Spawn of the Slithis (1978) - full transcript
A nuclear leak creates a mutant Slithis sea monster, which terrorizes the variety of pets, winos, and hippies who hang around Venice, California. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
- Come on.
- You can't catch this.
You can't catch it.
Told you, you can't
catch this one.
- Don't throw it hard!
Here, come here quick!
Geez, I've never seen
anything like it.
It looks kind of Patches
and Dakota, don't it?
I wonder if Mr. Payne knows.
Gary, where you goin'?
Come on chicken
they won't hurt you.
They're dead.
Hey, Gary, wait up.
- Hey, Jeff.
There's an article in the
Outlook here that says
they found two dogs near
the Sherman Canal in Venice
that had been mutilated.
Police think it's some
kind of ritualistic thing,
like those cattle they
found in Colorado last year.
- That sounds gruesome.
They've got some
very strange people
walking around those canals.
- No, it's like
that German Shepard
that I saw last week
on the marina jetty,
when I was taking pictures
of the outrigger races.
- Wayne, you said
you found a dead dog
not a mutilated carcass.
- That's what was so odd.
The thing looked like
it had been butchered.
It didn't look like an
animal sacrifice at all.
- Whatever that's
supposed to look like.
Wayne, come on or I'm
gonna be late for work.
- It was more like the
flesh on Dakota had been
sucked right off the
bones clean, you know?
- Will you hurry up or we're
both gonna be late, come on.
- It wasn't a thing of beauty,
but I honestly couldn't imagine
anything human doing what I saw.
It was more like
a piranha attack.
- Wayne, do you realize
that you've got a exam
in your first
period class today?
Now what's gonna happen when
you show up 10 minutes late?
- Well, I'll scratch the
first three questions,
and maybe one of the
kids will pass the test.
Sometimes I wonder
about our communication.
I'm talking enigma and
you're talking exam.
- No, I'm not.
I'm just talking about
getting to work on time, okay.
- Jack, wake up.
Jack, I now you're awake.
Now go see what that noise was.
- Helen, I know what it was.
It was that damn dog of yours.
- Go be sure.
- I'm sure.
- Maybe he's sick or hurt.
With this crazy business
going on around here,
who can tell.
- Oh, Helen.
It's 3:00 a.m.
If the dog is sick, he can
only get better or worse,
and right now either
one is fine with me.
Christ, all right!
But if that damn dog has broken
through the screen again,
that's it he's out!
It's the pound!
- Jack, I don't know why you
have to put on all your clothes.
You're only going
to the living room.
Wear that nice
robe I bought you.
- For 42 years I have
gotten out of bed
and put on my clothes.
I detest bath robes.
Why you bought it is
still a mystery to me.
Now, unless you want to go
check on the dog, shut up!
- All right.
- Regal?
Damn mutt that's it!
- Jack, what is it?
Is Regal alright?
- No, of course, he's all right.
In and out like a tornado.
You're gonna have a mess
to clean up in the morning.
- Jack!
- You know I couldn't believe
that six period class.
I mean, I've gotta
be wasting their time
because they're
certainly wasting mine.
There's a 12th
grade group of kids
that are supposedly
headed for college,
and some of them can't
even formulate a sentence.
- Well, they've been passed
up through the prerequisites,
or they wouldn't
be there, right?
- I know.
The system forces
the instructors
to keep 'em moving,
prepared or not,
which is just another
reason why I'm getting
more turned off to
teaching every day.
- You're getting turned off,
and then you're leaving the
teaching to incompetents
like your esteemed
colleague, Mr. Blakely.
No, the good teaches
are bailing out,
and then the Blakleys are
just destroying young minds.
- This good teacher is about
to blow some young minds
like when I fail half the
kids in the Lighthouse staff.
It's the worst high school
newspaper in the state.
- Ah.
- Marti Mason hit me with her
favorite simile again today,
like a melted
Popsicle in the sun.
She found it somewhere, and I
swear she manages to lose it
at least once in every issue.
- Mr. Connors!
- Speaking of you know who.
- Why me?
- Mr. Connors, listen to this.
- Now last
night the Venice Beach.
- It's about that
article you read us
in Outlook the other day.
- In their
small canal side home.
Police police and spokesman
Commander Phillip Reed
released word today
that an investigation
is currently underway to find
the individuals responsible
for the mutilation murders
of long time residents
Jack and Helen Dunn.
While this is the first such
attack on the human populous,
the police reported that last
week a similar mutilation
incident occurred
involving several animals.
- See Mr. Connors,
that's what you read us.
- Okay, Marti, I'll read the
rest in tomorrow's paper.
- Okay, Mr. Connors,
I just thought
it was kind of funny, you know.
- Thank you, Marti.
- Does she always listen
to the news station?
- Oh, constantly,
especially in class,
she's a teenage news junky.
You know, I think I'll
see if the Dunn's address
is listed in the phone book.
It might be, long
time resident and all.
- Why do you want the address?
- I'm not sure.
After finding that dog on the
jetty, then those animals,
now this, it's kind
of interesting.
- I think it's morbid.
Wayne, there's a lot
of degenerate people
living around those canals.
Why don't you just
stay out of it?
- Jeff, I'm just gonna take
a look around that's all,
and call it the old
journalist curiosity.
- Wayne, you are
not a journalist.
You're a high school
journalism teacher.
- After that class
today, I'm not so sure.
Look it's not
going to involve me
if I just drive by
the Dunn's place.
I mean, just drive by!
Hello, anybody home?
- Okay, wiseguy, spread 'em.
Who are you and what
are you doing here?
Spread 'em!
- Jesus, you scared me.
My name is Wayne Connors.
I'm a journalism teacher
at the high school.
I got identification.
- Okay, show it to me.
- Okay.
Here's my school ID,
my LAPD press card,
my driver's license.
My new address is right
there on the back.
I got a gas credit card.
- You know, Mr. Connors.
These cards don't
give you the right
to break into a
private residence.
- No, of the course not.
I just knocked on the
door, and it swung open.
I guess, somebody
forgot to close it.
- Well, a neighbor
reported a prowler,
and you're lucky that I
got here before he did
because he's got
a loaded shotgun
and he's just spooked
enough to use it.
Damn cold!
- Gesundheit.
- Yeah, whatever.
- You should try of
these eucalyptus drops.
It'll make your eyes water,
but they really work try one.
Say weren't you involved
in the initial
investigation of this thing?
- Oh, I was.
If it hadn't been
so damn vicious,
I could've had the day off
and probably gotten
over this cold.
- Well, those drops will help.
But tell me something.
Did the experts make anything
out of this mud on the carpet?
- Oh, they saw it, sure.
Figured it was tracked in
from somewhere
around the building.
It's damp down here in these
canals, a lot of mud and water.
- Did they find any
footprints or impressions?
- Hmm, I don't think so.
They couldn't tell much from
the mud one way or another.
A little odd, I guess, but
nothing too remarkable.
Now look, Mr. Connors,
I'm not going to arrest you.
But I want you to
stop prowling around.
This area is off limits
until the investigation is over.
Do you understand?
- I do, and thank you.
I'm sorry I caused
you any trouble.
- What a find.
- Hello?
- Wow!
A lot of stuff you got here.
- Where did you get
this substance, Wayne?
- In Venice.
In fact, I found it
over in the canal area
where that couple
was murdered, why?
- Mainly 'cause it's like
nothing I've ever seen before.
It seems to be protoplasmic,
and what you've brought me is,
and I'm only guessing,
some kind of exoskeleton.
It is organic there's
no doubt about that,
but it's also inorganic.
- So it's not mud?
- This stuff
intrigues me though.
I'll keep it around and
make some further tests.
Maybe something will surface.
- Well, many thanks, Dr. John.
- You just give me a day or two,
and the mad doctor will come
up with something.
- Oh, boy.
Come in.
- It's locked.
- Don't come in.
Here don't you move
till I get back.
Hi, Dr. John, how are you?
- Hi, Dr. John.
- Hi, Jeff.
- Pull up a chair.
- Let's see.
- So, how you doing?
- Oh, I'm just fine.
I'm even better after
this last move here.
Hmm, you're dead, Wayne.
- It's compulsive she
cheats all the time.
If I didn't let her one once
in a while, she'd never play.
- Can I get you a
beer or something?
- Yeah, I'd love one.
- Well, I take it you've
come up with something
and in only two days.
- Uh-huh, and this
is straight science fiction.
- So let's hear it.
- Well, first of all,
that substance that you brought
me was slightly radioactive.
Now not dangerously so,
but it does register high.
- That eternal stimulus
you were talking about.
- Now listen to this.
About 20 years ago,
a nuclear reactor at the
experimental test facility
at Lake Sherwin,
Wisconsin was discovered
to be leaking an
infinitesimal amount
of radioactive
byproduct into the lake.
This instillation, by the
way, is the forerunner
of our modern day
nuclear power plant,
like the one two miles
down the coast here.
- What does this got to
do with the mud I found?
- Well, now stay with me.
This is the background
phase of a two-story.
Along with the report
on the nuclear litter
was another report damn near
hidden and virtually ignored.
It told of the effects
the spill had on
a certain stagnant
lagoon adjoining Sherwin.
It seems that the
silt in the lagoon
had picked up a bit
of the radioactivity
and had become
extremely absorptive.
The bacteria, the algae,
and even some of
the more advanced
primitive life forms
living in the lagoon.
- I am totally
lost at this point.
- Well, now you won't be.
According to the two scientists
that discovered this silt
it had literally involved,
for lack of a better word,
into a form of
protoplasm that took on
the characteristics of
whatever it absorbed
and mutated into something
totally different.
Scientists named this
organic mud, Slithis.
- Why?
- For the same reason your
parents named you Jeff.
Who knows?
At any rate what should've
been the discovery
of the century went
virtually unnoticed.
Locked up tighter than a
drum because of AEC's fear
that notoriety over
this Slithis would cause
an uproar over the nuclear leak,
which undoubtedly it would have.
- That's a story, John.
- But you ain't heard
the best part yet.
- There's more.
- One of the scientists
who originally discovered
this Slithis is now working
for Crest Oil Company.
Apparently, the idea
of using radiation
to create new life
stuck with him.
- There's a bit of the
Frankenstein in all of us.
- Exactly.
So he convinced the
big shots at Crest
to fund his experiments.
He maintained that in
creating instant life
he was also creating the
ingredients necessary
for the formation of
natural petroleum.
- Oh, sure by combining
organic matter,
a little bit of bacteria,
and substituting the
pressure of a million years
of environmental change with
a dose of radioactivity.
- To get to the point,
it appears that substance
that you brought me
is something very
similar to the Slithis.
A freak combination of
natural radioactivity
and the elements that science
has not be able to duplicate.
- Who's the scientist
that's been working for Crest?
- Oh, right Erin
Burrick is his name,
and I believe he lives
somewhere in the Malibu hills
if my sources are correct.
- Didn't you say that
there is some other scientist?
- Unfortunately, he overdosed
on radiation a few years ago
at the Brown Ferry
nuke in Alabama.
It's a hazardous line of work.
Goodnight, Jeff.
- Goodnight Dr. John.
- Oh, and Wayne.
- Hmm?
- Let me know if you
decide to pursue this.
I sense your interest,
and I feel the same way.
- You'll be the first
to know, and thanks.
- Mm-hmm.
- Deadly stuff
that radioactivity.
- Wayne, you were
handling that dirt.
- That Slithis.
You heard Dr. John say
it wasn't dangerous.
- Well, I heard Dr. John
say a lot of things,
and it's all totally ridiculous.
I don't understand
very much of this.
But just I want you
to stay out of it.
You've satisfied your
journalist curiosity now,
so leave it be.
- Honey, listen.
I don't understand it either.
But I know there's
something going on here.
And if the police think
this is the work of some
bizarre cultist with all
that mutilation business,
well they're way off base.
There's a big story here.
It's just the spot for
a freelancer to step in
and make himself an
overnight reputation.
- You got a great job
at the high school.
Why can't you just be satisfied?
- Because I find myself hating
it more and more every day.
It's okay for now.
But I want more than that.
This Slithis thing could
be the perfect opportunity.
- Okay, if you wanna mess
around with radioactivity
and cultists, you go right
ahead and you have fun,
but just don't you dare
mention it around me.
- Hey, Bunk, man.
We need some bread.
- I got some bread.
I got some bread.
What I gotta do is take a leak.
You crapped your pants?
- No, I just farted.
- You crapped your
pants again, god dammit.
- Hey, man, you're a mess.
- Sure, man, I'm high,
higher than these
goddamn buildings,
higher than the
price of the wine.
Preston, you snot rag.
Get up.
Wake up, man.
Australia wasn't shit.
It didn't mean
nothing after Nam.
All the whores
were just the same.
Why shouldn't they be?
They were just whores.
Goddamn it.
But you ain't so smart, buddy.
Of course, I got more.
I've got it hidden
right up there.
Gotcha, man!
What's he doin'
swimming in there?
Hey, man, ain't you cold?
That dude needs some wine.
Hey, man.
Want some wine?
Buddy, you need some antifreeze.
Hey, man.
- In another
shocking Venice mutilations,
Kristen Darnel, a
32-year old stewardess,
was violently
murdered last night
in her Rondo Court apartment.
Neighbors report of hearing
nothing out of the ordinary
around two o'clock the time
that the police experts
believe the murder took place.
This latest killing
brings to three
the total number
of Venice residents
murdered in the last nine days.
This in addition to
reports of numerous dogs
and other house pets
in the area slain
in a similar
ritualistic fashion.
Even the area transients
are banding together
hoping for strength in numbers.
The local street people,
normally known to be loaners,
have begun setting up a
network of protected shelters
in safe areas.
- Sure we're
scared, damn scared.
Why not?
Most of us ain't got no
place to hide anyway,
and the cops ain't
gonna bust their butts
trying to protect us.
I sleep sometimes in the
john down there by the beach.
Them stalls ain't got no
locks on 'em, you know.
- The police
in a attempt to prove
their human
sacrifice/death cult theory
have questioned many
of the various sects,
unconventional social
and religion groups,
which abound in the Venice area.
According to police spokesman
Commander Philip Reed.
- With the additional personal
assigned to this case,
we feel that we can
successfully handle
any threat to the Venice area.
Our investigation
is well underway,
and we have several
important clues.
We are following up these
leads as fast as possible.
- Despite police
reassurances however,
Venice residents are
bordering on panic.
Streets are deserted, houses
have become fortresses,
and the smell of fear hangs
like a stench over the canals.
- What are you doin'?
- Hi.
- What are you doin' here?
- Just looking around.
This your camp?
- Yeah, that's right
this is my camp.
Everything's here is mine, man.
- Great, look I'm sorry I
thought the area was abandoned.
- Well, you were wrong.
- Yeah, I can see that now.
You around here last night?
- Why, what's it to you?
- There was some trouble a
few blocks down the canal.
- Well, I didn't hear
nothin', man, not a sound.
- Look, pal.
How you wanna handle
your trip is up to you.
But we're talking about some
very nasty murders here.
If you didn't see what happened,
maybe whoever was with you did.
Now you can talk to me
or you can talk to the police.
- I don't need the cops, man.
I get hassled enough by
the damn kids around here.
They're always ripping me off.
No, I wasn't alone.
Another guy was over, okay?
- What's his name?
- It was a dude named Bunky.
- Yeah.
- That's it Bunky.
He hangs out at the Plaza
by the bike path, man.
We was just juicing
and shootin' the shit.
I passed out.
I woke up he was gone.
It's okay though, man.
He didn't have nothin' to do
with that scene up the street.
- Yeah, I'm sure of that.
But it looks like you two guys
are the only possible witnesses.
If you were out cold,
then it must have been
Bunky who saw something.
What does he look like?
- He's about 5'6, 5'7, I guess.
- How old?
- About my age, 24, 25.
- Okay, my name's
Wayne, by the way.
- Yeah, Preston, man.
- Okay, Preston.
I'll be seeing you.
- Hey, man.
If you see Bunky, tell him
he left his stuff here, man.
I don't dig messes.
- Say, uh.
I'm looking for a friend,
actually a friend of a
friend, name is Bunky?
- Uh-huh.
What do you want with Bunky?
- Personal business,
to tell him he left
some stuff with Preston.
- Good Samaritan, huh?
Well, thank you, neighbor
we'll tell him about Preston,
and let him know
that you want to chat
with him about some
personal business.
What's your name, man?
- Look I just wanna talk
to Bunky where is he?
- Hey, what's it worth
to you, Good Samaritan?
- Oh, about a half a
gallon of decent wine.
- Deal.
Bunky's over at Rosa's crib,
Cooney's Boarding
House 223 Driftwood.
I don't think he's
feeling too good today.
So Rosa let him hang
out for a while.
And a bottle of wine's
about five bucks worth.
Inflation, you understand?
- Here you are.
- Thanks.
Good Samaritan.
Alright, man.
All right.
- Yeah.
- Bunky?
I'm a friend of Preston's.
I got something he
asked me to bring you.
- What do you got?
- Information.
Can I come in?
- Why not?
Maybe I could use some company.
- Preston, uh,
asked me to tell
you that you left
some of your goods at
his place last night.
- Last night?
- That's right.
After he passed out
and you saw whatever
it was you saw.
- How do you know
about that, Ace?
- Well, I don't, not exactly.
you did see something.
What was it?
- Man, I don't know
what the hell I saw.
It looked like a big
slimy goddamn lizard,
something that crawled
out of a sewer.
Mouth like a sucker fish.
Maybe I didn't see nothin'.
I was drinking yesterday.
I don't know always
remember right.
- Nah, Bunky, you saw something.
- I saw something all right.
I cut my hand when I
fell and my bottle broke.
This I know is real.
Seven stitches at
the free clinic.
- Bunky, will you come with me
and tell this to the police?
- The cops?
You snapping.
Them I got no use for.
Besides they wanna
talk to me about a
condo break in up
on the Peninsula.
Nah, no authorities,
man, no way.
If they should suddenly find me,
I didn't see a damn thing
'cause I was here all night.
You better split, man.
- Thank you, Doctor,
I certainly appreciate
you taking the time.
Right 8:30 will be fine.
See you then.
Hey, Jeff.
That was our man Burrick.
He sounds a little odd, but
he seems friendly enough.
I can meet him at his
place in Malibu at 8:30.
Wanna go?
- Yes, I'll go.
- Near the marina there is a
medium-sized nuclear
energy facility
just a mile or so
down the coast.
Now it is not inconceivable
that this facility
may have leaked some
radioactive material.
Of course, the radioactivity
is the catalytic ingredient
that causes the abiogenesis.
If you're familiar
with my work, however
you'll know that
I've had no success
in creating Slithis under
laboratory conditions.
- I thought...
What if the Slithis had evolved
beyond the point of
your initial discovery?
What if it evolved into
a creature so complex
that it sought out the nutrition
necessary to keep it alive?
- Evolved from the
simple life form
that we discovered into
something more complex?
I certainly wouldn't say
that it wasn't possible.
- But what would
cause it to change?
- Why the
radioactivity, my dear.
It has the most
astounding affect
on all living organisms.
We found that the Slithis
would incorporation
the characteristics
of anything it absorbed.
Now given the proper nutrients,
the growth potential
would be endless.
I have no idea what shape
or form this growth
would eventually take.
- In other words, the form which
most suited its need to survive.
- The job
of an imagination
more fertile than my own.
- Doctor, to prove any this?
- You would first find
the source of the radioactivity.
Now if it is the
nuclear energy facility,
security's tight, and
they'll admit to nothing.
Through analysis of the soil,
off the shore of the plant,
however, one could
accurately determine
such basic elements in an
investigation of this nature.
- Howdy, Captain,
can I help you?
- Yeah, I'm looking
for Chris Alexander.
- Oh, my nephew.
I hope there's no problems.
- I just wanna charter his
boat for an hour that's all.
- Oh, he's on the
boat in the back.
You come right
through this opening,
you'll find him up
on the top here.
- Thank you.
- Sure thing.
- Chris.
- What can I do for you?
Up here.
Like the spirit of the sea, eh?
More often heard than seen.
Again, I ask what
can I do for you?
- I'm Wayne Connors I'm a
friend of Peter Tanakas.
I need the services of
a diver with a boat,
and he said you
might be interested.
And you might give me
a break on the price.
It's a small job.
- I might be interested.
How small?
- Just the few hours
I need some soil samples
taken off the shore of
the Imperial Energy Plant.
- I'll come down.
So, my main man Peter is
watching out for me, eh?
Christopher Columbus
Alexander at your service.
- Glad to meet you.
- Good, let's shake
like you white folks.
None of that tricky nigger shit.
It takes too long.
Now then,
what did you have in
mind for the dive?
- Well, I don't
know much about it,
but it's just routine.
- Routine, just
in, down, and out?
Are you with the Sierra
Club by any chance?
- Oh, no, nothing like
that see I'm a journalist.
I'm doing a series
of articles on
California's changing coastline,
and I need some soil samples
to back up a few theories.
- It doesn't matter.
As long as I'm paid,
the reason for your
tests make no difference.
- How much will it cost me?
- Well, let's see since you
are a friend of my man Peter
and I'm working for my
uncle on an account,
how does 30 plus fuel sound?
- That sounds fair.
- It is.
Tomorrow is my day of freedom.
Meet me at the ocean side
dock, number 22, at 10:00
and you can buy a
few hours of my life.
- You know I don't
know how to take you.
- Be cool and maybe we'll learn
about one another together.
- How fast can
this mini tug roll, Chris?
- Oh, about six knots.
This boat wasn't built
for comfort or speed.
Reliability is the watch
word on the Creation.
- Suits your needs, huh?
- There you go.
It totes my gear and
holds the fish I catch,
and the payments
are right, I own it.
The only possession
my family ever owned.
- I appreciate
your helping me.
I wish I could tell you more,
but I don't know anymore.
- And what
do I need to know?
You want some soil
and water samples.
You're paying for the fuel.
I'm just along for the dive.
- Go in as
far as you have to.
Closer to the shore the better.
- I can go all the way
to the power plant if you want.
- Well, maybe halfway.
- You've got
lots of tubes there.
I'll just bring you samples
from three or four areas.
You won't need too
many because the floor
hits its deepest
point pretty quick.
Then levels for a long way out.
- Alright, good you
bring 'em up and I'll mark 'em.
Alright, this should do it.
- I'm waterlogged to the bone.
Man it is dark down there.
- You didn't see anything
out of the ordinary
down there did you?
- Nah, not even any fish,
which are odd because
they usually like
the warm waters off
these power plants.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
Well, at least I found a
spot not to go fishing.
Let me dry off and
we'll head for home.
- You sure, I only dropped
the stuff off this morning
is why I'm asking.
Okay, it's fine with me.
Well, what about the water?
Great I'll be by to
see you then tomorrow.
Yeah, bye.
- Well?
- Yes and no.
There was Slithis
in the water samples
from about 20 yards out.
Not exactly like the
first droppings I
gave him but similar.
None of the water samples
showed any radioactivity though.
- Is that what you expected?
- I would've confirmed
a current leak.
See the Slithis means that
there was a leak sometime.
Impossible to determine when
though according to Dr. John.
- Wayne, I just can't imagine
how you're gonna
convince anybody
that there's a slime
creature feasting
on the residents of Venice.
I love you very, very much,
and I don't believe
a word of it.
- Well, just wait till
I suggest the idea
to the police tomorrow morning.
- So, you weren't too
surprised when the police
didn't think much
of your theory, huh?
- Yeah, but I had
to give it a shot.
The aggregation was that
Lieutenant Prentiss.
Says he's in charge
of a 120 men.
He shouldn't be in
charge of pencils.
- Well, so the cops
aren't interested.
What's your next step?
- Well, I got an idea.
Apparently, the
creature moves on land,
but primarily it's a
water animal, right?
So, what if we cut off the
only access to the canals?
- In theory, no
more Venice murders.
- Right, the damn thing
would go on out looking
for more food and hopefully
go right on out to sea.
- So how do you plan
to close off the canal?
- Well, the water
level of the canals
is determined by the tides.
High tide lots of water, low
tide and the canals are dry.
So we wait for low tide, and
then close off the water lock
at the mouth of the grand canal.
Deprived of that root,
the creature can't get
to the upper canals.
- Somebody's gonna
raise holy hell
when they notice that the water
isn't coming back
in with the tide.
Now wait a minute
what do you mean
we close off the water lock?
You know this is
probably illegal.
- Yeah, this is gonna be
tougher than I thought.
It's two locks and
a lot of fence.
A key where did you get a key?
- An old college friend of mine
is a resident oceanologist here.
All it takes is a
phone call.
- Okay, with any luck at all
no one will notice
this until tomorrow,
and we'll see what
happens tonight.
- Three, two, one.
- You got a race.
Changing direction.
Reason to get a
$50 turtle there.
Gary's gonna bring
out a no-time winner
by names of Legs Magert.
That's has an almost
racing win of zip.
- Five, four,
three, two, one.
- The gate is up!, man, look!
Many of them fishing
out the gate.
Look at this!
The Magician's
going to the line!
The Magician in a total
finish for the event!
The Magician wraps
it up, racing!
These are the monsters.
These are the ones you
gotta watch out for.
They've been known
to attack spectators.
For the beginner's racing
Sheryl's gonna bring out Moe.
- Come on
let's get out of here.
- It's
a maiden entry.
The winner!
The winner in a time
of 22 seconds flat,
Richards, Richards breeding.
- That place
was like a zoo tonight.
A lot crazier than usual.
- I know I've
never seen anything like it.
- So now I'm gonna
show you something else
you've never seen before.
The Marina del Rey from
the rear deck of my boat.
- Sounds like fun.
- Who was the girl
you were with tonight?
- Oh, that's my cousin.
That's who I'm staying
with while I'm out here.
- Yeah, you said you
were visiting from, uh?
- Souska, North
Dakota, population 611.
- Alright, the big time, huh?
You know I saw you get
checked three times tonight,
so, I guess, you're
old enough to party.
But you do look younger.
- Oh, would it make a
difference if I were?
- Not really, depending
on how much though.
- Oh, back home everyone has ID.
I'm only 18, but I
don't act like it, do I?
- No, absolutely not.
You come across much
older, at least 20,
and I'm an instant
dirty old man.
So what do you do in
Souska, North Dakota?
What does anybody do in
Souska, North Dakota?
- Well, practically
everyone leaves.
That's what I'm about to do.
That's why I'm out here now.
I'm just getting
things together.
'Cause back home the
only work is in the
ball bearing factories.
Souska's famous for
its ball bearings.
- I can't believe it.
- Well, it's true
Souska's a factory town.
- And so what are you
gonna do out here?
- I don't know I
really don't care.
It's just different,
it's exciting.
- And it's not Souska, right?
- Right.
- Yeah, right.
- So how long have
you lived on a boat?
- Oh, a couple of years now.
But I'm getting
the old bug again,
and I'll be doing some more
travelling pretty soon.
- My cousin and I were
in Hawaii last summer.
- Hmm.
You know you are
really nice looking
with such a nice tight body.
- Well, I played
a lot in school,
you know sports and things.
- Yeah, that too.
Hey, listen I gotta
go to the john,
so why don't you go
on out onto the boat.
Maybe pour us a
little wine, huh?
- Alright, well,
which one is it?
- Big cruiser, see
end of the dock.
The light are on and the
cabin door should be open.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Oh, hey, I'm sorry.
I thought it was Doug.
I was waiting, and
I heard his car.
I'm really sorry.
- It's alright you
just scared me.
- My name is Rex I live
in the building next door.
- Hi, I'm Jennifer.
- Okay.
- Great a party, huh?
What's all the commotion?
- Huh, nothing much
I was waiting for you
and watching a
little TV down below,
and I kind of caught
Jennifer here off guard.
- Yeah, well I'll bet.
Just leaving though
weren't you, Rex?
- Yeah, I guess I was.
Nice meeting you Jennifer,
and again I apologize
for the shock, bye.
- It's all right it
was nice meeting you.
- Rex is a good guy, but
he hangs around a lot.
Just a frustrated
boat owner, I guess.
Let's go below.
- Okay.
It's a nice place to live.
- Yeah, I try to make it
as comfortable as possible.
And I am sorry about Rex.
I mean, I was surprised
as you must have been.
- Well, you know good
fences make good neighbors
or at least that's the way
Robert Frost felt about it.
- And he was right at least
where Rex is concerned.
How about that wine?
- Hmm, that'd be great.
- Okay.
Hit the music, okay?
- Okay.
Thank you.
- Red wine
from chilled glasses,
and with a flick of the switch,
instant atmosphere.
To us.
What time is your curfew?
- Why would you ask that?
- I was just wondering.
- Yeah, I'll bet.
Oh, yeah.
- You're tense?
- Cold.
- Yeah, give me this.
Turn around.
Turn around.
Your tense up here.
And here can you feel this?
- Oh, yeah, I can.
- And down in here?
- Yes.
- Come on let's go below.
- No, I shouldn't.
- Come on, come on.
- Hey, what was that?
- That's nothing.
I'm moored at the
end of the dock
and I catch the wave from
every passing boat that all.
- Well, you know you
left the cabin door open.
I wish you'd lock it.
I know it's silly but with
your friend hanging around--
- Hey, listen, listen, listen.
If it'll make you comfortable,
I'll do it all right.
I mean, I like my privacy too.
Why don't you get naked
while I'm gone, alright?
- Okay.
- Doug?
- Look I said no comment
and I mean no comments!
Come in.
- Lieutenant, there's
some guy named
Connors here to see you.
- Oh, yes, I know Connors,
Brown, bring him in.
- Connors.
- Well, very good, Brown.
Hold all calls.
- Good evening, Lieutenant.
- No, no it isn't.
It is an insidious evening
following a disastrous morning.
I suppose you've
heard the latest?
- Mm-hmm, two more.
This time in the marina.
That's why I'm here.
- I assume that had something
to do with your visit.
- I know you don't think very
much of my theory, Lieutenant.
But this time I've got evidence
that's a bit more substantial.
- Well, get on with it, Connors.
- Last night's murders
took place in the marina
because I shut off the
creature's access to the canals.
Yesterday afternoon I closed
the lock at the marina jetty.
- It's against the law to
tamper with those locks.
You should've been arrested.
- But I wasn't.
Look I'm trying
to help you people
stop this horrible business.
I've been doing the work your
police officers haven't been
because they've been
too busy trying to prove
this ridiculous
mutilation cult garbage!
- Alright, Connors.
It's obvious that you
are trying to help us.
And if I were not dissatisfied
with this mutilation
theory myself,
you would not be sitting
in my office at this time.
But, I do not believe one word
of your slither story!
- Slithis.
- Oh, pardon me, Slithis story.
But, what I saw this afternoon
it was a blood bath.
In the interest
of public safety,
I am willing to
consider everything.
Therefore, I will have one
of my police scientists
talk even with you.
Sergeant, ask Risling
to come in for a moment.
- So then this incredibly
adaptable mutation
has involved into a
humanoid creature.
But Mr. Connors why is
it murdering people?
- Not murdering.
It's feeding on them.
See it attacks and
eats whatever's around.
Look, when I sampled the mud
off the shore of
the power plant,
my diver said he saw
no sea life at all,
no fish, nothing.
It's stands to reason
that the creature
has eatin' himself out
of his spawning grounds,
and he's moved on
looking for food.
Now it hit a good
area in the canals,
fish, dogs, people,
so it returned.
Yesterday afternoon I cut
off the creature's access
to the canals and it
moved on down the channel
and onto one of the boats.
Now maybe if there had
been water in the canal
when we closed it off,
the creature would've gone
over the embankment and
across the road I don't know.
I don't believe we're
dealing with anything
that's ever existed
before, so there's no way
of predicting what
it's going to do.
- Well, I'm not
going to question the
possibility of Slithis
because organic
mud may well exist.
Although, it borders
on a abiogenesis,
which was disproven by Louis
Pasteur back in the 1800,
but that's neither
here nor there.
What I can't accept is the
idea that this thing has been
living off the coast all this
time and no one's noticed it.
- Risling.
The point is moot.
I have just finished chatting
with the plant manager
at the Imperial
Nuclear Energy station,
and he assures me
that his facility
has not had any radioactive
leak of any kind
since this plant was
constructed in 1965!
- Of course, he did
I told you he would.
Did you expect him to
admit something like that!
- Unless Risling feels
that some further
conversation would be
of a productive nature,
I believe we will
close this subject.
Very well.
Mr. Connors, again I
am going to thank you
for your display
of public spirit.
But I'm very busy, and my
department is very busy!
Risling will escort you
out for the last time!
- Brother that is one
crazy story, but who knows.
- Stranger things
have come to pass,
like the existence
of Slithis itself.
- Well, actually two
of my people fishing
off the coast of Jamaica
netted an ill-like creature
that the expert thought
extinct for centuries.
In the sea all
things are possible.
- Oh, really.
- But not probable.
I won't be the loan
dissenter here.
Whatever you guys
decide is fine with me.
- I never thought I'd hear it.
- Yes, I never
thought I'd say it.
- Tell me something.
If this Slithis does
retain the traits you say,
why won't it return
to its spawning beds?
- You mean the area
we found the samples?
- Right.
- John?
- Hey.
While I am thinking of it.
If there is a
creature down there,
you might have gotten me eatin'.
- It was a chance I had to take.
- White boy, please.
- Hey, Chris, have you
got a small sonar tracker?
- I think I can get one.
A friend of mine
will loan it to me.
- I like it.
All we do is wait out there
until we detect the creature,
and then follow it in.
- And if the thing exists,
that'll spot it alright?
- Yeah, but what then?
I mean, assuming
that you spot it.
- We catch the bad ass mother.
I've got netting that'll
hold a great white.
I guarantee it won't get away,
and I know a couple of
guys that would love
to join to us on a monster hunt.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Hell with the police.
Dr. John, you and Jeff
you wait by the canal entrance.
When we pick up the creature
and see he's headed
towards the canals,
you close off the lock.
- How are we gonna know?
- Yeah, there's a couple of
radios I can get at school.
I think I can get them
out with no problem.
They're good for
up to a mile or so.
- And then when we
close off the canal,
you guys follow the big boy
wherever his appetite leads him.
- Right, send in the
hue and cry as we go!
- Oh, no, if this thing is real,
we ain't going to say anything
to anyone until it's caught,
and I'm going to catch it.
- All right.
- Sun's
going down quick.
It should be a clear night.
- But in case it's not,
I have Mike and Nicolas
to hook up the generator
and the night lights.
The sonar is working okay,
and I borrowed this
spotlight in case we need it.
It's one powerful mother.
- I hope this radio
is gonna be all right.
It worked out fine at school.
- And I brought this too.
- Yeah, I noticed.
I don't know if that's
gonna be of any use though.
Remember the Dunns
unloaded a whole pistol
into that creature
and nothing happened.
- This ain't a pistol, my man.
Think we'll be here all night?
- I don't know.
Since it's never been
spotted during the day,
I guess it does all
its forging after dark.
Maybe it's irritated
by the boat traffic,
and waits until it dies down.
I don't know what
senses this thing has,
so I don't know how it
reacts to its environment.
- It's got an appetite.
That's its downfall.
Give Mike and Nicolas a
hand with the nets, will ya?
- Yeah, okay.
What time is it?
Oh, about 1:30.
- Time isn't going
by slow, it stopped.
- It feels that way.
- What?
- It's real it's over there
about 20 feet off the barge.
Okay, okay.
Now when it really starts
moving, let it get enough head,
so the engines don't spook it.
- I just hope we
can keep up with it.
This is it.
Wake up on deck.
We got something.
- Right back towards the marina.
Now don't lose it.
- Don't worry I couldn't lose
junior here even if I tried.
According to the sonar
this thing is sized large.
- Straight for
the canal entrance.
Hello, Jeff, hello, Jeff.
- Hi, honey, we're
about to fall asleep.
- Well, wake up
because we're on our way.
The creature is heading
right for the opening.
Tell John to close off the lock.
- What there really
is something?
- We're following
it now get John moving!
- Dr. John, Dr. John wake up.
- Huh, what is it?
- They're headed this way.
They're tracking the
thing towards us.
Wayne says to close the lock.
- Okay.
- Wayne,
John's got it sealed.
- Good, now stay
awake and keep your eyes open.
I don't know what
you should expect.
- We see
what we shall see.
- Jeff,
Chris says we're in
about as far as we can go.
The creature's
getting close to you,
but it's difficult
to say just how close
because of the rocks.
- We're watching.
Wayne, I hear something.
- What's going on?
- Maybe I can see something.
- Okay, it must
be heading for the boats.
I should pick it up on
the tracker pretty quick.
- Get the car quick!
Get in the car!
- Wayne!
Wayne, it's coming!
- the transmission's
locked down inside the car!
- Wayne!
- Jeff!
- Get out of the car!
- Dr. John!
Dr. John!
Oh, Dr. John, are you alright?
- I'm okay.
I'm okay.
- Wayne, Wayne we're all right.
Dr. John's not hurt.
Wait the monster's
not following him.
I think it's dead!
- No, it's alive we got
it on the scanner again.
It's headed for the harbor.
I think the thing was
trying for the canal
when it ran into you.
- We gotta move.
Nicolas, keep your eyes open.
- Jeff, we're gonna follow it.
Head it off before
he reaches the boats.
Now you and John wait
for us at Chris's slip.
- Wayne, be
careful, I love you.
- The things making
a crazy move,
but it doesn't
seem to be injured.
- The son of a bitch
probably can't feel pain.
You know if it gets
in the docking area
under the boats we've lost it.
- I've got that covered.
We're gonna get it to
chase after us for a while.
- How?
- I've got 30 gallons
of chum in the tank.
If the big boy is hungry,
I'll give him all he can handle.
Remember, brother, this
thing is just a fish.
I'm one hell of a fisherman.
Take over the helm.
Here, pour this fragrant
garbage over the port
while I reverse our direction.
Dinner is served
you big bastard.
Fish head soup.
Okay, you ready to put the
hook to the slimy beast.
- I guess, what's the plan?
- We're gonna net it,
drag it off to sea,
wear it down and pull it in.
- Pull it in, we just saw that
son of a bitch demolish a car
and you're gonna pull it in?
How about calling
the Coast Guard?
- No way, this
thing belongs to us.
Besides if this creature is
shy of boats like you say,
an open call to the Coast
Guard is gonna bring out
every boat in the harbor.
The thing will then
head right out to sea.
- You sure about the nets?
- Hey, man, strongest still.
- Let's do it.
- Okay, I'll slow her down.
Move forward and keep watch.
Now dump what you've got left.
Right next to the side.
When we spot it below
surface, we toss the net.
Oh, shit.
- What happened?
- I don't know, but I don't
wanna be sitting without power
when that thing
finishes the chum.
Mike, take the helm.
Let's go below.
Engine's overheated.
Bring me a bucket of water.
I can't wet it now.
If I crack the block, that's it.
- What caused it to overheat?
- I don't know maybe
the water pump.
I can fix it but not
until it cools down.
Close the door the guys
on deck don't have to know
what's happening here.
- I don't see a
damn thing out here.
Mike, turn on the
big lamp, will you?
- Oh, hell, this
thing isn't working.
I'm gonna have to
find a flashlight.
- Take your time.
Not much happening out here.
- Oh, Mike!
- Look out!
Use the shotgun.
Wayne, the net we can snare him.
- He's dead now.
- Then let's get
rid of the nasty
son of a bitch over the side.
- No!
We gotta take it back.
- Of what?
Mike, Nicolas gone.
The two of us damn near dead.
That's garbage there.
Wayne smell it, man.
It came from the
sea now it's dead.
Send it back!
It's better, man.
That thing doesn't belong
with us, with anyone.
- Yeah, okay.
Yeah, what the hell.
- Come on.
- You can't catch this.
You can't catch it.
Told you, you can't
catch this one.
- Don't throw it hard!
Here, come here quick!
Geez, I've never seen
anything like it.
It looks kind of Patches
and Dakota, don't it?
I wonder if Mr. Payne knows.
Gary, where you goin'?
Come on chicken
they won't hurt you.
They're dead.
Hey, Gary, wait up.
- Hey, Jeff.
There's an article in the
Outlook here that says
they found two dogs near
the Sherman Canal in Venice
that had been mutilated.
Police think it's some
kind of ritualistic thing,
like those cattle they
found in Colorado last year.
- That sounds gruesome.
They've got some
very strange people
walking around those canals.
- No, it's like
that German Shepard
that I saw last week
on the marina jetty,
when I was taking pictures
of the outrigger races.
- Wayne, you said
you found a dead dog
not a mutilated carcass.
- That's what was so odd.
The thing looked like
it had been butchered.
It didn't look like an
animal sacrifice at all.
- Whatever that's
supposed to look like.
Wayne, come on or I'm
gonna be late for work.
- It was more like the
flesh on Dakota had been
sucked right off the
bones clean, you know?
- Will you hurry up or we're
both gonna be late, come on.
- It wasn't a thing of beauty,
but I honestly couldn't imagine
anything human doing what I saw.
It was more like
a piranha attack.
- Wayne, do you realize
that you've got a exam
in your first
period class today?
Now what's gonna happen when
you show up 10 minutes late?
- Well, I'll scratch the
first three questions,
and maybe one of the
kids will pass the test.
Sometimes I wonder
about our communication.
I'm talking enigma and
you're talking exam.
- No, I'm not.
I'm just talking about
getting to work on time, okay.
- Jack, wake up.
Jack, I now you're awake.
Now go see what that noise was.
- Helen, I know what it was.
It was that damn dog of yours.
- Go be sure.
- I'm sure.
- Maybe he's sick or hurt.
With this crazy business
going on around here,
who can tell.
- Oh, Helen.
It's 3:00 a.m.
If the dog is sick, he can
only get better or worse,
and right now either
one is fine with me.
Christ, all right!
But if that damn dog has broken
through the screen again,
that's it he's out!
It's the pound!
- Jack, I don't know why you
have to put on all your clothes.
You're only going
to the living room.
Wear that nice
robe I bought you.
- For 42 years I have
gotten out of bed
and put on my clothes.
I detest bath robes.
Why you bought it is
still a mystery to me.
Now, unless you want to go
check on the dog, shut up!
- All right.
- Regal?
Damn mutt that's it!
- Jack, what is it?
Is Regal alright?
- No, of course, he's all right.
In and out like a tornado.
You're gonna have a mess
to clean up in the morning.
- Jack!
- You know I couldn't believe
that six period class.
I mean, I've gotta
be wasting their time
because they're
certainly wasting mine.
There's a 12th
grade group of kids
that are supposedly
headed for college,
and some of them can't
even formulate a sentence.
- Well, they've been passed
up through the prerequisites,
or they wouldn't
be there, right?
- I know.
The system forces
the instructors
to keep 'em moving,
prepared or not,
which is just another
reason why I'm getting
more turned off to
teaching every day.
- You're getting turned off,
and then you're leaving the
teaching to incompetents
like your esteemed
colleague, Mr. Blakely.
No, the good teaches
are bailing out,
and then the Blakleys are
just destroying young minds.
- This good teacher is about
to blow some young minds
like when I fail half the
kids in the Lighthouse staff.
It's the worst high school
newspaper in the state.
- Ah.
- Marti Mason hit me with her
favorite simile again today,
like a melted
Popsicle in the sun.
She found it somewhere, and I
swear she manages to lose it
at least once in every issue.
- Mr. Connors!
- Speaking of you know who.
- Why me?
- Mr. Connors, listen to this.
- Now last
night the Venice Beach.
- It's about that
article you read us
in Outlook the other day.
- In their
small canal side home.
Police police and spokesman
Commander Phillip Reed
released word today
that an investigation
is currently underway to find
the individuals responsible
for the mutilation murders
of long time residents
Jack and Helen Dunn.
While this is the first such
attack on the human populous,
the police reported that last
week a similar mutilation
incident occurred
involving several animals.
- See Mr. Connors,
that's what you read us.
- Okay, Marti, I'll read the
rest in tomorrow's paper.
- Okay, Mr. Connors,
I just thought
it was kind of funny, you know.
- Thank you, Marti.
- Does she always listen
to the news station?
- Oh, constantly,
especially in class,
she's a teenage news junky.
You know, I think I'll
see if the Dunn's address
is listed in the phone book.
It might be, long
time resident and all.
- Why do you want the address?
- I'm not sure.
After finding that dog on the
jetty, then those animals,
now this, it's kind
of interesting.
- I think it's morbid.
Wayne, there's a lot
of degenerate people
living around those canals.
Why don't you just
stay out of it?
- Jeff, I'm just gonna take
a look around that's all,
and call it the old
journalist curiosity.
- Wayne, you are
not a journalist.
You're a high school
journalism teacher.
- After that class
today, I'm not so sure.
Look it's not
going to involve me
if I just drive by
the Dunn's place.
I mean, just drive by!
Hello, anybody home?
- Okay, wiseguy, spread 'em.
Who are you and what
are you doing here?
Spread 'em!
- Jesus, you scared me.
My name is Wayne Connors.
I'm a journalism teacher
at the high school.
I got identification.
- Okay, show it to me.
- Okay.
Here's my school ID,
my LAPD press card,
my driver's license.
My new address is right
there on the back.
I got a gas credit card.
- You know, Mr. Connors.
These cards don't
give you the right
to break into a
private residence.
- No, of the course not.
I just knocked on the
door, and it swung open.
I guess, somebody
forgot to close it.
- Well, a neighbor
reported a prowler,
and you're lucky that I
got here before he did
because he's got
a loaded shotgun
and he's just spooked
enough to use it.
Damn cold!
- Gesundheit.
- Yeah, whatever.
- You should try of
these eucalyptus drops.
It'll make your eyes water,
but they really work try one.
Say weren't you involved
in the initial
investigation of this thing?
- Oh, I was.
If it hadn't been
so damn vicious,
I could've had the day off
and probably gotten
over this cold.
- Well, those drops will help.
But tell me something.
Did the experts make anything
out of this mud on the carpet?
- Oh, they saw it, sure.
Figured it was tracked in
from somewhere
around the building.
It's damp down here in these
canals, a lot of mud and water.
- Did they find any
footprints or impressions?
- Hmm, I don't think so.
They couldn't tell much from
the mud one way or another.
A little odd, I guess, but
nothing too remarkable.
Now look, Mr. Connors,
I'm not going to arrest you.
But I want you to
stop prowling around.
This area is off limits
until the investigation is over.
Do you understand?
- I do, and thank you.
I'm sorry I caused
you any trouble.
- What a find.
- Hello?
- Wow!
A lot of stuff you got here.
- Where did you get
this substance, Wayne?
- In Venice.
In fact, I found it
over in the canal area
where that couple
was murdered, why?
- Mainly 'cause it's like
nothing I've ever seen before.
It seems to be protoplasmic,
and what you've brought me is,
and I'm only guessing,
some kind of exoskeleton.
It is organic there's
no doubt about that,
but it's also inorganic.
- So it's not mud?
- This stuff
intrigues me though.
I'll keep it around and
make some further tests.
Maybe something will surface.
- Well, many thanks, Dr. John.
- You just give me a day or two,
and the mad doctor will come
up with something.
- Oh, boy.
Come in.
- It's locked.
- Don't come in.
Here don't you move
till I get back.
Hi, Dr. John, how are you?
- Hi, Dr. John.
- Hi, Jeff.
- Pull up a chair.
- Let's see.
- So, how you doing?
- Oh, I'm just fine.
I'm even better after
this last move here.
Hmm, you're dead, Wayne.
- It's compulsive she
cheats all the time.
If I didn't let her one once
in a while, she'd never play.
- Can I get you a
beer or something?
- Yeah, I'd love one.
- Well, I take it you've
come up with something
and in only two days.
- Uh-huh, and this
is straight science fiction.
- So let's hear it.
- Well, first of all,
that substance that you brought
me was slightly radioactive.
Now not dangerously so,
but it does register high.
- That eternal stimulus
you were talking about.
- Now listen to this.
About 20 years ago,
a nuclear reactor at the
experimental test facility
at Lake Sherwin,
Wisconsin was discovered
to be leaking an
infinitesimal amount
of radioactive
byproduct into the lake.
This instillation, by the
way, is the forerunner
of our modern day
nuclear power plant,
like the one two miles
down the coast here.
- What does this got to
do with the mud I found?
- Well, now stay with me.
This is the background
phase of a two-story.
Along with the report
on the nuclear litter
was another report damn near
hidden and virtually ignored.
It told of the effects
the spill had on
a certain stagnant
lagoon adjoining Sherwin.
It seems that the
silt in the lagoon
had picked up a bit
of the radioactivity
and had become
extremely absorptive.
The bacteria, the algae,
and even some of
the more advanced
primitive life forms
living in the lagoon.
- I am totally
lost at this point.
- Well, now you won't be.
According to the two scientists
that discovered this silt
it had literally involved,
for lack of a better word,
into a form of
protoplasm that took on
the characteristics of
whatever it absorbed
and mutated into something
totally different.
Scientists named this
organic mud, Slithis.
- Why?
- For the same reason your
parents named you Jeff.
Who knows?
At any rate what should've
been the discovery
of the century went
virtually unnoticed.
Locked up tighter than a
drum because of AEC's fear
that notoriety over
this Slithis would cause
an uproar over the nuclear leak,
which undoubtedly it would have.
- That's a story, John.
- But you ain't heard
the best part yet.
- There's more.
- One of the scientists
who originally discovered
this Slithis is now working
for Crest Oil Company.
Apparently, the idea
of using radiation
to create new life
stuck with him.
- There's a bit of the
Frankenstein in all of us.
- Exactly.
So he convinced the
big shots at Crest
to fund his experiments.
He maintained that in
creating instant life
he was also creating the
ingredients necessary
for the formation of
natural petroleum.
- Oh, sure by combining
organic matter,
a little bit of bacteria,
and substituting the
pressure of a million years
of environmental change with
a dose of radioactivity.
- To get to the point,
it appears that substance
that you brought me
is something very
similar to the Slithis.
A freak combination of
natural radioactivity
and the elements that science
has not be able to duplicate.
- Who's the scientist
that's been working for Crest?
- Oh, right Erin
Burrick is his name,
and I believe he lives
somewhere in the Malibu hills
if my sources are correct.
- Didn't you say that
there is some other scientist?
- Unfortunately, he overdosed
on radiation a few years ago
at the Brown Ferry
nuke in Alabama.
It's a hazardous line of work.
Goodnight, Jeff.
- Goodnight Dr. John.
- Oh, and Wayne.
- Hmm?
- Let me know if you
decide to pursue this.
I sense your interest,
and I feel the same way.
- You'll be the first
to know, and thanks.
- Mm-hmm.
- Deadly stuff
that radioactivity.
- Wayne, you were
handling that dirt.
- That Slithis.
You heard Dr. John say
it wasn't dangerous.
- Well, I heard Dr. John
say a lot of things,
and it's all totally ridiculous.
I don't understand
very much of this.
But just I want you
to stay out of it.
You've satisfied your
journalist curiosity now,
so leave it be.
- Honey, listen.
I don't understand it either.
But I know there's
something going on here.
And if the police think
this is the work of some
bizarre cultist with all
that mutilation business,
well they're way off base.
There's a big story here.
It's just the spot for
a freelancer to step in
and make himself an
overnight reputation.
- You got a great job
at the high school.
Why can't you just be satisfied?
- Because I find myself hating
it more and more every day.
It's okay for now.
But I want more than that.
This Slithis thing could
be the perfect opportunity.
- Okay, if you wanna mess
around with radioactivity
and cultists, you go right
ahead and you have fun,
but just don't you dare
mention it around me.
- Hey, Bunk, man.
We need some bread.
- I got some bread.
I got some bread.
What I gotta do is take a leak.
You crapped your pants?
- No, I just farted.
- You crapped your
pants again, god dammit.
- Hey, man, you're a mess.
- Sure, man, I'm high,
higher than these
goddamn buildings,
higher than the
price of the wine.
Preston, you snot rag.
Get up.
Wake up, man.
Australia wasn't shit.
It didn't mean
nothing after Nam.
All the whores
were just the same.
Why shouldn't they be?
They were just whores.
Goddamn it.
But you ain't so smart, buddy.
Of course, I got more.
I've got it hidden
right up there.
Gotcha, man!
What's he doin'
swimming in there?
Hey, man, ain't you cold?
That dude needs some wine.
Hey, man.
Want some wine?
Buddy, you need some antifreeze.
Hey, man.
- In another
shocking Venice mutilations,
Kristen Darnel, a
32-year old stewardess,
was violently
murdered last night
in her Rondo Court apartment.
Neighbors report of hearing
nothing out of the ordinary
around two o'clock the time
that the police experts
believe the murder took place.
This latest killing
brings to three
the total number
of Venice residents
murdered in the last nine days.
This in addition to
reports of numerous dogs
and other house pets
in the area slain
in a similar
ritualistic fashion.
Even the area transients
are banding together
hoping for strength in numbers.
The local street people,
normally known to be loaners,
have begun setting up a
network of protected shelters
in safe areas.
- Sure we're
scared, damn scared.
Why not?
Most of us ain't got no
place to hide anyway,
and the cops ain't
gonna bust their butts
trying to protect us.
I sleep sometimes in the
john down there by the beach.
Them stalls ain't got no
locks on 'em, you know.
- The police
in a attempt to prove
their human
sacrifice/death cult theory
have questioned many
of the various sects,
unconventional social
and religion groups,
which abound in the Venice area.
According to police spokesman
Commander Philip Reed.
- With the additional personal
assigned to this case,
we feel that we can
successfully handle
any threat to the Venice area.
Our investigation
is well underway,
and we have several
important clues.
We are following up these
leads as fast as possible.
- Despite police
reassurances however,
Venice residents are
bordering on panic.
Streets are deserted, houses
have become fortresses,
and the smell of fear hangs
like a stench over the canals.
- What are you doin'?
- Hi.
- What are you doin' here?
- Just looking around.
This your camp?
- Yeah, that's right
this is my camp.
Everything's here is mine, man.
- Great, look I'm sorry I
thought the area was abandoned.
- Well, you were wrong.
- Yeah, I can see that now.
You around here last night?
- Why, what's it to you?
- There was some trouble a
few blocks down the canal.
- Well, I didn't hear
nothin', man, not a sound.
- Look, pal.
How you wanna handle
your trip is up to you.
But we're talking about some
very nasty murders here.
If you didn't see what happened,
maybe whoever was with you did.
Now you can talk to me
or you can talk to the police.
- I don't need the cops, man.
I get hassled enough by
the damn kids around here.
They're always ripping me off.
No, I wasn't alone.
Another guy was over, okay?
- What's his name?
- It was a dude named Bunky.
- Yeah.
- That's it Bunky.
He hangs out at the Plaza
by the bike path, man.
We was just juicing
and shootin' the shit.
I passed out.
I woke up he was gone.
It's okay though, man.
He didn't have nothin' to do
with that scene up the street.
- Yeah, I'm sure of that.
But it looks like you two guys
are the only possible witnesses.
If you were out cold,
then it must have been
Bunky who saw something.
What does he look like?
- He's about 5'6, 5'7, I guess.
- How old?
- About my age, 24, 25.
- Okay, my name's
Wayne, by the way.
- Yeah, Preston, man.
- Okay, Preston.
I'll be seeing you.
- Hey, man.
If you see Bunky, tell him
he left his stuff here, man.
I don't dig messes.
- Say, uh.
I'm looking for a friend,
actually a friend of a
friend, name is Bunky?
- Uh-huh.
What do you want with Bunky?
- Personal business,
to tell him he left
some stuff with Preston.
- Good Samaritan, huh?
Well, thank you, neighbor
we'll tell him about Preston,
and let him know
that you want to chat
with him about some
personal business.
What's your name, man?
- Look I just wanna talk
to Bunky where is he?
- Hey, what's it worth
to you, Good Samaritan?
- Oh, about a half a
gallon of decent wine.
- Deal.
Bunky's over at Rosa's crib,
Cooney's Boarding
House 223 Driftwood.
I don't think he's
feeling too good today.
So Rosa let him hang
out for a while.
And a bottle of wine's
about five bucks worth.
Inflation, you understand?
- Here you are.
- Thanks.
Good Samaritan.
Alright, man.
All right.
- Yeah.
- Bunky?
I'm a friend of Preston's.
I got something he
asked me to bring you.
- What do you got?
- Information.
Can I come in?
- Why not?
Maybe I could use some company.
- Preston, uh,
asked me to tell
you that you left
some of your goods at
his place last night.
- Last night?
- That's right.
After he passed out
and you saw whatever
it was you saw.
- How do you know
about that, Ace?
- Well, I don't, not exactly.
you did see something.
What was it?
- Man, I don't know
what the hell I saw.
It looked like a big
slimy goddamn lizard,
something that crawled
out of a sewer.
Mouth like a sucker fish.
Maybe I didn't see nothin'.
I was drinking yesterday.
I don't know always
remember right.
- Nah, Bunky, you saw something.
- I saw something all right.
I cut my hand when I
fell and my bottle broke.
This I know is real.
Seven stitches at
the free clinic.
- Bunky, will you come with me
and tell this to the police?
- The cops?
You snapping.
Them I got no use for.
Besides they wanna
talk to me about a
condo break in up
on the Peninsula.
Nah, no authorities,
man, no way.
If they should suddenly find me,
I didn't see a damn thing
'cause I was here all night.
You better split, man.
- Thank you, Doctor,
I certainly appreciate
you taking the time.
Right 8:30 will be fine.
See you then.
Hey, Jeff.
That was our man Burrick.
He sounds a little odd, but
he seems friendly enough.
I can meet him at his
place in Malibu at 8:30.
Wanna go?
- Yes, I'll go.
- Near the marina there is a
medium-sized nuclear
energy facility
just a mile or so
down the coast.
Now it is not inconceivable
that this facility
may have leaked some
radioactive material.
Of course, the radioactivity
is the catalytic ingredient
that causes the abiogenesis.
If you're familiar
with my work, however
you'll know that
I've had no success
in creating Slithis under
laboratory conditions.
- I thought...
What if the Slithis had evolved
beyond the point of
your initial discovery?
What if it evolved into
a creature so complex
that it sought out the nutrition
necessary to keep it alive?
- Evolved from the
simple life form
that we discovered into
something more complex?
I certainly wouldn't say
that it wasn't possible.
- But what would
cause it to change?
- Why the
radioactivity, my dear.
It has the most
astounding affect
on all living organisms.
We found that the Slithis
would incorporation
the characteristics
of anything it absorbed.
Now given the proper nutrients,
the growth potential
would be endless.
I have no idea what shape
or form this growth
would eventually take.
- In other words, the form which
most suited its need to survive.
- The job
of an imagination
more fertile than my own.
- Doctor, to prove any this?
- You would first find
the source of the radioactivity.
Now if it is the
nuclear energy facility,
security's tight, and
they'll admit to nothing.
Through analysis of the soil,
off the shore of the plant,
however, one could
accurately determine
such basic elements in an
investigation of this nature.
- Howdy, Captain,
can I help you?
- Yeah, I'm looking
for Chris Alexander.
- Oh, my nephew.
I hope there's no problems.
- I just wanna charter his
boat for an hour that's all.
- Oh, he's on the
boat in the back.
You come right
through this opening,
you'll find him up
on the top here.
- Thank you.
- Sure thing.
- Chris.
- What can I do for you?
Up here.
Like the spirit of the sea, eh?
More often heard than seen.
Again, I ask what
can I do for you?
- I'm Wayne Connors I'm a
friend of Peter Tanakas.
I need the services of
a diver with a boat,
and he said you
might be interested.
And you might give me
a break on the price.
It's a small job.
- I might be interested.
How small?
- Just the few hours
I need some soil samples
taken off the shore of
the Imperial Energy Plant.
- I'll come down.
So, my main man Peter is
watching out for me, eh?
Christopher Columbus
Alexander at your service.
- Glad to meet you.
- Good, let's shake
like you white folks.
None of that tricky nigger shit.
It takes too long.
Now then,
what did you have in
mind for the dive?
- Well, I don't
know much about it,
but it's just routine.
- Routine, just
in, down, and out?
Are you with the Sierra
Club by any chance?
- Oh, no, nothing like
that see I'm a journalist.
I'm doing a series
of articles on
California's changing coastline,
and I need some soil samples
to back up a few theories.
- It doesn't matter.
As long as I'm paid,
the reason for your
tests make no difference.
- How much will it cost me?
- Well, let's see since you
are a friend of my man Peter
and I'm working for my
uncle on an account,
how does 30 plus fuel sound?
- That sounds fair.
- It is.
Tomorrow is my day of freedom.
Meet me at the ocean side
dock, number 22, at 10:00
and you can buy a
few hours of my life.
- You know I don't
know how to take you.
- Be cool and maybe we'll learn
about one another together.
- How fast can
this mini tug roll, Chris?
- Oh, about six knots.
This boat wasn't built
for comfort or speed.
Reliability is the watch
word on the Creation.
- Suits your needs, huh?
- There you go.
It totes my gear and
holds the fish I catch,
and the payments
are right, I own it.
The only possession
my family ever owned.
- I appreciate
your helping me.
I wish I could tell you more,
but I don't know anymore.
- And what
do I need to know?
You want some soil
and water samples.
You're paying for the fuel.
I'm just along for the dive.
- Go in as
far as you have to.
Closer to the shore the better.
- I can go all the way
to the power plant if you want.
- Well, maybe halfway.
- You've got
lots of tubes there.
I'll just bring you samples
from three or four areas.
You won't need too
many because the floor
hits its deepest
point pretty quick.
Then levels for a long way out.
- Alright, good you
bring 'em up and I'll mark 'em.
Alright, this should do it.
- I'm waterlogged to the bone.
Man it is dark down there.
- You didn't see anything
out of the ordinary
down there did you?
- Nah, not even any fish,
which are odd because
they usually like
the warm waters off
these power plants.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
Well, at least I found a
spot not to go fishing.
Let me dry off and
we'll head for home.
- You sure, I only dropped
the stuff off this morning
is why I'm asking.
Okay, it's fine with me.
Well, what about the water?
Great I'll be by to
see you then tomorrow.
Yeah, bye.
- Well?
- Yes and no.
There was Slithis
in the water samples
from about 20 yards out.
Not exactly like the
first droppings I
gave him but similar.
None of the water samples
showed any radioactivity though.
- Is that what you expected?
- I would've confirmed
a current leak.
See the Slithis means that
there was a leak sometime.
Impossible to determine when
though according to Dr. John.
- Wayne, I just can't imagine
how you're gonna
convince anybody
that there's a slime
creature feasting
on the residents of Venice.
I love you very, very much,
and I don't believe
a word of it.
- Well, just wait till
I suggest the idea
to the police tomorrow morning.
- So, you weren't too
surprised when the police
didn't think much
of your theory, huh?
- Yeah, but I had
to give it a shot.
The aggregation was that
Lieutenant Prentiss.
Says he's in charge
of a 120 men.
He shouldn't be in
charge of pencils.
- Well, so the cops
aren't interested.
What's your next step?
- Well, I got an idea.
Apparently, the
creature moves on land,
but primarily it's a
water animal, right?
So, what if we cut off the
only access to the canals?
- In theory, no
more Venice murders.
- Right, the damn thing
would go on out looking
for more food and hopefully
go right on out to sea.
- So how do you plan
to close off the canal?
- Well, the water
level of the canals
is determined by the tides.
High tide lots of water, low
tide and the canals are dry.
So we wait for low tide, and
then close off the water lock
at the mouth of the grand canal.
Deprived of that root,
the creature can't get
to the upper canals.
- Somebody's gonna
raise holy hell
when they notice that the water
isn't coming back
in with the tide.
Now wait a minute
what do you mean
we close off the water lock?
You know this is
probably illegal.
- Yeah, this is gonna be
tougher than I thought.
It's two locks and
a lot of fence.
A key where did you get a key?
- An old college friend of mine
is a resident oceanologist here.
All it takes is a
phone call.
- Okay, with any luck at all
no one will notice
this until tomorrow,
and we'll see what
happens tonight.
- Three, two, one.
- You got a race.
Changing direction.
Reason to get a
$50 turtle there.
Gary's gonna bring
out a no-time winner
by names of Legs Magert.
That's has an almost
racing win of zip.
- Five, four,
three, two, one.
- The gate is up!, man, look!
Many of them fishing
out the gate.
Look at this!
The Magician's
going to the line!
The Magician in a total
finish for the event!
The Magician wraps
it up, racing!
These are the monsters.
These are the ones you
gotta watch out for.
They've been known
to attack spectators.
For the beginner's racing
Sheryl's gonna bring out Moe.
- Come on
let's get out of here.
- It's
a maiden entry.
The winner!
The winner in a time
of 22 seconds flat,
Richards, Richards breeding.
- That place
was like a zoo tonight.
A lot crazier than usual.
- I know I've
never seen anything like it.
- So now I'm gonna
show you something else
you've never seen before.
The Marina del Rey from
the rear deck of my boat.
- Sounds like fun.
- Who was the girl
you were with tonight?
- Oh, that's my cousin.
That's who I'm staying
with while I'm out here.
- Yeah, you said you
were visiting from, uh?
- Souska, North
Dakota, population 611.
- Alright, the big time, huh?
You know I saw you get
checked three times tonight,
so, I guess, you're
old enough to party.
But you do look younger.
- Oh, would it make a
difference if I were?
- Not really, depending
on how much though.
- Oh, back home everyone has ID.
I'm only 18, but I
don't act like it, do I?
- No, absolutely not.
You come across much
older, at least 20,
and I'm an instant
dirty old man.
So what do you do in
Souska, North Dakota?
What does anybody do in
Souska, North Dakota?
- Well, practically
everyone leaves.
That's what I'm about to do.
That's why I'm out here now.
I'm just getting
things together.
'Cause back home the
only work is in the
ball bearing factories.
Souska's famous for
its ball bearings.
- I can't believe it.
- Well, it's true
Souska's a factory town.
- And so what are you
gonna do out here?
- I don't know I
really don't care.
It's just different,
it's exciting.
- And it's not Souska, right?
- Right.
- Yeah, right.
- So how long have
you lived on a boat?
- Oh, a couple of years now.
But I'm getting
the old bug again,
and I'll be doing some more
travelling pretty soon.
- My cousin and I were
in Hawaii last summer.
- Hmm.
You know you are
really nice looking
with such a nice tight body.
- Well, I played
a lot in school,
you know sports and things.
- Yeah, that too.
Hey, listen I gotta
go to the john,
so why don't you go
on out onto the boat.
Maybe pour us a
little wine, huh?
- Alright, well,
which one is it?
- Big cruiser, see
end of the dock.
The light are on and the
cabin door should be open.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Oh, hey, I'm sorry.
I thought it was Doug.
I was waiting, and
I heard his car.
I'm really sorry.
- It's alright you
just scared me.
- My name is Rex I live
in the building next door.
- Hi, I'm Jennifer.
- Okay.
- Great a party, huh?
What's all the commotion?
- Huh, nothing much
I was waiting for you
and watching a
little TV down below,
and I kind of caught
Jennifer here off guard.
- Yeah, well I'll bet.
Just leaving though
weren't you, Rex?
- Yeah, I guess I was.
Nice meeting you Jennifer,
and again I apologize
for the shock, bye.
- It's all right it
was nice meeting you.
- Rex is a good guy, but
he hangs around a lot.
Just a frustrated
boat owner, I guess.
Let's go below.
- Okay.
It's a nice place to live.
- Yeah, I try to make it
as comfortable as possible.
And I am sorry about Rex.
I mean, I was surprised
as you must have been.
- Well, you know good
fences make good neighbors
or at least that's the way
Robert Frost felt about it.
- And he was right at least
where Rex is concerned.
How about that wine?
- Hmm, that'd be great.
- Okay.
Hit the music, okay?
- Okay.
Thank you.
- Red wine
from chilled glasses,
and with a flick of the switch,
instant atmosphere.
To us.
What time is your curfew?
- Why would you ask that?
- I was just wondering.
- Yeah, I'll bet.
Oh, yeah.
- You're tense?
- Cold.
- Yeah, give me this.
Turn around.
Turn around.
Your tense up here.
And here can you feel this?
- Oh, yeah, I can.
- And down in here?
- Yes.
- Come on let's go below.
- No, I shouldn't.
- Come on, come on.
- Hey, what was that?
- That's nothing.
I'm moored at the
end of the dock
and I catch the wave from
every passing boat that all.
- Well, you know you
left the cabin door open.
I wish you'd lock it.
I know it's silly but with
your friend hanging around--
- Hey, listen, listen, listen.
If it'll make you comfortable,
I'll do it all right.
I mean, I like my privacy too.
Why don't you get naked
while I'm gone, alright?
- Okay.
- Doug?
- Look I said no comment
and I mean no comments!
Come in.
- Lieutenant, there's
some guy named
Connors here to see you.
- Oh, yes, I know Connors,
Brown, bring him in.
- Connors.
- Well, very good, Brown.
Hold all calls.
- Good evening, Lieutenant.
- No, no it isn't.
It is an insidious evening
following a disastrous morning.
I suppose you've
heard the latest?
- Mm-hmm, two more.
This time in the marina.
That's why I'm here.
- I assume that had something
to do with your visit.
- I know you don't think very
much of my theory, Lieutenant.
But this time I've got evidence
that's a bit more substantial.
- Well, get on with it, Connors.
- Last night's murders
took place in the marina
because I shut off the
creature's access to the canals.
Yesterday afternoon I closed
the lock at the marina jetty.
- It's against the law to
tamper with those locks.
You should've been arrested.
- But I wasn't.
Look I'm trying
to help you people
stop this horrible business.
I've been doing the work your
police officers haven't been
because they've been
too busy trying to prove
this ridiculous
mutilation cult garbage!
- Alright, Connors.
It's obvious that you
are trying to help us.
And if I were not dissatisfied
with this mutilation
theory myself,
you would not be sitting
in my office at this time.
But, I do not believe one word
of your slither story!
- Slithis.
- Oh, pardon me, Slithis story.
But, what I saw this afternoon
it was a blood bath.
In the interest
of public safety,
I am willing to
consider everything.
Therefore, I will have one
of my police scientists
talk even with you.
Sergeant, ask Risling
to come in for a moment.
- So then this incredibly
adaptable mutation
has involved into a
humanoid creature.
But Mr. Connors why is
it murdering people?
- Not murdering.
It's feeding on them.
See it attacks and
eats whatever's around.
Look, when I sampled the mud
off the shore of
the power plant,
my diver said he saw
no sea life at all,
no fish, nothing.
It's stands to reason
that the creature
has eatin' himself out
of his spawning grounds,
and he's moved on
looking for food.
Now it hit a good
area in the canals,
fish, dogs, people,
so it returned.
Yesterday afternoon I cut
off the creature's access
to the canals and it
moved on down the channel
and onto one of the boats.
Now maybe if there had
been water in the canal
when we closed it off,
the creature would've gone
over the embankment and
across the road I don't know.
I don't believe we're
dealing with anything
that's ever existed
before, so there's no way
of predicting what
it's going to do.
- Well, I'm not
going to question the
possibility of Slithis
because organic
mud may well exist.
Although, it borders
on a abiogenesis,
which was disproven by Louis
Pasteur back in the 1800,
but that's neither
here nor there.
What I can't accept is the
idea that this thing has been
living off the coast all this
time and no one's noticed it.
- Risling.
The point is moot.
I have just finished chatting
with the plant manager
at the Imperial
Nuclear Energy station,
and he assures me
that his facility
has not had any radioactive
leak of any kind
since this plant was
constructed in 1965!
- Of course, he did
I told you he would.
Did you expect him to
admit something like that!
- Unless Risling feels
that some further
conversation would be
of a productive nature,
I believe we will
close this subject.
Very well.
Mr. Connors, again I
am going to thank you
for your display
of public spirit.
But I'm very busy, and my
department is very busy!
Risling will escort you
out for the last time!
- Brother that is one
crazy story, but who knows.
- Stranger things
have come to pass,
like the existence
of Slithis itself.
- Well, actually two
of my people fishing
off the coast of Jamaica
netted an ill-like creature
that the expert thought
extinct for centuries.
In the sea all
things are possible.
- Oh, really.
- But not probable.
I won't be the loan
dissenter here.
Whatever you guys
decide is fine with me.
- I never thought I'd hear it.
- Yes, I never
thought I'd say it.
- Tell me something.
If this Slithis does
retain the traits you say,
why won't it return
to its spawning beds?
- You mean the area
we found the samples?
- Right.
- John?
- Hey.
While I am thinking of it.
If there is a
creature down there,
you might have gotten me eatin'.
- It was a chance I had to take.
- White boy, please.
- Hey, Chris, have you
got a small sonar tracker?
- I think I can get one.
A friend of mine
will loan it to me.
- I like it.
All we do is wait out there
until we detect the creature,
and then follow it in.
- And if the thing exists,
that'll spot it alright?
- Yeah, but what then?
I mean, assuming
that you spot it.
- We catch the bad ass mother.
I've got netting that'll
hold a great white.
I guarantee it won't get away,
and I know a couple of
guys that would love
to join to us on a monster hunt.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Hell with the police.
Dr. John, you and Jeff
you wait by the canal entrance.
When we pick up the creature
and see he's headed
towards the canals,
you close off the lock.
- How are we gonna know?
- Yeah, there's a couple of
radios I can get at school.
I think I can get them
out with no problem.
They're good for
up to a mile or so.
- And then when we
close off the canal,
you guys follow the big boy
wherever his appetite leads him.
- Right, send in the
hue and cry as we go!
- Oh, no, if this thing is real,
we ain't going to say anything
to anyone until it's caught,
and I'm going to catch it.
- All right.
- Sun's
going down quick.
It should be a clear night.
- But in case it's not,
I have Mike and Nicolas
to hook up the generator
and the night lights.
The sonar is working okay,
and I borrowed this
spotlight in case we need it.
It's one powerful mother.
- I hope this radio
is gonna be all right.
It worked out fine at school.
- And I brought this too.
- Yeah, I noticed.
I don't know if that's
gonna be of any use though.
Remember the Dunns
unloaded a whole pistol
into that creature
and nothing happened.
- This ain't a pistol, my man.
Think we'll be here all night?
- I don't know.
Since it's never been
spotted during the day,
I guess it does all
its forging after dark.
Maybe it's irritated
by the boat traffic,
and waits until it dies down.
I don't know what
senses this thing has,
so I don't know how it
reacts to its environment.
- It's got an appetite.
That's its downfall.
Give Mike and Nicolas a
hand with the nets, will ya?
- Yeah, okay.
What time is it?
Oh, about 1:30.
- Time isn't going
by slow, it stopped.
- It feels that way.
- What?
- It's real it's over there
about 20 feet off the barge.
Okay, okay.
Now when it really starts
moving, let it get enough head,
so the engines don't spook it.
- I just hope we
can keep up with it.
This is it.
Wake up on deck.
We got something.
- Right back towards the marina.
Now don't lose it.
- Don't worry I couldn't lose
junior here even if I tried.
According to the sonar
this thing is sized large.
- Straight for
the canal entrance.
Hello, Jeff, hello, Jeff.
- Hi, honey, we're
about to fall asleep.
- Well, wake up
because we're on our way.
The creature is heading
right for the opening.
Tell John to close off the lock.
- What there really
is something?
- We're following
it now get John moving!
- Dr. John, Dr. John wake up.
- Huh, what is it?
- They're headed this way.
They're tracking the
thing towards us.
Wayne says to close the lock.
- Okay.
- Wayne,
John's got it sealed.
- Good, now stay
awake and keep your eyes open.
I don't know what
you should expect.
- We see
what we shall see.
- Jeff,
Chris says we're in
about as far as we can go.
The creature's
getting close to you,
but it's difficult
to say just how close
because of the rocks.
- We're watching.
Wayne, I hear something.
- What's going on?
- Maybe I can see something.
- Okay, it must
be heading for the boats.
I should pick it up on
the tracker pretty quick.
- Get the car quick!
Get in the car!
- Wayne!
Wayne, it's coming!
- the transmission's
locked down inside the car!
- Wayne!
- Jeff!
- Get out of the car!
- Dr. John!
Dr. John!
Oh, Dr. John, are you alright?
- I'm okay.
I'm okay.
- Wayne, Wayne we're all right.
Dr. John's not hurt.
Wait the monster's
not following him.
I think it's dead!
- No, it's alive we got
it on the scanner again.
It's headed for the harbor.
I think the thing was
trying for the canal
when it ran into you.
- We gotta move.
Nicolas, keep your eyes open.
- Jeff, we're gonna follow it.
Head it off before
he reaches the boats.
Now you and John wait
for us at Chris's slip.
- Wayne, be
careful, I love you.
- The things making
a crazy move,
but it doesn't
seem to be injured.
- The son of a bitch
probably can't feel pain.
You know if it gets
in the docking area
under the boats we've lost it.
- I've got that covered.
We're gonna get it to
chase after us for a while.
- How?
- I've got 30 gallons
of chum in the tank.
If the big boy is hungry,
I'll give him all he can handle.
Remember, brother, this
thing is just a fish.
I'm one hell of a fisherman.
Take over the helm.
Here, pour this fragrant
garbage over the port
while I reverse our direction.
Dinner is served
you big bastard.
Fish head soup.
Okay, you ready to put the
hook to the slimy beast.
- I guess, what's the plan?
- We're gonna net it,
drag it off to sea,
wear it down and pull it in.
- Pull it in, we just saw that
son of a bitch demolish a car
and you're gonna pull it in?
How about calling
the Coast Guard?
- No way, this
thing belongs to us.
Besides if this creature is
shy of boats like you say,
an open call to the Coast
Guard is gonna bring out
every boat in the harbor.
The thing will then
head right out to sea.
- You sure about the nets?
- Hey, man, strongest still.
- Let's do it.
- Okay, I'll slow her down.
Move forward and keep watch.
Now dump what you've got left.
Right next to the side.
When we spot it below
surface, we toss the net.
Oh, shit.
- What happened?
- I don't know, but I don't
wanna be sitting without power
when that thing
finishes the chum.
Mike, take the helm.
Let's go below.
Engine's overheated.
Bring me a bucket of water.
I can't wet it now.
If I crack the block, that's it.
- What caused it to overheat?
- I don't know maybe
the water pump.
I can fix it but not
until it cools down.
Close the door the guys
on deck don't have to know
what's happening here.
- I don't see a
damn thing out here.
Mike, turn on the
big lamp, will you?
- Oh, hell, this
thing isn't working.
I'm gonna have to
find a flashlight.
- Take your time.
Not much happening out here.
- Oh, Mike!
- Look out!
Use the shotgun.
Wayne, the net we can snare him.
- He's dead now.
- Then let's get
rid of the nasty
son of a bitch over the side.
- No!
We gotta take it back.
- Of what?
Mike, Nicolas gone.
The two of us damn near dead.
That's garbage there.
Wayne smell it, man.
It came from the
sea now it's dead.
Send it back!
It's better, man.
That thing doesn't belong
with us, with anyone.
- Yeah, okay.
Yeah, what the hell.