SOS Conspiracion Bikini (1967) - full transcript

Secret Organizational Service (S.O.S.) is an international crime syndicate, quite successful with their feminine agents operating under the guise of a fashion model agency led by Lady Bristol and her associate Luigi. The International Service is the governmental secret service decided to put a term to SOS's action. An agent has infiltrated SOS - but she is in danger, after sending a coded message to her supervising Inspector. So, agents Alex Dinamo is to join forces with Adriana, and give the undercover agent a hand.

April of 1954

Whoever may have seen it, looking towards the bay,

would think that it was just a simple fisherman.

No one could have imagined, that the binoculars contained a camera,

with which he recorded all that was happening in the bay.

The message from this simple fisherman,

was sent by letter to an agency in Paris.

The letter contained a coded message,

which was sent to the Central Intelligence Agency,

headquartered in the city of lights.

It was a microfilm, which had been attached to the letter in the form of a dot.

This is how a message was discovered, which could be read easily, with the aid of an amplification camera.

David: My God, why have you forsaken me?

The coded message was sent to the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Counter-espionage service.

The message was decoded and it revealed the routes of arms shipments being sent to Latin America.

The counter-espionage service took the necessary measures,

and thanks to a seemingly humble and simple fisherman,

They destroyed the plans of greatest terrorist plot in Latin America.

but, the agitators would not stand still.

They would attempt to fullfill their plans,

but, where, when, and why?

The Intelligence department had no clue.

"we would like to show our gratitude to the civilian and military authorities,"

"as well as all institutions and person that rendered their valuable assistance,"

"as to be able to make this production possible, in the natural scenery of the Republic of Ecuador"

Julio Aleman as Alex Dinamo


S.O.S. The Bikini Conspiracy

Written and Adapted by Rene Cardona Jr.

Swimwear by Peter Pan/ Designed by Oleg Cassini

Directed by Rene Cardona Jr.

Once again, you got carried away, Alex,

there was no need to risk yourself like that, we had them trapped.

I tought they would flee, and wanted to catch them red handed.

Well, and did you find out how they smuggled the drugs?

Yes, Inspector.

Look Inspector, inside the banana, and there is a good amount of it, don't you think?

Quite ingenious.

Now we have all the suspects.

They will spend a good amount of time in prison.

Alex, for your own good, don't get involved in my affairs.

They almost got away because you where too reckless.

Very well, Inspector.

I will heed your advice, for now.

But, you know, I have a date in Quito, and don't want to dissapoint.

Just one moment, Alex

be careful with the skirts, they only bring more complications.

you think?

We shall meet again soon, Inspector.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are now flying over the city of Guayaquil.

In a few minutes, we will land at Simon Bolivar Airport.

Peruvian Airlines thanks you for granting us the opportunity to serve you.

Please attach your seatbelts, and be attentive of the no smoking sign, thank you.

Is everything ready?

My dear Diana,we cannot afford the luxury of failure.

"Humboldt Hotel International"

"Peruvian Airlines"

Excuse me, madame, have you lost a key?

Yes, Quezal, I did not need your password to know who you are.

I have studied the files of all our members to perfection.

Is the plane ready?

Yes, Miss Bristol.

Let's go.

Where will the conference take place?

At the Quito Hotel.

Is that so?

Yes, all has been arranged, as instructed.

Have the models reported in?

Yes, they are traveling by commercial flight,

accompanied by Maddame Rapiee

All is well, Lucrecia?

The operation will take place in Quito.

Will our other agents have any problems?

No, all has been arranged, the only one that cannot pass trough customs is you,

you are too well known by the intelligence agency.

Very well, Lucrecia, I am now in your hands.

We wil go to Quito in one of the emergency planes.

And where shall we find it?

the secret landing strip is not far away.

What would you like?

Do you have loose American cigarretes?


Twentieth century brand?

only Fiteenth century.

Here, this is for you.

"In case of extreme circumstances, look for contact in Quito, code 00100"

When will we go into action?

It will be soon, the members will arrive today.

Agent one, S.O.S.

Got a light? My matches are wet.

I do.

I am Charlie, he is Sibor.

I know, I was expecting you.
How are you?

All has been arranged?

All, the meeting will be in Quito.

Shall we?


Your attention please,

Equatorian Aviation announces the arrival of flight 422 from Guayaquil.

Something for the press?

Please, tell us something about the convention.

Well,we have selected the best models.

and we will present the most exclusive of swimsuits.

I am certain it will be a big success.

As we all are.

A photo please, thanks.

"The Beach Club"

No, wait, Adriana!

Hold it, Adriana, its me!

I can see you!

My goodness, I know you have improved, but, you almost broke my neck.

Then why do you startle me?

I'll buy you a drink

When did you return?

I just came in.

This is my first night off.

is it?

First night?

Do you accept that drink?

Then we shall meet tonight!

Say, Adriana, come here, wait!

Oh, excuse me.


Inspector, what are you up to?

Same as you, admiring the bikinis.

Well, I doubt you would have come to Quito just for that.

I also doubt you came for the same.

You know that wherever there are beautiful women, I shall be there.

I'll buy you a drink.


And, tell me, Inspector, how did your ....

You where saying?

No, I have a prior engagement, I will see you later.

Did you have any problems?

No, everything is rolling along, Ms. Bristol.

Except for one thing, that girl, I have seen her somewhere else.

Which one?

The red head.

A member of the International Service?

I do not know, but it is something we must find out.

There is no time for that, there is but one solution.

There is, we must not take any risks.

Truly, I am having the best of luck.

This is my first night off.

What did you say your name was?

I didn't say.

Well, it does not matter, a name is not that important.

It seems you do not like to waste any time.

Of course not.

Then what are you doing here? you will accompish nothing here.

Well, It will have to be enough to just admire the view.

I tought you would have been more daring.

You are right, I am actually quite shy.

Tell me, are you still free tonight?

Of course!


No, wait!

Yes, he is quite free for the night!



Yes, Luigi?

Come immediatedly, I must speak with you.

I am coming, just a moment.


What is wrong, why so nervous?

Its one of the models, I remember her from somewhere, but don't know where!

Which one?

The red headed one.

You are imagining things, Luigi, she is one of our must trusted models.

Do you think that all the precautions our organisation has taken, are useless?

Its that we must not take any risks.

Has it dawned on you that it is insane for all of us to remain here, together?

Any slight error, can finish our organisation, with one blow.

You know it is necessary.

I have been working here for the last two months, and nothing abnormal has happened.

All is rolling along, please Luigi, do not worry.

Say, Lucrecia, when do you go on stage?

In just a moment,

Don't you enjoy seeing me as an entertainer in a night club?

You would enjoy it even more to see me as a designer of swimwear.

can you help me , please?

May I?


I must congratulate you.

You swim quite well.

I have already thanked you, what else can I say to you, Mr. Dinamo?

Ah, you know my name, that means you have heard of me.

You are wrong,I only know your name, and I am not interested in knowing you.


Where where you, I was looking for you.

Its just that I came out for a stroll on this wonderful night.

to take in the fresh air, and to gaze upon the moon.

A moon in a blue bikini? are wrong, Adriana.

Excuse me, Madame, I forgot my bracelet.


Please give this to Mr. Dinamo, at the casino.

No more bets.

three red

I will teach you how to win at this game.

You don't say. it seems I always loose when you are along.


Listen to me, I am an expert.

No more bets.

seven red

Oh my, that is the only time I did not play seven red and now it comes up.

and its all your fault for interrupting me, just when I was going to play seven red.

Do not worry, we will win now, on seventeen.

No more bets,

ten black.

Ah, so you are quite the expert, eh?

Now you will believe.

Tokens please.

Unfortunate in games of chance, fortunate in games of love.

Lets put that theory to the test.

Mr. Dinamo, a message

seventeen black

We won!

We won, Alex!


Seventeen black, we won!


Fortunate in games of chance, unfortunate in games of love.

we won.

What, thats all?


Ok then



You where splendid.

Truly, you looked marvelous.

Enough with the complements, you know that there is no room for them between us.

What time is the meeting?

Tonight at midnight.

And Uli?

He is carrying out a small mission.

You are becoming quite the dangerous Cassanova.

Me? Why do you say that?

I have my reasons.

Should I bring Mr. Dinamo's car?

No, bring mine!

Adriana, wait!


What happened to are quite the mess.

I was trying to stop a man from shooting a woman.

Who was he?

I do not know, It was dark.

And who was she?

Don't know, I only saw her shadow.

Oh, sure.

Ah,I see, there goes your "ghost."


Forgive me, I tought it was one more of your tricks.

Oh, the message.

Get in, quick, tonite, we shall dance at the Crazy Horse.



zero zero one hundred

So, it was you.

I have something very important to inform you,

but now it is much to dangerous, I am being followed.

I will contact you,


Excuse me, miss, did I harm you?

No, not that much.

Now you will tell me that you had another fight, and someone tried to kill you, right?

Of course, look...

We have been waiting three minutes for you.

Excuse me . Ms. Bristol but...

There is no time for explanations!

We will begin our business.

Our best weapon has been and always will be, terrorism.

It has given us great results in countries that are already under our control.


but what has happened in the countries where you work?


Absolutely nothing.

Only some skirmishes and nothing conclusive.

This is why we are meeting here.

Report to me your activities.

I will advise you of new systems, and new weapons.

Where is that red head?

She went out a few minutes ago, Madame.

The red head was here with us.

She was in a hurry, but did not say where she was going.

If she is not here on time, you start the show with the special design, allez, allez!

Yes, Madame, I will be ready.

And you follow with the "Springtime Dream" design!

And then in the rehearsed order.

Yes, Madame.

Where where you!

At the beauty salon, Madame.

You are so late, we are about to start!

Yes, Madame.

Good luck, girls, and don't get nervous.

Say, don't you think its lovely?

My dear Adriana, I have had no time to admire the swimsuits.

No doubt our convention has been a success.

We needed a convention such as this,

We will coordinate our plans, and correct misteakes.

This design is so lovely, right?

I think its precious.

I am refering to...

the bikini, yes, thats what I said.

This one is also lovely, but I just don't like the color.

Don't see what's wrong with the color, its wonderful.

This was an idea formidable, if it wasn't for...

there is nothing to worry about, all has been taken care of, Madame.

"Tonight, San Francisco Convent"

May I be informed at what time the date starts?

Take a look.

Quite mysterious for a love date, don't you think?

Come on, we are next.

Ok, Ok, if you want to stick your nose in this, go ahead.

It is enough that there are skirts involved for you to be interested.

but let me tell you this,

we will find out nothing, untill we know all of the victim's background.

unless you know something, Alex.

What do you know?

Not much, Inspector.

I only know who killed the model.

And if you know, why not spit it out?

It was...the murderer.

Ah, another one of your bad jokes.

May I look trough your notes?

And what is it to you about my notes?

No, I am refering to the documents of the murdered model, may I see them?

What are you doing?

Making sure of the authenticity of these documents.

I am sorry to tell you, Inspector, It will be very difficult to identify the victim.

Ah, so you mistrust the efficiency of the police?

Nothing like that.

To the contrary, they deserve all my respect.

But what I can assure you, is that , these documents, are fake.

Are you sure?

A ha, absolutely.

What are you doing?

taking some pictures.

No doubt, you are quite ingenious.

But this gadget has never done you any good.

You think, Inspector?

Very well, I will take a look around, and will keep you informed.

One moment.

Remember, no violence, so anything comes up, notify my immediatedly.

Do not react on your own.

No worries.

Come here please

Yes, Inspector?

I want these documents analysed, and duplicate the passport photo.



Keep an eye on Dinamo, I do not want him complicating things.

He knows something, inform me of all his movements, understood?

Yes sir.

Go ahead.

Well, very well.

I see you have learned quickly, Adriana.

Thank you, Madame.

Remember no to think of what has happened, it was horrible, but it has passed.

We cannot do anything for her now, let this be a lesson.

Surely,it was one of those, crimes of passion.

Go change, we must see the next designs.

Good morning, Madame Rapee.

Look, I admit no one to interrupt my work.

So, if you are here to see your friend, it is best for you to leave,

and dont come here again. Allez!

I am sorry, I do not know what friend you are talking about?

She is talking about me.

Ah, I see you got a job, I am glad.

Yes, but not for long, If you do not leave immediatedly!

Ok, Madame, In reality, the only thing I wanted, was to interview the models.

Are you une, police?

Not exactly...

They have undergone all kinds of questioning,

And I do not want the girls to be nervous with what happened, so leave!

In that case, please forgive me, I will bother you no more, Excuse me.

Ok girls, lets go.


who is it?


I want to ask you some questions.

Come in, the door is open.

grab a drink, relax, I will be out soon.

Why did you take so long?

I have been expecting you.

I will explain...

I will explain the reason for my visit.

Reasons do not matter.

I only want you to answer some questions about...

It will be best for you to ask nothing.

Can you pour me a drink?



If you like.


I only want you to answer one question.

Would you like it if I told you...that I like you?

What do you know about her?

Oh, you are refering to the murdered girl.

The same.

I know many things.

Tell me.

I know she was a model,

who came to a swimsuit designer's convention.

What else.

And that she was murdered.

The only thing I don't know is who did it.

Are you satisfied?

No, I am not.

Surely, you will be.


he is in the elevator.

its stoped on the second floor.

Open up, Laura.

Need something?

I want some info on the murdered girl.

Please sit down, Mr...


Please, sit



Very kind of you.

Do you understand the incovenience we have had with the police inquiry?

We are not used to that line of inquiry.

But I will be delighted to cooperate,

with what little I know.

Hopefully, it will be of use to punish the perpetrator.

Ms. Bristol, I would like to know about you.

I will spare you from a long line of questioning


Give him what I dictaded persuant to the case.

Here you have all I know about the unlucky girl.

When she was hired, how we met her, etc.


I will ask for you to bother me no longer, Mr...

What did you say your name was?

Forget it, it is not important.

Show him out.


I need a secretary just like you,

when you wish to resign, know that I await you with open arms, eh.

I would like to have you as a boss,

but I am quite pleased with my current job.

Good bye, Mr. Dinamo.

I do not like that guy.

Easy, Pascual, easy.

I am tired of this lack of activity!

C3, go ahead.

S.O.S. Reporting

S.O.S. Reporting

Alex Dinamo is headed your way.

Follow instructions, follow instructions.


With joy I would split that bastard's head with a single blow!

There is no need to listen to our conversation in that manner, Mr. Dinamo.

we have nothing to hide.

Very well, in that case, I only wish for you to answer some questions related to...

We know about what.

Here is all you need to know about the matter,

I hope that our data will help you resolve the case,

and punish the perpetrator.

This is quite queer,

those same words I have heard from the lips of,

Ms. Bristol.

I can see that you have quite the perfect organization.

Oh no, no, Mr. Dinamo,

we are men of action, businessmen, executives of important corporations,

and we are not acustomed to wasting our time!

What's the matter, Alex?

Are you still dedicated to investigating?

Or to have fun taking plunges fully dressed?

That is correct, Inspector,

can't you see I am trying out the swimsuit I will model at the conference?

Good morning, Alex

Good morning.

Come in,

I was expecting you.


I regret I can only offer you...this.

But I believe it may interest you.

Ah, as I can see, you lot waste no time.

we are men of action, businessmen, executives of important...,

Of important corporations, I know.

I know the script well.

To tell the truth, your organization is too perfect for a plain conference.

But not that smart.

We shall meet again soon.

Mr. Dinamo,


I did not know that not only are you efficient, and a good observer, you are a photo enthusiast.


May I see your lighter?

My lighter?

Yes, your photographic device.

Very well, you lot already found out?

I only wanted to take pictures of the important people attending the conference.

That was all.

Mr. Dinamo

It is logical that you should fail as a vulgar detective,

unlike us, who are specialized agents.

So I would suggest for you to not move!

It was a good idea of yours, that.

My picture could have been identified by the intelligence service,

but I can assure you, that will not be so.

Freeze, Mr. Dinamo!

It seems you fail to understand that behind this book is a machine pistol with silencer, ready to fire.

Very well, I will demonstrate.


Report in.

Calling HQ,

calling HQ?

Go ahead, Lucrecia.

We have Dinamo.


hand him over to S.O.S. so they can take care of him.

S.O.S. recieving,

Agents S.O.S. one and S.O.S. two bring Dinamo onboard, alive, or dead if necessary.

General advisory! General advisory!

We will hold a meeting immediatedly, over.

Mr. Dinamo, thanks to you, we will have to rush our plans.

Take care of him!

Very well,

shall we?

I am sure that all this is very risky for our organization.

Well then, we have to get ready for the meeting, we do not have much time.

Follow them!

Agent S.O.S four to unit one, respond unit one.

Agent S.O.S four to unit one,attention unit one,

Unit one, go ahead.

You are being tailed by a car,You are being tailed by a car!


Quickly, accelerate, we must loose them!

Ok then, go take a break, I will let you know if we have another test.

Miss Diana, one moment, I must speak with you.

Yes, Madame

Attention, attention, this is Lucrecia reporting, we have Adriana, you may pick her up.

Yes, Madame?

Do not be frightened, Miss, you are only going to serve as company, to your friend Dinamo.

We do not want any risks.

It is best for you to not resist, dear.

Freeze or I shoot, darling.

Take her.

I will take care of her later, personally.

Kill him!

I will.

Watch out!

Are you ok, Dinamo?

I am, Inspector, this is bigger than you can imagine.

We are facing an S.O.S. cell.


Secret Organisational Service.

What are they looking for here?

I do not know, Inspector, but we must not waste time.

Have your men sorround the hotel and wait there,

to await my signal.

May I use one of your motors?

Alex, please, no need to risk yourself further.

We can catch the lot of them.

We will do that, Inspector,

but I do not want to loose the opportunity to nick the entire organization.

Unfortunatedly, my only withnesess, are in there.

Relay the order to alert patrol units.

The weapon's shipments will be sent from different points,

and we shall use different codes for each shipment.

In the envelopes in front of you, you will find a microfilm with codes,

With the instructions and funds needed, to head to the countries you have been assigned.

Our contacts will be the same, and the plans you are already aware of.

We shall begin as soon as possible.

You all understand the methods to carry out our plans,

based on the ideologies and peculiarities of the chosen countries.

and now, I need only remind you, that the key to our success, is in your hands.

Gentlemen, our meeting is concluded.

To remain another day here is dangerous. Be brave , and good luck

S.O.S. in general meeting, go ahead.

Agent four reporting distress call.

Unit one has crashed, units one, two, and three have perished.

Alex Dinamo escaped and is headed your way.

Police is mobilizing to cordon off the building.

Stop them!

Impossible to carry out plan one and leave Quito by plane.

We leave to Guayaquil by land, and carry out plan two,understood?


They shot from that roof top, but escaped.

It will not be for long.

Pick up our comrade's body, the rest of you, follow me!

Lets go!


One of your men must stay here, no one must leave the hotel!

You heard him, disconnect both elevators!


Yes, Inspector.

This way.

We are too late, Inspector.

Search the entire hotel, they must not be far.

Let's go!


Listen, Inspector, it's Adriana's beacon, we have a lead,come!

Based on the distance and heading, they are driving towards Guayaquil.

To Guayaquil, are you sure?

That is what I believe, Inspector.

Hold all flights, no one must leave.

Advise the patrol boats,

we will comb the entire Guayaquil.

Is she ready, does she have petrol?

Yes sir, shall I accompany you?

I would not recommend it.

Quickly, push off the boat.

Call the pilots and advise them to be ready.

Yes. Ms. Bristol.

HQ to flies, HQ to flies, HQ to flies

Flies to HQ, go ahead.

This is an emergency, have plane 336 ready to carry out plan two.

We will carry out plan two.

Have them send a plane to cover us if needed.

Send a plane to protect us if necessary, on the river.

Understood, we will be ready.

Captain, radar registers a light craft that is closing in fast to our stern.

Its Dinamo.

Prepare arms!


Attention, light helicopters,patrol entire sector.

Attention, Yacht club, attention, Yacht club.

Viking calling Yacht club, over.

Yacht club, Yacht club answering, go ahead Viking.

Miss, call the police Inspector,

advise him that I am chasing the yacht, of the S.O.S. organisation,

twelve miles high, by the Salty Estuary, twelve miles, over

Understood, Mr. Dinamo.

Understood, out.

One moment, we will finish him my way,

fetch the girl!

untie her.

here, were he can see her.

Mr. Dinamo, get closer if you dont't want something to happen to your partner.

Hide your weapons,

when he gets close,we will anihilate him.

Fire, finish them!

Attention, amphibian fly to HQ,

Go ahead fly.

We are ready at the estuary to carry out plan two,

We are ready at the estuary to carry out plan two,

Plane one is in the air, over.

Deploy the amphibian and prepare rockets for action.

Alert the coast guard, be alert.

lets go.

Carefull with that grenade!

rudder full starboard, rudder full starboard!

ram the girl, ram the girl!

She must not escape, ram the girl!

Attention, this is amphibian fly, amphibian fly to HQ, over.

Respond, what is happening?

Take care of that boat while we disenbark at the landing strip,

Take care of that boat while we disenbark at the landing strip.

I got you!



You are crazy!

They would anihilate us all!

Stop the boat.

The planes where intercepted at the clandestine airfield,

I caught them like wasps in a nest!

you caught them...

We caught them, Inspector.

Eh...well, yeah, we caught them.

Well then, no need to argue, I will treat you to a bottle of champagne at the bar, shall we?


The End

Subtitles by Jose Jimenez 03/18/2012