

Read these scumbags
their rights...

and get these pieces of shit
out of here.

All right, I want everything
bagged and tagged in here.

By the numbers!
Everything is dirty!

Bag and tag everything!

I lost 900 fuckin' grand.

El Plaga was pissed.

Philly was scared to touch him.

Free got an 8 to 10
on some prior shit...

and I lucked out
with a 3 to 6.

You ain't never find out
who ratted?

Nah, but when I do,
the whole familia lays down.

We got to get in line.

Fucking rat ass niggas, man.

You know, the only thing worse
than a fuckin' rat...

is a faggot.

Shit, at least
you got a hearing coming up.

I can't do shit
out this motherfucker.

I kind of think we could do
something to work that out.


I told you,
El Plaga ain't no joke.

Once he find out
I hit you with the brick...

and then you ain't snitched...

it could be good news
for the both of us.

So, what's up
with this El Plaga nigga?

What he got,
like, the D.A. Or something?

Don't worry about it.

Get your crew to help us out,
and he'll definitely look out...

put us both back in the game.

That's what's up, man.
Whatever you need, fam.

Just livin'.


I was forced
to do the wrong move...

but I've learned my lesson...

during the time
I've been in here.

You know, I got a craft.

You Spanish,
so you figga deal me, right?


Parole boards are hilarious.

Little incident with Beans
actually helped me out.

Worked up
a couple of fake tears...

told them about
missing my 4-year-old son.

Twelve days later, I was out.

I'll start all over.

And I don't even have
a fucking son.

And my kids.

Beans plugged me in
with the ABM set.

I told them that
before we made the deal...

I would have to give his peoples
a little test run.

Make sure they could handle...

all these bricks
I was about to bless them with.

So I got out the crib.

Biggis was there as usual.

He told me El Plaga
was going to give us...

80% of the whole Philly

and then pull some strings
to try to get Beans out.

He wanted to thank me
for never snitching on him.

How can I snitch on
a motherfucker I never even met?

Anyway, point is,
after all this time...

me and Biggis were back
like we left somethin'.

Meanwhile, back in my world...

Baby Boy and D-Nice
was running the show.

Fuck that.

The tension
was getting too high.

Loco was the perfect cure.

I told Loco
how to deal with Baby Boy...

'cause, you know,
he a little loco hisself.

And I told Baby Boy
if this nigga was for real...

and y'all won't fuck this up,
he might can get me...

back in the streets
in a couple months.

Now, remember the garage
with all the weed?

You know,
where I got my first body at?

Crazy-ass Baby Boy
bought the spot...

and made it
the new ABM hangout.

Hey, yo...

one of y'all niggas
know Baby Boy?

Chris and Neef.

I usually ain't mess
with young bulls.

But these weren't your average
little young bulls.

I mean, these dudes
was totally different.

They was little Gunz.

I know you have it.

See this shit? Go get whoever
the fuck you want.

You little bastard.

I'm tired of
you little motherfuckers...

coming around here.
Go get your fucking 0-8.

I knew there was something
special about them...

when they took over
Fat Stevie's block.

And they was about,
what, 14, 15?

- This motherfucker right here?
- Yeah.

And my man Chris...

he handled that shit
like a grown man.

Who block is it now, pussy?

I was hitting Chris and Neef
5-0 bricks...

when they was, like, 16.

And the whole time
they was hustling...

they was going to school.

I mean, like, they was really
fucking going to school.

Nah, fam.
I don't know no Baby Boy.

Well, a friend of mine
said I could find...

Baby Boy over here.

Oh, yeah?
What friend would that be?

Beans, nigga.

Nah. Wouldn't say Beans, playa.

Well, figga deal me on this.

If you happen to fall and trip
and bump into the nigga...

let him know El Pollo Loco
came through.

Feliz Navidad.

El Pollo Loco?

Yeah, OK, Papi.

What'd he say, Loco?

Get yourself Pollo Loco?

Yeah, man, this clown here.

Oh, yeah? Oh.

Oh, man, well, if it ain't
the infamous El Pollo Loco.

What's up, playboy?

I'm Baby Boy.
What's the situation?

Hey, what's up, man?

- This is Biggis right here.
- What's up, dawg?

Hey, I thought you was Spanish.

black and Spanish.

Yeah? So, what bring
y'all through here?

Check this out, man.
Why don't you hop in the car...

we'll go get some bacalao,
some arroz con pollo.

Get you right.

Figga deal me,
we get you a gordito.

- Come on, man.
- OK. Yo, I'll be right back.

I'm gonna holler
at my new friends, a'ight?

- Yeah.
- I'll be back.

You know,
I love these guala-gualas.

Yeah. We'll send him back...

with a lot of arroz con pollo
in his system.

Figga deal me?

Loco explained the situation
to Baby Boy.

The first thing he had to do...

was pick up a package
that belonged to El Plaga.

That's all he said.

He didn't say who they was
supposed to get it from...

or how they was supposed
to get it.

Only thing he said was that
the package was stashed...

in a bathroom
at this burger joint.

Keep the car running, gun.

You know what to do
if something happen.

- Oh, yeah, I got you.
- A'ight.

The package is
at the burger spot in Philly.

Now, don't take these niggas
for suckers.

Watch your back.

When you get that package,
bring it straight to me.

Do not open it.
Don't fuck with me.

You pull this off...

I'll probably get your boy
back on the street...

and I'll throw you
some real work.

Yo, Rudy.

Yo, Fanlan!

Yeah, yeah. What's up, baby?

Yeah. Can I help you?

Yeah, what's up, man?
What you need?

Yeah. What you got
good back there?

The hamburgers is good.
They're handmade.

You want a hamburger?

All right, give me a burger.

OK. A burger, coming up.

Rudy, you got a bathroom, man?

It's right there.

All right.

Hey, yo,
how about your burger, man?

I'm cool, fam.

Hey, yo, pard, come here.
Let me holler at you.

What the fuck y'all want?

Come here for a minute, dawg.

Fuckin' holler later.

Gotta go.

Goddamn, fam,
y'all could've told me...

we was running into some shit.
We get to the spot.

shooting at us and shit.

What the fuck is that about?

It's all gravy down, nigga.
Good job.

Where the package at?

What? Your package?

Who the fuck do he think he is?

El Pollo Loco.

I put my life on the line
for this nigga...

and all he want is his package.

Man, fuck that nigga.

The package, nigga.


Here's your package, fam.

You lucky I ain't
look in that shit, nigga.

Now, we can take care of that
for your man Beans.

Let's get down
to business, though.

It's all there.

Yeah. We need 90 grand
in two weeks, man.

Hold up.

Now, who the fuck is this nigga?

Biggis. Now he want me
to pay him...

for the shit that I stole?
Man, fuck him, too.

Let me get this shit right, fam.

You mean to tell me
we gonna pay you...

90 grand off the shit
we just took?

Off that shit right there?

Now, I've been with Biggis
for oddeen years.

He almost never blows his cool.

But the one thing
that always gets him heated...

is saying the same thing twice.

What the fuck I just say, card?

Biggis hated to repeat hisself.

Two weeks, man.

You can keep the bag.

Now, who the fuck these niggas
think they is?

Man, fuck them...

and fuck everybody.

Matter of fact, fuck you.

You know what, D?

I'm gonna murder
one of them niggas right there.

I'm gonna murder one of them
niggas right there.

And just like that,
it was back on.

Regardless how wild or crazy
my crew appeared...

man, the one thing we always
knew how to do was hustling.

So, Baby Boy, D-Nice,
and the Young Gunz...

got all our people together...

and once again,
we flooded the streets.

I mean, everything was moving.

1,000, 2,000, 3,000.

Man, we back, nigga.

They can't count us
the fuck out now.


This is what the fuck
I'm talking about. We back.

Hey, yo,
you move the slowest shit.

Get the fuck out of here, nigga.

Getting this money is
what the fuck I'm doing, nigga.


Loco, nigga.

Yeah, I know who this is.
What's up?

You got that bread next week?

Next week?
Nigga, you can have it tonight.

Matter of fact, wait till
tomorrow, El Poco Loco.

This nigga funny as shit, man.

- Clown ass.
- Yo, man, funny as shit, man.

This is what I'm about to do.

I'm goin' back to the block
and get some more of this money.

This ain't no money, man.
This is their money.

I need my money. Huh?

- Where you going with that?
- What the fuck you mean?

I see a nigga
with a hundred something grand.

Nigga, you out
your rabid ass mind.

Where y'all burners at?

You know niggas got caught up,
had to toss them burners...

- Cut it the fuck out, man.
- Are you serious?

Beans was right.
His crew was true hustlers.

Baby Boy told me he had
my 90 grand five days early.

Apparently, El Plaga was
real happy when he heard that...

but he still wanted me
to holler at the Dame nigga.

I been in Philly for four years.

I still ain't
want to meet this nigga.

But El Plaga figured
if I hook up with him...

then there'd be
no one standing in my way...

so I paid Dame
a little visit at his spot.

My name is Dame.

My good friends call me...


Some of my other friends
call me...

Young Fresh to Death...

'cause I love to pop tags.

I'm the head of The Umbrella.

If you ain't under it,
you're gonna get drenched.

I came up on
the streets of New York.

We were crack broke...

not even a pair of decent kicks.

Psych, I'll always be
fresh to death.

You see, I got this problem.

I'm addicted to getting money.

I need all the dough.

Some call me greedy.

I call myself a cakeaholic.

So I do all kind of things
to make all kind of money.

You should already know
I'm a super duper big cat...

so of course I pick up...

about a hundred of them things
from the airport...

and I do it in style.

I got the baddest chick
on the planet...

delivering it to me.

She'll do anything I say...
a real soldier.

I tell her what to do,
and she does it...

no questions asked.

She loves me to death.

Hello? You going to make me
carry the bags by myself...

all that way, motherfucker?

First of all,
you promised me a G-4...

not a Challenger.

I might as well be flying coach.

That's, like, a thousand dollar
fine right there.

And second of all,
that freeze-dried food.

You better be taking me
to Mr. Chow's...

for some squab right now...

because that shit
was disgusting.

And by the way,
look at my boots.

These are my favorite boots.

I got water stains
on my boots...

because that dumb ass
flight attendant...

spilled Evian
all over my boots.

That's two more grand
for the boots.

You know what?
Step your game up a little bit.

You're taking me shopping.

Nice to see you, too.
Get the fuck in the car.

Now, to the average dude,
that alone would be enough...

but I'm not lazy.

Tell them
I want my money by Tuesday.

Like I told y'all,
I'm addicted to getting money.

So, I hit a select few with
a couple of burns at a time...

but also break them down
brick by brick.

There's some key, halves.

There's some quarters.
There's some eighths...

ounces, half-ounces.

I even cook
the shit up myself...

because I got to get
all them extras.

I chop it up, bottle it up.

You see it, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

Pass some dimes, nicks, tres...

two for fives,
even two-dollar bottles.

If I could,
I'd pitch them shits myself...

but there's
only 24 hours in a day...

and there's only one Dame.

You see, I'm an executive,
a businessman.

Some even call me a CEO.

And in
my international quest...

for greatness
and worldwide domination...

you know
I couldn't do it alone...

so I have a lot of ill crews...

set up in
a lot of different places.

Man, pull over.

What the fuck is that?

Now, the Dip Set
ran Harlem for me...

bein' young Juelz Santana...



Jimmy Jones...

He's buggin'.

And the leader of that clique...



And like
any good Harlem crew...

they handled their business
with style and class...


and above all,
they were very subtle.

Close the trunk.

Oh, yeah.
Did I forget to mention...

they had a love
for the color pink?

And my crew up in Brooklyn
was called MOP...

the Mash Out Posse.

And they weren't
very sophisticated...

but they got the job done.

In Chicago, we had
different kind of hustlers.

We had Kanye West
and the Kan-Men.

Now, they did things
with a little more finesse...

you know,
an intellectual approach.

Here in the neighborhood...

we called them
trendy, fashionable thugs.

For a sting on
my international grisly...

and in my quest for greatness
and worldwide domination...

it only makes sense for my arms
to extend to the UK.

I got with a crew called SAS.

They did things the UK way.

Hello? Who's this?

Oh. Oh, yeah, that thing.

Yeah, all right.

Let's go.

Hey! Stop!

What's going on?

Lovely weather we're havin'.

And don't think just anybody
can get under this Umbrella.

Number one, you got to be
a cakeaholic just like me...

always stay on the grisly.

And number two,
don't take any shit.

Always be thorough.

And number three,
I would suggest...

you stay fresh to death
and always pop tag...

because you will get teed.

Yo, cabinet face,
get the fuck out of here.

Look like... look like...

Whoopi Goldberg
tongue kissed him.

Yeah. She had
a seizure yesterday.

Feel like a witch doctor
put a curse on him.

He look like Michael Jackson
got blown up with a Pepsi.

He look like Ziggy Marley's
little brother.

Teddy Pendergrass' bodyguard.

He look like
a Cabbage Patch voodoo doll.

If you front with me
on anything...

never take my light-heartedness
for weakness.

Man, suck my dick.

Don't worry. I can take a joke.

Now you look like
a dead voodoo doll.

So, anyway,
as I said before...

I'm a cakeaholic.

My crew's cakeaholic.

We love to get money,
and we love to have fun.

We don't take no shit,
and it's death before dishonor.

Win by all costs.

Be scared of no one.

And that's the Umbrella.

You're either under it,
or you're gonna get drenched.

No ifs, ands, or buts about it.


Hey, Big Figgitty.

What up, Dame?

You know my man Winky?


He'll knock you the fuck out.

You got to be
out your fucking mind.

I'm 30 and 0
in the fucking street.

So I paid Dame
a visit at his spot...

told him who I was
and who I worked for.

He played it cool, but
I could tell he was interested.

El Pollo Loco.

El Pollo Loco?

El Pollo.
But it's all gravy, dad.

I heard that.

I work with El Plaga.
You figga deal me?

El Plaga?

Yeah, El Plaga.

Old Slithery.

That's a posito
on that jump-off.

I really don't talk business
after 8:00.


Look like you jump off
after 8:00.

Well, I'm with all that,
you fly motherfucker.

Hey, we some fly bum-ass niggas.

I'm going to get with you
another time.

OK, my nigga.

Tell Slithery.

Use your peoples, too.

Some Miami cat Loco...

told me El Plaga could help me
take over Philly.

I told him
I already had Philly.

But then his man came back
the next day...

with an offer
that did sound interesting.

They got something
that belong to El Plaga.

You get it back,
he'll give you other work.

Know what I mean?
There's the address.

So, let me get this straight.

I'm going to send my boys
to pick that up for El Plaga...

and your man going to give us
a hundred of them things...

at 10,000 a clip?

What the fuck I say, card?

Don't open the package.

You just going to let him
stare you down...

like that, big man, huh?

I was on my way
to meet the boy Loco...

to give him his little 90...

and you won't believe
what the fuck happened next.

Man, get the fuck outta here!

Ain't this a bitch?

Gentlemen, gentlemen,
good evening.

How y'all doing?

You all right?

Nigga, you serious?

Think you gonna rob us
in a pink fuckin' robe?

you out your fuckin' mind.

A'ight, y'all.
Don't kill me tonight, fam.

Do right.

Give me the fucking bag.

Give me the fucking bag,
George Jefferson.

You gentlemen
have a good night, man.

Give everybody my love
from the West U Crew, man.

I'm gonna count this green money
in our pink SUV.

Good night, gentlemen.

Get the fuck outta here.

A'ight. OK.

Get the fuck outta here.
Get the fuck...

Who the fuck, man?!

Yo, I can't believe
this shit, man!

We just got knelt
for the whole 90!

The whole 90, man!

Y'all know
who the fuck it was?!

Who was it?

Them Harlem niggas
work for Dame.

- How you know it was Dame?
- Nigga, how I know...

Y'all see that pink fuckin'
robe flying around there?

Ass whup that nigga!
Yo, man, I'm gonna mur...

We in the hole for 90!

Man, I'm gonna shoot
everybody I see, man.

Cool the fuck out, man.
You know damn well...

we need to holler at Beans
before we do anything.

Holler at Beans?!

Beans got 15 to 30!
Nigga, what the fuck...

We ain't gotta wait
for the nigga to come home.

We can holler at him, see if
word came through the jail.

Came through the...
Motherfucker, nigga is you...

D, you ain't movin'?

You ain't movin', D?!
You ain't... Fuck that!

We in the hole for 90...
You ain't movin'?!

Fuck y'all, nigga!
Get the fuck...

Listen, I got him.
Cool out. I got him.

May I help you?

- Collect.
- And your name?

D-Nice and them
should have known better.


I knew about Baby Boy's stick up
as soon as it happened.

See, when you in here...

you hear everything
that go on in the street.

Sometimes even before
the street know.

What the fi-diddy-duh?

Collect call.

- Collect call?
- Yes, from Beans.

Beans? Hell, no,
I ain't accept no collect call.

I ain't allowed to associate...

with convicted fe-di-delons


Better have my money.

Now I got a beef with Loco...

beef with whoever we robbed...

I still had beef with Dame...

beef inside my crew,
and 90 fuckin' grand missing.

Whoa, slow your roll, fam.
This is Beans' phone.

Damn, my bad, yo.

Tryin' to call
my baby moms, man.

Man, get the fuck
outta here, man.


Yeah, nigga.
Yeah, you know what it is.

Come on, get up on here.

You ain't packin'
that shit, nigga.

Huh? You ain't...
What's that?

You got more money?
Oh, you a baller.

Somebody callin'.
He gettin' robbed right now.

Get your ass...

When you down 90 grand
and ain't got no work...

what else you supposed to do?

You rob.
You rob everything in sight.

No questions asked.

Shit, that's what the fuck
I did best anyway.

Shit, I was scrapin' up paper
on every block.

36 hours straight.
I ain't get no rest.

I had to get that 90 Gs up
or we was over.

You dirty motherfuckers
bet somethin'.

- What y'all bettin'?
- 290.

Even your man
Mr. Calm, Cool, and Collected...

D-Nice was bugging out.

He caught himself getting back
rollin' dice...

he ended up losing his cool
a little bit.

Here's your number, nigga.

Shit, owing niggas money
get under that nigga's skin.

Young is there smokin' that
g-spicer all motherfuckin' day?

Like we don't owe nobody
no paper, huh?

That nigga's crazy, man.

How much is that?

'Scuse me,
it's about 9 grand I brought.

Nigga, that ain't shit!

While you been out stickin' up
crap games, nigga...

we been sittin' on Dame
for like three days now.

He ain't never lied.
Doin' all our homework.

Takin' down
every license plate...

this nigga's bitches...

my bitches
gonna fuck with him.

License plates
and your bitches, huh?

That nigga's funny as shit.

Oh, look...


Have my bread in 15 flat.

- A'ight?
- Yeah, a'ight.

Pollo Loco still want his paper.

He say we got 15 hours.

See, as far as
I was concerned...

that nigga Loco was doing us
dirty the whole time.

Didn't matter.
I'm-a kill him anyway.

What happened?

I don't know, my man.

He supposed to get you out.

He's supposed to...

but my lawyers, man,
we ain't heard shit.

Now, Beans, you know
you can't trust no lawyers.

Man, all that shit
bullshit, man.

Yo, you think
that nigga El Plaga...

really got it like that?

I know he do.

Why you still in here, man?

You used to work for
that motherfucker.

If he wanted me out,
I'd be out.

When I was runnin' with Loco,
ain't nobody fuck with us.

But somebody set
y'all the fuck up, though.

And whoever that was,
I pray for him.

Man, this nigga act like...

El Plaga really got it
like that.

"And if he wanted me out,
I'd be out."

And this nigga layin' up
in here with me.

But you know what?

The very next day,
my lawyer came to holler at me.

He told me that the D.A.
That prosecuted me...

and the judge was disbarred
for accepting payoff money.

Now, how fucking crazy is that?

And just like that, I was out.

Man, they opened up those gates
and I was gone.

They didn't give me no P.O.,
no house arrest, no monitor.

None of that shit.

That was good money, too.

'Cause with all the bullshit
that was going on...

with my crew
and Loco and them...

shit, I had to make moves...

and I had to do it myself.

'Cause it was
about to go down...

and I knew the only one
that could fix it was me.

What's 2 plus 2?


Good girl!

Hold on a second.

What are you calling me
for today?

Don't you know
it's Daddy-Daughter Day?

Meet me at the spot.
I'll explain.

Call your people, man.

All right,
let me get this straight...

Don't even try, guy.

All right, all right. Later.

What's 1 plus 1?


Now, being that I did
that thing for El Plaga...

you know, got him back
his little 90...

I mean,
I could have gave him that.

I was just waiting for them...

to tell me
where to pick up my work.

And then your man Biggis
calls me...

and tells me
to meet him at 5 A.M.

I mean, something about this
just doesn't sit right with me.

Hey, listen, do me a favor.

Meet me around the corner
about 25 minutes.

You're not taking
your jacket, boss?

No. Thanks, though.
He's a great driver.

Great drivers are hard
to find these days.

I mean, this shit just seemed
a little fishy to me.

The math just wasn't adding up.

So I do what I always do.

Surrounded myself
with some people I respect...

on an intellectual level,
of course...

went down to the club...

drank a little Armadil,
and kicked it with my crew.

Nicole Wray,
look how cute you are.

What do I gotta do
to get you to sing for me?

I'll sing
a little later, a'ight?

I'll get back at you.

Why don't y'all get a drink?

I'll be over there in a minute.

I'm gonna go talk to my crew.

All right.

Don't touch me in public.

You know, lately,
I been buggin' out.

You know, all I can think about
is getting money.

I mean, I think
I gotta see my therapist.

At first, I wanted
to be a millionaire...

and I did that 10 years ago.

Then I felt like
I wanted to be a billionaire...

and I could see the light...

but now I think I want to be
a quarter of a trillionaire.

You know what that is?

That's $250 billion.

I'm sittin' at the table...

kickin' it with my crew,
talking about the only thing...

interesting more than myself,
which, of course, be my money...

and my international quest
for greatness...

but sometimes
when I start talking about...

myself and my money,
my mind starts to wander.

You think I'm cute?

You're adorable.

And then
I start doing the math...

for these series of events
that just happened.

This shit's
just not making sense.

Do you mind if I see your feet?

You can see hers.


First, I had
this really important meeting...

interrupted by some bullshit.


Yo, Dame, we got robbed.

What? What do you mean
we got robbed?

And they took my money?

Nah. The work in the bathroom.

All right.
I'll be down there in a minute.

Carlos wimped.

See, the first thing
that was buggin' me out was...

I don't get robbed.
Trust me.

Then this guy Loco shows up
outta nowhere...

talkin' shit like
he's somebody I need to know.

El Pollo Loco.

El Pollo Loco?

El Pollo,
but it's all gravy, dad.


The next day his man
comes to my place of business...

and offers me all kinds of work.

I give you the work,
know what I mean?

Was it real?
Should I even consider it?

I don't know.

Just let me get this straight.

I'm gonna send my boys
to pick it up for El Plaga.

And your man gonna give us
100 of them things...

at 10,000 a clip?

Can a kid afford to turn
all this money down?

I don't think so.

So I did a think-through.

I didn't really like the way
the Biggis nigga spoke.

He was one disrespectful

What are you
calling me for today?

Don't you know
it's Daddy-Daughter Day?

Meet me at the spot.

I mean, the 5 A.M. Drop-offs
ain't really my steeze...

but whatever to that.

This whole situation is startin'
to fuck with my emotions...

and y'all know I hate
an emotional roller coaster.

I put too much money...

into therapy and
anger management for this shit.

Real fishy shit is going on.

I mean, they told me
that if we did that thing...

you know, that thing
you did for me, Jimmy...

you and Cam?

You know,
Jimmy did that thing...

they'd give me
100 of them things at 10 a pop.

It sounds
too good to be true...

but, you know,
I gotta chase that.

I gotta get that money.

But they might be
comin' through...

'cause I don't like
my emotions fucked with.

So I'm gonna go check them
niggas out.

Anything look strange,
just fire. Fuck that.

Remember what we did
with the ABM.

That was fun.

So, I just need
y'all to watch my back...

for a quick second.

Just watch out. 'Scuse me.

Shit. I forgot somethin'.

You know, I really don't mind
if y'all touch me in the club...

but, you know,
for your own protection...

you know, girls get jealous,
they want to fight...

fuck our night up.
Know what I mean?

Follow me, girls.

Oh, my God!

Come on, man.
Some nigga shot my driver?

I must be on "Punk'd"
or somethin'.

Nigga shot my driver?

What kind of sick, demented,
twisted, motherfucker...

shoots a driver?

What kind of nigga
shoots a driver?

I might've been confused before.

Now I'm confused and pissed.

Aw, man.

I been in plenty of beefs
and made lots of enemies...

Sick motherfuckers
in this world.

But far as I knew,
there's only one motherfucker...

that hated me like this.

Left me a note with it.

"First of all...

"I want to apologize for being
out of touch for so long.

"These past few years of my life
have been real fucked up.

"But you probably
already know that by now.

"See, man, fuckin' with you...

"I lost almost everything.

"Anyway, I'm sorry I left.

"For what it's worth,
I think about you every day.

"All I want to do
is see you die.

"You can understand that, right?

"But here's the best part,
so pay attention.

"'Cause if you're readin' this,
it can only mean one thing.

"I'm out."

As soon as I got out,
I called D-Nice.

Told him to have the whole crew
waitin' for me at the spot.

We had a lot of shit
to clean up...

and we had to do it fast.

But first...

I had a very important meeting
to take care of.

- Daddy!
- Hey!

Where your mommy at?

Yo, he get out?

Yeah. He went to go see
his daughter.

Then gonna see his P.O.,
and then probably get some ass.

Won't be back for a while, man.

What time we gonna meet
the hyper funny nigga?

- Big Boy?
- Baby Boy.

Yeah. 5 A.M. At the shop.

You a'ight, man?

Yeah, I'm all right.

I know the motherfuckers
better have that bread, though.


Tired of sittin' around waitin'.

I don't know how Biggis does it.

I'm sittin' here losing sleep
off the money we owe El Plaga...

and he's playing with
video games.

It's like nothin' ever
got to Biggis.

He was always too cool.

I gotta crawl up out
this motherfucker, boy.

What you want to get to eat?

IHOP or some shit like that.

Y'all want to get some grub?

At this point,
I didn't give a fuck who I shot.

I was squattin' outside
Dame's spot...

waitin' for anybody
to come the fuck out.

Far as I was concerned, all
them pussies owed me money...

and whoever came out...

I was gonna give
them niggas the business.

I'll kill these motherfuckers.

What you doin', man?
Chill out, motherfucker.

Listen, Beans got out, man.

Man, I don't give a fuck.

I been sitting there squatting
these pussies the whole time.

Listen. Cool out, cool out.

Not in front of the pussies.
Beans is out.


He out, man. Come on.
Come on, we out.

- What the fuck?
- Come on, we out, man.

You draw right here.

Who is it?

Man, who the fuck is that?

Man, open the fucking door.

- Yeah, man.
- Oh, shit. That's Beans, yo.

I'll call you right back.

Get the fuck out of here.

What's up?

- What's up, Baby G?
- Welcome home.

Welcome home. What's up, man?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever.
Sit down, man.

Sit down.

God damn.
Look at this place in here, man.

What the fuck is y'all doing?

We gardening, man.

What the fuck is this?

Y'all sell weed now?

Just trying to get back.

This shit's a fucking zoo.

Throw that shit away, man.

Where the fuck
is D-Nice and Baby Boy?

Man, them niggas
running around reckless.

Both of them niggas
been drawn on for real.

Yeah, Baby Boy,
he real, real fucked up.

D-Nice just went looking
for his lil' ass.

Supposedly went to Dame club.

Dame club?

And that nigga Loco
keep calling on some shit.

We supposed to meet him at 5:00.

I don't know what's up.

Y'all niggas is crazy, man.

This shit fuckin' nasty
in here, man.

Like a real fucking crack house.

What the fuck is this?

That's the work.

The work?

Your boy Pollo put us
on the job.

We robbed the niggas, and
they got us selling the shit.

We thought you sent work.


And then it all started
to make sense.

El Plaga was right about
Philly's untapped potential.

Loco was setting me up
from day one.

Shut that motherfucker
down like it's a virus.

He was playing me
like a PS-2.

I think we could do something
to work that out.


I told you,
El Plaga ain't no joke.


Loco. Pollo.
Whatever the fuck...

- Papi, man.
- Papi.

You see this shit?

Do you know what this is,
this Umbrella shit?

What is it?

This is Dame's shit, man.
This Dame's work.

- Dame?
- Dame?

Y'all don't even know
who the fuck y'all robbin', man.

Y'all niggas
is fucking crazy, man.

Y'all thought I simple.

Get Baby Boy on the phone, man.

Matter of fact,
give me the phone.

I'll call him.

This shit...

I'm Baby Boy.

This nigga need to answer
the fuckin' phone.

Give me your gun, man.

I'm gonna go get
this fucking nigga, man.

Somebody kill this nigga.

Yo, clean this shit
the fuck up, too, man.

All this shit.

It feel real good
to come home to, man.

Motherfuckers is triflin'.

Close that fucking door.

Close it.

You know, you
a disrespectful motherfucker.

Don't you know
you fucked my night up?

I had three bitches with me.

You think I'm scared
of that husky shit?

The only thing stopping me from
blowing your fucking brains out

is my anger management.

I mean,
you come home from jail...

and the first thing you do
is fucking kill my driver?

Man, what the fuck
is you talking about...

kill your driver?

Nigga, I ain't kill
your fuckin' driver.

Yeah, and I guess you got
your punk ass man Baby Boy...

to rob my burger joint, too.

Yo, Dame, we got robbed.

They took my money?

Nah, the work in the bathroom.

You left a fucking note, genius.

Man, I ain't write
this fucking letter, man.

Is you crazy?

Yeah, Baby Boy robbed you...

but he ain't know who the fuck
he was robbing, man.

All he was doing what
the nigga Loco told him to do.

Yeah, you probably
never heard of Loco...

but you heard of
El Plaga, right?

Yeah, I heard of El Plaga.

Supposed to meet him at 5:00.

Yeah, well, Loco and El Plaga's
the same motherfucker.

I mean, I ain't know
it was y'all we went to rob...

but I was happy
when I found out.

See, what you ain't know was
when you was robbing us...

you was taking
your own fucking money.

I bet you your man
El Plaga told you...

you'd do a favor for him...

and he'd do
a favor for you, right?

They got somethin'
that belong to El Plaga.

You get it back,
I give you other work.

Know what I mean?

Well, let me
tell you something, man.

These niggas is playing us, man.

He trying to get both of us
to take each other out.

Don't do it to yourself, "B."

Nigga, calm the fuck down.

Yo, Baby Boy and D-Nice
just showed up.

Yeah, all right.

Hurry up off the phone.
My arm's getting tired, man.

You might have
to come and calm him down.

Yeah, I'll be there in a minute.

All right.

Man, do what you want to do.

I got a meeting with Loco
or El Plaga at 5:00.

I guess I'll see you there...


By the way, I could've blew
your fuckin' head off.

How the fuck I'm gonna get home?
I ain't got no driver.

Yo, put the drinks down, man.

It's about that time.
Y'all ready?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Get y'all guns, man.
Meet me in the car in 5 minutes.

Bring extra clips, too.

You don't talk about it.

You don't plan for it.

You just tell your crew
to strap up...

and it's on.

You just tell your crew
it's on...

and it's on.

- What's up, y'all?
- What's up?

I need y'all to take a ride
with me down to the botanica.

Meet me in the van
in five minutes.

Oh, yeah. Bring your guns.

Yo! Yo, what time is it, yo?

Oh, shit.


Yo, slime,
this is some bullshit, yo.

Baby Boy was supposed
to meet me at 5:00...

and me and my niggas
is real impatient.

Another five minutes,
and we gonna go get his ass.

Whose fucking car is that?

Loco, stay here,
stay here, stay here!

Fuck that.

Before I knew it,
the whole ABM crew was there.

they was all buggin'.

Bullets everywhere.

We shoot, they shoot.
They shoot, we shoot.

Fucking bananas.

Hey, what the fuck
you doin', Beans?!

To make shit fouler,
out of nowhere...

the Dame dude pops up
with a truck full of niggas.

Niggas standing there
side by side...

arch enemies.

Beans, I could blow
your fucking head off right now.

You do know this, don't you?

Yeah, all right, nigga.
I wish you would.

I'm going to take care
of this Loco motherfucker...

then we'll see what's up.


Aw, shit, man. You hit, man.

Come on, we got to get
the fuck up outta here.

Come on.

Shot after shot,
clip after clip...

and not a cop in sight.

This shit
makes no fucking sense.

Yo. Put him in the car...

and meet me around the corner
in five minutes.

He gonna be all right.
It's a flesh wound.

You knew
I could've had you, right?

You couldn't have had shit.

Yeah, I could've had you.


Beans, what the fuck, nigga?

You shootin' at me?!
You're a maniac!

Then why the fuck you set me up
all this time, man?

- You fucking snake!
- Who the snake?

What the fuck type nigga
I look like settin' you up?

Nigga, if you wanted
to see me, nigga...

you could've seen me in jail!

No way!
If I wanted to see you...

I would've got you in jail,

I'd be there like you!

Instead of
fucking passing it to you!

Nigga, you ain't gangsta, nigga!
You's a bitch!

Nigga, I was born gangsta...

and you set me the fuck up, man.

El Plaga!

That's El Plaga?

I ain't fucking El Plaga, nigga!

I know there ain't
no fucking El Plaga, man.

You don't think
I know who work we robbed...

the nigga ass Umbrella?

You got us going at each other
so you can take over, huh?

They thought I was El Plaga?

I never even met El Plaga.

Well, what them niggas
talking about?

Unless he was always around
the whole fucking time.

Yo, Papi, dead that shit, man.

Who work was it, yo?

Who work was it?

Who you think hooked up
you and Beans?

You wanted a connect in Philly?

At that moment, in-between
bullets flying past my melon...

I started to see
the whole picture.

It was Biggis. It had to be.

He was pulling the strings
since I was locked up.

He probably got
me and Beans together...

in the first place.

He planned it from day one.

The motherfucker set
that shit up from the inside.

I need you to do me
another favor.

It's for a friend of mine.

You heard of El Plaga, right?

They call him Beans.
You know him?

Fuck him. Whatever you need.


Here's what I need you to do.

Yeah. Biggis was slick.
Fucking devious.

Tell your boy if his guy
does that thing...

we'll have him out
by the end of the month.

All right, then.
I'm going to let Salaam know.

I'm sure he'll be happy.

Ever since
I got out the "P" now...

Biggis has been trying
to get me to start a war.

With Beans and Dame
out of the game...

he could take over
the whole fucking city.

It's not just me he was using...

Beans and Dame, too...

playing us all.

Biggis always said there was
a lot of work in Philly.

Who fucking work was it, yo?

They gonna come to me...

with some Dame
and Umbrella type of shit?

Fuck that, nigga. I raised you.

You're like my son.

I never told him
about the Umbrella...

and I never knew the drugs
at the burger spot...

belonged to Dame.

Biggis told me
it was El Plaga's shit...

and we were taking it back.

How far back did this shit go?

Was it at the botanica
with Freeway?

Let me get this straight.

The drugs are in the statue?

What the fuck I just say, dawg?

Don't worry about it.

Did this shit start on my easy
with the Tuesday bitch?

Have fun in prison,
you stupid motherfucker.

You happy? I said it.

Shut the fuck up.

Does this shit go back
even further than that?

He was using me
my whole fucking life.

El Plaga.

You hear that?

You hear that?

I think we should get
the fuck out of here.

I ain't waiting here, man.

Can you give me
a lift to my car?

I'm kind of around the corner.

They should pull up any second.
We wait right here.

All right.

Holler at me, man.

Yo, what's up?

I ain't seen you, Jack.
You good?

Yeah, I'm good, I'm good,
I'm good.

What's up with Chris?
He all right?

Nah, man, he good, man.
He only took a leg shot, man.

All right.

What's up with them niggas
Dame and them?

Man, that shit was crazy, man.

We all shooting
at the same fucking thing.

Yeah. The nigga right here.

He right there with you
right now?

- He right here with me.
- Man, cut it the fuck out, man.

He in the car with me,
no bullshit.

Man, let me speak
to the nigga, then, man.

Yo, say something to my man.

Tell him I said, "What's up?"

Man, you's a funny nigga, bull.

Yeah, that's
my new best friend, man.

For real, though?

Yeah, everything's good.

- Hey, you know what?
- What's up?

I'm thinking
we should throw him a party.

- Seriously?
- Something crazy.

Yeah, an extravaganza.

Straight up.

We should throw him
a surprise party.

They going to do a number...

They showed
the both of us, I guess.

This is my personal...


let's go shopping.

Don't stop and talk
to no boys, OK?

Be good, all right?

Now, what should I do
with y'all little...

Now, what should I do
with y'all little...

Now, what should I do with
y'all little greasy asses?

Go crazy.

I ain't supposed to be laughing.

I don't even understand
that shit you...

Shit like that.

Yeah, baby doll.

From the heart... la corazon.

Yo, Fanlan.

Yeah. Yeah, hold on, man.

Hold on. Stop everything.
I forgot.

What are we doing again?

Here's your chips, baby!

Oh, no.

Sorry. Cut.

Do both of us or just Juelz?
I'm sorry.

He'll knock you the fuck out.
