Spotlight on Christmas (2020) - full transcript

Dumped before Christmas, famous Hollywood actress Olivia secretly returns to her hometown to eat cookies and avoid the press. Instead, she has to step up to take the starring role in her own life, realizing that home is where the heart is

(Jazzy Christmas music)

[Announcer] You
wouldn't think we're only

three weeks away from Christmas
with these temperatures.

And speaking of Christmas,
captain colossus girl

will hit theaters Christmas day.

But it looks like
film star Olivia O'Hara,

will be going to
the premier alone.

Ryan wrangler stated
in a recent interview

that he would be taking a break

from the relationship
to focus on his music,

with a new release
expected any day now.

♪ ♪ ♪

Ms. O'Hara, excuse me.

Ms. O'Hara, may I bother you
for an autograph?

Oh, you're not
bothering me at all.

It's a pleasure.

Thank you, you're my hero.

(Photographers chattering)


How does it feel to
be alone at Christmas?

♪ ♪ ♪

♪ Come and behold him ♪

♪ born the king of angels ♪

♪ oh come let us adore him ♪

♪ oh come let us adore him,
Christ the lord ♪

Laura, hey, it's Liv.

I've booked a last minute flight

back to valley hill, so
if anyone's looking for me,

mum's the word.

Merry Christmas.

Captain colossus girl?




-Who's this guy?

Is he your favorite?


What does he say?

Ho, ho, ho.

-There you are.

Thank you.

I turned my back for one second.

I'm sorry.
Have we met before?

Oh, you know what, that's me.
Merry Christmas.

♪ ♪ ♪


Janey, hi!

Come here.


I didn't know you were
coming for Christmas.

Me neither.

You know, I think
you've grown an inch

since you last
visited me in la.

I'm actually the
shortest in fifth grade.

But I make up
for it in spirit.

I believe it.

Mr. Porter says it's not the
size of the player that counts,

it's the size of their game.

Oh, thank you.

Mom, look who it is!


Hi, mom.

We didn't realize
that you were coming.

I wanted to see you guys,
I missed you.

Well, we missed you too.

How are you doing
with everything?

Uh, great.

You know, single
and ready to jingle.

Just, you know,
I'm happy to be home.

Maybe Liv can stay in my room.

Then we can have sleepovers
every night.

I think your sister might need

a little space to recover
after her travels.

We kept your room
exactly the same.

Thank you, mom.

I'm sorry, I should have called.

No, don't worry.

This is the best surprise.

Oh, and you can
help us make pie.

Oh, I would love to.

I'm so glad you're home.

Everyone's home
for the holidays!


Okay, come.

Yes, okay.

Wow, it looks amazing.

This is so a-list.

Oh, go ahead,
try it on.


Oh wow.

Do these look good?

They sure do.

Hey, and feel free
to borrow anything.

It's a sister rule.

Is this for me?

Uh maybe, I guess
you'll have to wait and see.

Okay, I know
this isn't for me.

What isn't for?


That's okay.

Turns out, it's
not for me either.

I know.

You do?


Did mom tell you?

And the girls at
school talk about it.

And Twitter,
my Facebook news,

Mrs. Taylor down the street.

Well, they'll forget
about it by Christmas.

Are you staying
until Christmas?

Yeah, of course I am.


Now let me unpack
a little more

and I will meet you
in the kitchen.

I'm so happy you're here,
we've missed you so much.

I've missed you too.

We need to make sure
we have enough flour.

But not too much flour,
that's kind of perfect.

Okay, now the secret
is to work the pastry

as little as possible,

so that it stays tender
and flaky, okay?

What are you making,
grandma Mary's pumpkin

or my personal favorite,
north pole pie?


That north pole pie,
I begged your dad

to give me the recipe,
but it was his secret.

But maybe your sister
and I can figure out

how to cook it
while you're here.

I love a challenge.

There's eight days
until Christmas,

so once janey perfects
her pie crust recipe,

we can start putting in orders.

This is just my practice pie.

Well, I hope we get
to practice eating it.

Hang on a second.

Does this recipe call
for regular milk

or condensed milk, hon?

Uh, condensed.

Ugh, that's what
I was afraid of.

I mean, I can just
go to the store.

It's kind of a
special ingredient,

maybe get two cans.

You can use the truck
while you're here.

Wait, dad's truck?

You still have it?

No on will expect me in this.

Oh, dad.

I've really missed
these old CDs.

♪ Tell me ♪

♪ if you can ♪

♪ oh, when the clock
is striking 12 ♪

♪ when I'm fast asleep ♪

♪ down that chimney
broad and black ♪

♪ with your pack you'll creep ♪

[Radio] Rumor has it
our very own Olivia O'Hara

is in town for the holidays.

If you're lucky, you
just might spot her around.

Welcome home, Olivia,
and merry Christmas

from all of us here
at valley hill.

Aha! Found you.

Olivia O'Hara?


Casey Rollins, we went
to high school together.

Oh my gosh, Casey, of
course I remember you.

How are you?

I'm good.

Thanks, how are you?

Me, uh...

Yeah, I mean I'm great.

Things are great.

That's great.

You look great,
perfectly framed.


What's it been, 10 years?

Umm, 12.

Wow, time flies.

So you're home
for the holidays?

Uh yes, the holidays.

Yeah, I'm definitely
home for the holidays.


Happy holidays.

Happy holidays.


Will that be all?

Yeah, that's everything.

Oh, and the hat.

Hi Gordon, it's Olivia.

I know.

I'd recognize that
smile anywhere.

How's your family?

Well, the kids have kids now

and they're all
home for Christmas.

Wow, well, tell everybody
that I said hello.

I'll do that.

That's 14.75.

Thank you.

Oh, and uh, one for you...

And one for your sister.

Merry Christmas, Gordon.

Must be my lucky day.

(Engine stalling)

Come on, come on...

♪ ♪ ♪


Need a hand?


Pop this for me?

Uh, yeah.

Sounds like it's
not turning over,

which makes me think
it might be the starter.

Yeah, think you're
going to need a tow.

Oh my gosh.

Things just go
from bad to worse.

Snow getting to you already?

Oh no, it's not that.

It's just...


I'm sure you've already heard.

It's kind of all over
the entertainment shows.

I don't watch much TV.

I've got three channels and
two of them are the weather.

Hey Jim, it's Casey.

I'm at Gordon's groceries

with an old friend
and she needs a tow.

An hour?

Yeah, no, I understand.

Okay thanks, Jim.

Better get walking.

I'm on a bit of
a timeline, so...

It's pretty dark.

Can I walk you home?


Yeah, that'd be great.



(Camera snap)

It's funny I bumped into you.

I was just thinking I
needed some expert advice.


You know I only play a
genius in the movies, right?

That's good enough for me.


(Bright music)

[Casey] So, how
would you get a classroom

to focus on
Shakespearean classics?

I'm finding it challenging.

But the language,
it's so beautiful.

It reads like a song.

I know.

But kids today, they're
different than we were.

Or than you were.

How do you mean?

I saw you in all your plays.

You were incredible.

You knew all the words.

It's not their fault, though.

They're distracted.

Literally every answer
is at their fingertips.

So analyzing a
Shakespearean sonnet?

That's tough.

But Shakespeare
isn't about answers.

It's about an experience.

When you say it like that,
they might actually listen.

Your family sure loves getting
in the Christmas spirit.

Yeah, they sure do.

Is it too much?

No, never too much Christmas.

You should see my place.

Well, I'd better get going.

It was nice seeing you.

Bye, Liv.

Uh, Casey?


Thank you for helping
with the truck.

Maybe I could visit your
students to repay you.

Classroom 120,
Monday to Friday,

pretty much all the time.

120, anytime.

Got it.

(Playful music)


What day is it today?

The 17th?

Only eight days
until Christmas.

Oh my gosh.

So pretty.

-There you go.
-Thank you.

Mom, dad, Liv's back.


Olivia, welcome.

John, hi.

Your mother was worried.

I was not.

What happened?

Oh, the truck broke down.

Oh honey, I'm sorry.

It's had problems starting
over the last little while.

No, it's okay.

I really enjoyed my walk home
and the tow truck company

will be giving you
a call tonight.

Well, thank you for
sorting that all out.


And the pie patrol calls.

There is a certain young baker

who is thrilled
to have you home.

We all are.

Mom, how many pairs
of clarisse Christiansen boots

do you own?


That is what I thought.

Thank you for getting
the groceries, honey.

Oh, yes.

It's just really nice
being out just shopping.

Yeah? Did anyone recognize you?


Well, actually
everybody recognized me,

but not because they've seen me,
because they know me.

That must be a welcome change.

Yeah, it really was.

Good. Well, dinner's
in half an hour.

Janey has not stopped
talking about perminator.

It was so lucky
that she could come

and go to the premier with you
and walk the red carpet.

We loved it...
We saw it five times.

You saw a movie
about a super girl

who uses a curling iron
to fight evil five times?

I thought it was full
of remarkable messages

for young girls Janey's age.

You have to fight for
what you believe in

and our favorite,

you can still kick butt
on a bad hair day.

I actually wrote that line in.

I was trying to add
some depth, I guess.

I knew it!

Didn't I say, some of those
lines sound just like Olivia?

You have always
been so talented.

So, perminator 2?

Yeah, maybe in the summer.

You're not excited?

Don't get me wrong,

those movies are great,
but truthfully,

they're just not
feeding my soul anymore.

My manager, Laura,
keeps telling me

that my dream role is
right around the corner.

It just feels like
a very long corner.


I present to you.

Oh, thank you.

In the tradition
of grandmother Mary.

Here, mom.


Janey Wilson, were there
any particular difficulties

you had to overcome in
this pumpkin pie challenge?

Yes, at a crucial step
in the recipe,

halfway through, I
found myself missing

a key component.

Do you mind if we...

Luckily, I was
able to keep myself

and my dough chill enough
while my assistant

was able to secure
the secret ingredient.

Well, and I just have to say

that I find the presentation
of the whipped cream,

like not just on top of the pie,

but almost entirely
covering it

is a brand new technique for me.

Thank you.

I like to give all of my dishes
a little step of my personality.

Judges, if you will.

Uh-huh, mmm-hmm,
firm, yet silky texture.

A delicious
combination of spices.

And a rich flaky crust.

Janey Wilson, this might
be the best piece of pie

I've ever had.

I second that.

Grandma Mary, look out.

Want to try it?



(Gentle music)

So what do you think?

Red plaid?

Blue plaid?

Good choice.

(Blender whirring)

There we go.

It's looking pretty good.

What do you think?


(Dog whining)

I like the red
plaid better, anyway.

(Phone buzzing)


I can't believe this.




(Playful music)

[TV] Could Ryan wrangler
and Olivia O'Hara

be getting back together?

Or is it splitsies
for both of them?

Join us for an ok la exclusive
as to what's in store

for the ex-power couple,

Here's what he had to say:

Olivia and I remain
the best of friends.

She's a wonderful woman.

I wouldn't be where
I am without her.

She fully supports me
in my career.

And new relationship.

In fact, she called me
last night

to wish me a merry Christmas.

And to tell me how much
she loves my new single.

It's called "Christmas cutie,"
and it's dropping tomorrow.

Download your copy at midnight.

Guys, I've got to run,
merry Christmas.

Thank you, Ryan.

Well, you heard it
from Ryan wrangler's side.

We'll let you know Olivia's
when we find her.

Oh, mom.

I can't believe you kept this.

(Bright festive music)

Good morning, Mrs. Mcmillan.

I'm here to visit Casey,
Mr. Rollins' English class.

Room 120.

Great, do I need a...?

You'll want a visitor's pass.

Thank you.

Olivia O'Hara.

Hi, Mrs. Mcmillan.

Olivia O'Hara.

Oh, I haven't seen you in years.

I mean, I see you
in all your movies.

I love all your movies.

Oh, thank you.

My favorite one
is the one where you

lead that group of
misfit astronauts to?


That's right, Pluto.

The people and the plutonians.

Oh, I just loved
you in that one,

you were so fierce.

To what do we owe the honor
of your presence?

I'm actually at
the school to try

and get Shakespeare
the attention he deserves.

Well, if anyone can do that,
it's Olivia O'Hara.

I'll always remember
you as our Juliet.

Oh, such passion.

Now get down there
and show the kids

what it's like to never
give up on their dreams.

Oh, yes.

Okay class...

Phones down, books out.

Claudio says "hero,
not thy image doth appear

in the rare semblance
that I loved it first."

What's it mean? Anybody?

It's okay not to
understand it the first time.

That's the great thing
about old Willie shakes.

Makes us do our own thinking.

Makes us ask questions.

Makes us go digging
for that truth.

You know, Shakespeare
isn't about the answers, guys.

It's about an experience.

Well, I couldn't have
said it better myself.

(Kids whispering)

What fire is in mine ears?

Can this be true?

Contempt, farewell.

No glory lives behind
the phone of such.

I will requite thee.

Thank you, thank you.

In the meantime,
some necessary questions

of the play we
then to be considered.

Act four, scene one.

And I'm sure you
remember the theater.

Oh, it never gets old.

You know, I think every
movie I've ever made

has been an attempt
to recreate the feeling

I first had right here.

And that is?

(Clearing throat)

Gallop a pace you
fiery-footed steeds.

I miss it.

The community, the creativity.

It was magic.

Well, you're not
going to like this then.

We had to cancel
the Christmas Eve play.

It's the first time
in the school's history.

I'm sorry.

Cancel the Christmas Eve
play, why?

Nicole, our drama teacher,

she's on maternity leave.

Us teachers, we tried
to rally together,

but we couldn't pull it off.

So there's no, there's
no drama teacher right now?

No, the kids just use it
as a study block.

Well that won't do.

Thank you again, Liv.

You're really inspiring.


I hope you mean that.

This went well, I take it?

It did.

Lovely seeing you again, Mrs. M.

Our door is always open.

Bye Casey.

Bye Liv.

New shirt?


Oh, yeah, you like it?

I do.

Nice to see a blossoming
friendship between you two.

I have a feeling Olivia
could use that right now.

Would you please take
these to recycling?

As long as she's here,

I don't want any
unpleasant reminders.

You know what that girl
could use right now?


A gorgeous old friend
to take her down memory Lane.

Nothing cures heartbreak
like ice cream.

Ice cream, huh?


Earning your keep?

Umm, you could call it that.

Think you could sneak away
for a little break?

What do you have in mind?

To thank you for your
act of service this morning,

they are serving
festive flavored milkshakes

at the diner.

But that was me
thanking you for yesterday.

Milkshakes and
we'll call it even?


I'll take that.

Oh, thank you.

I'll meet you in the truck.


If there is ever an option,

eggnog is the only answer.

Oh, no, agree to disagree,

chocolate and
peppermint together...

There's nothing better.


Want to trade?

My dad used to bring me
here all the time.

This place has not changed.

Win or lose, we
treat the whole team

after every game.

He was a great guy.

Incredible coach.

He was an incredible father.

So how long did you
say you were in town for?

Just until things
calm down in la.

Or until they find me.

Who's they?

The paparazzi.

Right now my personal
life's a bit, well,

let's just say
Shakespeare would call it

a comedy of errors
and that sells magazines.

Sorry, that stinks for you.

To have to go through
everything so publicly.

Like breakups?

Hey, you're up.

And that is why I cannot wait
for this cheeseburger.

I'm looking forward to it

almost as much as my mom's
Christmas marshmallow yams.

Marshmallows on yams?

Oh, absolutely.

It's an O'Hara specialty.

Sounds delicious, actually.

And not too difficult.

Do you cook?

I reheat really well.


Honestly, I'm just so busy.

The team practices most nights

and on the weekends
we're traveling, so.

So, I mean, do you have
someone special in your life?

Yeah, you could say that.

Amazing, Casey,
and you should.

We met a year ago
when I got back.

And we have been
inseparable ever since.

We don't speak the
same language, but,

we have a deeper connection.

A teacher?

Not exactly.

But I do learn
from her every day.

How to play.

How to love unconditionally.

And how to hide milk bones
in between the couch cushions.

Oh, you're talking
about your dog.

Who'd you think I
was talking about?

I work with teach for america,

so I get transferred
to a new city

and a new school
every two years.

It's really rewarding,
but it's a little hard

to give a relationship
what it deserves

when you're always on the move.

Yeah, I get that.

I travel for work too, a lot.

It's a juggling act,
career and love.

I've always been so driven.

I think it's something
that people find intimidating.

No, it's not intimidating.

It's inspiring.

What's inspiring is what
you're doing at eagle heights.

Now that takes bravery.

No, I just hope I can
do enough for those kids.

Drama was the first to go, but,

with all of our busy schedules,
it's not the last.

Look, I know it's only
a week before Christmas,

but I have an idea.

Maybe I could pick up

where Nicole left off
and help get

the Christmas Eve
play back on its feet.



I'm in!

That is fantastic.

Double cheeseburgers,
double cheese, no tomato,

cooked to perfection.

That looks amazing.

Sorry to bother you, but
can we have your autograph?

Obviously dinner
is on the house.

Of course.

And thank you, starla.

I'm your biggest fan.

Enjoy you two.

Thank you.

Hey, I didn't say that fame
didn't have its upsides.

(Bright music)

So, 6:30 A.M. pickup.

Maybe wear comfortable shoes.

What is wrong with these?

They're clarisse Christiansen.

Olivia O'Hara,
no one from Colorado

should be wearing
shoes like that

in the middle of winter.

Of course not.

Get some rest.

You're going to need it.


(Engine starting)

Hey, Liv.

How were the milkshakes?

They were just as good
as I remember.

How's Mr. Rollins?

Mr. Rollins is actually
driving me to school tomorrow.

I'm helping to fill in
at the drama department

and possibly direct
the Christmas Eve play.

Well done, Liv,
back on the boards.

That's wonderful honey.


I made this one for you.

It's a star, like you.

It's beautiful, thank you.

Hey, where should I put it?

Somewhere by a Christmas light,
so it sparkles.

Okay, how about there?

That's perfect.

Huh, is this a hotel key card?

Yeah, this is
the weirdest thing.

I don't know how it
ended up in our backyard.

Pine point hotel.

Where is that?

Pine point.

I think that's the new hotel

that just opened
up downtown, fancy.

The paparazzi
might know I'm here.


(Phone ringing)


Yeah, just let me
grab a pen quick.

Laura, hey, it's Olivia.

There's a paparazzi
there's Stephanie Mitchell

from universal star
magazine in my hometown.

Whatever story
she's writing, end it.

End it now.


Oh, it's so cold.

Morning Ms. Director,
how was your sleep?

Oh, I just, you know,
need a coffee.

I have it.

Oh, thank you.

So nice.


Hi, how are you?

Better now.

There's no way I could
ever thank you enough.

You are a Christmas miracle.

But, cookies?

Oh my gosh, two boys
and one on the way,

where do you find
the time to make these?

During the holidays,

we turn them into
an assembly line.

One cuts the shapes and frosts,

and the youngest one
mostly just makes a mess.


So, I talked to
Nicole last night.

They were halfway
through rehearsals,

so you can just pick up
where she left off.

This is the most
amazing thing

that's happened all year.

The students will love you.

Oh, we'll see about that.

They will.

This whole town loves you.

Ever since you stole our hearts
in the spring play.

Are you kidding me?

I looked up to you.

You were the star of that show.

I remember being so
moved by your solo.

Well, at the time I
could hit the high e,

but I don't know.

When you stepped on stage,
you just had "it."

This is the
Christmas Eve playbook,

tech cues and
everything else you'll need.

I can't wait to see
what you come up with.

And, of course, if you
have any questions at all,

I am only a phone call away.

Thank you, Olivia.

Well, thank you
for the cookies.

Thank the boys.


Bye Nicole.

I'm just down the hall.

You're going to do great.

Break a leg.

(Gentle music)

(Bell ringing)

Hi oliv..., oh, Ms. O'Hara.

I'm Gabby, I was
Mrs. Hudson's assistant

and I'd be really honored
to continue doing that job.

Oh, sure.

Great, I will take this
and put this on your desk,

which is right here.

Here is the class list.

Oh, thank you.

Hello everyone.

My name is Ms. O'Hara,
but you can call me Olivia.

Great... okay.


Well, we have Gabby.

Is there a Brittany?

Brittany? Hi, Brittany.
Uh, Chris?

Chris, yes, I like it.


Jack Carson?

Well, Jack Carson
comes whenever he wants.

Okay, well, most
of you are here.

So, you know what,
let's get started with a warmup.

If everyone can
take off their bags

and just meet me on stage.

Oh hey, you must be Jack,

we're just getting started
if you'd like to join us.

All right.

So, there's something
else we have to take off.

Our cool.

This is a place to be open,
be free, to be you.

Nicole did a great job
with the play already.

They're almost off book.

I taught them a little trick

to help them
memorize their lines

and they seem to like it.

You are a natural.

Well, I couldn't get Jack Carson
to join in, but...

Jack's a tough one
to get through to.

Lost his dad last year.

You know, I think
you might the one

who can finally reach him.


I want to show you something.

Your mom presents it every year.

I had no idea.

This is amazing.

He was so supportive
and generous.

Well, the apple doesn't
fall far from the tree.

(Bell ringing)

[Student] Excuse me.

I'll see you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.

Okay, do you have the tape?

Are all of these for janey?

I know, I just
can't help myself.

I hope my online
shopping makes it on time.

I managed to bring
a few things from la.

Your presence is our present.

I forgot how special it feels
to be home for Christmas.


Hawaii was nice with
everyone a couple of years ago.

But the surfing santas
don't really cut it, do they?


You know...

I just had this story in my head

that I couldn't be at home
at Christmas without dad.

Yeah, I understand.

You know, I've learned
that Christmas

really is a time when we
can be with everybody again,

even if it's just in memories
or, you know, traditions.


Who can that be?


John has good taste.

They're for you.


They're from Ryan.

I haven't heard from him

since he broke up our
engagement over text.

Honey, I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

We had been drifting apart
for a while

and our schedules were
never really matching up.

He wasn't always
so into being famous.

He was really sweet and humble
and he would write these songs.

But now he's just...

So, are you going
to let him know

that you got his flowers?


I don't know how I
feel about all this.

I want to be home for Christmas

and focus on the students
and the play.

You know, whenever life
has handed you a challenge,

you have always
managed to turn it

into something just magical.

And that is exactly
what you're doing

with this play at the school.

I hope so.

Oh, it is honey.

I can feel it.

You want a hot chocolate?

Yeah, that'd be fine.

(Bell ringing)

Welcome back.

I'd like to have a
spectacular ending.

I want the audience
talking about the finale

into the new year and
I'm open to suggestions.

Maybe we could have
snow falling on the stage.

That's a great idea.

Yes, Brittany?

Well, I'm just
hoping I don't freeze

and forget everything.

You won't.

We'll keep practicing.

It's going to be fantastic.

I'd be willing to
sing a solo or two.



Jack, you could
at least applaud

every now and then
if you're just going

to be an audience member.

(Slow applauding)

Jack, can I see you
in the hallway, please?


I'm just, uh,
keep practicing everyone.

Jack, this is an
elective you selected

for the semester.

If you don't want
to participate,

then why are you here?

Easy a.

Okay well, right now
you're on track

for an easy f.


Look, I know high school
isn't easy for anyone

and I know it's hard
to put your heart

into anything
after it's been...

You don't know me.

You're right, I don't.

But, I think I might
be able to relate

to what you're going through.

Have you ever heard of the

Michael O'Hara
memorial scholarship?

Of course.

That's my dad.

We lost him my senior year
right around this time.

I miss him every day.

If you don't want to
perform in the play,

that's fine.

But you can't just
sit in the back.

You have to move forward,

even if it's with
small steps to start.

What am I supposed to do?

Well umm, we could really use

a hair and makeup person,
or a costumes captain.

I like music.


Okay music, that's great.

We could really
use a soundtrack.

Christmas Carols?

Okay, yeah.

I don't know.

I make beats.

Yes, okay.

How about some Carols
and some original music?

Yeah, maybe.

Okay, and, maybe
you could bring in

some recordings by
like the end of the week?



(Bright music)

♪ I don't care about the snow ♪

♪ I don't need a mistletoe ♪

♪ baby, you can
save your dough ♪

♪ just hold me tight
and don't let go ♪

♪ we don't need a fireside ♪

♪ calendars or pumpkin pie ♪

♪ let those reindeer
pass us by ♪

♪ give these loving arms a try ♪

♪ Santa claus can do his thing ♪

♪ I need something more ♪

♪ than jolly old
St. Nick can bring ♪

♪ I don't need a
Christmas tree ♪

♪ that don't mean
a thing to me ♪

♪ all I want is you
right next to me ♪

♪ Santa claus can do his thing ♪

♪ I need something more ♪

♪ than jolly old
St. Nick can bring ♪

♪ I don't need a
Christmas tree ♪

♪ that don't mean
a thing to me ♪

♪ all I want is you
right next to me ♪

♪ all I want is you
right next to me ♪

♪ all I want is you
right next to me ♪


The show's tomorrow

and we don't have
a Santa costume.

The school doesn't have
any costumes in storage?

Maybe I can make a beard
with cotton balls?

I will go out and pick up
everything we need.

We need a lot.

It'll be my Christmas present
to the class.


Hey everyone,
thank you so much

for all your hard work.

I am so excited to see you
up there on the big stage

of the community hall.

Whatever your department needs,

write it down on Gabby's list

and I will take care
of everything.

Got this.

And yes, you too,
have a merry Christmas.

Thank you, take care.

First one in, last one out,
Mr. Rollins?

I had to squeeze
in one last practice.


Merry Christmas.

Thank you for coming in
on Saturdays for our games.

Oh Casey, you shouldn't have,

but I'll take it, thank you.

Is there anyone else special
on your list this year?


I've seen the way you
and Olivia look at each other.

I'm not a celebrity,
and she's a movie star.

She's also jut a girl
trying to find

her way in the world.

You're a great guy Casey, and
I know teaching fulfills you,

but I'm afraid you don't
know what you're missing.

I stopped by the rehearsal room,
she wasn't there.

I'd check the diner,
if I were you.

Some things are
worth fighting for.

And there's no better
time than Christmas

for a little magic.

Thank you.

(Bright music)

Thank you.

(Camera snapping)

Hi there, Stephanie.

Hand over the camera.


Thank you, starla.

No one messes with our Olivia.

-You got this?
-Yeah, I do.

Huh, this is heavier
than I expected.

Feels expensive.

Yeah, so expensive.

Can I have it back?

I think I'll keep it.

If I don't get a story
to my editor by Christmas,

I will lose my job.

Then you should have
chose another line of work.

I went to journalism school.

I wanted to tell stories
of hope and humanity,

but this is what everyone wants.

To watch along as
my life implodes?

It's not right!

It's not.

But the only stories
that sell more magazines

are ones of redemption,
which is why

I was trying to get some shots
of you and your new boyfriend.

He's not my boyfriend.

Okay, you can have
the camera back,

if you turn over
everything you have on me.

Photos, journals,
digital copies,

tell your editor
that I didn't come home,

I wasn't here.

Please, come on,
this is my life.




Clarisse Christiansen boots

aren't made for
Colorado winters, are they?

Tell me about it.

Thank you, Stephanie.

Thank you for
the backup, starla.

I'll take the check, please.


Don't take too much
work home with you.


Yeah well, you know, it's
a big show tomorrow night.

Hey, listen.

Since you're going to be busy
for the next couple of nights,

maybe you'd like
to go out, tonight?

Tonight, like a real date?

Yeah tonight,
like a real date.

Yeah, I'd love to.

No, I have got this.

Technically, you
got the last one.

I will pick you up at eight.

Eight, I'll be ready.


No peeking...

Oh, hi.


I thought it was your mom.

She always knows what i'm
going to get her, every year.

I don't know how she does it.

She holds a gift,
she looks at it, she knows.

This year my goal is
to actually surprise her.

Wow, well, I mean.

Whatever it is,
she's going to love it.

Well good, because I love her.

You really do.


Thank you for being there
for her when I couldn't,

and for making her
so happy again.

I envy the kind of love
that you two have.

It'll happen for you too, Liv.

Thank you.

Any time, kid.

Honey, close the door.

Yes, of course.


Smells good.

I hope Olivia likes it.

See dahl.

Wearing it.

(Dog moaning)

What you doing?

Getting ready for a date,
with Mr. Rollins.

He's so nice.

He really is, but I
don't know what to wear.

I don't know if it's going
to be inside or outside.

Better to always be prepared.


-Wool socks?
-Borrowed mom's.

Scarf, gloves?


Hang on.

I was going to wait
for Christmas morning,

but this seems like
the perfect moment.

Are you sure?

I love them, thank you.

Merry Christmas Eve-Eve.

Merry Christmas Eve-Eve, janey.

Good luck on your date.

Thank you.


You look beautiful.

Thank you.

So I'm taking you to the
newest restaurant in town.

Opening night.

Ooh, I love a premier.


Welcome to Casa rollins.

Oh hi, darling.

This is the house
that you grew up in?

Yeah, it is.

I'm house sitting while
my parents are away.

Casey, this place is.


I love it.

Dahlia and I are spending
Christmas this year

with my parents in Florida, so,

you really get into decorating

before it's all white sand
instead of white snow.

Oh, I didn't know
that you were leaving.

Tomorrow night.

After the play.

Booked a Christmas Eve
red-eye flight months ago.

So I was thinking, I would
bump up Christmas dinner

a couple of nights.

♪ Two hearts by the fire ♪

♪ one bottle of wine ♪

♪ three hours doesn't
feel like enough ♪

You made my favorite yams?

My mom walked me
through it over the phone.

Even added the
mini marshmallows.

This is, I don't
know what to say.

To old friends
and new traditions.

(Glasses clinking)

That Turkey was perfect.

I'm glad you liked it.

Room for dessert?

Full disclosure...

I sort of hired
a pastry chef.

North pole pie.

Only my dad knew how to make it.

I talked to your mom.

Her and janey were
practicing to surprise you.

I lucked out.

How are you feeling
about the show tomorrow?

Pretty good, thanks.

We just have to sync up
Jack's music with the finale.

Jack's music?

Yeah, he composed
an original score.

He's really come
out of his shell,

it's amazing to watch
and I was hoping

that you could help him
with the sound board

and maybe the lights.

Of course, i'd
love to help out.

You know, I almost
wish that I could just

stay on as drama teacher

and leave Hollywood
behind for a bit.

I don't imagine this
is how you pictured

your life right about now.


But there's no other place
I'd rather be.

Okay, I have a confession.

I said my dad made us
watch all your games,

but it was really just because
I had the biggest crush on you.


I was crazy about you.

I would search for
you in the stands.

My dad actually asked me
to stop attending so much.

That actually makes sense.

I would get so nervous,
I couldn't even shoot the ball.

Wow, if I only knew back then.

Well I mean, you know now
and here we are.

I know peppermint
chocolate's kind of your thing.

That was a lovely evening
and an amazing meal.

Thank you for
sharing it with me.



(Door closing)



Ryan, what are you doing here?

I miss you.

Oh, good.

I know, I deserve
to feel like this.

Get my flowers?

Yes, but what,
why are you here?

I made a mistake.

I thought Laura was the answer.

Laura, my manager?

I know, I'm sorry.
I messed up.

I should have known no one
compares to Olivia O'Hara.

What if I wasn't her?

What do you mean?

If I wasn't Olivia O'Hara,
movie star,

no studio deal,
no movie franchise.

What if I was just Liv,
a girl from valley hill?


What did your single chart?

(Clearing throat)

It, uh, didn't.

But that's not why I'm here.


Ryan, I am not going
back to la with you.

I am home for Christmas.

Olivia, I love you.

I want us back.

I want you back.

I'll do whatever it takes.

Call me.



(Door closes)

(Phone buzzing)

We had a deal.

We have a deal,
we still have a deal.

There are photos
on every magazine,

on every website.

You lied to me.

Olivia, it wasn't me.


I called my editor
just like you said.

I told her you weren't in town.

I fly out tonight.

Olivia, I didn't
write the story.

Okay, then who wrote
the story, Stephanie?

Ryan wrangler.


Ryan has a deal
with the network media.

He arranged for them to
follow him to valley hill

and he staged the photo op.

Wait, last night...
It was staged?

I don't know what
he said to you,

but he knew there were
cameras taking your picture,

because he paid
them to be there.

I can't even...

I'm so sorry, Olivia.

Uh, I think I'm just
going to stay here tonight.

I have to, I need to lie down.


Good girl, thank you.

(Phone buzzing)

I guess packing's going
to have to wait.

Come on.

(Elevator beeps)

Oh, thank you for coming.

I opened the theater door,

but the students
need supervision.

It's no problem.

I'll do my best to help them
with the run through.

She's probably
just running behind.

Movie stars,
they're always late.

She'll be here.


(Phone buzzing)


Don't hang up, guess what?

We're trending.

I don't care if
we're trending, Ryan.

Rylivia, back
together for Christmas.

We can release a
joint statement.

Let's give the people
what they want.

It's not what I want.

It's not?

You are a great musician Ryan,

but you want the whole
world to love you.

I just want to be with
someone who just wants me,

the real me.

So we're not
getting back together?


I really hope you find
what you're looking for.

Goodbye, Ryan.


Room service.


Eggnog, fruitcake
and gingerbread men.

Where would you like it?

You can just, you can
leave it here, thanks.

And can you just sign here?

Yeah, of course.



I just wanted to say thank you.

My kid brother, he's
been having a hard time

since our dad passed
and it's just been nice

seeing him enjoying
something again.

You're Jack's older brother.

That thing that you told Jack,

that we can't sit in
the back row of life,

that we have to
keep moving forward,

it made an impact.

You've made a real impact.

Oh, I mean, I don't know.

You, you have.

Being there, even showing up,

it's inspired them to
show up for themselves.

I'll see you at the show.

There you are,
I was looking for you.

Every year, I put
it up for sale...

And every year I just
can't bear to see it go.

The sound of a revving engine

still brings me back to
Saturday mornings as a kid.

When I left, it wasn't my plan

to never come home
for Christmas.

Oh, I know honey.

I was just this,
this broken faucet

and everything was
pouring out of me

and I didn't know
how to manage it,

so I just turned it off.

And I had to let you go,

but you were always
close to my heart.

And if you hadn't left,
then you would never

have become the wonderful
woman that you are today.

And I don't love you
because you're a movie star.

I love you because
you're my daughter.

I love you too, mom.

You know, I have watched
you in awe for years.

Your determination, your
confidence, your strength.

Nothing has made me more proud
than the Olivia that has emerged

over the course of you
putting together this play.

Well, I just
bailed on everyone.

They needed me to be there
and I just ran away again.

Casey took the students
through their run through,

but I still didn't have time
to get all the costumes

that we need.

I have a ton of decorations.

And finding costumes
shouldn't be too difficult.

Now, I'm sure that Casey
is covering for you,

but we should hurry.

Oh, Casey.

Are you worried
about the front page?

Is it true?

Is rylivia back on?

No, but...

How do I explain this?

I am all out of
places to run to.

Then stop running, honey.

You tell him what is true.

And if the world is making
up stories about you,

then you go out there
and you show them

who you really are, okay?

Thanks, mom.



I think I've figured out a way
that you can keep your job.

Redemption, it's the best
selling story you can get.

Are you giving
me an exclusive?

A front row exclusive.

Valley hill community hall,
6pm, you'll get your story.

And what do you get?

My life back.

[Announcer] The show
will start in 10 minutes.

Ladies and gentlemen,

the show will begin
in 10 minutes.

The show's about to start,
take your seat.

Enjoy the show.

It's a full house.

I'm glad you made it.

The students are going
to be thrilled to see you.

Casey, I...

You don't have to
explain yourself.

If you're happy, I'm happy.

But it's not true.

I saw the paper, Liv.

Are you telling me
that didn't happen?

Okay, it's true,
but it wasn't real.

Ryan ambushed me
and that picture

was just a publicity
stunt to sell his album.

He staged the whole thing,
it is over with him.

But this...

I mean...

This is real.

Your dad would
be so proud of you.

Thanks, mom.

Hey, you've got a cast
to pep talk.

See you after the show.

Break a leg.

I don't have a Santa hat.

As they say in the biz...

I can't remember my lines.

Has anyone seen a Santa hat?


The show must go on.

No hat, no lines, no
director, no problem.

The show must go on.

She's right.

Hey Gabby, how you feeling?

Okay, know what?

Sometimes on stage and in life,

you get set back with
unexpected challenges.

Life doesn't have
a dress rehearsal.

You go out and you give it
everything you've got.

Keep moving forward, right Jack?

Chris, your Santa hat.

Brittany, you've got this.

Trust yourself.

It is okay to be nervous.

Dig deep and let if fuel you.

These are the moments
that define you as artists,

and your acts of
courage will inspire

others in theirs.

You have all worked so hard
and I am already so proud.

All the world's a stage
and tonight,

the stage is yours.

I'll be watching from the wings.

Now, let's get
your costumes on.



Twas the night before Christmas.

Twas the night
before Christmas,

but didn't feel near it.

Why can't I hear it?

One little girl
had lost her Christmas spirit.

No mistletoe, no big red bow.

If I don't find Christmas...

There won't be a show!

(Funky music)

Maybe it's closer than
hillside or brook?

It isn't outside you:
Just trust us, we've looked.

Hold on, I'm getting something.

It's very... it's close!

I think my journey
has come to an end.

The spirit is here,
and the warmth of a friend.

Our friend hadn't misplaced
or forgotten the source.

It was right there inside her.

Friends, family.

Of course.

Take the hand on your left,
and the hand on your right.

That spirit you're holding,

that's Christmas, good night!


I'd like to
welcome to the stage

our director, who
led us with passion,

inspiration, and overall
unwavering dedication.

Eagle heights' very own,
Olivia O'Hara.


It was such an honor working
with these courageous students.

Being home for Christmas and
reconnecting with my roots...

It means more to me
than you can imagine.

Merry Christmas everyone!



You did it.

I think I like
this directing thing.

Hands down, best
Christmas Eve play ever.

Well, thanks to you.

Cast party at the diner.

I mean, if you're not busy,

then you're invited too,
Mr. Rollins.

Well, usually I can't
turn down an invitation

to the diner, but I've
got a flight to catch.

Right, of course.

This was...

You're incredible,
Olivia O'Hara.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Casey.

Encore, this is so amazing!

Oh, thank you.

Liv, beautiful.

Your mother cried.


You really pulled it off
sweetheart, fantastic.

Thank you for coming.

We'll warm up the car.


And here's a big one for?

Oh, this one is from me.

Is this...

The original captain
colossus girl jacket.

I wore it in all three films.

I love it,
thank you so much.


I'll get it.


I changed my flight.

I don't want to
spend another day,

let alone Christmas,
without you.

Christmas is the time to be
with the one you love.

So here I am.

Hoping that you feel
the same way about me, too.

Being back home made me
believe in myself again,

but being with you
made me believe in love.

If life is anything
like the movies,

then you're my happy ending.

So I guess this
would be the part where...

(Bright music)


Would you like to come in
and meet your fans?

I would love to.

This feels like the
merriest Christmas ever.

It does now.