Sanrizuka: Heta buraku (1973) - full transcript

Documentary on the life of the farmers of the Heta Village opposing their resettlement due to the construction of the Narita Airport.

Produced by: Ogawa

At Sanrizuka,
protest against construction

of Narita Airport
has been going on for 7 years.

The New Tokyo International Airport Public
Corporation has destroyed old villages.

eroded their fields and
tried to confine the villagers

to the ear-shattering
environment of the airport.

This film is a documentary
of the people

of Heta and their fight
against the Corporation

in conjunction with Narita Shibayama
Opposition Alliance Group.

Interview with one of the
hamlet elders, Kizo Ryuzaki

There was a major fire
here in 1870 or 1871.

It started in the centre
of the village.

At the house of Monem.

The flames leapt from
house to house.

Burning Magobe's place...


Niya's and Chozem's too.

After the fire they rebuilt.

Because it had burnt right
down to the end of town.

It's well known as the
Heta Conflagration.

Afterwards the Monem's
moved up into the hills.

After all, they were the
ones who started it.

The villagers didn't kick
them out.

They moved of their own accord.

Up to where they're
cutting wood.

Monem's neighbours paid
to rebuild his place.

It was the natural thing to do.

Was that where Monem's
place was?

Yes, it was.

Was that how they apologised?

There was no formal
decision made...

It just happened.

By moving they made
amends to the villagers.

Same thing happened at
a nearby hamlet.

The 7 families descend
from the Ryuzaki line.

Here in Heta you've got
the main branch.

The Tanakas descended from us.

And the other 5 from our
2 main lines.

So the 7 Ryuzaki families
form one clan.

Ryuzakis were samurai in
service to the Genji clan.

Who lost out to Toyotomi
during the Civil Wars.

Came to Heta and became farmers.

Each family has its own
style of house.

In our place for example...

The living room is to
the right of the workroom.

The others have theirs on
the left.

So they live on the left
and we on the right.

Every other house has
theirs on the left side.

Why do only the Ryuzakis
have it on the right?

I don't know.

The Ryuzaki temple's the
same, isn't it?

Yes, again the right side.

I suppose you could say...

It's to do with water.

The village water supply.

Being handy to the workroom.

Where the cooking takes place.

But perhaps it's not so...

Anyway, as for the reason...

I don't really know, we
just do it.

Grandad, over next to the

Wasn't that a sake factory?

Can't make sake without
good water, eh?

Exactly. The water here
is excellent.

Very pure water.

In the old days...

They came from afar for
water to make sake.

They travelled here to
get water for sake?

Yes, it does require pure water.

It's very clear and pure.

- Previously the Miyasaka
Sake Factory -

Used to go up to the
hills to get water.

Our water supply is
natural, spring water.

Everybody uses it.

By the "hills" do you
mean that forest?

Where the sake factory was?

Yes, that's right.

Over there on the corner -

Was that road there in
the old days?

Which way did it use to go?

Over there by the
electric pylon.

Yes, you can see the bridge.

That pathway was the old road.

This road wasn't there then?

It was a paddyfield.

- Old Road -

The old road was wider
than most.

We used to call it "The Path".

The Path?

Anyone could use it.

And the landowner
couldn't complain.

It used to go up over there.

Then they built the
school up there.

And the students used it
to go to school.

And the owners couldn't

The old Mr. Tonojita...

A member of the Retired
Folks Action Group.

Very active member.

Joined every protest

The thing I remember most
about him...

He really loved the land,
that old fellow.

He taught me much.

About wild vegetables,
flora and fauna.

How to cook wild birds.

What was in season, nuts,

And how to prepare them.

He taught all of us.

Why is that place over
there deserted?

The Niya place.

The village pariah...?

Yes, and they ended up leaving.

Well, the story goes...

It started 8 years ago...

When the anti-airport
group started...

As it became more and
more active...

Niya became an airport

And the villagers stopped
socializing with them.

- The Niya House is now
Deserted -

At that time, old man Niya died.

Of course there was a funeral.

And the villagers planned
to attend.

Someone sent a message to
the committee.

Saying the old man had died.

The funeral committee?

Yes, of course.

Asking for help with the
funeral, but...

But no-one went.

But it wasn't an
organized boycott.

And then, when the Niyas -

Brought the body back
from the hospital.

No-one helped bear the coffin.

Because no-one went there.

Ended up taking him to
the crematorium by car.

And cremating him.

Here, we usually bury our dead.

It's not usual to cremate?

They couldn't bury him.

No-one to be pall bearers.

Or dig the grave.

Just the family attended?

Yes, and relatives from
outside the village.

And some nearby aquaintances.

Mainly people from
outside Heta came.

A small, quiet funeral.

After that they thought
they couldn't live here.

So they left the village.

Any other cases like that?

No, no others.

Shuku village divided into
pro and anti factions.

But still assisted at
funerals etc.

But here in Heta the anti

dominates and so others
think we're strong.

That's what they say, anyway.

Perhaps we wouldn't do it now.

Anyway, the anti group is
very aggressive.

And the funeral happened
right at the start.

Coincidental, really.

About the cremation.

As the Niyas bore the coffin...

someone started beating
on the alarm drum.

It really was coincidental.

The villagers heard it as
a summons.

The Niyas thought we were
going to attack them.

- Emergency Alarm Drum -

It disrupted their procession.

They thought we were
attacking the procession.

The villagers used it to
warn of danger -

- The Niyas Were Said to
be Moneylenders -

If the police came.

The Niyas misunderstood.

And were terribly shocked.

When in actual fact it
was a coincidence.

Which they misinterpreted?

Yes, they were terrified.

But it made our point.

We really didn't intend
to go that far.

- Narita - Heta Village

Narrated by Shinsuke Ogawa.

On September 16, 1971...

A group opposing the
compulsory acquisition -

of land for the airport
construction demonstrated.

In the demonstration 3
policemen were killed.

It was a coincidence.

None of the farmers,
students or workers -

died in the demonstration.

But the possibility of
death was high.

And what was coincidental
about it...

Is that the police are
attempting a frame-up.

To destroy the village of
we protestors.

And thereby break up our
opposition group.

So many police came into
the village.

They poked around and
upset the people.

Agitated the whole village.

This film documents...

How the tumult in the village -

was handled by the villagers.

The human solidarity,
the actions -

the villagers took to
deal with it.

Young men from Heta spent
the 1972 New Year in prison. January 11th -

The arrests started on December 8th,

the excuse being the death
of three policemen during

a demonstration on September 6th. There
is no happy new year for the villagers.

A further problem has arisen in connection
with the Tennami Public Graveyard

where one of their leaders,
Meiji Ogawa, is buried.

His family and the others
have signed the graveyard

over to the Corporation.
This shocked the Alliance who had built

a concrete fortress around it
for protection.

Heta, the birthplace
of the clan head Ogawa,

is particularly hurt
by this action...

A rare, heavy winter rain fell.

At that difficult time.

And in opposition to the
Alliance's policy

My kin surrendered a
graveyard to the airport.

The immediate family
didn't know anything.

There was nothing we
could do and it upset us.

The family of Meiji Ogawa

Today, Naokatsu first told
us about the graveyard.

I'd heard it from the
village official

So when he told us, I was
already aware of it.

Said he wanted to relocate
his father's grave.

And wanted we relatives to help.

When I heard what he
said, I too said -

We can't expect the other
villagers to help.

That's all I could say.

If I were in his position -

I would have done the
same thing.

The Heta villagers helped
the four Kinone families that remained

after the others had left
the village.

They shared the work
and the fighting but weren't informed

of the Kimone decision
to part with the graveyard.

Heta understood that they needed assistance
for relocating the remains...

But still the four young
men of Heta remain in jail...

Meiji's son, Naokatsu -

really wanted the
villagers to help him -

relocate his father's grave.

But they don't have the
right to ask us.

He came and talked to
Magobe and I.

We suggested that
whatever the conclusion -

He should take it up with
the village officials.

- Yuichi Hagiwara -

He came to my place
straight away.

Naokatsu told us what
they'd said.

And he asked me what
he should do.

I said don't ask the
villagers to help.

He did as I suggested.

The villagers kept to the
Alliance's policy

And refused to give up
the graveyard.

I nold Naokatsu that I
couldn't help him.

That's what I said to him.

The Leader Ogawa and Naokatsu -

always helped each other
out but because -

Naokatsu never mentioned
the graveyard surrender -

It's his responsibility
and Hanzem is upset.

Naokatsu's fields and his

are his own, unlike the grave.

He'd never sell them.

He's joined the Alliance
and is working hard.

Over and above that...

- Hikoshige Uriu -

Regarding Meiji's body.

The problem of relocating it.

As villagers and Alliance
members -

how should we handle it?

If any of you have any ideas.

We'd like to hear them.

As I see it, the stand of
the Alliance, -

And the stand of the villagers -

Differ slightly.

The 3 remaining families
in Kinone Hamlet -

Including Naokatsu,
joined us last year.

The Corporation has undermined
the Kinone folk.

Most have left and the
hamlet is broken up.

So we've encouraged them
to join us.

Bearing that in mind -

how can we help the
remaining three families?

And what line should we
take in the future?

I want to think about
this as a villager.

When we had his father's

We named it the Anti-Airport
Alliance Funeral.

We men dug the grave and
our women catered.

I won't say we did everything.

But we did the important things.

The Grave of Meiji Ogawa

In the Tennami Public Graveyard

The Tennami Graveyard,
Resting Place of M. Ogawa

Through the actions of
the Corporation

It now belongs to the

The issue of what Naokatsu
will do from now on.

Depends on whether we
support him or not.

We must stick by him.

I think Naokatsu and the
others want that, too.

And as for helping relocate
the grave,

The family feel they can't
really ask the villagers.

So they say...

There's a concrete wall
around the grave.

It's 30 cm thick and 180 cm

- The Fortress Around
Meiji-san's Grave -

It's no small job to
demolish it.

Especially with our simple
farmer's tools.

It's no easy job for a
couple of men.

The Corporatioon is bound
to come.

That's not to say that
our fight ends here.

Even though we've lost on
the graveyard issue.

We must stand by them and
what is theirs.

If not, the Corporation
will do their worst.

And we're not going to let them!

We, the people of Heta,
must act -

before the Corporation does.

Therefore, we must join

And, in this regard -

we must be close and united.

Using the death of the 3
cops as an excuse -

They're bound to come and
arrest more of our young.

And the Corporation has a plan.

A plan to break the bond
between Kinoe and Heta.

Which would bring Kinone
onto their side.

- The clan of Meiji Ogawa
Take Ogawa -

And effectively break-up
the Alliance.

Our young men in prison.

Are victims of the
Corporation's policy.

I'm not good with words.

But that's what I think.

Tomorrow's newspapers
may say that -

"Kinone Sold Out"

The villagers asked the
opinion of those close to

the imprisoned men.

Many of our followers are
now under lock and key.

Young Farmers Action
Group (YFAG) member

Shinji Ishii.

One thing that we must do is -

adopt the tactics of the

And never, ever give in!

For that reason, the Alliance -

in each and every village

must resolve its doubts
and join together.

- YFAG members -

It's very easy for all of us -

to call Naokatsu and the
others to task -

for what they've gone and done.

But if we say that -

if we dwell, on the sale
of the graveyard.

We'll lose the three families -

the only ones left in Kinone.

That's what I think.

And we have a responsibility -

to tell this to those in jail.

Even though we weren't
aware of it at first.

Because we are involved
in this -

we must cope with the

Whatever happens as a result.

We must tell them frankly.

Because if we don't,
they'll feel betrayed.

Those 3 young men from
Heta in jail -

will feel it, I think.

Recently, the 3 lost
their leader -

Before he died -

He tried to save the graveyard.

By taking the leadership.

But, as you know -

he couldn't continue the fight.

Because he martyred himself.

He had a strong wish.

The wish that we would
save the graveyard.

But now we've lost the

And the Corporation has won it.

Now, the best thing that
we can do is -

not dwell upon this defeat.

What can I say? It's one
step backwards.

But we must do something.

To get out of this
vicious circle.

That's what I think.

We must try again.

To make Naokatsu and
the others in Kinone -

realize just how we feel
about it.

Therefore, we must help
the family members -

with the task of
relocating the body.

"After death, the spirit..."

"still fights against evil."

Is carved on his gravestone!

The last request of Meiji
Ogawa, our vice-chairman.

I believe his spirit
remains with his family.

And with us of the Anti-Airport

Therefore, those that he
left behind -

must respect the wishes
of his spirit.

Until the very end.

With his spirit we'll
oppose the airport.

The villagers themselves
decide to help relocate.

- The Villagers -

- The Tennami Public Graveyard -

They brought the remains
back to Heta Temple.

- Heta Hamlet -

The word "Heta" implies edge or corner.
1.000 years ago it was called "Hishitamura"

Located at the very
edge of the old Kazusa area,

Heta was one entrance to Hishitamura.

So the villagers also called
it Heta Entrance.

To all the people of the
Hishita area -

please gather - this is
an emergency!

This is the Hishita
Farmers Broadcast Center!

At this moment -

at the home of Sannomiya
in Heta Hamlet -

The riot police are
invading his house.

Please gather in front of
Sannomiya's house.

The police -

just recently -

finally released him on bail.

And then when -

he tried to meet with
his family.

Young Mr. Aikawa from
Sakashioka -

Just after he was
released on bail.

They re-arrested him.

The parents...

His fellows at the YFAG

Had no time to even greet him.

In connection with the
July 26th incident.

They re-arrested him.

Today, again the police -

Have unjustifiably
arrested 3 others.

And they have a warrant
for one more.

And now, yet again -

with some intention -

they've come to the house
of Sannomiya in Heta.

They've invaded his house.

To the people of Hishita -

your attention please.

We ask each and every
one of you.

To gather immediately.

At the house of Sannomiya
in Heta Hamlet.

Please gather.

Go to the grave!

To the grave of the dead boy!

Last year on October 1st,
the son of Sannomiya - suicided,

leaving a note which started - "I hate
those who brought this airport on us..."

Go to the grave and pray!

You cruel bastards.

- Old Man Miyasaka -

The first time in our
country's history.

You come investigate at
the house of the dead.

Go pay your respects
at his grave.

You kill him and dare
come here to his house...

Think of how he must feel.

How dare you come here brazenly?

You know Fumio's in his
grave, don't you?

You have the face of men
but not the spirit.

We'll sound the alarm
and kick you out.

You're not coming to get
us, we're gonna get you.

You're no better than gangsters.

Police came to the house of the dead Fumio
because he was a member of the YFAG -

they took away an empty
oil drum...

We farmers buy our oil in drums!

You drum thieves!

Plainclothes cops!

Plainclothes thieves!

Next time we'll have to
pay for a new drum, too.

Why are you taking that drum?

Everybody with a car has one.

Are they forbidden to us?


Up to this point over 40
youths had been arrested.

The women gather to
honor the gods.

She offered two-pronged
radish to the god.

It's my turn and I want
to make it funnier.

- At the Public Hall -

Mrs. Tsubaki makes phallic
doll - important offering.

The funnier the better.

The last time our fraternity -

only had small radishes.

And so, to make it interesting -

we decided to make the phallus.

It represents the important
part of the god

Koyasu-sama. Simply put,
"father of children".

Because it's the father
of children.

And it's very important.

The phallus - god of
safe births & upbringing.

And mark of respect to
the god Koyasu-sama.

This radish represents
the male organ?

That's right.

We do it as a mark of
respect to the gods of -

safe births and upbringing.

Where I was born we
consider it -

to be very important.

And over and above
other offerings -

this is the most
important thing -

and we treat it like a god.

Here they used to only
offer 2-pronged radishes

But since last year -

When you came here to film.

You thought it was interesting.

And we had a lot of
laughs making it.

It is very funny.

Yes, making the phallus
of a man.

In the village where
I was born -

We don't peel the radishes
and they're much longer.

So they look like this.

Do they use the dragon's
beard there, too?


You call this, "Dragon's
beard", don't you?

As the pubic hair.

Without it, it's not
very realistic.

And these sweet potatoes.

Crudely put, they're the balls.

Compared to the radish,
they're small, eh?

Maybe I should cut it smaller.

With the hair you can't
see the balls.

You can't see them.

I don't know what the
next person will do.

I said "Take a good

The Heibe clan's matriach -
Taka Tsubaki.

In the village the clan
is called "Heibe".

their surname, perhaps
their first ancestor's.

She is one of the
staunchest fighters.

She's often appeared in
our production -

of the fight scenes in
The Narita Series.

Thanks for suggesting
the sweet potatoes.

It's a good addition.

They're very realistic.

Yes, without the balls -

it won't serve the purpose.

Compare it to your own.

Which is better?

The harder, the better.

This old lady -

came as a bride from Kuju Kuri.

Kuju Kuri is a fishing village.

And it's apparent in -

her way of thinking,
festivals, relationships.

Her way of doing things -

show very well that she
is from Kuju Kuri.

The radish that she's prepared.

The phallus that
she's made from it -

shows the influence of
a fishing village.

I was the one who
thought this up.

They didn't use to make
it like this.

How was it before?

They'd take a
two-pronged radish -

and offer it with the
leaves still on.

But we completely revamped it.

We're first among those
who take it in turns.

So we thought we'd
make it like this.

But we don't know what
the next lot will make.

Tonojita's group is the
next in line.

Remember this when you leave us.

Give you something
to laugh about.

How Heibei made a work of art.

That's one finished.

Next, pour rice over it.

Even with their boys in
jail, the rites continue.

Which is the front?

Shall I put it up higher?

- They Pass it on to
Next Years' Group -

Tsubaki & Aoyagi this
year Uriu & Ryuzaki next.

The handing-over ceremony.

Four women carry the small box.

And solemnly make a circle.

Inside the box is a book.

Recording the names of
those born in the hamlet.

If the child's name is
recorded in the book -

it means the child is accepted.

That's their custom.

So, brides coming from
other villages -

worried about their
children being recorded.

If it wasn't written
in the book.

It meant they weren't accepted.

It was very important
in the old days.

You haven't cleaned up
after yourselves.

Thanks for your help.

I've got a present for you.

Thank you.

Those Next in Line Accept
Responsibility for it.

The hamlet has many
fertility rites like this -

dating fom ages past.

Ones for men, women, old
people, children, etc.

They've almost disappeared.

But recently, here in Heta -

they've been revived.

In order to fight the
outside world -

the villagers have drawn closer.

Realized the value of
the folk-rites -

and treated them
with due respect.

Not just the old things
are valued.

Many new groupings,
clubs in the village.

Women's Action Group.

Young Farmers Action Group.

Retired Folks Action Group.

These groups are the
basis for tomorrow's -

historical rites, I think.

- From Winter Thru Summer -

Hanzem's great-grandmother is now 86 years
old. And she always had a word for us.

I came here as a bride
when I was 20 years old.

The following year we
cleared new fields.

My husband and I spent a
total of 7 years -

clearing the new fields.

Worked hard for 7 years.

Then came back here.

Because he got sick...

In the head.

He soon got well.

But once he attacked me.

He almost killed me.

Fortunately, the knife didn't -

hit a vital point.

His father was the head
wood-cutter -

that's why there was a
big machete in the house

That machete...

My husband...

At the new land...

He became ill.

And our relatives came
to get us.

At the time, my husband...

Wanted to stay there
with the children.

"I want to stay here."
He said.

But one of the relatives
talked him into -

coming back here to his
father's house.

And so we came back here.

At 20 years old,
she went by horse

to the virgin land carrying 2
sacks of possessions.

They laboured to clear new fields
and earnt pence making charcoal.

As was the custom,
they assumed his father's debts.

After 7 years of toil her
husband left to pay the debt

but she saw him hide the
money under a tree, and flee.

He didn't return. Time passed
and she heard he was back in Heta.

Gathering her 3 children
she went back to the village.

It was in November of
that year...

By the lunar calendar...

The night of November
23rd it was.

Very early in the morning.

He got up and sat by the hearth.

Told me to cook breakfast.

Even though I knew he
was ill, I said yes.

And so I got up.

And, very soon after.

He went out to the kiln.

He waited for me
with the machete.

So I went up to the kiln.

Thinking that if I did
something constructive -

it might calm him down.

As I was thinking...

I went to grab a piece of wood.

Perhaps I moved first...

Or maybe he struck
my head first...

I fell down.

The lady from the next house.

She's the mother of the
old man next door.

We'd often worked
together in the fields.

As I lay, my husband
hacked my legs twice.

He cut them twice.

And the pain was so bad
I couldn't stand.

So I crawled over to her house.

I screamed at her to wake up.

"Catch him!" I shouted.

And I could see him
running away -

across the paddy field.

On the other side of the field.

There's a pathway that
rises slightly there.

On the left side in the
bushes there's a well.

And he fell into the well.

Not deep enough to drown in.

It belonged to the
neighbouring hamlet.

Very, very shallow.

That night, the Hyoem
family from

across the way -

They were observing the
equinox festival.

And all the men were there.

They'd been gambling all night.

When they heard all the

They came running to the well.

And pulled him out.

They made a fire to warm him up.

And lent him a dry kimono.

Then they all helped
to carry him -

to the temple, where he
was locked up.

He was in there for 10 days.

I stayed there and the
doctor came -

every day for a week.

If he'd hit my cranium,
I'd have died instantly.

I've still got the scar.

The blood poured out.

My eldest boy was 5 then.

When he saw me crawling,
covered in blood -

he cried, because he was
so young.

So, I had him stay at
the house on the corner.

Now the Koyabas live there -

At that time it was our
relatives, the Kados.

They really looked after
my little boy, Waichi.

- After that he Recovered
and they had 8 Children -

I had a hard time.

I've been here for ages.

Came when I was 19 and
now I'm 86.

I've had a long life.

When you get to this age
you can die anytime.

When I die...

If I don't have a
funeral photograph -

It'll be hard for my kin -

to get a photographer to
take the picture.

If you can take one of me mow.

You'll save me a lot of worry.

When I was 18.

There was a man who
wanted to see my photo.

And I was going to...

Can you make a print
from the film?

Yes, we can.

We'll make one for you.

I'm so happy.

The matriarch of the
Hanzem line is 86 years old.

We went to her house to
do some filming.

But she didn't quite
understand -

the difference between a
movie and still camera.

So she thought we'd come
here to take the -

formal portrait
displayed at funerals.

She saw it as her final act -

so she wanted to look her best.

- The Matriarch at 18 -

She had them brush her hair.

And then arrange it.

We thought it was
alright as it was.

- The Matriarch Talks
About Gambling -

Furthermore, she got out
a very thick -

deep purple, formal cushion.

And arranged her own
bonsai tree next to ner.

There she was, a tiny
lady, sitting royally -

on her cushion next to
the bonsai.

"What shall we talk
about?", she asked.

I'll never forget the
image she created.

When she first came here
at 20, gambling was rife.

In the old days in Heta -

If three or more men
gathered, they'd gamble.

I really hate gambling.

That's why we had to
clear the new fields.

Did gambling really affect you?

Yes, very much.

I hate gambling.

It's a way to get money
without working.

Rolling those dice -

Odds or evens -

And the winner grabs
all the money.

He'd put a little aside
each time he won.

And we'd have to buy
food with that.

Why did they gamble?

The men loved to gamble.

Why did they like it?

All of the men in Heta
loved gambling.

After I came here my
father-in-law -

was arrested twice for gambling.

While he was in jail -

they had him husking
rice and wheat.

Then he took the husker
and - BANG!

That's exactly what he did.

And they got so angry with him.

So then they switched him over -

to making fishing nets.

He got quite good at netmaking.

That's a true story.

I had it hard in the old days.

Did your generation have
the chance to go to school?

They built the school
when I was 13.

There were four in my family.

I was the eldest.

The first born.

So I looked after the others.

When I was 13, there were
girls going to school.

But I didn't go.

If I'd taken the baby with me -

I'd be able to write my name...

That's why I hate elections.

You have to write your
name, I hate that.

Now I can't even walk there.

When I was 13 -

girls were going to school.

A long, long time ago.

- Gambling Disappeared When

the Movement Started -

So you've seen many
changes here over the years?

Yes, many changes.

Changed completely.

The gambling has slowly

No-one here left to play.

It's four kilometers from -

the station at East village
to Heta.

So my parents advised
against me coming here.

"Such a remote far-away
place", they said.

So why did you come?

He was so persistent.

And finally talked them into it.

You fell in love with him, too?

I guess I did.

A long, long time ago.

- Suddenly She Chanted a
Sutra For Us -

These words of the
Buddah save all life.

I've prayed for you.

Thank you very much,

Please have a long, long life.

Thank you very much.

You said you wanted to talk.

That's why I spoke of
the old days.

Whenever we have prayers,
even at a funeral.

I'll say a prayer for you.

I'll get the priest to join me.

There's no-one else, only me.

- The Next Day -

- Early morning, July
5th, 1972 -

- Haruo Ryuzaki was
Arrested Again -

My son, Haruo -

they've just come and
arrested him.

I wonder if they've also taken -

young Masahiko of the
Tsukinuki clan?

No, not yet.

I don't know if they're
both involved.

The warrant was for...

...assault resulting in death?

Something about

Can't remember if it was
that or not.

Hey! You bastards!

You've no cause!

You're all fools!

- Haruo's Father -

Masahiko's not in the vehicle.

- The Police Came to

Masahiko's That Afternoon -

This time they had a lot
of charges.

Obstruction of justice.

Assault and assault
resulting in death.

Resulting in death...?

Death? You're kidding?

Why charge him with that?

I want to see the arrest

He's here, there's no hurry.

Read it carefully.

You've plenty of time.

Let him read it.

Head every word of it.

"The Hotta Army and..."

Get back, get back.

Get those cars back.

Just pull those cars back.

You can't just come barging in.

You bastards!

Why the hell do you come
barging in here?

This is a private road!

Who's in charge?

Which one of you idiots
is in charge?

Don't upset them.

"Assault resulting in
death", it says.

"...resulting in death"?!

What did Haruo's say?

Haruo Ryuzaki's?

His was the same.

That's not true!

Read the next page
carefully, too.

Are you in charge?

I want to know who's
in charge here.

What's his name?

Who's in charge?

How do you read that character?

What's after "Yoshikawa"?

Han. Han Yoshikawa.

Get Masahiko's jail bag.

Where are you taking him?

We are taking him to
Matsudo lockup.


Do you want to check it?

Not if it's only his

His clothes...

Are there mosquitoes in
the lockup?


He'll need money.

There's a little in the bag.

Send him straight back!

There's a long-sleeved
shirt in there.

You can sleep in it.

Don't kick him out in the
middle of the night again.

Bring him back without fail!

Without fail!

You're all fat pigs.

Give it your best, Masahiko!

You should use your
bloody heads!

If you did, you wouldn't
be doing this.

Taking such a serious
young fellow.

Drive him back here!

You big ugly bugger!

They're our tools, not weapons.

Keep your head up, Masahiko!

Don't let them get you down.

Don't worry about us.

We'll manage.

Let go, he can walk.

No violence, please.

Keep your chin up.

Don't worry about us.

We'll do the worrying.

Good luck!

I'll go along.

You treat him carefully.

And bring him back by car.

You understand?

- Masahiko, Don't Worry
About the Watermelons -

The riot police came
here this morning.

They were watching your place.

So many mosquitoes, I
couldn't sleep last night.

So earlier this morning.

I heard them shouting.

They woke you up?

But you've a good son, there.

He's got a good attitude.

My grandson, Haruo read
the warrant.

He threw it back in their faces.

Again they're arresting
our boys.

State Power - Riot Police

We farmers opposed to
the airport construction

are angry at your tactics.

We will do whatever we can.

Young men of Heta.

Join together and raise
your voices -

at the injustice done to

This is the Hishita
Farmers Broadcast Tower.

This Day They Arrested
the Following Young Men


Asakura Hamlet: Kenichi Akiba
Sakashioka Hamlet: Akira Saitoh

Shuku Hamlet: Hideo Yanagawa
Toho Hamlet: Shoji Shimamura

Nakago Hamlet: Akira Kiakawa,
Shigeo Tomura, Katsuo Maeda

Higashi Hamlet: Susumu Ogawa,
Hiroshi Ogawa

Heta Hamlet: Masahiko Uryu,
Haruo Ryuzaki

Yokobori Hamlet:
Yukio Ono

Activity Starts in the Village.

July 26th.

They were indicated for
assault and assault resulting in death.

August 1st.

- The Situation is Worse
Than They Expected -

No matter how good the
conditions -

people soon tire of the
same institution.

That's what the Central
Committee has asked us to do.

- Village Rescue Squad
Member, Yuichi Hagiwara -

Hospitalized or
imprisoned by the police

They've held them these
past 30 days.

Dragged away from their homes -

seeing no-one but their
interrogators every day.

They're normal boys so
they must really -

be suffering, I think.

If it was Koyaba instead
of his boy -

I doubt he'd last three days.

They're suffering and
bearing up well.

Even when they're in jail -

surely they're worried
about us here.

About their own work.

How we're managing without them.

That's all they're thinking of.

Feeling isolated and alone.

The poor boys -

Listening to lies and
false statements.

Being told that the others
have confessed, etc.

Each and every day.

To the point where they
can't believe anyone.

They're bound to start

And they're burdened
with that load.

To relieve them of the burden -

we must take up their work load

so they've a home to
come back to.

Because if we don't -

then "Rescue Squad" is
just meaningless words.

We should have discussed
this matter -

When they first came
here to arrest them.

That was last December.

At that time the YFAG
took up the burden.

So we didn't have to
worry about it.

But now most of them
have been arrested.

In the beginning those
who were released -

carried the load for the
next to be arrested.

Not just visits but
meals and everything

But this time -

They've got most of them
and none have returned.

So now the Parents Alliance -

must take up where
they've left off.

And we parents -

must provide support in
every village.

The main Alliance is
busy building the tower.

In front of the runway.

So it's left to us to
support our boys.

That's what the Central
Committee have

asked us to do.

Juzem from the Committee,
I and two village officials -

went to visit them today.

We must make more efforts
at this kind of support -

now and in the future.

We've got to consider
their feelings.

Our concern for them must not -

become a burden to them.

We're all busy with our
work and our fight.

But we must -

We must join together and
work together.

The most important thing
to encourage the boys in jail

and help their families
with their chores.

- Fater of Jailed
Haruo, Katsue Ryuzaki -

I'd like to say something.

Since my son was arrested -

some of you -

have helped with visits and
food for him -

and helped us on the farm.

We appreciate it.

And as a result we're
still here.

In my opinion -

we are obviously
oppressed in the fighting

And we've been fighting
for 6 - 7 years.

As it now stands my son
is in jail -

and has been for a month.

You've all been very
supportive to us -

and you've taken up the
burden of our worries.

I can't speak for my son.

But I feel badly about what
we've brought on you.

I think you've all been
too kind towards us.

And so, from now on -

in the matter of visits
and flood for him -

I think it's sufficient -

to visit every 10 days
or 2 weeks.

We've brought our troubles
onto all of you -

and what I'm saying now,
my words alone -

will seem perhaps a little cold.

But please don't judge
me harshly.

Thank you very much.

I disagree with that.

Before, when some of our
boys were released -

their parents told them -

how everyone had pitched
into help.

I think that's wrong.

Because they, our young men -

went to jail in place of
the rest of us villagers.

So, they shouldn't feel
they owe us -

for the visits and
helping out on the farms

The arrested Masahiko's
mother - Sumiko Uriu.

Sorry that our need has
kept you from your work.

Not at all.

We are keeping up with it.

So the families of the
imprisoned boys -

should not feel that
they owe anything -

in the way of debt to us.

Your suggestion would
distance us from you.

That's not our intention.

I feel the same way as
Mr. Ryuzaki.

It's not necessary to
visit them every day.

He can survive without it.

That may be so but they
are fed -

and they won't starve.

You don't have to...

We're not overdoing it.

We'll continue as we have been.

- If the villagers feel
constrained the human

relationship will suffer

We're well aware of the
pressures on us all.

And since they started
arresting -

The Young Farmers Action Group

The newspapers have
carried stories saying -

that our opponents feel
we're starting to crack -

because of financial hardships.

The authorities have
made detailed studies -

of how this whole thing
is affecting us -

financially and emotionally.

So therefore, in the
worst case -

they arrest all our boys -

then we won't be able to
do anything.

Not even to pay their bail.

That's what they want to
happen as soon as possible.

So if we stick close together -

they can't do anything to us.

Because the worst they can
do is to take our boys.

And we shouldn't help
them to do it.

We've got to stick close

They have, and will
continue to make -

multiple arrests for the
same supposed crime.

They're recording who
goes to visit and when.

As well as what's in the
parcels we take.

That's for sure.

It's one source of
collecting data about us.

They'll use it to decide
such things as -

how many to arrest next time.

That's how dirty they act.

Our ties are the most
important thing for us.

They know that and they
try to split us.

They did it by taking our boys.

And we can show that
we're not splitting -

by increasing, not cutting
our support for them.

Recently when the
mothers visited them -

they gave a little money
to each of them.

And the boys complained
about the amount.

They replied, "It's not
the amount -"

"it's the spirit in which
it's given."

And when the authorities
hear things like this -

they take them into account.

So, we must remember -

that all we say and do
stacks up -

and encourages our boys
in prison.

So even if we're busy on
the farms -

we must still support them.

And show our defiance to
the authorities.

On the other hand,
during harvest -

we suffer if they're not
here to help.

And if the authorities
know that -

they'll think they've
scored another victory -

towards breaking up the village.

Put yourself in place of
the cops.

Even we could come up
with that tactic.

And if they do destroy us -

it means that the 6 years
we've dedicated -

will have been meaningless.

The airport is still not

Because we've fought it
all the way.

The press say they can't
start flying for 6 months.

The cops, especially the
top brass -

are planning ways to break
us apart...

And no doubt going into
great detail.

After the 3 cops died
our Alliance -

has steadily lost mementum.

A speech by a Construction
Ministry official stated -

the building of a new dam
claimed only a few lives.

And now the police are
using the 3 deaths -

as justification to finish
the airport construction.

- Eisuke Ishii -

The police haven't yet
murdered any of us -

according to the letter
of the law.

But they have indirectly
caused some deaths.

Here in Heta there have
been victims.

And the cops have covered
up these deaths.

the cops will do everything
to use the 3 deaths -

as an excuse to smash our

Every single activity that
we've carried out -

has been done properly.

But by indicting our boys
for murder -

the cops have skillfully
manipulated the mass media -

into describing us as criminals.

It's obvious how they're
using our boys.

We've must taken this into
account in our strategy.

It's not really our boys
that they're after.

- Seiji Akiba -

They want to smash us
and destroy the village.

That's why they arrest them.

They're taking our boys
as a form of blackmail.

If they know that we
understand their tactics.

It's going to really upset them.

So we must understand this.

The innocence of our boys
will turn to guilt -

if they do manage to
smash our Alliance.

If we let them set the
pace then, truly -

our sons will be judged
guilty of murder.

If we do our best they
will be found innocent.

Village Official -
Nobuyoshi Ogawa.

They're not just
oppressing our boys -

they're also oppressing us.

The important thing is
for us to realize -

that each of us is being

We must each make sure
we realize this.

It's easy enough to
understand the words -

But we must also
understand the meaning.

And do something to counter it.

That's what we must do.

If we don't, then our
efforts at assistance -

will be a burden on them.

In order to prevent the
destruction of the village -

they must help those who've
lost their bread-winners.

When the situation stretches out,
the family hesitates to ask for help.

If I have to go and ask
them what they need -

then they're reluctant
to ask for our help.

So I'd like the
neighbours to judge -

their needs and report
them to me.

It's the best way to do it.

For all concerned.

And we won't be wasting time.

One more thing...

Let's not get too formal.

By asking "what do you

Sometimes I don't have
time to go and check.

And we shouldn't call
out in passing.

What do you think?

I agree.

The best way for all concerned.

If we do it well.

Without making it too formal.

So no more calling for
help from outside.

For the time being.

Keeping it within the
village is the best way.

And when our fight ends,
we should keep it up.

- One Week Later -

In the heat of summer a detective came
to the house of the suicide Fumio. Why now?

- Fumio's Father, Takeji
Sannomiya -

One was a Section Chief,
detective Watanabe.

The other was in uniform.

He's from nearby.

The detective, I've
never met before.

How can I say it...?

You should have heard him.

He was really ill at ease.

And tried to be friendly.

What did he want to say?

What could I say?

We kind of stood
shoulder to shoulder.

He expressed sympathy
over the death of Fumio.

"The thing is..." he said.

"We didn't think he was
so involved"

He seemed very
sympathetic about it.

"The other boys being
questioned said -"

"Fumio was their leader
when it happened."

That's what he said to me.

I heard him out in silence.

"But it's sad about Fumio."

Then he went on to say -

"I'm here to find out
what he did -"

"on the day of the

"Perhaps you can help
me there."

Of course I told him
that I didn't know -

anything about his activities.

And I know nothing about
what happened that day.

And that's the truth.

"Is that so?" He said.

And didn't press me at all.

He seemed sympathetic.

Kept trying hard to be

He kept his cool.

So I didn't let down my
guard either.

I just listened to what he said.

And then I said to him -

"I don't like talking to
you about this -"

"But I think my son was
a great man."

"A very great man."

"And I still think so."

"no matter what anyone
says about him." -

"I'll never change my

"And from how on -"

"I'll never entertain
the possibility -"

"that my son was a fool."

"And so, I've nothing to
say about him to you"

That's what I told him.

He said, "Is that so?"

Then asked me one more question.

- The police Suspect
He Remove Pages From His Son's Will:

Hence the Investigation.

"You found his will" He said.

- Mother of the dead
Fumio, Shizue Sannomiya -

"Did someone take a few
pages from his will?"

- Would a Bereaved Father Remove Pages
From the Will of His Son? -

They suspect that I did it.

As if I could do such a thing.

Suspecting people is
their business.

If you hadn't seen me -

When I found Fumio -

You couldn't understand
how upset I was.

I would never do...

The house of Sannomiya -

is trusted and respected
by all -

the villagers in Heta.

Because they're good,
hardworking folk.

Whenever something
happens in the village -

Sannomiya is one of the
first to be consulted.

Their first-born son, Fumio -

committed suicide as a protest -

against the airport
construction last Fall.

The villagers have
treated them carefully.

When the detective came
out of the blue -

asking questions.

It upset the villagers
very much.

So much that they held a

Shown in the previous scene.

At that time, the
detective visited -

other villages in the Alliance.

Asking questions at the
homes of the arrested boys.

They went from house to house.

And the story was
different at each place.

Upsetting the families of
the boys.

It seemed as if he was
trying to -

make each family
suspicious of the others.

Trying to find the
villagers weak points -

and upset the harmonious

Then smash the Alliance.

It was so obvious what they
tried to do.

As far as the indicted
boys are concerned -

They don't think they're
innocent till proven guilty.

They must find them guilty.

They don't have a shred
of evidence.

So they're looking for

From their point of view -

the boys in jail know
something -

and they think they can
make them talk -

by sowing doubt in the
homes in the Alliance.

That's what their tactic is.

We don't know where
they'll come next.

But they will come to
the village.

on any little pretext.

So we must understand
the reason -

behind their excuses for coming.

They'll act cool,
they're professionals -

and they'll pick up any

Without fail.

If they come, sound the
alarm and kick them out.

That's all we can do.

It's only going to get
harder for us -

from now on.

You're right.

It's not the kind of
action we can see.

It's not like dealing with
riot police or being hit.

At least we could see them.

Now we don't even get that.

We won't be able to
anticipate things.

If we can see our opponents -

we can call the others
to battle.

But if we can't see them.

It's hard to fight back.

Remember that no-one
showed us what to do -

When we first started
our struggle.

Let's think like we did
back then.

That's the key to
solving this problem.

None of us should doubt
the others.

That'll breed distrust
between us.

For example, in my work
as an official -

I have to go out every day.

And I've come to worry
about my own fields.

But if we really think
about it -

our protest has become our work.

And our boys have been
in jail over a month.

So helping out every 3-4
days is our duty.

I firmly believe this.

If we do, we'll never
doubt each other -

and our village will be
a model of solidarity.

I think that's what we
should strive for.

We all have our own problems -

even without the drama
of our protest.

Those problems pile up.

And affect our relationship
with each other.

Let's go back to the beginning -

as our tactic to fight
this new problem.

So if someone says -

"Today I don't feel up
to it..."

"OK, I'll take your place."

No matter how minor the help is.

It's important to build
up that trust.

The 20 indicted boys were not released
for the O-Bon Festival

- In the fields -

As for me -

just the other day -

when I went to see my boy.

There was a woman
sitting next to me.

Asked where I was from.

I told her, Heta.

She said she was -

from Saku village.

And both her husband and
son had been arrested.

She was half-sobbing as
she told me.

At first the cops came
to get her husband.

He was trying to protect
his forest.

And they caught him up a tree.

No-one else from Saku
was arrested -

Said she felt like a
fool losing both.

Then she said -

"I've caused trouble for
the villagers."

"I've no place to hide."

"That's wrong!"
I told her.

"But..." she said.

"Only our house..."

She was sobbing the whole time.

How sad...

Each village is different, eh?

- Each Village is Different But They Share
The Fate Of Their Boys Being Arrested -

Tears were running down
her face...

I told her not to be too upset.

But she said -

"Why don't they let
our boys go?"

She was very worried.

The people in Saku -

cry when they visit the jail.

The boys cry too, I hear.

When we leave the jail -

we always ask if they
need anything.

They never do.

We Heta mothers are very strong.

So we never cry.

We never cry when visiting.

And neither do our boys.

Each village's different
and the people, too.

That's what I thought.

In villages where the
ties are loose -

the mothers soon cry.

Here in Heta, we're all
part of the Alliance -

But in the villages
where they're fewer -

the women tend to cry.

That's right.

Because the village bonds
are strong -

that makes us strong.

Because of everybody else.

In places where the bonds
are weak -

they have no energy.

There's a big difference
in the spirit of -

those parents from
committed villages -

and those who are not.

It's harder on them.

When everyone's not committed -

the villages with loose bonds -

with less opposition -

they tend to tears.

If I lived in that village -

If I were a mother from there -

I'd probably cry, too.

- Mother of the Arrested
Haruo - Tomo Ryuzaki. -

My relation's boy from
up in Iwayama -

last March during
watermelon planting -

he was first arrested.

The next time was during
the tomato harvesting.

His mother just gave up and
spent her time crying.

Her uncle was pro-airport
and she asked him -

to go visit her boy in jail.

My husband told her not to.

But she was so busy.

She ended up asking him to
help in the fields.

And we looked after her
boy in jail.

But her relatives helped
in the fields.

Even the pro-airport ones.

In Iwayama village -

The family helps in the fields.

Relatives of those in
jail helped with harvest

and all the crops are in by now.

I hope that no-one -

complained about helping out.

But someone would've
said something.

Up in Iwayama -

those whose boys are in jail -

round up the villagers -

get their cars out and
ask them to -

go visit their boys.

Right, let's start.

This is a harvesting scene.

It's now the harvest season.

They sell the rice from
this field -

And use the money for
Alliance activities.

For example, bail money.

And the many other uses
that arise in their fight.

The men have a field, too.

This field is village property.

It's interesting to note
that when those -

who were pro-airport
left the village -

they abandoned their fields.

And then, those fields -

sprouted weeds and bushes.

When the farmers see
these fields -

It makes them feel as if
their flesh is rotting.

So they went in,
cleaned and planted...

The fields of those who
left are used by all.

The police and the Corporation -

look upon it as trespass.

And bring in their laws.

They call it larcency
and trespass.

Arresting the farmers
for their crimes.

But in reality -

the sight of these
wasted fields -

full of weeds and abandoned -

repelled the farmers like
their own flesh rotting.

- October 3rd: Night -

- The Young Men were
Released on High Bail -???

They're back!

Welcome back!

Welcome home and thank you.

Thank you very much, everybody.

Thank you.

At the front of the Public Hall.

Thank you very much for
all your assistance.

You've been in for so
long, haven't you?

Yes, we finally came home.

Good to see you.

Don't you think I've gotten fat?

I didn't use any energy.

I got fat.

How is your health?

I'm fine, thank you.

Thank you, for everything.

I really appreciate it.

Yes, all of them are released.

Everyone's fine.

We had a lot of time to talk.

Thirty cells in a row...

And the ones on the end
were lookouts.

- That night all of the young men were
released and returned to their villages -

Good work.

Haruo and Masahiko have
spent 90 days in jail.

Tonight they're back home.

They have fought a
battle that we -

couldn't imagine. And
tonight -

they're back home
where they belong.

During their absence
their families too -

suffered much and bore a
heavy burden.

For these 90 days, thanks
to all the villagers -

the students and Ogawa

Your visits, your gifts
of food, your labour -

attending the trials.

The many things you've
done to help.

We offer our heartfelt thanks.

Your assistance and support -

helped to bring home
our boys, today.

The trials have yet to come.

And there are many
things unfinished.

But we will continue with
the ties we've forged.

Let's continue!

Thank you all for
coming tonight.

What an excellent speech!

Truly great.

Since my son, Masahiko -

was arrested last July 5th -

90 days have passed.

Tonight - he has returned.

- Masahiko's Father
Hikoshige Uryu -

And it's all because of
you people.

Recently, when we were
so busy with harvesting

your kind assistance -

to my son and my family.

Visits, gifts and your
help in the fields.

I can't find words to
express my gratitude.

Thank you so much.

We must make a fresh
resolve to hamper -

the airport construction
to the very end.

That's what we must
resolve to do.

I would like to say a
word of thanks.

- Haruo's Father,
Katsue Ryuzaki -

Today marks the 90th day

since Haruo's arrest.

In this time, your gifts -

your visits, your help
with our fields -

your kind thoughts and deeds.

The encouragement you've
given us all.

I have no words to thank you.

Today, Masahiko and Haruo -

are back in our midst.

Even though they've
been arrested -

their spirits have not
been imprisoned.

And they'll continue the fight.

I firmly believe.

The fight we now face -

Is different from the past.

It's no longer a contest
of strength.

It's become political
and more difficult.

We must strengthen our
ties and work hard -

to stop the airport. My
son, myself - all together.

Thank you all for everything.

That's all I have to say.

During the 90 days
I spent in jail -

- Masahiko Uryu -

sometimes I was lonely -

but your visits, your gifts.

and your support gave me

Thank you very much.

Haruo, you must say thank you.

Thanks to everyone.

Thank you everybody.

- Haruo Ryuzaki -

Today we returned to
our village.

I can hardly believe -

that I'm back home again.

I'll probably take a
couple of days.

I will never give up the fight.

They've pushed me
right to the edge.

There's nowhere else to go.

It's a new start.

I feel there's a new
beginning for us.

Now, more than ever,
we'll be oppressed.

And our fight will get
harder and harder.

I will fight to the end.

For the Narita Shibayama
Opposition Alliance Group.

I want to be found innocent.

But I don't care if I'm not.

More important to stop
the airport -

by any means at all.

That's what I want above all.

We often hear the phrase
"Giving in".

But we will never, ever give in.

Why? Because this is
our home.

Even if we receive long
sentences -

we'll come back here,
to our homes.

There's no other place to go.

Whatever we do, there's
no place to run to.

Our minds are made up.

All of us.

We know what we've done.

And we know what we
haven't done.

We'll stick with the truth.

We have no way - or
reason to apologize

to those 3 who died.

- While Imprisoned -

Many, many times -

I wished I were a student.

"I'm giving up the
fight." They said.

"Going back to Tokyo."

"It's not my fight."

I couldn't say that.

I can never break my
bond with you.

My home is here,
in this village.

As you well know.

We're not politically

That's their strong point -

and our weakness.

Yesterday I went
guarantor for bail -

and went to the courthouse.

They said "Your son may
destroy -"

"vital evidence."
And I said -

He's the firstborn of a farmer -

raised to be the head of
the family one day.

And he works hard.

He'd never destroy evidence
or obstruct justice.

And he'll never run away.

That's what I told the judge.

His name is Judge Kondo.

The morning I was arrested -

I first thought to escape.

I ran out when I heard
the alarm.

And saw the police nearby.

At the house of my friend.

Perhaps they won't come,
I thought.

But as I did, they came
down the hill -

heading towards my place.

I thought of running to
the mountains.

But just for an instant.

Your grandfather told us that -

"You've got plenty of time
to get away" He said.

You replied...

"Anyway, they'll catch
me sometime."

Then they came and took
you away.

He told that tale many times.

You were busy with the harvest.

You were the best worker of all.

In retrospect, escaping
wasn't such a good idea.

But it seemed so at the time.

Yes, yes.

It's not something that
ends with escaping.

You put your youth into
the watermelons.

Those melons were due
out the next day.

It wasn't such a good idea.

I didn't expect it.

If I had I wouldn't
have been so shocked.

Assault resulting in
death, wasn't it?

They got you that morning?

I wasn't at home then,
they got me later on.

I'd been sleeping in the
Ogawa Pro building.

It was like a dream.

When I saw the warrant.

"Assault resulting in
death", it said.

I thought it was some mistake.

I thouqht I'd be out
in 2-3 days.

But when I got there...!

If you're tired go to bed.

We slept ten hours
a day in jail.

We'll follow your lead.

You've suffered so much
in there.

Your dad can go tell
your grandfather.

"Your grandson's free."

It'll all come out in the trial.

Were your cells nearby?

We were 10 cells apart.

A gangster was next door.

He handled it better than me.

He'd been in for a year,
murder charge.

Not at all afraid.

When the cops came he
told them off.

He kept trying to cheer me up.

I saw his friends when
they came to visit.

In two big Lincoln Continentals.

Another one of them came
in a Ford Thunderbird.

Most were about 23-24,
the oldest around 28.

The one next to me was
from Kisaratsu.

The fishermen there
received a big settlement.

About 20 or 30 million yen.

The gangsters took 7 or
8 million off them -

in one night of gambling.

He often had 50 or 60
million in cash.

Never, ever told on their boss.

And they were in jail -

taking the place of their boss.

It helps them advance.

Get out after 6-7 years.

And live the good life.

But it's better not to
go in at all.

For the average person.

It was hard for me -

But you visited and
encouraged me.

And you all waited for me.

So it was worth it.

But the boys from Iwayama -

they looked fine...

But were really suffering.

This village of ours, Heta -

all pulled together.

So I could trust in you all.

We've fought since I was a boy.

But the village always
remained firm.

Heta has spoiled us young men -

but whatever happens to
me, the village remains.

That's what kept me going.

I dreamt that my ties
to the village -

were cut and I couldn't return.

I was separated from
the village.

In thought and deed.

I was a man without substance.

And the villagers, too.

It was terrible.

The jail was hell.

- Days Later at the Public Hall

the Women Hold a Ceremony -

Buddah, we honour and
worship you.

The morning glory is
bedecked with dew

only in the morning

That's the only time it is alive

Buddah, like the flower,
we, too, are shortlived

We believe in the Buddah

We cannot be without prayer

While we offer prayers to you

We are in your holy garden

Flowers are from the heavens

The brilliant, holy five colours

When we pick the flowers

And gaze on them

Every flower Every single flower

They are all imprinted
with your prayer

Praise to The Lord Buddah

I believe in the Lord Buddah

- Will They Come to
Destroy the Village? -

We thank Narita Shibayama
Opposition Alliance Group

& Heta Opposition Alliance Group.

Film Crew & Editing Staff
Shinsuke Ogawa, Katsuhiko Fukuda, Mareo Yumoto

Yoko Shiraishi, Chizuru Nakano,
Seiji Iwasaki

Photographer: Masaki Tamura
Assistant Photographer: Koichi Kawakami & Tadashi Hara

Yukio Kubota

With assistance from: Koichi Asanuma &
The Science Film Corporation

Production Staff: Toshio Iizuka,
Naeki Tadokoro, Haruo Nosaka

Shusuke Honma, Sadatoshi Mikado,
Heta Village, Sanrizuka.

Filming finished in
April, 1973

Translated by: Wordsmiths
- Tokyo -