Roujin Z (1991) - full transcript
An old man is being treated specially by the Department of Health under the so-called Project Z, a special nursing bed with a 6th generation computer on board. When the pain and loneliness of the old man reaches his ex-private nurse, she decides to rescue him from the government's experiment. Thus begins a wild chase through the busy streets of Tokyo as the 6th generation computer begins to have the personality of the old man's ex-wife and as the government's secret project unfolds.
Haruko! I wet bed.
I feel awful,
Just a decade after its creation,
the Medical Crisis Network
is already overloaded.
We destribute Medical Alert pendants
to the chronically ill,
such as heart patients and the elderly.
We've given out seven million pendants!
The nursing homes
are filled to capacity,
and they can't afford modern equipment.
We're also experiencing shortages
in home staff.
There aren't enough nurses,
and their salaries are skyrocketing.
Excuse me.
I have a solution to
all the problems of the elderly!
This will revolutionize medicine!
I have a blueprint for a new society,
respecting the elderly.
Within a single decade
we can eliminate all of our problems
and grant the elderly a rich, full life!
And to cap this magnificent
dream we already have funding,
the Ministry of Public Welfare...
has been given...
the greatest project of this century!
This is our task.
I present you
the most important work of our era,
a project that
will reconcile the young
and old.
The solution is...
You can't do that, Mr.Takazawa.
You can't use the alert pendant,
just because you wet yourself.
Dr.Misaka was really upset...
when you pushed it
in the middle of the night last week.
Get off him!
You're only supposed to use
the pendant
in an emergency!
That sounds close.
I'm coming!
I'm coming.
This is the man.
Mr.Takazawa! You pushed it again!
Who are you?
I'm Haruko Mihashi,
a student nurse.
I'm his volunteer nurse.
He used it again, didn't he?
I keep telling him...
Mr. Kijuro Takazawa,
you're coming with us.
What's going on?
He's going to assist us.
We're with
the Ministry of Public Welfare.
Ministry of Public Walfare?
His family has granted permission.
Umm... excuse me,
but where are you taking him?
...and that's how the body
absorbs the nutrients from food.
This entire process takes about 24 hours.
Then the food is excreted as waste.
Next week, we'll pick up with the anus.
I finally got tickets to Ink Stick!
Let's go!
Did you hear?
Dr.Tachibana got a letter
from the Ministry of Public Welfare.
The Ministry?
They've made a breakthrough
in nursing equipment.
They're going to
test it on Kijuro Takazawa.
This band is hot!
Their concert will be recorded live!
What kind of nursing equipment?
I don't know.
The press conference is
at 3:00 today
in the welfare center.
It's almost 3:00 now!
Our society is being crushed
under a growing problem...
the problem of the elderly.
How far are we willing to go to
preserve our nation's elders?
Everywhere we turn,
there are painful choices to be made.
But now an answer screams out:
The Z-001!
It's a priceless addition
to any hospital.
Yet, this new invention
will prove most useful
in the home.
See for yourselves.
An ultrasonic bath will clean every pore
of the patients body!
The bathing schedule
can be pre-programmed.
The bed senses humidity and perspiration
and will adjust the temperture
and frequency
of baths.
An elderly person's
most embarrassing problem!
This problem terrifies
even the most devoted family.
But our machine
has eliminated this problem!
If the system
detects a faint oder,
an extension automatically
vacuums waste from the patient.
The crisis is over before
an invalid could call for assistance.
Dignity is maintained.
No mess, no embarrassment.
The bedridden often have
a surplus of leisure time.
So naturally, our machine provides
sample entertainment.
The bed includes HI-FI stereo, radio,
TV and phone-modules.
Patients can buy or sell stock,
they can watch races or follow sports.
They can even go shopping
around the world!
There are programs for chess, Go, Othello
and video games.
A word processor
helps writing haiku
and poetry.
A patient can even call up
his friends in their own Z-001 beds.
And if there are no friends,
just input an image and personality.
The computer will provide...
a simulation conversation partner.
But there's more!
A built-in feeding station!
The Z-001 holds food for a week,
including dessert!
Patients can download
their favorite recipes.
And after eating,
what could be better
than a little exercise?
It's important to stretch first,
especially the back.
Patients can walk or row.
Then can even swim in the bathwater.
But that's still not all!
The Z-001 is a perfect analysis station.
It monitors
blood pressure,
breathing, heart rate and EEG.
And if any of these vital signs
should become
the computer can provide an
instant diagnosis.
If a medical history has been input,
the bed can even prescribe a treatment
such as oxygen.
Or if the situation is more serious,
the bed will connect to the local datanet.
The bed can sent out a call,
alerting the family doctor,
hospital or other institutions.
It can even handle disasters,
such as an earthquake,
typhoon or robbery!
But that means...
Exactly! A sixth-generation computer!
It has self-enhancement capabilities.
It exceeds the learning abilities
of fifth-generation systems.
It can even upgrade its own hardware.
It is truly a dream computer.
Excuse me!
What powers it?
Nuclear power. A miniature atomic furnace.
What if
there's a radiation leak?
Don't worry, there's a
built-in supersensitive alarm.
It's completely safe.
It really is safe, isn't it!
Wait a minute!
I'm sure it's a wonderful machine,
but look at Mr.Takazawa, just lying there.
I feel sorry for him.
How can a machine
give him the love he needs?
I remember you.
I'm Mr.Takazawa's...
You're right!
Nothing can replace the love of a family.
But we can help that family,
as much as possible.
We want to give the elderly a rich,
full life!
That's our dream.
That is why we at the
Ministry of Public Welfare...
lovingly present
the Z-001!
The Secretary of Public Welfare is here!
Geriattrics has sure come a long way.
But they
shouldn't dump people in machines.
That just hides the problem.
Yeah, it doesn't feel right.
But we shouldn't have to
devote our whole lives to old people.
The geezers probably agree.
You're so selfish!
Life is more than just lying in bed.
How did the announcement go?
Stop it! The experimental
subject was Haruko's patient.
That must have been a shock.
On my computer?
I thought you'd left it turned on,
but it's on every channel.
It's a message from someone,
but what a way to send it!
I guess you got the message, right Haruko?
You're giving me the creeps.
Wait, I have to get a printout!
I'll get a cable.
How come?
Just gathering evidence.
What's going on here?
What happened?
Are they broken?
I didn't do it!
Don't be so defensive!
Maybe you're right, but still,
let's think about this
before we get too carried away.
What a worm!
You're just scared.
Right. We got an SOS,
so we're coming to help.
Nobuko, I need a light here!
Figured it out?
Are you kidding? Look at this thing!
Come on, let's go.
What if we get caught?
You are so spineless!
What's the big deal?!
He's just an old man!
I can't abandon him!
After all, we have a solemn duty...
as nursing volunteers!
Haruko, was it?
What are you doing here?
This is a government facility.
that is closed to the public.
Mr.Takazawa was calling for help!
Calling for help?
He sent a message to
my computer this afternoon.
Get out of here.
There is evidence of
a message being transmitted.
Thank you!
Now that you've informed us,
we can solve the problem.
Excellent work!
Haruko, that's great!
Thank God! I was afraid
we'd be arrested!
But what about Mr.Takazawa?
He'll be fine now.
Yes. I'll call the supervising physician.
Hasegawa is here...
-Haruko, let's go home.
They'll take care of it.
This will take a while,
so you might as well go home.
I'll see you to the door.
Yes, that's right.
Help me!
-What's going on?
But I turned off
the autonomous calculation circuits.
You fool!
Mr.Takazawa is calling for help.
You can't do that!
Probes are wired into his trachea
and nervous system.
Pulling it off could kill him!
That's terrible!
We have his family's permission.
Do you have his permission?
I'll call the project leader.
Elder abuse!
Let him go!
Get out of here!
You kids don't know anything!
Yes, send the police, please.
Let's go home.
Yes Mr.Takazawa, let's go home!
What are we going to do now?
You idiots!
That bed is too big for anything
but a freight elevator.
Let's go!
Hey, wait! Open up!
Did you see that?
What are we going to do with him?
We have to get this story to the media!
Haru, let's go home.
Yes, this is Terada.
Give me Secretary Minagawa.
I'm sorry to disturb you
in the middle of the night.
The bed's coming up.
I'm home.
Mr.Takazawa! We can't stay.
I just came to get your wife's picture.
The police!
What's going on?
Out of the way!
That rat!
That guy's here too.
They're going to arrest us!
Maybe they'll go easy on us
if we surrender!
Do you see any TV crews?
Oh no! My mother will find out!
I have to tell them
about the bed before we're arrested!
Stop it!
I need to show
the TV crews--
What are you going to tell them?
Were you going to
give out your friends' names?
But officer, please--
Stop pulling!
Get up.
I can't begin to
express how disappointed l am.
We were all so proud
of this project.
I expect you to
take full responsibility for this,
I'm sorry.
But there was more
to this than merely
inputting faulty data.
Where in the blueprints
does it mention a transforming bed?
That was a feature
in case of natural disaster.
We weren't properly informed
about this new computer.
Where has the black box gone?
Where did we get the money
for a sixth generation computer?
The computer was donated by
the Nishibashi Corporation.
We never received complete readings
about the computer.
How can we evaluate a machine
that we don't even understand?
Is that true?
Damn it!
Don't mess
with the Ministry of Public Welfare!
Can I borrow your phone?
This is Hasegawa. Yeah.
Just a second.
This is Minagawa.
Yes, this is Minagawa.
Yes, sir! Not at all.
No sir.
I'm sorry, sir.
Right, right.
I didn't know.
For now, you'll do
all your work here in the ward.
You're getting off very lightly.
Well, you have work to do.
Yes, sir!
Three whole hours!
The prof yelled at us
for three whole hours!
it was terrible. He kept blaming us!
At least it's over.
No one got expelled or arrested.
Let's just forget about it.
Haruko, are you still worried about him?
There's nothing else we can do.
I hope this doesn't appear in our grades.
We got an SOS.
And we
did everything we could.
They promised to fix the bed.
Besides, there's plenty of other old men
who look just like him.
It's just that
he's always been my patient,
since I first volunteered.
You're too attached to him.
Hey, you!
No talking in the halls.
Yeah, Yeah.
I still have work to do.
Aren't you coming with us?
We'll be
at the karaoke bar.
See you there!
All right! I'm in!
What a stupid password!
With my ALGOL program
it was like taking candy from a baby.
Hey, miss! Did you see that?
Is it a game?
I just broke into
the Tyrell Corporation in America.
I found evidence of tax evasion.
Tax evasion?
We're going to
anonymously send this data
to a newspaper.
Of course, it's legally inadmissible.
Still, I bet the paperst
will be interested in it.
Cracking a system is such a rush!
My stiff neek is gone.
and I've got a massive hard-on!
You old pervert!
Are you serious?
You bet I am!
Wanna see?
No, not that!
I'm talking about the computer!
Are you calling me a liar?
Then it is true?
Of course!
I'm the best hacker this side of Hakone.
That's because you can't go outside.
I have a huge favor to ask you.
On to the next bar!
Here are your drinks.
Coming right up.
Why does she keep talking about...
that stupid old man all the time?
She dumped you, didn't she?
Shut up.
Haruko's grandma...
You're the grandma?
In eighth grade,
Haruko's parents gave her a study room.
They gave
Haruko her grandmother's old room.
Haruko was thrilled to get the room.
But then her grandma died...
alone and unloved in a rest home.
Hey, you guys.
No more sob stories.
Go sing, Nobuko!
Are you okay?
Come on, Nobuko!
-Try it!
I guess I have to.
Waiter! I want some mackerel
and a beer!
-Right away!
The world is such a lonely place.
Why are you so gloomy,
This is tough.
All right, a challenge!
I see...
Let me help.
It would speed things up
if we work in parallel.
I'm sorry.
But I'm really worried about Mr.Takazawa.
If I could just talk to him,
I could find out if he's okay.
You must be keen
to meet this old geezer!
You old fool!
I'm not doing it
for that rotting old carcass!
I knew it. You want the girl.
You pervert!
I want to see...
what a sixth-generation computer
looks like.
I did it!
What is it?
I'm sending signals,
but there's no response.
Sounds dead.
The computer!
Our data should be getting through.
we're locked out.
This young lady says
she knows the guy.
Try calling him.
What's his name?
It's no use.
There must be a password.
We'll have to find it.
Could you duplicate this person's voice?
Mr. Takazawa, are you in pain?
It's you!
You came for me!
Of course, Mr.Takazawa.
Who is it! Who's there?
This area's restricted.
Mr.Takazawa, are you all right?
Are you in pain?
It hurts!
Help me!
You poor, poor man.
They've been so cruel to you.
Somebody help!
Just hold on.
I'm going to help you.
He's in pain.
We have to save him.
Learned anything about
the sixth-generation computer?
This is incredible!
I've seen three-dimensional
architecture before.
But there's something completely unique
down at the core.
It must be a bio-computer.
It's made from bio-chips.
Slimy little blobs of living matter.
These are not made in Japan.
Then this was built...
Everyone's working on it,
but the only success was at...
the Pentagon!
The American military!
But that means...
Wait! You kids always go off half-cocked.
Know your enemy, know yourself
and you'll win every battle.
You're late!
I'm sorry.
What about the bed?
I don't know.
We'll find out when we see it.
All of you!
Get back to work!
What's happening?
We got it to stand up.
What a fascinating computer!
Old age keeps getting better!
What are you doing now?
Once a baby stands, a parent
can get it to walk.
What's happening?
Stop it! Find the switch!
Damn, what the hell is going on?
It's that girl!
She must be controlling it!
Follow me.
Mom, look!
My shop...!
It stopped!
What are you doing here?
I have to go!
Nokoku, take care of the things here!
Where should we go, honey?
Did you hear that?
-Someone was talking!
Where should we go?
It's the computer.
The computer has taken on a personality!
It's evolving!
This special bulletin has just come in.
This morning at 9:00 a.m.
an unidentified robot...
An unidentified robot
terrorized shoppers
in the Kanto district.
This sounds like science fiction.
A reporter is on the scene.
We take you there now.
Miss Sakata?
I'm at the scene of a bizarre crime.
You can see the destruction
everywhere around me.
No one knows where this mysterious robot
came from.
Hey, look at this!
What? I think I'm going to puke!
Damn it! I knew this was the place!
Hey, nice system!
Has anybody
seen that girl?
This is a hospital!
Please keep it down!
Where is she?
Hey, you!
Damn it!
Let's go, Hasegawa!
This is a hospital!
Please keep it down!
Come back to me, Yoshie!
The air is thick with tension...
Here it comes.
It has added quite a few parts.
Okay. Begin the operation!
Move everyone into position.
Please minimize the damage.
Headquarters has already told us
not to hurt the man inside.
So, don't worry.
Actually, I want you to protect
the machine. It's very valuable.
Just a little further.
Are the men from Nishibashi ready?
No! You'll hurt him!
-It's her! Grab her!
Arrest her!
Let go of me!
What are you doing?
Release that girl at once!
Who said that?
Stop the robot!
Are you all right?
Yes, I'm fine.
How's Mr.Takazawa?
He's fine.
He has finally fallen asleep.
That voice!
Well, if you'll excuse me...
After it!
Let me go! Hey!
You've ruined our project
and the hope of this nation's elderly!
I'm sorry, I did what I had to do.
Mr.Terada, we have to catch it!
You'll take full responsibility for this!
Get him!
Got you!
Hang in there, Maeda!
Where is it heading?
-Towards Kanagawa.
Excuse me, could you scoot over?
Oh, sure.
Hasegawa, move over.
It's you! What are you doing here?
Get out!
Send us a news helicopter!
Call H.Q.!
I want a shot of this!
Pardon me.
That robot is a personal friend.
You've got some nerve!
Conceited little college co-ed!
No one can stop the Z-001 now!
It's grown too powerful!
You knew this would happen, didn't you?
I never expected
such a radical transformation.
This is beyond everyone's expectations!
You were just using the Ministry!
Secretary Minagawa
has been fully informed!
Are you saying that the nursing bed...
The computer is the problem.
The bed was just a ploy.
I wasn't lying. My company is
planning to sell a nursing bed.
But it was a perfect test for
our new muitipurpose computer.
It was a military project!
A military project!
You told me you cared about the elderly!
You lied to me!
I didn't dare to tell you
that it was a weapons test.
Message from the ground...
They've lost the target.
It's all right.
I know where it's going.
What's wrong, Nobuko?
Where's Haruko?
Help me with the patients.
Where's Haruko?
I'm sure that's where
Takazawa wants to go.
The bed now has a personality based on
Takazawa's memories.
I'm looking at
his psychological profile right now.
What is it doing up there?
How did it manage that?
After it! Hurry!
It's using the monorail track!
Stop! This is very dangerous!
Get down from there!
Take us closer!
I said this is too dangerous!
Pull over, now!
You idiot! You'll get yourself killed!
Let me go!
You pervert!
Be quiet!
-No, just leave it in the container.
I want you to bring it.
The Secretary has given permission.
Let me down!
We can't keep flying this low.
Then fly on ahead!
What about Mr.Terada?
Wait, Hasegawa!
This is too dangerous!
Calm down, Mr.Terada.
Your blood pressure is rising.
Who said that?
The old man?
Your blood pressure is up to 197.
Your pulse rate is 130.
Too much excitement
could strain your heart!
Who are you?
The computer?
I'm Takazawa's wife. Haru.
Are you all right!
Let me go,
you overgrown calculator!
Take me back to the Ministry!
You're the people
who put my husband in such pain.
Try to understand how we elderly feel.
But this project was
intended to help the elderly!
And now you've ruined it!
A nurse is useless
unless she can love her patient.
My husband
just wants to go to the beach.
So sit back and be quiet.
But there's a news blackout!
I don't care!
Just keep filming!
Going where?
Yui Beach?
In Kamakura?
Some of our patients
have a computer link to the bed.
You owe me now.
I sympathize with what you're saying,
but won't you please turn back?
This project has its faults,
but it will benefit the elderly.
Please turn back for their sake.
Will you let my husband
see the beach first?
Will you come back afterwards?
I promise.
You will?
Thank you!
It's coming.
Good. Bring the truck around front.
Bring the truck around.
There it is!
Hold on a minute.
Mr.Terada, you're alive!
Take down the barricade!
This bed is going to
Yui Beach!
What are you talking about?
I made a promise to the computer.
After we visit the beach,
she'll come back. Hurry up!
Move back, everyone. Open the road.
Bring out the Alpha.
What is this?
This is a combat version of the z-001.
It has no prior programming,.
so it will follow our orders.
Damn you!
What are you doing?
We're going to crush it.
how can you make a promise
to a defective computer?
Besides, we can't ignore the
destruction it's causing.
Would you please move aside?
No, Mr.Takazawa! Stay back!
Stop! Mr.Takazawa's in there!
Mr.Takazawa, get away!
Go, bed!
No one messes with
the Ministry of Public Welfare!
Idiots! The Alpha has the same computer
in a combat frame.
I told you to fix it!
That cord goes over here!
Can you hear me, miss?
Why aren't you at the beach yet?
She looks like she's in trouble.
The robot!
Look like she found her friend.
Haruko, Maeda is on
his way!
I thought we ordered a news blackout.
Hurry up
and crush that pile of junk!
Don't go! It's too dangerous!
Doesn't human life mean anything to you?
Control that monster of yours.
You're getting old yourself.
You'll be ready for a bed soon..
Just stand back and let me work.
The beach
is on the other side of this tunnel!
Almost there!
It's falling apart! Get back!
But Mr.Takazawa's in there!
Haru, I'm hungry.
I have my hands full right now.
Please wait a moment, darling.
What happened?
It's disaster!
We've lost our link to the Alpha!
What happened to Haruko?
Do something!
You don't know what you're asking!
There's a war in there!
I'll be killed if I go in!
Geez, what a wimp!
Be a man!
Hey, Mister White Knight!
You know, a woman loves to be rescued.
Please take care of my husband.
My wife..
Hurry! We have to get out of here!
I'm here to rescue you, Haruko!
Follow that robot!
The beach is so close!
We have to catch up to her!
I'm hungry...
We have to get out.
The picture!
What's happening to Haruko?
Got it!
Are you online?
Stop! Stop!
Can you hear me?
Smash the core chip!
The only way to kill it
is to break its head!
Where is it?
It keeps shifting!
It's the left rear right now.
We'll direct you.
But how can I break it?
Use this! Hurry!
An oxygen tank?
Maeda! Give me a hand!
Hurry! Go!
What's happening?
It's out of control.
Let's get out of here!
Hey! What do you think you're doing?
Where is the core chip?
Where is it?
It's on the upper left side.
Can you see it?
That fool!
You idiot!
Honey, I'll get you
to the beach.
No one messes with the
Ministry of public Welfare!
Don't do it!
We're going to the beach!
Mrs.Takazawa, help!
I'm hungry.
Wow, what a show!
Hey, it's still collapsing.
where's my husband?
Ah, honey.
I can't go on.
But we'll be together again...
We'll be together again soon.
Hold on, Mr.Takazawa.
Mr.Takazawa, he...
He's a little weak, but he's fine.
He'll be okay.
The damage was caused
during the testing of a
new geriatric-care ambulance.
The Ministry of Public Welfare...
Yoshihiko Hasegawa has been arrested
following the accident.
Hasegawa is a developer
at the Nishibashi Corporation.
Hasegawa is charged
with delivering a defective computer...
Which was
used onboard the runway ambulance.
Nishibashi shipments.. have been halted.
Pending investigation.
That sure stirred them up!
Good work, men.
But our job is done.
Those lying weasels
covered it up pretty well.
The Bad Sleep Well.
Could you answer a question?
We'd like a statement!
Secretary Minagawa will
answer all questions.
As I said
in yesterday's press conference...
Was there an old man?
inside the ambulance?
Say something!
Was the old man
a guinea pig in a military weapons test?
An anonymous source has
provided some interesting files.
Is that true?
How could an ambulance
cause so much damage?
What's really going on?
I'm sure
everything will be made clear in court.
However, this project is still intended
to benefit the public.
Although our first attempt
had problems we'll fix them.
I regret that our announcement
made such rumors possible.
That's all I have to say.
One moment, Mr.Terada.
Let's go
see him.
Are you awake? Mr.Takazawa.
I'm just bringing flowers today.
I'll be back soon.
Go to the beach...
You sure did go to the beach.
You often took your wife there.
She'll come for me soon.
Don't say things like that.
You have to think about getting better.
Once you're better
we'll go back to the beach.
going to the beach.
Yes, so you...
An earthquake?
She came for me.
I've come for you.
It took me a while...
to get used to this new body.
Shall we go to the beach,