Righting Wrongs (1986) - full transcript

Yuen Biao plays Jason Chan a lawyer, angry at the way the law seems to protect the bad guys, he decides to take the law into his own hands when a key witness and his entire family are murdered. but Cindy Si is soon on his case and it all spirals into a situation only a few will survive.

British Superior Court

You did it again.

Thank you.

Professor, if you keep taking these
big case, sooner or Iat--

I know.
But you have to do what is necessary

to deaI with these
Iow-Iife scum baIIs.

But professor, don't you think
it might put your own Iife in danger?

True, but there's more danger
if they're out in society.

One of these days
you'II be on your own.

I don't have much of a gift
for you when you go back to Hong Kong.

But this book shouId be
usefuI to you

in your fight against crime.

I won't Iet you down.
Professor, Iook out.

Come on,
Iet's get out of here.

Step on it, wiII you?

Hit it.
Go! Go on!

You're crazy.

No. Look out.

Producer: Leonard Ho

Supervisor: Yuen Biao, Corey Yuen

Creator: Ma Wu

Executive Producer: Chen Peihua

Writer: Barry Wong, Chuek-Hon Szeto.

Starring and Kung Fu Supervisor:
Yuen Biao

Kungfu Supervisor and director:
Corey Yuen

Hong Kong

Be serious.

Eat, don't pIay.


Why don't you Iisten to me?

Officer, Iook.

Stop him.



Boss, have you fixed everything?



Mr. Hsia.

Your Honor,
I got a hospitaI report.

The whoIe Liang famiIy,
eight of them,

has been murdered.

Now that my witness
Liang is siIenced

I have no other witnesses
to testify against

these gentIemen's
drug-trafficking and kiIIings.

So they can now be free.

Objection, objection, objection.

Objection sustained.

Mr. Hsia, watch your Ianguage.

This book doesn't contain
IegaI articIes aIone.

They aIso represent sociaI justice
and human dignity.

But it is now being chaIIenged.

Objection, Your Honor.

I think Mr. Hsia's wasting
my cIients' time.

Objection sustained.

Cut short your speech.

My teacher toId me
that man made the Iaw.

When it doesn't uphoId

someone shouId stand up to
chaIIenge crime.

You Honor.

No objections are needed.

This hearing is adjourned
untiI JuIy 14.


Thank you.

How did it go, sir?
Acquitted again?

The prosecution's witness
has been murdered.

No wonder Chou Ting-kuang
pointed at my nose

chaIIenging me to arrest him.

Mr. Hsia, does the Iaw protect

the citizens or outIaws?

I'II try to prove this personaIIy.

Don't you feeI sorry being unabIe
to sue the guiIty?

FeeIing sorry
won't soIve the probIem.

There must be a soIution.

Like that.

Do you assume the defendants
guiIty or not?

No idea.

I'II shoot them one after another.

Good, I wiII send you a shotgun.

Then I'II be your Iawyer
and defend you.

My hands trembIe.
I'm getting oId.

You do it and I'II acquit you.

Are you serious?

You're cIever.
Take this doII.

How did you know
I got fuII marks, UncIe?

I know you're nice,
so I bought you this.

UncIe, I'II buy you ice-cream.


Daddy, give me money.

You promised to buy it.
Go on.

What's your decision?

After years of investigation
by the poIice

with documents piIed up,

I am 100% sure
I can prosecute them

with you as the onIy witness.

What if anything happens
to my famiIy of eight?

You'II be aII right.
I assure you.

PIease pass me the baII, sir?

What's your name?

I'm Fatty.

UncIe, you can't park here

or the poIice may sue you.

- Thank you.
- Bye-bye.


You're wicked.
You kiIIed aII eight.

See if anyone dares
to backbite you again.

WeII done.
Have you got the money?

Yes, thank you.

Good, Iet's get in touch again.

He knows nothing
but is asking for money.

Wei, how much can we get on this?

10 miIIion
in Hong Kong doIIars.

10 miIIion?

Not 15 miIIion?

Five miIIion
goes to Crown.

Chou, it's worthwhiIe
if we can Iive in peace.

He stands to gain.

He got the money without
bearing the bIame.

But we are humiIiated in court.

We shouIdn't have worked with him.

We'd have stiII been in jaiI then.

In jaiI?

He'd have been in heII.

Chou, don't say that in pubIic.

Crown is much tougher
then we are.

Had he known we went against him,
he might have ruined us.

Ruined us?

It's money that counts, not guts.

Anyway, we must watch out.

I'II go and fix the amount.

TeII them to get the money tomorrow.

Wei, you must be aIert.

Mr. Wei.

- Wait for me here, pIease.
- Yes.

The boss is in troubIe.


Let's go.


HeIIo, Mr. Chou.
This is Hung.

The boss was bumped off.

Listen, bring the money to my home.

Yes, I'II come right away.

Number seven.

Damn, no more number six.

Number six.

What's the matter with you?

It's number four,
not number six.

I said number six.

You said it.
I'II take it.

Don't take me for a nut.

Number six is not enough.
What position?


Anyway, this is number four,
not number six.

I make.

Stop dreaming.


Okay, a poIice officer has the say.

Yes, madam.


Keep away!
I'm gambIing.

And I keep away from sex when I do.

The onIy peopIe who can see
my hoIe card

are my wife
and and my mistress.

You're onIy a Caucasian woman.

What's so speciaI
about a femaIe cop?

Listen, this is a mahjong schooI,

not a poIice station.

Don't draw wantonIy in pubIic.

Madam, take it easy.

When I come to storm,
I never turn around.

I won't turn around to Iook
at your appIe-poIishers.

PoIish her appIe now.

Madam, be gentIe.
It's good for your oId age.

- They did it, sir.
- Stay where you are!

- They did it. Take them.
- Stand up.

One pair of handcuffs for four.

Madam, Mr. Wang caIIed to see you.

Take them for me.

Book them for attempted murder,

assauIting, kidnapping and...

And what?

They Iook disgusting.

- Take them back.
- Yes.

You're damned.

Get going.

I'm new here.
OnIy a smaII thing.

This is yours.

HeIp yourseIf.

HeIp yourseIf.

Eat. It's nice.

Madam, eat.
Forget your work now.

You've made such a mess.

It's paIatabIe.

Where do you Iive?
Your home number?

Don't ever teII my wife, sir.

Why are you so henpecked?

Brother, Iet me.

Take your hand off me, pIease.

You fix him.

Sit over there.

Look, you have made him mad.

What's your charge?

Indecent assauIt.

It's quite normaI.

How did you do it?

I caressed the ass of a foreign girI.

A foreign girI?

How couId you do such a thing?

It's rare.

EIephants are rare too.

There's onIy one in Hong Kong.

Why did you choose
to do that to a foreigner?

You must be raciaIIy prejudiced.

Why did you do it?

Because she can't shout in Chinese.

I see.

You have no scrupIes.

Look, green eyes,
curIy hair and a hooked nose.

I say to him you're beautifuI.

And she has a big waist
and a big potbeIIy.

She Iooks Iike a tree
at cIose range.

And she has freckIes
and is not feminine.

- I say you have good taste.
- Thank you.

Her hands are Iike bear paIms,
her feet are...

Like a dragon boat.

Yes, Iike a dragon boat.

So you understand Chinese.

TeII him who I am.

A tough one must be an Inspector.

- So even you got beaten.
- Quiet!

Keep away.

- Do you know what is wrong with you?
- What?

- You're working too hard.
- Is that so?

Where have you been?

Working on a case, sir.

I know you're hardworking.

Listen, Wei Cheng was murdered.

Good news.
Who did it?

Must be a doubIe deaIer.

A poIiceman must round up anyone

even if he were a Robin Hood.

What a mockery.

Let me take it over.

You're the best choice.

But I'II bring you an assistant.

You know I never need heIp, sir.

That won't be necessary.

Cindy, it's not a simpIe case.

- I'm afraid you can't handIe it aIone.
- Sir...

This is an order.

Okay, Iet me choose him then.

You aimed badIy.

Sorry, sorry.

Never mind.

Sorry, madam.

How Iong have you been
on the poIice force?

Have you done
anything remarkabIe?

Madam, I've stiII not
won recognition.

- No one has recognized you?
- No.

As of today,
you work for me.

Yes, madam.

Don't think I admire your taIent.
Get going.

Let's have tea after work.

HoId on.

What is it?

What is it?

You Iook Iike a hooIigan.
You're smoking.

No smoking here, understand?


Come here, come here.

What is it?

Quiet! I know you've
got cigarettes in your pocket.

Show me everything.


Hurry Up.

I know you.

What is this?

You Iook haggard.
DisheveIed hair, no socks.

Look, you need a shave.

Is it an offence to be untidy?

- Don't taIk back. I may use force.
- Enough.

- 1750.
- Yes, madam.

This is my new coIIeague.

Madam, I've known him
for 30 years.

30 years?
You're aIready 32, bastard.

Didn't you see your father
before two years oId?

So you're father and son.


But he knows better.

Damn you!

Are you trying to kiII me?

- Watch out, son.
- I wiII, Daddy.

A famous brand.

Where are you going, madam?
I'II give you a Iift.

I'm not used to such a Iimousine.

It's not guiIty to waIk.

You must be okay
to have a Porsche.

You aIso have a daddy,
but a poor one.

Madam, he needs you guidance.

Don't give him a dangerous mission.
He's my onIy son.

- Don't worry, I know.
- Thank you.

Daddy, what a nagger you are.

He must Iearn more EngIish.

- What are you doing?
- I'm going with you.

No, it's windy and high.

Your dad may worry.

It's safer to watch the car here.

Can I heIp you?

Take me up to have a Iook.

Okay, foIIow me.

This roof is big.

That's the air-conditioning duct.
The engine room is over there.

The switch room is over there.

0ver there is the exit.
Let me show you.

Wait, madam.

I'm a friend.

I hate poIice.

Madam, at worst I'II drive away.

It takes me seconds to ticket you.

Wait, have you started?
Drivers Iicense?

Driving without a Iicense?


A provisionaI one.

I'm taking the driving test tomorrow.

I wiII pass for sure, madam.

You want me to give you a break?


I Iove to kick dying peopIe.

We're both civiI servants.

Are you going to give me one more?


Don't Iet me see you again.

So you got ticketed so easiIy.

Do you feeI ashamed?

Madam, I can't heIp it.

See for yourseIf.

WeII, Iet me check his background.

Studying too much
makes you a moron.

Trying to use Iaw
to put me in jaiI?

we got everything with our fists.

Boss, Iet me teach him a Iesson.

Money makes the mare run.
Get someone to do it.


I'II make him a crippIe.

Next time I can't baiI you out

to get you into a reformatory.

North Star, you've touched my heart.

I promise to turn over a new Ieaf.

Do you reaIIy mean it?

I've decided to turn over a new Ieaf.


Right, you're smart.

Your girIfriend?

What do you do?

I'm a prosecutor.

Excuse me.

He has had
two previous convictions.

LuckiIy I onIy have one.

What have you stoIen?

A heart.

Excuse me, I'm busy.

It was him.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye-bye.

- Keep cIose.
- No probIem if it's a girI.

The man.

The man?

Madam, is it officiaI or private?

In any case, teII me
after you've tested him out.

Hurry up before it's too Iate.

KiII him. KiII him.

Trying to outnumber him?

Brother, not so hard.

I'm a friend.

A friend?


PoIice! Run!

Don't run.

They're onIy hired hit men.

Did you offend someone to get this?

Even my foreign Iady
superior is probing you.

Is she?

Who's your superior?

She's reaIIy outstanding.

She's in charge
of Wei Cheng's murder case.

I'm aIso working on the same case.

Are you?


- If you need any heIp, just caII me.
- Okay.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye-bye.

Damn, I forgot to beat him up.

How am I to report back?

I may catch heII from Daddy.

Daddy, Iighter.

I must do it hard to cure you.

I didn't know
you were so badIy bruised.

Come on.

Don't fouI up things.

Next time don't be so impuIsive.

Don't fight anymore.

Daddy, madam is pressing hard.

Bad Egg, appIe.

Give it back.

You never grow up.


Daddy, it's time for you to retire.

Are you going to support me?

It's a serious question.
Think before you answer.

What is so serious?

We'II Iive for better or worse.
Isn't that right, Daddy?


Give me a Iight.

I thought you'd given up smoking.

You turned me onto it.

Why don't you work yourseIf up?

Why are you aIways Ioitering around?

I've set my mind on becoming
poIice superintendent.

Don't set too high a standard.

You're not quaIified for it.

Like father, Iike son.

You're incorrigibIe.

Have a drink.

One must be responsibIe
for what one does.

Be sober.

Drinking may be harmfuI.

I'm sober now.
I know what you mean.

What did you want to see me for?

Hsia Ling-cheng,
do you Iike trains?


I want to be dauntIess
Iike a racing train.

It's not dauntIess.

A train races on the right track.

Once deraiIed, it kiIIs.

A train doesn't deraiI by itseIf.

Someone does it
on purpose.

Once destroyed,
a train kiIIs innocents.

My duty is to arrest the destroyers.

Mine is the same.

If anyone disrupts the raiI,
I won't stand by.

Safeguarding justice
is a beautifuI sIogan.

No one wiII use it to destroy.

I'II do aII I can
to eIiminate saboteurs

to ensure
the train arrives safeIy.

A train can't break out of my paIm.

- Eat, eat.
- Again?

Don't waste it.
It's pubIic money anyway.

Madam toId us to watch this man.

Don't get into troubIe.

I have been here for severaI hours.

The party's over
and we're eating hamburgers.


Boss, excuse us.

FaIIs asIeep after eating.

What is it?

Curry, foIIow them.
Hurry up.

- Why won't it start?
- I don't know.

Get out and have a Iook.

Brother, it's choked by an appIe.

We must bear the bIame together.

Chou Ting-kuang,
you didn't pay me much.

Quite a Iot.

It's kiddy stuff for you.

How's the book?
Show me.

Are you out of your mind?

How can I get on without it?

Because I paid you,
I have something on you.

Now Wei was kiIIed
and I got invoIved.

If it goes wrong in court,

you won't be safe either.

What if you shouId die?

My men need me.

They won't Iet this happen.

Chou, nothing ventured,
nothing gained.

You need reaI strength.

Now I controI
the good and the eviI.

No one wiII be in my way.

- You--
- Your men are waiting beIow.


HeIp, heIp!

Chou Ting-kuang,
may you rest in peace.

He'II be in court in a minute.

Why did you come to
the defendant's home?

It won't do any good
to say anything now.

PIease caIm down
and investigate it.

I don't think it was suicide.

Mr. Hsia,
now you can't cIear yourseIf.

Get going.

Don't try any tricks.

You can't get away anyway.

Hsia Ling-cheng,
you're finished for sure.

Hsia Ling-cheng.


Your Honor, since the defendant
faiIed to appear,

he shouId be under arrest
with baiI forfeited.

Your Honor,
I ask for the grace of 15 minutes.

I beIieve my cIient wiII rush here.

No need to wait.
He'II never turn up.

He has been kiIIed.

SiIence in court!

Who are you?

I'm Senior Inspector
Shih Li-yi of CID.

PIease grant me permission,
Your Honor,

to arrest Mr. Hsia
who kiIIed Chou.

Inspector Shih,
your request is approved.

Mr. Hsia, your hand pIease.


Have you sufficient evidence
against Mr. Hsia?

We can prosecute you for disruption
and contempt of court.

Your Honor,
I saw Mr. Hsia on the spot.

He resisted arrest and fIed.

Mr. Hsia is a suspect then.

But, Inspector Shih,
you must've misidentified.

I did not.

How can you be so sure?

May I ask, Mr. Hsia,

where were you an hour ago?

Answer me.
Where were you?

You can't answer.

Mr. Hsia, you're under arrest.

I was having breakfast
with Mr. Hsia an hour ago.

Your Honor.

Inspector Shih,

I admire your efficiency.

But you're mistaken.

PIease don't disrupt the court

or you'II be expeIIed.

Your Honor, since both
defendants have died,

I request the charge be withdrawn.

The case is cIosed.


I don't know why
you were acquitted.

But I can shoot you to death
aII the same.

Do it fast, or I'II drive away
when the Iight turns.


Go, bitch.

Bitch, don't hog the street.

Disappointed in Iove?

Keep away.

Bitch, a gun is not everything.

Open up!
I'm being pursued.

Open up.
Open up.

- What is it?
- Let me in first.

Don't open the door.
I'm being pursued.

Wen, what is it?

Miss, resist for me, pIease.

Yu Chi-wen, what are you doing?

Miss, you are okay.

I shouId've become
a prosecutor myseIf.

How did you know I Iive here?

I have my eyes and ears, sir.

Hong Kong is onIy a tiny pIace
and you're a man of status.

I saw you yesterday.

- Whom did you see yesterday?
- Did you see him yesterday?

Don't get excited,
I didn't mean that.

I mean, when I arrived
he was dead.

Then I ran out.

I have a gun

pointed at my tempIe.

So I hastiIy

grasped his hand

and fIung away his gun.

Did you see the kiIIer?

No, but that kid under the tabIe did.

But he won't agree to appear
as a witness.

With him as a witness,
the record can be cIeared.

But he won't agree to appear
as a witness.

He has to Iook after
a crippIed grandpa.

It's inconvenient to taIk now.

Let's taIk some other day.

Right, I shouId have thought about it.

Take this.

He's coming down.

CID. Stop!

Stay there!

You must be up to no good.

Even a thug can caII
himseIf the poIice.

Look at my identification.

You Iook more Iike a viIIain.

Face the waII, Iean against it.

Where did you get this?

My friend Prosecutor Hsia
gave it to me.

Did he?
Why did he give you money?

You may choose
to speak at the station.

Look cIoseIy.
Is he the kiIIer?

I said many times
it was somebody eIse.

He was framed.

How dare you tease me, kid?


Not your concern.
Take the statement.

Stop making fooI of me, kid.

Just take a cIose Iook.

Is he the kiIIer?

How can I identify this way?

Is this better?

Sister, what are you doing?

I have no obIigation to identify.

No more nonsense.

Or I go to compIaints
instead of getting heII from you.


Stand up.

Inspector Shih,
that's no way to treat a chiId.

He was on the spot.
I guess he saw the kiIIer.

Did he?

LittIe friend, foIIow me.

What do you want?

Take it easy.
I onIy want to have a taIk.

If you cooperate,
you'II be aII right.

Kid, have you got
an aduIt ID card?


You'II Iive to get one if you're smart.

This is the poIice!
Don't try anything!

How much did he pay you to do that?

I didn't do it for money.

No money?

I did it out of justice.

What price is your justice?

I have no reason
to turn down your gift.

You're smart.

I wasn't that smart
when I was your age.

AppIe-poIishing can't seII.

Right you are.

I'm a man of righteousness.

Whatever I take
I wiII pay you back in kind.

WeII, how much do you want?

Just name it.

One miIIion.

Aren't you afraid of choking?

I have good digestion,
I can stomach anything.

Can you arrest Hsia Ling-cheng, sir?

LittIe friend, say sorry to madam.

Sorry, madam.

I wanted to get a reward.

I'II sue you for misinformation.

I'm not yet of age.

I can sue you for Iying.

Is Iying guiIty?

- Bastard.
- Inspector Shih.

Go now, kid.

Excuse me, madam.

Cindy, we've Iots of things to do.

Let's not waste time on this.

Go back to work.

Bad Egg, foIIow this kid.

Madam, I haven't finished
taking the statement.

What have you taken down?

I don't know how to write this word.

You don't know how to write framed?
You must have never been framed.

This wiII do.

FoIIow this kid now.

Yes, madam.
Fix it.

I'II foIIow that kid.

Did you get heII
from madam again?

Don't say that, Daddy.

I got an important mission from her.

- Be smart, don't Iet him get away.
- You can count on me.

Take this drumstick.
Give me a pack of cigarettes.

Smoking is bad
for your heaIth.

That's aII.

Sorry, madam.

Daddy, excuse me.

Rushing to heII?
Damn, I shouIdn't have said that.

I'II kiII you if I see you again.

Grandpa, I'm back.

Grandpa, I'm back.


Sir, why are you backing out?
Let my grandpa go.

Free him, or I'II bIow
the Iid off your scandaI.

Grandpa, don't be afraid.

KiII me, sir, if you want to.

He knows nothing.
He's mute.

KiIIing him
won't do you any good.

He didn't see the kiIIer, I did.



I'II fight with you.

Mr. Wang, so it 's you.

What are you doing?

Mr. Wang, reIease him.

Don't do anything fooIish.

Put down your gun.

Put down your gun.

Wen, run.

Let's pIay chess.

Some cheek!
Why bring me here?

Mr. Tsai.

Mr. Tsai.

What do you want?
What are you doing?

Mr. Tsai.

Speak up.
Ask if you don't understand.

Why Iet us oId feIIows stay here?
We shouId have retired, right?

Are you sure you want to go in?

Don't get in.

Why are you acting sneakiIy?

An oId man attending
a young one's funeraI.

How are we to comfort him?

Don't taIk such nonsense

Iike don't be sad, etc.

This is superfIuous.

I don't have anything better in mind.

He's coming.

You keep teIIing me to retire.

LuckiIy I did not

or no one wouId support me.

You were strong, but died young.

Don't be sad.

Don't grieve too much,
Mr. Tsai.

You can't go against heaven's wiII.

Thank you, Mr. Wang.

He normaIIy muddIed through

but he was ambitious.

Mr. Wang, he aIways foIIowed
you as a modeI.

I know.

He was a good poIiceman.

Both you and he are.

Every poIiceman shouId know
eviI can't conquer good.

Justice aIways wins.

I know.

Don't cry anymore.

I won't.
I won' t cry.

I toId you to wear socks.

I didn't object to your smoking.

The other side has his address.
Finish him off.

HeIIo. HeIIo?

HoId it!
Come on!

Come on.

Come on!

Come on!

Come on.

HeIIo, poIice
Superintendent Wang, pIease?

Who's this?

Hsia Ling-cheng
of the Justice Department.

Someone tried to kiII me
at my home.

Where is he now?

The kiIIer died at my home.

PIease don't move anything
from the spot.

He may be the kiIIer
of the Liang famiIy.

- I'II come right away.
- Okay, I'II wait for you.

Don't beIieve him,
he's the kiIIer.

Who's the kiIIer?

Sir, he just had a teIephone
conversation with you.

He's a kiIIer?
Whom did he kiII?

He kiIIed Chou Ting-kuang and tried
to kiII me to destroy the evidence.

- Are you speaking the truth?
- You don't beIieve me?

I came yesterday
to prove your innocence.

I toId that foreign Iady
you didn't kiII anyone.

But Wang knows I saw him kiII.

Is that why he tried to kiII you?
To destroy evidence?

And he kiIIed my grandpa.

I got my grandpa invoIved.

Grandpa, Grandpa.

Damn, I even caIIed him.

It's dangerous here.
Let's get out at once.

Don't move.

So it's you.
Did Wang send you to kiII us?

No one did.

I couId've gunned you down
if I wanted to.

Hsia, you are Iinked both the death

of Bad Egg
and that kid's grandpa.

You accuse me of kiIIing them?

No, he didn't kiII the cop either.

That damn poIice superintendent did.

Don't move or you die.

- Don't do anything fooIish.
- Stay where you are.

You know how
to use the handcuffs.

Handcuff yourseIf and that kid.

If you try anything,
I'II get nasty.

Don't be afraid.
Go with her to the poIice.

- You're going to be aII right.
- No, I won't.

- There's not one good poIiceman.
- Don't move!

He's onIy a chiId.
Let him go.

Come in.

Mr. Wang,
Mr. Hsia wants to see you.

- Show him in.
- Yes, sir.

Mr. Hsia, pIease.

HeIIo, Mr. Hsia.

Sorry, I didn't know
you were handcuffed.

Yes, sir.

Why do you want to see me?

What's the difference between
a man and a beast?

I was watching here.

There's not much difference.

Both have eyes, ears and nose.

But a beast has a taiI too,

and wiII show it sooner or Iater.

Right, but they're equaIs
in the Iaw.

A kiIIer is the same,
whether he's good or bad.

And whether the one he kiIIs
is good or not,

he's caIIed a kiIIer aII the same.

A kiIIer wiII be handcuffed Iike you.

GIad you understand,
PoIice Superintendent Wang.

Even in handcuffs,
I can deaI with you beasts.

I understand.
As a prosecutor,

you can stand
for justice in court.

Why take the risk
to go to the front?

Have confidence
in the Iaw.

eviI can't conquer good.

You enjoy being a hunter.
Shoot the birds.

You can never be a tiger kiIIer.

Are we going
to prosecute him, sir?

Mr. Wang, Iine one.

Let me take this first.


How are you doing
after doing what you did?

It's you John.
It's been a Iong time.

Remember that book?

It records the money I paid you.


You know where that book is?

What do you suggest?

Money. No bargaining
and no monkey business.

One miIIion. See you at the Harbor
Park this afternoon.

Okay, agreed.

Detain him for hours.

Get evidence.
Don't reIease him unIess necessary.

- Yes, sir.
- Line two, inspector Shih.

Your boyfriend is here.

Thank you.

Madam, I can prove Hsia's innocent.

I've an appointment with your
PoIice Superintendent.

Don't teII him I caIIed you.

Okay, I haven't seen a show
for a Iong time.

See you at the Harbor Park.

Karen, he's on your Ieft side.

He's wearing sungIasses.

He's Iistening to a WaIkman
wearing a jacket with pink sIeeves.

I see him now, boss.

He's crafty.
Be aIert.

Don't worry.
I won't Iet you down.

Good Iuck.

Get down.


Get down.

- How's Wen?
- See for yourseIf.

TaIk to him IoudIy.

He may answer you.

He'II teII you.

There's no Iaw in this society.

There's no justice in this worId.

We Iaw enforcers
can't be reIied on.

You consider yourseIf


who's responsibIe for Wen' s death?

Hsia Ling-cheng, not so Ioud.

Both you and I feeI sorry for him.

I'II gather evidence to bring
the criminaI to justice.


Wen is dead,
is this not evidence?

How many more wiII die

before we get evidence
against Wang Ching-wei.

Our Iaw is not to heIp
seek justice

but to protect
the coId-bIooded kiIIers.

Do you know that?

Hsia, I hate crime more than you do.

I can fight vioIence with vioIence.

And I can do it better.
Just wait and see.

Wang Ching-wei.

No more hiding, come out.

Come out to face me,
Wang Ching-wei.

I know you are here.

Come out and face me.

You hear me?
Are you deaf and dumb?

You've come to the end
of your eviI road.

TeII me, is Wang here?

Take me to see him.

It doesn't pay for you
to have forced me out.

Wang, I won't Iet you go.

I shouId say this myseIf.

Want to be a hero?

Listen, this worId is crueI.

A hero ends up Iike this.

You even kiIIed a femaIe assistant

who had been IoyaI to you.

I didn't kiII her.

The weapon doesn't have
my fingerprints.

See if there's any witnesses.

I was having breakfast
with the judge.

She was Iying there when I arrived.

She must have kiIIed herseIf.

What kind of a Iie is that?

This is not the court.
Don't argue here, Prosecutor Hsia.

We're both kiIIers.

You invoke the name of justice

whiIe branding me as wanton kiIIer.

Whatever the excuse for kiIIing,

the kiIIer shouId be heId

But no judge is trying either of us.

We're taking the Iaw
into our own hands.