Road to Paradise (1930) - full transcript

A young girl falls in with a gang of criminals. One of their capers is robbing the house of a wealthy socialite who happens to look just like her. In the process of cleaning out the house, the young girl discovers that the socialite is actually her long-lost twin sister. Complications ensue.

- Subtitles -
Lu?s Filipe Bernardes

- Hello, Jerry.
- Hello, Jim.

- Is Nick here?
- He's in there now.

Thanks, Jim.

- Hello, Nick.
- Hello.

You look all in, what have
you been doing?

- Been to an auction.
- Auction?

Yeah, picked up a few trinkets.

You fool.

Oh, I forgot to tell you.
Mary's coming down tonight.

- Mary?
- Yeah, she phoned.

Better let her hear you
barking like that.

She'll want to put you to bed
and nurse you for a couple of weeks.

Now, listen, Jerry, don't tell her
I was in the hospital.

She'll only worry about it.

Do you remember how she used to fuss
over us when we all lived together?

I'll say I do.

You know, Nick, we made a rotten
job raising that kid.

Well, we done the best we could
for her, didn't we?

We was like a father and mother
to her, wasn't we?

Yes, but we didn't use
the right system.

Why, Mary's got a streak of honesty
a yard wide that we never got out of her.

Oh, but it's good to
see you again!


Say, have Nick and Jerry
been around?

- They're both in that room now.
- Thanks, Lola.

I'll be in in a minute.

Here's a dame comes in on the boat,

she's going down the gangplank
and she's got all the luggage with her,

and a couple of guys grab them bags
and she starts squawking.

And there ain't a cop in sight,
now you can't get that, can you?

Hello, boys.

- Why, Mary!
- Hello, Jerry.

Gee, it's good to see you, Mary.

It's like a day in the country.

- Did you really miss me?
- I hope to tell you.

When you left us, you took
all our love with you.

- Well, it didn't follow me any.
- No?

- Here, sit down.
- Yeah, sit, sit down, Mary, sit down.

Well, how do you like working
at the coffee store?

- I quit three weeks ago.
- Yeah?

- Why?
- The same old thing.

The manager got fresh.

Hid did?

Say, listen, where is that guy's store?

What's his name,
where's he working at?

Nick, it's not going to do me any good
to have you go and take a poke at him.

Well, it's gonna do me
a lot of good, see?

But what have you been
doing since?

Oh, nothing, Jerry, just answering
a lot of want ads.

Aw, gee, Mary, you ought
to let us know.

Oh, I just couldn't, Nick,
I was ashamed.

You know how I bragged so much about
going to work and everything.

I never could understand this
hankering for respectability.

- It all seems to me kind of morbid.
- Yeah.

Lola, it's great to have Mary
back again, isn't it?

Oh, you bet.
How've you been?

I've been just fine, Lola.

Nick, has that cough been
bothering you again?

No, no... It ain't bothering
me at all, Mary, it...

It's the cigarette with...
some smoke got down my throat.

You're lying to me.

No, I ain't lying to you, Mary.

Now, you might as well tell me the truth
because you know I'll find out.

Listen, I'm telling you
the truth, Mary.

I'm perfectly alright, honest I am.

Oh, now, listen, put that
gag away, will you?

I tell you that I'm alright.

I'm alright.

- Nick, listen to me.
- Leave me alone, Mary.

Jerry, make her lay off
of me, will you?

- Look at me, Nick.
- I won't do it.

- Look at me, Nick!
- I don't want to.

Nick... look at me.

Say, what's she trying to do to Nick?

She's reading his mind.


You've been in a hospital.

You were in a fight and
one of your ribs were broken.

Oh, Nick, that's terrible!

You should have let me know
and I could have done something.

Oh, it's nothing.
Why don't you leave me alone?

Do you mean to tell me that you
got that out of his mind?

- Yes, Lola.
- And you didn't know it before?

Why, no.

- Why, I don't see how...
- I inherited it, I guess.

You see, my mother was psychic.

She could read letters
that she'd never seen.

She could find out anything
she wanted to know.

But of course I'm not
as clever as that.

And that, is that a charm?

Well, I don't know how much
charm it is,

but I've worn it ever since
I can remember.

When I get in a tight place,
I just hold it...

...and repeat the words that are
on it over and over again.

Words, what words?

Each to each in spirit mate.
When in danger trust to fate.

Well... I'm glad that you and me
are just mere acquaintances.

Why, one wouldn't have
the least bit of privacy.

- There we are.
- Thank you.

Oh, Wang Lang.

Hey, have some of that chicken
Chow Mein.

- That sounds good, chicken Chow Mein.
- One chicken Chow Mein.

- Hm, I'll have the same.
- You have the same.

- Make it three.
- Make it three.

- And don't put any seagulls in it.
- We don't use seagulls.

Right this way, lady.


You know I'm quite capable
of getting out of my car...

...without your making those
ridiculous noises?

Sorry, lady, no offense.
Right this way, people.

Oh, what a bond salesman
he would make.

- Here we are, Margaret.
- Oh, isn't this nice, George.

Yes, it's quite thrilling, isn't it?

Ladies and gents, this is a genuine
resort of the underworld,

where crooks, desperadoes,
gunmen and dope pedlars...

...rub shoulders in an atmosphere
of crime.

Right this way, folks.
Come on.

Well, well, well.

- Look it over, folks.
- Oh, what a weird place.

Another one of them slumming parties.
You know, they make me sick.

They come over here and look the place over
as though it was a sewer.

But, boy, it costs them plenty.

- I'm gonna beat it.
- Lola, close the curtain, will you?

I don't want anybody watching
while I'm eating.


If there's anything I hate
it's to be watched while I eat.

It don't make no difference to me. I'd eat
in Chow's window if I could get it regular.

Hey, Charlie.

Bring up some more chairs here.

The Chinese have a marvelous
serpent dance in the streets, you know.

you know,the Chinese Serpent dance?

Well, that wasn't so bad.

Gee, you shouldn't eat so fast, Jerry,
you'll get indigestion.

Or you're 21.

Well, it's rather still here tonight,
Flanagan, isn't it?

Why, we've been here five minutes
and there hasn't been anyone shot yet.

It's a little early yet.

But you'd better keep
your hand on your watch.

Thanks, I will.

Say, lady, would you like to do
a little twister with me?


Sure, a twirl.

Oh, you mean dance.

- Yeah!
- No, thank you.

That's alright, I just thought I'd ask.

Say, I got to get some cigarettes.
Don't get scared, though.

I'll be right back.

All right, Flanagan. I'll try to take
care of them till you get back.

Got a cigarette, Dick?

No, I'm just fresh out, Jerry.

- Well, I'll get some.
- Get me a packet, will you?

Right, sure.

Yes, I thought it was rather cute the way
she took it out of his vest pocket.

George would think her cute anyway.

How can she do these things, George?

- George.
- Oh, can I help you, Margaret?

- Yes, George, but don't drop it.
- All right.

What's the matter, Jerry?

What are you looking at?

Is there anything I can do for you?

I beg your pardon.

- Did you see that girl?
- What girl?

- Sitting ut there with her back to you.
- No, why?

Take a look.

Now then, let's talk about
something interesting.

- Margaret here, for instance.
- That is a charming subject.

Thank you, Mrs. Wells.

Well, I think I'll propose again.
How about it, Margaret?

Oh, please, George, it's so...
so public.

When we're alone, you never
give me a break.

Say, for the love of Mike,
am I seeing things?

Why, she looks more like me
than I do myself.

I know, it's incredible.

I wonder who she is.

I don't know, but I'm going
to find out.

Don't be silly. Why should I make
you miserable?

Oh... miserable.

I think you and I would jog along
very nicely together.

Mother thinks so too,
don't you, Mother?

Really, I don't blame Margaret
for not accepting you.

You know, your plea is not
exactly impassioned.

Let me tell you, George.

The trouble with you is you don't
really love me.

I've never seen anyone
that I liked any better.

And Mother likes you too,
don't you, Mother?

Well, that's awfully sweet of both of you.

But what is it about me that
you like so well?

I'll tell you.
I like your disposition.

I like your complexion.

I like your eyes.

I like your hands, and above all...

I'm crazy about the way
you wear your hair.

Well, that's all very well
and good, George,

but some day you're going to meet a girl,
you're going to like her disposition,

her eyes, her complexion,
her pretty hands and her hair...

...just as well as you do mine.

But besides all that,

there's going to be a wonderful
electric something, I...

I don't know how to describe it,
but it will be there.

And when you propose to her,
you won't say,

"Oh, we'll jog along very
nicely together."

No. And it won't a make any
bit a difference...

...whether your mother likes her or not.
You'll marry her just the same.

Evidently, Margaret, you mean
no again.

Yes, George, I mean no.

However, you're still wearing my ring,
and that's a good sign.

Just a habit. If I ever change
towards you, I'll take it off.

If you ever do, Margaret,
I'll propose to you again.

- Did you see those pearls?
- Did I? And them rocks.

- Was it as thrilling as you expected?
- Oh, yes!

Hey, folks, there's a joint down the block.
It's a little tougher than this.

And I thought maybe you'd like
to take it in.

- Let's go.
- How thrilling.

Come on, everybody, let's go.

- Here you are, Margaret, let me help you.
- Thank you.

Better step on it, it's pretty hard
to get a seat down there.

Hey, Flanagan.

Who's that girl?

Which one?

The one that was sitting here
in the peach-colored dress.

Oh, that's Margaret Waring.

The old man died and left her
a lot of jack.

Got a swell joint up on 82nd St.
just off the Avenue.

You know, lots of cut glass, and silver.

The rugs come right up
to your knees.


Oh, nothing.
Thank you, Flanagan, see you soon.

Well, what did you find out?

- Plenty.
- Yeah?

Say, what are you two figuring?

Now, Mary, just use your imagination.

Here's a girl with a big house, and jewels
and all kinds of money.

Supposing one day when she's out...

I just couldn't, Jerry.
Oh, she looks so sweet and so nice and...

Oh, anybody can look sweet and nice
with all kinds of money.

Why, you wouldn't look so bad yourself
in this girl's clothes.

Gee, that... that sure was
a good-looking fellow with her.

Believe me, I wouldn't give
him the air.

You know, Mary, they never did do
a good job on me down at that hospital.

- Good morning, Grover.
- Good morning.

Is this the Waring residence?

- Yes, sir.
- I'm City Inspector Bartledge.

Come to check the electric wiring.

This way, sir.

There you are, sir.

Is everything on this board? Lights,
bells, burglar alarms and so on?

We have no burglar alarms.

Oh, you should have.
They're a great protection.

Well, I'll tell you, sir.
It was this way.

Miss Margaret did think
of having one put on the scene.

But what with one thing and another,
she never got around to it.

You see, this is a very
old-fashioned house.

We have old-fashioned ways.

Why, I myself have been here
for twenty years.

Well, I can't imagine anybody staying
in one place for twenty years.

Except perhaps in jail.

Gee, I... I wish I'd never
agreed to this.

Don't get cold feet now, Mary.

Now, honey, you gave us your word
of honor you'd go through with this.

I know, Jerry, but I'm scared.

Oh, dear, there's nothing
to worry about.


- Oui, Mademoiselle.
- Venez ici.

Pas besoin d'?tre aussi b?te!
Cet h'homme ne comprend jamais rien.


Brewster, what she's trying to tell you is
the curly line doesn't work.

There's evidently something wrong
with the electricity.

C'est ce que j'ai essay?e de lui dire
depuis une demi-heure.

Miss Margaret, that can't be.

The inspector has been here three
times during the past week...

...and has looked over everything
most thoroughly.

But, Brewster, there must be something
wrong. I wish you'd try to fix it for me.

- Certainly, Miss Margaret.
- Idiot!

Mademoiselle, cet homme est un
v?ritable idiot. Il comprend jamais rien.

Brewster ne comprend pas ce que
vous dites anglais.

Il est n?cessaire que vous
parliez en fran?ais.

Oh, c'est trop dificile.

Oh, I know it's very difficult, Yvonne,

because I'm always speaking
French to you.

Oui, mais Mademoiselle,
je ne crois pas...

From now on we'll speak nothing
but English.

- But Mademoiselle...
- Now, what did I say?

I speak English so bad.

Well, it's the only way you'll learn.
Now remember, no more French.

Oh, oui, Mademoiselle, j'essayerai.

I... I mean... I try.

- That's better. My wrap, please, Yvonne.
- Oui, Mademosielle.

That's the girl she's going out with.

Won't be long now.

I wish it was all over.

Oh, Mademoiselle, vous ?tes
si jolie ce soir.

Now say that in English.

Mademoiselle look very pretty
this night.

No, no, not this night, tonight.

- Tonight.
- That's better.

- Good night, Yvonne.
- Bon soir, Mademoiselle.

Say, Johnny, I wonder what's
holding them up.

Oh, gosh, if they don't come pretty soon,
I'm just going to pass out.

It's all right, dear, it won't be long.

Miss Margaret, I feel it my duty
to show you this.

Well, what do you think of that?

Hm, my! There have been a lot of
hold-ups lately, haven't there?

Yes, there have.

Miss Margaret, if I may suggest, it would be
wise to leave your jewels at home tonight.

You know, this is right near
where we're going, isn't it?


Brewster, for once I think you're right.

Thank you, Miss Margaret.

Yvonne, will you help me
with these, please?

Oh, my, I wonder if those Paglers
are going to be there tonight.

I hope not. With all their money,
I don't want them in our set.

I beg your pardon, Miss Margaret.

- Would you open the safe for me, please?
- Surely, Brewster.

Oh, Yvonne, will you unclasp
this, please?

Oui, madame.

Thank you, miss.

Oh, Brewster, will you take
mine also?

Yes, ma'am.

You know, it's getting awfully late,
don't you think we'd better hurry?

Oh, yes, let's go, dear.

Oh, Margaret, I forgot to tell you
George is going to stop by...

...from the club with those
books for you.

- I thought you'd want Brewster to know.
- Oh, surely.

Brewster, you'll see that someone's up
when Mr. Wells comes, won't you?

- Certainly, miss.
- Good night.

- Good night.
- Good night.

I'm so sorry that George
wasn't able to come.

There they go now.

Now brace up. There's nothing
to be frightened of.

Alright, Jerry.

Oh, Brewster.

What's the matter?

See. Mademoiselle is again
most careless, she forget this.

What I do?

We can't put it in the safe without her.

You'd better put it in that center
drawer and lock it up.


She's in.

Come on, Nick, we'll get
up on that balcony.



This is not the maternity hospital.

Alright, I'll keep my eye
out for you.

Good evening, Casey.
What's on your mind?

Say, Brewster, I saw a couple
of men on the roof.

They may be trying to break in.

So I think I'll take a look around.

If it's by the roof they're coming in,
it's upstairs they'll be first.

So I think I'll go up there.

It'll only take a minute.

Well, where are the lights?

There's a lot of second-story
work going on lately.

And you can't be too careful.

Where does that lead to?

That leads to the balcony, but...
I don't remember drawing those curtains.

- You don't, eh?
- Why, no, I...

I was up here a few moments ago
and... everything...

Hello, that's funny. I could swear
that I drew that picture down.

It's still locked.

Are you sure you didn't
leave that up?

I'm positive.

That's funny.

- What's that?
- I don't know.

- Where'd that come from?
- From that room.

Well, I'm going to find out.

- There she is.
- Where?

- What's she doing in there?
- I don't know.

- Miss Margaret.
- Oh, yes... Brewster?

You're surprised to see me,
aren't you, Brewster?

Why, yes, Miss Margaret, I...

You didn't expect me back
so soon did you?

- No, miss, what happened?
- Well, I, um...

- Would you mind, please...
- Oh, Casey, do be careful.

Yes, certainly, I'm sorry,
Miss Waring.

Brewster, what is it, what does
the officer want?

Why, miss, Casey said that he saw
two men on the roof.

I thought they were burglars
trying to break in.

Burglars, how thrilling.
Did you find them?

No, but I'm not done looking
for them yet.

Come on, Brewster, let's go out
on the balcony.

They're going to the other room.

See, it's as solid as a rock.

And no one has a key but myself.

Miss Waring is kind of careless
and won't trust herself with one.

Oh... Oh, no, indeed.

I shouldn't be trusted with keys
even for a moment.

You know, Miss Waring, people that
own safes do the funniest things.

I knew a woman once who wrote
the combination of the safe...

...on the wall right beneath
the safe.

Oh, Miss Waring, I think I'll take
a look around on the balcony.

Oh.. I don't think I'd bother.

Oh, just to make sure.

- Brewster, unlock that gate.
- Very well, Casey.

Oh, Miss Margaret, it's quite chilly here.
I'm afraid you'll catch cold.

Oh, well...
Well, very well, Brewster.

Brewster, qu'est-ce qui se passe?

Il n' y a rien arriv?,
qu'est-ce qu'il y a?

Oh, mademoiselle, d?j? de retour?

Oh, mademoiselle, qu'est-ce qu'il y a?

Pourquoi ?tes vous d?j? rentr?e,
vous n'?tes pas malade?

Il n'est pas arriv? un accident?

Oh, madamoiselle, porquoi vous ne me
r?pondez pas?


Oh, I know now why you
not speak with me.

- Oh, do you?
- Yes.

Well, that's good.

You know, tonight when you say you
not speak with me in French again,

I didn't think you mean it.

Oh, yes, I meant every word of it.

From now on, let's speak English.

Yes, mademoiselle.

But why are you back so soon,

Well, Casey, did you find anything?

Narry a thing.

I told you it would be all right.

Officer, did you find anything?

Not a thing. And I have to beg your
pardon for busting in on you.

Don't apologize, it's a pleasure to know
that you're taking such good care of us.

Oh, my dear.

But, um... of course I wouldn't care
to have you burst in again tonight.

Don't worry, I'll not be making a fool
of myself twice in the same evening.

- Good night, Miss Waring.
- Good night.

Come on, Brewster, I want
to tell you a funny story.

Did you ever hear the story of the
Irishman that worked on a boat...

- ...and thought the anchor was a pick?
- No.

He stood there a half a day looking at
the anchor and the mate says to him:

"What are you standing there for?"

He says, "I'm waiting to see the man
that can lift that pick."

- Mademoiselle.
- Yes.

The officer, what he want?

Oh, he thought there were
burglars in the house.

- Burglars?
- Oh, yes, but of course there aren't.

That is good, because they would
have get plenty tonight.

Yes? What do you mean?

Has Mademoiselle forgotten?

Madame Wells leave her jewel
in her bag in the safe?

Oh, I... Yes, I had forgotten.

And just a moment.

This, Mademoiselle is most careless.

- Where did you get this?
- She forget it in the bedroom.

Some day her jewels will be stolen.

It wouldn't surprise me a bit.

Um... Here, put it in the safe.

Oui, Mademoiselle.

- What are you waiting for?
- The safe is locked.

Oh... well, open it.

Oh, but Mademoiselle know I haven't
the combination.

And Brewster have the key
of the inside door.

Oh, yes, of course, how silly of me.

You know, Yvonne,

it would save me a lot of trouble if
you knew the combination to that safe.

Yes, Mademoiselle, but it is too great
a responsibilit? to a servant.

- Yes.
- Will you open it?

Well, I...

Really, it wouldn't do us any good
without Brewster's key.


I'll take this. I'll attend to it
later myself.

You go to bed. You look so tired.

Oh, but, Mademoiselle, I cannot sleep,
you know I have insomnia.

Oh... oh, yes, that's right.

Isn't there something in the house
that would put you to sleep?

Oh, only the tablet that the doctor
ordered for you.

That's fine, you go and get
those tablets.

I want you to have a nice,
sound sleep.

Oh, thank you, Mademoiselle,
I'll enjoy it.

Hey, Brewster, did you hear the one
about the Scotsman...

...who invited one of the Siamese twins
out to a theater and a dinner...

...if she could get away from her sister?

- Good evening, Brewster.
- Good evening, Mr. Wells.

- Is there anything wrong?
- Oh, no, sir.

The officer thought he saw
someone on the roof.

- Just a false alarm, sir.
- Oh, I see.

Well, it's a good thing Miss Waring
is not at home or she would be frightened.

But Miss Margaret is at home, sir.

- She's home, so early?
- Yes, sir.

Well, that's fine. I'll just drop in
and say hello.

- Please. Thank you.
- Thank you.

- I hope it make me sleep.
- Ah, yes, I do too.

- Good night, Yvonne.
- Bonne nuit, mademoiselle.

Wait. If you do happen to wake up,
just take another one.

Oh, thank you, Mademoiselle.

- Oh, boin soir, Monsieur Wells.
- Bon soir, Yvonne.

- Is Miss Margaret still up?
- Yes, I was just with her.

I think you can still go in.

Good evening, Margaret.

- May I come in?
- Well... you are in, aren't you?

- Yes.
- Well then, come in.

Thank you.

Brewster's been telling me that you've
had quite a scare here tonight.

Oh, yes, I certainly have.

In fact, I'm still having one.

Well, for crying out loud.

First a flatfoot, then the maid,
and now the boyfriend.


I never expected to find you in. I thought
you and Mother were over on Long Island.

Well, we were, but, um...
Well, you see, we came back.

Yes, I see.

What happened?
- Oh, well, it was... the same old trouble.

Mother's nerves again, I'll bet.

That's it, hm-hm.

Poor darling.
I'll just give her a ring.

I wouldn't, she may be just
falling asleep.

Yes, I guess you're right, Margaret.

I'll drop in on her in the morning.

Oh, by the way, I brought the books
over I told you about.

Here they are, Margaret.
I hope you like them.

Oh, yes, I'm sure I will.

Oh... what's the matter?

- Oh, it's back.
- What?

- My neuralgia.
- Maybe we'd better go home.

- Oh, no, don't do that.
- Oh, yes, we'd better.

- Oh, no, please don't!
- Grover,

Mrs. Wells feels too ill to go on.
Turn back.

Yes, Miss Margaret.

Oh, why did you do that?

There's no sense in going any place
when you don't feel well.

Oh, dear!

You know, Margaret? I think
burglars agree with you.

Why, I've never seen you
look so charming.

Thank you.

You know it's a pity you and I couldn't
fall in love with each other.

It would have pleased the old governor.

Oh... do you think so?

Yes, I'm sure of it.

He was a grand old gentleman.

Yes, he has a wonderful face.

You know, one could almost
tell by looking at him...

...that he never did a wrong
deed in his life.

- No.
- No wonder they made him governor.

Made him governor?

Why... yes, didn't you know?


Oh, I see. It must have been
in the islands.

- Oh, yes, that's it, in the islands.
- Yes.

You know, Margaret, somehow or other
you seem changed tonight.

Changed? Why... why...
it's just your imagination.

I'm just the same.

The same hair, and the same eyes, and...

the same hands, and...

the same complexion and
everything, it's...


My ring! Where is it?

- Why, I... I took it off.
- You did?

Well, do you remember what you said?

Why... yes, of course.
Do you?


What are you doing, don't be an idiot.

Listen, are you going to let
that guy get fresh with Mary?

Put that away, you're crazy!

Please, you shouldn't have
done that, I...

I shouldn't have let you.
You must go now.

Please, Margaret, just let me
stay a little longer.

Now that I've found the real you.

No, I... I'm afraid if you do, the Margaret
you knew might come back.

Hardly. I've forgotten about
her completely.

And the real me that you've
just discovered...

will you forget her too?

I'll never forget her as long as I live.

Please, Margaret. Get the ring and
let me put it on again with a new meaning.

Oh, no... not tonight.

Tomorrow perhaps.

Well, I'm going right home now
and wake up Mother and tell her.

- She'll be tickled pink.
- Oh, no, don't wake her.

Promise me?

Very well, I'll promise.

- We'll both tell her tomorrow?
- Hm-hmm.

I'll see you tomorrow early?

- Good night.
- Good night.

- Gee, I thought his nibs would never go.
- Hurry up, Mary.

This roof's as cold as a stepmother's kiss.


Gee, boys, I don't think we ought to...

No, no, none of that, let's go to work.

Turn off those lights.
Come on, Nick.

- Did you get the combination?
- No.

Nobody's got it but that Waring girl.

Well, it ain't no use trying to hit them
numbers. Let me at it, come on.

- Where's Brewster, asleep?
- Yes, I guess so.

And the maid?

Oh, she won't wake up until morning,
and maybe not then.

Fine. Then we haven't a thing
to worry about.

- Good night, Mrs. Wells.
- Good night.


Hurry up, boys, will you,
I'm getting nervous.

Don't worry, Mary,
we'll be through in no time.

What are you doing here?

- Nick, don't shoot!
- Hold on!

What did you go and do that for?

- I don't know.
- We've got to go, quick.

Come on.

Oh... you poor kid.

Miss Margaret, what's the matter?
I heard a shot.

- Get a doctor, Brewster, quick.
- But who's that?

- Never mind, get a doctor.
- Yes.

Hello! Hello!

Um... give me, um... Murray Hill 4842!

Come over, doctor... No, no, Miss Waring's
all right. It's somebody else.

Good bye.

It's all right, miss, he's coming
right away.

- Is there anything I can get you?
- Get some water and a towel quick.

Yes, miss, yes.

Hey, Brewster, I just heard a shot.
Was it in here?

Yes, yes, I know. It's upstairs
and somebody's been hurt.

- Who is it?
- I don't know, I don't know.

- Casey, phone headquarters!
- Well, where's the phone?

- There!
- Oh.

Morningside, 3100.
And be quick about it.

Hello? Who is it?

Oh, O'Toole.
This is Casey.

Say, there's been a shooting at the
Waring home. A lady has been shot.

Send a couple of men around,
will you, right away.

- Mary!
- Oh, Jerry, why did you come back?

What are you staying here for?

Well, I... I can't leave. She's hurt.

Yeah, I'll stay here till they
get here, sure.

No, no, I don't know a thing about it.

Oh, all right.

- Say, where is it?
- In that room.

- Come on!
- Yes.

- Jerry, somebody's coming, beat it!
- I can't go without you...

That's the girl that was hurt.

They must have gone out there.

Take care of her, Brewster.

- Brewster, turn on the lights.
- Yes.

We've got to get her off the floor.

We'll put her... put her over there.

Why... Miss Margaret, she looks
exactly like you.

- Oh, yes, it's extraordinary, isn't it?
- Most!

Brewster, get the water and the towel.


It's most extraordinary.

Oh, Brewster, will that doctor
ever get here?

Oh, yes, miss, he said he was
coming right away.

He won't be long now.

- Oh, I do hope he'll hurry.
- He'll be here very soon, miss.

Doctor, you're sure she
won't die, aren't you?

She won't die, Miss Waring.

There's not the slightest
danger of it.

But when she wakes up,
she'll have a terrific headache.

Please, Miss Margaret, don't worry.

Inspector, they didn't get into the safe
and nothing was stolen.

So why don't we let the whole
matter drop?

I'm sorry, Miss Waring,

but the Police Department doesn't
work that way.

You know, this likeness is the funniest
thing I ever ran up against.

I can't tell the difference between
you and this little crook.

It is extraordinary, isn't it,

Oh, Miss Waring.


Would you mind telling me again exactly
what happened here tonight?

Why, certainly, Inspector.

I was in my bedroom and I heard
a noise out here.

I opened the door and I saw two men and this
young woman standing in front of the safe.

One of the men raised his gun and...

...and just as he fired the girl screamed
and threw herself in front of me.

The bullet hit her and...
and she collapsed.

The men went out through that
window and then...

...and then Brewster came in.

Aside from the resemblance, I can't see why
they should shoot at their confederate.

And why should she throw
herself in front of you?

Why, I... I'm sure I don't know.

From the time that Officer Casey left
until you heard the shot,

you say that no one came into
or went out of this house?

- Mr. Wells came in.
- Wells? Who is he?

He's Miss Margaret's fianc?.

Well, get him on the phone,
I want to see him.

I've already telephoned him, sir.

Oh, Brewster, you haven't
called Mr. Wells.

Why, yes, Miss Margaret.

- He and his mother are on their way now.
- A very good idea, Brewster.

I want to see everyone
who was here tonight.

But it's ridiculous to ask Mrs. Wells
to come out this hour of the night.

Brewster, telephone them and ask
them not to come.

Yes, Miss Margaret.

You're taking your orders
from me, Brewster.

I'm in charge here.

Well, Doc, how long do you figure
it will be before she comes to?

Probably a day or two.
Possibly longer.

Not soon enough to be
of any help to me.

It gives these crooks to much
chance to get away.

It's this confounded resemblance
that's got me going.

Yes, it is a coincidence, isn't it?

Coincidence me eye.
It's the key to the whole works.

- Oh, yes?
- Yes!

- Can't you see that under the circumstances...
- Inspector.

What is it, Casey?

- I was up in the maid's room.
- Yeah?

And I can't get her up.
She's sleeping her head off.

Oh... maybe she's been doped.


Hey, Doc, run up and give this maid the once
over, will you? Casey will show you the way.


Oh, Doctor, do you...
do you think it's safe to leave her?

Perfectly safe, Miss Waring.

You know, Doc, I shook that woman
till her teeth rattled.

Brewster, you've been with this family
for twenty years.

Can't you tell which is Miss Waring?

Why, of course, that is Miss Waring.

Would you swear to it?
Can you prove it?

Do you know of any birthmarks?

I beg your pardon, Inspector.

I'm only the butler.
And if there are any birthmarks,

I've not been privileged to see them.

- Don't let anybody in or out, Farley.
- Very well, sir.

The poor young thing.
You know, she's so very like you...

...that I can't think harshly of her.

No, I can't either, Brewster.

You know, I've never felt quite the same
towards anyone before in my life.

I fell so... so drawn towards her.

It's hard to believe that she
came in here to steal.

Why, Miss Margaret, her face
is just as honest as yours.

Oh, yes... you're right, Brewster.

How long have you known
these Wellses?

- Why, um... why, um...
- For ten years, Inspector.

Miss Margaret and Mr. George used
to go to school together.

Yes, Inspector, ten years.

Would you mind sitting
over here, Miss Waring?

Why... certainly.

I'm going to try a little experiment.

- All right, Casey, send them in.
- Yes, sir.

Go on in.


Margaret, my dear, my dear!

We came just as soon as
we could, Margaret.

- What happened?
- Why, uh... uh...


Oh... is she dead?

She's all right. Would you mind
answering a few questions?

Don't point. You make me
so nervous.

Why, it must have happened very quickly.

It seems no time since I left here.

Do you recall the exact time,
Mr. Wells?

Yes, I think so.
It must have been about 12 o'clock.

- Wasn't it, Margaret?
- Why... yes, I think so.

- Twelve o'clock when you met Margaret here?
- Yes, Mother.

Well, that just shows what a bad
memory I have for time.

Why, Margaret, I thought it was long
after twelve when we came home.

Why, I'm sure you must be mistaken.


Inspector, is the question of time
of such great importance?

Yes, in this case it is of the
greatest importance.

You were here earlier in the evening?

Yes. I called on Margaret. We were
to go to a ball on Long Island.

Why did you return unexpectedly?

- Because I was ill.
- I wasn't speaking to you.

Inspector, I don't like your attitude.

What do you care who answers
so long as you get the truth.

Why, certainly. What...
what difference could it make?

- It makes a lot of difference.
- Inspector.

- Well?
- The woman is undoubtedly drugged.

- Drugged?
- She probably won't come out of it...

...for the next 24 hours.

How long have you known
Miss Waring?

Oh, I've known her for ten years,
ever since she...

You couldn't be mistaken
in her identity?

Oh, my dear man, don't be absurd!

- And you?
- Just what are you driving at, Inspector?

Then you are both willing to swear
that this is Margaret Waring?

- Of course we are.
- Certainly.

Then who is...


The resemblance is remarkable!

Mar... Mar...

Why, they're so much alike, I...
I can't tell them apart.

- Oh... oh, I know I am going to faint.
- Oh, Mother!

Doctor, will you please help me
into the next room?

- Certainly.
- Ah, brace up there.

You know, Mother's extremely
nervous, Doctor.

Yes, I see she is.

An experience like this is quite
upsetting to her.

There, Mother.

The excitement is a little bit
too much for her.

She was lying right here, sir.

And Miss Waring was kneeling
beside her.

- Is Mrs. Wells better?
- Yes, she's quite all right now.

Miss Waring, I'd like to have a quiet
word with headquarters.

- Where will I find a phone?
- Why, um...

You'll find one in the lower hall.

You know, after all this excitement,

...I must stop and think before
I answer the simplest questions.

I've noticed that.

You stay here.

I've a feeling that Miss Waring
should not be left alone.

- Certainly.
- I'll be back in a minute.

Go ahead, Brewster.
Casey, I want to talk to you.

Right, Inspector.

- Farley, close this door.
- Yes, sir.

Why, you're trembling, dear.

Now, there's nothing to be afraid of.
Everything is going to be all right.

Come, sit down over here.

Try and not let it upset you, dear.

Now, sit right there and relax.

Is that better?

Do you know, Margaret, that yesterday...

...I might have been fooled.

But not after tonight.

Are you quite sure you could
tell us apart?

Yes, I could tell by the touch
of your hand, dear.

Even if the world was dark as Egypt.

And yet it's really remarkable.

She has your mouth...

your chin...

And the same pretty hands too.


You're not Margaret Waring.

Who are you?

Oh, never mind who I am.

Are you going to give me away?

- ... Farley.
- Very well, sir.

Well, we're getting on.

I've located a man who saw you and
Mrs. Wells arrive here at half past twelve.

What do you say to that?

Why, I should say your man should
have his watch repaired.

Doesn't it strike you as
a little strange, Miss Waring,

that you should be here entertaining
Mr. Wells from 11:30 to 12:00...

whereas you were seen arriving with
Mrs. Wells at half past twelve?

Mr. Updike, if it weren't so ridiculous,

I should say you were accusing me
of trying to rob my own home.

Well, Inspector, what have
you found out?

Mrs. Wells, when you were here
earlier in the evening,

did Miss Waring have on the same
dress she has on now?

- Why, Margaret...
- I'm asking you, Mrs. Wells.

She was wearing a wrap
and I don't remember.

This case has resolved itself into
a question of identity.

Which of these two young women
is the real Margaret Waring?

Oh, the man's insane.

Mrs. Wells, as a lifelong friend
of the family,

don't you know of some
mark of identification?

which would prove which of these two
young women is the real Margaret Waring?

Oh, let me see.

Oh, there's a little ring that she
never takes off her finger.

Show it to him, Margaret.

Let me see your hands.

- Is that the ring?
- No.

- Where is the ring.
- I...

I beg your pardon, Inspector.
But I have the ring.

- Is this the ring?
- Yes.

Now, I took this ring off the real
Miss Waring's finger tonight.

Is this young women the one who entertained
you here earlier in the evening?

Why, of course she is.

The safe... the safe!

Her subconscious mind is still fixed
on the last impression...

...she received before she was shot.
Doesn't that prove...

It proves nothing.

The thought of the safe would be
uppermost in the minds of both of them.

I have it, Inspector.
The combination.

Miss Margaret is the only person
who knows it.

Let her open the safe,
that will convince you.

For once in your life, Brewster,
you've made a sensible suggestion.

It's all right, they haven't
damaged it any.

Well, let's have the combination.

Now, look here, Inspector. You have
no right to ask such proof.

And as Miss Waring's fianc?,

I refuse to permit her to submit
to such a ridiculous procedure.

Mr. Wells, I am in charge here.

All right, young lady, I'm waiting.

To the right, three times to 75.

To the right, three times to 75.

Once, twice...

All right.

To the left, twice to 100.

To the left, twice to 100.

All right.

Back to 38.

Back to 38.

Well, I hope you're satisfied, Inspector.

Just a minute. How do you open
this inside door?

Brewster, give him the key.

Would you mind telling me
what's in this bag?

- Inspector, that...
- I wasn't speaking to you.

- Why... I don't know.
- You don't know?

The bag doesn't belong to me.
It's Mrs. Wells'.

That's what I've been trying
to tell you.

Kindly give me my bag.

Miss Waring, I owe you a most
humble apology.

Oh, that's all right, Mr. Updike.
You're only doing your duty.

- Thank you, Miss Waring.
- Well, I do hope you're satisfied now.

I am indeed, madame.

- Well, good night all.
- Good night, Inspector.

- Good night!
- Come on, Farley, let's beat it.

- Good morning, Miss Wallace.
- Good morning.

You know, you've been awfully good
to this young woman, Miss Waring.

Letting her have your bed and taking
such good care of her.

- Oh... well, um... how is she?
- She's fine.

She's been stirring and I think she'll
come to shortly.

Well, you... you'll be sure and let me know
just as soon as she does, won't you?

Yes, I will.

Come in.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

I'm glad you're still here.

You know, I was afraid you
might have gone.

Oh, I couldn't go and leave
her like that.

How is Margaret this morning?

Oh, she's improving. We expect her
to regain consciousness any minute.

Well, that's good.

Will you come and sit down
a minute, please?


How did you know the combination
of that safe?

Why, I... I read it from her mind.

- From her mind?
- Hm-hmm.

- Can you do that?
- Yes.

Well... that's funny.

Margaret can to.

- Good morning, officer.
- Good morning.

- Nice day, isn't it?
- Certainly is.

I don't know that I can ever remember more
beautiful weather at this time of the year.

Me neither.

- Is Miss Waring home?
- Yes, sir.

I'm sorry and ashamed
that last night...

I tricked you into giving me
just for a little while...

...the love that really belonged to her.

But it doesn't belong to her.

You see, Margaret and I are
just great pals.

As a matter of fact,

she told me that some day I would meet
a girl that would show me the difference.

And now I have met her.

Oh, but you...
You don't know anything about me...

Except what's bad.

I know that you've never had a break.

And that you want to be
all that is good.

I beg your pardon, Miss Margaret.
A gentleman to see you.

Brewster, where is he?

He's in the lower hall, miss.

- Well... I'll see him.
- Yes, Miss Margaret.

- Is there anything wrong?
- No.

I... I can't tell you who this person is.

But I must see him alone.

Why, of course.

If you should need me,
I'll be down in the hall.

Thank you.

- Pardon me.
- It's quite all right.

Good morning, Miss Waring.

Good morning, Mr. Jones.

Marvelous, um...

Marvelous weather we're having.

Yes, I don't ever remember having seen
lovelier weather this time of the year.

- Oh, Jerry.
- Then it is you, Mary.

For a moment I thought you
were the other girl.

What are you doing here?

- I came to get you.
- Oh, don't be silly.

Don't you know every cop in town
is looking for you and Nick?

Yes. And where do you think
it's the last place they'd look?

Right here.

- Where is Nick?
- I don't know.

We got separated and he didn't
show up at Lola's.

- How's the Waring, girl, is she...
- Oh, she's all right.

I haven't time to tell you
everything now.

But you've got to get out of here.

Sure, we've both got to get
out of here.

That's what I came back for.

I knew you could fool them for a while,
but your luck won't last forever.

Come on, Mary, this is where you
make your getaway.

I beg your pardon, Miss Margaret.

Mr. Updike is here.

- Mr. Updike from headquarters?
- Yes.

Brewster, ask him to wait downstairs.
I'll be down in a moment.

Not on my account.
Send him up.

Send him up? That's his specialty,
sending people up.

I should be charmed to meet
the inspector at such close quarters.

Please see him here.

- Send him up.
- Yes, sir.

Jerry, you just love to sit on the edge
of a volcano, don't you?

I'm willing to bet that when I go,
he'll say good bye,

wish me a pleasant journey and...
and urge me to take you with me.

Jerry, you've been out
in the sun again... bareheaded.

Good morning, Miss Waring.

Oh, um... good morning, Inpsector.

Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. Updike,
this is Mr. Jones.

- How do you do, Mr. Jones?
- I'm glad to meet you, Inspector.

I've met several men in
your profession.

- In England, of course.
- Oh, yeah?

Well, Miss Waring, our young friend
in there is Mary Brennan.

She works with two crooks.
A guy called Nick...

...and another known as
Jerry "The Gent".

An English crook, by the way. He's been
in this country for quite some time.

Really? What a picturesque name.

Jerry "The Gent".

- Delightful.
- Yes, indeed.

This is a very interesting situation
that we have here, Mr., um...

- Jones.
- Oh, yes, Jones.

This Mary Brennan and
Miss Waring's maid,

...are both unconscious.

A word from either one of them
would clear up the whole matter.

We expect to get it in about an hour.

Did you hear that, dear?
Within an hour.

The inspector will know
the whole truth of this matter.

There's a telephotoed picture of this Jerry
"The Gent" on the way over here to me now.

Well, isn't that interesting.
I should like to see it.

You know, Inspector, we live in
a wonderful scientific age.

We certainly do.

Oh, by the way, Miss Waring,

You said that you could identify both
these men that broke in here last night.

I'll never forget them
as long as I live.


All right, Dugan, bring him in.

- Come on here.
- Oh, listen, what's...

Shut up!

- Did you get anything out of him?
- No, Inspector, not a word.

You didn't, eh?

Miss Waring, take a look at this man.
Is this one of them?

Why, no... they were both
much taller than he.

You're sure you never saw him before.

No, never.

Mr. Jones, this is a typical
underworld character.

Really? You don't say.

Yes, I do say.

- You do?
- Yes.

All right, Dugan, take him downtown.

Tell them to hold him
a couple of days.

All right, Inspector.

Come on there.

My word, it's later than I thought it was.

I must be getting along.

Look here, dear, you look...
you look pale and tired.

Why don't you come with me
for a little drive in the park?

Yes, that's a good idea.
A little fresh air will do you good.

No, thank you, I think I'll stay here.

Are you sure you won't come?

Quite sure.

Well, good bye, dear.

Good bye.

Well, Mr. Jones, I'm very glad
to have met you.

Thanks, Inspector.

- Good morning, Brewster.
- Good morning, Casey.

I have a picture here for the inspector.
Where is he?

He's upstairs, shall I take it up?

No, you shall not.
I'll take it up meself.

Very well, Casey.

Good bye, Inspector, I don't suppose
I shall be seeing you again.

- Are you going away?
- Yes, I'm going for a little trip.

- For my health.
- Well, pleasant journey.


- So long.
- Good bye.

- Good bye, dear.
- Good bye.

Inspector, here's the picture
you sent for.

Good. Let's have it, Casey.

Well, cheerio, Inspector.

No, just a minute. This is the picture
you wanted to see.

Another time perhaps,
I've very little time now.

No, but you ought to see this,
it's very interesting.

Well, of all the dumbbells.

Take a look at that.

Look at that, dear.

Charming-looking fellow, isn't he?

Why, yes, he certainly is.

I sent for a picture of Jerry "The Gent"
and they send me Jerry "The Greek".

- Now, isn't that annoying?
- It certainly is.

Now tell me, Inspector, is this another
typical underworld character?

- Oh, yes indeed.
- Really, that's very interesting.


Well, I'll drop you a line, dear.

- Good bye, Inspector.
- Good bye, Mr. Jones.

Charming gentleman, that Mr. Jones.

Well, if you'll excuse me,

I've got a little balling out to do.

Come on, Casey.

Have you, um...

- Have you a match, Lieutenant?
- Why, sure!


-Another example of police efficiency.
- Thank you.

Well, it's a great day to be out
in the fresh air.

It sure is.

- I beg your pardon.
- I beg your...

Well, if it ain't my old friend
Jerry "The Gent".

I'm afraid you're making a mistake.

Wait a minute.
Where do you think you're going?

- What's the matter, Grey?
- Inspector,

- Casey brought you the wrong envelope.
- Yeah, I know he did.

Here's the right one.


Well, I'll be...

Take a look at that.

I've seen it.

Well, Inspector, it looks as though
I'll have to postpone my trip.

No, you'll take your trip all right!

But it won't cost you anything.

All right, Casey.
Come on, O'Brien.

Well, au revoir, Inspector.

Yeah, over the river, Jerry.

Oh, hello, George.

Good morning, Margaret.
How are you feeling?

Oh, I don't know, I have sort of a...

Why... who are you?

I, um... I...

Where did you get that?

I... I've always had it.

That's funny.
I have one just like it.

I wonder if it's the same as mine inside.

Open it.

Open it?

I didn't know it opened.

Oh, yes, let me show you.

Oh, it's just like mine.

Mary and Margaret Waring.

Then... then we must be sisters.

Yes. Didn't you know you
had a sister?


Well, I didn't either until about
a year ago when Father died.

He left me a sealed envelope
telling me about you...

...and instructing me not to say anything
about it to anyone until I found you.

You see, when he and Mother separated,

Mother took you and Father took me.

There was some kind of a scandal, but...

Oh, we don't care about that
now, do we?

Now tell me, what is this all about?

Well, you see, last night
I came in here to rob you.

But you came home too
soon and then...

And then you were shot.
Do you remember?

Oh, yes... I do remember now.

Oh, but I didn't steal anything.

Honestly, I didn't steal
anything and then...

Now, please, dear, don't get excited.

George, did I hear you say "dear"?

Well, yes, you did, Margaret.


Do you remember what you said
about that electric something?


You were right.

Tell me, George, have you asked
your mother yet?

No, I haven't, Margaret.

And furthermore, I'm not going to.

- Subtitles -
Lu?s Filipe Bernardes