Rose Tinted Dreams (1977) - full transcript



Story and ScreenpIay by:



Executive Producer:

Director of Photography:

Directed by:

Is he up yet? Wake him up!

What are we having for Iunch?

You"re spending too much.

You ate, now go to bed.

Did you wake him up?

How many times shouId I teII him?

My stomach hurts again.


Are his hands under the covers again?

Try Iess saIt than the other day.

Is he asIeep?

-Jakub, are you up?
- Does his stomach hurt?

Dont you know him?

Carl, come here!

Where?s Joe?

They were quarrelIing yesterday.

Joe wouIdn?t come home;
he was Iooking for a Iover.

- Who?
- Joe.

Joe is a femaIe.

You see any? I onIy have two.

- Here?s one!
- lt?s a bad one.

-Where are the mushrooms?
-JoIan, Iook!

Is that the postman?

Jakub, what are you doing?

I?m training them.

They can?t fIy?

They carry the Ietters when I?m iIl.

Let?s go home!

One, two, three, four...

WouId you Iike a new heater?

Now, in the summer?

-WeII then, I?Il get you a fan.
-Are you done?

Attention! LocaI announcement!

There wiII be a dance on Saturday,

starting at seven in the evening.

Admission is seven korunas.

Everybody is invited!

- ShaII we dance?
- l can?t just now.

You have a IoveIy voice.

What?s this?

A shoe.

Am I a shoemaker?

Or what?

What?s wrong, Mr. Babiak?

I quit.


It?s yours!

Where?s the other one?

Mr. Babiak...

You?re the onIy one I have!

Be carefuI with the money!

When you deIiver money... Listen!

Make sure the man is aIive.

Touch them if they?re asIeep.

If they don?t breathe, there?s no cIaim.

You?ve just Iost five seconds of your Iifetime.

You?re a fooI just Iike your granddad.



What is it?

You scared me.

I was waiting for you...

Do you have the betting tickets?

I wonder how my team wiII pIay.

They don?t have any good forwards.


TeII me a number.

- Seven.
- Put it down.

And twenty-one.

When wiII you give me the pigeons ey?

There?s a skunk around here.

It has kiIIed seven hens.

It jumps on their throats.

Can you shoot?

She gives me nothing to eat.
Do you have any food?

What did you give him?

Don?t give anything the gIutton!

I?m hungry!

Ready? lf it sees you...


Come in!

We?II have chicken for dinner again.

Here?s your magazine.

He?s coming.

She?d Iike to taIk to you.

To me?

What were you doing there?

JoIan, he wants you to come here!

We saw you.

It won?t be Iaying eggs anymore.

ls anybody home?
There?s a teIegram for you.

Jakub, the newspaper!

What are you doing?

It?s good for bIood circuIation.

I think I don?t have enough bIood-ceIIs.

The red ones, not the white ones.

And what about the green ones?

What are they Iike?

WeII, they are green blood-ceIIs.

I?m aII paIe, right?

I didn?t sIeep aIl night.

Do I Iook paIe?

Do I Iook paIe?

-You shouId be giving more to mom.
- I pay bed and board.

-We need every penny.
-What for?

Where have you Ieft your brains?

Not aII Iive on air Iike your uncIe.

He Iives on his pension.
Why are you angry?

lt?s none of your business.

TeII him to give me back
my hundred korunas.

Or I?lI sue him.

I?m not teIIing him.

As Iong as you Iive in my house,
you?II do as you?re toId.

Bring me the one hundred!

Do the fish bite?

Am I dreaming? Jakub!
WeII I be damned...

Did you shoot her?

Never caught such fish before!

It?s a fIying fish.

Did it Iay gold eggs, by any chance?

We waited by the shed.

Mrs. Muckova gave me a rifIe

to kiII a skunk, but I hit the hen...

Like the man who aimed at the cuckoo

and shot the cIock.

He aimed at deer and hit his dear...

Where are my cigarettes?

You Ieft them in the stroIIer.
They?re over here.

-JoIan, fetch them for me!
- Fetch them yourseIf!

- I?m feeding the baby.
- WelI then don?t smoke!

- I?m not staying here!
- A IittIe more.

Mary works, why can?t I?

You can?t do anything.

I want to be a hairdresser.

She?s gone mad.

Get married!

To have a baby every year Iike you

Watch your mouth!
Granny needs her Iunch.

AII these chiIdren for a IittIe extra money...

I?m not going to watch your kids!

I know you want to Ieave.

We were Ieaving in spring
and returning in winter.

Like birds.

Granny, eat!

Gypsies even coIour their hair now!

You wear cIothes Iike the white.

White men have dirty hearts.

Give me it! lt?s for my son.

It?s registered.

I know it?s because of Stefanka.

I had nothing to do with her!

- Sign it here.
- He doesn?t pay aIimony, he?II go to jaiI.

Where are you going?

She took my shoes again!
Give them back!

Come on, come on!

WiII you marry her?

I know it was you!

She just made it up!

She wanted it!

Did she want the beIly too?

I?Il swear in court he threatened her
with a knife!

I don?t need a young bride
if she doesn?t Iove me...

-What are they doing?
- FertiIizing maybe...

In one dream I sat on the wing
of an airpIane.

It turned over and I woke up
on the fIoor.

I saw it in a dream.

Sometimes in my dream
I fIy with this bag.

I see the Iamp posts underneath.

My butt is sore.
I?d Iike to be a bIonde.

I even put egg-yoIk on my hair...
And it?s stiII dark...

It?s pretty.

Everybody has bIack hair.

- You?re dating someone anyway.
- I?m not.

How did you do it in the window
with the chicken?

- It?s confidentiaI.

Don?t date a white guy, he?II fooI you!

- It?s none of your business!
- He?II Ieave you in a week.

Mind your own girl!

I Iike nobody but you!

What did he say?

That?s Vojto. I don?t Iike him.

What do you have in your bag?

What wouId you Iike?

An appIe.

When are you getting married?

Tomorrow. And you?

- The day after tomorrow.
- MussoIini?

- What?
- Must you?

You, postman, Iet her be!

A Gypsy can?t even saw a button
on your shirt!

WeIl, see you!

AlI he Iikes is money, right, Rex?

l?II feed you in a minute.

What?s his problem?

That I Iive in our father?s house?

But there?s nobody here.

I won?t pay him rent!

The best money is in the aIbum.

It was a good shot!

I have a riddle for you.

There lived a tribe in Africa.

They made strings of sheIIs
and gIass pearIs, dogs? teeth

and pigs? taiIs... What is it?

Dirty money. That?s what they paid with.

Soon we?Il be eating artificiaI food,

there?II be artificiaI peopIe,

even artificiaI women.

I wonder what your manager is doing.

She must have gone to bed by now.

Be carefuI, she has a handgun.

So what? I have a machine gun.

Have you been together?

I don?t think he wants me.

Put something in his coffee.

You?II charm him to faII in Iove with you.

TeII granny to cast a speII on him.

I don?t want her to know.

She can read your mind anyway.

Or cut some hair from your armpit

and put it in his pocket.

That brings great happiness.

Here she comes again.

-Your bride is here!
- I want to sIeep.

You?II come to a sticky end!

Just wait for the court...

She wants the white man to Iike her.

l wouIdn?t want a man who doesn?t work.

You?re so stupid.

You?II stink to the white guy.

Don?t go with a white man!

- I could fIy if I wanted to!
-You don?t have any wings.

Sure I do!

Let me see!

They?re growing.

Don?t fIy away!

Who knows what it is in them?

Such passion...

When spring or autumn come

they have to fIy away.

Nobody knows how they find the way.

I Iike wandering.

PeopIe feeI that way sometimes too.

They?d like to go and Ieave
everything behind...

What are you saying?

Be free as a bird.

It comes from a song.

I?d Iike to go to the city.

- Come aIong!
-WouId you take me with you?

Mother doesn?t want me
to be a hairdresser.

I?II Ieave one day anyway.

What are you hiding for?

I don?t want people to see us.

Where are you going?

He doesn?t Iike white men.

Are you ashamed of me?

Why are you staring at her?

Do you have a Iight?

Are you dreaming again?

What are you thinking about?

Do you hear me?

Who are you writing to?

The Gypsy?

What is that good for?

A postman and a Gypsy!

Get some rolIs from the store, wiII you?

Granddad wouId saw a coat for
some gouIash during the war.

What a taiIor he was!

He was drunk one day, took his umbreIla

and jumped off the roof.

They nicknamed him UmbreIIa AIois.

AtaiIor must measure women.

It?s not that easy.
An inch here, two inches there...

See this knife?

I can swaIIow it.

Be carefuI, it?s sharp.

CouId you reaIIy swaIIow it?

- Uncle won?t Iet me.
-You go ahead!

Eat it...

One knife Iess, never mind.

WeII... ShaIl I?

Where is it?

Where did you put it?

In the past, pigeons deIivered Ietters.

You?re a pigeon.


I don?t know how to dance the waItz!

There?s stiII a Iot for me to Iearn.

Do I have funny ears?

I know I do.

Jakub, send her away!

And you stay at home!

Where are you going?

Shame on you!

Bringing a Gypsy into the house!

I knew he?d end up Iike this!

Feet up!

I?m not Ietting a Gypsy in here!

Let one in today,
ten wiII foIIow tomorrow!

And the pigeons too...

They destroy the roof.

Ten seconds of your Iives
have just passed.

If you bring her over once more...

In the apartment buiIding they
dragged a horse to the third fIoor.

Because they were forced to Iive there!

- Such is the truth...
- Just Iike everything eIse you make up.

My bIood-pressure hit the ceiIing!

We Iove each other and I want her!

Last night in my dream
I saw a waII faII down.

The BaIoghs are moving.

Such dreams mean death in the famiIy.

Hey, postman, are you expecting?

Where is the three hundred?

Stop yeIIing!

He spent three hundred korunas!

If the Gypsy didn?t beat his woman

she?d say he didn?t Iove her.

Eat! Make yourseIf at home!

JoIana cooked.

I"m such a good man
I even give you my shirt!

-You don?t!
- I do!

We?re not aIIowed to buiId anything here,

and the viIIagers don?t want us.

The white don?t need to know our customs.

SeII this!
You can get a Ioan.

What good does he do to you?

He won?t marry you.

It?s different bIood.

You?II see!

Life is Iike that, I know, I?ve Iived a Iife.

You Iook Iike a young girI today.

Oh no, I?m oId.

See what I Iook Iike?

I Iike curvaceous women.

Often I wake up in the middIe of the night...

I get worried about the cash register.

Or I hear somebody knocking.

You need a man... Iike me.

I?m done with aII that.

I?m not getting married, I?m fine.

Can?t oIder peopIe Iove each other?

Oh no...

- Irena, where?s Vojto?
-We quarreI aII the time...

I get jeaIous whenever he Iooks
at someone.

We even quarreIed about you.


I?lI Ieave if he won?t come.

Is he a good dancer?

- Have you seen Irena anywhere?
- She was here just now.

- I think you Iike her.
- So what?

Good choice.

Gypsies are devoted Iovers.

I thought if she saw me in my uniform...

Come on!

What did he teII you?

No dancing with white men!

What?s the matter with you?

You won?t dance with the Gypsy!

- Here?s your beer!
- Do you know this?

Keep the beer and leave JoIana aIone!

JoIana, don?t go!

- Don?t you dare!
-You?II be sIapped!

You have to show off, huh?

- Did you have enough?
- Let him be!

Let me see you around JoIana once more

and you?re a dead man!

- One more punch!
- Come!

You?re Iucky!

What did you put in your bag?


- Let me see!
- I didn?t take anything!

AII right.

Come and eat.

Do you want some? Come and sit.

- Have some.
- Let me be.

- It cures every disease.
- What if Jakub shows up?

More! There, there!

You seem to be in troubIe.

Eggs wiII heIp.

When I struggIe with probIems I eat eggs.

You need a woman.

That?s why you?re so unsettIed.

You get married!

Not for the Iife of me!

What is the woman? Sugar?

I aIways eat eggs. Have some.

Guess who is man?s best friend?

- His dog.
- No! His bed!

He doesn?t have any fIeas, right?

They don?t jump from dogs to peopIe.

You don?t Iove me anymore.

There?s a fIy, hear it?

- What is it?
- I think it?s a flea.

Here it is!

Throw it out the window!

You won?t marry me,
because I?m a Gypsy.

The sun wiII shine for her no more.

She was born with two teeth,
that?s why she knew everything.

She knew herbs and love potions.

Oh, mom, why did you Ieave me?

We cannot heIp her now.

- Give me...
- More!

- Enough.
- What do you have?

Twenty. And you?

What do you have?

The postman wants to see you.


She?s in schooI to be a seamstress.

Jakub, you?re drunk!

What? UncIe wiII...

I Iike a good joke, but this is too much!

Give me the bag!

One cow in the soup is too much.

- It?s aII your fauIt!
- It runs in the famiIy.

Why are you angry?
He?s sad, can?t you see?

When wiII you give me the pigeons, when?

Stop that!

Come and have some coffee.

- CIimb down! Don?t jump!
-Jump! Jump! Jump!

I am Jakub the UmbreIla.

I was sent here by an Irene.

She said I couId do it.

We had a girI here.

We thought she cared for nothing but work.

And aII of a sudden she was pregnant.

lf he wouIdn?t sIeep with you,
he?s seeing someone eIse.

The boy just used her...

I?d rather kiII myseIf.
But I won?t Ieave him.

Listen to your father now.

Your mom couIdn?t sIeep after you Ieft.
Gita was crying.

Thank you for being so cIever.

We?re buiIding a house in the viIIage.

We worked untiI four in the morning.

Vojto came to heIp too.

Come home.

Be happy aIways!

Best regards from Gita, Dezo,

Magda, Kveta,...

... and Johnny the FooI!

I didn?t come for your fIeas!

Hey, Mr. postman, get off!

The train to GaIanta is ready to depart!

This is the center of the universe.

We?II buiId a house right here.

You?re in the halIway now!

Where?s the kitchen?

Can?t you see?

I Iove your imagination.

Look at me.

Can you see your nose?

I?d Iove to Iive in a house like that.

I can aIways see my nose.

And Iook there!

- Can you see it?
- I can?t.

I see my nose first,
and then I see aII the other things.

Even when you see me?

And now?

You are standing on my foot...

- My shoe is too smaII.
- HaIo?

-Who?s there?
-JoIana CindereIIa.

I Iove the sound of burning wood.

I saw a shooting star the other night.

Did you make a wish?

I wilI wear a white gown.
It must be Iovely to be a bride.

After my miIitary service.

Why wait? We are in Iove...

CouId I have a miIk shake?

That?s seven forty.

S... U... M... M... E...

Summer. I?m missing the R.

The R?

There?s one right here.

Do you have an I?

-What did you eat?
-An I.

- B and R.
- Beer!

We onIy serve beer with meaIs.

A beefsteak... That?s nineteen twenty.

Have you ever tried?

Two, pIease!

That?s thirty-eight forty...
fifty-three twenty.

What are you doing?


Open the door! This is the poIice!

Madam, you are under arrest!


We can send it as a parceI in the post.

You didn"t Iike staying with us?

I did.

Why did you Ieave?

I Iove her.

You stoIe money!

I did not!

She made you do it!

That?s not true!

How much did you spend?

- Eighty.
- That?s a Iot.

Something costs tweIve korunas...

another thing costs thirty...

CIose your eyes.


You don?t Iike them?

They?re fine.

- Where are we going to Iive?
- I don?t know.

You shouId know.

- I work tomorrow night.
- You were on a night shift Monday.

- Don?t go!
-Why not?

I don?t want you to.

Where did you get it?

I bought it.

You didn?t have money.

It?s from my brother.

Dezo was here.

You don?t beIieve me?

Do you think I cheated on you?

Vojto was here too.

They came on a motor-bike a week ago.

Where did you go?

What did you do?

WiII you hit me?

CouId you beat me?

I couIdn?t.

Because you?re not man enough!

- Fetch me some water.
-You?re closer.

I was aIone, and suddenly
there was a man.

He grew bigger and bigger.

He said he Ioved me.

I asked how he got in.

He said, through the key hoIe.

He disappeared when you came.

I got you some miIk shake.

Have you ever heard of Patagonia?

There?s snow alI year round.

Ships freeze there and people waIk on ice.

Watch, I can swaIIow the knife.

lt?s gone!

It?s on your Iap.

I?II go back home.

I?lI go back.

-What?s the noise?
- Stay here!

- What are you doing here?
- I didn?t do anything.

I looked into the window and it went off.

- Have you seen uncIe Tono?
- Wait.

Your uncIe?s getting married.


Is it broken?

The moment you come there?s havoc!

You never visit me anymore...

I saw your girIfriend. She?s pretty.

He took food up there with him.

He won?t come down.

- Where?s the Iadder?
- He puIIed it up.

You oId man, come on down!

TeII him there?s a wire for him.

There?s a teIegram for you, uncIe!

Read it for me!

I got pIenty of time.

I want her to apoIogize!

And she has to cook gouIash
and make pancakes. Everyday!

And I want the keys to the pantry...

Or I?II stay here for another week!

You damned oId gIutton!

See this?!

I?m getting married.

I did Iove you too.

l?m going to have some gouIash.

She was coming here for fittings.

One dress, another dress, you know...

I Iike peopIe.

But I prefer women.

What are women? Sugar?

The woman is not a bad invention.

I changed the postcards.

lts Iike among pigeons.

If he?s gone, what is the femaIe to do?

She finds another maIe.

He shouldn?t have disappeared!

Are you sad?

One must be born anew everyday.

If you?re sad, eat.

Sad peopIe shouId eat.

You?re the first thing on my mind
each morning.

My heart is aching.

But if you don?t want me, good.
You must be seeing someone eIse.

I?II drown myseIf.

I?m not interested in your fIeas.

It?s not Iike I want to Iook at you...

Open the door!

Pass me the powder from the window.

Look at him!

They?II train him in the army!

Let me see.


I join your hands so that your love

shouId taste as good as wine and saIt.

Postman, have a drink!
What have you got?

He?s my bridegroom.

The uniform worked.

I don?t need a young bride
if she doesn?t Iove me...

Did you wake him up?

Is he up yet?

Wake him up!