Sing, Bing, Sing (1933) - full transcript

After singing over the radio, Bing Crosby transmits a signal to elope to his sweeheart Helen; but her father is listening too. Undaunted, Bing tries, tries again. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Won't you let me
take you far away to the place

I call my hideaway?

Only love will have the right
of way in my hideaway.

There's a cozy
cabin built for two,

and a silvery lake for a canoe.

I will be in paradise
with you in my hideaway.

We'll be so happy there
where romance fills the air.

We'll be a loving pair
as the years roll by.

When your golden hair
has turned to grey, I'll be

loving you the same old way.

You'll be mine forever
and a day in my hideaway.

Now, Helen, darling,
be ready in 15 minutes.

I've got the license and
the ladder by the garden wall.

Pack your suitcase.

Put it over on your
old man this time.

Oh, you bet we will, honey.

I'll be waiting.

OK, sweetheart.

Now when you hear me whistle--

The time will be
exactly 10:00 PM.

Get out of here.

Now when you hear me whistle--

--you start down that ladder.

Remember, not a move till
you hear the whistle.

Hurry, darling.


Ah, sweetheart.

At last we fooled your dad.

Oh, no you haven't.

Mr. Lake.

Yes, Mr. Lake.

I heard your message
over the radio.

Thought I'd be listening to
Amos and Andy, didn't you?

You can't steal
my promised bride.

I have a good notion to
knock your block off.

Oh yeah?

Thought we heard a little noise.

Is there anything-- wrong?


Listen here, young man.

I've told you time and
time again that Helen's

too young to get married.

Well, she's going to
marry me eventually.

Why not now?

Oh no, she isn't.

My daughter will never
marry a radio crooner.

That's right where you're wrong.

Prosperity is just
around the crooner.

Now get out.

Right away?

Right away.

Thank you for the right of way.

Harry, put that
flashlight in your pocket

before you spill it.

That's the spirit.

Now in spite of these
two defectives of yours,

I'll bet you 50 to one I marry
your daughter in the morning.


Good odds.

I'll take that bet.

I'll hold the stakes.

Now scram.

Goodbye now.

I'll see you after the wedding.

I should hate you,
but I guess I love you.

You've got me in between
the devil and the deep blue sea.

I forgive you 'cause
I can't forget you.

You've got me right between
the devil and the deep blue sea.

I ought to cross
you off my list.

But when you come
knocking at my door,

hate seems to give
my heart twist

and I come running
back for more.

I don't want you, but I
can't live without you.

You've got me right between
the devil and the deep blue sea.

Not anymore now, honey.

We have to hurry.

Dad locked me in his room
and I couldn't get out.

Well then, where are
you phoning from?

Pa's transom.

Pa's what?

Pa's transom.

I'm still in his room.

Well come on out
and get a wiggle on.

I'll be waiting.

OK, Bing.

I'll try to squeeze through.


Oh, papa.

It's you.

Yeah, it's me Where you going?

Oh, I'm just going out
to feed your pet gorilla.

You know if Charley doesn't
gets his milk on time,

he gets terribly angry.


Well you didn't need to
telephone to him first.

Besides, Herbert's feeding him.

You can't fool me.

You get into that
room, young lady.

Get in there.

But papa.



Were are you?

Here we are, Mr. Lake.

Herbert, how in the world
did you get up there?

Oh, Charley wouldn't
go back in his cage.




Come Nice milk, Charley.

Come, come.

Come on.

Back in your cage, Charley.

Come on.

Come on, Charley.





I can't see at all.

Well, I would--

I would help you, Mr--

Who me?

Lovable, lovable,
how I'd love to be your one

and only.

Can't you care a little
bit for lonely me?

Say, you're lovable, lovable.

I'm so happy just
to be around you.

And I'm mighty lucky
that I found you free.

I call you lovable.

Say, that's the name that
fits you like a glove.

And you're wonderful, marvelous,
made for me to love.

Lovable, lovable, how I'd love
to be the one you care for.

Can't you find a little
love to spare for me?


Holmes, Barnes,
are you in there?

Oh, we got to get
out of here fast.

Oh, hurry.

--Marvelous, made for me--

There he is behind that bush.

I'll stop that canary with
some of this bird shot.

I got him.

There'll be no eloping now.

You killed him.

Well, it's always open
season for crooners.


Come on.



Com on, Charley.

This is no time for fooling.

Oh, you big cutie.

He wants to play.

I want to get married.

Oh, here Charley.


Here, Charley.

Now here's a lollipop,
and don't let them catch us.

There they come!

Stop them!

After him boys!

After him!









Step on it, Bing.

They're coming after us.


They'll never catch us.

Stop, Charley.


Make him let go, Mr. Lake.

Charley, let go.

Get over there.

From there.

Charley, come here.

Charley, stop it now.

Stop it.

Stop it, I say.

Look out!

Look out!


Let go of that!

I'll put him back here with us.

Get that gorilla out of here.



Don't you let him
have that wheel.

Cut it out, Charley.

Charley, let go of that.

Go on.

Oh, he's got the wheel.



What are we going to do?

Oh, I can't.

I'm trying to.


Well, now what'll we do?
I don't know.

Ah, you--

Hey, you can't do that.

Snuggled on your
shoulder, cuddled in your arms.

Dreaming while
we're flying, say,

I'm thrilled by all your charms.

While the music is
playing, I'm in ecstasy.

Sweetheart, hear me saying
how this is heavenly.

We're sailing away from dad,
what a grand sensation.

Sailing, say, this isn't bad.

You're my inspiration.

Let me fly forever and
I can dream about your charms

while I'm snuggled
on your shoulder,

and I'm cuddled in your arms.