Riding the Bus with My Sister (2005) - full transcript

A woman spends time with her developmental disabled sister after the death of their father.

Captioning sponsored by
CBS and Hallmark Cards

Good Morning! Ha-ha!

I hope you have
a nice day, Beth.


Hi, Beth!


We have to get
a new toilet seat!

Mine got broke!



Love you.
I love you!


There you are!

Yes, Daddy.

Hi, honey. You okay?

Yes, I'm okay, I'm okay,

'cause I'm the sheriff. Yeah.

You have to take me
to SuperSave tomorrow

because they're having a sale.

Okay, I got to pick you up
at 6:00?
Yeah, 6:30.

I love you. I have to go.
I have to go catch a bus.

No, not Jack Russells.

I said something old-fashioned,
like collies.

Just do it.

I got you coffee.

It's on the counter.

How about checking
the editor's notes
on my last chapter?

I can't, honey.
I've got a shoot.

You said you would.

Baby, I'm late.

What do you think you are,
a hippopotamus?

The way you clomp down the steps

every morning?

Some people are still sleeping!

Not you. You're not sleeping.

You're complaining.
That's what you're doing.

You're the hippopotamus!

I hope you got the dogs.

I want the cover.

I got the dogs.

I'm first!

Who's racing?

You're second.

You know, you're always
first with me, Beth.

Every day
you are first person

on my bus.


She'd kill somebody
to get on first.

I wouldn't. I wouldn't kill.

She's got no place to go--
just rides around

all day.
So? It's a free country.

I'm a person.
I buy my bus pass

for 40 bucks, and I'm first
always, so that's why I'm first.

Yeah, you do it
on the government dole.

Why don't you do something
useful in your life?

Okay, Henry.

Where is Beth going today?

I'm gonna go to Elm,
and then I'm gonna
catch a bus with Rick.

Rick is your new favorite.

Yeah, because he has a...

he has a green car
and he's cute.

The green Mustang-- very classy.


I think he's gonna take me
for a ride in it.

What about
your boyfriend?

What about Jesse?

Jesse's delicious.

He's gonna take me today
to get a new toilet seat,

because mine
got broken

and was sliding.

So I would fall off of it,
like, whoa!

Everybody out.

Bring in the puppies.

Dogs! I said dogs,
not puppies.

I know, but they're cute.

Okay, if you could just...

sit up.

The dress weighs
98 pounds.

Try the other side.

I'm trying!

Just left shoulder

forward an inch.

These puppies!

I can't...

She's gonna cry.
I know.


It's okay. It's okay.


Listen, it's easy.
Here's the story.

You just got married,
and you're floating.

Okay? Floating.

What do you think?

Light's good.


That's lovely.

Come on, sweetheart.
You can do it.

The kids don't like me...
and I'm allergic to dogs.

My savior!

Ha-ha! I'm not your
savior. I'm just Beth.

Cool Beth.

Miss Boring Clothes.

What, am I scaring you?

Want me to scare you?
Boo, boo, boo!



Pay her no mind.

She's just a
harmless retard.

Just don't make
eye contact.

I'm hearing you!

So, Rick, when are you gonna
take me for a ride in your car?

The green car
with my caseworker?

Ho, Olivia?

Yes, Olivia.

She's pretty and she's nice...

There's the house

where Mean
Eugene lives.

I think he's a jerk.

Do you think he's a jerk, Rick?

I don't think he's a jerk.

I think he's a little impatient.

Yeah, well, he put up that sign

in the bathroom
that says only employees

can use it.
That didn't stop you,
though, did it?

No, because I'm a person,
and it's just a bathroom.

If I use it, I don't think
I'm hurting anybody.

Sometimes I go in there
if I don't have

to go to the bathroom,
just to wash my hands

to make him mad.


we're gonna switch ideas here.

You've been left at the altar.

You're lovely.

Lovely, lovely.

Arch your back.

Look in the sky.

Head up.

It's lovely--
the hair on your left cheek

is catching the light.

I don't have a hair
on my left cheek!

Be realistic, Rick.

Be, be... open your eyeballs,
and you can see

that he's a little bit
of a jerk.



you're growing!

Yeah, I'm big as a truck.

Sit here, sit here.

You want to feel
him kick?

Could I?

Go ahead. Put your
hands on my tummy.

He's moving all
over the place.


My goodness!

Rick! Rick,
you want to touch that?

I'm driving here, Beth.


Yeah. I-I have
something to show you.
Yeah? What?



This is my niece and my nephew,

- Alex and Maddie.
- Adorable.

Yeah. I love 'em so much.

I never met 'em, but my...
my brother says,

"I'm bringing 'em
over." Bobby.

They're cute.

They're so cute.
Yeah. Thank you.


Yeah. Just a sec.

Hey, Rachel.

It's your stepmother.

Tell her I'm on assignment.

I'll call her back later.

Hi. Um, can I
take a message?

Okay, thanks. Bye.

We need to soften this.

It's good,
but it's not perfect.

Okay, Jesse,
here they are.

I like the fishies!

What do you like?

This-this one,
this one.

This one's soft, so...

Aw, but, Jesse,
that one's ugly.

Nobody wants
to sit on that.

You know me.
I'm fussy.

Yeah. Ha-ha!

We need some help.
I'll get it.

Could we have
assistance, please,

in row number one
for toilet seats?

Hello?! Toilet seat
assistance in row
number one!

Thank you!

Who runs this
joint anyway?

We need to line up Celine.
She has the right look.

Talk to Marcel
and get the dates.

Let's go to Careyes.

I really... I like the rock
formations in the bay there.

So who called?

Tell my stepmother
I'll call her later.

I can't deal with it right now.

Look, I have to go.
I have another call.

I'm so sick of eating dinner
while you're on the phone.

So I turned it off.

Thank you.

We're not talking anyway.


So... you and I.

What are we gonna do?

I can't have a baby now.
You know it.

Well, you're not getting
any younger.

We can always adopt, remember?

We decided we'll get married
in a couple years,

and we'll adopt a little girl
from China.

You make it sound like
we decided

to get a puppy.


I just want us
to enjoy life.

You know, smell the roses.

We enjoy life.


I tried to reach you
at home, but I missed.

You must have
already left.

Yeah, well, I was here.

Would you like,
would you like a cookie?

It's chocolate flavor.

Very nutritious.

No, thanks, but um,
is there someplace we can go?

What for?

Beth, your dad...

I'm afraid your father
has had a heart attack.


No, Olivia.

My dad's takin' me
to SuperSave.

I'm gonna go catch Rick's bus.


Beth, slow down.

He's had...
he's had surgery.

I think you might...

You might just
want to... Beth!

Move! Move! Move! Move!

Excuse me.

Excuse me.
I just gotta...

What's wrong?

Beth's dad is in
the hospital;

massive heart attack.

You okay, Beth?

Yeah. Time to start the bus.
Let's go.

You're goin' slow, Rick.

I'm gonna report you!


No, Olivia.
Everybody has
a schedule.

If I've got a schedule.
I'm going to go on

Happy Timmy's bus today.
That's the way it is.

Beth, can I call someone
for you?

Rick, you're cute,
but your clothes are faded.

And they're not very nice.

I mean, look
at my clothes.
They're very bright.

I give everybody lots of color.

Where is he?

St. Matthew's.

Beth, listen to me.


Your dad's in the hospital.


I have to go to the hospital!

I'll take you there.

It's not your route!

It's Pradlip's route
to Dugan Street.

Not yours.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we've got kind of

an emergency here.
We're going to take

a short detour,
if you don't mind.

Mr. Worth, it might make you
a little late

for your doctor's

He's a quack anyway.
Go for it.

No. No.

Morris Simon?
Where's my daddy?!

To your right.

Where's my daddy?!


He's in a coma.

He's unconscious.
He won't even know you're here.

Yes, he will
'cause he's knowing...

I think it's important
for Beth to see her dad.

- Move!
- Go ahead.

I want to see him!



I didn't want you
to see him this way.

I knew it would upset you.

Daddy, does it hurt you?

It's me, the Sheriff.

Dad, can you hear me?

Dad, you were gonna take me
to SuperSave today.

You have to wake up!

You have to wake up!

It's you and me.

Dad, we make a good team.

It's you and me.

He's not going to die, is he?

Beth, please, not so loud.

No, but he's not
gonna die, right?

Maybe you'd like
to come outside
and sit down.

Maybe you should do something!

You just stand there.

You're doing nothing.

Beth, please,

calm down.

It's time we let
your dad rest.

No, it's not time!
I'm going to stay here!

It's not time!

You have to cooperate!

You're not my mother!

You're not,
and this is my daddy!

You're going to wake up.
You're going to wake up.

Wake up.


Rachel Simon,
this is Beth Simon.

Our daddy is dead.

"In the sweat of thy face
shalt thou eat bread,

"till thou return
unto the ground;

"for out of it
wast thou taken:

"for dust thou art,

"and unto dust

thou shalt return."


Now, it is traditional
for our mourners

to symbolically complete
the burial

with the throwing of dirt
into the grave.


I'm not gonna put
any dirt on him.

You don't have to.

I don't think it's right
to throw dirt on somebody.

Don't make
a scene, Beth.

All these people
are here to honor Daddy.

Well, then you tell 'em
not to throw dirt on him!

I don't like it.

I don't like it.

I'm not doing it.

I'm not throwing dirt
on him.

Beth, what are you eating?

Rachel, that is not funny!

How many times
do I have to tell you?

Beth is just like you:
fingers and toes and
eyes and nose and ears.

But she's different.
She's just different.

And you have to
understand that.

You have to take
care of her.


Yes, forever.

Get in the house.

I want my daddy.

I don't wanna leave him there
in that dirty ground.

You know, Beth,

I was thinking
that maybe you should be

getting something
to eat.



Hey, you know Mrs. Brimhall?

She rides the bus
on Saturdays?

You know what she did?

She gave me a casserole
to bring here today.

How about that?

How about you, Jesse?

It's okay, Jesse.
You can eat.

It wasn't your
daddy that died.

How about I fix you a plate?

No. I fix for Jesse.

Wait right there.

See? You're not
alone here, Beth.

Everybody's here:

all your friends,

and your brother
and your sister.

You can forget about my sister.

She got a boyfriend.


You want a deviled egg, Jesse?

I realize this
is a very difficult,

sad time for all of you,

but we have a problem
with Beth.

Can one of you
be here next week

for her plan-of-care

I'm already behind schedule.

I have a shoot in Mexico.

I have to fly back
to Tucson tonight.

I wouldn't know what to do.

I'm not Beth's mother.

Well, would it
be possible

to get your
real mother

Forget it.

Beth has been living

but her dad has been very
involved, and I'm worried

It's a problem.

She doesn't want
to get a job.

Beth has trouble dealing
with authority.

It's made it hard
for her to keep jobs.

She doesn't
want a job.

She just wants
to ride the buses.

Look, I'm doing all I can do,
but I have a heavy caseload.

Beth needs some measure

of supervision.


it would be good
if you stayed over
the weekend.

Just sort out
your father's things.

Then maybe you
could make the
meeting on Monday.

Somebody has
to get her on track,

and it's not my responsibility.

Beth has been deserted
by everyone.

You have no right to judge us.

It wasn't our fault.

Breathe, Bethie, Breathe.

Bethie, breathe.
Come on, baby!

She's not breathing!

call your father!

I don't know what to do.
I don't know what to do.


I don't know what to do!

I don't know
what to do!


Rachel, I would stay
if I possibly could.

You know that.

I'm trapped.

Beth is just

a dead weight.

I'm trapped.

Why do you have to go, Bob?

Why do you have to go?

Well, I have to get
back to Janice

and the kids tonight.

Yeah, well, what about
their Christmas presents?

Their Christmas presents?

Yeah, I do Christmas.
I don't care!

I got presents for 'em last year
for Alex and Maddie.

Well, I'll get
'em next time,

I promise.

Yeah? Why don't you bring 'em
over to see me?

'Cause I love 'em, Bobby.

I will.

Someday soon. Okay?

Okay. Promise?

Yeah, listen,
you're my baby brother.

I don't want you to go.

You have to be
strong, Beth.

No, I don't.

I don't have to be strong.
This is my only brother

I got.
Look, look... I...

I'll call you.


And I'll write
to you, I promise.



All right, look, you
and me and Rachel--

we've been through a lot.


And we're going
to get through this

'cause we love
each other.





Yeah, bye.

I'm going to stay
for a few days.

Go through Dad's stuff.

Yeah, well, you'll
like my place.

It's really nice.

No, I'm going to
stay with Valerie.

You know, she's alone,
for these first few days.

Valerie don't like me.

Remember that time
I took two dollars

out of Dad's wallet
and he, he...

She made him put me
in a home.

And I don't like her, either.

It wasn't just that
and you know it.

You've never been
very nice to Valerie.

No, that's because
she's bossy.

SuperSave's having
a sale on soda.

24 cans of soda
for six bucks.

You got to take me.

So that's why
you want me to stay?

Well, it's hard to carry

that much soda cans
on a bus.

Okay, I'll take you
in the morning.



So it's you and me
now, Rachel.

That's just the way it is.

That's just the way it is.

Look at that spider web.

So sparkly--

like diamonds--

Tickle me.

No. Why did you
get a black car, Rachel?

Why'd you get
a black car?!

Just wait, Beth.
Yeah, it's locked.

Black cars are ugly.


I don't like...
Just wait.
Can't you hear me?

Yeah, I heard you.
It's locked.

I don't think black cars
are good.

I like... I like blue cars

or green cars like Rick.

Who's Rick?

He's a bus driver.

You met him
at the funeral.

I don't remember.

Have you been
waiting long?

Two hours.

Why didn't
you wait inside?

Because you couldn't
see me in there.

I have your address.

Honestly, Beth, you know,

you just make things
harder on yourself.

Buckle up for safety.

You eat all this junk.

You're getting fat.


I'm worried about you--
your health.

We're going to get you
some brown rice and vegetables

and I'm going to teach
you how to cook it.

I won't cook it.

Of course you will.

I won't.


I want you to put
the cart away.

Dad does it.

Dad isn't here.

Yeah, well,
I'm too tired.

Someone could hit it.

Someone could get hurt.

I don't care.

You don't care
if someone gets hurt?

Well, I don't know
who "somebody" is, so no.

I know why Dad called you
the Sheriff.

'Cause I always get what I want.


Rachel, I put

seven red fishies
inside of this can.

Do you think
they can swim in cola?

I hope so.

I would hate to drown them.

Rachel, I never knew
vegetables were so heavy.

These bags are much heavier
than my usual food shopping.

Are you sure you
don't want a doughnut?

I don't want a doughnut.

I left it open.

That was a mistake.

All right...

You like it?

You like my place?

Yeah. It's homey.

Look, look, remember this?

This is Daddy's chair.

Remember when Daddy
would sit in the chair

and I was brushing his hair

and I put a ribbon in
and he didn't know?

That was a good one.

Me and Daddy-- at least
we got each other.

But... now we don't.

Hey, I got your

Christmas present--
right here.

You can open it
if you want to.

Thank you.

You're welcome.



You like it?

Olivia said
it was practical.

Speaking of practical--
did you get

the sweater I sent you?

Yeah. I gave it away.



That was a very nice sweater.

It was expensive.

I didn't like it.
I'm fussy.

You know, you can't leave stuff
on the stove like this.

It's dangerous.
You could start a fire.

It's all right.
The stove don't work.

How are we going
to cook the food?

I told you I wouldn't cook it.

Okay, kids, let's wash up.
Your dad's

on his way home.

Bethie, no, honey,
you can't eat that.

It's paint. It's poison.
You can't eat it.

Rachel, I told you

to look
after her!

I told you

to watch her!



She's not going to die?

No. No, honey, Beth's
not going to die.



Go to sleep
now, okay?

Good girl.

Beth, you have to start eating
healthy, being responsible,

or else they're going
to put you back

in a group home.

That's okay.
I'll run away.

Come on, kids,
sit in the back.

I'm good with kids.

That's what they say
because it's true.

That's right, Beth.

And kids love you.


I can't have any kids.


Well, it's true.

They had my tubes tied up.

But that's okay

because then
I don't have to worry

when I'm with Jesse.

You know what I mean?

Stella, do you
like marshmallows?

I love marshmallows.

Me, too.

We got something in common.

The kind with
the sugar on the top?

I haven't had those.

I have them sometimes
at holidays.

They make them
for holidays.

My ex isn't
here, is he?

He already
rode today.

I could fix him up
with someone else,

get him off your hands.

I couldn't do that.

Pass him on
to another poor sucker?

Come on, girls.

They're not all bad.


I just chose bad men--

one after another--
till I got smart.

Nothing so bad you can't change.

That's very smart
what you said.

Women don't want good men.

They want doctors
and lawyers.

Hi there, Jesse.



That's a good man.

That's my boyfriend,

We know, Beth.

So shut up.

Here we are.

Do not stand until the bus
is fully stopped.

We got it, honey.

All right.

See ya tomorrow.

Okay, see ya later,
sweet potater.

Good one, Stella!

Bye, Rachel.

You take care now?

Come back anytime.

Did you have to wear that?

You should try and make
a good impression.

It's all right.

They know me here.

Cool Beth.
It's okay.

Your father was
such a great guy.

I know that Beth

is going to miss him a lot.

I am. I'm missing
him already.

'Cause he was
calling me every day.

Well, that's why
we're here today, Beth.

Because your dad won't be
able to call you every day

or help you out
with the shopping

or all the other things
he did for you.

No. I'll manage.

There are some health issues.

Your cholesterol

is still very high.

It's the Ring-Dings,
the chocolate pudding

and the junk.

Yeah, it's my body.

I eat what I like.

I like hot dogs.

I like spaghetti
and meatballs

in a can.

I like... I like
everything with marshmallows.

That isn't gonna help
your cholesterol.

You could develop

a heart problem.
That's not gonna happen.

But it could.
It's not gonna.

Beth is an adult.

She has to make her own choices.

And we must
respect that.

You haven't seen a dentist
in a couple of years.

I brush my teeth every day.

She means for
a thorough cleaning.

I will let him look inside

of my mouth,
but he can't

put his fingers in there.

I'm not going to do that.

We also have some concerns

for Beth's safety.

I'm safe.

But with your father gone...

He was gone before.

He went to live with Valerie.

Why are you going?

I'll see you
every weekend, honey.

But you won't live
with us?

I'm sorry.

I'll pick up the rest

Why is he going?

He's fallen in love
with someone else.

...'cause I have a
lot of friends, I do.

I have Rick,
I have, Pradlip.

I have Happy Timmy.

And... not Mean Eugene.
Eugene's not my friend.

What about a class?
Would you like

to take a class?




What about a goal?

I have a goal.

To go to Disney World
with Jesse.

And to spend a whole day
with my niece and my nephew.

Beth, you ride the bus
all day long.

Not Sundays.

Isn't there something
more... challenging,

more productive
that you can do?

- I don't...
- I don't think

you understand.

Um... Beth knows
all the drivers

and the passengers

and their families
and their problems.

She's involved
in their lives,

and they're
involved in hers.

The bus... is a family for Beth.

Beth has a family.


Then you're willing
to come and stay with Beth,

help her
get on her feet.


We'll see how it goes.
Let's try three months.

I have a career.

I have a very
demanding schedule.

I have commitments...

a business.

Beth was very dependent
on your father.

If you can't come and help
her make this transition,

I'm not sure she'll be able
to take care of herself.

You don't mean
you would send her back

to a group home?


That didn't work before.
She hated it.

I'm gonna go now.

I think I'm
gonna go now.



Let's go have lunch

We need to talk.

I have no time.

Well, this is
All right.

This is about
your future.
About... about what?

We need to talk
about your future.

You know, I send
you checks.

Why don't you cash them?

I could help you.

Because I get money from
the government, Rachel.

That's the rules.
That's how it is.

I got to catch the bus.

I have to go.

All right.

Beth, how do I
get up to Marion?

Is it the
Five or what?

No, the Five
don't go to Marion.

You got to take the 11.

You cross over
the street on Evans

then you get a transfer.

I transfer on Evans?

Yes! You take the...

cross the street,
you transfer at Evans.

Cross from Evans?

I told you two times.
You really have to listen.

Be nice.
I tell people
two times, Rachel.

If they don't listen,
it's their own fault.

Here comes the bus.

Here comes the bus.

Here comes the bus.

Beth, you know...

You know, maybe a group home
would not be such a bad idea.

It doesn't have to be
the same group home.
No, thank you.

Maybe one that has,
you know,

that could...
that could have art.

And they could have
fun things to do.
No. No.

And you could meet
people like yourself.

They're not
like me, Rachel.
You know it.

'Cause I'm different.

Wait up, Beth.

Hello, Beth.

You must be

the famous sister.

Well, I don't know...

Beth shows me
your photograph.

Beth is very proud
of her sister.

I don't have a ticket.
And I don't

have much change.
She don't know how
to ride the bus.

Does someone
have a nickel?


I have a dollar.

Give it up, lady.

Nickel don't buy nothing.

Thank you.


Look, that's
Rick's bus.

He's on the
5:30 today.

He's on the 5:30,
because Benny got sick.

Benny's got the flu
and a temperature.

Beth knows everything

that is happening
every day.

That's my job.

Beth is
my first friend

when I started
to drive the bus.

I was nervous about my route,

but she talked me
through it.

Yeah, 'cause he was
on the Number Eight

and he didn't know he had
to go up to Beale Street,

do a turnaround, and...

They don't do that
anymore now.

You go to Elm Street.
That's just

the way it is.

We are most grateful.

Beth gave my wife

a beautiful

I told you.

So, you gonna
stay with me?

Beth, I'd like to, but...

Yeah, but you gotta get me
on my feet, they says.

I have a life.

I can't just walk away.

Yeah, just three months,
then I'm settled.

I can't.

My dad saved everything.
I have so much junk
to go through.

I just thought it
was best that I stay,

got things
straightened out.

You're so quiet.

I've been doing some thinking
while you were gone.

That sounds ominous.

I wanted to be at the funeral.

You didn't include me.

Believe me, I did you a favor.

My family...
That's just the point.

Your family.

I didn't even know
you had a sister.

I was trying to spare you.

Spare me from what?

She's retarded.

Didn't even know
they used that term



Is that why you never
wanted to have kids?


Absolutely not.

My brother's kids
are perfectly normal.

I'm gonna go home.



Because I just

you treat us
all the same.

Nothing gets in the way
of your career.

That's not true.

I stayed four extra days
listening to her babble,

riding her stupid buses,
eating horrible food.


Come on.
Don't be silly.

I've just got
a lot on my mind.

I didn't mean to be cruel
about Beth.

You have no idea what I've had
to deal with my whole life.

I've always
looked after her.

I still look after her.
I send her a check,

every month,
she sends it back.

I can't look after
her every minute.

It's a full-time job.

I'm sorry, Rachel.

Maybe I could have
helped you with all this.

But it's a little late now.

You are so virtuous
and wonderful.

Maybe Beth should
move in with you.

Here comes your sister.



That embarrassed you?

Your little sister
so happy to see you?

Beth will always be in plain
sight as part of this family.

You have to get used to that.

We'll never put her
in an institution.



Beth said you went home

to New York.

I came back.

Do you know where she is?

Well, she was on my last run.

She told me
she was going to the park

with Jesse.

She's going to be
very happy to see you.


That's good, Jesse!

Looks very nice!

That's a nice
one, Jesse!

Do the kung pao wow one.

Yeah, like boom!

The kick one
is good!

Like, yeah.
Like a boom-boom!

Ooh, a punch.

I like the punch one.

Hey, Jesse, look
what I'm doing.

I'm making a cookie mountain.



Hello, Rachel.

Hi, Beth.

That's tae kwon do.

What Jesse's doing.

See his black belt?

I-I coulda went further.

Yeah, he coulda got a...
got a first degree

or a second
degree, but,

but that was with swords.

A-A-And knives.

Yes, and knives.

So he decided just to do the...
do the basics

so he could build up
his confidence.

I-I didn't have none of that.

No, but you
do now, Jesse.

Now you do.

Do you mind
if I take some pictures?


Yeah, Jesse,
that's okay.

Say sure. Say yeah.


Rachel, you can take

some pictures.



That's nice.

You came back!

would you like

a picture of a cookie mountain?

Good one.

I don't care.

Cancel Mexico.

They can find
somebody else.

Tell them my
father died.

I have some things I have
to take care of here.

I'm not a "thing."

I don't know how long.

A few weeks.

Maybe a month.

I'm serious.

Okay, thanks.

So where do you want me
to put my stuff?


Where do you want me
to put my stuff?

You can't stay here
tonight, Rachel.

I have a date.

With Jesse.

We're going
out to dinner.

We're gonna
come back here

to watch Animal Planet.

Gonna have some sno-cones

and we're going to
be fooling around.

So, you can't stay here.

Tough. You wanted me here.
Here I am.

But it's not a good time.

I broke up with my boyfriend
because of you.

He said I was cold
and that I didn't care.

I do care.

I want to be... better.

I want to be... a better sister.

You broke up
with your boyfriend?



He's kind
and funny

and he wanted
to marry me.

Do you love him?


I blew it.

That's sad...

For you.



All right, you can
come to dinner

with me and Jesse,
but you have to pay.

That's very generous.

Would you?

That's a great idea.

All right,
then let's go.

You know, Jesse
will be waiting.

I'm going to take
just one for the bus.

Okay, Jesse, because you can
get whatever you want.

Rachel's gonna
pay for dinner.

They don't like me here.

Whenever I come to use
the bathroom, they say no.

We can eat
somewhere else.

That's all right.

Table for
three, please.

Yeah, three, please.
One, two, three.

Can we sit there, please?

Of course.

A lot
of choices.




Let me see. Um...


Do you have chicken fingers?

Yes. We have chicken fingers.

Yes, one order, please,

for the gentleman.

And for you, dear?

Well, you'll have to excuse me,

because I have
to use the bathroom.

I'll come back later.

I want a glass

of merlot... and you?


So, Beth tells me
you have all kinds

of jobs.

You mow grass...
ride your bike

through the park
and report to the police

if anybody acts funny.

Yes. Yes, ma'am.

I wish Beth would get a job.

They... they fire
her all the time.

You really care about her.

I... I love her.

What do you love about her?

sh-she-she's real funny.

Did we get our basket
of rolls yet?

You get free rolls at this
restaurant in a basket.

No, no! No, Jesse!


Did you get
that for Jesse?!


He's on medication.

I, I forgot.

That all right, Jesse.

It's not your fault,

but Rachel!

When I'm not here,
you have to be in charge!

You have to tell him things

like remind him to wear

his bike helmet and
not to have any wine!

Don't be stupid,


I'm sorry.

Yours good, Jesse?

Mommy got us
ice cream cones.

She was nice.

She was pretty and she was nice.

She changed after
Dad left, though.

I guess she was
just overwhelmed.

Three kids.

And me.
I'm a big job.

Look, Rachel!

The moon's following us!

That's enough.

I said that's it.

Moon's following us.

The moon's not following us,
Beth; it's just there.

It is following us.

Yes, it is, Beth.


No matter where you go,

if you try to run
or hide or anything,

the moon'll always find you.

It's always watching.

The bus! Come on!

We can take
a cab, Beth.

No, that's expensive!

Good morning.

You are listening to KAWZ,

and a sunny day
it promises to be

with highs in the 80s today.

Looks like that high pressure
system will stick around

for another couple of days,
so that the next few days...

Time to wake up!

Are you sure?

This is when everything begins.

Who are
you calling?


Does she work this early?

No. It's her machine.

'Livia, it's me.
It's gonna be in the high 80s.

You should wear shorts.


We're gonna get going.

Won't she be dressed

by the time she
gets to work?

Yes, but it's okay,

because it's okay.

She likes it when I call her.

Hurry up, Rachel.

Gotta get going.

I'm still waiting!

Coffee, please.

Thank you.

Come on, you're missing it.

Come on.

Hi, Mike!


You're an angel, Beth.

Thanks, Mike!

This is my
sister, Rachel!

Her boyfriend
dumped her!

She doesn't like meat,

like you, and she only
eats vegetables!

I think you guys
will make a good match!

Come on, Rachel.

That's our bus!
That's our bus!

Good news.

My sister broke up
with her boyfriend.

And she likes to read
books, like you do.

And I think you two
are a very good match.

Beth, will you stop?

I'm not looking for a guy.

Some people say
that they believe

in Martians,
but I don't know.

Hey, Beth,
you been told.

This is for
bus drivers only.

Jerry and Mr. Pack
have been letting me in.

Yeah, well,
the bosses aren't

here today,
are they?
Okay, Eugene.

Hey, you encourage
this obnoxious behavior.


It's for drivers!

Mean Eugene is a jerk.

No, no. Maybe he
has difficult life.

Maybe he is hurting.

I don't care!

Of course you do.
Don't I always

hear you say that
you love all mankind?

No! I don't say that, Pradlip!

You must be confusing me
with someone else

for I've never said that word!

All right. All done.

Rachel, this
is everybody.

That's Mitchie

right there. He's
got twin boys.

His wife says
they're wild ones.

That's the Hulk right there,

because he's big.

That's Marion.

She made a
chocolate cake

for Daddy's funeral,
but she put mayonnaise in it.

I don't even
know why she did it.

That is the Professor.
and he's very smart,

but he's not for you

because he's married.

Happy Birthday.

Well, thank you, Beth.

You're welcome.

But my birthday's still
a couple of months away.

Yeah! That's okay!

Good-bye, everybody!

Have a nice day of safe driving!

You're a big galoot!

I never heard you so quiet,

Why don't you
say something?

Why don't you say
something to my sister?

Beth... I'm speechless.

Well, then,
I'll tell you

what to say--

Tell her
that she's pretty,

'cause she is and you should
maybe take her on a date,

'cause I know you want to,
Rick. I know you do.


She never shuts up.

She should get a job.

Quit living
off the government.

You just passed Zone One,

and she doesn't have
a Zone One pass.

You should put her off

unless she pays extra,
which she never does.

Put her off. She's a pest.

She's cheating the system.

She should be out
on that road right now.

I'm going
to report this.

Day after day I see her
riding without a permit,

and she drives everybody nuts.

Ladies and gentlemen...

I'm very serious

about my driving,

and I'm responsible
for a lot of lives here,

and I don't
appreciate people

being mean
to other people on my bus.


Beth, would you please
show them your pass?

Zone One!

Zone One.

Thank you
very much.

Now, can we all just chill out?

You, Beth. You chill out.

Okay! I'm chilling out!

Zone One!

I'm listening to my radio!

Zone One!


Unbutton your shirt!
Unbutton your shirt!

He's sexy, right?

Very sexy.

Yeah, yeah.

Why don't you ask her
out on a date.

Because I know you want to.

Beth, leave him alone.

No kissing!

No kissing me,
but my sister's available.

Come here, you.

No. I like hugging that way.

You play pool?

What does she mean when
she says, "I don't kno-"?

Well, when she says,
"I don't know"

without any stress on any word--
that means she doesn't know.

When she says,
"I don't kno-"

like you're asking,

that means she does have
an answer,

but it's unlikely
you'll be hearing it.

I used to dread seeing her,

but then I started looking
forward to that big smile

in the morning.

We're all very fond of her.

We feel very protective.

Except Mean Eugene.

Well, she can be tough
if you cross her.

Beth might not have as much
to offer as a lot of people,

but she gives it
all she's got.

Well, I think she can
make progress.

That's why I'm here.

You know,

not a day goes by on that bus

when someone doesn't
make fun of her

or get really impatient
with her.

Just go easy on her.

Don't expect too much.

You know the number two washer
doesn't work so good.


We're going to skip
that one, all right?

All right.

All right.

One time I put my clothes in.

They didn't come out clean.

I don't know why.

Hey, Beth.

Here, I got something for you.

Who's that man?

Don't look at him.

He gives me the creeps.

He gives me stuff
every day.

Rick is hot!

Did you put
the soap in?

Yeah. One cup.

Ricky Martin, too.
He's hot.

Yeah. Hotter than a stove.

Yeah, hotter than
a summer day.

Will Smith is
very hot, too.

If he was here
right now, Rachel,

do you know what I would
do to him?



What about Jesse?

I love Jesse.

I don't love Will Smith.

I don't even know him.

What is love?

Why do you got to ask that for?

You got a problem?

I don't know.

Love just happens,
that's all.

It just happens.

You just love somebody.

That's how... that's what it is.

You just love somebody.

Let me put it another way.

What do you
love about Jesse?

I don't kno.

I love...

I like kissing him.

And I like... love...

I love the way he looks
and I love...

I love that he's nice to me
all the time.

That's it?


You ask a lot of questions.

Stupid ones.

I think you should have
asked our mama.

She would tell you more
about boyfriends.

Remember that...
remember that one boyfriend?

Clark Kent?

There was
a lot of them.

There was that other
guy named Bobby.

They called him Bobby Spaghetti,

'cause his shirt always
had spaghetti stains.

Remember him?

Now you be good tonight.

You do everything
Caroleen says, okay?

Look, I want to meet someone.

I'm sorry. I have to go out
every once in a while.

You be good tonight.

I won't be back late.

Go down and see Caroleen.
Come on.

I wish we had
a water balloon.

I would drop it on him.

Mama looks nice.

She looks pretty.

I miss Mama.

She would call me up
on the phone

and I'd tell her that.

She says we're better off
without her.

Think we are?

Better off?

You know, she has orange trees
at her house

in her backyard.

Maybe sometime you and me
can go visit her in California.



What's happening?

Too much soap.

I'll get the manager.


We need help over here.

Beth, the cart.

That's your job.

I'm setting
some limits.

You have
to do your share.

You worry too much.

You should be more like me.

He won't like it--

what you're cooking.

You don't even know
what I'm cooking.

Forks on the left,

knives and spoons
on the right.

All right.

Where is Jesse?

Dinner's almost done.

Hey, Jesse boy.

You get paid
today, Jesse?

Get off.

Come on. Come on.

Maybe he forgot.

No, no,
he doesn't forget things.

Okay. Calm down now.

Something's wrong!

Rachel, something's wrong!




No! He's not there!

It's okay, Beth.
Just calm down.

You have to do something!

Call Rick!

Okay, I'll call Rick.
I'll call Rick.

My Jesse!
Not my Jesse, too!

I don't want Jesse
to die here

because Daddy died here.

He's not going to die.
He's down here.

No, but Daddy did.


Jesse, I couldn't
find you.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry about supper.

Don't you worry

about supper, Jesse.

Those bad boys.

Rick is going to beat them up!

I don't think so, Beth.

They don't know no better.

They don't know
right from the wrong.

Yeah. That's right, Jesse.

You can take
him home now.

He'll have to get
those stitches out in a week.


Jesse, I'm not going to let
them put you in the ground

like they did
my daddy.

I decided that.

Don't worry.
It's not going
to happen.

It's okay, Beth.

He's not going to die.

Everybody dies, Rachel.

That's the truth.

But not today, not Jesse today.

Today I'm going to take you...
take you home.

And I'm going to take care
of you really good.

Doctor, don't you think
it's best

that he goes to his
own home to rest?


He should go
home and rest.

To his own home?

Is that what you want?

I... I... I don't know.

Okay, if you say so.

Please don't go out
at nighttime.

I told you five or seven times.

Thanks for letting
me sleep in.

You're doing your
Christmas cards already?

There's nothing else to do.

You're in the living room.

Jesse couldn't stay here
last night 'cause of you

on my sofa.

I appreciate you not turning
on the TV till I woke up.

Rick said I couldn't.

Are you upset with me?

I don't kno.

I thought
you liked having me here.

I like it when you leave.

Okay, I'm going
to go take a shower.

I can't stop you.

Okay, that's not nice.

Yeah, but it's
the truth, Rachel.

You know better.

I just said
it's the truth.

You've been taught.

Common courtesies.
Like Rick says--

do unto others.

Rick. Yeah.

Because you were riding
in his car.

And Jesse, too.

He likes you.

Everybody likes you.

What about me?

What about Beth?!


Let's start over.

I'm going to go take a shower.

I can't stop you.

I am sick of this.

Sleeping on the couch,

taking you on buses,
giving up my job

to be here with you.

Sometimes I just hate you.

I'm really sorry.

I didn't mean to say that.

That was a horrible thing
to say.

It's horrible.

You said you did.

I know.

I don't hate you.

I hate your behavior

when you're rude.

Maybe I should just leave.

Yeah, maybe...
maybe you should... go.

Need to be at my...

sleep at my house every day!

It's just one thing
after another with her.

It's like water dripping
on my head--

constant, constant--

and it isn't going away.

You can't give up.

Yes, I can.

She isn't the only one
that suffered.

Daddy left us and then
my mother met this guy.

She said he wasn't
much of a catch.

He drank $200 worth
of bourbon a week,

smoked five packs
of cigarettes a day.

He was an ex-con.

Then one day, I came home...


This is Raymond.

Raymond will be
living with us now.

Can't you say hello?


Mom didn't care much about us.

Not after she met Raymond.

Yeah, I know
all about that.

Broken homes.
Broken families.

I have a son.


He's a teenager.

He's got
a stepfather now.

It's hard having your boy
raised by another man.

Yeah, I call him.
Sometimes he calls back.

Sometimes he
doesn't, but...

I gotta keep trying.


That's right.

Just gotta keep putting
yourself out there.

Rachel, it's okay.
I have no illusions.

I'm a bus driver.

No, it's not that.

I'm not putting
it down.

I have a life in New York.

I know.

And Sam.

I see a bus.

I see a bus.

I see

two buses.

That one heading south,

and that one over
there heading east.

I bet you that's Pradlip.

That's very good.
That is Pradlip.

It's the #12 heading
back to Perry Street.

Betcha Beth's on there,

trying to set me up
with some other guy.

Good luck.

They better
get in line.


I'm leaving.
I have to go back to New York.


Well, I have
some pictures of Beth.

I thought you might want a few.

No, no, no, thank you.

Are you sure?

Pictures make, make me think
of Beth alone, sad.

You're a good man.

My, my mama taught me that...

you do your best this day

and see what
the next day

be like...
and keep moving like that.

I'm gonna remember that.

You can learn a lot
in just one day.

Okay, bye.


It's uncomfortable.

It looks good.

Arm out, Rosalind.

Am I supposed to be dead?

You got some more cards
from Cool Beth.

I know.

You're not gonna read them?

I told her I hated her.

Now I just hate myself.


Mama says it's Dad's turn.

Where is she?

She's in the bedroom
with Raymond.

That's it?

Honey. Beth.


You're, you're gonna
stay with your mom,

just for now, okay?

Give me a hug.

See you, kiddo.

Bye, Beth.

See you soon, okay?




We miss you, Rachel.

Is it Beth?

No, she's, she's fine.

She's upset.

I think she's realizing
for the first time,

the consequences of her actions.

It wasn't her fault.

None of it's her fault.

So, Beth's birthday
is coming up,

and we're planning
this big bash, and...

it won't work without you.


I came back.

I'm sorry.

I'm gonna do better.
I've been practicing.


I'm gonna do better.

I'm trying, too.

See? I knew you
would like it.

Do you want to get a manicure?

No, thank you,

'cause I don't want anyone
to touch my fingers.

Okay, well, we'll
just go home

and put on our
party dresses.

Beth has a new dress.



Your hair.

I didn't like it.

But you're still gonna
wear the dress, right?

I like this better.

I forget, you're fussy.


You know, you're right.

I like you just the way you are.

That's nice. Rachel.

That's not supposed
to be the 6 bus.

Not this route.

Rick's gonna be in trouble.

Why the 6 bus here?


The bus isn't...

Happy birthday!

Thank you.

'Cause it's
my birthday.

Can I blow them now?


Make a wish.

Dogs, dogs...


Look at me, Jesse.

That's nice.

Very good.

Great, great.

your baby.

Can I hold her?

Beth, I don't know.
It's so tiny.

Of course you can hold her.

The bus drivers gave you
such a nice party.

That was fun.

Are you sad?


Ten years since
I can't have a baby.

That's what I'm thinking.

Are you sorry now

that you can't
have a baby?

I don't know.

I don't know the baby.

Maybe that baby would cry
all the time.

But I would love it.

That's the most important thing.

I'm sorry, Beth.

We thought we were
doing the right thing.

Now, look, Beth,

how much did you do
with this Jesse?

The thing is,
you could get pregnant

if you're not careful,

and everyone knows
you're not very careful.

I'm sure this Jesse guy

is very nice,

but do you really
want to have a baby?

I might.

Babies are not dolls.

They're not puppies
or kittens.

Babies get sick.

They need constant

How would you
manage that, Beth?

You can't even hook
your own bra.

Do you really want
to take that chance?

Do you want
to have a baby?

Hook my own bra?

They make them without hooks.

I changed my mind.
I changed my mind.

In a few minutes,

you'll go to sleep.

When you wake up,
it's gonna be all done.

I changed my mind.

I changed... my mind.

You thought I was too stupid
to hook my bra.

I'm not stupid.

I'm just different.

Do you remember
when we were little

and I used to tickle your arm?

Do you remember that?

Do you remember that?


Do you want me
to tickle you now? Yeah?




That's nice.

That's nice, Rachel.

That's very nice.

It gives me a shiver.

Is that good?


Want me to do it
to you now?

I can do it
to you now.


It felt like spiders.

I'm not wearing
a bathing suit!

No way!

But you just bought
that cute one with the dolphins.

Yeah, I love dolphins.

You gotta go
for it, Beth.

Be not afraid!

I'm not afraid!

It's just too cold.

Put your hand up
in the storm,
Rachel! Wow!

You've been good for her,

You think so?

Yeah. Look at her.

I've never seen
her happier.

She's been good
for me, too.

So have you.

I won't forget that.

What about Sam?

I haven't talked to him.

What did I tell you

about putting yourself
out there?

I mean, if it's really
important to you.

Maybe I'm afraid
of rejection.

Rejection's good for you.

It makes you move on.

Rachel, you gotta come
in the water!

Come on.

Jesse did it. I did it.
Now you can.

Save me, Rick!

You go.
Go in the water.

Beth is doing very well.

She had a tooth pulled
last month.

She handled it fine.

Thank you.

The doctor's given you
an inhaler for your allergy.

Yeah, but I don't use it
because it takes so long.

I might miss the bus.

Beth, you got to do
what the doctor says.

Otherwise, you could get
a bad infection.

That's not
gonna happen.

Okay, are we done?

Not yet.

What about your budget?

You still wasting
all this money
on junk food?


Beth is an adult.

If she doesn't want
to be cautious about her meds,

her weight or her money,

we can only hope that her love
of life will push her

into taking better care

of herself.

That's right.

You're still riding the bus?


The bus.

The bus is
Beth's life.

Well, that's all well and good,
but Beth should have some goals.

I have a goal!

I wanna go to Disney World
with Jesse

and I wanna see
my niece and nephew

for a whole day.

Same as last year.



Do you want to get
some ice cream?

Yes, I do.

Let's go from
this place.


So where
are we going today?

Estella or Happy Timmy

or that new driver
you were talking about?

Three months are over!
I'm free.

You don't want me
to ride anymore?

I don't know.
There it is!

You coming?

You can go without me.

All right.



You're weird!

Well, Beth, so are you.

You're weird, but
you're cool, too,

I love you, Rachel.

I love you, too.

I'm so happy we can show
this work at the gallery.

You're at a whole new level,

Who is she?

My sister Beth.

Excuse me.


I'm so glad you came.

I had to be here.

What is this,
Britney Spears?

No, not Britney.

I'm Cool Beth.

And you're Rodolpho,
and you're new.

How'd you know my name?

You're new
'cause I know everything.

Listen, you gotta stop
on Carlton Street.

Carlton's not a bus stop!

Don't listen to Henry.

You have to stop there
because Mrs. Pack has

a swollen-up leg
and she's got to go
to the doctor at 11:00.

So stop on Carlton Street,
Rodolpho, and listen to me

because I only tell you
two times, that's it.

Then you're on your own.


Rodolpho, if I was you,
I'd listen to me.

Lots of drivers don't,
but they regret it.

Would you like to know
a little secret?

My sister Rachel's going
to have a baby!

Yes, she is.

I'm very good with babies.

Everybody knows.

Gonna name the baby Stella
'cause it's a girl.

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