Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes (1975) - full transcript

While Lucien
leads a social life ...

... and is gradually approaching
to the sacred marriage vow ...

... with the daughter of the Duke de Grandlieu, ..

... Esther can leave the house
just at midnight ..

... for a walk
in a forest near Paris.

He saw her here once
Baron of Nucingen.

Famous banker, ruthless businessman,
he was struck by love right in the heart.

He is obsessed with one thought, one
goal - to find your night ghost.

Who is this creature
which caused the obsession ...

... a banker in love,
the company asks.

Lucien smiles,
and the baron understands the meaning of this smile.

That same evening, Lucien finds Herrera
in a society of suspicious type.

Forced to give an explanation,
Herrera reveals her real name.

He is - Vautrin, nicknamed
"Death Death" - a fugitive convict.


Does Monsieur want anything else?


Madame left at 5 o'clock in the morning
as instructed by the abbot.

The assistant is here.


Monsieur brought the abbot in the morning
directly to the entrance to the house of the lady, ..

... as soon as she came from England.

We were ordered to treat her
with all due respect, ..

... as if it were a madam.

I assume this command
also applies to Monsieur.

And where is?

I cleaned it up for a while
to your room.

Does Monsieur want to see her?

We are available for you.

I don't want to interrupt my breakfast.

At this point, I think.

I think.

Ale Monsieure Baron, ...

... the man you ordered
find at any price ..

... we deliver to you straight from the bed.


Is here.

I should ...

Here with him, fast!

Did they get you out of bed?

As usual ...

... at this hour.

Well, good luck with that,
who get up early, ..

... that 's why you - you,
and I - it's me.

Join us.

Sit down.

Do you like boiled eggs?

Bring him eggs.

Coffee on the table.

Well, fast.

Knife, please.

Thank you.

He may be asking himself, ..

... why I didn't invite
for breakfast and his?

Am I your servant, Baron?


Thank you.



Here's the bread, here's the butter.

Have some.

Contenson, my friend, ..

... you got out of me
check for a thousand francs.

My lady has a lot of debt.

Do you have a mistress?


She was twenty years old.

But always ?? never me
they don't argue for many years.

So you still need money?


My job is to spend them, anyway,
like yours - to earn them.

It's destiny.

No, case.

And who knows which of us
is better in its place - ..

... you or me - Contenson.

But it is very difficult
make money.

I'm not interested in problems ...

... as well as punctuation.

We'll see.

You want to make money
a check for 500 francs?

He does it with a thousand
1,500 francs.

As I understand it,
you leave me a thousand francs, ..

... which I took from you,
and you add another 500, right?



But why Mr. Baron
does he want to conclude such a contract?

I can't understand it,
can you explain it to me?

I'll explain it to you.

I was told
that there is a man in Paris ...

... able to find a woman,
I'm looking for ...

... and that you know
the address of that master spy.

Yes it is true.

Give me the address and take the money.

Give it to me.

One after another.

Take me to this man.

After all, you can sell me
for such money a number of addresses.

And you get a bill.

You don't believe me?

Business is business.

I'll tell you the name.

That name is Mr. Saint-Germain.

It is the most experienced of the most experienced, ..

... the right hand of himself
of the famous Corentino.

But this man, ..

... will take at least 10,000 from you
francs, and will be painted.

Where does he live?

I can't say that
but I'll arrange a meeting with you.

And very soon.

I have the honor to greet Mr.
Baron and on my word of honor I promise ..

... that he will receive a message soon,
when and where the meeting will take place.

The promise will be oral, ..

... so that there is no secret
entrusted to the paper.

A glass of champagne.


Thank you, sir.

Are you leaving us yet, Mr. de Peyrad?

Thank you.

Here, it's still the same.

Monsieur de Saint-Germain, ..

... one of the many nicknames of this
characters, surprising in many ways.

His real name is Peyrad.

Peyrad de Concael, to be exact,
old count family.

I have gathered here
materials and tasks, ..

... which he did for the state, ..

... but for obvious reasons ....

- Do you understand?
- Like you, my dear prefect, ..

... you understand the causes
because of which I harassed you.

The person in my position is always
forced to talk to people.

I understand.

So Peyrad is the youngest son of the family.

He came to Paris during the revolution.

He entered the service of the secret police, ..

... where he worked out very quickly,
became recognized.

In the days of the revolution, ..

... the convention and the empire
organized counterintelligence services, ..

... selected by staff ..

... and at the same time trained a man,
which has become stronger as a result, ..

... than he did, Officer Corentin.

He did it for Napoleon
top secret tasks abroad.

He was unexpectedly arrested and imprisoned ...

... at the height of Fouch?'s intrigue -
Talleyrand v Napoleon.

Maybe there's an explanation here.

He lost his place after the liberation,
but ..

... kept his records
and communication with structures, ..

... which he once organized.

And believe me ... she's very scared of him.

Yes, they get it from time to time
for work, but with caution.

He offered his services during the restaurant
regime, thus raising doubts.

She is afraid of him, she feels behind him
great and secret power.

They talked to him
and left everything as it is.

Libertine, he has retained since
your rise chu ?? and luxury - ..

.. women, games, ...

... enjoying life.

They gradually shut him down,
they were still watching him.

He is currently living relatively closed.

She is raising a daughter,
which he fathered with an actress.

This girl is the subject
his care and love.

Well, that's probably all about your little one,
I have nothing more to say.

So he can be trusted?

We turn to him
from time to time, but ...


This man is without a doubt
vindictive and not forgetting ..

... but he has a weakness -
he has to take care of his daughter.

If the man needs it
money is mine.

Be careful.

Thanks for the alert.

As replacement ...

Oh my god,
decisive state interest ...

... no doubt it won't
so easy to place, and ...

Good evening sir
dinner will be ready at six o'clock.

Has the daughter returned yet?

Do you think I'll leave her?
wander the streets?


Do you have anything urgent?

There are small businesses,
which costs 10,000 francs.

And what is it, politics?

No, a love story.

Nucingen, the one you know
patented thief, ..

... went crazy for a bird,
whom he saw in the de Vincennes forest.

Either he finds her or he dies.

It is suspicious
bankers don't have hearts.

But he's really dying.

Two doctors examined him.

Tell me the whole story.

This is it.

Meadow in the forest de Vincennes.

Moonlight and beautiful unknown.

How did you manage to find a wife
more beautiful than Esther?

Baby, there are no such people in France.

But you find it's more beautiful
than Esther?

Somehow I thought
that there is only one for you.

Of course, it's just
rolling to break away from ...

It is one of the most beautiful
girls in London ..

... known to all, from a good family -
daughter of the lord.

Excellent education.

But the child turned out to be similar
to Dad - without reason for the genie.

Some bad young people
it brought her to him ...

... and took advantage of the situation.

One day, completely drunk,
she killed her lover.

They sent her quickly
to the continent for ..

... before the incident is forgotten.

They advised her that
if you like it ..

... pulls millions out of you,
because you are very, very jealous.

They directed her in the same way
as well as Esther, ..

... and she doesn't even know your name.

But Nucingen may prefer Esther.

That's the way it is with you.

You're worried today that a plan won't work out,
which scared you last night.

No, I assure you,
no one but Esther, ..

... he can't take care of that
a corrupt man like the baron.

I'll run to her.

Run as you can, my son,
and enjoy it thoroughly.

I just got it from him
thousand francs in the form of a deposit.

... but my mind doesn't take where I find it
girl, I can't imagine it.

We find Dulcinea.

Go tell the baron to
he was waiting in the carriage tomorrow night ...

... on the corner of the Champs-Elys?es and the street
Gabriel at the beginning of Marigny Avenue.


Are you back, Father?

Sit down, sit down, my daughter.

Did you walk well?


There were a lot of people on the Tuileries terrace.

I'll sit next to you,
play me something.

With pleasure, Dad.

How great you play.

What is it?

This is Beethoven's music,
it is a recently deceased composer.

I love it the most
his genius.

I find out you're perfect ...

... and I want to protect you forever.

Well, good, protect.

I'm so happy.

You love me so old,

Who else loves me?

However, you are twenty years old, ..

... it's time to find your husband.

Yes, yes, one
of a cute young man ..

... to be worthy of you,
which you could be proud of.

What can you tell me?

Get married?

I haven't thought about it yet.

For who?

If you want to have dinner, she is ready.

I'm very happy with tonight,
things are arranged.

I'm hungry ...
What about you?

I saw a young man, ..

... which I would be willing to marry.

Today he was walking in the Tuileries
hand in hand with Countess de S?rizy.

And what is the young man's name?

I sat next to Cat and saw him -
so beautiful.

Oh, my father, just radiant.

The ladies sitting next to each other said:..

... "This is Countess de S?rizy
with young Lucien de Rubempr?. "

Lucien de Rubempr?.

If you want to marry me, ..

... find me a husband
similar to him.

I don't know him.

Nobody was watching you?

You know me.

So what?

Baron this morning
visited the prefecture of the police ...

... and came out very pleased.

That evening he told his wife ..

... that they found out who the stranger was
from the forest of Vincennes.

It's a done deal, that's what he said.

They're watching us, but who?

Nucingen turned to Louchard.

Louchard - this is an empty hole.

The Baron found someone better.

Okay, but the command:..

... every night around ten o'clock
you will take an Englishwoman to the forest of Vincennes.

If someone notices you and they will
watch, don't stop him.

Be sociable, let them bribe.

Talk about Lucien de Rubempr?,
say he's crazy about Madame, ..

... very jealous and hides her, ..

... just like she's a treasure
of the Turkish Sultan.

Do you understand

Did you understand me?

He understood.

He gave me the other half of the bill, ..

... but I want to warn you
arranged for a tour of the large house.

That's great.

No doubt you will need me.

Only connect to numbers 7, 10 and 21.

We have to use all these people so ..

... so as not to attract attention
shelves and prefectures.

I am Mr. Saint-Germain.

Get on.

But you make fools of us,
this costs nothing.

Yes, no, really, it's not mine.

I'm closing my business
due to urgent circumstances.

I think you know
i have other names, ..

... which they told you
in the police prefecture.

Do you know about that?

Baron, tell me
about your problem in as much detail as possible.

There was no doubt about
makes him smile.

I'm sure he knows.

What's his name?

Lucien de Rubempr?,
Mr. Rastignac's friend.

That is, to be honest,
rather the environment of my wife, ..

... but in society with more
talks about this Rubempr?.


Today I hear his name for the second time.

Well, what do you think
is this the right way?

Believe me.

Look, Baron, ..

... first give me 10,000
francs for operating expenses.

Ten thousand francs?

What will you spend for?

Backup - this is completely natural.

I hope you don't bargain with me.

I'm not, as you know, a vulgar spy.

I was the chief of police in Amiens.

When King Louis died,
I'll tell you ..

... that I've been in charge for 7 years
secret police.

I'm solving your problem, ..

... don't worry
and don't worry.

Don't you need anything?

It's beautiful outside.

You can't go out.

But I have something for you.

Letter from Lucien.

Go on.

Well, two vagabonds
they tried to get me drunk, ..

... they stopped me, they wanted to talk.

I didn't know what
but I don't think they believed me.

Well done, the little fish has already swallowed the hook.

Preparatory documents folder
is ready.

Yes, it is difficult to predict exact numbers,
of course, they will be different.

But we can guarantee that
independence of authorities, inter alia.

I hope you understand what's at stake, ..

... so it 's the best way.

Isn't it?

But my dear friend,
this is the first time you ...


And, yes, yes, yes.

Later, I have something else in my head now.

Number 21 has interesting news.

Can the Baron accept me?

And how do you want to report?

Tell Monsieur the Baron, ..

... that I came from the Champs-Elys?es.

I came in the Peyrad case.

Finally, finally.

Sit down.

So, it's been a whole week,
what await the news from you.

Mrs. Rubempr?'s mistress
lives in Taitbout Street, ..

... in a former apartment
Madame de Bellefeuille, ..

... Mr de Granville's former mistress,
Attorney General.

But there I was like
on a small vacation.

How ridiculous.

Just around the corner from here.

It often happens that they look far,
and required next door.

Monsieur de Rubempr? is very
jealous of his lady and hiding her.

So much so that in 4 years,
what Mrs. Bellefeuille inherited the apartment, ..

... no one in the house - not even the doorman,
not even the owner of the house - they haven't seen it yet.

They go for walks only at night, ..

... hidden behind a veil,
in a carriage with the shutters lowered.

Lucien has a special reason
jealously guard the woman.

He's going to marry
Clotildou de Grandlieu ...

... and besides, he's intimate
friend of Madame de S?rizy.

Naturally, he carefully hides his mistress.

If a connection to this was revealed
girl, everything would go wrong for him.

So you are the master of the situation.

I understand everything.

That's a good job.

Monsieur, in exchange for this information, ..

... that cost us
several sleepless nights, ..

... my friend Peyrad is waiting for you
appropriate kindness, ..

... and me too.

What kind?

Well, money, of course,
to cover costs, ..

... but my friend from you
he expects something else.

The way he showed you
the service, shows ..

... how can this man be
useful in the common interest.

You have great contacts.

Convince the Minister that ..

... that Peyrad can
return to your place.

My friend would be very disappointed, ..

... if you refuse
provide him with this service.

I'll see what can be done
Believe me.

You talked about costs,
am I right?

Maid your unknown from the street
Taitbout's name is Eugenia.

Give her a few thousand francs.

After that amount, you can
overcome all obstacles.

He'll hide you in the room,
where her mistress sleeps.

But if he doesn't agree?

In this case,
you should strengthen your arguments.

No, no, no, please, not here.

Thanks again.

Felix, listen, ..

... call my cat George.


Come on.

George, my friend, everything is ready,
I know where he lives!

Go to Taitbout Street, look for the house,
where Mrs. Gobseck lives, ..

... and there, very carefully,
find a maid named Eugenie.

Ask her to invite me to visit,
as soon as possible.

Your well-being will be ensured, ..

... if you protect my interests ...

... and you say a word for me.

But I'm an honest girl,
Mr. Baron.

I will pay well for your honesty,
everything has a price.

It's not that easy.

And if Mr. Baron will not
madam like, i will lose my place.

This place costs a thousand francs a year.

A thousand francs a year, well, that means
return on capital 20 thousand.

I'll give them to you.

If you ask a question this way,
take note of others.


You pay for the place.

And what about my honor, decency?

Honor costs nothing
but I'm adding another five thousand.

Let's agree this:you'll hide me
in your room until ..

... until your mistress is left alone.

If you swear to me, ..

... that you and no one will ever tell anyone
about my help, I agree.

But I warn you, ..

... Madame loves Monsieur de Rubempr?
and they won't exchange it for a million francs.

Enough, I know this kind of women.

Look at her
and don't be surprised.

And so,
in the evening Madame goes for a walk.

I can hide you in my room.

If she returns alone, ..

... I'll take you to the salon and leave
the door to her room is open.

Everything else - your thing.


I'll give you 25,000 francs in the salon.

Don't cheat on me.

Be on Taitbout at midnight ..

... but it will bring 30,000.

Decent maid service
after midnight they are more expensive.

Don't call yourself so much
it can be annoying.

No no no,
don't wear a white tie.

So which one?

This one in the style of an empire.

You look old
President of Parliament, ..

... it will be better to wear a satin tie.

It goes better to the color of your hair.

When you say that.

Thank you.

Take off those diamond cuffs now
buttons, costs a hundred thousand each.

The devil can ask you for them, ..

... and you can't turn her down.

Before offering them to a girl,
better if you put them on my earrings.

Turn around, I'll look at you.

Unfasten and secure
The last button of the vest is fashionable.

Look at Mr. de Marsay.

Or Rastignac.

My dear to tonight
passed successfully for you, ..

... I wish you to enjoy today
took the example of Mr Rastignaca.

You are a woman of two faces,
Madame de Nucingen.

You are a free thinker, Mr. Nucingen.

That is her.

What time is it?

In your opinion, time passes slowly.

Night time.

Admit that the images
which run in your brain, ..

... costs much more than 30,000.

I feel like a pretty young man,
and in love.

Don't move, I'll come to you.

Oh, that's life!

That stops everything.

Don't make noise.

Quietly, fat elephant.

A fat elephant?

Is that you, Lucien?

Monsieur, who are you?

Who are you?


There's a robber!


Don't shout, madam.

Don't worry, no, no.

No, please.

The man in Madam's room, how terrible.

I'll call someone now.


Wait a minute.

I think you're bad
and you're kidding me.


Madam, you are really in love
to Monsieur de Rubempr??

And I'm proud of that.

What do you dare?

I'm sorry, ma'am.

You will get expensive jewelry tomorrow ...

... with an apology from Baron de Nucingen.

Baron de Nucingen?

This is the poor man in front of you, ma'am,
and very embarrassed.

They made us a good day.

Dear Madam, I am afraid that ....

Madam, what is it?

Jewelry on the face of a beautiful woman,
and you are beautiful, madam.

But because of your beauty, I can't
forget here ..

... which I was hoping to find here

He ran away, I swear,
with tears in his eyes.

I saw that George, his cat,
he loaded it into a carriage.

Here's the money.

Beautifully played, she has a beauty.

A big fish was caught.

You can go back to your mistress.

You should repeat another piece of the role ...

It wouldn't be better if
Did Monsieur Lucien satisfy the Englishwoman?

That's a real tiger.

What happened
an animal awoke in her.

I am going.

I'm going too.

Life, 30,000 francs, ..

... that's the first drop,
which this waterfall will give us.

He needs to be prepared.

Give me one of your cigars.

I recently got them,
I hope you enjoy it.

The Baron will not stop there.

He will regret the lost
30,000 francs ...

... and grabs them by the throat.

He refuses the help of agents.

No need for the police or anyone
another poked his nose into our affairs, ..

... it's dangerous.

And I have the perfect medicine
to reassure both bankers, ..

... and his agents.

You will go to Madame de S?rizy,
and you will be very tender to her.

Do you understand?

Very tender.

You say you need her to
solving a very sensitive problem.

You lent the apartment to Rastignac.

Some lady spy was watching you,
you're not involved in anything, but ..

... they're watching you everywhere,
and that is unbearable.

Above all, you are not at all
lover of Madame de Nucingen, ..

... it is so?

Do what you want
but you have to persuade her, ..

... to get involved
her husband, ..

... Minister of State.

I'll leave it to your discretion
a way to achieve results.

Her husband will
your guarantor for the prefect of the police.

Yes, prefect.

In front of the prefect, scatter in
complaints, but with the proverbial arrogance ..

... as a man with high protection ...

... and influential acquaintances
in society.

Bubble any
a phrase about freedom of personality, ..

... privacy and ask
to keep your visit a secret.

The prefect will understand.

It is in the image of social customs and
is afraid he will be misunderstood, ..

... misinterpreted.

I will use all my options,
to protect your peace.

And from now on he will take on ...

... worry about success
our future business.

Tell me if you
visited by Mr. Nucingen, ..

... I asked you
to refer the matter to Peyrad?

That's right, prefect.

I've never experienced it before
similar humiliation.

The prefect did not allow me to say
one word.

I stood in front of him on the carpet, and
he paced the office.

He told me not only
canceled my annual pension, ..

... but that he will appoint me
special monitoring.

Who intervened in this matter?

None other than the baron.

He got everything he wanted from us.

We found him unknown to him,
and he decided to save money.

But I will avenge him.

And I'm counting on you
my dear Corentine.

In memory of all this,
which connects us to you.

You have a nice place, ..

... you are at the head of the secret service,
in the heart of the police.

We will deal with this matter.

I remember everything well,
what I owe you.

First, we need to know
if the baron is an informant.

I saw him
he doesn't seem to be able to deliver.

I think there's something else about it ..

... I don't know yet, but something else.

I feel it.

May be.

But if it's not a baron, ...

Don't you think it's Contenson?

Of course not.

Leave it to me, I'll do it.

You won't kill.

Mainly because of the prefects
they are not eternal, and in our time, ..

... they here and there
they begin to turn.

I'm in the shadows,
I stay in my place.

Regimes change, but they all
they need what i know.

And I'm there and that.

Trust me.

I'll do the investigation tomorrow,
what happened to Nucingen.

All right, hi.

Give it to your master.

"If Mr. de Nucingen will
so kind and will appear today ...

... around midnight
in front of the Chateau de Vincennes ...

... and blindfold, ..

... bring him there,
where he will see the one he is looking for. "

If I wasn't here,
I would think so.

I found this in my seat.

There is little light here, I can't read.

I have good eyes, Baron.

"What a price the baron is
willing to pay ...

... for meeting your stranger? "

This is what George himself told me.

I should have smeared it a little.

Repeat the contents of that letter.

How much does the baron pay for a foreigner?

... or something.

We have something to do with fraudsters,
who vacuum us.

They are going to sell
the woman very dear to the baron.

I want to know who cheated on me.

Baron de Nucingen is
ready to run through a vein, ..

... and it's in his veins
lots of banknotes.

Maybe there's wine
my Lydia, and I'll get him.

Nothing is lost
the game is just beginning.

I'll turn into a bedbug, ..

... penetrate any crack,
I will listen and watch.

First, we learned two things:..

... who owns this woman
and who complained to the prefect.

Maybe we're in for a surprise,
and not necessarily bad.