Rising Free (2019) - full transcript

In late nineteenth-century America, Rising Free portrays the story of a young woman living in the aftermath of racial prejudice. Surrounded by danger of being sold and further stripped of ...




Naydia, what is it?


They're coming.

NAKOMAY: No matter what happens
you must stay close to me,

do you understand?

Look at me and tell me
you understand!

NAYDIA: Yes, I understand.

It's time.

We must leave now or it
will be too late.


I will protect you.











Father. Benjamin. Come quickly!


ETHEL: O gosh.

- ETHEL: Father. Father.
- BENJAMIN: Put pressure on it.

THOMAS: She is losing a
lot of blood and quickly!

THOMAS: It's okay dear, you will
be okay.

ETHEL: It's going to be ok.

THOMAS: She's gone.





How is she?

Faring well.

She's exhausted, but
that's to be expected.

Have you her
name, or anything?

Not yet.

I'll insist she stay with
us when she wakes,

don't you agree?

I can't bear the thought
of turning her away.

I think it best.

Lord knows what she
went through before she

arrived here.

Get as much rest as you can.

I'll be right here if you
need anything at all.

It's going to be alright.

What is your name?

Nakomay Lee.

That's beautiful.

I'm Ethel.

My father is Thomas and
my brother is Benjamin.

We were all quite
concerned for you.

Where is Naydia?

Where is she?

It's okay. I'm sorry Nakomay.

I'm so very sorry.


I'm so sorry Nakomay.



Your hands are so cold.

Sit while I get you some tea.



Mr. Thomas.

I can't bother you all to
stay here much longer.

You have all done so
much for me already, I...

...what will others think
if they know you are

allowing me shelter?

The opinion of others is of
no concern to me, or any of

us for that matter.

You're welcome in
this house for as long

as you'd like to stay.

Is there anyone you
would like me to notify...

...that you are safe?

There is no one.

I'm truly sorry to hear that.

You know...

...I don't think you
found us by chance.

I think you were meant to find



Things around these parts
haven't gotten a lot better.

Of what do you speak?

There has been a group of
men running amuck...

...causing all sorts of havoc
here on the frontier.

Some of the worst have been
burning down entire towns...

...and kidnapping the women.

It's not good, son.

You don't think that-


I've thought about her.

The heartache she has endured.

Sounds far too similar to
what these men are doing.

If that is the case, it would
explain so much.

It does indeed.

I'm just thankful she
found us when she did.

As am I.




I couldn't help but notice
you from a distance.

Are you alright?

My mother...

...she was quite beautiful.

Her own mother
died in childbirth...

...leaving her solely to
be raised by her father.

He became a drunk and
could be wildly abusive.

One day when she realized
she could take it no longer...

...she fled from home.

She was quite young to
be out on her own.

She soon encountered
a young man.

My father.

He was a white man.

Noble character.

Highly educated.

They fell in love and soon

My siblings and I were
raised to learn English.

Reading and writing.

Three years ago...

...our home and land
were burned in the night.

Everything we had was taken.

Mother and father did all they
could to

protect us from the terror.

It was the last time
we ever saw them.

From that moment on...

...my sister, brother, and
I were left to fend

for ourselves.

We had nowhere to go...

...because we were not
accepted by many white people...

...nor people from our tribe.

I'm sorry.

Don't be sorry.

Never be sorry for
bearing your heart.

It takes great courage.

Thank you for trusting
enough to confide in me.

You're so brave.


BENJAMIN: I didn't expect
to see you this time of night.

Would you care to join me?


...I suppose.

NAKOMAY: Pardon me.

What do you think you're doing?

I'm sorry.

I was going to say a blessing.

Dear Lord...

...thank you for this bounty
before us.

May we use it for the
nourishment of our bodies

and our bodies to thy service.


I didn't see you
much around today.

I just...

...I thought a little time
of solitude would be best.

I understand.

I hope this meal isn't too
harshly imposing on your plans.


Not at all.

Thank you.

So tell me.

What is it that you love?

I'm sorry?


...just trying to get to
know you better...

...that's all.

You like to write I see.

Poems mostly.

I do love poetry.

I would like to read a bit of
your work sometime.

Oh, I...

...I don't know. It's just...

...I've never let anyone read
my writing before...

...that's all.

Maybe one day you'll
change your mind.

Thank you again for the meal.

It was lovely.

Thank you for joining me.

It was a pleasure to have your



Benjamin, my dear, what
a pleasant surprise

it is to see you.

How do you do, Mrs. Harvey?

Do come in.

Frank will be delighted
to have your company.

How is he?

Mr. Harvey

How are you doing sir?

Uh, Benjamin.

So nice to have a...

...friendly face stop in.

You know.

You have really been
on my mind lately.

Me sir?

You know, our boy...


He was to...

...follow in my footsteps.

With William being gone...

...I've had a lot of thought...

...who is going to continue on.

Ben, I really want you...

...to be the one to take
over the church.

And I know...

...that is a big thing
to ask of you.

Could you go home...

...and pray about it, will ya?

I will sir.

Thank you.

Take care of yourself.

Thank you Benjamin, God
be with you.


So much bad has happened.

I seem not to understand it.

Why her?

Naydia was so young.

Why didn't they take me instead?

How did it happen?

We had been on the
run for sometime.

I thought we were safe.

My brother thought the same.

Somehow they found us.

They took our furs, our


I did everything I could.

I tried.

Of course you did.

It wasn't your fault.

I just don't understand.

I can't let you do this
to yourself any longer.

You have to realize
it wasn't your fault.

It wasn't your fault.

Help me, please.

I'll be right here, every
step of the way.

We'll get through
this together.

I promise.


NAKOMAY: Good try Ethel.


BENJAMIN: Let me give it a try.


Father are you alright?

Our brigade...

...marched out of
Williamsburg, October 2nd.


Many a strong man quivered...

...overcome with numb emotion,
for we knew what lie ahead.

As we proceeded into battle...

...that dreary day.

I never imagined my life
would be spared.

The battlefield, sweeping
green pastures...

...rolling hillside was
advantageous for

cannon operations.

A job for which we were tasked.

The pride of the human
spirit weighed heavy...

...like sulfurous smoke,
clouding the skies, long before

a cannon was ever fired.

In the end days

when the heavens are rolled up
like a scroll, I doubt if it

will present a more awe
inspiring spectacle

than that of the historic
field that fatal morn.

When I was at my lowest...

...thinking all hope was
forever in the past.

That's when I heard-

-Heard what?

The voice of what I dare
say was an angel.



He leadeth me.

O blessed thought.

O words with heavenly comfort

Whate'er I do.

Where'er I be.

Still 'tis God's hand...

...that leadeth me.

His faithful follower...

...I would be.

For by His hand...

...He leadeth me.


Oh father.

It was as though God
was reminding me

that I was not alone.



Like the breeze flowing gently
on an early spring morning.


Like the rolling waves
that crash upon a dry...

...welcoming shore.


Like a far off island full of
vast unexplored mystery.






I too know the severe heartache
of losing someone you love.

You hear that time will
soften the pain, but...

...I scoff at that.

When my father was away at war
our home was overtaken.

We all stood there...

...helplessly watching the

destruction of our belongings.

My mother was holding
me in her arm...

...and James in the other.

Benjamin was standing
by her side.

There was a noise of some
sort and James...

...somehow managed to break
free from my mother's grip.

There were soldiers all around.

A soldier.

Unsympathetically just shot my
mother and walked away.

Leaving three small
children alone.

Scared and motherless.

Oh Ethel.

I had no idea.

I'm so very sorry.


...she was only with you
for a short time...

...her legacy continues to
live on through her children.

That is quite apparent.

Every since that tragedy...

...Benjamin and I rarely left
one another's side.

James on the other hand, he
has never been the same.

I truly believe he still
blames himself

for the accident.

But he was so young.

He didn't do that intentionally.

I do pray that one day
he will realize that too.

How did you come to
live out west?

My father came home
from the war following

mother's passing and...

...we only spent one night in
our desolate destroyed home.

The following day we packed
up and came out here.

I think the pain of being
there was too great

for father to bear.

I can't say I wouldn't
have done the same.

After arriving here my
father planted this

tree in her memory.

I think it was his way of
keeping her near him always.


Are you alright?

How many you think
you've put in the ground

since we started all this?


I stopped keeping
count a long time ago.

Why didn't you let me kill
those dirty savages

when I had the chance...

...down at that hill?

Are you, are you gettin' soft
on me?

You, uh, you think I'm gettin'


You're just not the same, boss.

We had been tracking
those three filthy savages

for some time now.

Watching their every move.

Noting their every pattern.

Then we do what we always do.

We take the strength from 'em.

And there is nothing like
seeing the pain in their faces

when you take their lifeblood.

When I saw them two
cowered down...

...I knew takin' the young
one, would hurt the most.

That's 'cause sufferin'...

...can do a lot more hurt
to a person than death.

I want her back!

Men will pay a high
price for her.


We'll get her back.

ETHEL: You seem rather
quiet, is everything alright?

Yes, I'm fine.

I've just been thinking
about our conversation earlier.


It's just...

...despite your loss and
heartache of losing someone

so very dear...

...how are you able to
continue on in such a way?

There are days where I feel as
though hope hangs around

like a dear old friend.

Those days are few
and far between.

More often than not I feel as
though I can't grasp

the hope and peace that I
have seen you all attain.

It's as if it comes naturally.

Our hope has never
been grounded within

ourselves my dear.

It hasn't?

Well then how?

Hope and peace of the nature
of which you speak do not

come from within.

They in their truest forms are
not enough to sustain you

amid the struggles of life.

But when found in the Lord.

They become your guiding light.

And despite the devastations
that we may face.

His unwavering love will...

...walk alongside us the
rest of our days.

You have to reach a point
where you can just

lose the grip of it all.

A point where...

...letting go feels more
freeing than holding tightly.

Where can I find this?

All you need to do is reach
out and boldly ask for it.

That's it?

That's it.




I've heard your voice
in the silence.

I've felt you in the wind.

Never did I know it was you...

...someone in whom I never

You beckon me with your calm


Hear my cries.

Stay near me.

I need you.


And forevermore.





BENJAMIN VO: Dearest Nakomay,

I hope this letter comes to
you as no disturbance.

My silence I shall keep no
more as thoughts of you

continually cross my mind.

The moments in which we
have spent together...

...I have taken not a single
one for granted.

I hope our days together
go without number.

It is with deepest sincerity...

...that I ask your
accompaniment in the morning.

If you so desire...

...meet me near the river
after sunrise.



I see you received my letter.

Indeed I did.

It was quite the unexpected
surprise to say the least.

Well, are you ready?

Where are we going?

You'll see.





It's times like this that make
me feel as though I don't

have a care in the world.


...you don't.

It's an honor to have this
time with you today.

You're a remarkable woman,

Promise me this won't be our
last adventure together.

It's far from our last.



Nakomay! Nakomay!

It's ok, It's just James.

I promise, everything is fine.


I'm sorry.

Hey, no need to be sorry.

It's James, as in your brother?

Yes, how did you know?

Ethel told me.

Does he come around often?

No, not usually.

Well, I'll leave you be.

No warm welcome I see.

It's been a while.

It's good to see you, James.

Pardon me for asking, but have
you been drinking?


Sorry I'm not able to
be an outstanding

gentleman like yourself.

James, I'm not...

Every family has their mess up.

And you've not dealt
with life the way I have.


ETHEL: James! What a
wonderful surprise.

It's so good seeing you
around here, son.

Ethel is just finishing
preparing a meal

we would love to
have you join us.

Is everything alright?

JAMES: I'm fair enough.

Just been busy that's all.

Let me help you.

Help me?

And what is it that you
think I need help with?

I already told you that I'm

It's not you James.

You're not yourself.

It pains me deeply to
see you like this.


Just stop.

Please, just tell me what
you need from me!


He just needs some time dear.

What are you doing out here?

I just need some alone time.

Our brother has been away
for months and you now feel

it's time to be alone.

It seems as though you're


Hiding from what?

You can't do this every
time James shows up.


He needs us, you and me!

We can't let him do this
to himself any longer.

I know he needs us.

I do.

I want to see him
change, I really do.

But how do you bring
change to someone...

...who doesn't show a
single desire for it.

You love him.

That's how.

No matter what I've done
you've always been

there for me.

And although I've strayed
from time to time.

You've always been a friend
and comfort when I

needed you the most.

Be that for him.

You're right.

He will listen to you.

Have you seen the way
that he looks up to you?

It's never been of...

...jealousy or anger. It's
always been of admiration.

And now it's seemingly hidden
amid the turmoil in his mind,

but it's still there.

He just needs his brother
now more than ever.

You have a way of getting to
him when no one else can.

You just have to be patient with

I truly believe he'll come




There's someone I would
like you to meet.

This is Nakomay. Nakomay, this
is my brother James.

NAKOMAY: How do you do?

NAKOMAY: I'll let you be.

If you both would please excuse

It was nice to meet you.

BENJAMIN: Is that the best
you can do?

Who is she?

What is she doing here?

A woman like that has no
business being in a

place like this.

She lives here.

She what?

Have I been away for such
a time that I have

missed so much?

It's beginning to seem that way.

Don't tell me you take an
interest in that woman.

It's apparent in the way
you look at her.

But she's far different
than the both of us.

Don't you act like you
don't see that.

I don't see her any
different than I see you...

...or anyone else for
that matter.

Listen to yourself.

Do you truly believe you
can have a future with

a woman like that?

- I believe that...
- Oh, Benjamin.

Think about what you're doing.

What are people going to
think about you?


...father told me about your
plans to become a minister.

How you do something of that
sort when you run around

with the likes of her, huh?

Have you no notion of what it
takes to hold a

position like that?

I know exactly what it takes.

I firmly believe, brother...

...you've lost sight of it all.

Pardon my foolishness.

I think at times I just...

...allow my prejudice to
get the best of me...

...for that, I guess I do owe
you an apology.

You ever think about...

...what it might be like if
mother was still here?

Of course I do.

- I think about it quite often.
- As do I.

You don't...

I don't what?

You don't still blame yourself,
do you?

Ah, Ben.

That's easy for you to say, you
did nothing wrong.

If I had not been such a
reckless fool.

You and I wouldn't be
having this conversation

and you know that to be true.

You were merely just a child.

Yeah, one who caused his
mother her life.


...I'm trapped.

I find it difficult to see
above this cloud of disparity

that just looms over me.

This war inside my mind that I
fight from sunrise to sunset...

...it's a bitter battle and if
I dwell there for too long I...

...I feel as though I'm losing


The pain you've dealt with is
echoed throughout our family.

Although we fathom...

...life with mother here.

We've never once cast
the blame on you.

Why don't you stay here
with us a while?

Would you consider it?

I would.

If it be permissible with
father and Ethel.

I can speak for all of us in

We need you here.




I can see it.

BENJAMIN: What is it that you


For the first time...

...I see love.

It's breathtaking.

Marry me.


Yes, I will.




Isn't funny how life has a
way of becoming

- something you never dreamt.
- Certainly.

I wouldn't for a moment
change my present

for what lie in my imagination.

Is that so?

Had my mother been here...

...oh, I have spent many
nights wishing that.

I would be quite the different
woman then the one I am now.

It brought me far closer to
my father and brothers...

...and our love developed
in a unique way...

...that I'll treasure forever.

The way this family loves
is unlike any I've seen before.

You've changed me my
dear. For the better.

For your presence I am thankful.

Knowing that you will be
forever a part of this family

brings me all the more joy.

I have something I
want to show you.

Follow me.

What is this?

It's my mother's wedding dress.

It's breathtaking.

What a sweet tangible
memory to possess.

I've been saving this for
my wedding day.

But now that you and
Benjamin are to be wed

it would be my greatest honor
to see you wear it.


No, I couldn't do that.


You will be the most beautiful
bride in all the world.

I can't put into words what
this means to me.

I don't know how to thank you.

You wearing this dress is
thanks enough.

Oh how I will forever remember
this precious moment.

The whole concept of marriage
is something quite new to me.

Would you do me a great honor?

It would mean everything
for you to stand by me

on my wedding day.

Most certainly my dear.

Thank you.


When we were
children, James, Benjamin, and I

would spend a great deal of
time out in this field.

See those trees over there?

We would see who could
best get to the top first.

James had quite a competitive
spirit about him.

Oh to be young and carefree


Did you hear something?

I did.

I don't see anything though.

NAKOMAY: We've been gone for
quite a while.

Maybe we should start to head


No. Come on, hurry.

No! Please! Take me not her!






[CRYING] Ethel!

You can't leave me.



NO! Ethel!



My sweet Ethel.



What's wrong? No. No. You're

You're going to be okay.

Look at me!






Well, what do we have here?

EDWARD: It's our unintentional
find tonight boys.

She's a lovely one I'll say.

WALTER: Wait a minute. I think
I remember this one.








Nakomay! Where is she?

I don't know.

James! Where is Nakomay!

They took her.

You tell me what you need from

We have to find her! No
matter what it takes!

We have to find her!




What is it that you want from

The war is over!

You've taken our land.

You've taken our loved ones.

You stood by...

...and allowed my siblings to
be mercilessly killed.

And for what?

What more could you possibly

EDWARD: What did you just say to

Around these parts, miss, I
always get what I want.

And who do you think you are
to talk to me in such a manner?

I'll tell you who I am.

I am a child of God.

I will not fall into despair.

No matter what is taken from me.

My spirit cannot be broken.

For even in this bondage
I have freedom.

My freedom, it lies within.

And it cannot be taken from me.

Despite any attempts that you







James! Look at me!












You came for me.

There's nothing in this world
that will keep me from you.

I'll always fight for you.








Near the cross...

...I watch and wait.

Hoping, trusting, ever.

Till I reach...

...that golden strand,

just beyond the river.

In the cross.

In the cross.

Be my glory ever.

Till my ransomed soul shall

Rest beyond the river.

Till my ransomed soul shall

Rest beyond the river.

At times...

...when we're staring into
the face of fear.

Feeling as though we can't
even catch another breath.

This is when we needn't
lose our hope.

For it is hope that is our
greatest weapon.

With it, the darkest hours...

...can be split wide open.


...grave heartache.

Hope found in Christ.

This is the sole thing
that you have...

...in which you can hold.

As many of you may know...

...my health...

...has been in a steady decline.

But with joyful heart.

Our beloved, Benjamin Nelson.

Will graciously...

...be taking my place as
your new minister.

And for that, we are
abundantly grateful.






Do you think God could ever
forgive a wretch like me?

I've just...

...done so much.


I do believe He will.


I've done so many
detestable things.

The record of wrongs
I've caused is...

...too numerous to count.

I've just never
understood, why, God...

...if there is a God...

...would ever allow someone
to take a shape like mine.

Many people think that it's
God that has walked away

from us when all along it's we
who have walked away

from Him.

We've been sought after
with an extravagant...

...long pursuing love.

This love requires
nothing from us but...

...in one in which
everything is given.

It's one in which we ought

One we freely give to
our fellow man.

But despite the devastation
that I've caused

you and your family, how can
you in good conscience

treat me with such kindness?

My actions, they're

Nursing a bitter wound
will do nothing but

destroy from within.

I have forgiven you.

To be truthful, we all have.




NAKOMAY VO: Life can deal you
a hand which you never

expected to receive.

Our struggles are only

At times, they feel as though
they stretch into a span

of eternity.

It felt as though the one
thing for which

I deeply longed was too
distant to reach.

As it turns out...

...I found that one thing I
fought so long...

...so hard for, was fighting
twice as hard for me.


Love runs wildly, eradicating
darkness with each

passing step.

Hope is at its side.

Continually casting out fear.

It is patient. Oh so very

It's a kind friend.

One which you feel has
always belonged.

It dances amid the most
violent storms.

No record of wrong does it keep.

When you choose to release
the grasp of fear and defeat...

...it in turn sets your soul

When your steepest
mountains refuse to move,

believe that a stream will
lead you out.

Trust that your tears are
not wept in vain,

but help aid in your healing.

Trust in your past.

For it shapes how you
walk in your tomorrows.

Lean continually into the one
who holds the earth

delicately in the palm of His

Without fail.

He will always be the
greatest source of strength

and comfort.

In time of lack and plenty.


Forget not to trust in love.

For it is by this that all
things are made whole.

Made beautiful.