Stanley and the Dinosaurs (1989) - full transcript

♪♪ [ Bongos: Freely ]

♪♪ [ Bongos: Rhythmically ]

♪♪ [ Stops ] [ Older Male ] ♪ Oh

♪ I've got a wish that's absurd ♪ ♪♪ [ Drum Beats ]

♪ In fact, it's too funny for words ♪ ♪♪ [ Drum Beats ]

♪ Ah, what would it be like

♪ To be small
and li-i-ight ♪

♪ And fly like
a little bird ♪♪♪♪ [ Beats ]

Hey, there you are.
Right on time.
Ready to hear a story?

[ Squeaking ]Good, 'cause I feel
like tellin' one.

So you just relax,
sit back...

and listen to my "tale."♪♪ [ Rhythmically ]

[ Speaking Rhythmically ]
♪ Ah, sometime, somewhere ♪♪ [ Continues ]

♪ Lo-o-ong, long ago

♪ Way back in the days when dinosaurs played ♪[ Chattering ]

♪ A caveman named Stanley and his prehistorical family ♪

♪ Lived in a cave that was dark as a grave ♪

[ Squeaking ] ♪ Lived in a cave with bats

♪ Bugs

♪ And rats Ooh ♪

[ All Grunting ]

♪ Now those cavemen they're big and rough ♪

♪ And there's Stanley Well, he's tough enough ♪

♪ But when the others sweat and strain ♪[ Straining ]

♪ Stanley sits and uses his brain ♪

[ Gasps ]
Hey, guys, watch this!

You're gonna move this big rock
with that little bitty stick?

[ Strains ]
Work smarter,
not harder.

[ Others Growling ]

♪ Growin' seeds he thought incredible ♪

♪ Even though what grew was quite inedible ♪

Waste of time.
Can't even eat 'em.

[ Others Growling ]

♪ Back when paintin' got its start ♪

♪ He smeared paint on a wall and called it art ♪

Hey, guys, look: Art.
What do ya think?

[ All Scoffing ]

Outta the way!
[ Growls ]

♪ Now the other cavemen they're rude and crude ♪[ Laughing ]

♪ But not Stanley He's a polite dude ♪

♪ He says please Please?

♪ Then he says thankee Thank you.

♪ And when he sneezes [ Sniffing, Inhaling ]

[ Sneezes ] ♪ He uses a hankie

♪ Now here comes Stanley huntin' for ♪

♪ Somethin' to eat
That was a daily chore ♪

♪ Then he spies way up high in a tree ♪

♪ Mmm, juicy apples he would love to eat ♪

♪ Apples red as red in a rainbow ♪

♪ His belly's growlin' just like a volcano ♪

♪ But they're up so high above the ground ♪

♪ Some way to get them must be found, yeah ♪♪

Hmm. Lemme see. Uh--
So, uh, how 'bout this--
[ Gasps ]

Oh, yeah! That's it.
[ Laughs ]

[ Stanley Chuckles ]

I'll get it. Ha!
Hmm. Yeah.
[ Strains ]

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[ Chuckles ]

Here you go.
Oh, and here's one for you too.[ Chewing ]

[ Gulps ][ Chuckles ]
Pretty good, aren't they?

I don't believe it.
Did you see that?

Yeah. He's sharing...
with them. [ Heavy Breathing ]

Those overgrown lizards
have brains about this big.[ Breathing Continues ]

Ha! They're
just plain dumb.

Who has the bad breath?[ Cavemen Gasp, Whimper ]


[ Roaring ][ Yelping, Chattering ]

Hey, get outta my way!
Move! Move!

[ Laughs ]

I want some more.[ Chewing Loudly ]

[ Grunts ]
Give it back!

[ Growls ] ♪ When it's time to eat their grub ♪

♪ Cavemen aren't the nicest bunch ♪

♪ Big guys they get all they want ♪

♪ Little guys just get crumbs to munch ♪♪

[ Stanley ] This looks good. If they're lucky.

Uh, but didn't they
give you anything?

There wasn't enough. [ Others Chewing Loudly ]

[ Chewing Continues ]Oh. Um,

you know--
[ Chuckles ]
I'm not really very hungry.

Uh, wh-why don't you help me
eat this stuff.Okay.

Oop. Say, "thank you."[ Mouth Full ]
Thank you.

[ Others Chewing ]

[ Grunting, Gobbling ]
Mmm, this is real tasty.
[ Burps ]


What's he doing?Don't know.

Just being weird,
I guess.

Hey, Boris, come see
what Stanley's doin'.Isn't it amazing?

Would you... please
pass the knife?

Here you are.Thank you.

Look what Stanley's
teachin' our kids.

[ Caveman #2 ]
They're actin'...

We're gonna have to
do somethin' about this.

[ Wolf Howls In Distance ] ♪ The moon looked like a banana ♪

♪ The sky was icy blue

[ Howls ] ♪ The cavemen sat beside a fire ♪

♪ With nothin' at all to do

Hey! What about that story
with Uncle Bob and
the "apathosaurus"?

[ Others Groaning ]

[ Others Together ]
Not that one again.

[ All Groan ] ♪ The same old stories The same old ways ♪

♪ They're stuck in a rut It's true ♪

♪ Their life is just one ol' habit ♪

♪ Too bad they don't try somethin' new ♪♪

[ Imitating Wolf Howl ]

♪♪ [ Howling Melodically ] [ Child Whispering ] What's he doing?

♪♪ [ Howling:
"The Blue Danube" ]♪♪ [ Children Join ]

♪♪ [ Continues ]

What's he doin' now?I don't know.
Never heard anything like it.

It's different.
He shouldn't
be doing that.

♪♪ [ Continues ]

[ Footsteps Approaching ] Stanley!

Stop that nasty noise!♪♪ [ Trails Off ]

Oh, we're tired of you
always bein' different.

- Look. I was only tryin'--
- You better start tryin'
to be a real caveman,

or we're gonna
kick you out!

[ Together ]
[ Growling ]

[ All Snoring ]

♪ Back when people lived in damp, dark caves ♪[ Yawns, Yelps ]

♪ Bats would fly around like they owned the place ♪

♪ Back when people lived in those damp, dark caves ♪

♪ Big, creepy bugs would crawl on your face ♪[ Grunting ]

♪ You'd sleep in the dirt every night ♪

♪ Wake up in the mornin' with a-- [ Gasps ]
spider bite ♪

♪ Snoozin' in the dirt with a rock for a pillow ♪

♪ Wake up in the mornin' and your back feels
like Jell-O ♪

♪ That's what it's like in a damp ♪ [ Grunts ]

♪ Dark [ Grunts ]

♪ Cave ♪

[ Shivers, Sighs ]
What a way to live.
There must be a better way.

[ Others Straining,
Grumbling, Yawning ]

- Um, uh, hey, guys--
- What do you want, Stanley?

Uh, well,
I think we oughta find
a better place to live.

You know, this cave--

Oh! So you don't
like our cave.

It's good enough for us.
Why isn't it good enough
for you?

Well, now I was just thinkin'.
The main-- Thinking?

That's your problem.
Always thinking.

- Yeah, but see,
we don't really have to--
- You know what I think?

What?I think Stanley
should leave.

Beat it.Scram!

[ Together ]
Get outta here!

But I only
wanted to--[ Men Growling ]

Ah, it's... no use.

♪ The wind was blowin' with all its might
It froze him to the bone ♪

♪ He looked in all directions for a place to make his home ♪

♪ He found some stones to hide behind, the wind
could not blow through ♪

[ Rhythmically ]
♪ I'll make a house
with walls of stone ♪

♪ Oh, yeah,
that's what I'll do ♪♪♪ [ Taping ]

♪ Dark clouds became more full of rain
Poor Stanley, he got wet ♪

♪ Somethin' to keep him nice and dry
wasn't invented yet ♪

♪ He ran beneath a tall palm tree
the one dry spot nearby ♪

♪ The rain, it fell but not on him ♪

♪ The leaves they kept him dry ♪

♪ He'd build his house with rocks and stones ♪

♪ His roof would be palm leaves ♪

♪ Unlike the cave it's warm and dry ♪

♪ Yeah, that's what
I really need ♪♪

♪♪ [ Howling Melodically ]

[ Repeating Melody ]
♪ I wonder why

[ All Harmonizing ]
♪ He wonders why

- [ All Chuckling ]
- Yeah! Hey, that's great.

[ Dinosaur ] That's real great.Yeah. [ Chuckles ]

♪ I wonder why [ Dinosaurs ]
♪ I wonder why

♪ The birds do fly ♪ The birds do fly

♪ Who taught
the sun ♪♪ Who taught the sun

♪ To sleep
at night ♪♪ To sleep at night

♪ How does
the rose ♪♪ How does the rose

♪ Grow out
of dirt ♪♪ Grow out of dirt

♪ You stub
your toe ♪♪ You stub your toe

♪ Why does
it hurt ♪♪ Why does it hurt

♪ When clouds
make rain ♪♪ Drip, drop

♪ Are they sad
and crying ♪♪ Boo-hoo

♪ When the cold
wind blows ♪♪ Whoo, whoo

♪ Is the world
sighing ♪♪ Ah-h-h

♪ I want to know

♪ Why
♪ Why ♪ Why, I wonder, wonder why

♪ I can't help
my curiosity ♪ ♪♪ [ Scatting ]

♪ So why do friends
get furious at me ♪♪♪ [ Scatting ]

♪ For wondering how ♪ For wondering how

♪ Or where
or when ♪♪ Or where or when

♪ If I were half asleep ♪ If I were half asleep

♪ I wouldn't
wonder then ♪♪ I wouldn't wonder then

♪ Why rainbows fade ♪ Why rainbows fade

♪ Why babies yell ♪ Why babies yell

♪ When we don't bathe ♪ When we don't bathe

♪ Why do
we smell ♪♪ Why do we smell

♪ And when we wake up
where do our dreams go ♪♪♪ [ Scatting ]

♪ Is it all a dream
or simply seem so
I want to know ♪

♪ Why
♪ Why ♪ Why, I wonder, wonder why

♪ I wonder why ♪ I wonder why ♪

Wow. It's great!

Ah, gee,
thanks a lot.

Hey, know what
I'd like for dinner?

Barbecued apatosaurus.
Mmm, mmm.

Yeah. That sounds real tasty.
Yum, yum, yum.

Let's get our clubs
and go huntin'.

Sure lonesome around here.
I wonder what everyone's
up to. Hmm.

Listen. When I give
the signal, we run up
and pop him on the beanie.

All right.
Sounds good. [ Heavy Footsteps ]

Heh-heh. Hey, Pawt,
look who's after you
with their silly clubs.

Oh, no.
I'm so-o-o scared.

- [ Men Whimpering ]
- Let's chase 'em outta here.

- [ Roars ]
- [ Men Yelping, Chattering ]

- [ Growls ]
- [ Yelping, Chattering
Continue ]

[ Roars ]

[ Roaring Continues ][ Growling Continues ]

Hmm? Uh-oh!
[ Panting ]

- [ Snarls ]
- [ Chattering ]

- Run for it!
- [ Panting ]


Look out!
There's another one.

- [ Shrieks ]
- [ Men Yelling ]

[ Roars ][ Growls ]

[ Snarls ][ Shrieks ]

[ Panting ]

Uh, you go first.
It was your idea
to go hunting.

Come on, Butch.
Be a real caveman
about it.

[ Caveman #3 ]
Yeah! Show 'em how tasty--
I mean, tough you are.

- Hey! Hey, stop! Stop!
- [ Roaring Stops ]

Please stop?Stanley,
help us!

Don't worry.
I won't let 'em hurt you.

Now hey,
what's goin' on here?

They started it first
with their silly clubs.

So, up to your
dirty tricks again, huh?

Better tell 'em
you're sorry.

We're sorry.
Aren't we?

[ Grunts ]
Uh, yeah--
real, real sorry.

Um, look.
Wh-Why don't you guys
go for a walk or somethin'.

Ah, phooey.
Come on, guys.[ Dinosaurs Grumbling ]

You saved us,
Stanley. Thank you.

Uh, why don't ya
come back and live
in our cave?

Come on back,

Well, uh--
[ Chuckles ]
thanks, but, uh,

why don't you
come see where Ilive?

You mean
you live here?Yep.

It's my "house."
[ Chuckles ]
Come on inside.

Hmm. No bugs,
no bats. Ha-ha!

You're right, Stanley.
This isbetter than the cave.

♪♪ [ Drumming ]

[ Dinosaur Narrating ] ♪ Stanley helps the cavemen learn ♪
[ Laughs ]

♪ Perhaps their lives could take a turn ♪

♪ That being different might be wise ♪

♪ To change their ways and improve their lives ♪♪

[ Munches,
Swallows ][ Whimpers ]

Is that too deep?

Mmm, no.
That looks just right.

Well, what do ya think,

Aw-- [ Chuckles ]
I think it's--
it's beautiful.

You mean it?
[ Wheezes, Cackles ]

Ooh, look at the time.
Mmm. It's gettin' late. ♪♪ [ Drumming ]

Have to hurry.
Got an important date. ♪♪ [ Continues ]

Hey, come on. Let's see what Stanley's singin's done.

♪ Now the tribe
is havin' fun ♪

♪ You ♪ Ooh
♪ Ooh

- ♪ We hardly see
the world around us ♪
- ♪♪ [ Scatting, Drumming ]

- ♪ To busy to be curious
- ♪♪ [ Scatting,
Drumming Continue ]

♪ Half asleep
not really caring ♪

♪ Skies full of wonder
pass us by ♪

♪ Wake up, wake up
Stop your sleeping ♪

♪ Wake up, wake up
Stop your sleeping ♪

♪ Can't you see
life's not a dream ♪

♪ Can't you see
life's not a dream ♪

♪ The world smiles
and is gentle ♪

♪ The world smiles
and is gentle ♪

♪ Use your mind
and you will see ♪

♪ Use your mind
and you will see ♪

♪ You got to shake out
those old cobwebs ♪

♪ You got to shake out
those old cobwebs ♪

♪ And use that thing
between your ears ♪

♪ And use that thing
between your ears ♪

♪ For you the mysteries
have been waiting ♪

♪ For you the mysteries
have been waiting ♪

♪ Dullness has hidden
them from view ♪

♪ Dullness has hidden
them from view ♪

♪ Wake up, wake up Stop your sleeping ♪

♪ Wake up, wake up
Stop your sleeping ♪

♪ Can't you see life's not a dream ♪

♪ Can't you see
life's not a dream ♪

♪ The world smiles and is gentle ♪

♪ The world smiles
and is gentle ♪

♪ Use your mind and you will see ♪

♪ Use your mind
and you will see ♪

♪ Wake up, wake up Stop your sleeping ♪

♪ Wake up, wake up
Stop your sleeping ♪

♪ Can't you see life's not a dream ♪

♪ Can't you see
life's not a dream ♪

♪ The world smiles and is gentle ♪

♪ The world smiles
and is gentle ♪

♪ Use your mind and you will see ♪ ♪ Wake up, wake up, wake up ♪

[ All Laughing, Cheering ]