Roll Bounce (2005) - full transcript

1970s roller-skate jams fuel this coming-of-age comedy, as X and his friends, who rule their local rink, are shocked when their home base goes out of business. Heading over to the Sweetwater Roller Rink, they find their modest talents are, at first, no competition for their trick skaters and pretty girls who follow their every move.

X! Yo, X!

Hey, man, stop playin' around.

For real, man.

You skatin' or what?

- Yeah, let's go.

- Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Come on.

South Side!

Attention, all you wallflowers...

and all you seat warmers.

This is D.J. Smooth Dee talking...

telling you, get on the floor...

and skate till

you can't skate anymore.

'Cause after today, the Garden

will be closing its doors indefinitely.

And if you don't know

what "indefinitely" means...

you shouldn't be

in here skating anyway.

You should have your ass

in summer school.

I say it with love, people.

I say it with love.

So get up out your seat.

We'll turn this mother-sucker out.

All-skate, people.

This is an all-skate.

Watch out, girl!

Come on, Junior.

Here we go. Here we go.

All right, fellas. Let's form

this train, y'all. Come on. Come on.


Whoo! Whoo!

The boys is doin' it!

Them little boys is bad!



Boy, hit my butt again

and see what happens!

Ooh! Ooh!

Ooh! Y'all make me sick.



There goes our summer.

For real. I mean, y'all,

this is jacked up.

Damn, Naps.

I know you ain't cryin'.

No. My eyes just water

like this sometimes.

- I have a condition.

- You ain't got no condition.

Only condition you need to have

is some for that hair.

Man, we can't keep nothin'

open in the hood.

How much of them dumb mothers

gonna go broke all of a sudden?

Shoot, Negro, you'll go broke too

if you had 15 kids.

- Sixteen.

- Fifteen, 16, 36, whatever.

That Negro got a whole football

and a basketball team.

Blue 42!

- Yeah, but I wonder

what they're gonna build there.

- Come on now, X.

You know what they're

gonna build there.

Same thing they always build.

Either a gun shop-

- Barbecue shack.

- Chicken spot.

- Liquor store.

- Or all four in one.

I hope they build that chicken spot.

Ooh, that'd be nice.

I guess we gotta go over

to Sweetwater to skate now.

Mike, you're stupid.

Look, I'm not goin' all the way

over to no North Side to go skate.

Why not, X? You're afraid you can't

compete with those North Side boys, huh?

- Mm-hmm.

- Who said I was afraid?

Look, bottom line is

I don't wanna go over there.

X just doesn't wanna run into that ug mug

he took to the movies last time.

- Yep. Mm-hmm.

- Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Naomi? Naomi the duck.

- Chick's so ugly, every time

you see her, you gotta duck.

- Duck!

Watch out. Quack.

Hey, I heard Sweetwater has

some nice-looking girls though.

- For white girls.

- So? My mom's white, Junior.

It's cool. She got a black woman's body,

so it don't count.

She good.

She cool. Mm-hmm.

No! Didn't I tell you to keep my mom's

name out your mouth? Huh?

Man, get back on your bike, man!

She's got a apple shape.

I look sometimes.

- Hey, I say we go up there.

- Listen, Boo, all right?

I'm not- Hey!

Look at his wheel!

Man, I told you to stop rollin' around

on those Buster Brown Goodwill skates.

- Didn't I say that?

- Uh-huh. Sure, you're right.

For real, X, man. It's time

to chuck them bad boys.

Hey, my mom bought me

these skates, okay?

Your mom bought 'em for you, and we

can't even talk about your old-ass skates.

Man, Harriet Tubman wore them skates.

She skated her way to freedom.

Look, man, these are not old.

They're classics.

Yeah, you know,

like your mama's hairdo.

- Whoa!

- He got you!

She still singin'

with the Supremes, right?

Bald and beautiful.

Oh, snap! Later.

Oh, shoot. Junior, sorry.


I made it. I made it.

Daddy! X is late again!

Girl, shh! Oh, girl, you better

not let me catch you. Come here!


- Huh?

- Boy, get your butt out here!

Man, I hate her.

You're pushin' it, son.

Really pushin' it.

What, Dad?

I beat the light.

Did I say anything

about a streetlight, Xavier?

I asked you to be home early so we can get

these gutters cleaned out, didn't I?

- Oh, yeah.

- "Oh, yeah. "

Boy, this ain't

a Kool-Aid commercial.

Dad, the Gardens

closed down today for good.

- I had to be there.

- No, son.

You had to be here.

Okay? Here.

Now, look,

I know it's summertime.

You wanna be runnin' the streets

with the Mod Squad...

but I'm gonna need

your help around here.

It's just us now, son.

I'm gonna need you to step up.

You understand what I'm sayin' to you, son?

Yes, sir.


Xavier! Come on, now. Let's go.

Trash day. What? Did you forget?

Oh, shoot! The trash!

- Ahh.

- Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Don't try to move 'em now.

You know we don't like backtracking.

Yeah, we're highly

opposed to backtracking.

My fault. Look, I'll just bring 'em out

at night next time.

Bring 'em out at night? No, you ain't gonna

just bring 'em out at night next time.

What, so the German shepherd

and the pit bull puppies could

snatch the bag outta there...

and have empty diapers

and cigarette wrappers...

and Snickers wrappers and Stayfree boxes

laid all out in the middle of the street?

Yeah. Then the neighbors call in

down to the plant complainin'.

- Right.

- Talkin' about how we

didn't do our job correctly.

And then we get complaints

and warnings from our boss.

- Then after the warning comes a demerit.

- Right.

And when you get to three demerits,

you know what happens then?

- A nigger lose his job!

- Oh, God, man.

- His house! His family!

- Yeah.

Get kicked out of church 'cause you no

longer got money for the collection plate.

- They want you out.

- Right.

- All because you bringin' out the garbage late.

- That's right.

And I'm tellin' you straight up,

man, if I lose my job, man...

you're gonna put on a little Evel Knievel suit

and sell some dimes and nicks on a Big Wheel.

You're gonna get my money

some kinda way!

Yeah. Then, 'cause of our rock-hard bodies

we developed from liftin' trash-


- We end up in the alley as prostitutes.

- Right.


- Yeah, that's right! You too!

- I don't know about all that.

Yeah, it could happen. You end up

in the alley with the shirt off, sweaty.

- Sellin'.

- Right.

Not for money! Just for a bite

off the man's hamburger.

The point is we tryin' to make: Don't mess

with the Department of Sanitation...

or you will come up dirty!

Hey! Hey, hey.

Good God!

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

Duncan Hines!

Mmm! Look at her.

Skin just glitterin'.

Oh, yeah.

Whoo! Boy!

Lord have mercy!

Is that a Lustrasilk?

Look at how her hair blows.

Look at her!

Look at the walk!

Chocolate city.

Chocolate city.

That must be jelly, 'cause

jam don't shake like that.

Yeah, I'm outta here.

See ya later, little man.

Hey, lookit here.

Why don't you check your package.

- You got a little fruit hangin' out of the loom.

- Huh?

- Oh, man.

- Daddy, can we please go to McDonald's?

No, honey. It's too early now.

I gotta go to work. Come-

- Where are your clothes?

- Um, Dad-

Never mind. I'm takin' your sister to Pam's

house to play, and then I gotta go to work.

Dad, shouldn't you comb her hair first?

I did comb it.

Looks good.

In the car, honey.

Anyway, I'm outta here.

Don't burn down my house.

And put some clothes on, boy. This ain't

Africa. What's the matter with you?

Hey, Curt! What's up, baby?

Mr. Astronomical Man!

Hey, Byron, Victor.

Boy, you know I wanna be

just like you when I grow up.

Wear the jeans with the whole sweater

tucked down in the pants.

Oh, boy.

No, man, all jokes aside, man, how the

airplane engineering business treatin' you?

Never better, brother.

Never better.

"Never better, brother.

Never better. "

Cool it, man.

Curtis Uncle Tom, man.

Damn! So what you think about me,

man, if you think he's Uncle Tom?

He ain't down with the struggle

like you and me.

- That dude voted for Nixon.

- You're right about that.

Can I take a message?

Sure. You can try back in about an hour.

All right. Thank you.

Yes. Good morning. Hi.

Good morning. I'm Curtis Smith. I'm here

to apply for the engineering position.

I'm sorry, but that position

has already been filled. Sorry.

Good morning. McGill and White.

How may I help you?

What the-

Hey! How you doin'? All right.



Hey, man!

Hey, how you doin',

Mr. Johnson? All right.

What the- Boy, what you doin'?

All right, here he comes.

Arm yourselves.


Hey! Hey, come on, man! Stop it!

Stop playin'!

Get him!

Little punks!

Oh, sh-


It's 97 degrees on the South Side.

Hey, Mr. Walker.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- Whoa!

- Oh!

- Oh, shoot!

- Oh, man.

- Are you okay?

- Yeah. Yeah.

- All right. I just wanted to-

- Yeah, I'm cool.

- I wanted to make sure.

- Just breaking in some skates.

Tori. My mom and I

just moved in over there.

Oh, okay. I'm X.

Oh, okay. I think I seen your mom

take out the trash last week.

Mm, black woman, skintight jeans,

wearin' a top with no bra on?

- Uh, look, I don't-

- Yeah, that was her.

She know she be workin' it.

So, man, I see you skatin'.

Um, you a skater?

Yeah, I- My daddy sent these for me.

He lives in Atlanta

with his new wife- a white woman.

But I ain't mad. Shoot, she's rich.

What about you?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Well, yeah, I have a little sister.

She's five goin' on 40.

And then there's my dad.

Well, no comment.

What about the people here?

- What about 'em?

- You know. They all nice like you?

Yeah, of course.

I mean, this is a nice city.

- They're all nice like me.

- Oh, really?

Yeah. Better yet,

I'm gonna prove it to you.

- Hey, guys, this is Tori.

- Hi.


Dang, girl! Did a whole silverware drawer

explode in your mouth?

I'm just sayin', Amtrak called. They said

they need some of their tracks back.

Lay me some tracks. Come on.

Look, don't trip on him, all right?

He's always like this.

Oh, don't worry. I'm not.

I know punk rides

on the short yellow bus.

- Ooh!

- Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Heavy metal? I know

you don't wanna start.

- Yeah, you don't wanna start.

- Because I ain't the one.

- He ain't the one.

- See, look at you.

Your mouth look like a daggone

tin foil factory! That's what it look like.

Well, at least I'm gettin' my teeth corrected.

- Look at yours.

- What?

You need to stop chewin'

on them yellow crayons...

and start scrubbin' with

some Colgate, yuck mouth!

She called you yuck mouth!


See, that ain't fair.

You can't say "yuck mouth. "

Because I'm allergic

to toothpaste anyway.

And I was eatin' Cheetos.

Look, look, forget you.

All right? I got you.

I got somethin' for you.

Why you laugh at that, man?

- 'Cause it's funny, yuck mouth.

- Yo, X.

We're goin' over to Sweetwater to check it out

and maybe even get a glimpse at Sweetness.

- What's a Sweetness?

- Only the baddest mo-fo

to ever slap on a pair of skates.

- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah, best on the North Side.

- I mean, not over here.

- Man, whatever.

He wins the skate-off

every year. Dude is good.

Hey, I heard he had his own

theme music, like on Baretta.

- He ain't got no theme music.

- And I heard that one time...

some fool challenged Sweetness

in the middle of the rink to a skate-off.

He made homeboy look so bad

that he went number two on himself.

- Stop jivin', man. You're lyin'.

- Man, I swear.

Number two in white jeans.

He boo-booed on himself.

- Nasty.

- So, X, man, you comin' or what?

Guys, how come we just can't skate

over here like we been doin'?

X, stop bein' a little punk, man.

Look, we'll have you home

before the streetlight come on, all right?

- Yeah.

- Look, my boy's comin'.

Cool. I'm comin' too.

Oh, he-he-hell, no.

Junior, man, come on!

- Can you even skate?

- Yeah.

Yeah? Just don't fall on your face.

It's already hurt enough.

Boy, don't touch my face.

Hey, y'all, be quiet. Shh.

A moment of silence for her face, please.

All right. Amen.

Hallelujah. Let's go.

That's messed up, yuck mouth.

Let's do this.

- Oh, I'm telling you!

- Hey, man, we're gonna have

a good time at Sweetwater.

I promise, man. Look at this.

My goodness! Whoo!

Hey, see that right there? They got video games.

Can I get your name?

Excuse me! Your number?

Dang, this place is live.

I could live up in here.

- Me too.

- For real.

I didn't expect all of... this.

What was that?

- I don't know.

- Was that a girl or a guy?

- Why you do that?

- Hey, man, this place has everything.

- Yeah.

- Yeah, everything...

but some real music.

Okay, I mean,

the Gardens used to bump.

- Yeah, that's true.

- What? Boy, this is a jam.

She's crazy.

"Emotion" by the Bee Gees!

The Bee whats?

Come on! Y'all never

heard of the Bee Gees?

No. But it sound like somethin'

my cousin caught from his girlfriend.

I heard it make your balls fall off.

- Fo- For real?

- Yeah, so watch out.

- Yo! Check this out!

- What?

Whoo! Ha! Now this

is what I'm talkin' about.

"Come compete

in this year's skate-off.

"Show your talents in group

roller dancing competition.

Grand prize $500!"

You know what I could buy with $500?

Hopefully a comb, Naps.

Well, guys, I'm good.

I've seen enough.

- What?

- X, we just got here, man.

What are you talkin' about?

For real, man.

Why are you actin' all funky?

- Man, I'm not actin' all funky.

- You are too.

Plus there's way too much new booty

for us to be jaw-jacking with you.

- For real. I'm rentin' skates.

- I'm with you, Naps.

- Come on. Come on.

- Let's pick up the pace...

and groove to the sound

of the real thing.

"Can You Feel the Force. "

Excuse me?

Excuse me?

Excuse me!

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Y'all need somethin'?

- Nine.

- Right, nine. Right.

No, man. These are 12's.

I asked for nines.

Oh, my fault, little man.

Well? Could you go get 'em?

Hey, man, I can't be wearin'

these big old boats.

- You know-

- Check this out, young blood.

You're gonna wear whatever

skates Bernard gives you.

Dig that?

Don't start nothin'.

Won't be nothin'.

We cool? Be cool.

Oh, baby, you're so smart.

- Don't forget fine.

- That dude was crazy!


Look like Jimi Hendrix.

- Oh, damn!

- What? What?

Diablo mama!

- Damn!

- Ooh!

"Love to Love You. "I do.

Be cool. She comin'. Don't look.

Hey, baby.

- Hi, Xavier.

- What?

- Naomi?

- Yes.

How are you?

Oh, I-I'm fine.

- So when did you start comin' here?

- Is that the duck?

- Oh, well, this is the first time down here.

- Damn!

See, the Gardens

got closed down, so-

They closed the Gardens?

I didn't know that.


Like it.

Um, are these your friends?

Yeah. Uh, this is Mike,

Boo, Junior, Naps...

and, uh, that's Tori.

- Hi.

- Can't call it. Can't call it.

- Hi. How's it-

- Shh.

- What?

- You're messin' it up!

Those lips hit my neck.

You look great.

Yeah, so do you.

He ain't lyin'.

He ain't lyin'.

So I'll have to tell my mom

that I ran into you.

Oh, okay.

Come here.

Um, I never had a chance to tell you...

but I'm really sorry about your mom.

Oh, it's fine. Really.

- What she say?

- Shh, shh.

She said somethin'

about a ham sandwich.

No, I know, but I just wanted you

to know that I am sorry.

Naomi, really, it-

Would you look at that?

Five hundred!

- I'm fine.

- All right.

Comin' through! Comin' through!

Move! Move! Get out of the way!

Y'all know what's going on.

Make room for Mr. Fantastic.

The pretty boy.

He's super bad!

- He's super bad.

- Super fly.

- He's fly.

- Baddest mo-fo on eight wheels.

Make some noise for-

Sweet... ness!


- Sweetness, you're so fine!

- Yes, you are!

- Junior!

- I was talkin' to Tootsie!

- Hold yourself together, Tori.

- Cape.

- Lint.

- Lint.

Be careful, honey!


Look at that chest, baby!



I'll skate now.

Sweetness! Aha! He's too cool!

Boogie on down.

See? See? I told you Sweetness

had his own theme music.

Damn the music.

Sweetness got the honeys.

I think Tootsie is scoping me.

Here, Tootsie, Tootsie, Tootsie!

Man, I hope she don't

got the Bee Gees.

I guess everybody loves

Sweetness around here, huh?

Not everybody.


- What, Troy?

- Come on, now.

You don't have to get

all attitude on me.

I thought we were cool. Hey, what's up

with that fake number you gave me?

Yeah, what's up with the fake digits?

It wasn't fake.

They just weren't mine.

Okay. Okay.

I see how it is. Okay, so you won't give

me- me- your number?

Instead you give it to a raggedy dude

with a crooked-ass 'fro.



- I'll see you later, X.

- All right.

Excuse me.

Hey, Roy. Roy, check 'em out.

Check 'em out.

I'm checking. I'm checking.

Wearin' them hand-me-down skates.

I mean, come on.

Who y'all supposed to be,

the food stamp crew?

No, no, man. These are the welfare rollers.

Man, I know you ain't talkin' with them

American Bandstand glittery pants on.

What? What? You crazy?

These are the threads of champions.

Sweetwater Rollers,

group skate champions.

Five years runnin', baby.

Dig it.

"Sweetwater Rollers.

Five years runnin', baby. "

- Until now.

- Dig that!

- John Travolta!

- Is this a challenge, Mr. Mouth?

Whatever you want it to be, Kung Fu!

You just say when.

Right now, Cosby kids.

Come on.

Why don't you bring your old Salvation Army

rent-a-skate crew out here right now, punks!

Man, you ain't said nothin' but a word.

You'll see, Jackson Five.

What the hell was that?

I don't know, man. Hey, look, let's

show these dudes how we do it on the-

South Side!

- Can I come too? 'Cause I-

- No!

Hell, no!

I didn't want to skate

with them anyway. Aah!


Oh, shoot! Come on, Junior.

Come on, Boo.

Dang, y'all!

I said size nine! Size nine!

- Dang, they're too far ahead.

- All right, X man. Cut through the middle.

- Come on. Come on, y'all.

- Hell, yeah.

Come on, y'all.

We gotta catch up.

- Man, that Chinese boy's fast.

- Let's get the train together.

Watch out!

Y'all go on!

You're all weak anyways!

- Uh-huh.

- A bunch of suckers.

- Yo, they was doin' moves

I never even seen before.

- Whatever.

Yeah, they were pretty good.

- Whatever, man. It's home court

advantage. Don't even count.

- Whatever, Junior.

- I'm about to go to the snack bar

and get an Icee or somethin'.

- I'm with you, man.

- Boo, you okay?

- Man, my eye's actin' up.

Man, I'm rentin' new skates.

- I'm- I'm gonna go sit down.

- Y'all go on.

I'm about to get me some of Tootsie.

Here, Tootsie, Tootsie, Tootsie!

That thing that you're doin'-

kind of like a twist, like you're jumpin'...

- and then kind of like-

- Tori, Tori, please, okay?

- I'm telling you-

- Please!



Oh, damn. Junior!

- He's got a woody!

- Shut up! Shut up!

My baby's big!


Shut up! Shut up! First of all, they're

support briefs, and all the athletes wear 'em.

Wilt Chamberlain,

Kareem Abdul-Jabaar, O.J. Simpson.

They said they make you run faster.

All the ones that wear bras!

Shut up!

- I'll show you somethin' big!

- Hey, man, this ain't funny!

This is not no joke. These dudes

don't even respect us.

They just chalk us up to be some poor

ghetto boys from the South Side...

that don't even have a pot to piss in.

And that's not even us.

We're them boys used to go down

to the Gardens to skate our asses off.

Now, I know I was the one

against goin' over there...

but now, fellas, we gotta go there.

Get back on top, no matter what.

We need to kick ass

at this skate-off come August.

- I see somebody got their balls off layaway.

- Yeah, whatever.

You just stop wearin' purple panties...

and start puttin' lotion

on your ashy butt.

Hey, where we from, y'all?

South Side!

Hey, there's a homey right there!


Bad dream?

All right. Come on.

- Xavier?

- Go to sleep.

What was Mom like?


Tell me what she was like again.


she was a lot like you.

She was- She was always fantasizing

like she was somebody else.

Diana Ross, Tina Turner.

But she couldn't sing though.

- No?

- No, not a lick.

See, me and Dad didn't have

the heart to tell her...

so we would just

sit back on the couch...

and she'd just let it rip.

Yeah, Mom was so pretty.

Dad would always tell me...

"Son, God must really like us. "

Back then you couldn't

keep Dad from smiling.

But when he looks at you...

he gets that same grin on his face...

just like when he used to look at Mom.

Mom was like an angel.

A black angel?

Yeah, I guess so.

Have a good time, son. Make sure

you hold your sister's hand.

- And spend all his money, honey.

- Nice meeting you, Mr. Smith.


Oh, baby, I love you.

- Yes, you do.

- I love you.

And I love you back.

I gotcha.

Size 12!

What it is.


You know, the ladies,

they can't get enough of Bernard.

I think it's the lips. You know,

not too pouty, not too brave.

You know, firm and tender like sirloin.

I used to do lip exercises on my pillow.

And a-one and two-

Can I get a size nine, please!

Now. Today. Ahora.

All right, 'fro magnum.

Dude, calm down.

Tryin' to bond with a brother, man.

That's all.

You ain't tryin' to bond with me.

You done gave me my skates a long

time ago, I wouldn't have to be waitin'.

Dude, these are size 15's!

Man, why you keep doin' me like this?

Check this out.

The ladies around here...

like a brother with a big... skate.

You got a size 17

back there, Bernard?

Size 17 back there, Bernard?

Talkin' my talk now.

Let me get you the-

Bye, X.

I told you I didn't want to bring her.

Oh, she don't wanna be with you.

She's goin' over there.

Look who it is.

'Sup, X? And how'd you get in, Jaws?

I see the metal detector

must be broken.

I don't know.

Ask your big-boned mama.

She the one workin' the door.

She got you again, Junior.

- You two need to quit, okay?

- Oh, don't talk to me.

Talk to him.


Oh, no, man. There go them dude

in them tights again. He look fruity.

- What is wrong with him?

- Whatever. Hey, yo, X, lace up.

I was watching Kung Fu Theater.

I know this move we could use.

- All right.

- All right. Yo. Hey.

Man, your friends are so stupid.

Hey, you're just now figurin' that out?

I know. Right.

Session two is now beginning.

This next skate

will be for couples only.

This is a couples? skate.

- Oh, look, look, look.

- What? What?

There goes your other friend.

- Hi.

- Hey.

- Hey, X.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- How are you doin'?

So, how's everything going?

Everything's cool. Cool.

And real cool.




Isn't this couples' skate?

You two should go skate.

I don't mind.

Thank you. I mean-

Hey, I remember those.

You've had those for a long time.

Your mom gave 'em to you

on your 13th birthday, right?


So, you wanna go

get out there together?

Uh, I can't.

I ate somethin' today...

and my stomach is actin' up,

and I don't think-

It's okay. It's okay.

Maybe another time.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

What a doof!

What's happenin'?


Come on. Come on. Come on.



I'm Vivian. Vivian Turner,

your new neighbor.

Oh. Hi. I'm Curtis.

Uh, yeah. I just got home from work,

and I got this note from my daughter...

saying she went skating with an- an X?

Yes. Um, X is my son, Xavier.

I dropped 'em off

a little while ago at the rink.

Okay. Well, is this

a once-in-a-while thing...

or do you make a practice of dropping off

people's kids that you don't even know?

- Hey, what-

- 'Cause if it is...

then maybe the authorities

should be notified about your activities.

- Look, Mrs. Turner-

- Miss Turner.

Oh, it's miss. Okay, Miss Lady

With A Bad Attitude, whatever-

Calm down, okay? The kids

were gonna ride the bus to the rink.

But, you know, bein'

the neglectful parent that I am...

I decided to give 'em a ride anyway.

Now, since you're so concerned

about your daughter's welfare...

I suggest you take a ride up to the rink.

It's about 30 minutes up Imperial.

They close at midnight.

However, my son will be here at 8:00.

So you can either wait-

but, you know, in your garage-

or you can go down there and be known

as the party-crashin' mama on the block...

and give your daughter a serious complex

for the rest of her natural-born life.

Your choice.

- Your carburetor's flooded.

- So is yours.

Big old Fat Albert look-alike.

Must be crazy talkin' to me like-

How do you know

the carburetor's flooded?

You need to put

some lotion on them feet.

Man, this is Bruce Lee's Fists of Fury.

Ain't nobody doin' this in the competition.

I wonder why, Junior.

Ah, now what?

And here he is,

center floor, Sweetwater's finest.

Give it up for Sweetness.

Go Sweetness! Go Sweetness!

Go Sweetness! Go Sweetness!

Go Sweetness! Go Sweetness!

Go Sweetness!

Go Sweetness! Go Sweetness!

I-I don't know, y'all. I mean, he's good.

- Told you.

- He's okay.

But I've seen X do all those moves.

Oh, oh, oh, hell, no!

- Ohhh.

- Except that one.

Now, that was good.

I'll give that a 10.

Hey, Poindexter, get off me.

Get off of me, man!

You okay?

Somebody fan her for me.


Hey, I didn't know you were here.

Didn't see the Mustang out front.

Oh, um, yeah.

It's been, uh, giving me a little trouble,

so I put it in the shop.


Hey, Dad, where you goin'?

Oh, just over to Miss Jenkins's house.

She havin' a little get-together.

She kinda cornered me

in the frozen food section today...

so, you know,

I have to show my face.

Are there gonna be women there?

It's just that I've never seen you

get all dressed up like this before.

Wearing cologne.

Son, it's just a party.

Oh, no, no, no.

It's cool. It's cool.

- Oh, it's cool?

- It's cool.

- Take your time. Your time.

- Thank you so much.

- So, how was Sweetwater?

- Oh, it was good.

See, Dad, we're goin' against this guy named

Sweetness and his crew at the skate-off.

- Think you'll make it?

- I don't know, son.

I may have to work.


You know, to be honest, son...

you could be doin' something more constructive

than wasting time at that skatin' rink.

Mom didn't think it was a waste of time.

- Daddy!

- Hey, pretty girl. Come on. Come on.

Oh, boy, you're gettin'

so big, baby. Oh, man.

- You smell good, Daddy.

- Oh, thank you, baby.

Can you read me a story?

Mmm, yeah, I can read you a story.

Man, you've got to be crazy.

You ain't got to be from Ohio

to be one in Ohio, player.

This Tino glamour, baby.

- Hey, Rhonda, what's goin' on?

- Hi, Tino.

- Nothin' much.

- How you doin'?

- Good.

- How'd you get these napkins

to match that outfit, mama?

- You know, you do your thing right here.

- I gotta do my thing.

- Get off my phone.

- All right, my heart. Hold on.

It ain't long distance.

You know what I'm sayin'.

I thought I'd bring you a drink.

Oh, um, thanks, Rhonda,

but I don't drink.

You don't drink? What,

you a Jehovah Witness or somethin'?

- No, I'm just not a drinker. That's all.

- Mm.

- But, hey, I do like all this,

uh, cheetah thing you got goin'.

- Cheetah?

It's leopard.

Cheetah's too gaudy.


Well, I'll get you a Pepsi.

- Okay.

- You keep that wall up for me.

Ooh, Curtis, my man!

Curtis, my man!

Big Curtis! I didn't know

you was on Rhonda.

What? No, man. I'm just-

I ain't on nothin' but this wall.

- Okay? Just the wall.

- Man, if I wasn't miserably married, man...

I'd be tryin' to tame

that big wild kingdom.

Whole lot of rumblin' engine.

And she make a damn good rib.

I'll handle that cat.

Beat that cat down.

Let me get a piece of that rib.

Hey, man, don't touch my rib.

Rhonda, you ain't slick.

We saw you over there working Curtis.

What? Okay. Girl, please. I wasn't doin'

nothin' but gettin' that man a Pepsi.

- That's all.

- Mm-hmm.

- But he is fine.

- Girl, yes, he is!

Oh, I just feel so sorry

about what happened to Kathy.

- Yeah, I know.

- Oh, yeah.

- That was a beautiful woman.

- Yes, she was.

- She was.

- Now, who's Kathy?

- Oh, that's right. You don't know, do you?

- Mm-mm.

- Kathy was his wife.

- Oh.

She died last year- What was that-

two weeks or so before Christmas?

- Oh.

- Turns out she had

some sort of a heart condition.

- It was sad. I feel bad for those kids.

- Mm, baby. Really sad.

- Oh.

- Yeah, it is.

In the meantime,

I'm gonna get him that Pepsi.


That's a cute outfit, girl.

You need to work on your aim.

- Ah, they'll find it.

- Ohhh!

Maybe they'll start

payin' me on time.

Hey, what's up with you

and that Naomi girl?

You guys used to date?

No, we were just friends.

- You should like her.

- Huh?

You heard me.

She's a cute girl.

What's not to like?

I see you checking her out.

Drooling, mouth all open.

But you ain't gotta be ashamed.

You know, I was gonna

tell you, though...

when you're with a girl,

you gotta be cool, okay?

You can't be no nerd letting her see you dribble,

because that you should be ashamed of.

- Your daddy should've told you this, but anyway-

- Tori.

Throw a paper.

All right, we got a live one.

Are we ready?

We're ready.


Hey, X! Hey!

Ah! Ah, ah! Oh!



Man, no! Get outta here,

you little punks!

Tori, you all right?

Shut up. Just shut up.

Got you!

We got three weeks till the skate-off.

We need to step it up.

Last week at Sweetwater-

I ain't gonna name no names, Naps-

- What?

- But last week at Sweetwater...

some of us looked like crap.


I'm gonna be ready.

I'm clutch.

No, what you need to do

is clutch some skating skills, clown.

Yeah, stop rentin' skates. Why don't you

just wear the ones that you have on?

Dude, what do I look like

rolling in my sister's skates?

No different.

You still look goofy.

- Forget you, Mike, albino punk.

- Whatever, Ricky Ricardo.

Hurry up! What's Happening

comes on at 4:00.

Mind your business, chain saw lips!

Naps, take the box.

Get in formation.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight.

Come on, Boo.

Good job, man.

Here we go, fellas.

Come on, fellas. Yeah.

Looks like an airplane.

- Like this?

- Like an airplane.

South Side!

Hi. Um, I'm here to inquire about

the quality control engineering position.

Oh, yeah, it's open.

So, do you have any experience, uh-

Curtis. I'm sorry. Curtis Smith.

Any experience, Curtis?

Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do. I, uh-

I got my degree in mechanical engineering

from Arizona State University.

I've been at Chicago Air

designing airplanes for 10 years...

until they folded, so, uh-

So I guess, yeah, I have a little bit.

What's so funny?

My man, I don't think

this is the job for you.

Why? Now, I know

I can handle the job.

- Now, just-You haven't even seen-

- Curtis. Curtis.

Quality control engineer

is just a fancy way of saying janitor.

I'm looking for a janitor...

and the last I checked,

you don't need a degree to mop.

Sorry, brother.


Excuse me.

How much does it pay?

- Oh, Naps, like this.

- Hey, yo, pass the chips.

- X, can I play?

- No. Go play with your Barbies or something.

- I'm telling Dad you won't let me play with you.

- So?

- "I'm telling Daddy you

won't let me play with you. "

- Bye.

That's why I can't be no older brother,

man. Just too much stress.

That's why I'm happy my mama

got her tubes tied, you know?

So are we.

Yeah, I like that one.

I like that one.

- 'Cause he's funny-looking.

- Ain't that a blip, Boo?

No, no. Better yet,

ain't that some lips, Boo?

Because I know your charcoal butt

ain't tryin? to bag on somebody.

He walkin' around here

lookin' like a skid mark.

I don't look like

no skid mark, Junior.

I know- I know you're

not laughing, half-breed.

Yeah, that's right.

'Cause you all mixed up.

He don't know if he want

a sweet potato pie or pumpkin pie.

Barry White or the Bee Gees.

Look at you, lookin' like

a white boy with sprinkles.

Get off me, man.

Get off me, man! Naps,

aren't you Puerto Rican, huh?

- Aren't you supposed to have good hair?

- Mm-hmm.

What is this, man?

You're a disgrace to your race.

His hair's so nappy...

when he comb, it sounds

like he's biting an apple.

Oh, your daddy mad. Your daddy

don't claim you, do he?

Little baby crying, and,

"Poquito, Jesucristo. "

Ah, my hand's stuck.

Somebody help me.

Mine too. Hold up!


I do have good hair.

Hey, Curtis. What's happening?


I'll get-

I got 12.

H- H-How you doin', Mr. Curtis?

Whose is this?

- Is this yours?

- Huh?

Boy, don't try to act like you

didn't hear me with them big ears.

You probably heard the sun

come up this mornin'.

Take this and roll your

big-eared butt home with it.

You know, you got-

Mr. Smith, you got a little leaf, but-

How many times do I have to tell you kids

not to leave nothin' on my porch?

Almost broke my neck out there!

What you laughin' at, boy? Diana Ross called.

Tell your mama to give her wigs back.

I'm sorry, sir. It's just sometimes

I laugh when I get nervous.

I got a laughing condition.

Doctor said it's serious.


I'm gonna count to five-

matter of fact, I'm gonna count to four-

and if by the time I get to four,

you standing in my house-

- Oh, shit. Mixed Mike.

What about Mixed Mike?

- Save yourself!

- What you waitin' on? Christmas?

- Get outta here.

- Oh, um-

And if I ain't got some Yoo-hoo left,

you gonna see a snake playin' the bongos...

before you go to that skatin' rink again.

And who left the white boy?

Mervyn like kissin' that floor, huh?

Yeah. He try that trick 50 times a day

and don't never hit it.

- Tough little cat though.

- Yeah. I mean, you ask me...

I just think he should just go on ahead

and just try somethin' else.

I mean, all this fallin' and stuff?

It's just not cool.

Hey, if you don't fall, how you gonna

know what gettin' up is like, right?

One, two!

One, two!


- Hello?

- Daddy!

Thank you.

If you're lookin' for your daughter,

I haven't seen her.

Actually, I'm not here for that.

I'm here for a do-over for when

I blew up at you a while back.

I was out of line, and I apologize.

Whoo. Slippery.

Um, anyway,

I have a peace offering.

Strawberry shortcake for me

and a chocolate ?clair for you.

What do you say?

So next summer,

when I visit my daddy in Atlanta...

ooh, boy, he's taking me everywhere:

Sightseeing in New York

and then to Orlando to visit NASA.

Yeah. And then he's taking me

to the Bahamas to lay on the beach...

and soak up the sun.

Make sure you soak up some beauty tips

while you're down there, chomper.

- Shut up!

- I'm just sayin' you could hurt

somebody with those things.

- Hey, isn't that your pop's car?

- That car do look familiar.

This can't be your daddy's car,

man, for real. How much is this?

- What? Yeah?

- Excuse me.

- When did you get this car?

- Couple weeks ago.

She's a honey, ain't she?

X, this is definitely your pop's car.

- Mr. Smith is your father?

- Yeah.

Oh, what a nice guy. Hey, you tell

your old man if he's still interested...

in a job in sales, I might have something

for him by the end of the month.

- Yeah, but my dad already has a job.

- Ah. Well, good for him.

You know, men like your father,

they never stay out of work for long.

They always land on their feet.

Excuse me, kids. I smell money.

That dude's crazy. "I smell money. "

That guy looked like Jimmy Carter.

Let's go.

I'll be right back. Xavier.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Um, I was thinking that

we should hang out sometime.

We should go to the movies

or something again.

Naomi, look. I just gotta go, okay?

Oh, my gosh. X, are you okay?

Look, just leave me alone, okay?

And it should be a crime for you

to comb this girl's hair.

Honey, don't I do a good job

on your hair?

- See? That's the truth.

- Ooh, that's cold.

- I thought you was my friend.

- She's still your friend.

See how you do your daddy?

There he is. Hey, son.

- Hey, Xavier.

- Hey.

- What's the matter with you?

- I don't wanna talk about it.

"I don't wanna talk about it. "

Being a teenager sure must be hard work.

- Tell me about it.

- Kids.

I think you're the last person

that should be talking about work.

I'm sorry. I didn't quite catch that.

You wanna repeat it?

Yeah. I said that you shouldn't

be talkin' about workin'...

seein' that you haven't

had a job in months.

By the way, I found out

about the car too.

Hot buy.

Okay. Um, Xavier, go on in the house.

I can explain this to you.

- Explain what? What kind of liar you are?

- Let's go.

Fakin' us out every morning like you're

goin' to work, when really you weren't?

- You're just a fake.

- Son, listen to me.

You think you know, okay?

But you don't know, all right?

- You don't know anything.

- I know Mom wouldn't have lied;

I know that much.

You know, you're right. You're

absolutely right. You got me, son.

Your mother wouldn't have lied to you,

okay? But I'm not your mother, okay?

You want me to tell the truth? Here's

the truth. Hear it, understand it, son.

Your mother, my wife?

She's gone.

Gone, son.

She's never gonna come back.

- And the sooner you let her go

and understand that-

- Let her go?

You want me to let my mother go?

Why would I do that?

You haven't, have you?

Yeah. You moved around some furniture...

and threw up some wallpaper,

but you still haven't let her go.

- That's why her piece-of-shit car

is still out in the garage.

- Hey. Hey!

- Watch your mouth!

- Old piece of junk! I hate that car!

You hang out with that car more

than you hang out with your own son.

And then you think by puttin' in a new

engine, you can bring back the dead?

All right. That's it.

Shut your mouth...

get your skates, go in the house

and go to your room.

Maybe if you banged on the hood

hard enough, maybe she'll come back.

- Xavier.

- Hmm? Is that what you really want?

You want her to come back

to take care of us so you don't have to?

I'm gonna ask you one more time.

- Go in the house, son.

- No.

I wanna see

if she'll come back, Dad.


Boy, don't you walk away from me

when I'm talk-Xavier!

Don't you walk away from me

when I'm talkin' to you!



- Put it down.

- No! You want Mom back, right?

Well, let's see

if she'll come back then!

- Put it down!

- Is that what you want?

Mom's not comin' back, Dad!

- She's not comin' back!

- Xavier!

- Do you see her? She's dead, okay?

- I'm talkin' to you, boy!

You think you a man today?

If I have to put my hands on you...

I swear to God you gonna find out

which one of us is a man today!

All right? My mom's not comin' back,

all right? My mom's gone, man.

Huh? All right?

Why'd God have to take my mom, man?

God took my mom away from me.


Okay. Shh, shh, shh.

- Listen to me.

- Man, get off!

- Well, look like somebody

got up early this mornin'.

- Early.

That's what I'm talkin' about.

Got your green outfit...

lookin' like little lion

off of The Wizard of Oz.

"I'll fight you

with one hand behind my back. Put 'em up.

Put 'em up. " Now you mad.

Hey, son.

Oh, shit. Morning.

What's up, Curt?

Ain't nobody scared of you.

This came for you.

Gotta go fold the rest of my papers.

Hey, X. Do me a favor.

Open this for me, would you?

My wrist is kinda bothering me.

I saw how your old ones were fallin' apart,

so I just, you know, got you these.

Hey, I know they'll never replace

the ones your mother got you...

but, um, they're here if you need 'em.

- Why'd you do this?

- I don't know.


Not gettin' 'em for you sooner.

For not being much of a father

to you since your mother passed.

Listen up.

When your mom died...

I thought I could just, you know,

handle everything on my own...

you know, show you kids

how strong I was.

I thought that's

what you needed, you know.

I don't know. I just wanted us

to act like nothing ever happened.

But, um, it did happen...

and it hurts.

But, you know,

what hurt the most is...

I forgot that you

and your sister were hurtin' too.

You're not grown-ups;

you're just children.

I know she was more

than your mother.

She was your best friend...

and I forgot that.

And I'm really ashamed of myself.

But, look, there's some things

we gotta put behind us.

You know, you've been angry at me.

I've been angry at you.

You know. And your mother

would be so disappointed.

I just think she would expect

better from both of us.

Whoo. So, look...

I hope you can forgive your old dad

for being an idiot and-

I just want you

to know, son, I see you...

Xavier Curtis Smith.

I see you clearer

than you'll ever know, son.

- Kid, I love you so much.

- Love you too, Dad.

I know. I know.

Xavier, what are you-

what are you doing down here?

Just come outside.

Look, um, are you going

to the skate-off on Saturday?

- Yeah. I'll be there.

- Oh, good.

Uh, look, I was-

I was wonderin'-

maybe, you know,

like, afterwards...

me and you could

maybe go to a movie?

- Are you serious?

- Yeah. I-

Xavier, I don't think so.

I mean, it's not that I don't

like you or anything. It's just-

Naomi, look,

I'm sorry about before.

- All right? I was trippin'.

- Yeah.

I just had so much on my mind,

and you just don't even know.

But I'm cool now. I'm cool.

- You're cool now?

- Yeah. Yeah.

Well, you know what?

I'm not.

I don't like being blown off

because you have problems.

The world is full of problems.

Everybody has their own problems.


- Huh?

- Come turn the channel for me.

I should- go.


So you went out?

- There's Naomi.

- Hey, guys!

- I mean, that's the truth.

- Yeah.

- Hey, you guys, have you seen X anywhere?

- No.

Hey, look who showed up.

I didn't know you fellas had

enough bus fare to make it over here.

- Really?

- Yeah. Did you steal a car or something?

Actually, we rode over here on your

mama's back, and, damn, she's strong.

Oh, whoa, whoa.

- Somebody got some new skates, huh?

We'd better be scared now, fellas.

- Yeah.

And check out

their cute little iron-ons.

Did your mommy do this for-

What is that?

Makes no sense. Anyways, look.

Boo, remember the cross.

Didn't I just tell you how stunning you are?

- You gonna mess up our-

- X. X.

- What's up, man?

- There's your girl.

Sweetness is all over that.

See that, X? Chicks only go for the athletes

or the pretty boys with good hair.

- Not like you, Naps.

- Right. Right. What?

It's true.

Not all chicks.


I like ugly boys. Why you think

I hang around y'all?

And stop saying "chicks. "

It's demeaning.


Marry me?

Tori, good gosh, girl.

You look-

Cute? Fine?

Beyond description?

- You do.

- And then some.

Spit it out.

I know your big ol' rock head

has something smart to say.

Actually, I came up here to say

that you look really beautiful.

- I mean, I've never seen you

look this way before.

- Wow. Wow.

I mean it.

- Thank you.

- Psych!

Shut up!

No. You need to put the braces back on.

Dad, what are y'all doin' here?

What do you mean, what are we doin' here?

I'm here to watch you win.

And I'm also here to watch

your father fall flat on his butt.

All group skaters report to center floor.

All group skaters report to center floor.

- I guess that's us.

- Hey, come here.

- Yeah?

- Go get 'em, son.

- Yeah.

- Dad.

Yeah, yeah. Enough with the family

reunion stuff. Let's roll!

- Boo, you got the music, right?

- Come on, man. You know I got it.

Chic's "Le Freak. " These cats around here

don't know nothin' about this.

- Then let's go. Where we from, y'all?

- South Side. Let's roll.

Whoo, whoo! What's happening?

What's happening? What's happening?

Oh-whoa. What's happening?

I wanna say hello,

all you silky smooth skaters.

Hello, and welcome

to the sixth annual skate-off.

I'm D.J. Johnny Feelgood,

and, ladies, I do.

I would like to welcome everybody.

I am presiding over the festivities.

I will be judging the contest,

along with my-Where's my aphrodisiac?

Where is she?

Oh, there she is.

Give it up for my lady.

Come on over. Cocoa on wheels.

Oh. Oh. That's

what I'm talkin' about.

Ain't nothin' like a little sugar

to get it started. See that sugar?

All right.

Now, skaters, you will be competing for this.

Uh-huh. $500 and-

and the chance

to get the braggin' rights...

to call yourself the baddest skaters

that Sweetwater has to offer.

All right. Uh-huh. But, but, but...

don't get too happy, 'cause, you see, those

bragging rights are currently being held...

by the Sweetwater Rollers

and their leader, my man...

my mellow, Sweetness!

Let's hear it for the Sweetwater Rollers

and Sweetness!

Pimpin' it out on the skates.

Oh, boy.

So that's Sweetness, huh?


Daddy, I love him.

Hi, Sweetness!

Oh, boy.

Come on, ladies.

Let's hear it one more time for Sweetness!

Let me break this down for you.

Here's how it's gonna happen.

All teams will have four minutes to skate your

routines, but y'all don't wanna hear me talk.

Y'all don't wanna hear this smick-smack.

Let's get this mother-sucker started!

Let's jam!


Break-dance! Break-dance!

All right! That's what

I'm talkin' about right there.

That's what I'm talkin' about.

Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together

for Sweetness and the Sweetwater Rollers.


That's our song!

They're usin' our song!

- But they can't do that.

- Well, they doin' it.

This is jacked up.

Our whole routine is to this song.

Not anymore.

Put your hands together

for Sweetness and the Sweetwater Rollers!

They're so good,

I don't need to see anything else.

That's it. I'm gonna leave. I'm done.

I'm gonna retire. I'm gonna give it up.

I'm done. Baby, stop me, baby.

Stop me, baby. Stop me.

- Marvin Gaye?

- No.

- Bee Gees?

- My cousin got that record.

What we gonna do?

- I don't know. I can't be the only person-

- You the leader, man.

Ooh, ooh, ooh. I got it. I got it.

- Got what, Naps?

- The perfect song to skate to.

Trust me. I'm clutch.

Have fun, Garden Boys.

You dig?

- Don't worry about them, Mike.

- The routine we have

is not gonna match the song.

- Doesn't matter.

- I don't trust Naps.

- Think positive, okay?

- We good?

- Yeah. We good.

All right, now, look, fellas. This is not

no time for no pity party, okay?

We gotta do

what we came here to do.

It's time to put up or shut up.

Now, what we gonna do, hmm?

- Put up.

- Put up.

- Put up.

- That's what I like to hear.

Put my foot right up their asses!

Close enough. Y'all, let's win this

for the Gardens, all right?

Now, rounding out

our group skate competition...

representin' the South Side-

Please put your hands together

for the Garden Boys.

- X. X!

- The dude is bad.

Good luck.

Oh, y'all clappin' now, huh?

Yeah. A'ight.

That's kind of nice right there.

All right now.


The boys from South Side!

Everybody, big round of applause

for the Garden Boys!

- You'd better

clap for the Garden Boys.

Yeah. All right. Yeah.

Yes. Now, that's what

I call a competition.

Oh! All right,

young bloods. All right.

Let me have all of our group skaters

out here on the floor.

Bring yourselves out here.

Ladies and gentlemen...

a big round of applause

for all these skaters.

All these skaters so beautiful,

don't you agree?

Now, folks,

me and Mrs. Feelgood...

we had a time

decidin' on the winner...

because this was

the fiercest competition...

that Sweetwater has ever seen.

So, without any further delay...

the 1978 Sweetwater Skate-off

champs are-

Drumroll, please-


It's a draw.

The Sweetwater Rollers

and the Garden Boys.

Yeah. That's my boy.

We did it. We did it. We did it.

A draw? A draw?

I don't draw. I win.

Not today, Mr. -


How some South Side garbage

gonna tie with us? This can't happen.

Look, man. You guys did good today.

Look, just chill out.

You chill out, punk. You sorry sucker,

I'm the king of this here floor, you dig?

I ain't about to let some ghetto

group from the hood destroy

the house that Sweetness built.

You can believe that.

We need to have a skate-off.

Me and you.

Winner take all.

Nah. That's okay. We just gonna

take half of our winnings...

and hustle back

to the poor South Side.

You keep the trophy, chump.

- What? You scared?

- Whoo.

- Whoo.

- Scared that you don't belong over here?

That you are beneath us?

No. See, I'm just tryin'

to help you save face...

because I would hate to see you

get spanked in front of all your fans.

Young blood, you couldn't spank me

if your hands were glued to my ass.

My hands glued to your ass?

I don't know. That sounds

a little sweet to me, Sweetness.


- Now, let's skate.

- You just bought yourself an ass whooping.

- Winner take all. No falls. Bet?

- Bet.

Let's do this, Johnny.

All right now. Sounds like

we got ourselves a showdown!

- Come on, son.

- We got it now. We gonna win, no matter what.

Now, y'all know the rules.

This is last man standing.

So I'm about to get it

a little warmed up for y'all...

with a little "Fire. "


Do your thing! Come on!

Smooth! Smooth!

Somebody needs to arrest

that man for being so smooth!

It's on you.

There you go, young blood.



All right, little man.

All right, little man.


Sweetness is showin' why he is the man-

a double spin down to his knees!

I can't take no more of this!

You're hot-hot!

A near miss. Almost a collision.

A roller skate to the head is not a good thing.

Remember that. Remember that.

Keep it goin'. Keep it goin'.


So you think

you're pretty good, huh?

Well, I got something for you.

Yeah! Get it on!

Hold up. You'd better get out of here.

Come on, son.

Oh, yeah!


Hey, yo. Where'd

you learn those moves?

This is for you, Mom.

Get him, X!

We got the young blood

from the Garden Boys doin' his thing!

Ooh! That's it.

That's our man.



What's he doin'?

Oh, no.

And the winner is... Sweetness!


X, man. X.

- Wake up, man.

- X!

Hey, man. You better not be dead.

Hey, Boo, give him mouth-to-mouth.

- Nah.

- X.

- X.

- X.

Hey, if you dead,

let me get your Atari.

- Can you hear me?

- Hey, man, please don't be dead, man.

All the stuff we done went together.

Man, that routine was great.

But that triple lutz thing you tried-

probably shouldn't have done that.


Xavier, are you okay?

Xavier, wake up. Are you all right?

What happened?

You happened.

My boy. Come on.

Help me get him up.

- Messed up your 'fro and everything.

- I'm proud of you, son.

Thanks, Dad.

Yeah. You did it.

- X, X, X...

- Come on, man.

X, X, X, X, X.

Um, look, about the other day-

Hey, hey. Come on.

Hey. Whose daughter is this?

Let 'em go. Come on.

Whoo-hoo. Hey, Tori.

- Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Turner. Oops.

- Tori.

Let 'em go. Let 'em go.

Let 'em go.

Hey, man.

Let's go.

All right, all you rollers

out there, this is an all-skate.

I repeat: This is an all-skate.

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