Sheep & Wolves (2016) - full transcript

In a magical faraway land, in a picturesque little village nestled among green meadows and rolling hills, lives a flock of carefree sheep. But their pastoral and stress-free life is interrupted when a pack of wolves sets up camp in the nearby ravine. In accordance with ancient traditions, the retiring pack leader Magra announces that his future successor must prove his right to lead by vanquishing his rivals. When the powerful and blood-thirsty Ragear steps forward, the only wolf brave enough to challenge him is Grey, the pack's favorite, but a hopeless goof ball. To become a leader and win back Bianca's love, Grey goes off into the woods, where he discovers a camp of Gypsy rabbits. The fortune-teller rabbit Mami gives him a magical "transmutation potion." Grey drinks the potion and goes back to the wolves' den, but finds out upon arrival that he has been transformed into... a ram! - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Sub created by shreyashjit

Footprints! A predator!
Extremely suspicious.

I have to catalog them
and warn the herd.

Zico misses nothing. Certainly
not any ...

Ah, insect! Could be a poisonous

Hold still and be

Get out of here!

Flutter someone else's

I have to
document a deadly insect here .

Come back immediately!
I need a photo!

Heartless M ... monster!

- Ouch!
- Ah no!

I'm too young to die!
I don't even taste good!

I eat too much garlic!
Everyone thinks I'm inedible!

Yes, undoubtedly a strong
garlic flag.

- Yes, I also told her ...
- Now go ahead, help out!


The jackals
almost ran away with supplies last night .

I can find out which guards fell
asleep there.

Uh, Magra. W ... w ...
it wasn't us.

Well, I wonder
who it was then ...!?

Oh, by the way: where's Gray?


Don't let me down, legs!

And don't worry, small intestine!

I managed
not to become a lamb chop for a long time .

And it should stay that way! I do
n't want to be eaten!

Gosh ...

Aaaah! Out of the way!

I run for my life!
Monsters are chasing me!

Gosh ...

Gosh ...

Excuse me!
This looks delicious.

Unfortunately I have to continue. Aaah ...

Almost there! So many levels ...

I'm not made for that.
Aaah ...

Where is it? Where is it

Oh ... I should
sort my clutter alphabetically.

That! I...

So let's see. Zombies? No.

Vampires? No. Goblins?

Ouw! And no!
Dragon? Water demon?

Orc? Mosquito? Ahaaaa!

Canis lupus. Dangerous,
sheep-eating monster,

commonly known as ... wolf !?

Wolves? Wöööööölfe!


Sheep! A whole
village full of sheep!

Everything is ready for harvest.

Great, let's get it!

We don't hunt for sports, Gray.

We only catch what we
need to survive.

Every life is sacred.


Okay, when you say that ...

Open your ears, pack.
This is our new home.

- Yes, Magra!
- Exactly!

Here we want to
live long and in peace.


I was
your leader wolf for over a hundred moons .

But now...

it's time
to retire

What? Retirement?

But why? Magra,
don't leave us!

According to the law of ancestors
, the strongest male must be

earn the right to lead
by defeating their rivals.

Who are the contenders?

I think I could ...

It has always been my dream.

- I want to try it.
- I!

- No, I better leave it.
- I changed my mind.

- I'm not a leader.
- Well?

Do you just want to be led
by Ragear?

Does nobody compete against him?

- Uh. Uh Uh
- He is not serious!


- Gray is up against him?
- Yes exactly!

Let's set the rules.
I suggest we fight ...

until death.

What does "until death" mean?

How about
a dance duel instead ?

Great body feeling!

In three days,

Gray against Ragear. The
winner becomes the new leader.

I want. I want!

Alarm! Alarm! All heard!

Zico, stop it! I already have a
headache without the noise.

But they have ...
not everyone has heard it yet.

Red alert! Emergency!

Oh! Sheep in heaven, Zico,
not again.

What is it this time?
Deadly dandelions?

- Aaah!
- Fre-eu-eunde!

As leader, I have terrible
news for you.

Unfortunately I spilled the salt.

I know. It was an accident.

What's so terrible about it

Spilling salt is
bad luck.

Moz, screw your horns on
and just walk over to her.

Are you kidding, Ike?
She is so ...

And I'm not ...
what if I ...

- and then when ...
- What? Beat you up?

Bites? Are you falling

- Hey!
- What?

Guys are strange.


Don't you see the
bad omen?

The misfortune is already there.

Tell them.

He is right, my brothers
and sisters.

With my superior intelligence
and tireless effort ...

I discovered the most hideous and
deadly threat. See heeeeer!

We were attacked by ...

a pumpkin scarecrow?


No! We were
attacked by wolves!

- What?
- wolves? Seriously?

He keeps coming with
monsters ...

You probably
rang the bell too often !

You think
it's funny, huh !?

Well, let's see if you
laugh about it too ...

So! From now on,
the north pasture is prohibited for every sheep!

I forbid all of you
to go there!

- Bucho, close the gate!
- Will be done.

Good. Now we are in complete

Mmh-hm-hm-hm-hm ...

And, Bianca, are you going to
the party tonight?

Hmm ... it depends. If my
appointment makes it in time.

Who is the lucky one? Sure a
handsome devil guy?

Do not make fun of it. Are you
ready to fight Ragear?

I am always ready!

Then prefer to win. When Ragear becomes
our new leader,

we are all in

Do not worry.

Close your eyes.

Now open it again.

What a sweet surprise!

What? The? Just wait until

It will only be a surprise!

Run, you idiots!

Looks like Ragear is breaking
the ban on hunting.

- He needs a lesson.
- Don't get involved.

- It's time for you to ...
- Yes, time to go!

Grow up.

Bianca! What surprise was
he talking about?

I guess Gray will
ask the crucial question today .

- What question?
- "Will you marry me?"

Aaah ... oh, oh, oh!
That is so cool!

Oh ... look there! It looks
like a fish!

With huge, sharp teeth!
You know...

the north pasture was
forbidden to everyone , but here we are.

Shia, I don't think that was
a good idea.

Don't be such a scaredy.
What should happen?

- Um ... I ... e-it's already happening!
- Huh?

Faster, you chandelier!

But Magra said we
shouldn't go hunting.

Magra, this simpleton!
I will abolish the laws.

But you have to
b-defeat Gray first .

Well, is there someone ignoring
Magra's orders?

Better chase
after your own cock!

- Later. I just wanted to warn you.
- What from?

- In front of the tree.
- Which tree? Ah!

All right. Don't delay it!
What are you waiting for? Eat me!

Eat you up? No
offense, little one.

But you're not even
big enough for a snack.

Go home.
Go, go, go, go, go.

Did you my brother
saw? Moz!

- Did you see Shia?
- Sh-Shia? Um ... I, no.

I mean, uh ...
I didn't. Actually...

Whoa. Got you

- Ike, what about you?
- Uh ...

Shia, where have you been?
On the north pasture?

Uh ... no way was
I on the north pasture.

I mean, what was I doing there
? That would be insane.

I'm not crazy.

- Yes!
- Great, ladies!

- Don't stop, ladies!
- That's how I like it.

And boom, in full swing.
Against the only tree.

You should have seen his stupid

Whose face, hobbler?
Tell it to me.

- I like to hear funny stories.
- What I, uh, said ...

An ode to Ragear!

- What? Who is this?
- Isn't it gray?

The eyes hardly open,
the mind like in a dressing gown.

He runs like a drunk. Boing!

And is stupid like a ram.
Diddliddliddliddliddli ...

- Where's he going?
- He should hurry better.

Here comes the wild bull!


I don't quite understand it.
Should that be the marriage proposal?

Nobody would have expected that.

Now I'm
making fun of you!

You and funny ?! Who wants
a lousy Peter as a leader?

Do you think they'd rather have
a clown?

Let us ask you.

Raise your paws for a strong,
clever and experienced leader.

Raise your paws!

- Raise your paw!
- Raise her!

Who wants a happy,
friendly pack without piesackeni?

- Yes! I!
- A peaceful pack!

- Yes / Yes!
- Exactly!

Hey Bianca hasn't
voted yet Ha-ha-ha!

Bianca, little one. Raise your paw.
Come on.

So what's going on?



Bianca, what's going on? Wait!

Stupid stone.

I can't believe you didn't vote for me.

You're not good for
the leader, Gray.

You lack the necessary maturity.
Like getting married.

How can you actually
talk about getting married

if you only
think of childish pranks?

Marry? Who wants to
get married?

For a month you have been saying,
"Oh, I have a surprise!

A huge surprise! You
will be off your socks! "

Well, and it was all
off the socks. Oh!

- I don't want to wait anymore, Gray.
- Waiting for what?

Miracle, Gray.
That you change.

But I love you!

Take care, Gray.
I am done with you.

Hey Bianca, wait.
I'm changing. Promised!

Bianca? Bianca!


- Let us dance!
- Not bad, little one!

- I'm getting sore muscles.
- Yes!

- Freedom, brother!
- Brothers? I am your cousin!

Out of the way!

Do you see?
Gray is not a leader.

He is just a clown.
For him it's all Halligalli.

You're right. He's
not grown up enough.

But you ... you put your
interests above those of the pack.

- And?
- And ... a fight decides.

The most sobering party


Well, that sounds like a party.

Thanks for coming!

And now, friends, continue
with magic tricks,

Food, joy and fortune telling.

But first ... a surprise.

From the highest peaks of the
snowy Himalayas. Wild bear!

Indeed. A bear.

Who comes to the party with a
wild bear?

Maybe we'd better get away !?

And miss the divination?

- Again!
- That was great!

Your party is cool!

Wolf! Running!

Uh, wait. You have magical
tricks ...


Can you really do magic

Uh, uh, uh, uh ...
yes, of course!

Magic! Take a card. Whoa!

What is it supposed to do? We need
something special here.

Aaah! Bravery mix.

Thanks, but I really
don't need more ... bravery.

What? No, this potion
is for me.

The rabbits are burning!

You are absolutely
right here , my friend.

If you want to see miracles, you have to
go into mom's caravan.

Great! Where can I find this mommy?

- She's sitting in front of you, little one.
- Yes ... I could have guessed.

Here, take this.
It brings you luck.

I don't need a horseshoe,
but ...

Wait! Stop! Don't say anything anymore.

Uh, you need ...

the panties of agility,
the helmet of security?

The belt of chastity !?

The Cup of Happiness !?
The bucket of nastiness?

The balls of craziness,
craziness, craziness ...!?


No! I need...

A fur tint? Highlights?
You are gray from top to bottom.

I am gray! Listen!

I don't have to
change my coat color.

I have to change myself.

I have to get Bianca
to love me again.

Do you want her to love you?
Or do you want to change?

I do not understand. Aah!

You change to love
you, jal? Ha! Women ...

Listen, it has been a long day. Why
don't you come back tomorrow?

But Bianca will not
be patient until tomorrow.

I see that these are
good starting conditions.

Aaaah! Not so stormy!
Squat down, Sidney.

Where's ... ah! There He is.

The transformation magic over k.

What? Who should
be able to read that?

Let's see ... two teaspoons of magic,
magic, hocus-pocus ... transmutation?

Transmutation! I
do n't know what that means.

Midnight ...
under no circumstances ...

boring! Here. Drink it up.

And will Bianca
love me again?

Just a way to find out.
Down with it!

Mmh! Does
n't taste that bad ...

No exchange if you don't like it.

And? Have i changed
Am I adorable now?

Uh ... oh, every bet.

What about Bianca?

It will freak out.

Thanks, Mommy!
I owe you.

- Uh ... whatever you mean.
- Biancaaa!

So, uh, baron. Time to
pack up and move on.

How you mean. Street life
is the gypsy lot ...


Yeah! I have changed.

Bianca, a miracle has happened!
I got myself ...

Oops, what's going on here?
Why can't I ...

Aaaaaaah ...



Mmmm! Ever seen
that a steak

comes to dinner by itself?

Hey, be careful! Huh? What ...
I had taken off the sheepskin.

- Ouch!
- No, no, no ... wait.

- Hm?
- I should drink up, right?

And I did that.
I drank it

and something
went wrong!

Guys? Guys!

That can not be true!
I'm just dreaming! Aah!

I have him! II got it!

Skinny, I won't let
you eat me !

Run! Panic! Run! Panic!
No, keep running! Aaah!

Ha? ♪ Hey?





Dude? Are you still alive?
Hey buddy!?

never seen him here before.

Let's take him home to Lyra
. She can surely help him.

- Ja ...
- Mmh ...

Stay nice.
You need rest now.

Oh, I had a
terrible dream.

- I was a sheep.
- A sheep?

- Well, that's a dream ...
- Where's Bianca?

- You are a sheep!
- Exactly.

I am a sheep and
you are also a sheep.

What? What did you do
to me

Oh no, I'm a sheep!
I smell like an old buck!

Und, aah!

Oh no! Where is my face
I have a basket head, ah!

They broke the mirror
shortly after the salt spilled.

Terrible things will happen.
And all of us!

How could that get worse

You look familiar to me.
Have you been to cooking class?

What? From where? I've
never seen you in life

Oh! Not really?

Tell us: where
are you from, stranger?

I? Uh, I'm from,
well, back there.

From the east. Then
he probably belongs to the eastern flock.

But there is no one left
of the eastern flock.

Yes. Only I am still there. All
relatives were eaten by ...

- Piranhas.
- Oh my goodness!

Piranhas? Here, in this
part of the world?

Yes. You know, those were ...
piranhas traveling.

With small cases and everything.
Oh, it was terrible!

I mean, I wasn't there
myself. My father said:

Gray, go to the forest and collect
what we sheep love to eat.

- pine cones and such ...
- pine cones?

Gray, you say !? This is a
strange name for a sheep.

Yeah, right? My father,
uh, gave us nicknames.

He gave the names according to the
colors of the rainbow.

I am the seventh-born. Well,
all the colors were gone.

Oh, a nickname. I also have
one. Welcome to the club, buddy.

The area alone calls
me the Mega-Moz.

Uh, who's calling you that again?

Coincidentally, someone
said it to my face this morning.

Yeah ... if you mean your

Oh, Mr. Gray, please
don't break mirrors anymore.

I don't know how many times my
heart can take it.

Oh, and the salt ... keep
your distance. OK?

Hm? Hm!

And that made my
wool green.

It stayed that way for months.
I couldn't sit anywhere

because everyone thought
I was a bush.

Oh, I fell
asleep in the forest once and when I woke up

the back of my knees were
colored purple by the ...

Uh, gray? What are you doing there?

Oh nothing. I just have a
serious identity crisis

combined with a nightmare that
I don't wake up from.

Ah! Uh, uh ... what happened to you

An excellent question, my
fluffy friend. What happened?

- I ... well, uh ...
- Be silent!

I have to get my sheep brain up
to speed.

Remain silent? I? Oh, I'm
an expert in silence, sure.

Once I
was silent for six hours .

Well, I woke up screaming,
but that was my night fear.

Yes, I'm afraid of sticks too.
Oh, and water. And ears.

Think about it! Think about it!

- Hey, where are you in such a hurry, buddy?
- I was on my way to Bianca.

- We should get to know each other!
- Then what was?

Well, you're my new
best buddy and so ...

I fell down!
That's it!

Ha! I just have to
fall down again!

- Fall down?
- Yes!

I have to fall on my head
and everything will go back to normal.

OK. According to me.
How you mean. It's your head

Man, you're a lucky guy!
Lyra will take care of you!

Why didn't I fall on
my head?

It smells so good. Your cinnamon-colored
head skin turns me on.

Your wool looks like silk.
It sure feels that way too.

Not that I ever
shook her hand.

Uh, gray, you should pay
attention to where you ...

- ... Hinläufst.

Grey? G rey!

He thinks he's a bird.
Can't believe what !?

Almost as crazy as a bird who
thinks it's a sheep.

Yes. A bird that thinks
he's one of us. Completely crazy!

Poor boy. The piranhas must
have really traumatized him.


He jumps to his own death!

I catch ... I catch you!
Mega-Moz rushes to ...

Well. The head falls
do nothing.

What am I supposed to do now?

Just a suggestion, but you
could get off me.

You're heavier than a
Himalayan bear!

A bear from the peaks of
the Himalayas!

The transformation magic over k.
Down with it.

Bear! Gypsy!
Weird Potions!

Mom! Thank you, Mini-Moz!

Oh, it's called, uh, Mega-Moz!

You were an amazing audience.
It was nice to meet you.

But I'm out of here!

It's all very

Find mommy, drink antidote
and poof, I'm a wolf again!

What should go wrong?

Mommy? Mommy? where is everyone?

They're gone.

found him yet ?

He probably just ran

To avoid the duel.

We both know that
's not true.

Didn't you tell
him to leave?

- That is clear, Bianca.
- No. We broke up.

- That is something different.
- It's the same.

Thank you. Already understood.

Neeein! Wiesoooo?

- Au. Ouch!
- Good Morning.

Sorry to wake you up, Gray,
but I'll have a customer right away.

Make yourself fresh and
come for breakfast.

There is carrot pudding today.
Plus pumpkin.

- Bäääääh!
- Come on!

- Bäääääh!
- Bäääääh!

Sister heart, can Gray
stay with us forever?

Gosh! 'Oh!

Good Morning! Just come in.

This weather ... what do I do
with such hair? Scrub pots?

Do not worry. I'll fix that
, Marlene.

Uh, sister heart? Can I get out
and with gray, um ...

play hide and seek? With
the other kids?

Great idea. But take
your packed lunch with you this time .

Let's go now, Gray!

- What? Hide?
- Do not worry. Not hide.

- Hey buddy! There you are!
- Huh?

- HaHooo!
- Moz! Just get out of here!

I still have so
much to tell you!

Ready for a sheep-like
day of exciting stories?

Oh, hi Moz! How are you?

Eh, hi, Hummertopf! Noodle Soup!

- Idiot!
- Cooler Hut, Grey!

Oh! Hey guys!
There you are. Oh!

The little flower suits you.

- Do you want to go somewhere?
- No.

- To the tournament.
- Nowhere.

You go to the tournament? Yes!
I'm coming with you, okay?

Okay? Okay? Okay? Okay?

What tournament?
- "Horns and Hooves" tournament!

May the fight begin!

What shoud that? Give it to me!

Give me my flute!

So, your sister is
awesome, Shia!

She is smart, pretty and
I think she is soooo ...

Alright. Cinnamon ...

You know what!?
With confidence ...

A buddy of mine has
a crush on her.

One day they get married and
are happy forever.

You mean as soon as he
gets more out of:

- Lobster pot! Noodle dome?
- Come on! Come on! Come on!

What? You cheeky little

I'll be right away ...

Now! Who of you dares to
fight him?

The undefeated
despot of destruction.

Kiiiiing Loooouiiis,
der Fiiiiese!

Yes! Let's go!

Louis? This little imp
is the undefeated despot?

I saw more dangerous
bottle openers.

I mean, look at that,
uh ... the, uh ...

And it looks like
we have a challenger.

Uh what?

My loyal fans!


- Boo!
- bite?

- Oh no!
- That's not fair!

This is against the rules!

Now fight back!

Unfair something!

- Yes, that's right!
- You showed it to him!

Excuse me...

Come back when you're
fighting like a real buck.

But I'm not ...

What did you think you were doing?

First you tell me nothing,
then you go to the tournament

and Gray takes on
Louis the nasty.

Did you
want him to die?

That was not my fault.
Uh, it was Moz! Everything his idea.

Don't come on tour,
young man!

What am i doing I am
a wolf. I don't eat grass.

Mmm, but it tastes
so good. No, that's disgusting!

I am a predator.
I need ... meat.

No, I do not need.

- Huh? What?
- Stuuurzfluuuuuug!

How's it going, buddy?
Bad day, huh !?

"Mies" is a real understatement.
I really miss my pack.

You can certainly
understand that.

What? I? How so?

n't you miss your family ?

I mean, you're
a bird after all.

Bird? Where? What?

Hey I am a sheep!
This is my family.

What do you mean by that?
You flew!

Yes, you too today. Does that make you
a bird now?

Where can he be It is
very dangerous so far from the village.

- He could meet wolves.
- wolves?

Yes. Wolves.

I can't ... land well.

And you know what? Do you know
what they called me?

The flying manatee.
A manatee!

Can you imagine that!?
Oh! A great family ...

- Wöööööleeee!
- wolves? Where?

- So what do we do?
- Sss-they accrue?

Young boys! I'm
so glad to see you ...

What is
i-in the driving?


- Aaah!
- Wait!

- Away quickly!
- Wow!

- boys! Stands still!
- Forget it!

Skinny! Hobbler!
It's me, gray!

Hey Listen!

How does he know our names?
And he called himself Gray.

E-he guessed gg-gut.

Can't you run a sniff?

We never get out of here at this speed .

- Mommy?
- Again in a circle, Dumbo.

- D-ramm ... da-ra-ring ...
- Mami! Mami!

You better be

Where's the gypsy
Where's mommy

I need to
speak to her urgently ! Oh, hey little one!

Um ... she's not here.

I'm waiting.

No, I mean ...
I'm afraid ...

she left us.
She is dead, I mean.

That can not be true. What
should I do now?

How do I become a wolf again?

She had potions!


Wow! Good! Huh?

That's magic! Aaaaaah!

Listen Why do you want
to be a wolf at all?

- You are a sheep.
- I am a wolf!

My friend, if something looks
like a sheep, runs like a sheep

and bleating like a sheep,
it's probably a sheep.

But I'm ... a wolf.

Not bad at all, people!

Light off!

- Surprise!
- Whoa! Whoa!

Wait! What? How so?

We organize this whole celebration in your honor alone.

Uh, sorry, we
started without you.

Welcome! You're
one of us now .

Oh! Indeed? Remember ... Aau!

We hereby award you the
title of ... Wolf Tamer.

- Yes!
- Well done, Gray!

Yeah So it is on
the cake.

Well ... stood!

Uh, you ... with me ... dance floor.

Yes! Very well! OK.
I'm Lyra now.

You give me the flower and
then ask me to dance.

Hello Lyra. May I around
this ... tuna sandwich!

Gray, can you
defeat everyone with the attack?

What else!? This
is my super attack.

- Even wolves?
- Small thing!

- Isn't there anyone who can defeat you?
- I do not know.

Maybe only Louis the nasty!

On guard!

Your little louse angel!

That's enough. Off to
bed, you old slaves.

Or do I have to get
the mint jelly first?

- Why does she always say that?
- How do I know?

Hey, I have a better idea!

Instead of
going to bed, we should rather ...

Go there, stop, smile,
give flowers, say the whole sentence.

Go there, stop,
smile ...

Gray, I've never met
a buck like you.

You're somehow different.

Oh, Lyra, you don't know
how right you are.

Hey, um, I'll see if Ike has
any cake left.

I will be back soon.

Lyra, maybe we could
... dumpling dough ...

Nah ...

Maybe we better go.
I have a bad feeling.

Come on when we see a

let's do the super attack
and catapult him away.

Hey-ah! Ohh...


- Shia!
- Was?

Don't freak out right away. See
how small they are.

They can't even see us.

Face it. Gray ran

He was afraid and wanted to
escape his responsibility.

So I'm going to be the
leader of the pack without a fight , right?

No. That
's not how it works , Ragear.

You know that in his absence
everyone can jump out of the pack.

And I will do that.
I will represent Gray.

Didn't you want
to retire?

A leader without respect for the
ancestral laws only brings destruction.

Ragear, you'll never become a leader
while I'm still alive.

No. You're right.

But only as long as you are
still alive.


Shia? Shia?


Friends, a tragedy
has happened.

In search of the
runaway Gray,

made our wise and
brave leader, Magra,

one wrong step
and fell off the cliff.

- He is dead!
- No! That must not be!

What are you keeping from us, Ragear?

Maybe you pushed him

Bianca, dear. You are
annoyed, of course.

- We all are, but ...
- What?

Does that mean you're
our new leader?

I think the pack is
in good paws.

- Tomorrow I will ...
- Without a duel, not a leader!

Think of this rule
as abolished!

Just like all of your so-called
ancestral laws.

The ceremony takes place
at dawn.

And for that I already have
a juicy, young lamb.

What were you doing on
the north pasture?

I had
forbidden everyone to go there.

Shia and I wanted to
try the super attack.

Gray said she helps against
wolves. But she didn't.

- Gray, that was so irresponsible!
- I what?

But wait. I
just said ...

I'm really sorry, Lyra.

I had no idea
that they wanted to try it out.

I don't know, exactly.

Would you have used your head
before you talk so carelessly.

Shia is at Leeeeeben!
I saw everything!

He is crouched in this pit
next to the fire.

I think he should
land on the grill soon .

Now we know where
we are. My only ...

So, Belgour. What's
your rescue plan?

Plan? Rescue? Did
you get the wool tangled up?

We are sheep, not a
special unit! No way, Gray.

But aren't you the
leader of this herd?

Of course I am.
Until the moment ...

everything becomes too gruesome.

Nobody wants to do something?
Really none of you?

All right then. Well ... friends,
I ... I know, uh ...

a secret path to the
wolf camp. If happiness holds me

then I will be able to pull Shia out of her

A secret path? Really?
I wonder how he knows it!

- Yes".
- What...

- is going?
- G-Gray will save Shia.

What? Alone?

What? Alone? Uh, um ... of
course not.

I won't let him go
without Mega-Moz!

Wait a moment! You come with? How so?

So, I confess something to you, buddy.
The one who is in love with Lyra ...

Well ... that's me.

Wow! That
never occurred to me .

Let's go, Romeo.

Moz! If you make quiet noises
, it doesn't make us quieter!

Aha, that's it!

Huh? Hey

Don't forget: Only start with the
command. Roger that?

Yes, sir!

Skinny. Hey, SkinnY!

It's me. Shhh

- Do not turn around!
- Wa ...

Wa-wa-wa ...

If they ask you,
you never saw me.

It's easier
to lie with the truth.

Is the lamb in the pit?

- Just nod for "yes"!

- Sorry, buddy.
- Nnnn-no! Ouch!

Bi-bi-bi-bi-bi-bi ...

- Shhh!
- But who are you?


Yes, you hit
the wolf on the skull. Bäm!

Shia saw it too.
Isn't it Shia?

Um ... well ... yes! It's clear!

With a stick Bäm, Bäm,
one cleverly pulled over it.

And you: "Don't mess
with me!"

And then, boom, bah,
boom, cut out the others, Mega-Moz!

What? Really? I guess I
punched my head.

I don't remember anything.
Otherwise I never forget what ...

I have a really hard pear.

And I said: Mom, that's
great for me , is n't it? And you:

- You look gorgeous, boy!
- They are back!

What did I say? The stars
stood favorably last night.

I'm sorry sister heart!
I will never lie to you again!

Cross your heart!
Honestly this time!

- You live!
- How did you do it?

Yes, we owe it to him. We
would be lamb burgers without the guy.

Moz, great!

I ... I, I, I ...
turnip goulash!

Wow, gray. I always thought
she would kiss you someday.

- And not Moz.
- Shia, I have a girlfriend.

- Huh?
- Believe me, she is like no sheep.

Bianca ... Bianca ...


- Where do you know my name from?
- It's me, Gray!

It's me.

Gray? That's impossible.

What happened to you?

That was Mommy, the gypsy.

The quirky rabbit gave
me the wrong potion.

A potion?
What for?

Well, you wanted
me to change.

Guess I took it too

Then I met sheep.
By the way, these are great people!

It's really terrible, Gray.
Ragear is our new leader.

- It's horrible.
- Magra allowed that?

Oh ... you do
n't know yet, do you ?

Magra is ... no longer there.
He is dead.

What have you done?
For yourself !?

- For all of us?
- I meant it well, believe me.

- I'll fix it.
- Yes?

Go away, Gray. Please get out of here.
Don't let yourself be seen here anymore!

Never again.

Finally all
pieces of the puzzle come together.

What? What does that
mean, fetched?

- By whom?
- It was GGGGGG ...

What are you stuttering there

Was the Stumps stammering?

He was just trying
to say: it was gray.

- He's a sh-sh-sh ...
- He's what? A shaman?

A conductor? A shame?
A treasure hunter? A template?

- Okay, what is he?
- Gray is now a sheep.

Gray is now a sheep?

What irony ... not a word of
it to anyone!

It wasn't gray.
But sheep!

These stupid,
useless creatures!

Today they steal
our prey,

and tomorrow they
'll kill us in our sleep at night!

- Correct!
- This is how it looks!

See what they did to our

- Incomprehensible!
- Bestial!

- Should they get away with it?
- No, you pay for it!

No! They won't!

We make them
pay for their atrocities!

- We take revenge on them!
- We will kill her! All!

- Yes!
- We create order in the valley!

Just as the great
Magra intended!

And I'm telling you the truth.
You can't trust him.

He is a fox in rabbit fur!

Who of you think he's
really a friend? You?

- He was kind to me.
- Good question...

No, he's not a real
boyfriend, girlfriend.

- What are you talking about?
- He is a spy!

No, not him!

Do you want to trust a traitor
who crosses enemy lines

and then meet with wolves?

What was the reason gray? They
caught you to eat you, yes?

So you agreed
to betray us all.

To tell everything about us!
Just to save your fur!

If this is a joke, Zico, this
is the wrong time.

I wish it was just a joke.

But I have clear evidence
that he's a lousy spy.

Zico, we didn't know that you were
a gifted singer.

- Hm? Oh!
- Are you spying yourself?

- We trusted you.
- What the...

Gray. Dude. But why?

Dude? Wake up! Your great
gray is not a buddy, Moz!

He is a snake! He took
advantage of our warmth.

Just like he
betrayed his brothers to the East Herd ! On piranhas!

When my head
itched this morning , I knew right away

that something terrible is happening.

If you had washed it yesterday, none of this
would have happened.

That's ridiculous. Gray
saved my brother.

- Isn't it, Moz?
- Uh, yes!

I mean, uh, I do
n't know. I passed out.

And when I woke up,
everything was saved. Without me.

- How could you just!
- I do not know. I was unconscious.

No doubt he arranged everything
with the wolves beforehand,

to win our trust.
This swindler ...

Belgour, I say, let's kick
the miserable cheater out.

Throw me out? As if
I wasn't fed up ?!

- You useless, stupid creatures!
- You, you sleeping pill,

sneak around, scribble in
your stupid notepad ...

Did you notice, Zico, that
nobody really likes you?

And what is Ike doing for you? He
makes sure that people eat.

Oh, there's something else.
I'm not throwing that away.

That you
fit through the door at all ...

Hey e-ey, that's enough now!
Stop it!

Or what? Do you
otherwise hide under the covers?

You brave leader.

He is a superstitious,
cowardly chicken.

Oh, your chin is facing south.
I can't guide you guys.

- This is an evil oma-än.
- But...

And Mister Plappermaul
continues to sabble until the end of every day.

Bla bla bla!
Day in and day out!

Except when it matters.
If he tells Lyra his feelings,

it says: pistachio stew!
Lentils in zucchini sauce!

Hey, come on!
This is really not ...

Really not? Don't tell
what really isn't, Cliff!

You are not a sheep!
You are a pelican!

Who probably has no pelican friends.

That's why you're with the sheep.
At some point they are fed up with you.

That's enough for me.

I used to be
a seagull.

And I Naivling bake him
another cake ...

Gray, wait! Why do
you say things like that?

How so? You have
a good heart.

No I have not. I am
angry. A bad wolf.

I know Gray. I knew
immediately that it was you.

You let me go, back
then in the pasture.

How can you be angry

I'm sorry little one.

Zico is right. There's no place
for me here.

Look. There he is.

Fortunately I found you.

Uh, I thought of something very

You know, tomorrow at noon, there will be the
effect of the magic

well, it will be, somehow,

how should I say? Irreversible.


That means you will
remain a sheep for all time.

Wait. No panic.

Maybe there is still a
solution. Dew!

You mean something like a rope?

No. What you need is dew.

Magic dew.

It only forms once a year
in the clearing of the red pine.

And tomorrow morning it's time

Yes, finally I can go back to
my pack!

Not a bad idea.

If you don't, you won't
live long.

Starting tomorrow it will be dangerous
for a bleating sheep.

What? What does this mean?

Well, all wolves are
on the war path.

They attack the sheep village
in the morning.

But they'll kill everyone.

You don't have to be a fortune teller
to know that, super genius.

So if you love your life

stay away from the village.

Better you go to the fir

as quickly as possible.

You can still make it.

Yes, I can still make it.

Gray, this is not the way
to the fir.

I know.

Boss, everyone ready to go!

Only Bianca is missing. It is
unfortunately gone.

We don't need it.

Zico, let go.
The village is in danger.

No, let go!

You are a spy and a traitor.

What is going on here?

The wolves will soon go hunting.

And how exactly do you know that,
you old smart guy?

Well, I think I should
know it as a spy , right?

Maybe you're
not a spy at all.

But you pretend you're
a spy.

Why should I do that?

Because then

if it turned out that you were
n't a spy at all,

the perfect moment would be to
really spy on us .

- What?
- Wait, I'm going to record it for you.

Stop that nonsense.

Listen every time.

The wolves want to
attack your village tomorrow morning .

That means we have to act.

Fast and determined.

Gray is right. The moment of
truth has come.

This is our chance to ...

Already run! Grab your stuff and
run to the hills!

It is too late.

Even if you
can run away , you will

cursed your whole life to roam

Always from place to place.

But what should we do?

To be honest, I do n't think of roaming around badly.

There is only one thing
we can do.

I say we stay
and fight.

Are you there?

No. No, rather not.

Uh, I have to go now.


Guys, listen.

We may not have fangs
and claws

but our strength is somewhere else.

Our strength lies in

If we stick together

we can take on anyone.

From now on we are no
longer a herd.

We are a pack.
A pack of wild sheep.

And! 'Yes!

Gray, you're back.

So then. Do you show the wolves
the super attack?

- Yes!
- My best buddy, you know?

Ike, you're responsible
for the food.

Because you are the expert here.

you are my assistant officer.

Zico, as a clevester of all of us,

you are responsible
for planning.

Cliff, you ... Where's Cliff?

Cliff flew away.

Well then

we have to do it somehow
without him.

Look here.


- pulls!
- pulls!

Looks good, boys.

Stop this thing. I ca
n't breathe, I'm afraid of heights.

Well, now we are
where we started.

Yet again.

I assume you are mommy.

So your potion is to blame
for the mess.

Brain-free blokers.

Time to show them who's
boss here.

Go ahead , get these stupid critters.

What's going on, you idiots?

Immediately forms a formation again.


All right, friends, let's go.

Foam sugar?

Do you think sweets
scare us?

Have a look there. These are seagulls.

Alpha, enemy build-up below
in quadrant B-11 and -12.

Roger, Delta.
Bombing on arrival .

Roger that.

Wow, boys.

How do you do that?


Are you crazy now
? These are just bees.

Go on!

Attac ke!

Don't lie down

with Mega-Moz.
Oops, sorry.

I ... I'm tearing you to shreds.

Hey, I'm healed.

Belgour, now.

Listen to everyone. Plan B.

IS? \ IS!

You withdraw.

The victory will
be ours very soon.

Go on. Quick, this way.

Come on guys.
One more piece.

Yes, very good! Yes_.


We'll all drown.
What should we do now?

Boss, the stupid sheep
tricked us.

- Hurray.
- Hurray.

Gray, help us.

Please, gray.

The water floods the cave.
They'll all drown.

What are you planning now?

Guys, we can't do that.

You are my pack. My family.

- We have to help them.
- You want to help them?

Why don't we roll ourselves
in honey and introduce ourselves

under a beehive?
It is suicide.

We have to help them.
No matter whether sheep or wolf.

The life of every animal is sacred.


You have to listen to gray.

If we let these wolves die,
we're as bad as they are!

Even worse. Because we, the sheep, are
the good guys.

We are, aren't we?


You heard the boy.

Let us show these wolves what
we sheep are made of.

And I don't mean mutton chops.

Do you realize what you are doing?

Are you crazy?

If you let them out of there,
that's the end of us all.

We won't
bend a hair on either of you . I swear.

I only trust a wolf as
far as I can throw it.

I want to say what is not very far .

Zico. Stop chatting
and help us.

Thank you!

I have to admit, not in
a million.

Years ago I would have thought that
sheep so ...

are so stupid!

What? And I still say it.

- Ragear?
- one more step,

and I crush it like
a rancid blueberry.

You monster, release him.

What are you waiting for
, comrades?

On the bell to eat?
Kill them!

How could you
forget Magra's ideals so quickly?

When I left
you were a brave wolf pack.

Now you're just a gang of
poor jackals

looking for food.

Slim? Has.

You dare
to speak of Magra.

He only died because of you!

And now you're dishonoring him with
your new, fuzzy friends.

Liar. I've watched everything.

You argued
and you ...

- He killed Magra?
- I am your leader.

I give you your orders.

You are not their leader, Ragear.

You have to
win a fight first.

Is he wolf enough and accepts
the challenge?

- Do you want a fight?
- Watch out!

You can like that, you stupid,
fluffy sheep.

Do you think it's fluffy too?

I taught him everything.

- Come on, Gray.
- Believe in you.

I guess that's it.

Now I will have to
remain a sheep forever.

Should I tell you something, Gray?

You have always been a sheep.

A stupid, useless sheep.

Better a sheep than a breakaway
worm like you, Ragear.

- Who is this?
- This is Bianca.

To your bad luck there is
no magic potion that will get you in

could transform a wolf.

I guess it's too late.

Do you think I'll let you
humiliate me in front of my pack?

It's time you died,
you failure.



So who is your leader now?

Answer me.
Who's the lead wolf here?

I'm the lead wolf, Ragear. I
am the leader wolf.

And you will
never be a leader as long as I breathe .

Well, just wait. You will still ...

I hereby acknowledge your resignation

You did it. I
always believed in you.

Bianca, as a sheep I
thought about a lot.

There is something I have
wanted to ask you for a long time.

Do you want to be my wolf

And now, power of my office,
from the sun,

the moon and the stars ...

I hereby declare you
man and woman.

Don't forget
to love and respect each other from today .

Until death separates you. You
can kiss the bride now.

I am not a chatterbox.

I'm more of a listener
and don't talk much. I mean,

Everyone knows that here. Everyone will
tell you: "Moz ..."

is a sheep of fewer words. "

Once I picked clover that
looked like a butt.

Now shut up
and kiss me.

Here, you get one too.

Do you know

Now there is dancing.

Do you see? It
happened as I predicted.

Every little detail.

Every detail?
Are you absolutely sure about that?

Well, except that Gray
wasn't a sheep.

And that the wolves
attacked the village.

And that the sheep
save the wolves.

Everything else. Roger that.

But how did you get
Bianca to do the magic dew

paws so fast?

More magical what? That was just old
water from the Kristallsee.

I guess Gray didn't need a
potion at all .

It was enough that he
had changed internally.

- You mean a real transformation.
- Yes exactly.

The End? Oh, actually, yes?

Very strange.