Sinners in Paradise (1938) - full transcript

A seaplane departs for China. On board are a nurse escaping a loveless marriage to do work with refugees, a woman hoping to surprise her estranged son, a wealthy heiress trying to distance herself from labor troubles, an oily politician, a moll and a mobster fleeing the wrath of the gangs they've double-crossed, two rival munitions salesmen out to cash in on the misery of war, and a fresh-faced young steward. Caught in a course-altering storm, a crash-landing destroys the plane, kills the plane's officers, and tosses the surviving passengers into the sea. They are washed ashore on an isolated island inhabited solely by mysteriously reclusive Mr. Taylor and his servant, Ping. Until Taylor decides if, how and when he will allow them to take his boat back to China for help, this disparate band must work together, change their self-centered ways, and examine their motives for wanting to escape from the island and their pasts. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Anne, this is truly ridiculous.

I'm not going to let you go.

I'm going on that plane.

Of all the mad, insane...

Oh Alex, please.

We've been over this so many times.

Let's face it.

We haven't been happy
for the past two years.

All right.

It's been my fault. I admit it.

I demand you cancel this trip.


Don't think you're putting
anything over on me.

China, Red Cross.

But I...

There are plenty of
unmarried women for that.

That's not why you're going.

Oh please.

You're going to see someone
else who's asked you to come.

I'm sorry.

But if you refuse to be
reasonable, I'll divorce you.

I'll charge you with desertion.

All right, Alex.

If that's the way
you want it, do that.

Honolulu, Coral,
Island, Guam and the Orient.

Mrs. Alexander Wesson.

All passengers for the Sea Bird,

please collect your tickets and go
immediately into the Class Lounge.

My luggage.

Yes, sir.

Now Marshall, is
everything in order?

Yes, Ms. Chase.

Here are your passports
and health certificate.

I made the reservations in
the name of Doris Bailey.

Well, thank you, Marshall.

I'll cable as soon
as I reach Hong Kong.

Yes, Ms. Chase.

Thank you and a pleasant journey.

Say, buddy, who was that?

I... Ms. Doris Bailey.

Everything's in order, Ms.
Chase, I mean Ms. Bailey.

You know, we feel a great
responsibility having you on board.

Won't you just wait in
the lounge, Ms. Bailey?

State Senator Cory.

Senator Cory, just a moment.

Hold it.

Thank you.

Now Senator, give us the old
"Star Spangled Banner" look.

Thank you.

Are you flying to
China, Senator Cory?

Well, I'm not walking.

First trip, Senator?

Yes, this will be the first time that
I take wings over the Great Pacific.

Pardon, Senator, is this trip government
business or a private deal in China?

You astonish me.

What kind of a
private deal could I...

Senator, you know they need a lot of
war supplies over there these days.

And with the right man on the job...

Very bright, very clever.
Good day, gentlemen.

But Sentator...

- Here you are, Mr. Honeyman.
- Thank you.

Mr. Brand,
calling Mr. Brand.

Message for Mr. Brand
at the information desk.


Is that Mr. Harrison Brand?

Is he a passenger?

Yes sir.

Sydney, Mrs. Franklin Sydney.

Do you have your passport
and certificate of health

for your return, Mrs. Sydney?


May I have them?

Oh yes, here they are.

This is going to be very exciting.


Yes, my son is in Shanghai.

He doesn't know I'm coming.

It's been too long since I...

Oh, sorry to be
taking so much time.

Are you one of the passengers?

I won't be if you don't step on it.

Iris Compton.

Mr. Brand,
calling Mr. Brand.

Message for Mr. Brand
at the information desk.

Hello, Curtis?
This is Honeyman.

Say, I thought you said
this deal was undercover.

Oh is that so?

Well, do you know
who's on this plane?


Brand, of Cold Ammunition.

Sure, there's a fortune at stake
if he doesn't start cutting prices.

If he does, I'll cut his
throat, and I'm not kidding.


Senator Corey?

On this plane?

Say, if I can get to him
before Brand... right.

I'll cable you.

Sea Bird will
leave promptly at 5:00.

One more passenger, Robert Malone.

He called from Albuquerque,
be here on time.

Mr. Malone?

Calling Mr. Malone, please
report at once to registration desk.

Say, you fellas weren't
going to leave me.

We thought possibly you'd
been delayed, Mr. Malone.


Now whatever made you think that?

All aboard, Mr. Malone.

Happy landings...

So long, Jim.

Feeling badly, sir?

Son, if I felt any
better, I'd sing.

And then you'd be
sorry you mentioned it.

Sorry I did.

Uh, there seems to
be many hours ahead.

Maybe we should get acquainted.

I'm John P. Corey,
formerly state senator.

I'm merely Ms. Bailey.

Oh, indeed.

We at the nation's helm have done

a great work for modern transportation,
don't you think?

We've made this ocean a... pond

and the whole world our neighbors.

Can I say more?

I hope not, Senator.

It's too funny as it is.

Don't spoil it.

Well, Harrison Brand.

This is a coincidence.

Hello, Honeyman.

Pleasure trip?

And what a pleasure.

It will be a honeymoon if
I meet the right party.

Oh, that's fine.

And if you don't meet
the right party, I will.

Ah, that's quite a bet.

Hang on to that.

It's very beautiful, isn't it?

Well, look, my name is Malone.

Does it make you happy?

Honolulu, Hong Kong,
or Shanghai, kid?



No, vacation by request.

Then you and I better knock off a
few hours without boring each other.

What's your racket?

Besides health.


I'm a forgotten man, trying to
make myself a little more forgotten.

On the lam?

Don't be seductive, but
I'm not exactly on parade.

Well, I suppose you're one
of our country's enterprising

young men, travelling the
world for new business.

Perhaps you'll make
a fourth at bridge.

Cards for money?

Why, that would be gambling.

Say, we seem to be two
of a kind on this deal.

Let's keep it that way.

Well, don't get your face red.

This is a long trip.

We both have a lot to think about.

Let's hold everything
under control.

Sure, that's OK.

Say, you seem to be pretty regular.

You're regular too.

Radiogram for you, Ms. Bailey.

Excuse me.

No answer.

I bid one club...


I'm so sorry.

Oh, let me...

Oh, I'm sorry.

I must be very awkward.

Or perhaps the ship is.

It's the ship.

Have you made the trip before?

No, and I think this once
will close the book for me.

And you?

My first trip too.

I think women have
more courage than men.

I think you've got
something there, Mother.

You can't prove it by me.

I always defend men
when I'm with women.

Men are a strange lot, but
they're useful sometimes.

There are some good ones.

My son is one.

Your son is in China?


I haven't seen him in five years.

He doesn't know I'm coming.

Oh, no wonder you're so excited.

It will be a great
surprise for him.

He hasn't written
me in over a year,

but I suppose with all
the trouble over there,

he's been very busy
helping settle it.

He must be very clever.

He is.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I may be boring you.

No, not at all.

Would you like me
to tell your fortune?

I read the cards, you know.

Oh, I don't believe in that.

You may not believe
in it, young woman,

but it's very funny how often the
things we see in cards come true.

Cut three times, please.

You're married.


You're returning to
a dark man in China.

Maybe I didn't cut the cards right.

Oh, yes.

Here's another man, very
much in love with you.


That card is never wrong.

It always spells romance.

There he is again, the same man.

Maybe it's the altitude.

No, I'm sure it's a man.

Isn't there always?

That's what's wrong with the world.

No more men in my life.

Oh, steward, aren't we
over the Japanese current?

Why, yes.

You must be an
experienced traveler.

Oh, no.

I've never been near
the ocean before.

Well, how did you know then?

One learns a great many
things in 50 years, young man,

some of them very strange.

Do you have to wait
until you're 50?

Oh, look at the clouds.

They look like strange worlds
where anything might happen.

I don't believe it.

Oh, yes.

It's very interesting.

This is the sunken...

We're over it now.

That's how ancient
America was joined.

Right below us this moment there
was a very high civilization.

I think we must be
off course a little.

Officer aren't we off our course?

Why, no, madam.

That is not more than one or two
degrees, of course nothing serious.

One or two degrees is quite a lot.

I think we're coming into a storm.

Oh, ridiculous.

Why, my dear lady,
it's all sunshine.

You were right, Mrs. Sydney.

Maybe you can tell us when
we're going to come out of it.

We haven't really
gotten into it yet.

That's very encouraging.

Sea Bird calling Coral Island.

Pacific Sea Bird
calling Coral Island.


Approximate position,
north 22, west 143.

Ceiling closing in fast.

Coral Island calling Sea Bird.

Coral Island calling Sea Bird.

Coral Island calling Sea Bird.

Coral Island calling Sea Bird.

They can't hear us.

I can't get through.

Pacific Sea Bird
calling Coral Island.

Pacific Sea Bird
calling Coral Island.

The lights are off.

Come on, everybody.

Now take it easy.

Oh, is there any actual danger?

We're trying to fly
around the storm.

There's no danger.

Don't worry.

Don't lose your nerve.

Steward, steward.

Yes sir?

What's happening?

I demand to know,
why are we falling?

Well, sir, it's like this.

Sometimes we go up,
sometimes we come down.

- Are you trying to be funny?
- Yes.

How am I doing?

Don't be frightened,
Mrs. Sydney.

I'm not frightened.

But should we put
on the life vests?


They'll tell us if it's necessary.

We can't waste anything.

Keep trying, keep trying.

Where are we?

We're 10 degrees off course.

Fine navigation.

Hey, hey.

Let me out of here.

We're going to crash.

Now stand back, everybody.

I'll shoot the first one
that tries to open that door.

Are you feeling any
better, Mrs. Sydney?

I'm all right, dear.

Don't worry too much about me.

Take care of yourself.

You'll need your strength.

No sign of life anywhere.

Not a living thing, man or beast.

Where are we?

That's what I want to know.

It's gross mismanagement.

I should insist upon an
investigation immediately I return.


Good idea, Senator.

When you figure out exactly
how you're going to get back,

will you let us in on it?

Boy, boy, where are we anyway?

As far as I can make
out we're nowhere.

Where are the officers?

They went down with the ship.

I guess the door must have stuck.

Oh, that's too bad.

I'm very sorry, but here we are
cast on an uninhabited island.

It's unprecedented.

Oh, is that what it is?

This is pretty funny.

I was trying to run away
from a nervous breakdown.

Now listen, everybody.

There's no use getting excited.

There might be a town
right around the corner.


The least you can do is to
try to find some shelter.

Lady, I lost my
job a few hours ago.

I'll do my share and no more.

Now, see here...

Make out a report for the
investigating committee,


We're all in the same boat now.

Cheer up everybody.

This is a pretty nice place.

There's nothing to worry about.


Just one big happy family.

Hey, what is that over there?

Isn't that smoke?

Sure it's smoke.

Well, what are we
wasting our time for?

Let's investigate.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

What is it?
What is it?

Do you see anybody?

Oh, shut up.

It looks creepy to me.

Lay off that gun, will you?

You'll start eating with
it one of these days

and it will blow your head off.

All right, look out.

Look out.

Young man, who are you?

Suppose I ask the questions.

What is this place?

Where are we?

About 1,200 miles off the
nearest ship or air lane.

Enjoy privacy?

You'll like it here.

Are you alone here?

I was.

Say pal, what about some food?

We dropped out of the sky
last night in a burning plane.

I guess we're what
you'd call survivors.

Where are the officers?

Well, they went down with
the plane, the poor fellas.

We want transportation at
once to the nearest port.

I'm sure you do.

How about a boat?


How far are we from Shanghai?

1,500 miles.

Do any boats ever stop here?

No, but I've only been here a year.

We must get away somehow.

Look, there's a boat.

Don't get excited, it's mine.

I thought you said
you didn't have a boat.

I said you didn't have a boat.

Now just a minute.

Are we to understand that
you refuse to pilot us?

Don't you think a good breakfast

would uh, be about the most
important thing right now?

That's the most sensible
thing that's been said yet.

If you'll excuse me.

Mr. Taylor, sir.

- Any more coconut milk?
- No.

- No thanks.
- No.

- I'm all right.
- Not a bad meal, do you think?

- Oh, lovely.
- Excellent.

It may have served
its purpose, Mr Taylor,

but now let's get down to business.

- Business?
- Yes.

You must be reasonable.

- Why?
- Why?

Don't be ridiculous.

Why should any man be reasonable?

I'm sure I don't know.

You seem to resent our coming here.

I most certainly do.

Oh, obviously it's not
through our own choice.

I imagine not.

Why won't you take us to the mainland,
apart from your inconvenience?

Let's say that is the reason.

Man alive, can't you understand?

We are people of affairs.

We have missions in this world.

Now, now, Senator, you're
taking yourself too seriously.

But really, Mr. Taylor,
it's the only decent thing you can do.

- Decent?
- Yes.


What's to prevent
our taking the boat?

There's a navigator in the club?

I think I can read a compass.

I think.

Well, if you think you can navigate
1,000 miles of treacherous sea, why...

Is it possible that your man,
Mr. Ping, can sail the boat?

Yes, he can.

But he's not going to.

Now look here, let's understand
each other thoroughly.

You want to get to your
destinations for reasons of your own.

I refuse to take you
for reasons of my own.

That I have personal
reasons goes without saying

and I don't want any more probing.

I didn't invite you here,
but as long as you are here

I'll do my best to treat you as guests,
only as long as you act as guests.

Is that clear?

Mr. Taylor, time
for news bulletin.

Put it on, Ping.

A radio?

Just an old fashioned battery set.

And with talks of the borders,
all central Europe is tense awaiting

the next move of the dictators.

We now swing across from central Europe
to somewhere in the Pacific Ocean

where the mystery of the giant
plane Sea Bird is cloaked in silence.

Although hope has
not been abandoned,

it is considered almost
certain that the plane

and all its occupants
went down into the sea.

We formally broadcast the identity

of those aboard with the
exception of three passengers.

They have now been established
through dispatches from San Francisco.

Traveling aboard
the plane incognito

under the name of Doris
Bailey was Ms. Thelma Chase,

heiress to the Chase millions and one
of the richest girls in the world.

It is said that she was going
abroad to absent herself

from the growing labor troubles
in one of her factories

which is now closed by strikes.

Another on the plane was Robert
Malone, known in the underworld

as the Torpedo, a former member
of the notorious Dot Swanson gang.

Malone was fleeing to the Orient
with $150,000 which he had held

back from some gang operation.

The reason for his hasty
flight was said that

he had been marked for death
by his fellow mobsters.

Also on the plane...

Take it easy.

Was Iris Compton, who was being sought
by the District Attorney's office

for questioning regarding her
knowledge of underworld activities.

Newspaper men allege that she was

ordered to leave the city until
the investigation blew over.

Harrison Brand and T.L Honeyman,
whose identity was reported

before, were ammunition
salesmen for two

unnamed competitive firms,
both hastening to the Orient

to close gigantic deals
on the sale of ammunition.

And this brings to a close our
news broadcast for this evening.

The program comes to you...

That makes at least
three murderers.

Ladies and gentlemen, now we're
really getting acquainted.

It seems to me, Ms. Compton,
that from now on, out

of respect for these ladies...

Senator, you shut up.

I advise you to take
that advice, Senator.

You too, Malone.

Mr. Taylor, I'll give you
$100,000 to take me to China.

You mean just you?

I can't speak for the others.

You can put me down for 50 G's
and another $50,000 for Ms. Compton.

Thanks buddy, that's
very thoughtful.

That's splitting the bank
roll with you two to one.

I need the last $50,000
to get started again.

How much Ms. Chase
has offered, Taylor,

but you'll have to wait until
I put over this deal in China.

That is if the senator
here lends proper influence.

Well, if it's that kind
of a deal, I'll double it.

Oh, Senator, here's your chance.

These gentlemen are insinuating
that your help can help

put over their ammunition deal.

Of course the thousands of lives
involved wouldn't matter to you.

Really, gentleman, you, you put
me in a very embarrassing position.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I don't think you
told me who you are.

I'm a nurse returning to
China for humanitarian reasons.

Of course I realize that
means nothing to you.

Are you a graduate nurse?


Been in China before?


In what hospital?

The Lady of the Lamp in Kuchow.


Oh, just curious.


What about it?

I'm sorry to inconvenience
Mrs. Sydney and Mrs. Wesson,

but I'm not taking any of you.

If you think you're going
to keep us on this island

while there's a boat around
that will sail, you're crazy.

Why get excited?

We don't care much where we're going,
as long as it isn't back.

Now there's just one
other little thing.

When I arrived on this
island, the first thing I did

was to build this shack and
then I began scouting for food.

If you think you're
going to run this island

and tell me what
you'd like for dinner,

you'd better try and
think up another idea.

I'm not running a rest
camp for nervous patients

and I'm a little sick of
answering silly questions.

To live on this island, two things
are necessary, food and shelter.

And from now on if you want either,
you'll have to find your own.

I prefer my own company.

He means we're very welcome, folks.

Dinner's served.

Are we going to let this
man get away with this?

We've got a right to eat.

I'll talk to him.


Oh, did you want something?

Now, look here, Mr. Taylor, we're
perfectly willing to pay for the food.

I'm sorry, Senator, but
your money is no good here.

I'm quite willing to let
you use my fishing tackle.

In fact, I might even
stretch it a bit.

I'll give you some of my fish.

Oh no, not this one.


But you'll have to
cook them yourselves.

Oh, I, I don't mind that.

Can anybody cook?

And one other thing, if you
don't clean up afterwards,

you can't use my fireplace again.

I'll see to that too.

And you'll have to
gather your own firewood.


They will.

You'll find the fish outside
under the damp leaves.


Take it easy.

Wait a minute.

Take it easy.

What we going to
do, Mr. Taylor?

I don't know.

I'm just as anxious to get
rid of them as they are to go.

We stay, they swim.

You no take chance.

You can't go back.

I know that, Ping.

Very well, set it here.

We must all cooperate.

Ah, very clever of you girls.

I'm very fond of...

Now, let's go about this in
organized, democratic fashion.

We'll divide up the work.

Mrs. Sydney, can you cook?

I've been frying fish for 30 years.

Fine, fine.

Uh, Jessup, you can
prepare the vegetables.

Malone, uh, you can clean the fish.

Ms. Thelma Chase may serve
the meal, if you will,

and Mrs. Wesson, you
can clean up afterwards.

Brand and Honeyman, you
can gather the wood.

There now, that's democratic.

Outside of eating, Senator,
just what do you do?

Why, I'm the organizer.

Well, who elected you?

If this is going to be democratic,
let's have an election.

Here, here.


I nominate the Senator
to clean the fish.

Wait just a minute now...

I'll second the motion that
the Senator cleans the fish.

- All in favor?
- Aye.

- Against?
- Aye.

I protest.


This is against all
conceptions of democracy.

It's a virtual, a
virtual dictatorship.

On the contrary, Senator.

It's perfect democracy.

The voice of the people.

If you don't clean the
fish, you don't eat.

You can't come in here.

Oh, fancy finding you here.

Go away.

I thought this was my boat.

Maybe I'm wrong.
Come on out.

I can't.



Wrap yourself in this.


I was swimming and got tired.

I stopped to rest.


I'm glad to see you.

Oh, really?

I've been waiting to talk to you.

Conscience been bothering you?

You do have a conscience.

Mm, a little.

Well, that's at least
one human quality.

That was a pretty speech
you made last night.

Wasn't it deserved?

Maybe, but still you can't
expect us to accept it gratefully.

After all, our lives do
mean something to us.

You don't think the men are
going to let you get away with it.

Sorry, there's nothing
they can do about it.

Anyhow, I'd rather you
pleaded your own case.

Well, I'd rather not.

But what are you going
to do about Mrs. Sydney?

She can't stand this place.

That's too bad.

Well, it will be too bad for you

if you don't save us because
we'll take the boat ourselves.

Now, look here, young
lady, you're wasting

your time inspecting this boat.

I can tell you and all the others
everything you need to know.

The magnete is hidden on the
island, so is the gasoline.

And I don't think anybody can
handle sails, so I left that.

And all the charts are hidden too.

All right, Mr. Taylor, but if
you think you can keep eight

people on this island when
you have the means of taking

them away, you're crazy.

Well, then,
if we keep on talking like this,

we're both going to get feverish.

Come on, come on, let's go.

What's on your mind, Ping?

I've been thinking, Mr. Taylor.

You have?

Well, so have I, Ping, but
it hasn't gotten me anywhere.

Keep Ping somewhere.

Well, I've always said you
were a better thinker than I.


Ping, these people
here, it's bad business.

I wish we knew what
we could do about it.

They must go.

Yes, but how?

I think there's something
in what you said, Ping.

It's pretty risky, even
if we took a chance

and dropped them off in an isolated
spot in the mainland at midnight.

Catch the idea?

Thanks, Ping.

That's probably a very good idea.

Ladies and gentlemen, I
have some sad news for you.

I've changed my mind.
You're leaving here.

- What?
- When?

Well, young man, I'm glad you
see the path of decency at last.

My conscience is stricken, Senator.

Mr. Honeyman and Mr. Brand
being kept from their noble work

causes me sleepless nights.

I can't stand it any longer.

And poor Ms. Chase, 30 millions
and no place to spend it.

That's a tragedy.

Can you pilot us?

I'm not going.

My Chinese servant
will be your captain.

However, there's just
one little difficulty.

There are nine of you and
the boat only holds six.

The rest of you will have
to wait about three months.

Oh, well, the time will
soon pass for the others.

Now, about the six, naturally
age comes first, then the ladies...

Please, quiet.

There's nothing to be gained
by disorderly conduct.

Now, it's obvious
that the first to go

should be those whose objectives
are the most important.

Certainly it's more
fitting that a lady like

Ms. Chase should precede Ms...

One more crack out of
you, Senator, and I'll...

Forget it, will ya?

Take that back.

I'm, I'm sorry, Ms. Compton.

I apologize.

I was going to offer to
stay here, but that's out.

Well, if you're all through,
I'll give you my decision.

Number one is Ping,
number two, Mrs. Sydney.

Three and four, Ms.
Compton and Mr. Malone.

Number five, Mrs. Wesson.

But you said there were six.

Yes, that's my difficulty.

Let's see, there are four left.

Well, I suppose we'll
have to toss for it.

It's Jessup.

Well, I don't understand.

Why, this is absolutely...
one toss for four

people and then you... it's silly.

Senator, I'm sorry, but
that's the way it is.

Too bad, Ms. Chase.

You can't leave me here.

You simply can't.

If that $100,000
lets you off with me,

Ms. Chase, perhaps Ms. Compton
would take that for her place.

For three months?

Yeah, that's fair.

Now I can have that nervous breakdown
I've been putting off for years.

Boy, will I enjoy it.

Well, look everybody, when
you come right down to it,

there's no particular rush
for me to leave this island.

I mean, after all, what's three
months more or less to me?

That's very fine of you, Malone.

Well, that's settled.

Oh, by the way, you
sail at noon tomorrow.

You can't get away
with this, Taylor.

Take it easy, Brand.

He won't.

Your best course, Ping, will be to
avoid the Sermon group of islands.

You understand the map?

Yes, Mr. Taylor.

It's going to be tough
taking five people.

We make it.

Oh, run along now
and check everything.

Yes, Mr. Taylor.

Oh, hello, Mrs. Wesson.

Your bags all packed?

I wanted to thank
you, Mr. Taylor.

I've been doing you a great
injustice these past few days.

Mental murder?

Just about.

I'm sorry you're not going with us.

I'm sorry you're not staying.

You're a curious person.

I suppose all my life I've
been wondering who you are

and why you're on this island.

It will be most irritating.

You'll forget all about
this island the minute

you get back to civilization.

I don't think so.

Good bye.

Good bye.

Now, we don't want to pull
any strong-arm stuff, Taylor,

but right here and now you're
going to listen to reason.

I thought you understood me.

Well, that was your mistake.

You're going to understand us.

Listen, Taylor, you can't
set yourself up as a tin god.

You either take us or we take you.


Mr. Taylor, are you all right, Mr...

Sorry I couldn't get here earlier.

All right, you mugs,
take it on the lam.


It's OK.

Hey, wouldn't it be a
riot if I had to become

the cop around this joint?

Fine boys, Honeyman and Brand.


You should find their company quite
enjoyable these next three months.

Yeah, maybe I'll keep them here.

You know, there's an idea in there.

Quarantine all ammunition makers
and their salesman on an island

and let them shoot it out.

Do you ever do anything
with your ideas?

Oh, I just dream them up.

That's what I thought.

Well, it's about time you
started putting them to work.

Anything you say.

Leave Honeyman and Brand here.

You sail us instead of Ping and then
start kidnapping ammunition makers.

I have a better idea.

Would it work?

Well, that depends on you.

Send Honeyman and Brand
back with Ping and you stay.


Oh seriously, Anne.

Why don't you let
someone else go and you

stay till the boat comes back.

We haven't begun to
know each other yet.

Why should we?

For the best reason in the world.

What's that?

Because we want to.

Oh, do we?

Put 'em up, fish face.

Don't shoot.

He's OK.

It's only his shoulder.

Come on, get going.

Get in there.

Cast off that line.

Take that for luck.

And that.

Shut up, shut up.

Mrs. Sydney.

Is she?

Is she hurt badly?

It's nothing
serious, Mrs. Sydney.

We'll take you up to the shack
and fix you up right away.

Give me...

All right, take it easy now, boys.

Be careful.

Be careful.

Oh, shut up.

We'll clean that cut
and fix you like new.

All you got to do is be a good boy.

You want to make some
money, don't you?

Yes sir.

You bring us to the mainland,
and we'll give you $5,000.

That will make you the
richest Chinaman on the coast.

What do you say?

$5,000, lots of money.

You're a smart boy.

Well, can you beat this?

And to think that guy Taylor
was pulling all that stuff

about leading the
clean, simple life.

"The Shanghai News", get this.
"Convicted doctor escapes.

Dr. James Taylor,
prominent Shanghai surgeon

who was convicted of
murder in the first degree

for the slaying of Thomas
Sydney, a young American

connected with the underworld
escaped from prison last night

aided by his Chinese servant."

That's me.

"Police, however, fell
certain he will be captured

within the next 24 hours."

When was that?

A year ago.

I guess cops are
alike the world over.

Well, hey, you never can tell.

There might be a reward
on that guy's head.

Will find out when we
notify the authorities.

I want to see that guy,
Mr. Dr. Taylor, in Shanghai

when they bring him back.

We'll put her on the bed in here.

Take it easy.

Careful, easy, easy, easy.

The rest of you
wait outside, please.

Malone, get that hot
water off the fire.

Mrs. Wesson, you'll find
the kit on the table.

The dressings are inside.

Mrs. Wesson.

See where Malone
is with that water.

Yes, Doctor.

Now, Mrs. Sydney, please
don't say anything.

Thank you.

On that plane, remember,
I had a feeling this

was going to be an adventure.

Yes, that's right.

You did.

Now please.

I'm ready.

Hold her head, Mrs. Wesson.

Now, Mrs. Sydney,
just grit your teeth.

I'm going to probe that bullet now.

She needs an anaesthetic, Doctor.

We haven't any.

I'm afraid it's too late anyway,
but we'll do what we can.

It is too late.

Don't worry about me.

Seems as if I was right about
everything, except seeing my son again.

Anne, will you tell him for me?

You find his picture.

His name is Thomas Sydney.

Thomas Sydney?


Did you know him?

Yes, I knew him.

He's a very fine
boy, Mrs. Sydney.

I know.

I know.

Anne, please, please don't cry.


I'm awfully sorry, Anne.

I'm afraid I've made an
awful mess of everything.

You mustn't blame yourself.

Oh yes, I feel responsible
for Mrs. Sydney's death.

But it was an accident.

If I had taken away the first day,
this never would have happened.

Oh, they'd have had to wait for
the second trip just the same.

The only difference is it might
have happened three days ago.

Oh, I wish I could forget it.

I keep thinking of Mrs.
Sydney's son waiting for her.

He won't be.

He was killed a year ago, Anne.

You really knew him?

I thought you were just
trying to comfort her.

He was mixed up in the most
vicious, depraved racket

in the Orient, trying to cause an
innocent woman to commit suicide.

The woman's brother killed him.

Maybe it's just as well
Mrs. Sydney never got there.

Well, how did you know?

I was that woman's doctor.

That couldn't have anything
to do with your being here?

In a way it has.

Do you really think we'll get
away from here in three months?

As soon as Honeyman and Brand
reach the mainland they'll tell...

I don't think so.

You don't really think
they'd kill Ping, do you?

If they have, they'll
never get to the mainland.

If the they haven't,
Ping will never take them there,

in which event they
probably will kill him.

Well, the future doesn't
look very bright, does it?

What's the rush?

What's the rush?
Take it easy.

Take it easy.

Now look, I don't like the
way you're washing those pots.

The sweet potatoes we had today
tasted of yesterday's fish.

I haven't yet mastered the art.

I'm sorry.

There's no art to it.

It's just elbow grease.

If you weren't so lazy, you'd take

those things down to the
beach and rub them with sand.

That cleans them thoroughly
and I've told you that before.

Hello there, Monica,
what's on the menu?

Well, I'm inventing something.

It's a combination of
all kinds of things.

You mean all kinds of fish.


What's he going to call it tonight?

Ask the chef.

What do you call it again?

It's bouillabaisse.

Oh yeah?

Fish chowder in Brooklyn.

Come on, let's get
the table set, honey.

I'll set the table
without the honey.

How about a swim?

I can't.

I've got work to do.

We're not all so lucky.

Well, well, who'd have thought three
months ago you would wind up here?

There you were, oh dear,
life is so difficult.

I don't know whether
to spend the summer

in South Hampton or Bar Harbor,
and the servant problem, my dear.

And my stock and
bonds and factories.

Say, I wonder how those poor
guys are getting along in your factory.

You know, the ones that were striking
for shorter hours and better pay?

I bet they miss you.

If you don't shut up...

What did I say?

What did I do?

You said too much.

Isn't it bad enough around here?

Work, work, work from early
morning till late at night.

I can't even go for a swim.

And look at you, supply
clerk and housekeeper.

That's because I've had
experience as a stenographer.

In what type of establishment?

Never mind that.

I know my business.

And how.

I'm a white collar worker.

What can you do?

There are plenty of
things I could do.

It so happens that Mr. Taylor
and Mr. Malone won't give

you a tumble and are you bored.

Oh, don't be ridiculous.

Yeah, you're just sore because
you're left out in the cold,

not that you have to be.

There's always dear Jessup.

See ya later, Polly.

Right back, toots.


We can call them in now.

If I had Taylor here,
I'd, I'd show him...

Hey, hm.

Fish dinner.

I think we've got enough.

I don't think so.

We still have two roofs
and the wall to finish.

We need at least a hundred more.


I think we've got enough.

Hello Thelma.

Hello Donnie.

Hello Blubberpus.

Where is everybody?

Swimming, enjoying themselves
as usual while we do the work.

Thelma, we're being exploited.

Don't I know it.

The nerve of them assigning
the menial work to us.

Our services could be used to much
better advantage in many respects.

Do you know that I offered to
write a history of our stay

on this island and
what did Taylor say?

All right, what did he say?


Well, there doesn't seem to
be much we can do about it.

If there were something we could
do about it, would you be interested?

You've been thinking again.

Don't be silly.

Don't be silly.

Did it ever occur to
you that Taylor's reasons

for hiding upon this island must
arise from some criminal past?

Are you just catching on?

That occurred to me five
minutes after we got here.

All right, than if he's a criminal,
he's probably a liar as well.

So are most people.

- What of it?
- What of it?

What of it?

That bird hears everything.

Listen, he told us
that we were hundreds

of miles off any ship lane we,
like a pack of fools, believed him.

How do we know?

How do we know?

It's possible that every day,
just beyond that horizon,

the ships are passing
back and forth.

And we, like a pack
of fools, sit here.

What do you want to do?

Swim out there and thumb your way?

Oh no, but those
ships can be reached.

Has it occurred to you how I've
spent my time these evenings?

Frankly, Senator, it hasn't.

Ah, well, the first few weeks were spent
purely in thought, general strategy.

And then I hit upon a tactic.

A tactic?

And I immediately set to work.

Here they come.

I'll tell you more after supper.

We'll be off this island in a week,
but remember there's...

I wonder what we're
going to have for dinner?

Well, it's nice to
wonder, isn't it?

You don't suppose it
could be fish, do you?

Let's get that food.

Come on, Thelma.

Get... the dinner.

You hungry?

Couldn't be hungrier,
I'll tell you.

You know, when I was
a boy in Chicago,

I worked in one of the
big packing firms there.

All I did all day long
was just smoke fish.

It got so...

You must have looked awfully sweet.

I got so I thought I could never look

another fish in the eye,
but it gave me an idea.

Now, suppose that I
build a smoke oven.

Then when the stormy season comes along,
we have plenty of smoked fish.

Not a new idea at all, Mr.
Malone, I can assure you.

The government's been talking for
years about shortage and drought.

It's an old story.


Than if we really do
it, it'll be quite new.

Hey, what's the idea?

Is that all I get?

I'm thinking about
your figure, dear.

You're getting awfully plump.

- Has everybody been served?
- Yes.

- Fine.
- Yes, indeed.

Well, maybe I can sit
down and have my dinner.


Have you young
ladies had a nice day?

A perfectly lovely day.

I paid a social call on Ms.
Thelma Chase of Long Island.

She gave me a delightful luncheon.

That was sweet of you, Thelma.

I'm so happy to see you
girls getting on so well.

Sweet of me?

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

There's an unfair distribution
of work around here and I object.

Some people do practically
nothing and have all the fun.

You're all taking advantage of me.

Why can't I go swimming
when everyone else does

and take time off for fun and rest?

I'm entitled to a fair
share and all the comforts

and if I don't get it, I'll,
I'll, well, I'll just sit down.

Sit down.

Say, you know, If the
workers at the Chase company

had an eloquent leader
like you to speak for them,

I'll bet you they
wouldn't have much trouble

getting what they're after.

Too bad you're not all
shareholders, isn't it?

I think Thelma's complaint is justified

and I nominate Johnny to do
the housework for awhile.

All in favor?


That's too preposterous.

Sorry Johnny, but it seems
you're elected.


You see, as you're
completely unequipped

for any productive work, you'll
have to remain unskilled labor.

Join the Navy and learn a trade.

But I, I cannot...

We'll see about this later.

Just one big happy family.

Don't worry, Johnny.

There are only three meals a day.

How's he taking it?

Not very well.

I doubt it.

Well, keep him at
it, keep him at it.

Don't worry, I will.

Say, where's Iris?

Probably waiting on the corner.


Well, what did I do?

That's just what I'm
going to find out.

Why don't you ask your questions
first and sock afterwards then?

Because I like it this way better.

Now come on, what's
going on between you two?

What two?

Are you going to pull
that baby face line?

You know who I mean.

Oh, you mean Thelma?

Oh, you know better than that.

I haven't given that
dame a tumble, honest.

What do you know about honest?

Didn't I see the way she's been
heaping your plate, feeding you up?

What about that undercover talk she

was giving you just
now by the table?

Oh, you mean when she was kind
of whispering in my ear there?


Well, that was nothing.

It uh, seems that she's just
learned how to weave this grass

and uh, well, she said she thought

that I might like her to make me a
little window shade for my shack.

What for?

Well, she said she thought I
might like a little privacy.

That's just what I thought.

If the time ever comes when you
need privacy, I'm making the curtains.

All right, what
are you waiting for?

- Let's get started.
- Now, get this straight.

The next time I catch you fooling
around with that common kitchen help,

it will be curtains for you,
not the house.

Ms. Compton, I didn't know you cared.

You know, Anne, our little
community hasn't turned out so badly.

I hated the idea at first
but now everybody's changed.

It's not so bad.

Nobody's changed.

They haven't changed inside.

Never satisfied, are you?

No, and I never will be here.


Don't you see I've got to get back?

Back to what?


This isn't living.

Well, it all depends
on how you look at it.

Your civilisation isn't
so civilized these days.

Well, you won't change
that by running away.

I suppose I did run
away from my chop.

I didn't think much
about it at the time,

didn't affect anybody except me.

But I'm not alone anymore.

Maybe the others haven't
changed, Anne, but I have.

I couldn't be content to
stay here again without you.

You could never be happy
living here, even with me.

Our lives are just beginning.

We've got to make
something of them.


Hey Jim, the island's on fire.


Heaven forbid, the winds
are going to be terrible.

Everybody down at the beach.

Where are Thelma and John?

- Come on.
- Fire.


Right there, look.

The man, he's crazy.

What are you trying to do?

Set the whole island on fire?

If I'd known you were cold, Senator,
I'd have offered you a jacket.

It's time somebody did something.

You studiously avoiding
making any effort

to signal the passing ship
so I put it upon myself.

If you were so anxious to leave,
why didn't you come to me for advice?

We've had enough of your advice.

Well, it's a pity but this
is all a wasted effort.

The ship lanes are miles away
and in the opposite direction.

They couldn't possibly have
seen your fire from here.

This is north, Johnny.

The nearest northern ship lane
from here is over a thousand miles.

Well, I think you'd better
pick up your pail and shovel

and play nearer home.

I'll find a way yet.

Well, I hope it's at
least as good as this one.


I tell ya, that Chinaman's
pulling a fast one.

We should have hit China by now.

Not a lot we're trying to do
about it since we ran out of gas.

Well, we should have been in
China before we ran out of gas.

Oh, we're not.

I'll tell you what I'll do.

I'll say this boat myself.

Oh no, you won't.

I'll take the Chinaman.

Come on, I'll see you with him.

Nice breeze.

Yes, very nice.

And we ought to be parallel to...

Oh yes.

What are we seeing right
at the Sermon Islands?

Oh, someday maybe.

We pass.

We pass.

You've been saying
that for two weeks.

When do we hit the mainland?

Maybe in two days,
maybe three, maybe never.

Pretty quick now.

You're lying to me.

You've been going
around in circles.

I'll give you three days
to show me some land.

And if you don't, you'll never
put your hands in a room again.

All right.

You sail the boat.

You know we don't know
how to sail a boat.

Oh, fairly easy.

Just turn wheel.

Now wait a minute, maybe
we've been too good to you.

You've got to do better.

I do better,

You've got to do better than that.

Tell me something,
darling, but honestly.

All right.

Have you been happy
these last few days?

Happier than I've
been for a long time.

Let's forget everything that
ever happened in the past.

I've already forgotten.

We need never think about it again.

From now on, we
live in the present.

And think of the future.

Ah, that's just what we won't do.

Why not?

The future has everything to offer.

Of course it has.

Our little community is
getting along very well and...

No, Jim.

It's not our future on this
island I'm thinking about.

This is only half living.

It's the nicest half.

You know that isn't true.

Unless we face our responsibilities,

we can't respect ourselves,
much less each other.

This may sound like an empty promise,
Anne, there doesn't seem to be

any way to fulfill it, but you mean
more to me than anything else.

If we ever can get
away, we'll go together.


Oh, it's you.

What do you want?

I, are you alone?

Yes, but I'm not lonesome.

Are you available?

I, I, I want to talk to you.

What about?

Well, uh, about yourself.

All right.

Come on in.

Ah, what a cozy little place.

You're really very clever, Iris.

Excellent handicraft.

Did Thelma make this?

So far Thelma didn't make anything,
and if she knows what good for her...

Ah, fighting with Thelma?

Allowing selfish motives to interfere
with the welfare of the community?

What's it to you?

I want to put you in my book.

I'd hope that you might furnish
me with its most interesting material.

Well, I'll do anything I can.


That the proper spirit.

You know, in a community such as ours,
it's one for all, all for one,

what's mine is yours, and it necessarily
follows that, that what's yours is...


Ah, yes.

Um, I want to record for
posterity the reactions

of a person such as yourself to uh,

shall we say, uh,
nature in the raw.

Well, if we're going to personal...

Ah, no, no, no. Don't,
don't misunderstand me.

I'm only trying to help.

You must live so that no
fault can be found with you.

Last night I happened to see,
not that I wanted to, Malone.

Malone put his arm
around you like this.

Now, don't try to deny it.

I saw you.

It was just like this.

Iris, it was a disgrace.

What was the disgrace about it?

Why, the very manner in which he...

Now wait a minute, Senator,
what possible harm can there be to it?

Why, all he did was put his
arms around me like this

and said... well, it's none of
your business what he said.

Why, you act as if it was a crime.

Well, uh, maybe I've
been a little too hasty.

Perhaps I misjudged.

I'm really beginning to feel as
though you're perfectly right.

I knew you'd see
it my way, Senator.

Yes, uh, well, the uh,
little talk didn't hurt.

In fact I honestly think that uh,

the little understanding talk
should uh, come more often.

Oh Senator, what was it
you came to see me about?

How am I doing, Polly.

Pretty good, toots.

Will you please shut up?

Now look, Thelma, I can't whistle
at night because you want to sleep.

I can't whistle in the day time
because it bothers your nerves.

When can a man whistle?

Oh, you're tough to get along with.

I'm very easy to get along with.

Just tell me how.

I've told you, shut up.

Now look, Thelma.

You've got to get over the jitters.

Why don't you settle
down and calm yourself?

Everybody else around here's
trying to make the best of everything.

You could be pretty happy
if you wanted to be.

Thanks for the advice.

Well, that's more than advice.


Gee, Thelma, don't you think
you could learn to care just a little?

We're going to be here
a long time, you know?

Is this your way of uh, proposing?


Well, this is my way of accepting.

She loves me.

101, 102, 103.

Can't you put that stuff down?

We finally got to the
one place in the world

where you don't need money and
you can't even forget it here.

Oh, I'm just counting
to pass the time away.

If that's the best way
you can pass the time,

you're going to be a
great disappointment.

What do you want it for?

What good is it doing you?

If you must count something,
well, wait until tonight.

We'll count the stars.

Do you want to have some fun?


OK, let's burn it.

Are you crazy?

Yeah, but not about the money.

OK, kid.

Let's both go crazy.

As long as we're going to wipe
out the past, let's complete the job.


Money, some guys burn
because they love this stuff

and here we are burning it
because we love each other.

Yeah, a thousand dollar bill.

Funny how geography changes
the value of this stuff.

You know, we made
a great discovery.

Money's no good at all.

Anne, Anne.

Have you seen it?
Have you seen it?

Seen what?

It's marvelous,
marvelous, marvelous.

I can't believe it.

What's the matter?

Did you see a ghost or something?

A ghost?

What is it?

It's not a ghost.
It's the real thing.

A boat, a big, beautiful boat.

A magnificent monarch of
the sea coming this way.

Come, let me show you.


Oh, Johnny, he's fainted.

A boat.

A boat?

Let's leave that dough.

What's happened?

It's Johnny, he's gone crazy
and I always knew he would

Taylor, Taylor, come here.

A boat is coming.


The Navy, the Navy
has come to rescue us.

I'm positive it's the Navy.

Of course they'd never
give up the search for us.

Those greyhounds of
the sea are everywhere.

Uh oh, here come the marines.

I want to get some decent
clothes again and a manicure.

Gee, I don't feel like
I thought I would at all.

Come on, let's see
what this is all about.

Come on, everybody.

Nice work, Ping.

Hello Ping.

I come back, Mr. Taylor.

I knew you would, Ping.

What happened, Ping?

Where are Honeyman and Brand?

Them fall overboard,
Mr. Taylor.

I think I done for, Mr. Taylor.

Where is everybody?

It hasn't been so quiet
here in a long time.

They're down at the beach
trying to hold the senator back.

Don't tell me he's going
to swim out to the boat.

That's what's they're afraid of.

He wants to get the best bunk.

Yeah, well, he'll sleep
on deck and like it.

Oh, don't worry about the senator.

He'll find something in the
Constitution to provide him with a bunk.

Now I'll have to start worrying
about a job all over again.

Don't worry, I'll
help you find a job.

As a strike breaker in
one of your factories?

No, I learned something
on that island.

There are going to
be a lot of changes.

I'm writing a history of
our stay on this island.

Now, let's see.

After I saved those who survived,

I took on the responsibility
of leadership and set

about establishing a
democratic community.

I was given the title of...


You know, honey, I've
got a pretty good idea.

It better be a new one.

What do you say when we get
to Hong Kong we tie the knot?

Then we can buy ourselves
a little boat like this

and head back to the island
and spend our honeymoon.

I'll go for the first part of it

but we'll spend the honeymoon
and the money in Shanghai.

Looks like I'm the boss all right.

Yes you are.

Well, things aren't quite
the way you figured them

out for yourself, are they pal?

Not quite.

You gotta big stretch to do?

I had a hunch you were on
the lam from the beginning.

After all, if I didn't
know the sign, s who would?

Look Jim, if this dough is of
any use to you, just say the word.

I'm afraid I can't
use it where I'm going.

A tough a rap as that, eh?

Well, 150 grand is a lot of
dough in any man's country.

Don't forget you can count on me.


Here, take this wheel and keep
the compass right where it is.


You made up your mind?

You still want to go back?

I thought we all had.

Taylor's only going
back on account of you.

The rest of us are
riding on velvet.

Haven't you any idea why
he didn't want to go back?

Because the minute
this boat hits port,

there's going to be
somebody there to grab him.

So it looks to me like you better
make plans for your future alone.

I don't think so.

Kept her right on the line, Cap.

OK, thank you.

What's the matter.

I was talking to Malone.

Jim, is it too late for
me to change my mind?

Couldn't we go back to
the island or anywhere?

No, you made me see
everything very clearly.

We must face life, not run away.

You have your work to do, and I...
well, I have a matter to clear up.

We may be separated
for a little while...

No, Jim.

Whatever it is, we'll face it together.