Squeak-squeak (1963) - full transcript

Léonard Monestier has made his fortune trading on the stock exchange. His eccentric wife Cynthia almost bankrupts him by selling some of his shares to buy an oil concession in South America. Convinced that the concession is a fake, Monestier decides to sell it on to a friend of the family, the naive millionaire Antoine Brévin. Antoine wants to marry his daughter, Patricia. However, Patricia has a different opinion on the matter. She manages to persuade the car delivery guy, Simon Guilbaud, to pretend to be her husband. Unaware of this development, Monestier invites Antoine to his house in order to get him to agree to buy the oil concession. After the invitation to Antoine, the butler Charles informs Monestier of the rushed marriage of Patricia. To prove that the concession is genuine, Monestier hires his son-in-law Simon to pretend to be his son, Paul, who is currently in South America. At this point, the real Paul turns up, with a Latin showgirl, Palma. Monestier has to resort to ever more desperate schemes to get Antoine to sign his cheque.




Send them back.

Send them back.

This is going too far.


Send it back.

Mrs Monestier?

The car's yours.

I was told to give you this.



I won't marry that fool.

When is he going to get it?

When you marry someone else.

Is anything wrong?

Could you do something for me?

-That's what I'm here for.

Who are you?

I'm the driver. Before driving

a car like that...

...you need to know a few things.

Do you know who's offering me this car?

-No, it was done by phone.

That gentleman calls very often.

Antoine, I'm getting fed up with this.

I said no, didn't I?

Don't be so final, dear. I want

us to start loving each other.

I'll force you if I have to.

It doesn't matter that

you don't like my gifts.

All women can be conquered

one way or another.

Get that animal out of here.

Get rid of that beast.

You can't discourage me.

I'll persevere.

Patricia, no.

My whimsical princess...

This is unbelievable.

It has to end.

Do you make a lot of money?

-I only just started out.

What did you do before?

-A bit of this and a bit of that.

Legal things?

As legal as people or circumstances


You're a cheater?

-With women, always.

I hope I didn't shock you.

Shall we take a test drive?

I'd like to make you a proposition.

-An honourable one?

I'll pay you tenfold, plus

bed and board and I'll do the laundry.

You'll get an allowance and if things

go well, you'll get the car as a bonus.

What do you say?

With a good lawyer, about 20 years.

Who do I have to kill?

Antoine, that whiner.


-That's up to you.

You gave me the idea.

I'll marry you.

Are you joking?

-Of course.

As soon as he gives up,

you can leave.

Until then, you'll act like my husband.

Will that be enough to

discourage him?

If he insists, I hope

you'll beat him up.

What do you have against the poor soul?

-That he keeps insisting.

He drives me nuts. I'm not even

interested in his millions.

Absolutely not.

-Also because you're...

...not lacking anything.

Do you agree?

-Don't you think this adventure...

...is a bit too delicate?

-You don't have to love me.

That's the delicate part.

I'll hire you as a husband, like I could

hire you as a gardener or as a driver.

Yes, happens all the time.

Do you cook with butter here?

Yes or no, don't waste my time.

Do you get many people for dinner?

-Who cares?

You don't have to serve them.

-Employers tend to take liberties.

A good thing there's the union.

What's your name?

-Simon Guilbaud. Is that alright?

Patricia Guilbaud. That'll do.


Could you help me?

-By all means.

Excuse me, madam. The cook asks...

Excuse me.

Do that again and I'll kick you out.

-I meant well.

Our sudden union leads to

strong feelings.

Only the minimum, please.

-As you wish, boss.

I'll introduce you to Charles,

the butler.

My parents are gone for

a couple of days.

As long as they like me as much

as my wife does.

Does the gentleman stay for dinner?

-Yes, and he'll spend the night.

In which room?


Where do I move your room to?

-No, he's my husband.

You're surprised, aren't you?

We're very much in love.

To sleep apart would be really sad.

Allow me to congratulate you both.

Remove it before it makes

a mess.

What is this?

Madam's rooster.

-My wife?

No, the mother of the gentleman's


My mother-in-law breeds chickens?

-One chicken: Peck Peck.

What was that, peck peck?

-Yes, that's his name.

Why was he called that?

-No one knows, not even Madam.

Is my mother-in-law a bit...

-You don't know your parents-in-law?

You must be surprised.

-No, I've worked here for a long time.

That must be why you look so bad.

Peck Peck, right?

Yes, Madam, Charles speaking.

How are you?

It's very stuffy here.

The city tires me.

Women can't go into the stock exchange,

where my husband is.

It's agony. We'll be home tomorrow.

Everything alright?

Organise a feast for dinner.

It'll be my husband's birthday.

Do you know of an original gift?


Something that would make him

smile like a child?

Who's the gaucho?

- Pedro Caselini. Be careful.

He does have style.

-So do most con men.

Slow day today?

Don't stay.

You'll be in trouble.

Morrison, I have the transaction of

your life here.

I'm short of money.

-Don't try it on me.

I just came back from South America.

-Go back.

Look at that, Morrison.

-Unbelievable. Are you selling?

No way.

They're just rising.

You're funny.

-You never know.

Now they're here and soon they'll

be there and then bang!

And in the end they go 'boom!'.

I won't sell here or here.

I'll sell when they're all the way here.

You'll make a nice bundle.

-Yes, just about.

More than that, even.

This is more beautiful than Mozart.

Come closer. Look behind me.

Who's that man to my right?

Don't look.

-What do you want me to do then?

Look quickly.

-Caselini, better avoid him.

I'm coming.

Don't listen to the gossip.

I've got something interesting.

I'm interested in that.

I'm into oil.

-And I'm into those funds.

Aren't you interested in oil?

-Not at all.

Now get lost.

-You're making a mistake.

A sandwich and a glass of cold


I've suffered enough.

Tell me if you want to eat something.

No, thanks, I'll wait.

-I'm fed up with waiting.

Doesn't that stock exchange ever close?

-Yes, Madam, at 2:30.

Thanks, but I knew that.

One moment, please.

One moment.

Come in.

Did you sleep well?

-What a silly question.

Yes, stupid of me.

The tray's too small.

Could you get a bit closer?

Everything will fall.

-No, dear, look.

It fits exactly.

Didn't I forget anything?

No, that's fine.

-Don't disturb us until the afternoon.

No need to become vulgar.

-I said that because I need more sleep.

That stupid rooster talks in his sleep.

He was clucking all night.

Am I not your type?

You have a certain charm.

-So you've noticed.

Unfortunately, something's missing.


Tact, women like that.

-But you don't even know me.

Excuse me.

-Where are you going?

I'm having a shower.

What are you a champion at,


Clay-pigeon shooting.

I'm a shooter myself.

-You infuriate me, sir.

Why 'sir'? Are you angry?

-Get dressed. The room has to be done.

At your orders.

Home at last. Such heat.

The countryside's more comfortable.

You couldn't last any longer in Paris.

But what about my work?

Spare me your bad mood

just because the mercury's going up.

Mercury's rising?


Then I have to buy now.

The phone.

No, I mean the mercury in the


because of the heat.

You're just like a child.

This is Madam's rooster.

-Peck Peck. Isn't he beautiful?

Say hello to daddy.

Bad man. Now he'll be in

a bad mood for hours.

Did he behave well?

-He broke three cups.

My little rascal.

This fell out of your bag.

-Thank you.

This is my husband's birthday gift.

Don't tell him.

I'm not in the mood for this.

-Happy birthday to you.

May you enjoy this present.

She remembered.

Cynthia, my dear.

You're a real pearl,

even though I can be rather worked up.

No, you're not.

-Yes, I am.

Sometimes one just has to have

an argument, right, dear?

Yes, I understand.

Close your eyes.

What's that?

-A concession.

Of what?

-An oil field.


-Near the Orinoco, in South America.

In the territory of the Bossotago


That's great.

Which con man gave you this?

No, I bought it.

-From whom?

From Aldo Caselini or something.

-That bastard?

You didn't pay him, did you?

-Yes, cash.

How much?

I didn't hear that.

It's not true.

Yes, I talked the price down

quite a bit.

I used my charm.

Where did you get the money?

-From your stockbroker.

Did you borrow it?

-No, I sold some shares.

Which ones?


But they're rising.

-Call your stockbroker.

He won't do that without my


I faked your signature.

It's not easy, you know.

Buy some oil barrels.

Don't talk about oil barrels.

A piece of Orinoco, full of mosquitoes

and head-hunters...

That's what you bought.

Do you want to ruin me?

If you're going to be like that,

I'll sell it.

How? Most crazy people are locked up.

-That concession is real.

What do I do with it?

Throw it in the fireplace?

Happy birthday, old grump.

Didn't he like the gift?

-You never know with him.

What do you want?

-I'm bringing some towels.

Happy birthday.

-My wife already said that.

And what did she give me?

A forest.

Where shall we put it?

-Do you think that's funny?

I have to get that money back.

I have to find a loser.

Mr Br?vin has proven himself

to be a good candidate for that.

Why didn't I think of that?

Great, I'll pay you double.

-Yes, but I...

He's easily influenced,

rich and very stupid.

And he's crazy about Patricia.

That's the thing, she...

Hello, Antoine.

Yes, L?onard Monestier speaking.

Are you available this weekend?

We've been saved, Charles.

You should never marry.

It happens in the best of families.

And sometimes extremely fast.

Where's Miss Patricia?

-Mrs Monestier's in the park.

What, 'Mrs'?

When a girl marries,

one starts calling her Mrs.

Do you need a holiday or something?

-Less than you, Sir.

Explain yourself.

-Patricia got married.

What did you say?


That forest my wife bought is one thing,

but this is going too far.

Get Mrs Monestier.


Get my daughter Patricia.

-Alright, shall I get her husband too?

He's here?

-In Madam's room.

That man's in my daughter's room?

-Just married, you know.

One, two? Unbelievable.

Come out of there.

Or I'll kick the door in.

What's this about?

-This is your wife's father.

My father-in-law. Simon Guilbaud.

-Did you really get married to Patricia?

Yes, I've been so lucky...

What will a divorce cost me?


Don't call me father.

-Grandfather then?

You're not telling me that...

-No, but we're thinking about it.

I advise you to reconsider.

He didn't waste any time.

Disappear and don't come back

until I tell you.

I told Patricia I'd stay.

-Listen to me very well.

I have to meet Antoine. That's why she

hired me... married me.

If you're still here in five minutes,

I'll kick you out.

1938, French judo championships.


1955, French Open, final.

You must have driven fast.

-Do you blame me?

We'd regret it if anything

happened to you,

Am I that appreciated here?

-Very much, Sir.

Take my things to my bedroom.

Dear Antoine, how good to see you.

-Likewise, dear L?onard.

Am I early?

-No, I'm late. One moment.

Make yourself at home.

Say hello to your sister.

Did you have a good trip?

-Terrible, your dad didn't say a word.

We got a letter from Paul.

-How's his trip?

He's still in Brazil.

Any news?

I have a surprise.

You remembered your father's

birthday. Quick, let's go inside.

I'll walk this little monster.

Goodbye, I mean see you in a minute.

My heart rejoices

when I see your beauty.

What are you doing here?

-I could come over this weekend.

Don't get any ideas.

-Shall we go for a splash before lunch?

Will you be pulling my swimwear


I was suffering from a cramp.

-Not in your hands.

Should I shoot a hole in your suit?

-Don't tease me, darling.

Don't call me darling.

-You're the only one who rejects me.

I'm sorry, I don't need your money.

-You don't just go for looks, do you?

From that point of view,

you'd have a chance.

I want you.

It's natural, I'm a man.

You offend me.

You may be a man, but that's

not enough.

Your suitcases are in your room.

I don't care how long it will take,

but you will marry me.

You're too late.

-What do you mean?

Why is it too late?

-Someone makes it impossible.

I said you couldn't marry her yet,

but I'm not a monster.

Welcome to our place.

We don't see you often enough.

You're not marrying yet.

To anyone.

Later, but with someone...

Know what I mean?

Not really.

-Your room's ready.

It's just been repainted..

If you don't like it, we'll do it again.

What's all this?

I quickly wanted to show you.

Nice, isn't it?

I like the colour contrast.

-It's very fashionable.

Where are you going?

-I'm getting some clothes.

Will you be back?

Do you want that?

-He's here. We have to act now.

You also want to annoy your father.

-All he thinks of is money.

Did you tell him we were married?

-Yes, he wasn't happy.

But I know your father loves you.

Almost as much as I do.

Let go.

I want you to get lost.

And fast.

I'll be back.

-You'll catch a bullet.

I dare you.


-Let me go with Simon.

I don't care.

-He's my husband.

Did you call me?

I said Patricia was waiting for you.

-I'll be quick.

And now...

Let go of me.

Sit down.

Don't blackmail me.

-Why did you marry behind our backs?

Love at first sight.

-We'll talk about that.

Don't let Antoine find out.

-But then he'll start courting me again.

He has to be in a good mood.


So that he buys a piece of forest that

a con man sold to your mother.

If it fails, we'll be broke.

-Mum's so stupid.

Why do I have a wife like that?

-You love her.


Come in, Antoine.

Leave us for a moment, dear.

Don't chase her out.

Daddy wants to make you a proposition.

I'd accept right away.

Sit down.

I have the exclusive rights...

I have the exclusive rights to

a piece of land in South America.

Near the source of the Orinoco river.

The Indians call it Bossotago.


-Do you know what's in the ground there?

No, uranium?



-Not so loud.

How can I be of service?

I'll hand it all over to you.

It's enormous, but you need

a fortune.

This is something for a smart

entrepreneurial type.

In short, dear Antoine,

someone like you.

A drink?

Is there really oil there?

Don't you trust me, L?onard

Monestier, father of Patricia?

Have you been there?

-No, but I have my information.

A glass of wine?

But why the mystery?

Isn't your son there?

He's travelling and his last letter

came from South America.

Admit that you sent him there to

acquire those rights.

Such perspicacity!

I'd never have thought of that.

We have a deal. Whisky?

We haven't known each other long

and I don't even know the boy.

He'll have to talk to my experts.

Why not to a sorcerer?

I have to form an opinion of your son

and his judgment.

In that case, I don't want to hear

about it anymore. Not a word.

Do you insist on talking to my son?

-Yes, when will he be back?

Simon, my son, you're such a rascal.

You're looking fine.

The healthy jungle air. My son

Simon, just back from South America.

Our oil expert.

And this is Antoine Br?vin.

I've heard a lot about you.

-Go say hello to your mother.

Is she home?

-We'll be right back.

He's not that tanned.

-Because of his sombrero.

Did I change jobs?

I need you. Do you know my wife?

No, I've never met my


She'll be surprised when she sees you.

This is my plan.

Try to listen well to what I'm

about to say.


- Guilbaud.

You have a nice new secretary.

Come, Peck Peck.

Charming lady.

No, this gentleman's the husband

of Patricia.

Alright then.

Forget about that animal.


Don't be rude.

I know it's not true.

Yes, she got married. From now on,

her name is Patricia... Guilbaud.


You've deserved a kiss.

She has good taste. You're happy.

A mother can feel that.

Are you happy?

-Of course. I'm being spoilt.

I'm going to sell that forest

to Antoine.

Wasn't that a big fraud?

-Simon will take Paul's place.

In South America?

-No, here.

Simon's your son.

Then he should drop by more often.

-He knows there's oil there.

Didn't I tell you? And you're selling?


Can you take over?

-It's very simple.

L?o likes to make everything more

complicated than it is.

I'm at the end of my tether.

Come in.

Are you moping?

-Are you finished with dad?

Was it a good proposal?

-I have to talk to your brother first.

Did he come home?

-Yes, suddenly.

Will you jump up for me one day?

He's useless but I love him.

-Your father speaks highly of him.

I can't believe that.

Is my brother home?

No... yes, but he changed a bit

since he left.


Wait, don't rush me.

So in short, Simon's my son.

He's my big boy. That's great.

He's so charming.

Don't be jealous of your son.

-What a sweet mother-in-law.

Call her mother, come on.

-Sorry, dad.

What? Alright.

Simon's back. Hug your sister.

Hug your brother.

You look lovely.

-Don't do that.

She doesn't want to be kissed

in the neck.

Nice couple, aren't they?

-They're both very charming.

Let's discuss that transaction.

-Yes, please.

You have to decide quickly,

that's why my dad's in a hurry.

I like to do business fast,

don't I, dad?

Did you bring your chequebook?

-Of course.

Our oil is in good hands with him.

You said 'our' oil.

That was perfectly put.

How much do you want for it?

-Well, for you...

No! Paul!

Ladies and gentlemen, we present

The Beauty of the Pampa...

The prettiest lady of South America:

Palma Diamantino.

How do you like my entrance?

I practiced a lot.

Hello, sister.

Two sons in one day, wonderful.

-Why do you say 'two'?


-Yes, dad.

Such rascals, aren't they?

Especially the second one.

I want to learn French language

and culture.

I love the French.

I wanted to surprise you.

-Very well done.

Put that chicken back in its cage.

-Palma's not a chicken.

What is she then?

-The daughter of a general.

Did you meet her at a barracks?

Where then?

In Venezuela.

In Caracas, the capital.

You mean in a shady brothel?

Play your role or get out.

-Dear, dad needs me.

Suddenly you're my brother.

Who solves my problem now?

I had to do that.

-But where does that leave me?

You even encourage Antoine to

court me.

The situation's serious.

We need some family spirit.

Get lost.

-Don't use that tone with me.

I'm the first-born here..

Useless character.

I've slapped people for less.

I'll have two extra plates put on

the table..

What a lovely weekend.

One thing surprises me.

-Only one? How good of you.

I didn't know you had two sons.

-We don't tell you everything.

They made the same journey but everybody

only mentioned one of them.

But they both receive equal love.

I invent this story about my son

and then you arrive.

One of the two is a loser and that

happens to be my son.

Make yourself useful.

Tell me about South America.

Ok, Brazil in a nutshell:

There's Rio, the bay...

-I don't care.

Tell me about the Orinoco.

Don't you want to buy that concession?

-I have to think about it.

Don't buy it.

-Are you serious?

Forget about the oil.

We'll build a holiday home there.

That's an idea.

Who's the handsome young man who

pushed Paulo into the swimming pool?

That's Simon, his older brother.

-He never told me about him.

Isn't that strange?

-Sibling rivalry.

Paulo says he's in charge here.

That his father involves him

in everything.

No, Paul's a big child,

but Simon's a business man.

So Simon's in charge and Paulo has

remained a child.

I'll go for a run before lunch.

I'll show you your room.

The bed's big.

As long as it's not too big.

I'd get cold.

You'll have an electric water

bottle. It tickles.

With us, it's an insult to find

a water bottle in your bed.

With us, it's normal, right L?o?

-Where's Antoine?

He wanted some fresh air.

-Of course, you're smothering him.


That's Antoine.


Come quickly.

Your suit's ruined.

You can throw that suit out.

-Let go of me.

I'm not a little girl.

My mistake. A tree root.

Come to my study.

We'll have an aperitif.

When Antoine comes down, I have a plan.

You mean the jungle plan?

-A strategic plan. Can't go wrong.

Paul pretends to be arguing with Simon.


Because his brother only discussed

this plan with me.

So I really tell him off?

-Is it clear?

Simon shuts him up very energetically.

He's a real leader.

He replies to Antoine,

but doesn't take any risks.

A true traveller doesn't talk a lot.

-Don't let him corner you.

Paul can provide details.

-Only about Rio.

Patricia will be charming and butter

him up. She'll prepare him.

If it'll be difficult, she'll give

him a sultry look.

Do you mean this, daddy?

Sultry? Don't go too far.

She's my wife.

Keep business and feelings separate.

L?onard... that's me.

Where's your mother?

-Doing something upstairs.

Fine, we'll wait for the enemy

in the lounge room.

Various drinks, light music.

Any questions?


Good friend, did you recover?

I think this is a bad day for me.

I was almost electrocuted under

the shower.

Better be careful.

-You're so nice.

We wanted to have an aperitif,

but she insisted on waiting for you.

Yes, that's what happened.


Come here.

Naughty man, you gave us

a scare.

Would you like a glass of our

special house whisky?

Don't overdo it.

-In this heat it spoils fast.

One finger, with ice.

Definitely no water.

You've had enough of that.

-Ignore the idiot. So...

Here you go. What would you like, dad?

-To break your bones.

I'll go.


Where was I?

-You said he was an idiot.

You said 'so', daddy.


So Paul and Simon came back from

South America.

Paul had to rest.

- In Rio.

Simon's active and efficient...

-I'm blushing, dad.

...and went to an undiscovered area

with enormous treasures.

He discovered you know what,

you know where and kept it secret.

What? Why do I only hear this now?

Am I a leper?

I really hate this.

Shut up and stay away from

the whisky.

I don't like to repeat myself.


Your eldest has a strong personality.

-Yes, the Indians called him...

What do you want? I was in Rio.

They called me Yamatoqueto there.

-What does that mean?

Lightning, or literally,

fire from heaven.

Fine recommendation from

the savages.

And they don't know there are millions

worth of oil in the ground.

So it's about oil.

-Don't yell like that.

I didn't know that.

We have the exclusive rights to

the area where the oil is.


So beautiful. Very primitive,

isn't it, Antoine?

I was expecting a title deed that

would be more...

Official. With signatures and


Did you think I found the oil at

the Place de l'Op?ra?

Never mind.

I'll go to Broekenmeyer.

But can't you see Antoine's

very interested?

Think about it.

Millions of hectolitres of oil.

But where is it exactly?

-Well, it's...

...between Venezuela and Colombia.

The area belongs to the Indians.

The Bossotago Indians.

Did you go there on your own?

-I was in Rio.

At first, I had a guide.

But he was eaten by a boa.

Poor man. Such a sad end.

But there are natural resources?

-Gigantic amounts of oil.

How will the Indians receive us?

-With respect. I saved the chief's life.

He thanked me by giving me this

concession. He's terrible.



But during solar eclipses,

he eats young virgins.

Stop it.

This will give me nightmares.

Lunch is served.

-One moment.

I'm offering this to you at

a bargain, between friends.

What do you say, yes or no?

-Yes or no, it doesn't matter to me.

But I like men who take quick


Alright then.

How much are you asking?

-You can have it for...

What's wrong, pumpkin.

Simon's gone off with Palma

and you don't care?

Not at all.

-Isn't he your husband?

Yes... and no.

That crazy professor with strange hair.

That's funny.

Is Mr Br?vin still on the phone?

That's going to cost a lot, isn't it?

-Especially if the transaction's off.

Then we can only do one thing.

Get the gun.

Shooting him won't

solve anything.

It's not him I'll kill.

No, I don't want to call Rome.

Connect me with Ajaccio.

Do you do this on purpose?

And cutting the line?

-He would notice.

Don't you have another idea?

-I know the operator.

He'll never get through to Corsica.

You're kidding.

-Lulu will do anything for me.


I'm doubling your wages.

You already did that.

-I'll do it again.

I'll subscribe to a loan.

That's very lucrative now.

He's so smart.

I could kiss him.

Our butler? Come on.

I've kissed less useful people

around here.

What if I really love Simon?

-Of course, why else marry him?

To divorce again.

-And to marry Antoine?

Why not?

He's quite nice.

Because you'll never love him.

-Exactly, it's about being safe.

That's stupid. You'll ruin everything

if you keep this up.

This can't go on.

I really care for Palma, understand?

I'm fed up.

I want my fianc?e back.

Don't say things I don't understand.

-But I like her.

Then call her your mistress.

-Not yet.

Then you're a loser.

I'll tell her Simon's married.

She'll tell Antoine.

If you do that, I'll disinherit you.

I want to know how he's doing with Lulu.

She's outside with Simon

and no one cares.

Trust each other and you'll

be happy.

Come on. He's in charge and

I look like a fool.

Silly, you're my favourite son.

Are you back already?

We thought you wouldn't come

back any time soon.

Apparently the dew interfered with

your romantic plan.

We went rowing.

-Palma was very scared.

Rowing in a dress like that?

Don't you like it?

When you bend over, I'm ashamed

of your cleavage.

When you were rowing, you were bending

over all the time with him opposite you.

That's unfair.

We're family, aren't we?

I don't buy that.

-Me neither.

Why did you never mention your brother?

-It was a surprise.

You said you were in charge, but he is.

You're his slave.

Now you're exaggerating a bit.

You're his inferior.

-Stop it. That's enough.

Do you want everyone to hear?

Don't push it too far.

I think I'm in love with

your brother.

That's just great.

Do you want me to serenade you?

I brought my guitar.

Very practical things.

I knew someone who strangled his wife

with a guitar string.

I feel like pancakes.

-Right, she's hungry.

What a good idea.

Let's throw some in the air.

It might do us good. Are you coming?

-I'll be there.

Hello? Hello, Ajaccio?

About time. Imperial Hotel?

Can I speak to Mr Blondeau?

This isn't the Imperial Hotel?

No, I don't want to talk to you.

I want number 302 in Ajaccio.

No, absolutely not.

Kiss me, Bolivar.

-Why Bolivar?

Your name's Simon, just like Bolivar.

-Funny. Are you from Venezuela?

A sad homecoming for Paul.

-It means I'm crazy about you.

That's very nice, but...

Are you embarrassed for Paulo?

-You surely aren't.

Put on something else.

It's becoming chilly.

I have a dress that will make you

go crazy.

You also have to write to

your mother.

Shall I pass on your regards?

If she has your temperament,

better not.

You're so naughty, Bolivar.

Your brother's like a revolution.

We only went rowing.

-Anyway, it doesn't matter.

It's not easy to be husband, brother

and explorer.

This is impossible!

What do they connect me with?


Is it really that important?

-Blondeau's a real professional.

Aren't you?

-Two know more than one.

Money, doing business...

It's all that counts here.

I hate men.

-Don't generalise.

Do you still have your yacht?

-Your cabin's ready.

Can we sail tomorrow?

-Just the two of us?


-What kind of question is that?

You've finally seen the light.

-I didn't know it'd happen so quickly.

I told you it would happen.

-He's ironic, very irritating.

He doesn't take me seriously,

he's possessive.

Yet you don't hate him.

Why am I always attracted to such

terrible men?

I should really do something about that.

-It's too late now.

So that's how you think of me.

I'm tough.

What's this noise, scoundrel?

-I'm listening to a record.

Get out of here and say three prayers

before you go to sleep.

Any takers for the first batch?


-Great record, shall we?

Cynthia, what's this?

Turn it off.

It was such a nice beat.

-A bit too good.

You don't know anything about it.

It was an ideal beat.


What a hoot!

Patricia convinced me.

Let me buy your concession.

Millions of hectolitres.

Charles, a bottle and 2 glasses.

-I've got them ready. By coincidence.

That wasn't so bad, was it,


It's solved.

Thanks to who?

Antoine dances with me,

eats my pancakes. Anything else?

With jam.

Is it solved with Antoine?



You can go.

I'm leaving with Antoine tomorrow.

I have to go through here.

Little idea of the architect.

We have to get our equipment

through the dense jungle.

Some branches.

A vine here and there.

Open it quickly, Charles.

It's an old cork, you know.

Would you rather we opened a bottle

of this year's champagne?

So I've been fired.


A shame. I was enjoying your

chaotic carryings-on.

What happens to me from tomorrow onward,

doesn't matter to you anymore.

But I'm responsible.

Admit it, you went after Antoine

to avoid me.

The strange thing is that I've

started to love you.

The cork's stuck. I'll get pliers.

-Very interesting.

I'll keep you informed.

You're right. I'd better go.

I've had many relationships...

...because I wanted to protect the

women from disaster.

But promise me not to do anything

stupid with Antoine.

It was next to the brush.

Is this going to take long?

-That depends on the cork.

I now know that a marriage out of

love is not for me.

Get over your silly pride.

It's not my only shortcoming.

You're cultivating more of them.

Stop with the X-rays.

Unbelievable, I hardly know you.

I don't know anything about you.

-I'm not your brother or your husband.

Compared to the others,

you know quite a lot.

A corkscrew as murder weapon.

-What are you doing?

I'm not giving up.

He hasn't got any luck,

the poor guy.

Do I have to leave right away?

Better wait until dad has

the cheque.

Now that you mention it,

don't forget mine.

You've got guts.

Antoine will never bother you again.

-You're too late with this.

Not with this good a hand.

What do you think of my dress?

Do you see what I see?

-I even see what you think.

I love you.

-Not in front of my wife.

I have to explain it to her.

-Why are you pulling my leg?

Your sister's sweet but she won't

make a gaucho lose any sleep.

Who's the cheap tramp that's

going after my husband?

The corkscrew.

Will you do it this time?

Dear Simon,

I need you for a moment more.

Antoine's about to sign.


But he wants to know some details

and I know nothing about the Orinoco.

What's going on?

-A bit of a war.

What's all this about?

Don't tell Antoine or I'll beat

you up.

Why is everybody acting a role?

-Dad's selling something to Antoine.

And Antoine can't find out that

I'm married.

It involves a lot of money.

Is that true?

But then he's the big boss here.

Take my chair.

How much oil do you say there is?

In total?

I can't say up to the litre.

Millions, millions of hectolitres.

You have to have the courage to

play that game.

Certainly, it will be a big affair.

Let's drink to it.

Give me that.

Stop touching it.

This should work.

What was that?

My eyes. It stings.

Get a towel.

It was only champagne.

-Easy for you to say.

It doesn't stain.

-Isn't that great?

Better than a broken leg.

Come, I have a good blow-drier

in my room.

You all stay there.

Bunch of rude people!

Here's the towel.

Where is he?

She's very helpful, isn't she?

Cynthia, something's burning.

-That's my second batch.

The blow-drier could be dangerous.

S.O.S. Antoine. Go get him.

Very quickly.

-No, my husband's no longer doing it.

I'm fed up of him running after

my wife.

Someone else behaves the same way.

I won't say the name. Follow my eyes.

I'm going to bed. Are you coming?

-I'll be right there.

Don't be afraid, it's not lost yet.

Big pessimist.

Everything works out for everyone,

except me. I'll be alone.

And just at the wrong moment.

I could have sold him the Obelisk.

To my study.

It wasn't smart of you to talk to


It's good for you.

But bad for dad.

Who knows.

Let's make it official soon.

I'm developing rheumatisms.

The cheque's been filled in.

We only need his signature.

Organise it any way you want,

but get Antoine over here.

Palma and I were arguing about Simon.

She's getting back at me with Antoine.

It's not serious between them.

The daughter of a general from the

best of families... get out!

Pay the bearer of this cheque

the sum of...

The situation's critical.

Antoine won't sign if dad keeps

acting like this.

It's very delicate.

There is a way...

Tell me.

-If you would follow me.

This can't go on.

Come here, my little chook.

Go for a walk in the fields.

You can stay out until midnight.

How sweet of you.

Don't get a cold on top of

your rheumatisms.

Don't you have an umbrella?

I think it's going to rain.

What are they doing?

Lucky they didn't see me lying here.

They'd talk.

A DIY job?

-A little short circuit.

It'll be fixed in no time.

Don't worry.

Are you good with electricity?

-I learn fast.

Let's play bridge.

Antoine's with Palma.

Will he prefer to play bridge?

-You'll convince him.

Where would you be without me?

-What are you doing?

First, I want to get the cheque signed

and then I want to win Palma back.

Then dad won't object.

-Are you really that crazy about her?

It's something personal

that I won't discuss with my sister.

Life's not just about the night.

-No, but you can get up late.

Get dad. I'll get the table

and the cards.

You?re feeling better, aren't you?

-Yes, with a nurse like this.

Who's that?


Come in.

They're waiting for you to play bridge.

-I'd rather not. Thank you.

I thought as much.

Paul will be very disappointed.

Bridge at this hour?

-Yes, why not?

What a good idea.

Look, burned or raw pancakes.

Who's playing?


No, I'll watch.

I don't like it.

I'm in.

Are you playing?

-Ace is highest, right?

Mum, you play with me.

-Saved. Antoine, we're playing together.

Poor fellow.


Why do you say that?

I'm sure mum's pretty good.

Any questions?

-No, it was my idea.

I'm worried.

-It'll be alright. Synchronise watches.

Lots of red. Black's so sad.

-Six spades is fine too.

With clubs you always win.

-We're not playing belote.

I don't know what you're doing.


Turn off that noise.

-Some background music.

It doesn?t bother us. I pass.

We believe you.

-No, I said: pass.

Now you have to say something.

-If only you could see my cards.

Don't comment, alright?

-I say... hearts.

So you're asking hearts. How many?

-How many can you ask?

Seven, but that's a lot.

-Let her play for herself.

Pity. I'm bidding hearts.


What am I still doing here?

-I'm doubling again. Aces are trump.

Ace is the highest. That's nonsense.

-Says who?

Chance almost doesn't play a role

in bridge.

Now you're down, ace of spades.

Have you got spades?


-Not me, bad isn't it?

Oh no?

-Don't you believe me?


-Cut what?

If you don't want to cut, do

something else.

I can't.

-Don't you have clubs or spades?

Or at least a low diamond?

I'm sorry. I only have hearts.


How did you do that?

-That's an exceptional hand.

You try it.

And now the news.

-Not so loud.

There's a football game on.

One minute.

In Northern Ireland a plane made

a successful emergency landing.

I'm not afraid of flying, are you?



-Now I'm fed up. Turn it off.

In Venezuela...

...an oil reserve has been found...

...near the source of the

Orinoco river.

The reserve is situated on

the land...

...of the Bossotago Indians.

That's our concession.

Come in my arms, my dearest.

What about that?

I'll buy it. I was already

going to.

Get lost, man.

Do you think I'm giving this away?

You've partied enough here.

My daughter's married.

You're too late.

-He's upset.

I hope you're not being yourself.

He's after my daughter,

sky-high phone bills.

How incredibly rude.

Nouveaux riches! Poor bastards.

We're richer than he is.

Stupid idiot.

Paulo, darling.

And luring respectable women

into your room!

Peck Peck, come here, bloody rooster.

-What's this?

I can hear Peck Peck on the radio.

He escaped from his cage

and ran through my legs.

And I forgot...

to turn off the microphone.

Not a bad trick.

You should have warned us.

Was that you on the radio?

Antoine, my good friend.

Go get him. I'm broke.

I'm resigning.

Stabbed in the back by my own son.

Such cowardice.

He bought it.

You were just too rude.

You've ruined it again,


Tonio, darling.

Not so fast, se?orita.

Say goodbye to her and

don't regret her.

It's over. Go away.

You can keep the clothes.

I really fought for us,

Palma Diamantino.


-I want to see Tonio.


What is this?

-Sit down.

So you were in Rio with Paul?

-Paulo again?

Why do you call him Paulo?

-Paul means Paulo.

In Portuguese. In Venezuela his name

would be Pablo. Your first mistake.

I prefer Paulo.

-Alright. Do you like Rio?

Are you a cop?

-What colour sun helmet do you wear?

I've got so many.

-No one wears them. Second mistake.

Is this yours?

R?gine Mercier:

Palma Diamantino.

Now in the Perroquet Vert,

at Place Pigalle.

Your third mistake.

Is Palma your stage name?

Did you lose your tongue?

-It's clear, isn't it?

For someone who's never been to South

America, you're doing a good job.

You met Paul in a nightclub

in Montmartre, didn't you?

Paul only knows Brazil from

the Place Pigalle.

It's simple. I'll make you

a proposition.

Antoine's incredibly rich.

You prefer wearing fur to rabbit.

You can leave with him,

after you make him sign the cheque.

Then I'll forget about R?gine Mercier.



How's dad?

-Fine. He'll survive us all.

Thank you, Simon Bolivar.

-My pleasure, Palma Diamantino.

He's asleep.

This caused all our problems.

Let's burn the dirty rag.

-No, I'll take it.

You room's that way.

-I'll get some fresh air.

Good luck, se?orita.

What's going on here? Such activity.

Is this a train station?

What is this? I called you.

-Can't you see what I'm wearing?

There's something wrong here.

Let me help. It's not serious.

I just resigned.

Don't be silly.

Your life would become very boring.

But a lot more quiet.

How did you do that?

-Give it to your father.

I think I'm done here.

Goodbye, Patricia.

Where are you going?

-I'm going to sleep in a real bed.

With whom?

On my own.

-You're selfish.

And now Europe Flash.

Breaking news: a huge oil field

has been found...

...in the Venezuelan jungle.


In my own room, on my own radio.

I won't accept this.

Go to bed.

Are you done with the radio?

Enough of that noise.

-Shut up.

I'll tie a rock around your necks.

-I resigned.

And I'll throw you in the

swimming pool.

To bed.

-I'm staying here.

The oil field of the Bossotago


...is one of the richest of

its type.

But this can't be a trick.

We're multimillionaires.

Millions of hectolitres.

Poor Antoine.

Where's my concession?

The thing is... Tell him, Simon.

This can't be true.

It's been sold.

-To whom?

To Mr Antoine Br?vin.

So they weren't married yet?

-Don't worry about it.

Good. I bought something for

her dowry.