Route 9 (1998) - full transcript

When two small-town deputy sheriffs stumble onto a crime scene where a drug buy had gone bad and everyone was shot dead, they discover a suitcase full of cash - $1.5 million. They decide to take the cash and cover-up the theft by burning the car the cash was in. However, things take a turn for the worse when they discover that one of the men is still alive and he has overheard their plans. They then have to suffocate him to stop him from revealing their plans. Things get even worse though when the DEA shows up and tell them that the man was one of their agents and he was wired. And then things take another bad turn when the coroner, who first received the body, discovers the tape first, switches it and wants a 50% cut.


[Western music]

[dramatic music]

[bird squawking]

[dog barks]

[muffled radio music]

You gonna shake his hand?

Would you shake his hand, man?

Or atleast give him a little nod or a wink or something.

You know?

What do you think?

I think we're lost and I gotta take a leak.

Hold it.

I mean, this is a courtesy before a business deal.

Otherwise you might be insulting.

How about if I bow, that work for you?

Yeah, that's cool. That's good.

Why, is this guy Japanese or something?

Just shut up and relax.

[muffled radio music]


There it is.


[muffled radio music]

Where are they?

They'll be here.

See? I told you you could hold it.

Maybe you'd like to hold it for me.


[engine revving]

Here they come.


[western music]


You got what we came here for?

I believe we do, amigo.

[flute music]

[Western music]

Now we're just gonna test the merchandise

and we'll be on our way.

My word's not good enough for you?

Standard procedure, bro.


I don't like getting ripped off.

Spitting on a man's reputation is standard procedure?

Okay, nothing personal, alright?

Now where the hell is--

You didn't answer my question!

Come on, man.

Is my word not good enough?

I guess it's fair to say that I don't give a flying

fuck about your word.

Alright, cowboy?

That answer your question?

Now I'm gonna test the shit like we planned and

if you have a problem with that, that's just too

fucking bad.

I have a better plan.

Why don't you give us what you have and leave?



What, am I not speaking English here?


Why don't you give us what you got and get the fuck out?

[cocks gun]

Oh, fuck.

I take it that's enough?

Don't do this, man, alright?

Don't be stupid.

Do not be stupid.

First your question my integrity then you call me stupid?

That hurts my friend.




Get down!












[glass breaking]


Oh, fuck!






[suspenseful music]

[gunshot] [groans]

[suspenseful music]


[western music]

What time is it?

It's 3:30.


We still have time.


That's a mighty nice offer, ma'am.



Up, up, up, up, up.

You know, maybe if I got a bigger panel or maybe if I

put one in the window, this could do better.

You're really gonna start playing with that now?


I gotta go to the bank.

What for?

Take out some money.

Are you thinking of buying me something?

Something expensive?

Hmm, no.

Not that I wouldn't, darling, but Earl's in a bind.

I gotta take his truck.


He's irrespomsible.

Yeah, well.

He'd do the same for me.


Has he?


But he would.

I think Earl oughta borrow from Dwayne, not from you.

What are you talking about?

It's just that Dwayne makes 45,000 dollars a year.


Did I ever tell you that?

Yes, about a million times.

Well, his contract is up next year.

Maybe you can try for it and then you can be making 45,000.

Sweetheart, that job's got a lot of pressure, you know?

That's the problem with you, Booth.

You've got no ambition.

I've got ambition coming out of my ears.

I mean, there's a lot of stuff I'm working on here.

Like uh, this uh...

accelerator idea.

You never finish any of these.


What about Velcro?

Booth, you didn't invent Velcro.

No, but I was right about it, wasn't I?


You don't have to convince me.

It's just that you're always talking about

wanting to run off.

You can't just run to a tin trailer and a black

and white TV, you know?


[western music]

Trying to help you out here.

I know, I appreciate that.

Yeah, it's been two weeks already.

I'll get you on pay day.

You better get me on pay day.

I will.

I'll be in touch, Earl.

Don't you worry about it.

You can trust me.

You're not borrowing from Booker again, are you?

Hell no, I'm through with that lizard.

I hope so.


Hey, you're late, partner.

Yeah, I know.

I'm sure you have a good reason.

I have a very good reason.

Yeah, I bet.

You're walking like you do.

That's right 'cause I'm a man.


Now this is what I'm talking about.

They had a drive-by in Reno.

A drive-by.

We never get anything like that.


Afternoon, Jess, Dwayne.


How's that coffee, Jesse?

Hey, look at this, guys.

Last week, they had a double suicide.

That's what the people at the papers say, I have my

doubts about the media.

Oh, you do, do you?

Yes, I do.

See, that sheriff staff over in Reno, it's just

too overworked.

Not unless you're sharp.

There's just too many that a murder can look like a suicide.

Or even natural causes.

There we go again.

Now, me...

I'd put my money on potassium.

Easy to purchase, hard to detect.

Just pump enough in and blam-o.

You got yourself one heck of a cardiac arrest.

You know, Jess, you spend too much time around those

sickos in stiffs.

You need to get yourself a little senorita of your own.

Like my Sally.

Now there's a woman.

Honest, good looking, good cook.

Got a body that won't quit.

Don't you guys be looking.

Well, hello there.

Hello, boys.


-Jesse. -Sally.


There is nothing like the touch of a fine woman.

I'll let your meat loaf, deputies.

What'd you bring me?

Speaking of meatloaf...

[muffled chatter]

Yes, ma'am.

You ready to head out, partner?

Oh, yeah, you bet.

Oops, here. I almost forget.

Don't spend it all in one place.

Rock solid.

I knew you'd come through.

What the hell's that all about?

Drug deal.

Pay it no mind.

[western music]

0-1, are you out there? Over.

Yeah, this is 0-1, Trudy, what's up? Over.

Got a call from Sam Deegan.

His dog, Otis, ran off again.

Probably same place as last time.


Alright, roger that.

We'll take a swing down Route 9, past the Old

Tucker Inn and see if we can find him.


I knew you'd help.

You boys are the best.

Over and out.

The best, what?

Chaperones for a horny Irish setter?

Don't tell me your momma ain't proud.


Thanks for that 500 bucks.

I'll pay you back later this week, I promise.

Yeah, I hope so.

Made a pretty big dent in the old account.

I would ask my sister, but it's better leave family out.

Always leads to trouble.

I hear you.

You know what Otis needs?

Some kind of doggie tracking device, run off a

satellite maybe.

I'll bet there's a lot of dog owners out there

that'd pay a lot of money for something like that.

Now that's just how Edison got started.

A low jack for dogs?

No, the smart invention.

You wanna get ahead in life?

That's what you need.

That's the trouble with you, Earl.

You got no ambition.

I got plenty of ambition.

Anyway, talk is cheap.

You tell me one thing you actually really, truly invented.

I'll do better than that.

I'll show you.


What's that supposed to be?

Button down pins.

Turns any shirt into a button down collar.

Okay now, say you want a buttoned down look.

Presto, you got it.

What about the holes?

What about them?

Buttoned down collars have buttonholes, too, you numb nut.

Not just the buttons.



Nobody's gonna notice that.

I would, just did.

Yeah, well what have you ever invented, smart guy?


There's no gain in it.

Some fancy ass lawyer will come along and gobble up

all the proceeds.


I'm putting my money on cosmetology.


Oh yeah.

That's right.

That's the wave of the future, friend.

People are gonna have more time and money, but the

same old ugly ass face.

Getting their colors done, makeup, facials, tintings.

How come you know so much about that?

I've been reading up.


That's right.

Hey, don't you start.


Well, hey.

I'm gonna be rich long before you are.

Yeah, I'll take that bet.


Hey, boy!



Earl, what is that?

It ain't Otis.

[suspenseful music]

This guy hasn't been dead very long.

There's more.

[suspenseful music]

Out of towners.

Arizona plates.

[flute music]

The car's been shot to shit.

Never seen anything like this, Earl.



I think they're all dead, Earl.

Let's call it in, huh?

Get some help out here.

I think you better come over here first, partner.



Look at that.

There must be a million dollars in there.

No, I think more than that, Earl.

This is crazy.



-Wait a minute. -Huh?

What are we gonna do?

What do you mean, what are we gonna do?

I mean...

What are we gonna do?

We're gonna call it in to Trudy, why?

Why, are you kidding me?


No, we can't, we can't.

Look around you, partner.

You said yourself you never saw anything like it.

Yeah, but we don't know where this money came from.

They might have robbed a bank or--

Robbed a bank, come on!

Don't you think we would've heard if a bunch

of guys were at large?

Don't you think they'd put out a bulletin?

This is a big ass drug deal.

No, we don't know that.

We don't know that.

Come on, Booth.

Look at these scumbags.

They don't need money anymore.

You know what I mean?

Let's take it and get out of here.

Somebody's gonna find them.

It won't be us.

It won't work!

Why not?


I told Trudy we were coming down this way.

That's why.

We'll figure something out.

You wanna know the next time you're gonna come

face to face with a couple million dollars in cash, Booth?


Now you were the one talking about ambition.

We'd never have to worry about money ever again.


Think of the things you could do.

Somebody's gotta know about this money and

they're gonna ask questions.

Earl, could you stare someone right in the eye

and lie about it?

You're damn straight.

Hey look, Booth, I'll worry about that when it

happens, if it happens.

And it ain't gonna happen.

How can you be so sure?


I know.

It's no accident we stumbled on this money.

It's an answer to a prayer.

Every night and every day I prayed to god to just

help me out a little, just give me a little push.

Knock and the door will open.

Today, my prayer came true.

I see.

So god's like Western Union and uh...

and he decided to drop us a couple million bucks.

That's right.

And then he killed the delivery guys.

They killed themselves.

Besides, they were breaking the law.

This is the breaking the law, too, Earl.

But what they were doing was wrong.

You know what I mean.

What's the matter, Booth?

Don't you believe in miracles?



This could change our lives.

No more going nowhere.

Forget about inventions, forget about cosmetology.

This is real.

This is right here.

Man, Earl, I don't know.

Think about what it would mean to you.

To Sally.

To the two of you.

Oh, come on, Booth.

If you won't do it for me, do it for her please?

Pretty please.

Wait, just wait a minute, okay?

I just gotta think.


[suspenseful music]


Did you touch the car?


Who cares?

I do!

And you should!

It's little shit like that that sends people to jail.

You remember, police work?

Post-police work.

Like Dwayne can find his way out of a closet with

his hand on the knob.

We pull this off, we gotta cover all the bases.


Alright, we will.

We'll cover all our damn bases.

We'll torch the bases, how's that?

What do you mean, torch 'em?

We'll leave some money in the trunk and take the rest.

It'll look like the car went up in the gun fight

with the money.

I don't know.

Come on, Booth.

Let's do this while we can.

I'm telling you, partner, it's destiny.

It's fate.

And I'll tell you this, as I live and breathe, I'm

donating ten percent to charity right off the top.






One million, five hundred thousand.

Sweet mother, we're millionaires.


Oh, that's right.

We'll leave a few.

I got one condition.

What's that?

We're gonna be patient.

We're not gonna spend this money.

We're not gonna bank this money.

We're not even gonna think about this money until

after everything's blown over and we can leave town

without anybody suspecting anything, alright?

Okay, we won't do any of that shit.

Atleast not for now.

Stick the money in the trunk.

[dramatic music]

Get down.

Hurry up!


[dramatic music]

I'm so damn proud of you, partner.

Let's call this sucker in.

[dramatic music]

I'll get him as fast as I can.

Just past Saw Mill Road?

Uh, yup.

The old Tucker Ranch, just south of mile marker 187

and on Route 9.

Roger that.


Over and out.

Hey, look at this.

Huh? Just like I told you.

When are you gonna learn to trust my instincts?

First thing I'm gonna do is go down to Reno.

Get a nice penthouse suite for myself.

Couple of high-priced hookers, and some slow

roasted prime rib!

-Hot damn! -What are you talking about?

We have a deal.

When the time comes that is.

Hallelujah, Booth!

We are set.

Set for life.

Alright, alright, calm down.

What are you gonna do?

You and Sally gonna move?

I don't know.

Honestly, I'm putting this out of my mind and you should, too.

You're right.


What the hell was that?

I don't know.


Can you hear me?

Son of a bitch.

He saw everything, Earl.

How long you've been lying there playing opossum on us, huh?

Answer me.

Easy, Earl!

He can't talk.

He'll tell them everything to save his ass.

That's how some lawyer will get him off and we'll be screwed.

Now how much did you hear?

What did you hear?



I don't think he's gonna make it, Booth.

Wait a minute, partner.

I'm not letting some scumbag send me to jail.

I can't risk it.

I never killed a man, I never even shot at one.


Neither have I.

But it's him or us.

If he talks or writes a note or whatever, he's

gonna turn us in.

Besides, he's a low life scumbag.

He's bleeding real bad.

He's gonna die anyway.

We're just gonna speed up the process a bit.

I can't, I can't.

Alright, then. I'll do it.

No! That's not what I mean.

You wanna go to jail.

Taking evidence, tampering with a crime scene?

You know what they'll do.

Nobody's gonna miss your sorry ass anyhow.




This is a fight.



[dramatic music]

Come on, Booth!

Give me a hand here!



Come on, give me a hand!

Earl, they're coming.


-They're coming. -Damnit.

Damnit, Earl!

They're almost here.


-Okay, Booth. -Over here.

Hey, Lisa.

What do we got, Earl?

We got a live one here.

He's unconscious with a weak pulse.

That's all we need to get him back.

Have you seen any movement?

Well, he was moving when I tried to stabilize him,

clear his throat.

Oh okay! Sir?

Sir, can you hear me?

I'm not getting a radio pulse.

I still feel in the carotid.

Let's intubate him.

Dwayne's on his way.

Is that safe?

Yeah, yeah, I think it's okay.

What the hell happened?

Oh, trucks full of coke.

They're not from around here.

One of 'em still alive, but maybe he can tell us.

Yeah, maybe.

Pupils are fixed and dilated.

He's not breathing. We need the bag.


[indistinct chatter]

Can you give us a hand?

On my three. Ready?

One, two, three.


We'll take it from here, Earl.


I got this side.

Got it?

-Yeah. -Go.

Everyone clear back.

Coming through.

Let's go.

Did you get ID?


Oh, none of them had any.

Okay, we're locked in.

He's not getting enough oxygen.

I gotta talk to the ER.

Let's get an IV ready.

Okay, trauma center, we're on our way in with a

critical gunshot wound to the chest.

We're gonna need a lot of blood.

I need help.

I'm losing carotid pulse.

Okay, got it.


Come on, come on.


He's slipping.

You've come this far.

Come on, buddy.

Come on, buddy.

-Hang in there. -Slipping.

Stay with us.

Doctor Segundo.

-Alright, let's call it. -Damn.

TOD 17:34.

[dramatic music]


You did your best, Earl.

It's a damn shame.

[hawks squawks]

[dramatic music]

Too bad we lost the live one.

Yeah, it's too bad.

Seven dead.

I've never seen anything like this.

I'll tell you, boys.

This is gonna make the papers tomorrow.

It's about time something excited happened around here.

Oh, look at Dwayne.

He's acting like a regular bloodhound.

Well, it's past my cocktail hour.

I'll see you boys in the morning.


Goodnight, Jess.

[dramatic music]


I'll tell you.

That was amazing how things turned out.

It's a miracle.

Stop talking about miracles.

You ever hear of blasphemy, Earl?

We just tried to murder someone.

We didn't kill him.

He died on his own.



Hey, Booth, listen.

Just gotta calm down.

It'll be alright.

Come on, look at this.

Jesse's right.

It's gonna be a big story.


I don't like having this much money around.

It makes me nervous.


I'll keep it at my place.

Forget it.

We're gonna bury it.

Doggone it, Earl.

No one hears a worda bout this.


-Deal. -Okay.

[dramatic music]

Okay, that's good.

[folk music]

What are you doing?

A little won't hurt us.


Now we're even.

That comes out of my half.

I'm holding you to that.

[folk music]

Stow away your secret jewels in your secret

treasure jewelry box.

No, ma'am. You should avoid all types of travel.

Uh-huh, air, rail, especially auto.

[phone ringing]

But I do see a visitor.

I see a dark-haired stranger bringing good news.

[phone ringing]

Well then maybe his hair is dyed.

Look, ma'am. I'm a professional.

You just have to go with it.

Wait, I'm sensing something else.

Can you hold on a sec?

Psychic phone line.

Horoscope or reading?

Hey, honey.

Hi, baby.

You know not to call on this line.

Yeah, well you weren't picking up the other one so.

I'm sorry, it's been crazy all day.

Yeah, really?

I heard about what happened.


It was all over the news.

Dwayne was there, acting all official.

Yeah, he was wasn't he?

What's wrong?

Oh, nothing.

You just called me at four bucks a minute to tell me

nothing's wrong?

I know that voice, sugar.

Yeah, I'm just tired.

I'll make it all better tonight.


I miss you.

I love you.

See you tonight. Bye.



Pardon me, miss. If you'd allow me.


In fact, why don't you try one of mine?

They're menthols.

Much healthier.

Are they?

Oh, you can taste the tingling difference.

Well, thank you.

You're welcome.



By the way, that's the most attractive ensemble you have on.

Well, thank you.

Yeah, it's a beautiful color.

You're an autumn, aren't you?

I don't really know.

Well, I'm kind of an expert and you're an autumn.

Hey, partner.

Howdy, Booth.

There they are.

Those are my two best deputies.

They were the first ones to encounter the crime scene.

Are you a reporter?

Nope, that is Agent Ellen Marks from the DEA.

This is Booth Parker.

Earl Whitney.

Very nice to meet you.


Deputy Whitney and I have already met.


So we can get started.

Oh, great.

Come on in.

Okay, thank you.

Booth, what is that on your shirt collar?


Agent Marks came out from LA late this morning, soon

as the report was released.

Can I get you coffee or something?

Oh, I'd love some.

How you take it?

-Black. -Black.

Do you want Bear Crawl or something?

Whatever you got.

[clears throat]

Thank you.

Out from LA, huh?

You made pretty good time.

Well yeah, it's a very important case.

I wanted to ask you both some questions while

things were still fresh in your minds.

Yeah well, we...

We all got questions about what happened out there.

Thank you.

Do you remember seeing any vehicles traveling down

Route 9 on your way to or from the scene?

No, why?

Because someone may have gotten away.

What makes you say that?

Well, from what we know, there was supposed to have

been a large sum of money involved in the transaction.

Over a million dollars.


It seems to have disappeared.

Oh, well maybe it went up in the Mercedes.


That's where it was during Denning's last report.

Who's Denning?

Agent Paul Denning.

He was their man on the inside.

Denning was the man whose life you tried to save last night.

He was deep undercover with these yieldless for a while.

They ran a big operation in Arizona, Nevada,


We painted him with a tracking device.

Kinda like a low jack.

But in more remote areas, he would drop out.

Last we had a twenty on him was about 48 hours ago.

He was DEA?


He had a wife and a kid.

Don't blame yourself, deputy.

You did all you could.

You have our deepest gratitude and my personal thanks.

In fact, I've asked Sheriff Hogan for

permission to enter a letter of commendation

into both of your files.

Agent Denning was a good man.

I served with him for over five years.


Then I guess we won't find out what happened.

Well, we might find something on the tape.

The tape?

Yeah, Agent Denning was wearing a recording device.

We like to keep recordings of all transactions.

I've contacted your local doctor, Jesse Segundo.

He found it on Denning's body during the autopsy.

Well I wasn't informed of that.

Jesse has the tape?


And I told him that I would be there before five.

I do think that as the police authority here I

should have been informed.

I'll be sure to keep you appraised in the future.

Okay, thanks.


Here, let me get that.

Thank you, sheriff.

[dramatic music]

You fellas coming?

-We'll follow you in our car. -Alright.

Jesse's just a hop and a skip down the road.

[dramatic music]

We're dead.

We're dead.

We are dead!


What are we gonna do?

I don't know.

What! This isn't a joke.

What are we supposed to do?

Look, do you know a faster way there?

You let me know.

Maybe you can invent us a flying car, how about that?

We're gonna play it cool.

Besides, there might be nothing on that tape anyway.

We assaulted a federal agent.

We killed him.

We didn't kill him, he died on his own.

Oh, that's right.

I forgot and you just gave him a little jagged facial

as a little cosmetology gift.

Oh, no, we gotta come clean.

Are you crazy?

They'll fry us for sure.

Now there's why we're doing that, you understand me?

It's the right thing to do!

It's a stupid thing to do!

That's what it is.

And we've gone this far and we're gonna see it through,


I should've known so much this was gonna happen.

I should've known it.

Whatever happens, just play it cool.


Hitch up your drawers, Jess.

We got a lady here.

Jesse, this is agent Ellen Marks.

DEA agent from LA, this is our local doctor,

Jesse Segundo.

Yes, yes, it's a pleasure.

I didn't expect to see you soon.

I'm still a few hours away from completing the

initial exam in the tissue study and, of course, when

I get the chemical work up back from Reno, I can

issue the pathology report, but I already have

a theory as to the cause of death.


Gunshot wound, to the trachea.

There are no other visible wounds, but I am still checking.

Hell, Jesse, we knew that.

There is no room for assumptions in forensic medicine, Dwayne.

And the recorder.

The recorder, yes.

I have it right over here.

No, where did I...

Um, I'm sorry.

I think I put it over here somewhere.


[dramatic music]


There it is.


You know, it's kind of like the black box on a jet.

I figure about all the ever hear is...


Step up, boys.

Maybe this will shed a little light on what took place.

[dramatic music]


Alright, here we go.


What the hell?

Well, that's odd. It must not have recorded.

You know, when I removed his clothing, the

microphone lead was loose.

Yeah, well maybe the lab can pick something up.


Well, if we come up with any additional evidence,

we'll be sure to let you know.

Okay, we'll see what we can do.


-You boys can go. -Okay.

I'll meet you back at the station.

Okay, Dwayne.


I thought I was gonna shit my pants.

Oh yeah.

I think I did.


[indistinct chatter]

I think that's what the smell is.


I thought that was you.

What do you...

What are you gonna do tonight, partner?

I'm not going to jail.


What are you doing tonight, Dwayne?


Oh my god.


[rock music]

[indistinct chatter]

Give me a couple of longnecks please.

How about that whiskey?

Yeah, bring them whiskies.

Hey, ladies. We got your whiskies over here.

Come on over.

[indistinct chatter]

Whiskey drinking ladies!

[indistinct chatter]

Drink it up and come on down.


Oh hey, you settle down there.

You know, we're gentlemen.

You're lucky to be with us.

You got a lot of nerve spending money like that.

I got your money.

Five thousand bucks?

All of it?

I'll have it for you tomorrow.

Have it for me now.

What are you gonna do, Earl?

Arrest me?

Shoot me?

Hiding behind that badge, Earl.

Nobody's gonna loan you shit.

Well maybe I don't give a rat's ass about that anymore.

Look, I'll give you money tomorrow and if you don't

like it, too bad.

Come on, everybody, drinks are on me.

See you tomorrow.

Who wants one?

Come on over here.

[indistinct chatter]

Just take right out of that pile.

Come on now.

Everybody, anybody, come on over.

-Get yourself a longneck. -Earl.

Booker's taking your truck.

Booker's taking my truck?

Booker's taking my truck!

[tires peeling out]

Earl, what the hell you doing?

[chaotic chatter]

I'll roll you, Earl.

Damnit, Booker!

What, are you crazy?

Give me my truck.

Come on and get it.



Ah, my truck!






This truck wasn't worth five thousand bucks anyway.


You rat bastard.

Sally, I'm sorry.

Just if you mind your mouth, I'll mind my manners.



I'll be back for the kiss and make up about ten o'clock.

You don't have to wait up for me, sweetie.

I'll wake ya.

I'll see you, sugar.

[dramatic music]

Hey, baby.


[clears throat]

You got me something?

What's the occasion?


it's not your birthday.

It's not valentine's day so I guess it's just

because you deserve it.


This must have cost your whole week's salary.

Worth a lot more than that.

Work was a pain today.


Details, details, details.

Everybody wants details.

Like I've got a crystal ball or something.

One guy was even correcting me.

I can't believe you got this for me.

It's great.

You told me he wasn't doing this anymore.

-He's not. -Yes, he is. God--

Booth, don't.

Son of a bitch.


Goddamn it.

It's not worth it.

It's nothing.

I know him.

If you said something, he would just take it out on me.

Let's just forget it.

And I'll just have to be more careful next time.

There's not gonna be a next time.

I'm getting you out of here.

And where are we gonna go?

Your trailer?


Sally, what if we could really far away, you know?

Like-like maybe I won a million dollars in the

lottery or I got a big inheritance or something.

Feeling lucky?

Well, something just might happen, that's all.

Listen, I wanna get out of here as much as you do.

I mean, I'm sick of those looks and I'm the sheriff's wife.

Just yesterday I'm standing in Rally's and I

see that Lorie Gunderson smirking at me, giving me

that cheap white trash look.


Forget about the Gundersons.

Forget about all the rest of those rich people in this town.

What I'm talking about...

What I'm talking about would make them look like

cheap white trash.

Would you marry me then?

Of course, silly.

No, say the word.

I would.

I would marry you.

And it would take a lot less than a million

if that's what you're thinking.

Just enough to get us on our feet.

I love you.

[dramatic music]

What do you think?

You look beautiful.



[dramatic music]

Wait a minute, partner.

I'm not letting some scumbag send me to jail.

I can't risk it.

I never killed a man, I never even shot at one.


Neither have I, but it's him or us.

If he talks, writes a note or whatever, he's gonna

turn us in.

Besides, he's low life scumbag.

He's bleeding real bad. He's gonna die anyway.

We're just gonna speed up the process a bit.

I can't. I can't.

Alright, then I'll do it.

No, that's not what I mean.

You wanna go to jail?

Taking evidence, tampering with a crime scene?

You know what they'll do.

Nobody's gonna miss your sorry ass anyhow.

We retrieved some evidence from the Mercedes and put

in a few brass clips and other remnants of a

halibut case.

Anything in it?


Nowhere near a million dollars.

I'd say maybe $30,000.

Denning said there was more than that.


Not in the trunk.

I got the lab report here.

Ash, nitrates, and traces of unleaded gas.

That's not much help.

You said unleaded gas?


This is a 300 D.

Oh god.


I suppose no man can judge another man's actions unless

he's been in the same situation himself.

Been presented with the same temptations.

And lord knows, money sure is tempting.

Hell, some people do just about anything for money.

Lie, cheat, steal, kill.

Well I think it'd be too hard to kill a man.

Especially if he was half dead, especially if he's

of the criminal persuasion.

How would you know that he was a federal officer with

a wife and a kid?

You gentlemen look like you're about to lose your lunch.


Why don't you get to the point, Jesse?

Come on, boys, we're friends, right?

And friends don't squeal on friends.

That certainly isn't what Jesse Segundo is all about.

Then what the hell are you all about, Jesse?

I covered for you Earl.

For both of you.

I put my ass on the line to save yours so don't you

pull a hostile tone with me.

What are you proposing, Jess?

I just want my fair share.



One million, five hundred thousand.

Sweet mother, we're millionaires.

I'll settle for the third of that.

And if we refuse?

Tampering with evidence isn't exactly a misdemeanor.

Well now that's true, Earl.

But neither is murdering a federal agent and stealing

a million five.

In fact, I'd say that's considerably worse,

wouldn't you, Earl?

Alright, alright.

We'll play it your way, Jess.

Under one condition.

I'm all ears.

We're gonna wait until this whole thing dies down.

No, I don't think that's such a good idea.

That's the way we're gonna play it.

Now if you don't like that then forget it.

Hey, I'm easy.

Okay, I'll wait.

But I'm gonna need an advance to oil the wheels

so to speak.

Well how much?

I don't think $2000's gonna raise any eyebrows, do you?


By Friday.

The fuck do you think you're going?

I'm not going anywhere, Frank, until you give me the tape.

Whoa, George.

If it's not Derek stabbing me in the back, then it's

you confessing on your knees.

So Frank, trust me.

You're gonna turn state seven up against us, aren't you?

My god!

State seven's, holy shit!

Hey, hun.

Where's that uh, hot pad?


That uh, that therapeutic back thing.

I can't hear a word you're saying.

Give me the gun.

Come on.

Time is getting back!

George. Don't do this. Please, George.

Michael, I mean it.

George. George!



What the hell is this?

What are you digging around in my closet for?

I was looking for the heating pad.

You mind telling me where in the hell this came from?

Is there something going on here that I don't know about?

What do you mean?

I mean are you spending my money on things I don't know about?

Like you got any furs in there or something?

Don't be ridiculous.

It wasn't so expensive.

It was supposed to be a surprise.

Yeah, well I don't like surprises.

Not when I'm the one footing the bill.

You're about as romantic as a bag of sand.

I could've killed that son of a bitch.

Alright, enough.

I'm tired of thinking about it.

Well I'm not.

He thinks he's got us by the balls.

Well, he does.

Besides, if that DEA lady had heard that tape, we'd

be in jail right now.

Let's just call it the cost of doing business and

be done with it.

This whole thing is screwed up anyway.

I know what we gotta do.

We gotta get that tape.

How do you figure we do that?

He's probably made copies.

Well we'll get those, too.

Booth, he's gonna be trouble.

We gotta straighten Jesse out.

Like it or not, he's a partner now.

Have you been back here?

-No. -Earl.

I just took a little out.

I'm keeping track of it, you can trust me!

Damnit, was I talking to a wall?

We had a deal.

For crying out loud, Booth, I just needed to

pay off a few debts is all.

Now you got my word on it.

I'm not coming back here until the whole thing

cools down, I promise.

That's what you said last time.

Yeah, but...

this time I mean it.

[indistinct chatter]

He found the lingerie.


I told him about as a surprise.

I don't think he suspects anything, but now you know

if he mentions it.

How the hell did he find it?

He started thinking digging through my closet,

something he never does.

[sighs] Great.

It's okay, Booth.

It's no big deal.

Let's hope so.

If he asks me again, I'm just gonna tell him I

returned it all.

Damn, I hate this so much.

I know.

I can't stand him sleeping next to you slobbering all over you.

He doesn't slobber, he just snores.

I told you, we haven't done anything in over a year.

It doesn't matter.

He's next to you.

I'm getting out of here, Sally.


Something for you.

Dwayne just needs that signature.



There you go.

That's a nice dress.

We're leaving.

This weekend.

Things aren't set.

Yeah, they are.


Well I can't tell you all the details, but you're

just gonna have to trust me, okay?


Sally, I love you so much.

I'm gonna take such good care of you.

I love you, too, and I know you will.


[upbeat music]

[indistinct chatter]

Here we go.

Seven. Nine away. Seven.

[upbeat music]


[phone ringing]

Sheriff Hogan.

Yeah, I'll accept the charges.

Why are you calling collect?

I'm at a payphone in Reno, what's up?


You think you can hightail it back here by 3 o'clock.


Because the DEA people have some more questions

for us and they want you there.

Would that be alright?



We'll see you at 3 o'clock then.

[dramatic music]

What a surprise!

What's this?

I got you a new TV.

It's got picture in picture.

It's got three hundred and thirty lines for square inch.

It's got a universal remote and it's got stereo surround sound.

This baby goes for over four hundred dollars retail.

But shouldn't you be saving your money for that

spa you're gonna start up?

Well there was a raffle down at the station and

they were selling five dollar tickets, I bought

two, and I won.

What do you know!

I want you to have it.

Anyway, I'm done with the cosmetology stuff.

I've got bigger plans now.

Well this is so sweet.

You're such a good son.

Aw, thanks, mom.

You know, even when you were a boy, you never kept

anything for yourself.

Let's hook this sucker up.

Well it's nice of you to join us.

I did say 3 o'clock, didn't I?

Well I'm here now.

So um, what's up?

I wanted to meet with you all to go over some new

information about the shooting.

Did you find a suspect?

We've got some very good leads, Jesse.

We found something very interesting about the tape

that Denning was wearing.

We contacted the manufacturer and based on

the serial number, they determined that the tape

was in a lot that was delivered and presumably sold...


Yeah, so?


it's odd.

Because I don't know how Denning had the time or

the ability to buy something locally based on his situation.

Well you'd know more about his situation than we would.


Maybe not.

What are you getting at?

Well unfortunately, Denning's not here to tell

us, but I would say that someone got their hands on

the tape and then they switched it.

Well why would they do that?

Because they didn't want anyone to hear what was on it


[folk music]

Well like you said, he's not here to tell us.

That's true.

That is true.

Oh, you know, Jesse, I just received the second

autopsy report back from Reno.

You might wanna have a look at it.


Well I don't mean to criticize your work.

I realize that you mustn't get a lot murder cases up

this way, do you?

Well when we took possession of Agent

Denning's body, I noticed that his lips were blueish.

Possibly cyanotic.

Oxygen starved.

Now I realize that is not the cause of death, but I

had them check for fiber traces anyway.

Fiber traces?

It seems that there were some fiber traces in

Denning's lungs.

It's probably not something that Jesse's

equipped to find, but I thought he would find it

interesting nonetheless.

What does that mean?

Oh, probably nothing.

[suspenseful music]

[folk music]

We gotta meet, you know where.


Just do it now.

[dramatic music]

I don't like getting grilled by that DEA bitch.

I can't take this kind of heat.

None of us like it, Jess.

And I don't know what's gonna happen next.

She's pressing this.

Another interrogation, another problem.

Just take it in stride, it's gonna be okay.

I'm not gonna take it in stride.

In fact, there's gonna be a change in our arrangement.

What kind of a change?

I want the rest of my share and I want it now.

-Forget it. -I'm not asking.

Well you're not getting either.

You listen to me, Earl.

I can give that tape to Agent Marks in a heartbeat.

I turn in state's evidence, I get six months

in a country club.

And if you don't think I'd rather be a witness for

the feds than go down with you two, well you're dead wrong.

[bird squawking]

In fact, my stake has just gone up.

From a third to a half and if I don't get $750,000

tonight then the tape goes into her hands along with

a big fat confession.

You're out of your mind.

Yeah, easy, Jess.

You're coming unglued.

Oh, you wanna see just how unglued I can get,

then you try me.

You're never getting that much.

Well, I think I am.

Bring it to my house, 8 o'clock, tonight.

[engine revving]

You might wanna get rid of that jacket if you know what I mean.

[tires peeling out]


Here he is, slipping in, trying to take the fruits of our labor.

We gotta go straight, Earl.

This whole thing is getting messed up.

If you were any kind of friend at all you'll stop

talking like that.

Well alright then let's give him his half and get it over with.

I'm not giving him half, I'm not giving him a

third, I'm not giving him shit.

Well what are we supposed to do?

I don't know.

We gotta shut him up somehow.

Jesse's a reckless guy.

He's got a lot of monkeys on his back.

Who knows? Maybe it all catches up with somehow.

No, you're crazy, you're crazy.

How bad do you want that money?

How bad do you wanna stay out of jail?

Not bad enough to kill him.

Who said anything about that?

We just gotta be a little inventive is all.

I called central this morning.

The bills appeared in the cash drop yesterday from a

store south of here called Spice for Life.

Did you talk to the owner?

Yeah, and all four clerks.

A lot of big bills go through there so no one

know for sure who passed it.

Any prints?

Nothing usable.

So Denning marked this, huh?

Some of them.

He only handled a small portion of the total, but

this was one of his bills.

I'll inform the office.


So you know about this all along?

Yeah, well you can understand why we didn't

say anything if word got out that there was a track

on the money.

It'd just work against us.

Sheriff Hogan, it's not--


Dwayne, it is imperative that we keep this confidential.

Now we know someone's out there.

They're very close.

More money is bound to show.

And it seems to be staying fairly local.


None of this information leaves this room.

I'm not gonna say anything.

That's good.

We almost have all that we need.

So what's this Spice for Life?

Some kind of herbal, organic, nature food joint, or what?

No, not exactly.

It's a lingerie store outside Reno.


Yeah, you know, camisoles, merry widows, tap pants,

edible thongs.

Sure, I get the picture.

You want directions?

[suspenseful music]

Nice touch.

[suspenseful music]


It's about time.

I was beginning to think you weren't gonna show up.

That can't be all of it.

No, it isn't, Jesse.

What's with the gloves?

Sit down, Jesse.

I don't believe this.

You know, I thought you two idiots might try some

stupid, hard-ass tactic like this.

You don't think I'd be prepared?

Sit down, Jesse.

You're not gonna shoot me, Earl.


We're not gonna shoot you.

But we will take a tip from a friend and try

something a little more natural.

Yeah, what's that? Goddamn it!

What the hell are you doing?

[chaotic chatter]

You let me go!


-Damnit, let me go! -Come on, put it on there.

-Hold him, hold him! -Get off of me!

Let's get him up.


Fuck you!

Yeah, right here.

Put him down.


Tie him up, Booth.



Bastards! [spits]

I don't know what you two are up to, but you're good as dead.

What the hell is this shit?

Good old potassium.

The mineral of champions.

I hope I got the right stuff, Jesse, because uh,

I'm a little new at this and we only get to try it once.

If you try anything, my people will go straight to

the safety deposit box.

They'll find out everything.

Your people?

Yeah, my people, asshole.

You expect us to believe that?

You better believe it if you know what's good for you.

You know what your problem is, Jesse, you've got a big mouth.

A big fat mouth.

Get me out of this!


Alright, go ahead.

Go ahead, I dare you.

You try anything, you leave a thousand clues.

We'll find them.

We're trained for that sort of thing.

So are we, Jess.


Settle him down, damnit.

Get me out of here!

Come on, Booth.

Don't let him do this.

You don't have much choice, Jess.

You started that.

You're only screwing yourselves.


Somebody help me please!

Aw, Jesse.

No one's gonna hear you.

We're in the middle of nowhere.


Don't hurt me please.


Easy to purchase.

Hard to detect.

Just puff enough potassium in and blam-o!

You've got one heck of a cardiac arrest.

Now let's see.

Just gotta pick a discreet spot.

Let's see.

Hey, how about right behind the ear.

Okay, I don't want the money.

You can have it all and the tape, too.


Okay, okay!

It's taped under the desk to the bottom side.

-You sure? -Yes.

What are you doing?

Just making sure our intentions are clear.

Now go check the desk.

You better say your prayers if it's not there, Jesse.

Yeah, Earl, it's here.

See, I'm telling the truth.




But what about the others?

There aren't any others.


Okay, alright.

Are you sure?

Yes, I made one back up.

It's at the office.


No. No, I swear.

Alright then.


Yup, great minds think alike.


Oh, no.

He's gone, Booth.

It's no use.

We had no choice, you know that?

Deep down, you know it.

Even if we have all the tapes, we never could have

trusted him.

[dramatic music]

What the hell are you doing?


You killed him!

Come on, Booth, calm down!

It's gonna be okay!

It's not okay!

It's Jesse, it's Jesse!

What happened, Earl?

What did you do?

We're just doing what we have to do to protect ourselves.

You don't know that!

Yes, I do!

You don't know what he was gonna do!

He would've never shut up!

[incoherent yelling]

Listen to me!

Calm down!

You gotta calm down!

Now we gotta get out of here and we gotta set him

up just right.

And you can't come apart on me now.

Now think about it, think about it.

Now we're sitting pretty.

Now we're free and clear.

We just wait and see.

It's gonna be alright.

Is this okay?

Oh, I think it's perfect.

Okay, that's thirty dollars.

Oh, I love it.

We're gonna have such a great time at the shower.


Is there anything I can help you with?

Uh, just looking there.

My wife and I have got an anniversary coming up.

I wanted to get her something special.

That's nice.

Do you know her sizes?

I don't know her specific sizes, but maybe this will

help you out.

Oh, she's pretty.

Yeah, she is.

She comes up to here on me.

I don't suppose you've seen her.

I can't say that I have.

Do you know her cup size?


How about her bust line?

Is she a 34, 36?

I don't know.

I should've done some homework I think.

Uh, listen, are you sure you haven't seen her?

Mm, yeah, I'm sure.

Haven't seen her.


I'm gonna have to get this information.

I mean, about her sizes and whatnot.

You know, a lot of men get uncomfortable when they

come in here so you shouldn't worry about.

Do you get a lot of men in here?

Oh yeah.

Between here and Reno, we get a lot of male

customers so you shouldn't be embarrassed.

We get cops, too, you know?

A lot of cops.

I had a cop from Grimley just this week in fact.

[knocking] Jesse, we have a warrant.

We're coming in.



Well, I'll try the station.


Yes, this is Agent Lawless of the DEA.

Can I speak to Jesse Segundo please?

Uh, okay.

What's that pager?

[suspenseful music]

How about the home number?


Well um...

hold on a second.

He didn't make it into work and he's not at home.

They tried twice.

Take a look at this.

Damnit, I knew it.

I knew it all along.

Do you think he skipped town?

We're gonna find out.


Uh, can you give me that home address?


Earl here.

Earl, you seen Jesse?

Uh no, ma'am.


Well those DEA folks just called looking for him and

I've been trying to reach him all day.

Maybe Dwayne knows where Jesse is.

Well nobody knows where Dwayne is either.

Last I heard from him was yesterday when he went to

the bank with those DEA people.

The bank?

Yeah, that's what he said.

Thanks, Trudy.


you know, I'm gonna take an early lunch.

Okay, Earl.

Oh, no.

What the hell is going on around here?


Oh god! I can't believe it!

I know!


[suspenseful music]

These look like handcuffs to you?


Alright, I want you to take the car.

I want you to go to the police station and bring

everyone in.

I mean everyone.

I'm gonna stay here until this place gets locked down.

Wait a minute, take a look at this.

Menthol, you can taste the tingling difference.


-I'm out of here. -Alright.


I don't believe it.

When did you find out?

About a week ago.

I just- I just wanted to get the paperwork on it

before I told you.

And they gave you all that in advance.


I guess that's what they do in the inventing business.

All that for a pair of shirt buttons?


If that don't...


No more Dwayne, no more looking over my shoulder.

No more nothing except for you.

You know, honey, I don't believe in all that

psychic stuff, but I woke up this morning and I had

a funny feeling that this was gonna be a day to remember.

I always kenw you'd make it big, Booth.

I did.

You're the psychic.

[phone ringing]

Don't you move.

I'll be right back.

A million dollars!

-Hello? -Booth?


We got a problem.

What kind of problem?

So when did this happen?

Are you sure?

How can it be traceable?

Well I don't know for sure, but why else would

they head for the bank?

I mean, it was all used.

It was random numbers.

I don't know maybe they used some kind of mark

that we couldn't see, some hi-tech tracer.

Who knows?

Then we're screwed.

No, we're not.

How do you figure that?

We'll take the money and disappear.

We can do it.

We can spend the money on the move.

Even if it's all marked.

There's ways around it.

Let's go now then.

That's right. We gotta go right now.

Sally comes, too?

Okay, Sally comes, too.

I'll be right there.

You just hang tight, partner.


Do you mind telling me what that was all about?

Yeah, maybe.

I wanna tell you everything.

We can disappear, Sally.

He'll be out of our lives, just like we planned it.


No more sneaking around up and down route 9.

I don't know, Booth.

I just don't know.

Do you love me?

If you love me, take this chance with me please.


Yes, I love you.


Oh god!

Oh god, I think I'm gonna be sick!

Now take it easy, Dwayne.

Shut up!

You shut your goddamn mouth.

Dwayne, please!

Shut up!

You would do this to me?


You would do this to me?

Come on, scumbag.

-Put the gun down. -Shut up!

Not a goddamn word out of your mouth.



[suspenseful music]

Pull over!

[suspenseful music]

Deputy, get on over!

Booth, I never thought that you would do this to

me, but you know, there must be a lot I didn't

know about you.

Dwayne, listen, listen to me.

Shut up!

I should shoot you right here.

But you're going down, Booth, because the feds

know all about you.

Because you didn't know there was marked money, did you?

You didn't know it.

Where's the rest of it?

What are you talking about?

Don't you lie to me!

Dwayne, calm down!

Calm down?


I loved you, Sally!

[gunshot] Calm down!

How about it, calm down!

[gunshot] Calm down, goddamn it!

Stop it, Dwayne!

Goddamn you!


[chaotic chatter]








Oh, no!

[suspenseful music]






[suspenseful music]



Wait, wait!



Oh my god.

[incoherent mumbling]

Oh, baby.

Oh my god.

Oh my god.



Holy shit.

He killed her.

Oh my god.


Hey, Booth.

What the hell happened here?

He killed her.

He killed her, Earl.

Booth, we gotta get out of here.

We gotta get out of here right now.

I ain't going.

It's over, it's over.

No, it's not over.

Booth, it's not over.

We can still make it work.

Listen to me.

Dwayne's dead.

We can pin it on him. Dwayne killed Jesse and

came here to kill you, too, because he thought

you were onto him.

That's self-defense.

You're clean as a whistle.

Sally just got caught up in it.

What are you talking about?

Dwayne got to the scene first and took the money

before we got there.

It's perfect.

This is not perfect.

We couldn't have set it up better ourselves.

We're not walking away from this.

It's over.




Booth, listen to me.

Come on, partner.

All we gotta do is go get the money.

Now let's go.

Come on.

It's too late.

No, it's not too late.

Yeah, it is.

I'm calling this in, Earl.

We've been making the wrong moves from the very start.

Now we're gonna make the right one.

There's no one left to touch us, Booth!

We're home free!

All we gotta do is plant a little money on Dwayne and

the rest is all ours.

It's not about the money!

Why can't you see that?

It's about us, Earl!

Innocent people.

Our friends are dead.

The lies.

Just one more and that one covers up all the rest.



I can't keep lying.

Man, I can't keep killing.

It's not me.

Goddamn it, Earl!

It's not you!

Are you gonna shoot me, partner?


No, I'm not gonna shoot you.

No more killing.

You do what you gotta do.

You take it all.

I don't care, but I'm turning myself in.

That'll bring me down, too, eventually.

And you're solid on that?

[suspenseful music]


Fresh tracks.

What do you think?

I'd say it's about 225.

The width and tread design would fit a larger vehicle

like a pickup, sport utility, 4x4.

Something like that.

Tracks go right to the edge, perpendicular to the road.

Right where Wallace went over.

Can you think of very many reasons for that?

Only one.


[dramatic music]

What the...

[suspenseful music]


Put your hands on your head now!

Hands on your head!


Deputy, stay right there.

That's right.

Now slowly put your hands on your head.



Both. Both hands.



[dramatic music]


I know you're gonna kill me for this, partner, but

your debts are pretty big and this money's a real temptation.

It's not that I don't trust you, I just know how

tough things have been for you recently and I'll keep

helping you out all I can.

I buried the money somewhere else and as soon

as this blows over, you and I will go dig it up together.

I hope you're not too mad.

You're my partner, my best friend.

Come hell or high water.

And I'm only doing this for the both of us.

[dramatic music]