Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1960) - full transcript
Arthur, one of Britain's angry young men of the 1960s, is a hardworking factory worker who slaves all week at his mindless job for his modest wages. Come Saturday night, he's off to the pub for a loud and rowdy beer session. With him is Brenda, his girlfriend of the moment. Married to a fellow worker, she is nonetheless captivated by his rugged good looks and his devil-may-care attitude. Soon a new love interest Doreen enters and a week later, Brenda announces she's pregnant. She tells Arthur she needs money for an abortion, and Arthur promises to pay for it. By this time, his relationship with Doreen has ripened and Brenda, hearing of it, confronts him. He denies everything, but it's obvious that their affair is all but over.
(Rattling machinery)
(Whirring and clanking)
(Arthur) Nine hundred and fifty-four.
Nine hundred and fifty-bloody-five.
Another few more,
and that's the lot for a Friday.
Fourteen pounds, three and tuppence
for a thousand of these a day.
No wonder I've always got a bad back,
though I'll soon be done.
I'll have a fag in a bit.
No use working every minute God sends.
I could get through in half the time
but they'd only slash me wages
so they can get stuffed.
Don't let the bastards grind you down.
That's one thing I've learned.
Jack's one that ain't learned it.
He wants to get on.
"Yes, Mr Robboe. No, Mr Robboe.
I'll do it as soon as I can, Mr Robboe."
And look where it got Robboe.
A fat gut and lots of worry.
Fred's alright. He's one of them who
knows how to spend his money, like me.
Enjoys hisself. That's more
than them poor beggars know.
They got ground down before the war
and never got over it.
I'd like to see anybody try to grind me down.
That'd be the day.
What I'm out for is a good time.
All the rest is propaganda.
(Siren blaring)
(Dog barking)
(Children chattering)
(Chatter and laughter)
(Jingle on TV)
- Ah.
- Hello' love.
- Do you want your money' Mam?
- Okay.
(Advertising jingle on TV)
Here you are.
Thanks' Arthur love.
- Everything go off alright at work' Dad?
- Aye' alright.
Did you hear about that accident
in the 3-speed shop today?
No' not much.
- (Cup clinks)
- Another cup of tea' Vera love.
(Vera) I got you summat good'
seeing as it's Friday night.
Aye' this fella got his hand
caught in a press.
He didn't look what he was doing.
Course' he's only got one eye.
He lost the sight of the other one
looking at telly day in and day out.
Oh' aye?
- (Advertising jingle on TV)
- Ta, love.
Mind what you're doing' can't you?
That Arthur Seaton's gonna get
a good rattling one of these days.
- Thanks. Busy tonight' in't it?
- You should see 'em next door.
There's a boozing match going on.
Young chap. He's downed eight pints already.
He's having a good time' in't he?
- (♪ Skiffle)
- (Cash till rings)
Bring us another couple of pints' George.
- Do you want any help down there?
- I'll let you know. That sailor's near had it.
(Song ends)
(Scattered applause)
Thanks' George. Take for one for yourself.
(♪ Skiffle)
♪ What do you want if you don't want money?
♪ What do you want if you don't want gold?
♪ Say what you want
and I'll give it to you' honey
♪ Wish you wanted my love' baby...
Come on' then' sup up. I've lost count now.
Alright' there's plenty of time.
♪ Say what you want
and I'll give it to you' darling
♪ Wish you wanted my love' baby...
Come on' get that stuff down you' then.
They'll be closed in a bit.
You won't get any more till 12 tomorrow.
Don't worry' I will.
♪ One of these days when you want my kisses
♪ One of these days when you want me too...
(Woman) You can see that.
♪ Then you'll want my love' baby
♪ Well' what do you want
if you don't want money?
♪ What do you want if you don't want gold?
♪ Say what you want
and I'll give it to you' baby...
(Woman) Oops-a-daisy!
(Woman) Make sure he don't fall.
(Laughing) I don't know how he does it.
I really don't.
Not that it's anything to be proud of.
You get thirsty working
on the machine all week.
- I'm gonna have a...
- It'll be closing time in a couple of minutes.
♪ Oh boy' you're making a fool of me
♪ One of these days when you want my kisses
♪ One of these days when you want me too...
Time now' ladies and gentlemen' please!
Come on' drink up!
♪ She is my dove' my lady love
♪ She's no gal for sitting down to dream...
A pint.
- What is it?
- A pint!
- ♪ I know she likes me...
- (Banging)
- ♪ Because she says so...
- Time' now' ladies and gentlemen' please!
♪ She is my lily of Laguna...
. .thought better of it and he said...
It's my best suit!
Cheeky daft' in't he? Don't even apologise.
Go on, apologise!
Oh' I say!
Don't just sit there!
Go and do something about it!
- Time now' ladies and gentlemen' please!
- ♪ My lily of Laguna...
Let's go' please!
Time now' ladies and gentlemen!
- Did you get in through the scullery window?
- Aye.
Oh' love.
You never think' do you? You'll have
all the neighbours talking, you know.
- I left in a hurry' else I'd have waited for you.
- Yes, I heard all about it,
falling downstairs
and spilling beer over that woman.
Wasn't my fault.
Somebody pushed me from behind. And I
tripped on the rail coming down the stairs.
I'll believe you. Thousands wouldn't.
I'm not going in that pub again
until they get that rail fixed.
Come here.
What for?
(Laughs) Oh!
You shouldn't have drunk all that beer
with that loud mouth.
You've had a drink. I can smell it a mile off.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I've had two beers and a couple of orange
squashes. You can't call that boozing.
Hey' Arthur love.
Don't let's stay down here too long.
Let's go upstairs.
Come on.
I wish Jack would bring your lad
back from Skeggy every week.
I'll bet you do. Still' we've got until
tomorrow. Better make the most of it.
- Don't worry.
- Can't you wait till we get upstairs? Oh!
- Come on' Brenda. Wake up' duck.
- (Sighs)
(Sighs) Mm.
Oh' that's nice.
What's the time' love?
- It's half past eleven.
- What?
You're having me on again.
Of all the liars'
you're the biggest I've ever known.
I always was a liar. A good 'un and all.
Liars don't prosper.
(Bell chiming outside)
- It's only ten.
- Good.
- Hey' Arthur?
- Mm?
What a time we had last night.
It seems years.
Oh' you're lovely' Brenda.
Ta. Pour us some more tea' duck.
It's thirsty work falling downstairs.
- (Chuckles) Two' ain't it?
- (Woman on radio)
Yeah. Ta.
There you are' love.
You're good to me, Brenda love,
and don't think I don't appreciate it.
Yes. It'll be the last breakfast you have
in this house if you don't hurry up.
Jack'll be home soon.
No more kiss and cuddle if he sees you.
- When shall I see you again?
- I don't know. Not for a while.
Don't want Jack to start catching on.
What about the Welfare Club?
Can't we meet there for a change?
Tell him you're in the dance team.
He'll believe you.
I don't know. Work next week.
I'll be hard at it'
sweating me guts out at that lathe.
It's a hard life if you don't weaken.
No rest for the wicked.
Oh' come on' love. Hurry up' will you' please?
Hey! He's coming' at the back' I think.
- Arthur' get a move on' love.
- Ta-ra' love.
- Oh' bye-bye' love. Get going' will you?
- I'll see you.
(Motorbike outside)
Hello' Mam!
Come on' Tommy love. Get your clothes off.
Give us that. How did my little duck
get on at the seaside, eh?
- Have a nice time?
- Mm.
- (Jack) We had a good time.
- (Brenda) I didn't expect you back so soon.
We had a clear run
all the way down from Lincoln.
- (Clunk)
- Oh' who's in there?
Nobody as I know.
Perhaps a cat got in.
There now.
Aye' he was on the run as well.
He settled her, though.
Threatened to chuck her off Trent Bridge.
She thought it better to settle
for a quid a week out of court
rather than get a good wash.
- Never heard a word after that' did we?
- No.
- (Man) 'Ey up! You're out of your way.
- Hello' Auntie.
Your young ones are outside
up to their necks in ice cream.
No wonder they never eat dinner.
- Did you go out last night?
- We went to the Flying Fox.
Oh, dear! I had so many gins
that I thought I'd never get home.
As long as you had a good time.
Beer and stout. What you having' Auntie?
- Same again.
- A stout. You should have been with us.
Our Ethel clicked with a bloke
and he bought us drinks all round.
- The whole gang of us.
- Must've got through 5 quid' the soft bastard.
Still' he had a car
so I suppose he could afford it.
You should've seen his face drop
when she went home with us instead of him.
I wish I'd been there.
Nah. You can't beat a bit of fun'
can you, Arthur?
How's your mam these days?
She's alright. She's got a lot to do'
though. How's Johnny getting on in Australia?
You know' Johnny's better off out there.
He never did well in this country.
No. He always was a good worker'
though, I know that.
He had to be' poor beggar.
He had it hard when he was a kid.
Me and your mam had to struggle
to bring you lot up. Them was rotten days.
I know. It won't happen again' though.
I was talking to a bloke the other day
at the pits. Always going on.
"You can't beat the good old days."
So I got hold of me pick and I said to him'
"You tell me anything else
about them good old days"
"and I'll split your stupid head open."
I would' too.
Look at him. He can't take his eyes
off that girl over there.
Not me' I'm courting already.
I was looking at the calendar.
I'll believe you.
- Are you coming' Mum?
- Alright, I'm coming.
I'll be going now. You coming' Bert'
or shall you stay with Arthur?
They'll be coming to fetch me
for fear they should starve.
Aye' I'm hungry meself, Mam.
- How about a bit of fishing up canal?
- We'll get the bikes out.
- Right.
- I'll meet you at Trowel Bridges.
- See you.
- Ta-ra' Bert.
- (Aunt) Remember me to your mam.
- Aye.
- Ta' love. A bit quiet today.
- Lt is, in't it?
Should have seen it a couple of weeks back.
Nearly lost our licence.
Didn't you hear about it? Big fight.
Took us a couple of days
to clean up after that little lot.
- Yes' my duck' what can I get for you?
- Two packets of crisps, please.
Are you sure you can afford it?
- What are you drinking?
- Sharp, ain't he?
- Is it somebody's birthday?
- It's Mam's anniversary' if you want to know.
- I can't see your dad.
- Because he's not there.
- Is he coming?
- I shouldn't think so.
He left her 50 years ago today
and she's just having a drink on it.
I'm glad someone thinks it's funny.
Well' have a drink' duck' while you're here.
- Alright' I'll have a small shandy.
- (Arthur) Small shandy' missus' please.
What's that black stuff you're drinking?
It looks like treacle.
Beer and stout. Try a drop.
No' thanks. I tasted it
once but it was horrible.
I'm not a boozer either. But I'm going fishing
this afternoon and I like a drop beforehand.
Just a minute. I'll take these to Mam.
- (Till rings)
- (Chatter)
- You've been taking your time.
- I've been getting your crisps for you.
Another beer and stout' missus.
I won't be long'
I'm just talking to this bloke I know.
- Is your mam a bit deaf' then?
- Yes' she is a bit.
No' thanks. I don't smoke.
- What's your name' then' duck?
- Doreen. Rotten name, ain't it?
What's wrong with it? Mine's Arthur. Neither
of 'em's up to much, but it's not our fault.
- Where do you work, Doreen?
- Me? Harris the hairnet factory.
I've been there ever since I left school.
I will have a fag.
I'm in the engineering trade' myself.
- Ta.
- Come on' drink up' have another shandy.
- It's your mother's anniversary.
- No' thanks.
What do you do in the week?
Do you ever go to the pictures?
- Only on Wednesdays. Why?
- Oh' that's funny. I go on Wednesday and all.
- Which one do you go to?
- The Granby, as a rule.
I'll see you next Wednesday' then' at seven.
Fast worker, aren't you?
Alright' but not on back row.
I can't see unless I sit on the back row.
If I get any nearer the front'
the picture gets all blurred.
- You want glasses' by the sound of it.
- I know.
I'll get some. But they make me look
like a cock-eyed rent collector.
Ha-ha! I expect they do.
- I'll see you on Wednesday' then.
- Alright.
- Don't be late.
- I won't be.
But if I am'
you'll just have to wait' won't you?
I noticed that girl mesen this morning.
Smashing bit of stuff.
Shouldn't think she'd want owt to do
with a mad-head like you.
- They all want a good time' you can bet.
- That's what you think.
This one looks different. First kiss
and she'll expect an engagement ring.
I take a tip from the fishes'
never bite unless the bait's good.
- I won't get married till I'm good and ready.
- Got to get married some time.
- Why don't you try it' then?
- Ain't found anyone who'd have me yet.
It costs too much to get married' a lump sum
down and your wages a week for life.
- Most blokes ain't got owt else to work for.
- I have' though.
I work for the factory' the income tax
and the insurance already.
That's enough for a bit.
They rob you right' left and centre.
After they've skinned you dry' you get
called up in the army and get shot to death.
That's how things are' Arthur.
It's no good going crackers over it.
All you can do is go on working
and hope that summat good'll turn up.
Yeah' maybe.
You've got to be as cunning as them bastards.
Take a few tips from the fishes.
They all get caught in the end' though' don't
they? Can't keep their chops off the bait.
- She wasn't a bad-looking girl. Sharp and all.
- Aye.
Still going round with this married piece'
ain't you?
Be a good job when you're married. Her poor
husband'll be able to get a bit of rest then.
Ah' serves him right for being so slow.
He should make her like being in bed with him
then she wouldn't go out with a bloke like me.
You'll get your face bashed in
one of these days.
Don't worry. I can look after meself.
Just you be careful' then.
And use a bit more sense.
I'll watch it.
I don't know.
Work tomorrow.
Aye' me and all.
(Whistle blows)
(Dog barking)
There's old Ma Bull with her ha'penny.
Aye' she's got nowt else to do'
the nosy Parker.
Spreading tales about me going with married
women and boozing. It's all bloody lies.
Make sure it is' though' as well.
(Children shout)
(Rattling machinery)
(Loud hammering)
(Hammering and whirring)
(Alarm bell sounds)
- Ta, love.
- Any room for a rabbit-arse' Jack?
Hey' you've clicked' by the look of it.
I'll let Brenda know' if you're not careful.
- She wouldn't believe you. She can trust me.
- Ah, can she, though?
That stuff'll give you galloping dog rot.
It's poison.
A bloke in frame shop got laid off
for six weeks through drinking tea.
Stomach trouble.
You should bring your own flask.
If it's good enough for t'others
it's good enough for me.
Don't be like that' Jack. Think of number
one. Share and share alike's no good.
You wouldn't think like that
if you won the pools.
Wouldn't I?
I'd see the family right but nobody else.
If I got a stack of begging letters,
know what I'd do with 'em? Make a bonfire.
Have you had owt to do with putting
a rat on that woman's bench?
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- I bet it were you' young rogue.
Me' Mr Robboe? I've got so much work to do
I can't move from my lathe.
I don't go around tormenting women.
You know that.
I don't know.
Somebody did it and I reckon it's you.
You're a bit of a Red' if you ask me.
Now' that's slander. I'll see my lawyers
about that. I've got a witness here.
I don't know. I'll get the bloke as did it.
What a life. I get the blame for everything.
He came up to me earlier on.
Said I was to go on nights in frame shop.
- You what?
- In frame shop on nights.
I wouldn't fancy that.
I don't mind. It'll be a change.
That's not the first time
that bastard's called me a Red.
Not that I wouldn't vote communist
if I thought I'd get rid of blokes like him.
I did vote for 'em in the last election.
Did I tell you about that?
I shouldn't have voted at all
cos I was under 21.
But I used my dad's vote
cos he was in bed with a bad back.
Told 'em my name was 'Harold Seaton. I didn't
believe it myself till I was outside again.
You could have got ten years for that.
You were lucky.
I told you I was. That's what all these loony
laws are for' to be broken by blokes like us.
- You might cop it one of these days.
- (Bell)
Perhaps you won't be so cocky
once you've settled down.
- I shan't be doing that for a while.
- There's nowt wrong with married life.
I'm married. I went into it with me eyes open.
It's alright if you're good to each other
and you don't get too bossy.
I'll believe you' then.
Thousands wouldn't.
- You off out again?
- Mm.
I'm going up to Winnie's for a bit.
Expecting her baby next week.
You've been seeing a lot of her lately.
Isn't much fun being on nights.
We never get out together these days.
Well, how much longer
do you think it'll last' then?
- You've only been on a fortnight.
- I know. Might be another six months.
Still' you don't mind it
all that much' do you?
It means more money and that's useful.
We might be able to get a television
then you won't have to go out so much.
No' I won't' will I?
Won't be long' love. Peggy'll be here
in a minute to look after Tommy.
Right you are.
(Door shuts)
(Motorbike engine)
That sounds like Jack's bike.
Can't be.
Jack's not been at the club for weeks.
- Are you fit?
- Yeah.
You've got lipstick on you' love. There.
- Alright?
- Yeah.
- I wonder if Jack does know anything.
- (Snorts) Course he don't.
It's funny' in't it?
I told him' you know' once or twice.
- What?
- That I was going to the club to play darts.
He said he'd come along one of these days
to see if I really did.
He'll believe owt.
He never did come' though. I'm sure he doesn't
suspect anything. Do you think he does?
Nah' we're too cunning.
I wonder what we'd do if he did find out.
- We could always get married.
- Huh! Can't imagine that.
He'd never make a divorce over it anyway.
I know Jack.
As long as we go on loving each other'
that's all that matters, in't it?
- That is Jack's bike' isn't it?
- What?
It is' you know.
- What shall we do, Arthur?
- You told him you were going to your sister's.
You'd better go there.
- You gonna come back to town with me?
- I'll show me face and he won't suspect owt.
- Alright' love' ta-ra.
- Goodbye' love.
- When will I see you again?
- I don't know. Better wait for a bit.
- I'll come round in a night or two. Ta-ra.
- Yeah. Goodbye.
- Hello' Albert. Hello' Tom.
- Good evening' Arthur.
Come on' Charlie. Give us a pint.
- Hello, Jack.
- Oh' hello' Arthur.
- What are you drinking?
- Oh' ta' I'll have a mild.
Mild? And a mild, please, Charlie.
When's the next strike' then' Tom?
Nowt to strike about yet' lad. I expect you're
too busy with the young women for that.
- Not me. I spend my time at the bookie's.
- I'll believe you.
How are you going on?
How's Brenda these days?
Alright. Can't grumble.
This ale tastes as if it's been
pumped straight out of the Trent.
- Mine's alright.
- You don't get out much now you're on nights.
- It's a dog's life if you ask me.
- I'm going out this weekend.
My brother's on leave from Leicester.
- Doing his stretch in the service' is he?
- No' he's a regular. In Tigers.
He's a big broad lad. Strong as a bull.
You wouldn't think we were brothers.
His pal's coming over as well.
I expect we'll have a night out somewhere.
It's good to get out a bit.
I do a spot of fishing now and again.
- Brother home for long?
- Fortnight.
One thing about him, though, he'll
always help me if I'm in any sort of trouble.
If anybody does owt against me'
I can always rely on him.
I was with him and his pal once'
and we set on a bloke.
I never want to do owt like that again.
Aye' but people like that should be careful'
though' never to pick on the wrong bloke.
I saw a fight like that once.
This was with two soldiers and all.
They set onto a bloke
and he wiped the floor with both of them.
It was horrible. Blood all over the place.
I had to turn me head away.
Ah! This place is more dead than alive.
Do you want another?
I've got a date. You'll have to go
on shift soon' won't you? I'll see you.
Ta-ra. Night' Charlie.
That weren't a bad picture.
I knew it would end like that' though.
You could see a mile off. Pictures always
make me thirsty. Do you fancy a drink?
No. Let's get a bus home
so you can meet Mam.
She'll get some supper for us.
- Will she mind you bringing me back?
- No, she likes company.
- Don't be long there' Doreen.
- I shan't be, Mam.
(Bell chiming outside)
- How about tomorrow?
- If you like.
I thought we could go to the White Horse
for a drink.
I'm not all that keen on boozing.
Alright' I'll get
somebody else for tomorrow.
- See if I care.
- Don't get like that' duck.
- Come on in and shut that door.
- I shan't be a minute, Mam.
I'll see you next Wednesday' then.
Okay. See you next Wednesday.
(Dog barks)
(Mother) I thought you were never
gonna come in off that porch.
(Doreen) It's alright' Mam' I'm coming up.
(Clanking and whirring)
If you'll spare me a minute
I'll give you your wages.
- Can't say no, Mr Robboe.
- You'd be the first one as ever did.
How much this week?
Fourteen pounds.
More than the tool setters get. When I started
here, I took home seven bob a week.
Ah, but in them days
seven bob was worth summat.
You could get a packet of fags for tuppence.
You had a marvellous time starving.
They've stuck me
near three quid tax this week.
You can't blame the firm for that.
You shouldn't grab so much.
I don't grab. I earn every penny of it.
I'm not saying you don't' but I wouldn't tell
anybody how much you're taking home.
They'd all be at my throat asking for a raise.
Well' you could sack 'em then' couldn't you?
Just like them good old days
you were just telling me about.
Here you are' Mam' me board. Take four
this week and buy yourself summat.
Thanks' Arthur' me old duck.
- He's a good lad to you' in't he' Vera?
- He is an' all.
- Takes after his dad for hard work.
- (Running steps)
Hey' come here' you.
Another cup of tea' Vera love.
Pay night, you know.
Come here.
Old blub-tub' that's what you are.
- You shouldn't be so rough with him.
- Hey' hey! He's alright.
Hey. Hey' what do you feed him on?
It's like a cannonball.
He's like a horse.
Our Bert didn't want his dinner last night.
That little beggar scoffs every bit.
Get off. Hey, look at him,
can't keep his hands off it.
Lock your hair grips up'
else they'll be in the gas meter.
You shut up, you daft nit,
putting ideas into his head.
Run down t'shop and get
a fiver's worth of Dolly Mixtures.
- Stop tormenting him' Arthur.
- He's alright.
- Come here.
- Get in there.
(Children shout)
(Dog barking)
Come on' Bill! Give me that fiver back
and I'll give you a tanner!
- Come here!
- (Laughing)
Come on.
Give it here' give it here.
- Let me...
- Ah! Good lad' come on.
I'll get you some toffees.
Chalk it up. There was summat else I wanted
but I'm blowed if I can think what it was.
I'll buy you some caramels.
- Oh! Look where you're going.
- Sorry, I didn't see you.
- Six penneth of caramels' please.
- You think you own the place.
What? You're daft.
I'm not so daft
as I don't know about your games.
I've seen you go about with them
you shouldn't. Not the first time either.
- You have' have you?
- Aye' I have.
Well' I know about you and all. You're
not past a bit of rum stuff yourself' are you?
I'll bet your old man doesn't know about it.
- Go on' you...
- Aye' go on. Come on' Bill.
We're not safe. She's a nut case.
- I'll clout you one of these days!
- Ta-ra' fatty.
Ooh' I'll get him yet.
(♪ Lively jazz)
- What's all the rush?
- Come on, shift.
I'll help you with the tea in a minute.
I'm bringing it in' if Tarzan here'll let me.
- What you frightened at? Kiss won't hurt you.
- What do you think I am? I don't know you.
- Give us a kiss and then you will.
- No, get off. Men are all same.
- I'm different.
- You don't look like it to me.
Well' I am. I think you're a little cracker.
- Oh...
- Ah-ah!
Looks as if you've been
having a birthday party.
I don't know. Look what a mess the house
is in. I thought you were going to clear up.
I was' Mam. I just brought my pals
out for a moment' though.
- You know Arthur' me young man' don't you?
- How do, Mrs Greatton.
Would you look at this mess? I don't know'
you might help me a bit at times, Doreen.
- (Music off)
- We were gonna clear up.
I'm sure you were.
- How do?
- Hello.
With people coming to supper and all.
That's one way to make you feel at home.
We'll be going, Bert. Are you fit?
- I'm sorry about me mam.
- If you've got company' we'd better go.
Drop into our house. You'll be welcome there.
It's not my fault me mam's like she is.
Ta-ta' sweetheart.
(Arthur) Say good night to your mam for me.
- Since when's he been your young man?
- Not long.
- He looks a bit rough if you ask me.
- He's alright.
- Well, you don't know him yet, do you?
- Not like you know him' I don't suppose.
Well' anyway' I like him.
- Did you get anywhere?
- No. You?
Nah. That Betty's barmy.
She wouldn't let me get near her.
I tell you' you've got to marry 'em
these days before you get owt.
Not if they're already married.
- What's up with you?
- Oh' stop it. You make too much fuss.
What's the matter with you tonight?
I'll tell you what's the matter with me'
Arthur. I'm pregnant.
Good and proper this time.
And it's your fault.
Oh' aye' it's bound to be my fault.
Of course it is. You never take care.
You just don't bother.
I always said this would happen one day.
What a wonderful Friday night.
- How do you know?
- You never believe anything' do you?
I suppose you've got to see the kid
before you believe me.
Well, I'm 12 days late.
That means it's dead sure.
(Laughter and chatter)
- Nothing's dead sure.
- This is.
- Alright' alright.
- Oh' don't.
- How do you know it's mine?
- Don't you want to take the blame now?
- What blame?
- Are you backing out or something?
- I just want to know whether it's mine or not.
- It's yours right enough.
I haven't done owt with Jack for a couple of
months or more. And I don't want to have it.
- Have you tried owt? Took owt' I mean.
- Yeah, pills. They didn't work.
30 bob they cost me.
It's all gone right down the drain.
- God almighty.
- He won't help you.
Now look'
you've got to do something' you know.
- Don't you want to have the kid?
- I suppose you'd like me to have a kid by you.
Another one won't make much difference.
Don't talk so daft.
What do you think having a kid means?
You're doped and sick for nine months. Your
clothes don't fit and nobody'll look at you.
One day you're yelling out
and you've got a kid.
Oh' that's not so bad. But you've got
to look after it for the rest of its life.
You want to try it some time.
Well' if that's how you feel...
How do you expect me to feel?
Look' I'll go and see my Aunt Ada.
She'll know what to do.
She's had 14 kids of her own
and I'm sure she's got rid of as many others.
I hope she will know something' love.
Cos if I don't get rid of it,
there'll be a hell of a row.
Don't worry' love.
You'll be as right as rain in a week or two.
- We'll go and see about it tomorrow.
- Okay.
(Sobbing) Oh' Arthur!
- Oh' God.
- Hey' shut up.
- I'll try.
- Okay.
Come on.
- (Knocking)
- Anybody in? Bring out your dead' Aunt Ada.
Oh' it's you' Arthur. Come on in' love.
- Where's the tribe?
- Gone t'pictures.
Sit yourself down
and I'll give you a cup of tea.
- I can see Bert still works at pit.
- I'm glad you've come.
Sunday afternoon's the only time
I get peace' and I like somebody to talk to.
I'm a bit worried about summat.
What would a good-looking chap
like you have to worry about?
It's not that I'm worrying' Aunt Ada.
I never worry. You know that.
But it's this mate of mine at work.
He's got a young woman in trouble.
That's a daft thing to do.
Couldn't he have been a bit more careful?
Well' he'll just have to face the music
like our Dave did.
Give me that kettle.
But in't there something as can be done?
People get rid of it by taking things.
- What do you know about that?
- I read about it in the Sunday papers.
- You don't want to mess with such things.
- It's for me mate who's in trouble.
He'd do the same for me.
You can't let your mate down
at a time like that.
It's you' in't it?
It's you who is in trouble.
It is' if you want to know.
I once knew a woman as got sent to prison
for doing a thing like that.
- I'm sure I don't know what to tell you.
- I thought you'd be able to help me.
Thought I'd be able to help you'
just like that?
You brainless loon. You ought to have more
sense. You can't get out of fixes that easy.
I've got nobody else to turn to.
Why don't you marry her if she's a nice girl?
She's already married.
- You are in a bloody fix' aren't you?
- That's why I came to you.
I don't know.
Alright' then. Bring her to see me.
Thanks. I can fetch her now' if you like.
The sooner the better' if you ask me.
Let's get it over with.
- I'll be back' then.
- Alright' get going.
(Ada) Well' you didn't take long' did you?
- Come on in' Brenda duck.
- Ta.
- This is me Aunt Ada.
- Hello.
Let's hope you get out of it
as quick as you got into it.
I don't expect it'll be that easy' either.
It won't. Come on in' then.
- Sit yourself down.
- Ta.
- How you feeling now' then?
- Well, you know how it is.
I'm not too bad.
It in't right' is it?
I think men get away with murder.
They do' don't they?
- I don't know that much.
- Don't be such a bighead.
And get cracking so as I can talk to her.
- What's your name' duck?
- Brenda.
(Gate clicks)
- 'Ey up' Arthur. How are you?
- Alright.
- Been to see my mam?
- Aye.
- Don't tell us owt' will you?
- There's nowt to tell.
- I'll go and get me tea' then.
- No' come for a walk.
- What's up? You don't look too happy.
- I'm alright. Come on.
(Tyres screech)
(Car horn)
- (Glass smashing)
- (Dog barking)
What's up there' then?
- Was it that fella?
- Let's go and see.
Aye' you! I saw you! I saw what you did!
- I was only trying to get one of them urns.
- What's up?
Run to that phone box and get the police.
- No, no!
- Here' take his other arm.
- What's he done?
- He threw something through that window.
We're sending him to police.
He did that? He ought to get
put inside for a thing like that.
Don't worry' we're holding him till they come.
She's a rat face' she is.
- You'll get a stripe for this.
- Right across your back.
- I wanted a vase for me mother.
- That window wasn't worth breaking.
Don't you talk to him.
He can do all his talking t'police.
He'll talk to them alright.
I only buried her three months ago.
I wasn't doing any harm.
You didn't have to do this' though!
- Why don't you leave him alone' you old bag?
- You cheeky young beggar!
- You'll get six months in Lincoln!
- Let me go!
- Be a sport!
- Stay where you are!
- I'd only had a pint.
- Listen to the way he's talking to her!
Walk off' mate.
Don't put ideas into his head
or you'll be in trouble.
You shut your rattle' rat face. What good is
it gonna do you handing him over t'coppers?
- Go on' get going. Run.
- Aye!
Stand where you are! Stand where you are!
- Shut up!
- Alright' alright. Now what's the trouble?
This man here smashed that window.
I saw him and that woman did.
(Policeman) Any other witnesses?
I don't know how that rat face
could do a thing like that.
Cos she's a bitch and a whore. She's got
no heart in her. She's a swivel-eyed get.
She wants poleaxing.
Some people would nark on their own mother.
You're living in a jungle, you are and all.
That bloke was a spineless bastard' though.
He should've run. I don't know.
Still' there's one thing I can do.
We held him there till t'police came but that
Arthur Seaton were telling him to run away.
- He never was any good.
- He went off as soon as t'police showed up.
They always do' his kind.
I know. He was always the same. Breaking
little Johnny's toy train when he was five.
He bosses t'lot of them around'
Mr Seaton and all.
He'll get checked one of these days.
- (Gunshot)
- Oh' strewth!
- (Dog barking)
- God all-bleeding-mighty! Somebody got me!
- Hey! What's up? What's happened?
- Ooh!
Here' who's gone and done that?
I know who did it.
I'll wait till tonight till my old man
gets home. Come on.
(Dogs barking outside)
Always gossiping about me' so smack!
- A pellet gets her right on the arse.
- I'd like to have seen that.
- She didn't know what hit her.
- Fat old cow. Serve her right.
If you get put in t'clink,
I'll send you a file in a cake.
- She'll have a bruise as big as a pancake.
- (Grunts) Right.
- Er... tanner.
- Tanner? I'm with you.
- Two bob.
- Two bob? In that case I'll see you.
- Beat that.
- Done.
- (Knock at door)
- I'll go.
If it's anybody for money' tell 'em Mam's out.
- Right.
- Hey.
- It's old Ma Bull. I thought she'd be back.
- Shall we let her in?
- Yeah, I'll get me gun.
- No' don't do that' Arth.
- I'll bluff it out for you if you want.
- Let her in.
- What do you want?
- I heard you've been shooting at my missus.
Who' me? You've got the wrong bloke.
I don't even live here.
Perhaps it wasn't anybody at this house.
Couldn't have been.
There ain't any guns here for a start.
- Arthur's got a gun. I know he has.
- He ain't. You've got the wrong house.
Less of your cheek. I got shot wi' airgun
and I mean to find out who did it.
- He ain't home from work.
- I didn't think it was anybody in this house.
You shut your mouth.
I ain't found him yet but...
- Get out' else you'll get another one.
- That's it. He is the one who shot me.
- In your fat gut this time!
- What are you standing there for?
- Go on! Take laughing boy with you.
- Hit him! Hit him!
- Come on. We'll see about this.
- Aye!
- I'm going straight down to t'station.
- Alright.
I'll settle that beggar's
ash once and for all.
Did you see her old man's face
when she told him to hit you?
If she goes to t'coppers
she won't be able to show 'em the bruise.
No cheating this time.
- That was the Bulls, wasn't it?
- They said I shot Mrs Bull with an airgun.
But they're lying as usual. Shilling.
I told you never to let 'em in this house.
I hate nosy Parkers like that.
It's a wonder they didn't want
to borrow a pound of sugar.
- They barged in. We couldn't stop 'em.
- I'd have bloody well stopped 'em.
- What have you got?
- Full house.
- What a twister.
- (Knocking)
- I'll go.
- Hang it up' now' Bert. I'm mashing tea.
Hiya. Doreen! Hey up' duck. Come on in.
A work pal lives near here
so I thought I'd drop in to see you.
- My mam's out' but have some supper.
- I won't stay long.
- How do' Doreen? How's Betty' then?
- She's alright, thanks.
It'd be daft not to call' being so near.
I'm glad you did.
I'd be mad if you hadn't and I'd found out.
- Was your mam mad at us on Sunday?
- No.
- (Knocking)
- That door never stops' does it?
- Mam's a bit funny sometimes.
- (Man) Does Arthur Seaton live here?
- (Mr Seaton) What do you want wi' him?
- (Man) He shot her with an airgun.
- (Mr Seaton) There's no airgun in this house.
- (Man) We'll have a look' shall we?
Well' come in' then' if you like.
Shut the door after you' will you?
- Which one was it' you say?
- Him.
She says you threatened her with an airgun.
Is that right?
- When was this' then?
- You know when it were. Just now.
Dad' what have I been doing for the last hour?
Don't be daft. What do you mean'
what have I been doing?
- (Arthur) Tell him.
- You know what you've been doing.
- Playing cards with Bert here.
- (Bert) Aye' and losing too.
- Is that so?
- They'll never own up.
You've got a cheek' coming here
saying "You've got an airgun".
Some people'd do owt to cause trouble.
Look' I can't mess around here all night.
But stop making trouble in the yard.
If there's any more row' I'll be down
with the inspector to sort you lot out.
So just watch it.
- (Chatter outside)
- And I don't want to come back here again.
- That put him in his place.
- Aye' and about time too' I should say.
Well' ta very much.
Just keep away for a bit' will you?
Did you see the muck of that kitchen?
- They didn't get much out of us.
- They never would.
- It's not every day we beat the coppers.
- (Music starts)
- You'll stay' won't you?
- Ta, Mr Seaton.
- I'll go and get you some supper' then.
- Let's dance.
Hey' I thought you turned up trumps there.
- Dad' this is Doreen.
- Hello.
- How are you?
- Hey' do you come here often?
- (Both laugh)
- Hey up.
(Bell chiming)
(Whistle blows)
(Children shout)
Hello' duck.
- Been here long?
- Ten minutes.
I was just looking at the lovely view.
Better come down to earth then' hadn't you?
How did you go on? It go off alright?
No' it didn't.
It was just one of them old wives' tricks.
She made me sit in a hot bath for three hours.
I had to drink a pint of gin.
I'll never go through that again.
It was terrible. Thought I was gonna die.
And it didn't work.
(Children shout)
- How do you feel now?
- What do you think? I've got over it.
I don't know' I can't think of owt else.
Somebody told me they'd seen you
coming out of the pictures with a young girl.
It was a bloody lie' then.
(Whistle blows)
Look out! Here's trouble!
Come on!
- Here.
- Oh.
Do you think I'm daft' Arthur? I can tell you
don't go as much on me as you used to.
That ain't true, Brenda.
You know I like you a lot.
Yeah' I know you do. You
can see it a mile off.
It's not my fault
if you don't believe me' is it?
You know the trouble with you?
You don't know the difference
between right and wrong. You never will.
Maybe I won't' but I don't want
anybody to teach me either.
- You'll learn one day.
- We'll see.
But it's now that matters.
We've still got to clear this mess up.
- (Children shouting)
- Look. I'll try one last thing.
A girl I know told me
about a doctor that would do it.
- Where?
- Lt don't matter where. I've got the address.
- I don't know. All this mess!
- You got me into it.
- Don't think you're backing out now.
- I'm not trying to.
And I never would either.
I may as well tell you.
This doctor'll want 40 quid.
- I'll get that for you.
- When' though?
I'll have it for you in a couple of days.
You're getting off light' aren't you?
- (Children shout)
- (Whistle blows)
- You know that girl in our firm?
- Which one?
You know' Tina' the one in the photo.
What about her?
She got married yesterday.
She looked ever so nice.
What was the bloke like?
Could you smell the drink?
They must have been drunk to get married.
You're in a rotten mood today.
I lost five quid at the races.
Serves you right.
You shouldn't waste your money.
It's not wasted. I enjoy betting.
I don't care what you do with your money.
It's nowt to do with me.
Stop telling me off' then.
I'm not telling you off. You don't think
I'm bothered about you like that' do you?
That's not what you said
in the pictures just now.
You're a pig' bringing it up like that.
I like you telling me off.
I like you a lot in fact.
- You want to show it' then.
- I do.
No' you don't.
Why don't you ever take me where it's lively
and there's plenty of people?
- Always to the pictures or a walk at night.
- Now' that ain't true.
- Anybody'd think you were ashamed of me.
- Well' I'm not. I can tell you that.
I'll take you to the fair on Saturday night'
Alright' if you like.
(Whooping and shouting)
- (Chatter)
- (Shot)
(♪ Cleo Laine: Let's Slip Away)
♪ Let's slip away somewhere quiet
♪ Let's slip away and live on a diet
♪ Of love and kisses all day
♪ Slip away, slip away
♪ Let's slip away
♪ Let's play truant
♪ Let's go today, just us, me and you
♪ And the hours we'll let slip away
♪ Slip away, slip away
♪ Can you picture those lazy mornings?
♪ Can you picture...
- He's won.
- What did he score?
- Where's Brenda?
- I don't know.
Have you seen her?
- ♪ Let's slip away, you and me...
- What's the matter?
Having a good time?
Not bad. I'm with some pals from work.
I had to come out or go crackers.
I've been worrying about you all week.
Well' you can stop worrying.
Is it alright' then?
- Well' didn't you see that doctor?
- Oh, yeah, I went. I didn't stay.
- What?
- I've decided to have it.
You want to have the kid now' then?
- Oh. But...
- Jack'll be wondering where I am.
- Look' I want to help you.
- Do you, Arthur?
Yeah. What can I do?
There's nothing much you can do' is there?
- I must go' love.
- No.
I must go.
- I must get back. I've got to get back.
- Wait.
They mustn't see us together.
(♪ John Dankworth: Why Not?)
♪ I've gotta say that it's a crime
♪ I'll grab it, I'll have it
♪ Why not? Why not? Why not?
♪ So once it's set on Friday night
♪ What's it matter what you say?
♪ I'm gonna grab it, I'll have it
♪ Why not? Why not? Why not?
♪ So if a pretty chick was crossing the road
to get to the other side
♪ That pretty chick
went and jumped out quick
♪ Well, I'd take her for a ride...
- Where do I go?
- (Sirens)
♪ I'll have it
♪ Why not? Why not? Why not?
♪ So once it's set on Friday night
♪ What's it matter what you say?
♪ I'm gonna grab it, I'll have it
♪ Why not? Why not? Why not?
♪ So if a pretty chick is crossing the road
to get to the other side...
(Carousel tunes)
(Bells ring)
Come here.
What the hell have you been doing?
(Dog barking)
Come on.
- My hat.
- (Carousel tune)
(Dog barking)
(Man on loudspeaker)
(Man) Thank you, thank you. Thank you.
(Carousel tune)
(Dog barking)
(Dog barks and howls)
(Whistle blows)
(Children shouting)
(Arthur) They bested me, right enough.
Still, I had me bit of fun.
It ain't the first time
I've been in a losing fight.
Won't be the last, either, I don't suppose.
How long have I been lying here, though?
A week?
Can't think.
Mam called me barmy when I told her
I fell off a gasometer for a bet.
But I'm not barmy. I'm a fighting pit prop
that wants a pint of beer, that's me.
But if any knowing bastard says that's me,
I'll tell him I'm a dynamite dealer waiting
to blow the factory to kingdom come.
I'm me and nobody else.
Whatever people say I am, that's what I'm not,
because they don't know
a bloody thing about me.
God knows what I am.
(Children shouting)
(Knock at door)
Come in.
- Oh' come on in' duck. Ah' this is a surprise.
- I came to see how you were.
I'm not bad. I'll be as right as rain in a day
or two. Take your coat off and sit down.
This is a nice room.
Are all them clothes yourn?
- Just a few rags.
- They must have cost you a pretty penny.
I get good wages.
I've been worried about you all week.
You was in a state when we brought
you home. What happened?
I got knocked down by a horse and cart.
I didn't see it. I thought I was a goner.
You even told your own mam
you fell off a gasworks for a bet.
You won't tell anybody anything' will you?
It pays to keep your trap shut. Sit down.
No' it don't.
I've just told you, haven't I? I told you
I got run over with a horse and cart.
You are a liar.
Well' you... you won't like it if I tell you.
I won't mind.
I got beat up with two soldiers.
What for?
I'd been knocking around with a married
woman and her husband set 'em on to me.
Two onto one. So they beat me.
I'd have flattened them
if they'd been one at a time.
- I suppose that's why you left us at the fair.
- No' it wasn't.
I saw a mate of mine on the dodgems'
owed me five quid' and I went to collect it.
I didn't see you after that.
What happened to you?
You talk to me like I was a bit of muck.
Oh' don't look like that' duck. I'm sorry.
You look it.
Come here.
(Whistle blows outside)
Come on' come here.
I'm glad you came to see me. I'd have
stayed down in the dumps if you hadn't.
I wondered how you were.
Oh' I... I brought you some fags.
Oh' thanks. Ta.
- What's it like outside?
- It's a bit cold.
Not in bed it ain't. It's warm
under these blankets. Come and try.
- What do you take me for?
- We're courting' aren't we?
- You might call it courting.
- You're a nice girl' Doreen. I like you a lot.
You ought to stay with me for good so as I
don't get knocked down by any more horses.
The trouble with me is I'm always bumping
into things. It's not much of a paying game.
You'll have to watch
where you're going' then' won't you?
I've never seen anybody
look as nice as you do.
I'll buy you a ring next week if you're nice.
Come on' give us a kiss' then.
- Come on in' Bert.
- How do' Auntie Vera? Alright' Uncle Alf?
Aye' I'm alright. How's things at the pit?
Black' but I can't grumble. Where's the lad?
He's in bed. Take his clean shirt up
while you're about it.
- Righto.
- Aye' it's time he got up.
What's up? The telly broke' then?
Hey up' here comes the laundry man.
Oh' sorry' Doreen.
I didn't know you were here.
Oh' hello' Bert.
- How you feeling' Arthur?
- I'm alright, ta.
- Your mam sent this shirt up.
- Thanks. It is time I was getting up.
- I'll be going now.
- Don't go' love. I just popped up.
My mam's expecting me.
- Um... how's Betty these days?
- She's alright, thanks.
- Okay' love' I'll see you later.
- Okay. So long' Bert.
Ta-ta' duck.
- Bye.
- Ta-ra' love. I'll see you at your house. Bye.
Smashing nurse.
- Sorry' I didn't know she was here.
- You come clodding in.
I would've knocked if they'd told me.
Are you two going steady, then?
- What does it look like?
- She's a lovely girl' I must say that.
- How are you feeling?
- I feel fine now.
- Fancy a bit of fishing this afternoon?
- I'll go tomorrow.
- Why not this afternoon?
- I've got a date with Doreen.
You were born dead lucky' weren't you?
(Clock ticking and chiming)
Your mam takes all night to read the paper.
Does she read slowly
or is she looking at the adverts?
She reads every word.
- She loves the newspaper more than a book.
- (Kettle whistling)
Mam' your kettle's boiling!
- (High-pitched whistle)
- Alright, I heard it.
(Whistling fades)
I thought she was never
gonna get out of that chair.
It'll be alright in a minute.
She's just filling her hot-water bottle.
I'm off to bed. Don't be
long yourself' Doreen.
I won't be. Arthur's just going in a minute.
He's got ever such a long walk home.
I have and all. I'll get cracking in a bit.
Well' don't be late. It's after 11 now.
I'll wash t'cups up before I come' Mam.
- I'll take these cups.
- No.
Let's make as if you're going first.
(Dog barking)
- Good night' then' Arthur.
- Good night.
(Passing engine)
We'll have to do it a bit louder.
You know she's deaf.
Good night' then' Arthur!
Good night' duck! See you soon!
(Dog barking outside)
(Doreen draws curtain)
(Machinery rattles and whirs)
(High-pitched whirring)
What are you doing around this way' then?
I'm just going t'press shop.
I'm... I'm on days now.
I thought you might have
been coming to see me.
- There's no need for that' is there?
- In't there?
- You thought them swaddies had killed me.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
I didn't think you would.
That's the sort of bloke you are.
Till you get bashed in the face.
Then you'd squeal like a stuck pig.
You caused a lot of trouble between me and
Brenda. You can't deny it. It weren't right.
You don't have to tell me
what's right and what isn't.
- How is Brenda' anyway?
- She's okay.
She'll be alright with me.
I'll look after her.
Keep that between me and you' though.
If you ever try and see her again'
you'll get more trouble from t'swaddies.
They won't find it so easy next time'
whether I'm on my own or not.
You're too much of a troublemaker' Arthur.
You should take things as they come
and enjoy life.
I do enjoy life. Just because I'm
not like you' don't think I don't.
Well' I'll see you some time.
(Hammering and whirring)
- (Whistling Bridal Chorus)
- (Birdsong)
(Hums Bridal Chorus)
Give over.
Thought you weren't gonna get married
till you were good and ready.
- I hadn't met Doreen then.
- Aye.
- What's the score with Brenda' then?
- It's finished. We packed it up.
- Reckon it was about time. Don't you?
- Oh, maybe.
She's a good sort' though.
I've given her a lot to put up with.
- What's her husband like?
- Ah, a bit of a dope.
He's not a bad bloke really.
I told you to lay off weeks ago,
not that you took a blind bit of notice.
- You've got to enjoy yourself.
- You've got to keep your feet on the ground.
People settle down and before they know
where they are they've kicked the bucket.
It ain't altogether like that.
No' I know. It would be' though'
if you didn't watch it.
Easier ways of getting things
than lashing out all the time.
You think so? Listen. If I get mixed up
in what goes on, that's my business.
- I suppose it is.
- You bet it is. I've still got some fight left in me'
- not like most people.
- I'm not saying you ain't'
but where does all this fighting get you?
Have you ever seen where not fighting's
got you' like my mum and dad?
What do you mean? They've got all they want.
Aye' they've got a television set and a packet
of fags but they're both dead from the neck up.
I'm not saying it's their fault.
They've had their hash settled for 'em'
so's all the bloody gaffers
can push 'em around like a lot of sheep.
I've seen you in some funny moods' Arthur.
Never seen you like this before.
There's a lot more in life' Bert'
than my mam and dad have got.
- Hey' I've got one!
- Ah!
Hey! Ha-ha!
(Arthur) It's good to be out.
(Doreen) It's nice out here.
(Arthur) Peaceful for a change.
I asked Mam if we could live at home.
She said it'd be alright.
Till we get a new house.
I wouldn't mind living in an old one meself.
I would. I want a new one
with a bathroom and everything.
Me and Bert used to roam all over these hills
when we was kids, blackberrying.
There won't be blackberries
or a blade of grass here much longer.
What did you do that for?
I don't know.
Just felt like it' I suppose.
- Maybe one of those houses'll be for us.
- I know.
You shouldn't throw things like that.
It won't be the last one I'll throw.
Come on' duck. Let's go down.