Sands of the Kalahari (1965) - full transcript
A small airplane crashes in the sweltering deserts of southern Africa hundreds of miles from civilization. As parallels are drawn between the stranded group of seven passengers and a nearby pack of savage baboons, one of the men's survivalist nature gets the better of him, as he decides his chances of survival would be better if the other men were eliminated one-by-one.
From where can I make a long
distance telephone call, please?
Can you ask over here?
To all passengers to Johannesburg!
A technical fault has delayed this
flight until 9:00 hour tomorrow morning.
Oh, God...
Will all passengers in transit and those
waiting to board SA flight 407 to Johannesburg
come forward to the desk at the
exit marked B.
Yes, they're announcing it now.
Can you hear?
For the convenience of passengers arrangements
for hotel accomodation have been made.
Miss Monckton, please!
Is it possible to speak
with you?
Sorry to disturb you,
Miss Monckton.
I am Dr. Bondarahkai. Perhaps you
remember me from the plane?
This is Mr. Grimmelman.
We met downstairs in the lobby.
And he has a contact with a private
plane service.
We are asking a few of
the other passengers
to help divide the cost,
you understand?
It is a very good two engine Beechcraft.
It can take just four, in addition to its cargo.
A very good pilot, he uses his own airstrip
where the old airport was.
If there are enough persons,
the cost will not be great.
With just two more people we'd make it
practical, financially that is.
You're on!
When do we leave?
big city.
Who wants to stay in this morgue?
Right, Miss Monckton?
Is it all right, or should
I look for another?
All right, I'll be ready
in a few minutes.
Are you The Southwest Airways?
Yes, that's us, man.
You want something?
I heard back at the hotel you were taking off.
You got room for one more?
Yeah, climb on. I can manage
one more easy.
Here, I'll give you a hand.
All right, Mr. O'Brien.
Here, you sit here.
We're a touch heavy, you know that.
All that extra fuel and now
this new geezer.
Don't make a big case out of it. We've
gone a lot heavier than this.
Now stand your take-off course.
That's a piece of woman there,
I tell you man.
These are beautiful rifles you
possess, Mr. O'Brien
Such workmanship, the mechanism, the balance,
even the carving on the stock,
beautiful, beautiful.
Very kind.
Very kind.
Mr. Grimmelman?
Ja, that would be nice.
Thank you.
Mr. Bain, coffee?
I think perhaps Mr. Bain has had
sufficient liquid intake for the day.
Mr. Bain will be the judge of that.
Hey, man!
Man, take a look at that. We're
running into something.
How long has that been on?
She looks like one hell of a storm.
It's covering the whole front.
Yeah, without a cloud in the sky.
I've been watching, I tell you, man.
It just come on, up out of nowhere.
Just climb a bit, it shouldn't
be too much trouble.
Man, look at that!
That ain't dust.
What is it?
It's...I don't know...
Yeah, it must be.
Locusts, flying locusts.
Miles of them.
Pull it up man, pull up!
Well what do you think I'm doing! Them bastards
got the wrong ideas about where they're going.
Hang on, man! We're gonna hit it.
We're not gonna make it, man.
Well try the filthers!
You try them. There's 10.000 dead bugs in them.
You find us a place to come down man
because we're coming down.
There, look. Over there. There's
a flatland, there.
Fasten in, we're coming down.
Get out! Get out!
My leg!
Get it out!
My leg!
Get it out!
My leg is...
It's gonna explode!
- Yes. - Get out!
C'mon, man, it's going up...
Hurry, Mr. Bain!
Mr.O'Brien, will you hold it!
May the Lord have mercy
on his soul.
How far would you say?
50 miles?
It's a hell of a walk, I can
tell you that.
Well this is about it.
We gotta get moving now.
Don't you think we ought to wait until
nightfall before we start walking?
Yes, perhaps by then our friend Mr. Bain
would be a little bit more mobile also.
Man, we got no shade here.
10 o'clock. It's primetime.
- But, Mr. Bain...
Look, it doesn't make any difference
whether you're standing or walking.
You're evaporating water so fast you can't
even have time to see the sweat.
What are you gonna replace it with?
Maybe one man's ration
for half a day.
No, we go!
I was gonna buy a new
pack before I left
but then I didn't.
You take charge of this now.
Come on!
C'mon, Bain. On your feet!
- What's wrong with him now?
He can't seem to face life without knowing
where his next cigarette is coming from.
Yeah, I know this guy. He's been up in
Congo building bridges.
Kicked him out for boozing.
He's burning up.
His heart's going about 100 miles an hour.
Must be sun stroke, sure.
His leg looks pretty bad too.
Frankly man, I don't know what to do.
- I guess we're gonna have to carry him.
Can we?
Don't cry, Miss Monckton. It is a waist
of good body moisture and precious salt.
I've never heard it put so
practically before.
Are we going to die?
- Well, I...
I don't know.
Perhaps we should go and
look for them.
Maybe I'll have another try.
What a terrible sound they make.
Are they dangerous?
- For us no, they are a good sign.
If there are baboons on this
mountain there's water too.
But are they dangerous?
- These?
Chances are they've never
even seen people before.
So we would look very big and dangerous
to them. And we have this.
But if we didn't?
if a leopard goes for a
full grown male baboon
sometimes the leopard loses
and if there's more than one
usually he won't try.
Well I hope they stay up there.
Get the water!
Is it not possible for
you to rest?
I think the cold is killing him.
Yeah, we can expect for temperature to drop
50, or even more degrees at night.
I'm so afraid.
I think he'll die.
Put this over him.
But you?
I can sleep by the fire.
Come on!
Come on!
Give me the knife, please.
Tsamma melons.
Oh, they're marvelous.
Some Bushmen never drink, only
from these melons.
It's marvelous.
I've never tasted anything so good.
Not much of a food, I'm afraid
but they have kept many creatures alive
in the desert when there was nothing else.
Beggars can't be choosers.
Get the benefit of it.
The water is fine.
Converted to water,
Mr. Bain?
All I want now
is one cigarette
and one dry martini.
Make it two and I'll join you.
You think they have used
this cave recently?
No no, the last humans in this cave
lived hundreds of years ago.
Actually I knew a Bushman
when I was young
Wonderful tiny men, under 5 foot,
the best hunters in the world.
Fantastic, when you think of it.
Stone age humans living in a world that
is already exploring space with rockets.
If there are Bushmen about maybe we could
make contact. Get them to lead us out.
You're more likely to get a poisoned dart
in your backside. Man, they're deadly.
No no, they would avoid us.
The only reason they live in the
desert is because our kind,
big people, black and white,
drove them there.
Oh, we did terrible things to
the Bushmen and the Hottentots.
Hunted them like vermin, used hunting
dogs, poison, all of it
just because they couldn't comprehend
cattle and sheeps.
They killed the stock, you see.
Yeah look, first thing we got to do
is lay in the food supply.
Old man, you said there were more
of them tsamma melons.
Well, why don't you and him
go and get some?
Perhaps we bring back tuber roots.
They are good to eat.
I know many species.
- Oh, good.
Oh first thing, get our friend Bain in here.
-Ja, ja.
I saw some bird and animal tracks
down by the waterhole.
Let's see if I can bang some meat.
Some real meat with
real proteins.
Oh man, you're talking! I saw those tracks.
I reckon they're bustard bird.
They taste like roast turkey.
- I can't stand the thought of it!
Miss Monckton, we're all hungry.
So long!
All right.
Why don't you take this water
can and bring some water up here.
Who knows? You may be cooking
soup later on.
You think you can handle
that, my dear?
I've done some hard work in my
time, Mr. Sturdevant.
I think I can manage.
You gave me a fright.
You walk very silently.
I've done quite a few things already.
It's just that I couldn't stand
the feeling of sand on my scalp.
It's a very pretty sight
to watch a woman like you
doing her hair.
Yeah well...
I have to get up and put
this over the fire.
Now, honey.
Mr. Sturdevant, I really have to go.
We don't know whether we're gonna
live or gonna die.
So I'm not gonna bandy words.
You're a hell of a
woman anywhere.
And we are here and I want you.
I'm the leader of this group.
You all depend on me!
And I'm claiming you for mine.
I want you, you hear me?
But I don't want you,
Mr. Sturdevant.
That's too bad. Because maybe you can use the "push'em off"
technique back home, but not here your ladyship, not here.
Mr. Bain! Mr. Bain!
Scream. It's not gonna help you.
You know what they say:
relax and enjoy!
No! No!
Get off! You bad animal!
No, don't hurt me.
You can do anything you want,
That's more like it.
You're just one of these hot
little icebergs, aren't you.
You just need a bit of a
rough handling at first.
Oh, you're going cold on me.
What are you crying for?
Don't tell me you don't
feel anything.
Oh, you little...
- No!
Don't hurt me.
You can do anything you want,
Not that way.
I don't want you that way.
You fought me and loved me, but don't come on
all crying and throbbing like that.
I'm sorry.
You cold bitch, you disgust me.
You're up and around, huh?
You've been standing
there for a while?
I think maybe you ought to get off your
feet again, you don't look all that good.
I've made up my mind.
I think one good man ought to
walk out of here and get help.
And who would that be?
I'm the only one who's got
the strength and knowledge for it.
If I take two water tins
I could go ten days with
that much water.
If I head west toward the coast
I think maybe I ought to hit a railway
line, a main watercourse
or maybe a village...Something.
Otherwise I tell you, man
none of us are ever gonna
get out of here.
Yeah, you could be right.
Excuse me.
Now: walk at night, follow
the riverbeds
and if you can lit fire
at some high spots.
Have you got plenty matches?
- Stop worrying now, I'll make it.
You're a brave man, Mr. Sturdevant.
Very brave.
Here you are.
No, I can't take the shirt
off a man's back.
You'll need it at night.
And at daytime it will
save evaporation.
So long, Dutchman.
Good luck.
And I'll hand you back your
rifle in person. Clean.
Now don't you worry about it.
Just shoot straight.
Perhaps this is what people did before
television. They stared at fires.
One advantage of the cave life
and the stone age:
no commercials.
But does it outweigh
the disadvantages?
We're not quite living
in the stone age, do we.
I keep getting hallucinations
of big juicy steaks
sizzling and smoking.
Like I said,
no commercials.
Look at us.
All of us.
Victims of civilization.
I wonder are we only lost
now here in the desert
or were we already lost in a
different way in our own lives?
Well I admit I've been a little
confused in these last few years.
What about the baboons? - What about them?
- Are they edible?
Eat a baboon?
Of course, you could eat monkeys.
But these are too humanlike.
That would make me feel like a cannibal.
What do they eat?
- Anything and everything.
Vegetation, insects,
even scorpions.
Do they eat those melons and cucumbers
and tubers you showed us.
Yes, all of these. And many things
we can't.
They are better adapted than we are.
- The hell they are!
We're smarter and tougher.
- In what way tougher?
I've got a gun and they haven't.
They don't need guns.
- They do now.
Baboons with guns.
That's a picture.
That's not so funny,
because I'm gonna wipe them all out.
You would eat the meat from baboons?
- No, but I'm gonna shoot them all.
If they eat what we eat,
they are our competitors.
You don't wanna die here
because some baboon ate
what you could've eaten, do you?
The baboons would probably agree
with your attitude, Mr O'Brien.
In this article I read it says the
baboons are very warlike,
they kill any rival without mercy.
And they have a system of complete totalitarianism.
There is a leader, the king, an absolute monarch.
He gets the first choice of all
the food and the females.
And he can only be deposed if he is
defeated by a younger and stronger challeneger.
Come to think of it,
human beings are perhaps also
not too much different sometimes.
Anyhow, you can't wipe them out,
they are too intelligent, too fast.
Once they see you can shoot
them at long distance
they will keep out of range.
You will only exhaust yourself.
There is a German farmwoman out here
who uses one for a shepherd.
Their intelligence is almost human.
One of the Gods of the
Egyptians was a baboon.
You wouldn't want to kill a God,
would you, O'Brien?
I suggest we save our energy
and our ammunition.
It's not our ammunition,
it's my ammunition.
Oh hell,
I'm going to sleep.
He's obsessed.
I have never seen anyone with
such a hunting instinct.
I think he's the only one of us
who really belongs here.
You are attracted to him?
Forgive me,
but you are the only woman here and I
would not like to see difficulties start.
Miss Monckton, I am an old man who
appreciates how strong human desire can be.
I am only thinking what might happen
among the others.
You can divide a melon
or a lizard
but let me play the role of
the wise king Solomon:
I must say
it's impossible to divide
a woman four ways.
You understand?
Mr. Bain,
are you asleep?
Are you all right?
No, I'm not asleep.
I'm sorry to disturb you but something
wonderful has just happened. Look!
You caught a lizard? - Yes!
Yes, my first. My first contribution
to the food supply.
It was a trap. I made a trap.
It was just an experiment,
an idea I had from an article:
the deadfall principle.
And it worked.
Sorry, Mr. Bain.
I thought you might
be interested in what I have done.
No, I'm sorry.
I haven't been feeling too good.
I think what you did was great.
- No, no. It was thoughtless of me.
I realize your problem, Mr. Bain.
It must be difficult.
One should never have to depend
on other people too much.
I know.
Well I better tell Mr. Grimmelman
about it.
He must always be kept informed
so that he can pull our resources,
you know?
We had a great dane on the farm.
He used to come out of the water
the same way as you do.
Any luck?
- No.
I killed one of those apes but
they're getting too damn smart.
Mike Bain found an upper cave with
some skeletons and things in it.
Don't go.
I'm sorry.
Is there a reason for that?
Accomodation, Miss Monckton.
You wanted me to.
I suppose I did in a way.
I haven't been kissed by a man
with a three day's growth before.
Do you want me?
I'm touching you.
I mean, do you like me?
I think I'm in love with you.
You want me more than you want anything?
- Yes. The truth.
Do you love me?
A little bit?
Don't be silly,
Miss Monckton.
I want you to understand.
You know something,
you talk too much.
You don't want just anyone, is it?
It's me. Tell me you want me.
Not anymore, Miss Monckton.
You want what I haven't got
and I've already got you.
With these ostrich shells we
can create water stations
like the Bushmen used to do.
Let us say that Dr. Bondarahkai
here and Bain
walk with as many water-filled
shells as they can carry.
They walk all night.
Bain buries his hold,
marking it of course.
Next night they move on and
do the same with the remaining water.
They return here, having
left two water stations.
They rest a few days and set off
again with more shells of water.
But this time they walk without
using any of the supply they carry.
They drink from the stations
they have already created.
Eventually we could have
a whole line of stations
and we could walk for days,
finding shells with water
and even food at the end of
each night's march.
We might come upon a
village or a road.
But even if we did not
find our way out
we could extend our
range for hunting.
Once we get beyond this sand
country, it will change.
It may seem just as dry but there
will be trees, grass
or waterhole perhaps for game.
There they are.
You two move over that way.
I'll try to move around right in
front of them. And stay hidden up wind.
If they move out too soon
stand up and show yourselves. Try
to drive them on towards me.
That's all I want, is one good shot.
Do you hear? Just one good shot!
Hey, hey...
I wonder... - Sssshhh!
I think they got our scent.
Damn you.
What happened?
What do you mean, what happened?
It jammed.
Damn sand in the mechanism...
It must have been you
when you carried it.
Not true, I never set it down.
Why you dirty lying buzzard. You
told me you knew about guns.
I shouldn't have given it to you.
No, I didn't mean it.
It was an accident.
Leave him alone, O'Brien.
Be sensible.
How could you have missed?
I don't know. We probably moved
too soon and they took off like jets.
They picked up your scent.
You got that one shot you
asked for and you missed.
I don't know how I could have missed
him. I had him dead under my sight.
Wait, wait. Look.
I think he's wounded.
He's wounded!
I knew I couldn't have missed him.
I did wound him!
Can you get the gun working?
- No. We haven't got time.
Look at there, blood.
I knew I hit him.
What are we gonna do?
- We're gonna kill it.
I'm gonna kill it with this.
C'mon, let's go.
And for God's sake,
don't let him get away.
Watch out for the horns,
they're sharp as swords.
I see he's wounded but holding up.
All right surround him!
Spread out, go on.
Move, spread out!
All right, now! - Now!
I feel absolutely sick...
It's wonderful.
I know what you mean.
If you ask me, it was like
a blood transfusion.
That's it. Exactly!
I'm sorry.
I behaved like a schoolgirl
the other day.
I accept your apology,
Miss Monckton.
I do want you,
but I don't like those
cat and mouse games.
Won't happen again.
It better not.
Hello there, man!
Where did you come from?
You want a drink?
I'm gonna fill my old pal up
with with water, Bushman style.
Have a drink.
C'mon, don't just stand there.
You're a good sign, aren't you.
I must be near something.
Or are you lost too?
Hey, you come a couple of days sooner man,
you could've had some turtle soup.
Oh God!
What's happening to me? Now I'm
wondering what donkey soup tastes like.
No, forget it. You forget it, man.
We'll talk about it later.
I think you and me are going to be
very useful to each other, old donkey.
C'mon, man.
Man, am I glad to see you!
- Take it easy now!
I can't believe it!
I can't believe it!
Hey, what is this? - What did you do with them?
Did you hide them? Bury them somewhere?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Oh, the gun?
No, we're not talking about
the gun, fella.
Diamonds...What you...
I see,
you don't want to rescue me,
you want to arrest me.
Arrest me!
- I don't want to arrest you!
I just want to have a
little chat with you.
Regular police can arrest you.
What I want to know is
who you're working with?
How you contact them.
What you picked up.
That's it if you've picked
up anything.
Listen to this, man,
because I can't say it twice.
I didn't know this was a
diamond area.
My name is Sturdevant.
I come from Windhoek.
My plane come down inland.
Oh, hundreds of miles I guess,
but I walked anyway. Now listen!
There are five people back there, on a
black mountain in a pure sand desert.
They're starving to death.
I walked all the way
across the desert.
All the way!
All the way? He walked all the
way from the interior.
Yes! I walked!
Man, you're talking to somebody
who knows this desert.
You should have thought of
a better story than that.
Then you tell me how did I get
here. Like this!
You tell us. We've had them
dropping by plane.
By gliders. They've been even
swimming under the water.
Maybe your fellas didn't pick you up on time.
Maybe you lost contact with them.
Whatever the reason,
that's your bad luck.
There are five people back there!
They're starving to death.
Maybe they're dead now.
My plane come down!
My plane...
- Oh, down with you, you lying dog!
If you don't tell me I'll
work it out of you. You hear me?
Well, have you had your fill?
I feel strong once more.
All right, let's go.
Say, would you do me a favor?
I've strained my right shoulder.
Would you carry my shells?
I feel fine.
I think I can manage that easily.
All right, up we go.
O'Brien... - You got all the
water shells now.
You're on your own.
-I don't underst...
Oh, your shoulder!
- My shoulder's all right.
No, you're gonna be a brave
man like Sturdevant was.
You're gonna cross that desert, find
some help and send them back for us.
You're not serious.
Oh, I am serious.
I can't do that.
When these shells are empty
I'm done for.
I've heard what Grimmelman said about
the desert. It boils your brains out.
I won't do it.
Don't take off that pack or I'll put a hole
through you and leave you for the buzzards.
I don't think you will.
Well don't you try me.
But this is pointless. There is enough
water for both of us to go on together.
Listen, doctor.
You're a big man in the UN,
a social worker.
You know what overpopulation
is, don't you?
Well that's what we've got back
there. Overpopulation.
Too many people. There's
not enough food
and it's running short.
Now somebody's gotta go for help.
- But we discussed this.
We decided that nobody
should try it alone.
I can't send Bain,
he's got a bad leg.
Grimmelman is too damn old and I
can't go, I'm the provider.
You don't think I could
send a girl, do you?
No. You've been elected.
Don't do this to me, O'Brien.
How will I eat? What can
I kill with my bare hands?
You'll do just what you've
been doing around here.
Look for melons and kill
some lizards.
All right now. I've set my teeth.
Are you too stupid to understand me
or do you want to do it my way?
Who gives you the right to decide?
The gun? - That's right.
And the ability to kill with it.
You're sending me to my death,
it's murder!
It's murder if you don't make it.
If you do, you're gonna be a big hero.
If I come back
it will be with my own gun.
You will see what it means to
be forced against your will.
That's right, you get mad.
You keep walking and thinking how
you're gonna come back here and get me.
You survive and come back
and get revenge.
Now pick up that sack and go!
Go on!
I didn't want to wake you.
I wasn't asleep.
I don't think I ever really
sleep when you go.
I've got some bad news.
The doctor didn't come
back with me.
I said the doctor didn't
come back with me.
He started shouting that he
was gonna find a way out of here.
That he wanted to save us all.
I tried to hold him back but
he went completely mad.
He picked up a rock to bash me in the head
with and started fighting with me.
Couldn't you do anything?
I tried to stop him
but he went out of his head.
I can't sleep now, I'm all
churned up inside.
stay with me.
No, I want to be alone.
I gotta walk it off.
Wake up, I'm here!
I'm gonna get you!
So that's where you've been.
- Why should I have been somewhere else?
You happen to have a spare hand?
Where are they going?
The plane. They must be leaving early.
The plane?
Oh, you weren't there. They decided
to go this morning.
What for?
O'Brien said they didn't
search it properly.
Maybe they'll find some tools
or something useful.
They said they might even
go on a bit
to see if they could find
any signs of Sturdevant.
Two down and three to go.
Well Sturdevant and Bondarahkai,
they've gone, haven't they.
That leaves the three of us.
Isn't it always the same,
only one left in the end?
This isn't a competition.
We're not competing for survival.
I think we make a marvelous team.
- You really think so?
You thought out the situation completely?
What if those two people
never came back?
That would just leave you and me.
Would you like it that way?
What a horrible thing to say!
- Not at all.
It's a matter of life and death, isn't it?
When you down the case, it's live or not live.
I don't know what Bondarahkai had
in mind but he wasn't the kind of person
to go off into the desert alone.
He wasn't that brave.
Something happened to him.
He cracked up.
He was the sanest of the lot.
And why the hell didn't O'Brien stop him?
He tried. What could he do?
Knock him out and bring him back over
his shoulders? - Yeah, why not?
And what's the point of visiting a burned
out wreck in the middle of the desert?
Sturdevant already went that way
and nobody has seen him since.
What the hell is the point? - What do you mean?
I don't understand what you're trying to say.
All I'm saying is
I'm gonna find out what's
going on around here.
I'm sick of being the only stupid...
I'm dead sick!
Where are you going?
What are you gonna do?
You never know.
They might find some gold bricks
in the cockpit of the plane.
They'll want some help to
bring them back, won't they.
What do you think?
I've seen it look worse then this
and disperse.
You pray for it to come and
then it goes away.
Anyhow, I think we find what we
can and then get back.
I thought you were tired
and wanted to stay over.
At my age I never feel any other way.
But perhaps you are right.
The walk was very strenuous.
Sometimes I think it is
terrible to get old.
do you ever think about
the horizont?
How do we know that just beyond our line of vision
we might come across that help we've been looking for?
Maybe no more than another
day's march from here.
Sturdevant walked back this way.
He would've let us know if
there was something out there.
He went due west. How about southwest
or northwest?
I'd say it's worth a try.
At least he knew the desert, at
least he stood a chance.
But the doctor! Hopeless.
Even you. I don't think you should
even consider trying it.
No I wasn't thinking about me.
You were thinking of sending
somebody else?
That's right.
I wondered about Dr. Bondarahkai.
Did he really decide to go himself
or did you also send him.
No I asked him to go.
With this?
You asked him to go with this pointing
at his belly? Is that why he went?
No we discussed it. I'm sure
that helped convince him.
You discussed it? Like you were
discussing it with me?
That's right.
- O'Brien!
Once under the command of the superior
officer in the German army
I took three Russian prisoners of war
tied their hands behind their back,
put them on the ground
and shot them through their heads.
Supplies were short, you see,
so why try to keep the enemy alive?
All my life I and many more of my people
took orders from your kind
commiting sins for them, murders for them.
So I know just how your mind works.
I was useful to you in the beginning,
when you needed my knowledge.
But now what does the old man do?
He eats more than he brings in.
I had a feeling, when you did not
bring Bondarahkai back.
I've seen your kind in action
too many times, O'Brien.
The survivalist. Your survival
above everybody else's.
That's right and why not.
Now can I have my rifle. - You will only get
one part of this rifle. The bullet.
If I'm everything you say I am,
do you think I'd let a worn out
old goat like you disarm me?
What makes you think there's a
bullet in there or that it's loaded?
You are a liar!
I saw you load it.
If you would've watched more carefully,
you would have seen me unload.
No. I thought that if I gave you a chance
at that rifle you would take it.
And you did.
- Stand back!
I will kill you, with pleasure.
I've heard too many high and
mighty lectures from your kind
but I've always wondered what you'd do
if you had a weapon in your hand.
And now I know. You'd do the
same thing as me. You'd shoot.
In self-defense only.
- That's the same thing!
Every man has his own ideas on
what defending himself is.
It's like two countries going to war.
No, if you were half the saint that
you pretend to be
and you didn't use that rifle
then I might have reconsider sending
you off. Now it's too late.
Astonishing! Underneath all of that
there is a conscience.
Not all that much. Not enough to
save you.
Now are you gonna give me my rifle,
or do I have to take it from you?
It's not loaded.
Open the breech and take a look.
I'm not falling for such obvious tricks.
All right then, pull the trigger.
Go on, pull it!
You did, huh?
You're just like your kind!
Come on down, Bain!
Don't be so unfriendly.
Please stop. Please.
Come back!
Thank you.
Thank you.
No. No please.
No, wait.
Stop! Stop!
I'm lost. I want you to
help me please.
Take me with you to help.
Please, take me with you to help.
What do you want?
Hold me.
Crawl in.
I'm frightened, O'Brien.
I don't want to die out
here all alone.
Like the others.
I don't believe you.
- You think I made it up?
Because I'm jealous, because I'm
cracking up?
That's the truth of it.
I'm telling you that your
man O'Brien
has about as much respect for human life when
his own is at stake as a two-tailed scorpion.
Even if that's true
what do you expect me to do?
Well first, your own
safety could be at stake.
And second
I believe that you care. I mean,
what's right makes a difference
to you.
What about Grimmelman?
What? - Grimmelman!
Why didn't Grimmelman come back here?
He collapsed.
Had a heart attack.
And then I appeared
and volunteered to go out looking for help just
like Dr. Bondarahkai was supposed to have done.
No, you never came at all.
Oh, that's even better.
Well my dear lady
you put love before truth.
Don't speak like that to me.
Should I take you out
to that plane
dig out Grimmelman's rotting
corpse and show you?
That would do it for the
coroner and the jury.
It may have been a heart attack
but it was helped
by a savage brutal attack
by human fists.
Your lover's not only a murderer,
he's an expert.
I can't go against him.
I don't believe that.
I may be the ubiquitous sucker,
but I believe that
when you Grace Monckton know the
truth, really know the truth
then you'll also know
what to do.
Like what?
Help me get that rifle from him.
Or just let me get it. Stay out
of it until then.
So you can kill him?
Oh my..
I'm tryin to show you the difference
between an O'Brien and me.
Maybe I'd want to kill him
if I had that rifle.
But I'm not a self-appointed
You understand me?
I put out some traps
down at the pit.
It's not much, but at least
I saved ammunition.
That's something.
We'll be all right.
Today I was thinking if
the rain comes
we'd be better off if we had more
firewood in the shelter.
I tell you what,
I'll take you out this afternoon and we'll
gather some. How would you like that?
O'Brien. - Yes?
I can't help thinking about Grimmelman.
He was such a marvelous old man.
Are you sure you told me everything
about the way he died? - Yes!
Mike Bain's in there.
Do yourself a favor and come
out of there.
You're gonna force me
to come and shoot.
Why don't you tell her
the truth, O'Brien?
He said you abandoned
him in the desert,
threatened to shoot him
if he came back.
A man in his condition is dangerous.
I've gotta stop him.
But O'Brien, you don't have to shoot.
I can't afford and let him hurt me.
Not under the conditions like that.
I've gotta protect the both of us.
What are you doing, O'Brien?
Making out excuses
to kill me?
Just tell her the truth.
You've been in the sun too long Bain,
you're out of your head.
Now come out of there!
- O'Brien!
O'Brien, you're trying to kill him!
Bain, be careful with my rifle.
If anything happens to that
we'll all starve.
That's a new tune. You're suddenly
concerned for all of us.
This is your war.
Bain, put that rifle down.
What makes you think you
can give me orders?
There, I'm clean.
Are you satisfied?
Oh man,
you certainly got a love
affair with this gun.
There's some cartridges in the shelf.
Load this and protect yourself.
I don't need a rifle
to get you, Bain.
I told you not to come back
here, didn't I?
Give me that rifle.
I see.
A gun makes the king,
and the king gets the girl, huh?
You've got a one-track mind, O'Brien.
Thank God the whole human race
doesn't think like you.
Or don't they?
You know Bain,
this pit is not gonna hold me.
I think it will.
I haven't even seen a lizard
get out of here.
Oh, so you're the judge and jury
all rolled in one, are you?
Hey, Bain!
Hey, Bain!
I wanna make a deal.
Too late.
It's cash.
None of us expect to stay here
forever, now do we?
And I can pay a lot of
money for something I want.
Well I wanna buy that ladder.
I don't trust you.
And that's your last word, huh?
That's right.
Fair warning then,
because I'm gonna get out of
this hole, Bain
and come nighttime.
I'm gonna come looking for you.
You hear?
- Yeah, I expect you to try.
I'm getting out of here, Bain!
I'm getting out Bain and I'm
gonna come looking for you.
Do you hear, Bain?
I'm gonna come looking for you.
I'm getting out, Bain!
And I'm gonna come and get you!
Are there any more of these?
Does he keep a supply
anywhere else?
I don't know.
Grace, come here!
You don't understand.
Has he taken my place now?
Is he your lover?
No, I swear.
Well then, why? Why?
What can I do?
That's easy.
Get the ladder and pass it
down to me.
Go on!
That's my girl.
Now lower it down.
I'll protect you.
Don't worry.
We'll find a way out of here.
You believe me, don't you.
You killed him.
Lower down the ladder.
That old man, you battered him to death.
- I told you it was an accident.
He came at me with a gun.
You kill everything.
You just kill. Kill!
- Grace!
Grace, don't go!
Grace, come back!
Grace, Bain, help!
Grace, get me out of here!
Grace, Bain, help!
He's calling, he needs help!
The pit could be filling,
he could drown.
All right.
But keep me covered
with this rifle.
And shoot him if necessary, you understand
that? - Yes, yes!
Oh, God! We just left him there.
A man like O'Brien doesn't
drown that easily.
If he comes back he'll kill us
both, you know that, don't you?
I'm going up there after him.
This is a war of nerves.
And he's winning.
He must be using that old
baboon den to live in.
That's what he wants.
You to go up there after him.
He might just get his way.
You have half an hour.
They can't wait longer.
So there you are. You're the
big one, huh?
Okay, boss.
Come and try.
Go on!