Samajavaragamana (2023) - full transcript

A lifelong university student struggling to pass his exams enlists the help of his son and his lovestruck friend. Hijinks ensue amidst blossoming love and comic bust-ups.

He has an exam today.

I wonder if he's up or not.

Listen, did he wake up?

No, dear. Not yet

-What are you saying?

What the hell! We'll be late for the exam.

I have to take care of everything.

These kids, I tell you.

How can he sleep when he has an exam?

Anuradha, please!

Hey, Balu!

-Please don't say no. I love you, Anuradha.

Wake up! Exam is in a few hours.

Please, Anuradha! Please!

-Wake up, man!

No! Don't tie the rakhi. No!


Damn it!

Hey! Listen!


Reduce the volume.

You're deaf. Not us.

Keep it low.

[on TV] Happy Women's Day!

Wow, it's Women's Day!

Hey, Vyshu!


Vyshu, come here.

Type a WhatsApp status for me.

Go on, dad.


'Women shouldn't be

confined to the kitchen.'

'Give them freedom.'


You mean Freedom Sunflower Oil?

Don't act smart with me.

Just do as I say.

'Respect women.'

-Here's your coffee.

Hey, you!

You've been glued to the

kitchen for 30 years now.

Don't you know how to make a basic coffee?

Go away! These women, I tell you.

Damn it!

What next, dad?

'Don't restrict them with stereotypes.'

'Let them spread their wings and fly.'

'Happy Women's Day!'

Is it done?


Alright then. I'm going to college.

Hey! Are you going to

the college in this outfit?

You're a young woman. Go dress decently.

On top of it, it's Women's Day.

Mom, breakfast.



There's no time for breakfast.

We're running late. Let's go.

Let me grab the pen.

-Oh, come on, dear!

Give me the hall-ticket and pen.

I'll go write the exam.

Pick me up when I'm done.


What? You want to say 'All the Best'?

-How many times do I have to say it, dad?

I'm fed up at this point.

Remember I asked you a question

when I had just started talking?

Mom, I'm going to the exam.

-Okay, dear.

What's up, son!

-Where are you going, dad?

Your dad is appearing for degree exams.

When I was in 10th grade, I saw you

with your hall-ticket and pen once again.

Dad, where are you going?

How many times do I

have to tell you, idiot?

I'm going for my degree exams.

It was the year of my degree.

And both of us appeared for

the same exam, remember?

I feel so embarrassed.

Please get a passing score this time.

I'll try my best, son.

-Okay, go.

Dad, listen.

If you pass this time,

I'll buy you a pulsar bike.



[singing randomly]

What's up, Uma! You look excited.

My son promised to get me

a Pulsar bike if I pass this time.

Oh, really?! You're lucky, man.

Ugh! Server issue.

Good morning, Badshah!

-Good morning.

Which movie is releasing today?

'Waltair Veerayya'. Our boss' movie.

Box Office Badshah speaking.


-Yeah, tell me.

I need 10 tickets.

Get them on 'BookMyShow'.

-Bookings aren't open yet.

I know. I only blocked them.

You told me to hail a cab

when I asked for your bike.

I'm not giving you any tickets.

Only when a top hero's film releases,

we feel the real satisfaction of our job.

You're right.

2 tickets for Avatar 2, please.


Did the show start?

-Titles just started rolling.

Did he really stay up to study?

I guess the Pulsar bike

incentive worked after all.


Carry on.

Uma, go to bed now!

You'll sleep in the exam hall tomorrow.

Uma Maheswara Rao...

Holy shit!

Hey! Hey! The database is...

What's that sound? The database is...

-What's wrong?

Your husband wasn't studying.

He was sleeping with his

eyes open like a goddamn fish.

You have your exam tomorrow.

How could you sleep?

Aren't you embarrassed?

-Ah, shut up!

You think it's easy to

sleep with your eyes open?

I've practiced for 3 years.

If you had focused so much on studying,

you would've cleared degree by now.

You've applied for degree

when Indira Gandhi was ruling.

Then came Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi.

Now even Rahul Gandhi is into politics,

and you didn't pass degree yet.

Mr. Kalam said, 'A regular

student always succeeds'.

Oh, you totally misread

what he means by that.

That's not what he meant.


Do you intend to clear the exam or not?

Answer me, dad.

-Answer him.

He's talking to you. Answer him.

I can't pass the exam. I just can't!

You've passed in 3 years after all.

You'll never know the stress

of supplementary exams.

How the hell will you know? Move!




Are you saying you won't study?

I'm saying I can't pass to save my life.


The girl who sits in front of me...

She studies really well.

Extremely intelligent.

Are you saying you'll copy from her?

I won't agree to this.


Listen, get the Sakshi newspaper tomorrow.

My photo will feature in color.

But why, dear?

'Kukatpally student commits suicide

due to exam stress' will be the headline.

Are you threatening?

-Oh, my god!

Dad might hurt himself.

I don't want to become a widow.

Please agree, dear.

-Yes, my son.

Fortunate or unfortunate,

he's the Man of the House.

She's right. Tell him!

What's this nuisance at midnight?

Settle this now. I have to sleep.

Are you serious?

Is your sleep more important

than your dad's death?

Go sleep, everyone. I'll go sleep forever.

Please talk to him, aunty.

-Hold on, dad.

Who is she?

There she is. The Goddess of Education.

Go talk to her.

The question is very important.

-Excuse me. I need to talk personally.

Can you step aside, please?



I know what your intentions are.

Right now, all my

attention is on the exams.

So, please don't disturb me.

Hey! You got the wrong impression.

Please step aside for

2 minutes. I'll explain.

Alright. Go ahead.

How do I say this?

Ah! If you spot a 20 year old beggar,

will you help him?

Why would I? He's young and capable.


I'll advice him to find some work.

What if it was a 60 year old beggar?

He must be old and senile.

So I'll help him.


Come here. I'm talking about

you and you're busy flirting.

Hold this.

He's the old aged

beggar I was talking about.

What? Old age beggar?

-Hold on, dad.

His wig and outfit might fool you.

But he's not an invigilator.

He's also appearing for the exams.


If you can help him cheat...

Why is he fighting for a degree

at the age of retirement?

I knew it!

I saw that coming.

My grandfather was a filthy rich man.

He was highly fond of education.

What was his qualification?

-He didn't get any education.

He put up a clause that his kids can't

inherit the wealth without a degree.

So eventually,

my aunts and uncles got a degree

and acquired their share of the wealth.

But my father has been going to

war for that degree since 30 years.

Still, he hasn't passed.


My dad said you're like

the Goddess of Education.

And since he sits right behind,

please let him copy from you.

If he passes the exam,

how much wealth will he inherit?

80 to 100 crores worth properties.

What do I gain from that?

She seems too commercial.

What do you want? We're ready to pay you.

Hey! I'm not looking for money.

I want you to sponsor

education for 100 orphans.


When you're committing a mistake,

you've got to balance the karma.

Alright. I'm fine with it.

I'm fine with it too.

-Oh, cool.

Can you copy at least?

Watch my talent shine.

-Go to hell.

Sekhar, did you recognize him?

He's Mr. Raghunath. Our dad's friend.


You built a successful business

and made your father proud.

I remember you have

an elder brother, right?

Where is he?


How much?

-100 rupees.

But you said 80 rupees.

-That's your brother, isn't it?

Hey! Please don't bargain for 20 rupees.

Everyone is looking. Don't embarrass us.

Your father may be a crorepati.

But my father is just a pati (husband).

I rented this outfit for 250

rupees just for grandma's birthday.

Whatever. Let's go.

I'll be right back, guys.

Hi, uncle. How are you doing?

-Hi. We're doing good.

How are you, sister-in-law?

-Am I supposed to put this on?

You should've hailed a cab.

You should've sent the

car for mom's birthday.

You're clearly rich.

You'd be too if you got a degree.

-When did you come from Chennai?

-Today. I'll be staying for a couple of days.

How are you doing?

Are you still the same, man?

Didn't you get a degree?

Are you still alive, dude?

Didn't you like, die?

Stop it, dear.


Coming, brother-in-law.

What's up!

Why do you let people point fingers?

Study hard and get that degree.

Listen, get me some water.

Coming, dear.

Ask your wife the same thing.

Here you go.


Getting degrees isn't great.

He who has a grip on

his wife is the real man.

To hell with your degrees!

Yes, uncle?

-How did your dad's exam go?

Extremely well. It's sorted.

-I've been hearing this from 25 years.

We know your dad better than you.

Tell him to give up.

We'll get his share as well.

We'll give you 10 lakhs each.

We can't watch our brother suffer at this age.

-Oh, no!

Convince him somehow.

Where is he?

-He's over there.

Why is he going the other way?

-He'll never change.

Hey, old woman! Aunt has hosted

such a grand birthday party for you.

Why do you look dull?

It's not about how much money you spend.

I hate these faces and that music.

It's giving boring.

Don't you like it?


Watch me!

"Life is short"

"Let's make it worthwhile"

"Life is short"

"Let's make it worthwhile"

"Who the hell came up with

particular dates for celebrating?"

"Who can stop you from

celebrating everyday?"

"You don't need a birthday to be happy"

"Simply think of every day as a rebirth"

"Life is short"

"Let's make it worthwhile"

"Life is short"

"Let's party everyday"

"You select your favorite ringtone"

"And put your phone

on silent the entire day"

"Don't hide the smiles and

keep your struggles on display"

"Don't turn your life into a soap opera"

"If you upload a reel on

Instagram and don't get likes"

"Don't let that pull you down"

"Life is short"

"Let's make it worthwhile"

"Life is short"

"Let's party everyday"

"You get high on a Friday night"

"And then whine about the Monday blues"

"Don't let a stereotype decide your mood"

"Don't let the days of the week bother you"

"Get rid of your calendar and time tables"

"Do what your heart wants"

"Life is short"

"Let's make it worthwhile"

"Life is short"

"Let's party everyday"

Make way for seniors.

-Move it, guys.

Dad, your number?


It's here. Next?


-405. It's here. Next?



It's not here.

What?! Move!

Damn it!

I missed it by a single digit.

Hello, this isn't a lottery ticket.

It's your hall-ticket number.

You can't even copy from others.

I copied each word to word from her.

I didn't omit a single word.

You copied everything she wrote?

What's her hall-ticket number?

One number before me. 106.


It's not here.

So that Goddess of Education...

Goddess of Education, my foot!

Where is she?

Dad, I passed all the exams.

-She's on the phone with someone.

Not just first class. I got 93 percent.

I don't know where I lost that 7 percent.

I'll apply for re-valuation.

Can you please send 20K?

You'll have your head held high with pride.

Lift that head and look at us!


Hey! You said you were first in class?

I show up to the class first every day.

So I'm first in class.

You dumbass!

When you're a dull student, why did

you agree to let me copy from you?

Till now, only I've asked

others to let me copy.

Nobody's requested to copy from me.

It was a first for me.

So I got really excited.

But you filled up so many answer sheets.

What was that?

-Pop songs.

Ah! I don't listen to pop songs.

So I assumed it was part of the exam.

You crazy woman! My dad fell

behind a year because of you.

He'll only die in 10 years. Big deal!

It's just a year, chill!

What did you say?

Would he have passed in

distinction if I hadn't helped?

Forget about your grandpa's wealth.

Who are you to decide my future?

-Shut up!


I have some free advice.

Rather than forcing him to study,

get an LIC policy with that money.

You'll get 20 lakhs once he dies. Okay?

Hey! Hey! How dare you say that!

Son, I'll definitely pass this time.

The girl who sits behind me is so clever.

Let's request her.

No, dad...

You're writing

supplementary exams.

Everyone there is a failed candidate,

and I asked them to help you.

How did I miss that logic?

You're right.

-Shut up!

That woman cheated us.

I'm still shocked.

Hey! Serve dal for me.

I'm still not able to digest this.

Chicken fry is good. Give me more.

Here you go.

-Give me the leg piece.


You don't look

disappointed at all for failing.

If it was the first time,

he would've felt bad.

But if you fail each time,

you kind of get used to it.

Don't you know dad's a dimwit?

Hey! What did you call me?

-Stop it with your ego!

I don't get how you're able to eat.

So shameless!

You do this all the time.

You scold me when I'm eating.

I don't want this.

Oh, dear!

Did you have to scold him while eating?

It's okay. He won't die

if he skips one meal.

Listen, dad will never pass this way.

There's a tuition center in Ameerpet.

100 percent pass guarantee.

They'll be behind your life.

We should get dad admitted there.


Go call your dad for dinner.

Otherwise he'll starve himself all night.

First you eat.

Eat before he comes.

I knew it!

Please don't feel shy.

It's hurting my eyes.

If you fail this time,

it's goodbye to our wealth.

And I'll get you a

cleaning job at the theatre.

So, be careful and study well.

-Of course. You'll see.

Namaste, sir. We're here

to meet Saraswati ma'am.

Saraswati isn't a woman.

It's me.


My name is Bala Saraswati.

How can I help?

What's the fee...?

-I got it.

Your son should pass the exams.

-Not at all. I passed mine long back.

You should make my dad pass the exams.

Good morning, teacher.

-Good morning.

What's the fee structure?

I charge 10K for all my students.

But before that, I ask a few questions.


If your dad answers them

correctly, there'll be a fee discount.

Take your time and answer. Don't panic.

Go ahead, sir.

Q1- What's the worldwide collection of RRR?

It's still playing in Japan, sir.

Once those shows end,

I'll give the full collection.

Do I look like a distributor to you?

Just give me an approximate figure.

1100 crores, sir.


Second question.

How many centuries did

Virat Kohli score till date?

75 centuries, sir.

Very good!

Last question.

Who are Jahnvi Kapoor's parents?

-Sridevi and Boney Kapoor.


Fantastic! Excellent!

Super performance!

The fee would be 20,000 rupees.

Please pay.

-But you said it's 10,000 rupees.

You also promised a

discount if he answers correctly.

Nobody who's focused on

studying would know these answers.

Hence, your dad's fee

is 20,000 rupees only.

Please make sure that he passes this time.

We're investing a lot.

I'll take care of it.

I need a hug, is it?

Yeah, he'll be a good student.

[humming randomly]




What are you doing here?

-Preparing for the supplementary exams.

My son got me enrolled.

I must pass the exams.

Sorry about last time.

It's okay. I don't mind.

-Hey! Hey!

2200 rupees for an oil can?!

What is he doing?

-Hats off to all the middle class men.

Hey, Badshah! Welcome!

Mom, Badshah is here. Bring

those ghee sweets you made for him.

He loves them.

-How much money do you need?

How did you know?

-The sweets made it obvious.

Okay, how much do you need?

-10,000 rupees.

10,000 rupees?! Impossible!

I'm on a financial crunch.

Please help me out, dude.

Hey! Hey! I'll arrange the money somehow.

How are you doing, Badshah?

-I'm doing good.

Of course, he's doing good.

-Commercial aunty!

Call your dad. He's not picking my calls.

Yeah, it's 4 PM.

Where is he going after the tuition?

He's roaming around a

little too much for his age.

This is my house.

Thank you very much!




Welcome, your Highness!

Are you done roaming outside?

You seem to have become close friends.

-Yeah, our mindsets have aligned.

Both of you are mindless.

That is why you vibed.

How can you be so shameless?

You failed because of her.

How could you hang out with her?

-She's not a bad person.

We just suck at studies, that's all.

Well, she's having trouble

adjusting at her hostel.

So I offered her to be a

paying guest in our house.

Oh! Who gave you the authority?

I'm the breadwinner of the house.

I thought you could use the

15K she'll be paying every month.

You take the final call on this.

15K every month...

No way in hell!

-Hey! Hey!

Your dad did something in

your favor for the first time.

You take 10K loan every month.

But if you make her a paying guest,

you don't have to take loans,

and on top of that, you'll make 15K.

But if she lives here, her food and

maintenance expenses will be on me.

Look at her! She's so skinny.

She won't eat much.

You guys throw food every day anyway.

Feed her that and she'll be full.

You'll have 15K profit. Think about it.

You think so?


Let's go eat the sweets.

I don't know about

the rules at your hostel.

But in this house, we have a set of rules.

-And what are those?

No.1, don't use too much electricity.

No.2, use the washing

machine only once in a week.

No.3, food will be available

only if you get home on time.



You should only clean your washroom.

Sometimes, ours too.

You should only do your dishes.

Sometimes, ours too.

You can watch TV whenever you want.

But the remote will be under my control.


Do you have any OTT subscriptions?


Share the passwords immediately.

Also, if you want to use the Internet,

that will be 1000 rupees extra.

Hey, the plan is just for 600 rupees.

This is my plan. You zip your mouth.

Since you'll be staying in my

sister's room and it has an AC,

that will be 500 rupees extra.

But there's no AC in my room.

AC is short for Air Cooler.

Don't you know? Educate yourself, girl.

If you're okay with all these conditions,

sign on this agreement.

Sign, please.

It's a white paper.

Please sign first.

We'll fill in the text later.


I have a condition.

-What? What? What?

You should treat me as family,

not a paying guest.

My dad keeps selling

our silverware sometimes.

Are you planning something similar?

Why do you have to troll me now?

No. I want your love and affection.

That's the one thing in our

house we don't use much.

You'll get it in abundance.

Hurry up and sign.

Auspicious time has almost passed.

Mommy, coffee.

-Coming, dear.

She sleeps in late.

Of course, she fails all her exams.


Hey, wake up!


I only wake up to coffee.

Good morning.

Can you take grandma out on a walk?


You wanted to be treated as family, right?

Family members go on

walks together. Get up!


You made a hasty decision yesterday.

To him, family members

are like slaves from KGF.

Bye. I'm off to class.



Dad, stop.


-Get this fixed on the way back.

Also, get vegetables from the market, okay?

Why are you giving me

these tasks? I'm not your maid.

I know. You're family.

You wanted to be treated as family.

Well, you need to do these little chores.


You concentrate in class.

Why are you cooking so much rice?

-I counted her as well.

Hey! She's as small as a spoon.

She wouldn't eat so much.

That's enough.

Did dad empty all my food?

No, she emptied everyone's food.

Holy moly!

Do you know how much she eats?

That is why you shouldn't give free advice.

Acting all mighty...

Bro, your family is

here to watch the movie.

My family doesn't go to multiplexes.

Some girl brought them along.


-Did she pay?

She told you'd pay. That is why I'm here.

Normal tickets, I hope.

That's what I thought.

But she insisted on recliners.

Recliners? Ah, this is painful.

We're the family of Box Office Balu.

He'll pay for the tickets.

Is that enough, or

should I get another bag?

I'm a senior employee here.

I go to the D Mart if I

ever want to eat because...

this shit is overpriced.

How could you order 5 buckets?

Give it back. Come on!

Vyshu, give it back.

-Don't embarrass us.

We'll skip dinner if you want.

Don't talk rubbish, okay?

Give it back!

I said give it back!

Come on!

Let me have a soft drink at least.

No way! It's priced at 350 rupees here.

I don't want 1 liter.

I'll take the 250ml one.

The 250 one costs 350, dad.

Oh, my god!

At least water?

-Water is priced at 80, dad.

But Kinley is for just 20 rupees.

They have only their

brands here. No Kinleys.

Moreover, the middle class community

shouldn't step out during interval.

In case you have to pee, finish

your business and quickly get inside.

You shouldn't check out the canteen.

What? Are you getting emotional?

I'll swing your wig off.

I'm sad for being born into middle class.

You weren't born into middle class.

But you're going to remain middle class.

Cut the drama and watch the movie.

Go! Go!


Give these to someone else, please.

-Okay, sir.


We have to go. Get up.

Put this in your ears.

Not on the shelf.

Get ready quickly. Hurry up!

Where are we going?

It's the 1st today.

You've been here 3 months.

Time to go to your daughter.

Let her stay an extra week.

Yeah, it's the 1st. It's time to go.

Mom, get ready. We must go.

She's beautiful.

Comes from a respected

family, just like yours.

They have a chain of

rice mills in Rajahmundry.

Hi, dude.


Lakshmi, take mom inside.

Hey, I heard that your

dad failed this time as well.

Unlike you, not everyone

can find a way through.

I heard that you used chits to pass.

Your mom told me.

See you.



I got potential matches. Come take a look.

You're the one getting married.

Why should I look?

Moreover, I'm sure aunt has a great taste.

I mean, just look at uncle.

You ***

Do you know what

happened with the Principal?

Good morning, sir.

-Good morning.

You're good for nothing but this.

Hey, 60s kid. Get up!


-Do you know what this is?

It's mud, sir.

No. It's all your brains.

I'm showing them for symbolism.




Subbu and I are getting married.

Swathi promised to be my

witness, and then ditched me.

Call them.

-That is why I called you urgently.

You're seriously getting married?

What can I do? My parents

are just not convinced.

Ma'am, you're next. Please come.

Sir, they're next.

It's getting late. Where's the bridegroom?

He's on the way, sir.

Who is this woman?

-She's my friend.

She's here to sign as my witness.

You came to assure that

your friend's life will be good?

Your guy is 30 minutes

late to his own wedding.

How do you believe that

your future will be happy?

Sir, save your lectures.

Subbu is leaving behind his family for me.

That is how much he loves me.

Just because he

left his family behind,

did you agree to marry him

without your family's consent?

If someone says that you're more important

than his family, don't believe him.

He who takes good care of his

family takes good care of his wife.

Marriage isn't about surprise

gifts and anniversary parties.

You need someone who can pay

the bills by the end of the month.

Someone who doesn't take

a loan to buy gifts for you.

You think that a life with

such a guy would be boring.

But life is good with people like them.

He who is constantly

trying to impress you...

has no drive to build

his future successfully.

I'm not against love marriage.

But please love someone who's

close to reality than a world of fantasy.

A responsible son will

be a responsible husband.

And a responsible father.


I went to take a loan from a friend.

There are no problems now.

We can happily get married

and go on our honeymoon.

First tell your family about us.

We can get married

only if they agree to this.

Navya, please!

Listen to me for a moment.

Please stop, Navya!


'The person you're dialing seems

unavailable to take calls right now.'

Why are you so late?

Is this how you act with your own family?

Who's responsible for your safety?

I had to go deal with a friend's emergency.

So what?

Next time there's any problem,

give me a call.

It's an ugly world out there.

There's food on the table.

Have dinner and go to sleep.

[priest chanting]

What are you praying for, Uma?

I'm praying that you buy me a laptop.

Why don't you pray that you pass the exams?

Stop pestering me in the temple as well.


Why are you forcing your

dad to study at this age?

Is it for the money?

What does your father do?

We have a chain of rice mills.


If someone asks what my dad does,

I have no answer.

My dad worked really hard to raise us.

He didn't take a single

penny from my aunts or uncles.

But they always look down upon him.

For them, he's a failure.

I don't want my dad to be a failure.

It's not just me.

Nobody wants to see

their father as a failure.

My dad's a failure only

when it comes to studies.

That is why I want him to pass.

I couldn't care less about

the wealth that comes with it.

"I have a sudden rush of feelings"

"I bump into his thoughts wherever I go"

"I want to be silly with him"

"He managed to enter my

heart when I'd easily shut off"

"Suddenly, the world looks more beautiful"

"Every hour feels golden"

"He's the only one I really

love except for myself"

"Or maybe I love him

more than I love myself"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"I have a sudden rush of feelings"

"I bump into his thoughts wherever I go"

"I want to be silly with him"

"It's like the Earth is covered in rainbow"

"And I'm afloat on the moon"

"Isn't it mysterious?"

"This feeling is love, of course"

"It's almost like deja vu"

"Everything seems mystical"

"A sort of magic that keeps haunting me"

"I keep falling harder and

harder for this cutie pie"

"I don't know how to express

the feelings in my heart"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

"He is my soulmate"

350 rupees for fixing the nylon bed!

All the prices have gone up,

except for our remunerations.

Be rigid when it comes to money.

-I don't think he knows you.

Cash is very important these days.

Hey, Uma Mahesh!

Why are you smeared in mud

like the kid from the Surf Excel ad?

I went to warn the Baker's Den

gang that commented on Sarayu.

Oh. So, did you warn them?

-No, they did.

Hey! It's okay if you mess

with a politician or even a cop.

But never mess with a student.

What people do every morning is brush.

What I'll give you now is a push.


What do you think of yourself?

Do you think you're a hero?

Or do you think you're young blood?

You fainted and got admitted

recently. Have some shame!

Why didn't you go warn those guys?

I could go, mom. But then it'll

lead to a fight and I'll get hurt.

I'll take leave from work

and be hospitalized for 10 days.

Who's going to look after the family then?

He's still feeling like a student.

So he forgets his

responsibilities and acts reckless.

But I don't have that luxury.

I have loads of responsibilities.

Stay put!

So irresponsible!

You like guys' comments

on your Facebook pictures.

Why do you feel bad if

they comment in real life?

Moreover, you must be having a boyfriend.

Tell him to go handle those guys.

Is this how you'd react

if it were your girlfriend?

Silly! Girlfriend and me?

I don't think you know me.

You'll figure it out soon.

Having a girlfriend is so not my thing.

He loved a girl sincerely in college.

He even proposed to her.

But she tied a rakhi in

front of the whole class.

Ever since, everyone would

mockingly call him 'Rakhi Bhai'.

He made a decision that day.

-What's that?

Whenever a girl proposes to him,

he forces her to tie him a rakhi.

He makes her tie a rakhi

for saying 'I love you'?

He does that even if he

suspects that she loves him.

He made so many girls tie rakhi till now.

Tie it!

I'll hit you, come on!

Mr. Balu?

Credit Card Recovery?

He's Balu.

No, sir. There's a courier for Balu.

-Then that's me.

Give it to me.

Please sign here, sir.

With love?

Some girl sent you a shirt.

But there's no name.

-Let me see.

I guess she's a mystery lover.

Hold on.

You go to the Box Office.

I'll go sort this business.


Hold this.

Let's go.


Come, I'll tell you.

It's time for my tuition.

-Vyshu, get her bag.

Okay, coming.

-I'll explain. Wait.

Go get a rakhi.

This isn't the month of August.

I don't think rakhis are on sale.

-Give me one rakhi.

-Okay, bro.

Bro buys a minimum of 2-3 per month.

I guess he has a lot of sisters.

Are you also his sister?

Hey! I'll kill you!

You'll be cursed for

making every girl tie rakhi.

Are you cursing me?

Are you saying I'll die

in a road accident soon?

These curses don't scare me.

Bloody curses!

Who's house is this?

-Come, I'll tell you.

Open the door.


Open the door!

Hey, Balu! What are you doing here?

-Where's your father?


-Hey! Stop!

Namaste, sir!

My name is Balu. I work at Asian Cinemas.

Your daughter and I

were classmates in college.

She loves me, and I'm

here to talk to you about it.

You work at the Asian Mall after all.

You think you can have my daughter?

No, please hear me out.

-I'm not listening.

Get out of here!

-Hello! Please hold on.

I'm not here to marry your daughter.

I want to get a rakhi tied by her.


-Yeah, rakhi.

I hate the concept of love.

If some girl loves me,

I make her tie a rakhi to me.

Your daughter loves me since a year.

She even sent a shirt this morning

without mentioning her name.

I'm sharp like CID.

-Shirt? I didn't send any shirt.

Who sent it then? Her?

Give me the rakhi.

Now tie it.

I won't tie it.

-Shut up and tie!

I love you.

-Love, my foot!

He works at an Asian Mall after all.

Couldn't you find someone better?

Tie it!

From today, I'm like a

brother to you, okay?

Akshay Kumar's 'Raksha Bandhan'

film tickets for you and your dad.

Here you go.

Hold on, son.

If all the guys are like you,

fathers won't be so stressed.

Mr. After All...

You've been calling me 'After All Asian'.

Just curious, where do you work?

-PVR Cinemas.

Bloody hell!

Put the loincloth down.

If you have any doubts, proceed.

Why is everybody calm?

Hey! You get out of my class!

Get out!

Why do you always kick me out, sir? Okay!

I said get out!

-I spent the last 30 years outside class.

Get out!




I guess you have some doubt.

-Yes, sir.

Go ahead and ask.

Sir, I'm in love with a guy.

I don't know how to propose to him.

Do you have any ideas? Please?


Where are you going?

'When you face such problems,'

'put your hands in the pockets

and walk away, said Trivikram sir.

What are you thinking about?

What to eat?

Why would you make girls

tie rakhi when they love you?

Isn't this sadism?

This is sadism?

If this is sadism,

what about women's behavior?

Is that Buddhism?


Females are no.1 sadists.

Knowing I was following her since 2 years,

smiling every time we locked eyes,

disturbing me while I

seriously listen to class,

asking for my notes

knowing I don't take notes,

sitting beside me when

the whole bus is empty,

making me smile and feel special,

she made me think that maybe

she loves me and is shy to express it.

So I went ahead and brought

a rose and proposed to her.

But she acted as if she

has no brothers or cousins.

How dare she tie a rakhi to me!

I wasn't even upset about that.

But when I was crying in

a corner, she said,

'Aren't you going to

give me money, brother?'

What do you call that, huh? Tell me!

Women tie a 10 rupees rakhi

and demand 1000 rupees.

Earlier, rakhi was an emotional festival.

But women made it a commercial festival.

If there was GST on all the

money you collect that day,

it'll become a record for

'Highest Collected GST'.

They say Government

employees play hard to get.

But in fact, it's women who do that.

If a girl is online at 12 in the midnight,

she is definitely flirting with a guy.

But if a guy is online,

he is definitely getting screwed soon.

If a girl's status on Facebook is single,

she's definitely not single.

But if a guy's status is single,

he definitely got dumped recently.

Do you know what it means

when a girl is sizzling hot?

She's going to burn you to

ashes at the right opportunity.

If a girl resembles the moon,

it means that you can only

see her but not touch her.

If you guy has all sorts

of loan apps on his phone,

he definitely has a girlfriend.

If a girl has all sorts of

shopping apps on her phone,

she definitely has an innocent boyfriend.

I don't know if women

are behind men's success.

But behind every man's

suicide is definitely a woman.

Men have written many novels

and poems admiring women.

Have women ever written a single paragraph?

At least a line maybe?

No! Because women are ego maniacs.

Men use calculators

when they can't do math.

But women do their

calculations and then fall in love.

Right from his wealth, cars,

loans, properties to his status, etc.

But men fall for that one thing in you.

What's that?

-It's not what you think.


Men have a girlfriend

and a friend who's a girl.

But women have a friend,

boyfriend, boy bestie and U&T.

What's U&T?

-Use and throw.

I don't want to be in those categories.

That is why I never fall in love.

Or let anybody in love take it forward.

Luxury bedrooms. 24 hours special care.

Yeah. Delicious food too.

Two nannies per person.

They'll take care of everything.

Mom will also be happy there.

Why did you call me urgently, dad?

They're going to put grandma

in an old age home.

It's 50K per month.

Stop it. You don't

spend where it's needed.

We should contribute 10K.

What's the problem, uncle?

-We're busy with our work and stuff.

We're finding it

difficult to look after her.


If you can't arrange 10K, one of us will.

We can sort it out later.

Where are you going?

Grandma will live with us.

You don't have to give donations.

Moreover, we sent her here

because you might miss her.

Not because you'd feed her.

Old age home? Over my dead body.

You may have crores of money.

But I have a son who's worth much more.

What are they arguing about?

They're fighting over

whose place you'll stay at.

I said there's no way you're

living anywhere but with me.

Wow! They love me so much!

Yeah, right. Too much love.

My grays just keep growing and growing.

Hurry up. How long do you need?

Oh, is it a gift from a girl?

You've kept it pretty safe.

If it were a size bigger,

I would've stolen it.

There's a letter too.


Read it.

Whoa! She knows you

better than any of us do.

But she spelled 'quality' wrong.

She wrote the spelling of

the ice cream brand 'Kwality'.

She's the class topper.

Why would she spell it wrong?

I know who wrote it.

-Hey, what's wrong?

Uma Maheswara Rao!

Did you prank me again?

Did you plant that shirt from Lifestyle?

I can't even buy Jockey underwear

with the pocket money you give.

You really think I'd buy

a shirt from Lifestyle?

This is your writing, isn't it?

You spelled quality with a 'K'.

I got you.


This is Sarayu's handwriting.

Wow, she pranked you.

So she's the mystery lover.

Let me get a rakhi.

How much is the shirt from Lifestyle?



Shit! Shit!

You think I don't know your games?





Give it to me, Badshah!

There you go.


Tie it.

I love you. I can't tie it.

I'll break your jaw if

you don't tie it. Come on!

Your parents sent you to Hyderabad

to study and this is what you do! Tie it!

Listen, if you don't

like me, just let it go.

But don't force me to tie rakhi.

-I will.

Anuradha also forced me in college.

I begged her not to but she did anyway.

Girls should realize

how hurtful it is. Tie it!

A guy like you won't be convinced by words.

I better shut my mouth and tell you.

Is this what she means by

shutting her mouth and telling you?


We can't let her go. How dare she kiss you!

She should tie a minimum of 10 rakhis.


[romantic song playing]

There are so many kinds?!

I'll be dead if she

kisses at so many places.


[humming randomly]

Why is the light on?

Oh, no!

It was just one kiss.

Isn't this why all men chase after women?

Here's the balance amount. Sarayu gave it.

We didn't have to ask for it this month.

Yeah, exams are over. She's going home.

She's leaving town?

Every time you come to Hyderabad,

don't forget that you have a family here.

Okay, aunty.

Lovely girl!

Why don't you stay for a few more days?

Why don't you stay, Sarayu?

Why is she leaving so soon?

Dad called and asked me to come urgently.

I'm looking for a cab.

-Don't stress it. He'll drop you.

'When hungry, have a THALI'

'I wish everyone a happy HOLI'

Idiot! You deserve to be behind bars!

Come on, we only smeared colors.

We stole no purses.

'There comes the paying GUEST'

'I'll be the one to kiss her FIRST'

Get down.

Whoa, Balu stopped the bike.

I'm scared, oh my God!


Comment on her! Do it again!

Hey, why are you hitting him?

What's going on between you and me?

You're not my boyfriend.

You go ahead and comment.

Do it. Do it. Do it.

-'What's sweet? JUNNU'

He's hitting, ma'am.

-I'll hit you if you stop.

He's hitting me if I comment

and you're hitting me if I don't.

Why would he hit me for nothing?

He loves you, girl.

Even my parents never hit me.

'You two got on me all FURIOUS'

'You shall get affected by my CURSE'

Why am I getting furious when

they're commenting on her?

Why is my heart pacing

when she's leaving town?

Here. Water bottle.

When are you back?

This time, I'll pass the exams

so that I don't have to come.


I guess he's right.

Why did I get furious when

he commented on you?

Huh? I can't hear you.

I decided not to love anyone in this life.

But I guess I've already fallen for you.

-I can't hear you!

My style doesn't seem to be working.

Let me try again in your style.

"The world is shining bright"

"I see you in a new light, love"

"This is definitely your magic"

"The girl I like"

"Becomes my first kiss"

"My heart has slipped into a coma"

"I don't know music"

"And I'm not a singer"

"But I sing this melody like Rafi"

"Hola re Hola!"

"For the first time today"

"Into the fantasy of love"

"I fall hard"

"Hola re Hola!"

"For the first time today"

"The world has transformed"

"Into the symbol of love"

Balu has told me everything.

Stop calling me uncle already.

Call me father-in-law.

-Okay, father-in-law.

Hi, sister-in-law.



"As you write something in the air"

"As you write something"

"It's getting printed on my heart"

"That sentence"

"As we walk together"

"This Earth falls short"

"As we begin our story"

"Poems aren't enough to do it justice"

"Hola re Hola!"

"For the first time today"

"Into the fantasy of love"

"I fall hard"

"Hola re Hola!"

"For the first time today"

"The world has transformed"

"Into the symbol of love"

"The world is shining bright"

"I see you in a new light, love"

"This is definitely your magic"

"The girl I like"

"Becomes my first kiss"

"My heart has slipped into a coma"

"Hola re Hola!"

"For the first time today"

"Into the fantasy of love"

"I fall hard"

"Hola re Hola!"

"For the first time today"

"The world has transformed"

"Into the symbol of love"

Go straight and turn left.

It's on the right side.

Yes, sir.

I need to talk to you.


Here you go, sir.

By the way, how are you related to Sarayu?

She's my brother-in-law's daughter.

My brother-in-law doesn't have

a good opinion on love marriages.


The reason being...

30 years ago, my father did something.

He got my aunt married to the boy he loves.

But he left her shortly after 3 years.

Love isn't always the

same once you get married.

I'll take good care of Prabhavathi, sir.

There's no way we'll get

our sister married to you.

I called you to tell you that.


-Yes, brother.

Your friend's well settled in Mumbai, right?


Invite him and his family home.

Post that, we eloped and got married.

We were living happily.

But he didn't have a change of heart.

He didn't even want to look at us.

A few years later, she

passed away from cancer.

Even then, he didn't show up.

No matter how lovingly a

husband takes care of his wife,

he can never fill the void of her family.

If you really love Sarayu,

let her go.

I won't make a mistake like you did, sir.

I won't elope and get married.

Moreover, I won't approach

it like love marriage.

I'll approach it like arranged marriage.

I'll send my photograph with the priest.

I look good. So they'll like me.

He looks good. Take a look.

He doesn't have any bad habits, I hope.


He is gold. Coming to money...

Oh, no. We just want

someone with a good heart.

Next, we'll get engaged.

If you like him, we'll arrange

the engagement soon.

It may be a love marriage.

But we'll make it look

like an arranged marriage.

Thanks a lot, sir.

What you told about

Sarayu's family is really helpful.

Alright then.

All the best.

Six... Seven... Eight...

Listen, don't ego lift.

I won't take you to the

hospital if you pull a muscle.

I'll just make you lie down beside grandma.

Your little sister.

Turn on the speaker.

Hello, aunty.

Your brother-in-law's getting

engaged tomorrow in Rajahmundry.

I'll share the location. Be there.

This is such short notice.

I told your uncles to call

all the important people.

But I guess they got busy.

I'm inviting you now, right? See you.


She shared a WhatsApp location?

Does she think we're Swiggy boys?

What kind of a daughter is she?

She doesn't even send a car to pick us up.

What is he saying?

-Put this on first.

What did you say?

-I said, 'Shh!!!'

How are you doing, auntie?

-I'm good, dear.

Please go inside.


Auntie, how are you?

-I'm good. How are you?

Here you go.

Who are you calling continuously?


She's also from Rajahmundry.

I thought I'll go surprise her after this.

But she's not answering.

Maybe she's busy.

Did you just come? How are you doing?

Why did the only two of you come?

Relatives are two types.

Those who appreciate you

and those who insult you.

Your aunty is definitely

the insulting type.

Hey! I totally didn't see you there.

-We just came.

Where's dad?

-He's running late.

Where's brother-in-law?

-He's in there.

You look fantastic!

-Thanks, dad.

Hey, brother-in-law!

-Hi, dude!

What's up!

-What's with this surprise?

It just happened, I guess.

Who's the lucky girl?

Show us a photograph at least.

Why a photograph? Let me show

you in person. She should be around.

There. She's the one.

The one in green?

No! The one in violet.

Oh. Oh.

How is she?

-Beautiful. Very natural.

You make a good couple.

Just a second. I have to take this.


For a second there, my

heart dropped to my pants.

I feel you.

-What is she doing here anyway?

What are you doing here?

Did you come for me?


Did you miss me that badly?

Of course, I did. Very much, in fact.

He's not so great a lover that he'd

take 2 days off to come see you.

Why are you here then?

Actually, the bridegroom

is my brother-in-law.

Really? The bride is my cousin.

Is it? That makes us relatives.

We can convince your parents easily.

Watch me impress your entire

family with my oh, so goodness.

Hold on a second.

If you're the bridegroom's brother-in-law,

that makes the bride your...


And her sister is your...

Is my...

-Are you seriously this dumb?

According to Indian relations,

if your brother-in-law

and her sister get married,

you two become brother and sister.

What are you saying?

-Think about it.

My dad's coming.


Hello, you are...

What is he saying?

-That's my brother's son.

Oh, nice.

That makes him my son by relation.

What's your name?

He can't speak right now. His name is Balu.

Hey, Balu. Oh, no. He's having hiccups.


Get some water for your brother.

What's your name, love?

He can't speak right now, uncle. He's Balu.

Hey, Balu!

Oh, no! He's having hiccups.


Get some water for brother.

Hurry up, dear.

Are you okay now?

Come, I'll introduce my family.

Sir, I really need to pee.

-Dad... Dad...

Just a minute.

-Please, sir.

This is my brother.


Come on, dear.

-Yeah, brother-in-law.

His wife.

He's the bride's father.

She's elder to Sarayu.

So she's getting married first.

By relation, they're your uncle and aunt.


-Where's Jai Krishna?

Over there.

-Come on.

Sir, please. I need to pee.

-Dad... Dad...

Sir, he can't hold it in.

This is my second brother and his wife.

They're also your uncle and aunt.

And their kids are your...


Yeah, correct.

All the 4 brothers have daughters.

Hello, girls. Thanks to sister's

marriage, you all found a brother.

Say hi.

-[all] Hi, brother!

Umm... hi.

Why are you establishing

relations before the wedding?

Engagement is half wedding done.

Am I right? Oh, by the

way, this is my aunt.

Am I right? Oh, by the

way, this is my aunt.

She lives with us.

-Namaste, son.

My aunt becomes your...


How come?

She's your...


Women that age are

universally called grandma.

Please don't try to figure

out the relation again.

Brother, let's go.

Carry on, dear.

Brother, make the best

mehendi on all of us, okay?

Okay, dear.

Did you eat anything, son?

His stomach just got

full from all the shocks.

That's good. Keep eating something.

Brother-in-law, did you just come?

You saw me get down the car.

What kind of a question is that?

I was being casual.

Did you have breakfast, sister?

-At 3 in the afternoon?

I'll take care of it.

First you go sort the chairs.



You are...

I'm the bridegroom's uncle.

-Oh, is it?

This is my wife, my mother and my daughter.

-[all] Namaste.

If you're the bridegroom's uncle,

that makes you my brother.

I'm glad. Please come.

-Yes, sir.

Don't call me sir. Call me bro.

Sure, brother. Let's go.

-Brother is still long.

Just bro.

-Okay, bro.

Come. Come.

-Let's go.

Come, dear.

-Bro, what do you do?

We have a chain of rice mills.


Don't establish relations.

Hey! Be together. Be happy.

Bro, where are your kids?

That's my daughter over there.


Well, I introduced Balu brother earlier.

This is his mother and father.

They're your aunt and uncle.

Call me father-in-law.

-Okay, father-in-law.



Welcome. Please come in.

-I tried to warn you, okay?

Be together, be happy, huh?

What's going on?

Where is he?

-He's putting mehendi for his sister.

Brother, I'll go first.

-No, I'll go first.

[indistinct voices]

Hey, give me your hand.

I'll draw Saturn for you.

And me?

-Mercury for you.

And me?


Hey, Pluto... Come here.

What's happening?

Brother-in-law is calling me brother.

I've gone from father-in-law to just uncle.

These names are more confusing

than the ones in Ponniyan Selvan.

Are you looking at me?

What did I do?

-Didn't you do anything? Try to recall.

Dad, Sarayu wants

you to talk to her parents.

This isn't the right time.

Once I pass the exams,

we'll go as millionaires.

If you would've fixed

our alliance that day,

they'd have been

brother and sister by now.

We'd have been a couple.

Have you ever done anything useful in life?

Even garbage is used

to generate electricity.

Brother, would you like some coffee?

No, thanks.

I feel nauseous!

I've never seen relations

cause this much chaos before.


The auspicious time is near.

Come on, everyone.


Everyone's here. Join us!

My own sister never calls me brother.

But this man keeps calling me

brother as if we shared the same womb.

So annoying!

I don't know what you're going to do.

But you should stop this engagement.



What can I do, son?

No one can top you in failing

or making something fail.

You can do this!

You convinced me.



On the most auspicious time of the year,

On a Wednesday at 09:36 AM,

Dated 06-09-2023,

Son of Prabhakar

and Maheswari, Madhunandan...

will be marrying the daughter of

Murali Krishna and Meena, Sindhu...

and everyone in this

gathering is in favor of it.


Finalize it.

-God bless you!

Brother, though the engagement happened

here, wedding will be held in Hyderabad.

It's a good omen for us if the wedding

is held at the bridegroom's place.

Are you being serious?

Moreover, an auspicious occasion is

happening in our family after a long time.

Do you think there are

weddings in our family everyday?

Oh, no!

You think our house is a function hall?

We didn't mean that, brother.

If the wedding happens here, we believe

our parents' will bless us from heaven.

Bullshit! Bullshit!

You think only you have parents?

Don't we have parents?

When the blessings are coming from heaven,

it doesn't matter which city we're in.

No, brother.


I know dead people go to heaven.

But what's the guarantee that they're

sitting right above Rajahmundry?

This is such a crazy family.

Show some respect, brother.

Respect you, my foot!

-Brother, listen.

Hey! Hey!



How dare you touch me!

-Let's not fight here, brother-in-law.

Shut your mouth!

-Aren't you over reacting?

Shut up!

Don't you double check

before forming an alliance?

You're overdoing it.

If they're so egoistic about having 10

daughters and turning this into a hostel,

imagine how big our ego

should be for having sons.

How dare you disrespect us in our house!

Step out and I'll disrespect you there.

-Brother, stop!

What's the matter with him?

Father, what do you think we should do?

This wedding will happen

in Hyderabad and that's final!

Go easy, uncle! They

have their set of sentiments.

I don't care about my own mother.

I couldn't care less about their mother.

Why are you still sitting? Let's go.

Get up!


What now? We should keep

our customs/sentiments aside...

and host the wedding in

Hyderabad to your liking, is that it?

That's it!

Okay, let's do that.

I'm their brother. So they listen to me.

But you're my brother.

So I'll listen to you.

Moreover, if the wedding happens

in Hyderabad, Sindhu's brother Balu...

will take care of everything

for his sister's wedding.

Are you happy?


I'm glad.

You carry on.

I failed.


What do we do now?

Even the engagement is done.

Say something!

Your sister must've

gotten a lot of matches.

So is the case with my brother-in-law.

Even if this wedding doesn't happen,

they'll get married to

someone else and be happy.

But we're not like that.

I'll do something...

and stop this wedding.

You trust me, right?




Did you think it through

before fixing this alliance?

Why do you ask?

Because your statures don't match.

Do you know what everyone is saying?

'Your aunt has standards

in everything she does.'

'How come she agreed to this alliance?'


-Of course.

If you wanted, couldn't you get him married

to the Jubilee Hills MLA's daughter?

Stop it, guys!

You want me to get married for money?

I love her and I love her family even more.

No matter who's against it,

I'm going to marry her.

Hey, Balu. Let's go.

Where, dad?


Who's coming?

-I'll tell you later.

I'll tell you on the way.

Start the bike.

You've caused enough trouble already.

Let's go!

Hold on! What's the hurry?

Two platform tickets, please.

Tell me what's happening.

Dad, wait up.


Why did you bring me here?

Yes! Yes!

I passed! I passed!

I passed!!!

I passed away!

I passed away, son! I have passed way!

It's not passed away.

Simply say you passed.

Call Sarayu.

She has also passed.





Where are you?

-Who the hell are you, moron?

I'm your uncle.

-Say that first. Which uncle?

It's Krishna uncle.

-Krishna, who?

Hey, it's Sarayu's father.


Yes, uncle.

We're all coming to Hyderabad tomorrow.


Your aunt's number didn't connect somehow.

So I called you.

-Okay. Okay.

Please receive us at the station tomorrow.

-Okay, uncle.

One more thing. Save my number.

-Yeah, sure, uncle.

Save as 'Krishna uncle'.



Why are you saving it as father-in-law?

-I can't be his son no matter what, okay?

One minute.

Hey! Enough. We should stop the wedding.

-Train is leaving.



-Did she just give me the side-eye?

Hi, uncle. How are you?

-I'm good.

Please come.


-How come you're so early?

I thought you were coming

a week before the wedding.

We wanted to celebrate the

upcoming festival together.


Hi, brother!


Please come.

-[sisters] Hi, brother!

So many people!

How are you?

-I'm good.

You're the highlight of the festival.


Which festival is he talking about?

Upcoming festival...


Shit! I'm in trouble again.

Balu, stop the bike.

Why, uncle?

-We've reached the rakhi shop.

Everybody, get down and buy rakhis.

[indistinct voices]

Take a look at this.

Bro, we got new stock.


Do you know him from before?

-He's a regular customer.

All our girls didn't have a

brother and now they have you.

They're going to tie the

first rakhi of their lives.

Look how happy they are.

I'll see you guys.

Karma is here to bite you in the back.

Why are you crying, son?

Tears are rolling without

your knowledge. Wipe them.

It's just infection from

getting emotional, uncle.

It's curable.


Careful, son.

Bloody inquiries!

He wants to know everything.

Is he going to write a book out of it?

I'm supposed to tie on this hand, right?

If I have to tie the rakhi tomorrow,

I'll chop this hand off.

Even a ration shop doesn't

have so much crowd.

Why are you taking so many rakhis?

I was thinking I'll tie all of them to you.

What if they tie all the rakhis

to you like pending challans?

I didn't think you'd

pass degree when alive.

When you're alive or I'm alive?

That's not what I meant, sir.

I'll receive my marks list in 10 days.

I want my share of the

wealth ready for me to enjoy.


What's wrong? Why do you look dull?

Let me tell you.


'On the eve of Rakhi, Power Star

Pavan Kalyan's film Annavaram...'

Zee Telugu.

'will be broadcast at 3 PM

tomorrow, only on Zee Telugu.'

That's the matter.

Till now, he had only one sister

who'd tie a rakhi every year.

But from tomorrow, 7 sisters & rakhis

will get added to the list.

That's the problem.

Brother, what are you

giving me for rakhi tomorrow?

I'm expecting a nice gift.

Bro, let's book something on Amazon.

We'll get a good discount on 8 gifts.

Shut up!

Hey! Stop adding fuel to fire.

-Get lost!

I don't know what to do.

My legs are shaking.

Hey, don't get worked up over this.

Dussehra is celebrated for 9 days.

Sankranthi is celebrated for 4 days.

But rakhi lasts only for a day.

Just disappear tomorrow.

Problem solved.

When did you become so smart, dad?

For the first time in your life.

I'll go vanish. Bye.


Didn't expect this at all from you, uncle.

Not expectations it's experience.

Namaste. Welcome. Welcome.

Brother, Happy Rakhi!

-Thanks, Raki.

Short for Ramakrishna.

You're so witty.

-Damn right, Jacky.

Short for Jai Krishna.

Brother, isn't Balu home?

-He went out, Muki.

Short for Murali Krishna.

He said he'd be home.

-He'll be back soon. Please come in.

Are you taking your medicines on time?

These look super fresh.

Yeah. Food from Keshava's shop

remains fresh even after a week.

Sit down, sister-in-law.

How are you?

Oh, dear. I guess you

know nothing about relations.

She's not your sister-in-law.

She's your sister.

Sister, my foot!

-And I'm your uncle.

There he goes again!

That's your uncle as well.

She's your sister, okay?

-Yes, father-in-law.

Father-in-law? What?

She's a typical Hyderabad girl.

She gets her relations mixed up.


We've been waiting for 2 hours.

His phone is switched off.

Maybe he's busy.

Let's leave?

Yeah, we got a lot of wedding prep left.

We can't wait forever. Let's go.


When Balu comes, tell him to visit us.

See you. Want to pack some sweets?

-No, it's okay. See you.

Mom, I'll see you.


Okay, bye.

See you.

-See you soon, Chiku brother.

Brother, the nicknames you're

calling us sound like cuss words.

Why don't you simply call me brother?

Sure, brother. See you around. Bye.


Sir, let's go back to the

police station. It feels safe.

At least encounter us in the

name of scene recreation. Please!

Hey! Don't be silly. Let's go.

Sir, take us to my place instead.

-Come on!

Do something, dude.

-What's wrong, sir?

Is he your son?

-No, he's my son.

They got drunk and hit

the police jeep last night.

We held them in custody overnight.

We were sending them home

but they were refusing to go.

Do they think it's an OYO

room to be there all day?

Please take this. The boys feel

embarrassed enough already.

Please get the jeep fixed.

-Okay. Okay.


According to Sections 645,

945 and 845 for our crime,

arrest us, Mr. Sai Kumar.

Oh, no! Stop!


Even if you grab my collar or

touch my feet, I won't arrest you.

Films have ruined you.

You corrupt Officer!

-Yes, I'm corrupt.

Let's go, guys.

Think about it again, Mr. Sai Kumar.

-To hell with you, man. Get inside.

What are you waiting for, girls?

Tie the rakhis to your brother.

Sir, I didn't even bathe

or brush my teeth yet.

He just came back from the police station.

Send him to the bathroom.

He's acting weird.

Sister-in-law, hasn't Balu

been in there for way too long?

I know, right. Once he goes in,

he spends the entire day there.

This one time, he went in on the day of

Bhogi and got out on the day of Sankranthi.

Are you being serious?

Yeah, he likes celebrating

festivals in the loo.

Hold on.

Balu... Balu dear...

-Sir... Wait a second.

Sir, he'll be out in 2 minutes.







-Sir... Sir... He'll come soon.

How soon? It's been an hour.


-He's a hygiene freak. Takes his sweet time.

It's okay. Balu...

-Yes, uncle. 5 minutes.

I feel a bit uneasy.

Everyone's waiting to tie the rakhis.


I feel weird once every month, uncle.

Balu... Balu dear...

Hey, don't knock. I'll panic.

Sir, he'll panic. Call the doctor.

I need to know what panicking is. Hold on.


Hail, Bandla Ganesh!

Holy smokes!

It's a deep cut. Look.

Apparently, he got the cut while shaving.

-I told him not to knock.

Be careful.

What is this?

Are you done with the dressing?

What are you waiting for?

Go tie the rakhis.

Wait, sir.

You're going on and on about the rakhis.

Even Polavaram farmers must not

have been so passionate about the dam.

Can't you see that I'm bleeding?

Brother, if you were shaving,

you were supposed to get cut here.

But, how come you got cut here?

I was shaving like this.

That's how I got the cut.

In that case, your left hand was

supposed to get cut, not the right.

She's your daughter, right?

I can see the idiotic face.

You asked the right question.

That's a really good question.

I got soap nut foam in my eyes

and while I was rubbing them,

I cut myself by accident, love.

Moreover, this isn't fair.

He's been with me since the beginning.

Why don't you tie the rakhi to him?

He's elder to me. Tie the

rakhi to your elder brother.

Badshah, put your hand forward.

Tie it, sister!


You can't tie the rakhi

to whoever you feel like.

It's okay. Rakhi will

happen again next year.

You can tie the rakhi then.

We'll leave. See you.


I forgot my phone inside.

-Okay, go get it.

I didn't expect

brother to get hurt.

See you.

How did you cut yourself, man?

He was yelling. I didn't

know how to get out of this.

Does it hurt?

Not more than if you'd have tied rakhi.

I have a medicine for this pain.

Close your eyes.

Here. Take this tablet.

You won't feel any pain.

How did I love a girl who doesn't

know the concept of romance?


Oh! Bye.

The buffoon's calling. Go.

An innocent kid just got his hand cut.

Hey, Ganga! Look out!

We named all our daughters after rivers.

Sindhu, Sarayu, Narmada,

Yamuna, Ganga, Cauvery...

You would've named the next one Musi.

Please don't mind this moron, uncle.


Hey, Ganga!


Come with me.

Balu, I need to talk to you.

Promise not to tell anyone.


He's like family. You go on.

I doubt that your sister

is in love with someone.

Vyshu... Vyshu... Come here.

I heard you're in love with someone.


Which idiot told you that?

-This one.

I don't mean your own sister.

I mean Sarayu.

Oh, that sister.

-You go play.

How did you figure it out?

She goes away to a corner

whenever she finds time...

and talks to someone on the phone secretly.

Watch her. I'll prove it.


Balu, your phone's ringing.

He can't pick it up now.


Be serious! We're in the

middle of something important.

Before my elder brother

finds out about this,

we should find the guy and beat him up.

Not possible, sir. How do we find the guy?

She used to be a paying guest in Hyderabad.

-Oh, shit!

That's when I started

noticing a lot of changes in her.

If we find out where she stayed,

we can find him easily.

He looks like an idiot.

But he's sharper than Sai

Dharam Tej in Virupaksha.

He's almost there. Divert him.

The wedding is soon. Please

don't focus on such useless stuff.

There's a lot of work and you're

out here gossiping. Get to work!

Yeah, there's a lot of work.

-To hell with his suspicions.

I'll go get the holy offering ticket.

The prayer went well.

The Lord's adornment was beautiful.

Brother-in-law, what are you doing here?

If you're all done with

the prayers, let's go.

Hmm. Come on.

Here, Murali.



You're great, man.

You're hiding the truth about your love

and getting into an arranged marriage.

Who told you I'm getting married? Huh?

People usually have caste/money problems.

Why do I have this strange problem?


Please don't laugh, sir.

I have no clue how to get out of this mess.

Moreover, I had to love

a girl from this family, eh?

No, but...

-Just a minute, sir.

Where are you going? Hey!

Your dad's aunt did a love marriage, right?

-Yeah, so?

Your aunt also loved

someone and eloped, isn't it?


You also love me, which means...


Every woman in your family

falls in love with someone.

Wow! Awesome logic, dude.

Like people die

consecutively in the film Murari,

women in her family are

eloping with some guy.

Hey! Mind your tongue.


Going by this pattern,

I'm sure your sister also loves someone.

If we prove that, we can stop this wedding.

True. Her sister always

seemed sketchy to me.

Your theory is wrong.

-Oh, yeah? I'll prove it right now.

1 and 2. Where's number 3 Yamuna?

There. She's on a call with some guy.

I'll talk to you later.

Look. Look.

Number 4. Where's Narmada?

She's chatting with some guy.

I'm sure it's the chaat wala.

My sister wouldn't love someone like that.

Don't you know all teenage girls fall for

auto drivers and chaat walas these days?

Number 5 and 6. Ganga and Cauvery.

What are they doing?

All the girls are playing

within their group.

But your sisters are playing with boys.

It's a fantastic family, dude.

I call them Super Fast Sisters.

So my sister...

-She must've loved someone.

Where did she go to college?

I'll find out the rest.

SSN College.

-SSN College?

SSN College...

Hey! Rajesh went there.

Hello, tell me.

-I need some information.

Did you have a college

senior named Sindhu?

Yeah, dude.

How is she? We're getting her

married to my brother-in-law, so...

She's a good person.

Many proposed to her but no luck.

They called her the Iron Lady in college.

Your brother-in-law is lucky. Go ahead.

-Shut up!

Iron Lady, huh?

Where did she work in Bangalore?



-That's out of our reach.

Infosys... Karri Satya works there.

Hey, Karri Satya.

-Hi, dude.

Do you know a Sindhu from

Rajahmundry that worked in your office?

Yeah, I know her.

She's my girlfriend's friend.

Oh, so...

Does she have any love affairs?

-What are you saying?

She's from the software field.

She must have had a boyfriend.

Oh, she has an affair? Yes!

I heard that she broke

up with him recently.

All of us even went on a trip together.


Hey, can you send me

photographs from that trip?

I'm eating. I'll send in 10 minutes.

-Thanks, dude. Thanks.

Photos are coming online.

Hey, check if the holy offering is served.

That was served a long time back.

Oh, is it? Let's go.

Seriously? In such chaos?

Madhu, come on down!

Madhu! Madhu!

Hey, he's right here.

Guys, you came at the right time.

This is the Interior Design for

the Bangalore house. How is it?

Do you think your sister will like it?

He's building a Taj Mahal already.

You can worry about that later.

First of all, does she like you?

She likes me.

-How do you know?

Umm... She smiled at me

during the alliance meeting.

Only girls who betray smile like that.

-But she talks to me for hours.

Especially those who talk for hours.

Who should I trust then?

-Nobody in this generation.

What the hell are you guys saying?

This is when you should be strong.

She has a lover already.

It seems her character is also faulty.

You're lucky. Stop the wedding.


I don't believe you.

She doesn't hide anything from me.

She hid the photos with her

lover from the Bangalore tour.

I have them. I'll show

you with proofs, my dear.

I guess they're downloaded by now.


I'm the lover. Please don't tell anybody.

But you work in Chennai.

It's just a 1 hour flight

from Chennai to Bangalore.

Her uncles are against love marriage.

So I planned the whole thing.

-You had to make the same plan, eh?

Who else did?

-A fool did but it didn't work out.

I don't have the heart

to stop a love marriage.

Your remind me of Bharat

from the film 'Premisthe'.

Balu... Balu...

Dude, it's this way.

What to do? Save me, lord!

What's the problem, brother?

There's a pain in my heart I can't express.

Have this then.

Still, this pain won't go away.

Come on, dude!

"I guess God was either bored or high"

"He messed up while writing my fate"

"He looked at me and

typed something recklessly"

"He turned my life upside down"

"He took one look at my

life and got super jealous"

"He came up with a new

sketch to screw my sanity"

"Someone's evil eyes are on me

This twist, I didn't see coming"

"This feels like the curse of a lifetime"

"Oh, no! What to do!"

"Oh, no! What to do!"

"Oh, no! What to do!"

"Oh, no! What to do!"

"I guess God was either bored or high"

"He messed up while writing my fate"

"My life was amazing until yesterday"

"And then suddenly there's a speed breaker"

"My life is no less dramatic

than Game of Thrones"

"I don't see a solution

until a hundred miles away"

"This pain, I can't openly talk about"

"I can't suppress it until

it drowns me either"

"My love story has taken a sharp U turn"

"My life has become a recipe of disaster"

"Oh, no! What to do!"

"Oh, no! What to do!"

"This is complicated. What to do!"

"This is a huge loss. What to do!"

"I guess God was either bored or high"

"He messed up while writing my fate"

"He looked at me and

typed something recklessly"

"He made this a fricking Star Wars movie"

"He took one look at my

life and got super jealous

"He came up with a new

sketch to screw my sanity"

"Someone's evil eyes are on me

This twist, I didn't see coming"

"This feels like the curse of a lifetime"

"Oh, no! What to do!"

"Oh, no! What to do!"

"Oh, no! What to do!"

"Oh, no! What to do!"

"What to do!"

"What to do!"

Uncle, how's this?

Your future wife should like it, not me.

Call her and ask.

-Umm... What's her phone number, uncle?

You're marrying her in 5 days

and you don't have her number?

How will he know, huh?

Ain't like they were lovers in Bangalore.

Hey... Hey...

It's an arranged marriage.


-I said it in a flow.

If anybody finds out, the

wedding will be called off. Please!

That's what we want.


The outfit is a bit heavy.

Pay the bill for this one.

What the hell, man!

Where's my son?

-He's inside. Go. Go.

Balu, take a look at this photograph.

How's the guy?

Very bad. Looks like he

sells pens at the check post.

He's not photogenic.

He looks good in person.

He'll be the perfect match for your sister.

Why are you suggesting alliances

for my sister? She's in 11th grade.

Not your own sister. Sarayu!

He's her brother-in-law.

Actually, yours too by relation.

Oh, yeah? I have an idea.

Slit your daughter's throat

with a 7'o clock blade instead.

Don't do it, sir. Please.

Your family is driving me crazy.

Your uncle is coming. Leave quietly.

How much for that candy?

-150 rupees, sir. Do you want it?

Not the whole thing.

How much for the big ones?

50 rupees, sir.

Balu, my suspicion is right.

She has a number saved

as 'Baby' and that's his.

Hey! What are we here for?

Shopping or some shit?

Put the candy floss down, you idiot!

And what's with you?

You're only focusing on Sarayu.

What about the elder one?

She's gold. I scanned her

phone book before marriage.

Not a single male contact.

She only has female friends.

Oh. So no numbers saved as

Madhurima, Madhulatha or Madhupriya?

Madhurima is her best friend.

They talk on the phone daily.

Is it?


That's not Madhurima.

It's your brother-in-law Madhu.

All the smart women use such names.

Except for some dumb ones

who use Cutie, Baby, etc.

Your lover, for example.

Sir, the girl who's in

Intermediate is your daughter, is it?

You're right.

Does she love pani puri?


Does she go to the college in an auto?

-How do you know?

Be careful. She's an Inter Nibbi.

What does 'Nibbi' mean?

Smart girls are called 'Nibbis'.

Smart boys are called 'Nibbas'.

It's social media slang.

-Oh, really?

Then both my daughters are Nibbis.

Now that they're eating, they'll

torture us till they're hungry again.

No! No! No!

-What's wrong?

The washrooms stink so bad.

Are we in India or what?


Bro, the guy who beat

me up at Baker's Den...

That's him!

Comment on them now.

Let it go, bro. They're with family.

Hey! I'm here for you. Comment on them.

"Listen, I kid you NOT

The girl in blue is damn HOT"

Dude, just let it go.

Excuse me. Please don't create nuisance.

"A carpenter carries a CHISEL

Your daughter resembles a GAZELLE"


Uncle, ignore them.


-Will you just let them go?

Mind your language or I'll call the cops!

"I usually have dal with RICE

Zip it, aunty, if you're WISE"

Just ignore them.

They can't do shit. Let's go.

Bro, you're getting a call.

-Is it?

We're on our way to you, bro.





See? Having a brother is so important.

Only then the sister will feel safe.

Bro, please forgive me.

I'll apologize to your

sister... our sister.

He's protecting you even

though you didn't tie the rakhi.

Please let me go.

Imagine, if you tie the rakhi.

Bro, I beg you.

She's your lover, right?

Why is he saying sister?

Bro, I'll never comment on

your sister again. Let me go.

See that?

You got so emotional, I

thought you'll get caught.

They see you as Chiranjeevi

from the movie Hitler,

NTR from Rakhi...

and Mahesh Babu from Arjun.


-It's the truth, dude.

Brother, come with me.

-I'll come. Go away.

Is your dad crazy?

Why does he keep saying I'm your brother?

Why are you yelling at me?

You shouldn't have hit them.

You want to keep quiet when

someone's commenting on you?

No, listen...

-Brother and sister are getting chatty, eh?

I'll give you one kiss and you give one.

Hey! Why do you interfere

in everything? Bugger off!

Afsana, he's angry.

I'll talk to you later. Bye.

What is it, sir?

-Our cousin sisters live in Kakinada.

They're a lovely family.

They have a daughter.

Why are you telling me all this?

Come on! She'll make

the perfect match for you.

I'm not interested, sir.

-You can't say no once you see her photograph.

On top of that, she's your sister-in-law.

What are you saying, dad?

What's wrong? I found your

brother an alliance, that's all.

One more word from you

and I'm going to lose my shit.


Son-in-law, I'm sharing the location.


Remember Sarayu's brother-in-law?

He's coming.

Could you give him a proper welcome?

-I got it. I got it.

Bro, that was a superb entry.



Bro, watch out.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

Awesome, bro. One more picture.

Cut it. Cut it.

-Okay, bro.

Okay, the rally's over.

Have food and go home.

Okay, brother.

How's the footage?

-It's insane.

Upload it on our fan page.

-Okay, bro.

Bro, kerchief.

-Thanks, man.

Okay, bro.

Hello, sir.

You guys are...

-We're from the bridegroom's side.

That's not what I meant.

What are you guys?

They're from our caste only.

-Oh... Hi!

I'm Kula Sekhar.

Caste is my strength and tribe.

Hi, sir.

-And you are...

He's one of us, sir.

Hybrid, huh? I can tell.

Move. I can't breathe.

Does it have four kidneys? It's huge.

It's a cringe-y joke!

He's crazy, dude!

Kula bro...


It's sizzling hot. Why'd

you choose a bike instead of a car?

In a car, you can't see my following.

Bike rally is the right

choice to show off our community's power.

If you had come by walk,

you could've shown off your power.

'Journey by Foot'

-I know!

Such a moron!

Sir, coffee.

Which 'kulam' (caste) do you belong to?

-Srikakulam (place).

I mean, which community?

-Gated community, sir.

I work in a bunch of houses here.

Someone with such low IQ

has to be from our caste, bro.

Everyone's not like you.

You're not from our caste, are you?

Bloody outcast!

How dare you!

What the hell is happening here?

Who's handling the wedding prep?

Don't you have basic sense?


What's wrong? Any problem?

What is this?

Do you know how many

of us are jobless out there?

Why are you giving him life?

Do it for someone in our community.

Give our catering numbers to aunty.

-Okay, bro.



I'm deeply touched, uncle.

Deeply touched and truly honored.

Who is he, brother?

-Some caste maniac.

I seek your blessings.

-It's okay.

Sorry. The bike ride screwed my back.

How's your father Kula Bhushan?

-He's busy with community meetings.

He's the President, you see.

He's preparing speeches

for cursing other castes.

I told him to watch Rana

Naidu in Telugu for reference.

He'll be here for the wedding.

I know I have the stature to ask you this.

Where's Sarayu?

I guess she's upstairs.


Balu, listen...


-I'll take him to her.

You know him, right?

-Yeah, he's my brother by relation.

No. If he marries your

sister, he becomes your...

Stop it, sir. You randomly

ask who's who to me.

When we meet, he's the

man in front of me. That's all.

Go handle the wedding prep.

Come on, Cola.

Kula... It's Kula.

Deeply touched, uncle.

Poor guy! He's handling

all the wedding prep alone.


Hey, sweets!

-No! No! No!

These weren't made by people of our caste.

Nobody in our caste makes good sweets.

They're so bad. Let me have one.

You're our community's torch bearer.

You'll never make a mistake.

I'll never let you.

You eat.

-You're damn wild!

But you let him eat.

-He's hybrid.

Lucky fellow!

Bro... Bro...

Let me tell you an inside secret.

I really like Sarayu since we were kids.

-Because she's beautiful?

She's born in our caste.

These days, it's character over caste.

Wow! Well said! Come to the front.


My brother Gunasekhar

also had such great ideals.

'Character over caste'.

In the end, he became a clerk.

I believed in my caste

and became successful.

You know something?


Even in beggars, I only

help those of my caste.

Do you wish that there

are beggars in your caste?

You didn't get it.

Our people should be in every sector.

And they should be No.1 at that.

By the way, all these recent caste wars...

I'm the reason behind them.

Kula Sekhar is behind every war

that happens in the name of caste.

There are wars about casting couch.

Are you behind that too?

Without doubt. It has the word 'Caste'.

That's not me. I just have

a slip of tongue sometimes.

I've never gotten physical.

I'm a virgin by birth.

Don't be silly.

Hey, Narmada! How are you?

Are you wearing makeup?

-Don't mess with me.

Why did you take birth

as my sister-in-law then?

Narmada, when did you grow so big?

Hey, give my phone back. I have to go.

-Oh, you're naughty!

Do you know who's the

luckiest fellow in the world?

It's me, for having so many

sister-in-laws I could marry.

Hey, Kula!

When did you come?

-Just now.

You better behave yourself.


Be careful.

Hey, what's the scene with you two?

She's crazy.

When I got bored and pinched her waist,

she hit me on the

head with a digging bar.

I still have the bruise, look.

-Yeah. Yeah.

Sarayu! Sarayu!

My lovely Sarayu!


Congrats, Sindhu!

-Thanks, brother-in-law.

Now Sindhu and then... ahhh!

So hot!

Oh! Our caste girls are like fire.

I've turned my love for you

into words and put it in this.

Read it when you're free.

Actually, make time and read it.

No. Read it even if you're busy.

Oh, my god! I'm feeling shy.

Don't stop me. Move! Don't stop me!

He's a bit too much.

"East or West, our caste is the best"

"Inky Pinky, Ponky

Be my community wifey"

Every maniac is somehow your relative.

Balu bro...

-Coming, Kula!

How's everyone back home?

Sir... Sir... Stop.

Why are you straining yourself?

Give me that.

Now take it.

You're a big Nibba

though you don't look like it.

Am I right?

-Yes, sir. A big Nibba.

Hey, Nibba boy...

The light isn't working in this room.

Check it out.

You go. I'll come and turn on your light.


He's like a fricking leech.

"A country isn't its soil

It's the Caste"

"What's bigger than Caste?

Caste is my strength"

You're a gifted soul.

[speaking randomly]

-Wait here. I'll be right back.

Bro, your fans are here.

They want a picture with you.

Why did they come all the way?

Are they so jobless?

Actually, I only hired them.

You think I don't know?

Shut up and call them in.


Use B625 filter.

Korean version.

-Okay, bro.

Hello! Where's Sarayu?

Take my blessings.

Don't be shy.

I can't believe he has fans.

Hey! He came fully prepared, man.

Click another picture.

I'll call you when I'm back in town.

Bend again.

Come, brother.

Fans are stealing my privacy these days.

-Photo shoot with fans, huh?

I guess there's no choice.

-Feeling romantic, eh?

What do you mean?

-I saw you throw that flower.

Oh, the flower...

Hey, Kula! Are you never going to change?


-Hit him! Hit him!

Yamuna is not a river.

She's fire!

Mind your business.

-Damn! The Wrath of Fire!

Who threw a flower at her?

-I did.

She's your sister. This is wrong, dude.

She's not my sister. You moron!

What do you mean?

This guy is pretty wild.

Where's Balu?

I don't know, brother-in-law.

Where's Balu?

-I don't know. Maybe he's with Madhu.

Lakshmi, send tea and coffee upstairs.

He's not answering my calls.

Son-in-law, where's Balu?

-I'm not sure, uncle.

He's not answering his phone.

Alright. Thanks.


Krishna, father-in-law?

Why does he have his number

saved as 'Father-in-law'?

What's up! Whose phone is that?

Balu's. Take a look.

Him and Sarayu are in love from way back.

Now I know why he

wanted to break our alliance.

What do we do now?

What can I do? If it was an arranged

marriage, there was a chance.

But they're also in love, just like us.

I don't care.

Our love is important to me.

Hey, Balu!

What are you doing here?

Nothing much. Wedding tasks.

Oh. Anyway, my friends

are coming from Chennai.

Please drop them at the guest

house and get them what they need.

Hey! Don't you have nothing to do here?

Give me the car key.

If he stays here, he might

actually ruin the wedding.

That is why I asked him to go.

How long, man? Show a card.

I'll handle your guy.

Why are you getting tense?

I'll deal with him.

Brother, bring him here.

Did you bring whiskey? Oh, no!

Our gang doesn't drink whiskey.

Go get beers.

Oh, you brought the beers?

You're amazing, man!

I heard that the broth soup

at Charminar is delicious.

Go get that as well.

We can start hogging.

What are you all doing here?

I only brought them.


Your brother-in-law

isn't as good as you think.

He sent you here so that

you don't spoil his wedding.

One more thing.

He knows that you love Sarayu.

He's manipulating to protect his love,

and you're out here serving these guys?

Forget all this. We're

kidnapping him tonight.

And then you're eloping with her.

Kidnap him? Stop being silly!

What if the bride tries to hurt herself?

And remember, she is Sarayu's sister.

The bridegroom is my brother-in-law.

Don't have stupid thoughts. Please leave.

Why are you hurting her to

prove that you're a good guy?

What did she do wrong?

Think selfishly for once.

If they get married, can you forget Sarayu?

Please elope with her.

If I act selfish and elope,

they'll spit on my character.

My family will be dragged

down along with me.

My family is slowing

starting to accept dad.

I can't act foolish during this time.

Take him away, guys.

Hey! Every love story has a villain.

But in your love story,

the good guy in you is the villain.

You won't be happy

unless and until you kill him.

Get lost!

Did you attend to all the guests properly?

If they get married tomorrow,

there'll be nothing we could do.

Uncle, come here.


I have a feeling that they love each other.

It's common for brother and sister to

have love and affection for one another.

I don't mean sibling love.

I mean love-love.

Watch your tongue, you idiot!

Do you think I'm a fool that I can't

tell between cousins and lovers?

I'll prove it to you.

Watch this. NTR and Savithri's

body language in Rakta Sambandham.

Look here.

NTR and Savithri's body

language in Missamma.

Now watch deeply.

Missamma... Missamma...

You should watch deeply.

It's a pious relation.

Don't you get it yet?

You seem like a big Nibba.

Yes! I'm the biggest Nibba in the family.

Nibba isn't some honorary title.

Know your vocabulary, man.

You're important to me.

I don't care what people might think.

What?! Say something!

What do you want me to say?

You'd say, 'I don't believe a guy who

says I'm more important than his family'.

'I'll only marry a guy who

gives importance to his family.'

Back then, you liked my

character fondly. But now?

Are you right back then or right now?

Let's not fight.

Let's just elope.

Don't you get it? It's not...

-You guys are going to elope?!

You two are such a

disgrace to our community.


-Zip it, you whore!

This is like watching Game of Thrones.

Brother and sister becoming lannister.

I'll expose you guys right now!

Kula, stop.

-Get lost!

Stop, you'll fall.

-He who falls and rises is Kula Sekhar!

Sir... Sir... Sir...

You're not from our caste, are you?

-No, sir.

Let go of me! Now!

-Sir, no.

Bro... Bro, how did you

fall? You're bleeding heavily.

I can feel it, you idiot!

Don't get me blood from other caste donors.

-Okay, bro.

Find a donor from our caste.



Please be seated.

It went really well. We're all glad.

Sir, I'm coming.

Just a minute. I'm talking.

-Brother, come here.

Take a look.

Just a minute. Hold on.

Do you know my daughter from before?

Are you both lovers?

Umm... No, uncle.

What about this?

Who sent him the picture?

I did.

So this is all your plan.

You want to fool us in the name of

arranged marriage and take Sindhu home.

Because you're against love marriages.


-What's the issue, brother?

Loving someone isn't a sin.

Maybe not for you.

But for us, it is.

Our aunt was never

happy in her love marriage.

Our sister isn't even with us anymore.

That is why we believe love is betrayal.

Madhu isn't a bad man, uncle.

-Are you mad?

He's not just cheating us by marrying you.

Even his mother doesn't know the truth.

Isn't that betrayal?

Brother, he was worried that...

Don't call me brother!

This wedding is off.

Why did you do this?

Because our marriage

is more important to me.

Wait for 5 minutes.

This wedding will be called off.

Are you crazy?

Sindhu, you remind me of my sister.

Even she married the

guy she loved and left.

Within 3 years,

she started writing letters saying,

'Forgive me for my sin, brother.

He turned out to be a cheat.'

She died with pain in her heart.

If you marry this guy now,

your life will be ruined too.


Come on, out!


Get up and get going!

What are you looking at?

The wedding is off. You may leave.


-Please leave, sir.

Umm... How will you go?

Via Vijayawada highway?

Don't! There were 2 major

accidents on that route yesterday.

I know you're high on sentiments.

Being sarcastic, eh?

-Where's the sarcasm in this, sir?

It's your logic that if something happened

twice, it'll surely happen a third time.

I was just reiterating that.

You're right, sir.

Every lover betrays their partner.

Just how your brother-in-law

betrayed your sister,

he betrayed you with those letters.

I know him from before.

Unlike what you all believe,

your sister didn't die from heartbreak.

She died from cancer.

To unite your family with

his wife in her dying days,

he only wrote those letters,

making himself the villain.

He invited humiliation from you all.

But until her last breath,

he took great care of her, sir.

After all, he loved her truly.

Even though his wife passed away,

do you know why he didn't marry again?

It's because he believe

your sister is still with him.

They didn't plan this wedding

with the intention to betray you.

They just wanted to confirm their

loving relationship with a holy union.

They don't want to betray you.

You keep saying I'm

like your elder son, right?

Assume this is your own son talking.

Please let this wedding happen.

If I've crossed a line, please forgive me.

Balu is right, brother.

If this wedding happens,

I have a feeling that Sindhu will be happy.


If you fail in exams, there's

always supplementary exams.

But if you fail in love,

there's no other option.

I can't endure your failure.

This is entirely your fault, dad.

Why did you raise me with a

middle class mentality, dad?

You only taught me to give.

Never to take things from people.


Adjusting and compromising is something...

our middle class people are habituated to.

Everyone's life is

blooming, except for yours.

Hey! Take your hand off!

This isn't an OYO room to make out.

Let it go, dude. I get your frustration.


Hey, what are you doing here?

It's all over.

It's the end of the

chapter 'Love' in our lives.



I don't want to hear anything.


You're my sister.

I'll kill you if you call

me sister one more time.

What should I call you then? Minister?

You're blocking the view.

-What is this nuisance!

Silence! Shh!

Hear me out completely.

-Didn't the wedding happen?

It did.

Brother... Brother...

Brother-in-law is here.

Forgive me, brother-in-law.

-Please don't say that.

Bloody hell!

Bro, how can you marry someone's lover?

-She didn't love a nobody.

The guy is from our caste.

And that's as good as loving me.

Our people do this all the time.

Broadcast fellows!

Forgive me.

-Why do they bring kids to weddings, man?


Now that Sindhu is married...


What's next?


Yeah, but after that?

-We have that puja.

Oh, yeah.

I'm not talking about the puja,

lunch or the dessert that follows.

You said you'd offer me

Sarayu's hand in marriage.

We've decided on that when

you were kids. It will happen.

You're so sweet, uncle. Thank you.

-No, brother-in-law.

Let's find Sarayu another alliance.

-Hey! Who are you?

You're a guest. Act like one.

Don't show off main character energy.

Who do you think he is?

He's Prabhavathi aunt's husband.

Sorry, brother-in-law.

Please don't mind.

Oh. So you're the man who

left a stain on our community.

Look, Prabhavathi aunt's husband.

When Sarayu was born,

I took her into my arms...

and decided that she's my wife.

Still, it's a no.

Why? Tell me why!

I know it's not the caste or my good looks.

In America, our community

still treats me like a Demi God.

Give me one reason

why I shouldn't marry her.


Sarayu is your sister.

What the hell are you saying, old woman!

-Calm down.

That's true. Sarayu isn't your daughter.

That day, when you saw your sister at

the hospital, you stormed out of there.

Call me if you need anything.

Your brothers didn't

want to stand by her either.

Doctors said that both the mother

and the baby have died during delivery.

We didn't know how to give you the news.

That's when your sister said...

'He lost his loving wife...'

'and the baby they had after really long.'

'To realize that he's lost them both...'

'would shatter my brother's heart.'

Shall we...

give our baby to him?

We hurt him by getting

married without his consent.

Now we have a chance to wipe his tears.

She made both of us promise

to never reveal the truth to you.

Though Sarayu grew up as your daughter,

she's your niece, Krishna.

So I'm not your brother?

No, you're not.

You're my brother-in-law.


Brother-in-law in Telugu is so

amusing to the ears. What is it?



It also has a cute extension

if I remember correctly.

I love you, Bava.

My friend's life is blooming too!


What?! Dad met with an accident?!

Hey! Don't take blood

from other caste donors.

Find a donor in our caste.


It's okay if he doesn't make it.

He had it coming when he scolded me.

Listen! Caste is more

important than my father.

Sir, please summon the

bride's brother or cousin.

He should put on the bridegroom's slippers.

I know who to call. Kula Sekhar!


Come here!

-Hmm. Coming.

What is this, bro?

Hurry up, son.

Do it. Do it.

-Here you go, brother-in-law.

You happy now?

Good job!

-Here you go.

Listen, your dad isn't here yet.

-Is it? Call him!

Who is he? MLA or MP?

Your father.

Oh! The wig had me confused.

What a transformation, brother-in-law!

You're late to your own son's

wedding like some celebrity guest.

He who has money doesn't have time.

He who has time doesn't have money.

He who has both doesn't have patience.

I belong to the third kind.

Selfie with millionaire!


Kula, smile a little.

How can I smile when my

fiance turned out to be my sister?

I'll have to find a girl outside our caste.