Smog (1962) - full transcript

Are they calling me?
- Dunno, I doubt it.

May I offer you one?
- No, thanks.

Don?t be shy. When one is traveling...
- Thanks but I don?t smoke.

Where is the toilet? I can?t find it.
- Did you ask someone?

Who can understand them?
I can hardly wait 'til we arrive.

In 2 days, I?ll see my daughter.
- You going to Australia too?

No, I'm going to Mexico.
- I told you before!

I forgot. This door is closed too.

That door is the border, Ma?am.
If it were open you could enter America.

And they?ll keep us shut up here
until tonight? We're leaving tonight.

Even I have to wait and
I'm going to Mexico myself.

What did she say? - Eh, we're passengers
in transit. It would be better that...

Good thing this gentleman is helping us!
Quiet, they?re sleeping.

Ah yes, you follow too. Good.

Mr. Ciocchetti?

Mr. Ciocchetti?

Mr. Ciocchetti?

Yes, that's me.

I understand Italian but I don?t speak it.

I understand Spanish.

Thank you. Of course.


Ah, well it's a bit annoying
to wait until morning.

Goodbye, I must stay.

Yes, they?re Italians.

No thanks, they?re immigrants
I met on the plane.

Of course.

You know, Italians are
muy simp?ticos in Italy, but abroad...

"Je" non tengo visto per America,
I did not foresee such a long stop.

You see, I'm in transit, going to Mexico.

Ah, and no est? any border police?

Ah, bueno and then, when it?s so...

Well, I must say it?s very easy to enter
America. Ah, should I bring my passport?

Yes, about 500 dollars.

No, I prefer to take a taxi, thanks.

Good, gracias.

Yes, but where do I go?

Ah, bueno!

Are they calling me?

No? Thank you, excuse me.


Eh? Yes!


Ah, thank you!

Good morning!
Excuse me, is this painter Marpicati here?


You, the painter Marpicati?

Do you like them?
- Oh, you're the painter?

Yes, I'm Lelio Marpicati. Are you Italian?
- Yes.

Well, what do you think? Speak. Freedom
of speech, especially here in America.

Are you here for long? - No, a few hours.
- I?ve been here for a few weeks.

I began by exhibiting in one of the best
galleries in New York, on 57th street.

Now here, in Los Angeles, then in
San Francisco then in Dallas, Texas.

It sells very well in Texas.

Here too, you understand, but Texas
has the moolah. Please. - Thanks.

Here in America, only abstract painting
sells. - Yes, but I don?t like it, sorry.

OK, I agree.

But are you Italian?

Then why didn?t you answer
me in Italian from the first?

Because I like playing the American.
- Play it with Americans then!

Will you be long in Los Angeles?

No, just until tonight. - Lucky you.
I must stay here a few more weeks.

You'll see it's really an incredible city.

What will I see except that you must
live practically in your car here.

Ah, well after all,
you're surrounded by desert here.

Listen, couldn't I find a taxi stand nearby?

I can give you a "lift"!
- What?

I can give you a ride.

Ah, but I'm going to the airport.
- The airport?

Too bad, I've a few things to do.
- Leave me at the first taxi then.

Let's go, if you don?t mind.
- Goodbye, Maestro!

The music is ready, eh!


May I? Ciocchetti.

I'm Mario Scarpelli.

Then you?ll allow me to chip in for
the gas, eh? - For gas in America?

Well, what's that got to do with it?
- Be good, Fido! Good!

Not easy to find taxis.
- Eh, I noticed.

But why?
- Because there are no tourists.

Here, everyone has a car.
- Yeah.

This is heaven on earth.

Really? Who lives in this paradise that
I haven?t met one person on the street?

And I walked a lot.

All the Italians do that.
- What? - Walk!

Here there?s nobody on the street.
They're all home, in offices, markets.

Coke? - Ah, thank you!
At least I could find a caf?.

All the Italians look for caf?s.

Excuse me, are you an American citizen?

No, I?ve asked for it, I hope to
have it soon. - Then what are you?

What am I?


His name is Fido, he was sick, I got him
from the clinic and I'm taking him home.

Ah, you are a vet?
- No! No!

Some of my friends and me
have a sort of "arrangement".

A pact with the clinic.
We bring him sick dogs.

We are thinking of a project
on a much larger scale.

A very important idea.

- What?

What? Don?t you understand insurance?

A little, I'm a lawyer.

Well, medical insurance.

Health insurance.

For human beings, no?

Fido, you are better than
a human being, you cost even more!

Look, it's a "smasher", a great idea!
You, take for example among a 1000...

you know that English actor
Freddie Whittaker, right?

The fat one, a big pederast.
You must?ve seen him in a film? Well...

Well, he has 37 cats in
his Santa Monica villa.

Think, insuring them all, all 37.

It's a good idea. Good luck!

Why, do you think it's not possible?
You need creativity.

Eh, California is the country where
I can live as I always wanted to live.

A little creativity and bring it on!

One moment, please.

Now you'll hear his mama
shout when she sees him.

See, there?s mama.

How pretty they look. They seem pretend.

Our police are very important, you know?

You said before you were nothing. Do you
know I'm in that same condition today?

Really? Why?

Eh, why did they keep
my ID at the airport and

if someone asked me to prove
my identity I wouldn?t know how...

Who would ask you for the ID?
One?s word is enough around here.

Yes, I know, I was just saying,
I know American law.

Apart from the fact that
you look like an important person:

by the way you speak, dress.

I never would've approached
such a person in Italy that way.

With such ease.

Look, in Italy we're much more democratic
than you remember, my dear insurance man.

Then it must?ve changed
in the last few years.

How old were you when you came here?
- 18. - Ah, a kid!

It's a miracle you still remember
our language. - What? I teach Italian!

- Yes: "conversational" Italian.


Yes, "morning", "how are you", "evening",
"how much", tourist stuff, right?

And I, excuse me...
and to whom do you teach it?

To ladies, the members of a female club.


Listen, must you go to
the airport right away? - Why?

Why don?t you come to hear me teach?

To the ladies?
- Eh!

As in "a little creativity
and bring it on", eh?

Good evening.
- Good afternoon!

In Italian, dear Mrs. Dorothy,
"good afternoon", which has two "g"s!

But it not evening.

"It's not evening", Mrs. Susan!

Right! "It's not evening!"
So let's all say together,

"Good morning, we said today
that we would go to the..."




All together with me, one nice chorus, eh!


No! What did I hear?

No, Mrs. Pauline, you?re not late but...

Oh, I'm sorry, I spoke English!

- Oh, yes, yes!

The piggy bank requires
a payment of 25 cents

for every non-Italian word
said during the lesson. Repeat.

OK! A just offering for
deserving and needy Italian children.

So, therefore, beautiful ladies...

shall we continue our
lesson on the ?hairdresser??

Take, for example, you, Mrs. Pauline,

take into account that it's
the famous "Adolf" hairdresser.

No, No! It's "Alexander"!

I'm here, with my nice white coat,
"smock"! All nice and fragrant, eh?

And I say... pay attention, Ma?am,
they'll say this in Italy, eh.

Then I'll say, "Bonjour Madame,
what can I do today for your beauty?"

"Can we cut the hat?"

No, no, no, Mrs. Pauline!

"Hair", with one "p"!

Otherwise they?ll put a hat on her
or cut her head off.

Repeat with me, "hair".


With one "p"!


"Wake up", Councilor! Wake Up!

20 minuted have passed.

Orange soda?

Ah yes, thank you very much.

But were you really asleep?

Of course.

I'd never be able to do that:
sleep 20 minutes like a clock.

Ah well, but I'm the absolute master
of my body and I've a good conscience.

Well, where are we going now?

Eh? Mario?

For a cocktail, if you like.
- A cocktail?

Yes, from one of those club ladies.

She invited some friends to her house
and I promised to make pizza.

Ah, why are you a cook too?
- No! What cook?

But here they think all Italians can cook.

Ah! Well, do you know
you're some piece of work?

And lucky too, living life so pleasantly.

For example, what were you doing
at that Italian painter?s?

Ah, I was doing a job for that show,
the background music.

You know, that crap they do
with the engraver, the speakers,

the stereo music for the ambiance, no?

I work for "Gabriela's
Mood Music Incorporated".

Gabriella? An Italian name?
- Yes, she's the owner of the company.

She's an Italian girl.
She's very, very smart.

And what?s this?
Ah, the map of Los Angeles, right?

- Finally!

Yes, but it's not all here, it's only part
because it continues behind

the hills of the San Fernando Valley, no?
- Really? Why is this city so big?

Eh, the whole Los Angeles area is huge,
it?s about... - About?

Like from Rome to Naples!
- Damn! Where are we now?

Eh, we're on the "freeway",
we?ll go to Hollywood, on the hills, OK?

The first batch is almost done, Councilor.

They look good. The pasta is ready.

A friend from Naples sells it to me
and I help make it known in good society.

Want to try?
- No, not now.

Do you come into this house
through the service door?

Service? Are you joking, Councilor?

This house is probably worth 50
or 60,000 dollars! - Really?

50,000 dollars badly spent
judging from this kitchen.

It?s burned.
- Too bad.

Do you know that with just land
you can be a billionaires here?

Why? Does it have gold?
- It has everything!

Ah, this is the living room, eh?

But how the hell did you get here?
- Eh, Eisenhower...

- I was in Trieste, right?

We came with the whole family,
'cause there was nothing to do at home.

And Eisenhower made a law that
some families could emigrate etc...

But why did you emigrate? - Didn't you hear
we were dying of hunger in Trieste? Why!

We were sent to Detroit but my family
couldn?t take it and they went back.

But I ran away and traveled across
America and I like it here a lot.

What d'ya want to hear? It's probably
the climate which gives me so many ideas.

Eh, those are things that fire me up.
- Or the pizza.

Come, Councilor, try it. Yes!

Here are the nice ladies. Welcome.
This is your dear teacher's work.

Are you an Italian teacher too?
- No, no.

The pizza teacher then?
- No, no, I'm not a teacher.

But I can say that I appreciate
the lively and fun way

you learn the "language of yes".
- The language of "what"?

The "language of the yes",
Ma?am, as they say. - Yes?

The "language of yes".
- The "language of yes"? - Well done!

Eh, this lady wasn't at school, correct?

Too bad, she should have.
I would gladly start one.

Eh, Councilor, do me a favor,
get me the mint and cream?

The blonde wants a cocktail.
- No, look, I'm not that much...

I don?t know how to bartend, sorry.


But, Sir, you don?t love me!

Look, you still have much to do?

What's the matter, Councilor?
- Nothing, but we've been here long enough...

Ah, we?ll go after.
- It?s not that but...

I'm interested in staying 'til 6:30 for...
- 6:30? - Councilor?

At the hour the husbands arrive,
we casually become acquainted.

I try to be nice and make
business connections.

All very rich bankers! - Sorry,
but what do you want me to do with them?

And remember there's no use in knowing
people who come in through the kitchen door.

Is this the airport road?
- Yes, yes!

Ah, well, so if I may,
it?s time to reckon up our little accounts.

What accounts? - Eh well, I mean...
the gas, the use of the car, those things,

that you?ve been at my disposal, and how.

But you're joking? We had fun, right?
- No, no, what fun?

Eh, you are an American, a businessman...
"business", as they say.

So, I don?t know how...

Ah, for example, this "Gabriela's Music",
how much do you earn an hour?

But... what does that hafta do with it?
It's a technical job, and I...

I don't see... I...

Oh well, let's say 30 dollars?
All right? Eh?

No, come on, I don?t want it.

No, look, I don?t even need the change,

10, 20, 30, that?s all the change I have.

Here, go on...
- No, I don?t want it.

Well, if you're going to act like a kid,
I'll put it here in your piggy bank. There.

Now it looks like I did really well.

Well, with all the jobs you have in hand
you should do well every day, right?

And if worse comes to worst, there?s
always the piggy bank for the Italian kids.

What are you thinking?

Why, you think that...?

You believe...?

You believe I put that money in my pocket?

Come on! What are you thinking?
Can?t one tell a joke anymore?

Of course I was joking.

You know you're really a strange guy?
- But you didn?t really think that...

that I had... wow!

You're welcome.

Say, why don't we go somewhere
and have a drink?

But aren?t we going to the airport?

Why don?t you let me meet
that young lady, Gabriella, for example.

OK, I still have lots to do.
- We have time then.

And then, you see, for an Italian
abroad to meet some countrymen...

You wouldn?t mind?

Ah, there?s even the "Rolls-Royce"!
- Is that the young lady?s car?

No, it means that Isa is home.

But we'll go up all the same.
- Who is Isa?

A friend, the "roommate".
They live together.

She's a first class model from Tuscany.

She probably has had a dozen covers
on "Vogue". She wants to do movies.

Oh, hi. - And who made him doorman?
- Why? - Where's Gabriella?

Over there. - Ah, Isabella,
this is Councilor Vittorio Ciocchetti.

A pleasure.

What did he say? - Besides nonsense,
he says his best friends live in Rome

and that he'd like to live there.
Allow me. - Does he know Rome?

No, he never set foot there.
- And who is he?

The owner of Rolls-Royce,
a chump with money.

Careful, Mario.
- He doesn't understand.

I think he understands every word.
- He doesn't even know how to get by.

Wait, not you.

No, no, not today.

Who called?
- It was for Isa. Hi, Gabriella. - Hi.

This is the lawyer Vittorio Ciocchetti,
he arrived from Rome this morning.

I know, I saw you coming
through the window, I heard your car.

I just knew you came from Italy.
- Ah, why?

I don?t know: the way you move,
a bit of everything.

Yesterday, at this time, he was still in Rome.

What was the weather like in Rome?

A silly question, right?
Yet it comes so naturally.

Eh, a bit of nostalgia.
- Are you stopping in America?

No, I leave tonight, I had him show
me around to see a few things.

I wonder where you brought him.
- No, really, it was varied.

Why don?t you sit down?
Look, it's very comfortable.

Thanks. - A whiskey?
- No, for heaven's sake, I'm afraid that...

Ah! Newspapers from Italy!
My nerves are starting to relax.

Know what I?ll give you?
An Italian vermouth. - You do know me.

Who is Dick talking to? - The Flanagan girl.
There?s an important party tomorrow night.

The Flanagans are very important.
Dick wants me to go but you know how it is.

So your little chump knows all
the best families in Los Angeles, eh?

Little chump, "you"!

See, I said he understands
a few words every now and then.

Why don?t you too come
to the Flanagan?s, tomorrow night?

Dick, you see, gets drunk right away and
ceases to exist. Come and keep me company.

But who would I go with?
- You?ll find someone, right?

He wants you to speak with Miss Flanagan.
She?s crazy about the Italian language.

With me? But I don?t know... don?t know
these Flanagans. Who are they then...

Very powerful people, very rich,
they own half of California. - Yes.

Yes, yes, I'm Italian,
I'm Vittorio Ciocchetti.

But you have a fine voice and
your Italian is superb, you know?

What? Yes? Yes, I?ve been friends...

for a few minutes and Gabriella too.

Me at the party?
You?re very kind Miss Flanagan. Catherine?

We?ll go together! - Catherine?
All right, as you wish, Miss Catherine...

I don?t know, unfortunately I...
I must leave in a few hours. - I?ll go!

Yes, leaving because
tomorrow I must be in Mexico.

No, I'm sure yours will be
an extraordinary party. It's not...

Yes, you?re very kind, Miss, thank you.

Anyway, God bless you. Good luck, dear.

But where did Mario go?
- I think he has an appointment.

No, because he had to
bring me to the airport.

I will do it, OK? What time do you leave?

I've several hours still.
- Then "relax", as the Americans say.

If that's the case, I'm in your hands.

Why don?t you shave?
You have the ?five o?clock shadow.?

Then this is a beard from Rome,
because for me it?s already tomorrow.

OK, come here to the bathroom.
I?ll set you up with one of our razors.

Thank you but I couldn?t... - Don?t stand on
ceremony. In America, this is what we do.

Habits which I?ll have to lose
in a few hours, however...

Give me the jacket so I can iron it.
What did Catherine Flanagan say?

She speaks Italian well, no?

Nothing, she wanted to invite me
to her party tomorrow night.

Those hints that Mario made were so that
you would intervene in his favor, right?

They won?t invite him.
- I think I should refuse.

A shame.
- Many thanks.

Can you use that kind of razor?
- Yes, of course.

Why don?t you stop 'til tomorrow evening?

I have duties, dear young lady,
you forget my work.

I've already some very important
appointments for tomorrow.

What kind of work? - Nothing really,
a divorce case, the usual Mexican divorce.

But aren?t you Catholic?
- So? I'm not getting the divorce, am I?

You only help others to.

And what does that mean?
To Caesar what is Caesar's, dear lady.

Yes, your profession.

Ah, Mario told me that
you graduated in music? In Parma?

- In what particularly?

- Violin?

And I also studied composition.
- Ah, how impressive.

Did you play well?
- Quite.

Gabriella, please come with us.
Don?t leave me alone with him.

Gabriella? What are we doing?
Are we following you?

No, you go ahead!
- Us two? - Yes.

Wow, your servant is treated well.

Which is the best car, this one or that?

That's a Cadillac, this is a Thunderbolt
and that's a Rolls. They?re all good.

I suppose before going you'd like
something to eat. - I really am hungry.

What?s your name?
- Me? - Yes.

Vittorio Ciocchetti.
- Right, sorry, you see with names...

Vittorio, Vittorio, Vittorio...

Even in Rome there?s something
like that but no one eats it.

And then there?s not all this
"grace from God", it's true!

So, viva America!

He asks you to stay a
couple of weeks as his guest.

No, I wish. A Mexican fairy this morning,
granted me only a few hours.

What? - Yes, she told me, you can enter
Los Angeles, the city of angels, true...

but only until tonight.

Indeed they kept my ticket and passport.

I left my identity at the bureau
and I practically don?t exist here.

Well, here we need some stronger wine!

Bravo! He knows a few words of Italian, eh?

And Miss, what are you waiting for to teach
him the rest? - That he'll marry me!

What? - She's trying to make you see
that it's better to ask Al about wine.

Ah, and who might Al be?
- The owner, an Italian American.

He's made a lot of money
but nobody knows exactly how.

Ah yes, I?ll go to him myself, where is he?
- At the bar.

No, no, Councilor,
the bar is on the other side.

That?s the bar?
Mr Al?

If you want to buy, you need to have money.

Yes, the money will be there, I got it.

Oil is like mother's milk,
it takes very little to make you live.

You?re telling me?

But you need to find
the money if you want to buy.

Oh, Councilor.

This is Councilor Vittorio Ciocchetti.


- Angelo or Antonio?

No, Vittorio Ciocchetti.
- Did you arrive recently?

I arrived this morning.
- Ah, recently.

What can I do for you?

- What do you want from me, sorry.

Listen, they said you sell Barolo...
a bottle of Barolo.

Gabriella? Gabriella?

Why don?t we two have a game?
- No, thanks. No.

This is really an Italian hangout, eh?

Is Mario at the bar?
I know he had an appointment with Al.

Well no, I was just speaking in general.

What was he doing?

I don?t know, he was speaking with this Al.
I don?t know what for.

I'm going to have a game, eh!
I want to see how it works. Excuse me!

I'll play until you say, Joe,
but let?s not do it like the other night.

Very good!
- Councilor.

Councilor, come here!

You're Italian and you like wine.
Here we drink to the health of Italy.

Wine is like mother's milk,
it makes you live.

Would you like to see my place?

Yes thank you, gladly,
but I?ll treat for the wine.

No, no, no, no, no, no,
I love my compatriot.

Must you leave?
- No...

Well, I'm going to play.

Here, Councilor, they make caricatures.
Here there are many great artists.

Careful who is watching you. How are you?
- Ah, but we met this morning.

Yes, at my show.

You also frequent this kind of Italian fair?
- Eh, I come here every night.


I'm waiting for that gentleman,
a friend I found again after 15 years.

Ah, have you been in America for 15 years?
- Yes. - Wow!

I wait until he's done.

And then we'll go somewhere to talk.

Eh, we've so many, you know... things to say.

Just think that he went around
almost all of America doing caricatures.

Not bad, you know.
Brio, vivacity, personality...

And not just that.

Nino, you've an admirer here.
- Yes.

Very good, you know...
- Sorry, the show is over.

But can I know what's with you?
What?s the matter?

So sorry but I'm sick and tired of this.

What am I now?
A caged monkey to show to passing tourists?

I don?t know. Right now you're a fool.

Fine, I'm a fool, so?
- Come now, artists!

Why don?t you come to my table?
I?m with two nice compatriots.

Fine, let?s go.

Yes, Mario, that young man I met this
morning at his show and two of his friends.

Mario?s not talking much tonight.

I?m thinking.

Dear Miss Gabriella, may I present to you:

Nino Fortuna and Lelio Marpicati,
another Italian passing through here...

a very good abstract painter.
- I already met the ladies.

Mario, you know Nino Fortuna?
- Sorry, for earlier. It was just...

No, we're all nervous nowadays.

Councilor, you can?t use those shoes.

And there's the Italian
artist temperament, no?

Yet I'm an American citizen.
- Really? Then where were you born?

In Formia but I came here in ?47,
the husband of an American.

I was a war bridegroom.
- Born in Formia? - Yes.

And she?s American?
- Italian American!

Like me. Why don?t you like them?
- Of course I do.

In fact I have a soft spot for them.
Here. - Thanks.

Like all of America, after all...
- Why?

Why? Because America
is a bit outdated now, to be honest.

You artists are a bit older than me

and you well know what this
country meant a few years ago.

When the whole world saw it
as a mirage, a goal to reach,

a country of rich and free men.
Postwar stuff. - Yes, I remember.

Councilor! Come and make a "gap", come!
- Ah yes, gladly.

Careful, it?s heavy, eh. Your shoes!
- Ah, right, my shoes.

You know, Councilor,
when this fine guy and I met?

17 years ago, in ?45, in Rome.

Just when in Italy those that ate,
ate from American cans.

I remember we two to survive opened
a little shop in the Via Nazionale.

We began to make caricatures
for the American troops, the black ones.

People like them over there.
They brought us white bread and freedom.

You remember, Nino?
"Hey Joe, a caricature?"

I remember it.

I was at the door...

you remember, to let
the soldiers in and you drew them

and when you got tired,
I drew and you played the barker.

Eh, so many years ago.

And since then, I've continued
to make caricatures like an idiot

and he became an internationally
renowned painter.

Anyway, we are both getting old.

Yes, unfortunately.

But with you, see,
I remember those happy times.

Well no, careful, not happy for Italy.
- Why?

We got on so well at the time.

In a country so defeated as
to be finally free, without masters.

With the courage to do what we wanted

and even convinced then
that something could happen.

Excuse me, so then...?

But nothing happened.

Ah no! Something happened!

It happened that we have
rebuilt Italy, if I may say so!

And was it rebuilt well, Councilor?
- What?

Was it rebuilt well in your opinion?
- Well...

I've known guys like you, you know,
mostly people of the same generation.

Rejection, criticism,
systematic destruction. Please!

Yes, they really
systematically destroyed Italy!

On the day of the armistice I was 17,
dear Sir,

we understood nothing, knew nothing,
and yet we got through it!

We put ourselves to work and today...!

Let's play!

Do you know today that workers are
in short supply in Northern Italy? Eh?

Why not take them from the South then
where they tell me there are so many?

All the South are here!

Well, then you know what I say?
One day we'll come and get them back!

I'm happy to have made you laugh, Miss,
however I wasn?t speaking about you.

And why not?
- Eh... - But tell me something.

Yes, what?
- How does a woman live in Italy today?

I mean a free woman, a single woman,
not some husband's servant. Eh?

And how do you live?
- 50,000 lire a month, a single room

and 10 days of vacation a year,
paid for, when they come.

Want to know my life in Italy?

I was working to pay for the maid
and I would've continued like that

just to have an activity, a job,
to be free in short.

Long live the suffragettes!
What more do you want?

Let's take off our jackets,
let's play this game.

I really need to get some exercise,
after such a generous dinner...

Who scores the points?
Gimme your handkerchief, please, Mario.

There. Let's go.

I'll roll. Who am I with?
If you don?t explain it to me...

He's talking to me?
I don?t understand a thing.

But is it possible you still don't know?
You?ve been here for 10 days and I told you

to put your thumbs inside!


Eh, there's something rotten in Denmark!

Always with two hands!

Councilor, it's your turn.

Councilor, where are you going?
Look the pin is there, you know!

Councilor! Are you sick?

I'm going to look for a doctor,
I'll be right back! - Yes, run!

Councilor! Courage!

Better not move him.

Better he keeps still.

Is this doctor coming or not?

Be calm, the doctor is coming.

Stay calm, stay calm.

The toilet, please.
It's a little embarrassing.

I told him not to drink so much before.

Well, if it?s something the toilet
can fix, it can't be serious.

Where is the toilet?
Excuse me.

Let him rest here a little bit.

Is the doctor coming?
- I don't think he's needed.

An injection, "maybe"?
- He mustn?t get cold. Get a blanket.


Yes enough, thank you.
- You want a doctor?

No, no, there?s no need.
But do you know what happened?

You fainted.

How strange. It never happened before.

Don?t worry, it's the fatigue from the trip.

Poor councilor.

These things happen to even
important people like you.


I felt bad to see you like that.
- Really?

Rather, I'm thinking that now
there?s not much time left because I...

Eh, Gabriella!

Time for what? - I mean for the departure.
My departure, no?

The airport is not very far from here.

OK but it?ll still take...
- Don?t worry.

I'd like to know where they're
looking for that blessed blanket.

I really don?t know.
- I?ll go see, eh?

I can't find those crazy people!

Let's go.

Would you like to come with me?
- Why, where are we going?

To calm your nerves.

Ah, by the way, you need to pay the bill.

Already done, don?t worry.
- Who paid?

Mario. I asked. Mario paid.

Ah, very kind.
I hope you thanked him for me.

No. He already left.

Has he disappeared again?
- Yes, that?s him for you.

Is it? A nice habit to have, eh?

But maybe he?ll reappear
again the same way.

Is it windy back there?
- No, no, thanks.

Better now?
- Yes, much better, thank you.

Careful where you step, there's a trampoline.

Eh, what is this place? Almost heaven.

On the hills of Hollywood.

The city is all around us, see?

Why did you bring me here?

I?m going to buy this house.

I wanted to know what you think.


The front door would be here.

It's all glass, do you like it?

It?s quite empty, as you see,
but I plan to move in a few weeks.

But I come whenever I like.
To swim for example.

The owners know.

Would you like to take a dip in the pool?
- At this hour?

I doubt it. But I do.

I'm going to change.
- As you wish.

This would be my future kingdom,
you like it?

Well, at this point you?ll want
to tell me how much it costs too.

It?ll take me years to pay for it.

I?ve already got up
a loan with the bank at 6%.

It?s great, you see.

And then this is a luxury area.

The taxes are not that bad.

Moreover, it?s a good investment.

This would be, how would you call it...?
A symbol of success?


I said that this house
is a symbol of your success.

I only get what I want.

Who are these 2 officers
of ours in the photo?

The one in the aviation
uniform is my father.

I put it there because
it suits the atmosphere.

I think maybe he would like it.

Maybe I could convince him now
I was right to come here alone.

The taller one is his brother.
They died long ago.

It's strange.

They always die before they can
be made to understand.

How do you feel now?

Well, I feel a bit like
at the frontier border.

Relax, don?t think about anything.

But I think you?re a very brave woman.

The water has warmed up, you know!

Even the air is warm. Feel it?

It?s the dry wind of the Mojave desert.

That?s why it's so clear tonight.

It?s a marvel here when there is no smog.

Who is playing?
- Put your ear to the water.

Eh? Why?
- Try it.

Hear that?

"Music in the water."

It?s another of my inventions.
I?ve already set up 300 pools.

Well done.

What is it?

It?s just that when my digestion is off,
damn it, my heart...

I get a bit out of breath.

Oh, that's nothing.

Probably the extrasystole.
Just be careful.

Yes, I see but what should I do?

The first thing is not to leave tonight.
Tomorrow you?ll feel great.

Look, I'll be leaving soon
and I'll leave you master here.

From there is another bed,
bathroom, everything you need.

There's also the classic new toothbrush.

I?m an American, you see?

Are you afraid to sleep alone?
- Eh? No.

Let me feel your pulse.

I also studied some medicine.

Your pulse is fine.

Do you smoke?
- No.

- No...

I want to ask you the typical
American woman's question.

Are you married?

I'm engaged.
- Very nice.

Say, what?s your pressure like?

Because I was watching you tonight,
especially when you were arguing with others

and I said to myself,
"I bet that man has high blood pressure."

I want to measure it. Wait.

I bought the apparatus a short time ago.

It comes in handy.

When I can, I come here in
the morning before going to the office

and I do ten laps around the pool.

So now, with the device,
I can measure myself the effect that

this exercise has on my pressure.

It's convenient, you see.
Mine is low.

Here, relax.

Like that.

There. Ah, one moment!

Meanwhile, pull up your sleeve.

There we go.

Whose photo is that?

Ah, yes.

My girlfriend, Maria Beatrice.

- Yes, so womanly, well mannered...

No, I meant the villa in back.
You can only see that.

Yeah, it's the only photo
I have, that's why...

Yes, it's a beautiful 18th century villa...

with a private chapel.

Now, they've also put in the pool.

We?ll get married there.

Is the villa Maria Beatrice?s?

No, no, her parents.

A very prominent politician.

Ah, a very prominent politician. Nice.


Excuse me, why? My fiance loves me.

And you?

Well, I... will be a good husband.

Eh, luckily being a husband still means
something in Italy, dear Miss Gabriella.

Ah, your pressure is perfect.

You're fine, look,
you?ll make it to 100, don?t worry.

Yes, but I recommend you
get some sleep tonight.

Let your clients wait.

I?ll get you tomorrow, you?ll have another
day here. - But I've a visa that expires...

What difference does 24 hours make?

We just need to call Dick, Isabella's
boyfriend, his father is a senator.

So, if you wish, we could go to the party
of those people, the ones who called...

Flanagan? - That?s it.
- You have a good memory.

Very prominent people, as you would say.

Eh, you?re playing the suffragette
again, eh? - Why?

Certainly, I would say it.
Excuse me, Gabriella!

In this world there are the people
who count and those who do not

and it?s advantageous
to belong to those who count.

And everybody thinks so:
here, in Italy, everywhere.

You know what I say?
I'll be following my father-in-law

and I have my political career and
you and that painter tonight, for example...

you'll all vote for me.

I'm an American.

Yeah, I know, OK.

I mean that you will vote for
the Americans who think like me.

Ah, God, how tired I am!

What time is it?

Oh, almost midnight.

Well, by necessity, for me
it?s already tomorrow morning.


Come in.



You sleep well?
-Yes. - Feel better now?

Ah, very well, thank you.

I wasn?t expecting you anymore.

Well, you see,
I sleep in Saturdays until noon.

Did you see what smog there is today?
- So this would be the famous "smog"?

But what is it? A kind of fog, no?
- Fog and smoke.

The gas from the factories, the car engines...

Did you know that we have
almost 2 cars each, here in California?

Really? So that's how you
poisoned this earthly paradise.

Good, else how boring
this earthly paradise would be!

Oh, by the way...

welcome to America.


Well, what do we do now?
- Whatever you want.

Ah, you want to see
the villas of the Hollywood stars?

From the outside, of course.
- No, no thanks... - OK.

All locked up?
- Yes, I locked up everything first thing.

Eh, where is Mario this morning?

Why? Should I know?
- No, I was just asking.

He?s in Culver City,
where there are oil wells.

He goes there every Saturday to friends.
- Ah, oil friends?

It?s an interesting place to see, no?

But it's far.

An ugly place.

Yes, but, however, I think...

Then, I'd have to change.
I couldn't go dressed like this.

Yes, because I'd really like to.
- Fine.

Want to say goodbye
to my house before leaving?

- You may not see it again.

Eh, what an unpleasant idea!

You know, maybe I won?t buy it.
- Didn't you say it was a good deal?

Oh yes, the owners will sell it for any price.


A child died a year ago,
their youngest. Fell into the pool.

What? You?re not afraid of ghosts?

You must shave. - Yes, but I'd like
breakfast first, where can I go?

And who?s that madman?
- Him? Probably an actor,

They see each other every morning.
They do it to keep in shape.

These are the famous wells.

- Ah, good morning!

You haven?t left yet?

I didn't think I'd see you again,
especially around here.

I was curious to know where the wealth
of this country is born. - Ah, yes.

Is that villa yours?
- No, this is Al?s summer residence.

It's not the right spot for a holiday, eh?

Is the well Al?s?

Yes, it's his from here to there.

It was his before they
found ?oil? on this hill.

So he found oil at his home?
- Yeah!

Yeah. - Yeah.
- Lucky him.

Mario? Mario?

What are you doing?

She?s drunk. She's Al's friend,
she's waiting for him.

She?s mad 'cause she found out
last night he went with another.

I know all the Italian gestures.

Yes, there are others too.

I know all the Italian gestures.

Go away because it's dangerous.

Are we leaving then? - No, I'd like to see
the wells now I?m here. You wait below, eh.

Mario will go with me.
- OK, I'll wait below.

This is holy ground.

Holy Land. Another Palestine!

But how much is here?

I don?t know exactly,
about 50,000 from here to San Diego.

So much!

- Come see.

I?ll let you smell the oil.
Come, come.

Suck it up!

Suck... suck it up!

You know maybe one day,
I'll have something like that?

Maybe, who knows when.

But I have faith, I have faith!

Smell that!

See that ground there, where the horse is.
Al is selling it for a very good price.

The price of the house
before oil was found.

So I?ll risk it. If I find oil, I?ll be set

and if not, oh well, I?ll sell it.

Eh, but I will find it, eh! I will!

Because if it's here, here, here, here...

This is oil, eh?
Why, it may be over 20 meters away?

A small little hole would be
enough for me. And an old pump!

So I?ll risk it, I've been
putting money aside for a year.

And you?re putting it aside
any way you can?

Ah, of course!

But what do you mean?

No, no, nothing, just saying.
A simple association of ideas.

Did you know my money was
missing from last night? - Really?

Where did you lose it?

Well, of course when
I felt sick in that place.

Maybe I lost in then...

What do you mean?
That somebody stole it?

Oh yes, all in all,
I think that it was stolen.

Ah, a cigarette?

No, no.

How much was it?
- Eh, 5000 dollars.

5000? Of course, a nice sum.


are you really sure it was 5000?

"Really sure" when I just told you?
Why, what do you know?

Ah no, it could be 50,000 as far as I know.

Exactly. Or 500.

Ah, 500...

Yes, five 100 bills.


Forget about it, Councilor.

Don?t you know 500 dollars are
spent in a minute in Las Vegas?

At the horse races,
they drop that on the ground.

Councilor, what?s 500 dollars?
For a gentleman like you...


You'll get hurt!

Are you hurt, Councilor?
- Leave me alone.

Give me my glasses instead.
- Here. Are you hurt?

Let's go. She's waiting.
- Wait!

Tidy up or she'll ask what happened...

Why should you care?

Well, this doesn't concern her, right?
- I don?t know if it does or not.

But did you tell Gabriella
the money was missing?

No, not yet.

Yes, but I can always tell her.

Why did you do it?

I needed it. It was the first time.

Well, let's hope it's
the last time, eh, young man?

I would've written you a letter.

- Don?t you believe me?

"Dear Councilor, the money that
went missing, I put in an oil deal.?

?if the deal succeeds, I give you my word
I'd have given it back with interest.?

Interest, yes, and if you didn?t...

Well, then you lost like me,
risking it together.

Here is Al, he came to get the money.

I told him I would pay this morning.

What can I tell him now?

I told him there was money.

What can I tell him now, Councilor?

What do I say to him?

Councilor, I told him it was all here,
all the necessary amount.



Listen, couldn?t you lend me that money?

It's late, eh.

Mario, you coming with us?

No, I'm busy. Go to
the Flanagan party, I'll see you later.

It's hot, eh?

- I say, damn, we?ve stopped.

Lots of people, eh?
So many families, children.

What are you waiting for?
- To do what?

To get married.
- Who with?

Don?t you like Mario? - Oh yes,
I've been sleeping with him for 3 years.

Well then?

The husband must be more
important than his wife.

Well, in America, it's often
the wife who's the most important.

But you forget our grandmothers.
- What?

Yes, grandmothers, great-grandmothers,
mothers, who taught us to live.

Their teaching, today, no longer makes
sense but... but it?s not easy to forget.

You know where to get an evening suit
to go to the Flanagan reception?

Eh, how can it be done?

If I go to the airport to get my suitcases,
they won?t let me out. I?ll give it up.

Rent one.

I know a place where
they?ll dress you in minutes.

We?ve stopped again.

What time... what time is this reception?

At the usual time, at 6, half past 6.

We don?t have much time.

You think I should get a car wash?
- Eh? Ah yes, it seems like a good idea.


See how organized they are?

Want me to illustrate the people I know?
That must be a judge.

Ah no, no a general.
He has several billions.

I see some oil, some banks.

I know that one because we put the music in
his new offices. - Let?s look for Caterina!

What did he say? - They heard the Italian
ambassador was here and thought it was you.

He asks if you?re some other
ambassador. - Of what?

Mr Prescott wants you to be an ambassador.

What did you tell them?

I said you?re an international lawyer.
- Ah, no, please.

Want to meet a senator?

Very honored.

He thinks I?m your wife.

I told him I saw him on television.

What did he say?
- He said he didn?t see, thank God!

Thank you.

He said he was happy to have spoken with you.

Did we say anything that mattered?
Where's Caterina? - Don?t know, let?s look.

Let's go say hello.

Ah, Isabella, did you see Catherine?
- Who?

Oh, no, no.

How much was it?

35,000 dollars, "darling"!

Mr Ciocchetti.

He says this gentleman is in California
expecting a comet. - Ah, an astronomer?

What are they saying?

Well, he says he's waiting for the comet
so he can shoot it with a missile. - What?

Like shooting a flying bird.

What's the point of putting a foreign body
into it? To put it into space? - I?ll ask.

He says the foreign body will
pass through the comet.

Oh, what are these comets made of then?

Ah, a light! - Yes.
- Yes, right.

She says she went in. Let's go find her.
- Eh, excuse me.

There?s nobody here below 40.

What did you expect?

See the beautiful paintings?

They?re all copyrighted.
- Yes, but not their forefathers.

Ah, who are they? The forefathers?

She?s here, come.

Oh, good evening!

We talked by phone, right?
- Yes.

Thanks for coming to our home.

Oh, it's a beautiful house, Miss Catherine!

Only I haven't yet had the pleasure
of being introduced to your parents.

We'll go find them now.

He thought... he thinks
you're the Italian ambassador.

I said to him, not yet, too young!


Interesting people. For example,
who?s that man? What does he do?

One of the two richest men in
southern California. - Who?s the other?

Oh, I always say, "one of the two"
just like in advertising...

Have you met the senator?

Yes, but where is Mr Flanagan?

I met the Queen, the Princess
and I haven?t met the King yet!

Excuse me.

He's making a fire.

Eh, may I?

Very honored!


Ah, how are you?

"The language of yes!" Remember?

Yes, I know that lady.

I know, she spoke to me about you.

Well, nice to see you!

You understand?
- Yes of course, wonderful and...

Can I try? May I?

You must excuse me!

Were you always kitchen help?

Eh, what did she say?
- I didn?t understand.

She said you're kitchen help.

Well, as you see, I?ve made
a career of it, dear lady.

Yesterday I was with a cooking
guy and today verily,

I?m with a king who sacrifices
to the gods of California.

Who is this kitchen guy?

Nobody, just saying. Mario, your friend.


Thanks. To your health, Madame.

Heartfelt thanks.

And where did you put the lawyer?

He?s presenting his credentials
to the Court. - Really?

Hi, Gabriella.
- Hi.

I love Italy, you know, Vittorio?

We're Catholics and Rome
is very important to them.

Why don?t we see the garden?

Last year the Holy Father received,
in a private audience, mommy, daddy and me.

I hope I?ll spend all next
year touring Italy by myself.

Ah, you must visit us.

When I'm married, you must come to stay
at our villa. - Thanks, that's wonderful.

Yes, it?s the house where my
future wife was born, Maria Beatrice.

Yes, a beautiful 18th-century villa,
you know, I'm sure you'd like it.

And then I see you, Catherine in
that beautiful setting. - Very kind.

What a pity that Maria Beatrice
can?t see me here and that...

that is, she?s not here with me now.
- Why don?t we call her?

Holy Madonna, how nice that would be.
Yes, it would be very nice but...

It's so easy!

Gabriella? Gabriella?

Gabriella, let's call
Vittorio's girlfriend in Italy.

A very sweet idea.

You coming with me?
- No, I must go.

Oh, you can?t go yet, there?s dinner.
- Excuse me, dear, but I really must.

Shall I tell Vittorio you're leaving?
- Oh no, please, don?t bother him.

Hopefully, we meet again soon.
- Let's get together and talk Italian, eh?


Catherine, you are very, very nice.

"Grandmother" still works for you.

What do you mean? You know
my grandmother works very well.

She spent most of her life on horseback.

She's the first of our family
born here, in California.

Her father was a young officer during
the Civil War and came here after the war.

Tell me all about it when we meet again.
- Bye. - Bye.

My friend needs to
be driven to the airport.

I'll do it.
- Good. This is his suit.

- Bye.

No, no mess...

How do I put it? In politics we say
"progress without risk", but I'm not sure...

Very well, yes, that ?Italian miracle?...
- Vittorio.

Excuse me, Sir

Gabriella has left giving her goodbyes.

How could she leave? My bag, my suit...
- Ah no, no. She left everything with me.

Really? - Yes.
- Ah, well then...

Catherine, you know of course,
this Mexican gentleman with whom I was...

In your company?

He's the owner of the Mexican airline.
- Really?

So I put myself under your protection.

Yes, because I stayed in America 24 hours
more than allowed and wouldn?t want now...

Yes, in a sense,
with you I'll get back my identity.

All it takes is one of your
phonecalls to fix everything...

- Hi.


How was it?

The party? I don?t know,
I'll tell you later. - When?

When my home has given
back to me a sense of reality.

How smart you talk!

Did they talk so smart at the party?
- You know how they all talk there.

I've never been so bored.

You say it because I wasn't there,
to console me.

You don?t need it.

A little pout, then you go away and
come back as happy as you were before.

I do, eh?
- Hey, no! Wait!

Do you have a sense of reality now?

I?m starting to.

And the great families? Do these famous
Flanagan have a sense of reality?

I talked a little with the Flanagan girl.

She?s not stupid.

We talked, can you believe it,
about grandmothers.


in the sense of family, of tradition.

Think, for example, if I married
here and had a daughter

and if this daughter had children,

her children's children could
say about her one day,

"She was the first of the family
that was born here, in California".

That will take some time.

Three or four times...

the time it will take me to pay for this house.

It's outside of reality.

This water is wonderful.
It feels good here, doesn?t it?

Oh yes, why don?t we stop a bit?

Yes. Yes.

There?s nothing here.

Ah, here's something.

Why don?t you stay here until tomorrow?

Then we can fight over who
has to make breakfast?

Are you serious?
- It?s just talk. It wouldn?t be reality.

Of course, of course.
Then you know, I really must go.

To Al?s?

No, it?s better to stay
away from Al for now.

I've other "business". Do you know
the insurance business? The dog clinic?

It seems that it?s going very well.

And then I have a 1000 ideas in my head
and say, ?We?re in America, aren?t we??

"A little creativity and bring it on!"

Your words, no?

That?s it, good.

Those words, you must believe them.
It's an instinctive thing.

Those words if you understand them,
when you do...

I understand them.



Well... bye, Gabriella.

I'll call you tomorrow.

Truly an unforgettable memory.

We've two hours before the airplane.

I thought about stopping here and
showing you my boyfriend's house.

What? Is that the house?
- Yes.

It's more interesting than ours.

It's not finished yet.
It?ll be ready in a few months.

Warning: the stairs are dangerous.

And when does this flight to Mars take off?
- No, it doesn?t fly, it?s very solid.

It's really real?

Yes, it's a project of my
fianc? with the architect.

What?s this? Cellophane?
Is it a temporary cover?

Oh no, it's very strong!

It's the identical material the satellites
are covered in, you know, like Sputnik.

We?re there.

One moment.

My boyfriend.

Good evening.
- The architect.

Pleased to meet you.

You know, your project is very interesting?

How did you get this idea?

Ah, I see...

This is a scientific explanation.
He's very, very boring.

Yes, poor guy.
- I can't translate. - No worries.

Will you come up?
- But who are they?

They?re my actor friends. Coming?
- Where? - Up above. It's beautiful.

There is no smog tonight and
you can see the whole ocean.

Well, there?s enough
to see here, I think, no?

And then I wouldn?t want
to be too late now...

So you'll really live here, in this...
What could you call it? In this house.

I don?t know, but when
the rain fell I would get depressed.

And you really believe that here there can
be feelings, affections, all that a family...



Isn?t there anybody here anymore?

English subtitles by sineintegral@KG