Shanghai Affairs (1998) - full transcript

Tangsan is a doctor living in the poverty stricken area of Shanghai. All the poor people come to him for help because of his kindness. But soon, the Axe Gang enters the picture, and they're ploting to destroy the town so they can build their own casino. Tangsan naturally gets involved, and starts an ongoing rivalry with the gang. But the gang leader's sister meets Tangsan one day, and they begin to have feelings for one another which complicates matters even more. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
We're here

It's here

Brother Sban,
look, it's so shabby and broken here

Why must you make me suffer?

They take us as monsters now

As long as you don't take yourself as monster

Clean the Place

Axe Gang is coming

Run... run for life

Axe Gang is coming, run...

Run away...

Know how to read a watch?

It's 11 o'clock now

I don't want to see anyone here in one hour

Now pack things and go home

How can you order us to leave?

What's so special with Axe Gang

Why must we leave?
We've been living here for ages

Brother Shan, those villagers are injured,
blood is everywhere

Stay out of this

We're doctors, how can we stay out?

Let's save them



I'll fight

Stop fighting







Stop fighting... Police's here

Stop, hands off stop

Stop Stop, please?

Stop fighting

Stop.- stop fighting

Hands off, stop

Stop fighting

They started the fight

They want to Kill us

and occupy our homes

It's him


you injured them seriously

Don't you give me face?

Y us Luann.

answer my question

before you leave

Say, what do you want me to answer?

If I want to leave no one can stop me

l Say...


Let's go...

Let's go

Let's go

Let's go

Stop crying

Get up now

Go inside...

Walk one by one

Don't push...


Dad, does it hurt?

Doctor will cure your dad

Stop crying...

Come on

Don't be afraid

I'll do operatuon on your dad,

he'll recover soon, don't worry

Good, come here.

Mom, what is operation? Sit clown

I don't know


Ready for the operation


What is operation?

Operation is cutting open the belly

I don't know

Cutting open the belly

What shall we do?

What shall we do? That is fatal

Right, what shall we do?

We all know foreign canons

are mighty

I'm not sure whether foreign medical knowledge

works or not

Will you keep quiet?

Don't cut open my husband's belly

Sit down...

keep quiet, don't shout,


We are all worried

Will you keep quiet?

Doctor Tong is doing operation,

don't shout on

Your wounded is stitched,

it'll be fine soon

You may see him now

It's fine now Go inside

Right, I've said it'd be fine


You're alright now?


You must trust us

Look, you dad is OK now,


Don't hurry, eat slowly

You come to eat?

Inspector Cheng, come, sit here

Don't call me Inspector...

you're too polite

Everyone here calls me Uncle Hwa

Uncle Hwa, you come here for something?

I come to thank you.

Your neighbours said you're dinning out nere

I say,

but for you,

it'd be a chaos today

I must really thank you

You're welcome, we should do that

No doctor has ever come

to help us in this district

as they know we're all poor people,
just poor people

I didn't expect... you run a clinic here

You say that too

Aren't you hungry?

Uncle Hwa, since people here need a doctor

but no doctor wanna come

I should stay and help them


Uncle Hwa

I was from a poor family.

I lived with my father

as we had no money,

no doctor helped us

my dad soon died

So you've become a doctor?

It's a good job to be doctor,

helping others is happy

Right, we must all thank you

as you Will stay here

You are too polite

We should thank you

You kid... you shop-lift

You're daring I didn't... steal anything

What's going on?

I didn't... Be frank

Boss, let her off...

Stop it

You frame me, I didn't steal anything

You come here for me?

I come to thank you for saving my dad

You're welcome

We're doctors, we shourd rescue others

Stop crying

Brother Bond, I beg you.

Take me as your understudy

I want to learn kung-fu and medicine from you

You can defeat Axe Gang,

you're mighty

You mean...

I beg you. Brother Bond,

teach me kung-fu, teach me

Little girl,

eat more before you can learn kung-fu

Look at yourself,

you're too thin

Sit down and have lunch

Boss, one noodle


Sit down, come with me

Come here


Eat slowly, don't hurry...

Boss, two dishes

Two more dishes

No one dare challenge me

who are they?

He's a doctor, just come back from abroad,

he's Tong Shan

His assistant is Bond Lao

I don't care who he is

he'll be finished if he interferes

in my affairs

I get some guys and kill him

Don't boast,

you can't even beat his assistant

You think you can deal with him?

Brother Chi, but our benefits

If we don't get the benefits,

no one dare take them away

Do you agree?

You go down now

Brother Yue Shen

you go for a walk?

Yes, I take Shen for a walk

Thank you

The weather is fine today

You're tired,

go and take a rest

I'll worship Fx God tonight

for the sake of Shen

Brother Yue, you worship Fox God again?


Fox God blesses Shen

I think Shen's illness can be cured

Why don't you find her a doctor?


They do nothing to cheat money

Not every doctor is like this

You don't know

If Fox God hadn't blessed Shen,

she couldn't survive today

Do you agree?

I don't understand,

you believe in everything but not science


Fox God will cure of Shen's illness soon

Come, follow me, let's go


Split your legs,


Grasshopper, you must learn kung-fu hard

You must practise hard

and never slack

I don't take understudy easily, you know?

I come everyday
but you only teach me this post

you never teach me kung-fu

You speak back?

Want me to spank you?

Three times a day for your husband

Thanks You're welcome

Grasshopper, be good,

come home after the lesson

Yes, mom.

I'll leave now

Grasshopper, learn kung-fu,

don't bully Brother Bond

Concentrate on your learning


Who is the landlord here?

It's said he's a foreigner

Why do Axe Gang come and snatch it?

They are not reasonable at all

Right, they are barbarian

Rumour says they cast us away

to open a casino here

It's too much Right

You should go and talk

to that foreigner

We don't speak foreign language at all,

how to?

Right, Doctor Tong, you come back from abroad

Can you go and talk to him for us?

What's his name?

What is his name?

Right, Raymond

I hear he's Director in a hospital

Doctor Tony, please help us

It's hectic

I want to buy a hairpin

Let's eat lunch after buying it, OK'?

It's broken

I don't Want this,

the comb is broken This comb is broken?

You broke the comb

This is not my fault, it's broken

It's not my fault It's broken

You broke my comb, compensate for it

I don't understand what you are talking about,

the comb is broken

You... broke it

What's going on?

They broke my comb but won't compensate

It is not our problem

You speak English, I don't understand at all

Boss, what about this?

I'll buy this comb,

I need a comb, OK?

No problem, it'll be fine if I buy this comb

You must do business


I'll take this comb

Hi Hi

Doctor Raymond,

it's a very good party Thank you

Boss, Mr. Yue is coming

Thank you...


Have a drink first, OK?

How are you?

Mr. Yue

Long time no see, you want me for something?

Take your time, it's OK

I come to talk with you about...

about Ja-bei

Didn't I say I wouldn't care

If you can get the land,

you get the right for the casino

Tong Shan has come


Hello, Doctor


Tong Shan, let me introduce Lo-Chi

Lo-Chi, he is my best student

We have met each other

Go and chat with your friends

Doctor, we've really parted for a long time

Brother Chi, that guy knows the foreigner too

Tong Shan

what a surprise! Now we meet in Shanghai

Do you like to be
a doctor-in-charge in my hospital?


Of course,
you are my student most helpful to me

Doctor Raymond,

my clinic is Ja-bei is just open

The land owner is you

The villagers would suffer

if thy are taken by the gang

I want you to help them,

Now what do you think?

Tong Shan has promised
to be doctor in my hospital

We're all the same group now

Lo-Chi, tell your guys

don't disturb those villagers any more

I have another use of that land


Brother Chi, what about our casino?

Let's figure it out

Mr. Raymond

So you may work contentedly in my hospital

Thank you


Brother Chi

Where's Lung?

He's out

Didn't I ask you to wait for me?



What's happened?

He said he must revenge to the villagers

We couldn't stop him

What do you want?

To see doctor

It's OK.

OK, goodbye

Where do you feel unwell'?

My whole body is unwell


You're so strong, you speak loudly,

you're unwell? Bond, don't nag

go and work

where do you feel unwell'?


here is unwell

I feel something bad

You're speak loudly,

you're very well

I feel unwell here

OK, I check for you again

My eyes.

My eyes are burning

Yes, your eyes are red

Go home and rinse them, it'll Define, OK?


You lack sleeping, so you lose temper

Go and take a cold bath, sleep more,

then you'll fine

Bond, Stop wt

Brother Lung...

are you OK?

Let's go...


He started the fight first Don't nag on

must you ruin the whole street?

Beat it

Brother Chi. they...

Who asked you to fight here?

Brother Chi, sorry,

he's innocent, thanks

I asked my men not to fight with you,

but I must


You're fooling here again?


We passed by here and the planks fell down

Did you fool around?



He lied

OK, Bond, stop nagging

They stirred up trouble,

don't let them off

Shut up

Do you have evidence?

Arrest me

if you have evidence



I'll go home and sleep


I can't stop mm

Come on

Look, this hospital is so big

Shen, are you tired?

Come, sit here

Sit down

You're too good.

Others will bully you, you know?

No one dare, with you and brother

You mean it

Your brother cares so much about you.
no one dares bully you

Right, I want to take a look around

Sit here and wait for me.

I'll be back soon

Don't go away, remember

I must go back to my clinic,



How are you?

I'm Tong Shan, what's your name?

I'm Yue Shen,
something's bad with my throat, I can't speak

i am a doctor here. Though I'm off duty.

If you don't mind, let me check for you

Come on

Open your mouth

There's a knot in your throat,

but it can be cured

Come two days later, I'll check it for you

What are you doing?

You want to molest her?

You molester,

must I call for police?

Shem, don't panic,

on one dare bully you with me here

You misunderstand, I am a doctor

Bullshit, what kind of doctor are you?

Take it easy, I'm doctor,

I checked for her, nothing else

I won't believe you Doctor Tong

Director Raymond wants you, go at once


Remember to come for me

He really checked for you?

Look at him,

he can't be a good doctor, if he were

Shen, let's go

You aren't asleep?

Let me show you something

Is it nice?

Don't be taken by my appearance,

i am very traditional

It's late, what's in your mind?

You want to let Doctor Tong cure your illness?

He might cure you,

they can even heal Leprosy

But would your brother
believe in western medicine?

I'm just pointing out the fact, you know

Your brother believes in nothing

except Fox God

He despises doctors especially

Don't be like this,

I know you want to speak

You want me to convince your brother'?

OK, i'll try

I want to talk to you too

instead of reading your words.

Take medicine for two more days
and you'll Define

You're a good man,

you help us after your work

Bond, get some medicine for Chiang,

Wait Sure

Doctor Tong

have you seen my daughter?


Two days ago, she said she'd learn kung-fu,

but never came home

She hasn't been here these days

Has she gone playing with other children?

Right, she might go up the hill for

Fox God

Up the hill?

She got caught by Fox God?

How come?

Fox God? It's only superstition

Go home first.

I'll go and inform you if I see her, OK?

I'll leave now

I'm sorry to wrong you last time

OK, it's trivial

where did you learn medicine?


In UK, why?

No, I just envy you

You're nurse of Shen?

If you want.

You can also study medicine there

Teach me first.

Right, I nearly forget Shen's affairs

You mean her illness?

I beg you to cure her, OK?

She can be cured


No problem

Don't worry.

You'll be cured soon

You said Shen and Miss Yeh went to hospital?

They seem to go for Tong Shan

If anything happens to Shen,

you know what to do?

Yes, Brother Chi

Where is Shen?

Shen is not here

I don't believe.

Brother Chi asked me to look for her, where?

Snen is undergoing operation, don't go in

You mustn't go in

It's dangerous Don't you know who I am?

I want to see Shen, get lost

No, I beg you. don't go made

Who do you think you are?

You think I fear you
as you're Brother Chi's girlfriend?

Get lost at once

I won't let you go inside...

No... don't go inside


Beat her

Go away.

Beat it

Who do you think you are?

I don't fear you

You can't go inside

Get lost

Go away

Beat it


Let me off Go out at once

You again?
Operation is going on, don't go inside

Go away

or I'll beat you up




are you alright, Bond?

Get away, all of you

Get out now

you want your sister to die or something?

Brother Yue, Shen is undergoing operation

Give Tong a chance, OK?

I beg you


I give you 7 clays,

if you fail, we'll watch on

You wake up?

Miss Yeh brings you books

You wake up early to read?

Come on, let me take a look

Not bad.

You can go home soon

Where's your brother?

How can I escape challenge from your brother?

You should know your brother well

If he doesn't fight with me, he won't let off

Why don't I fight with him?

I used to be like your brother

Always want to win

Once I saw a guy fighting,

I helped him

I then got injured,

I was going for an operation

I failed to give the operation

That patient...

soon died

I won't forget the past


Your wound is healed,

you can speak now

Open your mouth and speak


Don't panic, try

It's 7 days...


...can speak now?

It won't be so fast for a complete recovery

Shut up, don't blame on me

Take action

Stop fighting...

Damn it, don't let the leave here alive


Stop \t

Stop it




Bring me a glass...

of water


Do you hear? Get water, hurry

Shen has recovered

Shen, call me brother


water is coming...


Here you are

Good. Shen calls me brother now


Congratulations, Brother Yue

lam excited

Shen calls me brother

Congratulations, Brother Yue

Come in

What are you doing?

Throwing them away

Why throw away the stationery?

I can speak now.

I don't need them anymore


Where were we?

Right, Lantern Festival

You've talked a day, still not enough?

I haven't spoken for 15 years,

I must speak more

I'm happy seeing you have recovered

I must thank Doctor Tong

But for him,
I wouldn't be chatting with you here

No, I say

we must thank Fox God.

Or you wouldn't have recovered


I think I must go and thank Doctor Tong

Brother, I want to go to the hospital

No, you've just recovered,

you mustn't go here and there

No way, I must go and thank him

Brother Chi

The guy you want has come

I know,

wait for me here

I'll chat with you when I return

What do you mean?

Answer me frankly

what's your intention of healing Shen?

Because I am a doctor

Take this money

You should know our relation

I don't Want others
to start gossip of Axe Gang

I won't take it

Then you...

give me a mission

I haven't thought of yet.

I'll tell you when I think of one

Doctor Tong

Doctor Tong

What is it?

You've healed Shen, I haven't thanked you yet

Shen and I are both grateful to you

Her brother has thanked me already

It's not the same

I only have Shen as friend,

I must thank you myself

For you

I embroidered that handkerchief

Be careful

Dad, what is it?

Let's see. what is it? what is it?

It's Grasshopper.

Inform the police, quick


How can they do this to children?

Who did this?

poor kids

My daughter

So miserable

My daughter

My daughter...

My daughter

You died miserably

My daughter

Who did this?

They're not human

We've found 10 children bodies

They all have big wounds

It's too cruel

Have you found anything after the autopsy?

All their internal organs have been taken out

Heart, lungs, liver are all gone

Internal organs taken out?

Who will do this?

Have the police found any clues?

They check nothing

They said Fox God, stray dog did this


Police are always like this

They only flatter rich men,

never bother about the poor

Uncle Hwa, this is too bad

We must check out what's going on

What are you going to do?

Come on


Sorry to bother you

Why do you come?

Is brother Yue here?

You come to stir up trouble?

I only want to see your boss

Who do you think we are?

You think you can come and go easily?

Ask me first. fight


I don't come for a fight here



What do you come here for?

I want to ask a favour from you

You've thought of one finally?

You must have heard
about murders at the river bank

I want your help to find out the murderer

Police aren't checking on

Police won't check on...

How can we check?

You're so nervous about your sister's illness

now so many children are killed innocently

You trust me so you come for me?


I'll help you

I must thank you, Brother Yue

I'll inform you if there's news

I'll wait for your news

Brother Chi, you're really helping him?

Just let him check on alone

With their sacrifice

Our research Will soon succeed


Do you know
Tong Shan is checking these murders?

He won't give up unless he finds the truth

You fear him?

No, I don't

I don't fear him,

I'm just worried

Police won't care this a dime

Tong Shan is only a doctor,

he can't check anything

Right, but

he won't give up easily

In order to prevent him finding out, I want...

Doctor, you'd better stop this now

You've taken my money, you should help me

You needn't care about others

If I talk to consulates of other countries

Your Axe Gang will be ruined in Shanghai

You don't want this to happen?

Boss, Mr. Tong has come

Ask him in


What do you want me for?

I come to see Shen

Sorry to bother you

You should come for consultation yesterday

Why didn't you come?

I've recovered. I need no consultation

Give this back to Miss Yeh

She is my best friend,

she is just like my sister

I don't want to hurt her

What about me?

Shen, there is something...


I worry about Ling

This is bring harm to all three of us

Give us some time, she will understand soon

Sister Ling

Shen speaking

Sister Ling

Good, thanks


You've seen something you shouldn't see



We found Bond's body

at river back this morning

After autopsy,

he was beaten to death

It's late, why do you ask me out?

Why are you upset? Tell me

Bond was killed

In this hand is a jade piece

My brother gave me this for my safety

He also has one,

exactly like mine

It's late

Why don't you sleep'?

Why are you staring at me?

Brother, where's your jade piece?

This jade piece is a rarity

There're only 2 pieces in this world

where is your jade piece?

I'll fmd it back

where did you go today?

I... went to see doctor

Did Doctor Tong tell you anything?

No, he didn't tell me anything

He told you nothing?

Why did you go to see him?

He said I have recovered

Dad he?


Nothing, I want to sleep now


Are you very worried?

Tong's assistant is now dead

I fear he'll check on like a mad dog

Who let him behave like a mad dog?

I couldn't help

It's not time to find who is responsible

I didn't expect
Tong will ask police to check into this

Police are checking?

They're checking all doctors in Shanghai,

soon come here

We can but hand out the culprit

Doctor, you... Don't worry

you aren't up to be the scapegoat

Doctor Tong, sorry



Tong Shan,
you're suspected to murder the children,

I arrest you now

Where's Uncle Hwa?

Say no more, come with us

How come?

He killed all the kids...

Shen, let's go

Come, quick

Brother Chi

Brother Chi,
we've looked everywhere, can't find Shen

Where's Miss Yeh? Brother Yue

Come, I want to talk to you

I'm tired, I want a rest

Sit down

Where's Shen?

I don't know

Has Shen gone to see Tong Shan?

I needn't say so as you know that

Miss Yeh

Listen, I ask you again,

where is Shen and Tong Shan?

OK. answer me first

Are you related to
the murders of the children?

It's a chaos outside,

stay here for the moment

You admit it?

Shen will be hurt if she learns this

Fmd Tong Shan,

even if you ruin Shanghai

Tong Shan

Tong Shan, I miss you,

you're in danger

It's OK, I don't mind being framed,

I come here just to see you

OK, I'll follow you wherever you go

You've decided to do this?

Let's go

You really saw Shen and Tong Sham together?

Yes, I saw them

walking to the broken house


Yes Come on

Let's go

You've been hiding here?

Yes, correct

Didn't I say I must follow you?

I will always stay with you

If we both go out, thew fmd us easHy

I want to see Raymond,

asking if he can help me

I will soon come back here

But... It's a deal

Over there, Run

Brother, sorry

You're too much

They're inside, don't let them run off


Inside here

Shen, I give you a chance,

come out at once

Get out

Come on, burn


No... Come out...

Come out...

I'm scared

Come out now

Come out or you'll die


Come out

Don't be afraid, I am with you


I'm scared Don't be afraid


Stand here...



Stop over there



Don't let them run off



Kill him


Kill him


It hurts

Will I die?

Shen, you'll be alright

hold on

Don't worry

Shen, I am a doctor, you'll be fine

You'll be fine

Don't challenge...

my brother anymore

OK, Shen, I promise, hold on

I'm very cold Hold on, Shen

I'm cold, Will... Will I die?

Shen, you'll be fine

I'm very cold

You'll be fine, Shen, trust me, I am doctor

Shen, I Will rescue you. I am doctor

It'll be fine, Shen

Hold on, Shen

Believe me




Shen... I will revenge for you. Shen


Come, go


This is my personal affairs,

I'll handle

what type of standing operation?

I should have seen you earlier

You are my best student

You should know my starting point is good

These poor illiterate children

are useless to your society

but is good for my research


You abuse me now

but you should know the real human being

can be for my research

Let's help more people in the future
and you will worship me

I've kept the proof
and I'll go to the police station now

You come only now?

He's taken all the records away

You must get all the records back

or else you'll be the next victim

You pigs are useless

You're worse than clogs, bullshit

Ass-holes, go and find it for me

Ass-holes, you're worse than clogs

This is evidence of Raymond
killing the children

I must report this to the police

Don't stop me

You've taken my most precious part of my life

You still want to go?