Sophiiiie! (2002) - full transcript

The film starts in the early evening of a normal day: Sophie, a 20 year old girl, is pregnant and wanders through the night to get sure about her future life. Does she want to be a mother or do an abortion? Does she love her friend or not? Who is the father of her unborn baby? Trying to figure out what to do Sophie encounters many people, and in the morning she has come to a decision. But this is not the movie's end...

It's okay.

Everything's going to be okay.

- Hey...

Do I get the Monster?

Not whiIe you're Iike this.
- PIease...

Come on....not now.

I'II give you anything you want but...
- Not the Monster.

Yes, the Monster too, but not
whiIe you're Iike this.

You're so good to me...

You can have her tomorrow, okay?

Tomorrow afternoon.
After... Okay?...Okay?

Okay. You're an angeI.

ShaII we take a shower first?
- You want to?

I'II be right there ...

Won't be a minute...

Oh, pIease no. Not tonight.

My money's got stuck
in the cigarette machine.

My money's got stuck
in the cigarette machine!

You'II have to write
to the maintenance firm.

What! ... is it reaIIy such a big
deaI to give me my 3 Euros back?!

The address is on there,
bottom right.

But it's your damn café and
your cigarette machine, right?

Hey! HeIIoooo!

At Ieast I can
get a coffee, can't I?

That's grievous bodiIy harm!


Hey, I'm not paying for that!

Something wrong, huh?
- Maybe.

Need some heIp? - You'd be better off
heIping yourseIf. You stink to high heaven.

You're exuding a...
quite impressive odour, man...

You're giving off a reaI stink!

You Iooking for troubIe?

You think I wouIdn't hit a woman?

Hey cooI it brother, take it easy, okay?
Hey, aII I meant was... of us has stepped in dog shit, okay?
Least, that's what it smeIIs Iike.

Thanks, sister.
Give her a Iarge Iager, KaIIe!

I'm Makko...

HeIIo Marco.

Who are you, then?
- I'm Soffi.

See you Iater, Marco.
- See ya Iater, Soffi.

Hi. I'm Jörg.

And who are you, then?

I'm 'I'd-Iike-a-bit-of-piece-
and-quiet-thanks'. - 'Scuse me?

If you wanted peace and quiet you'd
stay home... Or at Ieast not come here.

This is where you come
to get some action!

That's great, guys.

Let's see some action, then!

What's the matter?
What are you waiting for?

Yeah, or you...

or you...

Hey guys...
Hey, turn it down!

Okay boys, I've just heard you're
supposed to be reaI party animaIs!

So come on, Iet's go then!

What's the matter?
What are you waiting for?




Missed your chance! Though I have to say
guys, it wouId've been a reaI surprise.

You want a surprise?
- Oh god.

Then Iet's go in the backroom.

Oh, man... c'mon...
- Cutie!

I know way too much about
you aIready, okay?

What do you know about me?

You got bad breath,
you wear cheesy socks...

...and you've aIways being terrified
that your cock is too smaII.

Yeah, right -
great surprise potentiaI!

Just you come!

You what? You bag of shit!

- You... just you say that again!

Bag of shit! Dickhead!

She insuIted me.
You hear what she said?

Hey, sorry. It's not true, what I said.

You're not a dickhead ...I'm sorry.

You mean that?
- Yeah, sure.

I mean, I don't Iook aII
that crappy, right?

You're a reaI shit face!

You nuts or something?!

Hey, I aIways thought that
was just a swearword...

...untiI I saw your ugIy mug up cIose.
And you know what?

You are the first genuine shit face
I've ever come across.

I don't beIieve this.
Do I have to put up with this?

Yeah and you know why?
You know why?

Thomas, stay out of this, okay.
Stay out of this.

You Iook exactIy Iike
a piece of shit.

Are you insane?
Man, is she crazy or something?

I'II show you what we do with
dumb sIuts Iike you.

Come on, then.
Show me.

You're gonna be sorry, you cunt.
- I can hardIy wait, Casanova.

You dumb cunt.
She's off her fucking head!

You cunt! Come here!
Come here!

Oh boy, I'm aIready suffering.
Hear that trickIing?

I've wet my pants.

Now you're aII wet too...


You fucking cunt!

Hey Sigi baIdhead!

Ha ha, very funny...

Fuck this!

WeII, guess I'II be going.

You cunt.


Come here, stay here.

You're staying here.
Cunt. You're stayin'.

Hey, what do you aII want,
a gang rape or something?!

Shut the fuck up.

If you want to know, I'm aIready
pregnant from a rapist!

Hey, I 'm aII tears.
- And that's why I'm a bit mixed up.

Just come here, you.

I'II make you an offer, okay.
I'II make you an offer.

If I guess right that you're wearing jocks
or boxer shorts, then I can go, okay?

And if I get it wrong...
- Then you'II give me a bIow job. Okay?


Where? Right here!

Hey, fucking great!

Okay... if you can get it up...
- Don't you worry about that.

Are you wearing underpants...?
- Come on, take it off.

But first I gotta guess!
- Yeah, first the bet, first the bet.

Okay, so you're wearing underpants.
- She's gonna bIow me one!

So what is it then?
Boxers or jocks? Hm?

I say jocks.


I say jocks.
- Take it off, take it off...

She's gotta bIow me!

Come on, come on.

Fuckin' great!

The bet stands... Come on!

But take it nice and easy now.

WiII it get any bigger?
- Yeah, 'course.

The bet stands!
Come on, put some effort into it!

Come on, get going!

You made a bet!

But it's stiII very smaII.
- Shut the fuck up. BIow me now!

Hey, stay back, you bastards.

Why the heII are you doing this?
I haven't done anything to you.

One more step and
his cock is off, okay?!

Just don't do anything stupid, okay?!
Jesus, don't do anything stupid.

It's my dick.

Why? Why?

Open the door.
- Hey, that's enough.

Stop it now!
Christ, just piss off!

Open the door!
- PIease don't, pIease.

Shit, you bIoody cunt. You're a cunt.
I'm gonna cut your tits off.

You fuckin' cunt. Fuckin' cunt...

Where to?

Just drive...

... and turn Ieft after
the two hundredth traffic Iight.

I'II heIp you count.

I'm up to 13,
what about you?

I make it 11.

Shit, you better turn round
and go back...

...otherwise we'II never find out.

That was a joke.

Customer's aIways right.

Sophie. Nice to meet you.


Are you Turkish, Aziz?


You Iook pretty fit, Aziz.
Do you do work out?

Jogging. I jog a Iot.

Because of aII the driving, right?

I keep fit, too.
I ride a motorbike.

I never use the stairs,
I aIways take the Iift.

I cough a Iot.
I throw up reguIarIy.

I spend a heII of a Iot of time
on the Ioo, anyway.

And I go to bed and get up
again severaI times a day...

Am I taIking too much, Achmed?

Where to?

How much wouId you charge
for the whoIe night?

It's a spIit charge.

Waiting time costs 25 Euros an hour,
on the road 35 cents per kiIometre.

So you earn Iess for waiting?

On the other hand,
I don't use up petroI.

The boss pays that anyway.

I am the boss.

Hey. So what does the boss say?

The boss drives as Iong
as your money Iasts.

WeII, don't you worry, then.

You know what, Aziz?

I think money is overrated.

I've never had a
probIem with it, anyway.

What... what do you do?

I'm a city girI.
A professionaI city girI.


What I said.


Hey Aziz, that means no pIaying
on the grass. Dog shit.

Keep in your Iane. Radar controI.
Fat care taker. Toupée.

SIow down, residentiaI area.
Bad advertising. Stinking traffic.

Sweaty athIet's foot.
Big fat moustaches.

Crow's feet. Sperm fIecks.

Spots on the bum. VaginaI thrush...

Stop it.

Hey, it's free association.
- Just stop it!

Aziz, it's just free association
about my Iife, that's aII.

My fabuIous, shitty Iife.

Yeah, there has to be pests, too.

They're just as important
as usefuI animaIs.

Otherwise there's no use in any of them.

Am I taIking too much, Aziz?

Where to?

Where you want to go?!

Our trip has no destination,
onIy an end.

10 o'cIock in the morning.

I have an appointment then.

A very important appointment.

They're taking something...out of me.

Excuse me, but can we settIe
the fare now?

Yeah, of course, Aziz.

Just stop up ahead there.

I'II be right back, okay.

There's a smaII probIem Aziz.

Can we just drive on another 5 minutes?
Then you'II get your money, okay?

Just drive for another five minutes
and you'II get the money. I promise.


A poet.

A miIIion asshoIes in this city and I
have to pick a Iousy poet with no money.

Don't you respect poets, Aziz?

Maybe he wasn't one at aII...

Have you got a wife, Aziz?


A daughter.

How oId?


Her name's Sisafun.

Pretty name.


WouId you show me a picture
of her?

That's what peopIe do when they
Iike someone, right?

Who says I Iike you?

A bit. You Iike me
a IittIe bit, don't you?

Stop that right now!

You mean you don't Iike me at aII?

You don't want to screw me,
Iike aII the others?

- I'm sorry, I...

56,20 pIease.

I didn't mean to offend you...

- Okay, okay.

You'II get the rest in a second.

I promise.

What do you think you're doing?

I need money.
- Money.

Yeah. A bit of money
wouIdn't hurt.

How much?

40 Euros wouId do.

You're cheap.
A cheap IittIe whore.

I'II give 200 if you puII
your dress up reaI sIow...

...and Iet me come on your
Iegs and ass.

You can keep your
knickers on.

And if I don't want to?

Then I'II rape you.

Right here?

There, in my van. much wouId
I get for that?

That's aIways on the house.

Otherwise it wouIdn't be rape,
wouId it?

Hey, but now I know your face...

Look, most of 'em do it wiIIingIy.

And the rest become wiIIing.

OnIy then they have something wrong
with their kidneys...

...and have to run to the toiIet
every 15 minutes.

You a professionaI or something?

I'II do it if you teII me what you
do for a Iiving, okay?

You don't want to know that.
- Sure I do.

No you don't.
- I do.

Watch it!
You've got ten seconds...

I think... we've got a deaI.


Now you know what I do
for a Iiving.

I soIve probIems.

Can't change that.

Fake. Hasn't even got
an aIuminium strip.

Hey Manu honey. Hi....

Yeah, sorry...

You'II never beIieve what's
happened to me ...

I've fixed everything, we have go to some
ItaIian restaurant. In Goethestrasse.

I know Goethestrasse.

Now we have a destination.

A normaI taxi ride with a
destination, in Goethestrasse. Right?


Everything's okay now.

It's not so far.

I used to Iive there, up on the third fIoor.
- ReaIIy?

But so Ioud.
Concerts aII the time.


So, riding round in taxis now, are we?
- I need a fifty. UrgentIy.

You crazy?
- You'II get it back.

Have you been swimming
or something?

Why do you need a taxi when you've
nicked my Monster, anyway?

I'II teII you in a sec!

Keep the change.
- Thanks.

You were right by the way.
I'm just a two-bit part-time cab driver...

Me too, Aziz. Ciao.

Hey, if you ever need a taxi...
But with a destination!

Thanks. Ciao.

You don't just want to make
me Iook a fooI.

Have you ordered, darIing?
- And cut the darIing crap!


Have you crashed her?

Are you testing me?

Is this one of your jokes?

Aren't you the Ieast IittIe
bit pIeased to see me?

His girIfriend couId have been kiIIed and
aII he's interested in is his motorbike.

Isn't that charming?

Have you decided?

AIthough to be fair,
it is a Ducati Monster.

A Monster.

A big Monster?

ExactIy, a big one.
The tuned version, 165 horse power.

So, where is she?

Sophie... you know she's
not even paid for...

I didn't have an accident or a crash,
and then I parked her, she was just fine.

And where is she now? Is she okay?
Why the heII are you taking taxis?

Because I've been drinking! You shouIdn't
ride a motorbike then, shouId you?

No, of course not.

I'm sorry...

I was just worried, that's aII.

I'II have...

...a feta cheese saIad,
spaghetti putanesca...

...the griIIed scampi,
the fiIIet steak, bIeu...

...and after that...

...a zabaione.

Anything to drink?

MineraI water.
A Iarge bottIe, pIease.

A smaII beer, pIease.

Thank you.

Not having anything to eat?...

I had a reaI appetite aII
of a sudden.

Great. I bet you anything you'II be
feeIing much better tomorrow.

But I'm feeIing pretty good!

Throwing up and aII that
is quite normaI at the beginning.

Don't teII me you're thinking again
of keeping it, are you?

I was just saying that my condition
isn't unusuaI for a pregnancy.

You're going there tomorrow.


Of course I am.


I have no idea what I shouId do...

I'II respect whatever
decision you make.

And if you reaIIy want to keep it...

...then we'II raise it together...

...and maybe throw in a IittIe
brother or sister Iater...

Pardon me?

You're not serious, are you?

Or you go there tomorrow and
we'II deaI with that together.

But just decide, okay?

It's driving me crazy!

Ten o'cIock tomorrow
it'II be aII over.

I'd Iike to come with you...

You don't trust me...
- ... to heIp you.

You wouIdn't trust me
for five minutes...

You're capabIe of anything,
that's aII.

You Iike that?

Then why are you together with me?

You reaIIy want to know?

I Iove your ass.

My ass is, of course,
one of the seven wonders of the worId...

...but some day it'II be history.

What then?

Then I'II Iook for another part
of your body.

Your mouth.


...then you'II Iook for another ass.
You asshoIe.

No, I won't.
- Yes, you wiII.

No, I won't.

And if I did then you
couId torch the Monster.

That's some promise.

Just have to go to the Ioo.

A spaghetti putanesca...

...and a feta cheese saIad.

Thanks very much.


...where to?

Hey, that's my question.

Let's do it the other way round...

Listen, I aIready had four crazies

...and I've had it.

Just teII me where you want to go,
I'II take you there...

...and you pay me whatever it says here.

And pIease don't taIk about
the weather or your probIems.

You have don't have to give
me a tip either.

If we're agreed on that then pIease
just teII me where you'd Iike to go...

...otherwise I'II ask you to get out.

But I don't know where
I want to go.

I'II, I'II pay you doubIe
if you take me home...

And where's that?

Not a cIue...

Maybe you have an idea...?

Get out pIease.

HeIIIooo, here I am!

It's okay, it's okay.
- Hey, Iook over there!

WeII you take him
if you think you know better.

My god...
Yes, I know darIing, you're tired...

...we're going home in a minute...
- Yes... I'II take him home ...

You've finished haven't you?

Just take him home, then.

He needs to go to bed!
- Okay, okay!


Another one?
- Sure. Thanks.

No probIem.




I'II have two more.

What have you got?



Two more, pIease.

To us!
- To us.

Of course.


One thousand, four hundred and
sixtythree thousand four miIIion.

That's not much!

So, where to then?

- That's usuaIIy your question...

...I know but this time Iet's do it
the other way round, okay?

What do you mean?

WeII, if you were the passenger,
where wouId you Iike to go?


To your wife?

You Iove your wife?

Excuse me being so bIunt,
but I'd just reaIIy Iike to know.



...because I'm not feeIing
so great at the moment.

Sure I Iove my wife.
Very much.

WouId you take me there?
Just for 15 minutes?

I'II pay you of course.

How far is it to your pIace?

Oh, we'II soon be there.

Come right in!

Through here...

Make yourseIf comfortabIe.
I'II go and see where EIIen is.

She's not there. SureIy nothing's
happened to her...?

Nonsense. Of course not.

Maybe she's visiting
a neighbour or something.

Not at this hour.

I aIways caII her at tweIve
to say 'good night'.

Then why don't you do that now.

Can't ring myseIf.

But you've got a mobiIe.

And there's those caII switching
things, you know ...'caII forward'.

It's ringing...

...but it's not ringing here...

HeIIo sweetheart...

She's turning the TV down...

Yes, the evening's going weII,
Iots of customers...

...and how are you?

Good. When are you going to bed?

In five minutes.

And where?

No... you're not at home.
I'm at home ...

So, where to?

Good question...

The NobeIbar.


It's a brotheI, though...

I get a fifty for
every fare I take there...

... and you've never been in yourseIf...
or were you?

Right, Iet's go then.

Quite nice here.

I don't often get nice
passengers Iike you.

Most of them just fooI around with their
mobiIe phones the whoIe time.

It used to be different. I've been
driving a taxi for 15 years now.

Started when I was a student.

First I studied church weIfare...

...because my father was a pastor.
In those days you just did the same thing.

Then I saw an ad for taxi drivers,
I answered and I kept on with it.

Drove for 3 days a week
and earned a packet.

Now I drive 4 days, 4 to 5 days a week,
yeah weII, got to pay aIimony...

...the fuII deaI with bIood tests
and aII that.

I couIdn't beIieve that if I
was the father...

...but anyway that's how things
turned out...

...and then there was a
court decision ...

Anyhow, don't have much
Iuck with women. - Cheers.

Yeah, Iast time, Iast year
I went on hoIiday with CIaudia... daughter, for the first time.
ReaIIy nice.

But then she changed so much,
that the kid's mother...

...didn't want me to see her any more.

So now we basicaIIy onIy
see each other secretIy.

And now I've to fork out.



Short for Gisbert.


Short for Sophiiiie!

If you'II do that on the bar,
I'II pay you good money.

Huh, that?

How much?



What wouId I have to take off?
My shoes?

Just your dress.
No touching.

What about Ieaving my bra on.
What wouId I get then?

Not with a bra.

The customers can see a bra anytime,
on the oId Iady at home.

So, you want to earn
a IittIe extra?


What do you do?

How about you?

I'm a businessman.

I'm a caII agent.

A caII agent?

Yeah. In a bank.

I make caIIs aII day.
Like this:

HeIIo Herr Schneider. Yes, I'm afraid we'II
have to withdraw your EC card...'s 6000 in arrears.
Can't do that...not possibIe...


Yes, I have something on
this evening. Goodbye.

That's what I do, I'm on the
phone the whoIe time.

How much do you make a month?

How about you?

A Iot.

How much?


I have houses in the city,
on the sea...

...a yacht...

...and I go to the South Seas
IsIands reguIarIy.


Whenever I want.

I'm a free man.

Oh, wouId you take me to the
South Sea IsIands, Gigi? - Sure.

Oh, couId we Ieave tomorrow? CouId we
go to the South Seas IsIands tomorrow?

- No... reaIIy?


Wait, I have to get that in writing.
Hang on.

Can I use this?
- Of course.

Great. Okay.

I, Gigi...

...wiII take Sophie...

...with me tomorrow... the South Seas IsIands.

But onIy if you'II have
a gIass of champagne with me.

Of course. So, couId you pIease sign
down here on the right. - Cheers.

Just sign first.

Okay then.

- CooI.

- Cheers.

Okay, so how much do
you make a month?

Just under fifteen hundred.

You couId earn three times that here.
In a week.

I'II think about it Gigi.
Let's have the down payment first.

You quite the tough kid, aren't you.
- I'm a businesswoman.

There's just one smaII probIem.
- Yes?

If I spend 100 smackers,
I usuaIIy get something for it.

What do you mean?

I'm just about to dance.
And send your profits through the roof...

BIow me and you get 200.

You know... I reaIIy don't see any
percentage in that. None at aII...

WeII, then it wiII probabIy hurt
and you won't get a thing.

Oh pIease don't hit me, Gigi.
I'm not insured.

You see the percentage now, Sophie?

Come on, bIow me.

Come on, do it.

Hurry up, get on with it.

Why won't your trousers open?


Sorry ... aIready had a face fuII
of sperm this evening.

Not my probIem.
- Not mine either.

You bIow me now.

Go on then, waste me, asshoIe...
- I said, I want you to bIow me one.

No way, I'm not taking your stinking
cock in my mouth.

I toId you, you're gonna bIow me!
- WeII then, puII the trigger, big shot!

What's the matter with you?

You scared or something?

You frightened you'II get caught?
- I said, you have to bIow me.

What's the matter, then, Gigi? Were you
ever inside? - Can't you hear me?

Were you ever in prison?

Come on. No.

No? WeII then, get yourseIf a good
Iawyer and you'II be out in...

I said, you have to bIow me.

...and being inside is reaIIy not
so bad these days...

You have to bIow me one!
- ...they have private ceIIs, reaIIy.

And fitness centres.

I'm sure you don't have your A-IeveIs,
so you can do those too.

Come on, just squeeze
the trigger. Gigi.

What are you waiting for?

You have no idea, do you.

We're cIosing.

No probIem by me.

The fiIm's over, you paid your money
and you saw the fiIm.

So it wouId be great if you
wouId just go now pIease.

CouIdn't you just run the fiIm again?
- No.

Look, I've no idea what
your probIem is.

I've been working here aII day
and now I'm tired and I'd Iike to go home.

And for that to happen I need
you to Ieave so I can cIose up.

Haven't you got a home?

Can I heIp you or something?

HeIp yourseIf, kid.

Sometimes probIems seem smaIIer
when you taIk about them...

Forget it smartass.

What's the matter, you scared?

An inteIIigent, good-Iooking woman
goes with me to a expensive hoteI...

...after knowing me for onIy ten
minutes to drink the minibar dry.

So there must be a catch...

There is, too.

I'm a bit nuts.

That doesn't matter.
So am I.

So, you're a reaI Iady kiIIer, right?


You got a girIfriend?

Not a steady one.

God, why do guys aIways say
'no steady girIfriend'?

You think it makes you
somehow cooIer or something?

I don't know either. Sorry.

Then just try to imagine you do have
a steady girIfriend, okay?

Did you ever have one?
- Yes.

How Iong?

Four months.


...anyway, try to imagine...

...that you were together with someone for
quite some time, Iike a year or two...

...and you Ioved her.
You with me so far?

- Okay.

And then Iet's say that she suddenIy said
out of the bIue, that she was pregnant.

What wouId you do?

That wouId depend.

On what?

How much I Ioved her...

And then if she toId you
the kid wasn't yours?

And if she refused point bIank to
say whose it was...

...and just screamed and
bIubbered and fIipped out?

Then I'd have a probIem.
- What wouId you do?

No idea.

I'd probabIy make a reaI
scene untiI she toId whose it was.

ExactIy. That's the thing.

But you know, my boyfriend... so incredibIy bIoody
understanding I couId puke.

He just Ioves you
in his own way...

Ever since I've been pregnant I've just
found him bIand and dead boring.

And the thought of raising a chiId with him
for the next thousand years, just kiIIs me.


It's just the hormones pIaying up.

That happened to my sister
too. It passes.

Listen, I know when it's over!

Hey, don't you think...'s a IittIe unheaIthy to drink
so much when you're pregnant?

Ah shit, I totaIIy forgot.
CooI, Mum. Thanks a Iot.

You want me to go?

Nonsense, you don't have to go.

Hey, you want another drink?




- No.

Mine neither.

My stomach's pretty good,
and my ass too...

...but my thighs worry me a bit.

And I never had tits anyhow.

Oh, weII.

It's not so bad.

I'II get into bed.


If you want...

...we can get down to it.

Though I'm a bit eccentric in bed.

I don't know.

You don't find me attractive?

Passport and papers are in order...


I'm pregnant...

No, I don't know...

...I think I Iike you too
much for such a quick Iay...

You mean... we might see
each other again...

...under different circumstances...

...and it might be true Iove
or something?

Oh god, you idiot.

It's now or never!

It was now or never.

How come I onIy... asshoIes or sweet idiots.

Can anyone teII me?

And who's the father of the chiId.
A sweet idiot or an asshoIe?

You wanker!


Hey I'm sorry,
I'm reaIIy sorry.

If you need me,
I'II be here, okay?

Hey, cheers!
Say, you got some for us?



Can I heIp you? What's wrong?

Can I heIp you?

HeIIo! She's got tangIed up!

Oh god. HoId on.

...with my boyfriend...

I'II need the room number.

I toId you...

...I can't remember it.

What's your boyfriend's name?


Yes, and the surname?

Do you know what it is?

I'm afraid I can't heIp you, then.


...couIdn't you just have
a Iook in your computer.

There can't have been that many
peopIe checking in Iast...

Just a moment, pIease.
Someone wiII take care of you.

I... onIy went to get some air...

...because I feIt a bit nauseous.

Just one moment pIease, there'II be
someone here in a moment. - Sorry...

HeIIo, can I heIp you?

What week are you in?


CouId you raise your dress, pIease.
- Yes.

Does that hurt?

A bit.


It's okay.

And here?

That's okay too.
AII right.

You're both probabIy
going to be okay...

You mean it's not going to end up a moron
or something after aII that drinking?

If you haven't done this on a reguIar basis
and you're sensibIe from now on, no.

But you shouId reaIIy have a
fuII examination in any case.

Come back in a week
and we'II take out the stiches.

Do you want to drop
by the gynecoIogy ward here...

...or wouId you rather
go to your own doctor?

I'd rather go to mine.

Good Iuck, then.


You... you gave me your number.

You stiII driving the taxi?

Yes, I'm stiII awake too...

I don't think you reaIIy want
to know what I've done tonight.

Anyhow it's been
a pretty awfuI night...

But I'm feeIing better now.

I know what I want now
and that's good...

You on your way home?

Okay then... No idea...
Have a good rest, then.

Yes, I've got a destination.

Are you serious?

You'd reaIIy drive me home?

Aziz, that wouId be fantastic,
reaIIy great...


I've no idea where I am,
hang on, I'II check...

...yes, yes, I'II have a Iook.

ShouId I caII a doctor?

The toiIet...the toiIet.

HeIIo, I need a number urgentIy...

...but I onIy know the first name,
couId you Iook for me anyway?




How many entries?


It's opening... just a moment.

Yes, we've got your transaction here.

It shouId go through on the 27th.


HeIIo, pIease don't hang up. I'd just Iike to
taIk with you for a coupIe of minutes.

Yes...I'm sorry,
what do you want?

What's your name?

And what do you want
to taIk with me about, Sophie?

I've just had a miscarriage.

You feeI guiIty?

Why's that?

Because I've been drinking aII night...

...and I didn't know what to do...

...and I haven't even toId
anyone what reaIIy happened... was so bIoody stupid of me...

...and I probabIy wasn't raped at aII.

I was dancing and drinking
too much and at some stage...

...I bIacked out...

...and woke up in a park.

There was no sign I'd been
attacked or anything...

...but when I was taking
a shower at home...

...sperm came rushing out...

...and four weeks Iater
it turned out I was pregnant.

My boyfriend was in
London at the time...

...and I reaIIy have no idea
who it couId have been.

And now... I've reaIIy fucked it up... it's dead...

So, you're teIIing me you
got bIind drunk twice.

The first time when
the chiId was conceived...

...and then again Iast night,
when you Iost it?

And now you want me to comfort you.

I have just one thing
to say to you:

PeopIe Iike you
are a curse of our society!

You conceive a chiId whiIe dead drunk...

...and then Iose it again whiIe
getting pissed to the eyebaIIs.

You...'re a monster!

Fuck you! Fuck you!

Fuck you! Fuck you!
Fuck you, you wanker!

Fuck you!

You are irresponsibIe,
obstinate and immature...

You shouId be thankfuI that you
Iost your chiId. Scum breeds scum...

You got a Iight?

Excuse me,

I was just wondering if you got a Iight...


Care for a drink?


Where are you from?

PIanet Earth.

And you?

We are PoIish cowboys,

we traveI Europe,

you know and we teach Texas Two Step.

Want to see?

Oh common! Why not?

Texas Two Step is fun, is big fun.