Saint Seiya: Legend of Crimson Youth (1988) - full transcript

Abel the resurrected Sun-God has come to take her sister Athena with him and rule the world together, he plains to destroy humanity in the form of terrible natural disasters, Athena chooses freely to go with Abel. Seiya and the other bronze knights can't believe she has turned her back on them. Abel has his own group of warriors as well as some of the formerly deceased golden knights fighting on his side. The bronze knights will have to fight their way through them to find Athena and save her as well as the Earth.

[birds chirping]

[chimes playing]


[birds chirping]


[opening theme music]



[magical music]



[magical music continues]

[calm music]




[thunder striking]

[eerie music]








[intense music]


[intense music continues]

[harp music]

[harp music continues]






[Seiya groans]

[Seiya screams]


[both together]

[Seiya groaning]


[Seiya groans]

[Seiya continues groaning]

[tense msuic]

[Seiya groans]

[ll together]


[tense music]

[Seiya continues graoning]


[tense music continues]

-[seagulls squawking]
-[peaceful music]


[Seiya sobs]


[Seiya gasping]

[sad music]

[sad music continues]

[water flowing]


[peaceful music]

[birds chirping]

[Athena giggling]

[magical music]


[harp music]


[harp music continues]

[birds chirping]

[harp music]

[water flowing]

[loud bang]

[Athena screams]

[tense music]

[tense music continues]

[loud bang and Athena gasps]

[sad music]


[sad music continues]


[shouting and punching]




[soft music]

[soft dramatic music]



[wind howling]




[peaceful music]

[wind howling]

[Shun sighs]


[loud noise and shouting]



[dramatic music]



[tense music continues]

[Deathmask laughing]

[Shiryuu screaming]


[Deathmask laughing]


[Shiryuu screaming]


[all screaming]



[emotional music]

[Deathmask laughing]

[tense music]

[tense music continues]










[loud bang]




[Andromeda groaning]

[intruiging music]

[peaceful music]


[Aphrodite screams]


[Phoenix groaning]





[peaceful music]



[dramatic music]

[soft tense music]



[ice freezing]




[emotional music]


[emotional music continues]

[dramatic music and shouting]

[energetic music]









[loud explosion]

[shouting and explosion]


[tense music]

[Hyouga groaning]


[tense music continues]



[soft tense music]




[Atlas laughs]









[soft tense music]





[sad music]

[Atlas laughing]


[bell rings]

[wind howling]

[sad music continues]



[Seiya screaming]

[energetic music]








[shouting and groaning]

[soft music]

[peaceful music]


[peaceful music continues]



[massive explosive bang]


[tense music]





[dramatic music]

[peaceful music]



[peaceful music continues]

[closing theme music]