Salting the Battlefield (2014) - full transcript

The Johnny Worricker Spy trilogy concludes with Salting the Battlefield, in which our hero with his ex girlfriend, Margot are criss-crossing Europe trying to stay one step ahead of the security services and a vengeful Prime Minister. Worricker is being watched - His family and friends are being watched - He is running out of cash and he needs to make a move to reach an endgame.

Cobra at 8:00. Education Secretary at 9:00,
Foreign Secretary after.

Then to Leicester, factory visit, lunch.

Press conference. Back to London.
The House.

I'm not doing the backbenchers.
They don't interest me. Anthea can do them.

-Sir, you agreed.
-I'm not doing it.

6:30, French President. Reception.
Dinner. Bi-lateral talks.

-And it's your mother's birthday.
-OK, and she gets...

-A handbag. It's very nice. I've seen it.
-All right.

-Oh, I was promised news of Worricker.

I heard you come in.

-Are you all right?
-Yeah, I'm fine.

-How was it?
-Pretty brilliant.

-I was brilliant, I mean.
-And them?

-Yes. They responded brilliantly.

I'm glad you're back.

Let's go to bed.

-Prime Minister.

Express, There was some trouble in Kiev.

Independent, "Deputy Prime Minister's
husband on bribery charges."

The Sun, "Billy Whizz does a runner.

"Deputy PM's man flees questions."

Times, "Catcheside faces
Kiev bribery allegations."

Guardian, "Anthea Catcheside's
husband accused by Kiev."

What will the PM
think about the backhanders?

And is it true
your wife is planning to resign?

-You're up.

-I'm surprised. I left you sleeping.


-We could make coffee, you know.
-I never make coffee, I buy it.

Hmm. I've noticed.

It's better. I see more.

I'm sorry, Prime Minister,
it's my fault, I overlooked this.


-It's in The Independent.

It's about The Bridge.

It's strangely worded, but it's asking
where the financing comes from.

-Is Stirling Rogers mentioned?
-He is.

-And the Americans?

It's suggesting you might be preparing
to move out of Downing Street.

Well, I'm not.

-So, what shall I say?

Well, we say nothing.
If we go near the fire, we feed it.

If we ignore it, it dies.
That's what I've learnt.

In this case?
In this case specifically?

In this case as others.

By the way, what's the journalist's name?

And when will she be back in town
do you think?

Allegra, how are you getting on?

This little story of yours.

Where's it come from?

I see. You're not saying anything.

-Well, when we get in court, will it stand up?
-Let's hope so.

You've run it very small.

That's not me, that's editorial.


Well, of all people.

I thought you weren't answering your phone.

I saw who it was.

Is there somewhere you can go to be private?

You're crazy. Have you read the papers?


Well, there is no private. There hasn't been
private for getting on for a month.

I need to see you.

All right.


Rollo, bad news I'm afraid,
we've had to move on.

-Again? What is this? Grand Tour of Europe?
-They're on to us.

-Who? How do you know?
-Because I recognised a jogger in Heidelberg.

I actually recruited her five years ago.

They don't get any cleverer, do they?

No, but we've all done worse things
in our time. Or I have.

-Rollo, I need to know, is the item in print?
-Yeah, this morning.


-Any reaction?
-Not yet. Too early.

Never underestimate the British
journalist's ability to miss a good story.

Rollo, we need to get going.
This is feeling urgent.

Can you come out and see me?

-I don't think so.
-Why not?

Because I've now got an admirer of my own.

-Anyone we know?
-Well, my impression is,

the whole service is working to one remit,
"Find Johnny Worricker".

Let me know as soon as we get a reaction.

Oh, don’t worry. It may take time,
but I'll bet the farm he's going to jump.

-Morning everyone.


I don't believe this.

-You told me that we had a deal.
-We did have a deal.


Those friends of yours paid back
two hundred million. That's what you told me.

It's true. To the CIA.

And in return we were promised
the end of the story.

And we know who's behind this, hmm?


He's a shit.

Alec, think of it his way.
He's trapped.

They're both trapped, the two of them.
Him and her. They're panicking.

They can't live in exile
for the rest of their lives.

I have to deal with all sorts of people, truly,
people, I can't even begin to describe to you...

-I'm sure.
-All right, fair enough, that's the job.

It costs me nothing, I can do it in my sleep.

But, I demand one thing,
people have to stick to their word.

What's he up to? What does he want?

And this has happened before.

He was meant to hand back that file.

He went back on his promise.

And now, here we are, he's done it again.

But you don't actually know that.

Oh, you think this item could be coincidence?

Don't jump to conclusions.
It may turn out to be innocent.

Look at the wording, it's all pretty vague.

And we don't even know
the name of the journalist.

Well, exactly. But we know the paper.

We know its editor.


You're a friend of Belinda’s.

Everyone's a friend of Belinda’s.

What, pony parties is it?
Going to Oxfordshire for barbecues and gin?

Her mother's a marchioness. Lady...

Sheep-dip, Lady Cotswolds, I don't know.

Which means she's not easy to reach.

She's so rich, so posh,
she doesn't give a fuck.

That's the last thing we need.

Alec, I don't like to see you rattled.

You've done nothing wrong, remember?

-You're not on trial.
-Not yet.

What charge are you meant to be facing?

You've started a foundation,
which is for when you leave office.

To address major global issues
of war and peace.

It's been part funded by a group
of American entrepreneurs,

who work in many diverse fields,
including the security business.


Perhaps you'd like to tell me
what's wrong with that?

Well, you know what's wrong.

The world is complicated.
People have different interests.

Public. Private.
That's how things are nowadays.

It's not a question of how it is,

it's a question of how it appears.

Especially when these same Americans

have just been caught ripping off
the American taxpayer.

-They haven't been caught.
-Not in public.

And they never will be.

Which is why it's essential that you remain
the public face of the foundation.

Stirling, your hands are clean.

Certainly are. Spotless.

What's happening here, I'm trying to do
something important for my country.

Because we're at war,

if only people would admit it.

In one year Iran will have a nuclear weapon.

And what and I'm just supposed to ignore it?
Just sit back, let it happen?

Alec, you're the greatest politician of the age.

Your enemies are plankton.

Truly. Some rogue MI5 man with a file.

Is this what the Prime Minister of Great Britain

should be worrying about
first thing in the morning?

Some tie-dyed arsehole
from Turks and Caicos?

Was he wearing tie-dye?

-No, he wasn't.
-Then why did you say it?

Because it's a metaphor. And it's a joke.

Oh, joke, hmm.

Alec, think about it. Seriously.

Your people are out there,
they've got Europe locked down.

By our count he's already moved
at least five times.

And there's no plan to it.

Worricker's moving zigzag,
his brain's cotton wool,

he’s just a rat on a map.

-And when we get him?

I mean, when we've caught him,
have you thought about that?

Do you have any serious idea
of what we then do with him?

And the girlfriend?

-I've thought about it.
-Good. Because that's the next stage.

Alec, you're getting this out of proportion.

No, getting him is the easy bit.
It's what we do with him then.

-What do you think?
-Pretty nice.

You'd better enjoy it.

Why? How many more flats do we have?


Well, don't look at me.

By my reckoning Wiesbaden's our fourth.

You never could count. Tenth.

You're including hotels.

Yeah. How could I forget?

And we're running out of money.


So can we go home?

Brian, I've got an unscheduled meeting.

I want somewhere secure.

-Not in your own office?
-I said.

-There's a room in the basement.
-Come on then.

I need to be left on my own.

It's national security.

It's kind of you to make time for me.

I wanted to see you because I'm deeply concerned.

Have you seen this?

Tell me about it.

I know security's no longer your remit...

I still get to see a lot of high-grade
intelligence. It passes across my desk.

Yes. That's at my insistence.

-Is it really?

-I didn't know that.
-Well, it is.

I believe it's important in government
that the most sensitive material

is always seen by more than one pair of eyes.

You'll have to explain.

The Prime Minister's judgement
has always been faultless.

It certainly has.

Don't get me wrong.

He's a man who's called every major issue
of the last 10 years correctly.

-And you're close to him.
-I am. I'm very close. I owe him a great deal.

He made you acting head of the service.

More than that, he protected you.

-When you most needed protecting.

-I'm in his debt.

But it's also healthy for government
if there's a little air,

a little ventilation around important decisions.

That way things don't get cramped.

I don't know if you heard about a murder
in the Caribbean a few months ago.

Yes, I think I heard something about it.

-A man with a strawberry mark?
-That's him.

Yes, I saw a picture.

-But to be honest, it hasn't been my priority.
-I'm sure.

I've had problems of my own. My errant husband.

Well, of course, we may be able to help you there.

I'm sorry? Help me?

I mean, we may be able to give you
information you may not have.

About your husband.

Stuff you don't know.

What sort of stuff?


What you were saying about the murder.

Have you heard of The Bridge?

The Prime Minister's plan to continue statesmanship

-beyond his formal period of elected office?
-Yes, I've heard of it.

It was one of the donors to that project
who was killed.

-Do we know who by?
-And we've had some questions recently

about the project's financing.

-It's financing?

How it's financed?

Forgive me, but, I'm going to ask a question
because time is short.

-Oh, by all means.
-It's this.

What's the subject of this meeting?

-What's the subject?
-Yes. Give me a headline.

Say, I'm going home, this evening in the car,

or in the bath and I think,
I met Jill Tankard today

and we talked about...

What? What did we talk about?
What was the subject?

I've come in to open up a channel.

What sort of channel?

A channel of communication.

To flag up potential trouble.

It seems to me any trouble you're talking
about isn't for me, it's for Alec.

I think it may be.

Frankly, Jill, what you're saying
doesn't add up to much.

-Doesn't it?
-I don't think so.

-Why not?
-Because what's the beef here?

In his eagerness for a life beyond Downing Street,

the Prime Minister may have accidentally
befriended some dubious characters.


What he'll do when he leaves government
isn't strictly a matter for the government.

Isn't it? Maybe not,

but if people find out about it
and this reference is the first sign

then we may enter rough water.

And in rough water it'll be
to your personal advantage

to be briefed about what's coming up
before it actually happens.


-And another thing...

The CIA's got a new boss.

How does that affect us?

He wants to draw a line
under the excesses of the last 10 years.

-Which ones?
-Private contractors

ripping off the American public.

And that's been bad news for
a couple of the Prime Minister's friends.

Tell me one thing.

Is Johnny Worricker mixed up in this?

Of course.

And is he still on the loose?

He's in Germany. He was in Switzerland,

with a former intelligence officer.

A woman?

-We have real hopes of bringing them home.

Very. We nearly had them this morning.

-An agent was out running...

-But we lost them.


Meanwhile, you're offering me an inside track?

-You have it.
-For what reason?

For the obvious reason.

-Because you're Beasley's natural successor.

Not at the moment I'm not.
Not while my husband's all over the papers.

We can deal with that.

You can deal with the British press in full cry?

I don't see why not.

At MI5 we've never had any problem with the press.


Politics is fair game, national security isn't.

They're like all bullies,
they don't like being bullied back.

My whole point, the closer you get to us,

the easier your life will be.

If I agree to this channel,

what's going to happen?

I'm going to call you, we're going to meet.

-In this room.

-Whenever we need to.

One thing, do your colleagues
know what you're doing?


D0 yours?

Here, I got you these. Herrings.

The ones you like. Your favourites.

I'm going to make salad.


I'm going to go for a walk.

After lunch?


Do you want me to come with you?

Great idea, and double the risk?

I got you this.

It's at the local museum.

From Raphael to Dali.

It started last month, it's not too late to join.

Aren't you interested?

-Of course I'm interested.

I started one art class in Lausanne.

I started another in Heidelberg.

I'm tired of starting things I don't get to finish.

Margot, we both know the rules.

Keep our minds active.

-Keep doing things.

Oh, God, is that your idea of making a salad?



Can't I send you on a salad-making course?

That'll keep your mind active.

We can retire and grow lettuce in Suffolk
and you can practise.

This is all an attempt to break us.
Think of it that way.

We're feeling like prisoners,
that's how they want us to feel.

And do we have to stay relentlessly cheerful?
All the time?

Once or twice can't we be moody?

You can be moody.

-Gherkins. Another thing you like.

"Essiggurke speziell für Feinschmecker."

I remember one thing about spying.

What's that? What do you remember?

What do I remember? Spies work alone.


It's Margot.

Hey, where are you now?

Don't tell me.

Is everything all right?

Yes, it's fine.

I haven't heard from Dad for weeks.

Well, no. He can't call you, he's frightened.

And I shouldn't. But I couldn't resist.

-It's kind of you.
-Don't be silly.

I'm glad one of you cares.

We both care.
It's just Johnny's in an impossible position.

He's been in impossible positions
since the day I was born.

He thrives on them.

-How big are you?
-I'm big.

I'm due in a couple of months.

How's it going with Jez?

Oh, day by C53}!-

Life with a DJ. Gets in when I'm getting up.

Are you living together?

Almost. Not quite.


I'm superstitious.

I don't quite dare.

It does feel like this time I fell on my feet.

I just don't want to push it too far.

It's lovely to hear your voice, Julianne.

I'll call you again. I don't know when...

-But I will.


Take care of yourself.

-Seen this?

You know who wrote it?

I have this strange feeling,
she's been talking to our brothers in Millbank.

-How do you know that?
-I don't.

-I sense it.

Because that's how she came to us.

From the BBC remember?

She broke the Jake Pierpan story.

That peacenik with the drippy sister.

Have you ever asked yourself
why the sainted Allegra got that story?

Or, more interesting, why did they give it to her?


-Maybe she's just a virgin who got lucky.
-Yeah, right.

I wonder, could you take her out for a drink?

If they're using us, let's see if we can use them.

All right, let's get going.

Oh, Ted, one thing. The diary story.

Scan the Internet to see if it spreads.

Do it yourself, no one's to know.

Yes, sir, I'm sorry,
I thought you said to ignore it.

Well, we are ignoring it.

I also want you to keep me informed.

You're back.

-Nice walk?

-Sweet town, isn't it?
-Yeah, very sweet.

Mmm, Bath, only in Germany, and more genteel.

I didn't know what you wanted to do this evening.

-What do you want to do?
-You could go to a movie.

Do you want me to cook supper?

You don't have to entertain me, you know.

Yeah, I know.

I was two years in Belfast,
never spoke to a soul remember.

I'm perfectly happy being unhappy,
if you know what I mean.

You're very unfair.

Unfair. How?

-About my cooking.

Years ago, remember? I made you a carbonara.

How could I forget? You made me a Milanese.

I'll make you another.

They were good times.

They are good times.

When we move,

we're going to move so fast,
you're not going to believe it.

Oh, I think I will.

How kind, thank you.

You're the first person at the office
even to admit I exist.

It's a newspaper. You'll get used to it.

Yeah. Editor's something though, isn't she?

You only have power if you don't give a bugger.

Belinda doesn't give a bugger.

That's what makes her special.

When politicians ask her to lunch, she doesn't go.

Let's face it. You can only do a job properly

if you're not frightened to lose it.

-Are you trying to tell me something?
-No, I'm trying to ask you something.

What? What are you asking?

Whether you work for the security service.

Or whether your boyfriend does.

If I have a boyfriend.

Whether you've been planted on us.

Is this a serious question?

-Like that story this morning.
-What about it?

Where did you get it?

It's not a bed thing, is it?

One of two possibilities.
A bed thing or a family thing.

I'm going to lay a thousand to one its family.


Because when a journalist
goes out on a limb, it's always family.

Daddy works in intelligence, does he?


Is he with the dumb ones in Millbank,
or with the clever ones in Vauxhall?

And I'm not out on a limb.

What are you planning to do with the story?

I'm not sure. I haven't decided.

You haven't decided?


You don't spell it out,
leave it for the reader to join the dots,

but you're implying the Prime Minister
takes money from dodgy businessmen

who fall in the sea in mysterious circumstances,

and you haven't decided?

What does the look mean?

I'm trying to work out if you're
a great deal stupider than you appear,

or a great deal cleverer.



-Are you home?

-Go to your computer,

you'll find something which moves
the story on. It'd be great

if it could go in tonight.


I'm getting frightened.

-People are asking questions.
-What people?

The editor sent a journalist
to take me out for a drink.

Well, that's great. That's exactly what we want.

-Who did she send?
-Freddy Lagarde.

Whoo, Freddy. Did he take your virtue?

For a Pinot Grigio?

People have done it for less.
One thing, get a new phone.

As from this morning, your name is out there.

Always assume someone is listening.

And Allegra...

-Hold your nerve.

With a bit of luck,
there's going to be a lot more of this.

You've endured weeks of headlines.

Do you really believe you can hold on
as Deputy Prime Minister?

To be honest, I see no reason I shouldn’t.

I stand up for my husband,
I don't stand in for him.

Yes, but if he does appear in Kiev on charges
of bribing government officials...

It's a very different culture from our own.

And by the way, if people
do have questions of him,

then I'm confident Bill's going to have
perfectly satisfactory answers.

But can you be sure of that?

Do you know, as a matter of fact, I can.

Well, this has been a very worthwhile evening.

It's good for the cabinet to meet
informally for a change.

Kick some ideas around.

We appreciate you coming in, Anthea.

Things must be heavy on your plate.

I mean, if things can be heavy on a plate.

-Full on my plate.
-Yes. Yes.


It has been an ordeal, hasn't it?

-But you are bearing up.

I wonder what you felt about the item

in the Independent
this morning, Prime Minister.

What item was that? I don't think
I saw it, did I? Remind me.

You didn't see it, sir.

You have time to read The Independent,
do you, Jock?

Justice must be very under-worked.

It put up a red flag.

I'm amazed no one in your office picked up on it.

Anthea, did you see it?


I've no idea what he is talking about.

Well, I'll tell you what it's about.

It says some of the people who are financing
The Bridge have dubious backgrounds.

Did it?

It seems to be implying
they're not above murdering each other.

Well, that's the way the world is.

There's always someone
who can't wait to fling a bucket of mud.

-Get used to it.

I'll take a look at it.

Let's get out of here.

Oh, what do you mean?

Oh, uh...


OK. This is going to be very simple.

The simpler we keep it the better.
It's not going to be difficult.

It's going to suit me, then,
that's what you're saying.

We pick up cars.

-From different cities.

-This is your Europcar card.

-Thank you.
-This is a map with a route, I've marked it.

You return the car as designated.

Usual drill. Except this time we stay separate.

Credit card. Passport.

Ah, excellent. Who am I this time?

You're joking.

I liked it. It made me laugh.

And who are you? Cilla Black?

You don't need to know.

And, by the way, I've wanted to say this,
but I haven't said it.

What haven't you said?

I wanted to tell you, I minded it

when you looked at my phone.

When you checked my calls.

I hated that.

Well, then, I won't be doing that again.

And also, just asking, how was my daughter?

Julianne? Julianne’s fine.

You're up.


Are you OK?

I'm fine.

I was just reading this stuff about Beasley.

What a dag.


Yeah. Dag's the stuff
that hangs off the end of a sheep.

You like him that much?

I just don't like people who invent threats

to justify doing what they wanted to do all along.

Look at that face. He looks like a Russian mobster.

You don't think this country's under threat?

On the contrary.

It's because I take real threats seriously

that I don't want to be blackmailed by phony ones.

Politicians who cry wolf
are the most dangerous kind.

I'm interested. How can you know so much about it?

I'm interested.

How can you not?

Sometimes I feel I really
don't know anything about you.

-Don't you?
-No. No, I don't.

But I'd like to.

Well, you have plenty of time to find out.

Here is the phone.

Danke schön.

Good luck.

I hope you're moving.

-We are. I just said goodbye to her.

As a matter of interest, who told you
today was the day to get going?

Because believe it or not
I still have some friends.

I'm amazed.

Johnny, you'd be even more amazed

if you knew how many people in Millbank
are rooting for you.

Good afternoon. I believe you may have a car for me.

-Do you speak English?
-We do.

Because my German is rusty.

Marsden? OK.

Gerry Marsden.

Do you mind?

I guessed you were English.

Where are you going? You don't mind me asking?


Back to school. I'm a teacher.


-I was asking, where do you teach?

I am sorry.

I'm tired. I need to sleep.

You're well loaded up.

-Isn't that what the continent's for?

We all love a booze cruise.

...mighty Arsenal! On to victory! Yay!

Thank you.

Miss Springfield.

Thank you.

Ah, you must be Belinda Kay.

-Yes, I am.
-How kind of you to see me.

-How are you?
-And who are you?

I'm the man who telephoned.

Yes, of course you are.

Twenty-four bottles of wine.

Thank you. How thoughtful.

Because I'm a journalist I must be alcoholic?

You've come from abroad?

Um, I hope you like Bourgueil.

Well, aren't you the welcome guest?

Come this way.

Goodness, this is quite imposing.


This is Barry, he's my boyfriend
or some such thing...


I'm just making some tea.

You're gonna have to hop it.

-This is confidential.

Hop it!

You never saw this man.

He doesn't exist.

He's none too bright.

Come through. Or perhaps you'd prefer whisky.

Um, not right now, I need a clear head.

Look, first of all I want to thank you
for all your paper's done already.

It's been a wonderful job.

Do you know how lonely that makes an editor feel?

You run a story and no one else touches it.

I'm hoping we can change that.

People have low expectations.

You'd be surprised.
Beasley's feathering his nest, so what?

He's got disreputable friends. So?

He's a politician.

I'm hoping to make the story
a little more specific than that.

-A newspaper isn't a blog, you know.
-I know that.

It's not just whatever you think.
Or whatever anyone happens to tell you.

There are editorial protocols.
Have you ever heard of them?

Of course. I'm hoping to satisfy those.

And somehow you're going to
do that without telling me your name?


The girl's a plant, isn't she?

No, I don't think so. If you mean Allegra.

The one with the damask cheek.

She of the butter-wouldn't-melt brigade.

Allegra isn't a plant, she's a conduit.

As a matter of fact, she's the niece
of a colleague of mine.

Well, there you are.

That's England, one big family.

And I suppose now she's served her
purpose it's time to move on to me.

All right, go ahead, make your pitch.


I don't know how much you know
about Britain's intelligence service.


I had a feeling you might start there.

Well, the last 10 years have been kind of bumpy.

It used to be very clear who the enemy was.

And so also it was clear what the job was.

-And then?
-Then we got caught out.

Trouble came from an unexpected direction.

Or rather it started coming from every direction.

Suddenly we were told we were meant
to be fighting a worldwide movement.

And weren't you?

Let's just say we got a bit careless
about distinguishing between

people who would like to do terrible things
and people who were actually doing them.

We became indiscriminate about the methods we used.

It was dog eat dog.
Only problem is, we're not dogs.

Is "indiscriminate methods" a euphemism for torture?

Torture's just part of an apparatus.

An apparatus of bad practice

which is out of control

and which I don't believe is helping anyone,
least of all us.

-Meanwhile, politicians want to cut corners.

Alec Beasley's been
trying to re-organise the service.

-Re-organise it?
-And bypass it.

His mind's made up and the facts don't bother him.

Well, that's his right, isn't it?
After all, he won a couple of elections.

-He certainly did.
-Because people like his strength.

He has a mandate. That is democracy.

And, speaking for myself, I have a great deal
more faith in someone I've elected

than some disgruntled intelligence officer,
I'm assuming that's what you are,

who arrives at my house with
two cases of wine and an outsize grievance.

I'm too young but you may remember a
prime minister called Harold Wilson.

I do remember him.

Didn't the security service spend a
great deal of effort trying to get rid of him?

I don't think that's ever been proved.

I didn't ask if it was proved,
I asked if it were true.

-And I'm not trying to get rid of Beasley.
-Aren't you?

No. I'm trying to put
the facts in front of the public.

You're a very plausible fellow, aren't you,
whatever your name is.

Remember, I'm a rat catcher myself.

It takes one to know one,
and everything you say stinks to high heaven.

Tell me why.

No editor likes to be used.

You may be burning to bring down
a prime minister, but I'm not.

That's not my intention.

All I'm trying to do is throw a little light
on some of his activities.

Oh, I see, this is assisted killing, is it?

You put the pill in the hand,
but you don't put it in the mouth.

-You leave that to us.

I mean, just one more question.
Aren't you rather over-stretching your remit?

I don't think so.

I thought you were meant to gather secrets,
not give them away.

So far, I don't remember
giving you any secrets.

Well, I thought you did.

No. Everything you've been told
has been on the public record.

-Only just like most newspapers nowadays

you've lacked the diligence
to go out and find it.

Or maybe the motivation?

-All right, these are the facts.

Let's hear them.

The Prime Minister is linked
to a series of interlocking charities

which are partly financed
by a firm called Gladstone.

Gladstone has built an international
complex of detention camps

which don't officially exist

and for which they've therefore
been able to overcharge.

Now, you're telling me something new.

The American government has put pressure
on them to get some of its money back.

A great deal of pressure.

And have they succeeded?

That's something you're going
to have to look into.


That's an interesting story,
I'm sure we'll want to cover it,

we all love laughing at the Yanks,

but I still don't see how
it reflects on Alec Beasley.

-Don't you?

I'll tell you.

But if I do, I'll be crossing a line.

What sort of line?

The secret line.

I need to know if you're at peace with that.

Shouldn't that question be directed at you?

Very well.

It's going to be hard to unpick,

because Beasley's affairs are tangled up
in companies owned by Stirling Rogers.

But I can promise you,
somewhere there's a paper trail

which leads directly back
from the building of the camps

to the Prime Minister's own personal finances.




I wonder...

Would you be interested in staying to eat?

-Miss Tankard?

It's Amber Page. We've got Margot.


Luck. Pure luck.

One of our people got on a train at Frankfurt.

He was on holiday, he wasn't even working.

And listen, here is the good news,
she's heading home.

Where is she?

She's getting in at Stansted from Paris.

And we've got people waiting?

They're in place.

-And him?
-No. He's not with her.

But it's all right.

One thing I can promise is,
he won't be without her for very long.

Keep in touch.


-It's Jez.
-Jez, where are you?

I'm alone. I haven't got long.
Julianne’s forgotten her phone.


You remember that call? The one from Margot?

Of course. Last week.

-That's it.
-Unidentified caller?

Yeah, the office has broken it.

You've got Margot's number?

We do.

Jez, I've got good news.
We also have Margot Tyrell in person.

-She's heading back to the UK.

Good. Then we're in business.

-Text me that number.
-I've done it.

Hold on, I have to go.


Are you awake?

Ah, good!

Welcome to Barry's running buffet.

-He's perfect, isn't he?
-Heaven to live with. We lack for nothing.

-Thank you, Barry.
-My pleasure.

I'm afraid you're going to have to leave us again.

The coriander goes with the chicken,

the dressing goes with the rocket.

Don't worry, we'll manage.


You have everything.

And you?

Friends and family?

It's none of my business, but you seem rather sad.

I'm not sad. It's just...

I suppose I was doing a job I loved
and now it's been taken away.

You're an editor, I imagine it's pretty good fun.

And you were a spy.


And you're wondering, if I'm
not a spy, then what am I?

Shall we get back to the matter in hand?

There's a rule of thumb, for this kind of campaign.

What do they say?
"It's never the crime, it's the cover-up."

Well, there isn't a cover-up yet.

-We haven't got that far.

So, we have to force him into one.

We have to ask him questions which he can't answer.

Do you know what those questions are?

And the other rule is, as you say,

a campaign isn't a campaign
if it's only been picked up by one paper.

No one else is going to
touch it until they have to.

Well, then we'd better make sure
the questions are good.

Thanks, guys.

You are good at this.

Thank you.

Why don't you have a jacket?

Obviously, because I'm not as good as you are.

-Where are we going?
-To a safe house.

Good afternoon.

I'm an old friend of Johnny's.

How nice to meet you.

We were at Cambridge together.

-Yes. Oh, yes.

Johnny was a very real loss to theology.

-Can I leave her in your hands, Padre?
-Of course you can.

Sorry but I have to get back to work. Talk soon.

It's the Church's traditional function.

It's the thing we've done best for 2,000 years.

-Provide sanctuary.

# Sweet chariot

# Coming for to carry me home

# Swing low, sweet chariot

# Coming for to carry me home #

What the hell's going on?

-It's a celebration.
-That I can see.

We've been told tomorrow
the charges are going to be dropped.


All of them?

The Ukrainian court has decided
it's not in the public interest to proceed.

Meaning what?

Meaning someone's done a deal?

I guess.

What sort of deal?

A trade deal?

-What sort of trade?
-What is it always?

Weapons, of course. Arms.

It's always arms.

With one bound I'm free.

Get those men out of my house.


We need to meet, urgently.

Yes, of course.

You know what's happening to Bill?

I told you, didn't I, stick close to us.

I need to be clear. Is this your doing?

Anthea, can I say something?

It's one thing to go around saying what you want.

The test comes when you're actually
given the chance to get it.

That's when you're tested.

When they wanted to get rid of Margaret Thatcher,

John Major got toothache
so he didn't have to answer his phone.

A week later, he was Prime Minister.

How are your teeth?

Just beginning to ache.

Good. I'm glad to hear it.

You see him often?

When he's in trouble.

But you know how Johnny is,

once you're his friend,
you're his friend forever.

He's loyal above all things.

-But you know that.

We were together a long time.

He wasn't threatened by me.

The stronger I was, the more he liked it.

That's rare.

Good for him.

You know him well?

I helped him through some difficult days.

When he was a student,
he loved the idea of faith.

The life of the Church.

So, someone had to point out
that he didn't actually believe.

And that was you?


And he didn't?

No. He wanted to.

More than anything.

But, sadly, that's not the same thing.

-Thank you.
-No, thank you.

Barry, good night.

Come on, Stirling! Your
backhand's normally terrific.

What the hell's going on?

My mind's elsewhere, sorry.

I need you to give me a game.

Do you want to play properly?

Because if you don't play properly,
there's no point in playing.

Oh, come on, Stirling, you can do better than that.

-All right, you know what this is.
-No, I don't.

-You bloody well do.
-Ah! It's that again is it?

I've reached a decision.

Alec, I'm road-kill.

I don't mean a thing.

Lose me, you lose nothing.

Think, the press are after us.
It's only a question of time.

Sol issue a statement...

-It's simple.

Everything I've done, I've done in good faith.

My only interest has been
in safeguarding the Prime Minister's legacy.

No, Stirling, no!

However, unknown to you...

And this is the crucial part...

Unknown to you, I took money
from certain people in the States.

-But why not? It's a clean cut.

You know what that sounds like.

Unknown to me, you got dodgy money
and I'm so stupid I didn't even know.

-Alec, you know where this is going.
-No, I don't.

It's going where every
political scandal always goes.

The press doesn't give a fuck about issues,
they just want a kill.

Oh, clearly.

Well, here I am.

-I'm offering myself.

-And for one very good reason.

If I go, the screaming's over.

-But it doesn't work like that.
-Then how does it work?

If you give them fresh blood
then they always want more.

Now, a week ago you told me this wasn't important.

A week ago it wasn't.



Everything I do I do for my country.

Oh, and that makes it all right?

What did you say?


-Stirling, are you going weak on me?

-Are you going soft?

I'm the only person
who takes this threat seriously...

I take it seriously.

If you saw the files, if you saw the evidence,

I can't show you the stuff that I am seeing.

But the intelligence is frightening.

It is!

The people have a choice. Help me, or help them.

And now we're being told,

keep our hands tied behind our backs
while they kick our lights out!

Stick to the rules.

Bring on the lawyers, is that what you want?

No. What I want is for you to survive.

I want you to be Prime Minister
at this time next week.

That's what I want.

No, they won't get me. I'm ahead of them.

Always have been, always will be.

I'm sorry, sir. You really are needed.

That's the whole point, do you see?
They want both things.

Like children. They need me and they resent me.

Both things.

And before you do anything, speak to me first.


Well, the situation is quite clear,

everybody knows what is going on.

For days now the Prime Minister
has been evading our questions.

We have to conclude
he's not answering because he can't.

There are five questions
we have asked the Prime Minister

that he has to answer.

If he can't answer them he should say so,

and he should say so now.

If he can and there is a simple explanation,

then no one is going to be happier
than The Independent.

So, what do you think?

-He's wounded.

-Have you seen the five questions?
-I have.

"Has the Prime Minister
met with Church and Bethwaite?

"Did the Prime Minister know the murdered man?

"Did the Prime Minister
know of their donations to The Bridge?

"Was the Prime Minister aware of a network of
illegal detention centres built by Gladstone?

"Has the Prime Minister benefited
personally from Gladstone?"

They're not bad questions.

Has he said anything? In private? In cabinet?

He's refusing on the grounds of national security.

It's not going to wash.

-Are you sure?

I've known from the start.
From the minute I first saw the evidence.


I am going to have to rally round him, publicly.

If you feel it's necessary.

I do. Very much so.

Be careful.

-Careful of what?
-Your own future.

-Hostages to fortune.

How everything will look in a week.

How's Bill?

He's fine.

You're not going to divorce?

I'm not. Not yet.

Good. You shouldn't.

I won't.


Why do You ask?

What's that phrase about
getting your ducks in a row?

I will take one more question.
I hope I have already made everything clear.

I have returned all money
received from Gladstone

and I have personally
resigned from the foundation

to leave its reputation unharmed.

At all times Alec Beasley has been separated

from the day-to-day activities of The Bridge

and any criticism regarding
funding falls on me alone.

He shouldn't have done it. He didn't need to.

He said he was going to talk to me first.

Don't know, perhaps he
found the pressure unbearable.


Pressure is like whiplash, it doesn't exist.

I've made my decision.

We still need to find Worricker.

Until we find him, we're not out of this yet.

It's eerie.

It's quiet, yes.

Can we turn on the news?

-We heard it an hour ago.

-I wouldn't do that.
-Why not?

It's the road to destruction.


-You always look out for me.

-Where's Bernard?
-He's saying matins.

-No doubt alone.
-He doesn't mind.

He's talking to God.
He doesn't care if anyone's listening.

Why are you smiling?

I know you better than anyone knows you, Johnny.

I know where you're heading.

I can see your end game.


-He's gone.
-Who's gone?

-Stirling Rogers.
-Rogers has gone. What happened?

He's giving a press conference,
saying that the whole thing was his fault.

Better still, he's saying
the Prime Minister knew nothing.


He's walking right into the trap, it appears.

-You trust it? You think we've got him?
-Let's hope so.

Margot, don't touch it! I've got to go.

-Why not?
-You don't know who it's from.

-It's Julianne.
-It's not safe.

Leave it, we should have destroyed it.

-Yes, it's me.

I need to see you, desperately.

Are you in the country?

Something terrible's happened.

-Julianne, is the baby all right?
-Yes, yes.

But can you tell Dad I need to see him?

Yes, of course I will.

And he must call immediately
before you get here. Promise me.

Don't worry, we're on the way. See you soon.

OK, we are in business, it's good.
I think we've got 'em.

Where are they?

We've got a signal.

I'll know more in a minute,
but it seems to be Kent.

Johnny we have to go. Julianne says it's serious...

Hold on a minute, give me a moment to think...

There's no time to think.

She said, "Can you tell Dad I need to see him?"

Margot, we need to be careful.

Johnny, it's your daughter!

-I'm concerned the phone isn't safe.
-Oh, fuck the phone!

We can't go together.

What difference does it make?
When Julianne calls, you go.

Do you have a problem with that?

-How long have you been working on this?
-Four months.

-Just the four?

OK, good here we go. Here's the location.

Let's get going-

I vehemently reject all allegations.

But, I don't understand,

if you're innocent of everything,
why do you have to resign?

-Finally we've got them. Again.

-Where are they?
-He's in a rectory in Kent.

But he's coming into town to see his daughter.

Then please baby them in.

I'm sorry?

I don't want anyone moving towards them.

-I've been working on this for months.
-I know.

I thought the idea was we were
meant to be trying to catch them.

We are. But don't detain them.
Keep them under surveillance.

Keep your distance. That's an order.

Nobody's to go near them
until they get an order from me.

I don't believe this.

If there was any offence,
it's just from caring too much.



You OK?

-You were right. You were right to call us...
-It's Jez.


-How do you know?
-I've suspected for weeks.

Well, then, why didn't you tell me?

Why didn't I tell you?

Why do you think? Because you never ring!

And also, sorry, I don't want to live like that.

Being suspicious of everyone.

Jesus! Do I ever get a life
that's not about you?

"What does your father do?"

"Oh, I can't say, he's in the civil service."

As long as I can remember, "What's Dad doing?"

"Don't know. Can't say." You ruined Mum's life.

That's ridiculous.

You ruin the life of everyone you're close to.

I was in love with him!
You've never known what that means.

Human drama.

She doesn't seem happy.

-He did really work as a DJ?

-He did play in the evenings?

Everything else was a lie.
Like he said he'd be here for the birth...

-Which he won't.

-Never had any intention of being.

-Right from the start!

-Just leave me.

Every time she moves she gets closer to us.

-Can you hear anything?


Don't come near me! Don't touch me!

And then, when she's calm,
I'll have dealt with her.

That is not fair.

Why don't you just say,
"Julianne, I'm sorry, this is my fault"?

-Julianne, I know it's my fault.

Why do you think I'm in agony?

Oh, you're in agony? Oh, really?

Great. And for how long?

He's standing there.

Why can't we move in?

Can anyone tell me what's going on?


-Where are you?
-I am in London. I can't explain. It's a mess.

Sorry, comrade, but we need to jump five stages.

-I've just had a very interesting call.
-Who from?

I've got you a number. You need to call it.

Because he's ahead of us. He's nine miles ahead.

Is this who I think it is?

10 Downing Street.

My name is Worricker.

I think you'll find if you tell him,

the Prime Minister, will
want to have a word with me.

-What name again?
-Johnny Worricker.

Hold on, will you please?

Mr Finch, there's a man on the line
called Johnny Worricker...

Yes, thank you, please put him through.

Hello, who am I speaking to?

Is that you Mr Worricker?


I'm sure the Prime Minister
would like you to come in immediately.

-Come in?
-To Downing Street.

-Are you far away?

Not at all. Less than a minute.

Just one thing.

Could you come in the back?

My name is Johnny Worricker, I am expected.

OK, sir.

-Ah, here you are at last.
-Prime Minister.

The missing piece of the jigsaw.

You can leave us.

How was your spell as an émigré?


I'm sure.

I needed to see you one more time.

-Me too.

We had a good talk in Cambridge six months ago,

but then you went off
and did the very opposite of what I asked.

-You defied me.
-Sir, if I may.

Carry on.

I accept that in the circumstances
that I'm fair game, of course.

But my daughter's flat is being bugged.

An MI5 operative seduced her
when she was already pregnant.

My daughter isn't fair game.

Go after me, don't go after her.

I agree.

-I'm sorry?
-You're right.

Mutual hysteria.

Isn't it time it was defused?

I'll tell you what I've been thinking,

I've accomplished pretty much all I set out to do.

We've modernised the country

and we may even have alerted its people
to some of the dangers they face.

I don't understand. Are you resigning?

You're not getting my scalp,
if that's what you hope.

I'm not moving out, I'm moving up.

It's Iran we have to deal with now.

And I'm not fussy about what platform I work from.

Perhaps a sympathetic American President
means more to me

than an ambivalent British electorate.

You're planning to move on to another job?

-What job is that?

Consul General to Iran.

I run the peace talks.


Well... Preferably peace.

Answering to whom?

Financed by the Americans,
but given cover by the UN.

Forgive me, I'm not sure you're going to be
able to cut free as easily as that.

-Aren't you?

Is that a threat?

Not at all.

Tell me, are you running a campaign?

Because that's how it looks.

A single intelligence officer
determined to stop me.

What are you?

A loose cannon?

A traitor?

Well, then, what are you doing?

-Judiciously pointing out the dangers.
-Such as?

There's a new boss at the CIA.

-Yes, you're right.
-With new plans.

Wants to make a clean break.

The President's already had a word with him.

I think you'll find any future
CIA investigations into private contractors

will get bogged down pretty quickly.

People don't like investigating each other,

because they are aware that later
they may be investigated themselves.

If you talk to the President,
you'll find he's pretty clear on the subject.

After all, one day he's going to be
an ex-President too.

-And here?

-In the UK?

You don't think you face problems here?

Well, I don't see any.

My favoured successor is hardly likely
to waste her first hundred days

digging too deeply
into the financial affairs of The Bridge.

And to what end?

Anthea's experiencing a period
of personal good fortune.

Maybe you read about it?

When it comes to sleeping dogs,
Anthea's the kind who'll let them lie.

What is it they say?
"The establishment always wins."

You should know that. You're a distinguished
member of the establishment yourself.

What did you think we were going to do?

Bleach you?

We don't bleach people in England.

No home. No bank account. No security.

No way of life, hundred percent surveillance.

You know the drill.

You've done it to others, now, we'll do it to you.

What are you offering?

Good question.

An amnesty?


In the last few years

the government moved at a certain speed
because we faced an overwhelming threat.

This is the real world.

There's always a tension between aims and means.

Maybe even a contradiction.

I'll live with that. The question is, can you?

We need your silence.

I'm to be silent about lawlessness?

Permanently and guaranteed.

You've got to think what that means.

I've thought about it a great deal.

You make a deal, you go back on it...

In my world you only do that once.

Now, if you will forgive me
I have to go to the Palace.

I'd offer you a lift, but you might be conspicuous.

Anyway, I imagine you have to report
to that crapulous Scot in the park.

I don't report to him.


You say you'd like your daughter to be left alone.

-I would.
-And your girlfriend too, I should think.

She's a very interesting woman, isn't she?

This one really is something more
than run of the mill.

You're a lucky man, aren't you?

You never seem to suffer for your mistakes.

What a gift.

Oh, we're both cats who fall on our feet.


Mr Worricker's leaving.
We won't be seeing him again.

So, what's happening?

-He's quitting.

He moves onto Iran. It's a promotion.

Promotion? Is that what he's calling it?

This doesn't feel like a victory.
Why does this not feel like a victory?

Obvious. Because I don't think
we've ever been in control.

You're to call Jill Tankard. She wants to see you.

-Wherever you say.

-She knows I'm with you?
-Seems to.

Yes, well, of course. That fits. We've been used.

All the time they've known everything.

-Are you going to go?
-I don't know.

I'm trying to get hold of Julianne.
She not answering.


-I'm trying Margot.
-I left them together.



If you do see Jill, can you do me a favour?

Try and get me back in.

Welcome back.

I heard you had a nice time with Alec.


It's a shame you two never got close.

They always say it's difficult
if two men are too alike.

One of those boys' love-hate things, is it?

It's happening. Now.

-Even as we speak.
-What is?

He's seeing the Queen.

-You must be pleased.

Well, wasn't it your idea to bring him down?

It's interesting you should say that.

As a matter of fact, Jill,
I rather thought it was yours.

-Mr Worricker.

We haven't seen you for such a long time.

I've missed you too.

We still have a bottle of scotch in the back.

Do you mind fetching it?

I tell you, I had my suspicions
for quite a long time.


I noticed things were strangely easy,
as if our paths were being smoothed.

-I mean, the choice of Amber Page...
-What about her?

Never our most brilliant agent, was she?

She did the job.

Yeah, badly.

Amber did her best.

Yes, that's what I mean.

-And that business in Kiev...
-Kiev, yes.

Had your fingerprints all over it.

You think so? You liked that, did you?

I liked it, I wasn't sure
why Beasley had agreed to it.

It wasn't in his interest.

I didn't ask Beasley. I didn't need to.

How did you do that?

I've been a long time in Whitehall, remember?

I'm a databank, Johnny.

And, please, don't make this out
to be some sort of coup.

Why? Wasn't it?

No. I wouldn't dream of messing
with the electorate's wishes.

That's way above my pay-grade.

What would you call it then?

All I did was make some preparations.

That's all I did for an orderly hand-over,
as any good democrat would.

That's very good.

Thank you.

I smoothed the way.
I made what would have been difficult, easy.

What I don't understand... Why did you do it?

Beasley was on your side.
Your whole life. You owe him everything.

He was the one who put you in place.

-Why did I do it?

Simple. Same reason as you.

Johnny, I saw the evidence.

When I saw the evidence, I knew he was finished.

Ah, thank you, you're very kind.

It belonged to Mr Baron.

We didn't know what to do with it.

We all loved Mr Baron.

I'll look after it, thank you.

I miss him.

We all miss him.

Looking back at the events of the past few years,

I don't think either of us
has been wholly right or wrong.

Life doesn't work like that, does it?

I can see your point of view
and I suspect that you can see mine.

You know what I want for you?

I've got a fair idea.

You're the best intelligence analyst I ever met.

And I'm the best administrator.

The new Prime Minister's coming in

with warm feelings towards
the intelligence services.

You've made sure of that.


After what I've done for her,
these are going to be golden years.

We get everything we want.

I'd like you to join me.

You're forgetting, I've got other obligations.
People depend on me.

-What sort of people?
-My daughter.

I can promise, come back to work
and she won't be troubled again.


Well, I'm sure we can bring him back
into the fucking fold.

And most important of all,

there's Margot.

Ah, yes, Margot.

You hugging that scotch to yourself?

Hasn't worked out, has it, Johnny?

What makes you say that?

Come on, I mean, give us some credit please.
We are professionals.

You love falling in love, don't you?

Just not so good at being in it.

Come back to Millbank

and you're going to be able to
make her a very attractive offer.

What offer is that?

For the rest of her life,

she's going to be able to walk down the street

and not look behind her.

That's not nothing, Johnny.

I have a feeling she's going to take it.

You don't know her.

Oh, I think I do.

I am going to keep this statement brief.

I've always said I would leave office
at a time of my own choosing

and only when I had finished the job
that I was elected to do.

This is that time.

I leave you strong and I leave you secure.

...I'm very conscious of the sacrifices
this government has asked you to make...

Congratulations! You just brought down a government.

Did I really?

I know someone did but I'm not sure who.

...I will be resigning my seat
as a Member of Parliament immediately.

Any MP will tell you that
the most important people in their life

are the people who elect them.

Shall we go out and celebrate?

All right. I'll finish the story,
then, yes, let's go and get drunk.

What are you doing?

I was going to leave you a note.

What kind of note?

A goodbye note.

You knew it was coming.

I feared it. But I didn't know.

Where's Julianne?

-She's at the hospital.

It's all right. She doesn't want you to go.

'"All right"?

Why is it all right?

Because her mother's with her.

It's going to be a long labour.

Can I call?

No. She's still angry.

She says you can call in the morning.


Then I will.

And you? Where are you heading?

Oh. A start-up in Hong Kong.


Well, that's... That's a long way.

Yeah, well, I've been approached.

A guy I knew through Stirling.

He wants to sell clothes on the Internet.

He sees a gap in the market.

-Does he have a lot of money?
-Not a penny.

That's why he needs someone smart.

Margot, I made you a lot of promises
back in Turks and Caicos.

I want to keep them. Say the word and I will.

I knew, when it came down to it,
you'd always want to go back to work.

What, I just walk away from everything, do I?

Is that the right thing to do?

I don't think so.

These days, everyone feels powerless,
I understand that.

That's what they want you to feel.

But if we don't fight, who will?

Johnny, you know these people.

They slide around, they have nothing solid.

For them, it's simply one day to the next.

They believe what they have to,

and then when the time comes,
they believe something else.

For them, nothing is ever at stake.

Look, I know what you're saying,

but even so, if it's what you want,
I can get you back in.

I've watched you the last few months,
you're brilliant at it. You love it.


But I love you more.

It was quite an adventure, wasn't it?


-I wouldn't have missed it.
-Me neither.

I wish we'd done more.

No, Johnny, we did plenty.

I'm going in the morning.

Why don't you just leave?

I'll miss you.


I'll miss you too.

-All right. Very good. Very good.


I just want to say, it's far too early for me
to be making any decision about the future.

I'm part of a family
and I want to talk to my family first.

Meanwhile, let's remember Alec Beasley.

It's his night. Let's leave it with him.

Well done.
Big one now, big one.