Room 203 (2022) - full transcript

Two best friends and roommates are terrified by the vengeful spirits dwelling in their apartment. Based on the novel published by Kobunsha and written by Nanami Kamon.

(ominous music)

(electricity buzzing)

(tinkling music)

(ominous music)

(speaking foreign language)

(tense music)

(speaking foreign language)

(hammer bangs)

(soft pop music)

- Damn.

(putty thuds)

What the hell?

- [Man] You patch that hol?

- I'm working on it.

- Oh yeah, that always does it.

- Why's that?

- I've worked this unit every

year, and it's like clockwork.

Tenants never stay long, and

that hole is always there.

(lighter clicks)

- We can smoke in here?

- No, Chad, I can smoke in.

- Man.

- Now listen.

I did hear this story.

That cavity in the wal?

It's alive.

It's waiting.

It's hungry.

And if you stare at

that long enough,

it becomes a glory hol.

(both laughing)

- Man, stop playing with me.

- Listen.

Sun's down, scrape out the

damp, cover it with wallpaper,

and I'm not paying overtim.

- I need at least another hour.

- No, we'll do it tomorrow.

We need to drag this ot

a few more days anyway.

So just go home.

You need a ride?

- My girl's meeting me.

- All right.

Well, lock up before

you leave, all right?

- You got it, boss.

(eerie music)

Man, this is fucking bullshit.

(ominous music)

(tense music)

(Chad gasps)

What the fuck?

(tense music)

- Hey, Mister.

Sorry I'm late.

- Look who finally showed up.

- And look what I brought.

- Is that a four-pack?

- Two might've disappeared

on the way over here.

- Yeah, sure.


- Oh, wow.

- That's cool, right?

- Hmm.

- Okay.

Wait, wait.

I got something for it.

(tense music)

- You got that for me?

- Yeah.

Here, turn around.

Let me see.

- Hmm.

Do you like?

- I love.

And you need another beer.

(Chad laughs)

(glass shatters)

(tense music)

(Lena groaning)

- Lena?

Baby, you okay?

(dramatic music)



Oh, fuck.

Stay with me, stay with me.

Look at me, look at me.

Lena, baby, no, no, no, no.

Help, somebody!

Look at me, Lena.

Please help!

Oh, fuck!

Okay, I'm gonna get help,

okay, I'm gonna get help.

(tense music)

(solemn music)

- You're making a huge mistake.

- She's a bad influence on you.

You step out that door,

don't come back to us

asking for help.

- Kim!

- Hey.

- This place is lit, right?

- So cool, I love the floor.

- Where's your mom and dad?

Still not a fan of mine, huh.

- Not a fan of either

of us right now.

I'm just happy

you're here with me.

- I'm just happy to

ride out your coattails

when you become like,

a famous journalist.

Or if I make it before

then, I'm gonna give yu

an exclusive article

on how fabulous I am.

(both laughing)

(women chattering)

- Hi.

- I like your hat, man.

- I'm Ronan, the landlord.

You're moving into

room 203, right?

- That's us, yeah.

(woman chuckles)

This is the same

building, right?

- This was an old

commerce building.

The bank was on the first ,

the other floors were

converted to apartments

during the Depression.

We take first, last,

plus damages, cash onl,

for tenants like

you with no credit.

That's how it's done.

There's no parking included.

No smoking, no loud

noise after nine p.m.,

no cats, no dogs,

and the basement

is off limits to residents.

This is the last floor to be

renovated in the building.

The other units on

this floor are empty,

so it's just yours

here that's available

and mine back over there.

All original

pre-war furnishings.

Utilities are included

in the monthly.

All furnishings are required

to remain in the apartment.

- Wow.

Oh my...


This'll do.

This will do just fine.

- It's better than the photos.

Definitely vintage vibes.

You concur?

- I concur.

(gentle music)


This is beyond.

- It reminds me of

that messed up play

that you did freshman year.

- "Murder at the Cathedral."

- Don't touch that!

This is an historic building,

and under no circumstances

can that be damaged.

- Got it, dude.

- Are we good here?

(tense music)

(both laughing)

- Yay.

(hammer tapping)

(ominous music)

(knocking on door)

- Hey.

- Hey.

She said this was

the only picture

where her hair looked nice.

- Her hair always looked good.

- Yeah.

(gentle music)

- I call wheelbarrow.

- No.

- That was your mom's rules.

Sad girl goes in

the wheelbarrow.


(both chuckling)

Let's go!

(both laughing)


- Blood surging to my head.

(both laughing)

(head thuds)


- Sorry.


Fuck, I'm dizzy.

Oh, you know what

I just remembered?

- What?

- It's a margarita Thursday.

- That's not a thing.

- Why?

I just made it a thing.

It's margarita Thursda.

- I can't.

I have orientation day

the day after tomorrow.

(blender whirring)

(upbeat music)

♪ Found me on the Gold Coast ♪

♪ Take me where I wanna go ♪

♪ I'll be in your pokey show ♪

♪ Ooh, oh ♪

(women chattering)

♪ You can call me Marianne ♪

♪ Tell me I'm your favorite ♪

♪ Yeah, gotta give

me what you got ♪

♪ The sun goes down ♪

♪ We stay awake ♪

♪ You got that shine ♪

(woman singing indistinctly)

♪ I'm in your dreams ♪

♪ You're getting tired♪

- Mine!

- I'm only gonna borrow it.

- Borrow it?

I bought it!

♪ Yeah ♪

(women chattering)

(ominous music)

(machine clicks)

- [Samuel] Hello, you've

reached Samuel and Anne White.

Please leave us a

message after the tone.

(voicemail beeps)

- Hey, it's me.

I just want to let you know

that we got all moved in

and the place is really good.

And I'm happy.

Okay, I'm gonna try again

tomorrow after my first day.

Love you.

- Hi.

- Good morning.

- I think I dreamt I peed

on the roof last right.

- Wait, no, I think you did

pee on the roof last night.

- Round two tonight, baby.

That's not what I'm saying.

What I'm saying is that

99% of college students

go to orientation

with a hangover.

I think it's like

a rite of passage.

- If I even look at tequila

tonight I'm gonna vomit.

- Dude, just drink win.


- I know, I tried to hang

the mirror there last night,

but the nail didn't hold.

Found it on the

floor this morning.

Ew, it's fine.

We'll just ask Ronan to fix it.

- I think I see something.

(tense music)

- Izzy, don't, you know

you're just gonna mess it up.

- No, hold on.

- Don't.

- Oh no, it's fine.

(Izzy gasps)

(suspenseful music)

- Izzy!

(Izzy whimpering)

(Izzy laughing)

- You're kidding!

You're... (sighs)


- I told you I was

gonna be a superstar.

My pictures everywhere and

everyone knows my name.

- Was that in the wall?

- Yeah.

- Let me see it.

- Finders keepers.

- Well, I don't want to ke.

There's probably mold

on it or something.

- Oh, whatever.

This is vintage, and Im

the queen of vintage.

- Mm-hmm, more like

queen of tetanus.

- That's a good one, actually.

- Thank you.

- Get ready, we're

going out tonight.

(ominous music)

- Okay, so, your mom ad

dad, wouldn't let you

hang in high school,

and then what?

They disown you now, o?

- They don't disown me.

They're just really strict.

- It's 'cause I went to rehab.

- Oh.

Damn, well...

- Not for alcohol, you jackass.

- Well, then for what?

- None of your

business, stranger.

- My name is Steve.

- Oh, well good for you, Steve.

- Anyway, we're roommates now,

and I start at the

college tomorrow.

- Okay, cool.

All right, so you guys

are going to college.

That's cool.

- Not me.

- Well, what are

you gonna do, then?

- Oh, you know, just

probably thinking

I'm gonna drink a lot here.

- She's an actress.

- Thanks babe.

- Man.

You're so fucking so hot.

- Don't.

- What?

- Dude, what are you doing?

- Calm down, we're all just,

we're hanging out here, right?


- Shit.

(Izzy laughs)

(Izzy laughing)

(Izzy laughing)

(tense music)

I'm sorry, we'll be quieter.

(door closes)

(man sighing)

- You know, I didn't

tell you how much

that punch turned me o.

- You know, we could

try something like that

if you want, huh?

You can slap me or...

Look, we don't have to

if you don't want, but...

(Izzy snoring)


(man sighing)

Man, what the fuck?

(izzy snoring)

(eerie music)

(man sighs)

Holy shit.

(Kim breathing heavily)

What the fuck?

(tense music)

(bottle thuds)

(zipper buzzes)

(urine trickling)

(tense music)

(flesh squelches)

(man gasps)

(suspenseful music)

(ominous music)

(door opens)

(door closes)

(floor creaking)

(door opens)

(solemn music)

(Izzy snoring)

- Morning, sunshine.

(Kim groaning)

It's orientation day.

I told you I wouldn't fail you.

(Kim sighs)

- I heard some weird

noises last night.

- Oh dude, I didn't hear shit.

And that guy must've left.

What's his name?

- Tony?

- Tony!

Dude, I totally forgot.

But yeah.

- How's your hand?

- Oh, you know, it's all good.

(Kim chuckles)

- What time is it?

- It's only 11.

- Shit!

- What?

- God.

Orientation already started.

(tense music)


(knocking on door)

Excuse me?

I'm here for the orientation.


- You're late.

Orientation ended

15 minutes ago.

I was giving the orientation

tour, so in exchange

for an extra hot non-fat

sugar-free vanilla latte,

I'll give you the

exclusive Ian tour for one.

- Really?

That's your drink?

- Yeah.

- I'm kidding.

You got a deal.

- Need your name first.

- Kim.

- Ian.

- I got that from the tour.

- It's all about the web p.

You'll access the live

lectures, round tables there.

Has its own social network.

I'm not really giving

you any gold here.

You don't have to

write it all down.

What are you

majoring in, anyway?

- Journalism, but I

want to minor in psych.

- Nice.


I'm a junior now.

I'm doing journalism

too, but I'm focusing

on video journalism.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

Just it's the future.

Information's become

democratized on the we.

- Yeah.

I think that's part of

the problem, though.

I mean, any idiot with

an internet connection

can take a video of

themselves and call it news.

- Touche.

What about you?

- Call me romantic, but

I think there's something

special about the written word.

Like I...

I don't know.

I think there's something

special about the process

of real journalism,

and it helps people.

- I hate to break it

to you, but that means

you're gonna be taking a couple

courses with Dr. Phillips.

- Is that bad?

- Dude is a complete ass.

- He was must've given you a C.

- C minus.

(Kim laughing)

So you came here

for spring semester,

and your friend came

to pursue acting?

- Yeah, but we just

wanted to get away.

I was being suffocated

by my mom and dad.

But Izzy...

She was struggling aftr

her mom passed away.

So I wanted to help her,

and it kinda helps me too.

She's like family, so.

- There's a story for Dr.

Phillips' class right there.

You could write about

how you help a friend

cope with loss, you know?

Anyway, you're lucky to have

a friend that's like family.

- Yeah.

It's cool. (chuckles)

And we found this

amazing apartment.

I mean, it's amazing

and creepy, kind of.

But we can afford it, so.

- I've actually got ths

little protest today

I'm gonna cover.

(gentle music)

See you on the portal.

- Thanks for the in-person

lesson on isolated education.

(phone beeps)

- Hey.

Just getting back.

Haven't heard from you.

Gonna go to bed soon.

(ominous music)


(door closes)

Hey, what's with the smell?


(match strikes)

(blows out match)

(object clattering)

(tinkling music)

(keyboard clacking)


In the wake...

Of an accidental overdose...

Doesn't always feel like l.

(solemn music)

It's more like surviva.

Like you've been kissed

by death and the shadow

that looms in the aftermath is

a reminder that you're next.

I watch helplessly as t

stalks my best friend.

It has come close.

The shadow gave her

a fistful of pills

on a beautiful of

Fourth of July.

But the subsequent fireworks

that burst inside her

didn't finish the job.

She refuses the call to

the other side, but...

The shadow is patient.

(mysterious music)

(Kim sighs)

(paper rattling)

(suspenseful music)

(Kim breathing heavily)

What the fuck?

(slow, heavy banging on door)

(tense music)

(suspenseful music)


What are you doing?

(tinkling music)

(ominous music)

(gasps) Izzy!

Hey, wake up.

Wake up, Izzy, please?

I'm here.

It's okay.

- She's still with us.

(tinkling music)

I can feel her.

- Shh.

(music box closes)

(ominous music)

(solemn music)

(tools clattering)

(Kim sighing)

Well, I had two

visitors last night.

An imaginary bird, then you.

- Was the bird cute?

Was I cute?

I'm sorry, Kim.

I put the two and two together

when I woke up in your bed.

But I don't remember anything.

- Izzy, last-

- You liked your

smoothie, right?

- I like my sleep more.

- I used to sleep

walk when I was a kid.

It'll stop.

And if it doesn't,

you won't even know,

'cause I installed a lock.

(liquid pouring)

- So what were you

up to last night?

- I've met someone.

- Hmm.

What's his name?

- Her name.

- Congratulations?

- Sandy.

Her name is Sandy, and I met

her last night at the bar.

She is a casting

assistant to this lady.

And guess what?

She's getting me an

audition for this TV show

that she's doing.

- Congratulations!

(Izzy laughing)

- When I get the part, taking

you to your first strip club.

- Mm-mm.

- Mm-hmm.

(both laughing)

- I was gonna tell you

about it last night,

but I met someone too, a guy.


And I like him.

I think I'm gonna let

him take me on a date.

- What?!

- Oh, are you okay?

- Yeah, sorry.

My cramps are really

kicking my ass today.

- Okay.

There's aspirin in the

cabinet over the stove.

Drink more water, less tequila.

- Whatever.

- The SPJ code of ethics

is a great place to start.

You should always run through

the checklist to ensure that

you are delivering your

content in a way that

you're both proud of and that

will stand up to scrutiny.

My office hours are

available as usual.

Thank you, everyone.

- Excuse me, Dr. Phillips?

- Yes.

- Yeah, I just...

I wanted to ask a questiont

my personal experiences ar,

because what I'm writing about

isn't technically about me,

it's about my friend and

her personal experiences,

some difficult situations and

how I've seen it affect her.

And I think it'd be important

for me too, just be cathartic.

I'm not gonna say

her name or anything,

but I was wondering if youk

I need to get her permission.

- You should act

independently here.

As long as you aren't

putting her in any danger

or betraying her trust.

- Yeah, I just feel

it's important.

I don't think she'd

understand right now

what I'm trying to do with it.

- As long as you

leave her anonymous,

I think you'll be fine.

Good luck.

- Thank you, Doctor.

(computer beeps)

I was just getting some

help from the professo.

- So the audition's

today, and then

Sandy's taking me

out for drinks after.

- Casting couch.


- Please.

You should go see that boy.

Give your mom and dad a big

fuck you by fucking him.

(Kim chuckles)

(ominous music)

- All right, I'll see you .

- Good luck, love you.

- Love you!

(gentle music)

(hammer tapping)

- Stay.

(Kim laughs)

So then she punched this

guy in the face. (laughs)

I think he was knocked out.

- Remind me not

to piss Izzy off.

She sounds cool, I just don't

want to go down like that.

(Kim laughing)

How'd her mom pass awa?

Sorry, I shouldn't

have asked that.

Sorry, it's the

journalism thing,

it's ruined my social etiq.

- No, no, it's fine.

She just...

It was an overdose.

And the thing about

it was I think she was

the happiest person that I.

I mean, I loved

Leanna, and I had just

no idea that that's wht

she was going through.

And I think she was

going through that

and she was just this

light in our lives,

then what does that

mean for the rest of u?

- Sorry.

Just can't imagine.

- It crushed Izzy.

The worst part about

it is that I let

my parents run my life.

They wouldn't let me

over there to see her.

They thought I'd overdose

by osmosis or something.

So I couldn't go to the fu.

When she needed me

most, she called me

and asked me to be

there, I didn't show u.

And then the next

thing that I heard,

she was in the hospita.

She tried to...

She took a bunch of pills.


I just promised myself that I

would always be there for her.


- Don't apologize.

Come on.

I'll take you for a ride.

- You don't have a car.

- Yeah, I know.

When's the last time you

rode on a pair of handlebars?

(Kim laughs)

(Kim laughing)

This is better

than a car, right?

- It's kinda scary!

- I know.

- How fast are we goin?

- Fast!

Five miles per hour.

(Kim laughing)

- Woohoo! (laughing)


- You almost got me killed.

- You almost got you killed.

- I'd invite myself up, but

actually really sweaty now.

- Good, 'cause I

would've said no.

Go shower.

- Can I see you again?

- Uh-huh. (laughing)

(door closing)

(gentle music)

(mysterious music)

(door closes)

(keyboard clacking)

- [Samuel] Hello, you've

reached Samuel and Anne White,

please leave us a

message after the tone.

(voicemail beeps)

- Hi, it's me again.

I just want to tell you

how it's going here.

I like my classes.

We're doing good.

I guess call me back

if you have time,

or want to talk,

(glass shattering)



(Kim sighs)

(eerie music)

(door opens)

(door closes)

- I had a really good

time with you today.

I really wanna kiss yo.

- Yeah?

Well why don't you do it?

(glass crunches)

(Kim grunts)

(eerie music)

(tinkling music)

(tinkling music)

- Izzy?

(tinkling music)



Are you okay?

Are you awake?

(metal crunches)

It's me, Kimmy.


(Izzy screaming)

Hey, are you...

(tense music)

(Kim gasps)

Izzy, wait.

(door closes)

(elevator beeps)

Fuck. (groans)

(door opens)

(door closes)

(mysterious music)


Izzy, please?

It's me.

Izzy, please.

Please, where are you?


(tense music)

(Kim gasps)

(person choking)

(tinkling music)


(person choking)

Izzy, where are you going?

Izzy, wait!

(door closes)

(tense music)

(tinkling music)

(ominous music)




It's okay.

It's all right, Izzy.

You're gonna be safe.


You're gonna be all right.


(suspenseful music)

(Izzy groaning)

(urine trickling)

(solemn music)

I'm here.

I'm here.

- I don't understand.

- It's okay.

I think you just

need to stay in bed.

You need rest.

And please don't drink.

I don't know what that was

last night, but it scared me.

- I'm not gonna drink.

I have a call back today.

- Drink this.

- My head really hurts.

- I think it might

just be stress.

Can you see a doctor?

- I don't have insurance.

And like, I don't know,

but they're not gonna

let me take sleeping pills.

- No, that's not

what I was saying.

I don't want that.

- Do you ever feel like

you're watching your dreams,

but you're not part of them?

- No.

- Well, that's

what it felt like.

(solemn music)

- [Kim] I feel like

I'm talking crazy.

- No, no, you're not.

This is real.

You weren't sleepwalking,

you were awake.

- Well, what do I do?

I need to do something.

- Dig.

- What?

- Dig.

Research, investigate.

That's what we're

supposed to do, right?

There's always an answer,

you just have to dig.

- Right.


- Just can't judge what we.

- We?

- You'll need like a

research assistant.

- Will you come to

the apartment with me?

- Finally, you're

inviting me up.

- Just don't talk to hr

about it though, pleas.

I just want you to

see the place first.

Maybe there's like

radon poisoning

happening or something.

- I don't think radon makes

you sleepwalk yourself

down to the basement.

- What the hell?

(ominous music)

- Is she gone?

- I don't know.

(dramatic music)

- Can I help you?

- Do you know this guy?

- [Kim] He's my landlord.

- I came to treat the glass.

- Oh, okay.

Can you let me know in

advance when you're gonna be

coming into the apartment?

- You went down to the bas.

The basement is off

limits to residents.

Don't go down there.

- Your landlord's

kind of a dick.

- Yeah.

(door closes)

- This thing is horrifying.

You ever seen stained

glass like this?

- No.

- Me neither.

(camera clicking)

- Last night Izzy was

just staring at it.

It was weird.

It was like she was

hypnotized or somethin.

- That symbol is weird.

It looks like kinda Irish

or Celtic or something.

- Hmm.

- What else?

- What else what?

- You said she was

holding a music box?

- Yeah, I found it in that

little cabinet over there.

All the stuff is just

like stuff left behind.

- From other renters or what?

- I think so.

I don't know.

One second. (laughs)

- [Ian] Look at these.

This is the music box?

- Yeah.

- It's not making

any music sounds.

- It was last night.

I'm not crazy, it was, I swear.

- To my dearest Karen,

always yours, L.M..

(door closes)

- Hey, I'm Ian.

- Hey.

- How's your call back?

- Sandy didn't even

show up, so I guess

it kinda just went like that.

- I'm sorry, hon.

I'm sure it went better

than you think it did.

And there's always

gonna be more.

- There is gonna be more.

I get another chance to

get rejected tomorrow.


- My sister's an actress.

They made her be the spoon

in "Beauty and the Beast."

- Spoon.

That's great.

- Sorry.

(camera clicking)

Why don't you cover that up?

- I tried.

- Smells kinda weird.

- I know.

And the necklace that

Izzy found was in ther.

- What?

Out of the hole?

- Yeah.

She just reached her hand

in there and found it.

- Okay, but that's gross.

Does Izzy eat gum

off the sidewalk too?

- Shut up.

No, no, really,

that's fucking crazy.

Why would that be in there?

Why would you wear it?


Moving on.

All right.

I'll look into anything

I can find on the window.

You look into the apartment.

(solemn music)

(zipper buzzing)

(keyboard clacking)

Okay, this is definitey

a Celtic mark,

it's called a triskele.

It's like a druid pagan symbol.

- Hmm.

Liam McNally.

Look at this.

It's Karen.

It's the name from

the music box.

- L.M..

That's crazy.

That's their music box, right?

- It has to be.

(keyboard clacking)

- Damn.

Look at this.

- "Bank manager

murders pregnant wife."


Milton Briggs.

(keyboards clacking)

"He was last known to

be in his apartment..."


They all lived in

this apartment?

- I don't know, some of

the articles don't say.

(solemn music)

(Kim chuckling)

(tense music)

(Izzy breathing heavil)

(eerie chanting)

(tense music)

(Izzy panting)

(woman whispering

foreign language)

(Izzy panting)

(woman whispering

foreign language)

(Izzy gasping)

(Izzy hyperventilating)

(voices whispering indisti)

(Izzy gasps)

(woman whispering

foreign language)

(ominous music)

(paper rustling)

(Kim sighs)

(paper rustling)

(suspenseful music)

(bird caws)

- What happened?

Are you okay?

- There was this bird,

there was a fucking bid

and it flew at me.

(tense music)

- It's just a dream, all right?

It's okay.

(mysterious music)

(door closes)

- Can I help you with some?

- Excuse me.

Are you Kim White?

- I'm her roommate.

- Okay, great.


- Thank you.

(door closes)


Kim, I got your paper.

Oh, fuck.

(solemn music)

(doors open)

(doors close)

(phone beeps)

- I'm just here in

St. Mark's Cathedral.

As a lifelong atheist, I

don't have much experience

with stained glass

windows, so I wanted to see

these in person,

make some comparisons

between the windows

in the church

and the stained glass

window in Kim's apartment

at the commerce building.

So far, what I'm seeing

here are depictions

of religious events, you know,

probably biblical symbolism.

Or they're totally decorative.

Either way, the tone

is about reverence.

They're generally uplifting,

and generally pretty.

In contrast to the

window in room 203,

I don't see any maker's

marks or symbols

that appear to be Celtic.

(phone beeps)

(tense music)

(mysterious music)

(door opens)

(car door closes)

(solemn music)

(knocking on door)

(door opening)

- Hi.

Can I help you?

- Hi.

Are, are you Milton Briggs?

- When I can remember

my own name I am.

Did I forget to pay

a bill or something?

- No, no, nothing like that.

I go to college here

and I'm actually doing

some research for an article,

and I was just wondering

if I could talk to

you for five minutes

about Liam and Karen McNally

and the night that they died.

- Why would you want to

write an article about that?

They've already wrote everything

there is to say already.

- I just wanted to

hear it from you.

- I haven't had to talk

about that in about 50 years.

I don't want to

dredge up the past.

- Please.

Five minutes.

I live in that same apartment,

and I just need to know.

- You live in room 203.

- Yes.

- That night I was

working the graveyard,

and I heard some footsteps.

I figured it was Larry,

the other janitor,

had come back 'cause

he had forgot his keys,

but then I heard more

footsteps, and crying.

So I stepped out to

see what was happening.

And that's when I saw him.

Chasing his wife

into the boiler room.

- Who?

- Mr. McNally.

(tense music)

He was after his wife.

And she was screaming.

So I ran after them and chased

them into the boiler room,

and that's when I saw the .

- Blood on who?

- Mrs. McNally.

She was clutching her

stomach and crying out.

It was everywhere.

And then the crying stopped.

And I just froze.

I've never been so ashamed

of anything in my life.

I stood there, and

when he got up,

he just walked right past me.

He had a look in his eyes

I'd never seen in a man.

It was like I wasn't even .

Like I was a ghost.

I felt like I

floated Mrs. McNally.

I just wanted to

stop the bleeding.

All of a sudden,

I heard a gunshot.

- He shot himself?

- I guess.

I couldn't think

of what that was.

My mind just wasn't

ready for it yet.

At that point, all I could

hear was the baby crying.

- What?

The baby survived?

- He did.

A little boy.

- What happened to him?

- Nobody told me.

I went into shock.

And I've never stepped foot

in that building again.

(solemn music)

- Hey.

- Hey Kimmy.

- Where are you going?

- Out.

- Can you stay for a

few minutes, please?

I need to talk to you.

- I've got plans, kid.

- Izzy...

- Wanna talk about thi?

This whole fucking

thing is about me.

My life.

- Izzy, I'm sorry, oka?

I didn't say your name

and I kept it anonymou.

I was just trying to help.

- Help who?


- No, no...

I was trying to-

- You didn't have

to say my name.

It's obvious who

you're talking about.

You took my tragedy, ripped it

open, and put it on the page.


You made me your guinea

pig just so you can

get a fuckin' A?

- No, please, Izzy, don't,

it wasn't like that, okay?

I need you to listen to me now

because it's really important.

- Like I needed you.

I buried my mom.

Where the fuck were yo?

(solemn music)

- Izzy, I'm sorry.

- No.

- No, I am sorry!

- No, no, no, no, no, no!

If you were there,

you wouldn't have had

to write this fucking

paper just to make

yourself feel better.

I mean, did you

even ask yourself

why I was so fucked up after?

Bro, you were the

only family left.

And you left.

- Izzy, I'm sorry.

I am, I'm sorry,

Izzy, please stay.

- I just wanted you

to fight for me.

- Izzy, please.

(Kim crying)

(door opens)

(door slams)

- Druids worshiped Pagan gods.

(tense music)

"Goddess of revenge, war, .

Known as 'fury.'"

Often takes the form of a crow.

(tense music)

The mark of the Morrig.

(Kim panting)

(suspenseful music)

(Kim grunting)

(banging on wall)

(dramatic music)

(Kim hyperventilating)

(dramatic music)

(door closes)


Okay, just the facts,

and the facts are weir.

I found something on

the stained glass windw

in your apartment.

I was researching...

Anyway, whatever.

I just need to tell you

about it as soon as possible.

And maybe you shouldn't

be there right now.

If you are there.


Call me back as soon

as you get this.

I'm coming over.

(ominous music)

(door closes)

(Kim breathing heavily)

(Kim whimpering)

- That was the last picture

taken of my parents.

Do you recognize anything?

(Kim crying)

My mother's necklace.

Morrigu chooses

who wears it next.

She's with her now.

And she needs to feed.

(Kim crying)

feed her children.

If I don't satisfy

the crows soon,

she's going to come after me.

Like she did my

mother and my father.

Normally, it would

be done by now.

But your friend is fighting it.

The others were quicke.

I'm telling you this...

Because you're about to

join them in the walls.

(suspenseful music)

(Kim grunting)

(elevator beeping)

(muffled shouting and banging)

(knocking on door)

- Hello?

(door closes)


(tense music)


Oh, shit.

(window creaking)

(heavy breathing)

(bird caws)

(tense music)

(suspenseful music)

Izzy, Jesus.

- Ian, right?

- Yeah.

Is Kim here?

Do you know where she is?

- She'll be back.

For now you can sit here...

And wait.

- Kim's...

- Shh.

(ominous music)

(muffled screaming)

- I don't have a choic!

(muffled screaming)

Morrigu has been trapped

in the glass for centuries.

She's a part of my family.

I found my father's journal.

He taught me about the curse.

He taught me how she feeds.

How the souls she

takes leave a totem

and allow her to

cross into our realm.

My parents thought

they could ignore it,

and she found a

way to get to them.

She won't get to me.

(Kim crying)

(speaking foreign language)

(suspenseful music)

(bird cawing)

(speaking foreign language)

Take this offering.

(ominous music)

Feed on her soul.

(Ronan grunts)

(both grunting)

(Ronan shouting)

You little bitch!

(suspenseful music)

(door closes)

(Kim crying)

- Izzy?

Izzy, where are you?

We need to leave,

we need to go now!

(knives clattering)

(solemn music)

(Kim crying)

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

(Kim crying)

I'm sorry.

(ominous music)

(Ronan panting)

(tense music)

(door closes)

(suspenseful music)

- Kim.


(tense music)

You can't save her now.

(tense music)

(ominous music)

(tinkling music)

(Kim gasps)

(suspenseful music)

(Ronan grunts)

(both grunt)

(Ronan panting)

(tense music)

(Ronan growling)

(person choking)

(Kim gasps)

- Izzy?

(person choking)

It's me.


It's Kim.

(ominous music)

(person choking)

(Kim shouts)

(tense music)

(person choking)

(suspenseful music)


Just let me save her, okay?

Just let me save Izzy.

I'll go with you.

(gun clicks)

Just please, okay?

I saw him.

I saw your father's face.

- That means she's her.

It's time.

- Don't.

Don't do it, just...

Don't do it.

- It's my responsibility.

(Kim crying)

(Ronan grunts)

(Ronan gasping)

(suspenseful music)

(gunshot bangs)

(Kim screams)

(feedback ringing)

(body thuds)

(Kim whimpering)

(tinkling music)

- Izzy?

(Kim grunting)


(tinkling music)


(music box closes)

- Help me, Kim.

I need you.

- That's why I'm here.

I'm gonna help you, okay?

I just need you to take

off the necklace, okay?

Take the necklace off, Izzy.

(Izzy groaning)

(Kim gasps)

- Can you get me home?


- I love you, Izzy.

(Izzy laughing)

I won't let her have you, okay?

I won't.

(tense music)

(Izzy shouting)

- Help me, please help me.

(eerie music)

Help me.

(Izzy laughing)


I need you.

- Take the necklace of.

(Izzy laughing)

(suspenseful music)

(Izzy shrieks)

(Izzy laughing)

(Izzy snarling)

(Kim whimpering)

(Izzy shouting)

(Kim grunting)

(Kim shouting)

(Izzy laughing)

Izzy, I won't let you go.

- She's mine.

- Izzy, don't leave me.


(Kim whimpering)

(Izzy roaring)

(Izzy shrieking)

(birds cawing)

Don't leave.

I love you, Izzy, okay?

(knife clatters)

Please, I love you.

- Are you okay?

- Fuck.

It's okay, I'm okay.

I'm okay. (crying)

- Let's get the fuck outta.

- No.

Not yet.

Not until we destroy

that fucking window.

(solemn music)

(Izzy crying)

(suspenseful music)

(banging on window)

(birds cawing)

Fuck, Kimmy, just

do it and leave!

Come on, Kimmy, just

do it and leave!

Kimmy, please.

(glass shatters)

(Kim whimpers)

It's okay.

Come on.

We gotta go.

(Kim crying)

(solemn music)

(door closes)

- [Kim] When you're one

of those left behind,

you understand that the

shadow will always exist.

There's no doomsday clock

ticking away your countdown.

It's more of an appreciation

for every single morning.

That's why I'm grateful

to be here with her.

She appreciates me

simply for existing.

She loves me because

I fight alongside her.

If the shadow wants

to knock on this door,

it'll have to take us both.

(ominous music)

(voices whispering indisti)

(tense music)

(birds cawing)

(dramatic music)

(solemn music)

(rocks slamming)

(upbeat music)