Rome Wants Another Caesar (1974) - full transcript

We are in Numidia, a small North African
province, conquered by Caesar in 46 BC.

To retain it,
Caesar has sent here

one of his men of confidence,
the propraetor Titus Sextius.

In fact, from an economic point of view,
it is a true source of wealth.

From here, the Romans can control
a big part of the Saharan trade

and to supply the Latin world with
a big slice of the tropical wealth.

In order to guarantee Rome this
riches, Titus Sextius has confiscated

all the lands in the south which
he needed to control the caravans.

He formed a sort of local army
consisting of Numidians and Mauritians.

and he himself wanted to take his
residence in one of the last villages,

near the border.

The peasants, robbed of their lands,
are forced to seek refuge on the hills

But very soon they formed bandit groups

assaulting the caravans headed for Rome.

Young Romans, who already lived there,

or old republicans,
who are against Caesar,

have embraced the cause of the rebels.

and in a short while managed to turn
the Numidians' fight against Titus Sextius

into an ideological battle against Rome
and against Caesar.

What is your name?
- Claudius.

But it is not my real name.

Your compatriots are killing us!

The propraetor had 3000 Numidians killed.

Now he even arrests the Romans
that sympathize with us.

but naturally he doesn't kill them,
your flesh is privileged!

Do you see these bodies? You find
a lot of them in these hills.

My friend,
we don't have to bury the bodies,

but throw them into
the face of the world!

It is our time.
The time of the minorities.

The time in which small groups
of free men

have to move alone
and speak and act,

in the name of all those
who will follow later on.

You shouldn't think that only he
has done so.

All the Romans want to be like Caesar.

Each of them wants to have his own
statue in the four corners of the world.

Don't expect to meet a just Roman.

He speaks as a friend
to force you to something.

He wants your slavery.

Who is Roman, is guilty by nature.

Therefore, one must never
have pity for anyone,

not even for those who seem innocent.

But you are Roman.

It seems to me that
your hate is something

personal and maybe
there is resentment in your words.

And I think that you are not here
to help but to provoke us.

It is not true, and you know it well.

Here, they are coming!
Prepare yourself!

We swear that we will fight!

That we will give our lives
and those of our friends!

Until we see you fall!

We will fight even beyond
your death!

So that after you
also your works shall fall!

We swear!

That one in the blue tunica
is our friend.

We mustn't kill him.



There is no danger.

Do you see? There are not many,

and they also seem courageous
because they are led by an authority.

We have to succeed in destroying
the myth of authority.

Thus, the people will begin to understand
that the Power is not immortal.

Now we are few,
but soon we will be a movement.

They are Romans.

You are free, friends!

You preach that Numidia is with you
and that these soldiers are loyal.

Watch how they flee now, do you see?
They are frightened.

And you know, why?

Because they feel that
what they do is not just.

They are Numidians.

As soon as they see your fragility,
they are ready to betray you.

What do you want from me?

What do you think?

Leave me.

I am not the person
you are looking for.

You are not the person we
are looking for? Really?

You are Romans.
What are your names?

But how, you don't remember me?

I have never seen you in my life.

Numidia is full of people like you.

You are really very good at lying.

Lying and killing with the same ease.

Caesar will be proud of you.

I am not armed
and you can kill me if you want.

But let me say that these methods are
cowardly, worthy of the people here.

We don't have problems.

If you want to feel yourself Roman,
just fight against me.

Or against me.

We have to decide who of us
has to kill him.

Run! The one without a sword
will be the executioner.

I am always on the side
of those who want to liberate me.

But I had preferred you
to fight against him.

You could have lost.

But if you had won in a duel,

I would have embraced you
like a true Roman.

But he didn't want to fight.

And we embrace you!

Let's take the head
of the propraetor.

Maybe we made a mistake.
- And what is it?

Ask her. Go.

Is this the head of the propraetor?
- No,

Titus Sextius has a small wound
close to the lip.

I am sure, I saw him several times.
It is the other one.

Titus Sextius had a twin.

Seems he came a few days
earlier from the capital.

We killed him, not the propraetor.
- I know.

Why do you tell me things
I already know?

Did you know that a twin existed?
- No.

I did not know at all.

The blue tunica mislead us.

We have to make him talk,
make him tell the truth.

If the propraetor send his brother
to be killed,

if he dressed him in his clothes,

and put him on the head of the caravan,

it means that he knew,
that he knew about your plans.

The blue tunica warned him.

Together, they forged a clever
strategy, but to which aims?

The aims of the propraetor
do not interest us.

His policy is not ours.
We don't intrigue in politics.

- So what do we do then?
- War.

We make war!
Then, let's swear!

- What do you propose?
- We go away.

- Let's strike the tents.
- No, stop!

The Romans will burn it down.
- They will not burn it down.

We will leave the boys
and some women.

They will kill them.
- Sure, they will kill them.

And the Numidian soldiers
will kill the Numidian brothers.

Thus the people will begin to understand
that subservience towards Rome is absurd.

They have to rebel, they can't continue
playing the drums for the propraetor.

But they shall play for themselves.

As long as they don't understand that
simple truth, they will always be victims.

We cannot save them,
but we will help them.

We will let them be killed.

If the propraetor makes
a slaughter in this camp,

he will show the real face of Rome.

We need his revenge.
We need him alive for this.

With the alibi of his brother's murder
he'll chase us through the desert.

massacring innocents and out of the
unjustly scattered Numidian blood

will rise the hate enabling your people
to rise up.

Not always do the just come from heaven.
- Maybe, but they are with him.

- I am not.
- We leave.

We renounce the oath.

Go, if you want to,
but you have sworn.

and maybe, we will kill you.

We cannot but stay.

And now, let's give the choice
to the chance.

Yours is the task to choose the victims.

The Romans joined the camp of our brothers.

And you do not feel responsible?
- I do.

Why do you always lie,
who taught you so?

Because you create an atmosphere
of fear, it is difficult to say the truth.


Caesar and the Romans create the fear,
not us.

We want to transform the fear
into the people's courage.

The soldiers are leaving.

They arrived very quickly.

Was it you who informed them?
Well done.

Thanks to you the propraetor
did not lose time.

It is not true.
I am with you, believe me.

Enough now with the double-cross!

You have to make a decision.

Be with us or against us.

People like you should be eliminated.

Leave me!

Leave me, I want to die, this
you can believe me.

This dagger is beautiful.

Do you want to give it to me?

Give it to me.
It has to use for anybody.

Are you ready to swear
to never again betray us,

and will be with us, always?
- I am ready.

Show us that you are
with the Numidians!

- Swear!
- I swear!

- Again. Once again!
- I swear!

- Come with us.
- Do you want to kill us?

No, we want to offer you a possibility,

to see how the Caesar's Romans
civilize the conquered provinces

As you see, it is not difficult
to get into his residence.

Blue Tunica did a good job,
many soldiers are already on our side.

I believe that by now we can
have complete confidence in him.

Do you see?
Look at him.

It was me who sent him.

I recommended him to
show himself to the propraetor.

If he doesn't suspect him, arrests him,
it is proof to our favour.

With his help,
we can get in here whenever we want.

Be careful!
We have to hide ourselves.

These soldiers are the only ones
that stayed faithful to him.

It is his personal guard.

Also you betrayed me.

You moved over to the rebels.

You are wrong. Those like you,

Caesar's Romans,
only see the surface.

No! Don't kill him!

It is not necessary anymore.
Caesar died in Rome, judged.

Caesar is dead!

The tyrant is dead!

Let's tear it down!

No, it would be a mistake.

We must never feel ashamed
of our past.

Maybe also we have faults.

A man can be mistaken.

But the Roman people must not
be wrong, never.

Let's keep it to remember him.

and let's all swear to
never repeat his faults.

The companions first cry,
but will laugh afterwards.

Life leads the serious man through
diversely tangled paths.

Often is the quick advancing hindered.

Then, the road becomes straight again.

Sometimes, the strong feeling can
unload itself in eloquent words,

and the heavy burden of knowledge
has to close up in the silence.

but if two mortals are united,
they will break the iron and bronze chains.

Today a new life begins...

Could we be all together?
- Yes!

We don't have the same ideas,

but could we stay together also
with different opinions?

We had different lives,
different experiences,

could we build a common future?

When problems show up,
and difficulty,

would we know to overcome
them together?

Long live my friend, our leader!

Crowns serve to create myths,
and myths serve to divide people.

And the people who are friends,

instead of uniting
against the true enemies,

divide and fight among each
other in the name of someone

whose vanity wants them
to be unequal and divided.

The crowned heads of the mercenaries

kill the unity and break the links
of friendship.

That morning, I was in the Senate.

I saw Caesar arrive.
He was in a good mood.

He made fun of Spurinna

and insulting him as wrong seer he said
that the Ides of March

had come and he was,
despite the prediction, still alive.

But the Ides of March had come
and were not yet gone, and suddenly...

You have seen him... die?

Yes, I saw him.
He cried.

He was vile.
He asked for mercy.

All tyrants end like this - crying.

The simple man laughs
about the death of a tyrant,

and does the tyrant cry about the death
of his simple men?

But the wise prince can cross
the burning river three times

and he will always come back
without crying nor laughing.

Keep still!

I don't like your philosophy.

Can I embrace my women one more time?

Can he embrace them?

It's ok.

Hurry up.

We are the disciples of Brutus.

We are the descendants of the Republic.

We are against violence and
tyranny, always.

And we will see that nobody
takes the place of Caesar.

This is our task, not the words.

You are right.

serve to cover the truth,

and tyrants use them to convince
the people, to make themselves be loved

and the poor love them because
they have nothing else and are afraid,

because they need myths.

It is those poor that we have to address,

and to teach that they can live
more happily without dictators.

My friends.

Would you be ready to kill an enemy?
- Yes!

What strange contradictions!

Look, we put here a sack, we stab it,

as they stabbed Caesar
in the Senate.

We do symbolism.

And from this sack comes fresh,
pure grain.

Grain that Caesar sent the Numidians.

A personal gift by the father of
the fatherland to his subjects.

What beautiful words!

You, do you agree with him?

I do not agree.
And I should kill him.

Can I speak?

We have the luck
to have with us

the symbol of the tyranny
of this province.

But to judge this man we must be
wise and mature.

It's worthless to talk about his guilt,
we know it.

We have to decide if to kill him
or bring him alive to Rome.

I am for his death!
- So am I!

But I suggest to bring him to Rome and
deliver him to the new republic's tribunal.

Can I speak?

I personally believe that cages and
prisons should be empty.

No one should inhabit them.

And no one should have the right
to put a man into there.

This man let me pass one day.

He could have killed me.
But he didn't.

Therefore I suggest to let him go
by foot, alone.

If he is able to reach the sea,
he will find someone to save him.

If he dies before,
we will not cry for him.

What do you think, how much
does a human life cost?

What do you think,
how much does it cost?

Let him be.
I'll take care of him.

What are you doing, friend?
What are you doing, chief?

You were a simple boy, one who
decided to fight openly

and now you have fits of rage.

Also he began like this - Caesar!

Because of this we left Rome.

Caesar was convinced that he was always
right and so he took Rome in his hands,

without respecting the others.
- As long as you have not decided

with clarity about me, I prefer
to stay in here.

The only secure place for me
is the prison.

A sword!

In the heart of the melting pot
different forces mingle.

And the weak, in their
long winter sleep,

cross the borders of the ices
and unite with the strong people.

Where there is no antagonism,
there is no strength.

Where there is no contradiction,
there is no life.

The wise knows that without enemies..

one cannot create friendship.

Now I am your prisoner.

But I don't believe to be a prisoner.

We are alone now.

Let them pass.

I have not told yet that Rome gave me a
message for the opposition leader.

- Are you - the leader?
- No.

It's not true, you are the leader.
Give me that.

Dear lost friends!

I bring a message from
the Senate of Rome.

It is for you.

I came back to observe you
while you are listening.

Romans of Numidia!

We know that among you is a young man
whose father was born in Turi

and was son of Gaius Octavius,

man of great name and wealth.

He was born on September 20

under the consulate of Marcus Tullius
Cicero and Caius Antonius in Rome

shortly before dawn
in the Palatine district.

One says this young man
has himself called Octavius.

But his real name
is Octavian.

Caesar's testament was read
by Marc Anton in Rome.

and was approved by the friends and
enemies of the father of the fatherland.

According to the will of Caesar,
Octavian will be his successor

and inherit his personal
and official wealth.

From this moment on,
your name is Gaius Caesar Octavian

and you will take on your shoulders
the destiny of Rome.

I cannot decide.

Until this moment,
I lived with friends.

And the decision of one
has always been the decision of all.

But now you are Caesar and
your authority is limitless.


I only accept if I can return to Rome
with my friends

to discuss all the problems with them,
as we discuss them down here.

I am not allowed to.

The orders are to bring you
to Rome alone.

Then I refuse!

I want to tell Rome that Octavian does
not want Caesar's collar and inheritance.

I cannot do this.

I must return with you
or kill myself.

These are the orders.
- Orders for me?

Kill yourself then.
What do you wait for?

Around here, we have never seen
a senator die.

This is how true Romans know to die.

Who do not aspire
for money,

for supremacy, but for real greatness.
I personally confess that I forgot this.

But this man reminded me that I, too,

have to die like a
true and noble Roman.

Maybe they were our enemies

but certainly we owe them respect.

You really a rhetoric people.

For you a spectacular death
is more important than a just life.

But for us, the poor,
life is more precious,

the only thing we have
and we have to keep it.

And you?
You son of the sun and the moon?

Show these barbarian Romans that we,
the savages, have the power of life.

Don't thank us.

Propraetor, I am at your disposal.

In the name of the Senate
and the Roman people,

it is ordered to execute Juba, leader
of the rebels, and outlaw of Numidia.

He is no outlaw,
he is a friend.

The Senate and the Roman people
have decided thus.

And also the new Caesar should
respect these decisions.

Carry out the orders.

The wise knows that only one dies
who does not have ideas for living.

But ideas are not enough, they have no
spades. Only with them can one renew life.

Now, you will have all the spades
of Rome and forget our common ideas.

Know that I will never offer
my spade to you, Caesar.

But don't want to be one sole Caesar.

Also you have inherited, with me,
this crown.

What are you organizing?

There must be someone who put
this idea into your head.

I know the people here well.

They always say the sun made
them lose their mind.

Let's see if this is true. Run!

To the right!

Stand still!

To the left.

Put the arms up!

Now bend down!

You know, we have the proof.

We know perfectly what you have in mind.
Stand up!

Come back here!

You want to kill Octavian.

You decided to do it today,
when he meets with the senators.

It is true or not?

Who are your complices? Speak!
Who gave you the orders?

There are ways to make you talk.

Now you don't move.

Let him be!

Have a rest.

Sit down.

Let us offer him something to eat.

But why?

You were always with us.

Close to us.

Why do you know want to kill
your friend Octavian? Why?

Who suggested you this idea?

I beg your pardon.

Your friend has something interesting
to say to you.

Speak free.

- He received money from someone.
- From whom?

Do I have to say his name?
- No. Not his name.

Was it a Roman who
gave him the money?

And for what reason?

To kill Octavian.

Did you see when they gave him
the money? - No. But I know he took it.

Salute, friends.

Why don't you say clearly that I am
organizing a plot against Octavian?

Dou you want to show this?

Come on, I am at your disposal here.

You financed the Numidian outlaws,
and are accused of treason,

and a conspiracy against the new Caesar.
Tie him.

You are delayed, Romans.

You have to die, all of you.

Here too much politics
has been done.

Assassinations and culprits have been
chosen before thinking of just ideas.

I want to try to force history!

I will kill you, Octavian,
and take your position.

There will be no witness to unmask me.

Go, Romans!

The Numidian barbarians
will follow you everywhere.

We can get away.
- Look!

These young rebels aren't very serious.

What does Claudius want then?

Maybe he does not know it himself.

He comes, goes, threatens to kill us,
then embraces us, then hates us again.

Every day he suggests another strategy,
maybe we did wrong to trust him.

Young ones are all like this.
It is our fault.

Afraid of being considered old,
we listen to them,

ready to give them
their heritage.

We are enchanted to listen to them

and these boys loose their heads.

And thus, instead of becoming adult,
they play with life.

You are too indulgent.
You judge them too tenderly.

The problem is much easier.

Those boys have no sense of responsibility
and even less of duty.

You know nothing about the young.

Claudius, he is the true representative
of the youth!

He changes every day the resolution,

but because he understood that
for us young there is no way out.

If we seek to take the power,

we will make the same errors
as our fathers.

If we don't take it, we will suffocate
in the errors of others.

There is only one solution.
Never think. Be grey men.

But who has not a grey character,
what can he do?

I am not a grey man.

And still I had a clear mind
since I was young.

I always knew what I had to do.

But I realized myself,
day for day,


Your aim was always very simple.

For you, the only problem is to serve
the one who has the power.

Now, for example, you are with us

because you understood
Octavian will be a great one.

You are already ready to negate what
you did so far, and tomorrow

you would be able to change again.

I am not a patrician like you.

I have to earn my living.

If the situation changes,

nothing remains for me but to
adapt to the new situation.

This we understood well.

We know, for example, that the idea
of assassinating Octavian was yours.

You wanted to show the new Caesar that his
current friends will become future enemies.

You wanted him to see
that you will be indispensable.

To secure the order for him tomorrow
and his personal safety.

Indeed, it is an old rule
which you perfectly know.

Who ascends,
has to leave everything behind.

Even the honesty.

I hope that Octavian will go without
people like you.

He is coming back!

We have understood that we have to die.

Come! Do you want to kill us?

Do you want to take my place?

I, a damned character,
can only be in opposition.

What are your ideas? What is your
programme as a future Caesar?

In Rome, I was called to build a destiny.

I know that my enemies need my name
and not my personality.

But I want to bring our ideas to Rome
and fulfil a renewal without conflicts.

I believe that to realize a more just world
one needs authority and discipline.

Not the authority that oppresses,

but an authority that leads people
towards horizons,

that are maybe more limited,
but more human.

You became wise.

It was enough to put a crown
on your head for you to feel

responsible for the Roman people.

You already changed your attitude.

You speak of "lead", "authority",
of "discipline".

You speak of "constructing"

but you know well that
before one must destroy.

Without hate there can be no love.

And your ideas are illusions,

which you use to cover your ambitions.

Don't you believe, Claudius,

that the world can improve?
- No.

I believe that it has to change.

I wanted to propose you
to come with me.

To be at my side.

To help me not to forget the aims
which we set for ourselves.

You know well you are
forcing me to refuse.

You know my ideas.
You know I don't believe

in gradual progressions
but in violent changes,

those that come suddenly,
as natural disasters.

Why do you call me to
renounce my ideas? Why?

Lost friend, you are already Caesar!

I hoped you could reflect
upon a simple thing.

If I don't become Caesar,
it will be someone else

who is worse than myself.
Is this not a valid reason?

You want to be a just Caesar,

I dream of a world without Caesars!


Practical men made the world.

I hope that you will be our
just Caesar.

Our virtues depend on the
interpretation of the moment.

And power, infatuated by itself,

has no more certain tomb than the chair

on which it stands to vaunt itself
with its deeds.

A fire chases another fire.

A nail chases another nail.

The rights destroy the rights.

Strength kills strength.

Go, Octavian, go, Romans!

Rome will be yours!

And when you will be in power,
you will already be weak.

And one day you will fall into the hands
of the disciples of a Claudius.

You must know
that the just are immortal.

Leonardo Costadura and Gary Vanisian